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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1905)
t::u ' ct-zzu dailv jct:iAL. - Portland, Tuesday evening, uahcii x is: 'fV '" vs. -rv f '. ' "-r--.-, J nu r a. - l - t o chmcpt. $ imJC v L- "a. r PAlKlA4i. r. p. - AM. w4 thiko at. BBTWEE4 1AYLOB AND SALMON. l"r- BLABB BOOB UMMVtAOTVMXMM. HOWE, PATH KILHAM, 108-111 Seeoad at Blank nook naanfactimra; sgaata for Jobs Improved Loan e-Loaf leeri papec-rallag, bookbinding. . CABJUAOI ABB BACK OOMPABTXS. THB UNITED CARRIAGE CO. Carriage. tally-ho rlra and Terry-all. 188 Eleventh at. , eer. ttorrieoa. room Maia us. eXOOXXBT AXD BLAUWAXX. WHOLESALE crockery and frtaeeware. Praat, ? Baal A Co.. 100 te 10B Filth, aor, Stark at. CLAIXYOTAJfT ABB FAXJOST. MADAMB JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, pelmlet, v card reader: 1 ' glv (acta reliable aa4 tm , .. portent on atl affair at raal Ufa. Bsa41ag too. M Ssveate at.. Mar Oak. clxabtn a abb fbxssl.0. HA VK your rioters claaaed. paired by Mr. Wharton: 1 ad. prnaaid aad re i ladles and gsntls Irat pkona lied 310&. . men a eperialty, 1481 First phone ' CHUtEXT WSCT.'' LOOK OUT FOB riBB! ; ' ' PRACTICAL CH1MNET 8WKBP. r . D. O. WOOD, Baa. phoa Scott $884. Leave order at Aewry At Co. hardware atom, 1 : " 88 Tlrd at., phone Mala 18TB. . ' , CBBSBT OTMTBOTOBjkV . v CHAS. H. CARTER covenant contractor, MB Bant Tweatleth at. Phone East 1878. All work guaranteed. cownsBio xzmoHAjrn. BTERDINO A FARBBLL. prodaot aad lira ill , (loa asnrehaata. 140 Front at., Portland. Or. " Phone Mate I7t. - ' H OAinSTBU AND STrnSZUL.. A. J. AUTHORS aad H. B, WOOD, aaranwter A Sanders: renslrina aad fobblnti atora . .aad office Sxteret built. She BOB CelaakkU. " Pkoaa--cia 11B1. . ... . - v . J. it. HOUBTON. kalMrr. RM Mnrrlaoa: plrna frama- or btlrk bolMiimr roatraota tana fullr folflllad; tborouaa work, low prteeoi akrtrbaa fraa. . ... , vt... , ... Borr A TTBBN. boUdta and RnotUut . Brtarea apaaUlt. , tM Plrat at. Pkoaa r Cla M4. - 1 . ) CXwAXl AJTD TOBAOOO. KCBBB04UNST CIOAB CO. - . Dlatrlbatora ut ' t,...-. . Portland, CATXB. kBICKSON S RtSTAUBANT M.rata kuafe 11 a. Bk to II a. b.i aadar aw BaaaianMnt. - V. m. iTAnc, arop. THB ornCB BH Waaalawtea at.. TTI. PMiatt At Tlrntu. tllTBBaTATJBtt. ' SHIRTWAIST!: wool rak illk. mada ' for 1.38: ablrtwalat aolta SS.A0. .U Eaat Mar it. .Paoaa Kaat AMI. - . - . , kEIBTtiR'B Iddlea Talktrln Collc; pat. . Iffm rut to naaanra, . AUakj kail loO. . s..Mrrlaoa .-- -, .f ....... . - r. . m- , MRB. MeKtRBBNi artkrtta draas aad - aMkins. HI Morrtoaa a. , DREfflMAKIKO-Btrlctlr to data; : .-dcalcax ARB Clar a. . xmnra Aim cuujrar. , PORTLAND BTBAM CUtAMINO DTBIBO Warka) praetleal kattcr In aonneellaai faatkar kaaa aad alaaMa claaaod aad earladkr aa Ba sil roarta. raoaa uij iw. CLOTHES rnrd and prw4 BwatB, .T Ualqaa TallorlnaT Ca -Xt WaaMnftaa- at, B. W. TTRNEK. Broraaatoaal drarand. Uaaaar. (08 Jaffaraoa at, Pkona Mala SMB. DOS AJTS KOXBX aTOIPTTAI. dr. c a. brown: d. t. b.. d. a ji. o. bono koapltal. BOS Waaa. Pboaaa Claj I R. Eaat B&3a. , -, - DB. S. J. CARMBTn. aal . aoca. rraovcd a MB OUaaa aU not. foartk aad ntth ata. XLEOTmlCAX WORXI. FACI riO , ELECTRIC CO. Enirlaaara, eea tractora,- rtfpalrwa, alartrto wlrlat aad nap. pllea. M Vlrat, aor. . Stark, rboaa Mala V. B. a. Tata.- bjt. 'f yORTaWEBT ELECTRICAL XNQIH ESKIMO Conpanr. BOB Surk at.. Portland. K. for varrtkfnf ia taa aluUUal Baa, . Paa 1 Mala 18. . rarurcuL. CHANCE t Mlo non I neon Vrtn pran t artr parlnit nt S par cant an 843. 00B aaa ba ad for AM.aOO. Lock ko BOB, attr. tuBjrmrmB taotorxeb. . ORECON mraltara MasafactartaBCaaipaap Manvfactarara at faraltara for tka trada. . ..r Partlaad. Or. . ..- ' -1. , rURNITURB aMunrnctarlajr aad apodal ardara. L. Knaaaakr'a faraltara fictary. B0 Prant at. V htbbacks. " ' BOTNTON warm -air faruacaa aara fneL ' t. C r Barar ramaea Caapanr, 8M Saaaad M. Mala s 1 ' rORXIT BX8ZXTX SOBIT. 'rOREBT BESEBTS SCRIP. POB SALS Ap. pmrd, anraatrlctad, raadr for Imawdlata aaai bwaat Prteaa. a P. it.. Bilay. no ' Ckaaibaf of Oinaaiwa. ' BBOCBXB. ' WADHAM8 A CO., WttolauU froearn, niaa factarara aad aaaiaMaaloa auraaanaa. VaarU aad Oak ata.'. - . , AXLBN A LEWIS, coaimtaatoa ndpradaca bm abaata. rraat and Darw rot, rwuawa, w. tnmA BLAIB BOLLS. J. . BORO. maafr. kamaa kalr rolla. B. Btb. Phan Eaat BUI. Btora. MB Mud won aa. SWITCHES FOB SAX.-- " SWITCHES mada, Mon boolit or amd ta B4 S. .TWairtB l. rmotm mmwm juv. aOTXLSk ' " HOTEL Paadlataa, Paadlatoa. Or. T. W. Watte, , Mat... , - . HOTEL Partlaad. Aawrkaa plaat W, 88 par dap. HOTEL gt. Ororga. Paadlatoal laaalaB kaart. BELVEDERBt Baropaaa plaai tk aad AMar ata. '' IBSTfBABOB. afahaaaaaaakaWBaBBr LAMBERT, WHITHER CO. Fir taanraMa , . aad raal aatata, aarcaaaora to Artkar Wllaoa Co.; ofOcea. wrat aid. 10T-10B Sbarlock i- bldi.. Main 1008: eaat alia dept., .404, Boat Aloer (Cltlaana' bank). Eaat 4B1. ,. ISAAC L. WHITS. Br SOS Dakaa) JA8. Mr!.-WOOD, amployam llabtlltr4 la : dlrldaal aaxinVar oaroty bo da of aB kiada, ' Pbona 47. BuB M-Kar aldd. ." B. P. BARTEL8 CO MP A NT Pirn teaaraaca. 4tt Bhrlok bid. Or-oa Pkona Clay kaa AB)BBTlb HlVaUBS. POR BMawtle kaallag, conanlt P. B. Walkar, wh dlaaanaaa rour dlaoao fr; alao S1 traara rmdlaaa tar l, , Bo raurtk at, a pp. rltr kalt MRS. U H. HABT aarraaafallr rot alt dl aaaa:' nvtbod taackt. "Now Tboaaiit' ' rooOlar-ronm. SII Tonmp blU. Mala 4ITS. kxcicAl. BAI.M OP HOB for all fftntla Alder at, 1 000 Mala kA. ; , : I ' - rrxiT TO LOAB. ' ' M W ar 4. At SB) taVAmll tUt t0 Papap to as fjl.M a 84.44 or ll.'t aa aa a or 1 1- to aa i 8.48 or iiM or it.i to aa I 4.00 or ii.00 ar il.i M-CO aMpar 1'IVB pa crnt Bawrr a balld roa a boaa or kaa poa Baoorr 00 roar property. coir paraM nia; iMMi'n i ; 'jratt; apea aatordaj eroa- ir. Boaa IB-IT 1 Aaaa Mds- iUIVk Waaa Itaotoa at. MONET TO LOAN aa raal. paraoaal nd oV lateral aecarltri aparial ttaatlaa to chattel aortaat ,aoUa boairhi 0. W. PalUk U4A f oatoa bis.t 84 Slsfh at BIOHLT - saata 1 ipactabb) place wbar lad)aa ad Viiw aioaap aa dlanwaaa aad . 3rrj. Coatarat Loaa Bak, u vaea aaraa ex. raoaa auaea n. 8EB tka Dnaa Lawronre O., real aatata end uaan-Mwraaee ca., raal aetata aaa ageata; bobot to loaa ea amrtaaf St low rataa la maw troai 8000 to I48H Fvetat. ... ... B. ..I $10,000. I48H B LOANS and upward aa ail kind at aera rltr or to salaried people ea tkelr note: lowest 'fatoej aq. pobUdty. no delay. 