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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1905)
1 Trorv tvvo 13. TO. 3-4 "1 V'-" , NT. V,.' VV;, ;V'.,:. J i , .... ;:::.r.,,.,i:v.:-.v,1 ...... ..-. .-.V .; PORTLAND. OrjZCC II, t'JV.T Y UOZtimiQ. UAKCII 5. 13. " i ---.. . ' " fefflpPI A MIGHTY 5Al:t Oh Vli AL UiiFUlc iANUi 10 THRlrT Y HOUSEiiEEPERS I 4 V ' . ' . 'I r.V7VUUjUfV SALB BY PORTLAND'S BOREMOST HOMK- .t wearM. Ud are oC .upertor trragth. J L't. '.: f-i-- 'Tj-ir 1 I . row in thh domestic bbc- .'. JJU- V-r r" I'' ' II v;.'--:-''J . v'TION-FIRST' -FLOORS.. '." I.lAIL ORDERS OurcfUlly and V ; Promptly -Filled. -V; c. -. ; Stable oil-cloth.: : 4 ' : J ,, .O.tOO rardiTof TabU 6lT CloTTn. whrterfahcy-col-r ored and marblalaed, -our JOq Talus ",-,- - -Special al price, tha yard. ............. .........15 FANCY SHIRTING CHEVIOTS FpRcI ,10.000 yards of Book-Fold Fancy Shirting Char lota, InlJaaquard patterns "-check, plalda and fancy atrtpee,-. the very beet value ever oirerea at the price ,. Special fr one week only at, the yard.......,.lSH ' Oar- creat- Annual March Salea are'alway earnestly ..planned movements that have their lnoeptlon months ' back on the calendar, and 'When ready for our public are " bound to bring generous and spontaneous response from eager buyer by. fore of savings to be had. This greaf etore'a fame is built on its regular stocks, it being the ' best store every day in the year on every-day needs for every-day, people. Its bargains are, an extra sum .of '? goodness, as though with your afternoon tea we band . you tr particularly dainty cracker and a slice Vt luscious cold pheasant-..'" "' v : -"; -i.t; '' .; ' . Webffrcotton: goods that are needed every day -we go direct to the fountain-head of supply, and are ' thus able to offer these phenomenal values In Sheets, Sheeting, Pillow Cases, Table Oil Cloths and other home--' " ly household fabrics. . This is actually the greatest spe cial sale in these lines we have ever given certainly ' the greatest values ever offered in the weat 1 These are - facta in general, and every housewife, hotel manager and' I rooming-house keeper 1n. Portland' should buy this week to fill the exposition year needs, Example values: , BROWN SHEETINGS. . 1H yards wide; price, the yard. ....... 14 ;.1V yarde wide; price, the yard... .16 I yards wide; price, the yard,... ...18 J 14 yards wide; price,-the yard ......... ,10jt I H yards wide; price, the yard....,t HrS-i BLEACHED SHEETINGS. 43-inch width; price, the yard. 4S-inch width; price, the yard. (-inch width ; price, the yard . . ltt yards wide; price, the yard 1H ynJi wiub, pnuv, m jmrv ..,... i . yards wide; price,, the yard...... IV yards wine; price, the yard,,....,,.. 2ft yards wide; price the yard. se ... .184tL - 190 214 SHEETS. These sheets are of best quality, torn, Ironed and ready , : for. use,, made with ..2V-lnch hems. Not, the prices:' Hlae lHxm yards; special'price, each.;... .,.'43 Stse lx2ft yards; special price, each ......4 Slxe 2 x t yarda; special price, each. ,7,. ...524 ,8180 2"4xJH yards; special price, each....... 67 Shw H2 yardet apecial-price, tmehr.'Ym'iV777 .944 iSlse 2Mx2 -yarda; special price, eaeh .......68. HEMSTITCHED SHEETS. : .Also 114x2 V 'yards; special sals prtoe, each....... .T2J 8lse 2ftx:4 yards; special sal price, each... T8e -ECONOMY SHEETS." , ' : i ". Mad of one of the best grades of Standard Sheet In as. 81ss lHxlH yarda; special sale price, eacb........364t Slse lfcxltt yards; special sale price, each....M..40 -- Slsa 2 x 2H yarda; special sale price, each 44 , Sis 114x2ft yards; special sale price, each... 48 PILLOW CASES. That are cheaper than' you can buy the material, and ".:"-.' 