..-r- .... . -'.c""f', THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAECII 1. l.:3. sri CITY BOTICXX- i SlTT BOTTCZa. JCITT BOTlCIft. CITT NOTICES. . OTTT aTOIICs. rrr wmri CITT B0TICXX -- t abb xxAnxmrtTT toe i.rooTExxT or NVLiiomi T, BROADWAY. EAST TBIRD . - -r. oband iTiim and bbatxr t n,f. . '. v '" are . No" te hereby slm that tb Oeunrll of te City ef Portland. Oreaoa, at meeting 4 a Um loth 4it of t'ebrsary, 1906, de- tared the ansa bhI by the adoption of erdl- wm no. la.te lor the inmitDru et wuic tmeh atrert, Broadway. Eaat Tbirt llwt. bread ;im and Bhever, street, anon ea k lot. part of lot and parcel t land, which ere specially aad peculiarly benefited, ttta H lenows, via; Hollsday'i Addition to Esst Portland ,' Blk ltKl ImI i TK- Amms BmI ICstMbB Company .. lttOt Blk H. lot 4, TheOreson Ktal Kalata Com paey , r.T, . .: ltx.lt ,- Blk 119. M-gr THORpa Baal Batata oompasri...,:.....l, 142.16 I . Blk 144, lot X The Orrgou Real but Company , 144.87 Blk KM. lot X TneOretron Baal Batata Company .. 144.67 Blk MO. lot 4. TheXlregoa Beat Batata Cemusny 141.T8 Blk UX lot ft, Tba Oregon Baal Brest Company ... , HI. 7V . Blk 164, lot X The Oregon Baal Rotate r . Company 141.78 , Blk 144. lot X The Oreroa Baal Batata Company ..,...-..........,.. ...... 141.T$ Blk 13U. lot a. Tba Orcgoa Baal Batata Oouipaav 14L78 Ilk l.u, M t, Tm Oregos Baal Katate Company aW4...... .,..., 141.T8 Blk rto, lot 4. E. B. Bobblne. ........ .. 195.61 Rut Portland ' Blk. TX kit a, B. C Keafelder. ........ ' 1X48 Blk 18. lot 4. K. C. Neureldec. 124.aU Frurih-a. Bouara Addition to Eaat Port- . land ; :'';, nia- a-. a eta t .- n-lrm . ' 1 . Blk 4. lot . Julias Lcerue Batata. Halra of 188.84 Kern'e Addition to maet Partland Blk K. lot 1, Victor Land Company..., Wk B.-lot 3. Victor aa4 Company.... Blk E. lot t, Ruby A. A eott. ........... 1 TO 1N.64 . 18.04 Bit a), lot . Ruby A. Baatt.. ia.li 43,04 Central AlblnaA- BJk au. lot la. t. B. Seott... , Total v.,. $1.IT.4 A atataawnt of afocvaald . aaaaaaasent haa wi aatarod In tba Dockat of taa Ctty Uaaa and la now. daa and aarabla at tha offlra of tbo Uf TrfiaaurtT. la laarfnl awoay lot ,.thr. L'nltcd - Btataa. and At . not paid within so daya daai tba data- tola oatlea aorb nrmwrdinca will ba takra far tba eolloetton of tha aanw aa' ara pro rl dad by tha charter af tha City of Port laad. . ....... The abova aaaaaamrnt will brar Intaroat 10 daya after taa flrat aabUcatloa af tbia ottea.' . ... ... , "' 'v. TH08. C. DatVUTf.V- ' ' '' Aodltor of tba City of Portland. - Portland, Oreoa, Data of Pirat PabUcatloa ;nan 1, UK. . TB0F0SXO XXBBOTXMEaT OF BKIDMOBB "' : Natlea la barony that at tba nmtlaf aa: wa vobocu ma uiy oi rwiiaao. virafon, arid an tbo loth day f rabraary, 180S, tba fallewlaa; raaolutlua naja adoptrd: - Braolrad. That tba Cooactt of tba "City of Portia ad. Orraoa. Arrmm It axpodlnit and fwBoaea to mproa Bkldntora atrert from tha aac Hna or wuuanm aTisnua an a want una t Tnloa arenae in tba followina aaannar ta-wlt: Firat By ajradlna tba atrert fall width with fall tntcratuuaani to tha Itakaa a aal by tbo -City Knslnaor. , 8und By ronatroetlna; woodra aldairalka. , Third By laying woodaa tiaaaaalka; . Fonrtb By maatrarUna boi cutlrra. Katd taaprorrnMmt to ba ma da La (ceardanra with tha rbartao and ordlnaam of tha f 'it . of Portland aud thr plana, aprdDratlona. and aatimatra ot too- city nvum Bird in tba ofaea of tba Aaditnr af taa City ot Portland on tar ISth day of robraary. 