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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1905)
- ---- i. '7, Tint oregcn. daily jouirtiAi; ' rcnTLAtrp, tittzs.v Evr:n::3, t:.c:: 7, .;:hc3IL:T0 cohCRess opsets- ccos' odilc;;; CF J L 11 O H O s n, O ft APPEAR AT TRIAL SCIEHTISTS PLANS i BEAUTIFUL V7CO0 M:u3lM 70 lCOV;crfic?'SrS ; , , fcr Tvchty-fivo Cu. "Ing to Bug Hunters and Aaka to Ce Released From i : tn a state or Meniai Artittio Structure ' at . : ; Airship Builders.:. the Fair,-. I Further Work at Bridge. y . - CHARGED WITH LARCENY UNCLE JOE'S ECONOMY ENGINEER F. H. BRIGHAM CITY ENGINEER WILL - V THAT'S ABOUT WHAT YOU, C2T( VJJTU; V BY BAILEE AND FORGERY KILLS HALL OF STATE WILL SUPERINTEND WORK ' REFUSE THE PRAYER District Attoey Files Informa- Scrtame for a Baautiful Capital Preparing Magnificent Display Council Divided on Question of tton Frlands Petition Haa No Part In Speaker' Tha Will Re, In Knln Demanding Forfeit for Long . Delay In Woric. , . k S IIUI V sea Saw w ege -With the Pavilion. V ; for Dismissal. . , tlmmmggmmmjmmmfmmm aan.'V-.-.fjxJflMaj us. n ta Irm.j, , J. IT i sill V1". - ... :. '. ' V ?, ''... .'3 (special Dlaeatea te The al) . - Pendleton. Or. March T. Iaformatlon . against C. B. Wade-Wea Hied restart? Is the circuit court here by District Ac- toraey a.. W. Phelp'Vtt was vpon.tba -charges of lareeay by bailee and forgery. Not being able to appear for his ar-1 congress., it win be poor saaaoa . for I Prominent ciusena of - tbs county are relgnmeat tbs case was postponed pend-1 Jaunts, though, of course, tha emergency I bars now. and yesterday afternoon ar ina Ma ahvatoal in.nrav.nVnt and his I PPoprtatlon u always be atretched mn-ad. for tha site, which will be at howl, em nty at si ao for the -first ? r??f".Wrt mam pr Tkaab will be given by a group of !. Wade s mends. J. T. Robinson. William iBlusher aad Robert irstar qualified as -; bondsmea this afternoon. . ,- S ' I ' Prior to the filing of the Information few' petitions were presented' ta Dis trict Attorney Phelps, all of them b- Ing la regard to Wade's physical and ; saantai condition,', sad soma . of - tbajsj - praying for the dismissal of tba. Mas . aga'nst him. .-One of the petitions was angnsd by- tha following: W. M, Plerea, . Robert Porster, O. "W. ' Rogg, J. H. ' Raley, C. K. Cranston, J. T. Lejmbrelh, W. E. Brock, William Caldwell. J. F. ' ' Robinson Lieona Thompson and H. XL - Bickars, Another of the petitions was from attending physlolana and stated . ; that Wade's physical and mental condi tion la such that a prosecution of tha , i charges sgalnat him would result In tha . loss of hta reason, if not his Ufa. A third petition was from tha three v bondsmen of Wads as administrator In the Craig aetata and certified that they - did not wish tha prosecution of Wade to - ' continue, while a fourth affidavit was ' from' John' McCourt.; aa tha surviving member of tha firm at Ballery A Mo i Court, stating that la his view nothing could be gained by a prosecution under . , the present aituatlon. -,-x .., , Tba petltione were evidently for. the . . purpose of iaduancing tha district "at torney to drop tha prosecution -against Wade, but they ware of no avail and , i" the information was filed. roar wttaesaes, . rrs. Cola, Vincent, Smith and Beat were called to .testify . as to wade's eondltton. and their evl ' denoa was an to the effect that he was : on the border of Imbecility and not In a condition to stand a trial. ; . 4. '(, .-r-Within a (aw days Wade . wilt be taken ta California in tha bope that tha change may aid hie recovery. , . t TFXP5!CH03l:AN ART Moscow. Idaho. March 7. a part of I the people of, Moscow have arrived at the conclusion.' that dancing whs not what' tbs nsw Uplversity armory was designed for, .but that it was made to servo a' better and mora advantageous been oecnMV frioJythTt onerasch unoa tha atndanta honra tmr I encroach upon the students' hoars far study snd that It Is not a healthful and elevating eaereiee. They are clreuhvt- Ik. m mH(U, vhLik . . W a .Bt to Governor tlng for W e-.iildera. i tton. with ths intention of curtailing or aooiianing -ancmg at the armory. . , Run D6vh? X will gladl ghre yoa pjFall AqVlu? s Beasett. Betalag te sWIse. The I lettla M Iree. Tear Brassies, as My Oresr, TO Baad Tea a Pall Sallar't Warts aad lead IU tha Bffl. Why da warh aad worry aed essees end (trail id nw liHIiiii hnak. awa- aoastltaUaas e sm asd weawa wera eat sad rsa 7 neeeaae tner wvskva ae ttav.1 aa watch Ufa- Haelf aVoasas. I rw wasTuv isiaB aasai I that severs yosr swveaMeta aad is mutiul tbe SlaasHva I lu fml Uver eperete year klaaaya. .