The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 07, 1905, Image 5

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    czv zz:i z:zl': ;cr r
ri.AI.3a, TU-.I3 A , I . LiATLCII ? . 7, . 1C-3.
y.nrTr-OmM XXttun'i Italia'
tp-tf ...A...,..........hlura' aainatrala
Trie ,....... "kuUf and Mao"
r VasOaTlll
1 -kar .......... '..VaaocTllL ...VaadarlU
j Th proposed union of the United
- Brethren church and th Protestant
Methodist church throughout tha country-
was discussed with much Intareat
at tha meeting ystrday at tha United
: ureinrerj cnurch in thla city, Eldr ".
' M. Neff, ef . tha Portland district, who
. wu tn kttsndane, speaks of tha "union
- with much favor, and thinks thara la
.little doobt that it, will ba effected at
me jo&y meeting at i opesa, lrd.
- closer afflllaUon will res alt with th
.Congregational church, though - thara
.. will not ba an organlo union. Tbera
- ia a growing' tendency foe church dif
fering only slightly In creed and gov
ernment to unite In thla manner. la
. , tha aprlns and In November jeouncils
lo New Tons' will discuss thla union.
To discuss plana' for tnatalllac boat
aervlca on the upper Columbia . ' and
Snake .rivers In connection with- the
portace road, tha executive committee
" of Xtie open river association meet thla
"afternoon, at 'the offices of Teal
Minor. There la business awaiting the
boat and railroad line lor hundred of
' mile above The Dailea, and - It la de-
' aired that ' the river eenrioa ba - devel
oped at once to, the highest possible
- atate of efficiency In taking care of the
need of the people of the Columbia and
Snake liver valleys. The question la
, before the committee-to Intareat eteam
. boat men and get them to go Into thla
' trade on a fair baa la and be ready to
handle the trade a soon aa the road
la opened for business. --, , , ; -.
' Jennie C Klngaboro 'complains In
court that her husband. WUliam Klnga
boro. has kept her drunk for several
. weeka at a time and that he compelled
her to drink whisky agalnat her will.
' Saalng bar prayer on these facta, Mraat
- Klngaboro sure for divorce. In other
particulars, the .. married life of the
Klngsboros 'haa not been happy. - Mrs.
Klngaboro - atatea aba Inherited ftt.000
worth, of logging property from her for
men. husband, .. NaUeratan. and 'that
Klngaboro instead of looking after her
business Interests, borrowed money from
her and spent It for liquor for both of
them. He will be enjoined from Inter
fering with her. pending the decision la
the divorce suit. ... ...
Tha Missouri- Peclflo haa tinea from
" Pueblo or Omaha through Kansas City
to St Louis, giving paasengera their
choice of routes. Thla la the only road
ever which" through rates apply through
both Omaha and Kansas city to 8C
- Louts or points beyond. : The service
and equipment of thla popular route are
the best,' ' If you contemplate as eastern
.trip write W. C. McBrtde, -114 Third
' ctreet. Portland, for whatever informs -
... tlon you. may dealre, - -i
Do you reed German t If you do and
are Interested In what la going on among
- f he German-apeaklng folks of the north
west, send Sao to A,,E. Kern aV Co. and
we . wDJ forward ' to you the Deutacha
Zeltung, the moat ably edited German
.weekly pubUahed in America; '.for the
reet of this. year. ' The regular prloa la
' per annum. No. premiums given
; while thla- offer lasts. A. E. Kern i
: 'Cos, Germany publishers, .6 First street,
Portland. Or. Bamplf copie free . :
" J. IX White, wanted In Morrow county
for stealing a borae and saddle, was ar-
, , rested last night by Sheriff,. Word and
, . .la bald pending; the arrival of Sheriff
,,.. M. Bbntt to take .mm to cieppner.
R. Blockberger was also taken thla
morning aa he stepped, from the weat
aide train, and la held under a charge of
. larceny by .bailee. A warrant' waa la-
. aued from Justice Raid's court He la
aocuaed-of dlapoaing of goods belong-
; ing to Edward Con. -v.
