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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1905)
ITlT'tNtTO PARCH 7."18C3: BARTER CHANGES COMFUP Special, Tax Levy for Building Bridges Elsewhere Than f Across the Willamette Raitet Question Whether' Districts .'or -V-;'. the Whole City Shall Fjay STREET RAfLWAY SECTION This Error the.Voters Will Have Opportunity' to " Rectify-Change 7 - Perrpits Connections Between Lines,' Taxation, .Municipal ' "-"Court "Clerk's Salary i if The various' amendments proposed byi -the' legislature-ta the charter of.'uie titr of Portland, Which arrto ,be, voted iipon by the people of thla city at the election in June. nre given aherewlth: Mouse bill No. I.' By aectlon 1 It t proponed to add to the cltr limit the v; territory between Portland and Bt..Johne ; and. the question aubmltted to the people under this aectlon la aa followa: ''.- Shall aectlon II-of the, charter of the . city of Portland be amended to Include ,r within the city territory between Port . land and 8t JohnaTv ( . The second section of thla bill pro poses to add to the city all of section 1 C, township 1. south of ranee I, east of the Willamette meridian, being .444 acres of land between Bunnyalde and Mount Tabor. This would make the eastern boundary of the-city 'limits of Portland along what-is known as Wast . avenue; It "is provided, however, that nothing In th act, or amendment shall ' be construed to change the boundary of school districts Nos. S- and 44, or to make the territory added to the elty . of Portland by said amendment .a part . of school district No.' 1 of Multnomah -' county. '-The question submitted by this amendment Is as followa: " Shall section IS of the charter of the city of Portland be -amended to Include within the city1 the terrttorjJbetween Portland and Mount Tabort .Y'-r Section I of this, bill -la to amend rectlon 114 of the charter and provides . for an annual levy, in addition ts the taxes now authorised, of -a' special tax not exceeding two mills -mi each dollar of valuation of property, for the purpose of' paying for the "construction - of bridges In ths city. This fund Is to be '. used only for the purpose of psylng for "the, construction of bridges elsewhere than across ths Willamette river, the estimated cost of which shall not be - i less than Ha.80 each, arid for the pur- pose of psylng for anybiidge or bridges not across the Willamette .river which - were - constructed - in . and y the - city during the yesr 104. or which are now 7 under course 'of "construction under eon- ' tract with the . city and which have 'not 1 been paid for prior to January 1. 1141. Thla provision dees not -Include ele ' vated roadways," tramways 4 or any " structures other - than bridges . across gulches and ravines. Ths amendment further provides that . all proceedings towards the assessment or collection of special assessment upon property within the several districts described aa being benefited by bridges constructed during the year 104. or which are under course of construction ss above described, until th 18th day of June. 10S. be held in abeyance, anil " If the act la approved by the people, shall be permanently discontinued and such bridges shall be paid for out of thla special bridge fund. The law fur ther provides that the city shall pay out of the general fund, or .after said special Us has been collected out or - that. fund. Interest at the legal rate upon alt moneys due upon contracts for the construction of bridges built by the flty during the year 104. or. which - are under -course of construction. The law' further provides that - the atreet railway companies shall, not be released from their liability to pay their share of the cost . of construction of such . bridges aa provided by ' the ordinances or franchises of the city: This amend ment' Is submitted to the. people under thla question: .-t i Shall section 114 of the charter of the city, of Portland be amended taxing whole el.tyXor bridges? - . -- --- - -- In order thst 'this amendment may be "thoroughly 'understood. It will be observed that th Srat .money created by thla fund is to pay for bridges con- . struct ed during ths year 104, ,or under course of construction. The valuation -f-th property of tha city of Portland la in round numbers. 