818 AklBCteB .'bids. Pboaa Bed 1T2B. -. , V. IfONBT ADTANCBD aalartad people, taaaarters, , at., wltboat aeearltyt eaay paraieatr: tarB '' a-A Aaiaatoa bate. in pnaapu auea, wm. CHATTEL laana ia aatoaat raiwlnr fraa W8 to ao.ouoi roaniaf-Doaaaa a apmaity. . ww Era Loaa A) Treat Co.. SOB Abloctoa atdc. MONBT TO LOAN ta toraaja or aaull anmaata tea. William 0. LOANS t lowaat rater oa faraltara. pteaaal ' any, aecarlty aotes .parrkastC Beaten, Lasa afdea, 48 Bberloek bids. MONET TO LOAN aa tmnroeed city property, via hm te suit. Parrtab, Wstklas Ce 800 Aider st .'... t . .. THB CREBOENT IO AN loans, from throe to els ' tlT Orrsoplaa. COMPANY BaUry amatks; eoaadaatuL MONET TO LOAM an Cla.'WMaaa conaty Unda. ., B. P.-ma4 V, B. Bllay. SOS Ckamka of Oom- PORTLAND REAL KSTATB LOANS. B AND 8 per coat Vs. Dankolai. ZV, falUnr bid. MONBT to loaa. 8 par cant Northrop Ktea. 210-211 Oommeretal blork. 10 LOAN 8100 to 88.800 by Cbarles B Irate. SSli Talrd t. room 8. .' MONBT to Via a 410.000 at S per aaa ea ly property. 478 Stark at - - MONBT TO LOAN Apply to Bobert A. MUler, SOB Comracrctel black. ' - BITSXCAL, SELP-PLATINa t-IANOS OeelUaa ailf-pmy. Ins piano pronooneed the beat by teadtea : moalctana; alae CaeilUa plane pMyera. B. V. Wills Maal Ueaea. SSO AUer at. SBOOND-HAND melcel tostraawats of all ktnda at knrent pneaav caaa or install meata. Planer Maate Co.. ISO Tbtrd at - LEMONS ' AOr, planok p-altar. bAnio. auadolln, Tlnlln; Inatroncata to sale. Mrs. Martin, ' 841 First.' MUBIO saaaa rlTca-am Blaaa. Miss C. . Seder-berk,- stadia 420 Va scourer are . Phona Kaat ' 1008. ...... ..-v-f.. .. - . MB. AND MRS. PL A. WEBBER, bentx Band, tin, palter Inetractloa. Mala 80M. ITS W.Park. FRENCH Indira tie baths aad amSsaf treat ment. Bna Ftftk at Pbone Mala kWnV AMERICAN BRAUTT PARLORS. 148 Park at VOTABT rVBLIO. PREPARATION ' of Brad and nsortsaaaa a apcclalty: prices radecrd. B. A. Frame, 818, the Maranam. h - OTXBAXXSL BJOBS OP TBI ROAD OTBBALLS aad skediaa. lea' ctoratag; anioa maoa. 1 awaafaetarere, Pertlaad. Or. . FLATTJf 4. THB OREGON PLATINO WORKS. 401 Waab. toBtoa st Phona 88TS. - FolkihlaB. blatlod sad kMOjacrlBn . . ' ' ' - - . KAXO TTTBTBO. V XJEOftOB ANDBRSON Expert ptsaa to nor and rrnelrlaf. Hradaaarters rawer St saw ve Phone Bc4 80S. m rXTXBXXS. NEDTIDECK WATKINDS, plamblcf aad 8A fttttat, 881 Talrd street. Paoae kteta S1UO. DONNBRBERO plnmbara . 84 BADBMACBEB, asaltetf . pate paaaas. . FOX CO., aanlUry plambars. 881 Second Jtot, stain eaa aaiaaaa. ureaoa ynoae main awb Boomft. TIN IlOOriNO, rartonnr. reps tries aad Baaral lobbtoc. J. LoeU. Sit Jefferaoa e. i BVBBXB STAMPS. F. a STAMP WORKS. Be Aider et. bbobs Mala 710; rubber ntemps, aeala, atenclls. aas ' SS. trada ckeekat send for ontelnan. - WR1BT1B8). BOBHONO M CO. Front aad Stark sta tes, Utkaa-rapklnc. klaak hooka sad ofneo . eaopHae! work doaa aa ttaM: saost oamalrto artatlBB afacs la tea wast. Mate 101. ANDERSON Ar DtTNIWAT COMPANT, prtattea. ntaaaranalac, biaak book. Fkaaa Mala 17. SUB AIOW at. FAXBTS, Oil ABO BLABS. F. B. BBACH CO. Pioneer Paint Oa, earner v the beet trlnca mada la palntn ,aad prarrol ' balldlns SMterlakri w1ndow-mat end slama - a specialty. IBS First st Paoas Mala ISM. BABMUBPRN CO. a, paint, ell, g las. aaa ' Taymr. PORTLAND COBDAOB CO.. sad Nortbrap' ata.. Partlaad. Or. BATES. SAFES The maa .who knows the pood aad bad Citat . af all ssfaa bays the Hrrrln(-Bsll-ante. No. TO Sixth at., Portland, Or. FOB epentnf lor oat and safe bartsias to to 1. B. Darla. 00 Third St. SHBWtlASZa AVD FTXTTTKES. SHOWCASES of orery deaeriptleal bank, trr aad atora fritares made to ardor. Tka LaU . Maanfsctnins Co.. Portland. . sis FAorrrBO. I. P. BIRNOIBBEL, SIGN PAINTER. Batraaoa US' Weahlnf ton, eor. 1st, ap etah-B. raONBTsIOOD MSB. TBRLINB. ABM8TROKO CO.. Blawa. twt. Pbone Hod MT. ' Cor. 4th and Conch ata. BTOSUOB AJTO T&ABsVSB. SAFES, plaaea sad farnltei stars 8. , reedy, tor Mpolnd and ablpaed: an wark (Baraataadi larea. S-etorr. arlck. Ore-proof wanboaaa for Btora ra. Oface 1X8 Fhmt st C M. OLBEN. Pbona Mala 84T. a O. PICK. nfBce SB First at., betwara 8art . and Oak at. 1 phoa 508: plana and fnraltar .awvad and parked to ahlnplog) rammadlnai Bia-ptuof. brlra- wm-ikiun. ; Fraa aad ' Clay ts. STORAOB ape re h M ti oar saw kwltdrnB, ST4 water sc. Biswr auiunf c I BATB chore pteoe of tlntw land In 1 tar-asm aaaaa. A S. Jaainal, FOR HOMESTEADS, Maihar etalM 4 Scrip apply to SOB- ConiatrTrlal blork. , f TBAIfSFXm AND XAVUBO. ORTOON TBANBFER CO.. 14 North Bhrtb, Pkaao Mala 80. Bry haallns and atora sa. POST SPECIAL DELITERT. Ms, 800 Wash, taataa a. . Phone Mala 80S.' : WAXLPAFXB. kntniR WALLPAPER CO.. 184-10 at. bat XsatelU ana) Taymr, Partlaad. Town. inru. CLA"t TOWtiB DAILT Oossb. ai par mania.' bawrenc roa.' Towel Co., Foarth sad Coach, fbooo am). TTFXWBiTEBS. T08T .XTPBWHITEB.- HKAPgUABTBRB bou . aura atraec We rant, repair. aeU. exchaep typawrltora, All aappltaa for all maohiaea. Staadard aueblnea $28 sad ap to $108. . . Do yoa want a ateaosrapbar or typlatl we aaa net 01 fooa anpueaais, :., auca son. FOR typewtttara. xanppUrr aad ropalrlnc, Boas A Boaa. 808 Btark at. Pbone Mala 1070. FtHAjrCIAL. PORTLAND TRUST OOMPANT OF 0BXO0B, - - Vs. 188 THIRD ST. , . The Oldaat Treat Company ta Ores, ' ' . , CAPITAL, 800,808. , We Wadnct a saaaral kanklwr bBstneea. Wa racaire aa Tinea arpoaits. wa tlncatr . and certlacate of drpoalt payahl epoa 10 dare' call, 80 daye tall a 80 days B. LEE PAGET... . O. OOLTBA..... ....Sacretarv . .... r.Aaalatant Saaraterp 8 EROKANTS' NATIONAL BANK,' rl v PORTLAND, 0BISOB, t ,1 I II, W . TO.. U B. W. HOTT... ......,... ,.Cahl GEORGE W. ROTT.. ........ Amlattat Cathler Ti aaa nta a Oeaeral Baakinp Battel Drafts aad Laltcra of Credit laanrd Are liable r-!, to Alt Parte of the World. Colleetioaa a Specialty. ' ' ' : . SEOTBJTT SAtTBSS TBUST OOkTPAXT, 80S MerrteM St. Portland. Or. Transacts a Oaaaral Bafnklae Baatoata, 'f SATTBOS DEFABTsLEBT. . . Interact Allowed, oa Tt end Barln Depeetta, Act a Traatae for Ketetes. ' Dtafte aad Letrara of Credit A reliable (a AB Parte at tt World. 0. P. AT AM8. .. , . . . Prmrldaat L. A. LEWIS.,., Flrat Tlrw-Praoldrot A. L. Hit.tJl ..,..., ...Baoaad Tlca-Prlrat B. G. JUBITZ Secretory UNITED STATUS WATTOBAL BAWX, OF PORTLAND. 0rnON. NOBTBWXBT COB. THIRD ABD OAS STB. . Traaaacta a Soaaral Banking Italian . ' .1; JPBAFTS ISBDEDT ArslUhl In All Cltta of the tjnltad State .. .. and Barnae, Bans Koas aad Manila, , ., noitTCTtOBS BLADB OB FATOBABXS TTRVS Praaldoat i. O. AIN8WORTH Vge-PreslJsat., W. B. ATER Cashier B. W. SCHMEER AaatUaaf Caaklar.... ........ A. kf. WRIGHT TTXTOB, BANXXXS.