-' ltai era se aw He that worry wears . Sad wark bassos dewa. U asas as seed s wast Om amu the Irrvgalar Start taa aiswaifii kver tbe neellleas stiwstb the aaraaaed kloseys. They . eta sot a blaaje. Itet se back te tbe aarvas , that asatrsl taeai. Taare yes wffl gad me m , It date ae seed at tabs Mialasts aad aaa. Worn Cut? nat me ass ast the aarvas BHta eotlcs, ar tnaire. at bast. Is bat a teewerarr ' TWta Is aottraw aow attest ' ft Is aathhii "v ,mr J&lTimm 'epata. Ptft- H ttnlMl irJ- baawladae-Sr pat 1,' b " Melt af e warUr eentary H railaiw r atoas tbis m Has. It eons mat STiZ tbs pals bat It awe ee at sun ml bauds H ap. aa etrmatbsae It ajskss It wvtl. Test Is lasode sn" , waeetaa. That Is tha aad af slmaiass al mn is ue aawer aad vital ar. na win aaaa aa rmat si. . or Bhwd bottla ef wtr praaniptiaa. and be will Ml 'aai MIW h mmrnrn mi. 1 'hH tba Bisauistlis So aat m4 Urn svtda laare ere aa asaOIUaaa aa raqatrsai.ats. It fc ama aad traak aad faar. It Is the saisiiaa tsat mj limltlaaj MW. AD that 1 aek yea ta sa Soak t aa a fan anllar enttla nk I aa tha wt lUataa, - Wis. Kaoa s aa tha 0 era,- Bant 4 fr honh I sat Wkleb I yea waat. Book aa BasaaMtlsm, btild eta csrad by s atneVsettal I fer stls st tortf drag stores.. ". a ' :' 1 i , . ' . .r-r? a." iTrihv Mr oinT,bVLAo,T .h. .,t fi7'th: troa'T. ZhiTTy'r'A" 1 Mh'!T' jyd.M! :J- fn' shown, v Bhe was Isst heard and roa Sa erdW eaaar wblcb li mLv" -wrmnoor ana Samoa Pendletoili , August. 1104. wig sitae as alaaTr ee aa wwud . aT1 rTc ' - -i . I .. -K- 4iunMaM4 epeaaw. Ji"t. KMasra. - (Wssalactsa Bareaa'ef The JoaraalV Washington. D. C March T. of tha pat echemee of learned curato-a oe tha mlthsonlsn institute aad tha I and deeslcated flowers here baen upaet I by the penuriouenss of the prasant ' . If p. lwoJUi!? S . B.rt-! Mn With Prof. Tangier. i tne wowa-oe inventor . oi an airship sown me long una w w smallest doc rL . s win - tar's ieglalaUoa has been disappointing. Many old customs under the govarn-1 mant are passing away, andj these IUn;J ever, the cause of the vigilance Of con gress, l know of three or four dleap pointed .scientists, and aa many cha grined wives. Conditions are becoming un bears oie ror scientists anywayt 'Ban Baports a aTapslnee, (Those In tha agricultural branches nave caiieo oown me wraia oi Maaing ?Z ,V" .fr mvZL "iu " wi ,a ooupla of weeks. with tha building mi-ii-Tn!f rt'S.iFi"1 As . soon aa the' Coo. T ...1..! i" building la finished arrangements wlU be panes, in magsalna articles), for which they .receive big remuneration. Thla sTm. complaint has bJulodii again,! technical exports of tba war and navy aepartmenta. Apropos Prof, tanglsy's airship, 1 his lut annroorlatlm hv consraas for ex- perimenutlon was M8,00. Less then MMf..n ni.v.s that aerial child of hie brain from Its home near tba institute to a oolnt down the Delaware. Where he might gently and unmolested teach It to Or. . The ship soared above tha ground and made straight for' ths rirer, where It oommlt- tad suicide. ' Its remains were a total wreck. But there la no death. The thought still lives In mind, and Prof. Langley would Ilka to have another ap propriation to food aad nourish It . t. . Watahfas; tha Treasury. Speaker Cannon, as chairman of the committee on appropriations, baa long stood in tha position of defender of the treasury, and this attitude has- bis opposition, to a bill providing for publto buildings for tbs use or .the fed eral, government In Washington. The committee on public , buildings . and grounds prepared one to carry aa ap propriation of IMOO.SOO., Ths speaker! Informed, that committee that no rule would. bp grarftod which' would provide for Its consideration. . .Tien a. petition wag praaen tad signed vr-A "J'""''" " ""V-"r refused It s. chance, for . consideration. I ana ins ngnt oecsme nopetess. . hu o- tion In this caps seeens . gravf mistake, whan the govemaent la paying enough rent in the city of Washington tu pay It per cant on tha amount asked lor, to '"'XlnUtra baantllul eapiui with tba administra tive and economically j housed. Witn t tha failure or thla. bill all dreams of a baautiful hall of state, to bo nasd aa tbe future peace congresses and Ilka things. pass away.. . : . ;. CONTRACT: LET FOR TANNER CREEK SEWER -" '. '.; I Smyth A Howard . Secure . the Work, of Repairing tha Much. V' Discussed Drajn. This afternoon final, arrangements wera anode for repairing Tanner creak sewer. Contractor Rtnor'a bondsmen, the Unltsd Statsa Pldelity di Ouarantec company, cfSWhich Hartman, Thorn peon dt Powers are tba local agents, let a eon- tract to Smyth Howard, to finish tba work undertaken by R. M. Rlnar Son. I . The work will bo done under euper-1 vision of City Bnglneor Wansor. and will bo commenced at once, while tha water I Is low In Tanner creak. The contract will amownt to between li.BOO aad lls.OOO, depending on ths uauwumi a nut vy tns engineer.. u.w nrinns m wuti mim wiu oe l Out oa and If nec senary tha bottom of tba sewer will be overhauled. . SELLWOOD ARTISANS GIVE BIG BANQUET 'i'V. Delecrations From Portland and v- I sivvii wit i m rmn in Festivities, . - (Hpaeisl OWpsteb ta The JaoraaL) Oregon City. March 1. The Grand Artisans of SeUwood hold a brilliant! banquet at their hall last evening, at wnicn a delegation of Tl members of Viva mmm annltanta iwji.a ivtttimtmA mttA tha entartalnmant enntlniuMl tll I m i' 1 1 a . . , . ctared to be ideal hoeta.1 .,t , '. T. m- a A. rXAJTS, (SeecUl tMspatrh to The JoaraaL) Oregon City, March T. The plan of tna local T. M. C A. athletics for tha coming summer season Is being form U' iaea py ins manager, ana promises to I be the most ' successful In ths aaso- on from noor to outdoor sports almost at hand, and the material for I ths opening season Is being Judiciously seieetea. -. . t.. . I However, there will bo two basket' ball games and one Indoor baseball I game wun ins ronisna x. at. c A. po- fore the present season closes. After I these games are piayea tne winter eon wui ussiy come to an ana, ana I Held sports bo Inaugurated. I Here torero, tba assneisttoa haa been I short of men who had leisure for. out-1 door sports. ' Lately this defect his I boon obviated, and a splendid psasoo I record ta anticipates. - ,- affStB I Ska. . S Mai a a. a) - I Port Orford cedar without in natural color, resplendent la the purity; pf Its whIUnesa. chlttlm, .myrtle ana other Coos county hardwoods within, also flit' ishtd la ihe natural, t;ooe eountrs Din id lug at tha fair will ha an attractive I pavilion both baautiful and educational. " tha entrance, between the Udmlnlatration building and tha Oregon I nt.t hmidin . work ia to eommance M M th1 wood oun be ahlppa to 1 thl, point, and will be under tba sgper 1 1,... . r vr ninrham rlvil ait. gtneer wn0 u 0B. 0f the oommlswlonar njen by tha county to arrange for tha exhibit.1: Careful selection will made of the Wood, for tba building Itself Is to be the principal exhibit, showing aa it will to bast advantage ids won derfut resources of tba county down by tbs .sea. Mr. Brtgham was - here rasterdav and I left last I svenlns far his hams m tha i Aliuinsa, Me aapeeta to setnrn. Within used, which will comprlss types of all L"i"" J" i!: Simpson of Worth Bend, who hss been one of the most aggressive workers for Coos sxhlblt was hare rssterday with r- orignam. ni aaa pusnea toe mnxtf prise with dlUgenco since tha suggestloa was first made, and when the county I "M nd commercial i bodies appointed commissionsrs. conunuea.nis servioss Individual. tha Cooa building will be t by 1 feat. Including tba porch, celling. 