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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1905)
... g-r-niiiui mi ii'jj' in ,i i .iJi i ' i.ii I'-gggM-a SHACKS OF ROBBERY Put" In 1y ' Newspapers for Copies Furnished Member , of the Legislature, i STATE HAS TO PAY AT . J I - SINGLE COPY, RATES , ,-, -y.-;--,r: . . - ;.7 ;' Moulders of Public. Opinion Aid c lH ASMALL m Legislators in Their Shame t less .Career qf Extravagance . ,-. Soma Oregon newnpapers furnished to 5 bn of the- late legislature at -" public ., tt wnit wera paid , for at . ' the rat of t mdU a- Copy, Instead of -.' at the subscription rate charged to ordi . nary subscribers. The bill for the pV , was presented to the secretary of state . - by W. H. Burghardt, Jr., for the W. H. Burghardt company.' who made affidavit "that the price charged-Hk cent a copy ' ' was . not too '. high. '''',' - 1,"' The, record at, Salem show that the . -rt., nvwipspm lunnmni i nv ' nwniw cost . the taxpayers MW.Rx whereas. they, had been charged- for at regular rales the expense would have been less . V' th. tn.hatf what t wa. .)'. ' . Z. ' The Oregonlaa furnished 111 copies for 4ft days at f cents a copy, the total being . SZB. which would have been flS.30 If the i price had been the same asked from ordinary subscribers.' The Telegram fur- : -nlshed aV copies-,of the same period, tor which $10M was paid, although the 1 - ipuolished subscription . rate la 10. cents a ' week and at that rat the ' copies fur-'- jnished members of the legislature would 'have cost taBM-i Th Salem Journal sent ',. copies for ix weeks at f cents a copy, or $1(6 In all, while at the regular rat the : total .would Tiave-been lot. For th -Salem Statesman's ? ooples, the state paid only 100.30. Other newspapers sent to legislatrv subscribers paid. for by th state -Were: '' ::-- .-.'-." ' ? '' ' Ashland i. Tribune, t subscription. "Tf Issues,' to cents; Ashland Tidings. I ub- eruptions, 1 Issues. . ttM; Astoria 'Newt' ir subsoriptlona,. S$: taeues,- - S3 16; "Albany Herald. 10 subscrip tions, tt Issues. tlT.SO: - Antelope Herald: 1 subscription. issues, to centa Astorian. I subscriptions. SB Issues, SS.M; Astoria Budget, I subscriptions. It issues, ; X3jO; Albany Peaocrat. fubasrtptions, ii Issues, H.7S: Baker City Democrat. 1 subscription, K Issues, tLTt; Baker City Herald, 1 subscription. It Issues, C; ' Coast Mall, 1 subscriptions, B Issues, UM: COrvallis Time. 1 subscriptioo. - ' Issues. eentST The Oaliea Chronicle. . ' ' I subscrtptiona, St Issues,; JBugen Guard, t subscriptions, at issues, $XW; East Oregonlan. U subscriptions. It i (' sues. S21t0; Eugene . Register,' J subscrip tions. issues, &.; Hood River Olacler, T"l i'ubscrtptlons.-f- lssyes.-- cents; June ' ' tioq City Times. ' subscriptions, t Issues, t oenU: Kalamath Republican, 1 sub. ' ecrlptlon. Issues. 30 cents; La Ocande Observer; S subscriptions, issues, W W; Medford. KsJI.. 1 subscription issues. ' M cents: Newherg Oraphl. 1 subscript T" tion. I Issuea. Vcetlta: twwiBf iCtty E. f . ternrisa. 1 subscription. Issues, U cents; t. Portland Mercury, 1 .subscription, t ts- sues, tt cents; Portland Wslcome, I sub- ' ' scriptlon. tasoes, N cents; Polk County ' Observer, S r subscriptions. . Issues, cenus. KoaetMirs.Keview, I suoscnpuoaa, ru issues., O Jte ar Burg Plalndealerj " I suber-rtptfcaa, It Issiiob. tl.tOi TiHsmaoi , Headlight. 1 'subscription.. ! Issue. $ cents; Woedbura independent. I - sub , .scriptlons. issue, to cents; West Side v . Enterprise, i subscriptions, t Issues, Il.Ms Yamhill -Reporter,' 1 subscription,' la ' . sues, cehts; Wallowa Chlefum. 1 sub- , scriptlon, t Issues. 2S cents; Oregbntan, . Z2- Telegram, I10S.6Q; - Salem JoarnaL 1106; - Salem Statesman, - tilt. 60; other : ' papers, 104.W-the eotaJ being. . IncidenUlly. and simply to keep th - ' record light. The Journal furnished 'capers to. M subscribers at the state 'louse,, for Which It charged 174.70, seven a ' issues a Week for six week, at It regu-- lar rat .to all subscriber J oenU a -, week, j:, i '' -y:' .., f- ,-:,'.'