- (Xstanllahaa la 188.1 CoUectlona sude st all points aa faTorsM terms. Latter of credit waned available la Europe and all petnta In the United Btatea. Blxbt Excbente and Talearapkle Transfara sold oa New To.-k. Wasblnrtoa. Chleeco, St. Lools, Dearer. Oataka. Baa Praaciae aad Montana and Brttlah Oetombta. Bsrhansa aold en London. Parte. 'BefRa. Frankfort Boas Koas, Tokobaan, Manila sad FIRST NATIONAL BAN OF PORTLAND, OREOOB, 1 . rMSlfaated Pepoeltory' aw Vlnaaetel Aeat at' -. ... the- DalteaKBtetos. . . Praldnt................;i.,....A. D. MILLS Caahmr. . .1. . . .-. . ......i-.i, . .J. W. NEWRIRR Aaelataat Ceahlen,.a ...W, C. AtTORD Secmid Amlotant Caehler B. F, STEVENS Utters at Credit larard ArallsMa la Bare pa ' and the Eastern States. - - Plrllt PrrpTir -nS Tell empale TriBSlVrf old oa New Tork. Boetoa, Chleeio. St. Loam, St.- PaaL Omaha, San Franetaaa aad tee principal polnta la the North a ret. - ' Slpht and time bUla drawa la enms fa Belt en Log don. Parle. Brrlln, Fraakfort-oa-taa. Main. Hoa Kon. Tokoham., Ceaeaaasra, Ckrtattanla, Stnrkbolm. .St . Petersburg. Maa oow, Enrlrh. Ilnnohila. CeUeetKBa Mad sa Fanmstl Terms. MORRIS BROB. 8 CBTUgTENtgN. . USH First Street. FerUaaa, S-k - , Off- (m-Nra taawiteiaot to IIHpal aaH . Ballroad Beads, Write ar Call. MORTQAOE LOANS - Oa Partlaad Baal Sstoto at Lowest Bates. - Titles Island. Abstracts Tarmtaaad. '. TITLE OOARABTBB TRUST 00, ' . -- Basss 4. Chamber Of Caaimmea ' REE LAND IH OREGON in th ricbeat rrsia, Srait and Itocll stcOOB h tb world. Thoamnaiof scrasof butdstsctaal cost of itricstioa. : Deed direct from Stats a Onron. WRITC TO-DAY. BOOKLET and MAP FREE. DrBthotet Irriratioo sad Power Caa asirjr,6 1 1 1 ji McJUy Bui cm BOTICES. FBorosrs s: rwiB. IB EJ ' 8TBXXT1 IB BAST WASHXVOTOB tfntlc Is kareby ftra that at tbe aaeetlas of tka Oonnell of the City of Portland, Orrroa, held oa the let day af Msrch. 1006, tea fot lowln rceolntloa wss sdoptcd: Braorred, That the Oauacll af the City of Portland, Orepoo, diiunn It expedient and par poaes to coaatract a arwer la Kaat Weahlnsrnn atrret from tb west line of Rant Thlrty-alnte atrect to tb anw la Kaat Washlnytoa atreet at Kaat Thlrtr-el(hth street, of rltrifled aewer pips of 10 Inrhra clear Inelde dlasseter with all nerceeary catck baalna. . ansa-aolss, lamp-boloe sad brsDchca. . Bald aenvr to be miwlia. trd la aceordaaee with the caartor aad ordinaaevs of the City of Portland and the piano, apaclflcatloas and eatlmatea of 'the City Knslaerr. filed la the f.fflee of tba Auditor of the City of Portland ob the IBtk day of Febraary, 1008. Indorsed: "City Bnitlurer'e plana sad aperlflretioae for a sewer la Kaat Wsshlactoa atreet from tea west line of Eaat Thirty -ninth atreet ta the aewer In Eaat Washington atreet at Kaat Thirty. Ithtk atreet. and the ratlmatrs of the work to be done and the arabahle total cost thereof." The coot of asm ecu provided by the city charter "eon the property specially aad perollarly beaefltrd thereby, and wblrh la nereoy aeriaren w oe an too noes, parte thereof and peroela-ot land l.rlng betweea a Hue 10b feet north of end parallel with the north line of Eaat Wasalagtoa street sod a Una 100 feet wmtk of end parallel wttk tka eoutk lino af Beat WashlagToa street and be tween the eaat line of Kaat Thtrty-elslitb street Sod tee waet lis af Eaat Thirty-ninth Tbe EnAlner,",eatlm "Of tar ptobabia total mat for tea oooa traction , af asld aswar I tVIO.48. The plaws, aped flea tVme aad stlait af the City Enainrer for tba coaatract loa af asld aewer are hereby adopted. Reeotred. That tb Aadltnr af the City af Port land ba aad be I hereby directed to sire notice of the proposed ennetrwtloa et asld sewer -a provided by tb dry charter. rteBmnatrsnces aalnef the boT aewer snT be filed ta writing with the Bader etgned within 30 darn from tba. date -at tea flrat pBblleatma af tbm aottca. , , .. , By. order of tk CrmneU. . ' . - THOS. C. DBTLIN, ' ' '' x Aadltnr af tba dtr of Pnrtlaad. ' Portland. Oregon, r Date af first aabllcatloa, March 4. 1808. " PB0PO8AXS FOB CITT ADTEBTIOTO, Rested , prepoeals will be racerred by tb nndVralgned at the offlro of tb Aadltnr of tb City of Portland aatll Monday. March IS, 18011. at t o'clock p. Bh, for too pahUratloa of all ordlnaaces and notices required by tba elty charter; at any ofOre or department of paid city, for a term at oa ear from tea 8th day f Apru. 1006. ' Each proposal fo conform te the (permea tion oa 81 In the oface ef the Aadlto of the City of Portia ad snd bids moat bo so compaaled by a certllled check payaiile to Georca II. Will lama. Mayor of te City ef Pertlaad. for the en a af $000. aa Bird awl Hon Ida ted daamgea in eon aocE bidder shall fall or re fuse to enter 1st a eeatnet should the same he awarded to him. Tae-rt(h ta reject aay ar eu aws m norser . T. nuatiuia J , " n. R. AI-P.RB. , - lt....v - -. .... D. 'T. -RHBKRRTT. ' ' , .: Committee oa Warn and Maaaa, Pnrtlaad. Oregon, March T, 1006.. i FBOFOSALS FOB BSjPlFMBBT FOB STREET- OLtABiaO AJTO BPRINXXING DEPART " MEBT. Seeled peopneal will be retererd st tb nf Se et te Aadltnr of the City of Paella ad aatll Monday. Merck 13. 1U06. at SKtO p. m for fnrnlehlng the Street-Cleaning aad SprlokUsg llopartmant with tea XoUuwUa; ,...,. - 4 draasht homes. - , . . c , 4 aprlnkllng waann. loraepower broom. . .. Ke pen poena) will he femntdered nnlesa so companled by a certlBed rneeh psy4hlo Is tbs order of George H. Wllllama, Mnror ef the City -of Portland, eaaal to 10 per oral of tb (regate amount of the bid. i' The right to reject bay and all bids I hereby feeerted. V ' By order af tb Eteentlre Board. :. ' , , THOS. V. DETLtN, ;. - - Andltor et the Cltr of Partlaad. , Partlaad, Oregon, Msrch t.r 1006, oaii,. wiu iBiarrai ai a4, aa ana a per eenv K annum. rn tlTW. mil or taad Bar ear k of ILLD8TBATI0BS.. BEN. T. COHEN. Pleat drat H. L. PITTOCaT js. . ' . . . CITT BOTICXSa -4 PROPOSED rarFBOTZMEVT OF KXABJfXT - - BTBAXT. Notice Is hereby glrea test st tbs meeting sf tee Council of tb ()lty ef Portland, Oregon, teld oa the let day of March, lUUo, tea fol lowing reeolutloa waa adopted: HeMjTed, That the Council of tb City of Portland, Oregon, dee ma It expedient and pur kmc to Improre Kearney atreet from the west lino of Sixteenth atreet to tea eaat Una of Nineteenth street la the following But a oar, fall lnteraertlona te tee proper sub-grade. Seooud By bringing the Surfsc sf the street full width with full Intersections to tea eetab Uabed grade with macadam. Third By aooatrox-Uug artificial ston slde- Kvurtb Br laying croaawalka- ta accordance With the" City jfnglaeor'a plana, peciflcatloaa tad eetimatea. Bald improeemoBt to be mada Is seeordaar with the charter and ordinances ef the City of Portland snd tbs plana, apeclfirktloas snd eetimatea of the City Bsgtnoer. filed In tba office of the Auditor of the City of Portland oa tea 14th day of Fabraary, inoo, todoraed: "City. Engloeer'a plan and specifications for the lBipnnement of Kearney street from tbe west line of sixteenth etreet'to the eaat Una of Nineteenth atreet, and the eatlmatea of the work to, ba dona and Urn probable total ouat thereof. .'