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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1905)
' THE ' OREGON SUNDAY,-JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY ' MOENINO, HAECH . . ltd, 11U1C y - if 'A I EXECUTIVE." " Ballves Ayaaor rut oi Itn - ' Officers of the Midvsls 8tel company had a short conference with Prastdant Rooeevelt while tha president "was In Philadelphia, recently ud nprtiMd " their ' gratitude at tha fair stand taken by Mr. Roosevelt In tha matter t tne ' v armor - plat contract wnich,. through , bis taking .matters la - handV; bad te- suited In tha Mtdvci company obtain ' ing an award lor 1,00 tens, after tha r navy department ' had announced that "tha entire award had been made to tha , - Carnegie and tt Bethlehem Btel com panies f .tha steel trust The manage i meat ot . tha Mldvaie concern aaserts that It will .be able to deliver tha en tire amount contracted for Ions before tha time requirement, and that it' haa ' t already demo nitrated that Its product la equal to any. armor plate made. . j . J Www rareels Post Xraatlea. ' -"" -A treaty -making provision: for a Vys teat of .parcels transportation through - tha postoffro - baa 1 bean concluded b v tvn the United Buii . and Great , Britain, Parcels not to '. exceed four . pounds and sis ounces In weight, and not to -axeead (CO in value, may here ' - after be sent at the rata ot It cents ' av pound, instead of It cents an ounce, - as formerly. 'All kinds of merchandise --!" and articles. usually placed in tha1 malls may, . with specified except ton a, be put in tha parcels carried under the treaty. A almilar arrangement is la process of negotiation with - France, and already wo have such arrangement with Gar - ' many. Norway,.- Belgium, , China " and Japan. . - t f , . ',- f- Swoon tsa iaal OaaaL t '. A aaa -level canal across the- Isthmus of Panama and not. as at llrat .content plated, na with --two- or tthree acta of ., locks, has bean ' recommended by the ismmian canal commission as -reaaioie, f . and there remains -only the ques tion of - increased cost to be approved . before beginning the. actual plans for construction. Tba commissioners And J that a sea-level canal la entirely prac- - i -tleaNe. but that it will coat something jixe mora Than a canal with jocks and will require la years to con: . Struct, as against 10 - years estimated (or th completion of t-o lock canal. v I OwV aaaeiaeja. Hundreds of Russian seeking refugO In this country will bo shut out owing to a rigid enforcement of .tha lmmlgra tkn laws wh-ch Commlssioner-Oaneral argent has directed. -.' -H ' v'-j-t.-jt - No further .leniency ""wlHJ1be shown, - and only those who have the necessary - guarantee that they will not ; become public charges will be landed. ,'. ; . ' Hundreds have 'been refuaod admit tance at New Tork owing to the fact 1 . that they., were proverty-strlckea, and had to ba assisted In coming here by societies in London and BorUa..'-ivv , TarartUraaiBa WroW"v" - Commissioner' Garfleld Tof tha departs r.sseni or commerce and' labor Is now completing his report on toe operations -of tha beef trust He Is Just beginning aa Investigation Into the method of the '; greatest combination , of tbem all. the Standard - OUt' Reports on j both these trusts will ba ready for coo s alderatlon' when 'congress meets at, the ' call of the president la October, -i . ' ' Mkmo Ovr 'Anaqr. . 1 . The United State government ran ' Call into military service, on the baals - of the -1000 census, 1,3(0,( men; said Sir Howard Vincent , at-, tbo Royal United Service institution. In london, a few days ago. Man for man, ha con tinued, the United States army Is per haps tns best physically, the most In- telllgent and the moat highly trained la .-..v. the world, .-v 4 v . ; INDUSTRIAL. V - - Osaat Tanael Coaaplatad. ,;. . The world never witnessed a greater ' .triumph of mind over matter than was signalised by the auoceaaful IneeUng of ; the gallsrles which now pierce tha 81m , - pi on mountain for a distnea of -1 1.1 miles and shorten the Journey' from Calais to Milan to 68fc miles, compared , ; rlth the t0 miles by tha Mont Cenls .. tunnel and MS miles by the St. Gothard. Extraordinary talent, unquenchable per keveranca and superb courage have con tributed to overcome obstacles which It - Is admitted were unprecedented ta any ' . previous engineering work. It was not tha extreme length of the tunnel which s constituted tha difficulty of the enter prise, but the. soft .treacherous rock, v combined with hot and cold springs of great volume. i , r.,;, ,. r t; . ,'.'