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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1905)
lOdiLESiiill .VrJon F,!ri and actors Hava ..: Conference With President ;t Cioda Without Avail. MANY MEN R-TUHN TO . WORK CN THS BUILDINGS President-Grm Compl&ins Cit if terly at the Prtstnce of Po ., i lice at Fdr Groijnd. v -lstinct failure tu th rMult of tht first effort to -reach ft' ettlement f the difficulties : between , contractor i and labor unions Hi the . Lerti and Clark fair grounds, v A eonferenee was . held- today between 'President Goods and -contractors who are affected by the strike now in prof re as, following one held yesterday afternoon between Pre ident Good and representatives of -the . unions. ..'.'. .',:..' . .;,. Disinterested parties are said to have arranged the meeting yesterday. .Neither- side wiK -admit that it mad the request er that It was- willing to eon eede anything. President Goods repre sented the , fair t ' Interests. ' while ths , union were . represented ' by Geerge Howell, C H. Gram and 3. . K. Young, labor organiser-for, the state" of wash- lnrton. , c ' President Good Assumed the position that the trouble was on in which eon tractors and unions ' alone were inter ested and was disinclined to participate in an affair that he evidently considered outside the scop of his . duties. The matter of grievances and. other sub jects were thoroughly discussed, how ever, but - the conference ended there. No action was taken that will In any 'way affect conditions that bow exist at the ground. ; . -. - aTothiag ft ' tr.r;P-;": prefer-to- wait until some future time to discuss th result of the con- f ereaoO said President Good . today. mere is nothing that I ear te say at th present time concerning either th meeting that was held yesterday or tne one toaay." - , .. . ? , The conference today between Presl dent Good and th contractors had practically - the same results. Those who attended declare that nothing was accomplished which would likely change , conditions at the grounds. J- The employment bureau at the Admin istration building is securing men each . day, andnt la announced that a sufficient number will- be obtained" In that way to break the strike completely. At present : it Is estimated that 29. men have been secured' to take the places of. the 10 men who went on strike. . Work Is - going on at the grounds, though slowly, and . th strikers ' have been unable to suspend work on any on ' building. Contractor Bennett, has suc ceeded In securing a number of men for the government building, but not enough to make material progress. - On th In sld Inn there are about 15 men at work today; the regular crew consists of Ito, Policemen oa Smard, ' ' In command of Captain Balley. lt po licemen. ' with Sergeant Taylor, were posted .-at. the various entrances at T o'clock this morning. . There was nodls . turbanc and no signs of disorder. - Two . hours later Captain Bailey departed with most ,of the of fleers. Tnree patrolmen. however., .were ordered to. remain. s... I . Among th first to reach th grounds after It became known that policemen naa Men -oetaiiea mere was uenerai Beebe, a member of the polio commit . tee of th executive board. . General Beebe was deeply Interested in affairs at the exposition, and after Inspecting th officers on duty passed Into th grounds. . "Tne purpose of sending policemen out to the grounds In plain enough Jot ven a blind man to see,- ssld C. H. Oram. , "It Is done during every strike wher the-contractors -iav th proper amount of .influence. ' "People will, read tn - the papers thst th polio were - celled to the scene to pre vest disorder and to preeerv the peace. Naturally they will think that f he strikers , hev resorted to violence. There has been no disorder at any time, nor even any sign of disorder. We have no objection to .the police staying there.- and are - - perfectly willing for - them to do all- they can. But we, do ob- JecMo the Impression that was intended to be created by their presence. But the motive is so plain that I.hsrdly think anybody will be fooled." fx -was simply to create a prejudice on th part of th public against th strikers.". , Regarding the report, that the police -werenr-toliTaJrMunds at. ths request of the Cttisene .slllsne, Secre tary Francis said: .