.. The cetx of aald tmprorowjent to bo ssseased as proTlued. by tee city charter apoa the aronertr apeclaily sad . peculiarly benefited thereby and which Is hereby, declared to be all the- lota, parts thereof sad parcels of la oil lying between - a line 100 feet north af aad parallel with tba north Una at , Kearney atreet and a Una 100 feet south ef aad parallel with the eontb Una Of Kearney street, and net ween the west line of Bliteeatb atreet aad tee eaat line of Nineteenth atreet. Tba Engineer' estimate of tn probable total cost for the Improramrat of said koarrwy street I 8l.T4O.0O. The a bora Improvement I to be elaaeed aa a macadam ImproTwnent ana eaau e aisjaiainea by .tb elty for s period of Clva years, provided. however, test the owners of a majority of tba property benefited by fd Improvement or any portion thereof, shall aot petltloa for a new or different Improve at before tea expiration af Tb plana, apedricatloBS and eatlmntea of tbe City JEnglneer for tbe Improvsawat af said Street ana hereby adopted. Resolved. Thst the Auditor of the City ef Portland he and he Is hereby directed te give notice ef the pro-weed Improvement af said street ss provided by tb city charter. Keraona trance agalaat the above improre meat may ba filed la writing with tbe nader-els-nod wltbln 80 days from tb data of tea tint pahllcatlon af this notice. By order of the Cooncll. '- . , ' . THOS. C DETIJN, Aodltor of tba Cltv of Portland. Pra-Usnd. fh-egoa. Date etiflrst pubUostioa, at area a. isus. . 1 FEOPOSID ,rBFBPTTkTXBTOF S . BTBCXT, ' Notice Is hereby glrea that at the meeting of tba Oouncll of us l-Hy 01 rortisna, ursgoa. held oa the let day of March, 1VU6, tea foi lonrlna1 iihitlnm arns adootdMll Beaolved. Tnat tbe Oruncll of tb City of Portland. Oreaoa. deems It expedient snd pur. poses to Improve Webstar atreet from tb oast line af Denver sees no to the west Una of pattoa arena, by grading tba street to tk atakra aa act bv tb Cltv Knalneer. Bald Improtonsattt to be made la accordance with tbe r barter aad ordlaanecs of-tee City of Portland and the plana, apectflustlens and cattmate of tb City KnghMer. filed In the office of tb Aodltor of te City of Portland vm tha. 14th dav af Fnbranry. 100B. Indorsed: "City Baslneer a plans snd specUlcationa for the improvement of W abater atreet from tbe eaat line of Denver avenue to the went Una of Pattoa aveaws, aad te eatlmatea of the arark to b done aad tba prpbabM total tost Uereox.'' 1 The coat of asld Imaroveaient to be a as provided by tb city charter aprm tha prop erty apeclaily and peculiarly benefited thereby aad which la' hereby declared to be all tba lota, parte thereof andptareela of land lying between Ilea, loo feet north of and narallel with the north Una of Webster atreet aad a Una 100 feet snath of and parallel with tea aeath line of Webeter street aad between the east Una of Denver avenue aad tba wast Una of Pattoa Tbe CBalneer's estimate of ths probable total east for tbs lssprovaiat of W w abater Stfeet ta $100.00. , : . . The plan, apcrtflcatlons snd eetimatea of tbe city Kogtneer (or in improvement 01 vYahatar atrret are harebv adootod. Resolved. That tbe Aadltnr of tbs City at Portland be snd bs te hereby atreetea ta giva notice of tha proposed improvement at tr sa nravidaai bv the cltv charter. aaalnat tha above Improv- ment may be filed In wrltlns with tba aader- signed within 30 osyt ma taa oats as us first pabllcauloa af tela aatica. ;, .; By ardat U tea Couneil ' , THOS. C. DBTLIIf, -l Aadltnr of tbs City of Pertlssd. -PorUand. trgoa. Date at flrat pabii cation, March 4. 1806. PB0POSKD BXTWXK XV EAST MAXB 8TXEKT. Notice Is hereby glrea thst at te Bleating of tbs Council of tbs City of Portland, Oregon, held oa tbe 1st day cf March, MU6, tea fol io wing reeohitloa waa adopted: Breotved, That ths Council of tha City ef Partlaad, Oregon, deems It expedient snd par poses ta nnetrart a aewer la Best Msla atreet front tb weat 11 aa eft tbe 11. W. Browa tract te tb aearer la Essf Msla street st tbe weet line af Kaat Twenty-fourth atreet, of vitrified newer pip of 10 inches clear inside diameter, with all atiaasary catch -baalna, mas -boles, kunp-bolsa sad brsaehos. . Held aewer te be coMtraeted ta accardsaca with tbs charter sad ordinances of the City of PorUand and tba plana, apeetfiratloas and eatlmatea af tbe City Engineer, filed ta tbe office of tba A editor of the City of Portland um the Inta dar of Febraary. 1006, Indorsed: "City Englneera plana and specifics tions for a sewer la Kaat Mala atreet from tea weet line of the H. W. Browa tract to tb newer la KasVMala Ilreet at wast' line 01 smst iwwaty foartk atreet. and too en tl metre of tb work to be doaa sad tba probable total coat thereof." The eaat ef said aewer to ba annum 4 ss neneMMl hv tea dtr charter nnoa tb property apeclaily and peculiarly benefited by aald Im provement, and-which IS hereby declared te be all tee lots, parte thereof and pa rev la af toad lying betweea a line 100 feet ndrtb- o4- assl jsr allel with tbe north Use of Kant Msla atrret and a Una 100 feet Booth of and Parallel with the Booth tin ef Kaat Mala atreet and betweea te east ba of Eaat Tweaty-foartk street snd a northerly xtenelea of tee name aad a Una 948 feel aeat thereof aad parallel therewith. ,. Tha Kngtneor'a stlmate af tk prebebl total cost (of te oo traction at aald sewer m 8337.87. - -J - The plana, spectflcatteos snd estimate at tk dtr Knatneer for the eoawtraeUoa af asld aaarac ,M herbv sdoDted- Reaolved. That the Aodltor of tbe City of Portland b and be m hereby oirortoa te give aottca af tbe proposed eosa traction ef said sewer aa provided by the city charter. Re moos trances agalnat the above mar ha filed la writing with the aimed wltbln 10 day from tba date at tb tint pahllcatlon af tela notice. -By order af tk OonncU-. THU4. C. DBTLIN. ' tl Aadlto of the City of Portland. - ' Portland. Oregon, ' MM of urst paBucauoa, March A. 1808, .... ' FBOFOSALS FOB CRT FUBTTJIO, Keeled prapossls will b recelred at tb fOc of the And! toe of lbs City of Portland aatll S