.' :H- lim DOLLARS A DAY . ADVANCE FOR FAIR In Correcting Error In Interior Paper; Portland Hotel Man - agement Talks of Rates. , "Every room hi th Portland hotel if ( engaged from April I to December 1, - . and rooms with bath hr listed at III a day,", is isnguag attributed to Frank 4 T. Angel of Portland la th Walla Walla Well-Directed OPTICAL Department ;' accomplishes permanent and rightful results, such as' will enlist the attention of those whose corrections are even v of the most complicated. V ' , , Lenses .- ground on the premises. 4 ;'- . ' ' Oculists' ' 'Prescriptions accurately and promptly ( " -i- 'filled.-.V.--V Ai&CFddcnhdmer ' Comer Third and ( ;A ? Washington : Sts. '"5 ?Jewtlrs.7Y Silversmiths. : Our : " r i f'f v THE 7 OREGON SUND A? JOURNAL, POSTLaNP;" SUNDAY TICr-inNC. s, ZVJT.Cll Union. JVhll Mr. Angell may not have said it Vnd nobody is questioning th veracity of the Union, It is nevertheless a fact that th statement is mislead tag. - i , - i "Ther are how rooms the very best aooommodations ia th house listed at III. With meals." said Manager H. C. Bowers of ,t he Portland. me Vegula price of these rooms la lie, and th ex position rata -la aa advanoa of only tl At St. Louis th nam accommodations cost lit without meals, Mr. Angell Is in error about all th rooms in the hotel being engaged from spring to fall. Th only period for which th house Is now practically engaged is the week of the National . Medloal association conven tion In th month of .July. The rest of th summer conditions will be as usual ac commodations dally for people aa they come, ma nrs n ,amv Doing me nrsi served, and the guests changing dally. or ourse, w expect to be full. Port ian is always run.-;' -s A slight advance of hotel rates will be the natural result of-qver-crowdd conditions, but Mr.! Bowers says the advance at the Portland will be nominal, Rooms for which the regular charge Is 13.60 and IJ. with meals, will bs 14. with meals, during th fair. GOOD TIME TO PAY TAXES BEF0RE THE RUSH Chief Deputy Tercuson ' of the tax department had received f 441411 at the end of March S. whlclL IJ Jl.800.11 had "been turned" over to th county treasurer f Th : law governing, remit tances by the sheriff to 'the county treasurer la now -followed t th letter; receipts are fumed over each week. Re bates of three per eent 'wt(l be allowed on all t ties paid .In full on of . before March It. after which the rebate prlvl. leges will cease. The law will be ob served literally, without favor to any taxpayer ; In - th ' . county. Deputy Ferguson . - urges - owners . to - sejid their lists' of properties that alstemeats may b sent in return, Thos who do so at aa. early day wilt avoid th rush that alwaya comes In th laat few days prior w saw se 4 -it -j t : Taxes become dellnauent the first Monday in AprlL If on half th tax be paid on or before March It. th balance may be paid on or before th first Mon day in October without addition of pen- any ana interest. - - - ; . "It would b well for property-owners fto-remember," said Mr. Ferguson, "that ir.they wait until th last few day It may be Impossible for .th tax depart- men to handle -th sushi and -they might be unable to make th payment at all. - - ' . i i 1 m V -i IDAHO JOURNALISTS V: fr'v COWING TO THE FAIR O. R. Ball, - manager of th American Typefounders company, yesterday re oelved a letter from M. 8. Parker, secre tary of the Idaho state oresa association. sayfhg that the association would oom In a body to Portland dun 31- and ex pected to Inspect the exposition with a view to returning horn to advertise it throughout , th summer following. Mr. Ball, who recently returned from a trln. through.. Idaho, said-hs believed th people of that state would be Induced to com In large number to visit the ex position. A ' V ' I (oun th newspaper men favorable to Portland," said Mr. Ball, "and de sirous of doing business with th raer- ehaata.