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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1905)
1. 1 t:: cr-cpn daily jousiial, , ronTLAiip, monday evening.'-- march e. isca. .1 TOEIOKTB eUrCTKMIBTB. i y . Maroaam j Oeatore'a Bund. Kmplre. i.,...,.. .Mahara'a Ulaetrele ........ t v ( . : "tne tteMrlberf . .."abater and Mail rand ., Vsudevllle t . ..,..,. Vaudeville crt". Vaudeville - Several carloada of material for com. pletlon of-the Estscada Woodworking rompany-s plant will be received .at KaUoada tbla week, and work will be pushed with a view to opening the plant ver operation April 1. The Estacada Telephone eV Telegraph company rush ing conatructlon of dts line betweon . Portland and Estacada. The - line is completed to - Sprlngwater, . where -' branch will be run . to Garfield. The company la constructing a building at Estacada and other business structures are being erected.. The town will form , s local government as soon as Its art clea. of incorporation, enacted at- the ; recent legislative session,' become ef fective, which will be In about (0 days. : After that the streets will be improved, ' and it is expected the development: of ; the town. will be rapid. , , - Prof. Richard -Manv-Meyer has Just returned from a long stay in. Salem, I -.where ha has. been engaged in work (6r . the state. The portrait, which be re- cently painted of Governor Chamber - lain has been accepted and hung on the walla of the senator's aohamber in 8a- )em, lntae governor s . gallery. ProC . .. Meyer's work met with so much sp- i .' proval that he was engaged to freshen ' up . the portraits of the. former gov- " pernors, of whom there are 1. Borne of these are Very old, dating tack to the '.time of McLaughlin, whose picture ,1s v the .first la . the gallery. Pror., Meyer, .who came from Berlin only three year . ago, has been very successful , la - hi ' art work since coming to Portland from Tacoma about a year ago. - .., . - t rr -.- --'-- f '.. Taylor Street Methodist ' Episcopal " .church waa crowded yesterday morning - with an interested audience to hear Dr. , Prancia Burgetta Short In his annlver- . , sary sermon, commemorating his ar- i rival in Portland a year ago. .He re-'.-";. Viewed, briefly the . year's work -in the . ' church. - During . hia pastorate - the . church has shown remarkable' progress . in every .branch. . One hundred - and twelve members have been' admitted. , . making the present membership 7(2. Tha " HinMeV" arhnnt h larriai ' attendance ; largely, and the contribu- r tlona of the church for missionary work have been greater than ever before.. The ('.. Junior choir la one of the most prom !nlng elements In the church, and fur- . alahea musio regularly at the morning service. , ; A heavy safe, swung by a rope on the third floor of .the Stearns building, ' Sixth and Morrison streets, fell down ' the elevator shaft yesterday, smashing the cables- and seriously damaging - the .' elevator. . The accident waa caused by the breaking of the rope while man were removing" the safe-from the build - lng to the fair ground. The elevator ' Dad been lowered to the bottom of the 7 shaft, a beam waa laid across, the top and a- rape attached to the safe and to "this beam. Under the full weight of .... the safe the jope broke and . the, safe ':- fell. - , . .;. - . "" - "Vr- ':' '"The Modern Story-of the Prodigal . Son" is the title of a series of five eer- r- itions- to be given by Rev. E. S. Muckley ' 'this week at the revival services at the " First Christian church, corner Park and Columbia 'streets.' Subject. tonight, " ."Leaving, Home." The remaining sub ' Jects arer-"ln the Par Courttry," "Com 'Ing to Himself," "Returning - Home,1 - n'hg Prodigal's Brother." , '' My large stock of pianos which nJ '. damaged by fire,,, or, rather smoke, Is 4 rapidly being restored to perfect eo&dW ':- tleiw As the pianos are practically as ', good as ever, and sold at about one balf of .the regular price? they go as fast as . they get finished. If you want tha bar. gain, of your, life, call at 160 Morrison ; street. A. w. Myt;'v4 ,'..... -. Immigrants,. Investors, capitalists, In- vesllgate the advantages offered along the line of the Oregon 'Water Power ..Railway opmpany's road, and especially , at the terminal new town Batacada. For ; Infoematlon inquire) of the Oregon Water .', Power Townsite company,. 114 : First . street. Phone Main II. j,.