1885. ' Indorard: . "City aalnaar'f plana and apari&oatioM far tba Imaramnant of Kkldmora atrart froaa tba aat-Hao af WUIIama arraoa to tba waat Una of TJokut airnia tod tba aatltnatao -of tbo ".work to ba oooo and tba probabla total coat thereof ' " . .. . Tba mat or nald imprpwnent to ba aa ' aa DToaldrtf br tha rltr charter noon tha -arty apaelally and Mcallarly benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to ba all tba . anta, beta pana uereor ana percent ol una lylna one im irec north or nod parallel with tbo north Una of Rkldmore atrert and a Haa 100 feet xnth al jad parallel with ; tba aooth Hna af Bkldnoro a treat and, between the eaat Una of Wllliana areaoa had Um ' Weat line of Union areaae. . - - Taa KaaTlnear'a net I Plata of tba probable total eaat for tba I more mora t at aald hkldaaara atreet la .20.00. , Tba plana. aporlOratlona and rati ma tea ' af the Hty Rnatneer for tba Imprwrement- of aald ftkldmore atreet ara herebr adooted. . ' Keaolrrd,. That the Aadltue of the cttf af ii Portland ba and ba la hereby directed to (tea . ae.Uca af the prop nan J laaproraneat af aald . atreet aa nrorldad by tba city charter, . atemoaatranera anal net the a bare ImnmitiaMint may ba filed la wiitlnc with tba nndentgned . within j daya from tba data of tba Brat pab- unijm due doxic. - By order at tbo Cacmcfl..: k t TH08. ' C." DKTLIM. Aadltor af tba City af PortlaadV - Portland, Oreaon. Data of Brat . pnbUcaUoa. February It. llnja. v-- Belaled pnpoaala will be reeetrod at tba office of the A mH tor of tha City of Portland until IV! da rTT arch 8. 1B06. at 8 a deck p. m., for the conatructloa of a eewer la Bellwaod atreet tram 120 feet weat of waat Hna of Mlanlaalupl aeenua to the newer la Delay (treet la tha ! meaner Branded by ordinance No. 14,481, nub- jeer ta the prortaioaa af tha charter and ordl- (taaeaa of the City of Portland, and tba eati mate of tba City Engineer, oa ..Bit.. . i Bide moat be atrlrtly la accords nee with : printed hlanka. which will be furntabed on .eppleratloa at tba office of the Aadltor of the City ( PortJand. And aald newer must be eomuleted oa or before 89 daya from the -date of the aigBina; of tha coo tract by tbe ,partlea thereto. - Ne propose la ar bide will be ronaloVred anlras . accompanied by a eertlfled check payable to : the order of the Mayor ot the City of Portland, certified hr a reaponalble bank for aa amount . oonal ta 10 per rent of tbe agjrrcrate propoaaL . V any ana ail Dtda la hereby By ardet of the BxarutlTe Board. - ' " THOS. C. DEVT.rH. . the City af Portlaad. Partland. Oreaen. Febeaary 25. 