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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1905)
.... . T: i C! 2ll . DAILY JCUrTAL. rcr.TL -ID. MONDAY .EVENING.. MAHCH .6, - 1 1 4 Public .Tca Rccm f - - , Second Floor, f ' ' ' . AUSPICES PORTLAND T. W. C. A., .. r l-zr.uTuzzizy, Mrrth 7 ' , Tea, Coffee. J , Chocolate. f Milk Served in Bottle. ' f v Vegetable Soup. . ' . Chicken Salad. ; ; . Ham Sandwlchee, Tm Cake. Hot Boll. Broad and Butter.' SALES EXTRAOIDUIARY IN TOE DIG THIRD .FLOOR "v; , -WE , ARE HEADQUARTERS FOB"' HOTEL, RES . 4 TAURANT AND ROOMIWCMIOUSE 3 : - 8UPPLIES. y' ' Wo make a specialty of thaao llnaa and are. always pleased to quota prices to thoaa contemplating; fur nlahlng. w are now fully prepaid to ebow -. HANDSOME NEW SPRING' LINES Or;UBBET8 - 1 ' cut glass ' - r. -! (For which we ara Portland1 Sola Agents.) - , . ' FANCY DECORATED CHINA. . FRENCH, T GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ' r CHINA DINNER SETS. ; ' . "JABDINIERS AND PEDESTALS. . ELECTRICAI PORTABLES. ,r ' , GAS PORTABLES. l "V I 1. BRONZES. ? ; - .' r -T ' . LOTJWELSA ART WARE. J " .aW ROGERS BROS.. SILVERWARE." - " ONEIDA SILVERWARE. ' x f STERLING SILVERWARE. Agents; for the Block Buma eight parta air and ona part gaa showa four tlmee tha, Ucbf. at halt tha -seat of tJ ' any other Xma Bursar, " Big Special Sale of "S: ' Kitchen Fiurnishings Now approaches the eeaadn for. tha raplaniahmant of Kitchen; furnishing Raring thia thought In mind, ,wa have put en tba Hat for special eale artlelee ao useful and necessary in erery kitchen at poalttrely magnetio prlcaa that every .carerul bonaakaapar will gladly welcome tba opportunity to replenlah bar da platad atock of Kltcban "War. ' "" "; ,' , - ; Haary Pudding Fana, tquart ata," our llo rahia; apaoM at ........,. ........ ...84 Flour Btftara, ar lBo wohta; apaclal at, aacb..lS4 Haary- Lip KatUaa, l-qnart alaa, our I4e ralua; apa- elalatvaach ..... .....ISf Japanaaa Decorated Trapn. l-lneh alaa; apaclal at. aach...... .......-.............. .13 Coppar-Bottotn Coffka Pota, l-auart alaa, aur tba ralua: apaclal at, aacb 284 A-J. , mr. , iA. sTU.a m . 1 - ..fVIIINI I iJ T.' OMonr iait TtnuH-lnck alio, our 10 ralua; ape- oial at, aacn ,.., .. ...... Grantta Iron Pla PUtaa, our 1 Jo , ralua; apaclal -at,' ' aacb 84 Granlta Iron Corarad Saoeapana, t-plnt bum, oar too. : ralua: apaoial at, aaeh 844 , TVhlta Bnamalad Waab Baalna, onr Ito ralaa; apaoial . at, aacb . . . 844 . Whlta Enamalad Waab Fltcharav oar tto ralua; apa clal at, aach ..... .................. .......TS4 Bhta Enamalad Taa Katllaa, our i.a ralua; apaclal : at, aacb . . ... ,.8160 Blua Enamalad Tan Pota, l-plnt also, onr (o ralua; , apaclal at, aach .884 Vf- 'qOTCK-MEAL' STEEL' BANQE8.. 'Tba kitchen takea on a naw charm wnan yon hara a Quick Maal Steal Ranga aa Ita eantarpiaca. Wa ara , agnta for tbijn oalabratad ranga, and aach and arary ona ia ao-ld under a guarantaa. .;--,"v j-. r ! Brooma, our tfo ralua apaclal at, aacb. .......834 Scrub BruBhaaour 100 ralua) apaclal at, aacb.. .,74 Butebar Kntraa, our llo ralua; apacial at, aach. . 