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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1905)
zz crcc:xf daily jzirzzsx. i.-rorrCAng.-koiiday rvEmKO.' march . lri " Entered at the peetofoe ef Portland. Or-, . , tor traoaportatloa tsreash the Mils so ,bimb else Batter. Postal toe atatU eoptsst ' I B, BSC paper. I east; II k M P eal fl eeata. ' ,. ';. , f- rdtteriai BoMMn1;".!!: rj 5 Buatneac OIAce....... awl . - roaiiow umnim imamttin i Vreeiaad-Beaaaala Special Advertlatos CT ISC Wssssa strsst, Wsw Terh Trlhsae IwM- .... fa cumc...v . .- t . l( ; ' ',J nwvmoTs mAtn. eeaa k narrow. " The Party loarnal, with Sonday, 1 '""Vna TB Rail. Joarsnl. with Aandsy, I sawn.. as iny. per , WM. osutbt, f . tocladed ... The Dally. per waak. deliver. Utf .i., excepted: .m......,... - Tarau ar Kaa. ms Daily TV Dallf Tha Dally Tha helle - Ill Da I It Tba Dally "Ie nail . aae auDaay .eornal. a Bainine........ The SeralWeehly JaraI. acoapUhla U t u4 tveaa 'ouiKlli '.' I. O.' Bos IM. "wrtlaafl. Oratoa. . TnU( K JOOTUIal. .MAT B W Tha Joaraal 'cm' to total aa aaa at taa S01H. IDAHO H. Bailor A Oa-t W. . Ma- Intyra. a 1 - CHICAGO PoatoffVa Kawa aoaapaay. T Deaf- DENVER. COT). Kaaorh Boo WaarT -cMBpany. 11 BarrataeatB atraatl . BUea. ' ' ttlitrnth aa4 Cnrtla atraeta. ( DI NRJUUIB. CAL-J. McCaraalla. j; ;. Jl'NCAC, -ALASKA Poatofflea Baek Btara. , KANSAS CITT Taa Wow Mowa ooapamy LOS ANOBLBS B. T. Oaraser, . J00 - prlti .trtr OMrar-A Haioaa, SoaU Spring atraat. , lriNNHAFOUB U. J. KATtaaash. M Boats . KIW TORK CTTT BrontaBO'a. Cnfcm saaaM. - OODKN 0((to Nawa eoBpaay. . ' OMAHA Millard HoUl ra ataa4 Maaaata " Hutkmrry compaay. ISO roraaaa abroott tBALT LAKB CITT Kanyoa Hotel aowa l ( Barrow Broa.. 43 Waat Bama4 atraat, Boath. ,ST. IX)UIS PblUa Boodar, 1 baaaat Stnatl B. T. Jatt. SOS 01ta atroa. . BAN rBANCIBCO W. B. ArrttraT, rHlara Hojol acwa ..staad. and 1W alarhot stroatL - SmTtk Broa., SM Bottar atraat. and" Baltrt Traoda bntal: rastar OnMer. rarry balloV i ln: N. Wooatlay. BOB Natoaaa atraat. BBATTLK Balnicf Grand saws stand; Butars SPOKANE. WASIT-Jnha W. Oraaaai A Co. -TACOMA. WASH. Ontral ilaws soaapaan ' Hotal Taomna aawa ataad. . m.A. VICTORIA. B. O VkrtorU Book A Stationary roira. AVOTXOa KALXS TOTtOXBOlT. a By Portlaad ; Aarttea - taoaaa, at toaldoara 4K Marahall stiwt, at 1 a. aw Bala of koaaa ' IteUI afforta. Oaa, A. lanrlt. aarUawaa;. - By Ooara -Bakar A Co., Park aad Aldar arrrata. at 10 a. 'Sal of faraltara, oaraata, m. 4anrao niifr m n " It la toWKt this aaanrlnt aJaraj tha Cantemta ma at. whll la the 4ntorSo of that Stata and la aortbwaatara Oraaoa aad woatrra Waahlng ina tb waatbr la claar. - ' )m ' No rala of oaiiararo baa arearrad In tha Rnrky awmntala aad JfarlSo caaat states darlas .laal sa noara. i j -j i . bi-Indlrattona ara for oonnaaoo. air wwuwr r KAJtBIAOl tlCKytTML - f - ' Aaory J- Blasor,' Sn; Juliana Bart. BX. '. " t Jokn MlOar. S aHrmla Kappar, at. , R. Bird, M: Mary Sbalby. 18- ' ' , WlUiaoi fcaaor, SO: Alta iaieaay. IT. Waddlnc Carta. . S"M A Co.. Waa iaftoa iSf., ear. Feartk aad Waaalaftaai sMk h . '' k - mm. '-j i , KLATX aVarHt 1. to Mr.' aad lira. Baraard : Klata. 9 atraat;'a aea, KrlmbvU foot of NlDatumUi atraat; a.daaxa- ' LAR8EK Marr . to Mr. sad Mra. Jatrn lar rn. TT4 Mk-hlaaa aTeaaa: a daaijhtar, ' "allUIN rrbroary SO. to Mr. aad- Mra. Wil liam S. Mlllla. aoft 8k.cnMa atroat; a daash- BBIBONAM Tabraary J. t Mr. aad Mrs. , Aoam M. Briafaaa.. S80, BUtb atraat; a Wa'i? KR rNTiirT M, to Mr. and Mra. Frank Warnrr. 22 Olbba (tract; S daasktar, ' . BRICHKRT fabraary IT, ta Mn and Mra. rraok Balehart of Ballwood; s daasktar, , ' QOBTAATIOTJB rnBBAaTB. ; , BATJMOABTWltH Mairk 4, Mra. ' A. Baom. v irtnf.' 4M front atrooti aearlt farar. ' HATM'H'.K-Mirm 4, An too klatarbak, 18 Mrad utrartj tabarralolla. . . . OARRICIAS, Marrh S. Badford Gabriel of t raloarS Aaaaae; aearlct . taaar. .. . 9XAXBS. TIHTTIC Marr , Oaaraa C TIbMb, ard Tt T : yaara. STS HawtbonM lrenn: eaoac, aealllty, : Bnrlal at BlTarrlaw ceoaatary. , LITCHPTCLD klarrk S. Loelaa W. Utcbaald, asad OS yaara, 14T Waat Park atraat: raaaa, ' bart dlaaaaeu Burial at toea Vlr cataatory. CLABK March 1. Jamra W. CUrk aard ft . BMotaa.' at 'Oood BanmrlUa boeplul; raaaa, pnonatoala. Borial at Lone Fir eaaMtary. ' 0L1 N Kabroery S3, Mattbow W. Olla. aaod AT yaara. at Waat Portland; eaeae. baart die ' aaaa. Borial at Or-aowaod , "aflartary. ; HAZ1JETT Mrrt S. William Baalatt. aead V TS aara STS Vtadarlper atraat; eaoaa, paea. 1 noma. Burial at Lone Plr eamctrry. .ORABB March. S. Maaara Ok aba, asad 23 yaara, .at St. VlBccBt's boapltal; aaaaa, eraahlBS of Wt tbtah and arm aad right lag. Barlal at Lone fit etmetery. - nroaar1am on Orogoa City eaf Una. aaar ' Baliwnod; irmdera, actoartMlc. eamplata. Ckargaa Adalta. ISt; childrao, SB. Vlaltor S a. m. to S p. m. Portland Craaaatioa taaodattaa. rortlaad. Orafea. k--. .- A , The Bdward ) Bolaaa TJndartaktoa; conjpany, ranaral dtrectora aad emaalaaara. , 130 Tkiad '-atraat.' Paoae SOT. - ' . . -;. - m aMi- .a, a full ma mi IImmmm tei The Dallr Joernel, With Bonday, Beatbe. Tb Dally Joarnal. Bionthn. fS The Dally Jooroai, wtth Sunday, eBOSthe. "J Tba Ially Joaraal, S months - . a Ml Joornal, with Basoay, a oO JonrnaL f yaar.. ...... " S' Joomal, with taaOAX. Jii Joaraal, arlta anaay. at J-"" Jomaal, I Bjontha........"' Jaaraal. with Snaoaa. 