o'clock p. av Moaaey, Marco is, ibuo, for printing for aaa yaa for tea City of Port- laaJl aa tnlu! First For printing aad blading BOO copies f tea Mayor's men nags aad maalelpsl reports far IhY nar 10O8. , Bocond Far printing and faralahlag blanks and other mtsreltaneuuB printing ss sssy be reonlred from time to tlm" by tb several focea and denartmenta of tea Hty Third For printing Mndlas aad farnmhlng , sU., aa . ar reaulred sack blanks, wsrraala, ta. n titaograpaeo. All biAa matt ha baaed BOoa the enaelBe tlons oa 8le In tea of lice of tb Aadttor and the eraajlty and amtsrlala Bust he eqaal to samp lea snnmutea. . Beoerste bids will be recelred for teach at the three elaeae of work, aa nhore act forth bat ao bid far a lea t mount than tb aatlr work Ip each class will be eeosMereo. Each bid mdst be accompanied by a certlBed check payable to Oaarg H. Wllllama. Mayor, lor $500.00 ss Died sad Uqnldated damages la eaa saoh bidder ahsll withdraw hla bid. or fall or aeglertrte eater Into contract with tea city should the earns ba awarded to hiss. Tb right to reject aay aad all proposals hereby reeerved. By order ef tea Bxawrtlve Board ', THOB. C. DBTIJN. , Aadttor of tba City ef Portia ad. Porttand, Oregon, March T, 1808. . KOTICE OF FTXINa OF BXFOBT OF TIEW " BBS 0B TBB FBOFOSXD OFKBTJtO, WID. TTOIO. LATTJIO OUT AJTO EST ABLI8HTN 0 . OF DAWSON BTRXKT. - Notice la hereby gives that tea re port of tee viewer heretofore (appoint ed to " aaaesa tb benenex ' sad dam ages ill' lbs matter of lbs pmnoeed opea tng. widening, laying ent and entabllehtsa ef Dewaoa atreet, In the City of Portland, an re Sled with .the Bnderalgned their report of as seen meet of bene lit that will be derived and daeiagea teat wlU bo natslned by reason of tee epenlnjr. widening, Isytof oat and estab lishing of IMwaea street e above deaerilwd. The Connril of tba City af Portland wfll consider paid report at Iks regB(sr meet log to he held ' Wednesday. March IA. twa, at I o'rloi-h p. as. All per anna intereMea ar asreny nntlBed ta preeent thetr objrctlnna to ssld re port. In writ lot. If soy they ksv. st said tlm and Place, that the earn amy b heard and d termlnod by lb Coam-u. . TltOS. C. DEVLIN, ' ' Aadltnr of the Cltv of fartlaad. rortlssd. Oregon, March T, 1900, . " ' '"' '," CITT B0TTCXB. - 1 ' ''Wf''""e wjie 7' ''" 1 FB0POBID rBMOvXarENl1 Of EAST E10H- TZXBTB SXBEIT. . Notice Is harebr rlrea that at tha meeting of tee Council of tb City of Portland, Oregon, bald aa te let day at March, 1IW0, tea fol low lag reeolutloa wss sdupted: M - tteeoivea. 3 sst the vouaeu oa ui Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and par- wees te improv Bast Gixnteeaut atreet irom be aorth llua ef Eaat Couch street to tea north Una of Beet Bterk treat, la tea foUowiag anner. to-wlt: K-lrat Br sradtns tea atreet fall width wttk tall InteraceUoaw to the proper aub trade. Second UT bringing the urfe el u errept fall width with tM Intersection te proyar grmle with Kiver graveL - ,' 'lairo ay coaatrut-uug areooen wwuh scoraanca with the City lUagineec a plaas, kpwlilcstlbBs and eatlmatea. Fourth By laying woodea croaawalka la ne cordaiM' wltk th City fclugiaeer a plana, spact- flcatkins sad estimates... b'trtK U. ea-lHVlna arandeat aldSWSlkS to BO sordsBr wltk te City Angloeer a plana, epeet- litauom sna nsumsten. Mixta By re-lsylng croaswsik in aceorosnre with the City atoglaear'a ptaB. spsdflcatloa and estimates, - ueveBUr ay constructing oox bob enani s trrs la scwrdanca with the City atogloeer's nlana. anMelfloationa and aatlmatea. Klghte By cosstructlng ' wood; carbe . la accordaBca with the City Engineer s Plans, specifications sad eatlmatea. - naia uaonmnHt e. no aaami in nuuniin with tin charter and ordlnamwa ef tea City of PorUand and the plane, apecirtratloas na eeti utatea of the City Bugloeer, filed In the office rf the Aodltor of the City bf PortlaBd aa the 14th -day. of Febraary, 1006, lodursed: jetty KoAiBeer' plsns snd specUlcaUooa foe tha imnruvenaan of East Kisnteeuth . atreet from tee Bar Lb lino of Kaat Coach atreet te tee aorth Hoe at Bast Stark street, aad tbe aatlmatea at tee .work te be - doaa aad tbs probable total cost thereof. - , (The mat of aald Imneaeemimt td W a provided by tb elty charter apoa tha prsa- Hn pec tally aaa -pscauariy oeneucrat warevf Which la hereby declared te bo sU tbe part thereof and parcel of -land blag between a line IDA (eat weat ef Bad amrallel with tb west lie of Kaat Btfbteeath treet snd. a line 100 fact east of snd parallel wltk tbe eaat tin of Bast Eighteenth street, aad betweea the aorth II as of' Baet Stark (treat and a Una 100 feet north of and parauat wiu te aorth Una at Kaat Coach atrsat . Tba amarlnesr's aatlmate of tb probable total eoat for the improveiBeat at aald AV k'lahtaaatk .Mat ll IiLl7B.Uu. The a bare Imprsveanrat is to ba classed an a gravel improvement and shall ba maintained by th city for a period of five yearn, pro vided, however, teat tbe owners of a majority af tba property Benefited by aald Improre meat, or any portion thereof, (halt aot petltloa for ourerent imjpcoveaaeat - seroro . taa expiration af Back fstioasl and aatlmatea of Tb plana, a peel: tbe City Engineer ' for th aald aaraat apa harnhn Sdoncad. Iteaalved. That the Andltor of tb City of Partlaad be and ha la hereby directed te girt antics of tee prop lined Improvement at said street ss provided by tea city ennrter. Renaonstrancea aaalnat tba abovs meat may ba filed la writing with tea aader. el-rood within so day tram ta aM ax flrat DnMlcatloa of tela aotloa. 1 Uy erdar of te Coonell. TUOhV O. DBTTJH. Aadltor of th city or Portland. Orecoa. Date of flrat pnbrlcattea, March 4, 1808. FKOFOSKD rjaTBOTIMXaTT OF TWKBTI- TBXKD BTBXXT. , - Notice Is hereby glren test at the meeting of tee Council of tea City et Portland, Oregon, held oa tbe 1st dsy af March, 10U6, te tol lowlng reeolatloo waa adopted: Beeotved. That the CouneU of tea City af Portland, Oregon, deesaa It expedteat aad par poses to lmprovs Twenty-third street from the north tine of Wssblogtoa atreet to tbe aaate Ilea of Tbarmaa atreet te tea toUawlag asaa aar, to-wlt: rirat By removing aU looae eartk. mad and debris frost tb nnrfeee of te atreet full width with foil Intereeetlnaa. Meooad By bctoglBg tba atreet fan width with . full Intersections t established BTde with asscsdsas. . Third Ry constraetlng Srttfldnl ton (Ide aralks ia accordance with tb City amgtoasr'a plana, spscitlcstlons aad eatlmatea. . , Foorte By laying croaawalka. -Ftftk By ctnstrnetlng stone mttars. -- - r Btsta