'inake'them yourself..,. ; IX)T NO.' 1 Made of best quality of sheeting s ' Slse 42x10 Inches; special sale price, each...;.....,12e 8tsa-4Bxl inches special sals price, eaeh. .,14 Slse BOxSO Inches; special sale price, eaeh.r... 164 - Slse E4xl Inches; special sale price, each.... ...... 17V --IX)T-KO,-a The-plUow eases are made of nice,- smooth lnnslln ''.- . " v '.,....-.. Slse. 45x11 Inches; special sale price, each...... ...U. 9 . LOT NO. t 10,006 pillow caaea, made of good, heavy, . .round-thread sheeting, splendid 16o value-r Special for this sale at. each..... .....V.tl4 MAIL "ORDERS " FILLED AT ABOVE PRICES FOR ' V i" , .: ?'-' v ONE WEEK ONLT. '.'-' Have Youa Phone? ........ j.' t-., f-.'... ' Thn you are in direct touch with' : the store, and no matter .how bad' the" weather,- or- how busy - you -: may be,,you can order over the wire and have the goods ' sent . . home on next delivery. . V ,; OVER liOOO Ys .'? . SUBSCRIBERS ,' "in the city of Portland alone are . directly connected with 'the -store.'. v - v 'v- ALL ORDERS .; ARE. FILLED-;- by experienced shoppers, who go from counter to counter, examin '.. ing and purchasing the goods you"" jeedTas you'wutdwere you here , yourself. C..Ac r.; y.::'.V ;T.'i.V: ; ; IF YOU -i. v- ; -. ; HAVEN'T A PHONE v 1 order, by maiL Uncle Sam's men work for . us. . r - : , esm bonne: btvl Vvomen sbmart From Authoritative Fashion Sdurces GRAND SALONS OF DRESS SECOND FLOOR Laiest' and Foremost Suit and Wrap Store West of iChiago I s . . - : 1 v. J.- -" ... . - . The newest in Spring Styles In Women's Smart Suits and Jaunty Jackets is flocking here daily It's bom-. Ing'llme for the new fashions. " And the p roving-ground for PorUsnd Is the big Sal one. of Dress on our spaoloua Second Floor enlarged to twice) the six occupied last' season. Forced to grow by the expan slon of the business they contain. Tou'll meet here this week 'anassemblage of the elty's best-dressed women, keen critics and Impartial Judges. . Hera you will see the newest American adaptations of French modes Varts thought Is ever the quickening Impulse, especially" ln"dtessy' styles. American" tailored" styles have attained a. development that gives them at. lease equal authority with styles from abroad. Tod may study these American tailored fashions as well as costumes of horns origin "that art practi cal as well as baauUful.'L-i:.;'--"',-:i-'. '"r'; --:-- -11'';J ..: ' " ' y " ' '''' I " ' ' : ! ' -.'' - 'f ' M X :V.-,k', '1 'f NEW STREET. SUITS, In Jacket Eton,; blouse and. tight-fit tlnr effects, ' In materials of Homespun,', Herges, -Chevlota.t Panne Cheviots, Broadcloths. Panama Cloths, Mohairs and handaome exclusive patterns in Mannish Mix tures. A 'full color -line, embraqtng .bhies, grays, browns greena, land, blacks,, mixtures and the ultra-fashionable shap mtn mg herd"Tplaids , nd '-checks. . The price range Is wide, $1 S No. matter whether It's the modest tailored . suit at - v or theWnor elaborate sjrtdes ranging along by easy pries steps to the aristocrat at fl2S.00. Kach suit, is r best at Ita price; NEW" SHIRTWAIST SUITS--VERY MODISH. ' Handsome New.. Shirtwaist Suits, silk, ase, ba . ' aiA M wool and .alpaoa.