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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1905)
-1 ,-.' :::;: tchtla: Honda y evening. iiArxij. e. a- f eV I! DAILY JCU7- K'ttUD POST, TIIEIicSTCQwhEl Iq Race, for Commercial Supreme acy Dr. Von Schierbrand . - Z&yt We Shall Lead. SAN FRANCISdO'S REICNb IS COMING-TO AN END iLm tc;;s cr mc;r Fi?i: '.. ' . s - . Shocking' FateTof Michael Pow- . AWAIT FilAIL 7C:.AN i ' - r' ' 1 Rich Man Searches Unceasingly . for pianche Beveria, Whom ' He Wronged. : ; ;;. at O. R. & N. Co. ; Dock Today. ROMANCE pF YEARS AGO crate escapes from '; , hoist And falls on him RECALLED BY RICH MAN Flitted Amid the Red Lights of Student of World Events Makes j .'Predictions Exceedingly ; ,Oratifying. ;v Had Been With the Corporation Giuarter of a Century and 'Was Very Well Off. ' v ' Portland When the City ; was New. ::... e..t . ' '-. '- -x. V w J w - . . . A fortune of 1100,000 and peace for the remaining years of her existence awaits Blanche Beveria, it the search : now Mine carried on results In dlscov ; orlng her.. -For nearly, 10 years she - has led' the career of an adventuress. A man who loved her ears ago, when both were without money, has suddenly , become rich, and now seeks to riant the wrong by sharing; hla fortune wlth-herv Together with- the wealth that has ;. come to him, he has acquired a deeply , religious conviction. . This influence has led him to gpply the golden rule to his conduct, and . make an- effort to redeem the woman for whose i sin he believes he waia re- ' sponsible. .. , . v "The Lord has proved this money for-me" to do good with It," he "says. "The ftrst and greatest good I ".can do A will be to lift , up and save Blanche -, Beveria. - The money, la ready and wait t lng for her to claim it. All I ask is . ' that aha become a good, true woman. t and turn her back on .the past. ; . Blanche, &$vcrta la known In . Port land, Denver, Salt,. Lake and other clt ' . ies of the Pacific northwest. But lit- tie of her life is known prior to her arrival in .Portland about three years ago. She lived Ir Salem a few months. In Portland she lived some time with - Minnie Reynolds, who recently moved to Pendleton. There she . formed :' friendship for "Jo" Bailey, a woman. "Representatives of the man who la now ". seeking to locate her have searched, the , ' cities of Seattle, Spokane and - other places, for" some clue to her where- ' about, but without... satisfactory. . re- suit. v) BWneBttriBfcaa --noiheenaeeji . by any ofjber former friends since ahe left Minnie Reynolds In August 1104. . In that month1 she wrote from Pendle . ton. to Minnie Reynolds. Here the clue ends. It Is beMeved she Jias left this part of the country and gone, east or 'to San Francisco.- At some period nt - her lire she was a, resident of Califor nia. It is said she was married and .separated from her husband. . HEAD-ON COLLISION RESULTS FATALLY Two Are Killed, Six Injured in Northern Pacific Collision at Bearmouth. . - tar the do-1 musta .'- '.. .'.''. ' .' ' ' ..- '' - '-..",7. W- (Journal Speel.l .Barrio.. 1... Helena. Mont, -March . As a'resuH Of . a collision between a freight train and the westbound1 twin Cities express cw ne Northern 'Pacin at Bearmouth yesterday two-persona were -killed-and . six .injured. The engineer- of the freight misunderstood his orders, which were, to wait at .a aide track- '.- layed passenger train. The collision was ' a head-on one.' .and: occurred at a curve. both trains going at fult speed. Killed: W. F. WILCOX, of Helena, division . Chief clerk of the railway mall service. J. I. BlLLHAf, of Helena, fireman or express. The Injured: r ' r' A. W. Smith, of Missoula, fireman of freight; may die. Joe X James, of Missoula.-engineer; erlous. . . . .Thomas' L. Sheehan. of Missoula, en- f sineer of freight: serious. . Robert I Stewart, of Helena,' mall . clerk. .' 