1MB. WILL COMBINE AND --OPERATE JOINTLY Oregon Engineering; and" Devel opment Company Files Arr ; 1 tiolet of Incorporation. . (Special Dispatch to The Joorael ) : Euirene, Or., March 1. Tha Oreron j Enrlneerlng X aV Development : coin party . Tiled arttclea of Incorpo ration with tba ' countr dark hare) today. ; . Tha Incor porator ara H. a Clara, chief ansinoer of the 'Willamette VaUey Electric Rail war company, S. M. Bddr and R. B. Hunt, who are alao connected with the - company. The capital atock is 118.000. f The object of tha corporation la to con . struct tb projected trailer Unea of the ..Willamette Valley company. ' . Arthur Hanna, a young tailor )n buel- , nana 4a thia city, was taken to tbo in ' sane asylum at Salem yesterday. . He fancies that ho is pursued by assassins. , .J'oor heaJta and overwork ara the prob able cauaAs of his derangement.; Tha body of D. M. R lad on, a Lsuie county, pioneer attorney, who died at . lwlaton, Ida.,- last Friday, was Interred - . In the I. O. O. F. cemetery hers yesterday , afternoon. Tha services were kinder tbe auspices of -the local lodge of Odd Fel lowa, of which Judge Rtsdon .was a,char ' ler member. He was a heavy owner of Kugens property, and lived, bera until Nomination by1 petition for city coun cilman from the several wards of the city ara being made. The Cltlsena' party , haa named Banker Darwin Brlstow from "" the third ward, and 8. 8. Spencer from the fourth ward, while the antl-aaloon forces ha BAinevr QurreU rrom the first ward. - Other nominations will he filed with tha city recorder, according to law, before Friday, March i,-- .. .. tw ... a , '-" : BrravroatATzva nvAjrr. ' t (ftpairlal IHaaateh ta Tbe Journal.! U Oraitof, or., March 1. Plans are beting perfected for tha establishment of an evaporating plant In this city, whlrh-wlll moen much to the . entire tlrand Rondo, aa there are SOO carloads or more of applea left In the valley every year' that are not fit for ehlp ment, tha best only being sent out A ' dryer. It la said, would be very proflt ; ' able , to the growera as well aa to the M parties operating .tha earns. , PBOBOIZD AltKMhtXBT FOB XXFB0TX. ' : bfXXT 9t MAIX RBZBT. Jtotlca at hereby tlrea : Ihet the Aadltor af. the City of Portland baa prepared poaed aaeaaamant for the lmurovemeat of atreet from tba weat line of VntH atreet to the weat Una of Fourteenth atreet aud baa aarertalned what ha deems a jnet anuortloa ment ot eaat of tba Improremeot In aecordanre with 'tha apeelal and peculiar beaentn drrleed by earb parcel of land and lot or part thereof wltnle tba aeeeaameut dlatrict. and haa ap portioned the eaat for aald Improeeiaent In tha aaMmata net, opposite earb parcel of laad and hat ar part thereof aa Its share of net proposed aaneaamont.' Any ohjerttoae to tba anportlon'ment of post for aald ImnroTemeat meat be made la wrlttna to tha Coanetl and died wltb tha Aadltor within M dara from tba data of tbo drat pub lication -of this notice, end aald ol.jertt.ma will ba beard and determined by tba Council before the paaaaca of the ordinance aaaeealca tha roat of aald Improeenaenl. PORTLAND BUeCK . . lot 4, Annie C. Hrhmeer, . $40.47; aortb H of lot S. Maria J. Baker, ei.; aoatb H af lot S. Chariot ta hloffatt Cartwrlfbt. RW: lot . Ferdinand ft Smith Katate, Heirs of. 9.l: andlrlded ot lot 6. aVrank I. Wataon, H3 S1: ondl . elded W of lot t, Ferdinand C. Smith Ealate, Metra of. t33.il. BUH'K 11. lot 4. J. Lswta : lara Bat ate. Heirs of, 4ZS.T4; lot . John A. - IteTlin, . A3.a8; lot s. Leaader U - Hawkins, MM; lot ft. leiander U Hawklna. ftS.TD. BUITK tr lot 4. Arties H.. Schuman, a.0; lot a. Msry Hath Hawklna. f0.2a: lot . 