The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1905, SECTION TWO, Page 19, Image 19

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-V V W . , - v -
273 Stark Street, city
nn a ' r; v
II 11 "
-. .mi .. ,
j-j-.itsn S7st Property jiouk
1 with 100 feat frontage- ton Washington
--street.- Capitalists or Investors want
fin inside property should Investigate
vnthto.. I . .v. ... ,, .
Whslcsss cr Ir.v:ori
, 'ern. five-etorr stone building, good lo
T I cation, for sale at a rwou. pries.
- i Any large firm wanting a moitrn, up
1 to-date build Ins, good location should
: can upon ins unaersign- .
J New. modern, well built eight-room res
, ; f tdenoe,- nice lot, -rood location. . Any
'family wanting a home In this local
ity should Inspect this. ,
ki Jskitsca's r.:a VY1
built nine-room residsnos in tkla choice
locality, . commanding - a fine -. view.
I House well built, m lern tn. every re
. aspect and a. very desirable hot-e. ,.. i.
Lcvejay Strttt C::r.ce ,Vr' -
' . handsome, well built, cnagnif leant reel
dence, containing twenty rooms, large
'- grounds, altogether a very stylish, nag
j ,;, nlflcent home (or a large family. .
t Ecsat Tasr ResUter.ce 4 i :V:
' : ' some." modern residence, commanding
fine view. Convenient to ears, elegant
' ' Krounds, very handsome and reasonable
, - noma'. ';. . - . . . . .
Croons nouss, good location, .cantatas all
. taodsrn conveniences., best of plumbing
and lighting system. . price 14,000.08.
; 4CV Buys modem, eight-room.' well
iauv built, handsome residence; ntce
quarter block, good location, one block
. (from electric car Una, and altogether
a fine boms. ,.' ... - -. - t t . . -
' New' home In Irvlngton, seven
-Z-wVV- rooms,, bath pastry.. taU base.
, . mni, nice location, easy terms. . Any
"V -one wanting a new up-to-date boat
, should Inspect this. , -
' tMlirt home on- ltd street, west
f- fW side; house Is nest, .modern.
I and everything In good shape.
Best borne for the money .on this side
. of tba rivar.- . .. ... , ... .
, i . . "
V V ' Building LoU. V
first Street i-t':,Sr.Bllofi.
. the city. Owner want money and will
' sell this at a sacrifice., s .. ,
J.I...,...'. Choice, building -lots
Jw..ulJI.l ln the most aeleet
; portion of the dty at reasonable price.
ICJsetteianSetussSed '"if
some of the most expensive and hind-
some residences, In. the city otWlne
teentb street, at reasonable prices, ...
, '''::. .'- ' , ;. 'V. ' ,
t Warehouse Properties
' - IVPtP PjAf If Fronting on tba ralT
Vsricr UOUl road track-ft a very
' low-prlcfc , ; . ...
Htlf Block ' ,9?, ?" the
' ,'4 UIUU railroad track, good lo
, oition at right price. . -
T Winl Hack Bw" street caf line
v titiUlC OIUVA mnd nu.road track, -ha v-
in J0 feet rrontage on each. Best
'v block In the city ,or warehouse pur-
poaes: -. ,
Mill or Factory SiteTwo
T and a-Half Acres "
..... . v. ..... A f , ..v
r JTrtrntlng on' the ' river With railroad
tnrough tract and fronting on a fine
v road. Onlytl.OOO, a real bargain. ,
27 feet river t frontage running- to
. the railroad track, vary desirable alt
" and location for factory, mill oc ware
("houea.' ... -'..-'.. i at-.. .
. Jf .you. .want residence, business or
'warehouse property be sure and call
: upon- the -undersigned. ' , , .. . . .A -
, i . , j " '. " ' ' ' '"
Charles K. Heriiy
- 2''Stark;Str;rv
' . tOO And upward fof lots In East
Portland Heights.
. flSOO Choice - corner lot. East Tour-
teenth and Tsylor. ... i ... :
$X40O IOOtIOO. southeast quarter Eaat
: ; , Twenty-aeventh and Tamhill;
. ' amall house. -i - - '
.' 99000 TSxfOO. Esst Twelfth st, small
' ' ejouse; room for I more houses.
