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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1905)
i 1 v. V, i, , rtLJ-L,-, -t--Ui-U------ -L-JT-U-1--TL-U It ' ------ - - PnWyN H I -mmr0 W'Wi'Wi' i S. lW ..S..K.Si , " ' :. . . . , ....,..... .''. 1 ' i, i i jA ' : ' f ''' " ' ' - ' - t , " . f. I' ' V :r V ! ' at I . ' - . I ' , ' ; MCIIS STARTS: 1: FClDAHERSflELD Portland's New Catcher From St Louis Passes Through on Way to Join the Local Team , WAS PRACTICING lAW V . J ! IN EELUNGHAM TOWN Cpeaks Good Word for McLean, v New, Backstop, Who Was ,a . ' . Member of St. Louis Team.1 i : ,; ' ..- - Vt;. I ; ?,.-;. Ch&rWa t. Swindell, the new catcher f th. Portland bueball ; teaov paaaxl ithrooch "thlr city yeatardsr on his war to Bakarafleld, wbtra will Joln ,Mc- 'CrMdla'B team la tha prallralnarr work. BwlDdrlla has . spant tha winter at Belllnrham, Wash, where h had forat4 law partnership with Tom lfcFadden, the former . coach ot-Paclflc university. 'Swindells and McFadden are craduatea I the Stanford university law schocl, and decided to forra a partnership, and .practice' law " ln the promising town of BelllnshaaC which partnership held out !nntll last week. . t.- t ' Swln is like aU the ball players, for ,whea the tine for spring; practice ar rives, they almost ' invariably don the spangies and report to .their respective tuba.-- v: ,r w . ... .,,., . Speaklnv of bis transfer from St Louis ta Portland. Swindells' sald: l xlou't know what kind of a' deal; Me jCreadle made with the Robinson's for me, and I don't care. I am (lad .to be a member .of the' Portland team for I think wa have a One bunch of players. It's too early ta- prophesy any -aertain tMeltlon In the race for anv club, and I idont' want to make any boasts, for you .never, can dope a ball team Just "right Ibof or the season opens.- I know sev eral of the Portland -players- but there are others whom t have never seen, .but from what is said of the' new. ma n McCreedle's team, we will be In the 'race.". " ,;- 5 .fV' '' ' WhUs In' BeUtngham. Swindells , Jad everal hats with Messrs. - Lucas and iMcCloakey, who are rgalslns; the new Northwestern league. McCloakey was anxious to set Swindells to take charge of the BeUingham club but he did not like the. Idea and refused. v ; . -. "McLean la a big husky young fellow." aid Swindells in answer' ta a query te gardlng v that player, t"who can throw like a shot. He Is very fast ott bis feet for a big man. Tou know he Weighs til pounds and stands over sis feet tall, and la a splendid specimen of manhood. .While I was with St. Louis he was just recovering f rom an injury and played in but few games. I saw him play flrat base and be Is certainly the goods at 'that position, and If Doyle does not join us the Initial sack will be well taken rare of. Garvin Is the pitchers that will -open the -eyes of some of these, coast players,' for when he takes Car of him self he can beat any club in the world." Slats Davie and Lew Mahaffey both la aulred after Pete Dowllug and Swindells stated that the . crack southpaw was nearly "all in." "He is half craay," Jd the catcher, "having- never thor- r us. My recovered from his illness of ; ears ago." . Swindells left oa tha Overland last evening and -will -reach Bakersfle&Jlg; raurrow evening. -. .. '-".;,'. L.z-rx TaJCKcu. mats batto. (RSMial mapetra M Ta Jeaiaat) North TamhUl. Or March . The North Yamhill public school team ,5a- the Dayton school team la the t baaell game of the season Set y stersoon by lbs score of II to 7. Ilia --n ;,7 - ' ' tyTTVit '''hit J i syr V;: ' nn I "oAo? ; : ' ; r". . :' .TADv8UGGESTS SOim;THING& THAT CROSSCOURTRY RUN " I1EID AT C0RVALL1S Oregon t 'Agricultural ' College 2 Holds A Class Event Which ; - Is a Huge Success. . " (tpKUl Diapatch te Tke JeoraaL) Corvallia. March -.- A? new event In tha athletic Una took place at O. A. C Saturday afternoon, - a large' crowd hav ing gathered to witness .the Start and finish., It was , a eross-country run, over a four-mile course extending from the O. A. C. , field westward, out over the bill towards the Catholle ceme tery. All along tha eourse people had gathered to watch tha sprinters go by. and to cheer them on their way. t The cross country- run is a new- fea ture la this section, being Introduced by Physical Director Trine of O. A. C This la. In fact, so far as' known, the first event of ths sort given In the west. ' Mr. Trine has had about men in .training for the event, and states, that It Is an excellent tarns; for developing men for the, mile runs. . The ' event yesterday - began adUs, when tha men of the 'senior class start. ed. . The run was made by -classes, the whole -affair thereby consuming about two hours, i -j , ., . Th. tiloe -w'm mnA Mia nlanM won. Were: I Stelner, first. . Rhlnehart, Stokes and Moore failed , to . finish. 