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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1905)
'I STAWFOPJ)ilLLIOWS :ur4 1.1'. 1. Last Wi!l of Poisoned Woman Daqueafois Three Millions to Croth: rs and Relatives, Fifteen Thousand to Bertha Ber. . f - ''Z ne'r,'and a .Thousand Each to pid Servants. y; ; frllL'.EROUS BEQUESTS-XO CHARITABLE I N STJ TtlTI OfJ S- vVy-Vo ' ":-tT yhu--x- ' - "V v ' :'.;'(V 4 ' Residue of Estate Goes to Leland C:rr;rd 1 Urfverelty-ejTiiSly: V Relics to Be Placed n Museum- V.".:;::iw Reid Is Named :' : 'One of .the Executors- rcr.ifty ' for Contests. '.;';-j-''.;Ti - f -r . (SpecUl Dispatch bj IiNMd Wire to The Journal) : V, a Francisco. March 4. The tet of . . the will of Mrs.'Jan Lathrop Stanford 'c Zouows; . " . In ( nam of Ood, amen. ;1"Jim v- Lathrop ' Stanford : of - the,' county of - Santa Clara., state of California, widow . of Leland Stanford, deceased, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, . ami' mindful of the uncertainty of life. do make, publish and declare this to b ' my last will and testament, In the man ner following, that Is to say I-give and bequeath to the Union Trust com pany of Ban Francisco, a corporation or- t ' ganlaed and existing under the laws of . ,,- tne state q.r caniornta, toe sum ox . 000,000 to have arid to hold the same in , trust for ' the following uses and pur ' poses, that' la to aayj , . :v,, ,.t-': ., 'i.Brsttat tret BBIHon. V. ' ' ' A -1 1 authorise.' empower and direct -' said' trustee to Invest -said- sum of $1. .'000,009 in flrst-tlas bonds or other -so-' i eurltie, as It nay deem bents and to pay over at regular lntervalath entire ln ' come arising' fromr 1 1.00.004 thereof to ' my brother, Ariel JLathrop of Albany, N. v T.; for and during the term of It is nat ural life, and. upon his death he has no children or descendants) this trust shall cease and determine as to one half of said-trust property, that 'is to say, k -aa to-tl.44o.00t thereof, and the said sum ' or the property In which it may be in vested shall belong-to and be delivered to his relatives as follows, via: - . t.'rOne half thereof io his brother, - Charles Gardner Lathrop. end the other ors half-to-th- descendants of his -a-)'' ceased brother. Daniel Shields Lathrop ' ' in the proportions of one third to bis daughter Jennie L.'Lowton, one third to : his daughter. Amy Gardner Hansen, and r--v he remaining one-third In equal shares to Daniel S. Gunning aod-Amy L. Qon ,'alng. thachlldren of Christine L. Our--. ntng, .' the deceased daughter, , of , Daniel - Shields La throp, deceased. t v BTtaosn Uraosisaerit. . . J ... - B To pay aver at regular intervals to my niece, the said Jennie L. Lawton, . . :' the fu.11 one third of the net Income -arising fiwnI.8vT060UTe ol&ir one , - half of such trust fund,-for and during1 the term ef her natural lifa,.and upon , her death this trust shall ceasa and de- teemine - as - to one . third of - said ... . tl.00.0v0, and the said one third of .said ll.000.e0v shall belona te andbe --delivered rto- the tchild qr children of ssid Jennie L. Lawton, V , , C Td pay over at regular Intervals ' '- to my, the full - one third, of the ' net Income . arising 1 rfeem"Baid;il.M,00. tMlng one half -of - -aald trust fund, tor an during tae term ' ' of heV natural life, and upon her death : thla trust shall cease and determine as , , to one third -of said tl'.OOO.OO. and the , said one third of'. said 11.000.000 shall . belong to and be delivered to the child . or children of said Amy L. Hansen, v . r'li'.