1 Mrs. T. H. Fertier, Ellensburg, Wash., tourist passenger. Marie Taylor, of the "Virginians.- ' The wreck occurred within a stone's . Ihrow iX. the scene ofthe sensational holdups of the North Coast Limited -three and two years ago respectively. In this former of these Engineer O'Neill was wantonly killed.. George Hammond and Chris oisen are serving time for the letter, and it la the . Intention to try Hammond at the next term of court for the alleged murder of O'Neill. The engineer of the Ill-fated passenger 'train. Joeeph L. James of Helena, la a , cousin of Frank and Jesse James, the noted Missouri bandit. WW. Wilcox, chief clerk of the rall- way mall service, who waa killed, was about 0 years old and had been In the service 20 years. He waa a son of Timothy Wilcox, the noted Montana pioneer, and prior to coming to Helena three years ago, occupied a similar posi tion In the Alaskan service with head quarters at Dawson City. ' , ; MRS. DUNNE APPEALS : -v TO CIRCUIT COURT "Mrs. Kll Dunne, wife of. one of the men suspected Of robbing the Lebanon bank, has appealed from Justice Reld's - court to the circuit court. She was held under 1100 bonds to appear be fore the district attorney on a charge of larceny in a store of 131 worth of -Jewelry. Complaint aras made by Sher ,iff Word. . V i . - . . Appeals -were also, taken by Ah Tick and Charles Hang fronr the same court on, charge of having and eelllng lot : tery tickets, and by , Lee Foo, - Tow ; Meng and ether fo operating a lot ' tery on Second street. Henry Wyatt . appealed from Reld's court on -a statu- . tory charge. . .. . .. K Luncheon to city advertising men A luncheon waa given at the Com- merclal club by Tom Richardson to sbout SO of. Portland's advertising men. The lint Included representatives of the A m tm t t rry .nt. nf naw.fMn.M "and stores. Kdltor Marts, of Paclfloj . Coast 'Advertising, a well-known pub lication at Los Anreles, was The guest ' of honor. -' i Tomorrow evening the - advertising , men of Portland will hold a meeting for ' thK piirpoee of forming an organisation ; and amilatlng with the Pactflo Coast Advertlwlns' Men's saaoclntlon. ' " ' mfg J. i ! jggggHai ' Twenty year from now there will be a string : Of mighty, cktes extending along the Paclflo coast with a population of from 600,000 to 1,000,000 each, is toe prophesy of Or. Wolf von Bchlerbrand, a student of - world eventa and commer cial i development . San Francisco' reign of supremacy- on the Paclflo will have been ended: It will ba a rival of Portland and Seattle. ir Dr. Von Schierbrand' affixes the title Of Ph. D. to his name, which waa bo stowed by tha University of Heidel berg, Germany. He has been engaged te write a aerlea of articles tot. the Paclflo Monthly, published in this city. "The Coming Supremacy of tha Pacific" will be hla theme. ... In the race of the three great cities Tacoma and Spokane will vie. closely, say Dr. Von Bchlerbrand.- Tha com merce of the orient will center on the Paclflo coast of America; competition will not exist when the proximity of tha -coast to eastern markets becomes effective In -the race for commercial supremacy, and when the vast resources and possibilities of the coast are under process of development.1 " "It doer not -take prophetic vision to see. these things." he said, "for anyone who- has observed., closely the 'course of human aventa . and noted with any degree of comprehension the inevitable laws of cause and effect cannot but know that they wUI be.- The PacineJ coast must be supreme ia the commercial world, and tha time will not be distant though of - course.