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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1905)
. p. v.. ..'-. '; ! " 'THE ( OREGON SUNUAV: JOURNAU" PORTLAND, r SUNDAY MORNIrTS. MAT.SI1. . 1SC3. -a -a. . yoir. Picture is Here 'r; 7ow. Cs? 'Gst'.Dne. Dollar i ter m ; I tk vTpc-M This. Hi 'v - i . . . m c: v st m . . aw t . bb i "v . I. . t 1. r v ;: lf ' 'I ''-V v I 1. 1 - ' ' ; - . -J ..'.:..,.. i . '-'- ..i - ,f ' -if:.,. V J ' t fi. ', .. .t .. ..; -. . - ,. ,..:, ... . . x. - : v : . 1 ' ,'n- f - . . , . . . . I . . ... -THE CENTER OF j. Those who remember the very . low prices at which we offered ; lots in Evans Addition about two -years ago; and how rapidly these lots "were sold at that time will ;' be interested in knowing that we ; have fgau -.; -.,-. GREATLY REDUCED THE PRICE ' . on the remaining lots in this ad dition with the idea of selhng them oh at once,. $550 i-V-?- A 1A ., and upward for fine, level lots - . between Russell and Sellwood 'and Gantenbeinand Kerby Sts. ' These lots are highafford good jyiew, streets are gradedcewer, water and gas mains laid. The T- best buy on the market Terms r if desired, i- '-. j .. !;..'--'..;- Portland Trust Company ur UKEUON. : 109 THIRD STREET. '5-ACRE TRACTS :.' , Price $1250 EachV t ;;V -": . .;- , ;. For tale on iastallmeots $100 down and i $15 per '.'" montlu " . ' Convenient to street cars. ' v V -iv' A chance fjr.. aJiome ; In' ; f ; the direction of the city's '.Ti- growth.'. Apply to' ' '. .' ; :B; M. LOMBARD f f 51 Chamber of Commerce ; f -; nnrtaAL 0TICE. DrtTWH-In tkta rttr. Marck I, lam. it n Hlntliln L. thi nmMi-nrm of hrr Oauchlrr. Mrs. li. Wrhber. ttaal IMtrkrrd T mn Krl.aa and aaliiUnr am rprtfnllr lnTlIrd t itlnx) th tmrtl ai-rln, irhtTa will br k-ld at the abow rMbtrnr at X . av Tawda, Marck Tv Ibttow-ot lxxM Fir . MJXTlBw B0TICB. 1 R8KA COI NtTI. K, 04. K. U of K.. will . entaetainincot and dance, witk a prise waits, at Aanitnrium, tomorrow lag. " Admlaeton '20 cents. DEATH JfOTICK. hrrilANAN Bortb Buckaoaa, at at. Tin. .cent's hnspltal. st t :A0 p. at. March 4,. aged . .11 years, daughter ef Vergil Buckasst, Hood Bleee. Or. . .. . .. 77 ton and rovra. TltATRl away from my etarle; bay wctatii aboau ami aawnde; finder will r-rhe Kaat 1 1 17 ae call st realdeae, Kaat Balmoa at. i reward. 11W3 T Stirat dlawcd ring, eatber In Btar tbearr r wrihla 1 block of samel big re ward will tie naid for lie retura t H. W. roetee. Iml Third at. . IfT -rwr f-MUrere. rebntery 24. aa Khosl t-rrr rond. r lacier please rrtara to 1M " lxm, at. uta rsceif nwsrd, - MONTAMLLA VOTXCX. TBC8TEE ft SAL! Or SAWMILL PBOPXKTT. Katie la hmby lea that the Bdmlra4 will noalva aaald Mda, antU Moaday, tba ioU a'rtock p. a.. for all tka slant and nroomr of tha Ooaat Banm Lumbarlna Oompaay. atraatrd at aa4 aaar 'aila Cur. PdIK antT. Orrceat. SaM plaat ronatota ( ' wrtrarta mawrlac about an.0no.0no (et of. flaa rrllow fir tim ber, fall aafaiBft rQlpiDnt. fHaflov railroad and en fine, planing mill, dry kilo, and portion oi i no maantnory nrraaaary lor a aawaaiu 01 50.000 tort capaHty. ate., ete. ' . Aa lomiaorr of th piuuri ty caa -ka ataa- at nar offlra at Pa I la CKt. Oroa. AU bloa aMwt bo addTvaawi aad dllrmd to aa aa Truatoa by 2:30 a cluck p, aa. of tha lotk day of April, lonft. . Tha riant la rraerrrd to reject aay Bad all bids, . for farther partlenlara aodreaa , . . . OBO. T. UKHLIN6EK. Troatea Ooaat Ranc Lamberlnc Conpaay. , . Falla Oity-Orecoa... UALCn BID will be rveelTad at tk oMra of tha whool eterk. etty hall, aatll It w'elork ' M.. ' Tharaday. kUrch . innt. tor eonatrart ta aa addltlaa t tha Ball wood aekool balld Ina. Separata bMa will ha raeererd aa M- rtrat At xcwvatlnf. (Waarat akd) caaereta van,, once work, piaatann. ate. . . Weroad AU earpeater work, are." ' Third All tlaaa and glaalof, etc, i -roortb AXh painting, et. it- ' i : . Fir Ik All plambla- aad dralnare. A ecrtlord check of 10 per cent of tha oaat of tba bid aiwat aeenaapaay tba aaaaa. Taw aekaal dlraetora raairn Hba right la 'reject aay and all bids. . , tHOMAa 1. JONBS. Architect. SCALED BIDS will be received at tk afflr of the school clerk, city hall, until 12 o'clock . M., Thnraday. March 9. 