-of , thl city, . rhy. know, aa a class that Portland" offers superior .'ad vantage as a trading point, and to my knowledge th volume of business In some line fori bouses irutfls city has- Increased 100 per oeattdurthB the past year. Idaho ia axowlna rsoidlr and a great future la assures, ror inai grata. . j i - - ? -Mr. 3aH believes that Portland rter- febant can afford to pay mora heed to th trad Held in that state, which is natural territory foe wholesaler of this city. -. .- " f , " RUNAWAY BOYS FOUND ; NO FRIEND IN UNCLE Jamea MeKenna and ' Jo Reran ara two' bad little boys with ad ambition to enralat Tom Sawyer.- Running away from their home In . San Francisco, they came to Portland yesterday morn ing ;jind took refuge In th room of their unci. J. ' J. -Fltsatmmons, it th S-tewart house. They were afraid for Fltsslmmons to see them, however, and hid under th bed. ' ? : - t . r' Th unci received a telegram' asking him to look out for th boys. H dis covered them tinder th bed but did not let them know he had ascertained their hiding place. : Th police were notified and soon Jsmea and Jo were given sua iters at th city prison. They will be sent back to Ban Francisco. . " "Who'd a-thunk h would peach on nT queried Jo. - ? -.' , nrmphl r' Tou oan't tell whatll hap pen these days." -answered James.' I hop w don't hav to rid no more brake beams." ;.... -. . -' ': -;, s. RECONCILIATION ENDS PHIPPS MARITAL WOES (SpecUl Dlspsteh by Leased Wire te Tae Jesrssl) -Denver, March . A' eomplet re con oiliation between Lawrence C. Phlpps and his divorced wif was made known today when Mrs. Phlpps announced that th children 'would remain with her and that her former husband would pay no attention to th time limit set by th court H f ' V': '- '':- ' Close friends of Mrs. Phlpps and th Pittsburg millionaire ax not at all snr- j prised at this announcement - Last Oc tober Mr. Pblpp visited his former wife her.- and daring hi abort stay th couple showed they were on most friend ly terms. He vie I ted at her horn and took harto place of amusement. as de votedly a though tbey had never been divqrod.f - j 4 . i .- J :"- , Shortly after this visit Mr. Phlpps went to BOrope;' Where he Is still trav eling around in search' of pleasure and health, a his- return la expected In th near future. ',:.: "'- - , . AJTD H: - .Prom th Boston .Traveler. ', A professor la art agricultural college had a hobby. He believed and preached on all occasions that th food of ani mals should be cooked. Just like thst of human beings. On day, whll out driv ing In tit country, he passed a farm, ths owner of which was standing in a pen near th road feeding to a drove of swine generou quantities of corn In th ear. - This caused th learned theorist to stop and forthwith hall th violator of his theory; ''My friend, don't you know It la wrong to give thos hoga feed that ha not been cooked? Don't yon know that If you would cook that grain be fore Issuing it they would digest it in Just on half ths tlms It takes them as it la now eaten r "Well, stranger, sup pose they would; I'd Uk to know. what in - tim l to a bogir, . . . . ; , i ,. m I' ' . Latter-Bay tanhji,'- ' Fashionable Physician Tou will hav to give up city life, Mr. Million. . Wsaltby Patient I will travel n Europe a few year If you say so.' - . Physlcisn It would be better for yon to stay - her and conduct a modem farm-.