1. , W. and V, Cook, tu-M lot 6, i. W. and V. Cook. it. 48. . -. : . rutBA BLOCK SS. aeoth'lOO feat. City of Portland. w.n4. PORTLAND BUtCJC ' M, Wf 4. Multnomah runt, ejmao. ur a. Uultnomah 'County. (4.34: lot a. Multnomah County. 4.M: lot ft. Multnomah Caunty, ftXS.14. BLOCK 1, lor a cwmi a.,tssra A Loan society. 42S.T0: mt ft. Orman tUTinjrs A Imi Da- eiete fe an.- hat a. AhMa L. Atwood. tTT lOl lot ft. Abfote L. Atwoed. $161 .09. BLOCK - 1N3, tot 4, Catberlna A. Daly. 14.1T south : H of lot S, Catherine A. Paly. $2. SB; north -ot .bit a t mcw Trearott Smith. 12,89; lot a tfare A. Bnrke. (4.98: lot b. Mary A; Burke. 4114. 0. BLOCK 208. lot 4. Louis Fleuchner kbtate. Heirs, at. v$3i.9B; mt a. tla t'lelschnee Batata. Helra of. 9409; lot . A, LoBla netachner Katate. Helra of, Sa.03: lot a. Ianla Pleharhnee Karats, rieira OK. a-M. in. PARK BLOCK T. lot i. City of Portland, 2 06: lot a. city of Portuna. axau. PORTLAND BLOCK Wl. -lot 4, HoooraFar- reu, (0.16r lot J. Henrietta billot. f0.ti lot a (orea Alaaler Estate. Iielrt of. OHO.ST: lot ft, Oeortte Alnaley Katate. Halra ot. eiuu.K. niAM-Si no; a, a o. Nlt-haes. aieS.TS: lot I. Annie B. Nlrhola, R2.1S; north 30 feet of lot a, Lena Hellenic, fcis T: aooth teet of-let 4. A. C. Pike. i.U: mt I. A. C. Pike, $111.11. BLOCK Ml lot 4. Jonenhlne C. Child. tinB.W: lot t. Hanrtetta. U Bmlth. ttl.M: eaat H of tot a Henrietta L. Smith. (40 91: eaat H of lot ft. Henrietta U smith, T3.T: norta feet of weat Mi ot lot . Ferdinand- C. mltb Katate, Heire. ot, ti ki; aooth 44 feet. of west U of lot a. Hattl -la MaHla. etf.21: west H of lot S. Board ot School Trnatees. tltl gS. BIXXTC F. lot 4, Bertha Kohn. I3M.96; lot t, William It. Bewail, 179.04; eaat at feet of lot 4, WniUm R. Bewail. lia.M: eaat 2S feet of mt ft. Bertha Kohn. tAo.TO; north H of west To feet of lot s. Atnea Splllman. 424.40: aooth u of weat T 4eet of lot 4, tod wis Wllhem, 24.40: eaat U feet of weat TO feet ot mt i. African Moent Zloa Chnreh, 471.2S: weat ew icrv su lo v. ainnia " ' . tllO.ia. BLOCK hi. lot 4. Albert T. Smith. 043.23; lot S. Albert T. Smith, I1XTO: eaat 44 fret of lot , Cells Borkhard. fnl.ao; east B4 feet of tot B Cells' Rnrkhard. tN8.1: north 11 feet of went M feet of lot ft. Harriet Gumbert, S4.T5: smith IS feet ' of weat M feet of lot 6. Jacob Kamm. 421.4.1: west 04 feet of lot S. J aeon kamm: I10S.SB. A tract ot land lying- between the westerly line of Fourteenth atreet and a line 100 feet westerly thereof and parallel therewith and netween the. northerly aaa eoutneriy ii of Mala atreet if eiteuded in . lot enuree. Jacob Kamm. 4224.49. rtUKTC 7. andlrlded H of lot T. Mary Ann rot tie 4 13: nndtHried U of lot 1." Ada Pearl.tUM..