1(0.404.000. . A P nO UC11UUUVH1. , vwa.wuw. ..... , delinquency Is generally estimated at per cent or - thereabouts,, there would be raised, by this levy on - the basis 'of ' the assessment for this year, not to exceed 1 10.(U)0. The following bridges have been , constructed or are under conatructlon: . - ' " First atreet bridge, accepted Septem ber IS. 104; for the sum of fS.SS4.10-, ,snd under the . law aa proposed this amount) will draw Interest from Jthat "date at the rate of per cent per-an-.' rum, amounting to $3,004. making the cost of this bridge in round numbers about SM.OO0. -- - t : - - , The Thurman street bridge was pre sented to the executive board for ac ceptance n-the JOth day of January. '. 104. for tha sum of l4.8.H. Adding Interest, to this would., make the cost of this bridge approximately $14,000. Ths rront. street bridge la now under 'construction and 'the contract price of - ' c-r?:3 cauzs rrci:;..u smis O REST, no sleep. Itch, itch. Itch. scratching until ths under uo b cornea loflamed. sort gnd bleeding. M' by fklBtltk' TWeraiest' wftt fW tee ngrrlag little aa laataat relief s4 sloes. sn4 reui ts rmirn ears. Maliltwlee ef wanes Mr Harass aaa ae eqaal tar eh all of. Irrita Una. eruption. Stidr. tMa kalr, srl4 seas. $lr4leM. aatleMk. aVenrlalea. (raaraal. Breath ef rise Sslsast li fcvery Cskt." laras 3Se. eakes; cakes SHe. dreesiats. fnv mtaMtatas. - Ji soap Is Bedlratsd Pka Maauiartared bv fjfla Ra aWlalttn Orv. ark. N. i. Tate sethtag wttaoat tale basaeui vroosAJto, euin1 Pewrtk i : NEXT JUNE for That Work. : OMITTED FROM ; CHARTER and Other Matters. ' - , the same is IH.lll. - Judged by the ex peiience with other bridges, theicost of this bridge will exceed the contract price not less, than- $10,000. . - : ."-. ',. -It would therefore appear that 'in 6r der to pay for the brldgea ' now being constructed and ' under construction, st the very least, $14.00 would have to be raised, which would not only absorb all of the taxes raised by the two mU) Jevy for the year 104, if -the law is adopted, but' more thsn one half of the, taxes that would be raised under this law in 107. ... .... !' -. '--. - v. Tha Important feature therefore of thia amendment in whether or hot. the cost of bridges which were Inaugurated and contracted for under tha charter by districts shall be paid for Jy the whole city or .by the districts aa originally laid out. ' V House-bill No. $0$ contains the-otber proposed amendmenta to ths charter. -' The first amendment is to section ids and la f pr ths purpose of allowing street railways to make connections be tween their lines not exceeding 1,300 feet la length, where the connection la madt to shorten or make more convenient the operation of the .raUways Any-such grant Jy tha council is suoject to ine terms and provisions of the franchises onder which such railway la operated and upon such further conditions and terms aa the1 council may prescribe. This Is the section that by mistake was omitted from the presenUcharter and Is Intended' to provide a means by-which dangerous congeatlon on streets may be avoided, . such as now exists on-First street. The question to be submitted under this amendment Is as follows: ' Shall section 105 of the charter of the city of Portland be amended T , (Street railway franchise). 1 v '- . Section S of the act amends' section Hi and relates to the deposit of the .city moneys "W "banks by the city treasurer and the effect of It la. to do away with the giving of surety bands and provides that the securities lb treaswrerican take shall be either bonds of the city of Port land at their face value, or bonds of sny city, county municipality or school dis trict within the state of Oregon, or wen recognised railroad or . atreet railway bonds, the Interest upon which, has not been In default for a period of six years prior to the offering of such bonds as se curity and the market value of which Is such that tha nst rsturna from the bond Is not greater than I per cent per annum. Where bonds other than city bonds? -are offered the market value at all times shall not be less than one and one fourth' times the amount of the city deposits in the bank or banks. Tb question to be submitted to the . people under this amendment Is las