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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1905)
-..-- i-t .- :v-' I " i " ""' ""f if :'-. The Circulation cf - i GOOD EVEIYPIO. . ' ' Th .Weather. .V"; V Tonight and Tuesday, r3--r.-t'Whlte-t-r".'tr;".; VOL. III. NO. V 3l3.Y i-.-r- ,- .T-,-. . .. ; - Paid, Back $1,500, No Repayment ; Fyfe in 1900 Directed WHIIF PftlirJTV fl Fftff II lllLli fVVUl 1 1 li VLLLllll But Nothing Was vDone and onPowell's u . Re-election Shortage Grew, ' . : ) ROTd of Mnltnomah county show that T. Cader Powell, recently appointed 'United Btatea marshal at Nome Alaaka waa a defaulter while county clerk of .tnia county, to tbe extent of thousands ot dollars. - When- be went out of office In July, 1194, he owed the county at least M00 for delinquent taxes which he had collected and failed to pay over to the county treasurer, and there la reason to believe that the shortage was not Iru than St.o0.. So far aa can be aaeertalned from the record, the greater part,. If, not all, of thla shortage has hever been repaid.' ; Dutinc to year ; after he ceased to be county clerk Powell made two pay ments to the treasurer entrees tine Sl.4tS.t9. but these appear have been In settlement of collections made by htm durlaf bis last year In office, -and net on account of -the-. shorts which had prrvloualy artoem-j. "T.; 'JT.: .. f Powell waa couhty clerk for about -flv .years'. We ' was first appotntetf to the office by the'eountir board tn June. m.'fA fill the unexpired term of H. C wheeler, whose deallt created a vacancy, Powell secured the RepublU?aa-oina--( . t Ion. for county clerk In 180 and ; elected. 'Two rears later he was again a candidate and waa re-elected for an ' other two years' term. Ha went out of ' office In July, 1(14. but was appointed chief deputy by his successor in . the ; office, H. C Bmlth.r , : .. . v,. . ... Jndre'alorelaad Xaew of XX i . The fact that Powell waa short, In his . aeeounta became known to certain ' of the then county officials, -but sp peers to have been hushed up and no leiral pro ceedings were Instituted against ' him. J. C. Moreland. who wsa then county Jndge, admlta that he knew that Powell -had failed to pay over delinquent taxea ..which he had collected aa county clerk. but says thst he suppoeed the thortsge : waa subsequently made good. , The rec ords Indicate that this waa not the a?rave Irregularities were discovered - In Powell's accounts early in-IStl. aooa after he was electsd for the first time. At expert Investigation by Robert Fyfe resulted Un- ar report that Powell waa short to the extent of tt.IS8.tO,. Thla report . is Otltt .. on file In the county clerk's office. NotwitbsUndtnc this -disclosure Powell wss re-elected county clerk in the following- year. , A atltl greater shortage arose hter. burlnff the period that Powell was county, clerk tbe records of hla office were kept with extreme csrelesenees, and some Important papers that should . be among the files sre now missing. 'Whether this Is the consequence of ao- rldent. or design can only., bo conjec tured. ,. ; , , One Bepaymen oa aeoord. ' Jlerent Investlgatlona of the county recorda, coveting a part of Powell's oc cupancy of the office of county clerk, ahow that in a single year hla shortage amounted to $. 441.74 In addition to the shortage shown by the Fyfe repotl "The records also ahow thst when his last term expired July 1. 14.. he waa at in tn debt 16 the county foe other col- lections subsequent to and not Included In this shortage to the amount -of at 'least lUM.It.v'"') K ' This last named sum. waa repaid by " him to the county, some months after he ceased to be county clerk, but bo evidence has yet been found that any 'part of the prior - shortages were ever made good. The records Indicate there fore that Powell Is today a defaulter to the extent .of IMOO or' more. The first public Intimation of a short age In Powell's accounts wss given by .the report of the expert. Babert Fyfe, who waa employed In the latter part of ltte to Investigate the accounts of various county officials. . Thla report Ts on file at the