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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1905)
!'-,, 'i i 1 '.''' ' ' . . ., . . . ,.'. ' - ; this Oregon daily- jomaiAi; postlaiip, Tuesday ...cvsrno, iiArxii z; it ,.v 1 - V I": CTRACT SCANDAL INVOLVES fJORTOfi cretaryorihavAward . Job Without Complying 'WfthUw't Demands. . ft,,j. ,, , .1 SHAH'S NEW MINISTER IS ARRESTED FOR SPEEDING Monteza Brings .-T runkt Filltd With , Fin Tapsstris ana' V., I',.,; Mixed -A Art Treasure. 7 f WsshingtM .Baresa of T JoarnaL ' r ' Washington, Marcn 7.r-There , U . -'little pamphlet-worta- reading lust oft the preea of the government printing - i; office -relating t the action ot Paul Morton, secretary -of - the' navy. - The : pamphlet gives the correspondence of V Mr. Morto snd ether officials of the V ' department ; with' the ) Lake- company ' about torpedo boat This jcorreepond enco was called for by the naval com. v ntltte of the bou and was printed In the new order In which the lettere were : ". rooolved -at ths department , Th edl tion la limited, and la being snapped ,. up like the traditional' hot eakea. " Tbla ',' Incident will settle permsnently the Question whether the heads of the ex- ircatlv branch of the government '. have the right to award contract with . '. out complying with the preltmlnarte y required by law. ' The Lake . Torpedo company claim that a big eontra.ct.waa r given the Holland people without a teat , of the rival craft. 'V ' -; Many brilliant ; fegal ' llghta In the houae and senate claim that Mr. Morton waa clearly -within Ma right, nine, the . .'law-' was so worded that ha may (call " for a teat or 'he may act ' without one. Many other p-to-snuff lawyer make .. the opposite contention. , - Mr. Morton is-certainly -swing, hinv ;self more and more involved In the as- . pact of Impeding the progress of reform ..which -thai president - want carried . 'through congress. - It looks aa though ' ; he muat aoon retlro or face aoma -vgly .. invaaugauona. . .. Tkaa Sfflav, , Nothing haa ao - plaaaod Waahlngton octet y tn year aa the-vary lively ao- 'clal pace of the Secretary of the Navy and Mra. Morton. But It haa proved al- ,moat a death - blow to a number of - young officers -who aocepted and tried r to return the hospitality of the young .aet to which Mlaa Morton belongs. One ; young lleutenantr well known in social circles and always a prima favorite, baa become ao cramped financially front conatant entertaining that -ha has had ,; to resign .from the Army and Navy and other cluba. haa given up hta beautiful bachelor quarters, and 'haa taken to a v. .ramer ooacure apartment nous. . in eaplanatlon - given . his . friends Is that '. h m "under the weather," while the . fact--la that ha haa gone the pace that Montasa. KaJin, 1 tha' new minister v from: the ahah of- Persia baa arrived V and ' almoat oa the moment of landing has . proceeded ta get In the limelight. Ho waa arrested In ' Central park for exceeding,; the . apaed Htala- In hie ao . tomoblle. " But he anaaagedt to conduct uta affair wit mora -tact thm-Hugh ) Ourney or the British embassy. Monteaa came - to Washington on Monday and installed himself, ponding tha unpacking of his luggage,, la quar ters, fct the Arlington. Ha haa brought trunks of fine draperies and aoma won : ierful eaatem works of art. - Soma "of its acquaintances . are unkind enough . to hint, that like the treasures of Pom pell and Hercalamum, they cannot be f ' viewed . by aa mixed assembly. ' Nevertheless, Mootesa will arrange . them In tho Persian embassy, a home -that has been but little seen by society - hitherto.. . Then be will proceed to make his calls and get ready for tha arduous - business of entertaining. . WILLIAMS TO TALK ON t DEMOCRATIC DOCTRINES - ieanial aperlal trek.) : J ' ' -New York. March T.' Congreasmaa John Sharp Wttllama of Mississippi, the leader of tho minority In the houes of representatives, came over from Wash ington today for the purpose of deliv ering aa address before tha members of ' the Democratic club at their club house this-evening. Though tha affair, la an- ' nouncod aa Without any special polltl rej algnlflcanee, enuch. Interest is manl- , feated neverthelesa. owing to Congress-' . man WllUams" high standing In tha counsels of his party and tho announce ment that ha will talk on .Democratic doctrtnea. . IMMsi Stand on'Thdr Merits! '.'.'