'fl50 1-story' house, with I acre of
ground: near Irvlngton.
, 98300 to 930OO 4-roora new houses, with
; V . i . all the modern convenlenoea;
-j v Kant Twenty-eighth, near Bum-
' aide.,' f .. .:r-f- -cr- --
ftUSO S-room house. ' corner - lot. East
. . t ' Twenty-soventb st, one block
,'from ear lino. . ,
$3700 s-room ' modern . house. East
Burnslds at.
- 31000 a-room house, 100x100 ground,
' Portland Heights. - , . -
9. fBO Corner lot and small house, mod
. em plumbing. clt water, on
, ' Skldmore, and Michigan avenue. ,
A fine T-room house and I lota; all the
1 tnodern oonvenlencee; with or without
furniture; a beautiful location on Wood
' stock car Una. t
. io osVairs ATm, bast bods.
9 JOOO New I -room cottage..1 near car
. barn in Upper Alblna; lot 60s
' " 100. t .
9 3380 New 0-room cottage, on . Eaat
i Twenty-second street. near
"" , " Davis; full cement basement,
' v . , porcelain plumbing, walla nlce
. . ly tinted. ' streets Improved,
southern design. , '
- 9 ITSO New t-room house, all modern;
full lot ton Wllllama ava.
Y 9 3f30 -Nsw ' tyvom house, on Union
:' ava.; modern. . . 'S i
, 9 3380 New 0-room ' house, on Union
ava.; comer Tot - .
9.4800 New s-room house,' west aldei
, P all modern Improvements, hard
r J , i wood floors, fine plumbing, fur
f , nace; smsll cash payment down,
' . balance monthly.
318000 Cash will buy a trice piece of
Improved property with an la-
' ' . coma of 11,120 per year., t w
. 913000 Improved quarter block on
! ' Fourth street; monthly,' Income
, '. ' Oe Me SMITH S
TM OKum or vomummom. "
The SisfctlJcst Suburb of ,
Portland, on Woodstock
Jr , Car Uae :
' &OT3 60x100 feet, wrth alley In rear;
. excellent water supply. Take ear Bun-
-day afternoon to Ivanhoe station and
". view this addition of comfortable homes.
."lots 1100 to, 1178. .... ...... j.. w .
$3.00. Down and'
y 53.00 a Month r
, i Tu- NOVi' . for ti. Advance
Aj aai r4 Ttua Aftonoom.''.' '
I -rt TtSt, ati l" It-ttork,
r, Th lat3t nd bost tract; In? the Mt Scott
- district - Portland's record-breaking - suburb. -.
- ' .
, Twenty-five, minutes' f rom ,; Rrst-' street Mt
. Scott ' car, fjve-cent fare with transfers to all f )
v Portland car lines. .
1 . t
Renting Is outgrown no , longer ' necessary.,
''Buw on xlmllar nr huttnr -tdrmnJ ' - . ' i '
'HOUSIS -510
510 Mcnth
$3 Down
,; 53 ; Mcstk I
i J . '-T "..V
Nothing like it in the past will never be an
other such' chance. inthe future -Lots selling
V fast. . Better come today. " 11 , r
. .' x , -
: All lots have alleys and water mains. Thickly
,' settled community, all city conveniences. Agent
on ground. City office open evenings.
S .V Room 203 Failing Bldg. hbne Main 2129. rj
Empirelnvestment Co.
Boom -8.' Ckaamsoir of OmwsroavtJ
. Phon Main 6833.
T-room house, new, and
room eottaare
e, all strictly
(OUUuV .m .nl Tn the beat real
dance cart of the City; full lot. . S,000
eaeh; balance- at a per cent ,
d 1PA 0-room house, insjood con-
P aAVUV eenth, near-Hoyt; good income-property.
This can be bought.