courthouse.' , - - , ' , Fyfe's report waa dated February 11. DEEMS.CLASSIC ART CORRUPTS-MORAUS ' (Jearael InecUt lervles.) t . Richmond, Va.,- March t. A fine of ttt and .one day In Jail 1 the sentence ' passed on the- proprietor of th Rich- mon4 Art company by a, police Justice here. Th proprietor was found guilty of displaying. works of art .wlvlch the Judge considered Injurious to the mor als cf "the youth of the city. - Picture were' brought in the court and dhown the Judge Thg pictures thei Judge passed on as tending to corrupt morals were ."Psy ehea Hath" by Sir Frederick Jvelghton, ; :; , . .' .' " ''. fair; orth- RTE WT V A PPHi ivITPn T I MAPf-TA U: i ';.".-. V"-.'... But . Records Show of $6,400 More Attention to Defalcation 1191. and covered the year that Powell was county cterk ' by appointment, aa well aa the flrat seven months of his first -term by election. Fyfe found that Powell's shortage on 'delinquent taxes which he had collected aadVfafled to pay over to the county treasurer amounted Febsdary , 1M1, to tl.58l.ta. and in the course of hla -report tie made fre quent reference that Powell waa la the habit of retaining in Mi hands such cole lections for many - months after - they were received. One ' payment made by Powell, November tt, 18t0. covered col lections extending as far beck aa July z. lSSt, a period of It months: The law provides that ' tax collection Shall be paid ovey to tho couiSty treasurer' every week. . ', ' ?'-,.'. - . s One 'payment of ' ttlf.64 waa made by Powell to the county treasure De cember" It; ' !. - and concerning thla item -Tyre s report say: . t i "When the' payment of was made, hla TPowelKsV collections amount ed to ti.oT.tI. leaving unpaid to the treasurer t751 .41. This waa about e ae thlrd for the .county and two-thirds, for Mvr-Powell. The neat .paymeat-waa made October, 14, Jtte. tMis. which Included the 'sum of t4 for taxes eoUeoted by him between May 14. lltt, and the date of hla appointment to suo- ceed the late R. C Wheeler a rather long time to nora uua money out tone year aad four months) which makes it very apparenf-thar-' thla- examination forced the payment." rr -t : : In a subsequent portion of the report Fjrre aaya: - , , "He (Powell) haa not as yet (Feb. ruary , 111.) made a single payment on account of. delinquent tax collections of year 18, collected by him since rolr wss handed la by eheriff-early in July, last year." Under the, caption of "delinquent school taxes collected and not; paid to the several school clerks, as at October XI, 18." the report shows thst Powell waa delinquent in the sum of ttlt.14. County taxes collected by . Powelk but not paid over were found to amount to ll.074., making the . total shortage In addition- Fyfe found gross . over charges by Powell for making out the assessment rolls In 180. and the report atatea that they amounted to at least tl.ztt. This sum la not included In Fyfe's estimate of ahortage and does not enter Into (the present computation of tho extent to which Powell waa In default. The report conduces: "During my business experience of over t years I have not run across such 'a mesa of rottenness - aa thla ex amlnatlon proves." . ' Fyfe's report waa made pnblle at the time when - It was presented and ex- cited much comment, but It waa decried by Powell and hla friends aa personal attack, prompted by private aad politi cal animosity. It seems to have had little effect, . for . Powell . waa elected county clerk only a little more than a year afterward. :; '. aeeotd 9t raqnlrlea Whatever animus there may have been In Fyfe's report, tho evidence of the records can scarcely . be gainsaid. It la known that subsequent Investlga tlona of Powell's office were made but the reports of the 1 experts have disap peared and cannot now be found. In view of th damaging evidence of the records the disappearance of these re ports . seema significant. Thev were made while Powell waa count clerk and while- he had charge of the records ot the. ornce. A complete examination of th records daring all of Powell's term of office Is matter of much , difficulty and re. (Continued on Page Eight) and "Naiad" by Raphael. ' Another pic ture ia that of rare and beautiful design- and execution, "Conversation," by Schweninger. It showed a -woman at rest upon a green sward Idly chatting with a bird perched on a low hanging bough. The woman had on little more than the bird. "Lorelei." a still more famous pic ture, was passed on aa obscene. A pic ture that called for extended comment from the i Judge waa ,Ths Oriental Dream,'! .by Tojettt, . The Art enmpaay . refused to accept in sentence sua apoeaiea. 