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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1905)
"T; 7: tc:" cf 1 icg rjcxzr .r a f znz Cr CACT:r.:j ctocko TS EGG MARKET TURNS A.D CZ CORSES FAIR AFTER EXTREIW2 FIRMNESS IN - CNE WEEK O RG I l! ' STpriE COTTC;, - . K , - " .' v , ':' . '' ' 1 ' ' ' . ':.". '-'v .. -- ' '" Ton in Eg: Changes From Ont "T"" , f Extreme Weakness to 1 Good Feeling., ; 'Y: y .. POULTRY TREMBU3 AT ; , : THE TOP OF. LADDER itCreamery Butter Very Scarce $ v ;yyith Prices StiffPotatoes V::' GO Upward. . : V . " 'mat Street. Mink 1-1 p, a. The' nrtwt pal features of tbe Portlsnd wbwlrasto autl -: -th cut week were: ....,.-.- .Eggs toark batten (ad improve. " -. ' . -.'., .- fuulttr msrket trembles at tba lafu.-v ;"'' ' ''j .fvaiosry butter stiff with oeareltya ' , Pnistoe and ecluas -' upward.- ;. .' .',. Soppllra at freak, aalmou larger. ,-' ' . . --" Res of smelt. as agsis begun. ., '' " - , -Wheat market dal and uteres. -; .. Taaa ta aarlay ad aata lui. Haf Barkat ta waa tn Urt. " . " ' rio: Barkrt att bat l. -' V f . farkaca coftca la aa. ' ' vv. :.'" v.. " fcilt auirkM looktn klrbrr. . i" l . ' DraaaH awtta; aa ir..i .V-..n. , y-M,' :;i Taaak- Battaai an4 Xmarara. '; i ' ' Tha oca asarkat wat ta bar alraady atrw :V:.- tba fcMlota aurk .aad alraady. tbara la a v ' ' antiraabla Inprwrraeat ta.tba' teaav Tba low iH (or rn"rilaM araa atraek at Me. al- tbaart ana oala aaat a 1arf anat bacama 'V-- "fc, k4 a a'r oaaa "cold fatt," 'at lac. ? :- Ba bad a aaear aold tbta lot before ba ra- : . fvaa4aa rtar lor aa aamal aataaat (roar aa- .. y mthrr dealer at M adaaaca arer tba otifuaj "v;v '-' 'i ;.;v.t '.'-lalf Wart Tary XaMy. T-- ' 'Tba recelnra a nca tba for tba '. ' wark ware twjt beavT aad etacba betraa ta abew m. Twf Urn arama1tkiai. Am aooa . aa tba .' A. ' prtre dropar-d brla INc aaaajr af ba. dealara VV,; HUM cat ready lor raid atarafa eperatleea : and daria. tba-areak aeaaa imrf atocka war ' 'pat afar aill purb Umr aa atecaa -baraaM ' 1 , ararra and, bleb Bry affart ta br4ac aaade ' by aoaa. at tba dealera ta bear tba aaarfcet ' v deaa la lae. bat tbelr eftneu baa prorad . ' . wtthfmt avail, .toisi tba aaarbrt iatd aa anoaer : m lit- tbaa lhara-araa-aa awtebla damaad ' tor all areaaalatlaaa. Tba ktttar part at tba . week abeered tba receipt aet anita aa Beery, " " Tbere waa a belter tnae ta tba deauad. aa the deakwa ibaa-aa to mtlrae- that tba battaai ' , . bad bepa reaebed aad tbeea wba bad beM atf V tbelr purrhaae eana ta tbe front acaia. Tea ' -v ' aarket- rlnard wltb fga aailhaf bral araaad ; UlTHe p . .'. ' ,. ,!. realtry aUrkat' Treat Ua at -tba Top. V ' ' Altboaa'h tbara W 00 aatlraabk wealaeaa la . tba Doaliry aaarket aa far aa cbJckeaa are caa - aeraed. tba leap doea Bat eeaai ta ba qalte aa ecroac aa darlas lata-weeka. Tba reoetpta all "' f tbreairb tbe week were lair ana! ao real aborUga anlated.. .Nopa at too oaater. experieacea any v troahle la aecurlnaT all tb ao nolle tbey aeeded. V Torre waa a tenOeary. bowerer, Mt at porrbaae ' la aoeb taraa bu ee wltb ao aiaca Ireenna. :" Tboe dealer wbe a week, ape wore willing v . ta boy eberkeaji be for they aaw tbea woald ' eat do ao tbla week. Tbera bi a Terr beery demand tor apriog cbk-kena. AU brMb tba week tbera waa a loll .la tba call lor Urn -Tf fe aad dealer ewenanlered ccaalderabM dlf aniliT la moln eweka 'at aaa - Prtre. . Then t . . ra a-lr taaa t the deaaaad (at taaMT dura . -at lb reeelpta wee ant aeary. ine eeeaoa . . for wild Mrtta la anw orer aad lb withdrawal .4u auaatMt be a) eaaaH kelp te tba pauHry '..-tnarke.- Already tba arte ef-ahtr Y" Jeaebed tbe dana-er point a point where ealae : . ir a ' lofty jUwt be,..eral puhlle eaaaat tt-r ,-4fford to boy. It la net likely mat pnee IU abora reaeot figoraa bi tbe aeaf . f lOnra, Creamery Butter., Itlff Wltb Soaraity. ' tber to a erHty f batter: Yeeeery ' bet " ter tnrk In all raelle eeaat merket baea dor ; llaf 'tbe paat week-abowa ,a derided abortec and. Mhaea aleewber bare abawa'aa adranr. .'. 4 , ! tbe baa rYaartaea awrbet ereaaaery batter H sow quotrd at aboot tb eaox Bcaree .aa V bare, --aad If ,4bb) eantlBaea pad tbe local ' aaarfcet .iatea -bet adraaee, oh projdur froa , . i-- tbat dtrerttna will flutt aoming aere. Aanee - reeeleed from tbe ' rarleoa maaierlea at tbla ; ?, territaret ' the Beat week anew Ibat aapphe , are eery Abort. Tbe weather baa bee farorable -i for- tba prewlBe? af iTaea aad tba abort ta - batter aappUea la aot likely be reejaia wltb "4 for way praat leactb el time. On aeeaaat " af tba areertty af CTeanaerr atorfc aad. tb blab - ," rW railed tbereea tbara baa bee a greater - . a. eiaad for enaatry etare predtaet aad tbe beat ' , era dee bar bar aelUag at a adraaoa daring b waek-w- - ..- r-H- , ' V.. la Better Baaae. "1 " J, 4 Tbar waa aa tmprered all for fancy potato tree tba eawioe BMraei iae. peea wwb one V iNirea at tbe clea at the week are prarleaily . fc ner haadred aoaada higher taaa (boo which ' ( taled a week ago. There waa bat Uttla da ' " axand for ordinary grade aolatoe aad tbla . - beeeeh of the asarket . la looking rather alrk. ' pTVere baa' aeeb a genera t raaiplalst freaa tbe ' ' Saa rraarlKo trade tbe paat week aeeaant :. e( fee' pack log at Orrgea potaloee which berd . arrtred there on repeat at camera. Tba data la aiade that Orrgoa grewer are getting Very ' : bum ta their rr dine af tba varioua ajae . aad fljaalltlea and a tba Colorado : atork ara paablaf thai atate very bard lor a aaarkvt a '' tba bay city It cerulely beheoree the gnwei T"TTTbera to look' after tbelr, laarela. txtrlng tb week a Baarber af ran af I'olnrane potato , ware rerelred la tb Baa rraarbwo aurkat. Oaiea BUrke U Tewebiap; BUgber, ; . '"There waa a eery amd tna to the ea , ' , Biarket during tba paat week. Tba price baa 1'- i aow reaebed the fit aark , In- tbla city and ' ' ' d-alera are paytng aa high a 3.0 per haadred ; poena at roan try ahlrplng polnta for tba beet , .atocka. Tba Oalllorol aerket a laery 'good ataape and anlea tb aappllea thre aoon -' ahow a a tnart Ineraaaa a proaslaeat deeler , writ that the aarkrt wiu eereiy g bib. Wbaat Jtarkat DaU a4 Llf eleaa. ' -- Dorlng the part wee I her waa practically ' : .k..r market la tbla ettyc "The tan af 'the market ha dot bcea duller than during i'- ik. ...t i OaW for aany year. There were f . eme. few laqolrlea froa eaatera broker, bat ; BatblaaT rame la froa tb all! . Ma eale .