10 feet high, pavilion type, tne axtarior nigwy amamental and snowing o - best, ad' vantage tha baautiful cadar that is al most peculiar to Cooa oouqty. ' When thla oadar la finished In natural color with the beat varnishes. It becomes fit for the .finest materials for Inside dec orations. Several varieties of hardwood are found In Coos, some of which take an elegant polish. These will he bur nished and varnished for tba Interior V m AAA aW Bjasjia asssw . ivngj va-vw ay MONEY AND MATR1II0NY FOR BLANCHE BEVERIA rticn ana nepenxani jwan ,yomos the Country for Woman "Ha Wronged. Tha agents Of the) man who. suddenly rich and repentant,-, is looking for Blanche " Beveria. a woman for whoso lain he believes he is res pons! Ms, and I upon whom ha now wishes to bestow his nana - and fortune, have . found - no trace of her. It is said not loss thsn I100.00S will be hers If she can be dip- i covered and brought ' to Portland.. , - - "1 will make her my wife. and. do all I ' can ' to - right the wrong,'' ho said. rr 4 . ' 'ft v., i . v. . BIMW' ' oevcria, inq Jier r ncna "Ja" Baiky. tha tsttcr la th Fora- , frenad. "Wealth, thai' has now coma to mo will bring, but little real happiness unless I can find - her, and do oomethlng to redeem the past I will only aak that ahe shall leave ths old Ufa behind, and begin a new and better, one, Tnt woman has for 1 years been a Wandeter.T. She Is known'' In Portland. Den von, Spokane. PeMIOtoji, Salem and other places, but no one seems-W know her preaent whereabouts, i bus is I of attractive appoaranoa. blonde, and of roediam height, - and about So years old.' She came to Port land about three years ago. For a time she lived with a woman known as Min nie Reynolds, and here made the. ao : woman picture from at Prom that all efforts to trace bar have failed. ' -., , . ' IPS THE JUNK HEAP FOR THE SLOT MACHINES Mayor Williams hss ordered Chief of Pol toe Hunt to notify all cigar and aa. loon men who- are ooeratlna nlckal-ln. the - slot mschines to remove -thsm-int' mediately. Tha mayor Is determined te enforce tha law which prohibits slot mscbines,: Jt la expected that tha chief of polleawiH notify the operators of mschines to removs them from their counters this - afternoon or tomorrw. , The 'edlot has been received with much dissatisfaction on the part of cigar dealers, who say tha machines sell many cigars for them. ; Several of tha it . .i ""V '.I ' - -I k r : j ' - Tl " rr afJlsM " Ml I IsaaTJ sea-llargef houses ssy they cannot carry oa their bnslness unless they have ma chines snd that If ths ordinance Is on foreed they -will have, to go out of business. One large - hmiss say a 11 a business dropped oft to the -S mount of ll.tso a week while slot machines were barrM last tau. ; Tha Paclfle ' Construction " company. contractors . for ' tha ' Morrison street bridge , desires to be ralsasod from its agreement to lower the piers of tha old bridge la tha channels and beneath ths west span to a depth of SI feat It Is willing to remove tha piorg to" joepth of tl feet, and haa gone ao far. K la said, aa to propose that If the anecatlve board will grant thin eoneeaalon it wilt pay the city what It would oost to have than taken out te a depth of It feet.' ' To this proposition tho United BUtes snglnoera will not agree, and City en gineer Wanser concurs with them In tha opinion' that tha old piers should ha re moved as required. II tney reaaain it will make tba current too' swift In ths channel beneath tho trtdge, waica time may menace navigation. "Tou nan raat assurad.