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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNIKO. tlAr.CH 5. 1SC3. i 13 A DAY'S DOMGS M OREGON CITY 'mi K gatered at the poatocxoe ef ParOaaA fnr traneooruUoe threes the BMUs aa se mvm U.aer. . m t-.. I . - mI. Ill, IB- , paper, t mi; It M M sages. eeutai w m s easts. ..; wnM Otaes... rotsxos ASTzxTisnio iFiDrTATi. Vreetaad-Beogasila Special V, . 1st Maeaas Umb Tart: Tribsas Bel 14- log, Uncage.. mMcmmrov unt Tana Vr Ourta Tne P.llr Journal, wits Sawaer, t aa...T M The Itlr Journal. 1 rear. The Dailr Joaraal, wit Bandar, The Pall, JeornaL Bumtna... Tha Dally Journal, wfta Sunday. i ne iiaiiy joaraal, a aaomne..., ' The llalla T i k RnndaT. the Dailr, par week.- tellverad.. Tee Aallr. per woes, W -.. unptH ,. . I : rmm v The hetly Journal, wlta Buaday. I r- The Se-ul-Weekly Journal. Tka a luv.kl. InruL to IS . euoa laana, uxueiraauu, Man ' aort. 1 rear ....." . ..I . . a t 1 Keaalttaaeea aboard be ujode by aVafte. eraraaa-arna aaa aaaau - ble 4a 1 4 -eeat VrLf.''J'TTit. oeepUbla 4a iaa awwm PertlaBd. Oragaew - r. . - lti. . wmzmx m iotbjiax kat as rova ' The Joaraal caa be aa4 a kniHH mind n. awiue A Oa. I W. . W CHi'aoW reetoMVa Neva caampaay. 17 Daar bnrn atraet. ' PKNTIK, COfX. Keaark Boe U??7 maipaay. 01 BeerBtvl.l,tli etreet; J. Biaem. tilitomtk aad Carna axreeaa. ,, .. v- JI NKAC, AIJ.SK A Foatofflre Bo Btera. KANSAS CITY Taa Noar Newa aaenpaay. . . faring afreet; OUrar iiataaa. -t allSNEAPOUS M. J . Kataaatajav ' vr.w XOK cm rJretihiaVarCBfca)"qBar. CXiUKN Ordka Neara eoaipaay. OMAHA-MUlara Hotel t:..T hutlonrrr rMnrway. 180B rimum atraet. B-1 T LA KB C1TT Keayoa HMl ewa attaa, barrow Broa.. 4S Weet Becoao .atreet. Boatb. T. UJUIS I'hlllp Boeder. liaevat atraet, e. T. Jett. 06 Ollre atreet. . . 8AM r-BANOWCO W. . Ardlaf. FaUja, aa atatvA. and IfKIB Hark aei Oold- arnitb Brae., 230 Batter etreet. and Saint Saint balkd- rraaria bnteli rotter Orear, rerry tiie: M. Wbeatler. JOB Natosia atreet. I a nut Rainier Graad aawa ataadt Saatara Newa eoaiDaay. POKANV WAST Joba W. praaaat m oa. 9TAOOMA. WASH Central am Hotel Teeema aawa atand. VICTORIA, B. & TletorU Boot ft . eoaaaaay. ATcnoM . kaunT tomobko w. t J. T- Wllaoa. 10 Slrat atreet. at W a. '?a. Sah, ( eitraracaat (arahvblBca. . J. T. WllaoB. aartloaeer. - , . Br Portlaed A-t4oa raama. B11 Ftrat atreet. at M I. a Bale ef fnmllare aad other lanaaebold Rood. Una. -A. lowlt. aaetloaeer. . ttxat'exx izroxT. - r'-T"- Leant rata eootlaaea abnuc the ortbweat WaMni-tou eoaat. while eleewbere la the . aocth Parlflc etetea fair Weather wttb' B-Ud trmneretara eoatloaee. The IMIrettone are rer eeatlaaed fab? weather 3a tbta dlatrlet Baaday, with bat Uula, ebaafa la traineraiare. - ' ' rihairTatiooa lalt. ai.t Mailman- teejpara- ' tore. 00 di areee; talolanai teeaperatare. 4 iavareea. Blrer readlna at H a. a, II Iwt; 'rhanae la peat 1 bourn. 0.1 toot. Total pre rtpttatloa. a p. at. to ft p.- a.,' .0 tarh; total Creelpltatloa etaee rleiMeaiber- I. J804. Hi Kbea: normal preripiutlon alnee Heptenher 1. Jltnt, ia.a uwnee; arnrieorT. v.ei men. Total eamhine. lUrrh S. 6:; poaelble euwablae. , Marrb S. 11:14.. Baroaaeter (reoaced to aaa ' level) at ft p. aa-. 50:00. Alba B. Monran, XI; Madya 0. Bay. fB." Joarph Woodaaaoare, ; katle I. Laird, tl. Herbert Iewte. S4; H-arletU Lnvh. 22. .. John Wohlieaath. B; Jeeeaa in loo. la. afaareahfcj ' Weddtmr Oarda. l. . Bwlrh On.. WaaV tactoa bldff., age. Taartb aad WaaMtostaa eta. rvraatatiem aa Ortrm city ear Baa. Bear ' Btllweods moaarm. aHeaUllr. aoanpleba. Cbaraea I Adult. 36) ebtldrea. . Tie (tare a. aa. . to ft a. at.. . . Portlaad Craaaatlea aaairlillaa, . ortlaadi Orayoa. . .. - .. , . TaaBdward Baiaaaa radertaklaa; eoaiaaay. aireetore ana aaa xaira Pbaaa ftOT. ' atreet. ' I. r. flaley tkm. taaeral dlreetara aad evbalaMra. eoraar Third and afadlaoa atraata. Ofaoa ef county eoranar. Talrphaaa atata B. - reneral wreathe' and rut flowera a apeefalty at Bono City Cina abuaaa. Tweaty aioaai aad Uut Morrlaaa, ap. eeaaatary. - . . j . .. . i m i mi . 