-. .1- : -t "I don't know anything about the rumor. Tou had better se the person who started It. I didn't send the offi cers there ' personally, - and can't say anything about it." -: . MR. CRAiWsttATEMENlT" Presidsns of State edraioB of Xbo ,!;,',', tH'e'W -n, 'iMsh -':Jf I' .." C H.' Gram, .president of the Oregon Stat Federation of Labor, today made the following statement regarding th unions' side of the controversy j The strike of the building trades on the Lewis and Clark fair grounds is deplored byf organised Jabor In Port land, and especially so, as conditions had been Imposed that mad It necessary. Of course, public opinion is moulded Is not to be trifled with. - It may de velop Into a bad case of T-a ChrW or even a serious case of p monls Keep the stomach strong snd the blood pure and you are well fortified against at- tacks of chills and colds. , To do this you need Ijostetter's: Stomach Bitters A . few dosed St tne nrst sign of taking cokf will savs you a lot of unnecessary suf fering. Then It also ear , ' i Skt Readache FUtckncr -Ceneral Debility Cosloa ; tVrperi or -'A Kklsrlal Few rry a botU te day. . Th genuine has our private f wp oyer ths nova. ; i V--.. I! - & - fi. li L Jr La t - ' ' '? " ;' ' :) VfxOi' ' ': .' M'.'":-- -.sfcii"'" - C v::; -rmJ-'-- C - V -V1 ''j-;.; - V V LL " V l .. : - , . ? , . . . . v.- . - - While Mr. Whitney Wm Delifhted Down a Whether you know muslo -or ' not matters little: and whether, knowing It, you car for it Is of still smaller consequence not to have seen ' ill tore is to hav missed a new and de cidedly sensational sensation. The Italian wtssrd cam back to Portland last night at the head of his own band. and for two solid hoars as many peo ple mm 09 ainima uranu vmm wh- fortably seat war spellbound by th products of hi magic' wand. Th blossoming or Creators as a full-fledged- bandmaster Is perhaps familiar history. Only three years ago h wss playing trombone in Ellery's Roral Italian band. On night th reg ular conductor fell sick, and Creator was called on to direct the concert. He was ft sensation. The man. was music mad to begin with, and crammed full of tropical, slxxllng temperament. - He conducted In manner that was unlquej unconventional, smssing. Ths paper next day talked only of Creator, th leng-halrad. wild-eyed acrobat of music His Intense spirit hsd permeated tne audience . and the musicians. Never had such effects been heard, they said. In short,- Creators, awoks and round himself great- - h - Th - old conductor recovered. . Dot there was no place for him. The com mercial eye of the manager, was clear and - quick. - To - the former master - he said '."Nay,": and to Creator "Go it. Cut your hair? v Repose end qulett Settle down? Never! Just fight It out along yow own un." "" " ". T: " WetL the papers never tired of cari caturing th fierceness of his manner, which had delighted .ft Jaded public His praises were - sung In picture and story.-' And then came a time when C restore began to - appreciate the money-making ' qualities in himself. His eccentrlo nature manifested Itself In efforts to run both ends of the band. business, ' as well as art. Kllery wouldn't hav -It Cyeatore quit Two young men' who had. bad expert- there are two sides to every controversy. Isrgely by newspaper jreporta, and as and we have a grievance, we wish to pre sent our slds to the people, and desire that 'they consider It fairly and- Im partially. - 4:- .... -i President Good has given ft state ment that about a year ago I- appeared before him for the purpose of securing sa agreement that none but union labor would be employed on the exposition.' . "Mr. Good has 'evidently forgotten th conversation 'that took place be tween us, and another' person present Th facts are that I did not ask that none but anion labor be employed on th exposition, neither did I contend for any specific schedule of wages. I said that we -would like thess conditions, but my mission wss to ask for th sight-hour dsy, the same that wss In effect In th bulldlpg line on private contracts In the city. This - wss my mission to - Mr. Good a year ego, because th contrac tors on the fslr buildings had estab lished a nine-hour day, which Is atlll tn operation. .."V .'' ".' f -'.'