- Xaasaa and tao On Tragi' ' . ' 'T- - The fight . between Kansas and tha Ctandard Oil company continues and Is attracting more sttentlon. Karly in tha , , week tba oil truat started a movement 1 Ho buy every Independent property Jn the .'Xanaa field, but the Independents, as sured of legislative protecton, refused . to sell, thus blocking the trust's plan. - The state Is .thoroughly aroused. Xan ,1 sas wants refineries and Is not only going to have one but several. Orders - 1 havs been pieced for the first lnde ; pendent oil refinery-to be built under : the protection given by the new Kan v sas laws. Within 0 dsys the plant . will be constructed at Nlotaso, with a . capacity-of 1,000 barrele a week. The - i entire output will be sold under con i tract to Jobbers who compete with the v. . Standard OU company la- the southwest giugioas of mivev Tunneling. .. '- - Subataatlal progress Is being made on the Pennsylvania railroad's (great tunnel i ocbems la New' Tork. Tha tunnels un- - der the East river have advanced, alnce ,-tho-work was begun last faU, 00 feet i from the Manhattan shafts, or within to 4 feet of the river Una, and the hugs 15 y foot steel tubes are being driven, In .the mouth-of each shaft a square steel v J caisson Is being constructed to carry . two of the It-foot tubes. As the caisson i la built up the twin tubes will sink to . , tha bottom of tha shaft At present Before ordering Window : .Screen for your home tee ; ;; -: the new , I. . .Automatic Roller : I Window Screen ; - and 1 1 am sure you win 7 have no 'other. -Latest I thing out At The Muck ' . Hardware C t Second f - and Morriaoa. . : W.J.Cook tha 'skeletons alone show tha shape of nuga rings or boiler .Iron. Tba tubes will ba extended to meet In January, two years, banoa, ' similar tunnels ap proacning rrom ixmg island City. Big flaaadlan mpraio. ' ' Tha bonus of $:bo,00 offered by 4 ha city or Sydney. Cape Breton. Canada, two yearr ago to any company which will start a shipbuilding Industry in. the city within three yeara la being sought oy. a company recently .formed, which not only Intends to erect a shipbuilding plant, but will also build floating dry- dock, which wilt hold an 8,000-ton ves sel and keep a wrecking ataamar sta tioned at the port. The -company guar antees to spend $1,000,000 before the bonus, la claimed. i -. Valaa Agalast Staadard OU. Independent crude oil producers and refiners "from Kansas, Ohio, Illinois and Indiana bave formed an organisation of defense .against the alleged eradicating pressure of the Standard Oil company, The new organisation Is to be known aa the National Crude Oil Producers asso ciation. Headquarters will -bo- In Chi cago, one of the chief objects of -the organisation Is to prevent discrimination la freight rates .- ; , - '; ArgaotlBa's BaHway naaa. The Argentina republlc'will spend In the next five years 140,000,000 on new railways and branch Unas. Up to tba present time most of tha rolling stosk n, use on tha Argentine rallroada nas been Imported from England, Germany and Belgium. " ; FOREIGN.' wolaad trader Kartdal Xw.' " . Disorder continues throughout Rus sia.' particularly In the Isrge cities, al though agitation by the strikers aod So cialists has started among the paaa snta. Warsaw has seen several riots during the week. On February JT a majority of tha municipal ponce Joined tha strikers. celebrating tha oc casion by wrecking the telegraph had telephone systems. . The terrorists con-; tlnua to threaten members of nobility, They have sent word to Grand Duk Vladimir that his assassination has been postponed for , the preaent ' General ptoeseel. thr: hero of , Port Arthur, reached fit. Peteraburg on March 4 and was given a treat welcome by the people. - On March 1 the condltlona be came so grave that tba governor-general at Warsaw declared a number of towns In a stats of siege, thus practically put ting all of Poland under marthU law; ' The agitation among the Polish peas ants Is causing no little concern to Rus sia T and -adding mora troubles to - tha esai. The Importance of a revolt among the Polish peasants, should it occur, caa be readily appreciated, when It Is un derstood that tha peasants number T, 000,000 out of a total population of .10, 000,000." If the movement spreads it will undoubtedly result In disorder far greater than anything that has arisen aurlnXttiB piesent agitation. -Tha peas, ants hitherto have not figured to any great extent In this agitation, which is confined to tha 1,000,000 workmen la the cities and towns. The, Socialists re cently sent emissaries into the country districts for the purpose -ot stirring up tna Tillages. According to reports, they met with speedy success. As 7tv per -cent of tha peasants are unable to read, they -are easily lad -away by socialist oratory. ; . . . . . ,t ' Reported Terms fox ' Dispatches from St Petersburg say the question of peace, haa not only been formally discussed, 'but the conditions on which Russia Is prepared to make pesos Jiav .- practically been ; agreed upon. . -These ar aa follows: - Korea to' be placed under - Japanese suzerainty. v " Port Arthur and the Llaotung penin sula to be ceded to Japan. 1 Vladivostok to be declared a neutral port, with aa open door. - The Eajstern .Chinese railroad to be placed under neutral International ad ministration. , Manchuria, as far north as Harbin, to be restored aa aa integral part of tba Chinese empire. " :. 