By constructing aranctsi atone cm a. Bald improvement to do la with tee charter snd ardlnnncaa of ths City of Portland aad tha plana, npedfi cations aad eatlmatea st tee City Bngtaoer. filed ta the office of th Aadltor of tee City of Portland on tba Wth day of FobTBary, 10OB, Indorsed: "City Kngtaeer'a plana and apectflcatloea for tea lmnrovement of Twentv-tblrd street from tbe north line of Washington atreet ta tb oath line ar Tear man atreet, ana too on u ana to of tea work to be done snd te nawnakes total east thereof." Tb cost of asld tinpravemrnf to a Saeeaeed ax provided by tee city charter apoa the property apeclaily aad peculiarly benefited thereby aad which la hereby declared to be aU the lots, sart thereof aad parcel f land lying betwVea a Unar-'MW feet Treat ef and parallel with te wst Una of Twenty-third street and a line 100 feet' eaat af aad parallel wlte tha eaat Uae of Twnty-tblrd atreet, aad between the aorth Una of Washington street and the matte Una of Tkarmsa atreet. Tbe Engloeer'a estimate of tbe pronabla total cost tor tb Improv meat af asld Twenty-third atreet Is $6,172.00. The above Improvement Is fes be elnsaed a a macadam repair Improve meat sod sbsll ba mala- talnea by tee city tor a penoa 01 tnree years, provided, however, test tee 'owners of a sna yarity of tha property beam fl ted by aald Im prore meat, or any porttoa thereof, shall aot K title for a new or different Improre maal fore tha expirattna of each period. Tb plana, specif Icstloaa sad eatlmatea of tb City Engineer for the Improvement ef aald Twenty-third atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. That tea Andltor of the City of Portland ba and be la hereby directed to give nolle ef - tbe proposed Improvement af aald Street aa provided by tb dtp charter. Bomunotiaitue against tba a bora Improve ment amy be filed la writing wlte tea aada slgned within SO days from tea date f tk first pwbllcatlOB of tbto aottca. By order af th Council. THOS. C. DBTUlf, Andltor f th City of PortlaBd. PorUand. Oregon. Date af flrat peblteattoa, bfarrh 4, 1008. FBOFOBED SXWX . BTBXXT. Notie m hereby glrea that at tba aaseting af tba Council of lb City of Portland, Oregua, held oa the 1st day of March, louo, tea fol lowing raeorutton waa adopted: , Beeotved, That the Ceaacll ef th City af Partlaad, Oregua, deema it expedient aad par pases to oaatract a newer te Bast Thirtieth street from te ceo tar Una ef Ma wt horse are sue te th aewer la Kaat Tbbnlete atrsat at kaat "Taylor atreet, af vitrified aewer pip, with all aiiiaiaiy catch ksalea, maa bnlaa, lamp-holes and braackea. aad te be ef tea following dimensions: of eight taehaa clear Inside dlasseter frees the crater Una of Haw thorn a res so te a potat te Eaat Thirtieth atreet at Kaat Madlaoa atreetl thesre of 10 inches clear , taside diameter to tbe aewer la Kant Thirtieth atreet at Beet Taylor atreet, Tba aald aswar to ba eoastractad to aeeerd-nee-wlte the charter aad ordlasaces of tee City of PortlaBd aad the plans, specifications and eatlmatea of the City Engineer, filed la tee office of tbe Aadltor ef th City of Part bad oa tbe late day of Febraary. 10O8, to doraed: "City Kagiaeer't Plana aad spaelflea tlona for a nearer te Kaat Thirtieth, street troaa tee otaxer Una af Hawtborna aveaws to tee arwer ia Eaat Thirtieth atreet at Bast Taylor atreet. aad tha estlaaataa af th work to be done aad tea probable total coat thereof." Tbe cost of aald newer ta ba 1111B1I a provided by te city charier apoa tbe property specially sad pecaliarly benefited thereby, and which In hereby declared to ba aU tee lots, parte thereat aad percale af land lying betweea a Una 1UO feat west of snd parallel with tba west Has af Bast Thirtieth street aad a Una 100 feet eaat of snd parallel with tee eaat tin af Bast Thirtieth street aad betweea tbe aorth Uu of lUwtkorae arcane aad tea aaate Una af Beat Taylor atreet. .t , Th Engineer a eettanate ef tb probabl total cast for tea oastracttoa at a4 aswar 1 at AO&oo. ' The Diana. spedfleatUns and sntimstef of tb City Engineer for th eoaatroctloa af aald ,a are k . - adonteA. Beaolved. That tee Andltor ef the City at Portland iw aad a to hereby directed to give aottca f tb propeaeo eoaeawrtioa ot arwer a prorloed by te elty charter. Ilaoainnatraarea aaalnat tbe above a. r.lwl in arrltina with tka aader atgaed arltbte SO daya from the data af tea flrat aaaueauoa or torn no wee. By order f te Cooncll. THOB. C DBTLIN, Aaditot of the City of Portland. Portlaad. Oregoa. Data at flrat publication, March 4. 1806. : ' FK0F0BXS CH-AB0E OF BEADS OF B0RTB- , - . ' - . . WICK BTBXXT. : ' ' Notice .to kareby given that at tb BMettng of tb Coencll af the City of Portland, Oregon, held on the flrat dsy of Msrch, 10U6, te fol IbwIbB reeotntloa we adopted: , Reeorved. That tb Cowaetl deem tt wtpedlent sad purposs to rbanga tea grade of Bortewtrk street betwaea Bnasell atreet aad Pkge atreet so thst the grade of tb center Una of Borth wick atreet at a point 60 feet aorth af te Berth tine ef Pago atreet be changed from 80.71 Reeolred' That tk AedlUW of the '. Cite af Portland be and be ,te hereby directed to give notice of th atwionid ebang ef grada at asld irM, aa nrevlded hr ths ritt render. Rranooataaoaa agalast tee proponed ebaaaeof grade may be flhrd In wrltlag with lb nnder. igned within SO day from th te first inahitratina 01 tnw nones. , . By eVder at. the Ooarlt "!-; , , ! TBOS. C DBTLIN, ' ' v Andltor of tb City of Portland. Portland riregoa. Date f flrat BabllcBtioa, March 4, ioa CITT IQllWIL PROPOSED IBFR0TZMXBT 0 BZXUTt TERBACK. V Kotlra la baeabv art raw that at tea meeting ef the Conacii of tee City of PortlaBd. Oregon, held oa the 16tb day ol Kebenary. 1806, tea iwtowing rsaoMtMB waa aoovteo: . Reaolvad, Thst tbs Council af th City of Portland. Oregon, deems It a I pad I ent and par Pose to Imnrova Helahta terrace from tea west tin of Lownsdsis street to tee eaat line of block 40, Carter addition, la tea fol- wwiog mnnasr. to-wlt: ' ' ' First By grading tba atreet to tb proper rsdeaa abowa by th sukss aa ast by tee fioondBy bringing th narfae of tka troet full wldtk wlte full InteraecUoa to tea Ub llnhed arnde with macaSaan. , Third By eoeetrortlng sidewalk te a. cords nes Witb tba City KJlnar'8 Pi..'' Scatkma and natlmatea. . , . rourtb By cosstructlng croaawalka In a eardanc with the City Bagla' phtaa, apeci. Scat lone snd aatlmatea. - - - , - Fifth By eonatrurtlng stow gntters la ae corilancs with tee City Kngteear'a pUaav epeci. Sixth By eonatroctlag lvated ldewslk ta ecordaarB -with , the City Englaeer'- pate, apeclncatlona and estimate. . Beventk By coattraetina aaard tea la aa cor dancs wltk th City Engineer's plaaa, epeoe- wva.auov sna eatlmatea. Eightk By eonstrnc shown he .ll - Bald Improvement to be mad ta accordance with the charter and erdlaaacea of tbe City ef Pnrtlaajt aaS nlaaa anedflca tloOB Bad estimates of the City Knglaeec 8ledtB the afara of tb Aedltor et the City of Portland 00 tba 16th day of February. 