1 Ot reel laaaianra aad ahatraeta to real t aetata frma the Ttlle ueraatea A Treat Ml puny, rbambrr of fwaanwrre bulbMny. t DRAMA CALLED "UNCLE i TO'.l'SCABUTPRODUCED i Many of the Incidents Seem to 1: Have Been Taken From a , V s ;Book of That Name. V t r- ;. I -i X drama called , "Uncle Tom's Cabin' j was produced at the Marquanv Grand I theatre yeaterday afternoon ' and ra peated hist evening. . Both : audiences !' ware large and appreciative. The play proved Quite interesting. It la based J: upon the slsvefy question and the action la located vsrloualy at' points 'In the f south. An auUiorees named Harriet a' Beecber Stewe once wrote a book upon a similar subject ; in fact, many of the I characters la the play are named after I Ihoee In the book and the title Is the ) aame. It is thought by soma that 'the : author of tbe drama appropriated many , ofMrs. gtowt'R.ldeaa -- The central character, aa the title' In dicates, la Uncle Tom, a .very lovable ' old alave. who is devoted to his master's child, little Eve. - The sngela claim 'Era, chd to add to Uncle Tom e grief he Is no id to a cruel slave trader called' Le RTee.' who la alao a murderer. Legre beata Uncle Tom unmercifully (In which scene there Is acsrcely a dry eye In thei house), and finally the faithful old servant Is called "up yander" to rejoin ' little Eva.' - - t '" ' -.-' : . - ' Of course, this Is not, a full descrip tion of the piece: A more -extensive re view will be . found In these columns later. There are ether examples of ths cruelty of the- slave trader. One char acter, Elisa. lav forced to escape serosa the river on blocks of lea with se rural dogs In pursuit for merely running a wayfrom hrrme. Ttie comedy" If - fur nished by a lawyer Marka and a pick aninny named Topey, who "Juat g rowed." Ths Incidental muelo Is a strong festare if the production. It Includes ' such fsvoritea ss -The Flower Song," "Hearts and Flowers" and "Remember Me," In ' thei use of which Uncle Tom and Eva seem to have a monopoly. For, these glories end the view of heaven, which . loee the- event. " We sre Indebted to Mr. Stetson, the producer. I can safely n red let success for the play.. 4 w Tbe program gave the following do- sarlptlon of the happenings on the ataa-e: ' V ' ' ' Act 1 Cotton plantation. Field hsnds - 1 ?ne uaiiy Journal, 1 year.. Tha Pailr Journal, with Baaday. 0 aaeatae, J1I The Dally Journal. mootha ...... V -' ,ij The Dailr Joaraal. with Bandar, uaoerae S Taa Dally Journal, a Mentha. Jj ne Dally Journal, wife Btroday. 1 slants.. ea Dally. Joaraal. 1 smth. .-JT laa Bandar Joaraal. year.. ...... fS WIFE FILES ANSWER TO HUSBAND'S SUIT MaMachutetts Woman Denies Charges and Alleges She Was Dutiful .Helpmate. :- -v (BperiaJ Dfcpatra bo Tke ' JooraaU) : Oroo City. March 4. Alma B. Bend roth thta afternoon filed an anewer In the circuit court to tha complaint of John M. Bend roth ; for divorce). Tha complaint waa filed January "Si, chart ing tha defendant with ertttl treatment. Tha woman . Uvea In Everette, Maaa.. where their married life appeara to have been paaaed. Bhe allecea that ahe haa been a dutiful wife alnce her marrlaire, July 14, 18. That In December, 101, tha plaintiff left her without cauae, and haa alnce failed to oontrlbuta to her auDDort. althouch .a court of Maaeachu etta haa by Its decree . enjoined him to maka monthly contrlbutlona for the kuatenance of heraelf and child. It l alleced that when the plaintiff left afaaaachuaettB he clandeatlnely took with bim one ofjhelr two children, The woman aalre - the reatoratlon of ihla child aad the cuatody of both children. beatde alimony of 0 a month. The defendant la employed In a woolen mill at Balem. . ' ' . ; . .- ' , enrw Bomooii BTmsxaes. , 4 (Special bianatrh te Tbe' Joaraal.) ' ' OreROn City ,r March . A number Of the country erbool dlatrlcU In -the county are arectlna handaome school bulldinan. Dlrectora J. W. Stone and G. T. Kma of .the, were here today, and announced material proareaa In the erection of the aohool tmllding there. It will coat tl.0.' '- .j-,-:v'r--?-;. - FTank Krunbarjrr. of Majiburf. alao rc porta that bids will be opened at an early date for the erection In that com munity of a achool bulldlpB to ' oat iM0. - , i . ,.: -Tha Journal. daUy dfte a month, dally aad Sunday fto av month; delivered say where In OraRwa City., , v ; ; . ,-- NEW ARRANGEMENT GOES INTO EFFECT Northern Pacific to Handle Prao- tically " AH Freight at n : 1 steamboat DoOk. ! t (Bpeclal . rxapatrh b Tbe Joaraal.) ' Vancouver. Waah. March 4. Tha ar rangement- whereby the - Northern- Pa cific will handle , all freight at the Steamboat dock doea into effect on April l. i.Thla Includes everything, ' with tne poaaible exception' of the freight .han dledrby the Vancouver Tranaporta.tlon company. ppe rating na aieamer win line; Thla 'compear Jidda a contract with the Northern Pacific, which owna tbe dock, that will expire on May IS: And haa aa yet not signified its Intention of, giving tip thla contract peroro n ram out. Under the new rules a wharfage charge of ZS cent a a thouaand pounds will be charged .tbe different tranaporta tion