7 Tha difficulty lies In settling the ques tion of indemnity, upon which-It Is known .that . Japan '. insists, but It Is thought that, this difficulty Is not In superable. , . . ... i ' " TxaatlM . Emperpr William has written a letter to Chancellor . Bulow congratulating him On th sanction of tb retchstag for the new commercial treaties. la , recogni tion - ot BuloWs services th emperor wiU send his bust la marble to th chancellor, Tb emperor also haa re Warded Vice - Chancellor Posadowsky Wehner with th Black Eagle order for his technical work oa tb treaties. This Is th highest Prussian order, Herr von Padbielski, Prussian minister - of agri culture, haa received the grand cross of th Rsd Eagle, and -Foreign Secretary Baron, von Rlchthofen haa been pro moted to membership In th .ministry of th Prussian state without a portfolio. The Tagllsch Rundschau says it waa at Bulow's : personal request that . Em peror William haa not yet raised him to princely rank. -vv. A'. .',. . .V"-' JTraao Wants a Big- Rawy Minister of Marin Thomson, speak ing la th French chamber of deputies during the discussion Of th naval bad get, said, that a strong effort would be necessary if Franc wished to retain her rank aa a naval power among, tha nations. The German fleet b said, -was gradually outstripping that of Franca Tb minister, promised to. take tech nical advlc ' regarding a fresh pro gram. . Th $11,000,000 to be spent this year will be expended mostly on subma rine boats, torpedo-boat destroyers and torpedo boats. If the same Sum Is spent yearly ; till llt. th t mlniater said. France need not fear. He proposed to lay down next year three bettleahtpa Immediate stsps will be taken to strengthen the far eastern position, in cluding th construction of dry docks at Baigon. t.i-.--y; :...".'.-.'-..,..' . lama's Officers wniiaff Becara. -Th Russian foreign office has made an explanation of th three officers of th Russian cruiser Lena .leaving San Francisco while on parole. They claim that when th final agreement between Russia and th United .States regarding the Lena was reached, the officers sup posed they were free to eom home. If th United States deems It necessary the officers will return to this country.- . - Bom Faces a Bread Faaala. - Rome Is on the verge of a bread fam ine, The strike of bakers, which -has been partial for more than a week, ha now become general, and the ordinary bakeries are Idle. Ia this emergency the government has Ordered the army bak eries In th barracks of tb garrison to prepare bread "for general consump tion la th city. ..-..- tatsraatloaal Commission's Saclsloa. Th International commission of In quiry . Into the attack of the 1 Russian second Paclfia squadron upon tha Hull fishing fleet on the night of October J, 9i, has found that there were no boa- tile' torpedo boats among Ashing boats and that Admiral Bojestvsnsky waa not Justified in firing oa the traw lera. . This Is the -main point of the find ing, which sustain the British conten tion throughout tnougn tne mow is Russia Is softened by the statement that Admiral Rojeatvensky was .Justified In taking all precautions against - attack and acted according to his belief by de claring that hla military valor and hu manity ar not queattoned. , j CONGRESSIONAL; , - JUdgs wayaa ot (Bipahaa. The senate acquitted Judge Charles Swayna, district Judge of the northern district of Florida, on every article pre ferred by the house of representatives. The vote on nearly every article was on nsrtv llnea. .although In some Instance two or three' Democrats voted wlth'Re- publlcans; The caae of Judge Swayne has been before tha public for some time and at the first hearing before the bouse of representatives some sensational tes timony waa given by the prosecution, among which wasr how Judge Swayne sent to Jail for contempt persons wh j opposed his 'alleged arbitrary rulings; that hs did not live la Florida: that he traveled la a private car when he had no light to, and that ho charged the full allowance for oxpenaes when, his ex penses were not as great as he was al lowed. ' Judge Sways and hla ' friendal claimed th charges ware made by cerH tain residents of Florida, because he would not be dictated to by them In his rulings and become part of th political machine. , v- ..- . . v , :, '.. - Xrrifatioa Xaformatlon. ' The department -of agriculture hai sent Information and statistics to eon gress showing that private enterprise has, invested. $200,000,000 In Irrigation projects. More than t. 600,000 acres -of land are watered by thess private proj ects.-The figures compiled by the de partment of agriculture Indicate that tb work - of private Irrigation companies cost, more than 110 an acre, and also points out. that if the more expensive projects have been left for the govern ment to carry forward, and the govern ment work costs more than that of pri vate concerns, the cost of public Irrlgs tloa will be considerably mora than that estimates used by the projectors iu getting he irrigation bill through ctin gress.