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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1905)
:z:1 daily . 2'JZ2"." rc7L. :5. tuz-d.v? L" :nx:3, 7 -i::?. .n.i ..J , fL.J5L.L-Jiivii Li ; - ( ALASKA LAUHELS r t.D SALES FiD Let CJg SIiow You Our Lin80i7Crpal We have all the newest and prettiest things in Carpets. All up-tevdate, standard mill patterns; We can Nw American DUtrictU-N; ionmtrit of One and a icrer-grada vt carpetTiisderrVve sell carpets from 5c to-25c a yard less than other a "fract'dhan"AcfeMake Convention Hope to Elect v Prof. WVI. Staley. All we ask is that you give us a call and see our Carpets and their prices. Stampede Fever. EljSum.- -",'.'; .4 Swell MANY THOUSAND WILL CO j IN EARLY THIS SPRING HARNEY HEAD3 UST AND MULTNOMAH IS LOWEST Production f Estimated ,at Be . tween Three artd Four Mil-, lions the Present Year. ' lore Than Cixty-Four Thousand That Must Ce Used In Build ing Public Roads, v (Special Dlspatcs to Th Joorsal.V Juneau, Alaska, March T. All - other X 8palaltisMtdk U The JearaaLi Balem, 'Or.. March .Tho- secretary Interior points will b overshadowed I pf state yesterday afternoon announced .this year - by ' Tanana. Transportation managers of the coast believe that they ,will handle 4,000 to (.000 men for that .place before, the season closes, and are . -preparing . accordingly. It is . believed . by meq who-. have . recently come out that tat. ' least . 1,000 will get to - Falr- , banks on the Ice before the Yukon thaw, t,-. A. R. Chrlssman, who haa been, en- , gagca .in j oomrairciu ... enterprises i ( Tanana, Arrived here the present -week 'vin route - south, - and said ' that, he coo i fldentlyvbelUved. the feroductlon of gold for the season would be between 11,000,- , -1000 nd4,00.000. The work that haa been in progress the entire winter as- 1 auraa a Iarca outDUt -' of '.' the yellow. r ! metal. Bom of the ground In which :mlnera have been - working will equal lh. beet ' that waa onened in Klonatk. I but the area la not so great, according to toe Dounaa ox present aisoovenea, the -distribution of the United Btatea & per centum land aales fund. Thla fund Is.'S per cent of the money received by the government for the sale of all jub Ho lands in Oregon during the year of 1104. It must be used In the bulldlna and improvement -of. publto reads, and la 'divided among the. oouatlea In pro portion to.tneir acreage. i . , a The distribution, is as - follows Total numberof - acres ot , . , land, in tete of Ore- gon . . . ....... . .... ; 40.J57.T40 iom mount w jp ap ' nortloned . Apportionment per acre HEAD MANAGER HAWLEY ACCOMPANIES DELEGATION Teachers' ' Certificate Issued -; Aged Pioneer Expires at -t; His Home. 'KENTUCK MAY MARKET Croo TVtii arias AT SUMPTER SMELTER te- Harney v : (Special IM.patc t The Jowoal.) ,' I. Pearl. Idaho, March ;?. The deep work of ' the Kentuck company, seven County, v. Baker V Benton' ; Clackama i ...... . Clatsop . ...... Columbia, .-.' , . if cooa . Curry Dk " Amount ap Acreage. portioned. ,14.58V s ,VZ.1I '.'."..iV... r. , i . 415.(80 1,107.200 423.620 4J1.040 1,004,480 141,120 5,J22,60 1.2(3,140 458.200 1874,6(0 (.780.180 1.788,880 1.088.620. 1,814.240 miles from, here, la provfflg one of the '. promlalng ore bod lea of the earn p. t' tunnel over 1.S00 feet long has . beeu dalven to open the main Kentuck vein tiii a rijinth nf 42a r. under unnep work. -insTbi adit hlsiwehir-he-re4-i- ; finding what 4he management eporta to be ten feet' of commercial ore, and a . much larger body of lower grade ma ( terlil." ' hip effort la being made to re ooen the concentrator, but milling will I no doubt be commenced In the summer, . after, drifts have been extended on the ' lower leveL T " ' ; The Kentuck was primarily worked .' 