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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1905)
GrZCCIJ 1 DAILY' JSUTJIAi; POHTLAinJ. MONDAY SVgKINg MAKCII V fTS fa r u. a e.e ,uar r" n Male re) r--..o. aaa,, teaeaa, bag gage, trait --rs: Svud tor seta 10. BUSHONO CO. From and Btark sts,, prlae. I MI, lltbogrspblng, , blank books aad efBae ; eu polios) work done M nai! Bloat complete ' printing ofdc la tb west. Mean 40 i. ANDERSON Dl'NIWAT OOafPANT. Brlnttlur. . lttiwe-renklng, blaak hooka. Psoas fiala IT. SuS A Mar at. paints, on. An ma. i .' r. E. BEACH CO. Ptoneer Palat Co, eetUag the baal thlnga and la palate and general bulldlns materials: window-clam and plaelag . ; a epsdslty. 118 Cirri at. Bona Mala UM. BASMCSSEN CO. Jobbsre, pstnto, ail. suae and door. Second and Taylor. on. PORTLAND CORDAOB CO.. and Nortbrsp eto.. Portland. Or. 8AFRS Tha maa Woe knowa tha rood and bad . point of all safes burs tba Herrlng-HalV . Marvin, .wo. to Mixta at., rortlaod, - Or. FOR opening lockouts aad eefe bargain g to a. a.. iavi. -on -jnira sc. i i I II, II I II " showcases Ao nxrvmza.' ., aad atora Sxtares made to or dor. Tba Lack ' Maaatactnriag ca.. Portland. - tio pAnrnxo. J. P. EIRNOIEBRL. SIGN PAINTER. trance tie" Washliwton, cor. 1st, up aUira, , PHONB HOOD ITS. .. VERLINR. ARMSTRONG OO., Sign, semis s Mat. Pbooa Had 067. Cor. 4th and Coach ata. STORAGE AND TUWlif. 7 . Arcs. pianos nd furniture moved, park ad . reedy tor shipping aad ehlpped;. all work guaranteed; Una. S-tory, brtoh.vBro. proof , warehouse far atora ra. Office US Hirst at. C. bf. OUtEN. Pbooa Mala B4T. C, O. PICK. office M rtrat at., bataraaa Btark "' Oak ata. t pbona BOB; plaaoa aad roraltava Boaaq ana paeaaa lor aaippinaTl Boaad aad Bra-proof. . Dries ararabniiaa. ,. Preat aa4 ? -a Clay ata. - BTOnAOB apaca ta tot H tv h holldlBS. . aia wata at. malar Himaf campanr. TUDIIB. . YOl'R LAST CHANCB CltUana wbe bar not - aard rlcbta aa Join party takln timber - rlalma now; (oldrn opportnnlty ; leglUniata ' and Brat claae., 815 Orefoaiaa bias. I PIATB choice plm of ttaiher lead ta aoatb Oracoa for aala cheap, A B. JearaaL , M FOR BOMEBTKAM. timber elalcad d aarlp apply to BOB Commercial blork. 'r TBBnrzm ajts xAcxnia. V OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 1M Morth Btarth. - Pbooa Main Bp, Baary haaUoc and atorae. POST BPECtATj DELIVER T. Ma. SOOaj Waak Inctoa at. Pbooa Mala BBS. . Mi - TO WAX. BVTrXT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb ah,aaai PP& II par month. - Lawrence Bma. Towet Bai Ca., Foarth acd Coaca TTPIWUTEIB. ' XOST TYPEWRITER BKADQUARTEBS ' B30 Btark Street. Wa rent. ' repair, aell. ascbaapB OpaPUUia. All eoppllee for aU macklaaa. Btaadard macblaea B2B and ap ta 1B. Da Tom want a atenoarapber ar typfaul ' wa have Hat of rood applicant. . ., Blaefe 1871. - ... BLICKENBDRRFER trpaenitera ' aoppltoa and , renalrin. Boaa Bt Roea, SBB Stark at. Pbeew ' Main. 1BTB. WAXLPAPXJL ORGAN WALLPAPER CO., 1B4-1M Bacoaa Porta a7 at., ket. Tamnlll aad Taylor, rnrivoLU, , pORTLaVKS TRUST COMPAJTT OF ORXOOE. Vr. -i, .. .- .. , 10B TEULD ST. . . Tha pidart Treat Ooeapaxy to Oragaa. -" ... CAPITAL, aaoe.aes. " Wa eoadoct a reaeral tenklas boalneea.'. Wa raratea aarlof oVpoalta. Wa leave ttaae' ear ' tIBcataa aad rertiocataa -of danoalt payable apoa to Bare' call. BO day a' call ar BO daya call. With Istereet at 814, H aad 4 per cant - per annam, raoecttTrr. Calf or and for ear book of ' ILLUSTRATIONS. . . REM. f. COHEN. ......PMaldeat H. L. PITTTK'K... Ttea-Praeldenl B. LEE PAOET Becretarr I. O. GOLTRA AeeteUnt Saeretary IUCaLaJfT8' NATIORAL BAVX, . M PORTLAND, ORZCrON. ' I. PRANK WATSON . R. L. MTRRAM..... Tiea-Ftealdrat R. W. nOTT ...Caabler f GEORGE W. WOTT.... Aaalateet Oaahle Traaaaet a OenereJ Baaklas Ruelneac. Drafta and Lrttvra of Crrdlt laaard. A rati able to All Parte ef tha World. , , Callaetlone a Specialty. ' StCTBJTT SATIN OB TRT8T OOkCPAjrr, BBS Marihn St., Portias. Or. -Traaaartt a Oenaral Be.nk.lnr Unilaaaa , BATINOB DEPAJtTMiET. latareat Alknred ea Time and Sariaa Papoatta. Acta aa Traetea foe Eat a tea. . Drafta and Lettrra of Credit AraiUbla ta AM Parte at the World. ,. f - a. hi ! L. A. LEWIS..., Plrat Tic. Preo oast 1 A. U V.iIJA . ......... .Seaood Tlce-Praeldent aV O. JCBITS.... Saeraairy UNITED BTATFS NATIONAL' BANX, OF PORTLAND. ORXOON. 1 NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAS STB, V.. Traaaarta Oaaaral Baahiaa Baaloaaa. , X DRAFTS ISSUED. ' .'; Available ta AU CHlee ef the United Bute - - aea Hrapo, uooa; a. one; aaa Manila. .... " COLLXCrtoVt MADE ON FATOBABLI Rill Prealdrat..... .i. 0. AIKSWOBTfl ' Tlc-Prraldent....,.........i....W. B. ATBR Caabler. , ...R. W. STBMRRR . AaaUtaat Caabler .....A. hL WRIGBT LADD TELTOH, BAJTEEXB. , (XataHtebed la 1SM4 ' ' . Tranaaeta a Oaaaral Baaklns Biialaaaa. " " CoUeetioae made at all potata aa favorable Brnoe. Lrttera of credit leaned available la V Baroeo aad all patnta la the United Statoa ; Blfht Eiebaofe and Telearapklc Tranafera . aold ea New YorK. Waahlnrton. Chlrace, St, . Lenta, Dearer, Omaha. Baa rraaciece aad 'Montana aad BHtteh Colambla. . Earbanfe aotd oa London, Parla, BerBa, Frankfort, Boas Kong, Yokohama, . Manila aad Uottolala. . ...... . . PRJFT NATIONAL BANK " -OF PORTLAND, OREBOV, - ; Uealc sated Depoaltory aad leanetal Asvat t ine waioiei ataiea. . . .,,.,.n......'.,..,..-eL. u. miiAJB .J. W. REWKIBK Caahler... lAaaleteat Caabler. ......W. O. ALVORD 'iBecoad Amlatant Caabler. ....B. F. RTETBNS . Lettere of Credit lamed Aratlable ta Eoaapa , , and tha Raatern Btataa. ' - , C Btsbt Hcebanpe aad TatrrrapbU - Tranarere ' sold on New York, Boetea. Chlcaao. St. Loala, 1 St. Panl, Omaha. Ban Fraaclaeo and the ' principal potata la the Northweat. . . Slybt aad time bilk draw a In -earn to exit tin ' Lendon. , Parle, Berlin, Frank fort -on -the-i" Main, Boas Kon. YokobaBia, Copenhagen, ' ' Cbrlatlanle, Stock holm, St Patarabart, Maa. , cow, KurKa, iionoimn, , . t - CallMtlaaa Made ea far M ORRIS BROS, at CHRIST F.NBEB. UlVfe riaak Street. Portlaad. Offer Oflt-Xdra Raltread la r.-nloraal sal Write ar Call. . MORTQAQB LOANS Oa Portlaed Baal Xatate at Loweet Bates. Titlae I Beared, ' Abetraete Famlabed. 11TLS UABANTbA A- TRUST UO, Reeaa 4. Obajaber ef Ooaaeaerea, BXMn to rmxvaw tan. (Jonrnal Special Serrlee.) ' ' J : Waahlnston. D. O, March (.A not- able Sinner Is to be sWert at tha New , Wlllartl hotel ton I ah t In honor of Qen. Fltahugh Laa. . Tha affair will be at tended by many of tha officers who . served under Oenaral Lea In tha Confed erate srnry. . '.. . A hnuaehoM nceealty Dr. Thorn a a rVlwtrlo Oil. Haala turn, cut, wounds of any Sort; curea aora throat, vsrotip, caLarrh, aathmat aaver fall. : vCGi::EN cc;ivEHTtc;i riCETS AT ABERDEEN Will Elect Delegates to Raprt i tent State at Head Camp Ae r eeinbly at Loe; Angeles.'