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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1905)
r -.. .y,i mil .' ' " V . ' i . ' V ' ' ' -' :! N.'."':'- i ,. , J I 'll ' ' , v f ' V .. ' ."'- V .. . c - I J V ' ' ' v7 ' - r . PO ... Q - " t 1 . . ' " -r . - ' vonn . . n o - on n . o. M . ov:r' - - kissS: :immss THIS WEEK' OKLY : -4TIVEDAYS A : GSfmBr.mrrs :suit THIS VEEK ONLY FIVE DAYS ' f Xook at tos.pHces for theyP'C is bur cu You-can pick them out as'" well as we can. No deception caa -be practiced in this way all goops marKea' m piain ngures. -: Wc always mark our goods that way. We.say look at the prices. Do they look like they were boosted up? Below we give thej reasons for this fcxtraorf Carefully note these prices do you think they are.up much? The Silk Shirt Waist Suit is worth the price of the gent's suitv Conie in and see how you would like ' ' . y! .A . A LABY'S ELEGANT SIlCl SMEIT WAEST , SUET POIXIL WiTM GSNf'S SUiiTS - v Goods; No. ' Gun metal color, . smooth, all :Cf9tiL( "Goods ;No. 8310-1 Feint stripe darlc brown, smooth . t"ft Goods No. 803-1 Fancy red thread, check .;and - f 'worsted ;.v. .... Oft fw--; ''' worsted ....... . .V, ' . t) JvtVU ' . "flaked tweed v - VVww : ,. - c v Goods Na 806-4 Blue and gray ' Scotch, I --Wfl Goods No. 83102 Femt stripe dark gray smooth ,'(" 1 A AA Goods No. 900-6--Light' tan mixed and. plaid ' Art ; tf poods NoJ 5034 Fancy, plajd,. tan and brown 4 C yY' Goods No. 290-1--Fancy mixed brown Scotch ; CV! Art ' .: ft,, f. tweed , v i-JJiyP " worsted "i" ... .' 6 'r.v:";.v t- tweed 8 hwmm.mih""''';'m J Vv, fy Goods No. 4171-2-Fine mixed brown clack ""J 7A" GoodsTo. 3115-2 Orange and blue gray; mfacedQ 7 CJA Goods'. .No, : 2-.Taa .ind. pranie JWcd Scotch COQ Art" . ' ., iweea .. .....ww.ww.wi-.triLfi ' ' cnec.K, worsxea ........'.......... w w iwccu .. w.,.w.M.ww.i..t.w.viwiw w Goods No. 8311-5 Elegant stripe . and check dark O CA Goods No."313&4 Blue and gray check. G0018 o200-5-Fancy mixed plaid snuff CtOCYrt ..t)5 iV ' brown .MWWWw..M..,.yJvV Goods No. 4131-1--Gan meUl, gray andjed mixed,' t-y GoodstJfoc306-3 Dark black and brown herring- A' Art " Goods No. 5617 Staple bine gray, elegant: pJab CJ A Afj V,;.-,. smooth 'worsted ...'..,,......,....,......) w ft J v bone, 'WWtcdkrTirirTli ,i v .uooQS - q. sw-j-r-Mrxeo Durni orange, , jco, ana. -m C - f ; , t brown jtwd;wprsed;. . v. .'.. CtJJ U p 't Rain CcafcG New spring style ones guarantee ; the buttons not to drop off-rftill cut arid length ( tailor-made, silk TsHoulder lined." The best made coat on the mar ket today in this city. -wK- Goods No.. 5107-3-Dark. gnn metal, smooth v ;worsiea ............... ...... ..., V.; Goods No. 5300 Very dark gray Scotch ' ' " ' Aft Goods No. 4003- White and red gray mixed stand- C ft AA Goods No. 515 Dark blue ,- ise-ge f Also blacks, in clajr worsteds, unfinished Worsteds; drop worsteds, cheviots, tweed, cashmeres. ... ' , An order for a gentleman's overcoat will be counted the same as a man s suit, and a ladies' silk shirtwaist suit will go free with the overcoat Over coats late Style tan covert cloth, $25.00 and up all silk lined. r ' Goods No.. 4004 White and gray mixed standard tl ft ft ft -t tweed v f 4 . s No. 515 Dark blue - $25 00 Why We Do It TO INTRODUCE OUR LINE OP LADIES' SILK SHIRTWAIST SUITS for it Is well knbwn that in the past we have not handled this line of ladies'- wearand to let everyone in Portland know that we have added this popular line of garments to our ladies' suit and cloak business, we . make this remarkable offer for five days, only, beginning tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. . What we lose during this sale would be a handsome profit ' -for any store. But it's not lost. It's advertising the most expensive in the world the best in the world. We have been here for years, and our old reliable motto is still in force; ."It shall not cost you one cent if you are not satisfied." ' . . : . T. ''J.''l.:'.,'-1.';. ; Not: (i ! Store Pcr 4 , WE HAVE NOT GOT A LADIES' OLD STYLE or last fall and winter garment in our store, for about the 1st of Febraary we sold to Wilson, f the .auction man, our remaining entire stock of last season's garments.. In our salesrooms you will not be asked to look at out-of-date remnant, odds r, , and ends garments, as our. stock is fresh, up-to-date, and every particle has. been manufactured since February 1, 1905. We were by a long ways the first house, in this city to place on sale spring style covert jacketswhich we did January 7. Having our own factory enabled us to do it. ; ; A Trombndous StocK of Woolons . ' Our old customers, when they, come in now, say, "My, but yon have increased your stock." So we have. It is double that of any concern In Port- A V" land. That means you can find what you want, from the,lower and medium grade of cloth to the finest. We ask you to take nothing for granted. " ' AH linings, trimmings, etc, will be exhibited for your inspection co dissatisfaction will be tolerated. "It shall not cost you one cent it you are not '- , a!.;-.! M 1- ' it A Sit. ;i . '- .. ' "' ' "' V - ' . ' . ' 1 '.' - I' - "satisfied." v That is our rule we will not break it with anyone. i I i i . ;...i.-v, j. !- ')'--',. - " . " . SMirts .. . IXoadr to Wear Tailor ' cloths, mohair, brillian tines, voiles, late styles and up-to-date, popular prices. Wc arc manufacturers of Ladies' Gar ments and no one can tirider price us. Skirts j now on sale. i, i V Covert Jackets : Dark, mediam, and ; very light tan .colors warranted tailor shrunk, won t spot guaranteed silk and satin lining; the best made garment on the market today, in Portlandand will not cost yon any more than inferior made garments elsewhere. Have doth by the yard - ; SHk SWrt Waist Suits ,- Ready to Wear In all the popular shades and qualities,, latest styles, up-to-date garments. . You will need one of these sure this spring and sum mer. These popular garments are now on sale and are also as an advertisement xi the fact that we have added this line to our r stock being given away free with each order for a gentleman's suit for the next five days.' ; These silk' suits will only be given free with gent's suits purchased of us during the next five days. tailor Glotli Suits Ready to Wear ' v T - ". . , , - 4 . ; . - . .Here we have them all no concern can qual oar tailor doth suits. Our tailor doth tilor shrunk andmade not pasted together all lined with silk that will wear the life of the garment . These are now on sale. ' t MERCHANT TAILORS , Maniifactiirers knd Dealers in Ladies' Suits, Coats and Skirts FIFTH AND ALDER STREETS V t- ,