- . --- i - -v- - - -.. : i i- H r - aVfvar th Tohaseo , Trnsa, BtlH another "trust ' Investigation Is looming .up,' . Representative Kehoa ot Kentucky haa started after the tobacco truat by -introducing a resolution re questing the secretary-of commerce and labor to Investigate tha causes of the low price of leaf tobeooo in the United State,- aad especially In the states of Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee.' The ob ject -of the Investigation is to ascertain If possible what has caused, the falling off. of th, price of leaf . tdbaoco, . while tne price or .th manufactured article "haa lBcreaaoar : . . la the senate In his last speech before retiring Senator Thomas Kerns, Republican,- of Utah, denounced th Mormon church, saying that nearly every man ot the governing -clasa of tha Mormon church is, or has been a polygamlat that every aposti or tne church Is responsl bis for part of that v0. Tha church, he declared, waa today malnulnlng a practical monopoly in Utah. He said it was tb duty of the senate to serve no tice, en this church that monarchy must live within laws, that the nation la su preme and that Its Institutions must he preservea. invioiat. LEGAL AND CRIMINAL. Caa Xaforo Tssobjattoa. - The supreme court : of the ' United States haa decided the caa of iacobson vs. tne united States, sustalnlna the validity of the Massachusetts law giving authority to the health authorities of eltlea and towns in th slat to Impose compulsory vaccination regulatlona Pro tection of health may bo exercised by tne stat aa a police regulation, th de cision, maintains, "and the safety and th health of the people ot Massachu setts are, in th first Instance, for that commonwealth to guard and protect We do not perceive that this legislation haa Invaded any right secured by the reoerai constitution." , '' Astf-arras Zmw srojraalaad. The suprsm court of . tho United States haa, decided th case of th Na tional Cotton Oil company va th stat of Texas, tpvoivlng tb Texas anti-trust law. . The stat court found. the com pany guilty under that - law and held that It had forfeited Its right to do bust ness in th stat. - The caa wa ap pealed to the supreme court on consti tutional grounds. . That court however. In Its opinion, which was delivered by Jostle MeKenna, held that th claim was untenable and sustained th verdict ot th court below. ... ,t ;. -. "'-A ':' Klta tha star Ooal '. --'"- ' ' Tha Illinois supreme court In the case ot the Wilmington Coal company va th People has sustained th Judgment of the Cook county olrouit court and th sppellate court In th oaaea where the Wilmington Coal company and it other coal companies' were found guilty of a conspiracy to control th .prtc of - coaL Th supreme court - says that actual agreement la not necessary to constitute th offenss charged, but that a tacit understanding between companies would itself be violation of aa anti-trust law. ' ' lUd Vrelgkt Car TUcvW CaughV ' o Ia the arrest of four members of th "Buck Ring gang." tb New Tork police believe they bave a part of the most successful band Of freight ear thieves operating In th east . Th -polio say that the band . has secured plunder amounting to between 120.000 and 110,- 000, most of which they belter is hidden near Tarrytown, - ",'-.. .f;; ' T ' Seatenoed to to Team ta 'an. ' Major Carrlngton.' who was convicted Of falsifying voucher of th civil gov ernment to - the amount of l,S0O In M mil la. has been sentenced to a total of (0 years and five days' Imprisonment He was tried on five sepsrat counts and the sentence on each chargs was 12 years' and on day. - .jjus- ', ' in ' r"n LABOR. ' ' Kay iVoek Xora Over Soal. , , It i the -feeling among labor leaders that ' th Amalgamated Association of iron, Steel and Tin Workers and the United State Steel corporation will lock horns sgsln this year . over th settle meat f the wag acale.- Th men be lieve that thejr, are entitled to an ad vance In wages, and the delegates from the various lodges of the association wilt be Instructed to vol vfor sa in crease In th present seal. .:.: Child labor ta th Soath. th Children aa young as flv years have been found working In fruit packing es tablishments .In tha southern state, Whit children; sta employed in tb opt- y ' . ' " " V - '. ?' .'" ton factories, while Colored children find work la tobacco factories. . Tb govern ment a special agent states that fe mills and factories provide proper sani tary accommodation for women ana children, workers, -4 : ;; "-''i-1 -:" BOB Workers $fw XBteraatioaal. Recent - action of th United - Mine Workers of America, making their or ganisation' International In Its scope. It regarded aa on of th moat- Important steps ' taken" by that union. ; Negotia tions , have been practically completed with the mine workers In- Canada and Mexico for a merging of the unions, snd a world-wide organisation is contem plated. , . ' v : TelaeTopkar Crgaalalag'. - Organisation among tho ." telegraph operators In tha United States and Can ada Is Increasing rapidly, th Commer cial Telegraphers' union or America nav Ing put organisers Into th field la every state in the union. It has Increased its membership 6.000 in the last two months.- seven local lodges having been added sine January 1, making a total of 101 lodge la th United State and Canada. ,.. .