Rev. Ray Palmer baa returned from
Tacoma, where be haa been conducting
special', meeunga; in tne First Baptist
.church, of which Rev. J. Lewla Smith la
pastor. Mr. Palmer preached twice
day. for three weeka and on Sundays
- from three to Ave timed. . More than It
persons professed conversion. . Twenty'
- five have already united with the First
. Baptist church. . .. : :
Secretary Henry Reed of the Lewis
-and Clark' fair today received a tele
',. mutf from Commissioner J. P. Msrsball,
in Salt Lake City.- announcing that the
bill appropriating ItO.ooe for the fair
' bad passed the legislature by. a large
majority., On Saturday that blU waa
defeated by one vote, but It won on re-
, oonaldaration. : ;--;fv.;"
In the Far Country" Is the subject
' tonight at' tha revival services at the
- First CVrlattan church, corner Park and
r Columbia streets. , This is the second
. of the aeries being preached this week
by B. & Muckley, pastor, on "Tha Mod
rrn Story of the Prodigal Bon." Ques-
v tlona will beanawerad tonight
1 V A ' full ' line .of all the leading and
i most popular suspenaory bandagea are
' carried In stock by Albert Bernl, the
.. drogslst Second aivT Washington. Well
, flttlng, . easy - wearing . and at popular
prices. Call and let us show them to
.. you. .i ,,-,; ' .' : - .v ;
' - Judge ' BeTUnger - this morning dl
missed the case of L. K. NIchol vs. the
- Southern Oregon company, which waa
'. decided recently on demurrer In favor
- of the defendant Nlotiol instituted - a
' suit In behalf of settlers of Coos coun
ty to compel the company, which holda
1Q0.009 sores of valuable Umber land
positions m-
Tne IMtewInc sraaes save snwM en.
pleyineBt sarins tke stontfe : Iars Bristol,
bnokierper. Mereksll Wtlto Hrwr Ce,i
William Watt, bookketpf and traoerssbw,
OoMbora Mlalas (., snmptar, Or.; Masle
Ir.a, ataeosrapkar. Tltls Oiisraslee
Trrwt Co.; Knwet Oatlln, dilepHis rtrk,
Waterheeae A letav flhlpphif ('.: Dalle
Waaon, ataenanpher, Hlra- hatta Rn(.
Co.: rSnrles a Otte, alaaoaraaar. gnatkara
PaHAe B. R. Ce.! tna Amarhae, atpnos.
raphrr, Marihall. walla Hardware Co.: C.
A. Mecktoa. etaeearaphaTt fl. A a N fc.
Uaate 1. Ban, bonkkaaeer, Oyatarrllle
Ojalav re.; Kate PlsnrU. ennoerapkar,
AsJiA Moeli-h rite J as. Co. ) Hoy Waa
enn, aaHSJff)lr, -eee eaekfcaaveeip. .iawtwe
Brlrk A iWa Onus Cm.: bUssle rhllllaa,
sanaraahar. Partfte Oaest A(enr Ca.(
Klla Holmoiilat, ataanfnpaer, Nnrtbweat
Vlan r.t- Aaea -O, - Blaaar,- alaajaaiapkai,
Ramliwam Typawrltav Co.) kMltb kherall,
atnoraphar, Kaatara MuafaMnrlas Ca.t
May IMiffy, etmegraphar, Hjrlal Mat
traas Co, I Elaor Andarana, bnokkaanar,
AiHtaram flaaarel Marebaadlaa Oa., Daaa
aivrr. Wash. .-,...
niiiis tras tciiKt
i'W?tid A. Duilding' . f
.1, i
Election ,t Crowinj Cuburb Y,7'.
. Turn on Frts Cow and
, Open Saloon. . I
Opposition Says, the Reforms
- Proposed by It Would Aid in
.-A; Building Up the Town. . '
' The coming election at 8t Johna, ac
cording to the. political prophets of that
bustling suburb, bids fair to be closely
contested .and productive of decided
changes' In the municipal management
The prlmarlea are It days distant and
political activity ao far baa been - un
der the surface, but -the factions and
elans are beginning to come from cover
and declare themselves, - .- . -.
. There are two wards In- the town of
t Johns and - seven councilman two
from each ward and three at large; a
mayor and recorder wlu also be chosen.
Each voter ' has apparently an Idea
different from that of his neighbor's re
garding the tickets and the possible re-'
suit , of the .' election.'- It Is probable
that there will be two ticketa placed
and that two of the four following will
head these tickets as candidates for the
mayoralty: A. 8, Douglas, T. J. Mana
nan, C. A. Cook and O. V. Jobea. Mr.
Cook Is the present mayor; he and Mr,
Jobea are known aa" the leaders of the
conservatives. Adherents of the admin
1st ration say that present prosperity
should not be changed for rosy dreams,
and that aa far as possible the officials
should be re-elected. The opposition I
11 eves that should a new order be In
stituted there would be need- for' T
real estate dealers In town Instead of 17,
and wilt pray the voters to oust counell-
meri and mayor and Install progressive"
cltlsens. --. i.
