The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 07, 1905, Image 8

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uOaisr eossi?
- ... .1 i
Jfrnii)yZBunIZMti Jack
.7 ,'Twln" Sullivan in a Twenty
r Round Contest.
Manager Carroll of the Club Has
7, Arranged for Some Fine
i Preliminaries. ;
', ' ' ' (Juaraal Special Bertltt.) , .
' Taooma, Wash., March 7. The event
of tha wick In local' aport ciroles
Uw smoker te take place tonight at
' uermanie - bail voder tba auspices of
the Tsooma Amtttur Athlatlo club.
has ban stated, tha main bout will ba
a It-round co batwaan Jack (Twin)
Sullivan of Boston and Tommy Burns
of Chicago,- ,' Besides tha main event.
- m. - rood program .of prallminarlea I
aen arranged, tha feature of which
t be a le-round bou between Chick
Hudson of tha Tacoma Athletic dub
and Harry Brown ot San Frenclsoo.
These are tha younratara who fought
the lively draw which waa tha fafttura
of the club a laat smoker. , .- i .
Hudson la .the piide of the newaboya
and took bis. first instructions three
years sgo from Jimmy Carroll ana hla
Mo with Brown waa bin first profeeslon
tL fight. He la training hard for this
return match and expects to win. Harry
Brown la training at Ballard. He la
recognised as ft clever boxer and learned
the game In Ban Franelaoo. The weight
in -thlsi event is-1X6. pounds. J
i The other preliminary events will In
elude a three-round bout between James
Leonard of South Tacoma and "Kid'
Burns, of. Seattle and four-round bout
between Harry Baum of Seattle and
Frank Duling of Tacoma. Baum beat
Ixiute Green at the laat smoker. The
weight In the , Baum-Dullng match is
1 lit nounda. : ,
? Bums began his training In Portland.
The latter part of the past week he has
been working tnSeattle,' putting 'on the
llnlablng touches and Is reported In fine
'trim. Burns la. a Canadian by birth and
looks good for any fight he enter.
. .While the , match la scheduled for 1 39
rounds Burns predicts -that be will stop
'Sullivan in Jeaa. Ha has- bad II fights
and lost only-one decision.'' and that
r -round boat with "Philadelphia Jack"
O'Brien. :." v.-.1'- v j.
Intereat In Tacoma, Seattle and Port
land la Increasing In , tha match. , and
i here Is ovary, .indication- that then will
be a big crowd on band. Sullivan is
likely to be the favorite In the betUng,
aa he has bad tha greater ring experl-
(Jearsat SpseWl Barries.)
Baltimore, hid, March I It la the
concensus or opinion among the sport'
if fraternity that "Kill" , Murphy of
wno claims tne lot-pound
rhamplonatalp of tha world, will have
his hands fun In nig bouts before the
.Nonpareil - Athlatlo elufc. tonight - Mur
phy, will take on '-Jimmy- Farren of
this city and "Kid" Kgan of Washing-
too, and he has agreed te tH- th
in 2 rounds wr Terfalt his ahare of the
gate receipts. Farren has already met
jnurpny in rwo pouts or It rounds each.
Kgan,1 though not so well known, is
considered a clever fighter, and one
capable of giving tha New Tork boy
av uveiy lusaie ipr toe ueciaion.
(JeaMMl Seeds! aarrlceV
' Detroit, Mich, March T. A promising
program has been arranged by tha Del
ray Athletic club for its boxing show
tonight. In the wind-up Oeorge H
Fadden and. Charlie Coffey will meet In
a 1 S-round bout.,
$5.00 'HAT ? IS :C
- &-C0. ;
, r,.I,f.-. - ' ''
: . r ! - . j
. . "
' I
.!- . .. ;
Chaxle J. Swindells, tha New Catcher
Purchased by Portland From .'the
St Loula National League' Team.
U tic
Two New Portland Men Arrive at
the Training Quarters and r
Report to' the Manager. j '
People . of the California Town
. Inaugurate , a Boycott Against -
X Tacom'a-Chtcago Came5
James R.-Xeene Je-Preparirrjj -
, Fine .String of Runners for
the Coming Season.
Lew Banta Forsakes the Harness
:. Horse and Will Train t
V:---"'. Runners.' ;. .