-tmA Khe for wheat or Boar lor aatera account dorlnC tba -week, Tb local nor market la In good aa l. rfnrlne the week. Bothlng doing ta in aaapa ai aw erw-eiai rhM arere anme offer tbla week froa tbe ether aide of tb lelc, bat ear price ant practically. 15c to to per barrel k. h. oreetela are willing to bay at. v-'- . They elala that they caa buy alddla-weat lour at poor grade rh caper than tb price that ' J. .,1. after tha higher freight charge . ;T are Mid? It la bow claimed that the damage ta 1 I the growing crop la tna miana rmiar o1B i -1 anoaat to much. Hreeeat proepeet In tba y. v ley ara tba . brlgbteet 10 yaara. . ' j h ' fMH a Otbr Cenatjlea. - f Bnonbairg Cera Trade Kew at Llrerpeol. I a late leeae, aara at -tba. wheat eroa : - - ' ' "I nlted Kingdom The droatb waa broken by ( a bio rala la tbla dlatrlct yaerdy aad tb : V, fall appear, to bare beea fairly geaer.l t- throvgbeut the Halted Klngnoa. le preclpl-- ' tatlon . waa by no awn bear jr. bowerer, and - , althoagh It will ba walcom for itwly aowa :cr." nd naatarea. If wUI not da a.tch to . realart dry imrlng aad ill ap amply Well aad V notida, (a the other bawl, b wr wet period , ', would act etrlt farmer J net now. for they .bare ,., eurted aprlng aeedlng with tb laJld In apjeadld JaJL.anndltlonr It. would b a graatj ty.Jttb Twork wer 'aertoualr Intanjrpted. J Tba anmmn. - '' till makee t Terr floe eaowlng. ; ' ; Tad dd-tba anbeoll to well provided wltb awlator ' ,t lrum tbe eiceaaire raim er n" , Tee? "" t JOtVi, tlila deep noting crop a er anllbety' to be lojerloiielf ffeeted t flroiltglll tna coming waw. .""" 1 l. fii?r)ief','limll Improreajent ' lt Week In ha . orlMaf pergb price for JCngllab wheat, wblcb hew etanna ai aow 10 per r e" - rna art ne year are aad aba ad tw ear, eg. ;ii,eTqii.iitlila r well aalnUlaed ay com waak hnt r tlll light ; i Riiaal Th weather ootlnaea mor or leva -'. eerere, bet th erne everywhere appear b bar m emi eoreeiae of enow, freab falla harrng ee- ' rurred lately. Ooeee report trade dull again ,-aHer-a period af greater actirHr, j lev . mmmI tm mmi aialntalned. Koiimanla-W hare a freab pew froa 'tbla grower, bhlpment teera balka aorta ara fair. tlnlgarl and Perrl- The wcalher ba bee eerere. hul he crop nenwl protected by aaowr hare aurrerea no oaowa.. -Jtiratrla-Hncaarr T v (w ''nf leat wee wee 1 It, ' llalit f U at -- SATUaDAYPn:CEt5 j!.A z : ' h 'h TUC I'UCIT MtDVCT ... ,uib. unuti i.trsnrvtei - e, . .- fhkgo ...... ., 11.11 V MUwatjkaa ,.,...,., XI I NBt ixui .'"- tiisir d Kanaaa City. .. .v,, .. r.. d New York. ,.4. ...,.,.. 1.114 t. . d e btlTiBaapolUt 1.13 v. d San rranclaco. Lit : - 1 -. ' ;. ' ',, d ' Decern bar Twnul, -,' i :;''" . ! 1. ; t, ' - d dd d '4 d d aeareel f 1 protected, 'reap tba Beldr aad tba crop ara aa Areenrtee Thaea fca aa fNat' etei learardlng tba. wheat crop, bat ear cable af laet rldey. while raising the ectlmau -f tha ' flaa aeed aurplna ta M.OU),(mo baabela, gave that car aurnlne a 007 4tl.000.aiio basbela. or . ghout half af what waa ebtatned frea the laat arop. There waa a fair tncreaee la eblpapenbr aat wvek, bat tbe total far Kurepe waa well below that at be aaaa week Uat aeaeae Tba but word aa te the rerolallea waa that tb get aiaml bad - fairly, got tbe anper bead, and also tu tbe atrlke Uttla or nothing I Bow beard of tb Batter. - It to enlf reeaeaable te expect targe ahajai 11 ta daring tb neat two ar three' aeatha. but ablppere ay tbry bar ladlcatloaa of really big eaantitlea. j ';. '.v Thirty v.0Bt Saaag ht bidJa,., ; IndlaOtn- yeaterday toiegraa fram' Igra atated that aeeurdlug ta beet tafermatbya 00 talnabl tbere tbe eroae (wheat aad Bag aeed) M tbe t'nlted frorlacea bad bcea damaged iW Keeet; tbe weather, bowerer, to bow wafaer. lay wa bear from ahlpper that tbe. Pub Jeah cropa of wheat aad dahl bare beea dam aged by cold weatbee, aepectall la tbe gorth eaat of ' tb pronoc. Tbe prerlBcee meo ttoaed tFuaJaab aad Valtadl are very Important grower, bartag laat years under wheat 18.000, 0011 a urea oat of e total of zt.OOO.uOO acre, aad It te aa exaggaratbta te ay that tbey aopplr tba great balk e( tba eipert trade. Tba wheat cropa of the tw acrtiua of ladta are aboot at eqael alv but taking all food grain . into caawderatiou the raited Province are by far th BMiat Important, baring la 1002-Ii, 37,000. Ood acre aoder air' food graiaa, agalnat 1. 000,000 aerea ta tha Puatoab. Tbe yield of wheat la tba Halted rrorlacra la naaaliy com-, neretivelv enedf averaatn -14 boabel Be a oeapai for tb pared wita avarageu aaputiuta aaaaeu tba whale Coaatry, while tbe Panjaub yield aiaa etaada at abeat th' latter Bgare. ara Tba waataer aat week wa'; favorable for the rope aad appfebenaioaa of daaaga decree, altbougb the recent a Slalnta of weather damage were quit eaa rejed by tb of Uriel report.' wbMi 'gar Ml SK departmeata aa baring "good" cemUetoB, agalnat 44 laat year at tola time, tdteet Beers tu baad tbto day to aet perticatorly favorable. Crop advice are contradictory end, . 00 th whole, are aet aottafartorr. Drouth ta enm- f-eletnrd ef oe tight eotto, but aa the etoer hand It to confirmed that the recent aocceealona of froati god tbawe- did not te a Wacb bara aa waa feared. . Boaje Pariataa aerrbaeta ar till expecting import' (uf .Vaie.cenauBiptka during th totrr moutha of the eprtng. AeetranUla There to Be freaa evwT with regard ta tba crop. Bhlpmente are of good Mae. aao la eplte of tbe peeelanitle e time toe- of yield we aetkee that charterer' eaattaa to ix wheat toaaag belb lor Europe aad Seatb Atohra. , 1 - ,: - c, ., ,v. . , Italy -aad Spala la volte af - rathe never weather, tbe condition or the etandlag Rrcal reported to. oe aathifactiiry. . 