- ,' . Prescriptions and drug orders - In- '.. trusted to . Albert Bernl, the druggist t Second and Washington, always receive jthe utmost .care ana. attention in every - .detail.- mo aisappoiniment nor oiaaa.tia faction If you will let him attend te your drug wants. ' Korth . Paclfle Steamship . company's : gteamahlp Roanoke, 1,400 tons, sails for Coos bay, .Eureka, Ban Francisco and ' Ixs Angeles Tuesday, - March- 7, -from . Columbia dock No. 1. Offlce JH Wash - Ingnn street. Phone Main (St. . . Harry Jtoung, -agent. : -.; v ' E Quackenbush, administrator, made , final report today in the estate of the laie a. v. oevermnce. j ne neirs re i reived tt,400, total receipts having been S 19.281.9, Srcm which taxes. Insurance. ...repairs arid other expenses and claims were paid., v : h '; .-,:': ;. . -a ' Restlessness of mind and body Is due .. to a general nerve weakness. C. C C ' Tfinln will iure tti . For eale hv If ntvhl a ' Drug Co. . ,u . v. ' Be sure to hear the fine musical pro gram In Grace church tomorrow alght ' Admission 15 cents. , .. 1 Arrivals of bomeseekers on colonist 1 tickets over the transcontinental linet fell off yesterday and today. - After the iu or ' TK raoni soac OF juts soKa or BUT afalO- TOV OAJT FOOi AU m iu m "this applies to glasses for the ayes in particular. There are many so-called j -optlclana and "doctors fitting glasses who should be on -the farm. We know this to be a fact from the large- number of misfit a that come to us almost dally. Many eyes are ruined and the nerves' shat tered by wearing glaseea that are fitted by Incontpetanta. We do not offer you spectacles or lenses for nothing, but we do chsrge a mod erate price, and If our patients were not Rwllefled they wouldn't send their friends to us. Our work Is thorough and we have the latest Instruments for testlne. MO OUMI FOB IX. AJOjr ATX01TS. , . : .. ,v ; . , , - r .- Jaeger Drosi nwEicxa, OFnoxAas, , ; f 1 1 jrrlsoa rv, pear FtfttC ' "You Can Fool p m:wm Daby'i Cries of Pain Arouse'' Its v X6" to. Hit Dan ;i .. ; '; ger.-'-'--; 1 s . ' '' - ' - -' ' .-. t" WRIST CNAVe'ED WTiODZHV AND ARI IS POISONED Mrs. J. J. Burton Becomes Hyi tericai When She Sees Her - Child's Condition. Alarmed by;the -cries bf their iS-yesr old baby, Mr. and Mrs. James 3. Bur. top rushed rnto their bedroom JBatur day plght in time to see a huge gray r "I aiwiwiMii Baby Barton, WhoWu Bitten by rat leap from the 'eVadle; -where- It had been gnawing at-the little, ones wrist. The arm and hand of the child, poisoned by the teeth of the rodent, soon swelled and the services -of a physlolaa were required. For a while It was feared the wound- -would prove tfatal,. but today the baby is' now .believed to be out of danger. -.'. . ; ;.-' . Burton Is employed ss - driver ' for creamery and lives on East Taylor, be tween East Eighth , and .East Ninth streets. He "had returned.' from work and waa seated with his i wife -at-the supper table 'When their baby was at tacked. ' ' .., . . The rat, which, they aay was as large as a hair grown- cat and gaunt from hunger, ran under the bed, whence It as oaped by the kitchen door. . - -,. Mrs. Burton's screame when aha saw the rat roused her neighbors, who sup posing titat tblevea had. entered the bouse telephoned police headquarters. - first trains, en Saturday,'' representing the opening sale days at the colonist rates; there were not many buyers ' of the tickets at eastern points. A revival of the ' rush-is not expected until the nnddw or Istter part of this week, when It Is thought there will be a steady in flux of people every day during the two and a. half montBsv of tha oolonlat.rata period. 4 .;.,.-'. .,- , ;-;.-v i 8.' 8. Alliance sails fromaCoueh street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka Tuesday night. Kerch T at I. Eureka 17.S0 cabin. IB. 00 second class; Coos Bay $1.00 cabin. IS. 00 second class; meala and berth lo eluded. F. P. Baumgartner, agent. Main 11. . . .-.'- . . . '.Vlavt Hyglealo Home Treatment -for tha permanent cure of all femnie, trou bles. ' Lady pbyalclan in charged con- sultatlon nd examination free. - Office hours, a.- m. tot p. nv; II Iswls bldg. Tourists, at well as- city people, flnan dally embarrassed, will find the Port land . Loan ' Offlce, T4 Third street, fb safest and most reliable' place to trans act their business. : Rates reasonable. William -8heehy, . James Bheehy -and A. . Bheehy today Incorporated ' the Sheehy Bros. Painting eV Pecoratlng company, with a capital of 11,000. T.? C C C Tonia restores health to ex haaated bodx and. mind. For sale by Knight Drug jCov .. - : ; S. H. O ruber, lawyer, I1T Commercial blk.uwlll give prompt, efficient service. -o ..' . . . t, ' . 