.',v mv. 1 : For many1 year we have" care fully1" followed the course , of watch J manufacturing, detecting H tho good qualities aa they ap pear from time to time. The re-" suits ahow that our present stock is .the height or the craft In weir, -make, style and designing. As an incentive to'purchase, our price positively meet the de mands of strict economy. A call will convince , . . ,.;. Feldenheimer y. Jeweler,1 Silversmiths, .. . f -' . --Opticians, . '''." Cdr. -Third and Waahlngton. V fcBnnsBBw -vwBBaBSBanxKBM i na f VAflttREFOSES TO APPROVE BILL Insiatr-That-Portland-flarBeen s Grossly Overcharged for the Electric Ughta. . POUCE KEER RECORD . ' OF ARCS JHT ARE DARK Mr. Howell Says Engineer V f.'"ai-eaaj.. - m Kignx. in nis Heading ot "' " t r m . r . Interesting developraeaLa are prom ised In the 'Investigation of tha light committee of -the executive board info the alleged excessive chargee of' the Portland General Eleetrle ooaapanr for street lights. There 'are rumors that tha polios department wtu be Implicated, for It la stated that a oerrect raoord of the lights "reported out have not been kept. .. ;.. i- i- Tha recorda of tha number of lights reported out are at tha police station. A dally report of tha number and the time .they era out la sent to the eleetrle company and the city engineers Ofnee. from these reports tha daductlona for llghta reported out are supposed to be made at the end of the aaoitth. After the bill come in th city engineer, is supposed to look It over and. If satis factory, he approves It and it la paaaed on to tbd light committee of tha exec utive board.- and., flaally reaches the board, where It- Is allowed. ' - . The contract call for forfeit of it cent at night for every Might reported out. The deductions hava not boon made according to thta agreement; neither hava they been nmda at tba rata of cenu a night for tha time tha light were Out; instead, tha deduction made at tha rata of 1 cents an- hoar. tha rata that the eity would be charged for tha light had It bean burning. Aa aoon aa City Engineer Wanner dis covered that the company waa not living an to Ha contract he refused to approve th February bllL and made a statement that tha city had paid the electric com pany IS.Tie more than It should in tha past IS month. .- Mr. Wanser ta outspoken on th sub ject, and says it Is clear to him that tba contract ha not been fulfilled by the company. Ho declare that he will re fuse to sign any bills which, do not -con form to tha terras of th contract. Mr. Wanser I -right In the stand he has taken," said George H. Howell to day. "I believe th company haa been violating I to agreement and I am going to stand by Mr. Wanser In this contro versy... To me the contract la clear. It explicitly states that If th company fail to Ilghtor keep lighted iU lamps shall pay a penalty of e oenta a night for each light that la not burning. If any deduction la to be made on the exact time tha Ughta are out It ahould be at tba rata of ( oenta a night Instead of IK oenta an hour, th amount' tba ctty pays for Its lights while burning. "Our committee will meet before the next meeting of th executive board to adjust tbla matter." H. W. Ooddard. tba other member of tha committee has aaked City Attorney MeNary for an opinion on th -aaaater. Mr. MeNary stated that he was not yet prepared to make a report. He had conference with Fred V. .Ho Unas, attor ney for the Portland Oeneral Eleetrto company and they will confer again fhia anernooo, ., , ... -. ;. AMERICAN MINISTERS TO FOREIGN NATIONS (Jeerasl apodal Srrrlo.)' Washington, March T. Th following appointments hava been mad by Preal dent Jlooaevelt In addition to those an nouooad yesterday:. Envoya extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary: William" Woodvllle Rookhin, of District of Columbia, to China: David J. Hill, of New Tork. to The Netherlands; Henry Lane Wilson, of Waahlngton, to Belgium; William MUIer Collier, of New York, to Spain; Brutus J. Clay, of Kentucky, to Switz erland; Thomaa J. O'Brien, of i Michi gan, to Denmark; Char lea H. Graves, of Minnesota, to Sweden and Norway: Bd ward C. O'Brien, of New York, to Par aguay and Uruguay; John B. Jackson. of New Jersey, to Greece and Monte negro and diplomatic agentnn Bulgaria: John W. Riddle, of Minnesota, to Rou mania and Servla; Samuel R. Gummere, New Jersey, to Morocew.