. ; ; (Bpedal btanatch to The fcaraaL) i Aberdeen, Waah ' March .Tha atate. convention of tha Woodmen of tha Wortd Bp belns entertained In Aberdeen today, and will continue in aeaaion this evenins and all day tomorrow. A torch lisht prooesalon,' fireworks and a Bta( smoker wilt be features of this affair. The Initiation of 71 candidates In which a team of IB men from Seattle Will participate, will start : the convention business this evenins, including the fol low ins officers:, A. J. T. Edwards, past consul; Henry Berliner, state or. tanlser; H. C. Oleason, consul eom maader; F. R. Burck, adviser lieuten ant; E.- T. Walrand, banker; W. F An derson, C. W. Saundera, Oeorse Kins, W. F. v Paull, escort . quartet; William Henaell, Jr., toaster, ef ceremonies; J. P. Haakett. electrician; H. captain t commanding military degree team. . r. . A special rate has bean ' rranted by the railroads and many -noted men. Including- deleg-atlona from. Chehalls, Head Adviser H. 8. Elliot of Seattle; C O. Kslpifl, head manaser; E. F. Con ner, colonel First regiment U. B. W. O. W.; C. A. Reynold, chairman of '6)'s delegation Are. among the -list. -The local committees handling this convention are: I - Reoeptloa committee Clyde Weather wax, chairman; B. J. Oarman, W. W. Hart, la I Maley, EugenS France, J.: A. Hood,- Wr Ji Patteraon, I P, Dudley, Dr. Watklna, 8. K. Bowers. Finance committee N. Q, Kaufman, R. J, Hilts, 8. K. Bowers. The fUka have kindly tendered their hall for the uae of this convention -to-morrow- . -f or the day's session. The Stars and Stripes are a pronounced fea ture of decoration, the Woodmen's col ors being red, white and black. Fif teen delegates are to be elected at this convention te the bead camp .'. assem bly In Los Angeles In April.' HOW IT LOOXED 0 GOTHAM FANS ..;,epy '-.:,''. T V'.. ---ifV (Continued from Page Ten.)' 's It was not te be, and the record stand a. . There is but one opinion as to Nel son, and that Is that bis fight Tuesday night demonstrated that he la one of the greatest fighters of bis weight, who ever put up his bands. More than one expert whose opinion Is entitled . to weight declares that he soon - will be to the lightweight division what Jeffries Is to the beaviea. . 8hould he go' againat Britt again a great deal of educated New York money will go on him. At Uat we are to see Jabes White and Jem Bowker, the small British cham pions. " They are coming over - after some American dollars, while the gen eral belief la that they wilt have to be content with the short end of the purses If they go againat any of the American top-notchera. These are some facts that it would be well to bear in mind. 'There are tew better Judges of fighting man than Charley Mitchell, and there Bra few who are leas liable to put up real money just for the sake of betting than this same Charles. , The fact that he IB bringing these lads .over and Intends te back them is calculated to create tba Impression that they may not be the easiest kind of money after all. ' Tommy Murphy, the local fighter1 who recently won over 'Chick" Tucker.! has Issued a statement to the effect that be Is willing to take on Owen Moran, the .English featherweight. Moran recently sent a challenge to this country for any of the featherweights, mentioning Mur phy's name in the liat. at any weight from 114 te tll pounds.' During the last few months Murphy has become very heavy, and it will be next to Impoaaible for htm to make 111 pounds. "Murphy therefore states that he will try at lit pounds and will meet Moran In England next May. On Derby day the National Sporting club of Lon don has a date open, and If terms and expenses can be satisfactorily arranged, tt ia likely that a boat will be arranged. Bob Adler is likely to be matched to meet Jack Lea In the course of A few daya at 115 pounds. , George McFadden has signed to meet "Kid" Coffey In a lb-round affair lp Detroit on March T. The men. are to come together at eatchwelghts. -' ATHLETIC ACTIVITY AT J ; IDAHO UNIVERSITY (Special Dtapateh to. The JoamaL) ' -'University of Idaho, Moscow, March 4. The preparation and organisation of athletic a porta in general - la : now In progress st the) university and the pros pects are good for baaeball, tennla and a track team. "Many old players are back, the moat- prominent of which are Middleton, Miller, Thomas. Oeede, Ma4 gee. Reeves, Wyman and ' Galloway. Plenty of new material Is also availa ble, so that little trouble will be ex perienced In organising a strong and winning team for baseball. . -- Tha prospects for a track team While good, are not as blight as thoaa for baseball. Quite a 'number of old men In this lino are back but some of them, have expressed themselves as not In clined to participate this year and for that reason new material will have to be reaorted to, but in spite of this the general opinion is that a strong team will be fitted out v , v Those interested In tennis sr busily engaged' In perfecting plana to make that game A guoceas. , Permanent courts will be made and as soon as they are In fit shape practice will begin, No ached ula has been decided upon either for this game or for baaeball.'1-For the latter sport, however, an effort will be made to secure games with the Lewis ton Normal school, the University of Washington, Whitman collage, Wash ington Agricultural college and Mon tana university And college. On ac count of the heavy expense attendant upon games with the Montana institu tions it may be Impossible to secure games with them. . , t . , . .' nmou BBJTBAT The Juniors, of the -North Paclflo dental college'-defeated the freshmen team in A game of baseball on the Pet tygrove street grounds yesterday by the score of It to IB. ' . .., . The line-up of Sunday's game fol lows;-,' Mount, Gibson ...I.e.......... vDstman Tameale .....,...j.pi.... ...',. Short McNerthy - ..Powers Ollchriat . . . .lbj . Donahue. Benn Bheehan .....,. . . Powers, Short Gibson. Mount' . . . IbU , . . . .. McGregor McNerthy ....... .ss. ... Merchant Tamtele , . . ' - Skiff -, ........ , . .If . . . . Senn, Donahue Jefferson ....... ,cf ........... , Kelley Mann, Wilbur . ....rf.. Carlson, Barrett .,., . ' ' ' -t,: u 1 , BVTX.KB COBS TO ATXABTTA, ' Ike Butler received his ticket from the Atlanta club and will leave tomorrow morning for that place. , Butler . is , a local favorite, having pitched for Port land during the past two aeasons. At lanta secures one of the moat reliable twlrlers In ths business, and aa Manager Powell always haa a good team, Butler will work on. B,., better team thap has been his fortune while here. ; , amnrmninoa tbajc sanATss. '(BpecUl Dbpatcn to Tba. JoarnaL) , Dallas, Or.. March .' The Dallas Athletic club's second basketball team defeated the Independence Athletlo as sociation's first team On the Independ ence gym floor Saturday night. Dallas scoring tt points and Independence II points. Tbs game was a hotly con tested one. clear to the finish,. ' Elders and Caatle threw - the most baaketa . for Dallas and Hurley and S tine for Independence. , A fair slaed crowd witnessed ' the game. The line up was sb follows: t Dalla '.' Jndependenee. Guy ...... a',, i.;..F... r Btine Coad ...f .F . Hurley Elders .........,.C......-...i. Byera Castle w . . . i . .Q. a . t Wallace Arnolds .....,...,0., BuUer BOaTMBUy. SBTXAT aTBtTITTAXS. . Spedsl Dlapatcb to The JeuraaL) : i Roneburg. -.Or.-,- March-.-Testerday the Roaeburg high school baseball team epened their season with ths Frultvale Invlnclbles. The game was. fast from the start, ths score ending 4 to t In fa vor of the high school.. The high school has an excellent pitching staff, backed by, a reliable infield and swift outfield. ' Reduced Rates to Calif ornia7 1 The Southern' Paclflo company Bab placed on sale round trip tickets te Loa Angeles at tha rate of fit. limit ft daya. Tbla affords an excellent oppor tunity to visit the many beautiful win tar reports of southern California. At s moderate cost ':.- CITX BTOXJ0EB. BR0P0SZ9 IlfPROTXHXRT OF EAST B0B -. XDITK STRUT. t. ,;.,. . ' Notice Is hercbr given tbat at the meeting ef tba Oaaeci) of tat City of Portland, Oregon, Mid ea tba let say of March, liwe, tba tot awlag reaolutloa waa adopted: v . Reaolvad, That tba (Jouocll ef the City of Portland, Oregun, drema It expedient and par poaaa te Improve Kaat Rlgbteeath atreet from the north line, of Rant Couch atreet to the north Una of Beat Stark street, la tba following planner, to-wlt: Klrat Br grading the atreet fall wldtb with fall Interaeetkme to the proper eub-grmde. Second Br bringing tbe aurfaee of tbe atrert full width with full InteraecUoas to prepar grade with Kiver graveL ,t Third By eonaOmctlng wooden aldewalka at aceordanca with tba City BnglDeer'a plans, apvetficatbvaa and aatlsiatea. '. Koorth By laying woodea eroaawalka Is ae rordanoe -with' tbe City BagUMer'a plana, apeci tlcatlona and aatlmatca. fifth By re-laying wooden aldewalka la ae eordaoce with tha City Bnguwer'a pUnai apecl tlratlona and ea time tea. f Blxtb Br re-laying eroaawalka M aeeordanee with the' City lingliwer'e plana, apeclflcatloaa and aatlaiatea. , ' - . 6ereutb Hf eoaatrncttag bos aad atobS gnt trra la accordance with tba City Bnglaaer's plana, apeclflcatloaa and eatimatae. - . 1 Klfhtli Br conatractlng woodea earba la accordance . with tbe City Keglnear'a plans, epecirtcationa and aatlmatca. ' - Bald InprovcsMnt to be made Is accordance with ton charter and ordinances ef tbe City ef Portland and tbe plana, apeclflcatloaa and eetl matea ef the. City ICnglneer. filed la tbe office of the Aadltor of-tbe. City of Portland oa tbe lh day- of Pelmiary, 10". Indorsed: Olty Bnglneer'a pbtaa and aped flea tiona for the Improvement ef Beat Kisbteestb atreet from tba Borth line ef Baat Conch atreet to tbe north Mine of Baat Btark atreet. and tba aatlmatca of tbe work to be done, aad tba probable total ooet thereof." The roat of aald Improvement to be aaeeeeed aa provided by tba city charter apoa tbe prop erty apectally and peculiarly benefited thereby and which ia hereby declared to be all tba kite, parts thereof and parcela of lead lying between a Una 100 feet weat of aad parallel with tbe Weat Hoe of Beat Eighteenth atreet and a tine 1U0 feet eeat of sad parallel with the eeat line ef Baat Rlgbtecntb atreet. and between the north line of Baat Stark atreet aad a Una 104 feet north ef aad parallel with tbe north line ef Baat Coach atreet. . Tha . Bnglneer'a eetlnaate ef the probable total eeat tor tbe Impmeeateat of paid Baat kla-bteeadi atreet ia 4.iri.W. - The above improvement la to be claeaed as s Kavel Improvement and aba 11 be maintained ' tbe city for a parted of flveyeara. pro vided, however, tbat tbe ewaera ef a majority ef tba property benefited by aald Improvement, or any portion thereof, aball not petKloa for a new or different Improvement before the explrwtlow ef each period. f . The' plana. epacUaratieas sad estimates ef tbe . City Kngtaeer for . tbe Improvement ef aald atreet are hereby adopted. ' ., m . Resolved, Tbat tbe A editor of the City of Port lead be aad be la hereby directed to give notice of tbe proponed Improvement ef said street aa provided by tba city charter. Remonatrancea againat the above Improve ment may be filed In writing with the aader elgned within Bl daya from the date ef the firat p Plication ef ale notice. , , By order ef the CoonciL .w , . . , THOS. C DBTL1N, ;;' 'T A editor of tbe City ef Portland. Portland. Oregon. Date ef first publication, March . 190. rsoroaxo rJaTROTXXTXT Of WXBITAR ' STBZZT. ." H - Kotlee ia hereby give that st tbe meeting of tbe Gonadl of the City of Portland, Oregon, held -oa the let day at March, IWm, the tal lowing mulattos was adopted: Beaolved, Tbat tbe Orancll ef tbe City nf Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient end per poars to Improve Webater atrert feom the eaat llae of Denver aveane to the weet line of Patron avenue, bv grading tbe atreet te tbe atakea aa art by the City Engineer. Bald Improvement to be made la accordance with the charter and ordinances of tbe City ef Portland and the plana, epedflratloaa and evtlmatea ef tbe City Engineer, filed la tbe office ef tbe Aadttor of tbe City of, Portland en tbe 14th day ef rebraary, ISOB. Indorsed: "City Engineer's plana and epecifieattflaa for 4 he Tlmproveaaent ef Webater atreet from . tbe eaat line of Denver evenoe to tbe weet line of Patton arena, and the eatlmetea of tbe work to be Bane and the probable total seat thereof." Tbe coat of aald improvement to be aaa maid be provided by tbe city rhartrr apon tba prop erty apeelallr ,aad peculiarly benefited thereby and which ia bercby declared to be ell tbe Iota, porta thereof and parcela of mad lying between a Una 100 feet north ef and parallel with tbe north line of Webater atreet aad a line 100 feet wrath aad parallel- with tbe aeatb Uae of Webster atreet and between tbe eaat line ef Denver arena aad. tbe waet Una ef Patton ,TbeBnfliiear,s estimate ef tbe prohable total mat for tha Improvement ef said Wfbeta street Is ll.BJ0.oo. i Tbe plana, aped flection and eatimatae ef the City Buglneer for tbe Improvement of Said Webater atreet are hereby adopted. Received, That the Aadltnr of the City ef Portland be and be m hereby directed to give sotlce of tbe proponed Improvement ef aald atreet ea provided by tbe city charter. ..