' 8pedal tMssateh' te lie i JoerasiV:
Bakersfleld.CaU March T. Two more
6t.McCreedle's squad have reported here.
They, are Virgil Garvin, tha . orack
pitcher of the Brooklyn National league
team laat season, and Charlie Coe, a tall,
llthe-appeartng young fellow,who. haJls
from "Omaha, and who" Is to play first
bass for Portland, '- f 1 .Vr'T." 1
Tha manager had his squad ..out. at
practice yesterday, and they are ail stiff
and sore from .Sunday's game, but are
plugging away, gradually . working off
the soreness, . i , ' . - '.,".'-
A game will be pUyed with tan Bftk
ersfleld team this afternoon If enough
of the local men ', can - get sway ,from
their, work. .,.. ", i
Tha handsome new IS.tOt grandstand
that 'has . been erected by - the - Ught
Power company on ' their new ball
grounds is practically completed,' and
several of the Portland players who
have seen it. especially Garvin and Vsn
Buren, who were in the big league last
year, state that thla park now compares
favorably with any In the country,
Oleason and 8t V rain eay. that it Is
much handsomer than the- stands
Portland and' Tacoma, which Is sot
thing this town should be proud -of.
With the addition of two mors of the
Webfooters they will line up In ft differ
ent manner than in laat Sunday's game.
when they had to use a couple of local
en to nil out their team. -v j.
Oarvtn .will pi ten a. part of 'today
game, and he saya he may stay through
the entire game, for he f eela strong and
is in fine condition. Coe will play today
and Van Buren will go behind the bat.
for so far neither of . the Portland
catchers have reported, although ,Bwln
dells la expected today.
It la now practically settled, that Ta
coma will play the Chicago team here
next Sunday, but ' Manager Mecreedle
and his Portland team have .host of
sympathisers ln this town who.wlll stay
away from- tne new oau pant on tnis
occasion, for the .majority of the local
fans have no use whatever, for Mike
Fisher. .The .local newspapers are doing
II , they can to knock: the game next
Sunday, and It now seems likely that
"Buttinski" Fisher will not draw such
large crowd an he had . anticipated.
The people of Bak ersfleld have become
thoroughly soured on Fisher. and nothing
but oondemnatloii te- heard in -reference
to . him around 4 local . randoms' head
quarters. ;. ,
Proposal of Eastern Magnates 'of
Boycotting American League
..v ? . Is Favore'd.r;'-,.; .r
(Jearaal flpedal aervtea.) -
San ( Francisco,' March I. - ' Norria
O'NelL president of' the Western leae-ue.
and .Howard OrllBth of Newark, repre
senting the Eastern league, who have
n ln this city , slnoe ' Saturday In
conference with the Pacino Coast league
offlclals -relative, to forming s combine
among the larger of 4he minor leagues
whereby they are to combat the present
drafting ay stem: of the major leagues,
have almost completed their business,
and It la likely that this league will
siBllate with them in resisting the .ma
jor1 leagues. .- .t - ';
- Manager Harris of the San Francisco
club is quoted as being opposed -te tbe
present drafting system, and favoring a
boycott against the American league In
the m attar . of drafting players.
special meeting of tbe league will
be held today, when the proposition ef
the eastern delegates will be discussed.
In the match . gamk laat evenlni, on
the Portland alleys between the Bank
ers and Pin Knights, the. Bankers took
all three games. Case had the high..,
erage. 171, Busan had the highest sin
gle game, rolling 211 in his second
game. The -scores were as follows:-:
Pin Knlshte 1l) (I) fi) Avsv
Buaan . , ..i.lSt til 1
Mallett k it lie It 1471-1
Christian ....... MS -. lis 171141 H
Dele . h. 174 lie lit 1J
Kruae ...... ..121 171 17 lit 1-1
Totals ; ' t .UI '-111 ' Til ' '
Bankers lit l) J( Aye
rmltage lit 114 14e 117 J-J
Case ....,,. , lt lti f-.ltl 17S
fiallln ....... .-.ise . 14 HO 164 1-1
ilman. iio if jo
Capeit 171 llf lit 171 .