1808,-Indorsed: "City Engineer' plana and apeclncatlona for the Improvement af Height terraca from tb wast line of Lewnsdala atreet to the eaat Una af block 40, Carter-e addition, aad te natl matea of tbe work to ba doaa and te arab ahle total enet thereof." . Tb eoat at aald latprevement to be anas an, I aa mmvU h H. .1. . .raa BDOB tb property specially aad pecaliarly benefited by aald Improvement and which to hereby declared to b aa folio wa: Lota 1. 8. aad tee eajt H f tots T and 8, block 40: ell of block 37; lota 8 aad 4. block 86; lot 8. block 80: ad tn Carter a addition to the City of PortlaBd: and all that portion of block E lylog west of the weat Una of Lowasdsl street If extended northerly In it preaeat aoaree, aad aonte of a Una 100 feet northerly tram and narallel with th northerly Una of Height terrace: snd lots L 8 and 8. Mock 808, In tba City of Portland; and a'.l that portion of toad lyln between th aorth Uae ef block 87 and tea south Una af block 3d. Carter adldtloo to tb City of. Portland, and betweea the et Una of BeveHtoonth atreet If extended northerly In Ite preeent cenras. aad a Uae 60 feet weet of and pa rallal with th weat Una of Sixteenth street and all teat portion of a parcel "f land lying between tbe weaterly Una of ' Heights terraca aad a Mae 100 feet waat of aad parallel with tha west Una af Seventeenth n treat If e 1 tended northerly la It preeent coame and between th sooth Una of block 85. and th aorth lln ef block 88. Carter's addlttoa to te Cltv f Pnrtlaad. Tb Katrlneer' eat) mat a ef tb probabl total east for the Improve me at ef aald neicaoj tar . aw ana oo Tba ahova improvement I to be elaaeed aa a macadam lmnrovement aad shall he naala- telaed by the city for a period of four years, provided by tbe earner of a majority of th aroaarty benefited by said tniprovemeat ar any Mrtfaa " ahaTI' not netlttoa for B new or dlffereat laaarevaasaat kwlar te axplratloa ef Bock period. . ... . . . Tbe plana, anectflcatloa tad eatlmataa af the City Engineer for the Improvement ef amid Ulamta,.Vaa 4 manna an aaaa aaaBah as aaaktkH asmrmTltAMl KesolvooV That tea ABdltor of th"Clty .ef Portland be and be to hereby direct oa t five notice, af tbe proponed - Imprevsaaant ef aald atreet a provtdsd by the city charter, nammnotreaere nrainnt tea abovs lm M aaa V ha fllaal ia wHtlnV with the BBder- algned within 80 darn from th date ef tee Brat paoHcatiea ex inn notice. . BF rdt f the CoancH. THOS. C. DBTLTN, ' Andltor of tha City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, - Date af Brat public tloa. rwraary ia, avua. FBOFOSTD XBTBOvTOfKBT OF IBTTBS trnzzT. v . ,.:. Notice la kareby give teat at the meeting ef tee Cooncll ol ue city 01 rariano, uregwe. held oa the let Ony at axarca, saw, waa n .wins - - - aaa aalnntad: , . Beeelved. That tb Council of the City of Pertlarui, Oregon, oeema it expeaieai ana pws Pobbs to Improve Irvtnfc street from tbe weet hneef Firth street to th east Una of SoveeUi to rha feltoarlnsr Bin earns to-wlt: , Flrat Ry grading the atreet full width with tall Interaeruona to me proper soo-araom. Bacon By aaeacractiag ntoes ananwaise TklrS Br na.lnv the roadwST fnll Width with full teteraecttona with bltnUthl pave ment except that . parttoB - oecnpled by tha Poctlaad' 0oeoilelated Ballway loemstay. aa a right af way. which portion aau p im prov ad by aald eoospeuy by laying grooved raU not lea thsa sevaa Inchon te depth, pav ing tb apace betweea tha ralto aad eaa toot eetaide -the ralto with etaaa blerfca eat 00 eaa crete aad grouted with eemeet aortnx aed enecreto aader the ralla aad atone btoek to b at least six laehea ia depth, tee remaining porttoa of aald rlgkt f way to ke laapreved with Mtalithlc paveaeat. . - Fearte By laying tile ta accordance with tee City Englaeer s Blaaa, spedfloatlon - and "lfteBr amintrnrttar cstck-bastna to c eardanca with tbe City Eag! Beer's plaaa; apact fl rations aad eetimatea. Bald Improvement to be toad la accordance with tba charter and ordinances of tee City ef Portland and tee plaas. specification and eartlnrntea of tee City Engineer, filed la the office et the Aadltor of tee Clty ef Porttoad oa tbe BMb day ef February. 1006, Indoraed: 'Clty Engineer's plane aad need first leave lor tba tm-w..-.. If Irvine strewt from the went Hue ef Flf te street to tee east lino et Bevwath atreet and tbe eatlmatea or toe worn a oa mass eaai total cost ti The cost ef aeld Improvement to be eo aa. aeaetnaJ hv the eitT charter BBOW tee erte aperially and peculiarly benefited thereby aad which In hereby declared to be ail the lota, part thereof aad percent of toad lylog betweea a Una J HO feet north of aad parallel wlte tee aorth Dee of Irving atreet Sad a line 100- feet noath ef and Parallel with the aoath line of Irvtcg atreet and betwaea te weat Una f Ftftk Street aad tee east Uae ef aevaate tree. . - . . " The BBgiaeer aaiiassre et taw pronawea wwi ar fn uu impmitBirBl Bf ri'-l f-'"f nbTtrmr-veme-t Is te be etossed aaa bt rorHhie pavtmeat and. abaU b laalatalned by the city fa a period of eight yearn, pro. Tided, however, thnt tbe owaara of a amjority ef tea property benefited by aald Imrawroasrat, ar aay aortlea thereof, shall aot petittoa for a new or dlffereat improve meat be fere tee ex- Tbe ptont, namrafiawa aed earlaaatoa af tb City aUglBeer fee the Improvwmeat af aald Irving atreet are hereby adopted. Beeolved. That tha Aadltor of tbe Cite of Portlaad be a ad be. to hereby directed to give notice of th proposed improvement s saia street ss provided by tb city eharter. Bemeaatraacee agalaat tka above laapreve meat ksav he filed la writing wlte tb aader algwed within 80 daya from tba daw af te first aabHcBttna of tbto aettc. By ardor ef tee O-nnetl. . T THOS. C. DBTLIN, Andltor ef the City af Portland. Portia ad. Orrgoav Cat et first peblieattoa, March 4, 1808. tTSBBraaiigBT FOB amTMYntZST OF BAST StH rZXT OF BITTB BTBXXT, Is aaaapUsBe wtlk a reeohitloa adjopted at tee regular tpaeting of the Coaoell. held ea tbe IBth day of Febraary, IBflB. declaring tea dietrlet benedled by I he Imereoamiat et the reatovly 844 feet ef River street from tee snate lies ef AIM na-avenue to 100 feet aouth of tt aewth Uae of Alhtaa aveaaa, aad direct ing tb Aadltor of tbe City of Portland to prepare a preliminary anseanmrnt none tbe tots, hleefc and parcel of toad wlthla aald "nw therefore, Botlea ta baraby glrea that acb aaaemmrat I bow ob Sle In th face of the Aadltor of the City ef PortlaBd and that any oblevttone to nock anaiaaniiint mast be Sled In writing with th Aadltnr wlthla 10 day tram the Ttb day of March, 1000. the tost dsy of publics ttoa of thla aotlce. aad notice to further glvea that aald oh lections will be beard by the Ceaacll at a meetlag ta be held oa tee 18th day of March, 100. and all per sona aggrieved thereby or interested teen In most be preeent at aald meeting, and ar warned pat te depart therefrom aaUl each raaaaeenmeat kaa bn completed. . THOS. C. DBTLIN. ' j - Aadltor ef tbe City of Port U ad. Date ef Brat sob Ilea tlon Febraary 84. 