Il.sot-caah; baUnca 8 . years- at per
cent. ' , .:,!,; .
apAAA 1-rooin bouse, lot . 40x100;
!hjllllll good foundation, furnace: a
ePJWU ,pindld locaUon; Twelfth
street, near jefferaon. ,
aFAA Ie IJOxJOO feet. T-roora
1 Sllll house, steam heat, furnace;
IUV Portland Helghte, on Spring
street; half cash; balance at per cent,
a jaaa 24-room - Aouse and ' lots
I At II II I house end furniture new and
AJXWV.the best -that money can
buy; hot and cold water In each room,
furnace heat, gas and electric lights; 7
more rooms unfinished; the Income, ISJj
per month. Will sell house or furniture
or both! half cash; location, Fourteenth
and Taylor streets. Don't fail to soe
this house.' - ,-tj. - ,
saa t-room eotuge, lot 80x147
SI. Si III good barn, fruiU of all
WW kinds: Mechanic atreet, near
Union avenue. ; 11,000 caahl balance to
Bult..r,.'.,. ,;. " -fi'
OlOAA' 8-room house, : modern, snd
S1K111I up-to-date, lot 70; Eaat
ePlfJVU Twenty-eighth street north.
t(00 cash; balance 126 par month. -aapAA
7-room house, all modern lm
!kSIIII provemenU. lot 00x104 feet;
VaVOVV f, bwt houas in the ad
dition; . Tremont station. $1,500 cash;
balanoa 8 per cent .. .. . i ,, i
aasaa l-room 'cottage; new .Bd
SZiSllll modern, full lot;; Eaat Elev
wvv enth and Stevens; ready to
novo Into.. Half cash, .v -
M 1 AAA Kew f-room house, all mod
I Will I era Improvements: Monroe
l'uu street, near Mississippi ave
nue. , Half caah, , u..f.
abtAAA (-room house, 'all new, in
Snllllll good neighborhood; tha beet
PUWV part ot sunnyside. with
modern Improvements.' Part caah.., ..
a.tpA East View tract, onMount
3lll Scott car lin, ' i-roomv cot
71VJV Ub- ti,w. toilet and ieth,
cement' basement; ready to movlnto;
full lot. 1600 caahl balanoa monthly
payments. . ... ;- !'.'.;-
aHnn 8-room house. I years old,
A IHI bath, gas, , full basement;
PJf W nouBo 14x47, feet. S-story;
lot 100X100 feet; will make easy terms;
East Eighth street, near prescott
3 4 1 A A t-room, S rooms unfinished
Ji I. SI II I upstairs; all first olaaa lum
T1UWV bri full lot, on Mallory,
nebr Maaon; east front.. t24; balance
on lot, paymenta 110 per month.
We want houses- and lota we can sell
Oh amall monthly Installments. r
ire Investment Co.
Chamber of Commerce. - 1
Will buy 040 arrea bf good land down
the Columbia river, near Weetport, OreJ
inn. Can be mad excellent stock or
dairy farm- , ' ... .
for Bargains?
170 aerea ? nna land. IT miles'' from
Portland: 7-room house and nthor hulM.
Ings; team and all farm machinery go
with the place; near good school, store,
churches and ft. R. station; well wa
teredIIS per acre. .. ,-
, 100 aoraav, 70 cultivated; good house
and barn; welrscnred; orchard and fine
water; IS milea from Portland. Una
community f5 per acre. .
aag aeres, 4 milea fro good t valley
town: (00 acrea In cultivation; - srood
buildings, running water; near school;
One land. Can you beat itt At $21 per
sum. .....
840 scree, all In cultivation:. ' go
buildings; fine land; running water;
school, ctwirch. warehouse: R. R. sta
tion Just across the road. Beat It If yon
can for $1,000.
SO acres, 1 miles milea from Portland:
40 acres dear; Ana . land; no graver;
1.000 fruit trees, strawberries; all farm
implements ana stock; good buildings.
All for 14.600. . ,
40 soree One land In eastern Oregon,
Desohutes Irrigation canal - will croea
the place: all but 10 acres can be irri
gated. . Win sell cheap on account of
otoer nuainess. ,
leo-acre fera. I milea from srood val
ley town; good buildings, good soil and
fine community 110 -per acre. ,
18TV4 eeree, hear O. W. P. ear tine: 8$
acrea in nne state or cultivation, bal
ance seeded for naature: soma timlMr!
good house and barn; 10 acrea In orch
ard; well fenced; a fine farm. Price $$,-
, eon nACsa vrm cast rmAsai ,
08 aerea of fine land, II milea from
Portland; 10 acres In cultivation; 10
acrea more easily cleared; good build
ings, orchard -An spring; railroad ela
tion on farm. Will trade for city
.100 acres, near McM Inn villa, - nicely
Improved, for city property.
