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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1905)
Vr n THE . OREGON &AILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY! EVENING,' MARCH 6. 1803. ZLZCTB1CAX WCZXB. PACiriO ELECTRIC ' CO 'near, con- : Journal; . wYant Ad" Rates Are you tired of your wheel or any other cast off thing once a fad? fracture,, aiectrte wul, and sup. 4 rirst. cor. Buirk. xaeaa asia , B. H. Tats, mgr. FORTH WEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) Company, (08 Stark at.. Portlud. O. K. for averytbln la the electrics! Una. Pbeaa 11 In Ibnl. Ji so, sell it thro' theTournal's Want Columns--21 Words for 15c. rUBBTTTBJ rACTOBTZS. ' trn art classtttcatiob 1 , "brtuarlea WuW"-lll er Female. Ca.bT( mUXIi Csuaiiag T irrmn tt u u words roa is . CUTS. . Bathing tai mTATTOW : WAJfTTD ad either Mai or rMlt, tatietM ea ' tto free. Daily a Saaday, WZZZTY RATE T tnaertimHi jineludtM en Bus day Ihm) 86 ZSXS par Una BTOBTRXY BATZ ftoaladtng an Sunday ', amaaa) T CERTS par Uaa per meet. iPVtBTlBZM EMtl a-snai as la limit boalaaaa efSoe by 1 e'oloek ureea v. day $ 'lech BtaruF evsee 1 Asf to IMU oleBelSeatlea. . jl bV T. mucnroxs ion i Journal want ad." agsute. Ota ? Dual ysur sa. a efSea rata ad M erfix- h Ulmi to Tha Jeuranl ef V So without farther eost ,te V. Vaa can Bex at peas wwan wnisn. Wc Own and Offer For Sale 'First Mortgage Six Per Cent Sinking Fund Cpapcn Gold Bonds U" . ;; " i or rmm'.X--'r'-i Hood River Bectric Light, Pow. ' er and Water Company ' rrr Denomination $500 OAUb oar : OBKr. ' . v."; ' CAPITAL $300,000 : rr' aMallM tefcmatUni, or wrtta f AaaerlptlT bmlafc : Price; 102 Portland Trust Company ..r ' . ' OP OREEOON .: .-' i - " i09 THIRD STREET. MONTAVILLA 5-ACRE TRACTS ..Price $1250 Each : ; vi'For sale on installments , $100 down and $15 per - -.' month. .'.''' '; ;:; j .. Convenient to street cars.' . A chance for a home , la . .' the direction of the city's ' growth. Apply to ;; B M. LOMB ARD ' v-i 514 Chamber of Commerce mm THE POLICY OF "Tata OUIR TBTTBT COKPJJrT X - . OSZOOV." .. . CAPITAL $300,000. - '.-."' f? IS ABSOLUTE SAFETY tat H Mat rijidlf abr4 v Partial - ft l. kaauooaa aparaUtioa ' MUST SEEK r ELSEWHERE ' for acsBB4atloaa. " tt .a m4 ?oa ' . . . fcook of. .. . .. TUuarmAnoa-a." . . PORTLASII) TRUST CO. OF OREGON . -'. .. !v 10 Third Street. iiJZSS"" PrMnt . B. LEX Pa'IKT..-. i rmm... o. oiTaA..r..j::Aa;tr5SSSry tort axd rorm , LOTrartr aoaaW. fvnal. 4 month old! x' wn of HloMlri went aaUaf lrlr"rr an.tayi rrward for hr rr t2ZvL 4n ' TwotleU and . Ja. KM); mow. -Pmra. nm Tw.atr-Mmod at., north, (rr arward. IJHT Blrk rarkar ananVI: nw aanll whit , at a raat. Irtit.r mllv aroaad aark: t u"riw anuii cnM w.trti, ahnr a front rowara. : , . rorNIV-A mw. . Call an Mala 1411. roa itn-Bonn, rri KBXT a-mai mtum am loiaoowd arrwf - 'tno M rat II o.; larlr mr wonli JJ " with ominanta. laqulrt Mo r-Mi jwviiio pi., enr pooaa i nina zm. Haa aaat foraltara anw lavoiptly br rv mwwi an. no Third at. . ihoaa Mala f mo. . , fl)KRH IfVrooai ha. Mo. 44 Raat Saa. iwa ! ; coat (.hi; Womtatock aar, farnJihrd. latrolra M arta MalA at zur WAJTKI Maf t, WAKTID ' JB rarprntrra. 13.50 a day of i boara, tlma and a half for omtloaa, dovM. (y mm dara; rouah rarpretrra ta proporthm; Ma of work that aood brtdc mro raa do, aa It I moatly roach, brarr work: mra out at Port' land who m4 thhr. and who ara conipotnt, coot oa la with yaar tool., rradjr fur wark oa Ma aulldlo4a. i-iaaiarera waaioa, fa, HANRRX a ruPLOTMBNT omfl, M K. Srcoad at. I Port U ad. Or. ,WANTRI hloa ta krara barhar trado; warka rompteta; poaltloaa avaraataad; tultloa aaraad - while Iraralnc; writ for Irrea, Molrr Barbae Uoilrsa. 04 1'Ur at.. Baa rraarhMO. WI waat 4 axprrtracad aa for rannlnlt aa klaa BiaclilBWf. aaaioa npraca uuuw C.. Baai aide. Or. WANTED Tooaa? aaaa with I1O0 eaah for lralt - laa.o aMt rood profluMa aaalaaaa. U , - vara ouroai. MXZT WAKTCIWLadlM to laara barbrr trade: weaka rompleta: ralttoa aarnad wniia leara- har: hairdreaalaaT. aaaatmrluT aod facial naa- eare la 4 werka; aaoolal term. Bow. Wrltr atuler ftjratea l'allrr, 8aa t'raoclaca. - WlXTrji nnaaortent rlrl for rraaral work. Applj aaaraiBS laa i-orejo ax., cor. Twenty-third at... WANTED Rrdoed. Chriattaa wdbmb. llcht work, pleaaaat Mat, am It wagea. raona Main 2MM. . LADIES Voor naaae on IS Sua Tlaittna; eaada. r. poatpald. Hoyal card ue.. Btrattora, WANTB-Br E. P. EaT, 104 North Third at.. lociria lor all kinoa at wora., XX& . vAjrmv-aAT. oa wouxa. KAN'MAKB! -. ATTBNTION ! Oooja to mr ofOca aod rrclatar-or arad nana aaa aaareaa u boeoaia ohartar meaiber of Kanaae aoeletj; $1 for aretleaaea, M eaata for ladlea. K. W. Trarer. Keal KaUto Broker. 