- - i. ,... .j. ) jv- -.. . - WeaJUy PaUeatOh, 1 can't afford that , . CITY PAID TCO n t FOR ITS ARC LIGHTS if Engineer1 Warner- Says - There j Has Been an Overcharge of Thousands of Dollars. PROPER REBATE WAS NOT '" MADE BY THE COMPANY On Every, Bill, for Over a Year jixp&ym Have Lost . I ;. Money, , City Engineer Wsnser Insists that th city Is entitled to a forfeit of SO cent a night from the Portland General Eleo trio company for every- are lamp .that la reported out. .Because he believes th tax payers are being charged an exces sive price for the lights he has refused to approve th February bill for IMtt, stating that it ia $61 In excess of what it should be...,--". - ! ' ' -; - He says Portland has also paid 11,710 more for its lighting In the past 11 months than It should aocordlng to the contract, which explicitly states thai th company shall forfeit 10 cents to the city for each night a light Is not burning. Instead of deduoting from the bill th sum specified for every light re ported put, the deduction has been mads at th rat of 1 cents ait hour, th sum- in city contracted to pay for each light' burned.. At th rat of to centa a night for .each light out th city should receive I cents aa hour if th deduction were mad for th actual time th light was not burning. Under the plan of auditing the bills the city received only l centa according to Mr. Waaser, and has been cheated out of IU cent for very hour , which an electric light baa Dean out th past II months. ;. - : 1 . . Qr Bnslaiss SMhoda. "When I signed the January bllL' said Mr. Wanser. "I felt that everything was not right, and I decided to-get the contract and look the. matter up. There was nothing on the bill which showed m how many lights bsd been out All that It gave was the total amount of de duction for lights out "As scon as I read th contract it was plainly evident to me that th city waa 'getting th worst of th deal1: I fath ered back data to satisfy myself, and wnen i found that th city was-Imposed on I decided that I would not approv snr mora bills unless they conformed to inn contract. i-.---r,-..,- I am convinced that I am Justified In my stand without having th opinion of an attorney., for the Intent of the contract Is plajnlf evldent' it . Ooatraot With th City. ;V Th section of the contract In full fnl. lows; u - rTh said Portland General Electric company further agrea that In case it shall fall to light and keep lighted, in acwraance wun saia specincauona, any lamp or lamps In this contract specified or provided for, during any of the hours cuuuvhkm !- uw coniraci. or in saia speeiiicationa, when th same shall be lighted .in aeoordanc - witk th. terms thereof, caused by th negligence or eareleeaneas . ef said Portland General Kleotrlo company. It the said Portland General Klectrio eompaay. shall forfeit and pay to th said city of Portland th 4 sum of it cenU per night for each are light for each and every sight of such failure, to be deducted from the amount of th monthly bill: but If such failure Is caused, by flrf flood or lightning, or other act of God, or by act of the public enemy, or by strikes or riots not pro cured, inauced or connived at by said party of the second part 'or by th un lawful acta of persons other than said party, of th second part, not Induced. consented to, procured ' or eannlved .at by said party of the second part in either of such cases there shall b no penalty as provided above, but said Port land General Electric eompaay shall not charge or receive any compensation Whatsoever for suck lamp pr lamps dur ing such failure." -; -Qonaollmea Oogmlsaat f MsHer. It Is kuthortUtively atated that cer tain members of - the executive board and other dty officials knew the text of the contract-long before Mr". Wanser called their attention to It and that they took no action on th matter. - Now that Mr. Wsnser has brought the Irregular ity clearly to th attention of th ex ecu tlve board, they will proceed to make an Investigation, and it ia said will at tempt to fasten on th guilty offlcial th blame for the negligence, . - Ths light committee of the executive board, of which George H. Howell and H. W. Goddard are th members, will meet' within a few days,- when an In qulry will be mad Into th allegation ttf the city engineer regarding the ex cessive charges. '.(;-.- ' Th contract was left Juna If. itos, and called tor S0 are lights of 1.000 candle power each, for th sum of 4.f 00 a month. , For every aro light Installed thereafter th city was to compensate ths company at the rate of IM0 a month.)