companiea waing the dock. Hereto fore a monthly rental has been paid by each eompany, which haa Ha own agent to look after the rreignt received ana discharged. -. i - . . H. B. Mclntlra. who has cnrge-,oune affaire of the railroad company in thla city, etatea that the object of this change Is to give all boat companiea using the dock - for . xreignt purposes equsl rights. - Thla is also in accordance with the general plan or nanaung tne fretirhton JI docka belonging to tbe Northern Pacific. Thla plan worked so well at Seattle and Taeoma that it bas been decided to apply It to all wharves of tha ayatem. , No arransements nave as yet been made to handle the ticket buaineea, but It la possible -thst the-river transporta tion companiea will . unite and make ar ranaementa so that ticketa may be had at the office maintained by the railroad company at the dock. . The. boat com paniea eenld-then appoint-agents with headquarters, at .-some oi ,ine uprxown tores. . - .;; ' ,' ; v y . . THE LATEST NEWS OP VANCOUVER ; ' . V' " . . i ' : "" i '. . . ... I LA GRANDE. FAST ASSUMING v 1 ; ALL METROPOLITAN AIRS p. uaua ,.'.'" V ft-, r Kf7iaMaISai i '"'. '.,''.';'' ' .'--V"" r '. I. . v :" v - -7"-- f. rr: Lb Grande's (laecUl Duwata te Tee Journal ! V La Grande. On. March 4-Wlth the completion of a new t Jv.oOt structure recently erected and the addition of Tl rooms to ths Hotel Foley, bringing Its capacity to 171 rooms, second In slss to tbe Hotel Portland, L Grande Is begin ning to sssume the appearance of a met ropolitan city. ' -ThewS structures are only two out of numerous business at work. Undo Tom and Elisa. Oood bys dsar-old " home. " Ths slsvs trader In pursuit. Phiness to the rescue. ' Es cape of Elisa across tha fee. The flight of George Harris. Phlneas the Good Samaritan. - George and Elisa reunited. The fight for liberty in the rocky paaa. .Act s The Creole lady quartet In !Blue Bells" snd "Neva hoe," and the Lone Star quartet In "Elisa Jane" and "Raga." Octette hi "Ida, Sweet as Apple Cider." - . :,..-,. : Art I The arrival of St Clalr, Eva. Annt Ophelia and Uncle Tom. Two Top alee and Asnt Ophelia. Tom and Bra. Tom waiting for ths bridegroom. Death of Eva. i ' i .Act 4 -A genuine southern cake walk. ' (Sfatiea Tbe oreaea Hty efHre at Tbe Jrnal te located at Hoarell Joaee- era nwra. Mala 11. where aabaertptloaa, eoawialata. aa tartiaeawata aad aawa fteaM WlU be reeataad aad promptly attendee W.I RELEASED ONLY TO BE AGAIN ARRESTED Harry I Smith, Colored, Taken ; Into Custody on Charge of V;-: ; Stealifig Wire, r - V r.:V. ':-" . ' (Special Dla patch to Tbe Joaraal.) J. Orecon City-. March .4. HartTi Smith, eteiorad.' who today was releaaed from prlaon. after aervlns a aentenca of 10 days, haa been rearrested. Smith la the man who was .convicted a month ago upon the charge of laroeny. from the Oregon, Water Power Hallway com pany. In that be carried away about four mUea of wire, uaed by the company'. He waa convicted upon the charge and sen tenced to imprlaonment for M . days. During his Incarceration, Inveatigatlona were made with regerd to loaaea of wire by the company prior to Smlth'a arrest. Kvldence haa been obtained which would Indicate that the prleoner haa for some ttme habitually practiced this form of larceny, and one pacific charge has been lodged againat him. The ' Information today filed alleges that about one month prior -to tbe date of bis arreat ho stole from the aaroe company 6 pounds Of wire, valued at . r v; ' BOT BUT XrOBB . (Special rHapatch to The JoaraaL) - Oregon City, March 4 Lata thla af ternoon at a chlldren'B party given at the home of Frank Kellogg on) Tyler atreet, an accident occurred which may reault In tha loeejof Percy Sbeltefa eye. Toung-Bhelter la about II years of age. While engaged at play Hugh Kellogg, a young boy. diacharged an arrow from a toy bow. which pleroed the aye of the Shelter youth. Tha affair waa purely accidental, and It la posalble. that tho eyealght may be saved to the unfortu nate youth. . . ' ' : r ' ' - v ' (Notice The Vaaeoaver efSea ef Tbe Jearaal la located at tbe Columbia betel, phoae Mala 21. where aabaeriptleaa, eomplalata. adTurUae aaeaU aad oewa ltrau WlU be rewired aad promptly attended te., - - . TEACHERS' HEETING . IS HELD NEAR SARA Professor Hough and County : School Superintendent Take vi'w Part. in Program. . - (Special Dtapatrh teTbe JeereaL -! - Vancouver. Waah., March 4--A teacb- era meeting wss held yesterday after noon in the' schoolhouae ' on . the nil) above Sara for tho Rldgefield dlatrtct Prof eaaor Hough and County School Ba the meeting, each filling a place on the yoltowlna. Interesting program: h "NVmbe'r .Work in the Primary "T3e- partmentaj" Mlsa Relgel; "Heading, T. MV Bowman; "Conimon to Decimal," - J. W XJvealey; lauiguaga Jn the Primary Depaitmenta. Fred Bantee; -Spelling." Supertntendent Prlchard; JUrslUtloiu; Mlaa Bplnnlng; "Word or Rational Meth od Which r' Mrs. - Woodard; "School Ethlca." ProfesaOrTBongh.