333 Waahlnftoa, Portland, Or. arxBATioai. watd- a m POUITIOJt wanted aa aaleamaa la teaeral aaerrhaadlaa atora or a atrivtiy temperate aa; ao object loa ta Ion boara or roiuf otalde dry. Addraaa X 11, eara Jooraal, TOUNO If AN wlahea wark raanlBa aleTatar, laaltar, elark, aoiiaetor. any aiaa ac iicnt work; beat reference 1tb. . Addraaa' M 14, eara JoarnaL . BT rotiiut naa. aoalrhm aa aa keeper; aaeo to jeweary aaa laary awoa refer inara. Jeaklaa, 7S Baat Mark.. WANTED Poelttoa as rook cither la boardlnf boa ar locrinc eamp. . Aaareaa answer to 1. 14. eara ioarnal. WANTED Paaltioa aa bookkeeper, bank SI perlenca. A newer P 1, eare Joarnat. . TOL'NV man steaoarapbar . deeiraa poaltioa. A newer i. a, eouruak -' aMTVATIOM WABTZP rTaTITT " WANTED By rellahla woman. ay klad ef hotel or roomlaa; hooae warki-tBoroa(biy com' pet en t to take fall charge; an abjection to leaelag city; beat .of reference, Addreaa O. T, JoaraaL . : . , ' WELL EXPEBIENCED. eomdateat lady ateDograpber deairra steed empsoymeat with good paying firm, m or ant ef city. Addraha-H ?. eara Journal. THOROUGHLY competent middle seed Bnglleh lady want hnuaekeeping slteatloa. manager or helper, with widower, nachelor of Ismuy, O. 13. JoarnaL . .. . , WANTED Poaltioa aa lady'a eompanioai ar aa goTtrn; caa teaen uermaa aad nauaic. Addraaa C. Lx. 1443 Ohla at., ar phoa. A14T.. '' . i . .... j ROCREKKEPEB Middle a red ladr weald tike a ettaatioa la widower a home; no laeane- branea. Call or addraaa 1ZT BUatoa St.. AJ blon. WANTED Poaltioa by refined ' young lady la plane bona ar to dlatrlbate adTartlalng snatter. Addraaa. O. 4. care JeomaL ( AN elderly woman weald like ta da mm light work aeeatnga Tor seagiaga ana nreaklaat. O 11.. eara journaL MISS BTA BAKER. German glrL Wohld Ilk to learn dressmaking. . CU at IN Baat Tweaty-elghth at. e . WORK wanted ' he a rellahla middle-aged Poena Scott mall family cooking. 5701. tOfNO (Irl Id Ilka emeltieat In doctor1 oiace. Can ap Mala 4115. ZatTLOTatZBT AaZBOTZB, JOHN ANDERSON BcnadiBaelan-Aaaerleaa Bm. pssymeat urnce; real eetate; roemlng boaaea and baitnisi ehaaeea ear epeclalty. 870 Barn aide at. Pboaa Mala (088. 104 NORTH THIRD ST. keo worthy Employ- meat Co. We procure poattlone for aaem pkiyed - and furnlah help for employer. Phona Mala till B. F, Egy, Maaigar. PACiriO COAST EMPLOYMENT AOENCT Kmaee ta . Uft Piortb SaeaM at. Bed Ml. . . - BABSEM'S EMPLOYMENT OrFICB. roa MEN. N. Seeoad at. Paoae Mala IBM. ALPINE EMPLOYMENT ItrRSAO Betp far- aienea rrea. vnu lag pirat Main llt. PIO'EEB EMPLOYMENT OO. Leber eoe tree- tors; help free ta employer. 115 Marrlaeav BELP wanted and enpnHed. male ar female. m. v. mils, Vj waahiagtoa at. car eta. WABTZSAaZVTa. WANTED A rent for' new- novelties for entn- merrlal and adrertwhig porpoaee; eamplee Prrprtaal Calendar and Panrll Pointer, 15c; send for parUcnlara. , Band, Sodbaxy bklg., Boston. . LADIES or gentlemen of good addreaa for ao ncitara lor me cewts and Clara lurnieaed room seoclatlon. 1S1 North Sixth at., bet. OUaan aad Hoyt. -L GOOD. Ilea agent wanted to aril lota en com- miasion is one oi tna enoiceer aaoara af PortUad. Addreaa P, O. Boa 70S, city. AGENT -WANTED-oMea-aad womea with ar witboat. eiperlence; wigr fmt eemoi le sion. O 2, rare Journal. ' ' . , 1 WABTZB BZAL ZRATZ. WANTED To bar for eaab a good 8 or d-room rotiare. gooi iocs t ion; mast be a bargain; ready to do huelnee now: ao agent. . Henkl aV Baker, 21T A bl net en bldg. WABTZIe-MISOZLLABZOUB. THE POBTtAND AL'CTIOtt ROOMS boya any- taing, i-nose aiain onjo, n jui rirat t. WANTED M 'ED More epraylag and whltawaahlngi only gasoline compressed air apraylag I an th asset. M. O. N ores a V Cs, s;I in. ea.iv a autnt ea fh Mliwaahla ct. lsona East hSW, BUY erare (itnres snd furniture of all hind.' F. X. CUrk's Anrtlon house.' 627-4. 439-Wtablngtos: t., etm. did rrpoalttoa oldf . j GRNERAL OARDENINO. lawn taken rare of. Addreaa Wm. Keanedy, 31 B, Second al. rhuae Clay 113. SHORT ORDER PRINTING HOUSE F. f. Ryder, t-lecoud and Washington its, rhon Clay 1IMS. . , ... ti WANTED 4leeoad-haau. avadlam-alaed. lob C iming press; cheae- far aaeb. Olimaa tel. .-'. . ... . - LATE curtain Unndere-d st home; flrat-rl wev. r. Ida H sen lea. rnoae ualoa U4. J. 1 PI ROIS. deslr la ahoe and rubber: lee repairing nestlr .den, nt Central station. WATEre-f.nfreet to cat cordweod.."-' Addreaa is, eare journal. AMERICAN BEAUTY PA BLOBS, MS Park at. wAJtTE-To azax. BOOMS la all parta of tha attr, favalaattL Apply tJO Oaadaeah bldf. - Exposition . accommodation bobkau. Cadar direct ton of tha Lewiaaad. Clark raU - Corpora lloa. Mala WANTED Ta rent f or T-reofa eottaaa, with bath; aa t-hlldrra; - raaaooabla. Addraaa O Ift. rare JoarnaK ' ' - roa biht Homrnrraa aooaa, ITRNISUED boaaekeeplnc and alDfle room . by tha week or by month; gaa, batb and pboaa, THa Tblrr ab TWO completely tarnished boaaekaeplag roomai u rf laundry, bath, phone, - (aa, Pboaa - Baat- TU6, - . , 1THMBHED bottarkeeplnt aad . alnrle roomar batk aod phone; good lucatloa,. JUU BaeaaUh. CUPTON, 8t3i rirat at ear. Oolambl i Baltaa 2 per week aaa BP. roa-bibt ruBBiBHixk aooata. TRB DEXTEB, 1M Twelfth, eoraer Waahln ten, entirely aeaoy roralahea noma or mi DKZTEB A N K X bow ready for occupancy, Pbeaa tiraen 444. TP.a BARLE. ' ' IUH4 THUD, tlll. TilUTJ. rCBNlSHKD BOOM8. TBAN81ENT. riVB new furnlahrd room for reat only . 