-1 do. not pretend to flx a time limit to my observations. "Within 20 years there will extend along the Paclflo a string of great cities. lead, and I would riot omit Spokane and Tacoma from tha list. San Franclsco'a trtrpremacy cannot exist when the coast's importance becomes . supreme . in me commercial world. -It la -handicapped by distance for one reason, which will have a great effect when development . haa progressed to sueh an -extent that time counts. Tou see, Portland la -400 mllea closer to the orient than ia San Fran cisco, while Seattle la too mllea -closer." .The -Paclflo coast will be supremo In commercial, naval and shipping matters, observes Dr. von Bchlerbrand.- To main tain the position that It baa taken the United States must dominate the Pacific aa Great Britain dominates the Atlantic. He Insists that domination ULlts strict est sens ia the policy that America must adopt.' ..: - .. ' - - ' "Tha reasons f of supremacy are nu meroue," h said. "Primarily they are that America.-. can-. supply tha oriental market more cheaply and with a better oualtar of rood than any other market. Ureal Britain and Germany cannot com pete because of distance. Another rea son ia that we produce' Just exactly what ia wanted In China,. Japan, Mancnuria and other eastern -countries. .. ! "I have traveled extensively in Rus sia, both European and Asiatic, The Russian .la not progressive; soma, one o OC Cacapv ' -He may weliN think he has got Alt rheap who, after having contracted con- aiipinn or innigesuon,-! uu aoie to perfectly reatore his health. Nothlna it nr. Kings New Lire lint ana c const Ipa linn will do thla hut Pllla. A quick, pleamnt and certain ror nenern cure ttin St cy, P'th and ..Minni America, will be the one, anev inaeea. i oeiieve m Aravno wui take by fartha most Important part In developing . the eastern porxion While traveling' ' In Russia ' Dr. von ahiriraii ftenanwi MrsonallT acaualnt ad with Minister von Plehve, Who was assassinated, and with arena jjuko er- glus, who met the same rate, -tie aiao knows tha deooaed . minister. Wltto, wnnm na greeny aomircn. , . ' Dr.' von Bcnierprana aumor oi . imam thi aunwcta on which her haa written a re . "Russia: Her Rtrenath ' and Her Weakness." and 'America, Aala and tna racing- , SLANG ARTIST GOES' TO JAIL FOR FIVE DAYS aah uhlee thi. hor whose claaale slang mads It necessary Saturday for Police Judge iiogue 10 employ .- inrmm . . . k.M. .Ka jmnrt in this afternoon .on tna snarge u bowk "Do you knowT" remarked the Judge, "that I believe you are a good boy at h. . k... Mil will mvp amount to anything so long as you are not pun ished. XOU mull uiOTrauna iirn.. una court la no Joke we even make it in teresting down here sometlmea for law yers, who voice that opinion. Bo I am going to give you five days in jail, and .... . will ma .nil mm. nt. ww iaaIt a the In lira .with a face on -Whlcn was aepicira nainsiva disgust and astonishment. . i. 4amiitil. "doea tou think sending me to jail will do me any good! gets used to jaiia. i,U'.ll miM aaa keen VOtt ' there Until you set soma good." waa tha reply of Judge Hogua. . . ...', The boy rsca too a on a inougnuui ekpresslon. Then be looked at tha court "i wouian t. nave smoa, I had known-- it waa againsv w, ha remarked, mournfully. "Oh. yes: you would have smouea any how." ' ' Well, rd a-shown better sense man to roll and amoke a cigarette in rront of a harneaa buH." ., ' - "Maybe you would have done that," said tha Judge, ."but for five days you won't amoke anything,' aura." ; .James Dement pleaded guilty to sell ing the boy dig arettee at hla cigar stand, ill Hawthorne avenue, and was fined "TRUSTYV.HOLDERHAS , EARNED A PARDON - ' - '"I ".,..',... Joe Holder-, who 'haa been head "trusty In tha . county , Jail since last October, ws today, pardoned by Gov ernor Chamberlain,' and will ba free to morrow. .Holder waa convicted of sell ing liquor without a license and fined $709. 