1. -- Uerasaay The weather laet week was poor eeeaonable. being dry and an. Fear ft crop damage have serrvaeed, and tbta.- with' the know ledge that tbe Itkcreaard import datte will net cobm tale fan before laud, caaaed what holder ta offer more freely aad made tba aarkcte don.'- - ' , - Sappltoa af Freak aulas Larmtc, v-"-' ' Tbera waa k good Increaee In. tb rua''ef salaw la tbe Calaabla river during tba paat week. . htonorta af babermea atoag the tower river ay that tba catch f bath ate lb ee da and cbloanka to bow la good eaape eaa mat a roattauaaoa at peeaeut ceadlttoea to esperted. Tkara araa alee ea lecreeee la the fan ef aarlt la I be CowUta tbla week aad prlcea trar cut - - - , - - 7 - ""'-.' - Hay Karmet la DaU aad Wji ''- " Receipt af bar the past week ,wrd" vefy beavy aad the aerket via giattea. . mere wan but e Halted deaaad aa aana aa tbla became generally karhra among tbe trade and price went downward. There waa a better toae to both the barley aad oats market o account af tbe beavtor deaaad frea tb -Callfgrnt aiarketd and fraa tha ertoat. - - ' er. w Tim' ' l ' ' Tb wara weatbee. bad av bad ft" bP tbe too at tbe freab awe! awrketa, Tna ar rlvato of dreaaed veal were very heavy aad away, ef tbe arrtvato were aaw before they Struck the market. Tbta alone caaaed lower price. Tba receipts ef dressed bogs ware Just a boob aeual , tba deaaad bath belag auly - Tb wbolnaal quota tioa' which rntod T the tba 1 gf tb weak are: 1 j - ; , . . a)raaV, tou aat toeVA ' - - rTHKAT Cnrb aad red, .Taraei. blaataav m. ..ii.r. aas. -- BAlLat gaaa. Mu renew, nw RiiWboto," rUH eraoked, laud 'par nlat aa' a i' r. ' -f" ' - ' 0 iTSPrealnr- Vtoeb-Me. l wblto.4Bt.00; ''rtorE Twrtira OragM Pa be to. .: gtrslgbta. MHj valley. 4J? grehaav.'Aa, 4.00: to. it: rye. 60. H.OO; bale. U.J5, MlLuTUf-rt Braa. 19.00 'per to atu dllng. Pb aO; abarta, eeastry, Jt.Uu; ebea, tiaut .. .... - . - - HA f Pvedater a price Timet hy Wlllaeiett valUr, fancy. L3-06tlt.(0: "ordloarr, la.00 13.00; aeateru tiregoo, ais.twaji.uu; aiseo, tllor); ctorr,' 11.00;, grata, 11.00; cheat, "" l lmb. IS-ltry 5 Ji ItrTTKB FAT gweet, Sle: aoer. TBto, . BOTTKbi, City - ereaaaery, beet, ate seeoed grada, xTVlc: eu t.i de ' fancy,- boej ajt aarr. ZTVac; California, aocj store. .Inc. 1 - 100ft So. 1 freab Orrgoa. lTITH,i - ( HKKBK New Tnll ' cream. , - twl. - ltet Toung America., IV; aaatara. MdU; Cheddar, la. " I WIDLTBT fhlrkena. ailxed.. IS Dee l je - per in; roneiera. em, laytaai.te per lb! young, ixfpiguja per in; areiiars, .u 5,00 ' per dost fryers, 16J1T per lb; chrrke, (A ooeilo.OO per doe: geese, be per lb; turkey, ITtJUe, per lb; dreesed.. 1023Ma ear lb. , :, Waal aad Bide. ' . . i ' -i HOr Contracts. IPuS. lttUUa; 1004 erop. btc for ' caetaer WCXIMd, for srlaee ssedluaa,.' - t . . ' wool, nontraats Ibni clip. Ulla; valley enures ta atedlaak, ddjltai baa. lit) latl-Mat- are Oregon, joe. - - , : v ' , 1 , MOHAIR rt online!, JuOf'. ' RMKKI'SKINb bbearlng. lolMe short treat, 0Vic; Biedlua woel, KS0c; . Inag , kraal. vc xai. w a7i - - -" 1 -- TALLOW Prlaa, par tb, dftSes ate, t gad grraa. zerzwe. , CniTTlaf BAJIK per Th; buying prlca. : HinBH Dry hldea. No. 1, '1 IdQieVt per lb; drf btp. Ma.' 14c; dry calf, No. 1. under 5 th iu ne anq an. 1. K tn lit th. lbs. 'datlacf dry salted hldea. alters, annnd. go Ibe eC ever. lUd He; 80 to to the, tt8Vci aaitor go lbs sad cows, anon; stssa aao euua, eonns. sajic; kip. U ta 0 lbs. 6c; sound. 10 te 14 Ibe, ) Due calf, enand. under 10 lb. tVtaile: areea (naaltedl, 1 per lb leaal eulto, le per lb. leas; borae hide, aaltod. each. l.Iai.7B: dry, each, $1.00(11.60; 00 It bid, each, JotXnic; gee ektee, esaaea, eeen. luiae JLagera, with wool OB. each, fAc0ft.9O. - ' ., , ', . ,'......".. Traits mat gataalaa. POTATO Kb Beat OregVn. 11.00; bsyera, anaronet eaeand evade. sokcSOc nae eseki rmv. Ing price. Ic; aweera. beet lJMrl.a0; crated. SI TDf ww railfornla, tB3t per lb.. ONIONS ZTnj.ti: aayera- or loos, aeaatry, Mnnatrao: garlic 410e per lb. ritssn rauiin APPlee. bra- fsnev.' gl.eo . riser ureeen. si.te- per . uos; cheep gradre. ootj tbe ' per nnt; enrngaa, seraL fl.S6dt.ln ear box) needling. II to per box; tangerlora, 11.78 per bnii. Ja orange. ATXtto per beij baOasas, Be per lb; toaaoae. choice, 12 M per bog; faecr. (1 TI per bog! llraaa. at lea a. gse per, 100: tnae applaa. XB srssberrto. aasvarBIOtr per --gKTAltt.ltI Tnrslpe. BOS per Back I ear rnta, BO do baaeneet beer, poc an eeDeuee: Oregon rsdlahe. B per da: eabbee. Oregon, cwt: California $1.1011. 261 lettace, bntnou. 11. IS erate; gveaa pepper.. Ta per tot ehlll peppers, loe per Th; refer, gnataa pe dea; tnmataea. California. 11 00: narenlna. TBcvl l.l: egg plant. t2t pe ; string been. 13r; caaUflnwer, $LT8tlJft per ente) butter beane, He; pnmnklaa. le per Ibf borwarr1ab 7te par lb: suraiita. Be; artichokes. gl.Ourf I t per rtos: Bess. lOe per lb; eneuahees, Caltferetn bet- aoua. Sl.TO on: greea euieaa, Mnaeaena. IKarlna ner lb. DRIED F Rl IT1 imW, ev novated.' 10U ner Tb: eorlceta. iurrltc per Ibt aaeka. Ue per b bra: praebse. aeiltt per Ibt pear. - ner . Pa; twwne. ItaTlen. tH4Ue per rh; Freees, awjepauj per id; prt, 111 tor ma Biers. BrMt) pee lb; Call forma white. pee Iht pram, rltted. . peg Ibi date, geld, per lb fsrde, J.eO per IB-lb baa, 4, , ., r ' . wriiiili. , ITata, i lbs. ' 7 BnGAB geek beal Cnh. bSM; aewdeeed. l; fruit granulated, fa.on: drj grannUted. I I ted. ff.tdl ' 0, t I (-.-.d Cw; bold, tif buv tbe; . . . . A'l -Vi .: n,. ,.4'aW SC.aWt VALTER TC3ZE IS SELLIKS HIS HOPS .. . . ...f . . - "H ! j -' v t 11 1 1 ill . . ; ' ' ' ' ' - ', ' ' J ' Big' Bull Leader Disposes, of Lot td . Miller of ' Aurora at A T:';y Twenty-Four Cents, I j. ' ', '. , . ': ,'!! ' ' amnaaassgsaia '', ' ". ' ; KREBS.BR0S. MAKE AN . 