4 , blocks from I be fair entrance, en car una. vail as aeia ivaria iweniy-iniro ' .i. 1 TUB nna New bnildlnr. new fnrntahlan. ery homelike; noma 42.50 par week aad vp Kaet Baraaiaa aad vnloa ara. j- . PLEASANT. . nawlr .fnrnlahed room. coBTenlenraa, reasonable, natt nrta at. cor. LlncolmK, THB OLADriTO.NB ftltH Harter at., furnished nnder new manaaemeni: price raa' bla. . . . til BIXTH "T. Lart. annny. frontroom. eo it able lor z ar (enuamen; eantrai, pnona. oath. . I . .......... EI.KOANTLT fomtabed. reOBia at the -New Belmont, 191ft irt as. mi, a sioaiey. prop. . - PUBNIHHED rooma fir on or twa mntlemea naa af batb. (aa. nirpkoaa. 451 WaahiB(too. LA BOB barl aaUabl for twa. ZM ronrth. Bear Jaffa on; (aa, bath aad pnona. CHEAPEST and beat located roama In Pertlaad. (1 week a p. Olimaa. run aad 4Mer ata. NEAT fnrnlsbed rooma, (5 and 46 per month. - Mra. -M. n, aa water and Clay ata. NICELY tarnished rooms. 11.25 per week aid , ap. z?i rittn, net. Ham ana Maaieon. BITER8IDB HOTEL. 848 Baat Oak St. Hi keeping rooma; lodging. Phona Seott 884. TH5 GBAND. 45 North Third at: fireproof hid(. gentlemen aniy. - fi.oa per week. . KEWLT fomlsbea. qnlet. rmnsleat I reurta au rnoai uea aasz,. riNB comfortable Taylor. reoane,.- 201 Tenth, cor. .FOB BaOTVBTVBBlSKXS BOOMS. TEHEE anfurnlahed rot rent. (10 per month. aa for noncrkaeplng for Apply S3 jobuaoa at. FOft RENT aufiitulshed rooma. bath and telephone ; part of honae. 2ti Heealo eC; (12. BOOMS ABO BO ABB. XOVNO mea, . If yoa want to- boara aad room la a permaaeat aad first -class Iwomv where ratee ara exeeedlagly lew, aad will remala tha aama'neit Bummer aa tbee are now. call at the Aeter House. 2S1 Serenth at., comer ef Medlsow.' Tel. Mala (231. . . THE UNWELL New family hotel. Market et.. Bet. Tnira ana ronrtn; efeam Beat, electric light, porrelela hatha: elecaat uuteida renma with firat-alaas board; twa prop. (4-(60-(5 moatb. , PINE, large, elegantly rnretshed rooma, beat reaiaeat part or eity, walking outanea aad ear I roe., thoroughly modera ta eeery re spect; hoard eptlooal; rate raaaohabla. Phone Mala 5420. PLEASANT famished noma with board; good home cooking; reasonable, centraL 221 Thtr '. tnrath at. ..:. , r LARGE, bright room, (a new, with board. zm iwrntyrcona at., aorta, rnoae sua Hl. bovsz roa bzbt tpbbitijbz roa baxi THB PORTT.AND ACCTION ROOMS win aell your rarnitura for yoa at your resldeejca or at 211 First at. Phona Mala ftsob. VT'RNITl'BB nf a (-mom boaaa fur sale cheap . if taken by the lftth; rent (an: aeo l(: a hereele AX Korth Ninth at. riTB-ROOM eottega for rents atrlctly fnrnlrare for Bale: rent (an. 671 Merahall. FOB BZJTT IXATB. POB SALE rent, a 8 room (at, well fnr- nlabed, inqiiare mi But Jroany at. roa kT orncE boom. TWO ofnea rooma and 25 of Bee eparee, Al Io cs! ton. R. w. Tram, Baal Betate Broker, 233 Washington. ' rOB SAXZ MMCZlXABZODB. TWO pair elide door .with attachment, and I oar awing ooora wiia sock ana Binge; all red wood, second bead, but In good eoa- dittos. Apply 161 rirat ar 574 East Pine. BILLIARD AND POOL table tot rent a fat aale oa eaay payment. TUB BBUNSWICK-BALKB COIXEKDEB CO, 40 Third aC Portlaad. $160 BUYS Jersey cow. IH don. hena. Singer sew ing macnine, a rooma ox xnmicura. cntisae to let. Enquire N. W. cor. Forty-eooond aad East Madlaoa. . FOR SALE Large, fresh Durham oow. er will . trade for light farm - wagon. Montaviua car. West are. Inquire at store or phone Unloa 8201. . GASOIJNE drag saw machine, complete; Falr- nank . Mora engine; an goou aa new, ax 1-4 of coat; anap. A. M. Lull, til East Ninth at. ; " ; - '- " -. t WB print your nam aa SO calling card, proper Bin. aaa etyie, znc; zv oeaineee earoa, si. Brown A Bchmul; 220 Flrat, Port laud. Or. CHEAP whit Unrobe and buff erphlngtna erg ror natrning, ana roc x re is or tne ss me trala. Inquire fl. H. Clark, 304 Sellwoed et. TO dog fender dog hoerded. Overton Park ... kennel: full blooded Poxneranlaa papa for el cheep, Pboaa Scott 1142. . FOR SALE Fin Jaraey row. good milker; ales 1-year-old reir. inqnire et AC j Thorn, Villa eve.. MoutavtUa. US- FIRST-CLASS, fresh mllca'eow, (as; 3A.arb light farm wagna, A 15. 531 Lerlog at., Al- blnar'svur-rerryr , FOR SALE Block of Attachable Bell-Bearing Hob Company stock, cheep. Addreaa Bos Mi, Vaaeouver, Waah. -- - 100 CORDS fine Sr wood ea bank river at Kolbrook for Ml or trad. 321 Morrlaoa at. luiatwav -a. . UPRIGHT plan used 8 months. $125; (25; Blast be Bold. 24VAk First, ror. Mala. POMERANIAN Spita popple for ssle at Rainier Keaneta. Peninsular station, fort land. Or. FOR SALE Grata elevator, capacity 45,000 bushels. B. N. WlllUmmnx, Wells, Or. FOR SALE 1 heifer. Scotch colli pupa. - $ years old. freah; also Jhone Clay 1S51. FRR8H milch caw for sale. Apply 535 Mail St., Mllwauhle road. V - , ' Busnrzu esAxoza. . aOOMINO HOrlt BEADQUABTKBB, . . TAKT CO., , lM-e Ablnftoa Blk. . Phona bUIn 1V W make SPKCIALTT OP HOObflWa MOI HKB and bare-Diaay of the MOHT DB 8IBAHLB WKATIONS that ara for Bale. Uood lorattooa ara (olnc fast. Note i our partial IUt below of both ktrge aad amall one. If tbeea doa't ault roa, cal la: , , D BOOMS Swell fomlahlnr. EXTRA CHEAP bknt aad rood LKASB. BEAT loeattoa . . la city; rlearlaaT aboee all expeaaaa fduO per awnlaw Prira . I1S.0OO. ROOMS Beat part ef atorrlaon t.