-' Oaan fov wraad Slaaen. . f D To' pay over, one naif to each, at ' . regular Intervals, to said Daniel 8. " Gunning and Amy I dunning, the - children of my deceased niece, Christine L. Gunning, one third .of the net In come arising from said f 1.000.000, the 'aald one half of said , trust property, until such time as the younger of the ' two shall reach the avgn of It years, at ; which time thla trust, snail cease and determine as to -on third. Of said 11.000.000, the one half of aald trust : . property, and the said one third shall ..'t. belong, to and be delivered to said -t .Daniel end Amy "1 Gunning, absolutely and In their own right, share and share ; alike, and free from all trusts; pro vlded. however, if either should die be , fore the younger attains the age of XI ' . years, this iruat shall eeas and deter r mine as to, one half of said one third of $1,000,000. and -that proportion st the i trust property shall belong 'to and be ( i delivered to the children-of the one so dytng, or. If there bo no such children. ,, then to the other; and the trust shall . thereafter, continue-as to to other one , half of said one third of Il.000.e00 tgitll ' the survivor reaches the ago of IS years, at which time tho trust as to the re , malnder of said one third ef tl.000.000 , shall oease and determine and the prop--. arty shall belong to and be delivered to ' said survivor; but If such survivor dies . . before attaining such age of tt years this trust shsll then oease and deter ,. mine, and the trust property shall, be long to and be delivered to his or her interest .. . Tea. any number, or houses -for It a point to dally read these ad; slrable plane offered "to let" In the city, i Thla morning's paper, con-, tajns on unusual number.. Turn to the classified pases and read them.. -At 114 Third street you can procure , "single .rooms. 'bay .window, and also housekeeping rooms- at reasonable rates,"; This Is a nice location.-- Why .not call and see the), rooms ""Vy. Have yon a troues end Iwff lots to . etchange for "10 H acree," fair.! .buildings and plenty of fruit" The address to this ad Is under bead ing ,?To Exchange." :,',.-.,; -:'" J.;' -' TodaV's' "For Sale Miscellaneous column Is one ef Innumerable -interesting advertisements. You'll find nearly everything to sell In it that's known to the household.- Ifsi worth anyone's time to take a look ' over them, as many rare bargains are found.. ' ; t . "' . Out of workl Then read the "Help Wanted Mala' er Female" ads.. There are offers msde to good, earnest, ambitious workers that mean j much. Then, too, if you are too good- for the - present ' position - you , are holding, there's chances for advancement, through these , columns. -Spare a moment and see todays.-.--". " -t..' i'r :.,'.-'" , '! Standard Steani Carpet J Cleaning ; (Under New JCorpeiii cleaned,' refitted, tewed and laid. .1 Mattresses and X ";.!;'-. ;; feathers renovated. ) '..:',-:" 'V- CORNER EAST THIRD NORTH AND PACIFIC STREETS " J ...-, k Phone East 280. - Residence, Phone East 5045. ? u AX VOU OAXJUC9 ; W A. MERRIMAN and C o5 M4 children: or, If there be none such, than to his or ner helra at law. . . if. 2. 'I give and bequeath to my brother. Charles Gardner Lathrop, the sum of 11.000,000. -. , ; ... .- t J. I give and bequeath tb Miss Ber tha Berner, secretary and devoted friend to me through It years of trial and sor row, the sum of $16,000. , ; 4. . To the following faithful and de voted servants M.ra. Charles Robertson, housekeeper . for 14 years; to Charles Wooster, ooachraan for over 40 years; to Edward Largely, valet to my husband for 1$ years; to John Kelly gardener and caretaker of our - home in Bacra -men to. Cel., comer Eighth and N street, in our servlca for 41- yea rat to Ah Wing, servant for .20 years to each and every one I give and bequeath the sum of tl.000.'.4-i.-:. V ,-. ' i. I give and bequeath to the Old La dlea'.hom in Albany, state of New Tork. bt Which J4rs."Jen. Frederick Townsend Is tor was) president, ' the sum of $10. 000. ... . . ' " ' 1 4. 1 give and bequeath to tb Protest ant Orphan asylum of Albany, state of New York, of which my dear father was treasurer for 15 years or more, and of which Gen. John F. Rathbone wan presi dent, the sum of f 10.000. .