30 acrea, near Carlton, soma improve
ments, ror city property, -r - -r
40 aeres, 7 milea from city, for store.
40 acres, t milea out. for Improved or
unimprovea city property. ; -,
. 10 ssrss, $ milea out, for vacant lots.
A Ana new l-room house for. sale or
treae ror a gooo rarm.
Houses end lots too numerous to men
tion that, we can trade you for. farm
property.. .. .,.-. .
Coma and see. ,
Charleson Qr Smith
314 aVUskjr Bld(. ' VhOBO West 381.
. SNAPS . :
. A bran new. flour mllL run bv'elee
trinity. In one of the beat towns of tha
state., ii.ew; tsrma.
One of the finest l-room a Home In
Portland, with I lots BOzloo, with nna
fruit .trees and others, lawn, etc. $7,001;
terms. -'' i....- .
- One , plastered l-room bouse. $100;
terms. . , l. . -. - i,.. . "'
One plastered 8-rootit house. $1,000;
terms. . . ... -
One 8-rornn house. $4B0; terms.
Fine little -acre farm; lu miles
from oourthousa., , 11.600; $400 d
balance time. - ..
Plenty other good bargains.
T-room aaedani boaae, west side. '''.
; .O.MeSMlTH
la-'-rTtiJ '!! " 1 "" "" "
. c; cnhav n-'- pat k V
--W.. , ' l . -v.b 1
L..i..d.Lj 'L i. . Aw. - - Aaai-n. .. a
I - 1
,. '
I p 5 1
, .
' ;; '
$100 CASH
AND $5 W
1 t -
PPII, ' HI II ft. '
L..l..y.iw r t r - -
. I I rn 3i
';. "
' 'T ' ; : t I 1 -
' ' I 1 'l ! ,
' . la
j -I ' t
si . i
i Ii im i Ti i tSi i in
'I II iff ;
il JI It
If j
-a -J L--
ATsTHE j-.
. . -1. . .... .. . ... .. . .
, of the
O. R. & fi. R. R.
, The Ra";!road Center ,
'for a Large and ,'
Growing Population
, . . , ' f
J.lThe beat ttrawberrr and fruit
lend-in-MnltTinTnah cniintyJEtpfi.
', ciallv well adapted for chickens. ;
i , ' , .
v Convenient to churches, school
m and street cars.. ' An ideal place .',
for a home. V
: . The' city of Portland is grow- ,
ins; eastward very rapidly and the
1 increase in value of these tracts .
- in the future will far exceed the
interest paid by savings bankaC' '
Crops do not tau in uregon ana
T savings banks do. .
- A home on one of these tracts
i,if planted in berries and small
.fruits ; will insure- the owner a
steady living and render him free
' from care on account of strikes
- or other disaster.
. , . ..
514 Chamber of Commerce,
PORTLAND, OR.'-- - , ........ .-.-- ; , t '
We hae a very large list of Una
farms. Thousands of acres, Including
some of the best in the state. . We hare
a personal knowledge of the most of
them and will guarantee such to be Just
ss ws represent them. Those content-
f dating purchasing should Inspect our
1st without delsy. We can furniebMbo
most substantial references aa to our
standing and business methods. Our
farms range In acreage from the amall
tract to 1.000 acrea each, the prioea be
ing governed by the location, character
of soil. Improvements, etc and Include
some of the best In tha state that sro
on the market. Call or. write for full
Acre Tracts
At Jennings- Lodge, on the O. W. P.
Ry we hsve choice acre tracts at rea
sonable prices. This is the flneat suburb
about Portland and the soil Ii jtrr
rich. . Tou can get an acre 'hero for
what you will pay for .a lot In other
localities. Splendid car service. In
vestigate this suburb. -
We have money for adequate securi
ties at reasonable ratea.
Investments .
' To those desiring Investments in solid
Income-bearing properties, or in first
mortgage securities, we have substan
tial offerings and invite most searching
Investigation. , . ' ,
', . 343 STaJUC
$t 0 Lots in ' Bheparra Addition;
. , 11.00 down and ffi.00 per month.
$ TfroLots in Point View. ,
3 380 Lots. 10x100 overlooking the
' . . - .rivsr. . -. ... ..
f 480 4-room bona and lot 10x100;
, close In. x -i ....,.
$ 300 4-room house, lot 10x100: 1100
' down, balance 111 per month.
81300 Lot 100x100; . nna buslnees ccr
. .ner. s ., . ; .... ..... .....
Residence ' lota,' business lota, acre
tracts and factory sites. . .. ,.
' ...;v -. t, !n .i ';.
. .-' sW. MOM Oav: " ; riV 1 1
' v'. ' Offloo ta Oochraa Shi 3d lag. " , .' !
'",.-'rM non eooTT ooei.
r.: .-f;. ' .
Parri3hf Watklnj a-Co.
(Kstabliabed 1373. . s ,.:.:'-'
real;, estate
250 solder Street
3300 Own, balance Ilka paying rent,
; will buy a lovely l-room residence,
; with I lots; all aet out In full bear
v.lng fruit trees r In very swell and
- Vastly location, alt. Tabor; must b
'f seen to bft.approlated. .
;,-.,v.-v..;Prlce 93tOOO :-- j
8484 KotcIswbv ., - PaoM Bed 33T1.
Here's lflicrc the Wse
Find the Best Boys
80800 For s" one of , ths handsomest
. homes on the east side, half
- - block;10-room residence; ground
'w.;. magnificent .beyond words cap
able of description. ' You should
not fall to oeo thls ;" , . -
34000 flwell., .suburban, home, . grand
, Britlsn designed bungalow res
Y . idnc; ffaore .tot; three tblocks
- w. elfrtrio cars. . -- -- - . - ; -SSOOOBfyltfh.
new, strictly modern I
i room realdence, within walking
distance business center, eaat
" aide. : - . .
38300 Corner lot, stylish, new, strictly
, : , modern 7-room residence; swell
part of Sunnyside.
33100 Beautiful, ' stylish, new B-ronra
- cottage, lot Mxl2l. E. Olisan st.
31100 Two full lots, l-room residence,
E. ,11th and Howe streets. ,
31000 -Very attractive 20-cre place
v on electric oer line, M miles out;
big aprlnga, living water, beau
tiful grove of timber. . '
$ 800 Very charming S-room cottage,
beautiful and new, corner lot.
. one block Woodstock car Una. .
3 800 Three full lota, nice 4-room cot
. tags, two blocks M on ta villa car
' line.
f TOO Three full lots, ntee cottage, all
furnished, Woodstock avenue;
aplendid place...
8 880 Nice cottage partlr furnished,
full lot, good barn, cboloa fruit.
1 ', Weat avenue. .
800 For very dealrable building lot,
on K. Kth street, near Madison,
txrvaly river front acre tracts ln Oak
Orove. cheap. ),..:, . .k
148V, kbst STmnr. .- v t -
Square Deal Brokerage Co.
is saraaT
Booaoa 1, 8, 3.
,v We offer aome splendid bargains In
City fteal Estate,
Acreage arid
- Farms v.
'''Let ns tell yol about some of this
property wa ljava for sale. '.;
We are. "the ' principal ' BITBtKCSS
era In tha city and can locate you in the
right location and at prlcea tha prop
erty Is actually worth.' . ',
Wa make LOANS on CHATTELS or
Square Deal Brokerage Co.
13 S-4 Acrts good Und, otr raUittftd tt.
tkm, boat Undinf and !
fvllllUlHttast.i.tMa.itil Mesai
S Acres, cloee in, on. car
lluffwKMiMM 0satetaeaeae
5 AcraacIoM in, on cat - - CCrt
line,..- eaoaa)aatsasaaaaeoaigaejabswf Iw lar
n 'S::yrpk 8 ALB BY.
Knapp d fltachey
Chrnbervof Comcerce '
Choice Bargains
lot la Oatar addw ea tee ear D 0
I lot ta MnatavlUa ad .......... . 0
8 lota a Weoeatock at I ' SM
8 lots ta Tii swat . nace; euy . waw
sVaaMe). tk ' a S e e a s f 13
I feu Id Trwnotrt piaca, Jotaiag ..'.aJM ' K
t Jot la Ttvanat Pleea. tomI at...... 4 , lno
1 lot in KensolwarU. rood 4-roea boasa.l 1.000
8 lata la Stephens so. . near Btrasess
TBiino, wn'inprand.paVs pi ceat ea
the InTOTUnnrt: Mootcoawrj st .I1S.000
800 arm MMOregea Oty vail stsafcad- .
llfMl 1381181 tf8d. '
lOOiioo, with s andara 0-rwmi beaae.
new, rood tarws 0
100x110. kaat career la elty, ea Moat-
aooery at ,.........3 8.T80
160 arrse ea Moaat Oeett. 8 alias frosi
the elortric ear -8 41
40 arrM aaar Oreana City, goad boaae aad
bars, ry eboep WL'VJAi'
50x100 aaThlrt at., l-atory brick bolM-
log T.-.v, 8SJ.00O
100 acre, near North T.athin, goad an .
uunmaniint; ' H caak I 1.800
ITHiino camtv lot with a store aad eot
t Uri aays 11 per eaat ea larastSMat.1 8,000
8RH Third st. reeai 8,
University Park
The bon-ton residence portion of the
trholo Penirurala. To hvo a home at
Oniveraity Park ia a mark of respect
tbility. University Park ia the only
"dry" precinct in th City of Port
land; seat of the Colombia Univer
sity, an educational center; central to
four miles of deep-water front: a
monthly payroll of $15,000, building
reatrictron, , liquor restriction, inside
the city boundaries of Portland for
13 years; far-famed Bull Run water;
Portland dty . schools, wide streets
and alleys, electric arc street lights,
business houses, everything, for which
tha heart could desire. Lots, $60 to
I300 each, on easy 1 monthly install,
vents. ' Money furnished for building
purposes. . Francis I, McKenna, room
606, Commercial block, and Univer
sity Park station. Agents wanted. :
Qur Farm Lists Cover
Farms Rud From
$800 to $4,500
f '''' . " V . V -v. . )-,'
Pacific Real ty Co.
617. Comrierclal Clock
Investment Co.
: Eaatern Oreren wheat lands and stock
ranches. vCall and aea ua. Wa have
soma good proper! lea for eele. ;
Choicest residence district in St.
Johns, close to car lines and near
the mills and factories on the
Great St. Johno
Water Front
Fine view of all snow-capped
Full' sized lots. 60x100 ft, 3X3
; down and 5.00 a month"
Only a Few
Lots Lett
Let us show you this piupeilja,
St. Johns Land Co.
St Johns, Or. Phone Union 31C2
We have 2 houses left that we
can sell you on the easy payment
jj:-rri,: plait - : . -
Let your rent money buy'you s
raw ii;i
The moat beatttlful of Portland
' anburban tracta. The flowera and.
berries, are blooming, tba birds
are singing everything is . bad-
ding beautifully. '
Reservoir Park has tba air the
. homeaeeker most desires. Lots
level, under cultivation, fruit aad
, berrlea. '.,,...... "'4:
I . WATER ti PIPED , r t
Al read for connecting sarvlee.
, Bold on easy - terms, from 1108
...UP l t.;:-;1,- W:, TTt.y;,'--
$5 Down and S5
per month, So-mlnute car ride
V from heart of elty. Take Mount
-; Beott car to Kern and Reservoir
Park station. Agent -on tha
ground, also office at station.
Full Information given at my of-
pee, 12C-12I rront street , - , t
' N. R Partlss building wfll
, find lumber yard on the premises.
Addition .
Choice lot fadnz Tlzzt I'
' street, between East Cr
Z and Esst Glisan, tin:: ;
J. L. Vello Co.
. . m