1B0B. far eaostractlng aa addition to tba II lira land school ba tiding. Separate blda will be roeelrtd aa follows : . rlrat All aacaratlag. cement and ooacrela . work. ' brick work, plaalarlng, etc. . fWond AD earpeater work, ate. , Third All glass and glaaing, ate. ., . ..' Fourth AU palnllnav. ate. .. Fifth All plumbing and tfraiaag. . ' A certified check for 10 per cent of tha ajnoaat of tha bid atoet areaaipaay tha aaaaa. Tba achaal directors run n lbs right to reject any and all bids. . THOMA8 J. JOS BR, Architect. WANTBD. ' 1 r X esrnenters, xao a day ef boon, 'tla and a bait for orertbD, eVaihle pay 8an- daya; rough carpenters In pruoorlloa ; iota of work that good bridge nae can do, aa K la MaiUy roagh, scary week: naen eajt ef Part land Who road this, audi what are eoajprtent, raaaa ta la with yonr fuoU. ready far-work oa big hnlldlnga. ufAce open today. nAS8F.N'8 KMPLOVktKST OKFlm. Si. hVecaad at. . ..... . Portland, Or. 1 i MAN under .86 to prepare for cowing railway . null clerk xamlnatlua; many good appotat- CaU at a. ak. Kdgu B. Busk. Sit CkurtMr TBA TK LINO MAN wanted ta sell blankets aad dress gnoda to retell stores; fan aeaaoa; Cad coaiailaston.. ftoutk Phil. Vi eelea Co., s . 1841.. Pklai.. Pa. kUtM wanted eTerywbere, tack eigne, distribute drculara. samples, etc. : permanent scrape- mm, . 1 eJ. L . 4. IWU, rVJUK Bulldlog. Oilcaga. WASTED Plrat-claaa accident Inanraae ejera , with relereacea take charge ef city business) ' flrst-claaa company; ale renewals. Addreaa NIT, ear Journal. - ...... WANTBD rarpentera. palaters. plasterers, Isthera. brick layera. lshnrer. im Morrison. : mnm 2; wUl build yoa a house oa laaUU- WB want 4 experlenosd naa far mania i Bossing sascninery. aeaaio Bprue . LM Co., Seaside, Or. .. ., . BOT to leara printing trade; on with e- feriencr preierreo.r . jaoouay - rMCUty Press, 1 28 Front. ........ i . WANTED Toang ana with 1100 cash for legit imate imi gooa . pranreaie iinsiniaa. t M . a, care Journal. . . , WANTBD Young man with $100 cask for lagl- tliaste aad good prog table - bustpsss. . M a, ' care Jonrsal. . , v . - . WANTKD ood boy. 10 yt. IT; must hare bicycle and good reference, ' 72 Butk at. - . riNISHKHS WAKTKD at Twcsty-fourth aad .ATMaalWel. I fit UK tttf WAVTXD PKMAXX. W1DOWKR. psat HO, competent baalneaa aaaa, , wants lady partner with soma meaaa; hnslwioe eommanria respect ; anqaeatloaabie rrfwanoea; InTcatlaate. (t. IX JowrnaL . - . , . r LEARN . maalcning. ahanrpeolng. faetal ma. sage; whole mnre 1 10. femtberu . Brbeol ' Iieraaatnlogy. 420 Jefferana. at, .... , LADIES Kara 220 per 100 writing abort tetters. "end stamped eneelopea foe parties lars. Ideal ' Mfg. Co., ruasnpolta. Mick. WANTED Veung reapeetabls gwl to aailat ta anune wors, wno wouw like j Apply O. e. JournaL LADIRS Karg $20 per 100 writing abort let ter. Mead a 1. wiped envelope. , Beat MCg. ' Talparalan. Ind. WANTED Competent girl for general house work. Apply morning TBI Lore Joy at.,- car. Tweaty-tblrd at. . , ' . - OIRL-wanted. eandy at nee. TK1 Third. P0B BFTT 4T0BXS.. TO RKN'T-1 apectoos atoree, timet ed be. tween Plitk and eerrth sts., -union depot. Inoulre Karl tUeja aalewA, tor. Beraalk aad ' IrtlPA- (UV mi WABTTD MiTB OR FXatAXX. KANRAN8! ATTONTTON! Cease to m nd ' register or send name and adihasa to become charter member of Kanaaa society; . $1 for gentlemen, 60 cento for ladles. R. W. - Traeer, Real JCatato Broker, 23$ Washington, Porthiad. Or. . .r , BNBROmc workera wjnbeia to dtotrlbnts etrrulara. samplea aad adeerttolag matter; ' pood pay; an caaraaslng. Co-opcratle Ae rertlslng Co., New York., ---r-- amrAHOBt wajttxsmaul POSITION -sweated - a -- aalaamsn - In - general merchandlae ator by a etrictly temperate man; ae objection to long boars or going outside city..' Address N 11, ear JoaruaL- WANTBD Post flow by maa of $0 yearn, etihtly ,1 temperate kabtt. aa nhlpplor clerk, record log . clerk, en teamen or collector, Cd$c sddreas li.