-A 7. 1 give and bequeath to the Be nevolent and Protective Order of Elks of San Francisco,. CaL. of which my d ceaaed brother Henry .C, Lathrop was a member, that the society may bear him In loving memory, and for-the benefit of the poor and needy of that organisa tion, the sum of tlO.000": - . 1 give and bequeath to the Hospi tal for Children and Training School for Nurses, at No. 1700 California street, Ban Francisco,. Cat, af which Mrs.. W. B. Harrington la .president, the aum of tlO.000.- -, i ,'-vVj'.:..'-; ."'v xospitalg (ret Baare. .;'.;.?'. ' t. T give and bequeath; to the Cali fornia Woman's hospital, at No. till Bacramento street. San Francisco, CaL, of which John Bermlngham la president, the-sum of $10,000.- r . t v ia i Hve and beoueath to . the. Sis ters of the Holy Family,, for the benefit Of the children under their care, their convent being at No. 0 Hayea street. Ban Francisco. CaL, the sum of $10,000. 11; I give and bequeath to the He brew Home, for the Aged and Disabled, at ' No. 107 Lombard street. Ban Fran cisco, Cat..' of which Samuel Pomck Is prenldent the sum of tlO.000. 12. ' I give' and bequeath to the trus tMi 'iif Mu Home of Benevolence, at Lvieventh and Martha streets., Ban Jobs, EaX he. sum ox to.vvo. j,. r , ,. , f . . : Oonefw' BitMM. -. . '-ia' give and bequeath to the Shel ter! ns Arm society, at First and Hum boldt streets, San Jose, CaL, the sum of 11.000. ' -"'Vi ' -i 14. , I give and bequeath to the Col lege Of Notre Dame, corner of Santa Clara' and Santa Teresa streets.- San Jose, Cel., In recognition' nd memory of the kindness shown to me and those 1 .love by the sisters In Charge Of the same, the sum of $4,000. ' " If. -I give and bequeath to the San Jose Sanitarium and Home, on Race street, near Ban Jose, Cel.. the sum of $1,000.- .' ( .,':. ... - - - 14. I give and bequeath to the 8a Francisco. Protestant Orphan Asylum society, Hslght street, between Laguna and Buchanan streets, San Francisco, CaL. of Which Mrs. William Alvord was formerly president, the sum of $5,000. IT.' I give and bequeath ' to the Ro man Catholic Orphan asylum. N street South, between Klghteenth , and .Twen tieth streets. San Francisco.' CaL. under charge of the Sisters of Charity, the sum of -IS.009. ' 1 ' - , " .11. I give and bequeath to the Arm! tare orphanage of San Francisco, with orphans ire at San .Mateo, CaL. and of which Mrs. Austin Tubbs Is president, the sum of $,00. . , . ., - . , v -f; '... ' Ssteto la Bonds.'' It. I hereby direct, and it la my will that each and all of the- beauests made Jn. the -foregoing paragraphs be, . and the same . are . hereby,' modified, and changed so that- in case 'my estate shall to any large extent consist of bonds, aa It does at present, the said , bequests may, la .whole or in part, at the discre tion or opinion of my executors, be paid partly In such . bonds and ' partly In money, each bond of the par value of rent t ir you want to move, ' make thsy contain . some of the most de-v eeeieejeeeeeeeeee ee Com pany Management) ; FOR AJDt SRUTRBRO. G.,1 NORTH Proprietor.; V -1 eee one thousand dollars being taken and considered as the equivalent in value Of one thousand dollars irt money, and bonds of the pgr value of five hundred dollars as the . equivalent in value, of five hundred 'dollar In money. Since executing former wills a kind providence has brought about more favorable conditions Tin . the affairs of the estate left me tft my beloved hue band, and for thla reason I have greatly enlarged my gifts to the Leland Stan ford Junior University and X now feel justified in enlarging, as I have done In thla will, my bequests to. my relatives and friends 'and different charities, which have been ever dear to my heart, ' Wardrobe tot University. ' i-' ' f 0. All my wardrobe and wearing ap parel, all household linen In my city and .country homes