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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1905)
--r - ) c a v' t P ullic Tea Rccrn " lf I C aote ik U a. rn. Tc y Regtneld Carter , tr.LLBOV "THE NORTON ,' .i. K'. , .t,T,4S' Arthur Taylor. - i .'',.',',: . ! ' M. A. 8HOOREN. ............ ..i I4J00 ' Mao Huhs,. . KNIGHT SHOE COMPANT ......... $1.10$ Ouy DePss, : PORTLAND DELTVBRT COMPANT $.SII Esther- Carlson.- ' I rm . - A. under Messier .... r T w c ; Fcr AVcdntsday Llzrch ti 'Tan,' ;' 'cotfe.'- Cbocolata. Milk temd from Bottle. . ' Chicken Boon. .. . Herring Salad. '-"-' " , - )- Ham Sandwich.. - ,'...', Boston Brown Broad. ; . Broad and Butter. . S-..J. ? ' -To Cakes, i - '' j ;V; UiMN A fRlllN PMreiMT..'.'. S ttl ' Chsrle Adler, - jj'- . WOODARO, CLARKE & CO.. $.750 'Total . . . . .........litjtt Scattering .. . ...................... 04411 Grand total ' 1 . , '. . I ...V. 101,411 Ilabtra cf ths Orc-cn "Boosters Arcodi'a" -r Thi QtIty Chcix Cd Atnts for Oregon r CaV. ! -.ssssi" Eonr4tct Ge's SOSes, the kind that Time xcadeL Cabux ; -V A? 7 , ... . v"'T,'l -4 J r- V'-r " ': t .: 'i ' ' ! k . ( 2 The Ncv Hato' ' (Spring1 has Arrived from ' a, millinery standpoint. The. new hats, with all 'their freshness end beauty, suggetlv of balmy, . bright days are ritdr. The freedom 4 given in the nee of ma- tertals and shapes. - has , made the highest artta- tlc effects possible. At ; today's showing the Oor ' root new Ides, for every ,mk tor ouees, ores aiM every style function. . All is auU sad hustle la the busy annex sales room, and the workroom. a re veritable hives of In due try. Our trimmer are . back from Now Tork. also that prince of millinery managers . Mr. . Ham-bnrgsc- The hand of weioomo Is eutcraap it Cpcdxl t Tod tea Black Dress Turbans, very tastefully trimmed - , with pretty flowers that breathe of spring in- Oregoo not an overdone effect, but trimmed Just - ', . nough to dlsUnguiah 'em from the ordinary ready- tsVWeaS hata. Amtnria( tnm iiMii - - rl u any and all oooaslona. and at m very special -4 Tl?at parpassby Sale of DepcadaW , ;Shcete;rShcctm l Cases and Domestics I Excited a lot of attention yesterday, and. best of all. the values are such that they'll hold attention all week of all economically minded folk who have such needs to fill aa are told of below. The "amoosin" antics- of our good competitors, who- fell over them selves trying to. meet our-values' with an inferior stock, remind us of a story told by a traveling man yesterday. " ,, .. , . .jj "WhU, riding in a trolley car the ' ' '.?i",r on a subarban Una," said bo. C 4 ' " observed aaomewbat pretentious f Ire- -sojglns house'ln a small hamlet. jam ipwu weu xor ne enterprue and poblio spirit of the people who live la this neighborhood,' X. said to Urn man who sat beside me. ; ' , -' . " Tea.' he replied: but. aa I am na live, i am in a. poaitton to inrorm you , that If you wish to make Vse of orm. that engine you wui nave to send postal v card the day before the fJre.' " . . ,rf That's the way with our Imitators If you over want to get bargains from them you'll have to wait "until we map out a course for them to follow and arrange . a urogram for themi and then. aa. yesterday, you'll more than, likely find .their engine out of order, and 4hey can t .'MaUvar the good," ..Thoso matehloss bar galas in wanted staples fonsil the week , ?. - v, ,- :; Xt:'h;iBBtnta:: ZZi- xk Tboo ' Sheetings are of the best quality, mad In the A U Onett , weaves, and 4re of guperior ' BROWN BHEETINO. - ;.V ! IVi yards wide; price, the yard. ,;.L.......14 1 yards wide; prtoa, the yard. ...,...... I yards wide; prioe, th yard,.... ..... .18 'fU "yards wide; price, the yard.,,.;,M..t...l4 IH yards wide; prioe. the jrard.. .M.....2aV' g. g liuik mriilihe omjmi Ka mJt ' " ' I'M Pf-incD wiumi imw, inf yera. ..... aw 1H yards wide; -prtoe. ths ysrd.........M.....lAO ,1 yards wMe; price, the) yard.. ............ (.18e 1 yards wide; prioe, the yard......M.....,lw i yams wiae; price, tno rara. ...... zi Its yarda wide; price, the yard. 23, These ttheets are Of best quality torn. Ironed and " ready for use made with lH-inch hems.-i Slso lHzSHards; special price, each.. .434 Slae lztV yard: special price, each. Slso x tH yards; special prloet each. ..'.524 fits UxlV4 yards; special price; each.........5T4 Blse tUxl yards; special prioe, each. ........ A4 Bise lHJi yardel special pjree, eeoh.. ...... .684 5. r hshstitched BHiarrs. 'V, ; .' ' Bis tU yards; special price, each,.. ...... 734 81s SHt yards; special price, each... ..... 784 '.V acoHottt. hbbw,?::;-h--?'t ' . Mad of on of the best grades of Standard Boostings. Slso lfextH yards; special sal prioe, eaeh....864 Sine lxtH yardm special aale prioe, each... .404 Else lilH yards; special sale prtoe. each.... 444 Sis SttxM) yards; special sal price, each..., 484 '. v a ' ': pillow cases'". V f; That are cheaper than you cnbuy the material and -v make them youreelf. . .., IX3T KO. 1 Made of the best quality of Sheeting- 81s 42x21 Inches; special sale price, each. 124 Slso 4 Inches; special sale prioe, each. .....144 Bis 0xSf Inches; special sale price, each 154 Blse 14x1 inches; special sale price, sack.. .,..174 LOT NO. S Th Pillow Cases are mad of nloo, -' smooth muslin v :;(. '' Sise 4Kxt Inches; special sals price, each. .. .. , ..4 IX5T NO. I ld.OO Pillow Csses, made of good, heavy round-thread sheeting . i 1 BplendJd ISo value: special for this sale at, each 114 :".:"cfx: 1 ' TABiyE cttajom.i.ifY':'-i-1 ;" 10, W yards of Tabl Oilcloth, In whit, fancy cot- . : 'if--; 3, red and marhloiied. Our t value; special sals prtc, the yard......lB4 iwpt WnyiNa cbstiots tor liuo, . 19.908 yards of Book-Fold Fancy Bhrrtlng Cheviots, . In Jacquara paiieiiiw innu, pHWHr,!,,-: V -fsncy natterns th very best value t v r, , : offered at the price. - . ' Special for one week only at, yard, .13 1 MAILORDERS FILL-TO At ABOTB PRICES ' ' '7 , . . FOR ONE WEEK ONLJ. ., . .., -r .- ' '-' f CV. ' A- ' : ' ': ' ' , ' if - r' '' '5- " 'I ' ' " Blcck Lishts" 1 'Block -Ugtittf Tfcr, cavs Kx'fths gts tTi. . : Cda A-tr.ts for , the - United ' States for the - .Qfr,ctsl OPALESCENT WINDOW CONS - : v ; Advtrtlnj Lewis C&' Clark Exposition,: 85c Each BACK " OF Portlarid'js Foremost S The largest docks' cf goods In thdr respective lines on ths Pcdnc slope.'' The greatest purchasing power pc$ssed by any stow west of Ccajo- In America. , illiaciredi rf thousand worm c)f nierchandise bought at pecial prices-rto be sold the tsAa way at savings from quarter to a half. The policy of the store permitting nothing but dependable mercharliie ever to be ciTsrd over its name. The repotationofthe store for : not exaggerating values' or misstating fsxts-giVinx assurance that what is prmted m our announcements win be found in the store, juv) that it will not shrink in value topon dece inqpectioa ; Larger varieties than elsewhere. ' Larger bona fide savings, and last, but not least safety in shopphg and best service. .vT-'V,.:-. 5. 'I ' From Authoritative Fashion Sources : 'XT Largest, Suit arid Wrap Store West of Chicago ! GRAND SALONS OF DRESS SECOND FLOOR The newest In Spring Styre 1 Woman's Smart Suits and Jaunty Jackets Is flocking here dally It's homing time for the new fashions. And the proving -ground for Portland is the big. Salons of Dress on our spacious second Floorenlarged to twice the slso occupied last season. . Forced to grow by the ex' pension of the buslnoea they oontatn. 