follows: " Shall section 33 of the charter of the city of Portland be amended? (Security j for city funds), i ,...v-- : -T Section $ is to amend section 331 of the charter. ' The' amendment proposed is to authorise the municipal judge In stead of the executive board to appoint a clerk of the police court, who shall hold office during the pleasure of the munici pal judge, and provides that this clerk shall not be - subject to civil service rules.. . It further proposes to raise his salary from $7$ to $100 per month and makes the council inatead of the execu tive tha body to approve his bond. The question submitted under this amend ment la aa followa: . Shall section 331 of the charter of the city of Portland be amcndedT (Appoint ment and salary of a clerk of the munici pal court). . - . ' Section i proposes to - amend ' section 407 .of-the charter by .providing that delinquencies on assessments shall bear a penalty of It per cent' Instead of 4 per cent. As . the charter now i stands any one ' may contest an assessment, the only Density being Interest at the legal rate or per cent, which has a tendency to "- imgatlfrn Instead he question on this amendment Is as follows: - . . Shall section 407 of the charter of the elty of Portland be amended? . (Penalty on delinquent assessment). . .. : The amendments to sections 34, 36 and 40S are to be voted on together, the amendments being the ones -doing away with advertising the asaeaament for street work and providing for the sending of notices to property holders. The question submitted , under this amendment la as follows: ' Shall eectitfns 34. 31 and 40$ of the charters of tha city of Portland bt amended? ..(Decreasing cost of advertis ing). - . 4 ,. ... , TO VISIT A BVOaTBSS, w'- (Joaraal Special Berrke.) 1 New" York. March- 7. Mrs. Ogden Ooelet sailed today for England ts spend the summer with her daughter, the Duchess, of Roxburgh. - CJcdo Ucr Young n AIRHSJ A tTH al vara mmtmtm eoiur aad eaaty f rnarh to (ray aalr. Stops hair fall- as. - roaiiieaiy - renoree Mni, biiis tea seraa. slakee hair anft. glaasr, lajnrtaac AMed hy HaRFlNA MA anotbee sad heals, seatrays aileroDea. stops Itrhlna and jpra BMtea Am kalr gmwtb. Mrs: Mason, Nst Ullbarga, W. Va., ears of Bay's HAIR HEALTH 7111 laelaawd $1TB fee sis hattlee RAIR, nKALTH. Am aVIIgkted with nottla eest ae. Betas ao xeaac. It almost killed nae to have . kalr settiag wklte.leeg before I a ss n!4 wamsa: set, tbabka to HAID. HEALTH, ae era kalrs eaa ba (sand la aw bead. Ham ant seed all ef eae bottle." Lars ftue. bottles, draggnMs'. Take Both, lag wltboat Pklle Bay Oa. slgaatara. Sirs this, take te-aar ef rallearlsc drag. glais, aad set Me. bottla Balrkealtk aad tAo. eaka Hardna goas. eaedlrated. kntk for Bne. rraalar arlp Tae.i or seat by Pklle Hay Oa., Jtewark. N. J., prepaid, for enr. and thla ad. rrea snap not gives ky drarslat wltboat UU eailra adv. aad tOe. foe Ualrbcalta. , Kssm............ Adllf III iiiiiiilnnn-l T T ----- roosAAO. cntABsra a CO, .... aad wasaiadrto. .. roartt WANTS KOJODDERY " ON THIS OSIDGE asaBSSasssWSBBBMSssawaBBl V County Court Will Have Repairs Made. Soon on Burnside '-. Street Structure. . - EXTRAS BARRED BY THE V CAREFUL COMMISSIONERS Bids: Will State What Is Needed, "and Nothing Else Will Be ?t-:v; Paid For." " " In a few days the county court will advertise for bids for rebuilding the ap proaches to the Burnside street bridge. and making, repairs that will cost sev eral thousand ' dollars,' Specifications are now In the hands of the commis sioner and a contract will be let as aoon as sufficient time, shall' have been allowed to contractors to prepare their oathnatea and submit "bids. - In ths con tract will be a clause Imposing a pen alty, for) every days delay beyond the Mime specified : for .completion of. the work. i ' '. .. .' . J" ' ' . ' . . i . . k... hrir re pairs completed before the Lewis and Clark exposition Is opened; The com missioners are endeavoring , to arrange so as to' put the publlo to as little in convenience as possible, and tha speci fications are. made to cover all contin gencies of delay, or .question ss to op position of material.. It la also stlpu-' la ted that materials -no usa win be paid for. by the .county. At. the proper period In - the . prosecution of the work the contractor 1 to allow tha county or the street car company to relay the. rails. Wood blocks are to be used in paving the bridge. The specifi cations provlds for the following work: Building a retaining wau ira street about 3 feet east irora -ront street and another about 100 feet oast from East Second street. . , A Planking the roadway and. sidewalks, supported by earth fills, between - the wall and the present , end of tha trestle adjacent thereto,.