-ez.eat - undtvioew or inc J Biaara K. tattle, az.no; enmvinea ! i-ia m lot I. Elisabeth IV Merer. ftt Kn: andlrlded 11IS of tot . Esther Mtlla. $3.8A; undivided ia-1 af lot . Trier woodward, ano.is. BLOCK 10. lot 1. Dew Shade. 2. T4; undl- vtded H of lot S. Lewie Love Batata, Helra of. 41.70: aoutH of Vat Z. Stephen Meade Estate. Helra of. 11.49: lot T, Joaenh M. "Teal and Lee Freda. 04.19; lot . Joaepb N. -Teal and Leo Fred. 0M BLOCK St. lot LUbw H , Anderson, 02 OS; lot 3. Emma H. Anderson. 00.3": " fct T.' KUau". Smith Katate. Halra of. hTI At: lot aL. Ella M. Smith EaUte. Heirs of; 2 ti. ' PItlA BLOCK 04. north 100 feet City' of Portland. Oa.64. '.. rOHTLAND BIXCK ST. let 1. Marv Ruta TJatwaWloaaa nal-T AV let- 91 U.aw Bulk IlmaaeVe loaaa sin waiuw, enahl aara et 7 ir a tea us in ises, 03.94; eaat SSH feet of lot a. Mary Uuth Hawhina. etl.tia: eaat 5.1 ler I or lot 7. Mary Ruth Hawklna, Ol.TO; weat Ant4 feet of iot T, Martha J. MoOulre. $1.87; went ecu feet of mt 8. Martha J.- McOulre, 430.19. BLOCK 144, eaat' 49 1-0 feet, of mt 1. H. If. Cake and Geortre W. Avery. 01.S7; north 10 feet of esst 49 J S feet of lot 1. H. M.'Cake and Georce W. Arery. 00.01: '.west 8)1-3 feet of eaat OA 1-1 feet of aooth ' IK feet of north t4 of lot 1. H. M. Cake and - Oeorae Vf. Avery. 00.43; west 13 1-0 feet of ' eaat 09 1-1 feet of aoatb H f Im t H. H. Cake Oenrge W. Averv. 00 29: east 40 feet ef eeHth 49 feet and west 14 fret of aooth 25 feet 'of east 54 feet ef lot 1. Henrlek A. Popnlebm.' 01. 01; west SO J-S feet of lot I, Edward J. Finch, M Si; weat 00 3-0 feet ot- lot S. Edward J. Flora. 00.94: lot T, B. 0. Barnes aud Lamar B. Beeley, S.14.RS; . lot 4. E. V Bsrnea Lamar B. - Beeley, 014.93. BIXVCK 183. Jot 1. Amanda W. Reed. Oai.40; north 1 feet of lot 2. Henry Houm Estate. Helra of. On.10; aoatb 48 -feet ef lot . 3. Henry Bonis RaUte. Helra of. 44.04; eest H of lot T, Henry- Taobeahelmer. 02.n; -east H of lot 8. Henry Taubeiihelmrr. 059.74; weat H of kit T, John M. Hodeon. 43.80; weat - H of lot s, John M. Hodeoa. 41 M. BIX K L SOT.' lot 1. Martin Winch. gm.aR; lot 2. Martin Which, 48.24: totT. H. J. Corbet t ' Estate. Heirs of, 030.18; tot 0, Rudolph Becker. 472 OS. PARK BUiCK . mt 1. City of Portland, 03,06; lot 4. City-of Portland, 42.38. PORTLAND BLOCK 222. lot 1. William tadd. 00.31; mt 3, William Ladd. 00. 02? lot T. Wll-Hem- Ladd. 4W.2R; lot 0. William Ladd, 01OA.02. BLOCK 24T, lot 1. Richard Everting. 0l3TO; lot 3. John Bcbrurer, 0S2.5T: hat T, Eltsa Helllns. 09 .41; lot 0. Kliaa Hellln, ! 173.471. BLOCK r2, lot 1. Jamea F. Palllns. 224.07; lot 3. Jamea F. Falllns. 0W.27: lot . Care line BelUn. OaOM; lot 8. Carolina ' Belllns, 0140.42, BLOCK K. lot 1, Beth lel Conarefarloa, 012411: lot 3. Beth . Israel Conrrefetlon. $79.00 : lot T. Beth Israel Conareratloo. 084.TT: lot 8. Beth Israel Coa ereiratloe. 4 110 89. BLOCK K, lot 1. William Bewail. 0174.2V; north 2H feet of lot 2. . William Bewail, 0.11.8A; south MU feet of lot 3. Anna C. Qaackenbtwh. $M.2; east 64 r feet of lot T, Thomaa Mann, 02.72; east 4 . feet of lot 0. Thomas Mann, Sx 35; weat 84 ' feet of lot T, Jacob Kamm, 024.74; weat 04 feet of lot 8. Jacob Kamm. 0104.13; right of . way of Portland Consolidated Railway Conv , pany, 8134.13., Tout. 04.0KS.29. .