4 'ft Hi OFFER TO HOLD MARKET Will Buy Three Thousand Bales JyZ. of First Class Stocks at : '.': " Twenty-Seven; v'': rbw bop eaarket to Weaker. A V -Desptu tb ballying af tha big bait Interests ind the endeavors af aoaa of tba "tonga" ta bona tb marker a that they could get aat WUhmt losing their eoalpe. '!) hop aurket to wesaer . ana prices aey he said" to ba frae t locally tower tbae dsrtng the former week. ' Tbe . fact that . V.sitr L. Toase, tbe big Wood burs holder of Bops, baa started aelllng adde wakacaa t the msrket, fee it bss beea believed all along that loose weald aold aa vV hto hops antll pety vtoug nf UN adrsacr la 'prtcea bad bcea ewapt away, r , I -A abort Usse agx Mr. Teoae Bold ana Bops aad It waa rumored tbea that Be waa about. ter- anload. The etarto were proerptly - eeaae frera Waodbarn. however, aad It was laillil that Mr. Teoae would not net bis bops aa tbe asarket for several aware, as saatter which way. tba aerket went, yesterday be eold SO hales t Bwu-y bUUsr f Aurem't U4 par pooad. i ' ' .' -v-- " Krebd WeeU Bay at aa sUvsaos. ' ' . -Rarrr H tb week t'earad Krera. the largest individual bolder ee well as grower ef bops la the. state,- eaeaa art with the following etateaant U tba aaa of tha fira at Tna bear bare rvperted' that Kreh Bra, ara. Ukrly te weaken aoon and aril. . carrying many af tbe giowera wltb tbea. We will not at tor s. bab of bona' far sato sstfl lata la the Masses, -Tb dealer ara nearly aold ant, the brewer- Bast eveatuslly bay tba bops, and II the' growers will bold' tbey will get better tbdst SO easts. We -are willing to parches S.UU0 bales af first-class Boos at He a Bono or, wilt f urn lab tbe- awae? Beaded by asj arew'e 'erne la holding." ' ' - - Tbto'nBnoanreaent wu balled .with delight by - thee grower wba arc- etlil holding en to tbelr bopsu.but by, tb local trade, tbe sta. ta mest waa doubled. Na sooner bad the as. Beemewaeat beea sued pub lie before McKlatoy Mitchell offered Mr. Kreba aona poos waaca u ,inn,ail.rf k ( k. , 1.. , t K f 1 1 I I bat according to Mr.' Mitchell, we offere of tower Ognrea would ant Indnca Kr. Kreba ta bay - b IB tot, aj 'ba'Oid oc oeea uea nrst-ckta. : f... ,s- , ., Beat Hop tat State Offer. ' . Then tba beat bop grew la the state were offered by O. M. Maeke af Aarora,- bat tbey were not accepted by the Salea deaker rrowea. Hereral ether dealera claim to bar gto Bade ffrra, to Mr. Krab. bat according td tbea bona were accepted. Mr. Kreba to to b tba, sole iudgo whether tba bops offered ara flrrt-rlaee aad. ef coarse. If none pans bto ta-eoe- rVial tbera ar pa first grada bobs) la tbla a ate.. , : . . 1 ( Just at xesrat tberk are soas order tor bops la tbto ptsrkrt wltk dealera abto to pay as bid as ec per pound for ebotca. S3e for nrlmes and 92M29WO for aidlaaa ta poors It to : jalt IlkHr frea nraant Indleartana that the atarket win rsl dull for a abort Us the- tu ewers area to ba determiaed pot bOsW tbe bop ssurket ta get begoad their r -a. i a market will very likely go signer before" th end ef the eeason, but when th t srerrt will begin 1 snueb ef a mystery. eon. bO advaee on each boats, toes Bto awt far eaab IB day: maple, Ittjl per te, , . . - HONRT I4U0IB. - - -..COFFER Package tnads, tl4.M1o.SR. ik.Lt Fine Ralae. fa. ba, 4s, Ba. los. Bl.dO; Uble. dairy, bos, 811.00: 100a, tin. 71: Im- gtad Liverpool. 80s, 81T.00: 100s, 818. 80; a. 1 00; extra fine. boat. an. pa, 8a. lfla, e0n.Mi. balk, U Pa. 84.00O6.00; aaa a. 80s. ststsane. " . wALT ousre hsit Bern jona. pvv Or AA SJkt av. Im gT SO. Uverpool sol nuap bp reck. IIM nee ton! bO-IK roek. 87.00: 100S, 84.78. 1 Above price apply to ale of toss than car tots, rsr tots St apodal frtoaa snbtoct ta Bucrnatloea.v . , . , . , DRAIN AOR lctta. 88.71rV8.00 par 100, ' BIC8V Imperial Jap a. Wn. t. 4: . 8. 4t r' OrlasaT boaaT 8tJc1 Idjaa. a Creole.- 4e. " ' ... ' BKAKrV-gmaU white, del large white. 8 He! pink. Hc; bayoa, 8Mje; I lass, tci MUcaa red dtie. - " . - sUT-Passers. TVJel taabos. 8Va Per lb; raw. 8010a pe fb: roasted. 1 cocoa nets. MiftgOr m doa; walnut. I4dl8c per lb! plae auto. lOlXHe per h: hickory nets. 10 per lb; eheatnnta. eastern, lAOlnr per Ih: Bra all nets. IB per lb: Glherte. I5Hde per lb; faa) pecans, !4g)1S per. Th: almoada. 1818 par lb. nV.l-A. Aa All. . aFaV - IaTenaaaenyp assajndi vaVeareg os weoe BOI! Pure Manila. 14c: atandsrd, le; wsai. irn)ri istie nrana rieai. ev. . rOAI, OIL Pearl or Atral Caeae. Big ! awli water white, krea hbta.-8t per gal: wooden. 17C per gal: headlight 170-deg, ease Tic per gait- toon bbto. lHe per est ' ease die. per gait aenalee settle boiled, taaat 83 per gal. hble 8H pot gall ground ,ko. car Iota 82.O0 per toa. laa tbsa sag tots 00 rt ton. 0Af.4NaV--aa,de. esse 89 per get are bbto Me bar gsl; grave, aaa 844 par gal, Iron (Ms ld per gaL ' BBNZlRsr-dt-deg. rases Bto psf gal, boa bb!. per gal. r . , TCR PbVTTN g In rsaee. gr per gsL uesedea bbls, le per gaL woa bbto. Tb per gal, 10-to ae lot Bee per gat. WrTTT LKAD Ton tot. Ttf ror lb; 800-lb tots. T per Tb; lee Iota e per lb. i ; , WtRR ATT. Present baae at 888. ' MMEfTi OIL Pvra raw In bv.a. Boo aet gal. Meats, Flak aad lrtotona. " PRKBIT MKATd Freat atrees Heet, steers, 4nHc per W: pork, btoefc,. Tat per Ibt packers, VfJV net- lb; " bulls. SVe per lb: caw. BcllHe per lb:- mutton,, wether and tomb. T we. awt veal. cur. 7f H per Ih: ordlnarr. 5 f c per lb; poor. 404S per" lb. HAMS'. Birot. STTT Portland pack I local) bam. 10 to 14 Ih. I2K per lb: 14 to Id Iba, I8c per tbt 18 to t lbs. 18 r rb eottage, 8c pet lb; break feat bene, itojldr pay Ih; ptonle. 8,a per Rrrguler hort deer, an. aasoked, 9 per lb; eaoked. 1014 per R clear barks, sromoked. . 8c .par Ibi ... aaankad. - to per rbr Pnloe belts. 10 te II lb. usetoad. 8 per lb; smoked, per Ih; clear bailies, aa, smoked, lie per lb: arboked. ,1 bar i lb. 1.0CAI. LARD Kettle tost, loajlottd Per IH; Be, 1014 per Ik; 80-lb tlag, JO pot lb: ate IS reet-rea. Ida. ttke par tkf , SV Bar lb: tab. 8 per Tb: bo. i CANNrTTJ SALMON CetomM Mr 1-lb tall. Sl.aS) 8-lb tails, 1180) faaey 1-lb Rata, fl 00; k-in rsaev aars, i.m-, rancy -io va. v i Ataaka toll, pink, 86O0r) red, IIJI aoaplaal ns. ran, iim, F7RH-Rock ; end. To por Ibt sVmnrlerS, Be per to per Tb crabs. 