OS , 7M
'- ( Jsanui SpeeUl kervtes.) .'"';
New Tork. March T James R. Keene
has In training ss fine a string of young
sters as one wants to see. ; . ,
For the first time the get .of the fa
mous Commando and Voter win be seen
this year In the colors ef Mr. Keene,
while the tried aUllions St. Leonards,
Kingston, Horoscope and Ben Brush are
all well represented, -
Besides Bysonby, Hurst Park, Delhi,
Israelite, Wild Mint, ' Blucher,
nlllo, Sinister, Van Tromp and Regal.
Mr. Keene "will send to the races -11
St. . Leonards, - eight Voter, five Horo
scope, six. Ben Brush, eight Kingston.
eight Commando and four ether , two-
year-olds. ..--' -vrv-' ,.'' .'
Lew Banta, for many years assistant
to Ed Oeers, has forsaken the harness
horses and will shortly blossom forth
i. trainer of runners. ' '
Ixng Island horsemen . who ' Jiave
looked over Newton Bennlngtoa'e string
of two-year-olds . declare they ; are the
beat looking lot now sUbled at the Long
island tracks. ' - .; i'.;.--
' It Is not strange that this should be
sa - Mr. i Bennington Is a keen Judge.
and got the pick of two or three of the
biggest and bast lota of - yearlings of
fered at publTb sale last year. His two-year-olds
. number 11, but the list will
probably be weeded out before the sea
son is tar - advaaoedj They - are
well entered in the early stakes. Mr.
Bennington Is, in -fact.' next te H. P.
Whitney,- the largest nominator to these
various events. . .:'-. i, -i ..
"If . there Is anything la looks' or
yeaning trials, some of my youngsters
should race well," he ssld recently.
quarter through' tbe front stretch at
Graveaend in 0:14 1a considered good!
yearling worn.- At lease a aosen Ot my
lot did that wall last fail, several made
It in 9:11 tt. and.joms of them as good
as o:i - r ; .-. :
v It is gratifying to learn that tha ill
ness of Capt. 8. 8. Brown Is less serious
than first, reports Indicated. The turf
could ill afford the loss of such i
as Captain Brown, -. - ? . .
Will Bhialda has been confined to his
room at the Hotel Belmont for several
days with a severe cold and fever symp
toms. His condition Is not serious.
however, and ho hopes about soonc
Shields left his 'horses at Hot -Springs
and had expected tw go back before this.
hut may not return at all now. :
Walter Jennings writes that he will
ship his - stable east from - California
about three weeks earlier than last
son, .Jennings has not had good rack
on tbe coast this season. . He has. sold
Lindsay Gordon to Mike Daly. Salvage,
anotner none nought from Bennington,
has been in a bad way because ef rheu
matic trouble,-. - -
"Jack". Joyner mads his firs appear
anoe on -Broadway thla week since bis
return from the west, and was greeted
by many of Ms old friends at the Hoff
man house, ; Joyner was looking In good
health, and. hss entirely recovered from
the rheumatic t roue lea which kept htm
out of commlaaloa mmrlj all -last sea
son. Trainer Joyner had a pleasant trip
through the weat, visiting the great
Haggln stud farm. Banc bo del Paso,
and also seeing something ef the races
at Los Angeles and Ban Francisco. Mr,
Joyner ' was greany pleased with the
Haggis place, and says it Is without
doubt the greatest breeding farm' ln
America. .
s Mr. Joyner has (I two-year-olds sow
at- Sbeepshead bay. and said that be
round them la prime winter condition
en his return from California.
Jockey Baird. who ' Is considered the
choice of all the apprentices now riding
at new urieana, win do Brought east
st tne dose of the season at the Cres
cent city. He has not., yet signed a
contract, but It Is understood that K. R.
Thomas is desirous of securing the
youngster te do his light-weight riding.
uajrd is aescrreea as a natural h
man, with a good east and a rood nair
ox. nanas, .- .- -. .' ..'- - -- .
(Jsaraal aeeelal Strries.)
'. Ban Francisco. March 7. One of TT-
cis saa's officers, just returned from a
cruise in the far east, says that the Jape
are raptniy mastering America's . ns
tlonai game. "The Japanese are great
ball players," he says, "and are true
sportsmen. Even the umpire is safe
ever there. They never dispute decls-
lotlSL .nil wtft Ih. wmwmm la mmim-
nenta ere" treated with great hospitality?