1 ' JS'. N . , Y Ask your grocer for. Golden, Cheddar. "BOB" PATTERSON HELD ON LARCENY CHARGE Bob'' Patterson waived m preliminary examination : in the'', police - court this morning on the charge of stealing dla monds-valued at IISO from Maria Paint. and washeld by Judge Hogue to snswer toJ the gvand-rjury.-with-bond-fixed at IJ.00P.-. ,Th prlsoner,was. sent. from the city prison-to the county Jail. . Ed Oee was held lo answer on the chsrge of . stealing s 11.74 . from' Grace Camp on waiving a preliminary. His bond 'Was .fixed at, 1500. Several oth'r serious charges- roeyfb "p)aced (against Oee.!..M"lB alleged, to have stopped fallen-voranv-on ' fife street ?and de manded -money -as the price of "proteC' t Ion from arrest." ' ' f 1 ?. t tjnaries xaiceis,' accused "Of. Bteallnar a. Are extinguisher from tAMsUHiesen hotel, at First and Madison streets,, was bound over to the grand Jury, with bail in tne amount or ( . --- ' i H. J. Hight was found guilty of as saultlng Mary Haley with a knife and bound. over In 11,000 bonds..- .. James Howard, Who appeared In court on tne xnarge of' stealing a bicycle from Mrs, J. Fellows,' wss found guilty and sentenced to' serve six ' months - la the county. JsU. - ' w ' , iV ,.i - ' I . - f HAS ELEVEN CHILDREN' ' : : : AND WANTS DIVORCE Charles O. rTnumberg. who has been married 1 1 years and ia the father of 11 children. Is suing for divorce from Ida C Thumberg. Thumb rg lives In Jackson county and the papers were served on Mrs. Thumberg In Portland. Thumberg alleges desertion. A H la willing to sup port seve of the "children, of the other four one is dead and three girl a, aged H. 17 and II. are provided for and will not need his assistance. i ', B. A. Rk-kman sues Wllkey Rlckman for divorce.- alleging 'desertion.' They resided in Lane county, and the papers were served here on the defendant hus band. , -. ,;, ,r i ' . ' : . - ? e , Ft ef err eg steak Cammed soeda. . AUea LewU' aVest Brand. . .. STEAriZQS L.ii Cij Coasters Reach Port Heavily . E , Laden With. Miscellaneous " Freight and" Passengers, y CAPTAiN HARDWICK HAS v GORGEOUS NEW UNIFORM AlJianc Will Take Her pld Run -'Setween Portland v and Can Francisco. - Three bli coasting steamers," jthe Co tumbla, ; Roanoke ' and ' Alliance, arrived last evening from the .south with full cargoes of, freight and big passenger lists.. ' V; '- '-h x .(.. . t ;:. v . It ie the first time that the Alliance has been In port for a month..' She waa taken off the run to be overhauled. and the steamer Homer took her place. In addition to having her boilers aM machinery repaired ahe was painted from stem .to stern, and now preaenu the appearance of a new craft.- Captain Hardwick, her commander, also looks different from bis old self. 1 Not wish ing the stesjner to attract all the at. tsntion of the passengers, he bought new uniform before .leaving the. Bay City - and . the - gold-tlnseled cap which goes with it looms up In the distance like a smokestack In s fog. . The - Alliance will - resume her run between Portland and 'Eureka, stopping at way ports. Her freight on this trip consisted of 14 carloads or 'doors mouldings.' etc.. ' for' eastern shipment. and the - usual consignment of general merchandise for- Portland. The stesmer is scheduled to go out on the return trip tomorrow night. " The steamers Columbia and Roanoke left Astoria yesterday morning close together, and the report v Is going the rounds thatthey raced all the way up. This is denied by the captains who say .that they proceeded up at ream at very leisurely - gait. - However, they arrived at .their respective, docks not many leagues .apart,- tha Columbia lead ing. - ' ', . : , - i HHilt made im the wrteelwel feelaht brought by. the Roanoke,: among It beJ Ing 177 boxes of oranges trom Los An galea. She also carried- 140 tone .. of general merchandise and 70 passengers. The, steamer, will leave on the returnJ trip for southern. California tomorrow morning at - o'clock with, a cargo of wheat, ihlnglea, laths' and a big ship ment of produce, The Columbia - was ' loaded to the guards with ' freight, and ' had ' 70 pas se n gars. She Is scheduled