( Tory cheap rent aod f good loo( leaae. If ' yoa waat a good tranalrat boaaa and , . a money-maker, doa't fall to aea thla. Price, for till weak only. 4M.0U0; part . :'. caah. . ... . , 43 BOOMS BRICK, ' THE VERY BET ftpOX" in ino cuyi a-xeer eer, ru i ONLY (106 per month. Thla hone I .. POSITIVELY clearing bow. aboee aU . . expenee. (350 per month. Price 88,500; e'er caeau . ..j - W ROOMS .New furniture, steam beat, hot and . ooia water la J1 room; good leaae, ma ,' log bl( aaoory. (4,000. . . M BOOMB-Mlteam beati newly fnraiehed . end remodeled; 2 years' leaae; rent poly (150 per month. Price 40.500. t 21 -BOOMBNev.-moderB-rbulldlnr.-'Bewly rurnieked. swell locatloo. erery room taken) rent only (125, S years' leaae. ' . ' A pickup for (2.500. tt ' BOOMS All extra Urge, eplerfdld Voce - tloa. all Moqoet aad Axmlnater car. ' pet; good bard for nl tore: cbeen rent present owner baa bad the booee for year. A gilt-edge buy tor 2.ao0. 20 BOOMS Beet kcatloa la' city for hlgh- ciaaa . cnint or ataady roomers; reat, (lou, clearlug good money bow aad during the fair yoa caa make all the you want, -trica e.auu. 20 NICE LA RGB ROOMS, near Mneruoat rent only (no per mouth, clearing orer (150 , per monio. ao aea una la to ouy. rrica (4.0W. . .. ..... ST " KrOVJSRent oaly (175 Biootht good leaae; clearing about MVO per month, beat loeattoa la tha lty for awall trade. ' For a milck sale wa hare reduced the price to ao,ioo. - : ( '-,., ,, S3 BOOMS Bon Ton location; rent (175; good leaae; steam beat, hot and cold water a moat all rooma: aow clearing about (175 par moatb. A cheep price for y.- a,uuo. . ., -. . ... IS . BOOMS Elegantly - fttraJaned: ' flrat-daaa Iocs tloa; cheap rent,- A peel I after " thla week for (1.600. ' " . - 14 BOOMS Splendid laratloai: bow boaaa dad , new fnrnlture; all mo me taken aad making money, v Price (1,400. ,. -( - 13 BOOMS Nob Hill location: ap to date In , erery respect; moat exquisitely rarnianed houee; strictly modera; hot water beat: cheep rent and good leaae. A snap at ; 1,850. - . -'.,",:. 12 BOOMS Hot and enld water la nearly aU , room( neat wcatMa in the city: clearing ' !'0,I, eipeoeee (65 per month. Prle BfsiNCin npmTrmiTT. ' '" Largeet and heat ef Its klad In the etty.' We , pnaitirciy guarantee that It la clearing r ahora -all expeaaea 51.000 par month. -.: .'or. farther parties lr caO. . .. . " " BcsiNEfui mixrn. . - ' i" SALOON 4ood location: cheep rent and leaae; . doing a nice boalneee. Price (.1.500. GENERAL MRKCBANDIHBS ftret-rlaea places at inroice. will near Inveatlgatlon. CCBIO STOKK On Washington at.; rent only i per montn; i-year leaee; gooa lutnrea and atoek... 1'iuee UOA. ... JEWELRY STORE Beat, mcatloa aa Waab- lagtoa at.: extra, cheep rent: S rears' ' leaa will aell all or H lateraat, or will aril leaae. Call for forth par tlculara. 7B CAN MAE B TERMS OK - ANT OB THB ABOVE. ALL TITLES GHABANTEED. RDTIU PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. . , WB WANT 10 TO JA.BOOM HOfTSEBt-- ALBO 20 TO 40. , ... . TjtFT A CO., 122-14-4 Abingtoa Block. ' -10Vi Third St. ftrsiNEsa rHANcraL . , $3.000 PAST Y with thl amount to ata me wire my 3.wl m tar mini saaloa at tb ex pool tloa gronBda: I will give you heme real eeiato aa collateral and V, Interest ta the pcoflta,- Addreea H. 14. Journal. FREB LANDS IN CAB BOON. Pertfle aoll. par water, dellxhtfnl etlmatet i aaa ar airaira, appiee aaa ejorer. ror ran Informatloa addraaa the Columbia Southern Irrigation Ca- 538 Worceater block. Portleaa. WJlNTED Tn meet partner with aereral baa dred oollara; Jiava a few myeelf; lady ar ItmanV to buy rooming boaaa ar re ata a- ranc Addreaa M cere JoarnaL CONFECTIONS BY. cigar aad grocery rioine- a aood raah buelaeae: a be resin: oar Ilea leaving city; 'three llrlag ran am, (81 Powell St., ear. Blnateaata. GOOD tnveertnent. earner bit and 3 4-room house. Beech and hllchigaa. B,n; g mta end MOM" imwrrT Phone Scntt o-AKa. UEmusaAn ens e i' - ewpaief 10 ibiisi in muJ M.ln eM,neaUtinsa ; e. 11 mum 31, 3lSVr Waahlngtost at., uatr the boor ef ,e a. ..a FOR 8ALB tirat-claaa restauraat: xood loea. tie; ooa-a mrgeat nnsineea ia city, ror far ther ttarucuiara aaoreas aoi ao, aaiem, ur. WANTED Name of persona wb waat ta leara real estate Business : I eaa Belp yea a. w. -xTBver. xoa waaningtos at. BUTTER, egg, poultry merchant' wants type- vrriier partnur wun (zuu; .eaa oraw out llh- era! aalary. ilary. Addreaa 0 1. care JournaL ' GOOD, live beet nee la thriving suburb tor aale cheap; also store building and realdeaee li oeaireu. Addreea M 10, care JournaL WANTED Lady with $1,500, ta buv H in tee- re i. in anu xaa nw control ox n ov-ronm room. Ing houee, la 18, care JoarnaL . FOR SALS Rooming boa of 50 room. cVnee la. tease, low rent, new rural tore, $3,000; 'term. I, 16, ear JournaL FOR 'SALE Snap In a B-eooni honae, cheap; also a 7 -room bouse, furalahed, rent $16: a bargain. S02 Madlaoa. GOOD little host nee: owner wants to go to Alaska; win aeii before April; ao ageats. Owner, 1171 Greeley at. FOR SALE, rhaap, good reataoraat with leaae: good Ineatloa; Is a bargala. Inaulr. 