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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1905)
ess.' T vtft r f - .-i v 1 ! crjiccu cuijday jcurriAi; rcr.TLAin), eu:;day uora:. i.tuix:i j, i:c3. iio,c:o pad rci; ARE 3' AS ... i. ;-r r:The Telegram hires'-a man' an uiu gn wcn i uiai lis circulation lor W'v w February was 21,503,'; and. in those rirctiiatrrt as wii u those . . . - - OTafJovianoi ocsota , -T - - - - "'"' vr . "rr pue r 6f : paper awaiting-; srapment. I iiis rv:oona naer-pfovcrpcri-.,Hj wvcsugausm--Camas, Vr'ash., 4 mill of .'which a son-in-law raised a ereat stoTm-under the "TaH tovttfl& s willing tocontribute $500 to any 4 - 6f the p'uMiSherlSf the Telegram is the proband sojhe Nimble Willies were set to worjc serving chanty, theTelegranr'and Oregon - iKifrtr .AA'tii.W tVo.; rrui mni will '' to offset ,this-aggTaTangand, damaging? ian to contribute' a like sum, if a. (committee XaLsaa ."scoop.' A bright rnademtopaperagaiuch iy iarTangcraciw. u ewt" ) !Ia;tiohf, several thousand ; copies every day i that same pile of papers,' and a' copy or two their report that The Journal's circulation in with, little expense in the netcost ; of . white, of The' Journal were .laid ''. around, "a small' Portland and in OVegon equals, if it does paper, tvnuc an advcniscr can oe Tt.:-lJ L. ssft t Vtid tnrtns " n . j t : - ThV: Jourhaf returns no ' "unsojd" copies S peared in the Telegram, as Indicative that ; whHe' the ;to a ' friendly "and-, co-operative paper mill ; The Journal practiced.'.-what- it preached returned. CHURCH SERVICES - TAW. w '' I w.nti.ll .rrMt Osrnsr MamkaU asd North : a. .h .tmtai rT. C. W. Uajs, pMtar. 10 a. .. Umiday arbool: U a. , at 'Brotherly t c Lee"M: a. sviriOMa asd Foliy'i-f :S s. IS.. T. T. B. ti . BlHv ' . ' - - TijT.L WMa El MeGlad. eaetor.. Preaek " ins snrauut aad ewolsg. by the pastor. Bawls) . au.. Bornlna. vna. Hyara VolnnUry, sab tA: aftertorr meWdy by Hpebr; tola. "Be- tha Onldea ParUlJV Ssafort. Mtas Masd 'Dtabrewi poattooa la C Asbfonli evealag. Tel ' ' antsry. Bmlsg Hrms. Asbford; doet. ."It ye . - Abiae la Me." Nr. aad Mra. C. M. aatbes 'nearer, StiU Nearer" ( pastlsde la W, Mlweod Be. 0. ; A. IVwapeoa, neater. kleralBS eernee at 111 Ber..JVIUIae S. Molt, '- 1. I)..- eysodltal slaateaa rf far Oiwsea. vwlll Mra tbe BMralnt eeravra, aa enerisg' lor leae wiu ae ataer: i:en, bt. ljmn Preebyterlia Rabhare aabool mtseloa- , ary. will preerb. Tbla Is lions Mlaaloa sueoay and n opportunity will be f iron lo a now i ,' onr moa la sola tbnacb eur swa, ea Plrat .CamnrtaneWrBH' Twelfth aad Baet ... Tajlor streete; KT. B. Helm 'AUea. paiter, in : a. m.. aocend asnirefMU'r aerrice of Un '. , ' preeeat pastorate; 11 as.. Hoadsy aehoal; S.m V su Jnnioc EadaaTer; M0 p. sealer Ba i oTor: T.30 a. .. areacblnc eerrlea. . Wmtalnsterttaat Trnth and Weldler "afrbeta: e. "Heary " Warmtie,; paatet. 11 l. "Sweetenlns Ufe'a Bitter Tblaa"t t: ' p. .. "A Queatlea of Prnnt aad Ieaa. . . Thirdneat Pine and Thirteeath atreeei: Key. A. J. Moatsoswry. 1aetnr. Vba pestor preecbea Vwrali) and erealng. -. .',. ' Honth Tlntt sad Glbhe atreeta; Ber. 11. I. , . MHIHIaad. paator. 