- A. U, 047 First at. ' - . YOFNO MAN wtakea work running elerator, .. laultor. clerk, enllector, any kind at light work; beat refers acta given. Address M 10, L car journal. BY young man, 'posittou as aelesmsa at keener; used to jewelry and fancy retire aces. Johnson. 075 Bast BUrk. WANTBD Position as cook either In boarding house or logging camp, J. 1$, can journal. - a newer te YOI'NO maa Answer O. ft. Journal. mr ATTONB WAXTTD rXXAXA WANTED By reliable womaa. ' any kind hotel ar rooming hanas work; thoroughly eo pc tent to take full charge; n ob,w-tion to leeTiug city; neat f rercccnce. Addrea Q. 7, Journal. ' A WELL EXPERIENCED, competent young lady stenogrspher desire steady employment with good paying firm. In or Out f dry. Address N 7. car Journal. IMOROl'OHLY competent middle aged Kagltsh ktdy wants housekeeping situation, manager or kelner. wltk. widower, bachelor ar fsmllr. jo, sourvsk WANTED Pestttoa .' a lady's companion or sa roeeroeaa; can teach tliaman and maale. Address C. L.. 063 Oai St., r pboa hUls ft747. ..'-...'.,..' , , HOITHEKEEPER Mlddl aged lady would like a eiutauoa 'ia widower a aeme; n Incnm brance. call r address 127 Btaatoa St., AJ blaa. . WANTED Poaltloa sa beneekeeper In widow. er'e family la exchange for board for mother - and daughter... , Adiiraaa N IS. rare Jeomal. WANTBD By experienced German gtri, gen eral aouerwara ia small Family. vn u, Bixtaanta ac North, or phone Mala 24ST. WANTED Poaltloa by ,a refined young lady in piano sonse ar to uistriput aorerasing mattar. Addreea O. 4. car JournaL - . AN ridarly womaa would like to da some light work rreulngn for lodgtnge aad break last. A del use OIL car JournaL n , -. 1 MI88EVA RAKER. Oermaa girt, won Id like to leara nrcs. mamng. . cau at IKS Kaat TwaAy-Igblb.t.-...- ,......,., ., , - LACE cur rains isnndered at home: first -class wark. Mr. Id Hsahira. pbon Union M44. YOI'NO girl would Ilk post boa . la - doctor's rnc. ran an Mala 41 IS, UCPLOTMXjTT ABZjTCXZB, JOHN ANDERSON A-animTUA-AmarVaaa ta piormeat uiacet real, estate: rooming and business chances oar specialty. 27 aide -at.. Pnea Mala . $08. . - -i. 104 NOBTH THIRD BT. Ken worthy Kmpkny- m Miroi vw. vre iwocore poaiuoaa ror a asm pioyea - ana -rurntaa help for employers. - jruoa main oils. s. r. sgy. PACIFIC COABT EMPLOYMENT AQENCT Kemored to. tlZ . Nortk Booond St. , rboa Bad fl. ; i ... , ........ BANBIN'B BMPLOYMBMT OFFICB. '' ' FOR MEN. - ' Bf M. Bscoad at. -. Phone Mala 183. ALPINE EMPLOYMENT BURSA O Help fa. rag ire. mu ton . nrs BU, a Mala 11T. . PIONBBB RMPLOYMRNT CO. La nor enatrac- tors; aaip in to smpkrrsrs. gl HELP wsnted ad sapcMed. ami , or female. ' R- 0. DRAXB. 2tH Wssblagtoa at Clay 44. wAitTEB to arjrx. ROOMsV-ia all parts of tb dty, faiaHhis. Apple 230 Ooodnough bid. EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BOBBAD. Cadur oracttoa' stJjAj Offkufe Pair 4 or s-ecSd6usM WANTT.DBr Msec If. or flat, anfnrnlaned; 15 minutes' , walk of Park aad Jefferana. Tare adalts. Rsa aoaabto rest. Addreea M 12, car Joaraal. YOI'NO MAN employed by Lewis and rtark ..fslr desire board aad mom wlthla -wanttng diets nee of gronnda. Btata all particulars la reply. Address M 11. car JonmaL FAMILY ef Ore sdnlts wishes to rent kens, st preferred; must be at least room a; eaa glee best of references. Addreea 0 , care Journal. FOB Rtn OFTICX ROOsL' TWO afar esntm and tn nfce apse, Al h 2,"-. w- Trrr, BmI KstsU Broker, 2W .waaklagloay , ,( . . ' - ' 1 . ' ' " i . '" ' ' ' , WANTED AOEstTn. A FEW ladles and gentlemen of good address; steady, light, reputable'-employment at good pay to right parties.' Apply at once, 41$ . Oraaoalaa bulldlag. . - . WANTBIWLady' agents for a money-making . proposition.. Room 210. New Oread Central, Third and Flanders, call Monday from 1 p. m. until 4 only. , GOOD, Mr agent wanted to sell lot oa cni mission la one of the choicest suburb Portland. Address p. O. Bo. TOa, aity. AGKNTH WANTED Mm and women with r .