-- .--.'; - ..-;..:-vi.i "... , STANFORD CASE CAUSES COLUPSE 0F UTHR0P (BsteU! Dlaeatch by Usssd Wire t The Jearsal) Ban Francisco, March 4. Char lee O. Lathroo collapsed .. today. - Flesh and blood could no longer auqd up under the. rearrui uncertainty nanging aDout the death of Mr. Lathrop s sister. Mrs. Stanford. ' Constant brooding over th fat of th sister he loved wrought such a chang In th - strong-minded man who had oeen In charge of her af fairs that he went to pieces. - . Th attorneys had to gst along with no word of counsel from him; ' ; Th human ferrets, paid iwlth hla money to sol v. 'if .possible, thl most subtle' of mysteries, oniy.addea to Mr. Liatnrops aaonr. - These private detectives, step ping on tip toe, Whispering behind their hands,' hinting at the roost dreadful pos sibilities, did nothing but add another load to thos already -IMled upon the heart-lck men. 'Tv, ' 1, SATS Wit BBATBsT. Thomas Gavin, a aaiior. claims thst he waa assaulted last' night by the White Brothers,,, owners of one of ", ths - sailor boarding houses, and will swear to a complaint' on Monday. Ho became In volved In a dispute with another sailor, and advised him not to go aboard a cer tain ship lest he receive ill treatment For this, he clslms, he was beaten by the White Brother He wss bsdiy injured, and wis attended by Dr.'Sm cum, assistant city physician. - tOST S3S TALKS. G. W. Christian, who resides In room 21 In a lodging-house at tl H Third street, reported to th pollc that some on stole a valise from his spsrtment It contained slothing and other personal ecav-A yttusg'tmn was. sees -in !ol!r s round the pise Just befor th crlm waa discovered.. .,, , . ; , . GLASSIES INSURED TO!. 0NZ YEAR Alt Eyeglasses or Spectacles bought of us will be repaired for one year without extra ixjHT. ; in is in cludes hmkan lenses .1 the rlmlesa kind Included), whether spssialiy ground or otherwise. it you neeo uiaasea, I bow much w can aavk you. OREGON OPTICAL CO. Foartk aad TaaaaiU, T. St. 0. A, BOdg, to patagg:;i by RAIL IS PROJECT New Linss Bslng; Rapidly Built From - Mexico " South and j From Argentine North. : AMERICAN CAPITAL IN k , v MANY SOUTHERN ROADS Great Activity . Reported In Net Work of Projects Connecting New Countries. - K - v -' (Special Dispatch by leased Wire to The Journal) Ban Francisco. March 4. Henry Pack- ham of Chloago, engineer connected with th. Fan-American Railroad -com mittee, saya that a railroad system Is gradually , being extended south from Mexico towards Panama, nd north from Peru .and th Argentine Republic tore.h Isthmus. One of these lines, th Pan-American, h aays, is already ia operation to Tonala, a port i:t mile south 'of Ban Qeronlmd. a station on th Tehauntepeo-road - which- has-rsil ,ooa- nection with the City of Mexico and then on north Into this country.' .- , "Ths Fan-American road." said Peck- bam,' "Is now being extended J 00 "miles south to the Apacbula. and from.. ther it wlU go into Ouatemala. It will not be long before people can rid by rail from . San Francisco to - thq city of Guatemala. , z, p. Doak'aad associates of Bt Louis, ara . behind this project and they, aim to extend the road-1.400 mile to Panama. It will take soma years, of course, to miUdV south of th city of Guatemala, but In my opinion U lln will eventually be buui ' American engineers are . surveylna rov ainerent rsuroaa companies both north and south of th tsthmua ' The extension of the Argentine - railways north latoi Bolivia la rapid, proceeding unaer - government- supervision. - Th 110,000.000 It recently received from Brasll as a- territorial indemnity. Is being used by Bolivia for new railroad construction. American capitalists are also figuring on building roads in Bo- llvta.