'for the, Iron It furnished the smelter at Mackey, and little' attention waa given ' to its other value With the showing ' now had it in behaved the owners will open the concentrator and ship to some custord smelter, probably Bumpter. -The . am nana 1 7 ,a t ll 4 Ku ii'MinMntntlon la clean and aaav. this win yield a anippmg proauci ox With Superintendent George Z.- Ed- wards getting the -Lincoln In shape to , , resume deep exploration ana open tne ' leaiMMntrmlar. and the Kentuck In slant ' of a mUl run again, which will prob ably be permanent, the camp la bright ,, ening materially, a . j'f...'.i.'' KETCHIKAN; IS TO BEr-v 7; ATTAIR WITH EXHIBIT - IBoecUl Olssatck to The .oeraaL) .-i Ketchikan, Alaska. March T. Thla Important mining dlatrtot Of southeast ' Alaska will, be well represented at the , Lewis ana ciant espoaiuon. jh nm meeting of operatore to take "action in - the premlaea was tinanlmoua, and ar ' rangmentd have been made to collect - orea. -Information of the great lode , district of the southeast coast will be naced within reach of all Interested, and . it la the hope to get a large number of typical quarts exhibits, who possioiy reliefs 6f some Of the larger properties. Illustrating the economics of lode oper ations along the coast. 1 . A largo amount of new work haa been i done In the district the paat year or two, and the-results are little known to the world. In. addition to showing mining men what sort of quarts, is mined here, ' it la the purpose to give an Idea of the mineral wealth ot vne nisinci. ana en- Jackson .. Josephine Klamath . Lake . ........... t.110,249 - i.4S8.40 Lane . .,,.r .2 .404.140 J.7S8.I4 L.IUCOln (37,440 ST Linn . ........... 1,451.520 Malheur, (,377,440' Marlon ...( , 708.480 - Morrow . 1, 28.240 Multnomah v . .r 8 -Polk . ........ ..v , 434,(40. Bherman 418.280 Tillamook , 76i,p00 1 rmatlHa ....... 1.878.4X00 Union . .... 1,081.400 Wallowa . ........ 1.142.720 Waaco 1,960,080. Washington . 447.880 Wheeler . .. ,r 1,084.800 Yamhill., ........ 460.440 Total i- S.;V.;..0,67,7(0 444,642.24 . (BpeeUl Otosateh to. Tks JearaaL) Salem. Or, March .7. The Salem dele gate tQ the Woodmen of the World con vention at McMlnnvtlla. where delegate to the head camp session at Loa Angeles April 18, will be aeleoted, leave for MC- Mlnnvllle via Portland thla evening. The delegation consisting of Messrs. Sttneon, Csppa, . Williams, . . Fletcher, Pennell,' Staley, Hanson. Pomeroy. Dra- gr, Welch and Thlesseni hope to secure the election of Prof. W. I. Staley. prin cipal of th Capital Business college, as a delegate to th head camp session. Head Manager W. C. Hawley, who ao companies them. Is a candidate for re- (44 Ml 4 I election. Professor Hawley denies - the 0010681107817 report that he has anqounoed hlmaeif a candidate for the omc of neaa consul, recently made 'vacant by the death of Head Consul Falkenburg. . ' ' : Teaonsn' Fapers Xsaned. At the regular meeting of the atate board thla afternoon, teachers' ' papers were ordered Issued as follows: . Stat certlflcates, upon examination Carrie A. Byerlee, Hood River; Bella Balrd, Rlckreail; William Gregory Zelg ler, Marlon: Jessie Wilson, Athena. Wtat diploma, upon exam 1 nation- Mary C Quick. Falls City. State life diploma Lewis R. Alder man, McMlnnvtlle, : graduate state unl- vsrsuy. . , , , :V Ag-ed Vloaeev 'Wm"-"- Noah Herren, an aged Oregon pioneer of 1144, died at his horn east of Salem yesterday. , He waa born la Indiana-in 1844." and earns to Oregon with Capt Joe Meek In 1844. He located near Sa lem and In 1864 married Adeline Hall. He leave live children, Horace,. L.. M. and F. A." Herren of Salem; J. H. Herren.