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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1905)
4 V f THE OREGON SUMDAYOTJJOTAI. POST3LAND, BUWOAY - JJiaHU, v- ... I- ' . lis Officer! and Director! of the Academy of Science, First Row, Beading Prom Left to Right Q. E. CoghiH, 6 the "many organisations born since ' the Uvii and Clark fair was projected. ' tnone wilt be a arc of creator pride to the state than tha Oregon Academy , of Science, which was created two weeka - 'ago- laat evening . or -the- purpose, of '. scientific research and development.'7 . "T A ptctar vt ther principal -officer elected at tha .first annual meeting la herewith presented.' The full roater of . officers follows: EL P. Sheldon, preal- YLADir.!l!t SEIZES ; PEXELV IKCOfJE Crand Duke Defends Autocracy on Account of Enormous li Revenues He Draws. .. MILLIONS FROM ''StATE $ BESIDES FAT SALARIES Crafts FfrrL Army r and People ' ; and With All His Dealings 'y.i ' ' li Always Hard Up.:;,;Ui :r r af aloorai Clafc) , v ', (Ceprrlgkl. HNnt.lm hnlM, ky Leeeed l, . . . ' Wire te Tk Joerael.) , '. "- Berlin. March. 4 To any one familiar with condition In Ruaala It la perfectly v plain why Grand Duk Vladimir atande ready to defend autocracy, even at' tha risk of hla Ufa- and- oven' agalnat tha caar hlmaelf. No man In Ruaala holda ao -many and ao profitable offices as 'Vladimir, r. - ., v ... ; ' . A .constitutional 1 govarnmant' wtfcld -i moan financial ruin to him, as it would 'ao away not only with tha salaries - ' which ha receives, but what is far mora ' Important with (be chances of graft -which are now hla ", . . , ; y No constitutional government, espe cially In an Impoverished country like 1 Russia, would allow the grand dukes to . aheorh ao murh of the nation's monay. "! VERY FEW PEOPLE , , 'Are Free From Some Form of Indi- " " " getion. ..-l'V.-Li? t'r ' Very few people are free from some ' form of Indigestion, but scarcely two " Win nave tne seme. Kymptoma. - Dome euffer most directly after eat- : lag, bloating from gaa In ntnmach and ; bowela, others have heartburn or sour ' rialngs, still, others have palpitation of heart, headache, sleeplessneea, pains In cheat and under shoulder blades, some ; have extreme nervousness, as In Mr- 1 voua dyepepsla. '". But whatever tM -aymntom may be, ' , the cauaa In all caaea of Indigestion la 1 the same, that la the stomach for some reason faila to properly and promptly ; diget what la eaten. ... This Is tha whole story of stomach troubles in a nutshell. The stomach ' must have rest and assistance, and , fetuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets give It both by supplying those natural digestives which every weak stomach lacks, owing to tha failure of the peptic elands In the stomach to accrete sufllclMnt scld and Kpaln to thoroughly digest and aaslm ite the food at Ph. v, r One grain of the active principle la Ptuart s Dyspepsia Tablets will digest grains ot . meat, egrs or other . wholesome food, and this claim haa been proven by actual experiment, which any one can perform or himself In the following manner: Cut a hard boiled v egg Into very small pieces, as it would . , be If maatieated? place the ea; and two i or three of the tableta In a bottle or jar 4 containing warm water heated to Sit , i degrees tthe temperature of the' body) and keep It st this' temperntura for v three and one half hours, at the end of t which time the egg will be aa completely : digested as It would have been in tha healthy stomach of a hungry boy. : . Tha point of this experiment la that t what Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do to the egg In the bottle thov win ,o to the' egg Or meat In the stomaoh. and nothing els will rest and Invle-or--' ate tne stomacn so sareiy and eftrclu. ally. Rven a little child can take tu- f rt a Tablets with safety and benefit If ta digestion is weak, and- the , thou, -sands of cures accomplished by their regular- dally usaar easily explained when It Is understood that they are composed of vegetable essences, aseptic. : pepsin, diastase and Ooiden Benl, which ' mingle with tli food and -defeat it , thoroughly, giving the overworked , stomach a chant- to rerunerata, . i Inetlng never cures Dyappala, neither ,'dfl pills snd catliartlo medicines, which simply Irritate and .inflame the lntes i tinea , , . - iV ' ; Whelt enonrh food Is ' eaten .. and promptly digested ther -will b no coti-i pnpaiinn, rxir in isci win mere do dl e of any kind. bcus. good dig- lion means good health In every organ. Tha .merit and 'success of Ptuart'a .' Dvaaefla Tablets are wnrld-wld and I hey ara sold at the moderate price of , cents for fall-slsed package In every firag Hon ta in unit Miai 'Canada, aa Wall aa la Kurop. , 0 v V v ; W, Gorman, A, R Sweetser, E. P. Sheldon, James 'A, Lyman,' A' B. Cordley. dnt; Prof." A. R, Sweetser, University of Oregon, first Vice-president; Fro fessor Cordrey. Oregon Agricultural col leg, second vice-president; Miss Chris tine McConnell. Portland,' third : vloa prestdoti Prof. James A. Lyman, Port land. Teoording secretary; . Prof. O. SI Cogtitll, ' Paoirio university, correspond ing secretary;- M. W. Oortnan, Portland, treMursr;. U. I Hawkins, Portland, cur ator; I U Hawkins, E. A. Beala, Port By Imperial decree the grand duke, a relatives of the -csar, are allowed aa in come from ' tb treasury of 0,eOO,004 rubles, or about ll.oeo.000 for each. 'If the money were equally divided. . c 4 ' Of tha slsty mllllona, Vladimir gets six. 1 His private property, consisting of mines, timber- land . and agricultural lands, give htm an annual Income of about four -mllllona more, and beside h draws th following salaries: j .; XaoTmetw eatexlse.' .,' ' ' Xs .oommander-In-chlf of th amy, tO.OOO roubles; aa chief or tha conscrlp tlon department of fit. Petersburg, liO. 000; aa member of the imperial council. 11 .000, y and aa member of the 00m; mltte of-ministers. 0,ee.. . ' -v .With ' these -enormous rovetules' on might think that he would be a Very wealthy man. but hla two eons, Cyril and Boris, '--wh - went to - the front to Oght for their country, cam back., hav ing Incurred debts amounting to I.000,- 00 roubles in jaaachurla. Accordlng to the statement of one of his bankers, there is deficit of 11.000,000 In hla own. account, and this in spits of. the fact that he appropriated to nia own use the 40.000,000 donated by loyal Russians for the erection of a church In memory of bis father, Alexander li. and despite the thefts of money In tended for shoes and clothing for the soldiers of General Kuropatkin'a army. Te th csar. who haa always been a man of simple tastes and frugal habits. It would mean very little If a conatlta tlonal government out down hla Income to an-amount similar te the on allowed th .kaiser, but to Vladimir 'It would mean bankruptcy. ; - . ; .Vladimir needs the money and he is going to fight for hla rights to theft and graft .,::.;:.. ui'i ".x. i" ' Soamd of atorgaa- . - Th. gear which waa -caused by J. Plerpont Morgan's becoming tb con trolling power of- th Hew Tork Metro politan Museum of Art, so fsr from having died out, la rather on tha in crease, and art lover ell- over Germany are racking their brains to prevent the all-powerful Yankee - dollar from de priving th country ef It, most' cher Ished works. . ' . The first definitive step In this direc tion has now been taken by .th found ing of a national museum association, with headquarter 1n Berlin and branch associations In Hamburg, Bremen,. Dresden and Munlcn. k- The beginning was mad at Bremen, where a number of art lovers, men and women. formed society -for the pur pose of buying German works of art for the local musemum. which might otherwise fall Into th hands of Ameri cans. Th Idea waa attractive and th Incorporation of the aational associa tion followed, ...',. - On of th purpoaes' of th associa tion le to agitate for th pasaage of a law similar to the one In power Iq Italy, forbidding the export of recog nised 'art treasures to other countries.; 1 in j j j ' TROUBLE IS BREWING IN SAN .DOMINGO (Kpeelal Dteptteh by teased Wlr te The ioareai? Ban Juan, Porto Rico. March. .. Panto. Doming Mfported ftpaee-I but the cslm b7or the Jafm, the news from that Jaland Indicates. . Information comes from a trustworthy source that arms and ammunition, are being con stantly smuggled Into, tb country andlmucfe-esrfasiwlning at Park Lane, but It secretly distributed, while agitators' are busy arousing the people against the Americans. The people of Monte Crlstl at first Inclined to resist th placing of jn American repreaentatlve in the cus toms houe there, yielded, but hav not ceased secret preparation for war.' Do minican ex I lea continue to concentrate In Hayti. where they ar wall received and aided. ' . t .. General Eralllo Eapaillat, on of Pree Ment Morales' bitterest enemies, left Porto Rleo February f In disguise from Hsytl after visiting that country and conferring with his partisans ther. He suddenly decided to avail hlmlf of tb amneaty granted by President Morales and, returning to Puerto, Plate, hastened Into the Interior. 1 y . - . 1,1 ' 1 1 '1 ' Xer Only- bee. - ' i . i . v-Trom the Philadelphia Pre -."But. Mlsa Van is verr fickle. Isn't .Bhef.-U-J--4 1. r, "Oh. not at all." . ' ! 4 "Why, ah Jilted Bob for Jack -laat month - and now I understand she" thrown. Jack over. If that's not fickle Vrt hit ax U ' slkaa Baft tit tjan. anavrn T .- VI fa vegan gt.)A W V WBBJ MM- el klon. ' - ' - , 7 land! and Dr.Jame Wlthyoomb. Cor Vallta, tnistsst - - - - . t - ; ' ' The first work of Immediate impor tance befor tb academy Is that,, of co operating with th JLcwla and Clark a posltlon-in th interest of a congress of science to b held at tha fair, for which purpose a special committee waa ap pointed,4' eonolstlbf or President - SheK don, Colonel Hawkins, H. T. Bohlman. Dr. A, K. Hockey, and Jr, J. B, Card well.. - . ; COSSACKS CIARGE r. DEffiiSELBS fJEfl American's Saw Women and Children Slain In Russian .Capital on Btoody"Sunday. &h we : HYf COUNTESS OF.SUFFOLK : V POPULAR WITH TENANTS 4.- Drexel'a Yacht Not Sold to Rus sia But Will Be Used,by t ''VJ -k Family . for Cruise. j.y.-V., U!--By Paal Sasnhath.) ; . .--'-.' (Cetrrlght, Hearst Newe gervlre. by. Least . . . Wire t The JosmaL) ... London, March 4. Mrs. Millard Hun- slker, wife of Col. MUlard Hunaiker, the representative pf the eteel trust in Liondon; haa even now scarcely recov ered from the nightmare of Bt Peters burg, v j v- " I Colonel1 Huoslker' haa given hie friends several accounts, of the horror of the masaaor of unarmed men . and women In th streets, but Mrs. Hunaiker was eo prostrated by what ahe saw that she la only Just beginning to talk pt It. -. She he told her friends that the news paper accounts were In no wise exagger ated. - From her bedroom window, ahe saw th Coaaacka charging and cutting down defenseless men and women and children, again . and again, - until - eh could stand the spectacle no longer. . . Oonxc The Com n teas of 8uffolkThe"l?ajmtf Letter) hag lost no- time In making ac quaintance . with her husband's tenant at Charlton . Park, Malmeebury, Wilt shire. ' She has been as . particular ia tbls respect aa the Duchess of Rox burgh , who knows the name and family history of- every one within a radlua of Bra mile of Floor castle. " - .- ldy Suffolk visits ail th. cottages at leaat once a week, and th Letter money will make a vast difference to many ' dilapidated homesteads. ..'The young earl was always . Very popular In th dhttrlet snd . th countess will soon be even more. - ; There le a small bouse party at Charl ton at present to meet Mrs. F. B. Dodge of New Tork and her daughter, who In tend te go to Paris when their visit .to tb Buff oiks Is at an end. 'Ajaerloaa Arrival. , , The very latest Americans to estsb Ilsb - themselves . In London, mainly through, the Influence of Mrs. Cbauncy, ar Wr. and Mrs. A. G. Glasgow of New York, who ar reported to be immensely wealthy. . lira Glaaaow haa been ae- ttooe1lr , but now haa recovered and Battled down In a beautiful suite .of apartments at T Park lane, -where sev eral well-known people have flats Over looking the park, among them Blr Henry Samuel, M. P.; and Julian Bellgman. ' Mrs, Glaagow will not.- of course, do la expected she-will giv dinner at th restaurants.. - Cora, Counteea of Staf ford, whoa last ball was a great sue cesa and who Intend to give another, Is a friend of the Glasgows, so that th octal future of th latter la assured, . 1tmlB t Onlae. ' - The stories which have been Circu lated about Mrs. Anthony Dread's One yacht,- the Marghsrlta, which many peo ple Imagined has been sold to the Rus sian - government for some mysterious reason, hav now altogether been dis posed of, Th Marghaiita, after some repairs and overhauling at Cow, left for th Riviera the other day. ' Mrs. Drexel and her daughter will be Joined at Cannea by Mr. Drexel on hi return from. America and th party will go for a orula oa the Mediterranean. Bend has a new reading room, and the people of Prlnevlll want over and helped out their neighbor substantially when It -waa opened. . B. A. Bells, L. L. Hawkins, Jam. Th constitution and'by-lawg show th purposes of th organisation to b th enoourageraent of . scientific re search, the diffusion of sdsntif le knowl edge among tsmenibra;nd'thr "de velopment of th resources of the Ore gon, country. There are to ' be three clause of membership active mem bers, to be residents of th state: cor responding members, non-residents, and honorary members. By th payment of BJOiM NOVEL : PLAN-TO EflD TARS Norweelan Would Have War - Loans J to K Belligerents Made - Contraband to 'Cease Strife POPE PIUS CONDEMNS K CHRISTIAN DEMOCRACY France Officially Notifies Sultan . That . He Can Roat No ' v""' More Loans There.: ' . (By raal TlOleea.) (Copyright, Hearst Mews Berrlee. by' Lsssed - ' 1 . - . Wire t Tae'Jearaal) , -'',''(".' Paris, March' Many ar th plans which well meaning people have con ceived to nut an end to all ware and cstatlllsh universal paeoe, but of all these none eeems .. more plausible or practical than 'one which M. BJornstJerne BJornson. the famout Norwegian author and; playwright, mentioned to me; the other day. when I visited hn In his home In tbta city. ",' , V . ,i" ' "I do not see .why we waste so much time deviling to abolish war." said M. BJornsoa to me, "when the only way In which we may aooompllsh our purpose Is evident to all. -..) : 1. 1- "Let the world declare that loan made, to belligerents are contraband of war, and wars will stop. "It seams plain that If arms and an mull tral powers to belligerent are. contra band, loans of mllllona whlch-are openly declare to "be mad te prolong war eer talnlyr ought to be considered in th same- class. To giv to this truth th power of an international law we can not afford to wait for another conference at The Hague, ,y . "Powers like Russia, which cannot even pay the Interest oa thslr national dept without taking' up new loans In foreign countries, much lass Carry on a war without financial aaslatance from others, would never consent to have war loans declared contraband, as this would forever prevent them from carrying on "But as public opinion all over. the whol civilised world demands this, th leglsltauree ' of all civilised countries ought to paaa such a law to be in fort In tbelr own state and punlsblnr with heavy fines or imprisonment eny One who gave financial aaetsunc to a bel ligerent power. . - .' "Exceptions; I think, should be made in favor of a nation whloh Is defend ing Its Independence or Its native soil. , j papal decree haa Just bean Bent out by Cardinal Merry del Val to all th bishops, of Italy, ordering them to ex. communicate all priests -. who In the future take any part in ' the Christian democratic movement, which le de clared antagonists to the true Interest of th Catholic church. :.v 1 i : ire Keaey fe notaa."-' ..' ' ; Poor Sultan Abdul Ham Id will soon feel . the pinch - of poverty, since the French ambassador at Cooatantlnopl has officially declared that h need not try to raise any more loan in Franc; and Franc and th United Stat) ar about the Only eountiia la th world that have any money to loan, and tb aultan shudders ht th very thought of the Called States. ' . .. ' It alt happened because Abdul.' to repay the kaiser for many favor shown In th past, decided to buy guns and armor from Krupp Instead of placing hla order in France. The French gov ernment had promised Turkey not te press the Syrian railroad eueatlon and to help to raise a new Turkish loan, on th condition that the sultan should buy M.000,00 worth .of - guns in France, the payments to be deducted from th new loan. Tha sultan was apparently willing, when along earns the kaiser and made all kinds of threats If Abdul did not buy his guns from the Krupp. Th sultan waa scared, - and while he wae deliberating France grew tired and sent aim a rather strong not though 1 tea whaycombe. Second Row Martin Its any member may seeare a life meat' harsh lp card.- -;v . Meetings wUl be held on the third Saturday of each Jnonth for the . pre- tsenUlien and discussion of .papars on scientlf to subjects. . Th ' proceedings will be publlshed-ln mallshl form and spread abroad for the lnatruotlon of all who may be interested in science. .The membership fee haa been fixed at the nominal sum of' 1 a year.- - ; , not strong enough to offset the pres sure exerted by the kaiser. To the . ordinary mind thla incident seems .to teach the lesson that black mailing Is all right If carried out en a Sufficiently larg eoale. - " " And poor Abdul Hamld Is still wait ing for the money to come from the Deutsche bank, j 1 : , ?., -f - ALASKA'S TRADE ; SHOULD.COIIE HERE . Seeking a brief respite from ; the arctic blasts that rage acroea the ice bound lake at Duluth, A, M. Marshall, the executive 'head of the Marshall Wells , Hardware company,'; Is In Pert land for a few days. The purchase of ground and JnauguraUon cf plana v for construction of 'a new warehouse, , with trackage, facilities for hear freight. Is engaging hla attention. - ; "While the season Is little late, bust nefe. ta Increasing 1 steadily, .' and ' the prospects for a good business year are excellent," he eakL- "Portland is look ing well.' and thla Is wonderfully fine weather.. . ;'; .-: .Nf 't " - Replying to a quesUon as to the re sults . of the firm's experiment In tne Alaska trade, he said the outlook was promlalng. It. was too. early to draw definite conclusion, but It waa certain that Portland had a good Held for busi ness In Alaska. Mr. Marshall believes this city ahould hav held the trade It once had there, and built upon It: H think l( Is yet poeaibl to recover loot ground, and establlah a vast buslneae with the people of Alaska, If Portland merchants stood together and devised some means of inaugurating transpor tation lines between this port and thoee of Alaska, ine recognised the vast pos sibilities of development In coal. . oil, copper and tin of western -Alsska, and the rapid Increase In population and. bat wes sure to follow the construction ef rail road a. . By. Qeo. Baker & Co. On Tuesday Next,. March 7th We are Instructed to sell by publio a ac tion in vaiuaoie ana ip-weou jur nlsbings of reeidenoe, removed to . . Bakers Auction Rooms Corner Alder and Park, for" convenience of purchasers, . Including handsome DRESSERH. IN REAL MAHOGANY, white msple and golden oak: very mas sive ALL BRA88 BEDSTEADS; -also elegant and coetly iron beds, complete with best spring and hair mattreesee, pillows and beddings: toilet seta, KINR OAK.pININO ROOM SUITE, with box seat chairs- HANDSOME PARLOR PAVRNPORT.' with highly polished oak frame, pretty parlor pieces. REAL MAHOGANY MASSIVE CENTER TA BLES, Axmlnater, Smyrna, and Brusael Rugs, all xl I, carpets, ROLL TOP OFFICE DESK, . office chairs, cbuches, TYPEWRITER, first claas kitchen range, kitchen treasure, and. titenella, all in first class condition. Visitors about to locate In the city and all friends are kindly Invited to Inxnect Soods tomorrow, Monday. - (AUCTION N TUESDAT NEXT. AT If O'CLOCK SHARP. FOR CASH. . ' .' GEO BAKER a CO Auctioneers. ' On Thursday and Friday Next We shall sell a quantity of useful fum). ture, removed from storage warehouse. oommenclngTHURSDAY. AT 10 a. mZ and FRIDAY AT I p. m, at , . , - . Baker' 8 Auction House Corner Alder and Park strte. - - . OBO. BAKER A CO., ' I Phone Black 1141. Reliable Auctioneer. Good Property Cheap a-BOOM house, with 100x100 lot., $1,10 a-awinB nsw cottage, boxioe lot.. a too S ZeOTS, Haoson'g 2d ad, cheap gt $1,100 S X-OTU, Woodlawn, snap. . . . , .$ rSxlOO, East 10th and Going sts. . .$, $00 J.L.WELLS&CO. m majrs ATwnra. Auction Sales! VEST xt?33AT, W JMH $ AT AJT9 1TZ9AT, AT 211 TOST STRUCT lomunvwi . y , i uii w, ' March . At til Firat llTNt W Will Offr AT AW' Tiun HALiJS, sna we wilu rr.ii mi we MUST BSL.L. WITHOUT RESERVE. s SPLENDID SELECTION of FURNI TURE and -other HOUSEHOLD GOODS, placed ia salesrooms, til First street, by a lady , who tl eaves Imme diately 'for Alaska. In thla lot Is a beautiful GONDOLA DA VEW PORT, 1 exquisite biA Wh,iiU easy cnaira, - jd dlan manufacture; leather upbolaterad rocker, bed lounge In valour of rich coloring. - wicker chairs, parlor lamp, extension tables, box seat dining chairs, K. chairs, couches, laoe ourtains,' Brus sels and Ingrain carpets, mantel bed, enameled beds. In white and tinted. We have several oook stove. K. treaaures, K. tables. A. T. heaters, serines and mattresses, and a long list of other goods, an to oe sacrmcea at inia save. wmcn peg-ins at jv ocioca jnirp, , t, . . GUS A. LOWlf, ? , ; -;. ? . ' . .. Auctioneer. Acctloa Sda ct Redsaca TAXCS M ; T, 10 A- K. Having been requested by Mrs. Stanley to eell her entire household effects, we will oa th above date, and at her rest- ddhee. sell. WITHOUT. RESERVE, all her ruRNlTUBa etc, or wmcn in following 'Is a partial list: Two oak bedroom sultsi with Y. T. Bsrings and mattreaaea. pretty Iron beds. MORRIS CHAIR, like NEW BED LOUNGE. of th lateat design; all wool ingrain car pets, rugs, matting, rockers, dining chairs, oak - extension ' tabla. whatnot. lac curtains, oeaoing ana oea unen. blankets snd pillows, a complete DIN NER SET. cook tov. heating stove. V tnuiiM. If. tahljML . erockerv 'and granite ware, laundry utensils; glaas- war. lamps, cioca, eic.. ic, Bare at 10 o'clock. Tueeday, March 7, ..- - ;' ,. i Auctioneer. 1 , iUctioa :-Sdt " nSBAT, MASOX a. AT FtmTXAjro AVOTzoar moos,$u We have earned the confidence of the people. Result, plenty or peironage, W are busy. Hav you , beon mt our ealesr-NoT-Wellr-tr7 our- fault. Everybody Is welcome to come and save money by buying what they re quire In the FU.RNTTURH line. At every sal we hav FURNISHINGS for vary part of the house, and this aal Is no . exception. Remember w . ireeelv the fumltur to cell WITHOUT BE 8ERVB and w do It -Sal at. 10 o'clock...-. . I..'-"' w--4.- . . - OU8 A. LOWTT, ' i TTr J ... -. Auctloneeer. Auction SaIs " nXBAT, SCABOX 10, A . aVAira ATcmOaT mooats, til rzmsT For this sale we have arranged to sell oak bedroom suite, 'pretty -metal beds, folding bed; rocker, center atande, lac curtains, carpets, portiere, . couch. Chiffonier, springs and . mattreaaea, massive library table, extension table, sideboard, dining chairs. . Davenport, ..4k.. . m,ltMu - cam forte. Billows. cook stoves, sawing machine, K, treas ure, canned fruit, kitchen and laundry utensua. eic.r-' i"-.rt ., Sal at J p. m. ehar. - . , . OUS A. LOWTT. k - . Auctioneer. xf tow "tbi ; to ' xnrr ob-ixu Ajrrrxrjro, oul nan bkaxbT ssm Portlxad Acctloa Rooms su Auction Sale iv..:.-;:'V-K''V---ir.:,- x p Wednesday, ' ; March 8th. At 10 A; M. Iron and wood beds.' rDrinirt, rnattresselT bureaus, chiHoniers, washstands, tojktsetsJook tueTwardrobe. rockers and cane and solid bottom chairs, coaches, 1 range, 2 heaters, 1 sofa, dock, mirror, ice cream stands, window shades, 1 sewing machine, step ladders, 1 set painters' ladders, wall paper, gas fixtures, globes ior gas lamps. ; latticr and bracket work, ' etc v - Street car fare refunded to buy ers purchasing . $1 or more worth of goods. .-v ; Before buying elsewhere see " Aiaio?nlousE.;; 627 and 629 Washington St, Opp. Old Exposition, : " Gilman Auction & Cm' ; - ' . lli N; GILMAK," AucUoneer. V j Special Auction Sale Household furniture, piano, etc., at resi dence, No. 624 Sixth strset, between Caruthers - and Sheridan, - tomorrow, Monday, March A, at 10 o'clock a. m.. be longing to the estate of . the lata Mrs. A, L. Hnlme, upright piano, parlor fur nltur, oarpet. dining room and slftlns room furniture, bedroom furniture and fitting. Eclipse eook Jtov. complete kltcben inrniture, bi, is S. U N. GILMAN, ' A . Auctioneer. ' -by Ji. Auction Sales of House- : t; , hold Furniture At Rooms, No. tit Washington Street jnra$9AT, atAsWm T, 1 ; r : rmxDAT, bVabox-o, ' ; .'. Each day at It o'clock, a. m. . Buyers of household furniture will save money by attending the sales advertised .? '. , B. I, N... OILMAN. "-" V. ' - ' ''. - . - r .- AucUoneer. . A .UWWwl "m " -4We :;EY:j;T.,vvriLCC:i, : - ' 1 Auctioneer. i Uonday, Tomorrow, at Eiles-' - room, 180 First St, -at 10 A.M.. ...-: Valuable arid J Extravagant "Furr jf nishinss, ;v.v, Including Kingsbunr Upright Piano, "in tin ton nd finish;-Kimball organ, nickel in the slot grap-ophone, muaio cabinet In mahorany, five pieo parlor uiV ell mahogany; round dining room table, with olaw foot carvinra In piano poi xh finish; upholstered parlor pleoea. choic davenport, leather upholstered curving chairs, oak buffet, oil pain tin as. picture, tuulv oak hall trae, pattern frame dresser In oak with svell front, el.-ant metal bade la prtty tinting, with brass knobs; hair and, combination mattreaaea, fin sprinwB. eostly wool biankete and down pillows a fin as sortment of mantel, office and dining room clocks, portieres. Morris chair, chiffonier, sewing machine, twice fold ing and mantel beds, fine baby carriage, walnut bookcase, kitchen requisite, In cluding -steel ranges; conk stoves,:'. aisnaa, uivnsiie sna many oinea. useful lota.. . J. TV WILSON, Auctioneer," ,- "'. V,: v."" -v , . - ; ,?' VednesdQyfs Sc!o At Salesroom, 180 First St, at- .j.-..,-;';.',..li10A..;.:,A-;V:. ' This, our midweek sale, lne'"lea val- . able Consignment from var .s parte of . tha city. Intelligent, observing buy- , era of first class furnishings will agree with us In saying that this sal day . afford bargains In parlor, dining room,.- ,. bedroom ana kitchen furnishings. Each sal offera something new in the lino Of desirable carpets, ruga, -, dressers, -bedroom suits, toilet sets, rockers,,. 1 chairs, tables, dishes and assorted fur nishing. Everything offered at-nue - lion aaie naa some vaiua. - we ao not sell trash. Sale prompt at 10 a. m. ' , , . X T. WILSON, Auctioneer'. 4 ' Thursdiiv's iSideYYY-: At Private Residence' at -r: 120 East :Thtrty-crond, S'.v - Con Alder, March v. t. On account of departuri and' ty r( order of the owner, we will sell at sue. tlon th furnishings of his neat cottage., comprising Brussels carpets, Jiiii,. oak sideboard, - oak bedroom suit, . springs and mattreaaea, lac curtain, couclv. rug,- dish., dining room table.-, chairs, rockers, linoleum. Garland steel range, -and other valuabl neoaaaarle. Bale prompt et t p. m. - -.-- . i .- . - J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. , ' a- - s . s daie At Salesroom,. 180 First, St, at Groceries, : Groceries, ' Groceries, Shoes, Shoes, Shoes, Clothing, -( IneJudlna-V Ladies' - tailor-made suite. ' skirts, cloaks, jackets, wrappers, men s. . women's snd children's shoos; ' mens -salts, boys' suite, coats, shirts, etc. The . groceries jnciuae ausar, mui, cunn knttiail a-ooda. nackaa aoods. csrealse - beans and a fine -assortment of Other ohotoe - ...., -v. INOTE ' H-.t-!".!' ' '.;.( e. .- "We buy slf 'kindi ot mercun- dise or receive goods, on consign ment. See us if wou want a cash.. register, roll-top desk or; other;' office fixtures.. Phone Main. 1628. Zx ' J. TT WILSON, , : i v . : .-: v,; -..tlXre Auctioneer. 7.' - 4i '.-.., 20 mintites by ML Scott car. 03.50 a Month . . Buys a Lot ;:,:;:;H;;' . .'". ',- -) v-i-'" 'r-"'''"s':C A'-l. "'.' - .aflav - J .aaVsnW - .Bsna. - i.u . . alir) . t.. r . left at $100r7Buy today. ? J' Office at grourkls.ji; l ..t. i : - 't,'' '-! y I; "For Sale" 1 Ten fine lots in Holladay Park 1 Addition. Fine location, Improved streets, sewer, cement sidewalks, ; or will build house to suit cus- tOmerr-Easy terms. , We have ; one house ' completed . and two ' now being constructed. ? ( ' William Q. Beck , ;S07The,FaUing. . Parm Bargain j 100 ACBBS ehetee laadt ao tTareL id all lays a teal as eer la cuJUva- vanle aad pslnasdl e ho aad Varn nearly nw 10 eajaess trfrm rnvm n nse, ivi res i n sax o e4vwie ear Laei e ehaap faraa -,. t .. . , -- t ,' HENKLH ft BAKES HT AUBTeea XHj rca C. Stewart i,..r.i.- - - ., . '-, ,. --..,-..; ' .- -',-e-.'1" rni;niinv '-:..:. ., .... tiesi a ara reaay ior piaaiaa pe ftaeei fraoa aad Verrleei raaalag v w I S-iweea, BMan, hard-naiabed koas. wih baa eoaar basemeati aa bam. taor ntbulidlaa-ai V " t .- 1 1 "..- , - -f r .- - . I - , - r