1360 on two count", requiring htra to serve ISO dsys In lieu of the fine. He has esrned the confidence of Sheriff Word. Jailor draft on and all tha deputy sheriffs. . ; -'" sxaw to msTima smr txajl .'i : "flearaal floerlal sVtrlce.) Washington. March . It ts staled to day that Secretary Bhaw will retire from the cabinet February next. movtajta orrroxu - tjon Hoes, private aecretarr to Gover nor Toole of Montana, accompanied by '-, roa, hi visiting ia the city. . . ' Michael Powers of 02 Missouri ave nue, was insUntly killed at noon today at the Oregon Railroad ft Navigation company's dock in Lower Alblna. A ten of iron piping slipped upon him as' it was taken from the ear to the dock. - Eye witnesses differ aa to the causa of the accident. C. Nelson, the carman 4n the derrick, "and who fastened-J the chain that latfcrallppedand crushed the unfortunate man. states tharPowers aelsed the end of the crate of pipes, and in trying to wrench off a; board loosened the chain, and so met hla death under the, 1,880 pounds of metal. - William Blake, who waa working be side Powers, asserts that the crate of pipes swung and. tha chain allpped, the load falling directly .on Powers, who was passing under it. H. J.vHolmberg, the engineer of the crane, waa the only other eyewttneaa to tha accident. The maaa of Iron crushed Power's head and shoulders completely. Acting Coroner' A. I Flnley waa Called, and after examining the - wit nesses decided to hold an Inquest at hla office at 7 o'clock this evening, his de sire being, to discover whether Powers caused his death by wrenching the crate, or whether the chain allpped without his Interference. Officers of the company disclaim any responsibility, stating that the men had been repeatedly warned not to : pass under machinery while It was being. loaded. ..' , " - ; ' Mr. Powers waa CO years of aged and had worked for the .Oregon Railroad Navigation companjK for IS yeara. He waa a widower and leavea three children, two grown sons who are not residents ofthacty and a daUghterNellle1ll years of age, with whom he lived. He had several city lots and sufficient other property, to Insure the welfare of his youngest child. . , ... :. i ' " '"-. TRANSACTIONS AT ' LOCAL CUSTOMS HOUSE : ;:- ' ' Tranaactlona ' at ' the cuatoma . house for the month are as follows: Vessels entered from foreign porta, 2; cleared for foreign ports, ; veasela en tered from Domestic ports, 'St; cleared for domestlo ports. It; entries of mer chandise for duty, tl; merchandise free of duty, 10." entries for warehouse, for warehouse and transportation, 1; for export to adjacent British provinces, t; for rewarehouae, 1: from warehouse for consumption. 71, and from warehouse for transportation. I.' - t . . e. Number entrlea for immediate trans portation without appraisement. SI; to tal number of entries of all klnd174; number or entries for consumption II' quids ted, 121; for warehouse-liquidated, 12; certificates of enrollment granted. 1; licenses for coasting trade granted1. T; to vessels under 20 tons granted. 1: total number of documents to veasela Uaued, I; value of ex porta, domestic. IIS3.I0S. - . Beoetpta Tram AH Sources. Duties on Import. e...; f 60,557. Fines, penalties, forfeitures.. . tl.( Mtscellaneoua customs rec'pts ' -"12.17 Storage, labor and cartage...- 07.80 Official feea . 20.00 Total . ..$50,122.71 ' Amount of refunds and draw - backa paid S 454.42 SONS GET DRUNK WHILE PARENTS PRAY ' On returning from church' yesterday John Kelly and hla wife were aatounded to discover their' two sons, one 10 and the other II years old. In a state of Intoxication. 