- r - ,- OAFTAZW (gpeeUl. Dlapatcb to The Joeraat) ' "Vanoouver. Waah., March 4.e-Capt Patrick H. Mullay, Fourteenth infantry. In advance of- that organisation, ' ar rived at this pc? lata Friday. He-has been aaalgned to take charge of the de tachment of the Fourteenth which la here awaiting the coming of the mnn part of tbe regiment from the Philip pine lalanda .next month. He relieves Lieutenant Screws, who has had' charge of -the detachment temporarily. Cap tain Mullay' will slab aaaume tha office of exchange and ordnance officer. an.t:iaaa Infir nil New Hotel.' buildings and handsome residences that have been erected here In tbe laat year. The ground floor of the sddltlon to the Foley houss Is arranged for offices for business and professions! men and slso in thla Is located the United States land office, which was established here In 1170,. snd which Is dally visited by many persona from all parts of thla district who sre proving up on land la this section of the state.. , , . Aunt Ophelia and the deacon. The two Topsles and their refined singing spec ialty. . - . Act 4 The alave market. Plantation buck and wing dancing. Tbe aale of Tom and Emetine. Legme's cruel flog ging of Tom. Death of Tom. Untimely end of lgree. Grand allegorical trana formatlon. River of death, haven of rest. The golden gates ajar. Eva In heaven. . - - RACE WHITNEY." t. kg. a a. so, wooravpsr s. - (Special ptepeteb V, Tne Joaraal. n Wood bo rrv Or Marclt 4. The basket ball game tonight In thai armory hall at Oregon city ream tea x. m. v. a. , Woodburn high school S. - OSEGOii UAN DIES yrS Ki RAILWAY TRAIN John Webb.-Well Known in Port. ; ' land and Oregon City, Ex- : ; ' ; pires; in California. : J ; '' J- (Special. Dlapatck ta Tbe Joaraal.) s Oregon City, March 4. Newa reached thla city thla afternoon of the death near Oakland. CeL. of John Webb, well known -here' and ' In Portland. ? jAt the ttme of hla death he waa SI years bid. He" was born In England.' but had lived In . thla . country many yeara, - and was for a long1 period a contractor In Port land. i jrtoweyer, v ois yeretiy reaioea u imm Era. In thla county. . He was the son la-law Of H, 8. C. Phelps, who waa for; marly foreman of the woolen; nulla flare. Ha leavea.a widow and .two children. . For ooma -time past he -had suffered with tuberculoala. and hla physician- ad- viaedvhlm to, aeek .the -dry climate oi weatern Teaaa, After apendlng. months In 'that region, he failed to improve, and recently , wrote friends ,hat - he -was about to start home, in-order that he might dla among hla menda.,. it is sup poaed ha was making thla Journey when he expired. , Bis death occurred on the train. -His- body , will be a tupped here Immediately, v-j -"v ' ' t vie 'eaBawaaBaninfaThBew , j . 1 ' nmaoaTAS) :aw.mxom.' ..'''. j . j . ' . a . ' - ( ' v : (Spertal rMapetrb,b The JoarnaLt :. Oregon City, March 4.-i-The Infant of J.. - w. ; Coffey, living , near - Clackamaa. died .today and will be burled near that placa tomorrow." ; A. and Amelia. Knapp today conveyed tt C. and Thereea Gadka a part of lot J, block 13. Oregon City. , . ' ; v , Deputy County Recorder C K Ramsby spent this afternoon la Portland.. -.-.U.K. Barr and Mabel B. Knight were thla afternoon granted f- , marriage license. -; ... ,; . : Is A, Pike., f the customs office in Portland, waa hers thla- afternoon, on bualntaa. . . COLONEL J. F. HUSTON GIVES HIS CONSENT Nineteenth Infantry Band Will Give Public Concert in the "- ' . jv;:' City Park. ' ; (Bpeclal Dlapetch te The JearaaL) Vancouver. Waah Marah . t.-p-CoL 3. F;'Muaton baa given hla conaent to have tha Nineteenth Infantry band give public concert in the City park on Bun day afternoon, and the-following pro gram Jms been arranged for: March. "Oat in - Line," Chambers; overture, "Blue Bella," Chattaway; rev erie. "Simple Avon," Franklin Thome; tempo da marcta. "Aubade," Maaaenet; aelection. rWoodland." Ludera; musical poem, "Appla Bloaeoma," Kathleen BohJ arts, the concert will start between S and t o'clock In the afternoon and will last about an hour. JaOOAX. AJT9 "' (SperUl Clepetcb te The JouraaW Vancouver. Waah-, March 4. Herman Bonk -of this city has accepted a poel-troit-with-the- Ualon Meat ooaapaay oi Portland. ,, .