10:30 a. m., "Our Lead for fbrtat"; 11 ., Hiinday acbool, E. C Bronaafh, snnerinteadeet ; p. is., US. prayer . Bneli- ln: T Ine : t :AO a.. ay paeur. ' Pinlmoot Tnrart ileeelasd aTeaae and ier- i wtt aireet; Her. U aiyroa soeaer, paarnr. in arrmnt ef repalra te- tbe rharcb oaly tbe rel- In wins eerrtres wlU be beM as Indicated;. Bab- bath arbaol at 10 a. sr.. eeeb claea stwutas le f the .borne ef tbe tearberj en-sins; eerWr at T:an p. pa. m the uaitea sretnrea fam, ea .slech'aAlo, street, sear Nlntb. , ,. ,. '. . 'AnT.' The Will If Teeanle dTnrner Twelfth and Tar- -lor atreeta; Bar. -rVMsoeib Bretfa-her, D. It., . Motor, 10:15 a. ej., "One aemrd" prayer teeet ln; 10::to a. m.. "Tbe UbrUtlas's Hurlana." Tbe Lord'a Soppey will be utorwd and a larse nniaber at sew ateabera rmSeed and welrosied. 1 11:10 p. St., Bible erbooi rlaiwe for all. B. Y. , -P. U. : p. at., eerrlre, leadera, J. t. I'dell , tarey Wladnni; t:o p. la.. sepUiia. "Pert- laad'a Home Cleanlnir.'' Nperbil ausle by tbe Temple eaartet and eharna. ; - ; Olrarr Corner Beat KlybHi ana Beat Grant 10 a. a... Bible srhonl: 11 a. a., dlrlna wer- , ahlp. wttli aa eana!lltle aermes by tbe slate rr ? eranfellat. Bey, 11. Wyaa Wooes i p. a.. BOile arbonl tat OeroMa; I p. a., preaeaiaf la eraMs; 4 p. a., eerrlea for mea and women; (HI a., ronof penple'e meeting; IrSO, eras. . fellatio eereire ronduHed by He. H. Wise Joaea.. Tbla win be tee ckwnf eerrtee e Ike taree weeke" rerlral. . .. , Bf i mid Heat Sevanta asd Antes? ttrAta; ' Ptantoo U LapbaoL paeUr. 10:) a. m.. "Cre riried wltb Uirlat.'' Tbe lord's Bnpeer will be . "ereerred at IKe ebtae ot tbe sereire aad the . band f fellnwslitp a I ran Is new aMnbera.. It ' jm., Bible arbonl; : p. m.. Toans rencb'a anion; 7:30 p a., "Irenarallaa tor tbe Isrd's J Betom." . P. Baatford, org nlat. . OntralWoodmeti pf tbe World ba lining. , . Beat Hlith and Beat AMee atreeta; Wllllaa B. - Handall, alniater. I0:9 S. m., "A Bane Bs- . tIt1"( 11 a., Bible aehoal: T:xn s. a., " rrea ' . aied tlnanea' eeraas Tbe Simple lfe." Prof. I W. r. Wereebknl, aarlrsl alrscbari Msa Balb . BbotTeev ersenlat. " ; ' I mate MareCorner Mesne and BeenM atreeta; , , Bee. M. U. Bledana, paator. I SO a. a., i . "Sleeloos," wltb tbe ernisanee' of toe Lord a Btwper al the close ef tbe aerrloa; T-et p. ., crap.'. pft ''iqoki- . f, . : wljVmads "'i for. obvious T reasons this i "sworn- n snora Wworr per. tinsnin and J""- v. Picture of the ""returns" .-of the Telegram ; mill nofpa px circu jno jleXelegram 'liead all through .the bip - does have u.' lu" ; of a copy ofhe Telemm was removed from, newspaper irjaae to . ooy nirca to noia; up a smgiccopy 01 jnc iiui wu, than fiii " Trnit ii' rh Afrnrrr rh ir rTIrf In" a OrrPDnian. a vJT Tb Work ef tbe Holy Spirit In Ooaverttag Soeau" t.i. . ' . .-.-.-'.-.:. i -?;.. -- .''. ,vi rr y.i rravoxiicsx. r. i ii .. Bast Side Comer Kerby and rargn' streMa; Rev, 4. Boajerena, aeator. 11 a. ai., "Tbe Greater tbaa sokvawB"! saaday erbsel at lu a. at.i Jaalor Bsasevoff at . aa.( a. la. C JU, 0:48 . as, t J 8t. JMina Ooraer Jobs snd.lTaaboe atreeta; E. BS'McVlrkar, eaator.' 11 a. aa., "Ceaeawa Hns of Aaron aad Hie Bob: T:fl6 p. a., fomisearenieat ef a apeclal eerlea e( atii line wbtcb will ton time ftrl erenisg ef tbe ' ; sll sre laTlted to attead; 10 ,. Bandar ebool: 3:.10 p. m.. Junior K. I C ; p. BiBolflr K.L. d K.'-- i . -MlMleav H. 1. HnlatM. pestnr! Bath's hall. Tier street, betweea Twraty-ftrat aad Twen tyreond street. 9 3B a. m Bnadar arhool; Areacbto.M0:W a. la. and T.V p.' a. subject, Tae aasi rrsyer Meriing. -. . . . -, - : ;;V, ... fuJ-l.i : ' OOVaBMATlOBAL. . flret Park aad Madtaoa atreeta; Rer. K. L. Roeee. O. I..