Two questions loom large om the horl
son. They are cows and liquor. Whether
the St Johns oow shall be allowed to
wander at her own sweet will where
cabbages bloom and radishes blossom
and whether the gentle "bar-keep" ahalT
above the foaming lager over the bar,
or St- Johns gardens shall be 'free
from the browsing kins and St Johns'
streets Innocent of the beer saloon, are
the problems. " The : vote on tnese win
probably be close aa the saloon was In
stalled, theoretically, at the last eleo-
tloa by a majority of- eight and oa the
cow Issue the tows Is even more slightly,
divided. .- , -
a it Is Intimated that by the time the
municipal reform question, the oow
problem and the liquor dilemma get en
tangled with the, two ticketa . there
will be com plications that will probably
result in a mixed ticket .being . elected
and -perhaps a drawn council.
secured under ' wagon ' road grant laws.
to sell the land at the maximum prioe
of an acre,- Tne court new . tnat
the plaintiff In thla ease was not tne
proper- party to demand that the coav
pany comply with conditions prescribed
by the government and tnat the .long
lapse at time since the state had been
a party to transfer, to-bona noe pur
ehaserg was) sisamey' bar. 'v.- f.; ..::
'. Imenlgraats,' taveaitera, capital lata. In
vestigate tne advantages offered along
the line of the Oregon Water Power A
Railway company's roadaad especially
at the terminal new town Batacada. For
Information Inquire af the Oregon Water
Power. Townslte company, lit First
street j Phone Mala tit, ; f
8. 8. Alliance satis from Couch street
dock for Coos Bay and Ekxreka Tuesday
night March 7 at I. Eureka 17.50 cabin,
11.00 second class; Coos Bay $5.00 cabin,
IS. 00 second clasa: meals and berth In
eluded. , F. P. Baumgartaer, agent Main
1. . . . . -. . . ,
Boxing and wrestllhg. '.
. SeatUe Athletic club,
vs. u. a. a. d. ' ''.' ; ,',;
Club gymnasium. . - ,
. Wednesday evening, t-ltf. m.
Admission too,. ,
Professor Katos's dancing schooLle) eXs
Classes Monday end Thursday evenings
at Arion halL. Beginners taken at any
time. six assistant- teachers, - Private
leeaons dally at hail.- Spectators Invited.
'Phone West SM. - , -
Modern - turmoil of life results la
many nervous disturbances.' Take C
C C' Tonic. C C. C Tonlo cures ill ef
fects of too strenuous pursuit of busi
ness and pleasure. For sale fey Knight
Drug company... '. t ' ;; .
B. At 8. "Cough 'and Croup Syrup pre
vents colds developing Into bronchitis
and pneumonia. Stops all colds prompt
ly. For sale by Knlgnt Drug company.
We clean end press your clothes and
shine your shoes for $1.00 per month.
Unique tailoring- Co. 147 Washington.
Mala alt v .v..- :'. .
Edward Emerson, who' threatened to
kill his wife, has . been released from
tbe county Jail. . 1 .-.a . , .
' Try a meal without meat at the Vege
tarian cafr, lot Sixth . street . ; .-'
.' ", " '' amaaaawaSk1 ' - '
; : cor.:ir.'G to portlamd
At the 'formal opening of the Lewi's
and Clark fair there will be a larger
representation from congress than there
was at the Opening of the St Louis
fair;' 11 'members of the house of rep
resentatives and 1 senators will at
tend. At St Louis there were It rep
resentatives and I senators. - Following
Is a list of the representatives who have
been delegated to . attend the opening
James A, Tawney. Minnesota: Charles
L Bartlett Qeorgla; James al. Sher
man. New Tork; James A.' Hemeaway,
Indiana; C. W, Hamlin. Mlasouri; U N,
LltUoer, Nw--ork;.Jlenry, S. BoutelL
Illinois; J. W. Ba brock. Wisconsin:
James Me An (trews, Illinois; W. A. Ro
denberg; Jlllnols; Joseph C . Sibley,
Insylvanta-Hes)ty---ta LaudeBslager,--New
York Robert lJ. "Henry, Texas;
Oeorge 8. Legare, South Carolina, and
John Hr- Bmail, North Carollnat i -
Colonel and- Mrs. .Duncan, officers in
charge of Mho Volunteers of America
on the Pacific roast and northwest will
conduct christening and enrollment ser
vices tonight st their ball,' t7 Ankeny
street , between, Third and ' Fourth
Streets,'' Bvarysody Is cordially Invited
and admission Is-free. Services begin
at p. m. : . .. '' ' -. -
rafeired Steak Canned
AHan A Lewir Best Brand.
r.h CjixlCO feet on
, v south side of Glisan .
: : St between Sixth ,
f " and Seventii; cement v :
sidewalks ; tie ava-f
:..r: tion for, cellar; fine-,".. ':.'!
" hotel site.,-'...-''
VV -r;'i:;f Apply 'to -V. '';'"-
514 Chamber of Commerce.
Building Cains Honor V From
, legend That It Was First'
, School In City;
The bane of -my lias is that old
sehootboust -at the corner of Fifth 'and
Burnslde streets,' said George H. Hlmes,
curator' of the- Oregon Historical so-
oiety yesterday. Teople are continually
asking ma questions about It ..
"Tha building bears the legend: Tort-
land's first school house. erected It 60.
I would like to apply the theory of Dr,
Osier to the man who painted that sign.