-without experleuce; -wugc -and commis ' Bkn. . O X ears - JonmaL WXNTBD T rent or T cot tare, with bath; no children; rci . O IB, car- Journal. - hie. Address YOeNQ ladle wanted f or - soliciting. 810 Ttekfam bldg. WAjrTKD RXAX XSTATK. ANYONE harliUt property. 1 real eaute or per sonal, ror 'ssje or exensnge or tor rent, correspond wltk A. D. Bradley Co., real atato sgsnts. 230 Btark et., Portlsnd. WANTKD To buy for cash a goad 6 ar 0-eoom cottage, good lore t Ma; must a a aargun ready to do business now: no agents. Ucakl rot Baker, Jit Abingtoa mag. FOR BALE 100 acre rat-elaas lssd, Talr In pr ore menu, easy terms, aa agenta. . Owner. M , ear JonraaL , WANTED Bnalnesa lot close In; must b ebaap for cask. F. Dubois. 206 S Msrrlsoo, room $. TBREB small ranrhea and two larg rmnches. Boa 20, Porthind. - - JUST can ap Mala 60S6. Wa fie ta ktgbaat price for aay.- kind ef fur altar aad pay . apot casa.. y-,' .-, WANTED Mor' spraying aad wbltowsablng; the aiy gssollna omprsssed air apraylng so tat so tba asset. M. O. Morgaa aV Cm I Mtlwaakl ctv Pbon Baat kail. I BUT ofne ixtnrea aad fwrsltsr of all kind. F. X. Clark' Auction boose. Z7H- , (20 Waahlngtoa at., opp. old exposition blag IF yo want any fomlrure repaired ar ward robes nude, we will attend to It at one. Call ap Red 3073. Waahbara noyo. WANT to bay. one smarter block. Improved ar unimproved: tst prick, term, location aad ' lmprarenienta. O. 14, Joaraal... . - GENERAL OABDRNINO- lawaa taken ear of. -Addreea Was. Kennedy, $1 K. Secead at. Pbon Clay UJ.' i THB PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS pay cask lor any Bin or -laratiuru. rauw smsisi wa, at 211-First at , ' . - WANTBD Farm aad -bowses to rent; hare , mnch call for both. 3 F. Dnbots, 206 Morri- ' soa. room a, - ' . . SHORT ORDER , PRINTINO HODSB P, Ryder. Becuad gad. Waahlngtoa at. Clay 100W. . t WANTED Bscond-bsnd, medlnm-stssd. job prntln ntlng. pros; caat ror ess a. m., uumsa J. I DUBOIS, dealer la shoe and robbers; saw repairing neatly don, at Central a tat ton. rrmhrjiTERBR wanted ts do my nous. Address N 4. rare JoaraaL WANTED T ' bay porcelain bath tab; , atata - price. Asa wee 0 10, car Joaraal. WANTED Contract to col cord wood. ' . L 12. cere Journal. - , AMERICAN BEAUTY PARLORS. 1$ Park St. T0B BaTJTT HOUSEXXXPIBw B0OMB. TWO neatly famished hoanekeeplng room; akw ingle room;' gaa range, furnac neat; as f laundry and bath. 21$ - Nortk Oread are. NICELY firmlaticd. ' large, housekeeping rooms, r -modera conveniences; private family.. . 103 North Fifteenth, -cor. Kearney. ror R elegantly furnished bonenkeeplng room. Apply for Mr. M. E. - Clark, room 00, Bark ' hart bldg., Kaat Barnatd st - . CCBNIRHXD - nousekesping and atagl room by the week or by amau; gaa, bats aad phea. 271 H Third au ,( FOR RENT Single rooms, bay window, and bnaaeheeplng room.. Baaaonabkt rates. $14 'Third at. , -, - ' ' " TWO. completely fornlsbed konsekveplsg rnoami ns ct uunory. Data, paone, gas. t-aa Kset TV. .... FT'BNIRRED anaeekseptng and alngl bath sad phone; good wcatloa. at CLtFTON. 