-paator. 1:1M a. a.. boy cob. analoa aad receptloa ef aeeabera; T:10 p. a., "Tbe Comforter''; 11:1b p. a.. Bandar aeaonl. Clinton O. Mlrkle. aaperintendeat) e; p. as, T. p. 8. C. B.; rbotr, Mra. Boae Blorb-Bsuer, Mra. W. A. T. Baaboaar, W. H. Borer. W. A. Montroaery; Prof. W. H. Boyar, choir director; Mlae Xranora Piaber. oriraDlt. PiKrla cbapet llerond atreet. near Iianete. :30 a. a.. Hnaday acbool; Wllllaa H.. Broa aoa. ea Darin atnoent. ' - . .1 .. . Haaaalo atreet Bast Berentk atreet berth aad HaraaM atreet; Bee. tneriee B. c&aae, paator. 10:M a. "r.. tbe bolr eoamnnloaT :1W V. a.. Obrbttlaa Badaaeer, wltb pectal seretoe; . Bua- esr arnooi ! ' Wlllaaors T:0 p.' wrf, " aerrlee wltb be Bar. Char lea B. Cbaae, pastor ef Il ITI01la Hsaaale aireec caerea. MlaalinlDDl anuae Wauiday acbool at 10 ft at.; sanrfcw wltb aeraoa by Bar. C P. Clapa, ji a. m. i tRrami caaearar, e:so p. a.i Ties wltb addreea by SWT. H. M. Traeey of Pranrlare. T:30 a. au Hlgbland Corner Presrntt and Beat Btzlh atreet aertbr Bee. A. M., Bonkwood, pester. 10 a. a., Senda acbool; it a. a., aoralns eerelee asd receptloa of new meabera aad eons aitsi tort p. a.jiJiiBior Badeaeot. t M p. Si., 'We(- Hi ung w Dirurifni. sannyalde Corner of- Raat Taylor ead fast Tnirty-fourta otreeta; Her. J. 1. Btanh, paator. 11 a. a., "Tbe Two Gates." and ebildrea'e sar mnn aa "Hla Brotber'a Keeper"; -T:S0 p. a., "Unrecorded Herers.'' Roaday echool, 10 e. a.t B. - C. pit. nperlateadfat ; Carutlaa aerrice at :) p-a. .1' .. ... ,-V' '. '(: '' ' - - ST. . " ' I' f , . tanoBurt. ' ' : ' '. u Cewteaary Vaer Bast Ping ' and Klntb Itreetoi Wllllaa .11. Heppe; D. J, 'pet tor. IO:ao a.' ar:, "Tbe Leaaoa Tinrtt by the preeeat (treat BeTlrata"! anecUl sabeet fof'T.M p. a., "Tbe Final Jndgment: Part, Jadgs, Iudlrimenti Hanaae-scbaoL 12 league. 6:1A juniors it 4. 1 Tar lor atreet Dr. Prancta Barcette Bbnrt, pastor.-. S 80 a. rUeaae; J0: a, a., 'Tbe Mtgbty'tq Bare") 11:19 p. a.. aaday arheol: (l:0o p. a.. Bpworth learoe; t: p. a., "Uood Weoies tiod'a Best Ollt." Oreee ii act ef Twelfth aa4 Taybw atresia! Clareaee Traa WUeos. D. D., pastor. 10:30 a. a., "Tbe Traneftgaratloa of Cbriat"! f:M p. a... "Tbe Cbrietlea Doctrine of Sln"i Son day srheol st p. a., snd Bpwertb ereper 0 SO. Mlaafcaary prayer meeting Tbanday Sight; all welenae; alwaya welpeaw. Central Roaaell and Barb atraeU. AU.ina: T. I. Keemg. pastor, The retal aetl)ea will continue; Camp Meeting Ma. will preach botk aomtog and eeealng. r Trinity twwi Bast Teat and Grant etrretat Re. Harnld Uherg, paator; 10:30 a. m., "Ooa- enlona Tbrongb Kterr.lty"; IKJ pv m., "How to open the Heart"; Bnnday acbeol at io a. au; pworrn Magna a I a:-a p. Bpworth Dornee Twenty-third birring atreeta; Henry T. Atkleson Dae tee. In bneda ochonl; 11 a. a.. !'A Walh wltk t.krlet"! 30 p. a., Rpwnrth laagae; 1:90, "A Peculiarly Chrtattaa Hope." . IPTIOOPAX. . . , I Obasel ef the. Traaaghraratfaa m'i Brt(a I arreet, near Oak : Re. W. K. Pewell, R. Pewell. rhan. I lain. Service, aeraoa aad holy eosiaaalna. U I a. m j Buads acbool. :4A a. m. . at. Jones Memorial Beiiamid; Be, w. B. I la charge. Sexur erbneL -11 a. Bu: I enlag eervlce and sermon. T:B. "I ood Bbepbard ssllweed atreet asd Via-1 r , V ' V Jor it ibasto pay. full againstv-i iu, mnuwit, grapncu ' tne wck', nor-to waste, has 0b ;'returns"-it circulates all The1 Jour- rs - .. j ..iw ,t..v., thought flashed into the ' of three K;e r,;.f.ira 4i kx mtitf trt eeirrer aareae, AIMna;' Bee. Job a Dawaoa, rec tor, 10 a. a., Sunday arnooi; 11 a. BV. bolr mnaealon and aeraoa; T;J0 p. B-i evaalad prarar aad aeraoa. St.