Teachers in the schools have bean edu
cated In American universities and prob
ably Introduced the sport In Japan, And
the people have taken to It readily. The
Japs are not good at football, being too
light, nut tney are much better than
would be expected on tbe diamond. At
fielding they are fine. If a fly Is batted
up the player might aa well go to the
bench. ' They are fairy good at the bat,
but their great weakness Is In pitching.
They haven't caught onto the tricks of
the twlrlers, especially the curves.
"When the Jsps play they don't wear
shoes, and their headgear is a long Jan-
ess towel,, worn . like en old negro
mamy. wears a bandana Their masks
and gloves are made in Japan. In Teklo
I have eeen lO.eOv persons at a game.
and every time a good play was made,
no matter by whom, they would all ap
plaud.. After-a game we would be In
vited to Join ln a regular feast, at which
the American and Japanese flags would
be crossed, and everybody was made
to feel like a hero.' .. , :
"The Jsps are good ball players, but
they are not as good aa tbe Hawajlans.
When our nert put in at Honolulu a
picked team Trom all the ships want
ashore and played tbe natives, who beat
nm -in - eeiv -lose easM.1 -
. . .f I f A
to ro-mre qvht,
Oeorge B. tale. Coles . Valley. Or.
Salmon fishing Is permitted during thla
month,' but with hook and line only.
Salmon "trout fishing Is open at all
times, but during the months -of No
vember, December. January. FehmsMral
and March It la restricted to tide wi't,
ivn. , um vj i u pbmdb TOT
black baaa and trout fishing. Tha
-open season for black base commences
on the flrat of June, and trout- fishing
may be indulged in rrom the . first ef
April to the first Of November, Sale
ef trout Is prohibited. - - - ,. . -,
, -;r i--. V-'-r r: vr-.. :r f -r ; -
lames'' B. ',' Oleason, Fonnerl'-of , Cp-
lumbia Unlvtrtitj', Signed aa .UtiUty
Man by Itanaccr.UcCreedie.
Boyers Given the Double Cross in
Recent Contest Wth"r
f . -- JwklCordell. 1 -V
v-rr -r. - f .. ; A ; . ' v ; "j
'.' t.'.tHearnal 'Ssedal srvisa. :
Grass " Valley. ' CaX. ; March ' T-Jsck
Clifford, the . Grass .Valley pugilist,
charges that Biddy -Blahop, 7 who was
his manager, seemed te want him - to
loae to Jack CordeU.:' The boxers fought
at - Marysvllle two-Greeks' ago, - the bout
going 20 rounds and Cordell getting the
decision.-- - '.":; .''7:'-.;N ' Jl"''v
Grass Valley -backed Clifford te a man.
Mark '. Shaughnessey, '.who y made 1 the
match, .was .the referee who awarded the
victory . to Cordell. - The word i was
passed .along the line to' those in the
know 'In this city , that cordell couldn I
loae, "-Clifford-says: f- ; C
"My , ex-manager.. Biddy1 Bishop, led
me , to . believe , that Cordell was easy
game and " that' I would have no trou
ble whatever in putting him out. - Stuff
of thla kind coming from wiy own man
ager led mo to be carelesa and Indiffer
ent ' in my. training, and I - neglected
many things I . would ! not have over
looked" had I 'been "put -wise" as to the
ability of my opponent J-1 had. never
n Cordell before I entered the ring
that night, and I. told Bishop so... I fur
ther told him that I waa suffarlna from
a-cold, and -that' If Cordell waa a hard
man 1 wanted a week oV ten daya more
tov get . over my . Indisposition. f He re
plied by aaying that there waa nothing
to it and that I could lick him .easily
without training. ''.-.
"No aooner would we come .together
than-, Shaughnessey, the-referee, .would,
come strutting around and command ua
to break. Often tnis .wouia nappes
before we had laid hands on each other,
and yet my manager te go
on without' a protest, - which lesda me
to think that it. was a Job. concocted for i
Cordell te wln. At this distance It looks
to me like ft scheme to beat ma sad my
friends out of the money.- '-- -
1 will wager anything that I can de
feat Cordell under straight Marquis of
Queen aberry rules, which provide for
hitting in the cuncnee witn one nana
free, and I bops that he will be fair and
manly- enough' to . give me a -return
match, which I think I am entitled to
by all the rulea of the game and by all
precedents." - - ... . .