- : Bnalneer sent - Ant - frm- ,h. united 1! t tee are now on the ground in th mteresr of these capltallata. in Chll th tunnel throuch the Andes, Which wlU provide entnmunica- twn from Buenos Ayres to Valparaiso, is being rapidly bored and Peru and Ecuador are planning north and south line which 'will form ; links In the great Pan-Amerloan system of 1 roads that will on day become a significant reality.-,' , - , ,-.. .:.'..,;;, EVENING'S ENJOYMENT; COMES TO ABRUPT END They "were carpenter f oar 'and bad money in their pockets. ' : Life to them a pleasant dream, for tomorrow they would rest. - So they concluded to spend aa evening In enjoyment at th Orpheus , theatre. Their naraea ar A. Anderson, J. Petersen, A. C Petersen nd Oua Johnson, and all liv at III Knott trt. . . . .v.. : '..-.i - Beat In th body of th hous were not to their liking, and each Paid St cents for. a box seat .They entered performers box and soon were rsptly gasing at two pretty girls , doing . a auuiue xuro , .on in1 stag. .. - , . At this juncture came -a rude Inter ruption of their enjoyment, Len Reed. a wmlter.en tared th box and Informed th party that the upper tier waa to be occupied by men. a the lower had been reserved for performers and friends-who called to s them. . A strenuous protest waa tnade by very memoer or tn party.- - - Then cam. "Kid "- Reagan, another waiter, on tn acan- Taking . Peter sen by th arm. he "requested" that th box b vacated and that the party -go upstairs. Ail rose and left the theatre. TO Captain Moor at pollc headauar- tera they told their, tale of wo, and a uggestion was msd that a -warrant b secured Monday on a charge of assault. Th members of ths party looked ag grieved They evidently expected that piatoon of pol tee would be detailed at one to Wipe th Orpheura off the map, Hdwever, they finally concluded to make complaint Monday. . - '. , ? OLICE ARREST WATSON ' IN SPITE OF THE CHIEF William Watson la proving a bona of contention in police circles. Over h?m ths .patrolmen and detectives', i hsv crossed cudgels, with Chief Hunt allied with the "plain clothes men." , For putting the detective tn posses ion of Information leading to the arrest of Edward Oee on three charges per sonating an orrioer, assault and larceny from Toe person witn a fourth, of ex tortion. In prospect, Watson waa prom' ised immunity from punishment on ac count of his alleged Intimate relations Dr. B. E. WRIGHT t-aeSeUatif I : Oeatsrt that re . 1 levee all pain In dental operations. stay. Washburte V, Seveath. Jt "1 a. vr i ii m t rm mi mi mm m ' i v v v. -- n i r n ri l i v pii' -Attl . , T- ' v .; v waar - . , l , ' 4. To avsnosM tala tcocal w ar and guarante th quality of th lady amd LookiOut -Mi FREE! FREE! ' Tot lh next It days, or untU April 1. ws will dvlop all films bought at our-, stor free of charge. ' . . - , . -4, . ' W carry complrt lln ' of I f. - Paints and -Make-UTp Bell's Theatrical Cold Cream, per 7, f 1 ? - ,f t ! V? i By special arrangement with - .. t - i y y''VvA-v lv, 1 . ' ,., . .... j : a large supply t ADetta uiscuit, ana. witn every casn want aa will eive the advertiser, one free package. . Abetta Biscuit are X 'age, which preserves the goods, causing tnem to Tetaut tmnr enspness and t Biscuit are particularly nice for light lunches, picnics in fact, always the , erace the sideboard. Always fresn and crisp: remember . uut orr;:'1 ; -'vTi These offers are made plished by useful "want ads." would entail great space- You you want o 'Buy suuicuuiig - at the "want ads." , mousanas ox people reaa tnem every rate of WORDS-FOR 15.'. . , - ' ' T , with Grace Camp, one of th complain- ants.' Unaware of this, Patrolman Oal- braith arrested bint Thursday night on a vagrancy charge, " . .'i"--",, -.' Chief Hunt cam toth nemo, and by 'phon from hla rtsid ordered the re leas - of -Watson .on his own recogni sance, i Patrolman ' Jones encountered Wstson on the street Friday night and arrested him a second time. Bitting as kangaroo Judge," the Chief gave him his freedom sgain yesterday morning. He wss wrathy over the second arrest, and delivered himself of opinions relatlvs to patrolmen in general and Jones In par ticular -that mad th air sultry. -- ' If Watson should be arrested a third time, it is believed th chief will Chang th beats of a few patrolmen. , CR0KER MEMORIAL TO ; POOR OF METROPOLIS ,;...',.'