- in green., bhjered, $7 11 t A 517 S lllV yiaivv iv yiaivivv NEW SPRING COATS. AN IMPRESSIVE SHOWING IS READY r Though not a complete array as yet Tha new. styles' will be unfold. ing as renin tinvffnffi ffe-mr-iTTvinem m a row wnvu iw u 1 oiatcs aira gxayi vaiuxa irvm, bu ifc ..... coaxes. But you depend on this store) for earllest forecasts of fash' ion, and these first Inklings are of authentlo stylesselected. With the certainly that come with access to jthe Jealously guarded secrets of fashion; a knowledge that has made and. keeps OLDS, WPRT MAN A KINO the paramount authority on dress.' .. T , . - -.. .,' ;i It's to .be a fancy season m tailored, style pot that down as a certainty. The erstwhile severely simple tailored lines are lost In tha elaborations of pleats, shlrrings and ornate trimmings tailored "styles have almodt the. effect, of frocks. No wonkan need be dlaap-. pointed of her style, either the diversity of choice ls so wide." . Thvre sre 'Blouse Jackets In the Soft effects so much irked,' there are fctons. uits with the coffee-eeat effect. Short box 'styles, and the staple .fitted back coat or seml-fttted coat. But Whatever tUe-style, look for broad shoulders, sleeves full at top. and to elbows, snd ending. In cuff, gauntlet or cuff effects, ss a nil. '. '.. Bui there! we .could 'fill thepag with talk of what's new.; . Come and see gnd enjoy the show, whether, ready to buy now or not. '- - :.L$7.50tO $32.50 New Spring Coats In Tan, Covert, Cheviot and Broadcloth, with or wimout collars. puun ana rancy stitched seams, trimmed with velvet. etc; values from, each......... Tan Covert Jackets v Plain and 'Fancy Trimmed jackets, with . collar or coilarless, strapped . . seams; values from, each - $12.50 to $38.50; New Spring; .-Waists;t31:; Women's Apparel Shop Soond Floor New Spring Waists, In all 1 the Ul materials, white, polka dot, striped, checked, plaids . and .dark 'mixture (Negligee Shirts Included. In all the new shades); values from,-each . ?L00 to $7.50 . : I ' rw:v. . -v.. V ". '.:;': .- -1 For three days only we offer the discontinued line discarded by th new management at these wonderfully low prices: , WOMEN'S $f .00 AND H oO SrOES FOR tl.St. -' X30 pair If Ideal Kid and Fine Imported Viol Kid Shoes. "Adonis" lasts, low cuts, best M.0 and li.OO value; to close, palr. .9l,.29 ; 'WOMEN'S ItM SLIPPERS t CENTS PAIR. - Only If palra, in one-strsp style, red-colored leather and hand-turned - flexible soles, best values; to close, the palr.........OO THREE MORE DAYS OF THE GREAT RE-ORGANlZATIOrT SALE sf GOOD SHOES First ' Fltfot-West .A nnex. l':-;.'r :Z"'7 MIND TQTJ. WE SAT "GOOD SHOES.". FOR ITS THE LEATHER IN THE SHOE THAT COUNTS, AND WB NEVER SOU) ANTTHINO BUT GOOD SHOES . - r i. HERE NEVER DID AND NEVER WIUL NO MAT , ' ., f A't fj- -TBR 'WHAT THE" PRICE ASKED. T T"" -- Th average active business man takes from: 4. 909 to .00e steps a day, which ana that his. shoes hit th ground an average of 8,000 times, with a' force of per haps its pounds behind them. .- The woman who goes shopping-strike th ground with less force, but probably twice as often. , t; - . ,. ,- : : -It takes sound leather and sound workmanship to stajjd th .strain, and th combination costs money. - . - '- r- - f . As good a shoe ss a man can reasonably wish will be found In our regular stork at S3. SO. It's a shoe of same quality that sella elsewhere In the country for f b.99, and It'a well worth It, :.:-. r. - - Splendid shoes of finest workmanship and leathers, very newest, down-to-dat styles, at fS.SO M0O fS.OO AJTS f6.00. NOW ABOUT THE SALE OP SHOES. ' ; 1 v " WOMEN'S NEW $2.50 SHOES $2.1.' - -tig pair of Women's Patent Colt and Fine Vlcl Kid Shoes, standard - ' laos or Bluch.r styles, with good welt soles, beat $1.6 value", for, the pair. . . . ; a.. 2.29 ,-'' ' " MEN'S $1.89 STREET SHOES $lir.:' -r' ' .'