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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1905)
ifi too nvrcaiia . .-The. W..,, ;. - 'J -Fair- tonight and (Wednesday;. r . . .hrlak-north, toaaat winds, - VOJ. IV. NO.'l, PORTLAND, - OREGON, : TUESDAY EVENING, ' MARCH ' 7, 1905.FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ! STRIKE.MAKES NEW YORKERS WALK I "W ' "" """"""" 1 1 " I 1 ! it -1 I I - I. 1 il , .. i I IS' I. ' II 1 . -.i-.i I I I II I II II I lilt III! M -HI W 1,1 .11 Kuropatkta Reports That Russians Have B peHed Eikniy v " TWO ARMIES LOCKED IN : " LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT Muscovites Completely Sur , rounded by Cordon of the -Mikado's Forces-Must , Break Through or Die. : St. Petarvburs. March T. (Bulletin.) It la reported here that Karopatkio'a center la broken and IS heary alee .: Buna captured by aha Japaneaa. If this U true, tha battle la loat to- the Rua alana. Russian loaaea up .to iaat nlcbt . are placed at tO.OOO men, the Japanese '.at ; 70,000. V;N tZ '(Joaraei Bptelal Serrlce.)'' . Xiondon. 1 March ?. A Bt. Petersbar dispatch states that Kuropatkln report that tha Russians ha v repulsed tha Japaneaa at all points." Tba Russians - hav occupied Nusln Tont helshts, tak- ' Inn 100 prisoners. The Japaneaa left 10 officers and 2,000 soldiers dead on Pntt- v loff bill. . No news has bean recalred from Jap anese source .ibis morning-. i A Mukden dispatch states that nhtln of tha moat deaperat -character was resumed at dayllxht v and continued throuchout the day. .Tho roar of heavy artillery la heard on all sides of Muk- . den. ' It la reported-that- tha. Russians are gradually forcins; tha Japaneaa back on 'tha north and wast, taking soraral -vllUara, inchidlna- Fan Tsiatua and ... Tlnchln. ' : Tha . advance : operations' are under : tha direction of General Xaul bara and ataft who Is personally In com mand of tha Russian forces between the- railroad -and the Has "river. ' vl.-" Reports -andicate that th two armies are locked in a life and death strusxle la tha auerema Utth) of tha war. . n.. ' feat -for the Russians means the art-," Biiauon ' oi SkUroDauEin a army. j ne '! two onds ofOyama'a bow surrounding tha- Russians have oome together back of Tlellng. : Kurolrl's nd Noai's aoou j. Ilia puun nil 'mi vm wr mti w- ln th ITuroki. mmnundtfUf .tha JlD ' aaeae 'right, has thrown his right wing Nogt has advanced west of Mukden and completed tha envelopment of tba Rus sian army. 1 -r'-- r Tba Japaneaa 'forces described a clr olo about It miles, la. circumference ; with Mukden as tha center. Kuropat- kin la evidently making a supreme ef- troops surrounding him. . - , Tha Japanese . are again attacking Putiloff hill and other points on tha Rnaalan front, with the Intention N of ; regaining" positions from which the Kussisns euaiea uem aunng ioe nigni. EJECTING NEGRESS COSTS THEATRE ONE HUNDRED ' New Tork. March .7. Because Lucy Thomas, a negresa, and her daughter, . were not permitted to sit out a Thanks. .-giving matinee In box seats that she had ' paid for. she sued the Percy G. Williams Circle theatre for 1100 damages) under . the law making exclusion of any orderly person from a theatre ' a cause of ac tion and limiting the damages to 110. Mrs. Thomas was awarded that sum In a west side district court today and the .case will be appealed. - Mrs. Thomas and daughter -went to the theatre and were told there were no seats available. Then - she kbt ; a . white man to buy seats for her, aad she and her daughter entered the the atre, - Boon after taking their Beets she .says the usher informed her, that-she must return to the box office to "have ; the coupons stamped." The bos office man kept the coupons and refunded the gsonoy. . -: . ' . " : r - vv. TRADING STAMPS ARE BARRED IN CALIFORNIA f '.' ' ' (Jml Spatial ftwvlee.t ' '.Sacramento. CaL, March-T.Oovemor "Pardee today signed the bin prohibiting me giving ot iraaing inmpi in uuc fornla. v:;r-' - -t' - - .... POSTOFFICE . ,:. A N D . O N WKhln a few weeks east Portland will, have a 'completely equipped poet office department, ' employing about 10 persons . In , Its operation, - reoetrlng a y poruun vi im man .aireci irvm iih -a trams. and distributing' mall through- oat the east side with Its own carriers. i n. a. xiau. assistant auperuitanaeni oi the salaries and allowance division of 'the post office deportment at Washing- . i ton, arrived m Portland today, to put f h. - MW APMntinM,, Ma .ful Mr. Hall will confer with the post office committee of the Bast Bide Push , riuo. wnicn nu propositions rrom own ers or buiMtnga suitable for the new postofftoe; It a sob-station, but will handle fully two thirds of the mall that Is received and dispatched In the entire city. This afternoon at a conference be- j tweett President H. W. Ooode. .of the v iiir, un rnimuur jonn w. Mints gad Mr. Hau, details of the Lewis and ' jf OLD BACHELORS TO nAVE REST IIAYENS k ': ' 'V ' ; ' "fit '?!, . .