.- i,y- "The rrlevanoe of organised labor 'in the city and state is, when the unions were asked to' subscribe for stock the committees held out the Inducements that the work would be done under union conditions. Whether they were author ised te make ihes promises, or . not by the ' fair management vthe . committee were considered a responsible agent, ana,, the effect waa the sams as if the management had guaranteed th assur ance. Working agreements were signed by th St Louis exposition management witn tae trade unions, ana the results were entirely satisfactory, and we had nn reeamt to' hells that It wnuM h otherwise here.- The committees further stated that resident mechanics weuld .be given th preference. ... ,. .4 , "In ft meeting of building laborers a few evenings ago, where - there -were about 100 men present I made ft per sonal investigation ef b,ow long they sad been in tne city.. I polled the men as I cam, te them, and .out of te men, on after the other, th man having the longest continuous residence tn th elty had been her six months. - The major ity had resided her from on to three months. 1 Here I quit the canvass, mm I considered a further poll ft wast of time - - r . ..-.- t - "It la true that Mr, Goode stated If any of the unions were dissatisfied they WUUtU 1 1 . W . 1. u .uivim ' M . WIT. 1 1 pyp. scrlptlons .refunded to them.--It is not a question of dollars and cents, snd It Is Improbable that many unlona win ask It but the subscriptions were taken In ft spirit of patriotism and elvlo prid. which ths simple refunding ef th money win not cnange. it is true, however, that ft committee from the Painters union waited on th fair management a number of weeks-age to 'oaan Irf , their stock. . Th secretary was not In. but hi assistant told them tire corporation wss selling stock, not buying It The ? L ijt With Creator' Mosic, Cartodtaist Ftw Impretalons of vthe 'Acrobaiic site In managing bands' then literally pouncea on tne Italian wun ft contract. proposing new organisation and giv ing him a on third r interest In the same. They borrowed money on a ooa- tract to play' Creatore's band 'at "Ham merstem'B roof garden la order to bring the musician together. -And Creators brought . languid New Tork to worship st hi shrine. That in : brief, is the story of his success. -,; ,.. The more you see of Creator, the more you are convinced of his sincerity. A" very small. percentage, if any. of his muscular attainments with ths baton Is assumed, else he would not" reduce him self to ft physical wreck as he does at each concert.' When he leaves ths stag at night h' Is completely exhausted. If he could keep himself from Jumping; scraping, crawling and ' bending double to th temp ef the muslo. I believe he would gladly. ; do so. . For -h is more then earning his money at present And. how - does he obtain such, strik ing effects? Personally, be Is homely. ungraceful, awkward and generally un attractive. - His coal black hair come down over his ears like -Cleo-De Me- Ride's, and when he shakes his head you expect to see a heavy wig fall to tba floor. In anything besides muslo you would scoff at the suggestion of individual magnetism. Tet there is some mysten ous power bjs which he Seems to east a spell, hypnotlo in Its tendency., over bla Instruments. ' He la a hard taskmaster. Is Creatore; the strictest of discipline liana, for which he may be termed ths Mansfield of music : I heard "him re hearse the overture "lilt" , yesterday afternoon and he kept two obstinate trumpet en passage sbout four bars long for mora than If minutes, showing the musician ths right way and the wrong way and expressing bis keen dis gust In Italian if th next trial was sot to his liking. v In another part of th rehearsal he Painters' union then tried to dispose of the stock to business man. bit were told that 'it had a commercial valu.'