1 ly Joaraal, 1 atoDtk. .. aM A. . . ......... Jaarnal! aamtka.. Taa 'Sanl-WatklT Joaraal. ? , aarh laaaa, UJttitraUd. tall art ra RaailtUaeaa abTli aa mad W .J"i 1 , nbalnmra. eoraar Third and Madlaon atraeta. vinca oi eoaniy omw. wvwaw mm v. - ayaBaral- wreatbe and eat flowers a speetalty ' at Boar City Oraeaboaao. Twenty Mooed sad Bast MoTrtaoa. ope. eanMtary. , . . .f , , BXAL ; WATK tBABaTiai. t ,' lArtrta tawA company kti ; JL 0. OaDaadar ' at el., lota 87, 42, ArleU Park tip -.W. S. OordOB. at al. to J.. H. BaU at al., . . . InU S-IR. tncloalra, bier Sf lot I, Mock ; ; ,1 1. Daitea's I addition, sad ether prop- BAf Parrott'et al V J." H."Ha' "aimdry ..v Inta la Dalton'a addition ' 1 J. Storaa and wife to J. .. Hill, lot .' , . block a. North Alblna ............... SSO ' P. A. Carlaodar.and wle n J. Oray, i . Iota 1 and S. block I .Sajlthaoa Land , Company addition .'. 1 S, J. Ward to T. H. Boaaall, lot 4, , block M, Portland City Homaatrad . . .TOO Matnal Sartnsa .bank' to B. A. Knotta, . plra pronarty lo.- MM a. bhkb as, va- i ratnera- aoaituai Idltloa 1,060 and wlfa to L, C. Staror. eta 1 aad 1, black 8, City l ind campany to B. B. Whit C. W. Dart an : nortk H Mi Vlrw Park ; r.h Park land camnanr aril, mm le ana ii. aaouiTanoa a, wm oral Crvaipaoa'a addltloa ............... 1 ' A. B. Nnrthrnp to I- Nortnrap, lota BV , , ' M. urinal, block, 8, Uarlaa addl. V " ' ' tloB ......A... r, ' r; ' t J. E. 'Smtt and wlfa to H. Banka. Iota - . k 8, B. hlnrk M, Mnltnotilkh ; 1 B, Wl'llana to. J. A. Rlrbardaon, l.aare ' ' - la (Itntna Kalty conation land claim.. 880 O A. Wlntars to- B. B. Roblr, lota T and ' . . T, Alork 14.- Snnnratdal lot 1, "tlon ' SI, tnwaehip 8 nnrtk, rang 1 aaat.... . 1 J. J. drama and Wlfa to A. Wood, lot S, . blnrk llr Cantor additloa 100 i W. H. Nana and wUa to J. M. Pitt anew. rota S, T.and S, bawh t; anndWlaloa lot C. M. raftnn'a tram iota e ana u. i S. Mors I : enodmaioB lot IH at. rat, Vi. ton addlttrm , , .ji . I Oly of Portland To P. T. Rolmaa,' aorth ' w BnwB in. nn r-nrrjaira .... .-.-n. r & W. Baakta and wlfa to t.' Proman. J . - seaU a let t, la toatb H aooblf block fODAY'S M POTATOES GOTuG SCARCE Supplies of First Class Quality ; ' Are Not So Plentiful , " Market Firrrier. , PRESENT PRICES ARE BRINGING HOP ORDERS Onions Reach Three Cents at Buying Points w Country Cheese Higher. . V Praat' Street, March A Tba principal faatama Of the Pertlaad waolaaale awketa today arc is ' , Paooy potakMS are scarce. ... Onion saarket la booming, , Praaant prleaa bring hop orders. ; gga qnoted firm bat nnehaaged. . ' dmalt ara ejaotod St daeUne. -, Chinook ealmea catch larger. - -" Barter reniahaS 'acaree and flrab' 1 '' i Cbeaaa eearee and advanced. : Waol market doll and lltaleaa. iMoUUhf dolus la wheat. .J'lTsaaW Patatoaa Are Boaree. NotwIthaUadtas -that the yield of potatoes In Oregon the peat aaaeoa- waa set ao mock redoeed aa bad keeA- generally i aatletpatad. there' la bow a great eeareity at fancy atocka and the market la firmer with beylas prtcoa at eoaatry points kanslog cloee ta the eery top of the 11 t. One prominent dealer was haa emaectloaa eatalde wrote to hla bead hesee ba tarda that parbapa 40 or 00 eara of fancy atoek mould be, ahlpped oat of thla "market dnrteg tha aext few weeka, bat after tbat It woald hardly pay a aaaa ta atay bare ta bay, aa-etoeks wnnld be eery acaree and scattered. 11m late cold snap waa raeponatble for more damage to the atocka of potateaa tban-anythlng elae. A great many farmers had been dlgslng than? potatoee when the freet cajne along and many tboaeaade of aaeks wars caafbt by tha cold sat ta. the tlalda. . , . - ' The' akS' market Is, booatlng. 'Prices st coaatiy eaipplnS' paints eara now atreck the Be mark, aae .dralar . baying a Bomber of eara at that fi rare -lata Batarday aad- yeeterday. la the street aatrketa the prtea ta being held eery. fh-Hf'-foc fancy atocka and as hlffe-- as 88.28 m being aakad. Beporta from California say the markets ' there- are. practically cleaned ai aa anions sad iadTSaces la tha anotaOosa are sot salikaly. - . ( t, -- Praaaat Vrloes Brng Hap Orders. -' Preaeat prices. ea hops ara practically low eaonsh to brlss S. Isrgo Bomber of cyders, and fceday daalata report tbat they can aril qnlte liberal a events of -bops aroaad UWiie. The New York Pmdocwa' Price Oarreat at s IaU data- saya at hops; ... . "The market la Now York stata baa above more ectJTlty the last few days and aalea are imported prtnrlpally- ta Otaage eoaaty- at SStd Soe. . Beporta from the PaclSe coast Indicate bet little inanity est the part of dealer, bat bow also tbat S"e'a ara atabbornly holding eat for areeent cjnotntloaa. landon report a eery dolt market with tery little loqe'ry from their large brewera, who are eomptalaing of poor bwjlness. Tha Oermaa saarket la eeclls- Ing, awing to the eesadderablc aaaoast of atoek left in epeeulatore- saada, ' wbicb is p pressed- for eela wtth so entlet." - - ' lews Qastsd rima sat Vsehaagal. Plrmaaas la rnlrag la the esg market, bat prices today ara anebansed treat thoae Uatad ea Saturday. The reeaipta are fair, bat the demand m tally aqeaj to them end aha prosper ta are tbat tba market