4 . a- t i sr- l - -aw ""sew- & m - . a nuibi k ' m. PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY. EVENING. MARCH ReUtnre tw or . ) ' , , -V, - .'KS::m-'f:.., . Parfon( Offender ProvidThy VUlJiAvn Town. . - 7 " . . 'v FIND -t-K. Honolulu 1 Chem'a . Report Announcet DiMpvery o .Small Amount of SchWiniinl&IStorifdr New ( "Anaiiuspect5efvant .-'- t t , r-r--,', i..r . ... t ; ...i i l , (JeerBal.Speelal Servlee.) , , ! Honolulu. March t.Strycbnlne :rwas found In the stomach or-Mrs. Stanford. Thla la the authoritative announcement made thla morning-' by High Sheriff Henry following the report made to him by the analytical chemist. Supplement ing this announcement the high sheriff declared hla belief that a' member of the Stanford household now In San Fran cisco ia the murderer. The sheriff Is withholding the name, but will give It kto the, San Francisco detective Imme diately topon their arrival here. - He re fuses to say whether or not th name waa cabled to th police officials in Ssn Franciacoi - . - ..; t According to the report of the chem ists only a alight trace of atrychntne waa found tn -tho stomach,- but they are satisfied .with the result of their and wQI Immediately begin an other examination. rThla Will occupy about- four days, i - Tbe chemists, sasert positively that the bottle of bicarbonate contained strychnine, one dose of the mixture be ing sufficient to kill any strong person. If It ia decided to ship the remains to Saa Francisco tbe relatives will consent to having tho remains shipped on the Alameda,- and live Inqweat wilt not be held until Dr. Jordan and other repre sentatives of the Stanford estate who sailed from Saa Francisco on the Ala meda Saturday arrive her. - . - n. v,7y. xm hoy, (Jeareal RpeeUt BemVe.) ' v ,' Saa Francisco, March,. The-ehlef of police : thla afternoon- denied that' the DnnccvciT w a nice ' j HIS NEW CABINET Cortelyou Vice Wynne , Is Sole k . Change- Miller of Oregon - Consul to Yokohama. ! (Jeersal gpeelal ervlre.) Washington, March t. The president today nominated air the" present mem bers- of tbe cabinet to succeed them selves with - the exception of Wynne, who was succeeded by O. B.. Cortelyou a poetmaater-generaL - Wynne was named aa consul-general to London. , . , The t president nominated ' to be - am bassadors: -. Whltelaw . Reld of New York to Great Britain. Robert S- Mo Cormlck of Illtnole to France, Qenrge V. U Meyer of Maasachosett to Kus-sla,-Bd win H. Conger -of Iowa to Mex ico, and Henry White or Rhode Island to luiy..' - , - ' - . Henry - Lawson of . WshlngtUH "was nominated to be minister -to Belgium, Robert U-Devlin of California to 'be United States attorney for the northern district of California, Jsmea Wicker- aham of Alaska to be United States district Judge of Alsska, Henry B." Miller of Oregon to be consul at Yokohama. Hunter Sharp of North Carolina to be consul at 'Kobe, , Japan; Thomaa Bam mona of Washington . to "be- consul at NlUchwang. and J. Linn Rogers of Ohio to he consul-general st Shanghai., The' senate adjourned at t.ti o'clock. after eonfirnjlng the nominations for th cablnl L ' .'" ' I ', inow in ,&an r rancisco--rr Honolulu, eheiiff disclaimed responsibility-" for the cablegram- saying-' that strychnine was found In the bicarbonate. Private icablegrama from Honolulu? say that the police and newspaper there are making a sad mess of the case. - A' rep resentative of a private detective agency working on the case had a conference with tho-chief this morning, but the na ture of the talk was not divulged. Nei ther the police nor representatives; of the Stanford ' estate have advice $rom Honolulu this mornlng. . , - " . v .: Following se closely upon the receipt of the cablegram from the - sheriff of Honolulu denying responsibility for the message sent over, his name In which It was stated thst strychnine waa found In th bicarbonate of soda, . the local police are more confounded than ever. At least they-pretend to be confounded, but - there. Is - an Impression that they are almply "stalling"' for "the. purpose of clouding - every , development - until the inquest. ' '.