2U44 First at., ear. $2.8 per week ssd a. FOB BlTaTT WsTFTTsUrrSHID BOOMS. TBHEB anifaralsbed reoa for hooaekeeptng for reat, iu per awotn. Apply awa jobnaea st- rOR RBNT unfsmleuco fmaaai' batb and telephone; part of ho one. 269 Haeael si; $12. THREE nfurnlkhed roc aw. $10 per mouth. UK Market at. ' t j - " eWTOB lALK LABD SCRIP. t FOB RALE LAND SCRIP, t, nrestrlrten rorest reere nrrtp Tar -Ml at bwst msebet prices. My ecrlp secure title to timbered, farming, graalng or desert land, 1 aay quantity, without resldeuc or Improvement. Address U. M. KaaUlloa. Tb Partlaad, PorUaad, 0c, The 'Journal's Snap-Shot man traveled put of the city last week and got as far as Pendleton. The snap shots he took are reproduced on this page, and every one i worth $1," If your, picture" ia here all you have to do is to come' to The Journal office and get the dollar. If you live out of the city write 'us about it and-establish your identity and you will get the dollar. If your friends' picture is here, do, th,nj a favor,' tell them to call on the Snap$h,bt Editor and get the dollar No claim will be paid twice for. the same picture, and no claim will be considered unless it is .made within one week of the date of The T Sunday Journal in which the picture' appears.' The! decision of the Snap-Shot Editor re- garding the identity of a claimant,' arising from the contest, shall be final and binding. -Thos.e.who got a dollar for their picture in last Sun day's ; Journal "were C ,',:'" j :Mr S. J.?Willis49 East Seventh stteeL; .;,;.; ? O. W. Bowie,-391 Tenth street.'-. -. l ::,i' Charles L: Brown, 367 East Couch roa Bjyr F0EBUHIB B00MB. - CLBOAXTLY fornlsbed mama wltk atsam heat and free bath, for traoaleot; . rat : resasnablc. ' Tba Aokeny, 340 Ankeny st. Mrs. C. Emmerich, - peep. - THE PEXTEB, 124 Twelfth, corner W asking, ten, entirely newly furs lata ed rooms of TUB DEXTKR ANNEX aow nady for eecapuacy. Pbon Ore 480. " PLEASANT ' front room, . fine locality, aew boose, "hrlstlsn family: rent rcry reasonable; bath aad (a. 14 cast Maowoi Pkoa aasi ass. THB KARLB, ? 201 H THlBD. COB. TAYLOB. ,- FURNISHED -BOOMS, TaVANnigNT. FINE new fnralabed room for rent only 4 , block from tb fair- entrance, oa ear Ilaa. Call at $41 "Nertk Twenty -third at. STlVb SEVENTH at., bet. Madlsa and Jeffer son; newly forniehed room for rent; bath, gsa. phaaa; mssonsble feat., rlnaa la. V ION TWELFTH BT.-i-Statla room, comfoctahly furnished, tor lady or - gentleman; Tory reaeonsble; free gsa, bath and phone. THB' OTIS "New building, new ftmnsblmrs, very bomellk; rootna $2.50 per week sod : up. East uinai 11a ana naioa av. KICRLT rurnlsbed front bay window bedroom ' In amdera cottage; bath oa name floor; board u oernrra. . 1 JO a. aevanieeuia si. . NICELY famlsbed room for an ar two gen- tlrsir-, also amau owe; real moosrei; privata faaUly. zao Twairu at. . FOR RENT la private bouse." 1 or-2 mnall tnems batb. r-kone auia ansa, aoaia a car. a r Olbbs, Jtos Flnt. , LABOR front room for traaaleat or ree-ntar; . new flrrnJtore: batb, gaa, phone Mala oooo. 601 . Waahlngtoa at. S WW Sir. uhi , vmwm " . vealent to two car llcs; .rasaonabl prtc. ,843 Hacrnaarnta . . TWO ar S furalsbed boaaekneplng room for reat, 47A Kaat iMraaio; gsa ar woo eta aa ef bath. PUB AH A NT. aewlr furnished . convenience, reaanaabas. 506 Plf tb at. cor. . Liaoola. , , - LOVE4Y front parlor with bay window, newly , furalsbed; also aid rose. . BK Be van in, cor. Ciy.,. ., - u' - .. ' 241 SIXTH ST. Large, sunny. suitable (or 2 or 8 gentlemen; central, phone, bath... : - - '-.,' - BLBOANTLY famished - rooms at tb . BelaHMt. 198 Vi Fkt C - Mrs. L. Xinsley, , prop. . , , v ...... Ft'RNISHED rooms for me or two gent Ir men; , ass of batb. gaa. tolepnoa. 462 wssblagtoa. LA ROB back mom. no I tab! tor . tw. ! Fourth, aear Jefferson; gaa, bath aad ph CHEAPEST aad best lecatod ran aw la Portland, $1 week ap. . Otlmaa, Fket aad Alder ata. NEAT furrdahed rooms. $11 and $6 per nmatb. Mrs.' M. Jans, 323 Water and Clay ata. . NvrsLY fnralsbed rooms. $1.28 par aad . ap. - 24TVa Fifth, bet. Mala aad Madbwa. lYRRNIDE HOTEL S4S Bast Oak St. H k oa plug ream; lodging. Phoaa Seett $04. TH 0BAND. 4BH North Third at: reproof 1 b'ns-i teutleraen nly. .. $1.60 par wosk. - NEWLT fomlshed. go let, tranalaat 1 Fourth St. Pbeak Rod $381. 