to sail at the usual hour Wednesday night a joke. ..V . ' -' ' ' V, '"' - - " " 'l" t"'':C'.:' - ' FssasMgae's ea, Barataar Oregoa Oeold . o Believe Bteaaaer was ea Fire. After a week-of thrilling experienoe the passengers who embarked on the Ill-fated steamship Oregon at Ban Fran elacd reached Portland last night on the Steamer Alliance. The second day out a fire started la the aft hatch, but' at the tlima It was though, not to be of much-consequence. - Water was poured on tkev flames, and tha captain believed that the fire waa under control. - "I .waa aittlng In the saloon at the time, sald.C A. Defriee, one of the passengers, . this morning, ' "playing game of whist with three acquaintances when we heard the mate order all hands aft with the noser We paid no particu lar attention to It, thinking that It was part of the regular, f lredrllh - Finally the steward passed by where we were and we asked him about It - He told us that there waa n small firs In the art batch. We took th matter as a Joke. as did the. others who' were told about It. . Finally we were told- to pack. bur grips ana get reaay to move at a mp ment's notice., We still thought we were the victims of a Joke, but, we got pur stIds ready. "In the meantime signals or distress were shown, and we began to -make an Investigation; A small column of smoke could be seen arising from the hatch. but there were no flames. The colliex Meteor responded to me atstrees sig nals and came towards us. 8heN was about .-five miles distant when ahe sighted . the ..Oregon. - On . her arrival small - boats; were . lowered .' and . all boarded ber. No sooner had the trans fer been i made when , Captain Warner of the Oregon shouted for us to return aa the fire was under control. On boat. load went back, but ehortly afterward they returned to the Meteor, As tha fire had broken out again, ' ' . ' -' "The afternoon, was getting well ad vanced when we were dnce more trans ferred to the steamer Del Norte. She ran un to the buoy At the entrance of Crescent Harbor and remained there un til t 'O'clock In the evening.. Then shs returned to the Oregon, and lay by her all night In the morning we were taken to Creacent City The captain of the Del Norte treated us well. and. In fact we cannot complain of the treat ment received since we left the' Bay city.-'Captain Warner and ,crew of-the Oregon, are deserving of great 'praise. It was due. to their coolness that none of ths passengers got excited. All be hsved admirably' The passengers remained three days at Cfeerent City, when the Alliance came alone .and brought them to tbla ity. "-'".'' ..i : -'. :' j v ' ' , ' RIVER TRADE GOOD.- Openinrf Sawmills Makes Seavr Pas? - - seaurar.ana arraign susuess. .... .. In the past few daya nearly all of the logging camps down the Columbia, river have resumed business, and as a conse quence nearly all or the towboete -ere once more in commission bringing logs to Portland. , ' The passenger steamers plying up and down the river are elso receiving better patronage as a result of the resumption of work In the various camps. Not only has river travel In creased, but there' is a treater volume of freight handled now than for several months. The four Jones' towboats are working day end night bringing up pulpJ logs for ths paper. mills at Oregon City. The timbers are anchored at present at the-Martin and Willamette sloughs, and will later be conveyed to thefr destina tion at the city by the falla. Tha prin cipal camps which have again 'become the scene of activity are those operated by -the Eastern Western mill of this city at Kufsla and Catlln. and the Ben son plant at Midway. All tha smaller outfits ere Increasing' their forces snd the music of axes- and ssws is ringing In the forests' of . fir on born sides the Columbia." . ; ALONG THE.WATERFRONT. Captain ' Matthews, the ' Columblt river, bar pilot, left last night for Se ttle to bring tne British steamship Ras Elba to Portland. Tne steamer is ex pected - here Wednesday .. .evening or izlCOf eet on j. il south' side of Glisan VSL between Sixth' and Seventh; cement: . .' sidewalks ; ex cava- . ; tion for cellar fine hotel site.-'.-' V.