84 Hatchata, our SSa rajue: apaclal at, aaob........884 Hammara, oar 'tOo ralna; apaoial at, aacb. .....184 Tack Hammara, our SOo ralua; apaclal at, aacb.. 84 Picture Cord. St yarda, our le ralua; apaclal at, tha , place . ............ i ...... m . . 44 Wire Soapa, our le ralua; apacial at, aaeb.,i 84 NUUneg Uraiara,-our. vmimw, qmw ai, WHoflf Rng Beatera. our llo ralua;. apaclal at, aach. .. . 184 Dorr Egg Beatera, our o ralue; apaclal at, oaoh',74 Waah Bo U era, coppar bottom, our, Ma Value; apartal , at, aach i . . . ............. .....T84 Housefitting Shop The? Old WoSm King Organization Gives to the Pe Northwest a Dependable '"i There la a deal of espertmaatfng going on. ' Some atoraa expertraent with facta, othera with f iguraa. : L.; . - -O ". , ,- -'.; -r---- Not -no, here.--.;,.-.:..-.rl; : ' It wa quota a prloe, depend upon it, it a rights v Ifwa announce a reduction., depend upon it, H'a 'true.;. ",,N", " :;; 'V. .;...;.,.;' " If wa racoramend'a atyla, depend upon it -It'a oofract'(. v4 U.'-A-V.. ::''"- Dependability la tha atrongeet feayire reft thla lore.. .;.'.V-:t. r ..:'); ; 5'"- " Block, Lights" "Clock Lrjttx" They cave tta .Mighty Gbod ON THE FINEST LINE OP"CARPBTS IN THE LANDI If tha beat carpet atora la tha ona with tha largaat V rariaty of tha flnaat makaa of the world'a bant r carpet mills. a?nd the largaat number of ox " clualva patterns in tboaa makea, and tha ' lowest prlcaa In town, than this la . Portlands Beat Carpet Store- . - aaaUy tha beat on tba Coast. -x , QnAngTSTffD . - HERE'S LACK CURTAINS REDUCED. -Tha importance of thia Upholstery 8 tors to yon la abown by tha business you glra ua and as abort lota and onda of Unea.result aa a consequence, lt'a Just an other way to put it wbea-wa aar that remainder Iota araaa axpraoaton of your prafaranea to thla Up-' botatery abora.. Turn about lav fair play, ao wa giro onr o us torn era tba benefit of the reduced prlcaa an theaa etook adjustments of depleted llnaa from oar own ntockav Saro np' to halt, .Good aallere, aaark you atyiaa folks ilka ao much that we're only a taw of aaeh left., 1 v Firai Floor. THE NEW SPRING RD3BONS ' ARB READY. They reflect tha period of Maria Antoinette and Madama Pompadour.- v . , The influence of Maria Antoinette and her time, sifting through tha centuries, may ba nana in tba aoft new rib bona on display today. V .- , - Louis XVl'a quean ruked the fashionable world. She waa fond of drees and. full of Invention. It waa due to. her Ingenuity that, many new colors ware brought out. euch -aa ,"Parla mud.- 'Imrnt opera house," "flea color." ... " .-. In ribbons the moat fashionable colors were called by her "'stifled eigh" (which waa apple-green with whlta atripee). "a sign of hope"' (we may Imagine thia rose color), "a aunken ere," "an Instant" and ' oonrlction." . v . ' - v y' ' Every ona wore ribbons, and ''tiny flowera were aeen averVwhera. Soft Pliant Taffete Ribbons and tha beautiful btenda ahadlng aa from a pale flush down to a deep rone-plnk, are hot faroritea. Moire-Rlbbona. it la aald. will be aaaln In faror. Roman Stripes are 'back for children, and tha little old-fashioned Ptoot,; which la bare ones