wilt sot go betew praaaat Asnres. Tbo poaHrr ' saarket Is firm aa far aa oetside appearaBees are crjacernad, bat the BBdartaoe doea aot look ae seed. A few coons were carried over from Batarday, the prices Baked by the dealera beta tea btfh, acoardlng- ta the retail trade. . -: v . . BmaM Are asetad st a Baallaa. . There la now rinlte a aaary ran of smelt rn the Onwlltt and today prices dropped to Sa a pound ea the street. The water to rather law and fjabermen are of the opinion that the beoTT ran will set lest loas anloaa good rains shoold com. - "Oregon haa for rotten how ta rala," aays C. J. B. Ma lark ay, the flea sua. . Chiaeok Balmoa Catoh Is trr. -Tha ratch of Chinook and steelnead aabaoa In tha ColamMa la sow liberal, bat there m great compeUtloa among the earlotia tntereau for the flab. According to the trash Hah men tba cold storsse operator are paying as high aa'; 10s a pound - for rAlnooks. Tbo present Beaana aloaaa on March 15 snd will remain closed a month. It will then reopen for the Btrtac-aswater season, when tba easDorle will begin parkins; eperaUoaa. - Batter Baaaetna Boaree sad rirstsr. - Bapplles ef flretlaas ereewrery batter re- Smui eery light u uis mersn ana we pnrrs rr trying to knark the top eat of the market. Borne California batter la still coming, bat prices in the sooth ara too high to admit of hoary ah t paten ta here at present Sgnres. The demand for first -c la ae eoamtry batter la hearter. Prices la soma oaaea are a bora these Hated. - " Chases Market b Jlishan - There was aa advance ta tba cheese market today. Stocks of local cheese are .eery email and dealers still experience' mnch troable ta applying the waaU ef toe trade. ' - Waol Market Sail aad Lifeless. ' i Wool Is eery dall sad no liaalseaa has bees reported Is the markets of the state daring U city .......... 8,100 J. Glrasoa and wife to M. O NelU. tots - 8. 4 snd 8. block 1, aubdlrlalo C, M. Patten's tract 1 J, B. Bramball aad wlfa to J. M. Paeiat . S acre aectlon 88, towasblp 1 aorth, range 8 east 860 1. B. Glasses snd wife to U O. Bhs- bolm. tot 8, block 84. Multnomah .... BOO J. B. Barrlngtsn and wlfa to C. B. Mar. kail, east M tots 1 and 8, block SOS. ' v .Barnsll's addition'.;. - 1 W. J. Uona to W. II. Clemona, andl . aided 4 Interest nortk 10 feet lot T, " tot S. blnrk S0. Hawtbnrne Park ..... '500 Wj H. TotUe and wlfa to H. J. Botork and wife, tot 3, block B, Maegly High-, land ............4.... 1.TM frankUa Balldtng A Lota aaaadatloa to A. oarbanns V si., lot a, ntoca ii, Bellwoed B. i B. Hart to J. A. Bamford. aorth H lot 11 block 1 1, Orchard Homes ...... North PselSe iLamber company to . A.- , Herman, lots 18. 14, sad 10, block 11, , Arbor Idte ...v;. .......... . B. H. Bobbins to B. ' B. Bice, tot 8, block 1. Park addition Soman Catholic archbishop sf the diocese of Oregoa to E. Belli, tot 84. section 1, Mnant Celeary -eemetery , Toasl to C. P. Wegener, lota L and . X black 3. sabdlTlaloua M sad , Ore Tar's addltloa A. J. rune ta P. Merrill. Parcel land J. , S80 US 800 Set B. Wltten donation land claim SIS B. M. Ansoo st si. to T. A. Paten, sooth . M fast Iota S aad S. block 10, ssbdl- r Tlalon Rrrerrlw addlttoo ,...jl I, K. Brown to M. L. Bbanka, tot 8, ; block k. Bmlthaoa Land company's ad dltloa .....I... 108 A. steoea and wife te T, O. Jefferson. - tot S, Mock SS, Holladay a addition V.. 1.B50 A. P. rVl and wlfa to A. L. Whttten and Wife, tot a, block 4, Maagiay Bisk- 1" land .... ... .... J. BOB T. P. Jancke and wife te 0. T. Bllnser.. - bind, lot 4. block 8. Rmlta's suhttlrlilon 408 A. Harold te B. Block, lot 18. block 4, Peslnaalar addltloa r"'". k't Oct fenr 'Insarsnes and ahstraers to real ratal from tba Title Guarantee Sr Trsal Com. paoy, Cham bar ef Commerce balldlsg'. , BTtLOni4 ffixm. :(, BMTTrT March 4. J. B. Smith, dwelling, MnW Bomsb between rtlnctaeath aad - Tweatiotk streets: cost. $1.000. .. . . . JAMBS March 4. J. It. Jamea. store bnlldlng, Thetrama - betwaea Twentieth and Twsaty Sret atreetai toot, 2,2MI. , WtlON Msrch 4. R. Wilson, atore bnlldlng, I Wsshlsatna be twee a Fourteenth . and Y fir- V teenth a tree nil cost. 81.800. BAM March' 4, I. Ham, enttage, Carnthera between fleet and Second streeui cost, 81.000. BTR1N March 4. Stein, atorehcirae. Tbne. man between Twenty-fourth arid Twanty-Sftk streets: cost, BOO. . PAl.B Marc 4, Hsrry Pale, tlterallona f ' bona. Tenth bet wees , Tator and Balmoa atreetai cost, 000. tSPKT March "4. W. M. Bapey, addition to dwelllns. Beat Cllsaa between test . light sod Cast Mlath streets; cost, 300 . A l-il the peat few days. Omearnlag the weal aaarkat the. Commercial Balletla saya: "The market to dull, generally epeekinf, al though some holder report It alight ly spars sctlre. Bales ars confined to Small tots af do mestic grades snd la foreign ao large tredee hare been closed.. Importers eesl a Bttla better. Tba destmctton 1 by fire of a beat 1600,000 pound Anatrsllsa haa takes that mack eft the market. There is sa Brack toss te sail, aad the toss is folly oarered by tasorsnee. Quo tation skew llttls chant, , Th finer shades are sboat ss strong aa aaar, bat the medium sad roar wool are weak, . ' The shipments ef wool from Boston ta date from December SB, 1804, ara M.TSS,S4S soands, sgslast 8T.TS1.1M pounds St the same period last year. The receipt ta data are 81,800.834 Brands, asainst ST.Sa.tiT pounds tor the same period last year.'