--...-, - Remonatrancea againat tbe abeve Improve ment may be filed la writing with me onder eigned within XU daya from tbe data ef the firet pebllcatlen at tbla notice, . Br ardor ef the Omncu. ,"-.". " THOS. Ct IIBTlJlf. ' j i Aadltor f tbe City ef Portland. Partlase. Orcgoa. Data ef firat pabucaUoa, March 4, 1900. , fboposbb luiovrjarr or ttrn ; 4 BTBIW... :.-:-'.' r ' Kotlee hi hereby given that at tbe meetlag ef the. Coencll ef tbe City of Portland, Oregoa. held es the lat day ef March, 1IM6, tbe-fol-knrleg reaolattoa was adopted: ' . Keaolved, That tbe Cooncil ef the City ef Portland, Ovesna, deems H expedient and par poeee to Improve Irving atreet from tbe weat Una ef Fifth atreet to the eaat line ef Seventh atreet la tbe following manner, to-wtt: Pint By grading the atreet fall width with fall laternertUme to tbe proper eub-grede. Hecead By conatractlng etoae aldewalka asd ebrbe. - . r Third By pavtrg tbe roadway foil width With , fall IntcreecUooa with .fcltelltaie nee meet, except tbat porttoa ecenpled by tbe PorUand ConaoUdated Railway tympany , ea a riant at way, which portion aball be Im proved r by '. aald company by laying grooved ralla not leaa tbas Inches la depth, pav ing lbs apace between the ralla and eee foot entxtde tbe reiki with atone blorke ere ea con crete and- gvoated with eemeat aaortar and concrete asder tbe ralla and atone block a to be at leaat tax loebe la depth, the remaining portion of said right of way to be Improved with t-ttallthle paveaaent. reertb Rv laying til ta accordance with the City Bagiaeec's plana, sneelflesthaas sad attmate rifta. Rv ecerermettBC catch4iaalna la sr. ewdanea with the Pity Baglaeer's ptasa, epect neatloo and eatlnwtas. . , Bald tmprnvameat to be mad Is eeenrdanee with the charter and ordinance ef the City ef Portland and the plana, peclfleatlonn aad eartaaatea ef the nty Rngtneec filed la the office ef the Aadltor at the City st PorUand ea v. ' V , r. . the tk day eHfebroary. 1906. ladoreed: "City Bnglneer'a plana and ancclflt'atlona for tbe 1m prorement of Irving street from the weet line ef 'lfU atreet to tbe eaat line ef He Tenth atreet and the cellmate of the work to bvOuos sod me proneot total eof inereoi." - Tbe cit of aald lmproveoicnt to be a aa provided by the city charter apon tba prop erty epeclally and peculiarly bene Cited thereby ana wnirn IB nm-voy acciarca an ue a u toe Iota, parte thereof aad parcela of kind lying belweea a Una 100 feet north e and parallel with tbe north line ef Irving atreet and a line 100 feet aouth of sad parallel with tbe eoeth line of Irving atreet and between! the weat line, ef ritth atreet aad tha eaat lloo of Bevegth etreeU - -1 Tbe Engineer' eatlmate ef tbe probable total coat for the Improvement of aald Irving sta-eet la J4.1TB.O0. ' - Tbe above Improvement ia to be c la need aa s bltuUthic pavraieot and aball be maintained by tbe city for a period of clgbt year, pro vided, however, that tbe owner of a majority ef the property benefited by aald Improvement, or any portion thereof, ebail not petition for S new or different Improvement before tbe ex piration of aucb period. Tbe plana, epeelfleaUoae and estimate ef tbe City Buaiaeer . far tbe improvement of aald Irving .trt-et ere hereby adopted.. Rewleod. That tbe Aadltor ef the City ef Portland be and be la hereby directed to give nolle ef tbe propoaed Improvement ef said street as provided by tbe city charter. Remenatrance againat the a bora Improve ment may be filed la writing with the uadrr- lined within 20 day from tbe date e( tbe flrat publication at tbla no tie. , , By, order of tbe Ccunell. , " ' ',... . , - THOS. C DBVX.IN, 1 Aadltor of the City of Portland.. . Portland. Oregon. ; Data of flrat -pabUcataDO, March 4, 1B0A. , rmoroaxo bbwxb nr bast thirthtb ''.':r5..': STBZZT. ' ' - Notice la hereby given tbat at the BMctlng of the Council of' the City ef Portland, Oregon, held en uw"tit day ef March, 1WUQ, tha fol lowing reaolatloa waa adopted: Heaolved, 'that the Council ef tbe City ef Portland, Oregon, dee ma u expedient and par pove to eonalruct a aewer In Kaat Thirtieth street from the center linn of Hawthorne aver aoe to the aewrr la Beat. Thirtieth atreet t Kaat -Taylor atreet. ef vitrified aawar pipe, with all acceaaary catch-baauia, maa-bolee, mmp-bolea and branebea, and to be ef tbe au How lug dlmeaaiona: of eight Inches clear Inalde oiaaMter frea the center line of Haw thorne avenue to n point In Beat Thirtieth street at ' Kaat Madlaon atreet; thence of 10 Inebea clear lnaide diameter to tbe newer - la Kaet Thirtieth atreet at Baat Taylor atreet The-aaM aewer to he oona true lea ia accoro- ance with tbe charter And ordinance of the City of Portland aad tbe Plana, eoecificatlone and eatimatae ef tbe Ctty Kngiaeer, filed Is the office of the Aadltor of tbe City of Port bind es tbe loth day of February, UM, in daraed: ,' "Uty Knglneer'a plane end aped flea tktss for s aewer la Kaat Thirtieth atreet from the center Use ef Hawthorne avenae te the aewer la Baat Thirtieth- atreet at Kaat Taylor atreet, aad tbe eatimatae ef tbe work to be done ssd tbs probable total coat thereof." The coat of aald aewer to be aaaeeaed as provided by tba city charter upon tin property epeclally and peeallarly benefited thereby, and which b bercby declared to be all tbe lots, nartn thereof and narcem C land lying between a Use. 1U0 feet weat of and parallel with tbe weet Hue of Baat Thirtieth atreet and a line low feet eaat of aad parallel with the eaat Una of Kaat Thirtieth atreet and between tbe north line ef Hawthorne avenae sad tbe south line ef Kent Taylor atreet. Tbe Bnglneer'a ee timet of the probable coat for tbe conetructtoa of aald aewer ' la 44,405.00. ' - Tbe plane, apedflcatlons end eatlmatea ef tbe City Kaglnaer for tbe eouetmettoe ef said w-w. kMwht lllnutet . Keaoleed. That the . Auditor ef the City of Portlaad l and aa m hereby directed to glee notice of the propoaed conatrnctJon of aald aewer ea proviaea.oy tse eaiy courier. Kemonetrances againat tbe above aewer may be filed la writing with the - ander alemed within BO deya from the data st the flrat puniicuuou or. tnie nouanv . - r -By order ef the Council. ' w , THOII. O. DEVLIN, ' Aadltor of the City of Portland. Portlaad. Oregoa. Data ef flrat pabUcaUoa, March 4, MOB. . - ; - r.