(. .,.;. ,-. .' '&g1s1atlaa for Ooal Wmmtt ' Tha Pennsylvania mine workers are opposed to the fee system, and they 'for some time past have bean agitating for legislation to make the office of minora' examiner a salaried one. A bill to that effect la to be Introduced at the present session of the legislature. - ' "educational ' Olfts to Bdaoatloa. , -Harvard, university -will be a bene- flclary to the extent ot $100,000 by the will of .James C. carter, a New York- Is wyer. who died Februery 7. Mr. Car tetwwa graduated from -Harvard college In I860 and took his law course at the Harvard law school. Ha had arranged to give a course of lectures at -th uni versity this year. " Throush the death of Mrs. -Harriet M. Llttlefield, widow of George U Llf tlefleld, at one time, a prominent manu facturer of Pawtucxei, K. urown university cornea- into the possession of the estate, real and personal, eatlmated at about $100,000, which, by -the wUl of Mr. fclttleflrtd, waa left o the university on the death of his wife. 1 "Vh court i of appeaU-at-JJaahrllle. I tms..' has decided th famoua Goodwin will case, ' by which the Goodwin In stitute at Memphis will get about $500,000. -' . " ' - TerUeal Wrttiag Attacksd. Th six Chicago school principals ap pointed to Investigate the cause of poor penmanship among graduates of the city schools have -recommended the abolition of the vertical style and .the adoption of a slanting style, the slant not to exceed 11 degrees andons from 10 to li decrees - Is preferable. The slant ot the old Spenoerian system" wa al-degreea. Ths tUJmJhsethatthel, vertical style of writing la too slow. too eaelly duplicated, not practical for business and destroys Individuality. The Investigation of systems' covered 71 cities and it wa dlcovred that -43 of the use th modified slanting styl. v ' i, .. " Wha th aTs-ro- Zs oia. - ;'' ' From figures presented during tha an nual Tuskegee conference, the negro Is making conaiderabl ' progress. The student from . Booker T.-Washington's school ar largely following industrial pursuit, bat a majority ar going Into fanning In th south. Sine th war th -negroes have accumulated property valued at $100,000,000. In 11 , of the southern states negro own 171,000 farms, and In America th raoe sup ports upward Ot 18,000 churches. . , Uhcary. . - . - Jblra. ' Theodore Thomas and her ehU dren have presented th musical library of th great conductor to the trustee of the Chicago Orchestra ' association. Th library I one of the moat complete and valuabl In th world. RELICION. - CathoUcs to Ostraols Pi is res a. . That the pop has given his formal approval to the doctrine of ostracising divorcees . Is announced by Miss Ellsa O'Brien Ixwmis, moderator of th So ciety of the Fllla Fidel, or Daughters of .th faith, a Catholic organisation of women, which, was organised last ysar to work along this Una "Miss Loomts. sine a personal Interview with th pop last fall, has received th papal letter of a i probation. Th members or this society apropos to Ignore socially any Catholics of their acquaintance who ob tained divorces. r -. :' ; ,;; -,..-.:":'' ; . ' ' Tboasaads - Arc Converted. '.'A great wave ot religion Is sweeping through Louisville. Ky. Meetings were held for two weeks In 14 churches, thea tres and halls, making It 'the most re markable religious revival , in America for 10 years. During th two weeks 1. 100 persons confessed to Christianity. Eighteen visiting evangelist took part In th work. ; ,- : floAOOO to Foralca By th will of MUs Ana MacKenafe of Sodus Point - N. - her fortune of 10,000 baa been left to tb Presbyto- rlaa board of missions for the-higher education of the youth of the land and the maintenance of a .home for wortuy missionaries. - .. i . MISCELLANEOUS. - -' -:';. ,1 i ' "J"";4 Or4 Xrrigattoa Saaerprla. The greatest irrigation project ln,th world, excepting ttve jrtgantlo nglner Ing enterprise, of. the Kngllsh govern ment by which' tb valley .of the Nil Is to be redeemed, saw Its beginning' on Wednesday, when th project of making us of the great Snake'" river waa put Into operation. The waters of this river, which- have not been used heretofore, by th work Just completed will help to reclaim 171,000 seres ot land. ' Th full attainment of th object of the enter prise means the conversion of waste land -Into aa area of rich productive soils. To accomplish f this work the river wss used for more than 10 miles and there are reason to believe, that the old bed will produce rich deposits of gold. v ; k ;-.. ora ' Mrs. Jsne Stanford, widow of Sena tor Iceland Stanford, of California, died suddenly In Honolulu on February II. Just before ah died ' Mrs. Stanford claimed ahs had been poisoned and a partial Investigation tenda to establish this fact If poison caused Mrs. Stan ford's death it will be established when the analysis of ber stomach Is com pleted, j v, i i . - ,... y, ',, , I '. 1 Xlag ' Soya teplaekase. i ' King Kdward VII, whoa steeple chaser Arabuah II dropped dead recent ly in Ireland, baa purchased from Mr. Spencer Oollan the Australian steeple chaser Molfaa, whn t now first favorite for th grand national, gleeplecbase, to Moat forms of sickness start with the inside narVes. Indigestion, sour stom ach, heartburn, dypepala- weak kid neys, diabetes. Bright' Disss s Layer irregularities Heart Irregularities- Bowel trreguiarlties all of tnsse au- menta, and th ailments which they,' in turn, bring on, are due directly to de rangements of certain nerve center. - understand nrst that wa nave two ea- IIfmIv un.Mt. ntrvi ivitRml. ' vV nee we walk, or talk, or act. e call into play a certaia set of - nerve - nerves which obey our mental commands. That Is why the arm can be" raised, or tho mouth opened, or Uie.ey shut, at the slightest desire. That is why your fin gers-can delicately pick up a pin one moront,nd hold a heavy hammer tne next.'