- Andrew -a PeataslaTBer. Jobs Da In eharaa. . IftawMi emlee. tl. a - Trinity ebapee Mnetavetb atreet. sear Wasb tnstoa atreeti Be. Dr. A. A. blorrlaon. rerber. BerrtcM, nol eommanloa, li. Hi.; morning aar- lc. 10:30 a. a. J erealng aerMe. l:sn p. Beads arbenL 11 a. Tbe asaal Bontbtr ties pf anna wtll be held la tbe evening. Be. rice during 'Lent will be sa follow : Daily, eaeept Batordaya, d p. a. I Wedneadaya, holy aeaiaaaloa. 10 a. a.;-PTiuyav utaay, to a. mt. St. Dartd'a F.aat Twelfth and Retasmt; Be, fieorse B. Van Waters. l. D rettor. lis. am., bolr aamaaatoa: T:tO .a. a., evensong and aontfcir orgu recital; ganday acbool, t.i - TfaTTES BKEmZX. ' Pint Corner Eaat Plftseath and atreeta:. H. i Sbaffar. Daator. Prayer lee at B 90 a. a.; aeraoa by Preatdlng Elder Neff at 11 a, a. and T:su p. a.; aymnoalaa at p a,, "Wby I Aa a liaitea vrethrea. Meeara. .Reakle. hflUrr. MeAalry. Bartaea Hosebrasgh. Hattoe. Bmerick. Coon, Buetei Mrs. , i.. A. 'Beakle and Mr. W. W, Bose hraugb will apeak. AU aeabera aad frleada rsqueeted to bring lunch and spend tbe dey at the eaarca. nprciai aaaic ny Mra. -j. m. . Miller, d. A.Henkle, W. W. Boaebrangk. a W. BartBees, aad tbe Bale qua rut. , Bndeara at :M a. a.1 " . . t ' Portaroonth At ArtiMsa' hall. Sunday arbbol at 1:S0 p. a.. Mra. T. K. cooa, auperinteaasai. Be. BL saertca, laager el song. .. . OSBIBTIAB, jrirea Ooraer park aad Oelaabla B. Murkier, paator.- Bevrral at 10:30 aad TdO p. a. Bnbjeet of evening err mon, "Tbe Paaalng or Uenonlnatioaaiiaa: .or, Cbrla'Haa Unit eersos DenemlnatloaalHna." Bodaey Arsnoe Coraer Bodney awae bed Knott itreeti Alhya Baaoa. "alniater. 11 a. bl "The Mlaaloa ef tbe Cburch"! :u a. a.. Baa- da school; S.'AO p. a., rbrlatlaa Endeavor; T:3 . a.. -'Buageatlva Figures." Central Corner Baatv Tweatleth aad Balmoa atreets. The paator. Be. J. P. wbarmley. will meaner rerrrai siiiai aormag aaa eveaing. . a . - - . . a. an . T . . c . S:o. p. saw ' P' - -l T: " special serricaa,. ; ; .v , at. Jgaea Rngllab Onmer Weat Park and fefferena aareeta; J. A. Leas, paator. aeielne at II a. a. and T 44 a. a., conducted by tbe paator. . Special moale at each aervtes ander the direct Isa pf Dr. Keefer. Boaday arbonl at M a. a. dceoilonal aervlre by tbe Luther league at e:en, jeu s.r aiaa aioin. . MArreeian--itt North Kourteenth atreet i gw. 1. M Nerlng. pastor. Herri cea at It a. m. Bad p n-l Bonday acbool at S 4n a. a. The Korweglaa Braod 4'wr Eaat Tenth and Ursat atreeU! O. Hagoes,. pastor.. Benkea at 11 a. , a. (ad 7:30 p. a. SuDday acheol at :J0 jHiiiTiAjf omcx.- rhnreb ef Car let Scientist ScottUh Rite ealbedrsl, Morrlnon and Lonvnadals streets, an ilna 11 a. a. and a. a.: aubJert sf eer- Bion. "Bubetance." foe day acbool gt eloae ef morning aervlre. Second Aanlrorloa heildlBg. Third, betweea Tarwt god Bslmos atreets. Heries, 11 ead Hp. a.; anbject, , "Sobataoce"! .1 ecaooi, 11 a. a,, la tbe reaaiag rooma. , ; , "! tTAVOIXICAL AsSOCIATIO. Plrat Rnglle a Corner Eaat Slith aad htarkat atreeta; He. O. W. Hlnmer, paster. 