- ; ' . ' Fred Martell was a Portland visitor Saturday. Mlaa Ida WlUoughby Is visiting her sister In Portland today. - - The Nineteenth Infantry ' band will give a eonoert - thla aItrnoo-l - the City park. Several overturea ' and marches wlU be rendered between tho bours of I and 4 clock. 1 Edward Fletcher and William Devlne left last night for Seattle, where they will remain until the latter part of the week. . Oeorge Shepoard will make hie. regu lar weekly vialt to Portia nd tomorrow. . , , 'a ; ', . The Journal, dairy 4lo a month, dally and Sunday Ms a month; delivered any where in Vanoouver. ..... u AMATEUR ATHLETIC I ASSOCIATION MEETS Officers Elected' and Portland Selected as Next' Meet ins Place in June. ; ' fSpedal rnapateb te Tbe Joaraal.) Seattle. Match 4. The annual meet ing of the North Paetflo Amateur Ath letic asaoclatlon was held in the Seattle Athletic club this afternoon. It waa de cided to hold the meet this year In Port land In June, though the exact date haa not been fixed. , The meet next year will be held In Spokane; -Those ' attending the meeting were: H. W. Kerrigan. Multnomah club, Portland; J. D. Flegen, Brockton Point club, Vancouver, B. Cv: T. Watson, James Bay Athletle chib; rVTctorta, B. C, and A. S. Smith of . ths Seattle Athlotlo clohv The proxy - of C. C. Holaell of the Spokane Athletic club was held by Bert Kerrigan. Ths following officers 'were elected: H. H. Herd man, Portland, p real- dent; c. C HolselL Spokane, vlce-preal 4 dent; H. W. Kerrigan. Portland, - aecre- tary-treaaurer; IX O Sullivan, Victoria; J. ,D. Fagan, Vancouver: A. S. Gold ami tl,. Seattle: C. C. Holsell, Spokane, and H. W. Kerrigan, Portland, dlreo- REDMEN TAKE SCALPS OF THE SALEM Y. M. C. A. (Special Mspateh w The JosraaL) " Chemawa. Or March 4. Salem T. M. C. A., basket ball team 'met the second team of the Indian school today 'and went down to defeat by a score of -II to II. The lineup follows: Chemawa. ' . , ;T.- M. C A. Willing C .'.,... Kantner Blodgett ...Q..' 'Crawford Cdsey ........... O.. Weynena Bagnell P. .. Baahor Ladroute F. ....... . -UnderhlU Patch umpire, snd Payne referee. TAsTOOTTm S4, BXATTU IS. IMpeeUI Ptaeatch te The JoarnaL, ' Vancouver, B. C, March 4. Vancou ver defeated Seattle high school at Baa- kef ball last night 24 to 11 In- a 'pri vats A 50c Dbttlo of Wt wsnt von to know-about Liquo zone.snd the. product itself cn tell you more than we. So we akyou toilet u buy" 'bottle1 full-size bottle -to try.'- Let it prove that it does what medicine cannot' do. i See what a4onk it is; L,ern that it does kill erms. Then you will use it al ways, it we do, and as millions of others do.-' . ' '- - -This offer- itself , should convince you that Liquozbne does as we clarm. We would certainly npt buy1 bottle and'givevit to you if there was any doubt of results, i You want those re sults; you want to be well and to keep well. And you cn't do that nobody can-wjthotit fquogoner',:'"": Wo Paid 0100.000 For the American 'rights ' to Liquo zone. '.We did ..this -after testing- the product for two years, through phys icians 'and hospitals, after-proving in thousands of 4'f'cult cases that. Liq ubzone destroys tbe; cause of any germ disease-r o1 " ' .Liquozone-has -for more : than ao years.' been the j constant subject of scientific and chemical research.1 It is not made b compounding drugs, nor with alccahoL . Its virtues are derived solely from gas largely oxygen gas by a process requiring immense ap paratus an,d 14 days' time. The re sult is s liquid that does what oxygen does. It is a nerve1 food and blood food the .most helpful, thing in the IS DEEF TRUST REF03T COuIPEETE? Bslief That YHal : Poirtti- fere :: i Withheld From Con-, : 5 . i : i i' : it gross. .; NOT INJUDICIOUS TO SHOW , PUANS OF. PROSECUTION Sections Withheld. Are, Those Bearing Upon Rebates and P? Discriminations; 7;rpi (Speelal Dispatch ST Leased Wire is Tha Joaraal) Washington. March 4. The mucn nia- eussed and long- looked for report ojt the bureau of corporations on ths beef trust haa been sent to congress and la- dis tinctly dlaappolntlng with respect that not ne of the secrets of the Investiga tion is revealed. '.a V ;' '" The disappointment In this regard was discounted, however, by the eOclal state ments to tbe effect that aa tha govern ment i now having the beef trust prose cuted It would not be judicious to print certain parts of the document. Coming Inen the laatday. practroaUy.4 01 congress, mere is no innu lVii body to discuss the report. . - It is aasumed that theparts of th document which re reUlned are those sections which bear upon the questions of discriminations.