mora. Ribbons . hara been out of faahton for ao long that it la refreshing to aea how they ara being used on .all the now gowns for spring and summer. Sea 'the ribbon ahow. Prlcaa are tha usual fair OLDS, WORTMAN A KINO sort. Than come alone to tha - .' ' . ' '," LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. ' A naw assort men I of Elegant Real Torchon Lacee, r - Edges and Ineertlona. Prteea aa low aa --7- " ' la oonaiatent with ouallty. Naw Torchon Lacaa, with Ineertlona to match; priced up from, tba yard ...........................44 Beautiful New Embrolderlea, with Insertions - ta , match. In Nainsook. Bwias and Cambrks: prioed at ;,, tba yard. from. 104 VO $8.50 j S888Sj ' 'B8B8 Women s Fancy Gods Shops Special Prices for Monday MckrNacks .'.: I . ' SMALL WARES SHOPS FIRST -Tha dressmaking need and waista of the everyday aort ara . eaaleat . filled hara. Baaleat because so handy to pick up and at "pick-me-up" prlcaa, too. Here's a aale ta be heeded. . Spring aewlng la at band plan ao that tha dreesmaker will not ba delayed It's bad manage ment to maka her wait while you aend around tha corner or down to tha OLDS,- WORTMAN A KINGt store for thread or tape or aomethlrtg forgotten. Tou're paying for her time, meanwhile. Think out Wbat'a - Beaded beforehand. Have everything In readiness. Bare on- the naceealtira and luxurlea, 'too thia way. '. t J - . ,' FOR THE 8EWINO BOX ..,:..... "yti.oa srwino brts io, S . , . r- Starling Silver Sewing Seta, thimble, iaclsaora and-4 . emery, beg, tn neat case; regular, value , 11. ev; 1 apaclal. act ......v..884' VO:-.; ' too TAPE MEASURE Co. V'v ' ' Beet Sataen'Tapa Measure, f 0 Inches longs regular ; ; ralue lc; special, each ..............84 10c GARMENT FASTENERS to CARD. Ball and Socket Garment , Fastenera, . black and .. white, large or amali sixes, S doaen on card; regu- " lar value 10c;' special, card .,....04 '', . 16o NEEDLE BOOKS lc.. , Needle - Booka eontaining If uaaful . artiolea, in . needles, pins, booka and eyes, ate.; regular value : 35c; apaclal, each t.. ,. .......... . .jti .164 : Ito BELT BUCKLES ICk... ..- Fancy Belt Bucklea, for tba new belts, in gray and ' gilt finish; regular ralue tic; special, each.. 884 . . . 10c MKTAL DRE88 BUTTONS lc. Fancy . Metal Dress Buttons, for trimming and but toning; matches all tbadee; I., doaen on card; ... values 'to eOc; special, card. ... ...... ..104 Pcrtli Foremost, Store ; With 'c? :t3 fcr rcrt- cii LTi V du3s and Carloads of New1 Merchandise in the FOURTH FLOOR '. . f Rococp and Irish point net. ' -With baary applique and embroidered borders and . acroll embroidered centers for sash curtaina, panel jcurtalns and bedroom ourtaiaa. K Onr (o ralua; apaclal at.,.,....j,.,. ,...2B4 Our (Co ralua: apaoial at. ........ .............434 Onr tl.0 ralua; apaoial at ......504 Onr rahie; apaclal at........ ......634 Our Lt8 ralua; apaclal at.... ... 884. , ' M SPECIAL SALE OF IRON BEDS. - White Enamalad Brass-Trimmed Iron Bade, threa ., a. :- Quarter aind full alaa. ...... t Our fl.ov 'ralua; apacial at. each,.... .8-t.OO Our ta.ll ralna; apaclal at, aacb;.... ....... 