-. solicitor of th department of com merce and labor- Edward Waller Sims, of Illinois. i District Judges Joseph . V. Queries. eastern district of. Wisconsin; James wickersham, Alaska, division No. L flisinci or Aiasaa. - ' " t t-onsuls-s-eneral Robert J. Wynne, or rennayivanla, at ijondon, England Frank H. Mason, of Ohio, at Paris, France; Alex H. Thackara, of Pen nay l- vania, at Benin, uermany; Horfman Philip, of New York, at Tangier. Mo rocco; George W. Hoosevelt, of Pennsyl vania, at Brussels, Belgium. WIFE CAUSES ARREST 'if- OF PORTLAND COUPLE - ' (flperlal Dtsmteh te The Jeoraal.) ' Tha Dalles, or March 7. On com plaint of Mr. James BL Wllloughby of roniana, ner nuapjand and Lur Nenn u rurutnq wr arreatoa nera last v nlng.l -.-:, I. . Wllloughby hag been - employed for om week by a local -marble firm aa traveling saloenaan, and It la alleged mat on saturaay he met Laura Nevlna, and that they registered aa Jamea Kd- wards and wife. , Mra. Wllloughby was Informed of , the eltuatton and came here, her vjslt resulting In th arrest of the, two; ,. ? - . This morrilng the coup) was arraigned oerore inj Recorder j. si. Fllloon and, In default of S0 ball, were coramlttoq to th county lall. So far they hive not. securea an attorney. - , - , Laura Nevlas' la -proprietor of a candy ana cigar tor at zes Third street. At the store It was Stated that aha had left for Salem- Saturday and that no word ' had since been received from her. .; Concern ing .the charge., those managing )b tor had nothing to iay. r ' r. WMCUMMg. MX , B09., John M. Morgan, the Wheeler couaty taan recently arrested .here a wit nee departtng from tha. state, has pro vided a $1,000 bond. - When apprehended because the government feared be would ot be available when th Butte Creek Land. -Lumber A.-Livestock case .was called, Morgan gar $171 ball until he could procure the surety aaked. ' He returned1 to , .Wheeler "bounty and waa able te get the bond reqdjred by the clerk's toOlo and 1 now at liberty to continue hla Journey to San Francisco, where he ssys be intended studying to be . a barber. , That Drf, splse Onrt'S an ae tar -wiu reneve art oar It. DYSPEPSIA CANNOT 5 THRIVE IN PORTLAND Mist Tingle Opens School of Do meatlc Science, and Man Pupils Enro The niw school of domestlo science of the Young Woman's Christian asso ciation . waa formally opened yeeterday afternoon for the enrollment of pupil Many women visited the rooms and mat Mlaa Tingle, whoa Instructions promise to be .very Interesting, and. tha enroll ment was large. Tea waa served by the association women. - Mrs. Jessie Honeyman. : president and ' Mra. A. & itockey, chairman of tha school.' were present, -,k Tha Lenten lecture course by Mies Tingle on micro-organisms and their re lations to tba household will not begin at onoa because students are still regis tering. Tha practical work, however, will begin with tha young women's elaas at o'clock . tomorrow morning.' J - Th work will be adapted to tho needs of the class. . The' oours Includes IS lessons., once a week, of three hours each. Mlaa Tingle hopea to give the puptla supple mentary reading and reference work, and they will be aaked, as far as possible, to put . Into practice at homo tho lessons they learn and to give, report of th results: Th domestlo. room haa been aewly fitted out with. Individual kitchen appliances, and presents a neat appear anoa with Its sheet iron ovens, granite dlshpana and tha accessories for mixing inareaieni ana removing the signs ax terward. .; THREE LAWYERS DIE , C ' DURING DAMAGE SUIT (saeelal Dtaaatra te The JoeraaM nun, aionc. atarcn T. A curious State of affairs was revealed when Dr. Isadora Freund, proprietor of th larg est hospital In Butte, yesterday filed an arnoavit with the federal court aa to why bis suit against tho Great North. era for personal damagea ahould not o dismissed for want of prosecution. Ha states that three timea when the case had been aet, th attorney in each Inatanea died suddenly, and the fourth lawyer had thrown up th oa, bellsv- iag u - nooaooeo. . .. . The suit wss begun wish? run am by Frank K Corbet t. the well known Clark attorney, who died shortly after me, court announced its setting. .' John W. Forbls. a prominent member of Hoinsaa legal ataff. followed, drln suddenly., after he, had perfected the ease for a hearing. John W. Cotter followed and after many delaya the court, set th case, when Cotter took alck and in throe daya died, John J. McHatton. Cotter's associate, waa en gaged, but Soon threw p the ault be cause hla friends thought It "hoodoeed.f J. I Mancy la now Freund's lawyer.