The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 03, 1905, Image 5

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    cr-cm: daily jolt- m; rsTLAiro. Friday evening, march s. .
j WVal TCICS 1
TomosTf uincnn,'
He rois . . . - Prof,
t ui.. ,,
Jter ..... '.it i'.Y
nker ...
Spltanor'i Violin Recital
. "Ola Heidelberg
"Th Coarkt'a Il.uahier
. .... VUTlll
I .."'' John" Cordano, deputy sheriff, left laat
t evening on three months' furlough to
' visit hleparenta la Genoa. Italy. He roes
-"iwlth a, written vacation permit signed
ay Sheriff Word who readily granted
It when Cordano) received a cable mea
i j . (Age saying that bis mother and brother
, i were ill, and that ha was needed to ae-
. sist In the disposition of the family af
' fairs in the event ttoier should die. He
v went via Bah Francesco. Mr. Cordano
"V lias been In Portland slnoe he came to
, thls country from Italy In 1S8J, 11 years
' ago, when be was 14 years old. During
'. - me resiaence in America lie has accurau
, laUd 'about 129,000 worth Of property
and haa been since president of
:'. .Mssxial lodge the local branch of the
i N Italian order. When George C. Sears
' ;' ' was sheriff of Multnomah county. Cor
- r dart was a deputy, and lor six years he
- was a city detective, ending that aer
. - vice' under Chief of Police D. M. He
Xeachlan. Cordano Is one of the leading
' ; members ef the Italian Catholic church
In Portland, and contributed liberally
toward the coat of building the bouse
Of worship used by that society,
., Rev. C. E. Chase, of . the - Rasaale
4 Congregational church, waa made chair
T. man and Rev. A. M. Hockwood Secre
tary yesterday at a meeting of those
Interested -In the coming evangelistic
' , campaign to be held by Rev. J. Wilbur
Chapman, A central committee.. was
formed, whoso territory includes the
- Albln district taking In ill the
.1 churches. In Alulna, - University Park
V-r and - St- Johns. - The; meetings of -the
diet Hot will be held In the Forbes
, ' church. a 'large force of ushers will
. tve appointed from the various churches.
A choir will be selected an rehearsals
wlu toe under the direction of William
A Us ton, leader of musio at the Forbes
- - E. 3. and Eugene Blaster repel the
A. allegation of Walter Ford to1 the effect
that they .'employed Harry Barnett as a
"Bouncer. their Burhslde saloon, and
deny that they were conducting a gam-
oung nouse on October s, or are
. : now. Ford sued for 128.00s damage
; alleging that he was severely beaten by
Barrett la .the Waaler saloon, when he
went there peaceably to obtain a. drink.
.- Tne aerense -asseruu mat Ford was
"moocher," which , is- defined as a man
- who begs drinks and other , luxorlee
habltually.r The Blaxiere filed their
. ... answer to Ford's complaint today,. and
. therein make denials - of all material
-g; facta that had been alleged, when, the
.;uit waa commenced. . ;.
t ' ; After a brief Ulnesa Mrs 3. 8. Ollt
ner, one of Portland's pioneers, died last
night at her home,-First and Market
streets, from an attack of grip. . She
had lived for almost 40 years In the
v J h,ome in-Which aha died. Mrs.-GAUner
.. waa One of the oldest members of the
First Presbyterian church, of whose
missionary society she -wss - a -charter
nemoer. one la aurviveo. ny ner . nan-
band, Ir. J. b. olltner, and four chll
dren, Emma O. White, R. R. Olltner. F.
' V. ailtner "and ' Mrs. Martha Matilda
-,. Crowell,. Two sons. Dr. Parts D. Olltner
. and Horace O. Oilther, died 'several
. years ago. v ., ."..'''
- "tI Crossed lctrla wires at t:lt oc1ck
Uifct Jjlghlxthigu lehed many Jirtlighta
- by causing fuaes to bum out. and for a
;: fcrlef period Stopped street car traffic
- at Hood and Caruthers streets.' The
- . explosion following the crossing of the
Wires frightened Mrs. Anna Goldberg.
: of S1 Hood street, so badly that ahe
- fainted. ' The Portland General Electric
-company was notified and sent linemen
. to- the scene, who msde repairs within
a few minutes. ' .Policemen, and ' fire
'men arrived and kept back the crowd
.. - which was la danger from the live wires.
'',1mmlgrants,-lnveatora, capitalists. In
..vestlgate the advantages offered along
V' the line of the Oregon Water Power A
-, Railway company's road, and esDoclally
. at the. terminal new town Estacada. For
. . information Inquire of the Oregon Water
r Power- Townalle ' company, 114 First
- street. Phone Xaln lis.
' Dr. 'J.-F. Bell win deliver the address
, to the graduating class of Bt Vlnoent'S
' hospital - training school - for nurses
March ,' .. Musis will be provided by an
i orchestra and tne presentation of dl
: plomsg and medals Will take place. Rt
'Rev. Abbot Thomas, Ov 8. R will de
, , ; liver an address. -
T ' A mixed quartet wOl s'lng "Ashamed
V' -"'Of Jesus' at the revival services tonight
at 'the First Christian church, corner
Psrk and Columbia streets.' Miss Kath
At, ryne Llnehan will., also sing a solo.
m, Toplcf sermon by E. 0. Muckley. pas
" iort IS "Seeing 'Jesus Only." Revival
continues wlth Interest -
....' ..i..