That . building was not erected until
ISIS, which statement ' can be subs tan
tlsted. . . ; ; - v-;- !,..-
The first school house built by the
Portland school district was erected In
1(67. and la etUl standing at Seventh
and Alder streets; There were schools
la Portland prior to that time, but they
were either private or the district rented
some other building. ,
"The first school of any sort in this
city was taught in 1147 by Dr. Ralph
WIloox. ' Tbe first woman teacher waa
Miss Jolfca Carter, who was afterwards
married- to Joseph 8. Smith, .who wss
elected to congress in 186S. ....... .
"At first schools were supported- by
subscriptions, and it was not until l$f7
that a., law was passed levying a tax
to support publlo instruction,. .
"The building in which , the first xiub-
lie school supported by- taxation was
held was owned by Colonel W. M. Sung,
a pioneer of IMev It stood on the-west
side of First street between oak and
Pine streets., and waa removed to make
room .for other buildings many years
ago."- i -'" - .'. .;,;-.
4 - Those resolutions were adopt-
e ed by the Worth western District . e
pr Oregon Endeavor "union, in ey
0 : convent ton assets bled, Maroa 4,
V 1M6, at Oregon Glty; ,
TUaolved, Tttat we. the
Northwestern District of . Ore- d
a. son
Endeavor union...-In oon-4
vention aasembled, ooinnieud the
stand for clvlo --rlghteooapeas
taken by The Journal and ex- q
tend to the management of that
paper the thanks of I this society
for the worfcf already done, and
be It further
"Resolved, - That a copy of
thla resolution be sent . to The
Journal." -. t-j. -'
.... . . - . .. "President
k ... "MATTTE3 B. - CLBLAMD, ,
; . , rsecretary.,
f-i ' ssssBSBSBBSsaeBBBBSaBi
Members of tbe Texas Bankers asso
ciation wlU visit tbe Lewis and Clark
fair In a body In the month of June
The annual convention wiu be nejdsat
Dallas tbe first or second week of the
month, and the bankers will leave' lm
mediately4, after for a It-days' trip to
Portland. . r - '
The excursion la proposed over the
Santa Fe route, through Kansas, New
Mexico, stopping at Santa Fe, Las Ve-
i, Albuquerque, visiting the Grand
Canyon of Arizona and stop at Needles
and Los Angeles, Cat. They-wiu spend
a day In San Francisco, and from San
Francisco proceed to Portland, eltbea
by rail via Mt Sbasta, or by water, a
(-hours' .ocean trip. From Port land
they will go to Tacooaa. Wash, thence
through Idaho, i and a .four-days' stage
trip through Tellowstone Park, arriving
at Pocatello. Idaho, where tbe Santa Fe
train ' la resumed: thence to Salt Lake.
City, spending a day. From Salt Lake
City the rente carries the party through
tbe Palisades, tbe canons of Grand
vr. crossing 'the Rockies at Tennes
see Pass, at Leedrllla. Cot - .,
Tea, talre good are of your
ayea. Theyr wllL-atandUabuse
and neglect for a long while,
but when they reach the limit
of endurance there comes a'
" crash no" optician can poTrna '
.nently core. If your eyes
show signs of weakening or It
, they trouble you tn any way,. .
come st onne and let us ex
lamlne them. - . Kvammatlons
made and advice given free.
Take Care ! I
n:.2 sl: ::atc c:;ly
t V
People Find That of South
ern California.
tfRS. Piu":,:za cays
But Citizens of Los Angeles Do
- Know rjow to Take Care,
' - of Ctrangers.
Those who have been la both places
declare , that Portland's climate far sur
passes that of eouthern California; In
deed, they Bay there la not the slightest
reason for a comparison. . .
Mrs.' O. M. Plummar, wife of the seo-retary-treasurer
of the Portland Union
stockyards, is the latest person to make
this statement She , has Just returned
from a .visit to southern Calif oral.
Mrs. Plupuner saya: -. '
. "Southern California Is much over
rated. The climate there doea not com
pare with 1 what ' we have here all the
year,, and if it ware not for the adver
tising there would be no such city as
Los Angeles.
"They ' certainly know bow to . take
care of the strangers that visit that
oountry. . In every, city that I visited
there were numerous sighs telling of tbe
attraction -.v
"They speak so much of the beauti
ful lawns and gardens that they have In
Los Angeles, and of course to the east
enters who have never been In Portland
they are quite a treat . A visit to this
city would aoon dispel the belief that
Los Angeles has any fine places at all.
Any neighborhood la Portland can ahow
their' equal and many can ahow some
thing better. If It wasn't for the tour
ists, thara-would be nothing to that coun
try ar au. . , .;- .