'Tou'It moot-hero this week an assemhisge of the city's best droned women, keen critics and impartial judges. Hero yon will -see ths newest American adaptations t of French mode JParis thought is ever the quickening Impulse, especially In "dressy" styles. American. ..tailored styles have attained a development that gives them at least ooual authority with etvlea from. abroad. You may study these American tailored fashions as well aa costumes of home origin that are 7 NEW SHlkTWAIST SUITS VERY MODISH : Handsome Nsw Shirtwaist Suits, silk, wool and alpaoa, tn green, bine, red. block - and gray; values from. suit. ,.....,.....,.t,.......,.f 13.50 TO flSS.OO JhBBWBiMel mm obmM mat Ksken 4fll AN IMPRESSIVE SHOWING IS READY Though not a complete array as ye. -The new styles will b unfolded aa spring advances, as do th pals ef-a reee wheei ta.aa eoazes. But you depend on this store for earliest forecasts of fashion, nd. these first inktingk are- of. au thentlo styles selected with the certainty that comes with access to the jeal ously guarded secrets of fashion; a knowledge that has made ami keep "OLDS; WORTH AN a3NO the paramount authority on drees. ,' It's to bo a fancy, season In tailored stylo put that down m a. certainty. . The orstwnJQa severely simple tailored linos are loot In th slaboration of pleata, shirtings and ornate trlmralngs-Uilorrd styles have almost th effect of frock. . Ho woman need bo disappointed of her cherished wish aa to style, either the dl- f verslty of; choto Is so wide. There are Blouse Jackets in th soft effocta ao much liked, there are Eton. sulU with th coffee-coat ffet.. short bo styles, -and the staple flttrd-back eoat or semt-fltted eoaU But whatever th style, look . for broad abavlders, sleeves ful) at top and to elbows, and ending In cuff, gaunt let or cuff effects, as a rule. O'-X', " J ;vi ; i'i-'.t : '.", But there I we could fni the pace With talk of what now. Com and see gad eajov th show, whether ready to buy now or net." S'SV''-NEW' STREET SUITS . V In Jacket, Eton, Blouse and Tight-Fitting Effects, in materials of Homespun, Serges. Cheviot. Fan no Cheviota, Broadcloth. . Panama Cloths, atobsirs and ' handsome exclusive patterns in Mannish MUtures. A full oolor Una, mbrao Ing blues,' grays, brown, greens, tans, blacks, mixture and th ultra-fashlon ( able shepherd plaids and chock. Th prie range is wide, no matter whether If the modest tailored suit at 012.50 or tho more elaborate grades ranging . along by easy prtc stops to th aristocrat at S12S.OO.' Each suit is beat a Its rriea.';..,-. v..U- drA.s-;.' - " ; ..'.' ,;. NEW SPRING COATS Now Spring Coats In TaBv Covert Cheviot and Broadcloth, with or without eel . . lara, plain and fancy stitched seams, trimmed with velvet, etc; value from, , . each . . , ,,.. .f T.S TO S32.SO Covert 1 Jackets riala and Fancy Trimmed Jackets, with collar or j .. eollarlesa, strapped seams; ; valueo from, each 9 12.50 TO S3S.S0 STew; Spring WOMEN'S APPAREL BHOP-r-SECOND . FLOOR. New Spring Waists, in all th late materials . whltat pofka, dot. striped, checked, plaids and ' dark mixtures Ngrlgo Shirts included. In all the new shades): valueo from. - , - each.., ..........1.00 TO STO mm LAST DAYS of the Great f ;' " Reorganization Sale of :-':HH:;Shoes:--;-.i' vi :ingn! annex FiRfT floor ' ' v'"-' Wednesday ends "the most ' successful . sal of good shoes ever hold In Portland. Th past week has been a record breaker In shoo selling and no wonder, .with values like the..,.,. tj v v, -4 T t WOMEN'S . ANP"5.0 SHOES FOR tl tf. ' , tit pirs of Ideal Kid and Fine Imported Ylel Kid j Shoe "Adonis". lastaoweuts? best4. snd u 5.a values, pair.. T.9l29 WOMEN'S NEW l.tV SHOES tiu. ", . 141 pairs Of Women's PaUnt Colt and. Floe Vlci Kid ' Shoes, standard leee r Blucher style, with-good y welt soles, best $1.0 values for. tho pelr. .92.29 r ! women's slippers ' ttoTxin.'"', T,y Only pairs in one-strap style, red colored' leather --, and hand-turned flexlbl soles, best !!. vslueo,' -' to cloee, pair .........094 ' MEN'S IKS STREET SHOES 14t. ' 111 pairs smsrt, sew snd very latent styles In box , calf snd fine vlcl kid leathers, bale, snd Blucher styles, best S-M value, to close, th plr.92.49 The Results of Shrewd Silk Buying i ;Are; Here :X ; ? C '' "a SOTTTH ANNEX FIRST . FLOOR. ..J,, The new arrival In th Sllk-aad Dread Ooods Salons represent th buying of fabric don month sgo deal consummated with th makers before ' t price advanced, a they have done materially , since those 'good told of were bought.