. -: Korth' PseMIe Steamship' company's
steemahtp Roanoke, 2.400 tons, sails for
coos bay. Eureka, Ban FTanclaco and
" Ios Angeles Tuesdsy, March T, front
Columbia dock No. 1.' Office 111 Wash
: '.Ington street." Phone Main CM. . Harry
' Toung, agent';'. . v ,
i--VA- entertainment will . be 'glven at
, tlier 1 Marshall Street Preabyterlap
; ': shtireh.- corner Marshall and North Sev
, ' enteenth streets tonight by-'thn- chil
.dren. Music, recttettons and drUlabe
, ; ginning at o'clock, - are' on the pr
V gram,' 1 -- :' ' j
''", . '.. ?..' :: - . ,,',, -';
, '. ,''Th many friends of E. B. Oasa, who
Underwent an' operation for appendlcl
'v ' tu st St, Vincent's hospital' yesterday,
n " are pteaaed over the announcement -of
- the' doctor that although be la still in
bed he . will recover. , t -
.The only orchestra recital given this
" aeason in Portland will be that of the K
, O. ' "PlUntr -Philharmonic society, ti
. pieces, at th Marquam Grand this even-
i lng at t:U o'clock. The reciul wlu bs
. . 'a musical' treat . , .i. -
A:t Steamer "AheTdeen' sails from Oouch
'street 'dock for San Francisco direct
March 4, at p. m. Cb!n $11.00. second
. class f ,00,. meals and berth Included.
. 'F, F. Baumgartner,- agent Main 161. t
''J-- . B.-A S Cough and Croup JSyrup The
' ' '' great children's remedy. In use- over SO
V " years. ... Always rellabta . Bronchial
troubles.- For ssla by nlght Drug Co.
. ' Tnuristst ss well as Wty people, flnan-
etally embarrassed, will And the Port
land Loan Office, 74 Third street, the
- safest and most reliable place to trans-
pet their business. Rates reasonable.
' B. A S. Cough atid Croup Syrup The
most useful family medicine. Keep It
" on hand for emergencies. Colds, coughs,
roup. For sals by Xnlgbt Drug Co. ,
, J IfcCants Stewart has filed a motion
. "'for a newtrial In the case against A. 3.
, '. Browning, convicted of larceny.
, '''"To have a pretty lawn, care h tq
be exercised In preparing and planning.
" The fawns -at the St Ixtuls world's fsr
prepared tj. W. A. Burpee, of FbJUaal-
.to m.XuVti
"s Protests Asalnrt Paying iy
t:tmtnt Fill ths Air and
Annoy , Property-HcSisrs..
Ordinance In Which Councilman
I. ia. x J ln tiiLti.
ib imvreaiea . riusvs vvniia
He Lobbies for Another.
'In ' spits ' of the protests of Council
man. Louis Zimmerman and others over
the assessment of costs of ths All At
Front and Lane streets, the assessment
ordinance haa been passed and property
owners are flocking to the city hall
to pay their share of the cost of ths
improvement-1- v.
. -South Portland Is redeeming Itself,"
said a man yesterday who Is Interested
In the assessment .. "I .told Louis Zlm
merman that If he would. pay his own
aasessment and stop howling about It
other people would stop protesting. - It
wss tnrougn aim tnav tne nils in south
Portland were made, and now he does
not want to pay for them. He Is at
tempting to make site city pay for them.
as he hss ' for ths bridges. Ho owns
considerable property in South 1 Port'
land, and unless it Is assessed for less
than that of anyone else In the district
he objects. -- -p -
"Whoever beard of a councilman pro
tecting against bla own aseessment It
is absurd. J. This assessment was adopt
ed by the street committee, of .which
he,taa a member, wss examined by the
city attorney, and passed by the council
two weeks ago."- .-v.
The assessment was adopted . at
meeting, of the street committee and
was passed at tne meeting of tne coun
cil February L while Councilman Zlm
merman waa lobbying Tor ths all-night
ordinance "When he learned - thati-the
ordinance bad pasaed he waa wroth and
hastened -to the city-" auditor's office,
where he aocuaed ths deputies of eh an
lng the- assessment.. He charged that
It had not been made according to the
plan proposed, v Warm words passed be
tween Councilman Zimmerman and As
sessment Clerk M. Pugh. ..
-The assessment haa been made -ac
cording to the plan submitted ; to us,1
said City Auditor T. C. Devlin yester
day. ; 'The street committee adopted
the plan. and. It was investigated by ths
city attorney, .and passed by the coun
cil.--. Property owners appear to -bo-sat-
tuned and over 00 paid np yesterday.
By next council meeting at leaat SO per
cent of the cost of the fill wilt be paid."
The mi cost 111.314. Archie Mason
did the work, which, wss accepted Sep
tember . t, and the contractor has not
yet received his -money.; .: -.,.
Rails and Equipment Purchased,
. and Line Will Be Jn Opera
tion .In May.
Indications point to an early comple
tion of the Celllo portage road-, and the
opening on or before the time specified
in the contract The . grading Is now
well along toward completion, and the
rails and souioment are nurchased.
Nothing at this time Indicates that
there will bs any delay In completion
of the portage road," said Henry Hahn,
of the executive eommlttea of the Open
River asaoelatloa. v The contractors.