. Todsy's whelssals qooUttoaa. ss fstlstd, ars SB follows: : ' . ft- ' eralB. 1 Hear sad fees. ' WHEAT Crab and red, BTCJBBct blaaetam. SSc; valley, SSc . i ; BAKLKX rd,, meo; rsllsd. 4.s0t arew- toC0aN Wool. S4J0i araekrd. 188.80 sat tsa. '" RTnV-tl.SB -per ewt." ' v OAToProdncers" prices NS. I Wblts, faSMXTj FS'LOOB Basters Oregon Patents, 84. SS; straights, Sii.TSj esUcy. 84 10; ,grshsaa,uUs, 84.00; Ifla, 84.48; rye. SO. $6.00 i bale, sl MlLLBTTJPFsV-Braa. BlS.OO pet too) rold dllnga, ISB.OO; aherta. aooatry. .00i shop. 818 00, ' HA T Prodscera ptlca Timothy. 'WITlamettB ealley, fancy, I8.0O14.0O; ardlnary, $18.0041 13,001 eeatara Oregon, $18.00481410; mixed. $13.00; clorer. $11.00; grais, $11.00 cheaV U,M;- r Ssstst. 'sbbV' as''asyi.,;i1"'' ' BrTTBR PAT Sweet, Slcs snr. afev , 1 BOTTBit City areamary, beat. tXHe: saeond grade, 8THc; eatalde fancy, BOa; ard. Ssry, 2T Wet California, SOc; Store, lne. ' icons No. 1 fresh Oregoa. lTalTfee. . CHBE8B New Pall cream, IwIb. loftlSc; Teang America, lSe; eastsra, 16lac; Ched drTialac. POULT RX Chickens, mixed, lHe per Ttr) bens, 14e .per lb; rooster, old. Prib; yoapg'lSOlSltc per lb; broiler, $4.00J 00 per - das; fryers, lfttJITa per lb; desks, 8S.0oaiO.0O per dos: geese. 8c per 0); tarkeys, 17 lac par ft; dressed. 30j2Se per lb, ' Mops. Weal asd Tfldm BOPS Contracts, ISOA, ISOITe; 1S04 srep, S4e for coo let; 834IVHS lor prisms sad media ma WOOL Cos tracts 1B0B ells. 184)lSet eaTlsy. eearss to media, ISdJlTc; haa, IT O lac; aaat era Oregon, ISO. . MOHAIR Nominal, BStllBe. 2.'-"- - ShkSPSKINS besrlac, loS0; sheet weal, BOtaSOci medium wool, BOOSOti. losg .wsot, SOcatfl.OO sack. . ' - TALLOW Prime, per la. 40BC1 Me. S atOl ares. 3A8HS. CHITTIM BARK t per Ib baying pries, BIDS Dry hides. No. 1. 14 lb and em, laifm per Tb; dry kip, No. L B to IB Tbs, 14c; dry calf, Ko. . aador B ma. StlSei dry aalted bldaa, ataers, soond. B0 lbs or eeer, BH41 Bttct 60 to B0 lbs, SjS: aadsr SO lb snd eowa, SdSHe; stags aad balls, soand. SOTcj kip. 18 to SO lbs. Be: soand. 10 te 14 lbs. Set Bttc; eslf, asand. snder 10 lbs. SHllc: green (anssltsd). 1c per lb toss) enDs. 1c per to toss; Borea bides, salted, each. 81.804)1. TO: dry, each, $1,004)1.60; celt hides, each. SAOSOo; goat skins, sommoa. - each. lOdjlac Angora, riU wool on. eeek. tBcell.OO, rralts aad Tastaklsa. POTATOES Beat Oregon. $100; Bayers, MtMOc: second grade. sodySOc per sack: bay ing price. Toe; sweets, . beat $1.6041.00; crated. $l.TB: new Csllfornis, BMOSe par lb. ONIONS 83.TB4iS.00: boyrr jwtoss, osostry, $3.60492.80; gsrlic, BtJlOe per lb. PRE8H PBUITa Apploa. sKtra fancy, $1.60 fancy Oreson, $1.0 per boi; cheap ersdes. - BOtyTOc per box; snares, BaesL fl.264j3.3S per , box; seUlng. $1.80 pes bos; Ungsrinea, $1.76 per host Jsa orsnges, SOrXAe per bos; baeeaas. Be per lb; lemons, tbotce, $2 SO per bos; fSBcy, $3.TB per box: llmsa. Maxleaa. B6o P 100; plse gnlss, tX36i srssherrl-, ssstsrs. $U.OO Bar TBOBTABLKS Tarnlpa, BOe per sack; ear rota. 60a dos bunches: beet, BOe do banebes; Oregon rsdlsbea. 36e per dos; esbbsse, Oregoa, cwt: California $l.lo81.26; lettuce, nothonse. $1.26 crate; . green peppers. Ta per lb; cblll pepper. 18c rer lb; cclere. SS)5 par don: tomatoes, Csllfornis, $2.00: pa renins, TBetl $1.26: egg plant, i2He per U1 string neana, lSe; eaniiflower. Sl.T6ell.86 ner crate: batter beans. lSe; pampktna. la par lb: boreeradlah lOS par fib; aprooai, act artiehokeaV flJlOCzl.zB per dos; peas, loev Per io; cncamnerB, vsniorsis i so Ium. SI TH AM. alaaa ntilAM. 4flo ner doBl aeparsgus, 184 lde per ; lb; spinach, $86 per POX. DBTED PBClTB Apples, seaporsted. Tf per Tb; apricot. $aAl.V Bar lb: ssefcs. He per lb toss; pescbss. S)12e per lb. pssra. - per lb; sm pes. Italian. Stt4t4c per Ir: Prenrh. 8H4Hc per lb; figs. California black. 64SSH per lb; California white, i per lb; pram, pitted, per Tb: dates, go11. 8 par lb; tarda. $1.60 per 16-lb bos.. , Bi asm las. Beta. Xtov BTJ0AB fleck bests Cnbs, $0.40; uoaeerad. $S.IS; trait grsmUted. $6.06; dry. fraantoted. $4.06; .beet grsnstated. $8.86; extra O. $6.66; golden 0. $6.46; bbta. 0ej H bale. 26s; boxes. Me sdesBca en aocs Beats, toss toe ewt for cssh. 18 daya: maple, lttjloe per tk. HON FT 14HQ16C ' -" - ; COPPBB Package braada. $14,88418.88. ' SALT "l no Bales. 2. 8s, 4s, 6s, 10. 61.80) table, dairy. 60s, 811.00: 100s, tlO.76: Im ported Llrerpool. 60s. , $1T.00: 100s, $1A60; 324s.- $10 00; antra One. hble. Ba.aa.le. in. S4.605 60, Balk. 820 lbs. $4 O016.00; sseks. 60s. SflQSOc. SALT Coarse Half amend. lOna. pet tea, rr.00: 60s, par ton. $T,60: Llrerpooi lamo rock. 16.60 par ton; 60-lb rock. $7.00: 100. SATS. (Aboee Slices apply to salsa of toss tbsa car lots, far lots st special prices subject to Bnctnstiejas.l ORAIN BA0S Calcutta. $S.7fr.09 par KB. BICB Imperial Japan. No. L 4c: No. A 4e Raw Otleau, heed. BMOSe; Adjas. SMc; Creole. 4c. BEANS Small white. 4c: large white. It: pink. Hc; bayoa, LI mas, S14ct Msdeaa reds SHe. - NUTS PeanntsT TKej JomDos.. Ba par Tb: raw. sgioe per Tb: masted. t eoeeeawta, SBtPSOr per dos; walnnta. 14d16e per lb: pins Bats. lOSjisvt per Tb: hickory mrta. 10c par Ibt ebestnata. eaatern. 