40 ' First st; -; ... ' - ..--yy.p,' ' PARTNER to tak half Interest la tVavTrkm at fl, ground; (1.800 inquired. 571 -Hit rRT TT prod nee merchant want partner with - email capital. . Addreaa N Br care Journal. 0a SAXZLAaTrSCBir. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP Unrestricted forest reeerve scrip for' aale at lowest market prlcea. My atrip aecurea title to timbered, farming, graslng or deaert land. In any quantity, without residence or ' Improvement. Addres H. M. Hamilton. The mrii.nn, i-orruann. nr.,' rOB (ALB H01(t( ABD OABRIAflYS. HORSES, wagnsn, ibarneas, all kind at ve hlcles bought, aold aad rented. Hubert A Hall. 24 Fourth. Phone Mala 320S,. ... roa azaTaTiscraXAMiazcwa. rR !T A Unr mmpw-reom ar ball, to Sour. Apply elevator maa. Owidnough bldg. ' ' t 11 3smgsare e 'lis. . . ABSATZBS. THB i. H. FISK ARSAYINO OFF1CB Analytical chemist and metallnrgtat. Pi goin anti aiiver. (ljjcopper, 60 cents. 204 H aehlngton t. AJPHATT ZATliro. THB Trlirldad Asphalt Pavtaa Cn. of rsrtXsssV 0 4c (65 Wore tar hlkT rOB SATJr ZSTATB. OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE.. 145 acre, 1( ml lea from Port la ad : 4 acre orchard, balance meadow, good hulldinga, splendid aoll. ruanlog water oa place', thl I one nf the beet farme la northwest and will be sold at law price of (OQ per acre, 120 acre, IS mile from Portland; running waier an place, wi acre ciearea, pal. uoiber; rery cneap at uu per acre, TS acres near Troutdale. 1 mllee from rt. .: ao acre cultivated, Del. anally cleared; on of the beet farm la 'Multnomah county. H5 par acre. 11 acre oeer Lenta: leeeL good land; 2 .(oras ta eulUTathw.. fl,000V '"; ' acre,' Reeerrolr car fine, near city; au cultivated, mtci ubu, bcw ho. X.SJO. . . New 2-room eettaga and choice lot, 1 block rrom car uoe, v minotaa. Is heart af city,; . 4-reom houee. ' choice lot 50x100, 1 block ... Man J mvw uewMnvm ... . otfv. Oolo Iota la all parta of city at low price. ' OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE. . .. . BWVt Washington, at. . er Ann n. I no CM w, . . . , i . 1 block from Portland academy; the ground . Is eoeered with all kino of ahrubbery; there - I a houee that can be renmda'led, but we da - not tgura thla bona In tha price. -That prop erty, without a acatlg of any thlag aa It, la - worm mora taan toe price aaxeu. . w. at. GrindaUtf, S48 Stark. ' MOUNT TABOR, Waat Are. Station Choice building lota, also comtnodlou moaerB bone . of 11 rooms with 2 "4 acre or two Iota, nice frrounaa, electric light, water; two mall de Irerlee dally; 5 to 10-mlnuta car aerrlce; an minute to intra ex.: price low, part caa, balance 6t4 par rat. , Geo, H. Aadrewa. V Phona Seott 803. . NOTICB TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Yoa will ana it profitable to list your property with 'u. both for rent and for Bale. We here auny calla for cottage, amall Improved rancaea; we eaa rem or aeii wnai you nave. ' .Call oa N.Spragu. 122 Graad are., room 14. FIVE ta ( room house with large lot oa Baal Ankeny car, oppoalte the broom factory. $12.50 ta 825 monthly. ' Why pay rent whea , you can ouy oa tneee terms r w. J. aaraea, contractor and builder. . , i ' WB FURNISH MONEY To build home on Inatlllment. t par cent sntareax; inveeiiaave. U. 8. INSTALLMENT REALTY CO., 811 CommarclBl Block.' - 12.500 Corner, 100x100, ( room boose. bath -toilet, etc.; 1 fruit true; good barn; two block from IT or Woedlawa cars. Bee own. a.w. corner Shaver and Mai lory ara. . I'hoo talma 6134. $308 FBACTIOXAL lot la beat pert of Holla- oy additioa; walking distance, atreet and ewer la aad paid; owner In a plarb for money, ao call quick. 140 Chamber af Com- POB SALE New houee aod (H a ere. (1.000; very eat term. 6 acrea, (325. 10 acre. $400. Sec agent, tot houee south Galea ing. Take tutaeada ear, u. w. r. uaa. A NICB 4-room aoung with batb: nlaatarea nnd npered: cor. lot 50x100. with born and chicken houee; $760. one half caah. O (35 Clay at., enr. Seventh. FOR SALE New 4-room boose mat be said. owner leaving city; no reasonable offer will be refused. Cor. Thlrty-eeveoU aad Baat Alder. Banuyelde. A GENUINE bargain, 5oom. fancy double- gable cottage, .ceaieat walka,, oaraer lot,; owner., 416 Mechanic, tnloa $172. Woodlawa car. , . a . FOR SALE S acre, $335: boaaa aad 8 acre. . (ooo; easy teraeai aea agent, nret Bouse aoua Gates i Bias on 0. P. aMccria Uaa, lu fare. $3.460 A good bean, beat Vocation In South . Portland, modera convenience, walking dis tance from boalneee center, raoaa Mala 0303. GOOD Investment, earner lot and boo, wall ,. located on car Una, rented, for $25 par month. Price $2.500. . Apply John Bala. 324 Stark at. (-BOOM modern hoeae, very flae let 50a Ian, eery chute ?ncetlon. close In. east aide. (3.500. Barnaul waldoa. laouj mi at. A BARGAIN 2 corner and 3 Inside Iota, Lower Alblna; very alxntly; atraata, aewar nt walka. Call Phona - Mala .1777. FOR SALE Wine-coot house nicely airaaged. rerner lot, Bianyside, one nioca rrom ear, $2,500. P. W" Lewis, 27 Fbrat at. FINB T-eeoaa hooea and double Vet. clean In. only $2,000: terms. Phone Mela I41S. . Gar- Base's Load Co.. 302H Second et. .. LOTS to teas at th entrance to Lewla and rmrk fair grownos - R. W. Traver, real ' estate broker. 333 Waahlngtoa t- OB SALE A beautiful new 4-room hooae and . lot. 51HIOO" feet, 670 Pmcott aL, foe $3,360; -take r oooiswa er varaoa car. FOB SALE 180 acre Srat-claaa tand. fair I prominent, easy term, no ageats. Addreea Owner. N 8, car Journal. FOR SALE 4-rnom, modern bona, lot 35x100, south fortiano. cioae la, avoo. call ew ' Phone Main 2&S. . - aa. (. mllea. rrpm. Ytneoo' aew Awues. 527 Itooeli 800 fruit tree. FOB SALE 5-room cottar. Sunnystde; will a eompletea soon. , Inquire Bl Belmont at. S-BOOM booaa, 3 lota 100x100; price (1.(0. - inquire - ne-i aiaax bixxb ax., botxb. . BARGAIN Modera B-tnom eottare. nic yard. Beer tw car usee. 147 Brook lya at. GOOD borne can be bad cheap. $600 and no. enquire mra. Bra noon, wooa lawn. ...... roa IOO-aCBB farm. 84 acre clear; good water and creek oy piece; w acre more nearly cieer; good hoove, , large barn and other bulldlne; fenced and eroae fenced, part . cedar poet, pUnk and wire; good orchard: oa good county road: acbool oa place: ( mill close by; XV, . mile to R. R. atatlon; B. F. D. aialL Price (2.600, 10 day 40 acres, 30 clear; place well feared; fair house and bam; good orchard; team boreaa and barneaa; .1 head cattle; mower, plow. ; hay rake, - and loo eoras woo . cot; 3,600 - cedar- poets; v, mil to arnooi: AC r. u. mall; good term. Price $1,000. ., W. W. Be prey, room 1, .Hamilton bldg. . . .aiHOBN SHKLT0K. -. Oondoa. Oreaon. r Has large and aawll wheat ranches far aale. Informal toe cheerfully given poodenee aolldted; bargalna fat Ii J. A. abeltaa, count assessor. BARGAIN.' (1.850 TO acrea aood farming Unit part clear, fenced, bouse,- barn, fruit. 8 mile rrom expoeuiou grounua. ir 1 1, aouraai. (BOO 30 ACRES good soil adjoining Oregon City; hooae and spring on place; for aale or trade. . Plumber, 402 William are. , 53H-ACRR farm. Improved, for aale ar trade Tor goon residence roruana; a eg rat. . in quire (03 Cherry et. TO ZZORAaOZ. TO exebanre. grocery stork for farm; price (Z.UUII. rx. a. care -journal. BABTD fBSTB 0 BIB TS. CHAS. B. YORK sV CO., 104H First Repalrera, platan; York A Son aad DeGure laetrumeuta. BIOTCna DEA1ZR3. COLITMBIA. TRIBUNE AN1 CRESCENT, , SPORTING Goons. EXPERT RRPAIKING. F. P. KEEN AN. 308 THIRD ST. BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON. CABBIA0Z ABT BACX OOaTJAJfTZS. TUB UNITED CA RBI AOS CO. Carrlagea, tally -no rice aaa carry- Ms. in sieve is at., ear. Mnrrlaou. Pons Mala 223. CROCKERY ABS 0LABSWABZ. WHOLESALE eroetecy and gUwr. PraeL axes, a cau, loo ay iu ncta, oar. amrk su rZBSOBAL. eM THB " Matrimonial Reglater," price 10c, de acrlhea reputable resident of Oregon and '. Wuhlnaton who wksh to marry, and give hill particular," rourteoua, honors bl treat. mem, peeay - result na aoeoiuie eecre j aasured. Interatat Introduclug hUKlety, Box - iinw, i-oriiaBO. BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! -Tha kind you're .. looking fur: "Deeaaieroa," "A Hot Tamaie. no a t onreaaiou, . a .Ondsl Lion. "Final H1U." 'The Beauty Snot." 50 caoh lists rrea. a. acnmaia, s airat av - THE .baat. accident policy, the "Anniversary , Legacy," writ tea only by the Preferred Ao , cldent Insure nte Company af New York. Tbomae P.. Thornton, general egt-nt. (IT rit.miH. -e r-n.. nhAU "iiMi, t-ia - WANT the aranelntenca of a middle-aged lady about 45 to fto years, with about l.6o0 . t.. B2.UOII. aaonev tn .Imp hualnees and have - a good lMoe after- nierrlagei- ruauler t 17, care journal. . . - .. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Kerr . Globule. One month a treatment. (2: a - montha, $5; . aaat . aecuralr aealed by malL ; Agents, Woodard, Clark i Co.. rartlaad. Or. LADY to whom I waa to meet Sunday morning at Vancouver ferry between a ana u o clock: . I eras too' lata to be there: please let am kaow where I caa are yoa. D IT, care JournaL HAVE yoa aeon the Spencer ' Company a bo at . your enirtwaiat auitr It amc, Burry up, ui eat style; ladle', ewa good mad ap; gent' shtrta n apeeialty.