- Monmouth, and Mr. Elva Kates, Balem. - i . '-The state- anaTboardryBterday -b- p roved tl loans from the school fund, aggregating S2M7I. ' "- :; '..', 440.24 - 1.172.44 . 664.48 464.61 ' 1.063.84 1.006.24 ' 6,426. 4J -SS4S4.23 (l.l S.044.63 ' 7.181.08 J, 891. 44 1.1(4.64 4.146.6 76.13 1. 687.85 (.848.6.1 - 746.JS 1.276.04 208.69 448.7J M2.II3 704.47 1.980.(8 1.146.u .Z,2(.4Z 2.046.89 4741 "1.148.94 477.20 superintendent to examine th prop erty and report if all requirements had been complied with. In '4he past the filing of .the report of. the mineral sur veyor, with the necessary evidence that 1600 of work bad" been done on each claim. ; sufficed. - It appeara to be the purpose now to ascertain if false affi davit - haa been made, and to Insure regularity of proceedings by- inspection of a government- official other han th urveyor. no aaauionai cost waa in volved for - th management of the mine, but there, la neoeaaarlly more da- lay la going through-th new routine. SEEK TO INVOKE ' THE REFERENDUM Appropriation Bill Is One Desired to Be Brought Bef ore - - the People. ',' ' (SpeeUl Msnatch to The Joorsal.) Albany. Or.. March 7. Petitions call ing for a referendum vote on the ap propriation pill passed by the' Inst-leg Islatuxa at a 'circulation In Lebanon 4hls week a maaa meeting will Jfte held to aiacuas the matter, and ht Sclo I similar meeUng'ls called for next Bat urday afternoon. Friends of the move ment hop to defeat th normal school appropriation in thla way. Kola Nels. manager -of th Albany Drewery, a, planting a new hop yard in Benton county, just across the river from this city, and (0 acres of the beat land In the rich Willamette river bot torn will next year be looked to to pro due a Una crop of heps. This is only on of several large new bop yarda be ing planted here. , . More than 166,000 has been collected by Sheriff R. L. Whit sine the tag roll reached . his hands 1 daya ago. Whll taxes are high this year th Im provement on the county roads and bridges have put the taxpayer general' ly In good humor and . there is little grumoting. . courag axtenslv exploitation. MONUMENTAL WINZE OPENS VEIN AT DEPTH Allen reports the ..wins down to. the . 100 level below the , tunnel and a drift started -oil th vein. , The . or hold up to th high grade ; found early In th sinking work and th vein straightened. ' ' . -W are highly pleased with th I showing of recent , work In th Monu ' mental." said Mr. Allen this morning. '..AH hand work In the mine has been stopped and only ' th power drllla are kept In th drifts. On drill Is driving th level 100 feet below th tunnel. The first ore shoot ' In this vein will be' encountered within ;I0 to 21 feet. and the next Is nearly 100 feet away. The 100 level drift . will - ba continued -ntll -th ore-carrying velna opened In the adits hav also been proven at this . depth. , ; " " BIG PRIZE AT GRANTS PASS FOR THE (gpeslal Jnspatch a The Joamal.) Oranta Pass, ' Or., March 7. Miners Of this district ar getting In shape for tne drilling contest ; on Bt. Patrick' day.?. Anau ranee to given that hre or four. douiea will go on the rock and there may be a. half dosen blngl en tries.' The prise for the double .con test is $225 aa first money and entry fees aa second. . Th single champion will get 17 and th entry fee wUl go to the second best. In th last contest the .Almeda and Oranlt hill mine , teama entered, Al meda winning by a little more than three ' Inches. Since, then : the . drilling rever baa spread and the entries are as su red a wider scop of residence. The vent la exciting keen interest among the miner. ' Many persona of the . country who have never seen a drilling contest be tween . miners are. coming to Oranta Paaa to witness this event. , Beside the issue In this contest the record for utnth.m Amm. will amihllM. h. .. mnm .r th. wt mM .k .... -.