"la many of. tbe towns they keep dis
tilled water la Jogs for several weeks
before . using it and a person used to
Bull Rub water would never want to live
tbera. ,:- . - - . -,. -' -
"While I was over to Catalina island.
a prominent man there told me that peo
ple Vould flock to that place, no matter
what the condition of the weather. They
had plenty of people there whether It
rained or. not -
"On my return trio I felt I was e-Iad
to be alive as soon ss the train reached
southern Oregon.. I tell you It is a
grand thing to live la Oregon."
A3vance Sale, Friday.
wee have a dm trad Aaasattes
earner plaja. ioeladlnj "AJabejna," "Artsaae"
sad "Oa the Quiet," win sejoraliy axpaet a
treat deal ef "Tke Bart of Pswtaefcet" waleh,
with Lawrence D'Onay la the role la which
he appeared with ao neck innriaa aarfeai tke
all-resr raa a the play la Mew Xark. nam
the Msrqiusi. Grand theatre for three slants
"as sianaea, aa-aniag nereh. la. - This
Iiag eoanady has never baSere kaaai "
la Uls elty, ssd the' fact that lateastaee la
tanet la Ita appaaraace here Is that we sie
e see tke erlstaal Barf aad his fajneea aaa
aorung tMapany. I n'Oraay will he eaeoaapanted
porting estapany. I P'Oraay wul he aeenaii
la ala awfisiassis - at the ataraaaa
theatre ay the aasai playars whe were
hla dorteg the toag raa aa Maw Tark
The advance sale ef Ssata wfll apan aazi
say at 10 e'eloek.
aureaasa Orasd
were with
Tark aty.
mat rri-
" .'
Mggter and Man.'
'Ia "Ma
at the
tone yestaraay for a week's rem, the .
ass a vehicle which sells to Its bast aa-forta.
The fear, sets ef tha evening psrtoraaaaee were
snws viu aasrry apphaoae. Stork smobar
the eeeapeay was weU east sod gathered
w aswreak Tseanas uart ss ramr WHM
ana auaaai ss se raaueuag irlaa ao,
wiana. as am aeretae aae Jaana Mart
Gerald Stone war peraealariy (oad la
respeeuve roMs. Tnomas w. Bay la a
aa Illustrated saar hy a kwal eeawnaar. aad
the patuuas saowa were takes la aad ersand
PerthuMt fvhnaeae De ArvlUe. e vloUalst, Is
slams a ait. . waue ue vitaaenBa la .!
i-: Last of "Old HeHdeiWc." ;v!
The last two oooattsaltlaa to aae rh. lum
play. "OM Beldelherg." at the Ootsmels wUI
a taaliAt aad tomorrow algat. Xeaog people
love "Old BeMelherg'' far the thread ef ra
awaea maalag threarJk It aad taese whe have
peases ma's swliTtaa aw the maliikni ia It
sruiss ar "tae oara ei sale arag syas." Be
U folly staged, faith fnj It eaataawd aad a
vtarraaiy acted. "Old UeideUnrr' shlaas Haa
s pisssv asaaaaj aan u faapaial 1U Ita
slays. These whe have sot saea It shoals da
ei tnese was kave fffl dSaewar m haasllas
ef taoagat aad aiiaaaakia whan thar ses It
aaraia. . ... .. w. '
' L i Baker Hag Fine BLU.
One ef the. Msnst hi kit of the
seared hy the rara eeeaedy foer st -the Baker
Tkie lively eaartst ef ensaedli
kept their aadlesoas is a - raa ef taarhtor.' and
encore to Pa. is aaoora. "So Buna the World
Away." aa eaas br Alf F. Jamaa. tka aalaaa
eatrrtalaar, rvnlil a narksd nanraaekia The
aenei Btoarts seausiata a well
thletie eet: the Wlhner saatara. anarstle
are. create a fine lai) aalaa; Mm t. Weleh
e-s sees aaoaa loses sad
la thalr nhaiai 1st ehsaare
prlsiBglr chrrer work. - Mew Ita ea the ble-
frape, . r - .'',.'
-Good BUI at Star. ,
TS raaJu mt rka kin v at-. KL '
hi I owe, a symphony la eokora. . gtsadlBa ia
rays ef oolared lights, saoaUnsly. toae trana-
iu mta a taoussad aetai
a aeaaarat reee. a bastarsv. atn.
Kddkt Asoot sad Browns have a fanny tsra.
- laun wiu jMppen, sureo. ue aan turn.
(ler, . Waaher erothera, two bmdag srldcets;
anaar .araaaai n luianraraa aauaa. Ha
HMU Bliiaaaa. Sa.
napiete aa snalaist
CreatorVg Lagt Concert To&rght.
The fbilowlns twearaai wtH ba ' arraa hv
urestore sse aw itaaas aaad at tea hUrqaaa
Oraad theatre tonlsht at -S:S0 e'eloek : March.
"Royal Pmrplf" (Orator.); evertare, "baipa"
(Harold)'; prrlnde aad aeered Haa, set 1.