14 PLEASANT fnralsbed room for ' rest: Inaalr 1H8 North 'Bleventb at. - TWO small, pleasant furnished room Gall at 30S Jefferaoa at. BOOMS AVBT) B0 ABO. TOTJNO assa. If yoa want to board1 aad Mam In a per mm sent ana nrsi-cjans noose., warn rate ar exceedingly low. and will reaMla the same next eammer aa tbey ar now, call at tba Aster .House, 2A1 Seventh It. OCT nor sf Madlsoa. . TL Mala 0281. . ..... - , THB UNDKLL New family hotel. Market at.. bet. Third snd- Fonrtk; steam neat, electric light, porcelain baths; tlegaat vutside room with flrst-ls hoard; two paapla, $4a-$00 $6t moatk. - . j FINE, large, eiegaatty famlebed rontos, best resident part f city, walking distance ana car lioe. t borne rfclf Baooers In every re- ect; bosrd opttoaal; rate reaasaaoM, raea 1 $4. . ISO BIitVENTH ST. Comfortable room, with board, ettber in snttea or singiei in inesi Slace - for those woe went the beat, Mrs. . C. Wright, proprietress. ., . . ,. , , mny rot ard If dated; term low. Address P. O. Box 1027, dty., "'""'. " , 1 468 YAMHILL ST. Board and room; one Is rev front room .with, all modem, . conveniencea; $21 SEVENTH ST. Furrrteked room and board. private rsmuy, fi per-- ssoulb;. gas, . OS in, pboa. Pbon Mala &M0. PLEASANT fnralsbed mnm with board; rood bnaa cooking; reeaoaaDst, eaatrai. t xdit- LA ROB, ' bright rooea. Sue vlewi with board. 276- Tweaty-aecaao at nnrta. rM Mala 101. TM HOYT Fwrnbtked moms, with or. wlthont near; BHKiet a coavcaicacea, r sous - suia 8720, fob Brtrr FAxris. TO LEAKS 00 acre for a term of yaarr, a, J. lei waiM c., a uraaa av. , and all questions street. , fob Bjorrovsis. IP ANY ONE Is abl to anpnly yoa. with a . bouse. It la-H. B. Kdsrard' Ftee aUnUl Agency. W bsv the - most eitenalv list la tb euy. , Following la a partial Uati ' EAHT ) . . S rooms, lower Sat. -housekeeping, totk. " batb, water. N. Orsad ave... ft nonets, with fruit, etc.. Tremoat, $10, 4 rvoma, new bouse,' 30th ft " lower Oat. nod., Belmont. . 5 'T. ' !' 46tb. - S-vi!lHtoL-"togay Belmont slsi a FO'' p'tog. Falling at.w. . O dos ta, Moyt . .- ,,,,..,. . , ' ' . chirk cn raage, etc.. $0tk . . . . a " ba'h. H. Harruoa J BaBIdaTal, Ufllt (H ''li.d - " 1 bath. Aids '.. 4 a." ' batb, lota of akade. Oak at... . ' j uttipv ckma la. ttk ....... " - amdera. laws, roars. Wash. at. T '. r ' bath, corscr, Balmout t. ; ' . amdera, aew, 22d ,,.,.. 1. . awnera Salnaoa t-r. .-....'.. "odora. Oraad av,. S , S " v.-. Bw. . 4401 at ,:. . v... . S- ". upper, amdera,-Pars at...... ' '-'""-b,hi Weidler .0 r " ap. Set, mod.. Qraad av,, N-. 110.00 12.SO 13.00 13.00 14, 14.00 14.00 16.00 1S.00 15.00 10.60 1T.00 IT.00 10.00 MOO .20.00 22.50 -.SI. 40 .00 00 23.60 in. 00 . ' modern! aew. Moar'etn.!'.!$4Vno . " . ..modera, Victoria 7.50 -aaooera. ata at ' S WlinBM ave. .Mo. no ' BMdera, cor., Bctamt ..s...30.00 WBBT SIDE. t rooms, housekeeping. Car (hers at . 8 . baosckeeplng, Jokaaoa -st.. $ on 10.00 o , - oats, oib st 1X60 4.00 a j " upper boot, bu at......,fv ' upper Boor, th st... upper Boor, N. 12th t balk. Mead at, V 14.00 15.00 10.00 'r Sat, ba'k.,' Market at... 14.00 10.00 -JIMI0 20.00 a. 00 ft ' bsnarkrrplng. central, Stark at.. . 4 rot., bath, ceatraL, Clay at. .: bath, t'lu at , 5 . SaL bath. Sbcrama t..f.... , T "-bath. Market at T - cottage, bath. Ttb at. ...A., 0 -. lower Sat, asodera.. Mill at. 10 , "' iooglsg sense. First st ..... 0 M ' lodging bouse, exemntloa. Ofne hours, 10 a. aa. to 4 p. at, Wa aaawer taqulrlea over the phone. ' ., H. fc, EDWABDS. 