-, AY YOHE AND STRONG EFFECT RECONCILIATION , (Joarasl Special Berries.) '. Montreal. March T. Capt. Putnam Rradle Strong, who has been at the Windsor hotel for aome Urn,-, waa at th railroad station today whan the theatrical company, of which May Yohe te member, arrived. When to actrea appeared aha and Strong tell into each others arms, strong than bundled hi wlf la to a sleighs sending ar -t the Windsor, wnu ho followed. .' Immediately after, her arrival. Mrs. Strong; ordered champagne seat to her room. Later - Strong and his wife emerged from tho- hotel together and en tend a sleigh and were driven to th Academy of Music, where Strong at tended th rahearaal of the vaudevUla ahow. . .. - - Tha -reconciliation seems - complete. strong anecuonaiaiy boot eased th act resa as "wifle" and aha said nothing of tho divorce suit that she had an nounced in New Tork Bh had begun. ADVERTISING MEN WILL MEET TONIGHT xi the Commercial club this evening advertising men will meet for tba pur poe of Increasing the local member ship of the PaclAo Coast Advertising mens association. 1 L. H. Merts. secretary of the "asso ciation, la In the city and la assisting local memoers in sroustng interest in the association and In Increasing the membership. . Tom Richardson of the Commercial club has agreed to assist. Th association ineludea In its terri tory the stats of Artsona. California. Idaho. Montana.- Nevada, Oregon, Utah ana waanipgton--r--.- - ARLINGTON MARSHAL i RAIDS AN OPIUM DEN (Hperlal NsMtrb te The JaaraaL) v Arlington. Or.. March T.Clty Marshal sweeten yesterday raided a Chine wash-house here and found an opium outrit, consisting of two pipes, ens lamp and two small Jara of "dope." The Chinaman and two white men were In the room. All were arrested and taken before Recorder Low, where , th tw whit men war released on a promise to leave town. The Chinaman was placed In Jail, and will probably be given a hearing today. KANSAS TAKES STEPS TO OUST STANDARD OIL ' 1 . '.' .v. ' -. - '.-..,' ...(Joeraal gp SM-rlee.f '1- - Topeks, Kan- March 7. The houae today killed the resolution for Inves tigations of tha harvester and beef trusts. - . j v Preliminary steps were taken today by the attorney-general to gather deposi tions In the ault. for a writ of ouater for th Standard Oil company, and fur a receiver for the Santa Fa for alleged violation of tba antl-ruat law. - , v CODY SAYS LOVE FOR ! V WIFE HAS DEPARTED ,:'v.; . r 4 (Joarasl Special erriee.k ' Orhsho, Neb., March T. Col. W. r. Cody concluded his deposition In his di vorce suit today. H declared that he would not consider reconciliation, as the last spark of lov f or hi wife fled when she accused him of being hi daughter's murderer. Cody leaves for Kurop to night. . - ' , , , FIFTY THOUSAND CASH . S STOLEN FROM BANK . , (JWMl gperisl srrlae.t Cincinnati. 0 March I. It la ' re ported that th reserve fund of the Oer man National .bank . la short ItS.OO. Th smount has apparently been stolen from th vaults 5O.00o in bills, S,000 in gold. Th bank la one of the atrona-' eat In th City. It Is bUved to b nor- ectly solvent. . , .. . j IIKJTED AT If! COUIaT Onejof Panei; to JTryBrTdgas Wakefield Case Excused U"' for Cause. .. i-,v HAD BEEN APPROACHED IN SOMEONE'S INTEREST Bitter Rght Will B Made by Ex PartnerV Implicated In ' ; Bribery Charges. r William S. Beattla. of the olroult court jury panel, was objeotea tq ana escusea tnu morning by Edward Msndeahall, counsel for J. B. Bridges,' when the case of Bridges agalnat Robert Wakefield, for recovery of 14,000, wa called for' trial. on the ground that Beattla had been ap proached by Kdwln H. Colli, bookkeeper for Seattle at Hofmana. with the inten tion of prejudicing him agalnat Bridge. Bridge auea for compensation for oe- votlng hla time exclusively to superin tending the building of the Portland dry dock, under an alleged contract whereby Wakefield agreed to pay him from hla own funda for attending to tha drydoek for th firm of -Wakefield Bridges. It Is a law eas to be tried before a Jury. Another suit in eauity also xends, in volving the partnership affairs of Bridges and -Wakefield, which case baa been, suspended until thta law case has oeen oeciaeo.