1 3 per doa; lOeJIttS per lb ratanb, T per lb; halibut. Be atelnea kaaa. it IK. mIum rvilnmhla rive ebliuaott. lSIAe teeTbeads... 8 per -lb; fro) llrridas, Tc per Ibt herring Be per Ih; antoa, 8 per lb) hrlape. law per to: ehad. drssaat. per lb; neeek. if fer Tb: all ad me, per B: abed, to ee iht black end, Ae per T: Ontoabl rlvee tmelt.. 4c per : llver amelt. Bo , per lb; tobetern. ' freak aaekereL Re pee lb; rrmb. Bie pet des; Beaeder.. 8 par tb; tnrgeon, Te pee tb. 4 . - OYSTtR- .boalwater bay. Be rl. RH per tart, 11 00 aet; Olysipta. par eaek. 8 as. CI-ASIo Hara snen, gag BOB, ta-svi tlaas, 83. wO get baa. 11 "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ua . . 1 1 ; 1 ; f?T-jl-.' - i- - -Ptt'wa'a?'-'"7 i '.(' e -r?: ;""" ' 1 e e e aweM 7 rMNI VO usrvo 1 .1 , LeT ,ZL, I I V I t. .- : . .. .trw- "tV-fr-.X . SUBSCRIPTION FOR JAR LOAN IS OPEN ADTAKCXS. J AmaVraaatod III. iVmrral .JB Atrbiaaa ... Manhattan Hugar ...7 .85 i'.IJH , .96 Mlasoarl Pae.... .7 gmalter. torn N. V. Cearnl.. S.2B 1., . ee ao or a . . . I'eaasyrranU . Bait. Ohio uss filial Brooklyn T - JITS Palladia a Pec I ea nfd -K Greet Waat... j2. '.78 1 M .86 Reading, tea... .v, KockL, eoa.. .87i ,8. P., eoa.,.., .UV4 do pfd ...... .86 Tex. Pae,.., 1.12H Rt. Ptol .... 0. N. W., Brie, cob.... do 84 pfd. dolMpfd Ct Wry. 1m. A Nasi Katy, eoa... do Pfd ... .. ,-87 ,,-bo 1.76 .. . Tenu. Aoal.,... .f Hleel, coa...... .60 do pia .in fjuna - .dlto Col. - Faef ..t JB " k.. '.86 btotrcmoiltaa ... .12V ... .ia , . .SB aa l.uu ... Jni nortk Am. -C...C .no flnt. A Week.. -T5 - Bcp. Bteel. do gfd,. eoatbora Pa... IM (peelal THapetch by Ltsard Wire to Tb lotmal) - New Tork, March 4. The Yokohama Bperla bask opened anbaerlpttons In this city today far . JsnaDa new SbO.0uO.000 internal ' man. Tba mlnimam lasa prlc was at ted to be go yeoi with the New V ark equivalent placed nt 846. parable ta Japan. Allowtng lor the rale af exebangn, the eebarrtutkxi price was stated todsr to he nraetsraliy Wm. Tbe aet Mas waa .offered bara, to Movesaber en tba basis at and accroeU Interest, whtoh waa aanlvsaaat ta the Loastoa baae prlca af BOVk. ' II waa aau- aatrd. today that the new loss wool not Americas Investor aomewhar over 8 per coat, ftabecrtpttoos will ba received her antll March SO, closing la japan m day atar;. ; , -r t - .' Kaat BaaaaU. ' '.'-i -. ' Assertcsn gubatilbaa will ba required to da, poatt 82 per lOO yea. bond I set 11 meet being doe her a aesath Woe than in eepsa. where paj-meiits will ben required nsoathlr bagtealng In AnrU and andlmT in August, ' The loan being aa International toons, to not aaursd by saj- thlnc but tha credit of the - v Si ':. Karfcet Opened : Btoavy Tb market epoar with an uncertain and generally heavy tone wTtb-ths aasjlag la very small voraaa to eeapartom - trlth recent arer agea. After retaining thca teodeoctee during the flat hour af bail sees, s greater degree ef animation, developed and la sobm Instances price advanced quite rapidly Mlanoar! fsdtc, Teiaa A Pacific aad New York Osteal ware enesmlrnona In tba raUrtac aerenaseut, which was. bowerer. quite commonly shared la by the smsrkrt st large aad by Atlantic tkaat Una and LontevtUo haahrll. aotably Tinnessee Coal A lroe. Rloes nbaffetd aad -tbd ueowbile Iron ak Bteel ebarea oonttoBOd weak oa tha prevall tug uncertalsty wtrk regnrd to tb- status of tha segotlattons rearing to inoso pesiias. It nrsa still aairlad br Bert tee . la - tntereet that tbe orgtnel sutenent. aa baa ' already been oetllrjed. had not beea abandooed, but It was sdaltted. on tb other band, that Uttla farther procreea could be aside to the aatter antll tbe holding of the aaaaal awe ting af tba shareholders of tbe Ttanosae Coal Iron ta paay early ta afar. ,. .. ' ,';. -The bank" statement made- tha weak show ing wblcb bad beea commonly looked for. Cash holdings demswsd 88.420.000. a eoamwhot larger sua thaa wa iodic ted la the prellBV Innry aatlaatos, and' tbe toea ttsa axpaaded to the extent af 818.148.ri0o, - largely. It we tboogbt. hi eosnertioa -with the Mou thorn Pa. rlnc bond payaoats, la tha aarly part of tba week., Tba deposit .tea la eopeequvee of tha changes la loans aad la eeeb Iscreeeed 000. and accordingly sorntaa re area fell 64. 26d.Ou, Tb tnCueoce af the bank stateaast was, bewkTor, nothing aara thaa transitory. ' BtattottoB of Iae, t " ' Tb' total BUBkbee. of anerra sold aa tba stock aacbange today war 87T.T78. agalnet 187.73 th same da kit year. Tbe total sale atoco Jaeuary have born 6o. 157.5), agalBst 21JjT8.478 tba, easae day last year. The par valae at hoods 'as id today waa 8XJ36.- WHAT BROKERS SAY : OF THE STOCK LIST (FuraUhed by Overberh. Rtarr Cooke 0a.) " Now ' York. March 4. Log a Bryan say: Tbe stock market closed active aad higher. Tb list la tbe early deellags abowed qait a little Irregularity aad cooeiderabl beeluttoa but ea the publics tloa el tbe bank ststeaent, whtoh wss fully aa peer aa ea-pocted. the mar ket reraised the former toase end tba I tat generally closed etroeg. One fester In tb day' inrliia wa tbe lrapreved form exhibited by the Harrlmas lear at advaaring price, C radically at tb top. The action af the as. et to still Btreag, aad walls the activity has petered out to a certain extent. It Ja mil a great, big. broad market. The closing tendency seem to suggest tbst- the market to stilt 1a strong baods. Walt street advices ar that next week will wllaeaa higher price, this being baaed oa the president s meessge. wblcb to expected to be very eeeoervntive and e deal largely , with tbe prosperity , of tha country. '' . IMck Rros. ssy ' The stock msrket howed consider bl strength today. It wss feverieh at first, but gradaaiiy became stronger, sjm srtar the anfavoralile autenjent tbere wa qulu s ash at baying, wblcb carried tork bp sharply. At tbe close Boewortby , strength WSS SOewn ay IB wvauina rails, euro Psclflc. New York Centrsl. Rt. Psal sad Ron ta res PsdAc. Other feetnrea wee Rngsr, Amal gamated and the Metropolitan eheree. . Tbe only news developing wss tbe bank statement. It SOOWetl a isrgesj incrwaee in us oan man m greater shrinkage In thei surplus reserves thaa was expected. Much af tba buying waa abort eeverlag... s i-,, ,, ... B0ST0B OOPFfB KAAXXT. 