-special variation-cf sales of beef dressed oa ths hoof' and more especially what bears on matter which would prove a violation of thd Injunction. ' ' 1 It Is known that Chief Oarfleld of the bureau of corporations waa gtvea the names of nersons and corporations who. and which, could prove such violations of law. It la not stated, or course, any where that the orlgdnal report con tained such matter, but there was an Investigation of juat such allegations. Tha . Inference nere is mat ins - at torney-general haa . already had rrom tha president, out of tha Oarfleld re port, some Weeks ago, several eonclu alons of the bureau touching on the violations of the law and this, fact ex plalna In large measure the calling of the special grand jury ai aniens w una GREAT CROWDS To hear the words of Train a told by xe aeax aaua wwl , ,,-,,--, , away, smoother . na a ni VAN CORTlwAND Tsvs Oaat Nateral Clalrveysiit ,;, At a glance, before you have a chanes to utter one word, he will tell you what you call for; glvs dates, , facts and namea of departed or absent friends. He tells every wish of your life, how te gain success in love, courtship, mar riage and divorce; whether you'll be successful In business affairs tn fact, no matter-what may be your fear, hope or ambition, call on thla gifted man and And relief. His descriptions - of your friends and enemiea are as real aa though they stood before you. He will send you away, happier wiser and bolder than ever before. - Would you know your future snd what thla big world holds, good or bad, for you know , It oorrecOr snd truth fully If ao, go where the truth can be, and ta, told by one who Is naturally gifted with ths powers of revealing the future of the humtn race. Van Cortland, tho great natural clair voyant, will -.reveal your peat, present and future; his words will astonish and enlighten you. ss well as. prepare you for tbe future life. . . . . f -. No fee charged where he does not satisfy his caller. Satisfaction is the first thought of thla wonderful man, whom ao many are learning to love and reverence for Uie truthful and enlight ening words of wisdom he has uttered in their behslf.. . ' One woman says: "God bless . you. Prof. Van Cortland: you are an angel In disguise; you brighten my life; nay. aaved it. for 'I was on the verge of committing sutelde when I called en you and you predicted r what ' I wished would come to pass, which It did In two weeks. Now I am happy." Miss V. K. ."Prof. Van Cortland: I wrote to the address you gave me and found the party who has my watch la there. I am now taking the proper - steps to have him arrestsd and brought back to Port land." John W. J. "Dear blr: I am supremely happy, following your advice and words t A wisdom, and myself and husband era happy and ever expect to be In ths fu ture." Msry Harris. "Prof. Van Cortland: ToU are .cer- jrffiSr Prof. Van Cortland LlQocrcno c.tad-Givo world to yo'i. Its effects are exhil arating,' v.. ir, purifying. Yet it is a germicide sj certain that we pub lish on every; tattle an offer of 1 1,000 for a disease germ that it cannot kill. The reason is that germs arc vegeta, bles; and Liquoionc likS'an excess of oxygen -is deadly to vegetal mat ter. . -, .- .. ' There, lies the great value of Ltquo zone. It is the only way known to kill germs in the body without killing the tissues too. Arty drug that kills germs is a poison, and it cannot be taken in ternally,; , Every physician knows that medicine - is-s almost helpless in any gerfn disease. -; -. ,y '." '".crrn",. Dlccsca Z " These, are the known germ diseases. All that medicine cau do for v these troubles is to help Nature overcome tbe igerms, and such; results are indi rect, and uncertain. Liquozope at tacks the germs, wherever they are. And when "the germs which cause a disease are- destroyed, the disease must end, and forever. That ia-in- CVKaoie. v. -...'. ;. -U'- ;. ;. '..'. -;.;. -" Hay' reert- laflarBaa . Kldsey Dlaeaasa , . La (trippa . . I Leaf a, raea " v, .' IJree Troablas ' ...4 Malaria Neararaia ' ' -Many Heart Troubles . Pllea Pneumonia . . 1 Pleurisy Qujaay . ' '.:. : Rheaautlaoi eVeurula Syphilis j 'j Aatluaa !. Abaeeua Asaiails Proarkltla Rlaod Poiaoa s rlsbt'a bweusav Bowel Trouolee .. - Concha Colds , CuaaampUoa ., -' nolle Croup Ooaatlpatloa falarrk Can Dyaau terr Diarrhea . 8a la plaaawi the4' determination of the department of juatice to- proceed. ..-.