- ' - THOU. C. DEVLIN. ' : ' Aadltor of the City of Portland. ' Bate of Orat pnbircatiaa. February 27. 1906. rBOPOOXS AOflEMMElTT FOB , TJCPROTX- ; . MXBT OF KABT TWELFTH 0TKZXT. Notice la hereby riven that (be Audltof of tbe City of Portland baa prepared a proponed eaaeeament for the .Improvement ot East Twelfth atreet. from the aoatb lino ef Multno mah atreet to tbe aoatb Hne of Tillamook atreet. and haa ascertained what be deems a just aaporttoaaseut of coat of tbe. Improvement In accordance with the epecial and peculiar bene. rite derived tT esca parcel or una and lot or Krt thereof-within tbe aaaenameat dlatrict. end a aDDortioned tha coat for aald Improvement In the-amouate net anpneite ears parcel of land and lot or part thereof as lta ehare of such pro poaed aaaaaament. Any ohjeetioua to tba apportionment of east for aald Improvement must be made In wrltlns to rhe eon net 1 and filed wltb tbe Auditor within 10 dara from, the date .of tha Orat irablicatlon of thia notice, and aald object loos will be beard and determined hy the council he fore tbe Daa- aare of the ordinance aaaeeslaf the eaat of aald Improvement. A parcel of land Irhnt bet wee a the aouth line - ef Multnomah street , and a Hon 100 feet ' aoatb tberefrom and parallel therewith and between the eaat and went line of East - Twelfth. If eaten od aouthrrry Ja Its present course, City of Portland, 96.74. B(LLaTAY'M AtinTTION TO EAST PORT , LAND BLOCK 144. lot 0. Oreron Real Estate Company, OO.OH; lot 6. Oreron Keal Katate Company, O0.no; mt T. Oreaxia Real Katate ' Company,. On.Oft; lot 8. Orccoa Real Katate Company. 00.0ft. BLOCK l.W, lot 4. (H-eron ' Beal Katate Company, OO.nA; lot 8. Oreron . Real Estate Company, Oo.ofi; slot T. Oreron Keal Batata Company, Oo.os; lot 8. Oreron Beal Batata Company. Ofl.OS. BLOCK l:l. lot ft. O. A. Rltan. 40. OB; lot 4. O. A. Rltaa, 1. 00.06L lot TOretroa. Ileal Katate Company, ante; lot 8, OrVfoa Real Katate Company. 00.05. BLOCK 203. sonth Sft.OT feet ot lot ' ft. Mllla R. Hamilton, 4M.83; north 14.9.1 feet at lot ft, Jamee Anoernon. 414.47; lot 6, James Anderson. 042.OOI lot T. Jamea An . derson. 0211.30'. kit 0, Jamea Anderaoa. Otl.AO. BLOCK 224, lot 0. John H. Mitchell, 0124.1.1; kit 4. John H. Mitchell. 007.45; lot ?. John H. Mitchell. 47.15: lot 8, John H. Mitchell, 4114.H2, " BLOCK 254. lot S. 1 0. V. Tbnrson. 1 1 IM e- l.J im ATrrmia ,4,X. " 1 . 1 . v. xnorson. ntm in; 101 a. 1:. v. inorson. 074.75. 1 BUrL'K 247. lot ft, Berahard Rein Katate, Helra of. 0129.15: lot 4. Bern hard Reilly Katate. Helra of, C9T.4o; 1st 7. Maria A. Smith. -4444. WKHT IRVIKOTiiti BLOCK 124, lot 6. Julia M. Edaon. 044 54. HtllJ.ADAYS ADHfTlOX TO EAST PORT LAND BLOCK l.T9.'lot 4. Oreros Keal Estate Company,. 40.04; lot 3. Oreaoa Keal Katate '- Oempany, 40 n; hat 3, Orrsoa Real Katate Company. 