.'""' I lit pairs, smart, new and very latest styles. In box calf and fina vlcl kid leathers. Bala and Blucber styles, best 13.6 values: to close. the pair , . . . 92.49 and DRESS GOODS SALONS ""Firss Floor South Annex. . . ,. . ----- ... , ,. . , : ; t THE-SPLENDTDV AND MATCHLESS VALUES CONTINUE! OUR GREAT -SILK SALE HAS SWEPT ASIDE ALL COMPETITION. WB 8KLL FOR LES8 BECAUSE WE BUT FOR LESS. The enormous quantities w handle, far in exoess of any other Portland atore. regulate th prices we pay, and we give you the benefit of our stupendous savings. For Monday and week we've prepared an almost Incredible list of bargains. Come and se for yourself a lack of space forbids mentioning her In detail. A few example of what our ' matchless bnylng organisation enablea ua to offer among a host of ether good values th coming weeks - NEW SILKS. UNMATCH ABLE IN QUALITT, ST TLB AND PRICE. : ,.,'.,' .v.'-.: '.' , .." t ' ' ;.';.'...!.. " '.;.:..- Three Days' Silk n& Dress Goods Spedsis--Openlng Sale Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ' - We place on special sale new, down-to-date silks and dress good at prices less than other store own the same gootls for, quality and . styis considered. ..;...- ished. Ouf regular $1.00 per yard quality; special for-opewing .sale, I days nly, per yard .... A ................. .'. ..... .744 NeV Suit Silks. In stripes, in plain and two toned effects. Neat.' i ' two-toned dots and figures! all new styles snd colorings, un , equalrd value at our regular price of $1.00; special for opening sale, $ days oply. per yard.....,...... ..764 'New Suit Silks, the very latest weaves, 'designs' and colorings. In . chiffon arid mes saline taffeta, also Loulslne,. all new, unequal ed , at our regular price, $1.1$; special for opening sals, S dsys only, . per yard ................ . ... .9... v. .994 tl and $-lnch White India and.Japane Silks, reduced for three 'days . .-. ... ,..'.'-.,.. . ' - Regular $te grade, $7-lnch,' special for t day only,,.......S0 ; Regular $l.t5 grade, $-lnch; special for S days only....'. .83 ' Regular $LM grade, 30-inch;-special for S day only..;. ..96 Regular $1.75 grade. $(-lnch; special for $ days only. $1.23 BLACK DRESS GOODS SPECIALS FOR MONDAY, v TUESDAY. AND WEDNESDAYr t , 44-lnch all pur wool French voile beautiful, , rich, black and fin- 44-inch English mohair brtlllantln and Sicilians. In plain and neat ' figured effects, '44-mch silk and wool Crepe de Parle. 4-lnch all , wool French voile, anequaled at our regular" pric,' $1.89; epecisl . for opsnlng sale.. $ days only, per yard v...... .91.19 "V COLORED DRESS GOODS. . : ' 44-Inch an wool French voile, very serviceable snd dress-. In eresnv ..' teas, modes,, copper, fose. mahogany 'browns., champagne., royal and navy.- uneqnaled at our regular price, $1.00 per yard, told --' elsewhere at $1.18; special for opening sale, days .only per yard -. u.;... ........ T4 44-Inch cream English mohair brtlllantln and Sicilians, rich silk . finish, Our regular fl.00 quality special for S days only, per yard .- ,r........r..i......,i...-..'"T8 44-inch cream English mohair Brilllantln rind Sicilians, rich silk ' .finish. Our regular $l.t quality; special for S days only, per yard .981 The L C. SCHOOL VOTE ' ' i Staadlar Caadidate at p. aa, ys- -.