- r - - Kxaminution of talesmen waa charac terised by most searching Inquiry as to poaalbla preiu,dioaa of tho Jury, and a number were peremptorily challenged by tba plaintiff. When Beattla waa exam ined ha was accepted by th defendant. Wakefield, but Bridges' -counsel aaked him If he had talked with any one about tha caae,- Beattla stated that h bad dlscusd It with hi bookkeeper. Who was also In ths employ of W. R. Mae- kenxie, the expert acoountant who re ported on ths books of wakerieia Bridges. -. Tba theory of Mendenhan waa that Beattl had been approached by Colli to Influenc htm against Bridges. . After Beattla had been excused and waa leav ing th courtroom Mr. Mendenhall aaked Judge Fraser to recall him to aak who had talked with htm about tna ease, m then namd Collla as the man. - Hogue Wilbur and Henry K. Mcamn represent Wakefield. Although thla case involve none ot the partnarsnip ao- counu ot th firm, th recant charges lad rod b Representative A, A. Bailey anlnat Ooorse B. Thomas for alleged ac ceptance of a bribe from wakerieia Brldgee create publlo Interest In th d resent nroceedlngs. At this time aa in aulrr la fat cro areas before District At torney Manning, who seeks teas certain what ground there . la for tha charges. Bridcea haa made affidavit that. Thomas rooolved l&es from Wakefield against his (Bridges') crotesC and Wakefield and Berry, the firm's bookkeeper, testify that the brio was paid by Bridge. , v Free With Want Ads. A nackage of Abetta Biscuits. Yea. tha very kind you've been buying at the grocers, ana tna Kino you iiaa ao wen. Br aneclal arrangement with the Pacific Caaat Biscuit company Tha toajnaat naa secured a large supply of these biscuit and ia giving away a package -to each and ovary "want ad", advertiser, ; Abetta Biscuit are packed In a molat-proof naokag and retain, their eriapness and flavor, at all time. Tbey nr just the thing for after-dmner luncheon, plo niea, etc t Tbla offer -Is made to still mora widely lntroilluc tho want ada Into Portland homes. . Once established ad vertlsers wlU wonder bow they vr did without thorn. - . They run errands, secure help, get you a position, sell your prop erty, rent your rooms, find lost relatives. and many hundred other gigantlo feats If one set out on root to accomplish. The Journal'a rata Is II words for II cents. , That's all. : 1 ; t ' MISSING AUDITOR FpUND IN A SAFE Carl Brandes, Object of Tireless ; Search,' Was Locked in 4 ; Big Vault. . ' This forenoon, a long line of cltiseu stood In th office of County Auditor Carl Brandes, anxiously awaiting , hla appearance. -- . "Where 1 Mr. Brandeer 'they asked of DCputy otto Burkhardt. and Mr, Burkhardt could not anawar to their sat Isfactlon. He knew that hla' chief had stepped out a abort time before, and ex pected to return at any moment "Whr ia Can Urandear soma on asked In the county clerk's office, where Mr. Brandes often goes to consult the records. No one there had seen Mr. Brandes. . . - . In the-offlcea of the county Judge. in the four circuit court room a, in the sheriff's quarters. In fact, everywhere, people looked for Multnomah county' auditor, who never leaves his office for very long. . - ' After - an hour had elapsed. County Clerk. Fields heard a cry from the steel vault In the. -county clerks office, and listening -carefully, heard the vole of Auditor Brandos demanding' to be re leased. .-;.. Chief Deputy Praap pressed the eled trio button that unfastens the lock of the vault and the doors flew open to re veal th imprisoned-official exceedingly anxious to get eat. it appears that Mr. Brandea had! entered the vault to look over the files) of bills and the doors had oran puaneu snui uj lociaoni. i flur ried to hla office and soon disposed of the business that had accumulated dur- Ina- tho hour of wforced absence. "I essearsts so lee tha 1 weald as ks withe them. I wss tressls en deal with tersi lieer 4 beaassbe. Vow slsee takisg panareta Cs4r Osthartta 1 fael Mry atsth totter 1 aksll esttalsly raessisMsd k te say Msaes as the tost mMs i bsv stst m." -Aaaa saslset, Ostor aUU Me. , fall (Jver, Mat. Weaseiit, Palatable, Nfcrt. Taste Siwd J Onel, VH - e Oris., Mt. MM. ah. Hii 11 In la- Th fm.iM taklet iUimI OtiO. ssraalM IS a er rear mommf tosk. - ; , SterUng KeaMdy Cs., CkUag or W.t. let c:muu,Tarau:i c ami mm f?P . for " : -fV Campy C4rrnirr 'T ' 1 . run it JaI tL. lawfLli :,"i;.v'.., : -r; SayStaIe PrTnigCduld Be I Done for One-Third Pres ent Cost of Work. : SUGGESTS METHOD OF . i . ; REDUCING EXPENSE But