Paralfai" (WaanMa-V. - latoailaalon. MlaaiaiiL
II Trevatoe" (Verdi I. aalos-ar Mcnori Teaa.
Aaalao sad lareallati; atlaeet (Paaatswakl);
aara eon, -vasw ee -uoaeano- (uaiaaaaalnl
Bimar u ao aara 1 grand sen ansa
(Blast). . " , . . , " ...
, i " "Tour Neighbor Wile.'
tike srest luff est la aewniamr
eartooaa. sad One ec-the ssost talked of araood
tbe boa arratde Is "Bastar Brewi" of Boatoa
fsaw. This lateraetlns Bttle faDow M saw ef
the bnportaat haaara la "Year Netcbkars
Wlfr,"- tae.sparkllng remedy whlek rames to
Ike Bnpwe theatre PrMay and Satsrday ef
thla week. Master Wilfred Danhar will held
rvreaUnn with hh Jamil le frlseds at the
"Boatrf Brewa" aratlaae gatarday.
" ? . Matinee Xomorrow.
A SDerlal siatlBes win ha alien at the Bm-
aire theatre tnawrmt (Wedaaadarl ef Mahara'k
ailnstrrla. Tke eassseiamnt will elose toeww-
row a1ht (iordna C. ttolltna. who a) called
"Tbe HI Jelly Coon," fteepa the tarfe and tor.
SI each artonsaiHe tn a hlth atat. of saarrl-Bieat-
darts; tha time he la oa the staee. The
entire eosMiaay Is tar shore th araras rofcrad that kara keeajaea la I'ortland.
" -. "Arigtocracy" Thunday. '
Rrone newsrd's aiaaterster. Arlatnrrary,n
will opea at tbe Colnmhla Thnraday slcht ssd
matlaa. till Banday sight. Thla will etrrar tbe
gatarday snd Sunday matinees a tan. Moaday
slsht tbe drat perforsMsre s "jam ef Ar"
wlli he gtvea. . .. .
Form Ttrxttiaryto Chamber of
Commerce Board for Better
ment of Portland. '
Many Plans 'Suggested for Mak
Ins This the Most Beautiful
' of Nation's Cities. -
Portland's progressive and public-spirited
women organised a woman's auxil
iary to the clvlo improvement board ot
tbe chamber of commerce yesterday af
ternoon. There were 71 or more at tbe
meeting, and Mrs, Henry H Jones was
elected chairman " and Mrs, W, 'Wynn
Johnson secretary. . . V,
W. D. Wheelwright of the chamber
of eommeroe, oatllned' the work which
the civic Improvement board is trying to
aeoompllsh, .and told his audience that
If they desired, the women of the city
oould do much to assist In making Port
land a more beautiful, healthful aad at
tractive, place. ' "' ' : '"'.-;
Tha women wul get ss large member
ship as possible of willing workers aad
tbea divide the city Into districts, and
organise a subsidiary club in each. The
business of tne sub-organisations will be
to. arouse Intareat within' each district
la -the cleaning-op movement.
The next meeting of the auxiliary
will be held March 14. when the chair
man will be prepared to name the com
mute and. present a plan for districting
tbe city., . v. -. ?
: ju Working star. v" '
"All of the committees are taking hold
of the movement for clvlo Improvement
with tremendous energy,", said W. D.
Wheelwright of the clvir Improvement
board of tbe Chamber of Commerce this
morning. "Tbey are all working bard to
get the city officials Interested In the
movement, and we hope to aooomplteh
all we have started to do."
A date for the mass meeting ot tne
cltlsens has not been - set, - but ' It wll)
be held as soon ss proper arrange
ments can be made. Work Is being done
by tha committees which mast be fin
ished before tbe mass meeting. Tbe
most appropriate- night ' will also have
to ba taken Into consideration. -
- An attempt will be made br the civic
improvement board to-have the council
pass an ordinance prohibiting wood saw-
lag - machines from operating tn the
business part of the city. - Portland la
tbe only dt,y In tbe country, it Is said.
th-WAoM talerala a atraua wood saw
ing machine-to take a stand on its most
prominent business corner and operate
for -an hour -or longer at th busiest
time of the day. Business men have
been .protesting against tbe smoke from
the engines and the sawdust from the
machines, Is aot only troublesome
to pedestrians, bat Is damaging to goods
In the stores. There la a likelihood that
the proposed ordinance win prevent .the
wood saware from operating their ma
chines within the fire limits otthe
city. - '
Among other utoasesea wbiob may be
proposed are a billboard erdlnacnoe and
an ordinance to compel property own
ers ta out weeds and brash front vacant
lots. . .. . -
Many complaints hare been leuetreg
by tbe secretary of the clvlo Improve
ment board of the unsightly and on
savory condition of the gulch at Seven
teenth and Alder streets.