-.' , Chief of Pollco flpillane la quoted this morn big aa saying that tho case had "Mown - up.", presumably on the as sumption that the chemists had failed to find tncea of . strychnine' .- in Mrs. Stanford's stomach. . This statement Is not taken,; seriously, snd its 'evident Insincerity-' ia strengthened by the an nouncement that ex-Butler Beverly and Mlaa Richmond, the former- maid, will again be interrogated by the police. thla afternoon.- . , . ,- Tho chemist's report la expected to day hut there ia little likelihood that It will be made public until lntroduoed aa evidence at the inquest. . ) - MAYOR SAYS SLOT ; MACHINES MUST GO Instructs! Chief Hunt to Order Them Out of Cigar Stores and Saloons. - - ' Alt nlckel-ln-th slot mschlnea must go, according to a aUtement made bv Mayor Williams this afternoon. ' He aaya he will give ordera to Chief of Police Hunt to notify all cigar and saloon men that they must remove their slot ma chines Immediately. . He has taken this stand because the council passed an ordinance at the laat meeting' revoking the license of ft a month on th machines, on the "ground thst they are Illegal gambling devices. tv tnea to carry-out the views of ths council aa to slot machines."' aald ha r ir tney passed an ordinance prohib iting them to run for merchandise, and I carried that out. "Next th imaaed sn ordinance licensing them, and I carried that out Now they have paaaod an or dinance absolutely prohibiting slot ma chines, and t Intend to execute thl or dinance aa I have the others." 1. . - : ..- .j, TAJtSS BOOTHS OW BATS. ' (Rpeetal IMeMtek ta Tke JeeraaL) ' -IWeiser, Ide- March' . Mrs. Ger trude Lngsn will probably die from an attempt to commit suicide' by means of rough on rats. She: la separated from her husband and lllqes 1 said to be th aua. . ' f v 11111 6, 1805. FOURTEEN PAGES. FIGHTING llFANMIGAIi ifURY t s - ..V. 4. -sin . i - -i ' - Ij . TK. rS :: Undaunted by Hunger and Terrific Rain of Shell' Which ' Strew .'Tthe Ground With' Dead JapaViee,Pres Foiiward Toward ';r uaies- ot . muKoaritrivrcing-ivuropoTKiq 9 wni ' (Jeoraat gpeelal Dei ilea.) ' ' London, March t. Eleven day ' ' of fierce fighting for possession of Mukden still leave th clfy la th hands" of Kuropatkia, although hla line of de fense have been pleroed 'in a doaen places, both' hla right and left wlngs1 turned and his line of retreat seriously endangered. .'v .-..'4 " All of yesterday and today a fierce artillery duel, the greatest modern his tory has known, hss been In progress. From thousands of cannon shells have rained into the Russian fortifications. many of them dropping lntothe city Itself. ' . ,- .' ; - ' ' Russian reports state that Kuropatkln haa launched a blow at Oyama'a left center. Juat east of the railroad. .The fighting Is desperaV) along gjmost the enure une. . Russlsn losses In killed and wounded op to lasmightara 23.900. Japaneas losses are believed to be fully 40,000, ' Pee troy Imperial Tombs. ' All of the Chinese villages south of Mukden have been destroyed and the Inhabitants have fled In. terror. - The im perial tombs are being ruined by the heavy siege guns used by the Japanese. .Thousands of dead and wounded strew the ground and quantltlea of atorea and mnnttlone have been destroyed. - - - - The Japanese continue then- tactics of following up their artillery bombard ment with bayonet attacks. - Saturday night and Sunday morning the heights west of Mukden on the .Rusisn right were captured, the Japanese charging serosa the level and storming the Rus sian rifle pits at the aummlt of the hill .which eompfised th