Fears Relatives of Great Editor Would Not Run on ' ; His Platform. CoL EL Hofer, editor of ' ths Salem Capital' Journals who Is In tha city to day on business, brushes said with a lew forceful . statenasnts - tha charges that he and hla brother are In tha elate printing graft. H says h sad bis brother Ware ardent supporter of tn candidate opposing th present state printer and that tho - platform - of tha man they supported waa a Bat salary. Furthermore, a placed th animus of the Oregontan upon a purely . selfish basis, and makes-interesting statement aupportlng thla caarge: In reply to th aocusatlons . of th morning, paper that th stats printer muat feed th Salem hog and take car of the Hofer family.' I have but to say that Hofer Bros, supported In th last state election Jamea Uodfrey. th pern- oo ratio candidate for tbla office, -who was running on a fiat aalary platform, which . th morning paper bitterly op posed. All ot thla criticism' of Hofer Bros- by ths Oregontan is due to toe fact that we have never supported the Soott family's standing candldat for tho office of atata printer." - Then the Salem editor became a Iitue humorounc "I have always been drilling to sup port Harvey Scott for United States senator, but draw th lln st giving an other member of th family, tha next fattest office in the atata. The state printing should be done for on third what It now . coats the state, but It ia not ths fault of the nresent state Printer zor taking , an ther is in it," continued the Salem nu. ni he axnlalned how tha state could effect a, big saving. In th fol lowing words: "Such ' aavlng aa I . hava indicated could be effected If the" stats owned Its own printing plant and hired a auper Intendent; or, if the ststs would let th work out to commercial printers tha aama aa any large corporation printing la done. It could get the work dona for still less. Tha fact ia that tho ordinary legislator, who is an inexperienced and untrained man In such affairs, cannot In tha 4 day' - session 1 inform himself sufficiently about thla gigantlo graft to deal wttn it inteuigenuy. . "The' next atate printer elected by tho people should be a man who will Publicly pledge himself to put this de partment or tno atata govorompui on an absolutely business basis. - Such a "fnan oould save th people flv time hi alary. But I venture the prediction that no member of tha Scott family will become a candldat for. th office on. this basis." '.'-" v '. COMMERCIAL BODIES - TALK. CONSOLIDATION Committees From the Board ofl . a. . g ms Trade and CnamDer Of WOm- ..- - Commltteea of the board of trade and the chamber of cominerce met yesterday afternoon, and that of the latter re- celved the board' terras ot consolidation with the chamber. The board la willing to eonalder consolidation on tha basis of a rauicai cnange in in cowuuudu of the chamber, regarding method of of I tranaactliur business, and amount monthlv duea. - ' ' - All bualneaa now don by th cnamnor eommcro la transacted in secret session by aa executive committee, or by special committees. . Thl rule is carried into every detail of tha work. Even th aubcommlttees that are work ing on th recently Inaugurated civic Improvement project preserve tha ut-1 most secrecy In their meetings.. I Th board or traoe wanta an tnia i ehanged. It aUpulates that meeUnga Ml muat be . open; and that any member I er and Clarence Lucas, whose composl may have a vote In deciding any" quea-1 tiona figure constantly on hla programs: tion of Importanoe sufficient to warrant I htm la attending a meeting. The bosrd I also ssk tht th monthly due be I fixed at 11, and euggesta that, with thdlt,d by Mr. Burton, Arthur Farwell larger memoeranip reeuiung irom a i consolidation, that amount would be amnio for all purposes. I The board's terms will b laid before the chamber trustees st their next reg-1 ular meeting. It la not believed they I will receive favorablewconalderatton. - . - - Thar is no inaication ina uia nans- fscturera' association. "Which was also invited py tne cnamoer 10 oonswuwi, i regards tha proposition In a favorable j light V. . I XAiaXT PSJUsObTAXn , : Oeorge X Bingham, th Salem attor ney, accompanied by his wife, is regis tered at the Imperial. E. W. Haines, senator from Washing ton county lnth lst legislature, is a guest at tha imperial. Z. M. Hagert a contractor of Heppaer, la a im( at that Tmnerlal. ... R a. Crawford and wife of Vancou ver, Wash., are staying at the Perkins. I. V. Alexander of La Grande la at the Perkins. - . . R. Robinson of Tillamook Is In tha city and staying at thj Perkins. - W. Rossjof Eugene reached tha city this' morning and - registered ,ht the Belvedere . - - - i 'r N i. !. El am, a prominent miller and caplUllst of Walla Wall and Athena country, is at ins rortisnd with, bis Wife. " - .