16O10c per Tb; Bra all set. 16c per lb: filberts, lSdjlSr per lb: fsBe paeans. !4Cjl6e per B: slnwtida. 14016 per lb. Paiata, Cal OQs. Zts, " B0PB Pare Manila. 14c: standard, 13e: Blsal. 1041: Istl brand SleaL Ba. u COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Teaes. 31 per dsl; water white, Iroa bbla. UHe per gl: wooden, lie per gsl: headlight ITO-deg. case 23o per gal: Iroa bbta. isvt Pe sL rasa sic per gali renalna settle boiled, esses S3e per gsi, bbla 6Se per ami; ground cake, ear lots $29.00 per ton, toss thaa tar tots $30.00 per too. ' . GASOUHB-SS-deg. cases SJe per gat Iroa bbto 2Se per gal; store. M par cat, iron on re jm ner rL BBN2TWB SS-deg. hhle ISUe nee e I 35e per rL Iroa TTJBPBNTINB In raaea. $B per gaL woode bbla, Sic par gal. iroa bbls, TVs par gal, 10-lh esse lot S4c per gal. , . WHTTB LBAD Ton tots. TU Par Tbt eO0-B lota. Te per Th less lota Se per TP; WTPje NAn.S Present base at W SO, t LIN8EBD OIL Par raw la BbJ. 60 per gal. Meats, Flak sad Prerlstoss, PRKSTJ MEATS Praat street Beef, steers, 406e per lb; pork, block, -Tuts per lb; packers, TtJS per ll; bain, ' 3e per lb: sows. . SQ2H per lb: mutton, wether snd toatos, Te; ewe. Set seal, ewtra, TflSe pee lb; ordlserr. 6,ftn per lb; poor, 404 per lb. HAMS. BACOW, BTT. Partlund peek (local) ham. 10 to 14 lbs. 13U4 per lb: 14 te IS Tbs, 12fce par lb; IS to 20 lbs. 12H per n setts, te per lb: breakfast bacon, 124T6e per lb; pirate, SVte per lb; nnrular abort clear, n amokad. SI4e per lb; smoked. 10e per lb; clear becks, anssmked. Be per lb: smoked. '-40c per lb; IJnlos batto. 10 to IB lbs. ansmoksd. Be per lb; a rooked. Se per Tbi clear belli, aa smoked, lie per lb: amokad. 12e per lb, LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. 10mC net lb; 6a. 10He per lb; eft-lb tins. 10 par Ib team rendered. 10. Ste per lb: M. 8HC psr lb; tnhs. SHe per lb; 6ne. S per Tb. CANNRD SALMON CohtmbU rlrar 1-lh telle. 8T.S6; 3-lb tall.; fancy 1-lb Bats. H-lb fssce Ssts. $1.36; fancy 1-lb oral. $2.TS; Alssks tall, plsk. SefJBOc; rsd, $1.60; nominal 2a. tall. $2.00, - . . . PISH Bock Cod. Te per lb: Bonadar. Be per lb; hsllhat, Be per lb; era be. $1.20 per dos; striped baM, ))IIH per lb; ratftab. Te per lb; salrooa, Cohimbla rteer. Chinook. Xtt: ateelheada, Se pen, lb: frosea sllrersldes, Te per lb; herring Se per lb: enlea. Bo per fb; shrimp. 10c pet Tb: hd. dreeeed. per lb; perch. 6 prr Tb: hsd roe. . per IV. shad. Se per lh: black rod. Or per Tb: Colnmbls rleer. aielt, 2c per lb; sllrer smelt. Re per lb; lobster. . I3VCI freab mackerel. Se per to: era Oak. 20 per dosi Boandara, ' B per lb; atnrreon. Tc per B. .... OTRTSR cholwter bay. - pet gat, $2 3R: per aack. $4.00 set; Olympta. par each, $6.86. CLAMS Bard abell, , aot- bos, (A00 rajs slama, II. be per box. . , . ;t.' T00ZI B1XLB BOPS AOAIl;, Wsndharp. Or.. Msrrh S. Wolfe A Sea ef SUrerton torlsr bmtght ST balsa of hops of Wslter Ur Teoa at 2314c, MBTtAlTO BABX tTATfMrBT, Hearings Balance ..... .$5.08. ITS SS . J17.052.TT Btarlisg Bat. ' New Tort. March S Bterlltif rare: DCBUsd. 4SAS64)4SATBi M days, 4S$.t6t)4M.TB. CAfUl PACIFIC TWO JiD liALF UP Stock ' Made Biggest Gain on - New York Exchange , TENNESSEE COAL ONE - " OF. STRONG FEATURES Manhattan' Elevated One of , the Few to Show Loss at-7V , : . Close. 1 ADVANCES. N. Beenrltlea ..S4.T9 Norfolk A West. I .26 Amalgam ted . .60 Atchison, com. . .76 r Atchison, pfd .. V.M Bmnlter ...... V ,Sk Bslt. A Ohio .. .60. Colo. Puel ....... .26 Canadian Pae ,. 100 Del. Had. ..1.08, Brief 2d pfd ... M Hrle. let Pfd' .60 Ont, aV West .0214 PsnssylTsnla .60 .874 .3V riaa Heading Rep. rlteel. earn Rep. Ht!, pfd !2 Mock is., coi ,12V Hoothers Ry .1 Teno, Cosl Hteel, 1IL Cent ...... .STUS RteeL MetropollUa .60 8. P., Men. Cent ..... .50 1 1'. P.. Mlsscvl ran M . .jfjiu. P pio ...... .:t y . .. LOSSES. 1 "'..' Hogar '....,,,.$ .T5 ,Ixita A 'Naab1,..! Manhattan 1.00 IN, Y.' Central!,, Texas A Pseiflc. .1241 - -: . (rvrn'lched by Orerbock, Starr A Cooke Re.) New York, March 6. Taer wss a fslrly good reeling la the stock market snd psost o the lnt 1 showing a rtae. Tb greatest gain today was' la .Csnadlsa Pacific, which closed $2.60 higher. Tensessee Coal wss .hrsrlly traded la snd closed IM points higher. Delaware- A Bsdso. ws a lull point bp. Tbs losses war few. the keseiest being is Msa- katua. it. closed s point Bigntr, Todsy's efAclal stack market: f DB8CBJPTI0N. AJiaeonds Mining Co..-. Amal. Oopper Co. ...... AtchJaasn. common. . . . . . 110 iioh 78 80 78 77 mi doj preierred Am. Car A PooBdry, c. 102 102 Jtrj 86 86 ao prererrea Are, Sugar, com mo,.. An. Smelt., eommea. . do prsfsiisd. ,, Am. Ice, com........... do preferred.......... Bait! mors A Ohio, com 148U4S 14T Va B2t4 Sltt 11SK IIS 11SW 80. 30 100 , 110 bo Brooklyn Bapld Transit ST ST 04 Canadian PaclSe, com, Chicago A Alloa, eosa. . do preferred.......... C. A O. W.. common. . Chi.. Ma ' A Bt. Paul. 0. A N. W., common.. Chlceso Termlaal By.. Chesapeake At Onto Cora, k'nel A Iroa, com Colo. Hosthern, common do second preferred.. do first preferred.... Dslswsre A Hudson.... ,D. . A B. 0.. pfd..... JQrie, common do saeond prsfsrrsd. . do first preferred.,,. nil not Central Loalsrllts A Nsshrllto. Met. Traction Co. ...,. .MasbstUn Ktorated.... Mexican Central By.... Minn. ItjP. A Bt. M. Mlaaoarl ' I'sclBc M. K. A T.. pfd..