-r PROPOSES SEWER IB BAST MAIB STBZZT, Notice Is hereby gives tbat at the meeting ef the uponcu el ue vnr or rerueno, urejoa, bld ea tbe lat day cf March, 1UU6, the fol- in U. ii. .llij. waa anVmteS: . - Reeolred. That tbe Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient sad por poaee to construct a aawer In Eaat Mala atreet ream tbe went line of the H. W. Brews tract to the aewer In Beat Mala atrert at tbe weat line ef Baet Twenty-fourth atreet, ef vitrified eewar pipe ef 10 Inebea clear tnaioa aiameier, with all seceaanry eatoh-beslos, , maa -bole, lamn hole -nil hiaiarha . . h-ii w-r ta b iioiietructed In accordance with the charter sad erdlnaacea ef tb Ctty of PorUand and tb puna, apeelflcetione and eatlmate of tbe City Engineer, filed in tbe office of the Anoinar or u vny o nruui en tbe leth day ef Xcbrsary, ISO. Indoraed: "Uty - Engineer a plans aad epeeiflcstlons far s aewer In Baat Main atreet from tb weat line of tbe H. W. Brown tract to tb eewcr In Eaat Mala rtreet at weet Hn of Baat Tweaty- fourth atreet, ana ue eeumaoe u worn to be do ssd the probable total coat thereof." The coat of eats aewer to be aaeeaaed aa srovided by tbe city charter spoa tbe property epeclally aad peculiarly benefited by eaM uv provement. and which is hereby Sectored to be ail ue km a, pen ue lying between a Un 100 feet aorth of and par aUel With the north line of Kaat Mais atreet and s Una 100 feet aouth of and parallel with the south Una ef Eaat Mais atreet aad betwees tbe eeat I'S ef Eaat 'Twenty-fourth atreet and a northerly exteueloa of the name and a line S4B feet east thereof ssd parallel TSe Bnaineer'a eatlmate of the probable total coat far the coca Inaction of ssld sea eoer off eiThi.u anedflearlenm and eatimatae of the City Engineer for the eaestrecttoa sf said aewer are hereby adopted. ReeolTcd. Tbat the Auditor ef the City of Portland be and be is hereby directed to give notice of tbe propoaed conetructloa sf paid aewer aa provided by tbe city charter. Bemone trance againat the abov avwur may be filed la writing with the aader algned vrltbin SO daya from tbe date of tbe firat poimcaiieo ei tni uouc. .- -v By order of. the CouncU. x , , THOB. C. PBTLIrT, .. aastnae ef the City of Portland. Portland. Oregoa. Date ef firet publication. arcs a, ipuo. PBOPOSZD SZWXR HI EAST ASKDrSTOB '- ,,.. !, J- - BTBXBT. KoMc ta hereby gtvea that at tba meeting ef- the Ceusdl ef. the City of Portlaad. Oregoa. beld ea! tb lat day of Marcs, juub, ue ut lnwl. amlnnH waa adooted: Reaolved. Tbat the Council of tbe City ef Portland, Oregon. Beama It expedient ana nur poeee to coo tract a aewer la kaat Waahlnstna atreet from the west line of Eaat Thirty -ninth - n .k- mm-mm I Raaf Waahlnctnei atreet t Baat Thirty-eighth atreet, af vitrified newer pipe ef 10 Inrheu clear taetdS diameter with all aeceeeary ratoh-eoalns, maa-bolea, lamp-bo 1 aad branch. . , Bald aewer to be ewm list ted Is accordance With tbe charter and erdlnaacea nf tb City of Portland and tba plana, apeelficatletw , and eatlmatea ef tbe City Kngtaeer. filed In tb cfflre of tbe Auditor f the City nf Portlaad u tbe lath dav of Pebruary. la, Indoraed: "City Englneer'a pinna and aperlflcaUona for a newer ta eaat Waablngtoa street from the weet Uae ef Beat Thirty -ninth atreet to th newel In Baat Waablnston street at Baat Thirty -if nth atreet. and tbe eatlmate of tbe work to be don and tb probable total coat thereof.'' Tbe coat of aald aewer te be aaamaid aa provided by tbe city charter noon tb property apeeiauy . ana peculiarly uvneiitew inervoy, ana weirs IS sereny eciareo. 10 ne nil tne mta. parts thereof and pereel ef lend lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the sorts line of Baet Weablngtoa atreet a ne a line 100 feet nouth nf and parallel with the aouth Un ef Beat Waablngtoa atreet and be tween tbe eeat liar ot eaat xnrriy-eisntu atreet ssd. the weat line ef East Thlrty.aiola The Rngineer'a earl mate of the probable total coat fea tb coo traction of said aewer la t31-4S. . . Tbe plana, epeciftcattone and eatlmate of tb city smanaeer for ta oaMtrncuoa ec aa aewer are aereny aoopura. e ' . Reeolved. That tb AttdltrSe. ef the City ef Portlaad be aad be la hereoy otrertea to give notice a of tbe rropoees eonatruction OK si sewer aa provided by tba city chart ee. ateateaatranees agent; u nnoe newer smy he filed IB writing with tbe aader. algned within 90 day from the date ef the flrat pabtlcatloa af this nolle. . By enter of, theConelL , - - Aanitor of the City ef Portlaad. - Portland. Oregoa. , Date, ef firet publication, March 4,.1B0S. . ..... .. . BBOPOSKB CXABOB OF BEADS Of BOBTB- '- WICK BTBZXT. rtotlce-to mweby-glaes -4he4--s--tnw meeting Of the Coencll of tbe Ctty of Portland, Oregon, held es the flrat day ef March, 1B0B, th fol lowing reejomttou wea adopted i Eaeeilvcd. Tbat tbe Ooueetl deems It expedient and pnrpoaes to chant tbe grad ef Bortbwlck atreet between- Rnaaell atreet aad Pag atreet an tbat tbe grade ef the center Una of Bortb wlck atreet et a point Bo feet north ef the north line ef Pa atreet be changed from BO. 71 feet to B4.10 feet. Reeolved, Tbat the Aadltor ef tb City of Portland be and be la hereby directed to giv. notice of tbe proponed ehnae of grade of aald Street aa neevlded by tbe city charter. Remonatrancea againat tha propiet. d change ef grade mav be filed la writing with tbe nnder alvned within SO daya from the date ef the firet publication nf Ibia notice. , , .By erdes.ef tbe Onwoett. . , THOB. C. ?EVU. i 1 Aadltor Kt the Cltv f Portland. Portal nd. Oregoa. ' Date ef flrat pabUcaUoa, cm yonoBs. CXTT BOTICXS. , THB niPROVEMEBT Of MTLWOKABi STREET, BROABWAT, BAST TBTRB STREET, SBABB ATIBTTB ABB SBATXJB - STBEZX. , Notloe la' berebv slvea that the Council ef the City of Portland. Oregon, at .'a meeting beld en the loth day of February-, lBus, de clared tbe aeaeeament by -tb saoptloa ef erdl. eiarvq in aaai eauiant oy .uw mwi dance Mo. 14,444, tor tha lmprevea notnah atewt. Broadway.. Baat, ' Oraad avenue aad Bhava lawn os Third tree t, atreeL spoa each lot, part af lot' and parcel of lead, which ar epeclally gad peculiarly besetlted, to be aa followa, eta: . Holladay's AeVtltie to Baat Port la no Blk 100, lot t, Tb Oregoa Baal Eatato ' Company ....f.... I. 14S.M Blk 119. lot 4, Th Oregoa Real Estate Company 14X14 Blk lis, lot s. The Oregoa Beat Bstats . M Company - Blk 14. tot 4, The Oregos Baal Batata Company Blk 14. kit B, Tb Oregoa Real Betel Company Blk 13a, let 4, Ths Oregoa Real Batata Company Blk las. tot a. Ths Oregon Beat Eatato Company Blk 1B4. lot 4, Tba Oregon Baal Batata Blk &4?Biot "sV The Ovegoa Beal Eatat uompasy - 144.ST 144.B7 14L.TS 141.TS 141.TS 141.TB uowipany Blk 180, tot 4, The Oregoa Seal Betels Company a. Blk 150, tot I, The Oregos Beal Eatste Company , Blk 236, lot 4. B. H. Bobbins.. ....... u r ai..rf . 