'So much liquor had -the boys drunk that the- younger wis very sick and had to have medical aid. Mrs. Kelly waa heartbroken over the state In which ahe found her sons. Where the boys, became sufficiently sober to answer questions their parents learned the younger had been Induced by the elder to go to tha saloon of Fred Noble,' at 101 Macadam street, where he secured the liquor. . The home of the boya la at 1061ft Macadam street. This morning Mr. Kelly appeared In the police court, and swore to a com plaint charging Noble with the aale of liquor to minora. The complaint waa drawn by Deputy City Attorney Ftta gerald and a warrant of arrest issued. Ce C. CHAPMAN STARTS ADVERTISING AGENCY A' new advertising agency, which haa every promise of success, has been or ganised. In Portland by C. C. Chapman. one of the most progressiva advertising men' of the city. For some time he has been connected - with the Hazel wood creamery, and hla work in pushing Us product attracted widespread attention. He will conduct the new agency on lib eral lines, and will make it take rank with big eastern agencies, it will pre- pare and design advertisements and con duct publicity campaigns which are sure to bring successful results to those who avail themselves of his abllltlea. Of- flcea for the Chapman agency will be opened In tha Commercial block. -JSnough acoountatiave already been secured to assure the success of tha venture. mass sxos MAOxnra Btsaossi. The police department waa notified t'V day that a saloon conducted by Rock stead Olson, at 24 Front street, . waa broken Into last night by thtevea who carried the nlckcl-ln-the-elot machine across tha street, where -they broke It open and secured about 117. Entrance waa gained to tne saloon by prying the lock-from the front door. Thla Is the usual method employed by the e-ana- of .saloon and clear store rob bers bow Infesting the clty.-' - - VMTerred Stock Oaaaed Seoaa. Allen Lwle' Beet Brand. . BTSaUXD AT afOTOTAX YXaW. ' (Speelal Mspetrk w-Tke JaaraaL) Oregon City. March . The funeral of Mrs. tennra rVhoults, who died Thurs day neat Woodbum, was held thia morn, lng at o'clock.- Interment waa at Moun tain View remetery.H Tha body arrived here this morning over tha Southern Pa cific. V '- ,rr 1 ,. I j She waa born In thla city In 1140, and was the daughter of John Hewland, one of Oregon's early pioneers. Bhe la sur vived by a husband and three children- v' . . i.;.'..;.i ,t.t.'. '. 5 . a,:.... ' . f We Introduce to Portland and Vicinity TIJE A-' . i ',;:'. i '. , n T7 : 71 . f 1 - . - . . . I I I J - uwa. t - i , . .. ... . ...... . - !y Made especially for us in every' clever and exclusive .: ' ':' shape and coloring. : ; -': -...- ,;; ' PRICE $3.00 The Greatest Clothing House to -the Northwest a-awBm B-Tsf - . ' ' 4 04 -ruV' -'io. . - '"''"l. " .;i FAIR. STAFF HAS MOVED TO GROUNDS Administration Byilding Receives Workers Who Are Striving to ' ' Make Exposition a Success. ALL BUSINESS WILL : BE TRANSACTED THERE DO IT MM State Commission Will Remain - in Present Quarters Until the ' State Structure Is Ready. ' The Administration building at tha exposition grounds Is Inhabited thi morning, and It la the first of tba many structures to receive thla honor. The entire executive force of the associa tion la taking possession, distributing rooms and organising for tha atrenuous work soon to begin. ' On the lower floor of tha Administra tion building will be the director of concessions, director of works, director of architecture, commandant of the guard, electrical engineer and the audit ing department, . Director Wakefield, of concession,, haa tha north end of this floor. The west half of the south end pf thla floor la occupied by tha other officea enumerated, aava that of the auditing department, which occupies the east, aide of the south half alone. This department will ba arranged by Audi-' tor MacKenste so aa to be in closest possible touch with the fiscal affairs of the exposition,-the cashier's depart ment being- on the order of a pay or receiving counter at a bank. On tha upper floor, rooms it and It, at tha north end, have been set aside for a committee apartment. ' and give ample accommodation for such assem blagea aa will ba required there. Preal: dent Ooode has the large room num bered tl for hla private office. No. ft Is an ante-room to thla office.