- ; '. ; s,-- j - Rebuilding and redecking the ap proach on the weat side, between the wall and the fixed span, and, on the east side between the -wall and a point 30 feet east of East. Second street. ' Renewing the decking of the road way and sidewalks oa the remainder of the east side -approach. ' - . Redecking the sidewalks on the draw and the iron spans. . - Judging from the terms onh spec ifications, no question will - arise be tween the commissioners and tha con tractor as to extras,- inasmuch aa dis cretion ts retained oy in -commissioners ss to quality and coat In a manner to obviate any ".of the disagreements that were Incident to the work on the Morrison street bridge.- 1 "..Yellow. fir lumber must be used, cut from trees recently felled; preservatives MNN nun lw mwm ,v " faction of the county court; the con tractor must employ all tha men who can work conveniently on the struc ture- and If it be apparent that the work can bo done In less time than la specified In the contract, such lessen ing of time must be - aseompllahed by the contractor; delay in beginning work shall be accounted as subject to the same penalty forfeit aa failure to com plete the work within tha time specified, and ne extras are to be allowed unless a written order bo secured from tb commissioners. ; . - , ' SCHOOL EXHIBITS . WILL BE ELABORATE State 1 Installation Committee Making Preparation for.' - T ' Its Great Display. -' The Installation ' committee of the Lewis and Clark state commission, oon slsttng of Frank - sV- Spencer,-W.- S. Thomaa and- J. H. Albert, mat Saturday night for the purpoae of .conaideiing the Diana of R. r. Robinson xor ins tail ing the state school exhibits. The dis play wllf occupy 4,000 square feet of space In the oriental and educational buildlns. which was rormeny Known i Ithn finrlgir-rhlMtg tmlMlfg ' ""I half of this space -will be occupied by the publlo schools, one quarter by the state eduoational Institutions, and the remain lng quarter by private' Institutions, ! The space ia none too large and much more room could be used to advantage. as private Institutions will have a very elaborate display, and every Inch of the space allotted to them will be taken. 1 K. p. Robinson, supervisor . of the ed ucational exhibit, ia receiving encourag ing reports from all over the state. In majiy localities there la much enthusi asm, and elaborate dlsplsys will be made. The teachers of Multnomah county are. attempting to make theirs the banner exhibit of the state. . Exhibit cabinets In which tha displayi will be Installed are being manufactured by local cabinet makers, and contain swinging leaves 'so ss to increase the wall space for the display of flat exhib its. By use of this plan a space of eight feet on the wall can be made to accom modate 141 feet of display work. , . CHINESE MISSION V ; WILL. ENTERTAIN The United Brethren Chinese mission of this elty wilt give an entertainment at Shlvely'a hall, Oregon City, tomorrow evening at 3 o'clock. The mission is in charge of Rev. Moy Ling, superintend ent, end Miss Alios Bow an, accompanist Tb following program Will be rendered: Song, "Rock of Agn," by choir; prayer; quartet "Levee." W: Lai, Oeorge-Tom, Ha B. Moy, William tlon. "Old Shoes," Frank Ling; vocal solo, "If I Rut Knew." W. B. Moy; recitation, "Mr. Jonathan Smith," Moy Tork Won; song. "I Don't Want to Play In Tour Yard." Orsc and Bertha Ling; dialogue, "The Englishman and tha Innkeeper," Moy York Won, W, C. Moy; piano duet. "Marche des Pomplere," Miss Bowen end Rose Ling; dialogue. "Johnny and the Teacher," Bertha and Frank Ling; duet, "Love'a Awakening." W. B. Moy, William Lair recitation. "Trust," W. C. Moy; vocal solo. "Uttle Dolly Driftwood," Rose Ling; dialogue,- "Double Play," Henry Moy Chee. William Lai. W. B. Moy and Harry Ding; recitation,' "Brier