and - all toilet articles of my own,- my dear husband's and son's, Leland Stanford. Jr., I direct shall be distributed by my brother, Charles Gardner LathrOp, according to his best Judgment, between himself and his .daughter, Jennie Stanford Lathrop. The .wardrobes of my dear son. Leland Stanford. Jr., and of my beloved hus band, I give' J.o my . brother, Charles Gardner Lathrop, knowing he .. will carry out my wishes In regard thereto; and I also give and bequeath to my said brother all stiver pistes as Is not men tioned as having already been given to the trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior unlveralty, i-: V " ,' ,r i :' Silver Slnaw FM4v 11. All silver. In the house "at cor ner -of Powell and California streets, San Francisco,- Cel.,' and In "my country home ' on the Pale Alto farm, Santa Clara oonnty, all the Elklngton dinner set and ornaments, gold-plated service, dinner plates, gold Russian spoons, salt cellars, egg cups, special gifts of af fection ' from my husband, and other sliver, are designated already In a deed of gift to the trustees; also all works- or art, paintings, curios, china, of rare quality, photographs, rare eld furniture, vases, docks,, statues of all kinds, marbles, bronses, mosaics of all kinds, marbls busts, already given to the trus tees from my home at Palo Alto farm and San Francisco, also included and to be placed in the museum as aforesaid named, i, and 1. hereby confirm the gift of the articles mentioned in this para graph.; ''!.-; '. v' . . ; .' Talveraitr wlven Residue, j $2. All the rest, residue sad remain der of my property and estate, of every kind and nature - and wheresoever sit uated not . hereinbefore disposed of, J give, devise and bequeath to the board of trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., university, as founded and endowed by my husband and myself by our. Joint grant ef November 11, IStt,, recorded In the county of Banta Clara, In Liber ti of deeds, at page 2$ et seq, and oon- nrmed - by-my-granta, dated November t, 101. to have and to hold to the said trustees and to their successors forever as an Integral part of the endowment of the said university, upon tho trust that the principal thereof shsll. forever remain Intact and that the rents, issues and r profits thereof shall be devoted to the maintenance of said university for tho -uses and purposes .and upon - the trusts in said grant, and to .which, the endowment made by the sal grant la devoted. . " . ,', . 'T' Tleslrer- andr'Ttgarn ratruast pf 1 thr board of trustees of the Leland Stan ford, Jr," university that they shall, as soon as posalble. place and preserve In the museum of the university all arti cles which i have given them from my houses mentioned only excepting what Is given to my brother, Charles O. Lathrop.'" ,-?,. ,-.,. 1 All tne books in my homes. aH eeriod ioala, all things suitable for a library, I desire the .trustees to plaoe as soon as possible In the new library building conneciea witn tne antversuy. Tne ivory painted - breastpin. . sur rounded with small brilliants, picture of my son, and one of tne name of my mother,- and another of large diamonds surrounding It of my husbandI dee ire shall be placed and carefully preserved In on or the oases in the memorial room of my husband in the Stanford Museum building. ;.. ; - . ;. . ' aewe . Vsamed. ' -. s. , IS.', I . nominate ' and . appoint, my brother, . Charles Gardnsr Lathrop, and my friends, Russell J. Wilson of Ban Francisco, Timothy Hopkins of'Menlo Park, Joseph D. Grant of Ban Fran clsoo. Whltelaw Raid of New Tork, and T. G. Crothara of San Francisco . to be the executors of this, my will, . No bonds shall be required' of them, either upon qualification aa executors or for the ' performance of any of the trusts of this wilt, either as executors or otherwise. . ' . it. It Is my solemn wish and de sire that my