.:' -! : :'r-' ''-'. But these a re not th nerves we ar to consider, .here.- . - - ' . There is another set or nerve wniea control and govern and actuate tha heart and the stomach, tha kidneys and the liver and all ot th vital functions. Tou cannot control these serves. ' By no su preme effort of mind can you make your heart stop or 'start nor can you even mak It vary by a single beat ntitiuta And so with th stomach and the llvet and th kidneys and th bowels they ar automaUo they do their work at s certain set speed whether you are awake Or asleep whether you will Jt or not , It Is on thess inside nerves that lire and ' health dependa- So long as these nerves perform their proper duties, we are well and strong. - Whenthey fall, we know it, by the Inevitable symptoms stomach, heart liver, kidney trouble. And these trouble have no other origin, ever, than la the earn nervea. For the stomach, the heart, the liver,- the kidneys, - have no power of their own. no s sir-control, iney owe ineir-every impulse to the Inside nerve. The nerves are tha masters. Th organ their slave. . ; ' nut the most Interestin -cart about the Inside nerves is the bond of sym pathy which exiats between all centers snd branches of this great automatic system. , The center, which, for instance, con trol the stomach. Is known to science as the "solar plexus." The heart center la called the ''cardiac plexus." .The kid ney center, the "renal plexua Yet it is aT well-known-faet-that In prise fights, - a" solar- plexua blow instantly stops tb heart, aitnouga it usual op- U o be run at Liverpool on Friday. March IL Molfaa, whoa weight for tbla race la ltf pounds, won th grand national of 10 with 147 pouada up. Mr. OolUn has another entry la the big -race. Sea horse II. 147 pounds. Tho turf world la unanimously with tho king in. nis laudable desire to again wia th grand national, which ,: be won lnltoowith Ambush XL ..,( '-..-. ,.. ' . t t Th Oatee corner ia May wheat eol laoaed with a loud bang. Million of bushels were dumped on the market by cliQU houses, causing a big 'crash. Among the small. holders there waa a nanio and many who ' bad been roi lowing the bull leaders were caught Be tween last Saturday and Monday th price declined four points..- Oatee him self ia accused of starting the stam pede, but whether h did .or not he mad a nice profit oat of th corner , for himself - ana tnose wno got imo . tne Tnovement early and took their' proOU before the slump occurred. The -corner started last October and It Is eatlmated that 10,000,00 bushels Were involveu. and that the proOte to the mea wno tea the public and sheared them waa be tween lt.000,000 and 11,000,000. ; - Cuba and th' Bio Tariff. , . Tb house ot representatives of Cuba Is considering a bill to Increase th duty of 11.10 per 100 kilo on rice to $1.75, and also to Increase th dutle on onions, starch, potatoes, corn aad beans. M. Oovin, author of th bill, says its mala object waa to develop th raising of rice la Cuba and to u til la lands not used la the cultivation, of sugar or to be coo, and also to encourage th Immi gration ot more agricultural laborers, - .'.;'..V'V. tenia' Customs statistics just published In dicate that th satisfactory condition la Spain's commercial balanc continues. During th first 10 months of th fiscal year 1104, Imports amounted 'to 11, 11.100 and exports to .S12,!00, the excess ox exports being 14,710.400. De serving of . mention Is tb - fsct that among tba ' exports silver . bullion and currency are represented to th amount of about fl.10i.000. r ' Th fir at Hot Springs. Ark., on Feb ruary li destroyed 11.009.00 worth oi property and flv persons lost their lives la th flames. Fire oa February 17 swept th water front of New Orleans destroying prop erty valued at i,ooo,ooo. - - The steamship Oregon, plying be tween Portland, Or., and San Francfsoo, caught fire at sea off th coast or Cal ifornia on February 7. -Th. (i pas sengsr wer safely landedL' .SClENTinC . I. ... - - 1 War on Tb mosquito bill Introduced In con- by Representative scudder t of New Tork, to have the federal govern ment ' lend a commission of 1,0 experts to New Jersey and Nsw Tork to help then states drain the Newark . and Hackehsack marshes, and thus elimi nate a breeding place for mosMruitoes, is now before the house interstate com merce committee. , Henry Clay Weeks, secretary of the American Mosquito so ciety, urged that the federal government should participate la tb war on mos quitoes, a sanitary measure thst had begun to spread throughout the world. Vr ' "wit wiiir woo MO.' ?".v" . All authentic records for overland wireless telegraph communication- hevt been broken by tha exchange of mes sage -between the naval stations -at Chicago and Key Went a distance of almost 1,100 milea This and other Im portant facts illustrative of th develop ment of wireless telegraphy by th navy department were embodied In a report Who Call led t th Boa ' Painkiller SZ3 '-; - , Willis te prreeM cold Jd to Wd Off DtJ mm e rations concern only tha stomach. Why? Because of the bond of sympathy between tha varioua branches. That is the reason the inside nerves are some times called the 'sympathetic" nerve. - This ' explains ' why stomach trouble often develop Into heart trouble why indigestion brings on fiervousnss-why diseases become complicated. - It ex plains, too, why ordinary medical treat ments are wrong why medicine so fre quently falls, v y.v" .'