-.. Apply io;A'C:'' B, M. BOMBARD - 514 Chamber of Commerce. Thursday mornlngvATh Ras Elba will carry grain and hay to tha orient for Henry Mett of this city. - ' - , Ths barkentlne. T. P. Emigh moved this . morning from .'BanOeld'a dock to tha Portland mill, where she will re ceive a cargo of lumber for Shanghai. - The barkentlne Koko . Head arrived yesterday from Honolulu after a quick passage of IT days. In command of Cap tain Edwardsen. After discharging her ballast at the Banfleld dock the Koko Head'' will be placed on the drydock for cleaning and painting. '- . ' The oriental liner Numantla shifted yesterday -So the ' llbur - mills. From there shs will return to the Albtna dock to take on another shipment of machin ery, which has not yet Arrived from tha eas.t .'She Is scheduled to sail on -March f... ... -'.. -'V i .' vr - ,t -- .This Is the twentieth anniversary of tha organisation of.the Bailora'unlon of the Paclfle. and in honor of the event the members of the local branch held a smoker In their hall laat night The hall is elaborately, decorated with flaga I ..n the aallnrs will, bold a big celebratlonTst San Kran- Cisco.;- '' '!-. - ' 'Because the work of overhauling her machinery waa not completed ss soon as 'expected, the ateamer Redondo will not sail from San Francisco for Port land until tomorrow-night The steamer W. H. Kruger sailed for the Bay City.' last night -with general freight In ber hold and lumber on deck. . MARINE N0TES.X : ; " Aatorla, March-. t. Condition of tha bar at 8- s. m., srnooth; light northeast wind; weather, clear. ' - Arrived down at, 10:10 a.- m. Steamer W. H.. Kruger. . '." '' . San Francisco, March 4. Steamer Acme arrived at noon from Portland. - San Francisco, March 4. Arrived last night Steamer Nofthland, from : Portland.- . ... ; v Aatorla. March 4. Arrived down at I and Bailed, at T M. ta. Schooner Vir ginia, for Ban .Francisco. - i - Arrived- dowa - at-' I .ami sailed at a. m. Steamer Aberdeen, for San Fran cisco. -. f ' - Arrived at and left up at 10:10 a. m. Steamer , Columbia, from San Fran Arrived at I and left up at 10:14 a, ai. Steamer Roanoke, from Port Los Ao- seles and. ceaat ports.' ' , Arrived at a. m. and left up at lt:ll p. m. -Steamer AUIanoa, from San Fran cisco and coast ports." ' i,-' Left up at 1:14 a. nv Barkentlne Koko. Head. . ; JOHN OLSON'S FALL C CAUSED HIS DEATH - -i" ' ' . i ". John' Olson died at Good Samaritan hospital last night as tne result of In Juries received last Wednesday by fall ing from a dock at the mill or tne port land lumber company. Hia back was broken. ' v.-. v.- - - While worklnar at the mill Olson mis- Judged bis distance In lifting a piece of lumber, and fell a distance or ze reel. At the-hospltal he stated that hs had no body to blame ror the aocident put mm aelf ... ' Olson waa a laborer, aged 21 "years and unmarried. Tha body waa removed from the hospital to the undertaking rooms of Coroner Flnley.' Deputy Coroner Ar thur Fin ley. who made an investigation of tha death, ears -that no Inquest will be necessary, i Tha funeral will take place from Flnleys chapel Wednesday afternoon at S o'clock, and Interment will be In Lona Fir cemetery. Tuesday Only 1 Covcirs -This swell .chair In -golden oak. handsomely finished with either oane or coble seat Just - the thing for yonr dining-room, a good value for 13 FAT AS TQTT OAJT. JAM OaUrOXT. The place to buy your Furniture, ' - . , ' . 1M-1M FZBST ST. Formerly tha Few York Famltare Oo. : - C 77 COVELL'S SEVER SCADALS TO CE kUD 1.1 APRIL Cases, of Elliott and ' His Co-De . . fendahts Aro J St for Nsxt Month., EX-CITY: ENGINEER TO EE TRIED ON TWO CHARGES James Howard Is Sentenced to Seven Years in h Peni tentiary for Larceny. ' William C Elliott will be tried on April t for malfeasance' In office while he waa city engineer. This trial will be on the Indictment returned againat him alone. On ths Indictment charging him with obtaining money by false pretenses In . connection with the Tenner creek sewer, Elliott will be tried on April 10. Ed and A. R. Mendenhall and W. A. Cleland are his attorneys. On the sec ond, charge others were Indicted with him. and their cases were set today for trial: R. M. Rlner, April 4; J. M Cay wood. April 11; E. W.. Rlner. April IS. and Henry Chandler, April 14. - Having set these Important cases. Pre siding Judge Oeorge turned his atten tion to two prisoners who were brought from the county Jail for sentence, and gave James Howard seven years In the penitentiary, the extreme penalty 'for larceny. Howard la the "under the bed man" , who haa several charges hanging over film.: 'He plekded guilty . to larceny In a dwelling, and Assistant District