dear brother, Charles Gard ner Lathrop, who haa been unsurpassed In his devotion and ' loyalty, to me through my trials and sorrows during the past 10 years, and devoted to all the interests left me by my dear hus band ahould be retained In the board of directors of the Pacific Improvement company aa long aa my estate retains any interest therein. . - I hereby request- that the board of trustees of the university shall retain my brother, Charles - O. - Lathrop, as treasurer of and business manager for the board of trustees, he to receive an nually the salary of $13,000, and I trust, for my sake, my dear brother will be willing to retain the position and accept the compensation named, , ,. ' . r- saa1t1sg Provided. , 25. Of the large estate committed to the hands of my husband and myself, I have made what I consider the wlseet end most Just disposition, and the dis position most In accordance with the cherished wlehes long entertained by my Kn,K,iu4 ,nit mv-uiir a rt4 I ab-.ll v,u 1 1 v deplore any attempt to disturb It; and If I an v Amviam or learatee under tim above I written will, or any person who, if I died Intestate, would be entitled to any part of fay estate, - should, either directly or Indirectly, attempt to oppose or set aalde the probate of this will, or to Im pair. Invalidate or set aalde Its pro visions, or to set aside or avoid, or to have 'declared void, null or Ineffectual any transfer or grant made or attempted to be made by my husband or myself to said trustees of said university, then and In that case 1 give and bequeath to such person er persons the sura of $io, snd no more. In lieu of any other share or- Interest under the will or in my es tate: and. I expressly declare and pro vide that to take any part, directly or In directly, In suoh an attempt, shall be held and conclusively deemed to be an election by the person or persona' doing so to take the said $100. and no more. In lien of all Interest tn my estate, and all the rest of the interest that would otherwise, have gone to such person or persons by devise or Inheritance- shsll pans under the residuary clause of the said will.. --I 24. I hereby revoke aa former wills by m at any time made. IT. I wish tnus publicly to acknowl edge my great gratitude to an all wise, loving Heavenly Father, for Hta sus taining grare through the past 10 year of bereavement, .trial 'and disappoint ments. In all t have leaned hard on this great, comforter and found rest and peace. . . - - ' I have no doubt about a future life beyond this: a fair land, where no more tears will .be shed and no .more part ings had. To thla. my last will and testament, I have on this IS thr day of July. A. O. 1101. In the city and county Of San Francisco, state of California, let my hand and seal In -triplicate. ! " JANE LATHROP STANFORD. -4, The- foregoing Instrument, consisting. ikl "IcZZlEtfif Revenue Clerk In San Francisco 1 Charged With Theft on Over : i Hundred Counts. ? ' ADMITS TAKING MONEY - WHICH WAS RETURNED Most Voluminoue Complaint on j.: Record Containing Sixty-: 7 :;' Five Thousand Worths. ; ! 8peetal Dispatch by Leased Wire to The Jooraal) 8an Francisco, March 4v George A. Wright, formerly chief clerk tn the of flee of , Collector of Internal Revenue Lynch, was Indicted by the federal grand jury yesieroay on - cnarges or larceny and embexslement There are lot counts. n tne inuicimenu .de is suargea wiiu holding . out money aggregating about $4,400. 'The money was paid into tha office and held pending compromises. There were &4 cases. , . United States Attorney Woodworth decided to bring three counts in each case against Wright so as to cover all exigencies, - As the ' money was paid Into the office to await the decision of the department In regard to the com promise, . Mr. Woodworth decided that If subsequent rulings were against com promise, tho money belongs to the gov ernment. Otherwise should the compro mise be accepted, the coin would then belong to parties other than tho govern ment. . 