.'. Any sick one who has not tried ray remedy Dr. Shoop's Restorative may have a Full pol lards AVorth Free; I ask nd deposit, no reference, no security. There Is nothing To payt cither now or later. I will send you an order" oh your druggist which : he ( will accept In full payment for a regular, standard size Dollar bottle. And he will send the bill to me, C. I. Shoop, M. D, More than -thirty years ago.. . this thought cam to 'me; - - "If life and health depend upon per fect heart action, upon proper stomach 41xstlon, upon correct kidney filtering, why doea not life Itself depend upon I realized, lovhat-ttirent whleb result from on eaus may, ot oourso, ba received recently by Rear Admiral Man nay, chief of th bureau ot equipment '":: Torth WtUiiUm.TiJ-'t - At a recent meeting -of th Academy of Sciences at St Petersburg Professor Oldenburg announsed that there was no more hope for tk, return of Baron. Toll's worth pole expedition. H added that th whole-expedition must have found Ita deetractlon while- trying - to reach th new Siberian archipelago, from th island or Ben net 'ir .. -. ;i'':t.i,Card of 'Thanks. i ' ' - We desire to' gratefully' acknowledge and testify, to our appreciation of th sympathy, aad kindness which haa been shown us 'la our bereavement occasioned by th death of Mrs. Annie B. Payne. -r W. H. PATNB. i ' , , '. D. B. PATNB. UNIVERSITY ATTEMPTS " TO BAR OUT SALOON . (Spadal Otasstefe te The loarnal.) . -Forest Grove, Or., March 4. The Bght on tb saloon question la Forest Grove haa come to a crisis. -" Judge Northup of Portland and S. B. Huston of Hills boro have been employed by th trus tee of th university to bring th mat ter before - Judge McBrid , at th dis trict court, which convene ia April at HllUboro: '-. .- - - - - . - Th council aathorlsad Mayor John son to employ aa attorney to protect It ia Its action. McCab of Portland will defend th elty authorities. Th trustee have served injunctions on th - council - and Watson, th only applicant for Ilcenea -1 Th saloon mea, however, are going ahead wtth tho erection -of a building for th saloon. It seems thst xhey will not be able to stop the sehr-of liquor until th court interprets the exact meaning of th charter and only then It the court sees fit to uphold th trus tees la their action, -v - ', - Prospects good for big grain crop around Tangent t : Notice to , Pile Sufferers Wg Don't Ask Yea to fk Any : one's Word for What Pyra mid Piu Car Will Do. -', Tom. Can Mar a Trial Paokags Free y Xail. We receiv hundreds of letters Ilk the following: "I have been feeling so good I could hardly believe It, after suf fering with piles for a year, to find that I am one more feeling like myaelf. I wish you could have seen me before I started using Pyramid - Pile Cure and look at me now, and you would say I am not tha same man. I have gained 10 pound a, and all on account of Pyra mid PUe . Cure." Walter Bharkley, II Park st. Springfield, Mass. ', "I bought a fifty cent box bf Pyramid Pile Cure and used as directed with the most : unexpected . results, a complete cure. I bave been troubled with piles for thirty years nnd was In much dis tress and paaaed much bloodV-but at present am free from any kind Of piles." F. McKay. 'Weavfrvlllo, CaL "Pyramid Pllef Cure has been worth thousands of dollars to me; It cured me after using nufnbera of othar reme dies snd taking inedlolne from doctors. It also cored mr son, although he could hardly walk, enjt or sleep; he Is now all right' B. 8 ring-fellow, ' Postmaster, Elko, 8. C. By the use if Pyramid Pile Cur yon will avoid an unnecessary. 'trying and expensive ex'nlnation by a physician and will rtf youraelf of your trouble In the privfey of your own home at trifling exptnse. - After usiig the free treatment which we malt In a perfectly plain wrapper, you can secure regular full-alae pack ages from druggists at R0 rents each, o? w wil mall direct In plain pack age upon '. receipt ot ' price. Pyramid Inig Co.i l&it Mala street Man hall. Free Cellar Offer MICH. ., , -. . r- - - -. cured by on remedy. I resolved not to doctor the organs but to treat tne one nerve system Which operates them' alL ' .'