84.85 Our 17.50 ralua; apaoial at each.',... 85.85 Our. tLM jalua; apaekU at, eanh,,, j.;'.88J65 Our fla.(o ralua; apacial. nVaach. . i . 87.85 Our llt-M ralua; special at, aach...... rr. .8.85 , Our ralue: apaclal at, aach...... $13.25 ' Our IJpt raltjat special at. aaoh..'..;;..,.8l8.50 - RtCBf AMl' HAND60HE LACE". CURTAINS '"IN ' IRISH 'POINTv t BRUSSELS,- RENAISSANCE, v' ' P ARABIAN . POINT; ' CORDED , ARABIAN : . ; ' AND REAL CLUNT ALL PRICES, ' ' . . . -v .i ' t ' ' ' it- " - -' - ' ' ' ' ALL lONDS 6F DRAPERX WORK , . . A SPECIALTT. , , ' ' . RUTTLKP NET CURTAINS.-.' r-- . Neweat atyiaa In Ruffled Nat Curtaina, with lace edge ' . and Insertion, T-inch ruffle. Prlcaa,. tha pair . M.'-lv tl.t $1.88 815 $1.5 81.T5 "V ' k $8.0O $8.85 $8.50 $8.75 $8,00 Corsat-Corar Rm broideries. Irt Swtea. .Nalnaook and. Cambric; price, the yard... 464 0 88.OO New Ruffllngs, in black and white; priced from, the yard ..... ....k:,.. ......... .Wf xv,ii,ftff i- 1 . 1 1 ilu ; SPECIAL! , f A -GREAT RIBBON SALE STARTS TODAT. 1 - . .FIRST FLOOR. -v, s We will place on asl thia morning In the Ribbon Store about 0,plecea of Plain and Fancy Rlb bona. some aatln groagraln, some Invisible stripes - in black and White, some In fancy flowered ef fects, noma in tha Jeraiaa patterns. I inches wide, - aa elegant assortment, about 1.000 yarda in all. , nona ara worth leea than I0o regular, and soma ara worth more; to aell thia week at, tna yard 254 ''?;''' 7lo PERFUME, Mb 'OUNCE. ' V';.' Fine ImporteiJ French Perfumery, In bulk, riolet' heliotrope, carnation; pink. musk, lilac, Peatt da ' Eapagna, ate; regular value 7M; apecial, ... ' - ounce .........v....',.,..., 534 , - fio TOILEt SOAP -1(0 BOX. Fine Art Toilet" Soap and Fancy Scented Hard- MIDad -Toilet' Soap, t eakea in - a boa,- regular ralue tie; special, bog.. ................ ....154 - llo TOILET 'AMMONIA lie.' ' ' a-oa. bottle Violet Toilet Ammonia, for toilet or - baths regular valu ISc; special, bottla,.....184 So TAR SOAP la. Tar Soap, for bath or ahampoo, hard-milled, reguV : lar ralua tc;, special., cake.. . . .34 - . M? jar VASELINE llo, 1 .Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, 1-lb. glass lar; ragular - ralue ISc; apeciat. lar.. 154 . lie TOILET SOAP to BOX " Fine Hard-Milled Fancy Toilet Soap; oakea la bet; ' regular ralna llc;epeclat box...... ,,..84 le CASTILE SOAP FOR ' lte. " Olive' Oil Green Castile Soap, large square cakes;. . regular value le; apectal. t eakea. ....104 '" , . PRETTT . JEWELRY NOVELTIES AND ....',',' NOTIONS. - llo SOUVENIR PINS lie, Portland Souvenir Flag Pins, red enamel; regular value tic; special, each......... il$4 1 1 .- la HAIRPINS 10 BOX - Beat Black Invisible Hairpins, crimped, aaaorted slaes; regular ralue Ic; special, boa.,.. ...,.84 .'.. - llo .WHISK BROOMS le. , Our Best Quality Double-Beam Fine ' Com ' Whisk : - Brooms, ebony top. ring handlea; ragular. ralua 3ie; speclsl, each.,...,.,,.., ,184. Lcrgert ZzxZa ca the Pacific Coast Cole Afrenta for fca United' Ztttz for the Official opalccchiit wninov SIGNS ; . Advertises Lewis O Clsrk Erpccldon, 85c Each L... L MO)S - U ATTINOS. - CURTAIN'S,' BEDS UAND BEDDNO. , , , -: Prlcaa alway tba lowaat In tha elty. , ' . -'-' - PILLOWS. ' ' 1 . ' ' All Feather-Filled Pillows all kinds, from tha aheap. . eet to tha beat. Prleee. aach . 