141.T&S 141 .TB U6.ll Blk T8. lot B, B. C; Neore!der.TfVi .VtjH six TB, Kt , m. c. neuf elder -,v Pewtk'a Bnnar AAHItloeL to, Raat Port land . . Blk 4. lot B. 'alius iogaa Batata, Heirs. Blk 'iot 'i'ju'lio'iogM'& TO. II .MS. SB or , K.ra'l Addition to Eaat Portlaad , Blk B, lot 1, Victor Land Company. i.. Blk B. lot X, Victor Lend Oompany,... , 18. B4 . H.B4 , 10.71 48.B4 Mix E, lot a, Bnny A. Knott........... : Blk B. lot 4. Ruby A. Knott.... Central Alblna ' - . . Blk SO. let la. i. B. Scott,;.......... Teal . . .....,...;... ........... a.7.4B A statement ef aforeaaid Saaeaament haa ten entered in tbe Docket of the City Uens and n now due and naeable at tha office ef tb City Treaaorer. In lawful money of th United Bute and If net paid within BO daya from tbe date ef tbla notice aueh proceeding will be taken for the eollectloa ef tbe eame ss are provided by tbe charter of the City of Portland. .Th abov aaaeanaaenv will nee, inrareut 10 dura after the first sobUcatloa of this souce. -. .' (: .', -,,' THOB, C. DITLiit, , . . . - Indltoe nf th Citr of Portland. PortUnd, Oregon,. Date et Flrat Publiesttos area i, ivoo. . .. IT FOB IlfPROVEJaXBT OF EAST TAKKTZX, STREET. . 1 t enmnllanen with a re eolation : adooted it tba rrguUr meeting of tbe Coonrtl, beW Pebruary 18, J BOO, Securing tbe dtetrict Dene Bted by 1 tbe improvement of Eaat Yamhill atrceCfrom tbe eaat curb line ef Eaat Water atreet to the weat Una of Union avenue, end directing the Auditor ef the City of Portland to prepare s preliminary neat earnest spoa tbe lota, blocks sad parcel st toad witsta said dlatrict. - Now, therefore,' notice Is hereby gives tbat such aaaeeement -to sow on Bin is tbe office f tbe Auditor ef tbe City ef Portland aad tbat any object lone to each aaaeeement must be Bled In writing with toe Aadltor within 10 days from tbe Tth day of March. 1906, the leat day of publication of tbla notice, and notice to farther given that aald object tone will be heard by the Council at a meeting to be held on the IStb day of March, ISOo, and aU pee eon aggrieved thereby or Interna ted therein must be proaent at aid meeting, and are warned not to depart therefrom until sack reaasesameat ass seen rompieteo. , THOB. C. DI5TUN. .' ' . auditor of tb Citr f Portland. Date of flrat publication Pebruary Si, IPOS. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF THIRD STBZZT. ' Notice I hereby given tbat at the meeting ef tbe Council ef tbe City ef Portland, Oregon, beld -on tb let day ef March,' lBuft, the fol lowing recitation was adopted: . Reeolved. That tbe Council of the City of Portland, Oregoa, deem It expedient and pur peace to Improve Twenty-third street from the north line ef Waablngtoa atreet to tbe snath Una of Thurmaa street Is tha follow lug aasa aw. ta-artt; . hint By removing ell loses earth, and and debrla from tbe aurfaee of tb street foil width with (nil Intaraactlona. - amd Br brluclna tba atreet fall width with - full intersection te established grade with 'SMcadaaa.. - - - Third By eoastraetlag artificial eton alde walka in accordance wits in i ity amgineer a puna, apeeirjeatiooe ana eetrmates. , 4 Fourth By laying eroaawalka. - . Fifth -Be eouatructifM atone cutters. - - Blxtb Ry eonairactlng artificial aloe rvrbs. Bald Improvement to be made ia accordance with the eriarter and ardlaancea ef tbe City mt Portland end tbe nlana. aoeclfl cation and eatlmatea ef tbe Uty Engineer, filed In tbe office of the Audita of tbe City of Fortune on tb Mth dav of February, lenft. indoraed: "City Engineer' plane end a peel fi carton for the Inrpnivrmesr'of Twenty-third atreet from the north line ef Waablngtoa atreet to the south Uae bf Thar mas atreet, and tbe estimate nf tbe work to be dose sad tha probable total coat thereof." . The roat ef aald Improvement to be is I ss provided by tbe city charter spoa tbe property apedally and peculiarly benefited thereby and which la hereby Secured to be ell the lota, nart thereof and narcela ef land lying between a line 100 feet weat ef and parallel with the weat Una ef Twenty-third atreet and a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tbe eaat line of Twenty-third atreet, and betwees tbe north Un of WaablogtoMrsst sad tb santh Un of Tbormaa atreet. - The Kngtneer'e eatlmate of the probable total coat for tbe Improvement et said Twenty-third atreet la x,s72.0u. Tb above Imnrweement Is to be damns' aa s macadam repair Improvemest and aha 11 ha main tained by tbe city for a period or tare year, n.nTl dad bnwoeee. that th owner of a ma- torltr of tb sroeerty benefited by eald Im provement, or any portion thereof, a hall sot C titles for s new or different Improvement firre tbe explratloa ef each period. Tbe Plana, apaei fleet tone end eetlnaate ef tb City Engineer fur tb improvement of said Tww.fv-.Mnl arrant ar hereby a Sooted. Resolved. Tbat tba Auditor ef tbe City of Portland be aad he le Hereoy eireetee to giv sotlc of tb proposed improvement ef aald atreet aa provtoaa ny tse city enarter. Reaannatraace aealnst tb above I meat mi be filed In wrlttna? with the ander algned within SO daya from the date of the firat publication ef tbla notice. . . , By order of the Council. , THIIB. C. DETXIW, ' ' Auditor of tbe Ctty of Portland. Portlaad. Oregoa. Date st first pnbUcattoa, Morea 4. lsuo. PROPOSED rjCPBO V EMZBT OF XZAENXT STRUT. Notlcs is hereby givea tbat st tbe ateetlng of tbe Council of tbe City ef Portland, Oregon, held ea tbe 1st day of March, 190ft, the tot towing resolution was adopted: Reaolved, Tbat tb Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient aad per eoaaa tn Imnrove Reamer etreet from tbe weet line of Sixteenth etreet te the east line? of Nineteenth atreet In the following manner, Firat By grading tbe street fall width with fall Intersection to the proper sub-grade. Second By bringing tbe eurfaee ef th etreet full width with faU Intersection to th eetob Uthed grade with macadam. Third By eoaatracUng artificial stone side walks, r . ft-north Rv Urine eroaawalka la accordance with the City' Engineer's plana, specification and eatlmate.. Bald lmprovemeat to be made la accordance with th charter and erdlnannee of tbe CUy ef Portland and tb plana, epedflcatlooe and eatlmate of tb City Bnslneer, filed In tbe office of the Auditor ef the city of Portmnd m tbg 14th day of February, 1 fain,, Indorsed: "City Bnrtiiew'r plan and specifications for the Improvement ef Kearney etreet from tbe weet line of Sixteenth atreet to tbe east line nf Nineteenth street, and tb eatlmatea of tbe work to be done and the probable tola! coat thereof.' 