.- '. -"We have positive proof that a scheme 1 In operation at the exposition grounds to discriminate against anion men. and advertisement hav been placed In the metropolitan dallies tn both th eastern and western state for men te be need on th Lewis and Clark exposition. They read plenty of work and "standard wages.' Th city has been flooded with men. many of whom nave been employed at less than the "standard wages.' and at j longer- hoars than ha- bee .the 'standard', on local buildings. Thee men hav been given the preference, instead of th bom mechanics, and this rule operate in all of the department un der th supervision of the corporation. Th grievance that organised labor In Portland has is that: It. ha not been given ft squar deal, and even a pa salve Investigation of the facte will corrobo rate th statements I hav made." NEW BRICK HOTEL FOR . WASHINGTON STREET S. ilverfield to Erect Five-Story L'iu Structure Costing Forty - -J- -Thousand Dollars. S. Sllverfleld, the furrier,1 will build a five-story ' brick hotel on Washington between ; Lucretla and Twenty-third streets. The ' building permit wss Is sued this morning by the'fclty building Inspector to 1. D. ' Treaham. the con tractor. The cost of the proposed struc ture will be $40,000. t 'V The hotel "Will be built according te the most modem plans and will be fire proof. ' It will contain 100 rooms for guests . besides dining rooms ' - and offices.' Work on the proposed building will b started Immediately In order to hav it resdy for occupancy in time fof the. fair. . ' - ,-.: -, -; -'. ( SBmnc ajvs vgyiutuuik Representing himself to he a deputy of Sheriff Word. E. Albrecht entered a lodging house . over the Reception sa loon at Fourth and Davis street last night, snd . tried , to kick down a door. He is ssld te have drawn a knife on the landlady and chased her down' the stalrwsy into the saloon.- There, It is reported, he also threatened to cut a bartender. ' . ; - - ; ... " . Albrecht was arrested by Patrolman Kay and lodged In the- city prison. He entered a plea of guilty to being drunk and disorderly this sftsrnoon snd wss fined 12. Tbe poljce hsve sscertstned thst he .was never deputised by Sheriff Word. VI' ' ' : - -. - 'Seed Conld Not Refrain From Jotting' Bandmaster. - clambered .over Into the bras section and seised a trombone from a dark-vis aged performer. He took th Instru ment to pieces and pnt it together agate because he bad detected a false ton la It During a performance ft "blue" note from any of the Instruments, if such I calamity befalls, equals a fine of tlM, and if th stalwart youth who beats the kettle drums misses his stroks by the fraction of a second wall, heave neip mm, in this way ws can aoooant for - the superb precision of th band but Creator' Influence over his men in obtaining effects that are usually contrary to wnat nav been designated on the -music before them is still, tc be explained. . - ' v. , . The program last night began with th Tan nns user" march. The "lUg non" overture followed with th gavotte from the same opera as an encore. Both have been, . .heard in different - temp. Creatore's interpretations war inter estingly new. . Th "AttUa". .im- brought forward three good soloists trumpet trombone and , baritone. . .But the . Batlsts .- organ offertory was the grana achievement of the evening. The various stops of the organ were easily rocuBnisea, even to tn vox numans, and th finale, performed with the - great crash, and bang of which Creator is so fond, taught Portland how - to cry "Bravo! Creatore!" , ;1- . , ... When, In response to the ovation, he struck up "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean." the entire audience stood up and cheered it delight a sight rarer nowaday than In war time. Th Mas senett picturesque suite again set the enthusiasm to boiling and when th con cert closed, with the Taanhauser over, ture. if fleshy and vocal friction could hav don it the house would ham caught fire.' Creator is amasing. If a a mmff tin te say b give