- said Mr. Wansor today, "those piers will bo re moved to the depta of l feet ss re quired under the contract. Tha govern ment engineers ssy that tbay muat ha taken ouu and I quite agree with them, I would hot recommend tha aooeptanee of tho bridge until' tho oontraotora promised to. have thd piers removed. A meeting of tho apeclal Morrison Street Bridge commission will bo held In a few days, when ths final adjust ment between ths ooatractora and tha city will be made before the aooeptanee of tho atruoture. At thla 'meeting will bo. taken under consideration tho mat tar regarding the amount of the forfeit named in the contract for ovary day overtime which the oontraotora take tp comnlota the bridge. - ' It la rumored that there la' a disposi tlon on the part of tha members of tha executive board to release tne contract ors from the forfeit, which will amount to between tl.oos and 14.000. on tba ground, it la said, that certain things happened to delay tha work over which the contractors had no control and that tbey should not bo held liable. Others on ths board will insist that ths foil. amount of the- forfeit shall be collected. -They state that. tho board allowed tho charges for ths extras on ths bridge against ths wishes of tho people and tbey will not see ths .city further. Imposed upon by tho company. -:- oevtsae Wttk City. .. Tha section of tbo contract referring to tha forfeit for tho failure of the contractors,. to. erect tbo bridge oa time fOllOWSt ' -. -r. "Tho said Pacific- Construction com pany la to begin work on tho construc tion or the bridge so asys Trom gate or awarding tho contract and to complete tha Sanaa ready for all kinds of travel and usa srlthln IS calendar months from December 4. itOS.., It being agreeable. in view of tho LraDortanoe of the time of tha completion of ths bridge, tnst ths said city of Portland will suffer damages to tho extent of and thereby ia fixed as liquidated damages agreed to bo paid to said city of. rortamna tne sum of 1 60, from tho time tho bridge shall actually be completed and ready for use and -travel, and thb contractor shall also bo and booomo liable for tba payment Of ths sum of 1 100 par day for each and every oay in oxoass or av days for which tho traffic of tho City A Suburban Railway company may oe lntorf erred with doring tno consirue- tlon of said bridge.", Tha. Portland Consolidated Rail company, successor to tho City dt. Sub urban Railway company, sent ita repre aantativea to tha executive board and waived tha collection of Ita forfeit of 120. day Over the time auowea in tno oon tract, providing tho city would grant an 'extension of time to tno oontrsctors. Thla natulan came st ths time tho coun cil wss making an Investigation of tho alleged frauds In connection with, tho extra work On ths bridge, and tho ex ecutive board refused to grant an ax- tension of time, holding tho company to tho forfeit of II a day. . . VINCENSOTASANO - i ARRAIGNED TODAY When. District Attorney Manning and Denutv Mossr naked tho circuit court to arraign Vincenso xaaano tot noing an accessory after, tha fact of tha murder of Amelia Blrianni, this morning, -ra-aano'a counsel. TX R. Mnrphy, waived reading tba Indictment. Deputy Moser Insisted on reading It. The oourt in clined to tho view that there could be a waiver. Both 'Mr. Manning ana Mr. Moser emoted tho statutes to prova that In a felony case tbo defendant must bear tbe reading or the indictment. Pandlns- examination of tho law Ta sano was returned to tho county Jail. An Interpreter will bo employed when Tssano la arraigned, because ha does not understand JBngllsh. . ' t " . . . Tasano Is an Italian, who was arrest' sd br Deonty Sheriff for hav ing aided 'Joe Fiorebello, murderer of Amelia SlriannL In eluding tho offloara. Charles B. Marchand and P. B. True wera arraigned for assault and robbery whlla armed with a dangerous weapon and takina 111 from Albert Boft - D. R. Murphy, for True, asked time to-pieao. and Saturday was set by tho court. Marchand. and True am me mas wno wera arrested for holding op a saioon. True is supposed to bo Marchaad'g ao oompllce, although bo was In tha saloon whsn Marchand entered. ;. . (serial Dismtrb ta The JearaaL) Vancouver, Wash,, March 7. Inquiry at the post Jioapllal finds that Patrick Ohars of S company, who ehot himself at 1:10 o'clock Sunday evening la much better and Is in a fair way to recover. Tha eauae of the shooting hss not yet been decided upon. Soma say It was attempted suicide, whlla others declare that It was entirely an accident. Aa no one waa in ths room