-...I i , ,': i. !.. Project ' Evblved . to Provide -a Chain of Homes Stretching i ' . Across the C9iintry. ; ! r v-; ...... ...... . ; i ' . , HOPE FOR THE DISPISED - AND REJECTED OF WOMEN Something for the Lonely Old Boys to Loo,k Forward to - (Joeraal pelal Serric.) Everett, Mass, March 7. Dr. Charles K. Estabrook has 'evolved' plan . for the establishment of a Chain of homes" for old bachelors 'stretching ," across - the coentry. He has . formed the "Hppa brotherhood'! to. carry out .the project He will -establish at Everett, a quiet little ' suburb of Boston, the , Initial bachelors' home and call it. the "Center of Rest," which title wlU be given each home- aa 'it is established. V. -Dr. Bstsbrooks plan-looks' to 'uniting middle aged andlderly bachelors of Intelligence- and refinement : in a great brotherhood, who, by contributions will help . provide comforts and , even . lux uries f or "bachelors as they become and or more or lees helpless,, instead of lead lonely lives as they do now. --. . .' -." ,' . , .,, . '. ' j . "The plan Is wholly hvmanl tartan In its aim,' said Dr. Xatabrook. "social in Its acts,-providing -havena of rest for men who become nervous wrecks from the. use of-tobacco, morphine,-liquor or through handiwork! and the loneliness they ar cotnpelledrto endure." '.. . ; As the' "brotherhood" Increases 'other "centers of restf wUl be established as. fast as growth warrants- it - Able bachelors will bo sent to establish col onies .ln .various pi AtMr TAXJCS sTOMXaTATZOaTS. J : ' . V. aouraal gpeeial gsrvWe.) .'v, "Waahfngtdm. D. C March 7. After discussing the nominations for an hour the aenaUp' adjourned until' tomorrow. AT FAIRy E AST. : SIDE Clark postofflce will be worked out This Is. to be the exposition mail me dium, independent of the Portland of fice, receiving and sending directly. A force of from six to lOlerks AOd about five carriers will be employed in con ducting the office. All mall addressed to persona connected with or making their address the exposition grounds or sent out-by such Individuals, will be handled by the lewta and Clark office without the Intervention of the mgular local postal force,. Mr. Hall s authority Is plenary... . Mr.. Wilson, of the equipment de partment la also here. In conference with 1. W. Vallle aa to. lb 'means of handling the fair mall.; An .automobile may Ue employed. i . '- i. ' - Mr. Hall will look Into) the general work .of Installing the "postal depart ment's exhibit at the fair. Tubes for delivering mail as In New Tork will be shown In connection with the jroet off lee maintained at the fair. t This I the Gronp of Russian NsW Arthur. ( In the Upper Left Hand Shown a Picture of the Seraatopol, Wnich Towards tne end ot tne Siege ... duce the Sea Defenses of the pprtreasTf-'-'r r-- :' -A GASSIE'S Directors Not Informed of Oberlin Bank. Transactions With Mrs. Chadwick Until the Day the . Bank Suspended Beck T ! ,with and,Spw Concealed Them. v ' ' ' : (Joeraal SpeeUl Bw-rVa.lT ' Cleveland. Ohio, March T. Wh en-Mr. Chadwick appeared In court this morn ing, she was seised with nervousness and seemed ill at ease. Dr. Chadwick waa 4a eOart. -.-'. . . . Director Hotter, of the Oberlin bank. resumed the stand. He said the direc tors were not Informed of the loans to Mrs.. Chadwick until the day the bank suspended. Director Randolph testified that the directors- met every two weeks, and - that Cashier Spear read-what was supposed to be a. complete list of loans, but -never mentioned the name of Chad wick. . 11 .