Attorney Moser.' cited these facts be fore the court passed Judgment Howard admitted that he bad served a year in the Washington state penitentiary ; at Wall Walla for stealing. -" Then . Judge Seers tookup tha case against O. W. White, and ordered him imprisoned f of ' five years for larceny In a dwelling. White stole front 'rooms In the SeUlng-Hlrsch buUdlpg. .When Judge Sears ssked him If he waa ready for sentence White .answered that ' he was not that his attorneys were trying to obtain hew trial for him. and that he preferred to watt the Issue of their motion before receiving sentence.. Judge Bftara iTirlni-Vnt Whl'i In the rmu Ire- ments of the law. Informing him thaTt he must first be sentenced before further proceedings could be had, and named five yeara aa hia term of service. The court already had. -denied a motion for a new trial. The case may be appealed. White asserts tbst ho haa new, evidence from witnesses who could not be found when he was tried. - The pistols belonging to Officer Nel son and James Walton, who shot Net. son In a street car holdup on Washing ton street ' several months ago. wars ordered taken from the .exhibit In charge of tha clerk and returned. - Six months have elapsed sine the trial. ; James Grafton pleaded hot guilty to two Indictments for. robbery, and Louis Qtlbert not guilty to the-same charge on one Indictment - . The eaaa for extortion against B., D. Slgler. set for May 1. waa put over to May a. ' . - r.'- ,- V ' 11 . 1 aa i i i i'V SIXTEEN COMPANIES I ARE INCORPORATED M ' .' - I Portland Is Named as Principal Htadquartsrt by Nina Nsw 'iH'.'V Coiporationt.. ; . (Snedal . Dtspatck to Tha JoarsaL) ' Salem. Or, March 4. The following hew Oregon- oompanlee filed, their arti cles of Incorporation with the secretary Of state the last week! Portland Brewing company; principal office. Portland, Or.: capital atock. 140, 404; Incorporators, "Alvln Schmidt Otto Meier . and oeorge wilhelm. People's Markvt at. Grocery company; principal office, Portland. . Or; capital stock, $1,400; Incorporators, J. A, Henry, K. P. Carter and K. Hennemann. , - .Clty Transfer r Delivery oompany; principal office, Portland. Or.; . capital stock, $14,000; Incorporators, W. H. Ma- lone. M. e. Malona and J. O. winkle. - Forestry Inn; principal office, Port land. Or.; capital stock, $14,004: Incor porators. P. C Matt ox, H. M, Fancher and Alice M. Potter. T Oregon Timber, Mining a Investment eompany; principal office, Q rants Pass, Or.; capital stock. $40,000, Incorporators. Bngeno V. Smith, William R. Nfpper and Ehigene Pearson. Bethel Telephone company; principal office. Eugene, Or.; capital stock, $1,000; Incorporators, Mark T. Fleming, Charles Kompp and M. A. Bit good. ' Oregon Securities company; principal office,. Portland. . Or. ; capital stock. $4.000,000; . Incorporators, austave - B. Hengen. Frederick Eggert and Ossisn F. Paxton. , The Hlllaboro Amusement association; principal office. Hlllsboro, Or.; capital stock, $1,000: Incorporators, CI. A. Wah- rung. A. C Shate and O. A. Patterson. Scandinavian Publishing company: principal ofllos. Portland. Or.; enpltal atock. $5,000; incorporators, O. M. An derson, F. C, Haretnann, L. Chrlsteusen, O. M. sterud, o. Jingoes snd Artnur Langguth. Muck Clothing company: principal of. flee, Portland. Or.; capital atock,. $0, 000; Incorporators, A. A. Muck, C, . Muck and C. H. porrle. - - - , Oregon Sostheaatern Railroad eom pany; principal office. Portland, Or.-; cap ital stock, l l.voo.ooe ; incorporators, uus- tave B. Hengen. Ossisn F. .Paxton and Nathan D. 8lmon. -. .; Clatskanle Fraternal association; prin cipal office, Clatskanle, " Or.; capital stock, -44.0OO incorporators. M. E. Page. Norman Merrfir, J. L.-Campbell,-Jamea McDonald and J.. K. Hell. . - ' , . Long Clothing company. Ltd.: princi pal office. Ontario, Or.; capital stock, $10,000; Incorporators, M. Alexander, O. tPT.'Long. J. H.' Madden, Jacob L'llman and William Slmona. : - - Tates Non-Reflllable Bottle eompany; principal office, Portland, Or.; capital stork, $111,000; Incorporators, o; Yates, N. Kohn. Morris Ball, R. Smith, and F. 8. Sunley. . ..'..'. Bank of Amity; principal office. Amity, Or. capital stock. $24,000; Incorporators, It O. Jones, Oeorge F. Hauser. John T. Tost C R. Matthta, J. -At. Ruble, J W. BrtedweU and J. W. Rea, Oeorge M. Cole eompany: principal office. North Yamhill. Or.; capital stock. $14,000; Incorporators, K. F. Sonseider. H. a Englebright and Oeorge M. Cola. Mope.