1 40 OS; lot 1. Oreros Reel Estate Cempaaj, X0e. BLOCK 1J4, let i, Oregea Reel EaUta Cempanr. tO.OS; lot S. Oreaoa . Keel Kstata Cosioanr to.06: lot S. Oreaoa Krai Delate touioatty. ) .00; lot 1. Orefoa Krai taute Company, Ar.i. BLOCK 13T. ht a. rregon Heal ratata tompinj, au.'o( i Oreaoa Meal KaMta Compaoy. to.; lot S. Oreaoa Heat KataU Company, POOS; lot 1. Oregon Beal Eatato Company, t0.oft. BLOCK 02, M -4. Charles F. Prebn. (128.10; Kt . . iitariea t rreha, avaj.aB. rt.t a , W a. and Huth E. Conaer Katata. ttelra af, fll.fto; lot 8. W. 8. and Buth E. CMaer, Keiate, tietra or, fra.ev: ioi a, eowio ... ' Th,.ir smt is. 'w l. Jaaeoh If. Thateber. tOT.12. RLOCK 2IST. lot 4. Oreaoa Beal Katate Company. IT.l; lot 8, Oreaoa Keal EsUte Comtwiny. 4T.2s: lot B. J. J. Wta- eerald. (1)7.63; lot 1, I. I. I Itaferald. f IZe.lo. BLOCK aw. lot 4. Cbarlea Keed -Batata, ' Heirs of, (129.16: lot 8. Cbarlea Beed Katate. Helra of. 8U7.8A: let 1 J. A. Herttmaa. 48.6. WKHT IRV1.NHT0N BLOCK 12ft. lot ft, J. B. . Ilrrtsman. $4SJ4: lot 4, V It-tot A. , rary, THOfl. C DEFLIK. J . Aadltor of tha City of Portland. -Data of Brat pnhUcatloa, yebrnary 8T. .I8t. P10PO8ZO AS4htZTT FOB ZMBROTaV BTJ0TX OF XA4T MOBBlsOB sTBIBT. Notice la hereby aire a that tbe Auditor of tha City af Portland baa prepared. 4 proposed aaaenameat f or . the , Improveawut of , Eaat Mon-tana street. from , r the - east Ilea of Beat Thirty-elf htb atreet , to the weat Una of Eaat Thirty-ninth . street, and haa ascertained what ha deems a Joat apportionment of coat" of tba ImprovemeSt la areurdanca with, tha apeelal and peculiar bene fits derived by each parcel of land and mt or air) lamnf within the saaeaameat dlatrict. and haa apportioned tha coat for aald imarovemant In the amounta set opposite each parceLot land and lot or part thereof aa I fa abate of sack proposed assessment. - 7 . r w-'- . Any oberUoua to the apportionment of coat for aald Improvement meat be made la writing to the council aad filed with the Auditor within 15 daya from tbe data ot tba Brat publication pf thia notice, aad aald ebretleea will be beard and determined by tbe esonrll before the paa aare ot tha ordinance aaaaaelog tbe eaat ot aald Improvement. -v- - - - ' 2 BARTSTU PARK ADDITION TO EASTIPORT- LAND BLOCK 0. lot T, Arnea Tlobaoa, t.VtAK; lot 8. Arnea Robaoa, 044.14: bit 9, Arnea Bobaoe. $54.97: krt 10. Albert Bar tech, , 043.47: lot 11. Ottilia Bartach. 440.741 lot 12. Ottllle Bartach. 1NS.4B. BIXX'K 4, lot 1. : Jeaale B. Bobaoa. 031.91: lot 3, J. E. Scott. 0.'4 vrl; lot S. Annie Wolke. 046.25: lot . Joseph K. Otll, 457 27; tot 6, MelvtrrC - Ororra. 400 T4; lot 4. MsJain & George, 473.97. Total. 0418.4a. --' ''..,-,, '":' ' Aadltor of the City of Portland. Thit ef Brat publlcaOoo. f-eruary IT. 1908. VBOrOtXO AJaBamMEXT FOB OtTBOTaV '. MXBT OF .TPSHTTE sTBXZT. Notice Is hereby riven that the Aadltor of tba City of Portland baa prepared a proposed aaaeaement for tbe Improvement ef Upshur atreet, from the eaat line of Twenty -sixth atreet to the west line of.