-- ..... . - . Vice-President Marshall . of the First National bank - of Cleveland testified that he had known, the late President Beckwlth and Cashier Spear of the Oberlin - bank , for .10; years snd Mrs. PANTJIER DROPS IN ArMARQUAll SCHOOL - as. ii in m , f Frigntens-Pupils at Play-Police Called ? to Hunt a Beast That' y Has Strayed Into Town. Frightened by the sight -of a large panther or mountain lion shortly after noon today, a number of children. play ing 'games. on the grounds surround ing the Marquam hDl school, ran Into the building and Informed the teacher of the presence of the animal. , The teacher Immediately notified the police that , the animal -was prowling around, the hill. Nonplused la the air- Kmmstancee, the police have not as yet taken any action, ' They ' assert that residents -of. the neighborhood should take animals and dogs ' and hunt the panther down. . i This panther, it Is said, has been seen on Marquam hill several times this win ter. . Mysterious disappearances . of chickens and small animal pets are laid at Its door. The lair ef the beast Is thought to be somewhere In the woods eo tha MIL -,).. New'Tork. March T. At 4 pany went on strike, their demand The cltys transit faolllUea are X with tha ezdeption of the surface trolley, llnea. The utter impossibility X Island reaching their , place of business' Is the most serious phase, of the venlefle and disorder.. ,, .- r . - -i na company la .manning trains, witn. smsa Dreaaers unoer -moss- under the protection; of Pinkerton : detectives, but are poorly patronised. ' .by police and guarda. ,...' ' .- .; '.. ... . - ' . Ttij, atrlki, nf th imnlnvM rtf Kk -TnkrKnpi,h nnmn, n v Umm Iimm X the subway and elevated roada of Hedley last olght refused to agree to the term a of tha amended demands of the repreaestatlvea or the men ai , a -meeting held with the officials of the company and a strike was. determined upon at the meeting of the, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Amalgamated Association, of Street and Electric Railway employes held la Harlem last night. . .-. r". . . i - ; c ; ' " - v The strike took effect at 4 o'clock thla morning and at that hour, the trains were -deserted by '.their entire, erew The ticket choppers' . agents and other employes at the ststlons also went out. : '; - Beveral cases of violence are reported. Strikers are eeld to have boarded trains and blown out the fuses, , thus dlaabltng the trama. In one case It la reported that-a conductor was brutally beaten. . The trouble started . Iaat October. There is talk by mercantile bodies of . forcing a settlement, and Mayor McClelland has offered his services as mediator.,-... , j-t-,., .. ..x. e-,.'.l ;.V ..J.. 1 , 7. ... Officer Who Havt Jmrt Croased the Corner la Carrtain N. O.'Von.Baaen) LOANJS: A SECRET Chadwick since last May. . She had kept an aoeount with his bank. The witness explained how Mrs." Chadwick obtained $1.5,600 on a check certified by Beck wlth In, October of last year. The check was 'charged up to the Oberlin bank. The witness. identified the checks mentioned '' in the Indictment - of ' the grand Jury. y' Provo, formerly connected with ' the Prudential ' Trust - company, testified that Mrs. Chadwick had openod an ao oount by depositing- a eheck and two drafts, amounting to f 11.000. Be Iden tified the checks mentioned ta the In dictment. ' t i.- ( H. H. Avery, bookkeeper of the Ober lin bank, testified that Mrs. Chadwick had once deposited f 10,000 in the bank but never had any other' account. He Identified the checks certified to by Spear and paid by . the bank. - MATTHEWS SAFE IS . WORD TO FULTON Attorney - General ' - Says '. the 1 Charges Filed Do Not Jus- y "4 vtify Hit Removal. . Vy I vj; , , .y";', ' 4 (Waahtagtoa Bones of The JsaraaL) ' Wsshlngtort, D. C, March T. Senator Fallon has .been assured by the attor neyenere! that Marshal Matthews Is noir likely to be disturbed in Ms position at the present time. The eharges filed against'Matthewa. It is announced, are not oonaidered ' serious, snd do not jus tify bts removal. -; j . " A favorable report has. been made on the nomination of Henry B. Ml U or as consul atTokohama, and oonnrmatloa will follow. '.- : - : .. - OOaUUSSXOsT BUSPSllDJLU. , 1 . , ' , ... ". .. . ' ". . . (lesraal'Bfajelal Ssrvlea.) : St' Petersburg. March T Martial law has been declared at Baku. Owing to the fact' that , seven out of nine groups of Worklngmen refused to elect dele gates to the Schldlovsky commission the esar has directed a snsvoiudoa of tee. work ot the commission. ; v t . U o'clock this morning 0.000 employes of for shorter hours and increased pay having been refused. - ' : paralysed and general business is greatly Manhattan. August Belmprtf, president of American Continent on Their 4Wy Home Formerly Commander of the Battleship sore tne Brunt or tne uomDmea snorts ox in Japanese twku iw ;. ';y " Sl7 ."' . 