1 , Tbe cent of aald Improve meet to be aaeeaaed aa provided by the city chart ..spoa tbe property specially aad peculiarly benefited thereby and which to hereby declared to be all the lor..' parts thereof end parcela ef bind lying betwees a Una 100 fact north of and parallel with the north line ef Kearney atreet and a Rue 100 feet aouth of - aad parallel with tbe aouth line ef Kearney atreet. aad between tbe weet line of Sixteenth atreet aad tbe eeat tine et Nineteenth etreet. The Englneer'a estimate of .the probable total cost for tb Improvement ef aald Kearney atreet to S1.T40.00. , - Th store rmprovenhrtrf to to be rteeeed aa a macadam Improvement and aball be nmlntelned by tbe etty for s pertod ef five yeera, provided, j hewerer, tbat tbe owners of a majority of thai property benefited by said Improvement, or say! Dnrtlnu thereof, aball sot petition for a new or different Improvement before the explratloa ot sacs prrioe. Tha plana. eDeoiflcatleue asd estimates ef the1 Ctty Engineer for the improvemest of said atreet ar hereby sdoptod. M Resolved. That to Auditor of the Ctty ef Portland be end he to hereby directed to give notice of -tbe pruiaaw d improvement ef aald atreet aa provided oy tb city enarter. . Reawmatraoce egalast tb above Improve ment mav be filed la writing with the under- aisnoa vnuis xuvou.e rrom to, ante et ue urvi yeniicium I mis nvueu. - k9W SBB ISBIB exag, MTW rVITv-ls. ' H THOB. C. flBVUN ' . ' Auditor of tha Cltv ef rortlaiid. Portland. Oregon. Date et firat pabUcattoa, March 4, 1906. . ,,, - .';, iv'.-- ..- .- . . . fflTT BOTICZB. BXIOBTji FBOFOSXD ntTROVEMZBT OF . TZBBACZ. - ; Nolle to K bv eina that at tha meeting ef tbe Council ef tbe City ef Port la ad. '". vein en tn loin oay or reoruarr, aew, w- liyiowing reeolutlon waa adopted-.-. u .1 .. 11 A. ih. ntrv c .-rw..v, toil in UIVIKU . Portlaad. Oregon,, deema It expedient aad pue. Poees to Improve Heights terrace from the weet Tin of Loweedale atreet to. tbe east Uae et block 40, Carter's addition, la, the toi- towlng swnner, toeitt- ,t k lrat by grading the atreet to the Jpteper trad aa abowa by tbe atokes as sat; by. the City Engineer. . ' Second By bringing the eurfaee ef the srreex full width with full interseettons to tbe eatab Uahed grade with mace dam. Third Br enabwllne aldcwalk IB BC- eordance with the City Eaglaaer's plans, spool- c.ia na eeiimaiea. . ' Pourth By conatractlng eroaawalka la ac cord nee with the City Kuglseur'e puns. Sped. aniinoe ana cell ma tea. Plfih .n. mm euttera ia so enrdauce with tbe Ctty ngtaeer's pUua, apeci- neanons ana eettmatre. - . ., ,. . Blxtb By eonatrurtUig elevated aldewalka la aceordsare with tbe City Knglneer'a pmas, speclhcatloua ssd ' estimates. Beeeath R, -mi im vneed fence IS SO- eordance with tbe City Kuglnoer s plana, apsd- ecaiiom ana eatlmatea. Eixbth B ennatrurtln- WoadeS "aid improvement to be maoe is awrwuenv with the charter and ordinancce of tbe City of Portlaad and tbe-plana, apeclflcatlone and eetlaia. -f w- .!- . v.iimw Sled In the efSre of the Auditor of tbe C1tyit Portland on the IBtb day ef Pebruary,, 1805, Inytoraed: "City Engineer' .plane and epeeiflcstlons for in improvement or rieignt. terrace -- weet Un of Lnwnadal street to the eaat Un of block 40.. Carter's addition, and the eatl matea ef the- Wee to be done ssd tba pieto able total cost thereof. Tn enaC nf ta. IH Hiiw-oa-waeeit TO n aa provided br tba citr charter spoa in prorjerty apedally and peculiarly benentce oy said Improvement and which is hereby declared to be as followa: Lota I S. S aad tb eeat tt of lots I aad S. block 40: alt of buck ST; lota B and 4. block SB: tot B. block 86: all In Carter s addition to the City ef Portland anj all that no-ftoM Kloctf X Win WCt Ol tb west line ef Lownadale street if extended ortharle la lie .1 eonrae. end eouth of s Un 10.) fart northerly from end paraltol with tbe nnrtberly line of Hetgbta terra ce; and lota t 8 and B. block tfO, to the City of Portland; and all tbat portion or lass tyins between tb north Un of block ST and tbe aonth lln e klock .M. Tarter'a adldttoB the City of Portland, and between tbeeest Us ef Seventeenth atreet If extended northerly In its present roarer, and S Una BO feet weet of a n i ii arifh h west Una of 1 Sixteenth etreet and all tbat portion ef a parcel of land lying net a ecu tne westerly im or terrace aad a line 100 feet weat of aad parallel with tbe weat line of Seventeenth etreet If extended northerly in Its present eoarae. and between tbe south Uae of block M. and the north Use of block 88, Carter's addition to the City of Portland. . , The Bnainear'e estimate of tbe probable total eeat for th Improvement or saia neigum ear- -ace S AYlrl fW) ' Tb above improvenient v to'pe cisaai 11 we a macadam Improvement and shall be amln talMl he tha eltv fne a nertod of four Tears. provided by the owners nf a majority ef tbe property benefited by eaid Improvement or any portion thereof, shall not petition for a sew or different lmprovemeat before tbs axplraXlou Of aucb pertod. : , . TM nuna alia, nwn Ban niaaia fh CKy Engineer for tbe Improvement of ssld Betgbta terrace are hereby adopted. Reaolved. Tbat the Aadltor et tbe City ef Portland be aad he U hereby directed to give notice of, tbe proposed Improvement ef aald Street aa provided by tbe city charter. Remonatrancea againat the above Improve ment mar be' filed tn writing with the snder alxned' within SO daya from tb date ef the Brat pntiiicarioa et tnis notice. : , By order ef the Council. , . , thob. c. nrvUTf. . Andltee ef tba Citr of Portland. Portland. Oresnn. - Data ef Bret publication. February 18. ISO. - BFiSSESSaTZaTT FOB nOR0T13fZBT OF .EAST. SBH FEET OF BTtXS STBZZT, In compliance with . S reeolatloa