-. New York Ceatrsl...... 1414 13 H41 ) SB is" 32 23 1T8 ITT 60K 61 (214 26 274 SOVi 80 61 26 86 00 loo ll 1M0 . s 4NW BS rI5i S2 16HW TO? S2 1M ism. 14H4 143 V, i 1S3 la 1X4 12 108 24 116 SC 150 100 66 24S 116S 26 IIT itwsj 1 00 110 18THI16S Norfolk A Westers, com S4U North A merle aa . 103 66 N. Y., Ont. A Western 64 142 Penmylrsnla By. ...... P. U. L. C. Co...... Pressed Steel Car, coa J do preferred. .. Pacific Mail S. 8. Co. Beading, common.,,.. do firat oreferred. . . Ben, lesafc . Sleet. ' col do preferred.. Rock IMabd, caausoa. do prpf erred Soothers Ry., cemmoa do preferred ..,,,... Souther Pacific..... do preferred Bt. U A Bjff ., 2d pfd. 'do lit wnfpnci . 8c. L. B. We, con. Jt pPfffftf I l"e"il . 'aaaeoa Texas A Pacifte. . ..... Tenn. Coal A Iroa... Union PariBc, eom...., do preferred V. S. Iatber, oom.... do preferred.... V. 8. Babber, eommoi 'do preferred......... C. 8, Steel Co.. coat.. do ttrtffvferod utiiiiii Whorl. A L. K., com.. do 2d preferred. ... .. do tot preferred.,!.. Wlscsnain Central, oom do preferred .t. Western Union Tele... Wabash, com......... ia 110 lliMi lto 87 S7 '45' 87 Oft 00 P2 Pl 104 OSS SO 86 1 1 TO'i T8H SO SO 06 1o 8M OS frts no 110 T24 SI m sih so HO 7.1 HI 2S 01 20 S2 40 ST SO IB, 1:1a 10U 114 'ii" 'mi so, is 34 6H 21 101) 114 42" 80' Brt , 1 . 41 M P 1 27 34 64 J 62 ai-Tk 4 28 32 46j. do preferred Total sales (or day. 1.111B00 ah ares. Money, 2 par cent. . . , - bay nujrcisoo ktnmis rroexs. Ran Prasctsea, March . Offldal mining ctos. '- Bid 1 ' '' ':, " Bid. Ophtr ..$sTHIMexleas ..,....$1.00 Cos. Cl.-T.. 1.86 lAadea , .28 ; , TONOPAB STOCKS. b'm. .1 .TS Bid. Montana ....$2.00 Belmont ....... .BT ' Midway ....... 1.10 North Star .... .66 MrNsmsrs ..... .60 (told Wt .IS Too, Kxtra .... $.00 A Gold Bald nan, Black Botta ... 7S Ssndatorm ..... Oolnmbla Mt. ... , ,T .60 .16 ..16 ,.44 Sllrer HIU .... Handatnrm Bx... Neesds ........ .11 mni em...,' , Ulm 1. 1.. . 1 Rnll rrog Red Top .41 Kendall ....... .ST VMM w.n. .... ' .w. . , BAB nUsTonoo LOCAL BTOCXi, z: ' Ban PrSBelarw, March Ihg. 10:30 a. oU A Local stocks elos- Bld.. Ask. S.MH 42 ss4 so 23 Spring Talley Water Central Light Parinc Lighting .... Saa PraBdaca Ilea A 1 Blactrle. ss ...... H U, Olant Powder ., Hawaiian Sagar Honokea ehsgsr ..,.. Hutchlnoom Hogar ,..,. Paaahau Sugar -1... ...... Alaska Park era' ........ 331A 1"Z 2H ........12R,,12T ......... -8-71,1 ( H aiiiiia-sia win, ...m. ..,,.. Oceanic Bteameblp . .V. ..... ruse ,ih o . , ' ' 0 P seise States Trlephon ,.110 116 BOSTOK COPEB BTOCIB.' Boi to a. March S. OfScial' copper closing Bid. Rid.' AdTeotor .'..$ 0 no Alloaa ...... 21 76 Atlantle ..... 16.60 Bingham . .... 31.00 Calumet . Copper Rangs T2.00 Daly West ,. 10.00 Dnm. Coal ... flreene Copper' JS.oo Msss Mining.. 12.60 Mlcklgaa Mohawk I 14 SO 66.26 Oaeeole Phoenlg S3. 60 2.60 11.0O 40. T8 4 TS 14.00 34.60 Trinity .., I'tah Victoria ., Winona ... tola Kaysl ' BTW TOBXtTOCS liUR, ' New Tork, March S Coffee fD tares closed $ -points bp to 1 point .down; . Today's affinal eoffea market: - f ftld. Ak. I Bid. Aak. March ( $o"AifVprraiber,,.$oaA $ April S 10 820 S3fM October .0.75 a ao May .. June ,, inly ,. August 5 .TO'Noeemner - 6 4' December , S.6t! Jsnnsre B.SOIPebrnary , ' A SO s no ?.S6 .00 s son t 00 T.oo .1(1 S 46 $.69 ' J nW YOBX BTJMMABT. Sew -York, March 4 A nterics a atocka la tendon are strong, . about point a bore perlty. There la faroreble new from all lines ef trade. Seventh roe da show for January aa rer are net Increase of 1 2.00 per cent and for acres montha S 38 per rest: 41 mass for the fourth weak of Penrnsry show Sa aval age sreea decree ee of 3. IS per cent. ; An a era nee In the prices sf steal and Ire Is rather asserted. . , ,..1.12t con s ( . pfd ..... .12 com. .T6 com .... l.oo 26 Supplies of Fancy Potatoes Art Already Be ginning to Chow a Shortage and Prices Are Quoted Firmer Than Ever Today, "t ; VEATIIER GETS THE BLAM LOSSES All Options In Chicago Wheat - Pit Are Lower at the' COMING CROP LOOKS IN BEST, CONDITION ' ' . ,- M- '' ' i' , - i Corn Market . Looks , Higher Oats Markets Encouraging v Provisions Higher. ; TODAY WHBAT MARKBT. . Opea . Ctosa none Insa Sat. Todsr Today . axidsy May. $1.16 - $1.16 $ .00 July. 4..... -.004 te. 1 o .w ,taia Sept., co..... .81 . .1A '31A uv (Parnlshed by Orsrbeek. Jltsir A Cooks Co ) ? "hlcaa,, March Logan Brass ssy: In wheat. Rroonwi!! cables tha world's ship. BMnto ll.taH.isiO. The Incresas ea asssag La 3.000.000 bnsheU. Ixnrer cables, large Sear Id ' hlpmsats and con tinned good tips from the winter wheat crop csoaed sa eaeler opening aad s-little settling down ef the. market Im mediately after the opening. Prom thia point tba ndraaee waa steady with sabseqeeat aaalng tff at tb cloee. The winter wheat months seem snder area. aare. - Beporta coming tram the country ara ra taer sru-slmooa In reporting an excellent eom dltloa af. the crop. These combined with the Ideal spring weather nreralllng throng bout the belt makaa rather free arlllng of fnturs options sn -the. eieong.apsts. ' Tb character of the trading In the May and the action ef the star, krt shows reoatraaed change. Tb legitimate sltostloni seems to show a stow but (toady