second Rn of de fenses, driving, the Russians out with fanatical bravery. The advantsg was quickly followed and before the de moralised Russians could recover an other attack was begun. In the mean time a large Japanese detachment movod down,' raking the Russlsns on the flank. Within an hour the entire Russian right wss in confusion snd-flight, the Japan ese taking many guns an their irresisti ble progress eastward, . , Orama1 Use a Bow; . Oyama'a army resembles a huge bow, with Its base on .the -Bhakhe river. His right arm reaches east of Fushun and the left extenda west of Mukden. He la steadily , drawing, the and of th-bow together. ,-,. Kuropatkln reports that, on Sunday It attarka were made by the Japanese upon Putlloff hill, sll of which, weye re pulsed.' . Desperate fighting. and the heaviest artillery -duel of the war la raging In the vicinity of the Shakhe bridge, where futile attacka have been made on the Russian fortlflcatlona. Nogl's vetersns from Port Arthur are fighting with the same desperate courage they exhibited in the capture of the fortresa and ad vance to the attack shouting !n, Rus slsn: "Out of the way fqr us; we are from Port Arthur!'' Their heavy losses leave them unshsken. " :- - Neejl'a attarka were made after forced marchea of five or .six days, yet. the, vetersns entered the battle and have fought-day after day with the greatest dash and vigor. Those taken prisoners have- dropped to the ground utterly ex hausted, not having eaten for two daya . f - ' Approach tag Stakdeav,- ' 1 - The Jananeew advance "left', haSj caps, tured a position ow high ground four miles south of Mukden. i Tbe Russlsn right - flank - southwest and south of Mukden contiguous tn the railway.-has been cernpletely -turned by the Japanese X- r,-,v-.'....;.-.V;...':. I-.:..-..';'. : ' The A I-"-' ' WITH '; t forces under command of General Oku. The carnagealong the -whole line1 haa been enormous "The Japanese In-many places, especially fa-the center.-threw away Uvea th beating s gainer the Rus sian fortifications. ,The -demonstrations against the center were apparently in tended to cover the. attack, n the flanks.- ;.. ; .''f;--jV- ". . ".- V rv,; A fierce battle 'has raged all- day -to-day without cessation. The Japanese nave concentrated . their energteson Mschntpu, but have? been dls- lodge the Russlsna In his latest report General Kuroeat- kth says thst the various attacka made by the Japanese', have ' Me a repulsed. Mention to also made of th capture of two Japanese maenme guns. , - ELECTEDfiY ZEMSTVOS. mtiaaatam to ' - sssla Torture yew Outrage. '(Joeraal gpeeUl aerrlee.V ; ', , St. Petersburg, March f. It la .an nounced 1 that If the election of a. work men's delegate to the Schidlousky com mission Is not completed In -ehree) days. tho commission win be annulled. It la reported that th proposed repre sentative assembly shall be created aa a separate council of administration, ex ercising limited functions of legislation. The - deputlea will be elected by ' the semstvos. . .-..-.j- -.- .,.... It Is reported that the police have been torturing; the assassin of Serglus by giving" Trim only salt fish" to eat and re fusing him anytbtng'to drink. In an ef fort to compel him to make a confession of a terrorlat plot Bo far all efforts have failed. - - . , 4,ntl-8emltte outbreaks are' reported from many parts of Russia during the last few days. . At Minsk a mob of 1,000 fired all the houses' In Rattovoskja street snd plundered Jewish shops. Riot ing has eoriUnoed for three'days.- The-cssualtlew-'were 1 killed and .over SO injured. At VoSxa three are reported killed and 1(3 Injured. ', rum xm bsa. y.. . (normal Rperlal Bervlce.) . Alexandria. F.gypt March t. The Russian Baltic fleet ta reported seen In the Red ea. The Russian vessels, used search light oa sll passing vessels 1 ' ' 1 ...... - ... .tabmotjtb; ba SU SPSS OS. (Jnernel Special Bllt. Halifax, Msrch . The Bank of Tar mouth auspended "today. ' . v The i .-. ., . '. f '.. KNOX IS ATTACKED LJ I I f -.r-r.