'y-'-yv'T,;' - "V -.v-r 'v. v BUSY OR A : A D M ITS CRIMES Man Who Robbed Half Aj)ozen Offices HereProves to Be George Mason.' Colored Convict r ,.dignantly Denies He George Mason, colored, who has been out ot the Walla Walla penitentiary only four months, after - serving four years for holding op a saloon at Ravenadale, Wash, with two other-ymen. was ar rested . last night by Detectives Snow and Kerrigan, and confessed that he is the man who.' has been cracking safes In Portland and vicinity on tha whole sale plan. He led the detectives to the Portland stockyards, . where the drills and powder With which he has been working were secreted under a pile of lumber. ''.-'... It to admitted by Mason that he blew open the safes of the Mount Bcott Lum ber company, F. Dreoaer ds Co.. the Pa cific Steel ac Hardware company and a safe in a business establishment at Al blna. He was Identified last night as the highwayman who held up and robbed Teddy . O'Rourke, a saloon pianist. -of til. to near the postofflce at an early hour last Wednesday morning.. The capture la regarded as the moat Important made by the police In months. Until taken into custody by Snow and Kerrigan the prisoner pursued his crim inal .career In a manner . almost reck less. He denies that he ever held any body up. calling that class of criminals "cowards." "y y On fcrtniar Safes. , In the presence of Assistant District Attorney . Haney and ' newspaper men. Mason repeated bis confession this morning.. He gave good dW of Infor mation 'relative to 'the methods em ployed by safe cracksmen.' The Mount Bcott sne ''job," he says, was dona alone, but In his other crimes be had an accomplice. Mason is remarkably bright, and his conversation sparkles with witticisms-He refuses to give the name of his accomplice, evidently hoping to se cure a promise from the authorities to deal with him leniently before he fur nishes Information which will bring his companion In crime to Justice. ' " --. "How long does it take to drill Into a safe?" he echoed. "Two hours T Well. I guess not; If It took that long a man would have little chance to do any thing. It takes only "a few minutes. " Asking for a Small drill held, by De tective Kerrigan, he ran his hand along Its . keen edge careJelaly.. "This Is a beauty," he remarked. "It does rha Work in double quick time. We use that larrei drill there for dy namite, because a caMI ridge has to be inserted. I wish I had Used dynamite the Ihterborough Rapid Transit 'cm- hampered. All trarno is nea up ot travelers in the upper, part of the. situation and has caused much incon- .. ? vaiey ana a raw xraina are wm run 3"he company's property is .surrounded . ' .-.'i .t , -.i Innaw ihraatenML ' The flnmDtnf oneratea ' 'the company-and -General Manager- From the Fallen Fortrema of Port SerastopoL Jin the Background. Ia e'Ptoves rVallaTW! From Walla Walla, who' In Is". Also a Hold Up. on. that Mount Scott safe-. . I waa sore enough to blow It to atoms when I got only a few dollars." , : . ' .Women If ever Bleep. .... , Mason Informed tne orr leers that was cracking the safe of the lumber company .he heard a baby cry ing.' which caused, him to cease bis work for some time. : The women give the most trouble," he said. . "A woman never sleeps. They are the- worst class, a cracksman has to deal with. You need have no fear of the men.". , '" . i ':; From the safe ot P. Dresser aV Co. Mason secured U In sliver and ISO cop per cents. He threw the cents into the river. He was . asked how he located safes, and. said "by rubbettwg around.", . 'We spot a , aafe and then wait a week before cracking If." be said. : "A man can't afford te take a chance sooner than that. " If T had good clothes It would be different. Once I had 'em alt . right, but luck baa gone against me. A, man can't . get Into the center ef town to blow safes any fool ought to realise that" ..' When asked if' he. were responsible for breaking Into saloons, the prisoner, grew Indignant .He declared he was. no (Continued .on Page. Two.) PARENTS SLAI N ?BY ' A DEMENTED YOUT' 1 ' - i ; ' "1 (Journal Ssertsr Brlr.) New Tork, March I. Richard Wake man, 1 years' old, the demented' son ef John and Augusta-Wakeman of Bloom Aeld avenue, Olen Ridge. NJ., attacked his parents tnis afternoon. An a result his mother died in Mountainside hos pital, where his father Ilea .mortally hurt '. ; v . , - ' , .The .young Man first - attacked his mother with a hatchet cutting her heed open. Then . he went to the basement where he drew a revolver and nred at his father. One bulfet lodred In the father's head above the. left eye; She second close to the heart, the thlrd Imbedded Itself In the back of his head. The boy was In the act ef firing fourth shot -when Ma father, who Is) a Police7 In" Honolula Wcrb Hard on th Stanford - BUTLER M'WHINNEY : 7 V - IS PUT ON THE RACK) He 1$ Unable to Throw Light orti . 