- and 11 and It ere for the clerical force of the president's office; No. -14 ' will ba used by repreaentatlvea of tha president and Secretary Reed, jointly. - No. Za Is a workroom for . Secretary Reed's office. tt Is the entrance to the secretary's office, and J7 Is the secretary's office. Nos. II to tl. 'Inclusive, are for the force of the general press bureau, and It to St. Inclusive, ere for the director of exhibits. Colonel Poach; assistant di rector, director of transportation and the remaining admintatre-ttva fore. President Myers and Secretary ow ner, of tha state commlaelon. are yet In the Stearns building, where they will remain until -March 10, ,and - possibly until April i. - They will not move from their present quarters until the Oregon building Is finished.- where they will mske their permanent home .until the fair closes. - . ' ' - '" ;::'. ' ' ' i' - Investigate : Piano Clilb Proposition r Today. It will save You money. i filers' Piano House 351 Wishtagtonit, Cor. Park Xaurge stores also Baa rraaolaoo, Stock ton and Oakland, OaX) Spokane and easuc, Weak. Boise aad Xanrlatoa, CASTOR I A ' For la bats aad Children. ' . Tta Kind Yea H2tjAIi:j: E::;kt ' Basra tba . tjtgatsrf of Teeth Free All This Week Doston Painless Dentists Are cutting prices again, and now la the chance of a lifetime to have your dental work .done by these world-renowned specialists, at low prices. , oifTruuiS' v. r 1 I X M . ' ' - .W aga-aSka, - All This Week Free Extracting ;. i ' Examinations Silver Fillings ........35 and &04 Oold Filings.... ,...-75 and fl.OO tf.DO and $10.00 Oold Crowns .......... .3.00 to fS.OO llt.00 and f 10.00 Sets of . . , Teeth... ....... 7.3tf0 to flO.OO Come In at once and take advantage or low rates. All work guaranteed for II. years, andlone by our painless sys tem, known and used only by . BostohPalnlcss Dentists L StlV. Opp. Meier m Fraak aad Old SeatofSoaw Hours 1:10 a. m. to I p. m. Sunday, I:t0 a. na to 11:10 p. m. , Ba rare row are la tke light place. . One Sllgat Aevaatee-e, ' '-"If '.you were a defeated candidate, would you attend the Inauguration of your successful rival?" "I would,", answered the home-made philosopher, "If only to congratulate myself on not being compelled to stand bareheaded la tha MarcJi weather." Reduced ,vv2)rfi Xjf eJ Redscei r pAND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE FOL-. , LOWING PRICES ARE RETAIL, DE- . -i .. V : - UVEREO TO CONSUMER : - . w :v'.."; ' : ' 1 " - ' '' '- ..';' ;-'s."'"; ; V:-.,-'7'- ' ;' V j Bulk . . Sacked. Newcastle Lump' . . $5.00 $5.50 Newcastle Nut . . , 4.50 5.00 Australian ("ftff) ' ,6.00 6.50 Roslyn ... 1 6.00 6.50 Rock Springs . 6.50. ; 7.00 Kemmerer . . . . 6.50 7.00 ; Othef Coals Proportlonstely Low. . : The: Pacific Coast Co. :V;'';.:. :V .;' '.C H. C4LXIM. Agent ''' . 249Wtsingtoii St. Telephones 229 tsi 237 our; SUCCESS SECRET Y; ' ' We' ''do aa we ad vert lee. We promise only what wa are able to do, aad charge ' noth- . lng for ur reputation. ' - v - - - Out Best Friends : '; i - . . are those for Whom we have worked. They - advertise our good work and ' reasonable , ; v price. t , -u' , h : . ;ti -. t ., t Comfort in Dentistry - We assure you that we wilt not hurt yo In . 'any. operation we perform upon your teeth. We dare not, for our reputation would ba , r. be at atake : WISE BROTHERS MODERN DENTISTS . . Fallinr Buildinr Third and Waahineca "POLuowmn flaqh , " ' Ask tha Afant about h Tc:ri:t Cr Scjt: NewYorkandllevEnlantl 1 Tba Time Scbedsla Wa'Coovinee Y-) ' ' - Stop Oft AUowei at KIAOARA FALL ,. . ROSS C. CLINH. P. C. P. A., Lei -.;n