180S. BXAA4X881TEWT FOB ITmOvBTXBT OF EAAT TAMHTJX STBXXT. Ia eoarpllaae with a reeolutloa adopted at tee regular meeting ef tee Coanctl. WeM Febraary IS. 1806. declaring te dlatrlct beoe 4 led by tb Improvement of East Tarn kill atreet from tbe eaat curb Bna af Rant Plater atreet tow tbe weat Uae af Utka avasae, aad directing tbe Andltor ef tbe City of PeetUod to prepare a pre II winery aesemmeBt apea the "tn. bloeka aad parcel af laad wlUUa eaid Nw therefoef, notice to hereby kivea That saeb smesemeni ia now m too offlc ef tee Andltor af the City et Portland, and that aay ee)rtlone to one aaaeaeawat meat be 8 led In writing with tbe Aadltoe wlthla 10 dav from the Ttb Bay of March. Hate. tmW MM. OB7 m pin "- am aya amaaaw npn 1' w, nBaaaaa notice to farther free that aald abjections will be tear by Ike CobbcII at a meeting to be Beet on tea lath day ef March. !., aad all painaes agnvtered thereby or latereated tkerela mmt be preeent it aald meStlna. and srs warned set to depart therefrom eatil BSvS eaeea.aaat baa ea co-ototed. TVot 0. f?wWT-rr, - - af tb Cy f rw , . . 1 'Icattea Isaraary lt . ' aUXLT1A "-,",m',a,'waTmBWaw AKDiir.iorxPACiHC 3 Trains to the East Daify3 Tbraagk Psllmnn stasdard aad toarlnt tleee Ing can dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spokanei trior 1st sleeping car daily to A.aaaaa Cltyi through PBllmaa tonrtot aleeeinc ear (peraoa, ally conducted ) weekly to atcago. RtctlateS chahr carp (seats free) to ths East dUy. UNION DEPOT. I I Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL, For tb Esst vis Baat- Ingtoa. 8:18 a. m. 8:18 a. 1 Dally. Dally. - SPOKAKB FLTER. For cEaatern Washing ton. Walla WalU. Lew :15 a. te Dally. I'Mt, at . Dally, latoa, Corat d'Alene and. Great Nartearai poinm, ATLANTfO BXPBESS. Far the Boat via Baat- 8:18 p, a. Dally. 7:18. I Dally. Ingtoa, Columbia Bhrar Drrlaion. FOR AarrORIS aaal area ' 8:00 B. as. Dally. point, eonnectlna with About 8.-00 p. m. atmr. for Uwaca and ex. Sunday. Ntirte Beach, atr. Hss-jHntnrday. nlo. Ash-st. , dock. 18:00 p. av TsmhlU Klvar BoBta. 4e, Volt niTTOtf City and Tamh'lll Elver polnta, ntrarn. Bute and -na a. a. T-Wlau Sa. ' DaHy. Dally, ax. Bandar, asoonc, Aaat. dock. (Water permit tins. ) rx. Baaday. Snake Bjver Boat. FOB fJCWTirmM r. About 8:00 a. m. , Dally. x. Friday. ' and way "polnta from Rlparla, Wnl., . smra, Bpokane and Lewlstoa. 8:40.. Dally. ex. Bstardai TICKET OFFICE. Third aad Watotagtea. Tato- . vwonv maia Tia. A. L. CBAIO. - Gaaeral Peaaeager Agant . TNIOWDEPOT.' 0TEBLAND BZFBESS borg 'Aland. "S"8acraJ mento, Oxden. Baal Fraa elaca. Btocktoa. Lea Aa-I 8 JO p. av galea, Kl Pana, New 0r-l leans aad ue cast. Morning, trala dec t ev -Byoodbui nl dally except Baaday 8:80 a. av with traia tar Mt. Angel, 8 1 1 V r t B. Mt.rS:0,iB. Brownsville. 8 p r 1 a g field. Wesdllsg aw Natroa. 40 av nii.a. j4:60 p. m. nects at Woodbura w1tel10:10 a. Mt. Angel aad SU' tea local. CoTVallM hm-BOp. m. Bharidaa pai a. m. Dally. IIDally, eieept Boaday. Frllad 0en Sabnrhaa Santos ,84 Taaakia , ,. , . - .. ..Larlaloa. ,, , "n Depot foot ef JefterW atreet 1 ' Leav Portland dally for Oawexo 7: SO a. m t 11.60. S:0ft. 8:66. 60.- 8:85, T.4B. 10:10 a. m. Dally (eirept Sunday), 640, 8:90. 8 36. 10 J0 a. m.:10, jl:80 f. jtvBaadaF aoJ-. 8n lUturnlng front' fhrwege, arTtve Port In ad Satto 8:80 a. av: 1:66, 3:08, 8:18. :. 8:f. 11:10 p. Bk Dally (exeapt SaaMay, 4:28. f:5-. 8:80, 10:10. 11:46 a. m. Except Moaday. Unf a. m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. aa. - . Leavaa from mam depot tor Dallas had Inter mediate points daily (except BusaUy) 4:10 p. a. Arrive Porttoad 10:10 a. m. .: ' .. Tha . IndepsaKlaece-hloorooBtk Motor Xros opera te dally to Monmouth aad AlrHe, eon nectlng with Bootbern Paclda company's traraa at Dalto aad iBdepeaafcmce. rtnt-elaoa fan from portlsad to Bacraaaente tad Baa Fraaeteee tro, nertaa an; fara BIS. aeaond-elaea bertha 88.60. najM ta Kan tar a aotata aad ' Ba lapaa, Cblaa. Itonotahl aad Aaakraiu. City Tick at OfSe corner Third aad Ingtoa atreetn. Pboa Mala TIE. a W. STINGER, tF. B. COXAJf, City Ticket .Agent . . Cob. Pass. AawBt TIME CARD TRAINS Portland 1 UNION DEPOT. Departa. i Arrtaaa. Limited. Seattle. Olymwl. Boa tt Bend sod ut Bf-aai nolnta. Mertk Coatt Limited, foe T aroma. Beet tie. Butte, St. PaaL Mla-I aropoMa. Chicago, Newt Tork, Boatoa and potetol 8:00 p. bv V4S4WI aaa 1 aaa Boaieeset. Twtn-dtr Kx m sea. Tacama. . Seattle, Spo4 knee, Helena, St. Peak Minnas nolle Ck lease. Un$B.toJ TmOeVSt, New York. Baetoa nd II point Kaat aadJ Boetaeaet. Paget Clty-St. Louis Bpsclsl. for Taaoma. Seattle, Bonfcana. Batta BllUnea. Denver. Omaha. Kanaaai 8:80t. ta. T0 . BV Oty. St. Loole aad allf polnm Aamt aad Boatb-I eaat. All traiae daily . except ea Bnatk Baawl ea. ... a. u. cuablou?. AsBtstaal Oenernl Paaaaagar Agent OS Morrtoaa tt. eor. Tbtrd, PortUad. Or. ' Astoria & Columbia" ; - River Railroad Co. .SiTHggv & Leo vae. PMON DEPOT. Arrived. 8:00 a. at. For Mayger. Rainier, 11:1 s. sx. Dally. Clatakaale, Wastpert, Dally. , . Cllftoa,., Aatoria. War : . t rentea, , P level, Ham mond. Fort Srevena. TT-; T. Gearhart r slhof' ' im m. te$vatt(Uay.,. Astoria barest. .' , 1 I ' 1 1 I ' ' 1 1 .. 11. 1 1 "11 a ,1 .,.,. ,-' . u. ttaiu, . ' X:F. .and P. A.. Aatoria. Or, ' C A. STEWART, (Y.ejeerrln Agvwt, 848 AJdr street. Phone Mala QQa. 1 Ttotott OBleO IBS Thirsl Bt, . X. j C aaaaa TraFvABCOFltlFH' IttOl e FAST TIME to 9voj.vm. r-f. Ttv rr"- lilNNJCAPO T '. P"i iw , ;. A I, In A . a , m. aa , Dartla-tit trl ,-ee,U6, the -and stoWkT m" - --.v, fw.t alara. ravstv iv.ia, aL, a 4 v , .- - . - I , I. - - I.. ; a