-.'I- (SpefUl DUpatch to The Joornal.) ' on rock In thla district ere, expected. 'TOR??"bu!?,DJ'-,k March 7 Albert . u w, wuw irecii .Fiwi inrn hi wittr for some time,-shot Himself PPIltuBfltca.Whsrs sha llnsd il bH I " latjetlarTMapatch to Th JesrsaL) SEPARATED FROM WIFE : AND SHOOTS HIMSELF AXAJOCA WUTI BAXUsOAB. (Speelal DUpatch te Tae Jeanak). Juneau, Alaska, March 7. - Interest her during th closing day of eon- frees centered In th favor with which th Dietrich bill, to encourage railroad building in Alaska, waa received. Alaska believes that the government would be extending a proper aid In guaranteeing the bond of th Trans-Alaska company, of which Henry Brathnober, th famous mining engineer. Is th moving spirit. This company is ready to build from Valdea to . the Tanana, and If : given early assurance would have a . large fore In the territory early th present night last -night, after aaklng to her In her room. He was .a bartender, and had been crippled with rheumatism for the last 12 year. aiarmro fuuiiii, : ' (Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.) The Dalles, March 7. The bleating on the government canal above thla city I finished until after high water. The dredger - Is now taking oat the loose rock. Another dredger to expected. nd an additional force of (S men will be employed on the works. u ooiTsirxfrTsi OsT FEDERAL OFFICER TO t i . (Special ' Dispatch to Th JoarasL ) . -1, I Joplln. Mo., March 7. The steadiness OI uh sino narsat ana awuranci oi a nr-tMr-ni iiir- ns-ri-ai-rl i""'" uua."" r v nCVICVV Mine rMI Cl I I ing local operator. , Tha use or sine in nraaa manuiaciure srowa sieaauj-. whlle the metal to employed more ex tenslvely- otherwise. Expert state that with, thq (00.000.004) pounds of copper used in th United State In tha manu factories, there ar 4I.SOO.000 pound of spelter.... . . v. . , .'...,.' . 1 ,,- .. Notice to Pile Sufferers '' (Special Dispatch torth JearaaL) '. Prairie City. Or., Match .-The first . experience of mine owners of this dis trlct with the forest reserve regulations lias been passed through by the : man- 1 agement of th Pixl Meadows, who is , , ' - . i . ...... 1 lul. rV "-TJT1" nruiDn rno onr.CDd claims nn jixiv ctiw buu vm vft 1 flLafff Mil6 rUfl ilWvl8.riw in Dixie Bun aiTiue. oiiura psuni ' would Issue 'the interior department re 'quested the Baker City forest reserve We Don't Ask You to Take Any one's Word for What Pjrs- lmld Pile reWlll Do.. ; Tom Oaa Xavs a Trial Jrackage, rr Sy ItBlL - . y. - ;.: We receive hundred of letter like IIIIDnrDCR IMPDEACCn the following: "I iiiwiiknubu rood I could hardly ferlrtg with ptlea for a yea nng Ponr $ IS ant EGonffnVpv - j" '. . ' . .: detei (Xpedal DiapatHi te Th JosruO Roaeburg, Or March T.t-Last night th City council .added $160 o th re ward of ' $600 offered - by- th county court for the person or persons - who killed. John F. Roger on Januasy 14. It is likely that thla amount wUl be raised rto 11,000 by private person..; The death of Roger wee. th. moat jwterlou that this vicinity ha ever known, no clues of any eonaequenc b left after th tragedy.