Nelson A White, arc making good prog
ress.' ' The state portage board .has let
air contracts ror -equipment - It h
purchased 10 flat ears, ala boa cars and
number of stock ears, a combination
coach and baggage car. . Ths locomotive
has been bought at Davenport la. It
is as certain as anything of this kind
can bo that the portage road 'win 'bo
completed and in operation at the ex
piration of the "contract time. May It.
Division No. 1. A. O. H--haa complet
ed arrangementa for the memorial ser
vices la honor of Robert Emmet Bun-
day evening, at Arlon hall. Emmet was
born In Cork March 4. 1T7I: expelled
from his country because of his efforts
ror Irish liberty, he finally died a mar
tyr to thecauae. In an sttempt to liber
ate his "countrymen. The local Hiber-
Una have arranged the following pro
gram, for tomorrow to commemorate his
birth:"- Introductory remarks. Professor
Tlerney; vocal solo, 3. O'Connor; recita
tion, Chsrles J. McGinn; Emmet's
"Speech Front ' ths Dock." Dr. - Nell
O'Leary; song. "Oh. Breathe Not His
Name," 3. P. Meehan; vocal solo,' Miss
Katie -'.Conway: - address, Wallace Mo-
Camant; song, John' Kenny; vocal solo.
"Believe Me, If tAll . Those Endearing
Toung' Charms,"- Miss - Nora -Barrett2
recitation. Miss Maggie Smith. , -
Warning to Business Men J
The business men- of Portland are
hereby warned not to be entrapped by
tne . representations or certain persons
soliciting advertisements for a publication-
called . the 'Oeutschs ZeltUng. .. ea
tabliahed a few weeks ago, the circulation-of
which, we arc credibly informed,
has not yet reached 100 paid subscrib
ers, These solicitors hsve caused- sev
eral advertisers to- understand that they
represent The Nacnricnten, the old, ea-
taonsneor-oermaa" newspaper of this
etty7 continuously published for the last
If years, and which perfectly covers
the' states of Oregon, ' Washington and
Idaho, and Is found In nearly all Ger
man homes of 'Y Portland. . . Contracts
mada under these falsa representations
are not binding ind should be repudi
ated oy tne signers. - oerman Publlah
ing -Company, publishers of The Nacb-
rlchten, 101 Second street
phla, excited admiration and won first
prise. Mr. Burpee has written a psper
on - preparing and seeding a lawn. A
number of copies have beep placed with.
J. BTitser. ths seedsman at It Front
street and anyone desiring such a psper
can- get It free of cost front Mr. Bat;
sr; ;? .' , ,, .,"-'''
Steamer W. H. Kruger sails dlreet
far Ssn . Francisco, Bunday. n. m.
Cabin. Ill: (.Steerage, tl: meala and
berth included. C. H, Thompson, agent
! Third street ' -,.
' Dance given by ths- Star rlub .at
Weber's hall. Full on. every Saturday
sight. Oents. 2(c; ladies free. , : 4 .
MMSHMk f I '
Ask year grocer for Golden Cheddin
The' Dayton Herald will soon Issue
special edition describing that town
and- ta surround Ins country, f
Released on Habeas Corpus, U
Arretted, Charged . as Fu-
. gitlva From Justice.
Jailer Charged With- Contempt
Haled Before Judje-and
; Apologizes Handsomely,
" Presiding Judge George this morning
granted R. A.v-Condee release on the
habeas corpus Writ sworn out by W. M.
Gregory, attorney, yesterday As soon
as Judge George gave the order free
ing Condee, Distrlot Attorney Manning
said: . -.
"Arrest, that man again. Ton .have
the warrant".:: '..: ...... . - "- .
Deputy Sheriff Downey sepped up to
tne man wno nad enjoyed only a mo
ment's liberty, and . Condee waa again
in custody, The re-arreat was mads on
a warrant sworn to , bjr. Under-sheriff
Morden and charged Condee with being
a rugmve rrora justice.
Then arose the . question as to who
should- pay the costs incurred , in the
habeas corpus '- proceedings Attorney
Gregory attempting to secure an order
assessing them against Sheriff Word,
who had been named aa defendant It
was ruled that no ona should pay these
costs and that the money that had been
paid ' personally, by Gregory should be
returned to him,. ... v. . ' ;- . ;
..It appeara that Attorney Gregory was
In error when ha . Informed Preaidlng
Judge George yesterday that Jailer Gaf-
ton refused to permit him to see Con-
dec, v He -went to the Jail and asked, to
see R. A. . Condee. Deputy Sheriff
Downey waa in charge of the Jail at ths
time, Gregory asked for Condeev-"bu-t
hs bad given the name of C A. Roberts
and waa so registered, and Deputy
Downey had no knowledge of the caae
and did not know that Condee waa the
man who had an- allaa aa Roberts.. He
went to the court and swore out a writ
ef habeas corpus with the result-stated.
. Judge George later gave1 Gregory an
order on the laller to aee Condee. and he
attempted to take with him to the call
Henry Beckman. messenger of ths Mer
chants' National bank. Jailer Grafton,
who. had. returned, told -Gregory - he
could not take ' Beckman with him,
whereupon Gregory wss mack-angered
and made affidavit that- he bad suffered
indignity and had Jailer' Grafton haled
before Judge George for contempt of
court The Jailer mada .satisfactory ex
Louis Gilbert was arraigned for lar
ceny in a dwelling, having been indicted
by District . Attorney Manning. Hav
ing no money to employ an attorney,
George R. Wilbur waa appointed to de
fend. ' - ! ' - , -" -'
James Grafton and Thomas Murphy
were arraigned for "robbery, being
armed with -a dangerous weapon.-John
F. Logan appeared as their attorney.
- Jo Parkes, accused of conducting a
gambling game, was arraigned aa gave
ball for 1100.
Colonel and Mrs, Duncan, regimental
officers In charge of the pacific coast
and - north arrst VolunteraftfAmrlca.
will visit Portland Monday and Tuesday
and spesk In the Volunteers' hall, 147
Ankenv street. It I an. Two emmren
will be christened and members will bs
enrolled. : . ,. . .
Madras Pioneer: Ws arc Indebted to
Miss May Jackson for valuable services
rendered In getting cut tne fioneer on
time this week. .
What to Do for
Heart Trouble
Baak Vr Sty
eMe Ofler A
Samedy Ires
Advlae Willi v This
VaU IMlar's .Werth ef My
e Preee Aat I Am Sight,
f ask ae refereece, ae deposit, as seesrlty,
TRere Is nothing te sresriaa. aathlag to pay
eitkee warn ae later.- To say heart euffei-e whe
mi net tried At ressedy Dr. Sbeep'a R. tors
tire I will stadtrglve. free, set a Mere seat-
ale, eat a fall sollac settle,
I aa warrastea is stasia mis an anal errer
bseaaaa nine is se eralaary retaedy. It
sot valaly try to aUnalate- the heart
treatawnta are worse tbaa SaeMes. It
strslfkt te tae teas ef all heart treoMe the
keert ssrvse sad etrsewtaeas taea aaa vital
tars tteai aad reatorea tbeaa. Then that Is the
ead ef burt Slseasas.-
rer the heart Itself haa ae were Self-eeetrel
than a eraiasoa spoage. It la Bade te beat by a
trader- aerv se May that It la scarcely visible
t the asked ere; Tet tea thatnand times a
day this deHcate nerve anst easse the heart to
ax pa ad aad eoetrart. -
The aeert w abnet tae else ef year eieeesed
-st. Ooea sad rloss roar Sst a dosea tlsMa.
even, aad yea win see the saaastfoaa labor thlg
Utile nerve smet do.
The heart serve la aly eae ef the heaaehm et
the sreet evnpstsetle aervoos srstem., Ksch
hraerh of this evsreia U so rkiselr silled with
the ether' that weakness or Irreftilarltf at aa
point Is apt to spread. Heart trouble freejaenti
aiiaea from Stomach trouble thmaeh sjsipsthr.
snd Kldner trooblo taav also follow. For each
of these arrans t apersted by a hraorh of these
him srsapsuiotie. a.rv tae inside . aerves.
The hood of srmnnthr between the nerves
that operate the vital orasne hss a nsefol war
poo, as well. For what wtl corn- weak sees la
one brnnrti will surety ears wee knees In every
branch what will restore eae eeater will sortlr
restore them ell.
nhratrtaa would dlanate. Bat It remained for
Dr. Sbono to spplr this knowleda-e to ant It to
praetical noe. nr. snoop a nestorntivo-M u
reettlt of a enarter eentury of endeavor 'ahtog
this very line. It does not dose the orffan or
deadea the paln bat It dnee n at once te the
nerve the Inside nerve the power servo and
bnlMs aa end strengtheae It aad Bakes H
well... .
, If yoa hsvo heart troahle - and roa never
tried sir reaaedy, arrly write snd sak. I will
send von aa order on roar druasiat which ho
will accept as sledlr as he would eeeept a
Snllar. - He win nana yon rrora ,nia aneivea a
standard slsed bottle ef ejy prearrtpttoa, snd
he will send tho Mil to aw, Thin offer In BMds
eety to strsnsers to my restedr. Thoae who
Bare once naea rno aeororstive an not nee
this evidence. There are no conditions no
requirements. ' It Is open end frank and fair.
It kt the supreme teat of. jny-llsiltleaa belief.
All that 1 aak yoa ta se la ;to write write
todar. , -., ,
T S free order for Bonk 1 do rrrapepsla.
fall dollar bottle nook S on the Heart.
roaj siast tnnreM rvwa on tho K itinera.
Dr. noon. Bel S73. 1 Honk 4 for Women
Racine. Wis.. ntaht- Honk ji ror wen.
which book yoa waot Book op Raeumatkmi.
Mild eases are eftes rered hy a slnglo hot-
tie. for j aaka at forty thaaaaad drag storea.
Hi. Stoop's
Finest of. Csast Craft. With Ac
1 commodition f or Five Hun-
. ' drei Passengers.
Kruger, Chartered to Same Corn
pany, May Ce Operated, 'to
Relieve ! Freight Congestion
Next Wednesday ths steamer Bt Paul
will leave San Franctaco for Portland to
take the place of the- Oregon,- and will
be kept on the routs until ths Oregon
haa been . put In a aervlceabla ' condi
tion.; -. - . . .- .
The St .Paul was recently purchased
by the San Francisco A Portland Steam
ship company from the Alaska Commer
cial company. She waa built la 1198,
and la one of the finest steamers on the
coast ' Although having a trifle less
carrying capacity than ths Columbia,
she has accommodations for about 100
passengers. . The owners had -determined
to convert ber Into, an oil burner and
overhaul the-machinery, and this work
was In. progress wbsn the Oregon met
with the, miahap neat Crescent City. . In
order to get traffic on the .line resumed
aa quickly as possible It waa decided to
postpone ths alterations.
Ths steamer W. H. Kruger, which ar
rived this morning from ths Bay City,
has also been engaged to take out cargo
for - the . San Francisco - - Portland
Steamship company.'' She Is now at the
Alblna dock receiving "f miscellaneous
freight She can carry about 100 tons
and has accommodations for IS paaaen-
gers. . ...... . ..--r., .-. -
The Kruger la in command of Captain
Norberg, and 'this is her second visit
to Portland. , " Last summer sha wss en
gaged In the Alaska trade, but of late
baa been plying betweea-the California
metropolis and Grays harbor. ' Bhs Is
but two years old, and one of -tho nnest
little craft that ever called at thta port.
ItJ la possible that ths company may
charter her for another trip,- as freight
has-accumulated very rapidly at . the
docks since-the "Elder and Oregon be
came disabled. .' . - - -
Bsa Bnm a WUrld atntagad o Tales
r arala Prrna Xere to Orleat - --
vetarly next"1 week the British steam-
ahtp Ras Elba will arrive at Portland
to load grain and hay for tho orient
phe was chartered yesterday afternoon,
and her cargo will be supplied! by Henry
Mett of this city, - ' ?
The Ras Elba is at - Seattle, whets
sha arrived about - a -week ago ' from
MoJL Japan. She came serosa ths Pa
cific In ballast In search of a cargo, and
it Is "understood-that - she-waa'- secured
at a reasonable rate. A- portion of her
cargo will be loaded on the sound, al
though all of-It will be furnished by
mo vMriinna man. oaraau. - sue vui
take, out ' 1,000 tons In 1 measurement.
Her gross register- tonnsge is ' S.ile.
length 114 feet breadth -40.1 feet and
depth of hold tl.a feet The stesmer
was built at West Hartlepool In lil,
and Is modemlr eoulpped throughout
Another tramp stesmer that wlll 'soon
load at Portland for the far cast Is the
British steamahlD Ellerlo. which
engaged a few days ago by Balfour,
Qutbrle A Co. to carry a cargo of wheat
and barley to Japan. She la expected
hero thb last of this month, having
sailed from Kobe a few days ago. Her
destination will be some port In China,
which ths local . agent does . not care
to make known at this, time.-
Oovsramsat s'ATcrttsa to Craft io
V.aJ Carry Lumbar e Phillpplaea.
- Hegardlesa of ths law on tha subject,
a foreign bottom may possibly bo per
mltted to carry government lumber from
Portland to tho Philippines. -
Cdptaln Jease M. Baker, local disburs
ing quartermaater, received a telegram
from - Washington yesterday afternoon
Instructing him to advertise for bids
to transport 1,100,000 feet of lumber,
the contract for furnishing which waa
recently awarded to the Portland Lum
ber company, from this port to Manila.
He alao lnatructed to- Invite the
agents of foreign steamship companies
to submit tenders for ins contract ins
bids will be opened on March 10.
Ths successful bidder will be required
to send his vessel to ths Portland mill
shortly after March 14 and load the
lumber at the rate of 10,000 feet
day. If the weather conditions arc favor
able, - In the event that ths lowsst bid
la accepted, there is scarcely a doubt
that ths shipmsnt will be taken out by a
steamer flying a foreign flag. Poretgn
owners have always accepted lower rates
that the American. ' - . .
A bill passed congress a year. ago
providing that all government shipments
be carried to the Philippines and. other
possessions of the Vntted States In
American- bottoms. :
eat Beaoon Win Once Mora Aid
' IbrhM Off CIaaMa aUver. . .
Ones more tha government lightship
has taken up her position oil ths mouth
of tha Columbia, river.. Sha was towed
out to her old anchorage yesterday by
the tender Heather, which .then left
for Puget sound to replace a number
of missing buoys and to mske a general
Inspection of the aids to navigation In
those waters. - The-, lighthouse- tender
Mansanlta left up tha - river from As
toria this morning: with, a gaa buoy.
which .will be repaired at .Portland.' It
will then be placed in position at Har
rington point on the Columbia rivar.
The tender .Columbine made a- trip
to Destruction Inland, near Oray's 'har
bor. yesterdsy to bring a number of
workmen down tha coast who. have
been making repairs to ths lighthouse
st that point ," ".';.' . ,
Contrary to tha wlahea of tha mer
gers' snd Liners' union of this city the
sailers - are performing 4he - work. of
painting. and cleaning tne null . or tne
schooner S. T. Alesander, which Is now
on the drydock.- A committee from the
union went to St Johns yesterdsy and
Informed tha captain that they aho'uld
have had the Job. Tha skipper replied
that he was acting tinder Instructions
from ' ths owner. It is the first time
that tha riggers ' and liners havs not
been given that sort of work at . the
dock. . .. - ---'-:
Charles Hobba, a watchman and sble
seaman on - ths British ship tnndaler
waa badly Injured Wednesday night by
falling from the' alCe or tne craft r , ba
bead struck on tha deck, and be re-
' WxlQ0 feet on
: south side of Glisan
'between Sixth
and Seventh'; cement
L. sidewavlks ; e x c tva
' tion for cellar ; fine
;:' hotel site.', : '.'';;'
;!-Apply to - .
' 514 Chamber: of. CommeVce. .
Tture's a Host
'Help Ncnted"
Ads. Today
celved an ugly scalp wound and re
mained unconscious for several hours.
Hs wss treatd at the Oood Hamarltaa
hospital - r : .. ,- .. u
Work of discharging cargo, rrom uia
British ship Lonsdale wss begun yes-
terday at-Greenwich dock No. I. If
the weather continuea favorable all the
freight will , have been removed from
the - hold In -lesa-than two weekav
Construction work on a, public dock
will soon be started at St. Johns. On
recommendation of tha Commercial club
of tha town It will probably be located
at the foot of Richmond street - -
. British ahtp PyUiomend ahtfted this
morning from the Coloma to Columbia
dock No. t'to discharge her cargo.
- Stesmer Lurltne went down tha river
4 thle morning to meet tha L'ndlna. bound
from Astoria, and will bring her freight
atid passengers to Portland. This ar
raitgemsnt waa- mada m oraer to give
thesaUndina an opportunity to . make up
for lost time. . .
Steamer .Northland cleared for San
Pedro this morning with 160,000 feet
of lumber.- supplied by the Inman-Poul-
sen mill. .,,.. - ,
Captains Edwarda and Puller left for
Rlparla laat night to Inspect the steam
er Spokane;' plying on the Snake river
between Rinaiia. and Mansion. A
District Forecaster Bettla -aends word
. .
from the mouth, of the river that the
government cable waa picked up yes
terday, but that owing to tha strong
tide which was 'funning it had to be
dropped. If tha weather conditions ars
favorable tomorrow another attempt to
recover and repair the line will be made
with tha tender Columbine.' .
Astoria. March Left up at 4:40
S-.m. Barkentlno T..R. Emlgh.
Arrived dawn - laat .night Schooner
Sailed at 1:11 'a. m. Jerman ship
CarL for laJtu. and steamer Acme, for
San Francisco. . . - .
Outside it T i m. :A ; four-maated
Aatorla, March 1. Arrived at 1! noon
Barkenttn T, P. ' Emlgh, : from San
Franciaco. - - , . . - ,
Arrived at 1:10 ana left vp at M0 p.
m. Steamer ' W. H. Kruger, from San
Franciaco. -
Sailed at 1:20 p. m. -Steamer Elmore,
for Tillamook.
Arrived down. at ,7 p. m. Steamer
Acme. .'-
Astoria, March I. Condition of Ac
bar at t a. m. Smooth; wind southeast;
weather cloudy. . .'... . - .
San . Francisco, March 1. Balled at
11:10 a, m steamer Columbia, for Port
land.! - , ... .... -. '.,.' ? - . t
Travel between Portland and Coos
bay . picked up at a remarkable - rate
ainca the - California A Oregon. Coaat
Steamahlp company and the Russell A
Itoara line cut ths tariff In two. Each
incoming and outgoing stesmer is load
ed to full capacity, and frequently those
desiring to. make the TM cannot be
accommodated.-- Neither company has
bde a-reduction, from the first cut -
the only- ehsnge being noticed Is the
irmreaaed traffic , ,
, i , :,' '-: - - 1 :
Shippers sre still st a loss to account
for the derelict which waa alghted orf
the coaaf by the captain of the British
ship Pythomene. At first It wss sup
posed to be the barkentlne T. M. Emlgh,
but she reached Astoria yesterdsy afternoon-and
Is now en rotite up ths
river for - Portland. The Emigh was
mere. than five weeks making ths trip
from Ssn Francisco . . , - ,
Inaucruraf Ball Tomorrow Night.
Tomorrow fSaturdayVfrhtht llie "The-4
alrical Social club" will give a grand
Inaugural ball... not In Waahlngton but
at Merrill's hall, comer Seventh and Oak.
Everest's orchestra will furnish the mu
sic and a grand success Is predicted.
Don't forget the piece snd date. Mer
rill's ; hall, corner Seventh and Oak.
March 4. Grand march at f p. m. ,
' '' BAD ACTOB. ' .':' -
Claude. H. Mansfield, answering the
complaint for divorce of Hattle B.
Manafleld,- charges her wKh Infidelity,
and says- shs cams to Portland from
their home In Albany and refused to re
turn to filfla. ..,.'.( vr , . -
CtilAfllC CLU3 HAS
-.'.' ' 1 "
Has Been Given Complete Cbn
5 trol of National League's
;: s Exnlbit at Faliv . ;
Work of the Members Subject to
; , Close Scrutiny Before It
. , . i Is Displayed. -
r -
The Oregon" Oram I o club, .. though
only three months old, 'Is fast making
Its prcsenoe felt and Is undertaking
large responsibilities It haa lust been
given complete charge of the exhibit of
then-national league at the Lewis and
Clafk fair. ..'..- - - .-:;
At.' the recent meeting of the club
the ' president Mrs. Annabelle Parrtsh.
was appointed a committee to aypd to
the : correspondence with i power to
choose Iter own helpers. . - '
A good exhibit Is expected this year
5rom tha league, and Mrs. Parrlsh to
ay received a letter from the head
quarters , at Chicago asking bsr to ar
range for space and showcases. All tha
clubs of the league send their work to
Chicago, where it la strictly judged by
an advisory committee. Thus only the
highest stsndsrd of work Is allowed to
go out to be exhibited. Laat year the
judgment- wss so severs that only about
eight pieces were passed on for tho St
Lauis fair. - Thla. however, waa due to
tha fact that many of the best exhibit
ors could not take part because of the
delay In returning their Work from th3
Paris exposition.- '-r : t "
Miss Minnie Parker has been ap
pointed 'chairman or a eommlttea to ar
range for the traveling exhibit which
Is quite a different thing. -.The league
-each years ssnds out-a schedule for
certain kinds of designing or modeling.
Tha artists must conform strictly to ths
requirements, and in this way the same
pattern la used by several, and the
different methods of treatment with. In
dividual Ideas are brought out Tha
best arc chosen by the advisory com
mittee to form an exhibit and thla Is
circulatsd among ths clubs.. - -
At tha meeting with Mrs. Alexander
Muir at Mt Tabor papers were read
by Mrs. J. I. Tresham on Tha Methods
and Materials Used In ths anuf aoture
Df Porcelains," and by Mrs. Halnaa on
-"aiaaa-Becoratlon.":; The" next meeting
will be in the Oregon -Camera club
rooms, the first Wednesday In AprlL
"Hereafter." -J
- Portland amusement lovers ars soon
to bava an opportunity of vial ting this
great production. .It will be open dally
commencing Saturday. - on Washington
street between Sixth and . Seventh
streets, and 'tis safe to say the success
met with at the world's fair will be
duplicated here. This la a new style of
enterUlnment th-vlBrtora are- eeeerted
through a series of winding grottos un
derground, ths several circle of which
Inferno ta composed ' are vlalted, varl
oue punishments sre witneesed on all
aldea. Satan holda court for his aarthly
friends and at Ha conclusion a rapid
descent la made 'in a large elevator te
tha mysterious depths below. This la
the "chamber of the dead." and a creepy
atmosphere IbrlllacfieMfuring tne wetra
atmTJapnBTW inriw. ""'''firar. STr-3 r fl; second 1 roira. toe
periomimnce w i..mui v..-
exploration of Satan's domala.
Seats Selling for restore.
Creators and els Italian bead are comtnf
to the Manniam Grand theatre nelt alorxla j
sad Toeaeer slants witn a popniar pne aaai
Iim !TMiarfas at 1 e'elocB. Oroators'a see-
erseaa la the United States have been rentd.
veil aVsinsd and wea eatlfrly or aia
efferu and andonMeS renlaa. His Wad, which
la the laroeat sow toarlns thla cnantry, n aa
evanlv halanred and snlendtdlr orcaalsed corns
ef skilled sad ealtlvaMd ausielsns, wb with
their lender, eninrea la Kew I or a tae muresi
and ssl saerensful engaa-eawet ef aay similar
arsaalsatloe .la ameleel Slstory. inevn mrj
winl aa RroaSwar for thi
saonths. . nreasms tae neora n iu rncvipia
.urtna that nertod.
AS te I restore ainasen, liajimr aw awwr
tar limited his awsaleal kasorleese. ahonM
hear him interpret, aecordlng ts his esra Idsoa.
Seats are now selling. -
- Old Heidelberg."
ka alas eas he elves s slay thae
to on aad ase It a aeeond or even a laird Uaw.
rrobabiy ae eae hat eld theatre-goers ever
So this, aaaray, bat ae smtta how eoanranea
the might be la the theatre antes habit, they
Ul out aw asoia aniens tne peneraaancn mm
a pleasant liaarssslsn on taem..
"Old Heiaeinaee." ai tne uoramoio m
Is se beaaUtol a pUy that eae doea aot befla
lias Its ebana ana interest ue iiras
rime eoe oeee It and haadreea aave goae
iwtra. Tha ronlar Saturdav msUase anrnsr-
sew will he awrksd with woama awd-calMrea.
Tka kl, inn nllerv will bs thrown open ta them
so an jnay Se eomtonaoi? neonmaMiaaapa.
'V j
. - Bargain Prices TAmorow.
Seate are now selling ' for the aarfnraiaace
af Htetaon'e "lode Tom s Cabin" eompaar at
the Mamjaam Casod theatre tomorrow after-
and nirnt. - rne- am paraoe anu start
from the front emreaee ef toe theatre ea
Morrison street st 11 e'ektek. The bargala
nrlee matinee, wbtrb means both adnlte and
jhHrtren. as rents to any part of the theatre,
wlU begin at 1 11 e clack; aamtssloa to the
sailer will te li eaato la .the afternoon.
The- evening aerformaaee will fcegm at S:1S.
Prlree, adults ow rrala, enuarea m eeata ea
the barer floor sad bateoaj) gallery, aeata.
- 71'; Mah'ars's Minatrelg.
The diverting" aeveltr promised by Manasw
Baker at the Empire theatre four allots, surf
ing Bandar matinee, with a special matinee
Wednesday. In the famnoa Msbsra'a Minstrels,
known from Mslna to CaHforala as the banner
colored minstrel orgnnleattoa ad Amerlea. The
entire performs nee srtntlllstea with the orlg
Inalitv taat aas awaje mm company. tne moat
imoular of all traveling enlnred attraetlona.
The eempanv eomprlsee s SAtmbsrship ef the
very bst ertista.
j- Oood Things st the Grand.
' At the1 Grand theatre tble week the lleffjre
resent a elever sketch wblrh shown I
children to great dvnnts-. teoaaril. Molt
and Deans--offer a sinatral set thai ta a
hirlwlnd .of fna. Ami Oranvllle la her
anngs snd electric dance boa made a dlatlnct
hit. Alf Bonner has gottea more applsaae
im this week's sons thaa br any yet offered
singing. )ctltag aad whhnltng have been fea
tures of the show. - -. w ' .; .
. , , , -.' .
Baker's Great Show.
It kt s faanr show yoa see at the Baker
tkla week, awl there In plenty ef It.. There
are the MtubWefteld trio, la their aerial art;
Castle sad Hall, comedy eketeh orttata; the
Klines. In an eceentrle clown art: Alf James,
the king of funny men the- Lenndee- trio. Is
rreJnarr neossi the lie Larleo, lesders of blaek
fare; Bernard unaaw, tne asssologiet, aad
ohaW. Wood.
At the Star.
The new. pallet one performance ta the
sfternnne snd two In the erenlna at tk. Star
haa proved s socceea. The wrek'a b-, k.a
proved a Ore Wed kit troe a art to fP... M
koksra, Sous Leslie, a Cetria, . Ivaoe Sad
Never Sucti
A Large Assortment
Children's 2
k Shoes ;
In.Poftland" before.
Mothers, it will pay
you to - bring your
boys, eirls
iris and
babies to
To have them, fitted,
Entire second - floor
.- devoted -tortlie chik
r't1' dren. .' . .
. The ' only exclusive
5 c hlldr en's depart
ment in this city.
Our. Motto: "Good
honest shoes and the
prices just right" 1
7 Fifth ft Washington
upp. yerkins Hotel
Amu ssmlpI. is. -
'An. UlulS, Leoaee.n4 Maaagar.
' ' roartaaath aad Wssblngwsi, gts.
- Tae atast BeoaUfal play efitbe saaaea. ,
Old Heidelberg
. Aa prsaeated hf tae WftwlTCoTanibla
- Stork ODSinsnn
Tonight. Tonansrow Mstlnee and MBt'
ulast 1'erfvn
A 2 Play tor ftoe.
, - ' . Kvenlng. 0c. aV, Sac.- IV.
- Matinee. Be, lae, 10e. - . '
Tanratowa box -sfflce oncn all dor. ff2T Mor
rlana. Phone Main ltl. Evening at theatre. '
Owlns to lenrth of the performance, eortala
arill rtee pramplljr at '0.
bAT MOHTH, Marrsj
S and T. IS. Peeolar
nrlee -mat lose -TaeeSay
at 1 s' clocks
vvuliuf uru.--.Lu e iooe. II. T3r: Pal-
i uaiiery, Ee, noe. Boxes ens logsa, ST. so.
end loses.
Popular awtlaee arleeo Adnlta. -Mei
drea XSe- to any. part ef the theatre.
Marquam Grand Theatre '.-
-, Tonight at S:l( o'aock ,1 .
.. - Grand Recital by .
Sptaner'i, Society
- Reserved sestg 10c. sny part of th
house.- On sale' at Woodard. -Clarke At .
Cc s and Marquam Grand box office..
inftftiu esAVo
W. T. Vaagto, Ran. Mga.
raoae auta aee
latarday Afternoon and Slant. March 4, 105,
eieuaes s nig spwcueaiar .
Bar rata prices both afternoon aad ala-ht
Matlnae prlree ChlMrea aad adelta, tbei,fU
ry. Inc. - -
(renins' nrtces Adnlrs. Mr: ehlldrea.. Sktl '
galleryLcklldrrn aad adoltal. ISr.
Bests eaa be ordered he Phono Mala 11T.
commends snnasy matmee, xarcs e.
BWura's Ksr Mlnstrd Carnhril.
Grand scenic trst part; arrong nlte second part ,
ok pweaina; avoeritN.
Aaatated by abtg lady cboroa. - '
SenSatlonat street parade at noan. ,
lncea Matinee. I Or, IV, noc. ,
' .: . Msht We. a&e, ln. (Oe.
Admission to Any seat. 10c; bov aeata, Sis, .
I .LSOSAROv jroihrtg Awp DEA, '
Airr RAjrrn.LE.
IiBLi a no in" -
MA. ALT aoassju
THS RAJTDiaoorr.
Admlsatoa to any Beat, 10r; bei srsts. ' iwe.
. rortlaadrt Pashlonsble Tsndevllle
. . AIA THIS WKr.K. t
mors uaux. rose aad sxtirxi.
Afternoana from 1 te 4:M; evening front
t to 10:30. Admission. 10e;t bos eeata . gne.
ism t fl as hi nm tsd -"ashSkletsr -
aTagaJ WllV.tiS Aaaf A k
The Convicts Darg!.tc,,
Bpeeleltlea Sstwe.a Acta.
ParfnrnMncea at l:Sn, f:HO ssd t tit p. sj.
Usaal men isninsi, in testa.
b-.. W.hl1 1 mt RmHm A - - - V
Msnasrra. Largest Tsndevllle Boone to)
. asaerlca. . , ,
CAITtl SE SI V asnamawamt A sfc (
vtnfTL . StsfAAS a i i
Admlssloa. 1 1 cent. 1-erforsMnre it 1.33,
a:au nna v-. m.
taS-aef BuRjfgiDR.
ul.- ii i.i j. - . i
Bfler and Rose, Ankne Jackase aa4
lbs movtng pletnrea make ap a p'eaaiag b.l.
At the Lr
THe Oortrt'. PM-
4 a Seel4ed kit.
atlonal elia.t' -
Harry Jsnr-V ' . .
sraru J a I v . .