. . , . j .... -' ,. -', For those who treat only the symp- ', toms need a different remedy for eacn. , Such treatmeota are only palliative, the reaults do not last A cure can never-' come In disease of the stomach, .heart, ; liver or kidneys, until the inside nerve power is restored. When that la done, , Nature removes th aymptoms. Thar Is no need ot doctoring them. My remedy now known by druggists everywhere, . aa Dr. Shoop's - Keafora- ' tive is-the result of a quarter century of endeavor along this very line. It . doe not dose the organ or deaden th pain but it does go at Once to th ; nerve the inside nerve . the power f nerve and builds it up, snd . Btrengtb ens it and makes It well. - There la no mystery no miracle. I r can explain my treatment to you as t easily as I csn tell you why cold freeses ( rater and why heat melts ice. Nor do claim a discovery. For every detail of my treatment Is based on truths eo fundamental that none can deny them. , And every Ingredient of my medicine Is as old as the bills it grows on. I simply applied the truths and combined' the Ingredients into' a remedy (bat is practically certain. . - - . - , I have -wade my offer that strangers ' ' to my remedy may know. It la not In tended for or open to thee who have uaed my remedy. They need no further evidence. Bat to- those who have not heard, or -bearing, may have delayed or doubted, I say 'rslmply wriu and ask." v I will send you an order on your drug- -, gist which he will accept as gladly as :; he would accept a dollar. He will hand you from his shelves a-' standard slxed bottle of my Drescrlotloo. sad be will ' -send tha bill lo me. i " "Will you accept this" opportunity" t" learn at' my expense absolutely how te v be rid forever of all forme of Illness which are caused by Inside nervous . ' weakness to bs rid hot only of the1 trouble, but Of the very cause which produced It? Writ today. - . : ..- .- - ' .".. -, stNpT a fltt) for fall dollar - nettle rna nasi addresa Pr. fPeop. Box 40T3. Beelne. wis. ' BUM which book yoa waat Honk I tm Drspeaala. . Book f ea tha Brnrt Boo t ee m Kidnej. r -Book 4 for Wssm. ' IVk tor Mea. - ' . : Book oa. BiieumaUiBk. Mild caaee ar often cured by a sin-' glaJotUavFQrsal at forty thousand arug scores., , - ; mm lira DIES AT VMLtACE -- Hunterr Famoua Bloodhound, 1 Succumbs' to Rheumatism ' j ; Aftar Long jnnaat. :. - OFFSPRING TOOK' PART IN HUNT FOR TRACY Direct Descendant Owned . ' Several of Penitentiaries n the West. by - (Bsarlal Masateh te Tfee Jearaal.) ' " Wallac. Idsho, March 4. "Hunter.- th jnale bloodhound belonging to Sho- . shone county, who feats sad thos of ., hla numerous progeny have traveled far -and wide, la dead here after a long 111 ness. - Last winter he waa attacked by rheumatlsm in th legs, Ths disease dis appeared during tb summer time, but this winter it returned In a mor serious - -form, attacking th animal's heart aad 1 resulting in hla death. -j During the year 1000. while Sheriff ' Sutherland was serving his former term, he obtained two thoroughbred southern ' bloodhounds from ths Michigan tut re- . formate ry. Th"mal dog was Hunter." He was of tb Perry Clark strata and ' ' waa himself trained by Perry. Clark. said to M the best trainer ot blood- , hounds la ths country. "Belle" was th female dog and she alone remains st th ;. ' ouaty IsIL' She has grown too fat to be of any service end will probably b shipped to Mia penitentiary. - - - When Hunter was leas than years ' old b performed' a feat la 'tracking that mad him a fanfous dog. He -was , placed on th trail of a fleeing crlnil- ' nal aad followed him rapidly to a river. After a few minutes' delay On the bank, with a loud bay, th keen-scented ani mat leaped Jato- the.t stream .and awatn across. Aftsr gaining th , other Sid ' "i Hunter trallad th man to a spot where 't he had secured a horee, aad mounted en ' the fleet-footed animal had hurried ' ' away. ' Bo wonderful waa the scent ot . this bloodhound that Without hesitation .; "i he traced th mounted culprit through th woods for 40 miles, until a Tillage -was mac had. Without faltering h led the offlosra direct to a bouse where th ' scaped prisoner waa In hiding. . - eosat Varrl. ' -''After being brought,' to - th Cocur ' " d'Alene he was not given many eppor- ,1 t unities to demonstrate his ability.. One v; he was taken over to St Maries to seek (. some trac of a loat child. Although 4 th trail waa old, th animal followed it without .difficulty . to the river. - Th searcher then cam to th conclusion that th child had been drowned,, which -proved to be true eight month after- -ward, when -tb-body of th girl was found on th beach, of Coeur d'Alen " take near' Harrison. .",'; . ataatad' Omtlasy- ftmufii -Bom of hi pup were sent to th . Washington stat penitentiary and. Were ussd la the Tracy-hunt - - . t. - To keep th dogs la trim' It formerly v was th austora her to take a trusty from ths county jail and allow hint to - : go several miles ever the mountain and up and down canyons. Giving the dogs th scent tbey were then turned loee, -snd always succeeded in locating -the trusty. - The prisoner wa told to climb - ' a tree at the end and wait for th dog ' nd th officers. ..'.'.(; Several western penltentlsries now have 'bloodhounds thst - ar the direct descendsnts of the two Shoahon "dog. ' At on time ther war 11 young and old .' dogs belonging to Shoshone county, but ' Bella now only remains. . , Cottage Orovo Is proud of Its hand, oi II members. Restorative "21-: i t