-- ,rf - r-. The various -district A attorneys were also requested ! to See and report on such ' wltneaaes as have been ' noted Ih the unedited. Oarfleld report.,. . - The president .says distinctly In his letter of- transmission of the Oarfleld report to eongreaa that it refers only to that portion -of the houee resolution which deals "Hh the price of cattle and dressed beet,, tho margins between such prices and the organisation, conduct and proftta of the corporations engaged In the. beef packing business. iJf .S' Such a range of Investigation is pre cisely that which -woul be and is fol lowed by Mr. Oarfleld' In looking Into any organisation,, and follows the.1-line of Inquiry which Is. given-. In lr. - Oar-,, field's annual report for I84. a i ' Mr. part leld . gives' the side ' of ' the packers . themselves , and in ; their 'own language as to ths csnses of' the price of beef In Mat. Edward F. Swift, te use his own language, excuses the high prices in that year by aaylng that they ware due 'to the high price of corn 'and the diminished supply of cattle." - In this autement Mr. Swift Is backed up by J. Ogden Armour-and otherav ; .. This Is In reply to a part of the reso lution, but the offerer of the resolution. Representative Martin of Booth Dakota, when he offered It, knew W. such ex cuses as high price of corn, etc., but he still preeaed for-a report. '. Oenerally speaking, the Oarfleld re port, aa printed, la a harmless (Jocument, although- it la notdthat there, la- a great deal of stress laid on the points made by the components of the trust. That may, however, be entirely discount ed when tne run report appears. , ONLY ONE OFFICIAL IS v : BENEFITED BY PENSION Special raapateh byLaased Wire to TosrsaU San Francisco. . March 4. A report on tho pension department of the several Harriman roads haa just - been made. Sine tho inauguration of tho plan, shout two years ago, lit Southern Paoifle employee have been placed on tne pen sion list of the eompany because of old age. ' Of thla number eight have alnce died. V Only one official haa been pen sioned. . He is Jerome Madden, formerly land agenV of tha Soutdern Pacific land grant.' ' - ' " .- -The Union Pacific has pensioned II men; the Oregon A.ilway AV Navigation three and tbe Oregon Short. Line six. In Texas the Houatoa Texas- Central line of the company has is pensioners and the Ban Antonio as Arkansas Pass Line-not one.'--!' .: There are IS railroads In the country, according to the report,1 which anr now mala wosjdssful ma, whose revelaxtona of -r T - Tne visions tmjr a axis aji w- oavS a ai aal Se afcaaa $3 Complete Life Reedings Washy) Unlett SscMry. , , Yea to Um talnly a wonder. I found my ting where you said It would be, in the garbage barrel. Tour revealing .the future 'for me has In a. few days been' worth 10 tlmea the amount o. the- small fee you charged me." Helen W. ' ' "Deer Sir: A hat you predicted came true. I am happy, . thanks to you." 8a rah H. Murphy, t Hundreds of people are sending teatt montale like the above to thla world- astenlablng man, who la, without doubt. ths most natural and gifted clairvoyant on the face 01 the ean.v Why not know thyself snd the fu ture? Not tomorrow, ut today. Now is ths accepted time,.. . ... ..,- , . . y'v.. - V Jl-V '. 11 1 ue- . AT I V. . ; ' It to You to-Try ra-Vu'f Dropay .. Btostaeh Trouolaa . 1. rrjrkuerMia . . Throe t Troubles . -V ' K-a-..-e-rwiaa . Tuberesloani " ' C i reeera t-ail buiaes'' . Tumore t tears "' , " Ooltre Irouf r . Varleaeeia -' ' . Oooorrhea Gleet - ' - Woaaea'a Piataail All dluaaeee that begta with faeera .all ta ' naaaiaUoa--Jl eatarrar-an eoataatoaa diaeaaes all rhe reaulta of.luinure or pmaeaed blood. la serTone dVblUty Uatoaoae acta aa e.'lla tser, accBaipllahios what do drags caa do, . ,. 50c Dottlo Ftoo i If you need" Liquozone, and have ' never tried it, please' . send us -this coupon. We will theq mail you ' an . . order on. a local dhif gist for a full size bottle, and we will pay the drug- . gist ourselves jforit., This is our free - . gift, made to'rconvince-you; to show you ( what - Llquozone is, and . what . it. -can do. In justice to yourself, plesse accept it today, for it . places you . under no obligation whatever.: -' Liquozone costs 50c and u- Cct Ost thia Ccrca rnr inia ovxer nia an nppeur aaain. riu oua tbe blanks and Ball It ' to Ths I.tqoouooa Cosipanj, 40e-O4 Wabaah Ats.,, Chlcage, , My diseaaa ls.,..,.;.....,V..i....n, ' 1 have never tried I,leirxMt, but if you wlU supply sm a 60c battle free I wlU take ta., 'i- .,...,..... . - , ' s - ' ' - - i . V'-'W'' J. -" ' ' ' " . T ; -e"w e S a fl e eVf ! - . OIts fall address write plataly. Aar phyalrlaa -or hospital 'Bot yet ualos Ueusease will be. gladly aapplled far a test. - operating pension ' systems. J-2hm 'Baltl7 . more 4b. Ohio; with 131. haa t he . second largest number of pensioners.' The , Penna y 1 vaola - railway system - cornea-, first with I.1S4 old oasployea on ' ths -r pension roll.