- Roger, who--m a Witness in th land fraud cases, carried a revolver on account of bis fear of assailant a. . The son for offering a reward Is, . that It 14 believed thai a vera! person bar som indirect, knowledge of tne crime that their cupidity will be excited. also baa been aald that it I likely elective have evidence out are hold ing It for -a reward and , that It may have 'been feeling o oeiieve it, alter auf r, t The price is one third .that " b"" ", jf any other High grade bak- feg .ponder v . r - - , EjC:3f:7C3c:r;3 OAjr. , v' i.iw.t Annate.' mm lat.rimrHiiii Chemawa, Or March !. in lllustrat- d edition -of the Chemawa American waa Minted bv tha Indian orlnl.r tuiva " !.h? St?' hf.AB 0"?"'Uon JWurn"rec;.ntaof nrlr.: or inv ssin- anniversary oi in eaiao-1 r- r. iui u.i. umL I IWUUiVIII V4 M. .vuwv,. , lMlCO, o And that I am one more feeling like myself. I wtah vou could have seen me before I started using Pyramid Pile Cure and look at me now, and you would say I am not th' same man. - I hav gained 10 pounds, and all on account of Pyra mid Pile Cure." - Walter Sharkley, 64 Park st., Springfield, Maaa. "I bought a fifty cent box of Pyramid Pile Cure and -tised aa directed with the moat " unexpected results, a complete cure. ' I have been troubled with piles for thirty years and waa In much dia trChs .and passed much blood, but at prexent am free rrom any kind of piles." V. McKay, Weayervllle, Cal.- i "Pyramid f lie cure naa oeen worth thousands ot dollars to me; It cured m after uslns number - of other reme dies sod taking medicine from doctors. it also cured my son, aiinousn ne could hardly walk, eat or sleep; he Is now all rlghtr B. String-fellow. Postmaster. Elko, S. C. i ' . By the naa or pyramid pile cur you 111 avoid an unnecessary, trying and expensive examination by a physician and will rid yourself of your trouble in tne privery or your own noma at trifling expense. v Arter using me rree treatment, wnicn mall in a perfectly plain wrappeiry you can secure regular rull-slss pack age irom aruixipn bv renia(ea-n. IW airect in plain pacsi -y ram id Marshall. MJc A food Ingrain Carpet, extra "m Fffe heavy, fast colors, at.....;.. f t) rdl A fine Wilton Velvet, beautiful Vjl .50 f patterns and colors, :it.'.;;i:. I Ttf. Anexcellent wearing Brussels. Carpet tA...:...i A swell Axmjnsterf soft, rich ' tone, at ............ RPETir-i y. r : ! See Oar lataense Line of Inlaid and Printed Lfnoltcss at Cot Prices : I: f ,; YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. I WE SELL CARPETS th EASIEST OP EASY TERMS 00, . mMA HEADQUARTERS FOR GO-CARTS All the newest and latest hi Go-Cart styles are to be found in our, immense stock. Beautiful carts that s .v - you can adjust the back to any position; also will fold up so they can be taken on the car. GO-CART LIKE CUT '$2.25 :' GO-CART LIKE CUT $6.00 1 oan tou oi BArr ,-bast rnxs . ov , GO-CART LIKE CUT $14.00 nu OO-OAJtTS ' atsjrr TJIBICi. GO-CART LIKE CUT; $l6.0Oi aataili . TA OO-OaUkTS. TT8 .OI CREAT; WEDNESDAY SPECIAL 00 yieaar, solid oak frames, aaiaaed U gilt, weathered or riem iaa oak. faasy ahaped fraaaea, with swell ap-to-dat plctar, ls nu men, worta f uoo apeoiat wedneaday only . 35c iiililils. SONS The Morpe FurnlsheraS 173-175 ' FIRST STREET y219-327 YAMHILL STREET BONDS FORFEITED BY TWO BROTHERS John and 1 Fred fc Pilkington . Charged With Robbery and : Gambling Disappear. VICTIM OF SPRINGFIELD -' STABBING MAY RECOVER Sixteen-Year-Old Son of June- tion City Widow Is Com '.; mitted to Asylum. 