8 ; . " .' The complaint charges .Wright with both stealing . and embeasltng . money from the-United States, and the third count with embeaxllng with Intent to defraud from the parties who paid the coin.. .v-. -.' '. V The complaint Is one of the moat volu minous criminal documents filed In the United States,, district -court. It Is 114 printed pages and contains over 44,000 words. - Tho embeamlements are alleged to run from March, .1104, to November 1, when Wright-was dismissed from the collector s office). - - - ' - Wright, who occupied the position of chief clerk, had charge of all tho money paid in pending compromise. Toward the end of November last Special Agent Bert Thomas made .the. discovery that there was a shortage of about $4,400 In Wright's accounts. Wright, when con fronted with the evidence, acknowledged that ho had taken the money and intend ed to "return It. . The amount was made good.t was- stated, by Collector Lynch, and Wright's resignation demanded. ' On Special Agent Thomas' report to Washington, Collector Lynch was or dered to turn the matter over to United States Attorney Woodworth, and Wright was arrested. He gave ball In the sum of'tlO.000. of SI pages, including this page, was bh the day and date thereof, .at the city and county of Ban Francisco, stats of Cali fornia, signed by the above named Jane Lathrop Stanford and by ber published and declared to be her last will and tes tament in our presence, and' we there noon, at her request and In ber pres ence, and in the presence of each other, hereunto subscribed our names aa sub scribing witness es, without respective place of- residence. - i "v MOUNTFORD S. WILSON.. " - . San Francisco, CaL- ' v-tUZ ROBERT O. HOOKER. .... ,V ... .., .- . San Franeiaoo, Calt r v CHARLES H. LOVELL, Oakland, CaL ' T. W. DRAPER, ' -:- . -. San Francisco, .CaL 'i ; 43odloU la Addad, ' ' San. Francisco, CaL. August 10, 1104. I hereby make thla, my codicil to the foregoing wilL I have bought a neck laco of oriental pearl, consisting of six rows or strings; five strings are Joined together by a largo antique clasp of dia monds; one string Is single and haa a clasp of diamonds with a single eme rald center.- X have also three chains for the neck-com posed of small seed nearls, I direct that all be' sold by my executors, ana . aiso . my . private oar Stanford" be sold by them. Also all of my other Jewels which are not In the box of Jewels heretofore given by me to the trustees of the Leland Stanford Jr. university be sold by them, and that the proceeds of all such sale ,Je turned over to said trustee, to be held and used by the aald trustee for ssld uni versity upon tho trust referred to In the foregoing wlIL v. .- . JANE JV STANFORD. - tVook PhotographerNow, Mr. Hornlhaad. Imagine for tc few minute that your Kansas corn crop had overrun all esti mates and that when you had Jt ready for market there was a freight rate war on between the railroad companies, Oar Credit System At..- - Year Service is of ( 'S: 390 Washington, Street ( " Forty-fifth Annual v r A S sets. ...-,".. v ' ' ; v , Bonds and Mortgages..; . $81,623,709.11 U Real Estate in New' York, in; '-ort '0fwi otic -a . eluding tha Equluble Bu-ldlog.,vv,JUo, United StatesV State, " City and t;i f-7-"': , Railroad Bonds and other Invent- ' ' ... ' .'' .--': ments (market value over cost, nna nkn oat V l,l,44J.OO) . ,W,o8'l.UU Loans secured .by'-' Bonds and ...).'.'V'".','-"V'' : 4 Stocks (market value, tU.0t,- . iVeft'! nrtft Aa , ' js.00) . 10,805,000.00 Pojicjr " Loans . , . ... , , ; . .' , ; ; ; c 23,544,489.69 '';;' Real Estate outside; "of j- New V-P'tr -, Tork. Including 14 office , build- r nan Ra i '. lngs , . i,o,oi.Ol i': Cash in Banks and Trust. Com-'9ltl-Si 'J- i'l i paniea ai Interest ;-,Wl,6J0.84 . , Balancedue from agents. . . '. . . ' 1514,639.90 . interest ami rvents. ; . Due t71 4I4.ZB) . Due $71,053.(3, 'Accrued IB49, Premiums . due and in process of . collection ' ; Deferred-. Premiums 'i ......... Total Assets . 7. f.... "i :..V. , We' hereby, FBAKCTS W. JACKSON, Aadltor, "'I LIABILITIES; - Assurance Fund (or Reserve) . . $327,738,358.00 TTAH other Liabilities, ';'; fi,. 5,420,393.53 Tjstal Liabilities ; .7 . . . . ... , . , Surplus . .V. . V. . .1 ' We hereby certify to the correctnees of the" shove statement. The Reserve as per the Independent valua- ,' ' pf the N. T. Insurance Xpartment.Tis 3:.6.S,i:4.' For Superintendent's certificate see DeUUed 8Ute . tlon : menu . - J. a., VA CISC,. Aetaary, , ,' , t ... .'...' - 1 "We have examined the acoounU ''statement.. . "'.. Wat A. WBXKLOCK, T. V. BNTDHIt, C. .... ' . Y "' ''i" ' V'. '...' IAsTMI 'w.- ALBXAMDHrC 'rVeeioest. " . . JAkTM H. sTTTIS, 0 AO '. TARBKLU HeeoOd Viee-rrest. i . , , QKO. T. WILHOIt. Third Viee-Preat. wnXIAM ALKIiNDtt; aaeretary. . rptTBIWtV Aaetr g-eratary, .. a, ' a. iv Bi?iui-u, will, inruwui vi mv- B. BB088, st D.. ssd AKTUU PIXL, M. D.. Medical :l t.'Viy. :7yy j:,V'V; DIRECTORS.-':.- , V '.".'" : . ; -v. - ; w. iLcxAjrosa. james k. hyte. -. tjnvn rmoKRAtn. T" johh a. mewAET. , .- Lvt p. mobton, . ,. Jacob h. grmrr. CHAUKCRT II. DCPrW, A. J. CAMATT. D. O.. 1HLLS, - JAMBS J. HU4 , WH, A. WMBBLOCB. ; KOBT. T. LINCOLX, , , OBO. J. OOCLO. . ' " HAS. g, IMTTH. CORJfEUtlH N. BLISS. OAOB K. TABBBJ.L, . " nwrnTnTrmLmw wl- ALEEAKDBB, OBO. H. BQl'IBJC.- ' sfABTIM HrOHITT. ' TL. OH H- MeCOOK. ' .THOatAB O. JOrAK ! ' WM. H. MelNTTBa A. W. KBBCR. h. f. RAABBTICK. C. B. AMXANDEB,' 1 M. BABTLaTT DODOS.. - ALBZAl'DBB, i DAVID H. atOrPAT. NiweA. BNTDEH. BBATTOM IVEB, V t.rf. e NAVABBO. ' EIDKBT ft BIPLeTX, INatA-f, - , '. BBADI8H JOHKSOH. . ,; M. B. I KG ALU, ' . JOHN BLOAKB. " I- ., -, sr. b tob ruaraaa ramncnrivajss sjdb sbtazlxs OREGON AGENCY, U SAMCBU Manager. MARKETING AMERICAN PRODUCTS IN ORIENT . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmf ' " ; Harriman and Hill Send Experts to Far East to Report on i, Enlarging Markets. : ' (SfwrUl Dtapateh by Leased Wire tt The Jearaal) - San rrancteco. March 4.--Bpth K. H. Harriman and James J. Hill, 'on behalf of their respective railroad lines and oriental steamers are sending experts to the far east to make report on how to enlarge the market In that part of the world, specially in : China, .or American cotton products. A lot of the latter Is already being shlpped to China, but as its value, only amounts to about 11.004.000 out of 1 10.004, 000 total Imports. Hill and Harriman want Advance Showing of Spring Styles wen s Attire . No store can claim credit for displaying a more complete selection, a greater variety or superior grades of Men' a end poys Spring Clothes than we show this season. " Every garment la a decided model of the tailor's highest ' art. Their style, Individuality and general character can only be duplicated ; 'by the. very best merchant tailors. v'-; V. rr-,;T t "v;r.' s -''V. . -.J T "f Sli Our Easy Foment Plan importance td all who reaHae the parel wants bow and paying for same Our prices are the self same as reliable ' stit-nilt Avi9lf-l ' -J ' K ' i . Our Terms Arc $1.00 a , ' ,. BBsnBasBBBMBBBBBBBBBBsBBBBBBBBBl 1 '.".-..".'.'; .;''.'" ' Eastern Outfitting m.THG 8TORQ WHBR8 YOUR CREDIT 18 QOOD1 ..... ..' lie Eqtdtabk Life Assurance Society- Of the United States ; Statement, for the Year Ending' i;:- Premium Receipts V..,", .$62.643,836.71 : Interest, Rents, etc.-l. . .' 16,432,359.21 ; 3.' -.;,',"'; ' ' ' " - J Income ..... .,...,.,.. f ,. ,$79,076,6C3.S3 v :;':;,;-'.'';:;;-!V; 1; IV:... 1 ,;;;V-'d I SBUR SE MENTS. f 'ft ? ) Death Claims . i '. . ', ; , . H V '.$18,049,539.33'., K Endowments and deferred, "f f'.e 'i'l-Vi'' " ' ... . dlvtdend policies i;.9,i0,V0V.l1 Annuities . i - . v.-:,,.... 5,313,5561.0O 2,631,969.00 All other disbursements . ; . . ... . 7,179,318.42 Real Estate Sinking Fund.'. v.. . ' ..$413,953,02a74 T I m 1-. . . mm mm a. m certify to the correctness of the above H. R. CODSflgN, As-latent Aadltor. IXgtALLMXNT POLICIES frTATKD AT TfOtlB OOJOftTEB Ouutanding Assurance . . . . .$1,49542,802.00 .$333,158.751.53' . .$80,784,268.21 New Assurance, less Assurance . ' - ' - " ( - not Uken . ;. .......;, . -$222,820,037.00 BOB'T 0ENDBE8ON. Aaatstast Aetsary.. .'..-.. . . .. ... . . , and AsseU of the Society, and certify to the correctness of the foregoing - , ' : ."s ' ' LBDTARO BLAIB,: CHABXES ETslTAirft SMtTH. H. DOIMK. - ' - . Hpectal Cearslttse M the Base ei-Ptrector--.. T-. THOMAB P. Jordan. Doraptreue. . Y at. mukkat. ij-jaier. - - , 306 OREGOniAn BLDG., OBOBOS S. SMITH, Cashier. to find why American import are so mall. In a comparative sense, and apply a remedy. '..'",' ' They admit that In the past few years their traffic in this respect haa been growing at tha rate -of 41 or 44 per ' cent per annum. But, rapidly aa the demand for American cotton- - 1 growing tn China, they realise that tae demand still represents a very inslgnitt cant fraction of tho consuming capacity of that country. Aa ahowlng the possi bilities of such a market, u.e statement I made that if the consumption of cotton cloth a head of tho Chinese popu lation waa equal to that of the United State, there would not be cotton enough grows In tho world to supply the demand. -. 1 ' It la expected that the report to be mad by the Hill and Harriman experts will bo given to the cotton men of the world, and also to the general govern ment, should It appoint, aa It baa been requested to da a commission to take steps for thv extension of the exports of American cotton goods. advisability of securing their' a little at a time at their convenience. cash stores charge for garments of i ' . . i ' Week or $5.00 a Month' l - . la 39ft WashlngtonStrc:t ..' '',''- j ! '".' '' ""''.' . December 311904 income. -' v i;......-!-V, ,; V 980,349.94 1 1 -1 . - Surrentier Values ..w....;;,; 2,931,305.3d ' Dividends to Policyhoiders.r.:. '6,001,902.51 ! Paid Policyholders' .;.:y.V. 36,388,0470 Commissions, Advertising, i ; y VL'fV, L .. postage and exchange .......... 4,JUU,oO.o - ' 500,000.00 $51,868,651.43 statement ' A.'- w. MAnrg. 'AssKieu Adin. .ASSURANCE. POLICIES KTATKD ATT? .. . , VALVES. ' . a 0. HAItKj AasoeUta Aetaary. 'S' ''. Vlee-P-realoeat.' ? WM. H. MelNTTSB. Foortk Tnee-Praet. r ... . .. ivt i. iii'Lci. Ttimmmr w. a, auanu, tsi. mHDsv . Directors. " : . ' : - E. H. HABRrMAM. . ALFBBD O. VANDBBBTLT. T. JBPPBBSON nooUOGB, .' AtHJl'ST BELMONT, ' RIB WM. C. TAN BOBMB, THOMAS T. BCKEBT. C. LBDTABD BLAIB, . A . JAMEg B. POBOAJt. , r JOBBPH T. I)W. - H..B, WIJfTHBOP. sta PORTLAUD, ORE CCABBNCB Sv SAMTJBU Asst. OUt TtTaUm. . . From the Gallatin (Til.)- Democrat, x Doesn't tt make you weary to read the rot of those rattle-brained idiots of the Chicago press who are repeatedly ridi culing the country -patper on their lo-j calaT These 2x4 - lunch-counter fiend think tt awfully funny when some ooun-i' try newspaper aaya "Hiram Slocum has. old hi HoUteln cow to Ed Childress. 1 But, of course, tt is just the proper caper to aay "Mrs. Prank Oliver Ixrwden ha1 Just returned, from the Epson Lortmerl kennels." . Oh, that' great! That bulli pup would bring about 10 cent tn tho-' dog-pound. - while Slocum' cow would; sell for tot In the dark. Baraua Oua-I ale Davis waa over at Ouarda Point Sun-! day to sea hi best girl they throw a shoo, but if Willlsm Henry Harrison: Pook. the society leader, waa In Milwau- eg Mac Hiumn7 ij wvm mumm jrr.r i w Pabat they -would alobber over half as column ahd have three pictures of Oertl and William Henry on the front page. Oor TLC0 a Week Payment Plan tt Ycut Convenitnee ap-, ' - .'-i U 1 . mmv) Co --Vr-rrrrr 'y. 1