11 s. a.r "Honor Due -Oe Paresis I p. a., "What Slight Ha Jeeas te Auk for Our Ileart, sad Mrf 10 a. a.,' Saaday school: 13 p. a., onlor AlUaneei T:30 p. ., Xoaag Paopei auiaae. . , j . I m. x. cvvncK soirra. Plrat Itm Hecoad atreet, Poreaters hall; B. a UnM. tiaator. Rfwular aaevlcaa. It aa. aad T::io p. a. : Bvaday acbool. JO a. a.: Kp- worth league, SO a. a. Dr. (I. H. Stovall of Perth Worth, Tetaa. wtll oeeupy tbe puhlt moralag aad evealag a ltt aaator la eut e( tbe Jelly. , , " . ,., , .. , . ' 1 " " '. , ' " rnrTTABIAB. . Ptret TaaMIl and seventh; ttr. .. flres. gey, aaater. 11 a. av, sarrlca WIU aJstoarea oa is J But the fact is the papers so photo- wcic uui ruuiuaia. 4.11c luurua niene - netHORi - o - K!Hoinefa - - in - law, no son-in-law as has our a arculation livetrculatipn, to Ave business men, to be selected - circuiauon, , oocs notjsnow in v v,, the DaOCf that falls dOWtl 111 the forfait the sunv named In charitvl others are to have their-money "The Attitude ef the Chareh Toward Labor aad the Laborer"; 11:3b p. a flaaday aches!; T p. bl, Mlaa Ooddard of the High acbool gptaks ea "A IcrBoa la Germany." v , ;.. ''T.'H. C. A. '' AaasrUHea r andltsrlaa 107 Fourth street. Bonds club. Sunder. 3 p. a., sddrees oa "Sin," by Hare ace True . WUsea, D. D., paator Grace Methodist rhnreh; aaslc by Coulter's erchaua aad aula quartet. . , - T. W , 0. A. " a rrlce. 1:45 p. si. Mr. Jaavaa Mas- keasis. will apeak aad Mra. Beyd BaaUiea will All woass are lavitea, uatmxAMtnvt. s The BIMlcal MrltusHats' aaloa aeets lags larly every Sunday afteraosa- and etenlng st Drear hull. 163 evened street, betweea MArrisoa asd Ysmbiu. ,1:30 a. nu, Bible pbrltuslbm sad esafiTaaee. ' - e rr Tbe Pint Bplrltasl aoclery ArtlaanaV hall. Abtagtoa buikilng. ' Third atreet. nee Washing. toa atreet. ' Ooaferenee, to I lowed by f. B. Wssier 11 a.' a.; Children a Proeresal esua, 11:30 p. a.1 Rev. A. Baasad at iDo a. a. and T:45 p. a. ' tarvh f Oed IM Hawthorn avenue; 0. T. rTeal, pastor. Servlree st 1:30 aad I p. a.; asadsy school. 1 p. a. . . New Tbouglit andaty At hall No. MA. Allaky-I ouiraing, nannvmi corner jsira aaa aiorrhaa atreeu. Dr. Batler deHvera the first of a aa. rlea of three lectare-acrmons, oa "Tbe Bigas ot the Times; or. The Mew Age end Its Mess log." Three lecture will b .liberal, lade- penaeui ana rsiigis-eneaarw. Mllleanlal Dawn O. A. R. 'ball. Ber these t enrner Becoad aad Merraoa streets, services gt a:eu p. a. ... ,. . v - The People's Chrlatiaa anion . fiee Religiose r .. . , , . . . , . f-m , wr mWHM nWBWt aww la their, sew bell, XM Morrtanu, near hieoud. 11 a. as., addreea b the leader, snb ect. "Hare aad Te Be"; 11:U p. a., atady claaaea In life proMea; 7 5 p. a., concert by tlouller. yniou wwji, mra. 4. r. noware, vocal tat; I IK m. m a,.4a.M I.iiImi . aM . sehject. "Tbe Physlslogy ef a Thuaght." .Alt weicnaa. .. .. .t . . MICHIGAN SOCIETY TO RECEIVE NEIGHBORS ,:--;.v;;-.'-.1:, ,,;-. . v-v ' The Michigan society of Oregon will have a genuine old-fashioned Michigan housewarmlng in Concordia hall Tuna day evening -next , All the former real dents of Michigan living lit this state, snd all tbe members of the. other state societies hero are Invited. A fins must' csl and literary program has been pre pared, good flve-mlnuto talks -will be made and refreshments will be served. Old-time dancing will bo a feature of the- entertainment . That members of the different . state societies may become acquainted a mem ber from each society will bo found on the reception committee. x ."Among' ' the speakers will bo -Governor Chamberlain and Tom Richardson of tha Dixie .so ciety. Mayor Williams of the New York society, C. it. Idleman of the Ohio so ciety,, John Manning of the Nebraska society. W. T. Vsughan of the Illlnola society, William M. Davis of tha Mis souri society and Capt Jesse Baker, U. 8.' A..' of the Pennsylvania society., - The Michigan society has experienced a marvelous growth since Its organisa tion two months"' ago. and snould easily draw a very large membership from the 4,000 Mlchlgswlers in Portland.- The permanent headquarters and meeting place of the society will be hereafter in the nail, comer Sixth streets, -; - - DUSIucSS OLCCK Mftrshall-Wslls Hardware Conv ; pany Cuya Catwaan Twelfth .' and Thirtaanth Struts. ;:;, WILL ERECT E1C CRICK, , V - - WAREHOUSE AT ONCE Mrs. " Ruaaall Cats Corner at :t4 Washington and Twentieth V Streets for Good Price, ; - Increased demand for warehoose room to accommodate their growing business ha compelled the Marshall-Wells Hard war company to make another heavy Investment1 In-Portland real estate. In addition to the handsome block recently erected tor It at the cormar of. Fifth and 'Oak streets. .' Yesterday the firm cloaad negotiations for - a - block of (round between .Irving . and Johnson streeta, and 'Twelfth and -Thirteenth treats. The price paid waa 148.900. Tbe company will at one erect larite" brick warehouse, In which, heavy hardware will be stored. The important feature of the new warehouse, will be Its railroad switching facilities, a need the - company has .felt strongly, since It has - been impossible to secure the construction of sldetrackr to the Fifth street house. - Business property.' 100 ' by ' 100 feet at the northeast corner of Washington and Twentieth streets, now'oocapled by a three-story frame structure, has been purchased by Mrs, Qeors B. Bussell, for IM.000. " , - - . ' The property was formerly owned by Addison Dobbins, who some years ac relinquished It to the Scottish Mortgage Trust company, f ram which- Mrs. Rub sail has purchased It, through Wake Held A Fries, ' It is said the new owner will make no material alterations In the building at this time, beyond putting; It In ood repair. ; . T . BISPHAM'S PROGRAM FASCINATE ALL Great Singer ia Also a Discoverer V; ; of New and Old Inter- T ; esting Music.':'.- Not only' la David Blspham' the great est American baritone -now before tbe public,, possessing a rich. Impassioned 1 1 voice and dramatic temperament, but In JSTS iJSr 7cnJ2!V?i i conception, marked construcuvs talent. lend astonishing, familiarity with au Ung out lost or, neglected works of th the BrwRt masters' sue b as possesses hid den or, pec aiiar beauties. These ho lnri them arltsj ' warm Irfiaginatlve power that nsver fsila to enchant. JUm pro gnun gt tns Mamoaxa Thurs day wllL ba as. fresh and sparkling; as thosoheBs,yeDyewjQrk.. . Along with soma or tbe great ansa that have made him famous, "The Evening Star," Tanahauser: "Albeiich's Curse," Rhein- gold, rspreeeDttng the trag-te side of his art, . and the "Pace's Boob." Falataf f. showing; htm In marry comedy, there will ba others equally noble but not ma well known, such as the winning snd beautiful aria by Handel. --"Arts' sod Galatea,- O Ruddier Than s Cherry." a merry, ' florid old ' aria. s delicious rhapsody- of my lady's charms. "The Monk," by Meyerbeer, another old-time Jewel that Is as good aa new, is full of Are and pathos, stirring ins . human heart, into a paaalon of pity with: the atrangs power that belongs so pecul iarly to Meyerbeer. ; ,. Dainty snd dellcat ambits from Baechl That's the point not special prices on some old goodsthat we wish to get rid of but a close price on all goods. . ' r " s .,'.' ' 1 ' '.u J4 : llenney BUGGIES ' SURREYS t' . .Jf Ajr'-'V-l " 'SI' I RUNABOUTS' ; ; STANHOPES Also at Reduced if I ' )' i . 330-338 EAST - i ' -.".' 'i i .... . ' ., ; - . ; . 1 J Ellera Piano House's BigV Ocnerous, Breed 'Q-c -Progressive Way of Selling Pianos Proving a . Practical Benefit to Scores of Buyers. n Saturday evening closed one -of the most even tfaT weeks of our club satoavf So man' of the sales' made were Ifter the purchasers had made a moat careful and thorough Investigation of the' club proposition snd compared our pianos and prices with other makes now offered in the city. .;",;. .',;:..;.' -'; 'v ''yp';'-i Of the numerous sales large propor tion, too. were pianos of the very highest grade. ' The week's record ' shows two beautiful Chlekeiing uprights, one hand some Weber, six Tina KlmbaUs, fonr Lea ter. three Jacob Doll, two Hobart M, Cable, two Schumann pianos, etc. the entire sales of the week, up -to the time of this going to press being 1 pianos. Club "A" Is rapidly hearing Its close. Prices and payments In tbla club are so very moderate and the p4anos so fine, ad to tempt the moot exacting buyer to In vest, And we can assure everyone hi this, as well as In the other five clubs, they will never regret having taken ad vantage of this co-operative proposition. What It Is ' If, la simply extending to retail buyer the same advantage that wholesale buy ers have. . It Is cutting out the tremen dous expense necessarily incurred by the retailer in marketing as aenaltlv and expensive an article as s piano. .., , Instruments are sold directly frorit.the factory to the home, the Ellera Piano House simply acting as the selling agent tor you. ;. . "i :. (.''- .. Already "nearly a tralnloed . of theee pianos have been sold. ' Of the club membership, which Is lim ited to 1,000. over a third of the member ship' has already been secured, and de liveries are being made juat aa fast as pianos are received. For those who are anxious to have their Instruments deliv ered at once, wa have so far had enough Instruments at our big warehouse lo supply them at ones, and we will use our utmost endeavor during this sals to- bo prepared for the most urgent demand. . W do as wo adrertlse. what we are able to do. - Ins; -X of Our Best and 8a ussy, charming old French Chan sons and quaint English and' German love- songs, several delicious novelties also he presented in Portland for tas Brat time by him. These poassss that rare quality usually . absent in "novel ties," varls., high - art. . mong theee Is S group by, Landrm Ronald, entitled "Four Bongs of the Hill." And there are still other' delightful surprises is store for the audience. - The sals of seats for Blspham's oon- eert will open Tuesday, March, 7, at the box office of tbe Marquam. The coneert Is under the direction . of Lois Steers and Wyna Coman.' - . The fair to be given by the Congre gation Ahaval Hbolem ' In Merrill's hall fUl HI OUR MOTTO : Bzrgdns In Wkt . r : ... INCLUOGD IN THE SALE driving wagons? ; carriages" ' - CARLETONS Prices a Full Line of Harness, and Delivery Wagons. BAIN MORRISON OTRCBT, Prices and Payments Uv 'Briefly. Put ;rT- ; ' jClnb "A" contains 1ST pianos, setting -regularly at from I too to MOO. Prices to club members 1117 to $311. Payments, tt down and l.J5 a week., ' v Club "B''- contains 181 pianos, selling regularly from f271 t tSTI. Prices to club members, flM lo (171, t Payments, tl to down and (1.10 weekly. : - Club "C" contains pianos priced reiruv larly at front J50 to 410. Prices to club members. 