Rose." Rose Ling; vocal solo, "Rork-a-Bye Baby." Qrace Ling; recitation, "Mr. Perklna of Portland." Hurry Ling; vocal solo, "Out on the Deep," William Lai; dialogue. "Changing Hervanta." W. ,B. Moy.. Harry i Ding. George Tom and Harry Ling; quartet, "Bulldog.? W..B. Moy, George Tom, H, Dtng. William Lai; dialogue, 'Tarslua and Brututi." W. B. Moy. William 11; vocal solo. "Ball Ho." Harry Ding; recitation, "How. He Saved St. .Michael.". W. B. Moy; song, "Seeking tha Lost" by the choir. , - , i ... ' - '. " '- . ;. f' JATIOil'S (MTOIIS COniuG TO FAIR Visit of Dn Edgar P. Hill to the East Has Been Very ,'. : Fruitful. CONGRESS WILL' J8E . SUCCESSFUL FEATURE ft Interesting Interview With Port land Preacher In the New V-; ' York Evening Post ; Blshon Potter , of Newt Tork will speak at the congresses to be held dur ing the Lewis and Clark fair. . Prof. Felix Adler also may coma He has promised to do so If It Is .possible. These distinguished men , were : ap proached by Rev.. E. P. Hill of the First Presbyterian church, who has had excellent success on his eastern trip In securing representative peopla to speak at the congreased. Dr. , HU) will re turn to Portland within a few days. Concerning , his .work in ths esst Mr. Hill gave the following interview to the New .Tork Evening Post: Ths Rev. Sdgar P. Hiu. v.v.. or -orx- land, Or member of the committee On congresses at the Lewis and Clark ex position, is In ths city and talks en couragingly of the coming educational meeting -to. be held in connection with the congress. Hs said today: "Expositions are like catnearais. There Is a certain sameness. In that all ara expositions. But each has its definite significance and its unique fas cinations. The man who-, has never k raised the sea might easily make the blunder of saying. .'When one has seen Bt, Paul's or Cologne or St. stars s ns has keen tha rest. The returned trav eler knows . better. When - one naa studied the historic associations and architectural - aplendors of three such magnificent piles, hta appetite la only whetted for . the others. . ' , sjattbMf TDxlvaled. ".' ' Tha " Lewis and Clark exposition, which opens In Portland, Or., next June, will have such . a setting as no other ever has enjoyed. The river scenery of the Columbia is unequsled, perhaps, In America. Mt St. Helena, Mt. Hood, Mt Rainier will be In full ' view. ' July and August in the Pacific northwest are about like May and June -in the east. One of the unique features of the Xrfwls and Clark exposition will be the con gresses to be held during tha months ef July- end AugusLJJ usej the word unique advisedly,. There - have been congresses before. These, however, win not be gatherings lor too exenanse v expert opinion. ' They will be a. splen did ministry to a great -empire. . "Borne of your choicest men la the east are being secured to go to 'the coast to confer with worsen there upon certain specified topics, with the Idea that Just now. when things are plastic, some permanent -Impression may- be mad. -, , . : . '' t- ' Ores adaoatora Coming. "There will be a greet educational congress. Such men as ' Howard J. Rogers of Albany, Dean Russell of the Teachers' college, this city, , Frederick B. Pratt of Brooklyn and Commissioner Harris of Washington are giving the matter their hearty co-operation. There wiO be a con frees on capital and la- I bor, and Mr. Ralph lav- nausiey. see re Mary of the National Civic fedoraUon. ia arranging a program, wnicn it ia hoped will help the people of the coast In avoiding some of tha costly blunders tb older communities have had to suf fer. v ' .- ' . . ' "There will also be a clvio conference. Pelegates from tha different oosst cities and towns wUl be present to hear dis cussions on the problems which pertain to tha government of cities. Clinton Rogers Woodruff, secretary of the Na tional Municipal league, ia assisting la arranging a program for this Important conference. Commissioner James R. Garfield has signified his Intention to participate In this congress. If bis of ficial duties will permit ,. . . aad the tMesrt. "Perhaps the most widely Interesting of tha congresses will be the ona on the relation of America to the orient Presi dent Roosevelt has given his enthusias tic approval to the plan. Secretary