one of his best crorram. this evening, including eome "Parsifal" music . RACE W HI TNE I. PORTAGE ROAD Wia i SURELY BE READY IN MAY ; ' ' aasBBBiaBaBBjs Kvery eoadlUoa favor th contractors and rapid progress, is being made la the construction of th portage road. The fin weather is regarded a partleular ly fortunate element la th situation. Th portage board, consisting of th governor, state treasurer and secretary of state, th executive committee of th Open River association and Captain Fries of the United State sngi soars, will go to Th Dalle Thursday of this week and spend Friday la making an Inspection of the work. They will go over the entire line and secure Information necessary for their guidance in making final arrangement for th equipment and opening of the road immediately en Its completion. It Is desired that not a day be lost in start ing a transportation service for th people of the upper Snake and Colum bia rivers. - .:.' . The open river committee will give special attention te the matter of steamboat service above th rapids. An Inspection will be made of Three Mil rsplds- and the approach to th upper terminal of tee portage road. The open ing ef th road to trafflo May It 1 now a ewnainry. - n .si. " LOCAL DRAMATIST HAS A PLAY ACCEPTED - run nogoway, the local dramatist, hss received a letter from Kappan Bros, of New Tork, who have-read his play. "The Day of Atonement" aaklng htm to com to New Tork to arrange for a pro eduction of -the drama. ; The letter states thst a present ."time on- tne road" Is the Important thing, btk likewise refers to the Importance of producing tbe play on oroaoway nrst, : to give it New Tork reputation. Kappan Bros, are play brokers.- - .- - . , .., Mr. Rogoway announces thst be hss completed his dramatisation of "Ths Conquest" snd thst Calvin 8. Helllg will give the Lewis nd Clark pi ax a produc tion" during the exposition. ... oxa Xasxar son soacrrr. The Old Ladies' Home society met yesterday morning at the-First Presby terian church and hafd financial-reports, which were ' encouraging. The usual Easter Mondsy tea will be given this yeir. Mrs. P. J. Mann and Mlas Kdith Nicholson wee re-elected presi dent and vice-president . The board members are Mrs. Mann. Mis Nicholson,- Mrs. D. W. Wsksfield, Mr. M. Winch and Mrs. H. S. Gil. . , , Preferred Steeh Oaaasd Allen A Lewis' Best Bread. iQocvnrzU' Henry P. Scott of Pelaware Said to Represent James J. . HL WILL BE IN PORTLAND ., - . ? ; WITHIN A FEW DAYS Purpose to. Take Charge of the Columbia River A Northern - Road Recently Sold. ' Henry P. Scott of Wilmington, Del., and a-party of men associated with him la the banking business, and supposed t represent J, J. Hill in th purchase of th Columbia River ft Northern railroad and th Regulator line, will arrive in Portland early next week and take over the property o . teems that have been agreed upon.'. Indications tend to con firm th statement that the Great North- era Railroad company la" th real pur. Char.'...'..i '..' .' .; .'.-' i - . A .Portland financial expert who has gone to 6 an Francisco and IS supposed to be la consultation with Mr. Scott Is cred ited with baring -stated that th Great Northern la behind the deal. It Is also known that two Bverett engineers la ths employ of th Great Northern went over the Columbia River Northern railroad and mad ft thorough examination of the property Just prior to it pure bass by Henry P. Soott Co. - , "It look altogether like Great North ern deal te me." said a well-known rail. roader who was recently employed on th Cotambla River eV Northern in a execu tive position. "The Northern Pacific oo old not make profitable us -of this property, and I do not see how it could be benefited by purchasing It especial ly the Regulator line. The Northern Pacific's plans hav not taken any such move into account That company al ready has sntranc into Portland. "On th other hand, th Great North ern ha Imperative need of lust buck a line. By th building of only about ISO miles of road, through a rich country. with ft 'vary reasonable grade, it would be put Into Portland without all the