-y '" .i I I -. SBOXSSS Judg Bellinger this morning decided Chinese deportation cases tha were appealed rrom tna commissioners. About half of th appeals were decided In sccordsnce with th commissioners' reports and In tha remainder the com missioners were reversed. - The Issue In each ease Involved th right of th Chinese to remain her and oovared every phase of Celestial effort to vd th exclusion law and to establish th right to remainder after losing a cer-1 tlflcat. . - , , . .- ; ... . This evening the Michigan society of Portland will entertain, its friends snd ths members of th ether stat so cieties In thla city st ths Concord Is club hall. Sixth snd Alder streets. The - evening's entertainment will consist ef speerh-maklag- and danchig "-with other features that th committee on ar rangement may sea fit to iaUoduc for variety's sake, -. , !, , . '...;';.--'- ' SEaapiEjj Salle Wow On fnonselieepcra: .-J3crly Great American lrcrtiro Tcd Co. : Our 100 Stores Help U ta Ypa , m ar-l-Tto st ess rirst St vortiaadr Vjr m CoamafolaJ tt- y, feaim street Sages, SO Xas . a s. , ', , .. --. r " 11 m m .1 .ii.i ..,-r- -- .. . . . "" ' K- T .; -. A . Coco of "; ' raw 1C05 CAPILLAC The greater your familiarity with automobiles In general, the greater , rour appreciation of tha many surpassing qualities of the Cadillac The Illustration above ahows our of almoat Incredible power and endurance, embodying all that could be desired In appointment, elegance of design, excellence of construction, comfort of riding. These seme surpassing qualifications are manifest in th other models first side-door car in Portland. -..v . , Model F Slde-Entranc Touring. Car, shown above. $116(J. We are tha genta for the .. ..- - : v PTOCIl CaHAT ARROW CARS which were awarded the grand prise aaatratos arlU ha hare Maxes X. . . " Snoeensors to bee St LUNG. HVERY, STOAACS and REPAIRS BUSY CRACKSMAN ADMITS CRIMES (Continued front Pag One.) "petit larceny thief." He admitted carrying) "a gun 'as big as could b got into bis pocket.'' but . said h would never ahoot a. man except In ' self-defense, because hef "didn't want murder on his conscience.'.---T ' . Wishes MSm Ooleg Wonld Fader - That he haa perpetrated burglaries of country stores, the detectives say, ia shown by bis having a number of pocket knlveo of tha kind usually carried by such dealers. In his pockets. : H was fcrreatsd at Bebond-snd Couch streets ' and . has a room in lodging house 'at Second and Everett treet. He waa In the habit of Changing hla room' every few"-days. - - , . "I In I'tah and Idaho.'' he stated. 'imt the police by moans : of atooi- I pigeons maae too warm tor saa. a Ihadto - keep moving on. I waa sur prised that I managed to stay here so long. Being colored is a big handicap In this business.- One seen by the of ficers, -ther alwara remember a ool- The prisoner refused to glv certain information aaked by a newspaperman, saying he waa afraid that if the quea- tloner learned too much ha "might be I tempted to. start In business in opposl- i tion to old-time cracasmen. You see." said Mason, with a grin. "I'm a good union man, all right," The prisoner will be held oa a charge of burglary. DAVID BISPHAM SINGS AMERICAN FOLKSONGS - Dtvld Blsoham haa of lata found some striking songs in the writing of. men of pure American blood like Henry r. Gilbert and Sidney Homer, Henry Had whll ha haa of late introduced to great sndlenoe not only melodies of ths In- ... tha far north and far west. ana others, but hss with great errect. eot oniy i London but - tnroughout America, sung as fine specimens of truo foik-soncs aa can be found the world sver the plsntatlort and eampmeetlng miodle of th southern negro, adapted nnd arranged by Henry Burleigh. The rprogram 1 to be presented by Bispnam I., hl, rscltal next Thorsdav nlaht at th Marquam will bo one of the most original and arttetio ever offered to a Portland audience. Seats are now sell ing. PROTECTION OF GIRLS v : - OBJECT OF SOCIETY Th flnanc oonunltt of the Port land Travelers' Aid