- -. r . "Do you think that yoor boy Josn Will make a lawyer" "Well, answered Farmer Corntoeeel. "if he can be aa persuaalva with a jury aa he -la with me when he wants more money there will be no beating him." I owe mv whole life to Burdock Blood Blttera. fv-rofuloua snrea covered mv body. I seemed beyond cure. R. B. It. has made me A perfectly well woman." Mrs. t haa. Huttos, Bervllle, ailnh. : . i tewasBsaasBSjssasjaSnnwasswaasw AT THE THEATRES fc.ea.sjm .e Crtttora Band Tonight, 'The great baad BuaUr, Oeatore,aad Us featoes lUUaa baad ef 00 siesietsas IU haeia as eagasssMat ef three aaeoaita at ' taw. Mar- quuB oraad theatre toalsht at CM o'clock. A poeelar priea saatlsee will be given 4s suit row at o'clock. Ua the arlesa U1 be . Adults W caaU. chlldrea 3D erats to asy pert ef tee Giuseppe , Creator. theatre; sallery 2S cents. . The last set farm' iwf toaaorrai alsht. Three excrllrat praeTame will he sins of rlasale ana popular ansae. The band will be aaslstrd hy tUsnar C. fktatam, baj-piat. Thla will iflor. mink) loim ai epportauity of seeing ami staring tha aiuch laixee or creators in hia BMsainceet eaaouct Ing. ' rollewlng ta' the proarana for this erea lr: Part I: 1 March. Tanahaaavr." Wag. Ossrfre. "Mlirsoi.. " Thooaas; a Trrsatte Iran attlla." Vardl: sohw hy Blsaori Tommaalnlo, ParreUatl and Tafisco. . 4 Organ offertory, Bat lata. Intrrmlaaloa. Part II: a) Marohe. thl Air Ballot. r Ansrlas, (dl f.t noaVmei harp aolo- "Tftna Cos Varlaatoaav" Thomas,- Slxnor C. - fcdera; - Ovsrtara, "Tsaabaaser," -Visgser. Uarrlsges at )0;80 e'cUx. .. , t'. : . . , , - .,, . ".1 TTh Earl of JfawtuckeV. i . ; Ths annoancentsnt ef the snecisl eaiasraMnit of - Lanronre D'Oraar ' in Auguatua Thomaa' aprtghtly fare.. "The Rati of PatrttxHiM," Which -will be pnarateit st the Msreoana ersntl tfeestre next Monday. Tuesday and Wedneadar nlshta. . March 1.1, 14 and IS, wilt pruoably attract to that theatre saore than Its aharo ef netranage. I'sdoabtrdly "The Earl ef Paw tnrkst" plaertf Aucuntue ' Thoniaa, hltlaerts known aa a imei eilisa at pallis mahsliaiisli st see etroks la. the pries wtnains elaaa oft fareeura. aa tt placed Lawreaee D'Unar. hlth erie known .naore widely for, his naaniwrtatna and llaltntions thsn for bis achleyomrnu. In the front rank of star eoaaedlane. "The Karl ef Pawtarket" and.D'Oraay have triumphed la Ksw Xork. Boa ton, Gblraso, Phllaulpbla, aad the ensasnawot .here will ooehtleaa wltnsas a repetition of these succeasss. The east la tha asms that ebowed la Mr. D'Oraar's trlsmpbs during the. long New York -rum. . . At the Lyric The new . bill. "Maatae and Man." will r- eatve lu initial performance, this afternoon nt the Lyric. The scene ef tha play 14 laid In the Cascade swuntaiae, and telle the a tor. of eae O'Nell, who, while under the Influence, of s at. waa ixweed by his companions u am s neoar. swearlns he erettled the ship He Armory, la order tbet Oersld Stone, the villain, who had e wit. en hoard, might rid blanaekf ot her. even thoot a he aaerif lead the llvna of hundreds to so no. The piny is one of great heart interest, -and ban an excellent euBaady mi runaing tiaar inrenaw us low acin, ( . ; . Th Grand's Bif Show. . -i There la a big shew en at the flraod theatre tfale week, and to Mas It It to fall to sea the host vaoderlllo 'bill that eve to this rlty. The proa-rani tnetudas Daa at ef ' "Bedolf and Adolf faae. the- Harrines la r"A Dark Kred . Widow." Brhreater. and Prlnf le. atorrall and Evans, Palmer aad Moblnaou, Alf Bowser Is e sew and great Ulna (rated song, ' snd five great pictures ea - the grandlaeoee. In the asArosate the -Grand a Mil tor salary this week amounts to more tbua.waa ever known la the history of vaadevlue ea this coast. . . - . , .. .,' "Your Neighbor's Wife.". JN. Matser Wilfred Dnubar le aehleviBg fame la the 'character of Boater Brown In "Your Keighhor'a Wife," whkrh eomes to the Baiptra theatre Prtday, aad Saturday Bights ef this The Juvenile a tar la eoooorted by aa excellent eompany of corned la a a. and some ei pretty girls. The esmedy n filled to tha brim with bright and snappy linen ana goes with rim that la refreshing. - Saturday aftsrao a "Boater Brown" aaatlnee win oe given aaa the desuBd for - Beau Indlcataa s ttawSud ::-: ;New BOI' at Baker.; V The new bill opens thta aftemoon at the Baker and the following vaudeville ecu are ea the ram Oomedy roar, entertainers; Wrk-h. - clever song and nance . artist; Weaver snd Jones, the faaeoaa tmporsonatern; the Three Aerial Htuartn. direct from tha Or. circuit: Wilms Hletera, gondn Mamerl- ens; the premie eantarttonlot.