754 81.0O $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $8.00 58.50 f ". BABT OO. CARTS. Forty atyiaa in Baby Oo-Carta. -tha folding and ad , Juatabla kinds, with automobile gear and rubber - Urea; pricea, aaeh, from. 1,4. . $3. 75 VO $40.00 V - : ..WHITE 1 FIGURED ' MADRAS. ; -,.' , . -.Fifty inctiaa wide, for eurtatna. - -' Z Our 40 rainar apaOial at, tna yard. t .t04 Our 4 So value; apacial at tha rard. 4. .144 LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. ' Richardson's Pure Linen Handavrcniefa, the beat , manufactured, and aold in Portland by OLDS,- ". ,- WORTMAN A KINO only, in plain hem atitched, with 44 and te-lnoh bama, : 1 ...... N. aitnar aheer or hoary llnea. . Prloea, aach. from 104 VO 444 EMBROIDERED COLLAR AND CUFF SETS. ' .Very Pretty and Stylish Turnover Collars, with Cuffs to match, made Of butchers linen, embroidered. Prloea, tba net. . . .T54 81.00 AJTO $1.85 SOFT RIBBONS. v- . -t No ayeb poetlo naraee for tha rlbbona of thia apring. but it la aafa to any they ara far mora beau tiful in texture and weavatban Marie Antoinette ever aaw. i---. ' V' . L-.,..r. , .: r... . . WINDSOR 'TIES. . . . ? Of surah, prau da aole and taffeta. In all aolara. Prlcaa, aaeh ......w.. t,254 04 TO $1U0 KID GLOVES. - . Tba beat manufactured in alt oolom. Tha "Monarch": price, tha pair., ...... .$8.00 Tba "Derby" i price, the patr..,..,,,.ilO Tna "Eakay"! price, tba pair $150 Tba "Magnet"; price, the pair,. .81.00 i , - NEW UMBRELLAS. , ...... . . a Flrat, Floor.. r A lot of Naw Umbrellaa, aultable for either rain or ' sun. covered with black cotton gloria, good ralue. at. aaeh ..... ...w.,.,....'......... .v504 Same aa abores but batter ouallty. eerk .81.00 -Othera. covered with mercerised cotton, each.. $1.25 Umbrellaa with Hom or' Natural Wood Handles, aa. sorted .designs, covered with fine taffeta gloria, aseellent ralue. at each ...81.50 Another lot of Umbrella, covered with tape-adga taffeta, at each .81.08 Swell Umbrellaa Covered With Fin Pure Silk, either black or colon, with . handsome liandlee of many different atylea; prlcaa aach $4.S0 AST $5.00 FLOOR tlo BACK C0MB8 lte.. " Fancy Jeweled Back Combe, in ahelt and amber: regular ralue tie;. special, each. .....884 ."' " - -, IRONING WAX t STICKS (a. Y Chlneeer -Ironing Wax Stlcka, glvea lusUr to clothes; apaoial, I sticks.;.......,. .............54 1 le MACHINE OIL lo. , Beat Quality Sewing Machine' Oil; regular . ralua la; special, bottle t. ...... 34 ' IN STATIONERY AND V PAPER, GOODS , . PAPER DOILIES 'to DOZEN. ' ' Fancy Daooratlva Paper Laca Dolllea, for lunchea. . parties, etc.; apacial. doaen. v ............54 j 10c PHOTO FRAME8 tto, Fln French Gilt Photograph Frames; regular value 0c; speclsl. eech ..384 '. ; o WRITING PAPER He. Box Writing Paper; aaaorted tints; regular ralua lte; apaclal. boa .. 124 llo WRITINO PAPER ta BOX . Box . Writing Paper, odd llnea, 14 sheets paper with envelopes to match, smooth finish, ruled or alatnt regular ralua 15c; special, box. ............. .84 IOC WRITING PAPER lte Box. Writing Paper, cloth finish, .white or aaura .- blue, note else; regular value lte; special, . box ,...:....... r .,. 184 .. WRITINO TABLETS to. , Large Library alaa School Writing Tablet;, spe--, clal. aach ............ ... ............... .......54 . : 10 BLOTTING PAPER la. ' : ( Larga-Slaa Sheet Blotting Paper, white, blua or pink; - - regular ralua tor special, sheet. ........ .v, . ,.84 , , - t(o PHOTO FRAMES lte. ' , Gilt Photo Frames, fancy aaaorted deelgae; ragnlar ralua lie; special, each. ........ ............204 r...:r n V. M Only in Ig(pnii Rcisult(Qf tC. C; tz C w RepUnd Carter, bellboy, The Norton, 38,221 Arthur Taylor, M. & A. Shoeren 34.BSJ Mae Hughes, Knight Shoe Co.. ... ..22,075 Guy De Pue, Portland Delivery Co, . ; 9.2S3 Chas, Adler, Woodard-Clarke, 8,619 Esther Carlson, Mason & Ehrrnan.,. 7,89s Arthur Lindborg, Lindborg Grocery . 4,808 P. H. Batten, Wadham & Kerr Bros. , 4.206 Ralph Holmes, Ladd & Tilton bank. . 4,038 Fred. Murphy, Western Electric Co. . 4,016 Janet Oark, Meier & Frank Co.. X.V 3,253, Raymond Smith, Columbia Ice Co. ; , 2,240 E. C. Molin, Meier & Frank Co.;..: 3,220 L. F. Haley, M. Seller & Co...,...'; 1.U2 W. Sheahan. O. R. & N. Co. .V. i . ; A 1,223 Isabella McCurry,: Lipnian, Wolfe & Co. . . . .... , ..w. . . ......... 1,0:6 Chas. Johnson, Phoenix Iron Works. ! 761 Joseph Bishop, United States Laundry Harlow Burt, city fireman.'. ;.v C. W. Coote, Southern. Pacific shops U'. Ida Harkinrider, Meier & Frank Co. i; A; Haynes, Ice Machine Mfg, Co....', W. C. Cooper, P. F. M. Co... ' Nell Younrrer. Oi M. Co. i." . , . . . 706 721 580 564 400 329 819 Hattie Foster, Lipman, Wolfe & Co, .4; 285 D. A. McRae. Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 74 270 258 233 172 A. B., Chase, Pinkerton detective force Chas: Poindexter, Rich cigar store; , . . Mr. Toomey, X-ipman, Wolfe & Co; Fred Gifford, electrician. , . . . ... ... J .Total..:.. ; ;.f?;Zt?CAswt Spring ..... .a . - . wa m mum ita 'mim. we are ing onr aountara with the pretty naw, Hoelery front a..a ... .a.- .ni.M tniM tha tmt makara to whom our buyer has been going annually for xaore uan rwenty-xira Tea". ' It comes direct. There is no middleman's pre fit to bo added to the coat, and ao you can get atock lnga bare at the lowest pricea posaibU. . , FIRST-FLOOR HOSraRT SHOP. . ; NEW HOSIERT. " - - V Misses' Fins' 1 Ribbed Black Lisle Hose, aeamleaa , foot. Thia; la the ' greatest Hosiery Bargain we nare navn aoieto give in evtong 11 Siaea I to 7 . pair .........134 Slae S to IkVvWtr,...: tT4 Slaes , tV and la. pair..; ,...294 iwiaran a very Fine Binned Black Lisle Hoee, rtn .labad foot, double sole; a rery.prignt dressy stocking; alaea I to t; pair.......... 234 Childrea'a Superfine Black Lisle Hoee; double knea ad aole. Frencn toe; ell'slaes; pair....... ..334 Bora Medium-Weight , Black Cotton Hose;1 finished foot; double knee, heel and toa; I to 10:.. ; pair .v..,,...' : . . . .i 254 Boye' Medium-Weight Black Cotton Hose; half r ribbed, finished foot; double knea, heel and toev siaea to 1; pair............ .....354 Women's Black Lisle Hose, aeejaleaa, ribbed top; double aole; all eises; pair .154 Women's Fine Imported Black Cotton Hoee; double aole; high apliced heel; French toe: In all black; , whlta sols and all white foot: big value; ' . pair. ............354 A great assortment of Women's Black Laca Hose and Black Hoee with fancy atrlped boota; great assortment ef pa turns; all alaea from to !; pair. ...........254 Woman's Black Oauaa Llele Hoee. plain, plain top 'embroidered boota,: plain top and iaeo boota, plain top and black boota, embroidered, plain . taa. Plain tan with lac boota. plain taa with ' laoe embroidered boota and Dreed en Mae in aama ' atylea. and many ethers space wlU not allow mentioning, but thia ia -tba greatest Una af Hoelery this market baa ever seen; to aell for. pair-. Ktiiiii r. . . t . ..(..... r,-.'.....-. . .t504 Women's Free Qsaae Lisle Hose. Imported stock, all rull fiaiefeed, in following new ahadea: Morocco, onion ahadea, Dreeden blue, mandarin ahadea, , vkJleta, geranium gray, auedee, emerald green; an beauties, pair......... 75 AXfD 8S4 Wowtrae Black Silk Hoe, an Immense assort ment ef the beat makes; prices from, pair..... fl.35 TO $5.00 Only One Man Out of Every Ten Oats aa good toggery as ba papa for. Perbsp only On out- f twenty We're a pea king of Port la a 4 man wba do their buying for man never "shop" In Portland stores. Tha raaaen la that only aboat that part of tha olty'a mala population trade here. Consequently, only ona man out of ten or twenty la aa well dreeeed aa hie mean a wiU afford, - Now, that's frank Isn't it? Tba only reason la that about It or t men out. of a hundred hare an nn tipathy agalnat trading In a "department atore," and they par dearly for that feeling. Tha prtoaa hara ara from lOe to lie. an an average, lean tKin men's specialty houses aak for aama gradea l? a regular way.- except on contract gooda. And than the opportunities offered by. our special aalea ara nnmarona. Women are wiser than men' - and bat' ter burera that'e why women thronr thia atora dally. Take a leaaon from yonr wife, your mother, your elster.'Mr.- Man. In your buying. It will pay you and increase aur men'a business rapidly. Our men'a store ia by .Itself, away from tba crush of other aisles, light, bandy and airy right at tha Sixth atreet entrance. Oet wise, Mr. Maw 1 "DO IT NOW. Thin wank in tha ,. . . ;::'V ' af-aro tooo'ert- First floor Sixth Street Annan. "j4 So HANDKERCHIEFS FOR I FOR llfl A line af Men' White Hemstitched Handberchlafs . ef -fina mercerised cloth: oar regular 19 r j apecleL at 9 for,., .......v,.. ...1. ' llo SOX FOR le.v -A a extra good line of Men'a Faaey Sox. goad ralue; apectal at. tha pair. .............. - - . . 11.11 OOLF SHIRTS Uc. Men'a Flannel Golf Shirts, only a few of them 1 -. regular 1. ralna; sp-tal at, each. ...... ..C . - 1 too TIES lie. Men'a Tlaa In tacks and four-la-bame, rtfir f relnes; special at, each. .,, ,y, ............ .f . JVST IN, LEWIS AND CLARK Ar.O 11, FOUR-IW-HANDA ' A new lot of long, narrow For-ln-Tl f all plalry color with "Lewla and C. . ' 1 ; embroidered on the enda. ,. 1 Womeh Hosiery i .. I ft. 9