- ISO Tenth at. BESTAUBANT aad coffee boos open day aad night, (24 First st. S. Oreenbarg, pro Furnlah labor, help. Say or week, free.- TOUR preeerlnMoas are - awre accurately aa reesonably oiled at Byaser rharmacy, xa Morrtaoa at., bat, Flrat and Second ata. THREE YEARS IN .ARKAKSAW" beata all book raa ere saw. . 23. Joaea- twoa atora, Bl Alder at. COAX ABS WOOD. GBEAT WESTERN COAL CO Oor Icadara ar washed eootleaa rauge, o; lump, ap.oo; A umtrm M Ittmn. XM All: Boa-k Surlng lump. 37; delivered: no aereenlnga -and full weight guaranteed. Phone Alain 94a, WESTERN FEED A FOEL CO. 'eor. Fraat and . Hoyt atreet. dealer I unaaaatM saa suaa coal, blarkamlth eoal, aharooal aad aoke. PUban MalB'IOlS. . , - TAB COAL, cm Dealers In forelaa and mestle eoaB; w here th seat Wyoming eoal. oraca zsx stark, rsoo aiaia jsia. AUIfNA FUEL CO. Dealer la eordwead. eoal anj greea aad dry alaneooa. M. m. ana Ar bins ave., S block aaat af ferry. East 374. nPRavr rt'ET. rn tw asat dee wood la town. Don't forget to pnon Baat teas, . aa Baat Eighth at... cor. Madlaoa. ' - STEEL BBIDGB FUEL CO.. dealer la coal. era wooa as ory ia wees, raone awat . COLUMBIA Wood Coal Yard. Baat Eighth aaa Hawtnorna. none Bast sbbt. - OREGON FUEL' CO. t an klnda of coal and woa. 44 Morrtaoa. fhsoe Male an. KIRK HOOYEB. SIS Watt St. wood aad aoaL CAir-CTlAllTBO. WB eleaa your earpem aa the floor, remov sag grease apoia, aaous aaa gsrma or ais- eaaa, dlalnfectlag nnd patting your carpet la a'aanitary conditio; we guaraate to relee no dost; aatlafartloa aaaured.. rboae f lay a31 for k free demonstration. -'-BXJUrX BOOK BTABTJIACTTniZBS. HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM. 108-111 Bscaad at. . hub eaoa CMnniacxararat cganta roe jonea ; Improved -1, ooe Last fcxdgsr;. paper-rauag. Booaoinoing. CXArBVOTAJfT AJTO raUJOB. MA DAM B JOHNSTON CUareovant. MhslsL curd render; I give facta rvllsbie asd la. porta nt ea all affair at reel Ufa. 60c 88 Seeeatb t Bear Oak. CTJjmio Airp razBSTJia. HAVE your clethea aleaned. arimai and re paired by Mra. Wharton; ladlea and gentle d ge Red I men epeclalty, 1-tvu, Flrat, pboaa k CH1MBZT EWZZT. , LOOK OUT. FOB F1RBI PRACTICAL CHIMNEY SWEEP. , D. D. WOOD. Baa. nhoaa Scott 4B84. Leave erdera at Avery a Co. hardware atora. a TBira x.. poooe mnin is is. 1 CZMSBT COltTBAOTOBS. ' -j CHAS. H. CARTER A CO., cement contractor, (44 East Twentieth . st. r Phona Baat 1876. All work guaraateed. . -' TOIOnSSXOV MZBimABTB. RVERDINO A FABREIX. arodueu asd smxefr. ioa ntercpaata, 140 neat at., raruaao. or, ' Pboae Mala ITS. ' abd avTuozaa. and nolldera; repairing and jobbing ; atora and efSce Bitnre built. Shop 8U8 Colambex. feone clay ibda. J..O. HOUSTON, builder. 6A8 Morrlaon: oeetgne frame oe brick bnlkllneet eowtiects ' faith. r. fully fuinilod; tborough work, low prices; Baetcnen xraa. ' HOrr TTBEN, bonding snd remodeling; etor nixarea a apeeialty. . zvx first at. rseo . -Clay 24.v - - . .... ... CTOAXS ABD TOBACCO. aeBEBG-OUNST CI0AB CO. , , DUtrlbutors of .. '., -r. , . .' naa aoAaa ' Portmnd. CATTS. kBICKSON'S RESTAURANT 1 . 11 .'. to 13 p. B. snder a Merchant's lane new management. O. B. EVANS, prop. Second and B ureal do. THB OFFICE 3H Washing toa at. rhoaa Mala T7l. ticket! a Tigneaax. PBTSSef 4TTBS.' SHIRTWAISTS.' wool or waah silk, mad far (1.26; ahirtwelet eulta $3.50. As Eaat Mar' ket. . Phona Baat 3231. if eiaeeD'a .l, n-. ii cn, .,, ... tern cut to tne ears. . All ball 40& 2tU Morrison ax. MRS. McKIRBBN, artiatl dree aad cloak. making. 561 Morrlaoa at DRESSMAKING strictly ap ta data; mslgna, 4X5 Clay at la teat - i OTZTRO ABB CLZABIB0). : k- PORTLAND STEAM CLEAN1NO DYEING Works; practical katter In connection feather . Boa and plumes cleaned aad curled b aa as- XII Fourth.. . I' bone Clay 70. CLOTHES cleaned and nreeaed $1 per month. unique xaiionBg to., ax f wnAgion as. H. W. TURNER, pro fee lone I dyer and el ear. 80S Jefferson et. Phew Main SB! 3. ' 1 1 . j '.r. . iiij-u 900 ABTJ B0BSZ HOSPITAX. DR. a B. BROWN. D. . I ., v. sj. m. Pboaa Clay D. C. M Dog, bore boapital. 803 Waah. R, Eaat, 2635.. 1574, DR. a f. CARNEY. D. T. ., veterinary Bar ge., a, removed to SB Oil a at, bat Fourth and Ftftb ata - - nBABCIAL. ' ANDREW L. CHZZFU, i' 3T Waahlngtoa Bids., Portlaad. Trine . General U Buslaeea. Financial agent- for Ualoa Central Life Inanraae Com pany, Cincinnati. Ohio, for Ocean. Loa a ea Improved Farme Throughout, (flit. In rest Private Money Safely. Ten Yeaa Active Exparleace. Phone Mala IBS0. CHANCE for idle money Income he ring prop erty paying nee ( per cent en S4x.iaw oaa a bad for $02,500. Lock bog sot. city. OREGON Furnltar MaaafactarlBt Caapaay Mnufcturra ef furnltur fur tb trade. Portlaad, Or. . PUBNITUBB ma'.iufeeturlng and pectal. order. L. Boveaahy'a furnltar factory, (70 Front et rTBBACZS. BOYNT0N warm-Air furnace eare fueL J. C Bayar Furaace - Company, 250 Baooad at. " Mala 441. ' . FOREST RESERVE SOZIP. rOBEST RESERVE SCRIP FOB BALB Ap proved, aaraatrtcted. ready for Immediate aaat , lowest price. B A F. B. AUUy, 4ud . Chamber of Commerce. - aocaaa. WADHAMS A CO.. wbolaeale (tot a, msan- fartarers aad comalsslua ami. Oak eta. - v marcbaala, rourih ALLEN A LEWIS, commies loa aad jmaduce i ebaBta. Front aad Da via ata., Portlaad, KVatAW BTAia BOLLS. Li. 1. BOBO, manfr. bomaa hair roll. 43 B. axa. rnoae aaai zzii. atora, saa uorrmoa at. SWITCHES FOB BAXZ. SWITCHES made, combing bought ur made to croar. t. lweirta sc rhone Kast 1710. ' HOTxxa, HOTEL readletaa. Ptodlatoa. Or. F. W. Walt. Mgr.