improvement. All primary points ahowed an Improved tone la their raak market. While ta be for csto on all pronounced straagtk. Thai leads te the toxprsnaion tbat the large iatereata sre oeierminea io sold tse market in check snd permit no runaway affair at this time. The steady lmprorement In tbs legitimate lto attoa la addtng atrength to tba ItssLtoa daily. , ' Osra Leaks - TJTa. , . Cera, eonatderlng the receipts and probability ef larger atilpmenta pending the breaking bp ef ue-.Tosas, in actio at the saarket is eery uryiag. it still looks Uhe a on elded affair, apwsra. .. The oaf market ahowed dectdedlv evwwt fneea thmnghovt tb sesstoa, at' times being eery Bene, j snrn, connonsa nnn laeressea eat elde Intei it sad aa . awakening ta the fact that the TUIDle la ea a alow hat atssdr erases. - The action af tb market to trong sad asvaas id awio..ont asoro oaouai agssasnu rerlsisns Ihew Snap. ... The muiistoua market bowed deetdedle bet tor form to for some time, all the deertop- la being bnlUsk. -Thm gee a to be tK.t lb packing rather liberal bitycrs. wbic si imBresstoa Interest bsv ch Induced short otrrerlng. All things oaosldered. the market nowed cnaeiderabie seep sad acta as It It nigni ao sail nstter. , Today's af flcisl markets: WHSAT. Ones. Hlsh. lav Close. $1.16 May.... 1.16 $ 1.1S !siij CORN. $ 1.16 Jnhr.. .H .SO .SHB 81 A .81 H March, M. . May..., JnlT. . .48 N .40 , .48 , ',.40 .48 B .40 f- .4C .'V.40fiA .-JrajSj -48 ATS. ---'- OATS, Msrek.M ..... .23 .81 ,a. .80 t si .31 Bpt..eM ,eu. ' .20A MBRPJ PORK. 13.63 1T.S3 1T.83 1A83 B 1AS2 12.TT - May. Jaly. JISO 12.02 April ui a, . . . , i tj , .. ."V. . May...M T.OO , T.10 T.OO Jsly...M T.18 . T.32 ; T.OO lafpl ! e a . a" ABORT BIBS. Msy. B.S3 1 ABO A3 Joty. B.ST T.06-. AST Bept... . T.10 , .... .... - T.22 T.OB it .''a RUSSIAN SHIPMENTS .CAUSE OF WEAKNESS ( Parnlshed by Orerherk, Starr A Ooka Co.) .. Baa PrDctoco, March A B. P. Button A Co. say: The wheat market waa anatoady. De er re nor was orrerea freely around si.2B. bat there were- few orders for this option snd It took as though the- bears ar confident ef their position. . Tb slight weakness la tb May waa due to the Rosa taa ahlpmenm, which sre eery large, snd there wss some liquidating by tbs longs. The same uninterested feeling roattnnea In the rseh stuff snd It to this that la holding tb market In check. Bee lets of barley ars fslr. Msr reeetsed scene attention and waa freely offered by the urge cnort interest. isers la notning aotag In the December. Pram a aperalatlT atasdV potnt toe market moka gnoo. The official 11:80 a. m. market: I WBP.AT. - Open. High. ' Lew. , Close, ,$L4S $1.43 $L47-$l.7 HASLET, May..., ".7.... 1.32 1.23. 1.22 l.K teeeemoer..... - ,ss .'w .oa . ,m ' V TOTAL OBATB TXBI1LX. Chicago, March A Total grsia rlalble: Today Year Ago Incrai 1 Baah. Bosk. . Bnsb Wheat .......36 M6.000 M.SM.OOO ' ooT.noo Corn 9.1MB OOO S.ITT.on M.000 Osta 16, 67s, 000 10,263,000 , $,620,000 AKBBIOAM BAAXV YIB1BLE. Chicago, Msrrh A Orsla rlalbto soppiy; ." m Deere aae lto. Wheat ! ....... 8...eeeeeee, e. . . OrtB - a Aa sva aA)4 a a e fresj,000 Oata ......,,.860,000 CKTCAOO flBAIsT CAB LOTS. Chicago, Wheat .. Cora .... March A Orln ear tots: Car orads Plat. 1004 MMMM.Mt,. 42 , ,i 36 34 ......TM IS ' 062 IS Oata 26 S3 202 . 304 . WOIXB'B OBAIB, BBJTimrTB.. ;. . .. Chicago. March A World'a grain: shipments ' .This Week Last Week Let Tear , Bnah. PMeh. Sinn, Wseat ;....I1.12.000 1S.8WI.000 10.112.000 Cora AS4,000 4.060,000 . $.837,000 LTYXBPOOL BBATJr MABXXT. TJeerpool, March A Closei Wheat, May, Ba lOd. ad down; July, OS 10d. d down. Com March, 4s 2d, d apt May, 4a 4 He. Bnrhaugea. . - - . ... , - TONE IN LIVESTOCK REMAINS UNCHANGED Portland TTniea Btorkyarda, March 8. There waa no change In the tone of the II restock markets today.' The receipts Wars 48 hogs, 370 carrle nd 46 beep. - , Official rutins- price for tlrestock: Hea Rest eaatern Ore eon. 80 00: " lleht blocker snd China fata, 66.60413.76; ' stacker ana reeoera. B.o"o.iaj,v Cattle Neat eaatern Oregon iteere. $4.66: light and mednra eteeee, $3.60; old and light mw. $2.60; stockera and feeders, $2.00; bull, $1 on, .. ' - . hero Best fancy sheep, $4.60; ewes, $4.0041 4.20, ., , 7 . , . p-i-4 . CtnCAOO BOOS BTXADT. Oilcaao, Atarch Chicago I" ' Kansas City .... S.I.lTeatock recelpta: ;...8T.orio 2T.on SB , ., S.nral S.ono . SOmi Omaha 8,000 4.0no 14.000 Hogs Opened steady with l.pno left oeer; reel eta a year a so were SS.nnO. Muling prices: Miied snd on (cher. 4.snyH.10: good heary. n.mM.H',ynl .keary, $4.8694.864 llgh a4.7SMA.06. Cattle Steady to Ifle tower., . Blip 1 Stesdy, Va. V Bw York Cssh Off. Near York. Marc S. Ceeh eoffaat Me. T Bio, 1; No, Baataa, Ba,.- TODAYS PRICES IN . . . THE WHEAT. MARKET .... ;' k ..... ,:, .. .. I , . ay . ';- ' Msr Option. 4 ' Chicago .,...,,,.,,....l.l')b jnuwauBoa New York .'.. .',,. . Bt Louie... avAnsas City............ MinnaAvpoiig Doluth , ...' 1.1$ 1.1$ A 1.1! , 1.01 1.11HA t.llB l.tTei' Ban irsneiseo Per eontst 4 4 4 dy e4 4 4 COHON PRACTICALLY & SAME AS SATURDAY - t . . ii. n ,r!-i. v" -' , (Parnlshed by 0 rer beck, Starr A Caoke Ca. New York. Marc .-Cotum fnturea closed practically at Saturday a ruling prices. 