'Boston. March 4. OfftoUl fswpaf closing . Bid. 1 srtawMa ......8106.76 Doa. Ima Bid. .8 Blmrbaa 81.00111. B. Mining... 24.26 xa.xn 24.00 10 S2.M '1.26 18. no MOO f'alamet STO.OuM! Royal Copper Brga.. IXly Wt .1. Doa. Coal . Franklin Greene Copper. tte. - ...' 70.60 Anvratura Alvares ........ Arcadian , ...... Mlchlgsa ....... 1T.00 T0.T6 10.2.11 27.7.1; Mohawk II em old Iwatinioa.., te iwi Trinity ln.arrtrsceoa ........ wi.uo Qillacy ........ 10B.00Wolreria ...... 11660 Victor I ....... 4.T8I Phoenix . 8.2B ' ajt rmAJici8oo local btookb. " Caa rrsocteco, March 4. Lscal stsrka 18:20 Bid.' Art. Pprfng Taller Wster ley Water ............. X1 '88 A Rlectrio 621 .. der otli '4bl R. F. Os Gl.nt Powder Hawsllaa eagsr ...-... .......... . Hoankea Roger tl Hulchlneou Rngsr .......v......... It Mskswell Roger ...r,. 874 Pssuhaa ugr ,,vi...., .....,,.. Mt Alaskan Packers ...,.,......,... Ti 28 14 t m ii Csl. Fralt Censer 87 . Pacific States Telephone ., . ' BTW T0RX BAjrX BTATKatClTT. - ': , ' Re York. March 4. Bank statement: . IWresse. Reeerve '.'......l 0,2 7 Reserve, Mat C M7 6J0 lymns IIIHKl Hnerle 8.Mi.0ii0 ICSka ................ 17t,O0 IVposlto ....... ,i.w,.... .'10.14JI. 100 Clreolattoaj ...r... '21. 800 I acre. : J 0 th '.',," BtorllSg oUbst. 'V ' " ;;---...' -; Kew ' York.' March 4. gtrUli(l , ftotuad; 48o.I; days, 444 , i ;. cyy -i!"'Vyr:;j-V: y.;. 000 against 89X1.008 tba BSa any tost year. Btaea January i tb galea bare beea aJat7.aoB agalaet 81X1,417,000 tb aaao period tost rear. ' Zsyartb of Wlear. " - at sllva froa Mow York for tba reek endlag today, aa efflc tolly rruortod to tba rmtaaos boeae were 8t.bllT.8M. ad which 88S8.. tao was lo loodjoa aad to Ostou. mac Janaary 1. gold. 828.807.186; silver, 8,0X&t. Imports of gold la New York tkla week were 844.800: af eilver. 817.428. Brace jsauary 1, gold, T4a,lB0; silver. SXn.44, agaiaat 84.140.- 8ns gold end 8JO,pao sirrer lor tat pertod 1 1804. . i BnCoUTROK. iaaroada Mining Co.... Aswl. Copper Oo. ....... Alcbkeon. cosasaou ..... as afd Aa. Csr Found., aaa. ww eve a.. v , 1444 ti irtoij Aa. Hugsr. a, . Bl D A. I Brook. Rapid Transit.. Can. Parlfle. earn em. . CM. Alton, pfd...,. CbiV (1. W,. l.. Ml St.- Peel.... Chi. N. W., cobs.,.. iwj.- -iwraBBti- b.v...,j 14H osoeoke a tlhlo.... Colo. F. eoa...., Osto. Re., enmmaa..,.. do -8d pfd ,- o. Ut pfd Detawer A Hratooa... nL. Ick. Wet ... D.U ATTeoaanm... do pfd .. To5 nd pfd 1st nfd nileola Central .... Leu. NahrHle .. Met. Traction Oe....... Maabattaa Bke-stea... Meg. teatral By 24U lltwt M IBS.. BL. P. Bto. la Mlaanurl raelfto M-, K. T.. CO. do pf-d . . . . It. T Central tJ-t Kerfott WeoL, norta American N. Y.. Out. 102i 102 tlfrti MAI B4U PvBnevresnto Bsllwsv . . People's a,, U C. -Co:' i,.-m . . tTiisasq Btoei uar. do pvofarrod ... eoatng, 4en9 last BPuxrss!! Bepoblto Iron BteeL a. tjtl plTBaaTrtl rr Eork IiiswUMi, cowl.. JO PTw,?a"'J'l tsT BnlinTd oat. Roe tbera Psctfl 11814 m.. I, A R. PV 2d prut. Tltt n. b i. eea... do preferred ........ Trxaa A Pert fie Tea a. Oaal A I eoa....'. Tel.. Rt. LAW, earn. Ontoa Pacific. do preferred . . , C. 8. Leather, aaa, ' uW Bus'tWTvbJ4 a a i 0: '. Rubber. aa. teTt DWl'v"l"T,r . ) C f, Bteel Ca.. emu, do prof sirred .... 11214 tssnv. 3 Westera L'ntoa TaL., Wsbaob, eoa. -a...... a nrvterrea ........i Aaerteaa Ice ........ do prof erred ""Total esto for day, tTSJOO aharos. COHON FIVE TO : ; EIGHT.POIMTS HIGH (Frrntobed by Overbeck, Btarr A Cask Aa.) new lorn, wares . vouoa rata f to A petsni klgber. . - Toshiba otftotol cotteu aarket ' . . Opee. High. Low. mSrcn TIP 794 April ,,,,,,,,,,! '. . . ' ... May .... ..a. ........ T88' 'T44 iaaa ............... ........ Jnly ............... TM i T41 AbMrw soao .t e Retrtessbag ........k. TRB T46 October ............ 70 . 746 Nerembsg T4B ,.. . December Tbt T68 730 T.l4nB Tta42 T4S4P44 T4IA48 741442 t42t44 T4A4T 7 TbltrM t664tST tat fa? .f 740 TBB T. A. Mefntyr A Co, Mr: While v.a.r.l Beutlment bore and there nut south Is hearten, are think a scarper 'a position to tbe beet point a perene, bellevlsg assre mooer caa be asede by traders wba will operate for saall turns tbsa la tskitrg a fixed position oa tbe ether side. Tbe feature at Ibe week beg beea the effort of too largest aad aaat Infleevrtlal soot dealera to take In their largo ee fc tending hedge ales from Mar option, made aaao time ago against teeMlngs ef spot cot toe hi the Bouts, and a elmllav movement on the pert nf leadiag beer operators aad bto eovorlag of shorts. , f'7' btw toss corrn.aTJkarr. ' ,;" Kew Tork. March polnta higher. Ooffe futsrea cksssd . todag'a afflHaL eoffea jatrkts. i.. . . Bld. Ask.l ' Bid. Ask. Msrek .....8 8 10-ept. '...,.d.70 84.76 April , 8 10 4 30, October .... g NO g un y 6.26, A. 10! November. ,. d.6 g.vo iuoe ...... 8.86 8.401 Pecea her 8.80 8 BA Jely ......t 6 48 ' ABO'Jsb., -o .., cad T.oo A ages t 8.88 .g6IKebruarr ... t.OB 7.16 T. A. Mclstrr A Ca. aay. " Tbe Rnropess markets ahewed Bp very poorly during the week ssd pi red tba pert sgsfast the torsi market. It to believed by a greet aany la tbe trade that v this week's Mae dksroaat a great deal, aad that th market to la aa ex cellent poottloa for a good rise, ewtag te tb extensive short Interest which kaa beta ere ted la recent selling. It I rtolaaed by tba balls that Tory light storks eihtt la tbe laterrer. sad Inst a soon e he msrket hommt settled a heavy demsnd oil I develop froa tbe distributing leanest, which will reealt Ut very aach higher prices, ' v r , . . t "'" Vow Tork Ohab Osff. ' :' i v Tort,: March 4,-Tsjm 66fTl V t Bto,, Ta4 No, 4 Baato. Bit. ; ,( ' ''J , 1 OnOAM CAATJI WsTJUt. ;,., , Oilcsevv" Msrck ' A aoh wheat prsctieaUy aschaaged. , , - .. Tba afUclal toarfegt: ",. ,' ' "" ., v,,,- . ' Hid. ' ' Atk. Kk IM ..11.16 1.1T4 No. 2 red , 1.10 .', l is It Mo, I hard 1.14 1.18 M No. S bard I.rat .' 1.1414 No. I Borthern 1.1614 . 1.114 N. aonkeaa 110 1 114 Ns, i spring ...... 1.07 1.16 X MIMAJIT, iBITBIJITe AJfP CI.181 ABCTB. Cblcago March A-tissry reretpta: ' . i l, -i.-; Today Taer eg l i" ., '','" .' t Bsahehl. Buabela. Wheat ...... ....44.1.1)00 Btii.ont Oarn aTSO.OOv .437.000 hlnasralat r--rt.: r ' Z Wheat ........ ...... $41, rV . 404 raw tAwn 'i...... t...i.. .870.000 2TO.onO Ctoarsaees . Wbest gad flour, I.Vt.orn bnebatol an, 134.000 baobsl. aata, 10.000 bnabeW. , FEF.LIKG STRChG IM VflEAT UARUET ".fWtj September Coe. a. ' Half ' Cent Higher! in . the iChi- ,A: cago Pit. ' .. ' . . w "! f . .. ...., .. .-f. ', 'V ' MAY IS UF A QUARTER - , ; AND yULY AN EIGHTH 4 ' v Cood reeling in Com and Oats ;f Stocks of Northern Wheat ; u Decrease. .5", v.. r-V r- . . ' V V , "Jyl-p, Tg wTttAT UMMMXt.,y 1 '.-t om . , rum', : aoaa Osier A . ' '. ,. Tody. '-,;' Today,. . Prt. 'Todaj. ut.. Tr....... .80g ' .lA' .BUTtB, .00 ii trVsralahod by Over beck. Rtarr Ones oe.) t Cbleaao. March 4 Th wheat market ape net tower, but grew strong later aad. Casaar at B petal near the top. - - v-. . r - la wheat. Brooms II rabies heavier ship ments thaa usual are rsgpoualblo for as easier fee Beg ta tbe Uvorpeol aasrket. Th worst sal panes ts are ostiaabsd at t.dOO.tu bnsbeto. The continental mnrksta tossd anchaagsal. Mla- Beepslla wire 230 ears were loaded eat yesier- Av lei luill.. BX ear ef No. t BartBSrn, Bioe. - Oie ana week, loy.ana tsssbsto. ?m total No. sort bum Is tbst Barket ht IM.ouo bnabeto. Tbey alee wire ea ei eel lest daieaiul fne aah wheat thai morwjnsr. This baa been a set her strong- msrket. being anew the aaa In chsiwrter aa It pronerswaors, urtth Bro oraancod settvtor coaiag only with tha ad- Taurine aires. Asld froa a little early week sees, tao msrket abawvl aa edveactag toadeacy it tkmaeb iae - aeaiiallns a aauetty at of fertaga. The action of tha aarket eoews bo rhang. It neeas ta reflect a tightening of the trade ana emtreeie uei lunsiu h wa u, eaa ikwM . Tkta aharw aaetesBodBE r aaea to suggest oversold market with tb abort Interest dsttaodly aaiaay. r. . Bead Teeltos? fat Oara. ' In earn tba market oen Usees a reflect a eoa ttnuattoa af the recent etreogth, which was net missiaiwd by any sseens. bat It to atlll a good. otrong aarket. The acttoa at the aaxrnat avssa M a,aM the It ka atlll s tmi atdid affair. with suodsrate swlnaa hi either direction. All ikiaae iitiiaisnirt laai asarket acta won aa believe aay slight Isxsiiissasat to tba osek von id enag aaeui a hat. - WSu. a... aiara-at ak naiad anita ' little Strength today. Tba ossh situation IS atlll f tot. Boeaw Bsocxs aare ooov-aiacai iw wove a, -a. . I. - ka aa lal iaSataal siiialllliaa prevelllag. Aa improved cash situa ttoa and Indira tloa of smaller bog reeelpta would do mack at thlg n Bringing as tertslry high prices, la any event ww feel tbe epecuUUrs aarket la ssUtled to a father ra'ly- - ... ledsy otrrcisi asttetpr- --.; r. j .. . WHRAT. ' Open. High. .,- Low.. tTosa. . rnav. . . . - ' - kiiaa Xmwt. Ctosa air . . aiy.. BCpt, March w Mayu,.a inly.... bepte - .aaiZa .4-t, ,4K ' ."-si '.4, .; .48' OATS. Msreh.. Jsly.... Brpt. ..a : . J1JIA 'itiSi JIIi.V.81bi- .814 M .801 Mk .ay 0 MsyfU'iiw i July.... 12.7 ,av i iay '-- tar. 12. an ' 12.T0 : C 1X80 ' t. . r.An. AnrTt...J .. .. .. i ' ...'.." 1 . BT May.... T 00 - T.0 f T.dn -:- T .02 , ' ' BHORT BIBS. V .' ' w.r a TT d 2 ATT O BJ juiy;..:. s-we ? 8.8T?; otr.r.: aept.... ..... - . . . - ... . , .i , HEAVY SIIIPfrlENTS OF - BARLEY ARE HADE San Francisco Sends Much Stocks to. Foreign Countries : V;f ? 's-u-PotaUrM 8uno yi (SpeelsJ tMapatch by leased Wire to Tha Journal! .Baa rranrlsra, March 4. Th British ntesBwr Ulretsrret aaltod for Japan wlU 88,. 000 bosheto of barley aad 23,448 centals ef oeta, and the British bark Ostontol Baptre was clea red tor btelsoarue with 2M.000 eoBtalB af Cfcevsller berley. Tba asarket was Base aged tor spot berley. aba aata, cere aad rye. Tha leading varieties at beea boBtlauad ara. Ray wss laps led rather steady. Tba staasaer Baa Jos today took out 8.068 berreto of Boor, taclaMag B.BM tor Oratral 'Aaknrlca. - A ablp Baat of 2.000 barrels was smtda bar JapaA by tb slos ma -j tries turrvt. . ' j r ,, Oraagoa to latroaa. . , Prnbably la tba eealng week tba receipt of ar sages will sbsw qslts aa iocreee and torger aaaaUty will so eo baad for bfaantoy't artton. A carload af taagertare arrived froa Batte osusty- tae-asrkst bavlag. beea bar af tbto variety. s . ' v - v - ; sUttphssYtoi BsS Sigh. . 4 ' . A few drawera of lasgbenlsa froa Taaaral war gaoled at 83 per drawer. Btrawberrtos ara axpsetoi froa Palo Alto wlthla tbe asxt two weeks. There wss a fslrly good demand fur anonoabto fruit. - There was nractleally Be cbaagu la polatos or eoiena, . Mont hers vegetables were la smsll aapply. Tba reeelpta ef esperagoa . were torgsr aad toward the rtose price weakeaed. Moat f tba lew Aogetos teaaatee aa band war pear. - Lea Saag to Butter. '' : " - Tbera eras toa nap to the batter BtsYkat, but prices were Beoilnalty guoted. - Poultry was well deseed sp at asady pricee. Daring tba week six csrlnsds ef eastern were pat on tb Burket. Osree Is is bad eoadlttoo aad prlcea were . correepoBdJngly tow. , MAY RECEIVED VERY ! , .I f LITTLE ATTENTION (Phrnlabed by Orerheck. brsrf A Cooks Col Baa rrsnctoce, Msreh 4 K. T. fluttoa A Co. say I BperulsUna In wheat during the week hea beea devoid of special feature. The May op eptloa baa scarcely beea. traded In, those who were bag are hanging on lo hope that tbr any be a fear gives tba shorts. Tbe shorts ar starply standing pat. There H no oeteMe trading. Thai option to entirely prohleastleej. neesanhe wheat bae received ceeaMersble sttsn- ttoa. Many ol -tbe best traders sre dlanoeed to pay It OB every wvsa epot, iigwrina tee prar roerly soon a norm I basis, wklto. man thtok tker things may happen. . Barley continues strong. Items 4 for not to eueellent. Buying Mse barh-y a mood present arteea dor not appeal to ao. 4 The December eptkeB to high enough cessUdertng tb coming Today s official 10 .V a. a. niarkrtl war AT. : ' " Orv High, tw. rinse. , I1.3BT4 1.2B 'j.. .. 