when the affair took plaerK possible that -this ones tlon may never be solved unisss Ohsre sees lit to throw soma light on tho subject . Idka rinding Money, Finding health la ilka flndlm idlng money sick. Whan ae think thoee who are yon nave a cougn, coia, sore throat or cheat Irritation, better act promptly Ike W. c Barber, of Band v Iival. Vs. He says: "I had a terrible chest trou ble, caused by smoke snd coal duat on my lunge; 'but. after finding no relief In other remedies. I waa cured hv nr. Klng's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs snd Colds." O rest est- sals of any cough or lung medicine In tho World.' At Red Cross Pharmacy, Sixth and Oak streets, en tha wav ta tha onat. office, doe and I LOO, guaranteed. Trial aiue ireai , . THE MACHINE DOESNT COST YOU ANYTHING AND IS YOURS IF YOU WANT IT. THE REC ORDS ARE THE ONLY THINGS THAT COST AND THEY AMOUNT TO NEXT TO NOTHING. t - r- ; .Come on and jet wour $1C0 worth of solid fun for not much more than a sonr. When1 3tou have had a Columbia Graphophone one week, you will think you ae getttajjf $1C0 worth of fun out of it. Then when you have had it a month nothlnf would buy; the irood times it will have given you.' . ' :; 'J,:;.., . k..-; y V .-. i'rr i ''X'- i v'.;:,'r ; ' Did you ever hear the GREATEST SINGERS in tha world? t The GREATEST MUSI CIANS? The GREATEST HUMORISTS? . ' . -v.' k -v"-- ;-,'':: - Whether you have or not, a Columbia Graphophone will et you hear them aa often as r Oh, what a pleasure, a happiness and a comfort a COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE is.; By special arrangement , with The Columbia Phonograph company at 12S Seventh street.1 . The Journal is enabled to present to its readers in Portland and immediate suburbs . this rm cov?on or.iKauaY h . i' ... . :' . i r5. -Tf f,: ;,.".'-: ':-'"'' '.'".', "' vx-i- !.''' '.:-'''' 7..' -;.! ,cVlr --'"--..t i ! . THE JOURNALr"" Cir&K-.'r' -. :.-: I Fifth and- Yamhill Streets, vv ;. .. V . Please send solicitor to my address to explain FREE GRAPHOPHONE, OFFER .t Name , r ':.( - AddaTCSSa ' TAX;;tCIISS!0;il DILL KOV A LAV . j, .' Washington - legislators ; Provide for. Board .to Supervise ; As i. aessmenfs and Collections, v ROAD UW PROVIOES w FOR STATE HIGHWAYS New Measure Haa Many of the Bast Features of East- am States..'.;, A- ' (Beeelel Msaatek te The JearaaL) . . . Olympla.' Wash.. March T. The legls- tatoro haa about cleared bp tho calendar of really ' Important : legislation, save tho road. law. ' A general cry went up from tho bum last year against ths road law pasaed two years ago, and a committee has had In preparation a bill covering tho subject. fully. It does not entirely repeal tba old law, but - puts into practice a number or lnnovatlona In road building and the collection of taxes. Tha bill will likely pass , to morrow. " . V -'('.. Tho body has created a railroad com- mission, a tax commission, a 'plumbers' commission, and a number of loss Im portant commissions, .and will' likely ta a n icq way oommisston to nave charge of the work on public roads for two years at least- No legislature In the history of the ststs hss made a AMMeeeeMeMeevMee Free With Want Ads v n- y I ;I W e- m . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm T -By- special -arrangement -with the- Pacific Coast -Biscuit 'Company-The Journal - has secured -f a Largs supply of Abetta. Biscuit, and with every cash want ad for either the Daily or Sunday win give uic avvrtwer one x age, which preserves tne goods, causing them to retain their crispness.and t ' Biscuit sre particularly nice for light lunches, picnics in fact, always the grace tne siaeDoarn. Always iresn ana ensp: mnemrer tnat. -j - These offers are made simply to still more widely introduce plished by useful "want ads," - would entail great space. You Z i'you want to buy something unusual, "when you've lost something m . alA'lMMa.a Am " TltAtiMiull aI UAn1.'...J J... m -ww naiu aivta, j, a mvuniiu. v. viv uicm vrcir ul7 7VU vsias umj iu uitui ml U16 .rate of .'81 WORDS F0R.15f. : .-. ,;?..."''