!.':..' - -;:'M.., (tpeelsl Mspatch byUesed Wife te Th loorml) ' New York. March 4 Richard Croksr. Jr., ha given 110,000 i to tha poor of this city. The gift I In memory of his deed brother, and to be equally divided among three societies, representing the Hebrew, Catholic and Protestant faiths, the United . Hebrew Charities, th So ciety for the Improvement of the Condi tion of th Poor and lb Society of Bt.j finwni urn rsui. 7 . - .. Under ths terms of the) gift., however. beneficiaries sr not to be restricted t these sects, the object of th donor being to-brlng suorer to th poor wher ever they may be found, add whatever their rellgtoua beliefs. - " ' '' The Idea wss suggested by Rlchsrd Crokr at the instance of hla son. who had. eipressed a dealre to commemorate th death of his brother ia boom fitting way. . .., t , mfntm'i - ' " 'i I'm "'"t mi ' i' ''" '' "' ' ' . tlAVa.YOV SEEN THAT, -WINDOW FULL OF, o n in nrs vr -'a rzrt?' T K-r ' X"'' gaawlat xio -mi tkaaa oaaa i MM. ut hr bhylng them in larW-'ouaA., Th gatralat fio tkaaa oaa i MM, lut hy bhylng them in lar-quan- titles w can offer them to our customers at th remarkable low price ef I2 SI.' '-Our line of Suit Cases. Traveling Bag. Ladles'' Hand--Ban. Iii1la im Gentlemen's card Case and Purses, Bill th city, v 4 ' - , j ; Tow 4ftasi Oomplala Taaa- Toaa out go tjaiakly. p yw kaatr th - ' ' " ' ' n auictyai v .: s - -iLa -. ' ! 'I v x s vi UV, m MV WWV ,MM W . - - W 1 i idly aa rubber - goods. When y w fcuy , , them front stock, you-do not know how ' long thy hav been mad oonaequenUy ' cannot tell how "long tay Wiir War. : -' now making all of "bur E3asUo Goods goods and a perfect fit', - Tot a sTooa-Moeur alsa. Sfglaatng Wdaaaday XoUowtag ksta1 a IS sa. aad that' will i ii v' Hesa's and - Meyer" Sals. ' , lb.; ..604 ' Fisher's Pur cm tmm or etrni. fM 9SLUVBBS9 TMBaaVSir' v ifourtb and Washington Streets- - VMM!f - ! V M M the PacUtc Coast Biscuit Company The Journal has secured simply, to still more' widely introduce the wonderful results accom An; enumeration of their many know how it is) when you want, tiiiniaiia , bum jiuu ts; wiuuwuuua wuryyu uunicuuiicjy iwok ( SStMMMMMIMMMMe? ABMTrs mAxxn XXOTOU. James Howard was arrested at See end and - Salmon streets Isst night by Detectives Snow ; and - Kerrigan and booked 00 th charge ot larceny. When 9 r3 - . r' ' 14 . ' ' l't 'X: :-''- - ' . f '.v ' i ' " - I I i ' ' ' - - We are bursting with Spring Notes in the way of stylish' high grade hats. Something to suit your features and' jocketbook is surely among our collection of ,$3.C9 and .' ..$3.00 hats. Why not get your new hat In. toln4 ,and put ; : t -4 ,; .ill t, .. R OB I N S 5 V'tf Books, tc, If the most complete in". ? ( 'I V' ,1 ... W4aaaay, ' March S, aad " on ', nrr . X p. sl, wa win orfs good i FLOWER SEEDS- "r,---,s, Fan Wight JTw wesaa, v - -"All: Be packages. 4c: too packages, - tc; -lto packages, , llo 10 packages, Itc. -. , s r" " " ' ' ' : - - -.-' ' v --' ,- -. i .', - Do you want a atrjcUy pur, hlgh-grad- Malt is' the bestj quarts . f 1.00 ' rtamomarimn onus roa i".' -.W;.-J ti'ii, Fs.n f ,' . 5 .- if-eJ "st iei-Tj te m M e is es m m tor eitner tne uaiiy or Sunday packed in a moist-proof pack- flavor. These correct thing to. daily duties and performances ' to rent a room, or house,when f aay you can uuc to them at the , , locked vup b. confessed.' to ' stealing ) 4 bicycle ( from' a house -'on i Blxteenth street ', sad, th officers ar now trying to locate tha -owner of -tbe wheel. . Th pollc - claim ther has . , been , mariy thefts of bicycles of "lata. .5, i"- - . It on your htiAt'""y, 'j ON fliC O. I .i - 1 1 1 n '',' . '.!. v. '.'- . - AT ..:..': -. ...