-! i,f;--r.t... $raay.' . ',..- . t3 m mA THE NORTON $$,$$ . Carter, t BELL BOTr RTON .. Arthur Taylor, M. A A. 8HOO- $1.74 Mae Hughes, KNIGHTS SHOB . ; CO. Chsrle Adler, WOODARD - CLARKE 'duy De Pue. , PORTLAND DE- - LIVERY O0...rri..r Esther Carlson. MASON EHR. . MAN Arthur T.lndborg, LINDBORG GROCERY P. J I. Patten. WADHAM ft KERR BROS. t Ralph Holm re, LADD ft TIL TON'S BANK I $J5I7 t,Slit . 7,894 4,7$ ; 4,204' 4.03$ Fred Murphy, WESTERN ELECf - ; -tric ca .... 4.01$ ' . '". ' .V "' 181.494 -V Bcdttering Jlm lis. Total .V. .. .. ..14$.$73, '. Women's Undermuslins ,-,.?yi te'f--r-!';- ft--' .- ' Y 9 ,. - SBbB Art Pieces and Infant's Goods, Special Values ." v' r !' SECOND FLOOR ANNEX. ';. '- " ' .' ; ' V ' ' -' " , , '- . . Who set the fixed values on undennuallD? Standard, de pendable stores of the' Olds, WorUnnn ft King class do they not? W have known some undermuslins we sold regularly at $2.00 the . piece to be advertised with a flourish as a' 'great special value" by another store ft $1.1. ' And as It happened identically th same make and grade of garment !. Evidently we bought with a sbrewder knowledge or els ar more conservative In stating val- , ties. This trio mentioned below ar "speclel valuee." - "..' - ; i 1 ' " v ' Ladlea' fine cambric, full width, pettlcoVta. cluster of tucks and deep me embroidery -edging, or with extra deep flounce s)th ' thre elusters of six fin tucks each and deep hem and dust ruffle; regular price JI; special , fl9 Fin linen center pieces, round or square, hemstitched and em. . broidered edge, stamped In many designs', regular prices, toe, , 88c, ,$ 1.00, $1.28 special at. ......... .30 43d 60 3 Infants' eremtln long night slip, linen lacs edging at neck s4 sleeve; regular pric 40c; special.. 29C - A WORLD OF LOVELY NEW VcVlILLINERY FORj, SECOND FLOOR- ANNJ6o Now; Juat making Its debut for th season that's pulling at th latch string. If you've time for no nur J ' ' Monday, don't miss th very newest In millinery. ' Th beautiful new "Daylight SaloasT are glorified' with the" bewildering, bewitching display. It's a great responsibility to have a whole great elry depending en this, one store for the strong, true and aethorltatlv In millinery, - And rightfully we meet the reaponalhll- I ty..' Endless study oi the best in Parisian and New Tork fashions and of your taatee;1hrugh organisa tion; perfect system; good taste; the best millinery man weat of Chicago wlth.but few equals In America and fair 'price hav won leadership. ": T '.;.,,.'"'.;'."'. V.V.,' "!'; i".'.l.r; t- ,0pctaf tralue In th salons this week; - . ." ) ,Ji .f f - CHILDREN'S HATS. WORTH $2.00 AND tlZO. ' FOR 4i9c. - Children's French and beaver felt sailor hats, color red. navy, cantor . and white;, trimmed with velvet and silk ribbon bands ami - streamers: our $1.00 and $1.$0 valilss; special, at. 42 f Ladies', Ready-to-wear Hats for :-V 52c :- Ready-to. wear hat in French felt and light beaver cloth, with neat :' taimmlngs of velvet ribbon bands. gold ornamenta and small but ton er01ors ar navy, black, white, castor, brown and red th ' hats are tha proper thing for mid-winter and early spring; our regular $1.00 and $5.10 value; special at. each. ...... .....5Sat $1.50 TO $3.75 AMAZON AIGRETTES FOH CTz. Sweeping. 11-Inch Amason aigrettes, hi blsck only handaome trim ming for either turban or broad brim hats; regulsr $1.80 to $ ! 71 , values: special at, each C ' f : ' ' - I "a ' 1 " r r" w,,