4 ,- , 'AUOsy s oiucia, eintoa) , , . . Oocn. Jllrh. Low Close. T:vtt :is TTll 7 tier 40 T0(43 TtUtll March i... TUT TtS T34 April ............... ... , Msy T4T ;.T6$ ; T4J June . .,..... ... .. .e " 2... - July T42" T4T ' THH august ,. iw -" Meptsisbcr . ... T40 T44 T4s44 T4T ' T4e48 T4T , T4PrN0 October ..,.... ids 100 Nuresiber December t . 73iro : T&6ti6T ,..r.v. '- . . 1 . ' v Llrerpooi Oottea Market. Urerpnol. March A Cotton (stares Closed $ ta $ polBta adraaced. , RUSSIANS DESIRl5 : TRADE OF PACIFIC ',. c-, Wheat arrawafa snd mtTlmen of the northwest will havs to look to their nr sldom. If aDOlicatlon of Russian manufsc- turers for cxhioit space for iwhjk.i household srtlcles snd hyBlonto . eom modltlea may bo regarded a. noto of warning. A prominent manufacturer of Bt, Peteraburs has written that 15 to $0 manufacturers of tbat city, whert riot saassslnstlon and strike flourish. daalra to exhibit their wares in the Pa elBo northwest, . Foodstuffs especially ara emphasised. ; - Thee manufacturer also express tho belter tnst mey win bo able to enter this market with houae- holeV goodSr The time for retting exhibits to tha grounds ,1s short, and the management of .tha fair has to ; empnasixe naaie when answering; lata applicants. Ilka the Russian manufacturers. 11 tney can cat bera on time, however,' they Will ba givon opportunity to szhibtUi WILL NAME DEVLIN TO 1 SUCCEED WENTWORTH (Jenmal Special Berlcs.y' Washington. March $. It wss an nounced this morning that tho president will appoint Robert T. Devlin to succeed Wood worth, as United States attorney of tho northern district of California JsnWB Wlckershan Is to be reappointed in the-third Alaska district. . An nterUlnment Is to ba riven tinder tha auspices of tha Ladies' society of Highland Concresatlonal church tomor rowi'oveninK at $ o'clock at tha church. It will consist of readings by Myrtle Katharine , TrevUte "and music, by local talent. ; ,.,;.. . .: ,'- ' : (.;.-, tvrbsxtr aad fobs Bo, ' Prom tha Kaw York Bun. ' Him. Roland bad Just remarked: "O Liberty, what crimes ara committed In thy name!" 1 "Not half as many as are In the name of John Doe." replied ths goddess. - Tha remalnder-f this dialogue was unhappily interrupted by tho guillotine. Actual Contact 'Is the Only Way to Appreciate This ' Modern-MarveL -. v. , - HAVE A PHONE INSTALLED . JOHN L SABIN - : -"1L.. President rr " ' LOUIS GLASS Vice-Pres. aad Oen. Mr. it''.. XAABSBS Diamond. Aastralian, Rosyln, New Castle. Washed Nut, V': leUckiHnith r:':: roll Weight aad Iromp SeUwery. -. KINO COAL CO. rrrmt aad aCearaey eta. , ' ' Main 1425. thXMtnm wail leeiains iow vw9r r -7 TT TWKJIT-xriV fJ-Ul I M nwnJ B Al MMm owirne). Borxxra a 00, (BsUblrahed 1$$.) 9 mmmwmmm ' WKBAT Ajn STOCK UOm$. 4. OroaBd lior. rrwa--sm OJ1 Cvltaaji,a.Ct. OVERBKCIC, CTARn C: Members Chic so 101 Third Ctraet. J"e- inn , y r- ' ' ' Special are advertised to attract the t ' tentaon of those people uo i not now deal at ,thU ttore, V.a want all Portland to know of ca superior quality meats and. fro ceries, and offer the specials ts an inducement for you to Bampla our goods. ..One trial will make you a lasting friend of ours. . ; - 7 lbs. Bost Eastern Rollsd Oata. 30$ ' . ' - ' : 10 ' pounda Good Broken Rica, Two Star Condensed Cratm. t - .Vt- - 25 -f -1 packasea Malt Breakfast Food. - '40 v - Oajlori Choice Table Byrup, , .: ;' ' -, -Z ,v ' , v ' 75 . - Gallon Pur Rock Candy Syrup, . ' ' : lot ' 3-lb. can Solid Pack' Eastern '.'omttooA,. . ' J cans Standard Tomatoes. IT tba. Dry Granulated Sa$rsp. '. Pound Fellows' Blend Costa Rica Coffee, Fellows Grocery Co. Faoma MaJa sate ST4 WsAUsdrtoa et. Dr. W. Norton Davb. IN A WEEK " We treat careaasftUly all private, aacwoaa aad ehrenle dlessse of oaen; alas Mood, staaasew, hssrt, lteer. kidney snd threat tronhles. we cor STPHILLIS (wlthoat sjercarrl te stay en red forever. In 80 te SO days. W reaaov 'aiviuas, wiiaon eperauea v pota, w a dsys, ..,..': -- . . W stop drain. . the ' remit ef self-abaea. 1 InBMdlatafjr. W sen restore the saxsal eiaoe st aay bub ander BO by saeaaa C kosal tran. eat peeallar te.earaslvea, . ,' We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week The doctors af this tnst its ts are all feeaanr ' ersdastss, hare had naay years' capsrieas, tare bees known la rortlaad for IS years, hsea a repautloa te maintain aad win aaasre take se esse salens eertala eara aaa be af tarted. We snsrantee te rnr la'every ess we asdae. take er rharp a fee. ' Conslatafloa frea. Let. tar eoaSdeatlal. !m tract I re BOOK SOB ateil saa I led free la slals wrsnwar. It roa eaanot call at efnee, write tor i tha bUak. Boas trratnMst sacoesafsl. OfBea seare S ts 8 and T te holloa j. io te Baa days aad ; "-. i "' Tho leadlas speetallats la tha Xerthwsst. : ' .1 , k. tstshllsbed 18SS. ... Dr. W. Norton Davis 6 Co. Tea Kay Sot!, a. Z. Oar. Third aad Mas Bta. rokTUurn. ousoi. Henry vyeimuard . rroprtetor of tha tity Brewery . Z.are;oa$ and Moat Oonswlw-e V , Brewery ta tba IT on we Bottled Cecr a Spzclzlly : t mvarKOsTst wo. ts. .' OtBee 13th aad BaraslAe Skswatav PORTLAND. OREOON. R REE WJ V.IC.Z' the rkhcat arain, Ink snd r ; r the world. Tboawrid ef Krea a. . ... cost of Irritation. Deed detect 1 - f Orrgnn. WSJITt TO-DAy. I 'XI f MAP ritH. Drachetct Irr ' ! . bss7,(isi l-l Ss4c.- T Har4 I ':