186-101 Pint $2o.U0 in. 60 $40.00 ABB YOIT dtaaathifled at present with tb eon venlencvs or tb rent yoa ar paying for your " borne I If a, why not Bsova ssd be hladered a snagnr. I oevarta Rami, rental assets. make tbe owe time dieaded moving prop--sltloa n easier task for you. as our list of Booses. nat and cottage ffer a variety oa oota Sloe 01 ta river IBs I caasjot b aupu - eated. Homa look- noon boosts oa tba east aid aa owe of Ineonvenlene bees a as of tb present existing draw brldg aauisnc, though thla will sons be abated. Please do afot pboa us, a thla aaetbod la ansstlsfactory. nil at oar store, its Firat street, cer , Yamhill, aad aea personally our ageats. FOB RBNT BY THB DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.-- Mce Jo-acre plsc. 4 -room cottage; ' c : venlent to electric cere; $ Kile., buvla center. $200 nwr aimn. Beaarlfut 8-room residence.' t foil Iota,. bear ing fruit, goad bars. 812.50 per month. '-Cosy 6-ronm eetua. roralshed. East Party. arrn ueur ritsra. is. . Small cattag, partly fnraisbed. , as Weat ev. so. t .... Apply 14U Plrat at. 1 FOR BENT 8 ream boa, $20 par amath. for Bent 12 room bouse, $: aacasoath. Three 4-roem bonae. $10 each- per month. . Brickyard. Apply R. W. Tracer, real aetata oroaeri w nssaingroa Bt, ..... SIX-ROOM H0IT8B for sale or rent. Wood- stock ; 5 -room boat car line at St. Johns, good rarden soiL, rent a aer aanuth. flee Lamb A Beach, owners, 884 B. . Morrtsoa at. FOR RENT 6-room cot tare aa improved afreet. close to car line; large garaea; owner would like to bosrd with ocranants. - Inqulra 830 Bast Twelfth St., or phona lalea 265. . FOI'B ROOM boas, city water. S lota, $T a bbiii a, inquire a nrmiavsT.. aeeoou aoor from station Peninsular Take U ar St, ' Jobs car. Phone I'nton 8844. . - 1 KADDERLY TRANSPBR-COMMISSION CO. FlsBoa sad furniture moved promptly by pertnce4 aBa. J0Tblrd at.' rboa Mala POR RENT 8-atory bnfMlag, good bastnea lo- cation, and furnished raeBat at 188 Frost, Meier 4V Frank .Co.. ... . . , ,. . 7 MODERN 10-room house. No. 404 Rest Bawaa. teeatk St. ; rent $30; Uke Woodstock car. TO RENT AVcoom I new, modern.) bouse ; flu ocstioB) son. inquire a ursaa v. SRtVOM. modern bouse,, furalsbed. Inyatre 20 North Ninth et. FOB BALE MORSES AND eABBIAOFS. ' UATE )nnt aorchaaed from tb ColamMa Timber i. tnnr entire kit or . logging bora and harness; thee horse ar la good ahapa and suitable for any heavy work; akw a few enesp nor re a. Kegel a tan les, rourteenta aad Burnald ata. . . . . .' - . $40 Bt'YS black'' bars, sound snd sultshl . for any nrpose; skat good farm team for BsA ... s 1 A tmln a V FoartMatb st- . v. ;: BANDSOMB driving bone, weir be 1.270 lb.; per recur sound and cent la. snltsble for Bar ry er trap. Call 23 N. Four tees tb at. H0RSRS. wagons, barneaa, an kinds of Ve- . nicie nougnt, sol aa rented, uaaart m ' Hall. 204 Fourth. Pboa Mala 8308. for ' xwT-xxaanxAnov. ONFBCTIONERT. 'rlgsr aad grscerv , doing a good cash busiacaa; a bargain; ties leaving city: tncee living Powell at., cor. Nlnetoeatb. . FOB any kind of ba a far fair ar per am -Twenty eavsnts and nent see building Thnrmaa at. , FOR RENT A lrg aai mela roiua ar ksIL asp BBSS, ailsajaaS bwsg. ato bottbt roa bxbt pobbitubx roa sals P0B SALS Furniture Sroam aew- boaea aU . firs t -clues i clos Is. east aids', beat ef tor. thm: lea thaa eoat: going to leers town. .t-8 VbJob ava., N. . - NEW furniture of new, aajdria. ' 6-rooei ' Sat, ':-." naeaaable to bartlc without etiildrsa.. Call m befor 8 a'cluck - waadsy, ,, next - week, -BvSMi CIy.--.J. ... . ' . ' SROOM cottage, west aide, central: flue piano) . rcase, rest $.1T.sO; will sell furniture ' liflce: saawrr today. Address O. IS, cara ' .' JoaraaL . .. .', OOOD ' furulfur ef nlue tmiia hone for sale cheap; reat 886. It takes be foes tb l&U of March. Address 47 -Nortk Nlntk St. . . FOB RENT 4-room cottage. $10. faraitue foe sals 812 If gold this week. 24T Morris, l - per A tolas. MteH rang: all saw. 1 . Fl'R.MTCBB 8 roeas. pearly -new, aalubn : for two fa ml lien, or to Jet awiing fair; for reat. 44 Bast Seveatb. sort. FOR SALE Fornltar aad fixture for knuaa ' keeping; reat reasonable; la a good location. Kaqolr at IBS Baseell at. ;.. ' - . t'BOOM konee for rear aad furalrura. , sH vented: less; price $2u0; for sale: reat $33.. 