1147 to 1330. PsymsnU, $ltJ J dowrr and 11 per weskj ' .,--.. ' Club "D" contains 1S1 of the most costly American made upright planes, values $415 to $JS0. Prices to club mem bers. Mil and up. Payments, $20 to 11$ , down and $1.60 per week... ., rt -. .-. ,, ... - Club "E" membership 141. ooatliest grands and uprights in special styles, all ' of them regularly priced at over $80. Average saving on these to club gten sera $147. Payments, $10 to $$ caah and $3 to $& weekly... '. ..- Club "F" contains 10 pianos, being " mlBcellaneoue-eollectloti of-odd pianos, manufacturers' samples, discontinued 1104 styles of Chickerlnga, Webers, Kim- balla and a number of very excellent used pianos. Payments, $10 and $L7S weekly. , ' v ". ,,' - - ' t ,; . ' Remember In this sale rOa securs, net only wuah wonderfully fine pianos as the Haselton, Hobart - M. Cable. Lester. ' Crown Orchestral. Story V Clark. Bchu- mang. Haddorff, but also your eboloe of ' our' entire lino of the Chleksrlng, the world's finest - piano, . the celebrated i Weber of New Tor It. the Kimball, either ; uprights or grands, and that in all you have s rang) of over 10 makes of stand ard, reliable Instruments to choose from.' ' Time for closing these clubs Is fast so-, proachlng.-.We will not exceed the num ber limit in any club. If yon want piano at present club prices, you must act at once. . Every instrument fully guaranteed and money, back should In strument fall in any way to prove ex actly as represented. Writs or see us at once. - Mall 'orders promptly snd care Tuny filled. .Ellera Piano House, 1(1 ' Washington street, corner Park. " OUR SUCCESS SECRET -W' promise only snd. - charge noth-' unur, reputation. Friends are those for whom wo have worked. . They sdvertla our good work, and reasonable . 'prices. ' - .:; .; ;..'.;) . , . Xoxiiibrt in Dentistry5 ; . . any vpsrmuon wa penorm upon your teeth. ; Wo dare not. for our reputation would be - bo ml stake. , ' . , . , . . i ; WlSfe BROTHERS : ; ' : PsJUos BuOdtnc , ; TbW aad Was. March II to 13. Inclusive, Is devetorilng Into s, much more, pretentious affair " than was- thought of when it was first planned. MerriU'g hall will be deco rated with thon sands of yards of bunt ing and hundreds of flags. Invitations to speak at the opening win be sent to Governor Chamberlain. Mayor Williams and Dr. Stephen 8. Wise, 'Nearly 100 prises wUi be distributed the last Bight of the fair. '--. --r : TeOW' arraomAJTOVst BOOK. , Oty Detectlvs HsOrley lost a memo random book which ha ia eager to re cover, i It contains pictures and papers, of no valu .to anybody except the de- teeuve. - The finder may return til book to police headquarters. - , -fa. You Want" Also Medium Popakr Priccd Vehlciss wri-H ' ARQ J -an ir vr n n fr3 s m I asaaina a n aain is.aas-a-aa-aeBssasBsgsssaBsasMaassasMi ,)."". ' " " X' ; t : i' V ' . . . , - :','. ' ''. t.-. .'..-.:. "'!.' ' :' i (a. '. SPRING WAGOr.'G Farm ImpIcmtntJ ; - r: