.1 '.- V '.THE ; ORCGON DAILY JOURNAL ' rOHTLAUD; MONDAY BVEia::0. I!AT.C:i - Ct 1CC3. c:::;.:erc!al club CCriVFJiTION MEETS STANDARD VILL r SOON CET. A MILL W.IIametta and McMinnville Or- UV';W: Meeting." . .,, 4 . s, , f jvf . INVITATION EXTENDEDT 0 Arrangements for Plant rtre'IJe , ing Perfected Rapidly Sayt the fanagement. ;:. " ORDINARY WATER I OTHER.WESTERN CLUBS FOR THE CON Effort Being Made to Have Buai- Mine Development Continues to Li-..-., it i tend Revival Services. - j.. j) h ir - . .' ' ' i . ' i - .-. . ' ...... i. , . ' Wb-ea, : h . 1 . ,i. . . -vws 7FaW aV w M i - AW. naj . Bk I I'll - X- . ' 'vCX J-L-rC I IJ -I I II I V ' X"V if. V4 .'VarKSr II - . -1 111--- . r V: lf VX'ei I a. , g w. "Uh. h j. i..c.u -m - sh. msF- aw SLtuv - a b -ear f . a ' saw I 1 W M I I II I ' ; - n X an-Bhw X, "V -af ta, "V M IV S . . IssMhw M f - XV V.. i wa v V--sF-1 I I I I Ml I . a -OeTa.-'W "- l n w-JOt r I i MM - rspMUi Dinpu- to n joothI.) ' , ' 1 Salem. - Or.. . March e.lWedneeday, ejareh 21. Is the data fixed for the hold- .mg of the -Willamette vaiiey vrara,n:uu iciub convention in this city. Thla con vention la called at. tha suggeatlea of tha McMlnnvtlle Commercial club, and an ln-4 vltation haa been extended lo ail tne clube In western Oregon. ' Tha objects of the oonventlon are awn tnartsed as follows: . - "The better devetonment of our 'com , 'inanities, ,the uniting of our forces and the harmonising of our Interests along all lines that need promotion ana aa MttMRMIlL - . ' v "Making and securing provisions for taking, care ef the -Incoming U4o Of ' tourists and horn seekers. .. " .-'. . The ancourae-ement of -new Industries, ' the construction of branch lines af ra.ll "' road, tha extension of trolley lines; tha utilisation of .our unemployed water : powers tha establishment of rural tele phones and other deelrable, utilities and enterpisea., v . t An attendance of not less than 10 delegates is expected at the convention which will be held In the afternoon and evening. A program of addresses and nthar antarta lament 'Will be arranged, and some noted speakers will probably be secured. It la believed that tha rail roads will grant special rates for tha meeting. .One feature of the convention will be the choosing of a list of dele gates at large by this convention o i tanit tha State Devetonment leegus con vention which will be held In Portland on 'April 4 and r - ' .: ,' j v Vaiea BevtvaJ ervioea. Tha anion revival aervicea which are ; being conducted In this city under the . laadershln of Raloh Glllam are increas ing In Interest An effort is being made to have all tha business houses In Balem cloaa for ona hour Wednesday afternoon front 8:to to : o'clocg to give every body a chance to attend the meetings. Wag Ola rwi ' Mrs. O. C Litchfield, who died In Port land Friday, morning, was aa old pioneer, having crossed the plains In 151, and re-1 aided In thla city for it years. -- Her maiden name waa Louisa Wilson, Bhe'was married to O. C Litchfield at Grand Rondo, Polk county. In J4. She . waa the last surviving member of a fam ily of It children. rive daughtera sur vive her. aa followe: Mrs. Harley Baker, near Salem:- Mrs. George Shirley, Whlt-H man county.' Washington: Mrs, stepnen Sanford. Rosebtirg; Mrs.' R." ThomaaV Portland, and Miss Nellie Litchfield, Portland. .'" ' ' ' .. ' . rree rrosa Plasass. t" li- Kaler, stock inspect oY for Ma- ' rion county, haa filed his querterly re port with the county" court.' This report in for tha three-months andtog Fekmary 1, and shows the conditions aa found by hint at tha different dairies tbrough evt the county. Dr. Keeler states -that there haa been practically no disease among the stock during tha past winter, and Improved conditions are found in most of the dairies. . . Ooxaplaaa aVuVMl Xxhiblt. ' 1 " Prof. L.' R Traver, city superintendent f pub) to schools, reports that tha ex hibit of the schools for the Lewis and Clark fair la completed, with) the excep tion of easing, grading and arrangement of tha 'different schools and gradsa of the city. The total coat of preparing tha , exhibit will be I5. tneeeUl Mapetch te Ta ;eraaL Corvatlls, . Or., March (.the hllU and Mary peak are barren ef snow, a thing heretofore unheard of at this time of tha year. Balmy weather pre vails, tha roada are dry, and almost dusty In places.' Rural Carrier O. B. Connor made his Ift-mlle route on his bicycle Thursday. - - ' , Tinamook Headlight: Free seed at the Headlight office, but tha editor won't swear that It win come up when It Is planted. The early bird Is welcome to the My Offer to : Kidney Sufferers S Will hs tea a fall Seller's Warta ef Xy . : Seaway Tree to Try WHbeat Oast ef Be . : pesit er Preause to Pay, - , f eaeid sot sua ml affer fall dollar's Werth trm It atlae ware ea ardloarf kldeay ryntr. it la eat. It treats sot the kMaara tbaearlvaa, bat the aerraa that control tha. Tha eaaaa of aldney troabla 11m ALWAYS In thee aarne. Tha eely way te ee''k1tFr troabla la by trDftbo1a( and - rltallalps aa4 raetnrlng taaaa kMnar sna. net aiactly what air raewdr Dr. gbnop't Rastnra. ttaa enaa. Therefore I ees Siaka tkle offer with tea rertata kenwlrds that every kldsey mttrrrr wke BMkra this trial will be W Ipad. - wm i aay - ." t eo eat sraa tha erelnary Sanaa of feaMns. thoarht, acttoe. I waa tha aatoeMrle aarraa, which nlaht and day, eavaMad aad eaaaae. eantrel and arrnata end aearata avary vlul protaaa of Ufa. Tbcee ar the maatav ai ue. Tha ktdaaya are tbalr lea. Taar a4 raoaot matral thesi. Year will caaaot away thast. rt wbaa they are etraea, yae are well; wbea they are aot, yee waakaa aad eta. I have wrtttae e hnak aa the. Kidneys which III ha east whae yen write, nia book ex. Maine folly end clearly haw tbaaa tin;, taeoW Inalda" aarme eoatrol Dot aaly the kidneys bet aarh ef the othar vital oraane. : I here awde siy error that atranan to sir ranMdr Btf knew. It Is eat tataadad tnr or i onae te Uvea whe hare a aad mf raaaady. Thay 4 no rorthr ertdaere. Bat to tbosa who have sat heard, or bearing, may have delayed er doabted, I sey "otmaly writ aod aak." I will arad yae an order for walrh your dres slot will band ynn e fail dnllar bottJa aad b will eeed the hill te aw. Tbare era ae eon. . dlrleoe no ' raeelw awnta etainiy write . m ..;'' .-.,'!. i' r-: . ' Per a frae order tnr Book 1 ea lyapaeata. a fell dotUr bottle Rook 1 ea tha Haart. rem anMt eddraey nr. Itonk en tha KMnerS tha KMnara. aaap. In r ST1. wob e lor woaea, , , vk a for Mae. aooh.f ea EbaenMthnnv Hartne. Wta. . Stat a whleh seeb yes wast. ere eftea estad by alsaie botth). 1 I hDldesses .re sale 1 forty tsoeaaad srngatorni. Open Good Ore in Drifts,,; I.:". and the' Ralse.V ' ' ' ' T ' '' . . '''' ' ' : ' D. L. Kill en, senior member of the Klllen, .Warner. Stewart company, oper ating mining properttea ln eastern Ore gon, but having headquarters In Chicago, passed through the city yesterday an route to Pendleton, where the annual meeting of the stockholders of. the Standard Consolidated. Mines company will be held today. Tha meeting promises little of Interest. Mr..KIUea said, aa the management had already prepared for tha milling . plant to be Installed the present year, . " - A, complete outline of the Standard's proposed' '"concentrator - has not been given to the public, but Mr. KIUen-ald arrangements were being rushed for the work. Manager H. H. Nicholson had tested the ores for milling and expected no difficulty In saving all metals having commercial value,- and perbapa separat ing a part of them on tha usual concen trating table. , , , "We wUl use watsr . separation process.'' said Mr. Klllen. "and expect to avoid difficulties by crushing Just-jrlght and adjusting tha tables for too van oua ataces of the saving." - The sawmill 1s being delivered to manufacture.- lumber and" timber 're quired .and It la probable that an order will soon be placed for tha concentrating machinery. Tbe plan, WUl be In opera tion early this season, after which ship ment of high grade edheentrates from the Standard. will sdd to tha growing tonnage of Quartsburg and BusawlHe, where several young properties are an tenna the list. i . " Developments In the.- mint f continue satisfactory. - A good showing was found in the face of tha Willie Boy drift at -a point 0 to 709 feet from the Standard Intersection, and tha Side Issue vein Is being opened and heavy work continues on tha Standard proper. In tha latter there U Improvement at tha fees, where a vertical depth of nearly ted feet is had, and the raise from this level has been made 1T feet-ln ore which as a rule la wider than tha raise. Mr., Klllen stated that 'all of this ore waa .up to tha high average ef the Standard cobalt-gold-copper product opened previously. . , Manager Nicholson's experiments with cobalt refining and extraction' have at tracted general - Interest. He took a couple of carloads of high grade cobalt to Denver recently to conduct exhaustive testa, which are about finished. - When ha returns to the mine he will probably be able to put Into practice economical methods of extractlngths cobalt values, so that In shipping this rara metal to tha old workt where Its market in erude statea ra taraely fownt, U will net be necessary to . pay freight on, associated metals. ' Exhaustive inautrv In belnsr made'alao Into the jrSsslbillty of utilis ing cobalt -more generally as a steel alloy, either for hardening, elasticity or pollen. As a polish-giving aHoy cobalt lit, nald ' to. possess, naerlts superior to nlckle in soma respects. The finished product . haa a reddish hue, of great luster, : The fact that it la not mora generally In use at tha preaent time la attributed te the scarcity of cobalt. Manager Nicholson haa been communi cating with large manufacturers of ateel. assuring them of the magnitude of the Standard deposit and urging Its use in their enterprises. . - Mr. Klllen said this effort of the management developed amusing situa tions. Men who had kept In touch with production of cobalt at Mine La Mot Missouri, apd In tha old world, did not hesitate te declare , the statements re garding tha slse of cobalt ore bodies and their rlahnesa at the Standard pure fic tion. The correspondence had Impressed the management . more - than anything else with the fact that tha Standard had cobalt ore In a quantity never equaled in modern history at least, and were It not for the gold values .socom panying tha rara metal and associated copper, there would - be hesitancy In putting on tha market. Uia-SUndards possible tonnage. Arrangement a are being made for an elaborate -exhibit at tha fair this sum' mer. Tha form of the exhibit la not announced, . but it will be of graat slse and adapted to the . Instruction of . the publle In cobalt occurrence and metal lurgy. -. , ; .. . ... ... . BRITISH COLUMBIA IS , TO BE AT EXPOSITION (Special PieUtth to The outaaL V Vancouver, B. C, March . -Since the executive committee of tha British Co lumbia Mining aasoelatloa recommended that the mineral exhibit of tha prov inces at St. Louis be taken to tha Lewis and Clark fair. Interest , has been awakened In tha northwest exposition. Mining men feel that there should be a bettor exhibit thaa that at 8U Louis, and there haa been much discussion as to the ways and meana of sending tt Portland considerable quantities f ore. Tha increase' in production of miner als In the province tha past year has at tracted much attention. With more than 114.090.000 to its credit for one year. and one or two of tha most important copper -dntarprlses of the weat ateadily enlarging, British Columbia la being brought, before the, mining world as never before. ,As a great throng of. .Jan itors Is aseurad tha Lewis and Clark ex pos I Hon. public spirited men of the prov ince would ilka to sea tha. best mining districts thoroughly represented. At tha annual meeting of tha associa tion;' for' which the executive committee paved the way. it IS poeslbis that more aggressive work for a big exhibit will be made, if not too lata. Soma display typical of the great low grade mining operatlona of the boundary district Is es pecially deal red. Many high-grade prop erties hare recently entered the ship ping list, and the owners of these also would Ilka to have their beat orea shown to tha world. Many Americans are in terested . In British Columbia mines. which' is taken as an: additional reason why the provinces-should be WfU repre sented. ,-. .' .... '- !. '( ; (Rpeelal Dtepatrh to Tee Joeraal.) Cripple Creek, Col., March . Revised and corrected figures of the production of this district for February bring the total up to I1.II7.000. The short month and trouble at Stratton s over deetrue ttoa of ore bins by fire accounts for tha shortago In product loo. , , , , , woru majei rowsaa. "I ; -ao.i till wx i rjr j -x. .. i a -w miu m , i a "v : m .bub t r a a mm mm w .or ar m si , ' m i . ,i i hi -1 ill ; if vi-; i v rtrr ; aaUBBBBnaauannnnnnUemaUnnnSnnUnnUnnnnnnUnnnnaanU v.-.-1 ' r : , . . . .: ... ... , .. I i l . . - - ' I v t j. 9 1 " .' , '1 ... -' . t ....-..... r ' ' '' . ,- ' -, . .-, - ; -. T- PBB , ll - 'I l-f is given by tha men promoting the pow der factory for this city that the plant will be established. The company tor this work waa recently organised, and comprises soma of tha largest mine on eratora of tha northwest- wboee influ ence as mSnagmr of ?.h 'big mines ,1s expected to, be exerted la behalf of the young entrrpriae. There la a great de posit of sflleste of aluminum avnllabla as a filler, wnicn wiu oe usea. OBTR AX KBA9T 0 ' Oeorre ' W. Lloyd; president of 'the ha CrysUl Consolidated company, was; in tha city Sunday on mining business. This company -is shaping to work Its promising Bohemian possessions ths present season, continuing development and running the new milling plant. Ths mill has but five stamps in position, but fa large enough for an additional battery, When work, is under full swing It Is ex pected that tha Crystal will . increase milling ospactty. ; ; . OKaVraVACX MLAJTAs) - Manager R. N. Bishop of the Green back mine. Josephine county, was Is the city yesterday. - Operations at ths mine continue at capacity' of 'tha milling plants, snd mine development Is being pushed with tha usual energy shown by this company in its tnorougn exploration of ths greenback property. ' .; ALASKANS ASK TO BE' - ANNEXED TO CANADA Cold Seekers Indignant at Be- a Ing Denied Right of Repre- sentation in Congress. - 'Seeelal' Dlepateb to Tat losrasLl. Seattle. March , AU Alaska is up In arms over ths defeat of tha delegate bill aad an Intimation, through Senator Piatt of Connecticut, that a auDstiiute bill authorising the preaident to - p- nolnt an Alaakan . agent -to look after the affairs' of the territory at Wash ington, may. 4e considered. , ' ' According to aavicea rrom vuuea a mass meeting was held there Immedi ately after ths publication In tha Valdes papera of tha dispatch setting forth the defeat or uta aeiegaia out. ni ioi lowing telegram waa there, drawn1 snd Secretary- O. -Fish was authorised to wire it to tha preaident: - "On behalf . of ss.eot Americas em- sens in Alaska who are denied the right of representation In sny form ws de mand.! in mass meeting sssembled, that Alaska be snnexed to Canada." - . , . The fact that delegates in congress are snowed Hawaii. ; roru moo, n- sona. New . Mexico and Oklahoma- gall the Alaakaas.ThajLxonslder.Aheirjter litory superior In population to soma of ths territories represented snd In wealth vastly mors important .to say of them. "(. - . . '' i ; The dispatch reaching the preaident on the dar of his innuguratlon, local Alaskans hope, will have an affect sad that tha delegate bill will be again re vived and allowed to pass, j . rtroea ooab maoo .WAT (pedal Dispatch to -The Joans . Dalian, Or March I. Polk eouTbl Judge. Bdwsrd Coad, Is slowly reooveP, Ing from bis recent attack of pneumo nia. rr-ewveral days his Ufa wss de spaired of but at this data his attend ing physician states that he will re cover :lf no serious complication so iiii a'' i i ' a a. -" v . , ' xi ' . r I II I J tX I I fl . AV' A -o . :Vo?Adopt Your Hoaccdsonins '. v! , " ' . "'. a aaawraaMaaawMBaaaaBBaMwaMaaaaawaaaaaaBSaaBBaasaBa I g a 1 1 1 1 mm he Journal ;'V;::r ' " to give ' " ' : ' A Chance for Every Boy and Girl We lOVR NAL . : L wifl pay $2.00 for' and every VERSE of jingle about The "Journal Want Ads, which is accepted . and published by The Journal There : are only two conditions that must be ful- ; filled The jingle must contain the words ; "Journal Want AdsH in it, and every one ) . submitting a cartoon and verse must send ; orbring with it a Want Ad for insertion ' in The Journal. , When the winns are selected they will be notified. ' ; Be sure arid follow these conditions A cartoon' and f verse wUl .be only entered in the contest when accompanied by a Journal Want Ad r: the charge or which is 21 words for 15 cents. you a Want 'Ad, surely some friend or neighbor can. ; ' .. v: -.'xV''--;! : The name, age and address of the child who draws one of these cartoons and writes a "verse of jingle must be written on every one sent to this office. The cartoon and verse must be in black iV ink and all or one side of the paper. ' . . For every cartoon and verse accepted . V The Journal will" pay $2 putlhhi it and , ; the picture of the boy or girl, who sends- H '-; in the drawing. PMA . Every boy and GR0Afcge can take part in WE -ARE ANXIOUS TO HAVE YOU OPEN,' AN ACCOUNT,WITH Ua.' V c f. Time Conies. : , -ii ' - Mr-- iYoh'!!' Find. every CARTOON : 'v.", ; irirl undrr 15 years of this contest & f 7 J y t ' r I 'm s zn ... . .. : -r.-r, t-,-M Our Stock Corapfete f : T. . WORTH . . f. .. V' 0 Clothinfi, Shoeo, Hato and Men'o Furniohinrfo damaged and o b i 1 e d during the burI:Biidin oold all tKib wejek 25c on p Opea Cyeslngs FOR' AtwlV' i ' 'e e ' '7;;' - ;;7;i, -' I Paints, Oils and Glass ,-thic pushino paii people" . :'r . N. E. Cor. 2nd:cnd Taylor Streets 4 . n a Inn. I UK .-7-.-- : " r -.77 ., f ,4.. -Ti P '. : -wC ', - r-.'-.-v alteration of ir .' ' -"-' Third and Durnside f PURPOOESv ;?; f- p AT a e ;v S'''1,: '4,. v I Sv'' C . J-T: the Dollar: U So"J - tasertol Dtneetch to The Joorsei.1 -' - Spotouae Wash March C 44suraao .' , , ' ' iiuvarwws ere wet w iw sues, . ',,-i : ,' . ... , '1 : I"