804 Front at. UOOD furnitnr af II rested; eeutraL N. 14, JournaL, . Mala 470$, . or ad- A SNAP Furniture of lO-ronra bouse Tor aals,r bouse for rent. - STS Baat Couch; Auksny car. Btrtetly modem: furnltars fur reat $20. $71 Marshall. . THE POBTLAND AUCTION BOOMS bays aay. i-aoae Jaaia 00110, as mix enrat at. . NEWLY faralshed T-r Is; reasonable reat. O 10. car JoaraaL $600 FVRNITI'RB 6-rcom amdera boas; Hnqtrtre jsj w. niata. roa Brjrr flats. FOB SAIE sr reat, .a 8-rnsm Sat, well fur- nisneq, mooem. Isniltrs sua East .Crosby at. . roa sits rsiMft. PftB SALE Hood River farm. ' aa o seres 1 eaitivatioai naa bulMnnga, me. dow. free Irrtsa Us water. W1L arssk. springs; foor miles frsm Hood rnreraral delirury, oa eoaaiy (rsm Moo Klvsr; tele- . meo For sale A Sa Improved stock and fruit farm aear Wklta Salswa.. Wash.: 100 acres aadar plow; 80 acre cleaned aad burned: la -sores aub-lrrlgatod by plpss from spring an - plsos; 80 callous par mlauto par soring water aa - arcBsra, moaoaw, an ui stock, km are. all farm Implement, nearly aew; household goods. Pries $8.0no. laojub-aef Jobs Lelaad Bcadsrsoa, Hood Blvar, 180-ACBB farm, 28 acre rler; good water and creek, by place). J acre amre nearly clear; good bower, larg bam aad other bolMlnga; feaced and cross fenced, part cedar Boat, plank and wire; good errbara: oa goad county road; school oa place; 8 mills etna by; 3" miles to R. R. Halloa; B. P. D. awll, Prtc $2,500. 10 da, a. . ., , 40 acres," 20 clear; place well ' femeedi fair must ana narn; gooa orraara; team aorse and harness; 3 bead cattle; mower, plowa. bay rske, aad loo cord wood cat; 8,6no cedar pnts ti mil to school: B. P. D ' mall; : good term. Price $1,800. W, W Kaprey, room 1. Mamlltoa bldg.. rrm SALE Splemtld' farat 206 aerat: baild. ing. rencea. water, u improve, mim center On town 8. P. B. R. ; adbwnlng farm held $60; to aetth) eatste will, sell thla $ per acre. R. A. Hamlla, 88 Lewie bldg. Pboaa Red Mil. $1.2004-40 aeeea good land.' S Bader cuUtva. lion, xs miles iroin rvriieeu, wmsii new - bonae, 80 bearing prune trees. 1 mile ta stores.' creamery, acbaol.and churches f cos. . Tenlent to railroad and electric line. Ad dress Wat. Lindsay, Oreshsai, Or,,., rout - No.. 4 ... .... . . . ,. ' BIHORN SHBLT0N, - . v ' " " Cosdoa, Oregoa. Baca targ aad email wheat ranch e aele. Informatloa cheerfully gin apondenre solicited; bargain for.. la' t. A. abslton, awxnty ssssssor. , 10 OOOD acre oa creek and county road,, near O. W. P. By:. i mnes rornsno. lor Bano; , tmo dnwa. City Baalacrg Chane Agvacy, . 238 Plrat at. : j- - . '' FOR choic hay, koo aad potato land, dairy ana stock rsros, smau xrscxs ror anicaea ana ; berry raachaa, call oa t. H. Ckalker, Oreabam. Or. , BARGAIN. $1.800 TO a ore good farming land.' part clear, rencea, souse, earn, rmiv, a mile from, expostttou . greuuds. : Ts " 11. JoarnaL 116 ACRES nrst-clae--lancl.,- well .lBoaiwdJ aoase. osrn, team, vsrin,, tnuy etniippea; . near dty; tell Che p. A dor eaa N. I81 JournaL FOR SALE $050: 82 aeree, all fenced -10 cleared, miles rrom rortiand. k miles from OaatoB.. 12b6.Eaat Msdlaea. lit. Tabor, OOOD fruit fans very eheap; aear Hond river yoa eaa asa ssmprcs wr rrun at ttb k. xwea. ty-alutb. i Pbon Scott 8701, BntafoceV Sanrv 30 ACRES . good anil adjoining Oregon City 1 house aad a price; on pair! far Bale or trsuw. . r nmiv, ws w uiiass uvu, , - FOR SALE Homestesd- rvlrstrsishmentt has .V, snoui s. ' .leer ximneri imiault meuts. N. 13, care JoaraaL 111 1 ,i 1 1. 1 1 1 I, 53H-ACRR fsrm, Improved, for out ar trad ror goon residence r art land; a agvata. la- qulra 808 Cherry at.... ' if . BOP RANCH sad hop mora for sale, laouir lot sismibory, F71 liAalaorM ar. V: