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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1905)
, n:3 c:zcc:i cu::day j3w?j:au rcnTtAKD. suiiday noninna march b. .Li:ci Lent.-Will Soon Put a; Period' to tne Liveliec;L' of Society Functions ASOCIAL vents" of more er leas lot' .portanc have been crowding In k. J , feat tbe days would allow, s'tb pa at week or two, In order tther-'th main activities mlrht be out of' the ' way when the Lenten- season opens, on March . Bo ber colors, late - morning hours and early evening hours will be the order' of . the day In many of the moat fashionable homes. There must be some sigh of relief with . tbe thought that lnten breakfasts, bread-and-butter luncheons, and a quiet hand of cards will be the extent of all strenuous social :' duties" for .the nest month or so. - .-'. - ' The gay . season was fittingly rounded off last week with a number, of elabor ate affairs." The -weddings counted up fast, and the card tournaments given Friday afternoon by the society women of the city is considered the crowning point of the season and si decisive Big . nal for His close.- Of course, thst does not' imply a total cessation of activi ties, ss many do not observe Lent, but the . majority of the . smart set has adopted the custom, for reasons of con venience and ' health, " aside from , re ligious scruples. ,. i yricJini am Whidden, Miss Whldden. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Wilcox, Miss Williams, Mr. and Mrs. C E. 8. Wood. Mr. sod Mrs. J. K. Toung, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Voorhlea, Mr. and Mrs. C J. Reed. J. N. Teal. Misses Burns, Miss Morrison. Mr. and Mr-. D. A. Bhlndier, kt.sses. Smith. Miss El)sabeth Anderson, Miss Klllln. Miss twls. Mrs. Wygant. Miss Taffe, Mr. and Mrs. Fielding Kelly... Miss Whjte. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chenery, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Iewls, Robert Iewis, C Hunt Lewis. Mrs. H. D. Green. Mrs. Theodore Wygant. Mr. snd Mrs. Joseph Wilson, the Misses Flandera, Dr. and Mra. K. F. Tucker. Mr. and tin. A. A. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. A. I Mills, Mr. and Mra. W. J. Bums. Mr. and Mra. H. W. Ooods, Mr. and Mrs. George Tsylor, Dr. snd Mrs. Whltesldes. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Warren. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Wil son, Marlon Dolph. Roderick Macleay, Chester Murphy, Kurt Koehler, ' W. D. Wheelwright. Rodney Glisan, Tom Rob ertson, George Warren, Henry Bladen, John Carson, Bert'Mackay, Walter Wat son, T. Bcott Brooke, - ' , Pupils of Miss Mae Belle Nanes gave an evening with Henry Wadswerth Long fellow at J. O. O. F. hsll Monday even- The .Lovell-Wyman and the Holt- Harsdon weddings stood to the front celebration of the ninety-eighth last week in Portland, and in Pendleton anniversary of the birthday of the great two important weddings were cele- American poet. A large audience en- brated. The brides were weU known In joyed the delightful readings and musl--Portland. Matty friends -from this elty .umhere. Th. work or the buoIIs , were present ai wu orenwmee. ibb i waa of a high order and reflected credit urae . tiiooagooa s marris. u nar nVere . Morse Is announced to take -Treasurer and Mrs. Wsrlela. .' ; A new fad that has found much favor with es stern society Is to have minia ture newspapers given as favors. 'The on their teacher, who Is a graduate of the -. Bmereon College of Oratory of Boston. Longfellow's choicest produc tions , were , given. The enthusiasm In their efforts, tbe naturalness in which they Interpreted the poems and the unity Of the work of the. pupils were credit- unique idea was stsrtea at a fashion- j The nanpy over the rostrum was appropriately decorated. A likeness of the . poet hung ; from tbe ' center and abl cotillion ' in Chicago,-'' when' the guests were suddenly startled by a I uVSTVL nwJIZ,t'' " were artistically midst, .he paper gave full and neway draped around It The pupils and their nartloulara eoneernlng the cotillion, snd I ;L. ...... t ; wa- at."-:'l:Z tZZ forth. ceneVTt eertVinment Th idlr follow;, "Pul Rver' .. " a. m .-a.- -W - . a ..... I X UW rmUlHI '!"w;L:r.T HI4.- Daisy Dunning; "The Psalm of I " L JYrf. nr- t wUruUllMd L,f" fcanseford GllHland; "Exile of the lYJTJZXt?? fwTTwnS war Acadlans" (from "vangelln". Flora ss entertainment for thoee who - ware I . ., .. veatrh. ' bored end wanted some new amusement that they dldn t know anything about. EVENTS OF THE WEEK. 3 Handsome gowns, glittering jewels. Dunhams-Moonlight." Lilian Veatrh; ."Hiawatha's Wooing." ' Beulah Bruce; The Wreck of the Hesperus." Margaret Egbert; " "The Arsenal at Bpriogfield." Mrs. 8. W, Keeley. "The Building of the' Ship." Maud Jones; "The Courtship of I Miles Btandtsh." Luella Height; "King Robert of Sicily." Mrs. J. D. Young. Tbe j musical numbers which . were f p Mr. and Mr. Joseph A.' Owenhouge.Whp Were Married . In Pendleton ' . :. ' -. . : vLgst Week.;..:,, ..... .v, ' . V-. Oravelle, Eva Hinkle. Rosie Gllroy. Mol- llo.' Reynolds. Agnes ' LIUls, Lena and Marie Johannsen;. Messrs. Dick Oesch. John RlepU Adam Millerr Amos North, bright flower and smUlng feces made rvw were: wo soio. ""! ' I Tom Connors, Ray Hinkle. Will Moeller- loiuu...'.., - rtt. i T nil. -.... - Broughton; vocal solo. "Forgotten" "; vtes solo. D major so nattne,-allegro, melto.1 -JLplesjiant. party, waa glvea-Jy--f Andanpa (Schubert), 'r Mies - Lenore I F. J. Schmidt, at her residence. RS Kin Gregory; vocal solo, "Oaello Lullaby" nejr' street, ; Sunday. - February- II, , In ttturnnami. miss Biena uarner. -r. honor of her twenty-sixth, birthday. The Jt - C. I evening was delightfully spsnt with .LatABnln -Capuln whist. The. first prises were won by ud a scene or unusual . oeauty , ana Tl vaclt v at the SoottUh Rita cathedral yesterday afternoon. - Tne ariatr - was the crowalnsr event of the. season, a ! fashlonsbte card tournament glvetflor .the benefit of the Woman's Exchange, and everybody attended. - Palms, rubber slants, reras ana a tow IlVWfni WJ11 Um vauw wwv.wwm. I . . , - . , ,4.1w - U Ta. . I i ..W , A V wv. www ball room-was filled with devotees of J"-' - .""1.'?. Mr. and Mr. VOgt and the booby prises bridge and 400. while whlat and dupll- I "ll ZZ, ZT.ZZil Ml to Mrs. McNeal and W. J. Rogers, oate whist were played In the room ao - T . J T-L.w.r Refreshments were .served at the card Joining, under. the direction of Miss I r '' ""'" ""-ZlV:'' I Ubles. -Among tboat . preaent were: Williams. .The other, two games were ""T rJVtT w ".Tin Mr. and Mrs; F. J. Bchmldt, Mr. and taken ears of by Mrs. Robert .Lewi, and .r--V1" "TZTuZa TTh- . O. Vogt. Mr. and Mrs. A. C Mo- Mrs. J. C Alnsworth, r ... I IT.AT-. -uTT .r. .nrt I Neal, Mr. ana Mrs. T. J. Clarke. Mr. and The vuests were recetvea m me 17. , T. . ". 7TJ. Mra. w. J. Rogers. Mrs. F. J.- Stevens. ..wi .. i.ti uUff - sw .aaisaoetn- nooea i m numurr i . , -wo. T .j .ri'ZZm of nuuut selections aceomnanled bv Jackl uwu,,.fc,..., .mm . mm h fmra KnnniBT. an I . i a xr JL: r " ' " Ti IHen on the Ylolin. ' 1 " ' -: Mra.' -aV.-Meier.' Mrs. B..W. Burae.' mrm. i --- " . ,. L t-. t wvu.k ,nk r-.w.lL wood and Mr. James Laldl.w I i " If"-' "7 ' ' I :1' .T " ?.-". ,'; 1,. ".ITr.: and Mrs. C H. Lswla. At 4:1 the affair l . . . . ! .i n....iii im.i. to - -----;.,": Idraw Hoben. assisted hy Mra. Isabellef tne reception 'committee, tne wsoers. im m- i Hiawena. - v, ... " : J deacons, trustees ana ereoentiai oora . wa in 1 1 MfMMM. j.nanma i - .. . ... . . . Those present were: - Mrs, Andrew mlttee and then- mends r tne- wnite and) Temple.' About IBB Tesponaea to tne in- brldge party Thursday afternoon at her home on Fifth and Jefferson streets. r . v. - it- it'-' 1 1 Mrs. Slgmund Slchel entertained a few friends Informally St S o'clock Wed' nesday evening., , ',. ,.:,-.,',- WEDDINGS. ' The Wishbone Whist club was enter tained Thursday evening by Miss Cor-4 nelU WUson at Z Thirteenth street. The room , were very attractive with tritmted the Mixes, handsome Jspaneae haskets or enoioe cut .ow. -iHoh. u i.rii mmn tir. prise were the ehoic4 ioi jars. . y eeiey Mffc P 0orman. Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. rltatlon. There was a short conference Ladd. one Oi" v Perkins, Mr., and Mrs. Francis Clarno, early In the evening for perfecting plans Mrs. Felix Frledlander ana Miss msyiw . , .t in th ZZ : . . . .in.,,,. . . w j i Mr. uu aim n. Mrmiur, ih uijh- I iw ,. ct.. . ,,., . ... - - jviiii-u w. ---'- 51, Hoben. Miss-Jpsephlne Andreta Ho- church. The White Temple Js eonoeoea V ,HSy ben. Dr. E. Q. Asplund, Fred Volgbt of to have the best organised system f Mrs. Ben Levy and Mrs. W. C. Knighton ajja Jack Hoben, usher and reception committee In the at bridge. " i .v. On th main features of the even- city. The evening wss spent. In social ' Refr hmente we senrea at the ro ,njr.wa- naih light picture taken by pastimes. . Mrs. McOulre and Mrs. Guy iwji . oy ' r;l r,wl Mr. Portch. one of th shlna appren- serving lemonade punch. WINUUIUI Wl I m. Tk Wall n l. nwl with " A ,,M . were cnarmmg m ii 'l- I Laur Srne" and "He's a Jollv Good Fel M J A . laa si I ill irsal-llBrislsla M V 11 I - T ' - - . xi . a 1 WW r01" . Mr, and Mr. Thomaa Kerr entertained i-l. wlek. LesTl Smith Polly Htt: M of th6lr 'rlend at bridge Thursday pussy willows. Th first prise was won , Annie Week. Leslie omun. rony newett, I M, .,, M- I K Mm Nniiu Raker and tha eonaolatlon ilvr Wn J-" Burns nd .Zera Bpow. - Con- fell ?. eorg. Jmen:Jfurfc-fol.ow !,. r oood. Barbara I soiauon pnses were given Mrs. u. Alien caroa ana win- -uiuiii. - e-"Vl'-w Jlt I Lwi. .nd a B. Llnthlcum. Among th. Urved. MU. Florence Hlldreth will .n- guests, were Mr. and Mra. W. J. Bursa, tertain the club Thursday, March is, at Mr. and Mr. L." Allen Lewis. Mr. and her home on Twenty-tnira ana irving Mrs. zer snow, Mr. and Mrs. Richard l street. : . . . , . Koehler. Mr. and Mra. T. B. WUcox. Mr. I - . " - w and Mrs. E. T. C Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. I Mr. J. C Hare and Mr. W. D. Al C. F. Adams. Mr and J. C Alnsworth, I lard entertained the Jolly Whlat club Mr. and Mr.. Frederick Hopkins, Mr. and I Friday evening, at the home . of th fd- Mra. c Hunt Lewta, Mrs. je. M. urooke, I tner, 174 Ca rut hers street. , Tnera were Mrs. Arthur Minott, Mrs. C. E. 8. Wood. I .tit tables of whist and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Walter BurrelL Miss Falling, Mlsa I W. D. Hare of Hlllsboro were the guests May Falling. Miss Flanders. Miss Lou Flanders, Miss Burns, Mis Kathleen Burns, Miss" Wood, Mrs. Ruseell, Miss Hoyt. Miss Bryan, Mias Von -Destlnon, Peter Kerr, Dr. K. A. J. Msckensle, Roderick Macleay. W. D. Wheelwright, Rodney Gliaan, T. Scott Brooke,1 Mr. Du Flon and Mr. Clifford. , Crocker. Sbannab - Cummlng. Helen "Rates. Stella Frobman. . Clara snd ' Margaret Boot, Gertrude Carter, Eff le and Clair Hougnton, joeepnme vmna -and Marsaret Walter, I' Mlas Falling was handsomely' attired . In a lovely Empress Josephine costume of array velvet and lace; Mrs, C. a a Wood was charming in a silk gowa of told blue trimmed with lace; Mrs. D. W. Burke was In black silk; Mrs. T. B. Wll cox, in purple chiffon velvet; Mrs. Rich ard Koehler wore a Japanese em broldered gown of white silk: Mrs. W. J. Burns was In green silk and whit lace: Mrs. Solomon Hirsch 1' Mack "ehtrron and Mrs. A. Meier In black silk; 'Mis William wore light gray chiffon velvet; Mrs. Robert Lewis, white chiffon over liberty silk; Mrs. J. C. Alnsworth a toilet of white etamin. . Mra. J.' Frank Watson was hosts Friday evening at one of th gayest af . fair of th season. . An elaborate dance of the club. " The-trump for the evening waa club and this wa cleverly accen tuated in the refreshments. The color scheme waa pink, and . carnation were used in decoration. v - Mra. Arthur Minott entertained a few friend Informally at bridge, Wednes day afternoon. Her guests were Mrs. Mr. McEl fresh - wss ths former j In structor In aoology at the college. .. : w it . A Yery pretty home wedding wa that which vtook.-. place at the residence of Jame G. . White In' Salem laat week wheaiMlaa Fannie I. Whit waa mar ried to Samuel legenthaJer of Portland, In the preaeno of family relatives snd a few friends. The ceremony wss cele brated by Rev. Henry - A. Barden of Portlatid.i (xrenso White, a brother' of the bride, assisting. The bride waa at tended by her slater. Mrs. Lisy Fraaler, and . Fred. Slegenthaler of Seattle, a brother of the groom, waa beat man. The" bride was becomingly stttred In a handsome gown and carried a rich bouquet of carnations. The brldsl party was organised In the hall and, to strslns of the wedding march from "Lohen grin," "proceeded to the parlor, which wa decorated with fern and cut flow era for the occaalon. Just beneath a beautiful bridal bell suspended In the center of the room the party wa met by;, tbe groom and best man. The bride was given away by her 'father. Jame a.-whit. . : ; . . .. - Following the wedding -ceremony, th guests were received by the newly mar rled pair, Miss Sophia White,', a sister of the bride, assisting- In th. .receiving. Later ' wedding 4-tareakfaiit was laid for th guests. Mr, snd Mrs. Slengen thaler will mske their home .at he Portsmouth, this city, where they will shortly be at home to their friends, r w'-'-i v-, , ,A very pretty church ceremony united Miss Isabel Louise Wymsn to Wlllard T. Lovell of Kane, Wye. Thursday even ing at St. Mark's Episcopal church. Rev. John H. Simpson officiating. Mr. Wright presided at the. organ and played "0 Promise Me", before tbe wedding march. The four usher were Gray Wyman, Harry TJmphrey, Ray ' Warrlner . and William Mathewaon.. They "were fol lowed by th two V -krideamaida, - tha Misses ' Luelle and Margaret Palmer, both, in -whit orrpljreUow-witk whit . hat and carrying , rosebud in shower eff ecU The maid of honor, MIm Marian Chase, - wore pale yellow sreite nd she also ' carried-. rosebud. - , The bride.' who was given ' in marriage by her father, was' pretty' in whit crepe with old lac trimmings. She wore a veil and carried Bride roses. The groom. with his best man, Ralph Hahn, mat her at .the altar. After the ceremony Mr. and Mra. Wat on H. Wyman entertained tbe relative nd th bridal party- at a wedding aup- per. Mr. and Mr. Lovell left for Wyo ming on the night train.' to make their some tner. ably under Qeorge Sweet. . She has been studying here ' with Mrs. Roe Bloch Bauer and ha a very promising high soprano. She hopes later to go on the operatlo stage. Mia Crooks ha been heard ' In . aoloa ' in a number . of ,th east side churches and baa suostitute la the synagogue for Mr. Bloch-Bauer. ' . "4 - '" '-i i' Miss Conver of this city gave a pleasant .recital In Marah hall. Forest Grove. Friday evening. It was well at tended and th performer met with ap precfatlon.' N. C. Zan of this city gave several number and waa enthualaatio ally received. Mrs. Pope; Mrs. Williams and the Misses Shannon were th other on the program.. - . . - x i .... :'; '. The anthem, "Hear Ye Not. O. Israel" (Max'Splcker), sung last Friday night by the synagogue quartet. Is oris of the nnest pieces or work ever done by them. Each member wa given an opportunity for solo expression and the ensemble effect wa distinctly pleasing. . The el lent prayer response "At Thin Altar" (Hancon), wa very effective. , . - ' " ' . '" '' ' "Pua In Boots," a charming, humor bus operetta,' by L.j Tlsdsle and .G. F. Huntley, will be given by tbe choir boy of St.' David' church, Monday and Tuesday . evenings, March and 7. It promises to be an entertaining produc tion and will be given. under the direc tion of Frederick W. Goodrich, choir master. -. i '.,- .... . .'"'" '. i. , if . v . ' - . Mrs. Warren-E. Thomas of this elty addressed the Woman's elub of Astoria last Saturday. Her talk was on Wag ner's sacred opera, "Partlf at" end . it elicited much praise. Mlsa H.- Adair of Astoria played part from the bpera. . Jlrs. J. U. 'C. Miller, contralto, wiU sing in th all-day ervtee at th United Brethren church this afternoon. Mra. Ella, Jone .will accompany her. ' y. , t-t .; 1 111 .... - v 7 CHURCH NOTES. L . .. . . . A . One of th leading society events of Pendleton - waa . th . marriage . last Wednesday evening of Mis Haael Bick er to Joseph A. .Owenhou at '. the Church of . the Redeemer.' Rev.' Dr. Henry Dixon Jone - read ' the. Episcopal ceremony, -' ' ., 1 r. '. ' s .' Some 3 to Invitation had been Issued nd -the church was filled to-its utmost oapaclty. .'Palm, .. fern and .Oregon grape had been arranged about th altar and white carnations filled , the .vases. At I o'clock Miss Metaltna Fraker aaag "O, Promise Me" and Mlsa Jessie Hart man followed with the' Lohengrin bridal hymn on the organ. " Caarlea ' Myers nd Richard Mayberry were ushers for ths bridal party. The ring bearer waa run isusaoeth Mai ley. in white lawn and pink ribbons; the flower girl. Gen evieve. Hatley and Gwendoline Smith. wore dainty whit frock with pink and green sahe and carried baskets of vio lets tied with pink ribbon. Miss Frieda Roeh-and Ml Gaeta Wold of Portland roiiowea as . bridesmaid. Both wore Dolly Vsrdeh, frocks, on In pink and tn other in green, the color scheme be ing carried out from slippers snd glova to th picture hat. They carried, show era of pal pink carnation. Immediate ly preceding the pride waa her cousin. Miss Nellie MeMUUIn. a maid of honor, She ,wa gowned in-white allk trimmed with all-over lace and carried a shower of fern and . lilies of th . valley. . The bride entered with her father, Harry E. Bicker, who gave her In marriage.. She wa beautifully gowned in chiffon over taffeta, with a deep yoke of embroidered chiffon and a lace bertha. Her veil waa caught with a rosebud and her shower bouquet was of Bride rosea. She i met at the altar by the bridegroom, who waa attended by John . A, Herron of Portland. ". After ' the ceremony Mr. . and Mr. Bicker gave an elaborate reception In th parlors or Hotel Bickers. Th deco- werv in Fina ana graen wnn I I- . h.n4. ne pinr candle, pink shade and pink ear-Hraandl with veil and carried a bouquet Mia Velma Lyle celebrated her ltthl John Eben Young, Mr. Frank' Hart, birthday last Tuesday by receiving her Mrs. William Mulr. Mia Hoyt. Mr. friend .In an mrormal party at her t Harry Nunn. Mra. jaraea iaioiaw, air, home, 1114 East Taylor street. The! Walter Bun-ell, Miss Von Destlnon, Miss flower used in decoration were violet I oiga Von Destlnon. Miss Lewis, Mlsa w given at Parson's hall, preceded by and pink carnatlona. uajae war played I Glisan. Mrs. J. waaiey uuia ana jar, bridge during the early hour of thaltUl 1st hour.. Delightful piano nam-1 Warren Houghton. .- -' - avaninav The haUroom and uoper room ber were given by Mr. Ella Jon and I " w W V ' a were pretty with garland of ivy and Miss Sadie Evelyn Ford. Ioes and a Monday afternoon Mia Lulu Maud Oregon grape, and palm arranged ef- birthday cak. were served lat In the Holme w - hostrss at an Informal f actively r about th corner and roe- vnlng. Mis J-yl wa - remembered handkerchief shower for MIss-OtbiS trum., I,-.' .. i. .,.- with Why gifts. Her guests were "Mis Bloodgood. t her home, ill Second Mr. Watson wa charming In pearl Iva Ford, Ml Oertrud Wilson, Mlsa ,tPeet. Ten guests wre present. The . i . k. miaU mw.i,ima i imtoaniu u. xjonnaii. jhum dhh mni.i.M.M.Ajt Miaul in Mvtn, fin e- nr vffwauv wnu m . v,,ww.w. i - . w, - . r , I " . a aette and amethysts. Her sister. Mm, i"J "rln", "", . Z.. I freahments were served in tne oinmg Mulr and Mlsa WQaLley, re-1 man, wraw , '-""" room. M1b Bloodgood marruigt .wiu WUliam Mlved with her, th former gowned In xaulalt yellow 1 Japanese silk with pearl .trimming, and Mia Whalley in pink chiffon. - All th woman war elab orately gowned. . Mra. K. H. Brook wa Lyl. Miss Glapha Browne, Miss Grace ploa next Tuesday. Harmon, Mia Edith Lyle, Mia Dora Barker. Ml Emm. Coburn. Mis Lil lian Warnock. Miss Genevieve Lyle. Mrs. , Evan. . Mr.' KIl . Jones, O. D. Harry voi- I pal blue and Mr. William .W.rren. Gary. W. R. Montgomery Harry Vol In handaome black net. Mr. Richard . Kdwln U Mlnar, -Raymond Vol In handsome black net. Mrs. Richard Koehler wore blue satin and Mrs. C K. 8. Wood waa charming In whit liberty Ilk. Mra. H. W. Good' pal blue gown wa richly embroidered in tlvr. Mr. Ernest Laldlaw wore whit pin cloth With D1U n boons, xns younser woran wore charming light frock. Ml Burl ' w Th Gaelic school gav a whlat social and dance at Its hall In th Alisky building. Thursday evening, at which William Dolan won the first -prise. hand-carved knife case brought from heln. Walter Suntt. Ert Mlnar. C. "Mi;"th. o7hV prise Evan and Bert Leach. winner, received a china cup and saucer. About 7V- people wer In attendance. A very pleasant surprise party waa I ,h. t miu v. iven Thursdav given in honor of Ernest Morris, on Marca i, . Tharaday, February S3, at th home of I ... . : '',. ' hi aunt Mra. Molt, at North Alblna. ,.n Mn m w a. t. m wa In pal blue Uk. contraatlng prat- Th evening wa spent with fun and I antert-lrwi ttts Willamette Council of Oregon City and . their , degree team which took char of the Eureka Ini tiation laat Monday vnlng Th social vanlng following was enjoyed. . - 'I. ... .-. ... '.: .-' The whlatTlub met Tuesday after noon with Mr. A. Meier at her home on Eleventh street. . ' The ' prii tlly with her dark. violeta Her sister, music snd, at a lat hour dainty re- Mtes Kathleen, waa in pink lac. Mlaa fraahmenU war served. Tho present Flandera wore cream lace. Mia Wood were: Mr. and Mr. Nolta. Mra. Tusant, .Cream satin, Mia Hoyt whit pet. Mis Misses Leila Morris, Mabel Gulovson. Dolphin whit net with red knotted rib- Bertha Leoper. Lillian Albers. Irene bon, and Mum Stotl In whlU with yellow Stoke, Ethel Church.- Margaret Robin roses. ,j . . ... ton, Barnlc Church, Valley Collin. Be- , Among th guests were Mr. and Mrs. si Dupe. Edna Mattaon, Lola Tumult; E. C. Meara. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pag. Mn- Crouns. Mr. Devlin. Ernest Morrla, -r(Ud Mr 0us Simon and Mra. Ju- - jtu T- aw . BlkaA. I ak.a4 kalla TkHa. tT. I W(a mTM, WUal D"uuu ! Jan, auu rm, i uun oowvmrh Daav, pamuur tayuiiwM --, v.ns x- , ! i ttm v vtur V -m U al. .ala Va. J Um I PaIIImb aM..atl VeMw IsXmK lrWlaHnii I Skene, Mr. and Mr. J. G. Gauld. Miss Russel Alexander. Eriok Erickoa, Frank .Nan Robertson, Mr. and Mra. E. Robert-1 Tomllnson, Rlchsrd TusanC , . . Stott, th Mlaae Von Deatinon. Mr. and . Mia Agn Lillle eelehrated her birth i Mr. Frank Warren, Jr., Mr. and Mr. I day Wedneaday evening by entertaining -Martin - Winch, Major and Mrs. W. C. I a number of her friend at the horn of Langfltt. Mr. and Mr. B. B. Llnthlcum,! bar parent. 411 Morrla afreet. Progrea- Mr. and Mr. K. T. C. Btevena, Mia Ruth I 1v whist waa the feature of the even- Wmm Ula T iHm M rk-d WIm 1 rf. I. I aM mwA Ik, .rt... uuhmJ Km Mlaa Eastham, Mia Moray, tbe Mlsseel Mies Lena Johanneen and Dick Oeaeh. UvAb We anil Ifr-a M T . U.Ik.. u UmM fills . tn llu ntulmln -f tmd Mr. C. S. Jarkaon. Dr. and Mr. C evening.- The hostess served delirious "Nichols, Mr. and Mr. R. Nixon, Mr. and refreshments at th card Ubles. . Those Mra. Harry Nunn, Mr. and Mr. R. Nunn. present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. M. LH- Mr.' and Mr. Harry McCrarkea. James I lis. Mr. and Mr. M. W. Llllla, Mr. M. Mr. and Mr. Richard Martin, Jr, gav an mrormal . o'clock party Tuesday evening at their home. 4S6 Fifth street. V "'. Mr. Solomon Hirsch gav big Saaolag and Mr. Nina Larowe, hall Twenty-third nd Kearney. Open all th year. Phone Main SI2. .. '-7 Th letter CArrler band will give the last dance of th aerie t Woodman Hall. Eaat Sixth and Alder streets. McCraken, Misses Weldler, Mr. and Mr. I Crete, th Mle Xlloe, TU11 nd Mary Thursday vning, March . nation. Fruit punch and cake were eerved in one room by Mrs. Charles Bean and Miss Willis. Mr. and Mra. Owenhou se left on the night train for this ci.y where they are Deing exteoarveiy entertained by friend. Mr, owennou is well known in Port land where she formerly studied musl with W. Gilford Nsah. A number of out of town rueata attended th wed ding among whom war Mia Gertrude Sheridan, Miss France -c Hayes, Miss Gaeta Wold, John Herron and C 8. Jackaoa of Portland. Mr MacCleary of Tacoma, Charles Ohnhau of Cheyenne, wya. Miss Olive Jone of La Grande. ' w w "Jh.hom of .Mr. and Mra. .William Ewlng at Alto park wa th scene of pretty wedding Friday evening. Feb ruary 14. when their daughter Oertrud Elisabeth., wa mart-led to Fjed McEl" xresn. - " -' ,' .. A , wedding 1eU of feathery green moss with whit satin 'roe bud and tulle . streamers waa suspended from tha ceiling and beneath thl th cere mony waa performed by Rev. R. M. Jone of Portland. The parlor waa dec. rated in harmonlou shade of green from th dark garland of ivy which al most covered th celling, to the light green of fern. and Oregon grape. Red tone mingling with th green enhanced th beauty of th other room. Red haded candle hon on th table where the bridal aupper wa servad. ' At f o'clock the Lohengrin wedding march waa played by Miss Gaorgla Ewlng, and th bridal party took their place beneath th wadding bell, where the double ring ervioe waa performed. A solid wall of ivy and -whit carna tion formed an effective background. Th bride wore whit organdie - with chiffon trimming and carried white Bride rose with tulle at reamers. Ml Helen Jan Swing, alater of th bride, acted maid of honor and Mlaa Annie Ewlng wa bridesmaid. Both wore whit and- carried ahower bonquet of pink roe. Little Elisabeth Stevens, ooustn of the brlde.v waa ring- bearer and - Fred Wallace or Salem acted, as beat , man. - About 10 guests. several from eastern and southern Oregon, wer In. attendance. - ...... After the ceremony supper wa served and Mr. and Mrs. McEl fresh left t a nee for Portland, whence tbey went Saturday for a three week' trip through California. ... . .. Th bride and groom are nromlnent In OrgOflAgiicu.(tursl college circles. Ths bride waa on or it popular studenta nd wa aalutatorlan of th daa of 'OS. -' A wedding . of iiiteraat wa - that of Mis Pell Holt : to Ard M -Haradon. celebrated Wednesday evening at th home of the bride's brother and slater J nr. tin jin, vv. uruinn saline, ) East Bumside street- Rev. E. Nelson Allen Of ths Cumberland Presbytarla church officiated. The room wer daintily decorated In pink and green. In the parlor war quantities of delicate- prim rosea and Oregon grape. The bridal party stood s gainst a background of the grape in terwoven among th meshes of fishnet. On ,tho.dtntns table pink carnations and winding smllax produced a pretty efface Here a wedding aupper waa served after the ceremony to th relative) and few friends who made up th wadding party. Mr. and Mra. Haradon left on the even ing train for potnta on the aound. After April 1-they will be at home In Port land at East Seventeenth and Stark street. .., :...'.... .a . "; i Many Portland people were interested in tbe wedding, : Tuesday evening,- of Ml Stella Charlotte Alexander to El mer Perry Dodd, both of Pendleton. Mia Alexander I a graduate of St. Hel en' hall and was . a- f avorlt la th younger aet while here. Th marriage waa celebrated at th horn of Mr. nl Mrs. R.. Alexander, in Pendleton,. -before the. relative only. The bride' sister, Miss Berth, attended ber. Both were beautifully gowned in white, the bride' gown being ducheese satin with orange blossoms and velL- Charle Myer at tended the groom. , ' - After the ceremony all - Pendleton so ciety wa received at a large reception. Mr. and Mr. Dodd left on the night train on a honeymoon trip to Florida. - Tw " -"The marriage-of Mis Cecilia Lamery to Henry o. Roaebraugb waa celebrated Wed need ay evening. February Jl.-t the residence of th bride' slater, ' Mrs. Hugh Murphy. 14S North Fourteenth street. - The ceremony waa performed by Rev. irtnr Murphy or th cathedral. The decorations, consisting of whit and green, were beautiful. The bride waa of whit carnation. Mlsa Mary Becker attended th bride and F. W. Allen of Beaverton, Or., th groom. Only rela tive nd intimate friend were present After- congratulation refreshment were served. Mr. and Mrs. Roeebrauxh will reaiae in roruana. . v- .... . Mis Kaherine Seeder and Charle H. Clark wer married Monday eventngj at tn onae nom in thl city. Rev. J. Boweraox performed th ceremony In the preaenc of near relative and a few friend. ' They will resld in thl city. j --MUSICAL NOTESnll Mia Ethel Abrspj. th child o- prano, aoored another triumph laat Sun day evening at the People's forum, when she sang "Were I a Star" (Hawlayy, She responded to. an ancor with ,D Hardelof "I Know a Lovely Garden." The child's vole I of remarkable range and quality and ber hearer -predict for her an unusual future, Whll . her lower range I contralto In quality, rich and full, ah can now reach O abov high C, and when It 1 remembered tbat th highest opera go only to F and then - have to be transposed, for moat atnrers, thl statement will b ap preciated. - . ' , -Tl -1 .: " -' ': it it' The leading muaical event In Salem will b th concert given there, Friday, March io, at th opera house. Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton of Portland will be the contralto soloist of th evening. Among her strongest - work will be Schumann's beautiful long cycl of "A Woman's . Lova" . Sb will sing othar numbers In French, Engllah and Italian. William Wallace Graham, violinist, of Portland, and Mlsa Helen Calbraath. pianist, pf Salem, "will give th other number. . . . . - . Th musical department of th Wo man s club was entertained Thursday afternoon by Mra. Charla I Boa at ber home, 174 Multnomah street. .About 20 member wer present; th . pro gram Included . songs by Mr. E. C Frost,' Mr. OeorgeC Flsndera, Mrs. F. Ja. Branch, Mrs. K. - Denntson and Mr. J. Closest. The hoe Leas gav pi no number. ' At th social meeting following, refreshment, war served. .w , Mis Dslsl Crooks, slater . of Cath- rln Countis. left Thursday for New York to contlnu her vocal studie. prob- A concert of popular old aire waa a delightful eveat Wedn day ' afternoon at th First Congregational church, the hostesses being the member of th Le- dle Aid oclety. Mrs. Jordan Purvln had charge of th program.' wnicn wa thoroughly enjoyed. A women' quartet sang the .old favorite, "Laat Night" iKJerula-Reee), and later "My Old Ken tucky " Home." - Mra. J. M. C Miller solo. "When You and-1 Were Young" (Butterneld). waa - greatly appreciated. Mia -Cornelia Barker gave "The Holy City" on the violin and Mis Kathleen Lawler . gav ."Kathleen . .Mavourneen" (Crouch), with her aweet aympatbetlc aoprano. . After the. program tea wa served at amal) tablea by Mra. Harding, Mr. Hare. Mra. Livealey, Mr. lloth nacle, Mrs. Pratt, Mra. Prehn, Mrs. Mc Keen. - Mrs. McFarlasdV. Mr. North rup and MraRapp... u . : : -.- -- w w " '". - .. Th Fortnight club mat last Wednea day evening . at the home of -Mlg; Rockwood. on Ella etreet After a live ly discussion of eurreqt topics Mis Aid a Broughton- gav. a comprehensive review of Ralph Connor hook. "Th Prospect." She supplemented her paper with selected reading from th book. Mlsa Cross followed with leading from "Llttl Cltlaens." by Myra Kelly, la which humor .1 strongly blended with pathos. ; In . characteristic of writer were vividly brought out by reader, showing her sympathetic appre ciation of child nature.-. After-a social hour the club was adjourned to meet the first Tuesdsy - Iil April- r ;',-..' '. w .it ' Th LadW Aid aociaty of th Luth ran church at West Park and Jeffer son streets, gave a successful dinner. socially and financially- at the parson age Wednesday evening. Mr. Ell Jone 'presided at th plana Alfred Blankholm - gav several violin . aelec tlona and Mia.Lenor Hansen a piano number.' Grapbophon produetlona wi listened t during th dinner hour. patrotieaa sre Mrs. ' M. V. Ealtfucha, Mrs., B.NB. Brown. Mr. J. B. Arlington, Mr. Marion E. Butler.,. . ..7 ' w w ' '"' ' - ' , Th alaters of charity and th gradu ating claa of St. Vincent' Hospital Training School for Nurse have laaued Invitations for the graduating exercises to be held t th hospital. Tuesday van lng. March T, at I o'clock. , , . ., .. .. . .-. '-. if ir, -. ': ' Th Canadian society will meet' at th Olendora hotel. Tuesday evening. A literary program ha been arranged and buslnea matter of Interest will be discussed before tbe social hour. ." ; - it -The Young Ladles' Sodality of St. Lawrence church will gtv another of their- whlt social Tuesday evening. Thl I th farewell party before Lent. 'v. "."' ' --: "it -It-. -f ' " ' i, Company B, Third Infantry. O. N. O.. will give Ite next dance Friday evening at the armory..- . - '.::...,.. , ' STRAY BITS. . Tha J4vdin vot of soctety la Tta Dvvlla lamt wolc wu & larr roeptior. saHM Kr naTe ' "W tXTIllleaaMal auTaaa Bwi mj aav era bbv. vv iiimnu) sa as ward M, WUllama and Mra, Carlton Wil liams, formerly Miss Helen Ooaa, of thl city. Mr. Russell E. Bewail, alao of Portland, wa the guest ef honor and received with th boat esses. Boms so guests wer entertained and It waa one of th most fsshlonsble event of The Dalle. Leading' aoclety matron aa-f slated In receiving, entertaining and. serving. Mra. A. M. WlUlama wa. gowned In black' allk grenadine with, white bertha of real lace. Mra. E. M. William wor light green crepe.' Mra, Carlton William whit atln and Mra.' Bewail whit crepe de chin with r- mine trimming ana reai lacw- oerua, ... ; ' ' Captain and Mr. Gordon oornie left on Tuesday ; morning for a fourr montna trip through Europe.' They Willi spend some weeks : in- Berlin a the; guests of Captain and "Mra, ' WUHami Shepard Blddle. Captain Bid die la mill-, tary attach to the American em be si y; tn Berlin. . .' "'. ... ;:'-. ... . - -.'.. ..: l: . :'- The leading event la Salem . aoclety recently waa given by Mr. Bngene . 1 . l"tnlu,'T rnAi Mrs. Charle McNary on .Wahlngton'i birthday. Mr. R. P. Trael of thl city pre sided In the dining-room a on of .th hnatsasns aaalstants. - . . . . it-- - ' Mis Daisy Ft man and Mlsa Simon- ton of Portland were honored guests at Ml Vfvuiup ss, i waa maf a v sun Mra. B. I Uica ef this city wm on, of the (uBTt of honor at an afternoon S. 1Mm aKeans, U .-. .a 1 VS5I. uj amtB. UWI Hi . DUltUt ' BuftM laat waek. . ENCACEWENTS. Mr. - and Mrs, ' vorney Hemenway Eugen announce tha engagement tnetr oaagnter, May. to Frank B. nal - M 111 bIII . k. OK V,I KttkB X .. . Jt WUW "U M HB of of I: COMING EVENTS. A recital will be given by the de partment of elocution, oratory and dra matic art of th Western academy, as sisted by the vocal and violin depart ments, on Wednasday evening, at Acad my hall, corner of Second and Morrison street. .-- The - following program win- be ren dered under th direction of Prof. W. M. Rasmus: '.-. Reading .............. ...The Tramp' . C. P. Smith, v Seen.... ....... ...."North and South' Mia M. Boyd. . Recitation... "A Christmas Repentance" Miss Hilda Davie. Vocal olo, "Without Thee," D. Hardelot Mia Bertha Royal. Been. f ... , , "Damon and Pythias" Mlsa M. Kern. Reading.. ......... "How Ruby Played" Mis N. Swart. . a "War I a Bur". ........... .Hawley b "Daisies" Hawley Miss Fetronella Connolly. Reading ....... "Th Model Discourse" Loalse - Boyden-Goddard. Monologue......... "Within th Gates" Mis Anna Phillip. - Violin olo...... ..Selected Mis Cornelia . Baxker. Reading..... ."The Curse of Regarlua' D. O. Griffin. Bonn from ...Tb Rivala" V . Miss Ell E. Ehmssn. : ' Prof.'; O. Lester Paul. ' RcttUon....!."The Painter of SevUle" ' Mlsa Kittle Clark. - Vocal solo, "My Dream"' ...... ..Tool I Ralph Davie, r Monologue.......... "The Confessional" Mia There Blester. Recitation . . r. ....... .Selected Mr. J. C.Jalhnaon. Scene., "Th Bign of th C roes' Mis M. Bode. - - Vocal solo, "Creole Lover" Sons". Buck Ronald Bradbury. Reading.... ....."Th Tell-Tale Heart" Prof."G. Lester PauL Boeo from...... ..."School for Scandal" - Mia lUttl Kent. , - Prof. W. M. Raamua , .. .. ' -w . - At th next meeting of th Woman's club, . Fridsy, March 10. the following program will be given by th music de partment: Aeolian orcbeatreil, "Wiuiam Tell" overture (Roealnl), U. P. Bruce vocal aolo, 'TJod Keep You. Dearest" (Bartlett). Mlaa.Kdwina Masuck; violin solo. "Bolero" (Boon). Miss Etporah Hani; reading. "Th New Church Or gan," Mia Nina Larowe; aoptmno aolo, "Thine" (Carl Bohm), Mme. G. Ferrari: violin aolo, "Bong to th Evening Star" (Wagner), Mia Cornelia Barker: vocal olo. 'Two Lovra" (DeKoven), Mra. Oaorg C. Flander; duet from opera. "I Mamadere" Verdi), Mme, and Signer rerran. ' il '.-. Th Z. B. R. B. clatt ha Issued unique Invitations In red for lte next party at Rest Sid Woodmen hall. Monday. March It. Paraon' orchestra will plsy. Th rlub . member are Llewellyn F. Buck. Wt" u E. w-- A l! n fn- dercock, J:,, t 1 l ; . , .... i, . Tbe ' (Cotrtinoed oa Page Seventeen.)' BR0Si OyZelal- " ; Pk6tograpkrt . . 'rr:-,----:-;-; . UmU V Clark ' .1 ' Ejtpcttttom . 602 Goabocsh BsSiisg. 0pp. Postoffke W have just. opemed the best equipped, znoct '.'- modern ' Portrait Stiidio In the Pacific , north west, which is under the direction of an east ern artist who won Highest ATOfa At the St Louia . :. World's Fair. "J HigliGreWork No Coupons Sold. 7 Studio open from S tin 4. p. m. Sundays. Every one is invited to vLit - '.' our - Art Glzrj . And see . the . wesdrr- fully artistic r: - . studies of ths northr , . - - -