1 Time,. 91 miautcs, 41 seconds. ' Juniors Burns, first: Van Cleve, second, Belknap and Spires fading to finish. Time, ST: CO. A i ': Sophomores. Deach. 'first; J D Valt, second; Qreenbaugh, ' third; Wygant. fourth, -Groves and Darling failing , to finish., Time, 4-1. . Vreshmen -Howard, - .. first: McPar- land. second: Leonard.' third. Chambers failing to finish. Time.' I$:l . .. Tha winners by classes In Saturday's event are to receive medals, and two weeks from Saturday are to compete In another final -run -for a-gold medal. No sthletie event hero for some time has excited so much interest . ss the cross-country ' tun, . and tha final T con- teat will .be a big affair. ? t. a-,v. & -. NATIONAL AMATEUR o BOXING CHAMPIONSHIP ?TtaeeeM-Dispatch7 e The JoarsaL) .n-'si"." 1 Boston Mareh . EJverythtng is la readiness for the national amateur box ing championships of tha Amateur 'Ath letic union to bo pulled off in Mechan ics' building tonight under the auspices of the Boston Athtetie associations The entry list Includes .nearly all the prom inent boxers In the country . and i tha outlook la bright' for a highly success ful tournament,, , In the heavyweight class, in which most Interest centers. George Msyer of New Tor, who won the r, Olympic championship . st ' ICS pounds at ,. St.. Loula.. will, meet W. J. Rodenback, also of New York, who won the A. A. t. championship last year. - WO niRT TKIU 1 Tl AT.T.ASL " V M"pcial Dlatatrti te ; The JaorsaL 1 . ' Dallas, 'Or.v -March " . The Dallas college will have, no regular, track team this year but Instead they will organ ise a baseball team -anrtplaoe all their practice into their new" undertaking. Teats and Reynolds will form their battery. The boys are sure to get a good.' fast teapi. out ot4 their KCXOSXBT TO SATZS. Slata Davis received a letter from John 1. McCloakey in which Mao' con. gratuities Davla on securing the ap pointment aa an umpire In the Pacllte Coast league, McCloekey expresses him self as being confident thst Slata will make good here as ha did la tha Pacific National last season; '. ,, J ,,.r-.. ... , . . .4...-,. ,., .w...... y, - THE - OREGON; DAILY JOURNAL - rOnTLAWD.' MONDAY JCfFItlES: IflTEflDS TO QUIT TOE HIKG The Big Fellow Announce That Come What May He WUI Re f. tire at End of This Year. GOTCH AS AN OPPONENf . : f IS. NOT A CERTAINTY He Is the Only Possibility in Sight , But Is Not Thought Well of In Rstic Circles. 'f ! V " (Journal Special Servlet.) Buifalo, N. TH March . Champion lim Jeffries baa announced that, come what may, he will retire from the prise ripg at the and. of tola year. -No match wUl be coutdered after that data, 'If any man wants to wrest the title from the big fellow be will bsve to announce btmself .-before that data There are several aspirants for the title, but they are not worthy of recognition from the champion. Frank laotclt, the champion catch-as-catch-ean 'wrestler of America, and Jack Johnson, the colored heavy welsht ehamnion. ' have been trrln to force Jeffrlea to give them a; meeting. but --their chances -of success are-very small. Jeffries will not meet a colored man. and.- aa for Gotch. the champion has told him to get a reputation in the prise ring. Ring followers, however, who have seen wrestlers try to become pugl lists., doubt the probability of Gotch earning fame. His debut with aa ama teur In New lork some weeks ago was sasoaraglng to hie friends. . Jeffries will grow old, should be be compelled to wait until Ootci acquires sufficient reputation to demand such' a meeting. But the ex-bollermaker Is not going to wait and worry ever Gotch or any other pugilist. -corbett, Flustm mons. Rublln. Munroa'- and Bnarkey would all t avoid another hard beating from Jeffries and will let him go to bis pugilistic grave as peacefully aa a lamb. But- there may be -an uproar among the t other heavyweights when Jeffries retires from the ring. Every body doubtless will be claiming tha title. and the situation may become as con fused as in the present featherweight class. t Tne proper mine; ror jrnnea to ao, sporting men think, is to confer; the honor on a selected heavyweight, and then let the fortunate one defend the title 'against all comers. - ,. oour ossjcrzo: SATBS. (Rpeelal Dlapatrb te The Joom.L) -New Tork. March -Tha datea for the golf champlonahlp of the United States uoii association- navs been fixed aa follows:' . "'. . . Amateur Chicago Golf iolub, . Whea- ton. III., Tuesday, August . 