-i-ri 'i -a.v . . "i , . - ah 01 loose una 'employes, anar rorcn -tng a certain age and after having been . with their respective company a cev-. tain number of. yeara;. are pensioned on " the-basis of a .certain per cent-w the -wages thay; received during the t 10 years of their seihrtce.j -. .. . ; Tha It road a mentioned have I4.SOS . mllea- of road, and the -total number 'of -their r pen aioners is now ,tl.-rir- - KELSOIHAN DIMW7KEP:; ..s'tai At itetnf iSitrpra 1. llV tULUi.iDl A UI T liv Ferry Cable Upsets Boat and - Ernest Newton .Sinks to l1 '?-! Watery ' Grave. - 1 - (Special tni Wi'fmXT't-'. v1 Kelso. Wash.. March 4.The saddest accident that has occurred hers tn sev eral years took place at IS o'clock te-v dsy, when Emeet Newton waa drowned . In -the Columbia. With Perry Bureham and Fred Burdlck he was engaged In driving pfllng' for the Kelso -. Catltn . bridge..'- Tho men - were crossing the river In a .row boat. .The boat came law. contact with tho ferry cable, upsetting the small craft 'and throwing ths, man into the water. t .''"." ","-! . Tbe river Is very swift at this- point andVawlmmlng waa- very dlf f IculWBuril dick grabbed the ferry cable and after much difficulty pulled himself on to the ferry. ' Burchant started for-the shore but before reaching it gave out and was picked up by aflaherman... Newton waa not eo fortunate. Not being a awim mer ho quickly Bank and tha swift cur rent carried hint about 200 yards down , stream... '. ' . Arter a sesjrh of 10 minutes Cramer Galloway found hint In About seven feet . of water. He waa quickly- brought to shors and the efforts of four physicians ... to revive him wero in vain. The drowned man was XI years of age, the son of K. B. Newton of this city. He was one of the most popular young men of Kelso, having lived here several .: years. Ths other two men are well and favorably known through ths county, ; Our society," said ths prison visitor. ' "is anxious to help you. Is there any , thing you'd like us to secure for your Well." replied the convict, "I would , like to have permission to, Invent a fly ing machine and use it .v. -r tho fasaio are ottla short ef b of the asost skeptleai wipe4 -' aaarw faeazuv ' Merit brings Its own reward, nd Van , ' Cortland Is tha only clairvoyant who has ever been in Portland whoae merit has been rewarded -by the oonfldence, patronage and respect of the entire f community. -" ' , ' - . HE HAS MADB A MFB STtTDT OF ' HIS WORK. .AND ' IS PREPARE7D TO AD VISB AND ASSIST TOU. NO MAT TER WHAT TOUR' TROUBLES ARE. , In his. capacity there Is no guesswork. Every procedure is definite and sxact,- and the result is, oertain.-IF '- TOU , t HAVE -AItEADT JrtADR A MISTAKE. THROWN AWAT'TOUR MONBT jnd , loot confldence, through dealings with' partially developed medlama,- START FROM THE BEOINN1NO AND CON SUL VAN CORTLAND. . Hs wlU tell-'-i you frankly your condition and ,what you may, expect. 1 ' 1 " PROF. VAN CORTLAND, by his sd- . vice, brings success, removes sit fsmlly . , troubles and estrangemente. HE OIVE8 ACCURATE ADVICE TO , ALL BUSINESS. - speculation. Invest mmia Inaursnco. i changes, travels. health. love, divorce. MARRIAGE,' LAWSUITS, bepsratlons. WILLS, deeds, mortgages, patents. - CLAIMS. -collections, etc. He will tell you whsf trade, business or profession you sre adapted for. ; ' ' LOVE. COURTSHIP- AND MARRIAOE. Otves truthful reveletlons on all Iovb ' 7 affairs, troubles, .msrrlsges, - snd by proper advice restores . lost affection, reunites the separated, acttlea lovers' qusrrels. tells you WHEN AND WHOM ; TOU WILL MAftRT, and how to win i.; the man or woman you love, and how to , 'J make your husband or wife true to you, .. and how to overpower all your-enemlea; gives v full secret how to onntrol- and ' charm sny one you love or meet, - - - HE NEVER FAILS TO GIVE TEB-'": FECT SATISFACTION. - By consulting Prof.. Van Cortland you : -will learn to preserve health,- retsm youth snd restore lost vitsllty. Toa sre told how to svold weak nee, W warned against aH treacherous frlruda. i Ixtcatea mines, old eatetes, etc. . . V ' HE TELLS EVERYTHING. 7V He will, tell you your name. Ih all, I"" tells your life from tha cradle to the grave,, snd exactly what you want' to -know. ,- ,. .,- , ' Hours from o tn. te 8 p. t tnV Daily and Sunday I 't,: t.