Taf has expressed his. desire to be present and take part in the exercises. Sena tor Joseph B. Foraker has also accepted an InvltaUow to be present Dr. Arthur j. Brown of New Tork. secretary of the Presbyterian board of foreign. mis sions. Is deeply Interested la this con gress, and will deliver ona of tha ad dresses. Dr. Joslah Strong told ma that In his' lodgment not one person In a million begins to appreciate the sig nificance ef the orient In It relation to America and tha world. , aula Opening. . "Eastern people', may be Interested In knowing what arrangements tha direc tors of tha exposition have made aa re gards . tha Sunday question. The of ficial announcement ia aa follows: The gates. will be closed until II o'clock noon; 'during the afternoon the gates will be open; the Trail (which answers to tha Midwsy or Pike) will be closed during the entire day; tha machinery will not be In operation: special atten tion will be given, to music, the educa tional features of the exposition and re ligious exercises; preachers of national reputation ara being secured to speak. It is the purpose of the directors to al low nothing, to be dona within the grounds . on the Sabbath that ahnll be out of harmony with the sacredness qf the. day."".,.. - -;.,-;. "PUSaiN BOOTS" SUNG- BY CLEVER CHOIR BOYS Thirteen. Protestant choir boys Episcopal of St. David's church, Eaat Nervous Disorders include all affections df the - brain, aplnal cord and nerves; they embrace head troubles, auch aa Dlsxiness, Dull ness, Headache, Fits, Blues, Melan choly and Insanity. " . Also Backache, Neuralgia. St. Vitus' Dance. KdIIcdsv. and all disorders aris ing from a weakness of the nerves of any organ or part, as 'Wear Lungs, Heart, Htoraarh, Kidney. Bladder, eta The nerve) furnish energy that keepa In motion every organ of the body. If you have any of these ailments your nerves are affected, and you need Dr. kileV ; Restorative Nervine because It reconstructs worn-out serve tissue, la a refreshing, revitalising tonlo food-medicine, prepared especially, to re build the-worn-out nerves. I "My son, when ITyears old, hsd'epl lensyt eould not attend school. Follow ing the failure of physicians to cure him. we gave Dr. Miles' Nervine, and Nerve and Liver Pills. In ten months hs regained perfect health. J. B. W1L- SON. Dep. Co. rierk. Dallas Co.. Mo. Money. tack-U benefit fl'rst- bottle falls to PLAGUE OF THENIQHT Keeps Thousands . of-1 People In - Portland Awake. 1 ?' Keeps yoq awake; can't -styP a-wlnk. ma enougn li you.itji your nm Rut lt'a harder still to bear at work. Breeda misery by day, profanity by Dignc -i . , Kniw what It 1st ' ' The bane of all classes of people itching pileaT Itch. Itch. itch. Nearly drive you crasy. ' Hard to bear,-hard to walk, hard to sit down. .. "... Itching away, In any position, any lime. - Don'l stand It anv lonaer. - J There's relief for every on) prompt ana permanent. - Doan'a Ointment rellevea at once. ' Doan'a Ointment cures permanently. Piles, ecseroa and all skin diseases. Read what a local citiaen says:, ' . c- ... . ' Jacob Hessong, brick mason,-who re sides st the -corner or fcast xweniy lahth and Kellv avenue, aavs: ''I had itching hemorrhoida for two Or three years snd suffered severely particularly during hot weather, and at night they worried me ad I could not sleep. When I read about Doan'a Ointment I got a box at the Laue-Davla Drug C'o.'s store, corner of TnmhUl and Third atreeta, and It gave me more benefit than any other preparation I ever used. , I wish its wonderful curative 'powers were known to every one who needa a oure for the ailments for which tha use of Doan's Ointment is inaicaiea." - - .rr m1- hV all '.'dealers. nrlco S4 cents. Foster-MUburn Company, Buf falo, N. .T, sole agents for, the United Remember the nam ' DOAN'S and take no substitute. '. .- : Teeth Free All This Week Boston Pclnless Dentists Ara cutting prices again, ' and now is the chance of .a lifetime to have your dental work dona.. by these world-re nowned speclaXista. at low prices. TEETHl: 01" rwutj AU This Week Free t Eztractins - Examination Silver 'Tllllngs ....... .35 and 50at Gold nilnga... 75g and fl.OO 13.00 and 110.00 Gold ' - Crowna -rf 3.00 to f S.OO 1.00 and xo.o eets or , Teeth. ........ ... f 3.00 to 910.00 Come In at once and. take advantage of low rates. "All work guaranteed tor 1 years, aad dona by our painless sya tern, known and used only by :. BostonPalnless Dentists - ' fm stomKiaov Op Kalar JTxaak aad OM rostofttoa. ' Hours :10 a. ra. to p. m. Sunday. 1:10 a. m. to i:i p. m. Ba gnza yea are ta the You are invited 1 AH loer of good music ara Invited to be present every evening; this week (Sunday ex cepted) to hear ,. J. - - t Ttie -. Royal 4:;. 'I )l 1 Hungarian Orchestra . In the Hotel Portland Turkish finished room, the .. ; : ' ; v ('.') lthk'cller''' y; '-. v AH kinds of seasonable deli cacies and refreshments at mod erate prices. -... V ' The Portland Hotel H. C BOWERS, Manager, r Twelfth and Morrison streets, sang the humorous operetta, "Puss la Boots," last night in the pariah bouse. Tb enter talnment was given under the direction of Frederick W. Goodrich, choir master, assisted by D. B. Mackle. baritone, and Miss xavida Barn ass, who gave a Bosn ian dance ana tne .nigniano ning. Mr. Mackle sang -The Owl and de. Moon" and "Drill. To Tarrlers. Drill." . Mr. m m asm S 1 v Men's Sliirts ' In soft and stiff, new spring ;. . . patterns, for. .1.00 . Others. :-.-v.4...i-ii ..BOd) - and '1:1 Men's Shoes New spring styles. In black and tan.' t from to aa little as. .... .fl.50 Our 93. SO Shops look and wear Ilk $(.0 shoe. The Only $3 Hat u Tho Welch 7 ' Others tor $250, $2.00, $ 1. 50 and $1.00 V J S i - '.-'. Every SUtercnt Here t, v ' ' V 4'7!r: .... . V-. v - ' . Gentleman j ,.,;.v. .: -,...-;. ..''.- H-vi'V- r -The- B. Ok P. Special at if f , , $3.50. ' aJl the le-wling '" " ,'. ..." .." V' . f.V shapes, both ih 80ft batav Buffum & Pendleton ;3li Morrison Street Qothiers, Hatters and Furnishers .'i,ltLJ...:. 'i',!v; Sl - mx M I ' I V NO RISKS H3RB IWe Coaraiiteo to Fit th Goodrich ' played the accompaniments. "Puss In Boots' is a two-act operetta, tha libretto of which " waa written' by Louts Tlsdale and the musla by-O. Huntley; much of -the scenery was painted by Mrs. Mayes Shaw. , Jacob Entler waa .king of Oregonia and ITank Herbert was court chamber-1 lain. Reuben waa aung by Ralph Bhaw, Randolph-by Archie Shaw, Rupert by Clyde Phillips, Puss In Boots by Nor man Eapey, the Ogr by Handel Evans, New Airivds for Spring In Men's. Tooths' and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings. If It's hew. If It's style or If It's good, you'll find It her, and. every article that goes from our store 1s becked by our guarantee, which means that if It Is not satisfactory 't your money back.; . 'y.v j ...- ' -jy New Spring' Suits for Men ; ' w will ahow tha men a' new line of the spring's ' latest In Men's Suits. Hand-tailored. . band-mads' buttonholes, padded shoulders, all tha latest mis ' tores, serga lined, every suit bears cur stamp and guarantee. We , . ' .bought these suiu to sell: for lli.00 and 1 14:00, hut w have 17 Cf decided to sell them at .....w..... .sPIaVafJU Other lines for.. ..-.$25.00 f20.00 $16.00 S9.75 $7.48 fi, ; vf" lUndenvear Bargalns - ; - f Men' maco, pink. blue, whiu and tan Underwear for...... ...... .,....,,50 ' ' J : ' Mn's ' Soc?':""- i "Plain and fancy, pair 15f; 1 palra.TiT J. .... . ; . . . . .. . .S5w Extra fin plain and fancy Box, more Ilk lOe hose, for............ 264. Boys Spring Suits The kind made to wear and satisfy both the boy and par ents. . U ..-----r-----r Knee Pants Suits, 10 to ae .' - little as ..................... 91.S0 Long Pants Bolts. 14 to 10 years, 111.00 to as llttU SS..........S5.0O I n Absolutely Trco On s 4: -t 1 - ' - atiff and .'.$ ! J:: t - , ; . t i. . -p r , I ETth. h.bitotuiint-H M WW al VaTwM ae.saaaa fnArlaMf Wm am aa ., aaaaeae e ww sswatww anvw sarw Va i--, so. The kind of wood we' seU U easily kindled and elves fulll beat vain. Try us witn an oracr. OANFIELD-VEYSEYI PtcseKii3S3 ? -iO ?.;0 Tfcird $t CIUtAT CARE TAltCW- Most Complicated Out, Is ' , ,i the Ogre's secretary by Howard Doane.1 the courtier by Talcott Reed, the aer-l vant by Paul En tier and the three mil- Jars by Oarrand Wyld. -Valentin Brown I and Charles Herbert. The entertainment . wilL b repeated I tonight 4 - aV Craajaatesd Oar tog Mas. taahlais. kHad. blaadtaar a wliedla raw drasslat will rraad mo 7 it Paae Ola. I saaa falla w ears Tom la S to le says. 1 r . i ( 4