'Supposed y Poisoning y - Inquest Drags on .t .-'y Slowly; - .: . r ' Jeoraal Special Serrlee.) .' "" Honolulu, March 7. High Sheriff " Henry says that ' the chemists found : by acid blue color test in tne stomaca extracta indicating ' the presence of strychnine. This Is what caused the de, lay in the report Chemists will testify, : to. this effect today. - . . . - v.- ' , r r" BUSY IN SAN FRANCISCO. Polios -"'- Butler MoWUnnsy aa4 i.-.-'" Sevsral Others. iWoarasl Special Serrlee.) . San Francisco. March The Stan- ford Inquest at Honolulu wilt not be) resumed until I o'clock this afternoon. . The police are awaiting developments1 but anxiety concerning the servant for--merly employed In the Btanford house-1 hold continues.. It is a self evident fact that- the department desires that the -public shall not share In the dark bus-' plclons now entertained. , v Pursuant to long Interviews of yeater-day-wltb- Miss - Richmond and Albert Beverly, police - today quietly sent for; J. W. McWhlnney. who for six weeks or more waa butler in the Stanford, hous. hold.-' ': . ; McWhlnney waa nnable- to throw any ., light upon tha situation. He stated that' he served Mrs. Stanford In the capacity of butler- up to the time she concluded ' to go away and he left, with the beat , of feeling on both sides. He waa In the household at the time the poison was supposed to have, been found in the ' Poland water but knew nothing of the mineral water having been, adminls- : tered, and waa .unable to throw .the' slightest light upon the mystery. V At the . Honolulu Inquest 'yesterday over the body of Mrs. Jape U Stanford. Miss Berner, her companion' and secre tary, told the Story of Mrs. Stanford'; death, scouting the Idea of suicide. ' The physicians present at the death testified that the symptoms shown by the dying woman ' Indicated death by strychnine poisoning. The autopsy sur- . aeons also stated that 'all : Indications showed that strychnine caused the death. The testimony showed that many per- sons had access to the bottle containing; the bicarbonate of soda. - . It developed today that both Beverly and Richmond were subjected to the N Bertlllon measurements! Both entered protests, but finally consented, on the promise of the police', that the' matter.' would not be made public INDIAN GIVES WIFE ' TO PAY AN OLD DEBT i. ' ".- ) ' ':- - : (Special Dwpatefc te Tie JearaaL) Vancouver, B. C. : March T. Word , received here states, that la sattsfao-; tion of an irritating bet of long-etanA-Ing, M man named Plushamrae of 8hoal? bay last week turned over to a neigh-1 bor named Tuetln. a woman, who for the past. 10 years has been his wife. I Tuetln accepted the woman and to bind the bargain and wipe out Old scores s celebration was held. . ! - The oraie will Ions: be remembered on - hoal bay. Whisky In snllmlted quan-t titles was given to the guests.. Bvery body got drunk as a consequence and : several fights, occurred with guns and.., revolver f roely'ssed. though nobody was 1 Injured. ' t , ( It la stated that up the coast the trad-' Ing of women Is quite common,., . CHICAGO ELEVATED WRECK i INJURES TWELVE PEOPLE s " " " 1 - (Jearaat- Special Servlea.) V ;' 4 i Chicago,, March 7. -Twelve persons . were Injured, "one probably fatally by the! derailing of s ear on the Ct'rt ' and Oak Park elevated at -Market a :.- . c at S o'clock thla morning. Tbev e.r struck an open switch and n owl . escaped ' being precipitated ' it , t . street''. LjW ; i...'. -. '- cripple. . ralsd his cfutcn the son on the" wrist in knock the revolver or o' In so doing broke his .. A neighbor came to . the erased youth flret t The police finally auli . Toun Wake -an t t considered harr s I fore showed vl .-e. 1 by a fall ' wb- t tins) he haa h ' -tnm look In v y i developed , There la n I t den- attack . . , la now cor 1 is at.-.I u sool I , ': '. ! '