great difficulty .of securing terminala, expen slv right of wsy through th city and suburbs, and ths building of bridges across the Columbia and Willamette riv er. I do aot Understand why Mr. Hill ha not seen the immense advantage of thia move before. The Great Northern Is doing a large business here already, and It could be vastly increased by a dl rect line composed . o ' tbe Regulator steamers to Lyla, and by rail to th main line of th Great Northern at wu son creek or soros point near there." WOMAN FIRE BUG SAD T0 BE INSANE . Detected while attempting to set fir to th stable of th P. B. Jones .Wood company, at 111 East. Water street last night Jars. Ida Johnson, or McKwea, attacked ft man who attempted to deter her from her intention- 8 he waa taken Into custody hp th polio. and locked la the city, pclaon. and a charge ef insanity will be preferred against her by Patrol man Stuart. - vc . t ; Mrs. Johnson, er MoEwen. " live with her -husband at IT J East Water street It Is said aha ha been In ill health for some time; relatives believed her mind hsd become . affected and . shs w watched. Sh - managed to - etad th members of her household end leave th building. . ... . When next gee, by ft passerby, she had heaped ft quantity of coal against ths sld of the barn and sst fir to It A. hole was burned la .the wall. The man attempted to rake the coal away from the side' of th barn and Mrs. Johnson attacked him tooth and nail. The proprietors of the stable - were notified and extinguished the flames. A number of horses were- in th barn at th time the woman attempted to fir it .-. - : . - . .- GOES TO JAIL FOR YEAR .FOR STEALING CLOTHING William J. . Murphy was rearrested for larceny after being released, and admitted stealing" from . the clothing store of Paul Strata, th sentence of Judge Hogue being one year la th county jail. When Murphy waa first arrested by Detective Kerrigan, Mr. Strain declined te prosecute him. as ha than thought th man had taken but one pair of trousers while la th stereman' em ploy. Upon this refusal. Deputy Dis trict Attorney Fltagerald dismissed ths a and let Murphy go. Chief Hunt heard of th dismissal and sent Kerri gan after th prisoner again. Mr. Flta gerald held that when tbe complainant refused to proaeoute tbsr was n case, and he could not succeed in convic tion. Th chief flld complaint la person. By th time that Murphy cam te trlsl It had dsvsloped that ha took from Strain's stors a suit case aad more wearing apparel than was at first Indi cated, for which the store manager was willing te make , complaint Murphy pleaded guilty when brought Into court this morning, and was given year's sentence), . 1 m '.' .. MISS PALMER WEDS - MR ADAMS IN JAC0MA Devoid of th conventionality and ceremony expected by a large circle of friends was the marriage of Miss Ooldls Palmsr, daughter of Rev. Ray Palmer, and Reuben R. Adams of this elty In Tacom recently. By the time that the public wedding was expected the couple wss sbl to send out cards announcing that they would soon be at horn to friends in Alblna. . '. ; Miss, palmer was visiting inenas in Tacomft the past week and was joined there by Mr.- Adams. With -barely enough present for witnesses the two were , united, and yesterday . returned home man and wife, happy in escaping the ueual wedding tortures of rice, painted trunks snd the knowing looks which pursue the newly wedded that have been so hapless ss te take the, pub lic Into helr confidence. Dr. Palmer will give reception in honor of the couple later. - r . '.-;- IVOAS OTT O BOaTM. y . Robert Lucas, a.-' friend Of "Chick Hough ton-now In th penitentiary, was released en 1 109 bonds sftsr having been found guilty , of vagrancy this MAralntf, OaIIm Tmm Um-m,a U ease was postponed for Sa daya In or der to permit him- to asm a tit fin on be charge ef being out after hours. The court said sentence en th vagraaey charge would be suspended If Lucas quit drinking snd' evince a desire to lesd a decant life.. His bond w fur nished by . his brother. . - J laae; , Bis, t 1 -' ' .. : Pi. a. Your Mocey fBack feremt Sp:ci:lPricc5C:S:t : " ANNOUNCEMENT We take pleasure In announcing that we will short. . , '. ly open a Dry. Gqods Department in our store. Our . 