- who win appear for the first time oa the eoesr, ana Air Jam the monoloame . eomedlaa; Jena Wllana, I lllustrsted baUad el a car. and the bloarapk. . -This' Week' Star BilL. At t o'clock today the Utar'e new bill Aacot. Eddie aad eompany heed the hill Is a one-act fane entitled "Tbmge Will Herpes;" Waaher Bros... eomrdy -hovins mMseta;. Hsanoa and Draw. In "Break tag Up Housekeeping'." Msrdo, esmedy tastier, nee fee tot as; lone, Nellie Bmmaun. Arthur Jackaoa aad the pro- yeetonenpo, ahowios aooae startling BMving pw- tnrea, are well worts eeeiiur. bdows at p. m., T.40 p. m. and 0 p.. a., today. . ' '' ' ' i ' 11 t " oonOM rom oo: Sheriff "vV. A.' White arrived Sunday morning to take with him R. A. Con dee, alias C- A. Roberts, wanted In Ie An geles county, - California, for felonious embesslement.' Sheriff .White Is .In Salem to procure extradition papers from Governor Chamberlain. He came armed with a requisition from Governor Pardee. I Before ordering 7 Window Screens for your home see ,!-... '.:. the new., (.'.;,.".j r Automatic Roilcr' Window Screen '. "... i .-and : am aiire you will have no Mother. Latest thing out. , At The Muck i Hardware Co V Second . :, and Morrison. W.J. HEREAFT A r e C a. : A HE WJT Every; UttkGirt v.... .-.-,'. ' r- i ; ? .' '- in Portland to bring her doll to our store tomorrow and have it" fitted with a pair of SOROSIS DOLL SHOES - ;r-'FnEE'';'; KNIGHT'S ';. Opp. Perldna Hotel? '. P. Cor. 0th St Waabington Sta, AMUnXKMXT. David BisQham l)irectlon i lozs wnri Qtrxajr. . . ' Tllfllaffrlflir - Flans. jail rt tf-'-i iiuiduajs viviisiui y : - .. . -. '.-' At l:li. 't ' ',. : Sale of fleets -Tnwntwwn m fTtiaiflavl. . ' PRICES Lower floor, except last I; rows, $2.40; last I rows, $1.00. Balcony,) flrst t rows, $1.00; second $ rows, $1.6; i last 4 rows, $1.00. Gallery, reserved, $1.00: admlaslon to gallery 7So, Boxes' and togea $14.00. , MARQUAM 0KAXD THXATaX. W. T. Pans le. .: Resides Mapaa-er.V - Phone Main Bh. , .. Tonight, nt, 4:30 e'eierk. CRUXTORS- end sta ITALIAN BAND Popular Price htatlne 1 OCPOTTOW. at laat Concert - row Might. . STKlflHO PSITaUt Lower ' throe town, $1.00: - beleoay. $t TBe, 4Ae; gallery, i boxes aad ane-ea. 4T.4A. POPCIeAB MATINBB 4 e'elork. Adults, OOc; chtktrea, Columbia Theatre B. SALLABO, A STOCK PRBCBDEKT IN POBTLAMOI Bepeated! - ateeestedt IMIroMIO Wurral OC 1 "OLD HEIDELBERQ" Moat BoaeHfnl PradnrUoa of the Sbbssb. . socwre BoaU st Once, Tonight. Tomorrow aad Wsdaasdavy Bights LaA. Dun alow a . efDco open all day. ggf i- .Mi aaa Mala 110, at Thnatre. Phone KstA SU. areeaing, ooe, bdc, ane,. 1UC Matlaao, SSe. 14c, 10a. ATTBAOTZOV ' E?IE THEATRE .. Phono Mala 11T. Owe Big Crowds Teatsrany. Threa Btera Nlrbts Tootirlit. . Wednesday MifBta. . . i Sparlal htatlnoo Witanasy. v - M 4nTB"S MS BlTJrST ." . OABJTZTAX. -. BwreAs TktlT It 11:SS S. Tonlyht. Pront of Thasba. BMTIfta PKICKS: Wednesday IB, Bd seals i eveaisg. u, an, , Matt and Baruedar Klahta. f BBgh Btt laser . Unghlng Csaaody, "ivuav Wilfred GRAND The Week of Big Aetnt nasi auaasjai. Ot nodolnh Bl AdeH ' TBJt BtaAi.aS. 1BV B-Miunst iiLftim ov -4 aro PALkfa AAA Wtit -t d. atOAAfXI, its Itl.a. KB. Axr Bonr t. rrur aoafS. TJt-K eujiiiiwvri. Admisslea to Any Bent, Iftr; Bos DAIIEIX THILATITC! Third and TsmMD sts. aKatimi Ftssd. he; stem, foreeet VauderllM Bnnae ta A t atsiaii mmn a WXAVAA ABO lAJh. SOBTK). - Sue WT1SOBV ,- rrk oohmrr rotra-4 ' TKa BIOwBATB. M cents. irearmanoaB, st 1M aad 8:14 p. an.- , ' A BIO LACGRTNO SBOW AT TKU STAR TMEATR3 ABCOT, rtrtx . iona EunucAi. r xattobt. T WAi--frK ator1'. ' HAaaohT ad r v. , ' ABTBTB JAC -- 4. ZOIBOB'B PEOJiCtusOrB, Admlsatoe. 10 eeate: ree.rv.4 boa BBttB, XI eenta. Maowe et a, T JO snd P p. BU THE LYRIC THEATr::; aaVENTB AND AUJBB iTUTtl. Beery AftamoaS) and B wains. (3 BEAT PBODtlOTTOFt O THE tUUM-kd cvnts-ui-vnania, . "MASTER AND it'Al? , Kserlalttee Belwssa Aets. porfnrmaneea at 1 10. f to aag t Canal rnoo ec , Aiimaion. jo Duete, ' COMCBET BVBET NWaTS., ata-aes BUBjegrna. V Free Tills I. Twenty half . eabln't given away every day Washington, str-at 1 Washington iT'. 5t L. 1- T-jC. L . oar, eseopt hut laat three lean. The; e and IB; BBe; gal.. e Cantata thsea, lo.