7' Eugene. Or., March 7. Falling to ap pear in the circuit court yesterday for trial, John : Pllklngton forfaited ; f 400 bond, his brother Fred $390 John Pllklngton - was charged - with robbing Logger Klxon In a Saloon at Springfield. Fred Pllklngton waa ac cused of gambling at Cottage Grove. Ik T. Harris, th newly appointed Judg of thla district, presided at yes terday a atttlng. A grand Jury, con- slating Of th following -men., waa drawn: Lincoln Taylor, foreman: O. M. Bonnet t. L. R. Thompaon, R. Mo Murphey, Albert Sohwering and T. A, Smith. . - Physician announced that Charles Taylor, dangeroualy stabbed aC Spring field laat Saturday by, Oeorg Tucker, will recover. F. L. Chambers, banker and hard war merchant, yesterday afternoon let contract , for th erection of a two- story brick block to W. O. Heckert. Th contract price I near Charles Hyiand, aged i years, son or widow residing at Junction City, has been taken to tha inaane asylum. . He Imagines thst some on bt always talk lnc to him.. . Th annual inspection Of company C O. N. G., of thla olty by CoL James Jackson of Portland was held In th ar mory last night . AdJC-Oen. W. E. Fin ser accompanied . th ' colonel. . They found the company's accoutrement and arma In good condition and th men well drilled.' Tonight Company A and Major Town- and hie stall will, a tad ins pac tion. . , . ' ; . ' Mr. Lyl Russell. , residing at Thurston, 1 miles east of Eugene, shot and crippled a big bald eagle Sun day. Tha bird waa In the top of a tall tree. Mrs. Russell shot th bird with :2-caJlbr rifle, breaking tne eagles wing. It fell to the ground .and waa captured. .'..'.-. ANADIAN MILLS TO ' ' ,il , CUT AMERICAN LOGS ' (Rpadal Dtapateh t The Joornal.)' Vanoouver, B. C, March T Because of 'the scarcity of lege on th British Columbia market, large pure haa ar being mad on Puget sound, and for the first time In WevaraJ year local mills ill cut American log. During th paat winter logging waa not carried out to any extent In thla province, princi pally because th market was glutted and prices' forced down made It un profitable to produce. "At prases there I practically no British Columbia tim ber in th watr. ' - . f AVfetabae Rreparatioiifof As- slm&atlng iteroodaralBetfu&iv iiiigneaiaaVTOomtXMeisor JUL Promotes DigcstioaCIieerfur- ness and Kestxoaiains namer OpgurrxMorphine rjorMmeiaL TiOT NAB.C OTIC. : toujtraMasuaaaai . Tr- ft gat) - ' A perfect Remedy f or ConsBpe Tlon , Sour Stomach, Diarrtwea Worms .Convulsions J everrsh nrss and Loss or Sixkp. 'Ttc Simla Signatur of , 4 NEW YORK.' i u i mn OCACT corr or WMpi illrU) For Infanta and Children. ' The Kind Yoii' llave Bought V Always Bears the Signatxire aAni mm . .' lit -ri If In Use For Over Thirty Years UUJutll i . t . ti w. I DOCTOR T. P. WISB MONEY .Though wo 4av th reputation of doing th best work In this city, wo charg nothing for our reputation. . Our price ar low,; t but they ar high enough to Insure , ' good work.; No sor or aching gam 1 follow our ' xtractlon.' i. v Examination FREE WISE BROTHERS, Dentists 2M-2U FALUNS tUIUJIfi Cr. WataiafM u4 Thiri Sti. DOCTOR i ' W, A. WISB W-'i-V"". J ' LiVS Headqaarters for i CI sl ower "" Stqckirigs ,- . . and , Trusses : LAUC-UAVIS ORUQ CO. ' Third and Yamhill Sts. JOURNAL WANT ADS PA k 4j Q2. curb's- IMPROVED v lived r:::. ' 1 . only otii roa A OOSI f CURIHIAOAOHg '.'.' by rtmovlnif tba csua ouai aiLiousNiaa, . .: by Aiding dJReokr" OklAM THI COSaS'Lgv" pufiiylnK U BEST PILL CM W ' KU r ar t, ps vnoTsra. c t ' aacatrr of aica. . IINONAMI FOR FR't f f ' 0. lOtlWt CO PNIU .1 i, PA. tl. . Oor clss In all application rt eoavenea each Tueeoay . day sitaraooa from to 4 o't t i f 1 Tf '1 -"-k.iliivl)Hi,i i,,vii, r-a p.j int. - - M. 5