. ,-r'::ir'J MM U tMIMM MM MMMMM MHMMI ,5 .....,.... ttilflf t Mill record for creating commissions that will compare with tha bodynow about WSW Bawd aaMP. W.- ' ' Ths new road law will allow taxes to bo paid id cash only, aad air work wUl ' ba done under dlrectloa ' of the county : commissioners who will ap point supervisors to have direct charge of tha work. - Cash will be paid for ana terial and labor, and contracts wtlljba advertised for where' tbo amount In volved is more thsn 1114. The new law has many of tho boot features of laws in eastern states, and when finally pasaed will be equal to or better thsn those of sny state on tbo Pacific coast. Some " members of .the -. Washington legislature ara after "advertising doc tors" snd patent nostrums. In other words there is a disposition to put out of business tbe "cure-all." whether man og medlctne, . . .. oV.P .. ; Aftor 'tho' Qoaaka. - ; Senator Wilson, of Pullman.' 'one of throe doctora In tbo senate, has fath ered a number of bills looking to clear ing up ths practice of mediator, the last being a bill to prohibit tbo edver tlssmsnts of quack doctors and patent noatruma from appearing In any news paper in tho state.- Tha lsw prohibits tbo . publication . of any advertisement for a "cure-all" of any sort, aad makes It a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than one month' nor more than six months in tho county Jail, lor any newspaper manager or editor to ac cept and publish such advertisements. In addition the doctor or proprietor of sny medicine Is, under the law, liable to a similar punishment. .. . Tho senate has paased the house tax commission . bill introduced by Itrpre- sentattvo Held. Tho bill creates a board. of three members st tt.000 salary, to appointed by tha governor.- v The oommlaslon has general supervision of tha system of taxation throughout the state and ia required to confer and di- iree package. spcxui siscuit aro An enumeration of their many know how it is when you want Tins ntcuLa ; G?.S0 Cclunibia ::fv.Firir;.:'c mm 1. 1 ':' 'V . . v. aotlli mm. . a1 mm i - m u rect "assessors snd boards of equalisa tion and; county commissioners, but ' floes ' riot have the 'power1 to fix ss., eeaamerrt, though it ran-require Jscal autherftlea to enforce Kg rollngs. I ' Ths- houso has passed tbs sonata "bill . fixing 'the maximum, passenger rata' on railroad lines of more than 1 OA miles In length st three cents a mile. " .'" . . The . direct primary law paaaed, -tho houas last night , after a lengthy da- bate. The bill is similar to. the Oregon . measure and provides thst any person desiring, te become a candidate must ss. cure the Indorsement of one per cent . of tbo party voters, ta provisions sp- ' ply only to-superior Judges, members .' of tha legislature, county and city offr ceray. .... . . , . : ..)-..4.-v.---.!r'-v TO TOW THE ONWARD : v jVV ; TO, SAN FRANCISCO ' ' fSparlsl Disrateh te The Jaarssl.) - ; Bandon, Or., March T. The lnsuram-o company which carried tha risk en tho ' schooner Onward,- tjiat was wrecked at thla place a few, daya ago,- has decided ' to remove tbe masts, rigging and every. -' ' thing else movable from her, and make " an effort ' to tow her- Into the river, " where aha-will receive aueh temporary ' repairs aa will permit he to be towed to San Francisco for permanent repairs. " : Her centerboard Is gone, her stern poet badly wrenched and there are several boles In her bottom.:. - MONTANA COMMISSION ; t' . BILL .VETOED BY TOOLE '''''V (earssl Speetsl Swks.) -Helena,.,. Mont. March ' 7. Governor Toole has -vetoed the railway eomtnls-" slon bill on the ground thst the mess ure, nsmes a commissioner when the ' ' power should be lodged In the eiecu tlve. i ' The blU designed ; to 'prevent , , fusion, of political parties , : was - Also .,-vetoed.- '. . 'i .- '' J pacsea m a moiai-prooi paCK flavor. ? These correct thing to : the wonderful results accom daily duties and performances to rent a room or house, when why, you immediately look . mim .all ... .V. -a aL. 1 rr . :';., ' , . t v :.f. ... u.' ' v ' '