Btsketball Teams of Albany and
ij Corvallis. Arranee to Play
V. VA -Th1 City
. Owfn'z to objections by th l&n:drdf:wtouM.not- hold the auction sale at resl-
Jdence4eS Marshall street ; The owner has had his furniture removed to ; ;
-. t '
THE FOmAJID AUmG;iT.00;.lV 2ll;FinWCT,
;, To be sold without ceservet Wednesday, Uarch 8, at .10 A. M.. ; Havfrj made no. ; "
i v arraneementa for. floor space for LMa furniture, bur rooms .are blocked to .the doors,;. -.
?'And the goods must posrtlvely Go put.'; The sale will continue until every piece. is
... There' will be. bargains for afl, so don't forget to attend the auction tomorrow,;
,w Wednesday, at 10 a m., to be conducted by the V? ; ''T-i'
.. e). W.v
A. VOV1T, Auctioneer ; P 211 FIR5T aTTREET
... ..... --. ' - .r - - ' -..:
.r-r-' i--' -''' ...'.'.
I '(SomUI Dtssate te The JeamaLV
Albany. March t. Late last night it
agreed between -Manager ., Ray
Acbeson . ef - the . girls' . basketball team
of thla city and the-manager of the
Corvallls Agricultural - College '. girls'
team., that .the third game of the'sertee
between the two teams, and which Is to
decide the state .championship for "girla
for. tne -season,. sooum oe piayeo in
the T. M. C A. gymnasium In Port
land .next Friday -evsnlng. i The . first
game of the . aeries resulted . in . victory
forfae Corvania giris oy .a score 01
-to 1. ' The, game waa played In Cor-
vatlla. The. i second .game,, played . in
Albany resulted In a score of II to IS
In favor .of. the Albany girls..' Nowthe
third game will bo played on a neutral
floor and ' will - decide the' eueetlon - of
championship. l- It has . been' agreed that
the officials shall be neutral. . 1 Large
erowds of the students of the two con
tending colleges ' wUl go to Portland
next - Friday '. afternoon re witness - the
game, - .. f r '"' j;-;'." i-,:''
(Bpedal msfateh te The. Jearasll Vj
Cbemawsv Or- March . 7. Tha second
Chetnawa- boys' - basket ball team -will
play the -T. ; M. C A., of Salem , a i
turn game on Saturday, of thla week,
and te good' game la anticipated on ac
count of the closenesa of the score la
the laati game. . -v-1.. ..;, c-
The young ladies ef Willamette uni
versity will play tha Chemawa girls
hers " on - Wednesday evening bf thla
week. The teama are evenly matched
and It would be bard te tell which will
the -victor..-- -
fbEquili Yourself
For a commercial career by tak
, inf a coarse in Bookkeeping or
Shorthand, i at oar up-to-date
busineaa ' collet a. Think - the
. matter orer, then ee ua.
''' ' SfatUt and Morrlaoa "
. Open - all - the -year day and
: niche Call or send, for cat-
'aiofn.l".:t r-. j
' Why do ' all the great artlsU use
1 It la not because we sell them, but
simply for tbe reason that they are by
Iir as j www - v v.
very reeson we aeU them, for we be
lieve in aiainouung u web ; new
Marquam Grand Theatre, March I, with
We ere exclusive aaentS for
WAT and fifteen other reliable makes
of pianos. ' May ume paymenw rec
eipted. . Old laatrnmenta taaen m ex
change. . ; ? ,-. ; .'J
Soule Bros. Piano Co.
Oo. Vorrisoa and West Fart
Dr. B. E.
Dentist that re
llevee all pain in
deftal ' operations.
(iearaal gpHsl 8errles.i
Richmond Ind.,- March T. Cambridge
City, this county, waa today tbe Meeca
for prominent horsemen from all parts
of the country, the attraction being the
opening of the Lackey horse sales. The
sale la to continue four days, during
which time between tot and 30 horaea,
nearly all of them of notable pedigree.
ill go under the ' hammer.' - - .
.-'Vte' Teat' mnge4t;T""
Imgaged v people' should ! remember,
that, after marriage, many quarrels can
ba avoided by keeping, their digestlona
i ronamon witn Kiecric iJitters.
Brown, of Bennettsvllle, It, C.
ssys: "For years my wife suffered in-
- trom ayspepsia. compiieaiea
torpid liver, until she lost her
Ik and vUror, snd became a mere
left net former self. Then ahe
vV-fArSvPHfra, whleh helped her
oictlhtU laally made her entirety
well. - fine ia now strong and healthy.
Red Cross Pharmacy, Sixth and Ojk
street a, on the . way to the postomoe.
sells and guarantses them, at kfc a pot-
lie. . . .
rla 1
eartk. yet the eeriest
to run , WT1KJ l OU
DO. Many aee Slav
seats on the
eorce la the
awath, elcere, , falling
pa las.
terra, sod doe't know
it t nrywtn poison. Bead to dh. bkowj.
W Arrk st.. PhUsdplphla, Pena., for. BROWN'S
HIMin, cl'RX . axoo nr hot tin 1U
month. ai4 ia Portland, only by Freak o.
Portlaed Hotsl Phaniacy.v
. -. : , (Isavosl Sssdai Bervlea) -
Was hingtotv-March 7. Prominent Re
publican; editors from-all parts of tbe
conn try, members of the National Re
publican . Editorial association. " are
rounding ; up In . Washington - for their
annual meeting, whloh will be held to
morrow at the New Wlllard hotel. The
flrat eeealon will begin, at I0 a, nl.
Vice-President Fairbanks will welcome
the, members and Senator Chauncey M.
Depew' will deliver-an address. Presi
dent Roosevelt-will receive the mem
bers at the White House tomorrow af
ternoon and Vice-President and Mrs.
Fairbanks will give them A reception
In the evening at their home In Massa
chusetts avenue. ....... ,,v
Reduced Rates to California. ,
The Southern Pacific company has
plaoed en sale round trip tickets te
Lea Angelas at the rata ef 1(1. limit
day a. .'Thla affords an excellent oppor
tunity-to visit the many beautiful win
ter, resorte ef southern California at a
medal ate eost. , v, , w i , ' j -
' Preferred seoek Oaaaed eeeaa,
.AUen A Lewie' Beet Brand,
H9X3:rt: XaXVERXO.'TO, OON3UK3R:-'-.".3 MiUU -
:w j P-ZWK'SAUWrZ; Hp Sacked ,
-Newcastle Lump .Vs $5.00 $5.50?
, eAustraHan ("U .1 '6.00 ;6.50
Rock Spring
Kemmerer , ; . ; . . C . 6,50 S 7.00 '
Other' Coa JrTCfrtlosMrt Low.'' "".'V.'. i' T--;
Tt? Pacific Coast Co.
-4' 'vi e-1 --- m rf
349y4bstca St. Tc-at 229 ts& 2Z?
AT " f
Win " "
ef M to BO pes seat
PstUooats value f tt.S.i sale pries-' .. .Jti.
Drawera, laee-trimmed-value fl.TI; sals prioaSLSS
drawers, emnroiderea value; sale piioe. .C3e
Chemise, lace-trrmmed value I1.TC;. sals prioaS&at
811k Crepe Shawls veins Sit; sals prlc.
- . PorUaaai Best Cnzlo esore.
let-XTO Plftk Street, Op p. OM Veenxesew ;
Cbee. RToung, Pres. ' ' ' Jss. M. Kan. Oen. Kan.
V"' '.'-' s. . v. Phone -Main 1041. - ' ; ...... , , ,
As Clean ( As Nov
.' Has no: better inustraUon then an eld-;
. fashioned - bathroom made ; te look "as
neat as a pin" by means ef our ready-to-use
paint Every housekeeper ea
tborotrghlr appreciate thla fact, and a
trial Is sure- to dispel any doubts. , '
" 1 illl"! h -r Tl
XVr " ' : .. ; " " - A the Asot boot',;: ,
- (
New York and New England Points ;
........ The Time Schedule -WUl Convince You. v J ' !
. Sumi Off AHoshmI at NIAOABA PALLS. V - ' .':
!".'1 '