Siaoe the edict - went forth from the
city englueer's ofBoe that all violations
of tbe ordinance prohibiting the promis
cuous pdlng of building material in the
streets would be strictly enforced, there
has. been a notice W change, but there
la still much to be dona, and the officials
will force the contractors aad builders
to strictly observe the law.
The police depextment has been en
forcing tbe ordinance prohibiting depos
iting goods oa the sidewalks. ,Th ar-
rt of some who refused to obey the
ordinance baa caused others to take th
obstructions from the walks.
a OoU la Oae Bay.
Take LazatlT
Craaxiata refaad
Oaten Table.
n it raw. aa
B. W.
BOatorsao boas to maxbx
It Is said a rout ba
by the Oregon Water Power Railway
company from orewham to nrraew.
Trootdale and tbe mouth of tha Bandy
river, and that If rights ef way
be a. en rod without I trouble or delav
tha company will build a Una of aleotrle
road over that route tkts summer. The
distance Is about Is . miles, aad . the
grade Is said to be easy.
Taaeuty per cent off on ' all Go
Carta here Wednesday. Big . stock.
Large variety. See window.
50d DownVand
50c a Week
Hotels, Homes, ' Lodging Houses
and - Off ieea-'furnlahed -complete. - All
the credit you want., . t, -
lM-iag rrmgT sr.
aTormarly the BTew Tork iarnlure Co.
The place to buy, your, rurrJTure.
w. I I jrav
- - ( ". V
" aaaasasasaaaaaaaasnsassaaaswaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaanaaasasaaw
It the World's Standard
U FlitE ECiiES
Residents of Populous -Sections
Are Practically , Withput.Pro
.. tection from Conflagration., ;.
Remarkable Growth of Highland,
Piedmont- -; and Multnomah
: Districts i In Few Years.
Besldents of Wood! awn. i Highland,
Piedmont aad, Multnomah dlstrlota are
Tfflityg for betar fir protection. ' la this
large, section, which since' the promotion
of new-ear lines and the building of the
large barn on Killings-worth avenue, has
been more rapidly bunt up than any
dlatrlct of tne city, there la but on
chemical company, located at Highland
on Union avenue. This company has
charge of a district containing several
thousand population, hundreds of new
h oases erected within the last 11 months,
and business Interests and property In
cluding all of Woodlawn and Highland,
upper Williams avenue aad the various
antra rha between the city limits oa the
east aad the Willamette river.
-Firemen say that only unusual good
fortune- has saved thla large district
from disastrous fires.
'. Ia any serious fire tha Russell street
engine Would' le oalled. but It would
have a long run and a araaa cnance or
being affective. " - i ' '-
More than a year ago It was planned
to - establish . aa angina . company at
H?sti"t aad to place the - chemical
either at Woodlawn or oa Wll llama ave
nue. "To thla end Ore plugs were placed
thxourhout the Piedmont . district and
arrangements were started for an ef
ficient system of alarms, bat lacs: or
funds stopped the work, aad the lonely
chemical with.' two firemen still haa the
field. - ". ' "
,, In this entire, district there are only
six fire alarm boxes; - and aa tbe ma
jority of the telephones are party liars
tbe delay mcldant to calling ue eosa
pany Is often oonsaderable.
In this section more than 10 booses
are being boll t. each ooattng snore than
ll.SvQ, and many smaller residences
The majority of these will hare praette
ally no Ore protection exoept that gtvea
by the garden kosa.
. What oaa be done la what tha prop
erty owners are seeking to discover and
individually many are mveartlgnrtlng.
and general action Is probable- before the
summer ends. . v
Woodlawn people are. anxious to know
what the street oar oompany wUI do for
them. .
Tbey 'fear they will ba left eat la the
general abakeup, and that th car barns
wUl .be taken away. Instead of being
added to, aad this has had a serious ef
fect oa the growth of tha suburb. , 1
Wben Union avenue . waa broadened
aad lengthened last year Woodlawn took
a leap ahead ami i new b
erected there, later when the cotiaoalda
tlon came, and the big baf waa erastod
at the head of Michigan avenue the
bulkUng stopped and the departure of
the carmen to new Piedmont homes In
creased the panic.
As yet th outcome is uncertain, but
some of -the residents of th suburb.
who have taken tbe question ap . with
conrpaay ofnciala, havs been in
formed that for tbe present- no Chang
win be made, that th place wfll be the
chief point on th Vancouver line, and
that tbe last crews off for th night will
report then. Tha mat point waa the
one which most affected th tesldenta.
and which determined th abiding place
of the company's employes, who form a
large proportion of Woodlawn a popula
tion.. :t "I . .V .".'-
Those who has their hopes on con
stant and through ear traXCIo on BUI'
llngsworth. avenue, between Williams
and Union avenues, ar doomed to disap
pointment despite the fact that a line
has been laid oa the street and la ready
for operation. The only use of th line.
according to company officials, will be to
enable Union avenae cars to reach the
new barn at tbe head of Mlohlgan ave
nue, , The line ia a single track affair;
light rails were used and evidently there
was no intention on the part of the com
pany to use It to send 8C Johns cars
over Union avenue as was at first sup
posed. ;
The grading and macadam bung of the
section between Union avenue and Wll-
a venue- and Russell and Morris
streets Is being carried forward rapidly.