-.-. , ... HOTEL Portland, Aamrleaa plea; $3, $8 per day. HOTEL St Georg, Pendleton ; ma ding hotel. BELVEDERE; Europe a plea; 4th and nsrjVABoz. LAMBEBT. WHITMBR A CO. Fire- lee nonce eeu rvae esiaia. ssiiwaiii ao Aacaur Wilson J. A Co.; ofacea, weal aide, ' 107-104 ctherlock V Diag., main ioob: esst (Id dept.- 404 Mt axiuer tviuaaaa- sank), asax ewt. cc ISAAC U. WHITE. Are Imwraao. S00 Dakam XAS. Mcl.'WOOD, emnloyara' liability aadj. dividual accident eursty boada et all klada., Phone 4T. 803 MlKay bldg. ' B. F. B ARTELS COMPANY Fir InaaTanea. 448 aujerioeh bldg. Oregoa Pboaa CUy 53. M0BZT TO L0AB. THB STAB LOAN CO. ' - -Aay eaUrled employe, wag israar, aaa get a hla mm, wltbeni mortgage slneth iZ Month. VmI: (V) 00 Beeay to n $XS.M r M.M a (8.8S .28.00 Bepay to Be 4 4.06 or $X er 41.4.1 liaou atepay to aa (4.00 er (2.00 a (l.M 1 . IU BCAI7 OMTg.. II VB per cent money we build yea a bom ar e-.aa yea money oa your property, anootaiy Myiaanta; lnveetigate; open Saturday even. Ing. Boom 14-if Labb bldg- 227 W'a Ingtoa t - MONEY TO LOAN en real, personal aad cot- . latere i eeewiry apeciat aaaanuoa xn cuuxx aBortgagea; aotea bought C. W. Pallet, 804-4 Fettoa bldg., (4 Sixth at - HIGHLY fpctahl flsaaj and ssaxa eaa marrow -money i 'on alaaDoaxIa aad ieweary. Collateral Loa a Bank, 39 Waah lngtoa at Phone Black TV . . SEE th Dem.-Lwrenc Co., reel eetate aad ana oct a i agent; money ta tana ea sBorrgagu . ecurltte at low rate la aama from $304 to $10 000. 144 First t . $5 LOANS nd -upward aa all hinds of aece, ,. nxy or to aalanea people an tnsir nose; mwx rate; no publicity, no delay. . 318 AMngtoa -bldg. . rhoaa Bed 1T2S. . .. . MONEY ADVANCED sslsrted peopl, teemafer. etc.. witboat aerurlty: eexr pe i msatv; Urg. est bueloeea In 40 nrttvelpal citiea. Wmaa. S3 Abingtoa .bids. CHATTEL leaae ta mount ranging tram 338 in so.wm; roominr-Bonas a peetany. new . Bra Losa a Trust Oe.. SOS Abingtoa bldg. MONEY TO LOAN In larr or man aajeaat n goad security; lowest raU. . W'lUam U. aark, SOT Falling a'dgv, LOANS t it rstae oa Immitne. ataansf . aay mt fflea. y Bote porch seed. Eastern Asms, Sherlock bids . 418 MON'EY TO LOAN on Improved dty property, In aume to eoit Parriah, Watklne a Ce-.' xag aim ax. . . -. THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Baler mans, rrom three t aix month; eooaosatufa SIT Oregealaa. - - MONEY TO LOAN on Clekeme county laada. F. aad e. B. alley. 808 Caamoar gg uem. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. 8 AND ; ps evux, . wm, xiennoim, nasi auxuna otoa. MONEY to loan. 8 per rent . Northrup a Das Zl 0-211 Commercial block. TO LOAN 8100 to $2,508 by Char lea BbstaL, . 88H Third at, room S. MONEY eo loan $10.0 9 Jit pat feat ea alts, 373 Star! BUSBA0Z. ' FRENCH ledte glr path and maeaag treat. meat . 308 Fifth st Pboae Mala 6038. AMERICAN BEAUTY PARLORS. 183 Park at arzoicAL. BALM OF FIGS tor all frman 4S4 Alder at. ' Phona Main 4832. tTJEICAL. SELF-PLAYING HANOS Cecillaa aalf-ptay. - lag pi a ooe pronounceu xoe naax ny xeeoiDg mnaldan; also Cedllan plans pan yarn. B. U. Will Music House, (50 Alder at SECOND-HAND mneteal instruments of all kinds st lowest price, caah ar InsUllSMata. Fisher Maalc Co., 180 Third at . LESSONS 5oe,- plana, guitar, banjo, mandntinv . vioun; ineirumanxn xur aaie. - mra. . atartla. 24m First. . . MUSIC lessons green on plana, Mia C. Seder. nee, atadl 420 .Vancouver are.., inona hast loiej. .1., MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER, bcnfi. njMnde. II n. gultr Inetrwctloa. Main JOSS. 178 W. Park. MA0BZTI0 ' aTXAXXBtf. 1 FOR magnetle baallng, coaaalt P. f. Walker, wno ho diagBoeee your dlaeaee free; ' also gi.e bbcb reading for $k , 804 Fourth at, op p. traa olty ball. MRS. ( H.' HART aux i aafallf treats all dts. ,' eseeei method tanght "New Tneught" reading-room. (II Tournr hid. Mala 4173. . 0TZBALLS. ' BOSS OF THB BOAD OVERALLS and mechaa. ics eioxningj uovu meoe. niwnaBf ATroa.. manufacturers, 10.1 lend. Or. PLATrBw. THE OREGON PLATING WORKS. 401 Wash. ingron at. i-bob auia. - roils lung, pis ting and taennating. . PIANO TUBTBO. GEOROR ANDERSON Expert ptaa toner and r-painui. . a!-.iiusrier r INiar SlUBi la, Phone Red 03. - . rivatazza. NEDVIPECK ft WATKINDS, Plumbing ad g aa.wua, m . M,, w exrwex, none axaia (lua. DONNEBBEBO RADEMACHRR. aanltaes plnmher (4 Fourth at. Path nhnnna ' 'J. IT.' """"ry Plamhar. 331 Sec-nsf bet M.ln and Slmim. Oregoa Phone Main 3001. 1 aoornra,-