1 A iajr-vjr.';T;-.i.T:i.2 BAB1.BT. May ...4.....V1.S8A Dec. .aw ttm-m -ee ,- .rsr ' I ' . irrxKrooL obaib maaxit. : . , Uverpool. March 4 loo: . ' ' , i Wbest Msr. d 10d, ltd dowaf Jul, gs "corn Marries-Jd. i pp; May. 4 4H4 wd higher. . , . , .. ' CsnCAdO BBAUt CAB LOTS. . '. Cbtrtgo, Msreh A I. rain car tnfi ".. ,T " Cars, tirade. r. B04. Wb-at 8 .0 ST . T torn .........." ''" not ,kt I4B ' 81 , ltg . tit OVERBKCK, GTARR Cz CCO: ' . . ' Mambara Chleaga' Board af Trad. '',. a" CI-tAXT. fOf tAlOBTS. OOTTOat, STOCZJ) ' ' -.' , 101 7 -1 Street. McKay BolMlne-. T H,.:. . . ITolV t Contlnuo" Mar" ' ' ' "ir, liiUMi k i k-Ult, y . DCSSAQ CATTLE ARE CUOtED Cj;. .ik.3. . Vrr- -'.MolByMbMnWa)4.'' ' . " ' Receipt. Were- Larger This WC: - i . and Pricss Wenr Dovrn- ; ' '; Early on Duress. ? , i: , i ' . ' ,,,r; SHEEP MARKET RISE A QUARTER WITH;DEMAND '"'J ' ; ' ' mmmmm rtoaBsbRbMnafcuBat nR- --'- j,. Cailforriia Sheep Men to Ship ts.n Thit Markets-Notes of ths ? Stockyards, Port rand CntoB Ktorkrsrds. March 4.-4 P. at. With tb exeepttoa of a very brief parted c tb toae of the hog aarkrt waa vary dull Una . week. Barly hi tha week It waa poorest that . tba lata heavy reeelpta of aaslem biml baga . would weabea tbla aarket, aaaV ertees tbea 1 aepud 80 wRbnat aay trouble. , Tbe units ( ai Bag taw waeg aaouBiea ,ena aaao. aa rlnt oat heed a wees sgs. Oattto Msrket Drape a unrtor. As a result of the beavtor roretpa sad fba warmer weather, the eaktto Barket tbta week showed a decline et 86c per Mm psunds. Tka ' sheep msrket waa to better soap and aa B4- raece at g ousna wa Waak'l LI I Ml i ik Bmhjto,. Tha rscetpto abowi - ': 1 Weak Ta x Hoge ..... ie,orwti.itr i...Ltt8 k 4 Cattle ,. w , . v Baeep .l.Tl IV KeeorW rroa ciireraia ssy task a i win ship swavuy ace caa x lag tba Beat week or sa ana taa wui p. . , ably keep the tocal valaca trea nnamg ors tttghty. . .v njooa g xa BwasDjuxun. Mr. BllaehftoM of Artlsgteu shipped t aur-oC begs to the yarda hat Bsaday. : John Shaw ef lea aaat a lareo cars ox Him attto stoadny. With atx aara ef stack cattle whtoh ba pwr- rwseed stoaad Hatoey aad Albnay, blr. 8-aih to tore ted at Ontario, doabto deeh car of heep aad two ears ad etettss toth sent to a ear ef cattkv and aba A any oC boa, whtoh srrlred la good shape, ' Aa rests rroa inuou. meow. . e m a- ai I Usrowgh the yards with 12 - ! oaattto. toe also bad a car for tle e -r. giro core of atuttou sbe-p wee -atoo ht la varus that.uaaft oa route front OsJuaewat to B. Ubby Of JeTTereou sswi a nas very hire sheep ssd bogs, ' : H. Kk-rtn saart, two oara ox n oreus Fvyvtto Tuosday. ; Oelbreath A Baesa eempeny of Bsottto wen buying horses la tbe valley toot week aad seat a rag eg heavy ere ft hires boose froa AJr-. . J. H. Berk, lev sent la , cat at a rows Itogene oo Tnesdsy. , .. " ' - A double deck car of' thorp nrrtvee) TW'aA'T . fresn Weltodato' froa Hiutga W. Brown. B. hv. U Brown of Ih easae place oret In two dent a.,... had. 4 with ahaao an the Okas day. B. la Ovrrtso waa a obi p per af sheep and hoc froa Brownsville oa Toasday. . Two cars at arlaae cattle wore waived front Cbartoo Butler froa Tba Delles. Widaatay. M. bV Hotcbktoa of La tsrando btontbt noWw three ar af prlaa steers. Thaa esttle were fed at tb angar beet tartarv at that ptaeo . sad were the heet flsbssed csttto sasn ea the aarket tbto apriog. t . i. 0. Dsvla waa a sblrsssr af bag and Bbeep from "bedds ea Wednesday. Ut. Miller of Roseborg seat Id a ear of utt Wednesdsy. and oa tba aaa day C. B. Tnur af lotaBM bad sheep aad boss hi tba yard. Froa Island City Kntdto bra, sent la a eaf f cattle aad hogo. They srrtved Tessdev. Mr. Wsts-vai 1 alppsr of beaB ivant oarol-beavy draft bore trad reeetvv-t oa Tburadey froa B. -0. lonwg A Co. od Ookhvnd. Or. 1. H. Bcbwlngtor aoat In a oar ef hogs atk of aheeo froa Bal from i. H. IMaaaara oo rrtdsy. . Xbsy a Vale nmrhst. xf. B. tiaroutte Wd a ear af ether stark la tbe yards froa rout ta Nertt IssisBB ma. . B. 0. Oerbtcb aeat f. ear a ohttla troa hloDtagwa. Cat. today.. ' ' . . e. w. TlBonnt of Boh iblupid ta aara at attto Bs Isi 4a f O n J- bast tour car. of frtao eg'a froa Baker Ctty la tb yard too-y. ba-. Brook of the dtp- aaat ht two 'Baaeo anru !T-fitohiS th. Hogai Bet eestern Oregon. 88-O0t -t btockora and Chtnn fsto, 4.bOJB.T6; stockve sod feeder. H toegaO,, . - Cattle Beet aasleru On era Bbsara, f4.v Bgbt -d mediua steers, 8601 old end b t owe, Bt-oO; ataekara aaa leettora, ha tU'tJn wV HMO t-2t. - , '' ' CnOAtM XOtM Chicago lijoo ." J I oe-ta btgha Wtfb A8T-. b Rite., 'TuUo-. 'fe-pi SSC' $Ti4.eBi ughv x4.fo4jA.oa. ( . ftta tin airy. SXATTtX BBATsT mABXTt. -. Beattto. March 4-Btoestoa. BBr ob, BTut .Waodbarn. March 4. H eery J. d 80 bl Miller, Aeroca honbaver. aajrehaxed 80 bstoa af bo- af Walter L. Too tedsy. payug ate pev , urwotABA tt Ore Wl-a, ' Tram th philatMplilB Telagrapb. ' ' "Mlaa JDoaher,- aald Mr. D Bora, ab ha roao to go, "may I giro ntl' tlb pleaaur ' of calling- wa -yen OA-to Mon day evening r ' MUa Daahtr harxl, but rorovorwA hernelf ' quickly. "No, - Mr. Dav Boru." Bb nald, sweetly. "I am. very aorry. but I am to Jota A theatr party on MortdaT evening. " . Tbn tnajr I . corn T-lAr Ingr - "Ah i bp tidy I bltall bu cut of totnt on Tuddday evdBlnt.T . ' v . . . "Than perhtpa you wilt be At llbartf on Wednesday averting 7" ..-."Whir, raallr. Mrv Ia Bord, I no. I hv an Important tngogement oa Wd Bewday." " '"" ' v" ' 'f " "WU, then how about Thumdayr. , 'Oh, my roodneaal Cora Hofximr-" 't V,'". , Bxaw af Buatv' '' .' . Mis Muglcy Th Idoatif hla ralltra; na .homely. ' 1 may not bd yry pretty, but I'm certainly not ae homely aa ha ta. Mtag Part No dn'btit that g glm ply bocaug ha'g burger than yot. tawiaw. xciraixs a ca, " . (KalabllahoA alto.) ujreou AJTw smKTJX " e4 , r--- ' fffr V 1 ti. J ' '