8i to Satur day. August -It. - -it'1-" . Onen -Mropta - Hunt' club." Hamilton Massvi Thursday and Friday, Bepteoi ber II and- II. Women's Morris County Golf club. Mornstown, N. J., Tuesday, October I ta Saturday. -October T. ,. - persiaS nerve essence of caaea of Xrnan rMlliy. Isaomaia aaS Atn- elrMlattoae-aniike dlaxrtlna pnrfwH and Imrart efnte tlSBr a wlMle feeing.!1 All eralaa awl loeaea aieppea eeraiaaeatlir. (1.00 pr swney. Mill-4 aealed. Mont free. 1 sjawav anv-ag. .tv., ensi JBrr-sg afX.,- r mi IMISS)IStMI , Pa. sVld trt pAHland tl by rnuk Pevtluel Htial rtaMMaiiJ . , CORBETT'AND' NELSbN H'CREEDIE'S PLAYERS DEFEAT BAKERSFIELD First Practice Game Results In a Victory for Portland .in. a Ten-inning contest. "" tSpeelal Dispateh.te Tba JoemaL)" V Bakerafield, ; Cai.. March- .- f. The seven members " of the Portland base ball team1 played their : first game- of the season . yesterday, defeating . the local team in a bard, fought 10-lnnlng game by the score of. to. J, .. Portland ,uaed three pltchera. i each of whom was very sore, it being prac tically tha first time they bad handled a ball this year. . Householder, St Vrain and Efesick alternated In tha box. and ware hit la lively fashion by the Ba kerafield boys, ' but splendid fielding. especially on tha part of young Glea- son at second, . prevented - more .. runs from scoring. - In - tha tenth - Inning tha - leaguers landed oa young Claflln and pounded oat Tour runs, winning: the game. . Score by innings: . ; t f PortUnd ,...ellsa04 . 11 Bakersfield ..tlttllMI I 1 . 4 The teams lined up as follows: Portland, t - i Bakerafield. St. Vrain .p-........ .. Claflln Benson ......... ..c ......... . v Kaymee VanBuren ...... .lb. .......... McCue Gleaaoa ,. ... , .... I b -My e ra uunsi ...... m , ft , etiea Householder .....tb.. Durge Ksslck . ... M ..... If ... . . i Alexander McCreedlo -, cf.j, ........ Oberle Jones ; . . .rf . . .'. . . . . : Westlaka Second . Baaeman . Schlafley , . wired Manager McCreedle last evening that ha haa been delayed in starting owing to his finishing a new house that he .has been building He will resch Bakers- fleld;durlng tha latter part of the week. PORTLAND STARS WIN -FROM OREGON CITY The Portland Stara HfmaA Anvn Ctty 14 plna on the Portland alleys last naturaey evening; or, to make It right, 114' pins, for the PortUnd boys' gave Oraaon CitV a hnAlnmrf r4 4e nln. T-. Portland StaVs put up a very good game. coosiaenng : waa tne : nrat-. time the team haa rolled toe-ether. HifU.nnm. bad the high average. 201 1-1. Me also had the hih alnvla a-un. tMabU. .41 In his first Morris waa the atar f the Oregon City team. He averaged 181 whioh is going some-' for I -new bowler. All tha Oregon City boys put up a very arood fame. MnildHn. the mm h at the game, and furthermore they are a very gentlemanly lot OI Doya. The scores were Portland Htara t f?) () rtt 171 140 CIO 170 21444 144 , lit 4(9 111 HI IgS 171 MM 401 C71 :C44- t- Capen . .....175 Bull . ....... ....171 Kneyse . ........... 141 Withers ......... .211 McMenomy ..!34 ' Totals , 4. Oregon City . - ill ft - (ts t-f Osmond . ...........US 103 ' 140478 Morris . -?lnitn Chapman . ..171 177 141 4t9 Simons ,,., 140 11 1J2 4JS Gates ......... it. .118 -148 184488 Totals . ..r..,. . .778 til TU . saaiBAavma mxars ' ajtoxza. v tm Angeles.. March I. The ' first gam between ' Moriey-a Los Angeles team and the Chicago National leaguers remitted 4 ft . vL4ap Cn 1 . . i the score of 8 to 2., Frank Dillon made li. e . . . in v inrinciin a ia Angelea uniform for a rear an1 .i... . tremendout ovation. , Baum. Gray and Weimer and Brown were the opposing piuuvfa. .... t.i.. EVENING. tlAr.CIl 6 lgCJ. -ikllQHT cut out -with RUGBY FOOTBALL - SEAS071 IS CLOSED Vancouver, B. C, Team It Again Victorious in the Annual " Charrspionship Series; v " VICTORIOUS TEAM MAY ' , PLAY IN AUSTRALIA ... . " , " . , v ....... ' Considerable Rivalry Among Brit- ish Columbia Towns Over - 7 "This EvenL .:. SeeUl Dlapatea. te The learaaL) " -- Vancouver, B. G March The Rug by football season for. 104-01 la now over, and tha Vancouver team haa again demonstrated lta euperiority over the Victoria, and Nanaimo teams and carried off the championship of British Colum bia. - .. r. -. .,.