sdoptod St tbe regular Sheeting ef tbe Council, held on the 15th day of February, 1B06. declaring tha dlatrict benefited br the Imorovement ef the easterly BSVi feet ef River atreet - from tbe south line of Alblna avean to 100 feet aouth ef tbe aouth line of Alblna avenue, and direct ing tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portlaad to prepare s preliminary aaaeeement upon tbe Iota, blocks sad parcels et kind within ssld Now therefore, sotlce Is hereby gives tbet each eaeemmrat Is sow on gte ia the office .1 tha Auditor of the City of Portland and that any objection to aucb aaaeeement must be Bled In writing with tbe Auditor with la 10 daya from tbe Tth day of March, isns, tbe tost dsy ef publication of tbla notice, and notice la further gives -tbat 'aald objections will be heard by tbe Council at S meeting to-be b(d s tb IBtb day of March. ISOB. and all per none aggrieved thereby or Interested there Is must be present at aald meeting, and era warned not to depart tneretrooi onui ewca naaeeaeuwn has seas completed. . , Aadltor of tbe City ef Portland. .Data ef Brat pub Ilea tloa February S4. 1B0S I te Only Double-Track ""i RaJIwijr betwees ths ' , Missouri River -.-.-' ',.:; art . -: The Chics pjO-Portland Special, the most luxurious train ia the world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days PorUand to Chicago. Two ThroughTrains te Chlcajro are operated dally. vis lbs Oregoa R . R. ft Nav.Ca C. P. R. R. sod Chicago ft North-Weatera Ry. : Chicago from Portland and points la Oregoa mo4 Eastern Washington. . . Daily excorsioBs ia Pstlmaa tourist . sleeping cars front Portland througll to Chicago without change. aVB-RlTCHIB. A.O. BARKBW, Ceal Agt. Pic. Ceest, , tSeaaral Agent, CBN.-W. Bv. C. Sn7w. ky. ' . 'ei. Market Street. rej Third Street, " Sa PaxMciaco. caul roaiuuio, Oas. ACLL, TRAINS VTAWASIXNOTON Chicago iVALriMORX. tV OHIO R. R. M?TS ' BAXLROAB 3 Trains to the East Daily3 . Thronah Pnllman standard and tourlat aleaa. ng cars sally to vmaaa, Chtoago, Banks aal tourist aleening car .dally to Kaaaaa City; through Pullmaa tourlat alceptog ears (peraoa. ally rood net edi weakly to Csocaga, Reclining chair care (sestS free) to the Eaat daily. UNION DEPOT. leavea. Arrlv CHICAGO-PORTLAND - SPECIAL. B:ll 1 for tbe P-sst via Bnat- Dally. Dally. Ingtoa. - SPOKANE Pt.TKR. Foe Raatern Waahlng. ton. Walla Walla. Lew e:1le.i Dally. . OS I Dally. talon. Coco d'Alene and - Greet : Northern poina. ATLANTIC RXPRerB. tot the East via Jjunt . Inston. - S:13p.Sa, Dally. TtlBa.av Dally. Cola River Slvieiea. FOB ASTORIA aad way nfl a. m. potata, ooaoectlttg .with atmr. far Ilwaco and North, XI.. Mallv. . Abost' ex. BundSy. B:00 p. at. natnroay. as. ounlay.. earn. A en -at. io:wr . ramhiUTiy"B"euta. FOR DATTON. bregonl uty ana ?ambtu RTM. points, stmrs. Bath and Modoc. Aah-at. dock. I T-rma. ss. T:Mm. Daily. Daily. ex. (Watay permitting.) Snake River Besto. FOR LBTW18TON,. Ida., 1 w P'BU tTom Rlparto, Waab.. inn. Bpokane and Lewtoton. About , B:00p- B 40 X. m. Dairy. Dalrr. . ex, Batarda ex. rrlaay.. TICKET OFFICE, Third and Wxeblagtoa. Xsav ... . . puou main 71a. .. , -QufTNOEB. Clty.'Tloae Agasjs. , a, ta CBAJOv Oenaral Piaaenger Aswab. VIA SOUTH Leaves. ,1 CNION DEPOT. Arrtr. OVERLAND EXPREBB trains, for Baleen. Boaa bars, Asblaad. Secre- ' . 140 p. m. J m eS:S0B. as, b 44 a. BL T:M s. m. H4:B0 m. I- BMmto,Ogdca. Baa Frsa-i Cisco. Stock baa. Las Aa-I xv le. Bl Paso, New Ot-j T:J8 a. loan ana the Boat, storming train sects nv daliv . exeunt with brain .for hit. AaxeL Blleortea. Brswaavllle. 8 p 1 1 a g- field. WeodUng sadj xiatrsa. - Albany passenger emv nects at Weedbura with - ' 10:1 s. at VJ IIBw' su' B:B s. su lit. Angel a as Bllv tea local. - Corvalll paaaengar. Bbertdaa passenger. -raiiiy. nwur, .mv, nawaaj., Psrtlaad-Osvrsge Saburbaa Bacvioa sal Tsi -. Uvrntoa. " ' Depot tnet of Jeffarson street. leave PortUnd dully for Oswego I -SO a. m l USO. S:OS, :66, B:20, B:, T.eS. 10:10 p. m. Dally (except Bandar), ft: AO. S SO, S-.3B. 1B.BS s. m.; 4:10, 11 JO p. m. Sunday only, S:0B .... ... . Returnlog from Oswegw. arrive Portlaad dally . 8:B0 a. m.: 1:65, 3:06,- 4:15. - :. B M. -U:1B p. m. Dully (except Bnaouy B:M, t:o. S:30. 10:10. 11:44 a. m. Except Moadsy. U'.aa p. m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. m. Leave from eame depot for Dalla sad latere mediate potato dally (except Saaday) 4U0 p. As. Arrive Portmnd lO-.lO a.- m. Tbe - lBdepeadescstoamaath ' atator ' Lias aneratea dally to moo mouth . aad Ah-ll. eon. aectlns with Southern Pa el Be eompaaj'a truck at Dallas aad Independence. ' Firat -el em fare from Portland to Sacramento asd Baa martoee $30. berth IS, Bseoad ttosa fere til. second-chiaa bertha SR.BO. Ticket to Enateru points snd Esrwpn, abto lapeS, Chins, Honolulu sad Australia. Citr - Ticket Office corner Third Bad WsaV Ingtoa etreete. , Pheas Mala Til .. C. W. STINQBR.V w 4. B. COMAJf, City Ticket Agent, -'. Oea. Pass. Agaat. TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland x UNION DEPOT. Paget Bound Limited, for T seems. Seattle. Olrmpla. South Bend snd dray's Barber points. North Coast Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle. Butte. St Paul, klln-l neepoua. csirago. new Tork, Boatoa and potato Eaat ana Boutneesx. Twin-City Bxprses, fori Tacoma. Seattle, Hpe-i ken. Helena, at. Paal, Mlnneeoolla Chknuro. Naw York. Boatoa and an bolnta cast a Sontbeaat. ' Pua-et Beyond a ffam Ctty-St. LouU Specie L for Taoorm, fteattl. snosaaa. Butt stilling. Dearer. Omaha. Kanaaa City. St. Louis aad all points Cast an Booth eeetr- AH trains , daily except , ea Boats ; brSBch. t A. D. CBABLTUcf, v nanajisaisisiB jfWRi I mxt rBawBOIBT 4B xrvwntj r 138 Misnltwa it,, eor. Tl-ird. FrtUstmB O. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Ue.' CN10W DEPOT. S:0B4. 1 Dally. Per Msyaajra, Ratntor. Clatakanto, Weetnnrt, Clifton, Aetorto. War rentou, la vol, rlam mond. Port Stevens. Oearbart Park. Beaslos, rtyatr jrayo' :-p :4B . g Astoria asd Rxptros dally.;- ' Astoria Bipi isa. T OO p. I Daily. t. C MA TO. O. . asd P. A.. Astorie, Cr. 0. A. rTTEWART, Commercial Agest. tJt A... 7 street. Pbeoe Mela V Ttoket Offloe IBS Talra , nam u -. Traxnaaontlnantl c ssaV . . j. -.Tralnat D-'.!y . - . FA6T TIME TO PPOKANH. (IT. PAUt trvl. sVLiA. rvmaa Darlight trip tbrougi t."u f" snd Rocky tnountslna. JTr-r i l ura, rates, feddera, ete s-1 m. trr-. r x IBS nut Staw. . 1 SA?rTtft tlf m Popart. I S JO s. a. :Hb, a. a. I - a U'"H. TMy.aV .1' ....... .... j, ............ .. , .