association haa Is sued a call for the membership dues of th various organisations belonging to the association. - aa there Is . sn Im mediate need of funda to . begin tha work planned. Th society Is for th purpose of protecting girls, The Inter national exposition travelera' aid com mute has telegraphed that- they have- reconvened to help the Lewis and Clark worker and wlah to know local plans. Individuals Interested In the work may Identify themaelvea with the society by GOING1 1 - GQING ! ! GONE Ml aTeryMa W01 ssv IC KstaisM V01 NEWDRO'S , Ta OsUaXsTAX ttcsody tha xnfrr know it was loaxx Most yaesg and wlddkMnVed swa know that their, sealps we to. 4- silceatjU aieeuWatll -the bslr kas wilSj ef. ' Nsrar saws .her iwaralB ef nnrf, Itrklnf seal as f.lllo bale, but Ike dawo-rarf f the eaadniff gwai lrltsrtf,L. UU tSc. Slaasi. t tZTiUZl CO., leM. I. Ictrtit, MldL. In a uflt r nsw Model F touring Cadillac, a car,'. at Bt Louie. -Price, 13,650. Aato Oosayasy, A TALK ON HOME AND HAPPINESS What Consulates a Real Home and What Constitutes Real ; Home nappiness. w Show me a home without music,' and I'll bow you a home that sooner, or later will become merely -a place In Which to t and Bleep. There ia no u- nuence in ,tne woria so eoitening, so elevating. great ar tint who ha ts ever painted a h ome scene. has painted hla family -group csnterid about sorri music! Instrument. Jrvery writer- whhssever chosen, the horn for hla theme haa written of the Influ ence of music upon that horn. Show me a" home" with music In It. hd - I'll show you a hem where the youth are clean and pure, and the father and mother know -the real Joy of living. And' of .all tha , musical instruments since the first mejlody of - the harpsi chord, ahe. -piano has . taken the first place and kept it ' . - If ail the homes In th world wro canvassed, you. would not find one in a thousand that did not hope aome time ylo have a piano. And yet, year -after year, the buying of It is put off until the boys have grown up without the love of music, and the girts without th knowledge of it - .--!. Do not delay this all-Important feat are of your home life. . The opportunity la here. It la begging at your door. It Will not come every day. The tlmea era good. Every man ia at work,' and his work Is paying him. Any one who wanta to can raise IS cash, and thai ia all It takee to hava a fine new piano In -your bom during this great Eilera Co-oper ative Club sale. . Come In end see these pianos, or write us for circular and particulars. Don't put It off. Thla Is the greatest co-operative sal aver held. If you will ' Inveot la-ate. you will fln-i that we can save you from I7& to li if you buy on the co-operative plan, an! still by Joining pub J'A" you can buy upon oeDosita of aa little a t& down- and I1.J5 a week. Club "H" It tlH still open for membership; terms, I7.6t down and Il.tO a week, and a savins of an average of. from to l7 per pU. a no. Ellera Piano House, It! .Washing ton street, fortiana, ur. largest, lead ing and moat reliable piano concern on the Coast. the payment of Individual duea at th T. W. C. A. office, Sixth and Oak streets. . Rev. E. B. Cta of Spokane haa sent to ths association a letter' which ahows the need of Independent local work on the part of the society,. BULLET JUST MISSES I U MANAGER WORTHINGTON v.,--.-. .. , , , r- ' B. A. Worthlngtort, general manager ' of the Oregon Railroad de Navigation company, escaped a leaden missile, .13- ; calibre, by about II Inches th other day while traveling near Welser. Idaho.1 Mr. Worthlngton 'was dining and tha'' train was moving near tha new bridge over th Welser river, whan some boys In the vicinity , of the railroad track fired at tha private car. .The bullet crashed through the window nearest the general manager, missed him by a nar row margin and smashed a glsss oo tha table. .....'.,.-, , - - .......) The company's detectives are' making an effort to locate th boy who did the booting. Mr. Worthington In on his way to Chicago to bring bis family to Portland. , .-:,'":.' --'..'' ., ' " Bar It ,Te tat far XerrUUs, , MERPICIDiE' "kflU th BagtdijtsT Is M wrest f the peklla t realist tk aanser ef seka-t. Newhra's Harplwds Soa Itrrdr gaatrors tk ntadraff Bilrrate; tfapt fainng hair pratM-u the snalp asalM nasraetleB. A oellshtral kair srassina, gtafM Itrhlnf Instantlr. 114 Ivombm atva- Mrilj preves ira aonqiliw, a.TS rear Salf wkll yea has hair y