-.- . f-: Rugby : football la undoubtedly the great fall and winter pastime in. British Columbia, and at the present time Van couver Is one of the strongest football cities in all Canada. In the early his tory of the game In this province. the Nanaimo Hornets were strong factors In tha race, but In recant years they have been forced to the rear by the Vancou. ver and Victoria, teams.' For tha past ; TOP: . ; J for matiahd; boy, 'M, i wnue inn carpenters nnci uui aiutu hwih v-iviv . kiui . v- a '-;,.- '--.ij . ,a modern entrance to' a modern store,, we LOWER .THE . I "' .' PRICE ON 'if ' which means that you can city at wholesale cost. ( v .' -t ) p. m. See SJJ-457A Third OU ,vvU ' . :-,... ,7,-y Only lish-CUss Portland 'Team' V..i" i i...t Ci.i- ;:j j, Jeffries to. Retire Frcrr Arena-Catcher C..:;i dcl.'f Passes ; ThrcvS Portland CpertJnj f ' ' ... 4 ' " -' - 1 r I Ave seasons the Vancouver club's team has carried off the championship of British Columbia, establishing a record la lJo-01 that only a few teams play ing the game in America have that, of administering a coat of whitewash , to their.. opponents in every match played that year scorrrrg a total of -84 pomta to 0. - . x ' . Next fall the champions Intend taking a tour tbrpugh . Australia, and already negotiations have been opened tip with the leading ' teams In the land cf the southern, cross.' The team wlU pbably leave Vancouver about .'September, re turning again in December. : There la some talk of selecting several Victoria players - for - the trip, but the officials of the local club have not yet definitely decided upon the peraonnel of the team, but the team will moat likely be com posed of local players only. - ; The Rugby .champions of British Co lumbia since 188r-are aa follows: , Van couver, 1&88-80; Victoria, 1890-81: Hor nets. 1881-8I. 1881-88. 1888-84, 1 884-88 ; Vancouver, 1885-84 Victoria, 1888-87; Hornets,- 1887-88; Victoria, 188-88, 1898-00; Vancouver, 1800-4JL 1801-01, 101-08, 1801-04, 1904-OC ,- ! " ! . 1- - '- ;' """ " J J u -BOOM BtTSCOOXi- OUTCT.aSSSPi (Special Dlipatrh te The JoaraaL) Salem, March 8. The baseball game between tha Salem high school -and ths Willamette university teams Saturday afternoon proved to be a .walkover for tha 'varsity- ladav-The score at th nd of the third Inning waa i It . to o; in favor of WllUmette and after mat tne game was a farce. This gam was in tha naturs . of . a tryout ana ' snowea thst, the University Is going to have s strong teanw Jermao, Coleman and; Rader war tha twlrlers for Willamette while Carey, pitched for tha high school. . ;. -- ' I - Alteration Sale FINE TOPCOATS ; " ? " h , - A choose from the finest stock in Buy now. Sale closes Wednesday display in north wirtdom "; ',, -V. V ' X aothina( Store North of the Chtmber orCpmmercel J. A. HCXAN DOT IT LOOKED. TO GOTIIAfI FANS Comment on Recent Scrap ' of Corbett and Nelson ; Ffom a New York Point of View., NELSON -THE JEFFRIES OF LIGHTS DIVISION , . -- ... ,v ,. I I ' 11 I - . "f Small 'Talk of the Boxer and , Prospects of tha j Fight-; ing. ;.Game. r i ' (Journal gpaclal Service.) New ' Tork. . March 8-The l drubbing s which Young' Corbett received at tha handa of the Battling Dan at Frisco Tuesday night definitely place th Den ver fighter on the shelf with Terry Mo Govern and tha other-long and distin guished list of has bertiav .There ta sin cere sympathy here for "the little f el- low,-for be was well liked by New Tork sporting men, a a, sonar fighter and . a good fellow. It la this perhaps which -was. his , undoing. It -was hoped that -Corbett might break the record which " shows thst no man who ha lost th championship, has aver regained it, but .(Continued on Page Thirteen.) of the at , i ' Bet. Otaric and Oak 1 - ,. -J