-- Theee i special nrteoa end Wednesday night , i , New Suit Silks, tn stripes, in plain end-4wotoaed effects, neat tw-tond dot and figures, all new style and eoloringa, uneoualed value at our regu . . lar price of tl.00; special for Opening Bala, per yard . ; . r k..................T............T4 Now Suit Silk. thvery latest weeve. design and " eolorrngs. In Chiffon and Messailno Taffeta, also """Loulolne, all new,- unequaled at oar regular prie of $1.M; special for Opening Sal, per yard 994 , ', : - j t l". .. ; . .. . ... ; -. )i- r ..... .. j h AND tl-INCH WHITE INDIA' AND JAPANESE ty' ! ,V "; ' SILKS. . ? -.''?:.'' ' - ,t; i - ' Rerular tie grade. 17-Inch; special, only..,. ..594 Regular II. Jt grade, J-innh; special, only, .... .824 Regular ILid grade, I (-inch; special, only.,... .'.(MM Regular II. 15 grade, It-Inch; special, only.... 91.23 ;!.,. .. ' ... ,. . ".V BLACK DRESS OOODS SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY i v- V ' ;' .'V AND "WEDNE8DAT.'- . . , 44-Inch All Pur Wool French Voile, beautiful rich black and finish, our regolsr ti e per yard oual- . Ity; special for Opening Sale only, per yard T44 '44-Inch English Mohair Brllllantlne and Sicilians, In' plain and neat figured! effocta, 44-inch Silk and X wool Crepe do Paris, 44-Inch Air Wool French Voile, unequaled at our regular-prloe $1.(0; ape-- -wcief for Opening Sale eotyr per yard..... .914.O f .; " ' 1 "' '' r V' "' , COLORED DRESS GOODS, v-t ". , 44-tneh Alt Wool French Voile, very serviceable and drealy, ln ereem, tans, modes,' copper, foec ma- hogany. browns, champagnes, royal and navy, " unequaled at our regular price 1.9 per ' yard, ,4 "sold elsewhere at 11. U"; special for Opening Sale only, per yard ..744 44-Inch Cream Engllah Mohair Brllllantlne and SI , Mltana, rich silk finish, our regular 1.0 quality; . special tor yard vy,,......T54 '4-lnrh Cream English Mohair Brllllantlne and SI , cllians. rich silk finish, our regular ILtf quality. . special for. yard 994 iThose Interested a Lot of Folk : Yesterday;-;";.", ; V : FOURTH FLOOR ' V;"v fJVU 'i rjf!"l Tba"!! a lot mora In for I & . J a share today and tomor row. 1 New curtain brighten things up wonderfully about a home better find a place for a pair or two of thee. Th CI vie - Improvement League ought to be Inter Mted. -v , ' ' ' ;.: . DEPLETED LINKS FROM ,OUR OWN STOCK SAVE UP TO HALF . X, Good tira. saark veu siyies rois uk so much that wwv only a few of each left--.--.-t v.4.a,. v-i-i - .-- i, i. ..i - - , -v. -f '" : k'S ' ' ..' - t ...s ROCOCO AND IRISH POINT MSt.'iJ With heavy' applique and embroidered borders and . scroll embroidered centers for -sash curtains. . , . panel curtains and, bedroom- curtains. , v Our too value; special at., ...254 Our ($0 value; special at. ................ ...,434 Our value; special at.,.,......,..,....,B;o4 Our ll.JJ value;. special at.. ........... ........34 Our $1.11 value; special at...... ...84 WON'T TOU NEED AN EXTRA BED SOON FOR ''; "' ' 'v THE FAIR V18IT0RT ''' ,.' ,.""' Good buylngHlm now leastwise a lot of folk seemed to thUik so yesterday, hadn't you better come :dowft snd lookrom overtoday ortomorrow fpo 'Ciai prices uiu wwa, - . ,t , i ? mm ' - SPECIAL. SALE OF IRON BEDS. Whit Enameled Brasa-Trimmed Iron Beds, three- ... ' " ' qusrter and full sis. . . , ; a. Our 1100 value; specUI at. ach............94.0d Our $(.s value; special at. each... ...... ...94.98 Out 17.10 Values spedsl at, oach..,......."..98.e2 Our M value; special at, ach.......... .90.29 Our $10.60 value; special el,' each. A........ .t T.C5 Our $13.10 value; speclsl at, each. ...... .....9.7 Our $11.00 value; special at, each... ........ (lS.f 1 Our $3100 value: special at. each..... CX3.C A Male; Quartette, of: ms 7 mm FIRST FLOOR. - That brought , an en core. W suns this song of values Bun , day. Audienc seem-, ed to like It A gen-, eroua responao brings , 4 ,. farth a recall. . !.. ..' 10 HANDKER. ... .CHIEFS FOR ' FOR tie. ' i A line of MeeT WMt . Hemstitched Hand- i.-p.y , nercnieiB line . mercerised I t s : ft our regulsr 10 vaj . uo; special at. two for ...........254 lie SOX -. FOR lie, An Sgrtra good 11a of Men's Fancy son; ' good ".loo "ualun; special at, th - pair .J.r,....lf4 $1.10 GOLF SHIRTS S CENTS. ' Men' Flannel O 1 1 Shirts; only a few "'j of them left regu ? lar $!. value; spe cial at, each. .34 $0o TIES SSo. . Men's Ties In tecks and four-in-hands, regular loo values; special at, each,. ', JTST IN. LEWIS AND CLARK AND 1MI ' .V , . FOUR-IN-HANDS, .v : ' A new lot of long, narrow Four-ln-hand Tie. In all plain colors with lwla and CUrk" and ,n0" embroidered on th and. :.,..,.s,,.:,.. ; y WANT TO BUY Underwear, or Hosiery " "AT LES3 THAN USIJAL v PRICES , " '" . FIRST FLOOR. 'Then com dowa. this week snd advantage your self of thee special val ues. Wish w might pin a sample ganneni 10 ev- y ory paper sent out today there' d sure be a ruah ft at th Knitwear conn- V tera. The special for , the week, or until sold:. Women's' Fine Whit " Lisle -Merode- Vetst ' extra mik trimmed. h lgh v-ook.1ont 'sleeves; with, ankle and V knee-length , tights to , mstcb; $LM value for, ch ..... . . .654 Women's Black - Lac Hoe. assorted styles; ... too vsl. for, each. 194 Children' Black Cotton H e s e , f 1 a e ribbed, double knee; splendid lion and to . vslues. special, pelr....l2'4 'Women's Fancy Hose. ' assorted shades; lie values for. pair.. 194 A big assortment of Boys' Waist. Mght. medium and . dark shad; great ve lues for, each....... ..194 Boys Medram-Weight Black Cotton" Hose; "half ribbed, finished foot; double knee, heel and toe; ' vises 0 to. 10; pair.. 354 Women's Black Ltsla Has. eamlees, rlbsed lop; ... douhl aii all slsss; pair. ...... 154 Women's Fine Imported Black Cotton Hose; doubl '. sol 1 high spliced heel; French toe; In all blsck; . - whits sols and all whit foot big value; pair! i XS A groat assortment of Wesson's Black Lao Hons ., and Black Hos with fancy striped boots; greet assortment f patterns; all sis from $14 to ; pair. ,...,,....,....254 Women' Blaeu-Oasu Lll Hoee, plain, plain top . embroidered boots, plain top - and lac boots, plain top and- black boots, embroidered, plain "' ' tan. ' plain tan with lace boots, plain tan ' with . lace embroidered boots ami Dresden blue In same 4, styles, and many others space will - not allow mentioning. - but this is the greatest line of Hosiery this market has ever seen; to sell for, . fair... i... ...... ..... 594 .Women's Fine Oaose Lisle Hoaa. Imported stock, all full finished, in following new shade s Morocco,' onion shades, Dresden blue, mandarin shade, violets, geranium gray, ' suedes, emerald green; ; . all beauties, pair... ........ .....T54 S54 , Women's' Black ' Silk : Hos. an Immens assort- . men t or th best makes; prices from. pair 91.25 TO 95.00 Crowds ,Around 1 the u a: i JtciDDon LrOunter; v FIRST. FLOOii Miles apes miles of pretty Ribbons w , Shipped off yes terday by busy, scissors wielded by expert hands, and new owners went out over joyed la getting so much rlbbo vlu for t little of -rheng. 1 dred of ' ) of rich. ( plain I'l I ribbon that I -elude est I a SToermln, I. Visible -elr'5 In black and Whit OfTecu; obarmtngly pretty f ered patterns and rich Persian designs. 4 wtdths. A plenty In the etooaine ".l e.'- values fn ths, lot up to 54a (a l itis mtex figure -4" got mlsed la the tr- i j .tr, i It, read-. "40c." . We don't want any ntlerjr tlon In our advertlet.-y th tet va!" -SUlr, none es t:.x JJo f-1 41M. T t m from tf r.A lvt ysrd : t:. .j i t ' 1 ' I' ' 'V