Most of the section haa been newlv (rav
eled and rolled and Btanton street," Rod
ney avenue, Knott. Beuwoorj and Much--.
ell streets are finished, and the work
men are engaged on Morrla afreet The
Improvement haa resulted In th sal of
tbe tew vscsnt lots .here, and resldendha
ar being rapidly erected. - -. , ' mow. '
The Indo league, at Its meeting yes
terday at the home of Mrs. B. V. HU1,
voted to change Its nam to the Banar
Jo circle, and to devote alt Ita efforte
to th help ot this one woman, Sukboda
Panarjea, who recently visited Portland.
She Is bow In Calcutta,-working among
her own people, and has established a
school there -for girls. The circle will
meet with the president, Mrs. Abigail
Bcott Dunlway, next Monday afternoon
at t o'clock. Officers elected at yester
days arreting were; . President, Mrs,
People Waaa Know Waa An tbe
Sfcieg Oar Oasmpaay's laavstloBa,
rnvzunm atABTT nomn.
in Fme Shoes for Women.
Columbia Theatre
A. H. BaIXABD. LaaM sad Masagsa,' '
: . ' . last - twe rhaowa 1 see .
.-'- seaaen's grftast
ardra enea ail aav BIT
pea an it
g, 7,
Phone Mala 110. Bvwtlag at thaarr. aaea
ul Ji-aeslBg, s7, BVe. 10. .IsaU-'
s, soe, aae, iuc.
. rnoa WIS TTT
Toalght aad Toraerrow NHrht. KperUl atattaeei
Wadnady) ToaMwrow,
Parade Toraarrow at 11:80 s. n. Vre ChaKirl.)
Tnnlcht, ftont ef TBhalra.
BafPTBB PRICKS: Wednesday- ssatla. 10,
rrUsy aad satnrday Mights. Busks
kfa tinea BsturdBT.
Hogk - Btttesar preaenta the laagMag
alaatar Wllrrad Dahr a
UlOAiliU ef-"-1". ?:
TM at :,.
' ABS tOS lTAXZABT BAVO, -' .. '..
-lanrar Boer: ti. TSrn aslasny..
it. Tte. eoe; gslarry, avc. a . Boar aaa
TkM aad Taaahtn ata. t attar A
-srers. Tauveat VaaAvrlU Bona la a-w4a.
WUMA gisxara, johm m
. . S-AiftlAL STTJABTSg ,
-i'il " '.'WaVtTlA-.ATU) JSajA. '
; 10BDO, aiBt WXLS0B.
. nvw OOWZST yOTTB t .
.T.-B9 and .! p. m.
Vikif an
M r iiu a IA- .
BBOusTB tMOimurvwuCm.
Um. 10 eests: laaarvad eas.s
haaw at t, T.B9 aad p. av
- ; , ... C0MBDT41BABIA.
fcSSafaaBbl ' ySayStaOttttrnf OOaasV
1 1 I a x. aad T tw H. p. aa '
Abigail TrArniway: wtea-preaJdaht.-Mrs.
K. Altman: seoond vtoa-ia esakant-'
Mrs. K. a rramar; seaiiatary. Mrs. K. A
Beabr, Ueaamei. Mra. Nathan Harriet
inn i ae pointing aecrstary. BTra. AT. A. . B
CMef Tax Cotleotor Tivam. bad rh-
cetved U,I7UI up to last ngntmora
an Sled.eO having beea takes In,
absos Friday night. Up t this ttta
the tax moojey has oom aoosUy frornr
th amaUsr ptmei ty-uwueia. Ia tn
next fear days the larger enaoka wDl
-come in, and receipts win b haaij err-.-
ary day until if arch It, when th. r-
bate ptlvflegaa, ceas.
Long llnea of propertMreTnawsj stand
during th ofBe boors waiting to get
to th cashier's desk to pay their taxes. -Often
the line extends from th door
ef th tax department through th bait- .
way to th oucskl entrance. ,
The Michigan society tavttas the New
Bn gland society to attend a bousewann
Ing at the Concordia club thla weailng,'
comer of Aider sad Sixth- streets, at
which a number of stats sorts ties wl.l
b entertained. ;
Before orderititr Window
; Screens for your borne see
. - the new,: ,. . u
iiuto:tic Rc!!:r
:nlifindo.y Sere:::
and I am sure yrx rr!3
' hare no ottrr. Late :
thine out. ' At Tfcs Ur:" ;
Herdware Co., tzzc
and LIofTiiOTi. ,
'. V w J
. t