'I - ; -' stock wis sxrivs in a ftw days from the east, and we y- ; 1 sssufe you that you. will find here the best of every- -' ' .thin; .in the line of Dry Goods, at prices that will . T t ' convince you that this is the best place to trade. Inrperted China Oatmeal Bowls, PvT dOS a,.taaMalM.1 Salad Sets, Salad Cowl and Ware, per,sett......,w I feBe .Fancy Impetted Odd-Decorated Vlnrfar , '. CafUCw e.jsie - 4 Imported Salts and Peppers, ; Tops After-Dlnner Caps and Saucers, Imported Ware -e NEW ENGLAND DEPT STOnE , . L. L. MANDELAY Third Street, Bet. Ankeny and Burnslds Sis. PHILADELPHIA St Q; V ' . - Afc eaaeeaweeeeeeeeeee:ieeaaseBeaaeseaaeasaaf Piclxcd Frcxxi tho Did you read this? "Wanted Girl for light housework. V lt Saa Rafsel. near Union." Don't wait because you think some en els te ther before. Booh people rarely succeed. . , ... ' Per agriculturists A farm of it. -acre, half In crop, tl.tot; term. Other farm also well located." Be ad s address under heading -To Sale Parma." tir-.r T.;Ji- ;' : ,r, - m: t ; , i-.-,. Hoas For RnV Just ths AArtaVA-wttftft iMftll AS tlwftli is en of the Several house offered. ' 8e th address under the abov mentioned clsssifleatlon. '.,, . . V, ' Want housekeeping rooms on Sixth street? If so, look for ad ander Classification "Por Rent Housekeeping Rooms" and get sddreas. ... .. . "Weil furnished housekeeping large basement rooma." This place Not yet read th Tor Sal ealseellaneous' sds? . Then . br all I. means do so. Xiots of bargains in ILLINOISANS'IJAMES " - WANTED BY SOCIETY ,:i - - '' -1' "'v 'v MsBBBawawaassBaB - -. ' ( Th Illinois oolety of Portland will gather and publish tbe names and ad dresses of all former residents of Illi nois now living la th .. bid "Orsgon country." for Information . and Ps t Illinois visitors at th Lswl and Oark fair. Th oclsty ask all newspapers tn Oregon. Washington. Idah and Men tana to. publish an Item to this effect. in order that any former- Illlnotsans among their readers may be ' made aware of the purpose or the society, snd may thus be induced to send their names and addresses to it Portland office, ll chamber Of common. " It I desired that Oregon country peo ple who were native or former real dent of Illinois may meet old friend or relatives whom they bar lost track of, and this method Is adspted with a view to contributing something to th benefit of Oregon as well as te th pleasure of the visitors." Former 1111- $1.00 PER WEEK DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY ON EASY WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS AT CASH JPRICES $1 - i P :B R W ;:E. ;-.B K THE PORTLAND LOAM OFFICE " Marx & Blocb, Props. ' 74 THI17D OTREET 01.CO Pi3P,'.7: .at .. warn, ; ; i . mu , Fesur VU- - :L . ; i::::;r v" BtMe94MWsw Six Dishes, Imparted - fkC fiiU .20 m SUrer - Plated .:i0cI5c SHOE STORE 7v ,. TcnXcIa sis for a small family. '1-roo m, ! '' nrf! tw email uhlMMn m-imI ' n.. i' apartmsnts, light front is within good walking distance. moat anything you'd think of. ' 1 . 'BssssssaaBssmesmj nolssns sr aaked to send, their pree ent addresses and their former Illinois addressee. Women whe hav been mar- : ried since leaving Illinois should sand their family nam and residence before marriage. .... MUseelsl Dlssstes te- Tke JearaaL) ', Arlington. Or.. March 7. Th Jap anese crew e the eonotiu utloa train fop the Arlington . and Condon branch re fused to go. te work yestsrday raemlng . nlee it was allowed ttmevf or going to ' and from work, distance ef abevt nine miles. - The construction crew makes Arlington Its '. headquarters, . a ad th crew ha bean compelled to leave ire In time to get. to it work before time to go to work and return after quitting time, making aboat tar hours overtime each; day. The company's representatlTe here . say ' th f crew Is ha viae some trouble among themselves and they ex-, poet the men will retwr te wrk soms ' time today. No went waa attempted yestsrasy' - , i - . ... i p ;;E R W E: v .-. v.?"'" --.-,',..r- ..:-f'