--... (. (Joamal Rperla Rervlee.l . Pittsburg, Msrch t.That Senator P. Xt ' Knox, at present' In Florida for his health, suffering, keenly of Bright dis ease and that he may never again sit in the senate. Is the story brought to Pitts burg todsy by a prominent Republican 'Just hack from Florida.- -f - -u . The Informant rlatma thst It has been known In Inner political n- 1 ( r r e time thst the story of t t ferlug f."o r-t t -, 1 Sunday Journal , ' I lYesterday Wis 1 e J PRICE 'FIVE CENTS. J. J, Hill Wins Find De cision in Northern i n securities Case. ' CONTROL OF RAILROAD o TO REMAIN UNCHANGED Northern Pacific and Burlington Remain Under Present Man : ri: agement Ham Lewis ' , ; Petition Is Denied. " i ' aearssl gpeelal terrlce.) . Washington, D. C, March . - Tli suprems court today. In the case of the -Ha rr I man Intlests against the North ern 8ecurtttea,company, affirmed (he de-,. clalon of the circuit court allowing th . distribution of aharea In . the posses sion of the ecuretles company, among the llnea Included in the company. ' Tbla la a final defeat for the: HarrlmaA interests. . ." The decision allows the desired pro rata of distribution asked- for by Hill. Ths motion of J.' Hamilton Lewis to in tervene on behalf of the Continental Se curity company was glenied. The , de- -ctslori waa a surprise, aa .lt was pot ax pected for. several weeks, '. - . Tbesaa- waa Jtrought by Hsrrlman. Rockefeller. Kukn, Loeb Co. and oth- . era against ' J. J. Hill, J. Pierponfc Mor gan and others, and involved the con trol' of the Northern Pacific and a half Interest In the Burlington. The. decision rendered todsy insures to .the Hill In-' tercets the control of these lines. The litigation Is the aftermath of the decision-rendered. by the supreme court laat year declaring fhe Northern Securi ties company Illegal.. Han-lmfta demand- ' ed the return of the actual Northern. Pa elf io aharea that he put Into the.oonv. blnstlon, whjch-lf he bad secured them wuld have meant control of the road. Hill and Morgan, In- dissolving -the Se curities company, orrered to . pro-rats so 'many aharea of4he Northern Paciflo and so many of -ths Great Northern, Which haa the effect of putting Harrl- mnn, lit the minority in the Northern Pa- s cific, t ; ' -, ''!. - : v. . - . , . The Northern "Securities company waa", formed -in the Interests, of the Great Northern, snd consisted of a merger of the Northern Pselflo snd Oreat North ern, holders of railroad stock surrender-, Ing 16 for stock. In tho Securities com- , pany. which also acquired a controlling Interest In the Burlington: When tho merger waY declared illegal a plan of pro-rata distribution was sdopted. - gtv -lng-each, stockholder shares ft) Individ- ual roads Instead of the stock originally; put Into the' combine.' ."TVTT ' . ' 4 PANAMA BOUNDARY ISft v SETTLED BY NEY TREATY - ' V . ' ' ' r ' 1 J'-'' '!" 1; - . (Joeraal 'Special Soniee.1 .' -'., Washington, D. C.. March .--Mlnlate Barrett of Panama has cabled) the state department that ; the treaty ' has beea signed between Panama and Costa Rica, settling the boundary dispute. WYNDHAM RESIGNS AS SECRETARY.OF IRELAND (Jaersal Special-avrvtaa.! ''..'' " London, March - f. In the house Of oommong today Premier Balfour an nounced 'the realgnatlon of George) Wyndham aa chief secretary of Ireland. MANY BEEF TRUST MEM ! HVf MUST GIVE TEST! I'O.'JY -", (Jearasl gpeelal serrlee.ji ' ',' " Chicago. March. . Twenty more sub poenas, bringing the total " above JW, were issued -today tar employs snd members of the beef trust to sppear be fore the federal grand Jury, March 30. . ; BVBIB9 AT BOSBBtraa. ' ' ' (Heeelsl tHepatrh The Joernal.) ' Roseburg. Or.. Msrch . John Keares waa burled here yesterday afternoon. He died Friday at Portland, where hla home had been for two -years.' Befor thst time he waa a resident of this eectlon. Two eons are now living ip thla vicinity. I ML IY-Ia--. a bluff and that his aliment was moo serious. This fart, ' R Is declare-t. 1 been secretly discusMht for m but the Pennsylvania f'' Washington . snd . Prer; t having "been apprise r slated that the nnm I Ids. Tbe story Is developed Brir ts d Of sn stlsek of f t utlor 1 t r' ' f-t I Sunday Journal SSI -V':