- North Portland, and baa ascertained . what be deems s Just apportionment of coat of tbe Improvement la accordance win tbe special and peculiar bene fit a derived br each parrel ef land aad lot or Krt thereof within tbe assessment district, aad a apportioned tha coot for aald Improvement la tba amounts net opposite each parrel of land and bat or part thereof as lta share of sack pfOfrMalsrtt anrfaf,aTnsl ta Any objectlona to tbe apportion event ef eaat for aald Improvement must be made la writing to the council and filed with tbo Auditor within IS days from the date of the Brut nablteettoa of thia notice, nnd aald object loos will ba beard aud determined by the council before tbe nee. aare of tbe ordinance aeaaaalag the coat ot said Improvement. , NORTH PORTCA NT BLOCK 13. mt 4. Jacob Maree. 437.21 -lot 6. Jacob Merer, 01O.4T. BLekPK 14. undivided H of lot IT, B. M. 1 Lombard. (159.66: ' undivided V, ef lot 14. - B. M. Lombard, 010.S5; undivided H of lot IS. R. M. Lombard. 03.70; undivided of 1 let-14. B. M. I4mbard. 03.41r undiridrd H . of east .13.45 feet of lot 13. B. M. Lombard. ' 024. M: undivided ef lot IT, H. B. Noble, OlhS.45; undivided V, of lot 14. II. E. Noble, . 4tas: -nndlvhied H ef mt 15, H. E. Noble, ORS.Tn undivided ef lot 14. H. E. Noble. 093.40; undlvltled of eaat l.i S5 feet of ', lot IS. H. E, Noble. 03438: undivided H of weat 36.65 feet of lot IS, Charles K. Henry, 044.29; nndlvided H of lot 13. Charles K. Hebrv, 077.64 : undivided V- of mt 11. Charles ' K. Hrnrv, 448.84; nndlvided nf lot JO. ': Cbarlea K. Henry, 01O1.0T: nndlvided H of lot 9. Charles K. Henry. 0124.49; nndlvided of weat 36.6B feet of lot 13. David Mteh ' tentbaler EeUte, Helra of. 068.30; undivided tof lot 12, David Mtckteathaier EUU. Helra of. 077.58; utMllvided . m of lot 11. David Litchteatkaler Estate. Helra of, 064.84; un- - divided of lot 10. David I,ltrhtentbaler Ea- - tate. Heirs of. OlOI.Ofc nndlvided H of let : ft. David I.ltchtenthaler Eataie, ' Helra ef, 0114.48. BLOCK 21. lot 2. David Lltchten- ., thaler Batata. Heirs or, swa ns; norta no fret of lot 1. David Utchtenthaler Estate. Heirs of, sn.OS: lot 4. David Litrhtaathaler Batata. Helra-of. 01S4 17; lot 4, David Uchlrnthaler Estate. Helra ef.- 0171.11; lot 5. Devtd Lltchtenlhaier Katate, Helra ot, ' 0I84.82: lot 4. Peter P. Hares. 01 01 90. - BA1XTCS ADOITION TO THE : CITT OF PORTLAND BLOCK 321. north 0.0 feet of ant 4. J. O. Mack. 02 61; north 12 feet ef , lot 0. J. O. Mack. 03.94; north 14 fort ef . east 9 feet or lot s, J. u. Macs, an. to; norta ; 14 feat of eaat 31.T feet ef lot a, J. Q. Mack 4.1.14. " ' ..- NORTH PORTT,A.ND BIOCK IX lot 4. Everett Fenton. 1.14.08: lot 0, Everett Fen ton, (8.10. . RUK-K 15. lot 1. Jacob Mayer. (299.54; lot 2. Jacob Mayer. (32.31: kit 0. Jacob Mayer, : 0149.14: lot 4, Jamb Mayer. (154.40; lot 0, . 0142 7: weat H of lot T. Mary Mattle Ler ' aea, 477.00; eaat H of lot T. Annie tJodskln aoa, 074.60; lot S. Jacob Mayer. (2OT.04; let . ft. Jacob Mayer. S2W.4I? BLOCK 30. lot 1, . Mark A. Merer. (342.ST: lot 3. Mark A. May. er, 447.01: lot 3, Mark A. Mayer, (153. T8; lot 4. uarr a. j aiaver, fiiu.se, mi o. maru a. Mayer, S19I.M: lot a, Mark A. Mayer, f 102.20. " Total, (A. 344. 33. , , , TTIOS. f!. TtETUIf.-- - - . - Andttot of the City of Portland. Date of (rat publlcatloa Ferjeaary 37, 1906. PROPOSES ASSZSSaTEjrT ' FOB nrPBOTB- , MZSTT OF XA3T FJjrX STBXZT. Notice la hereby rives that tbe Aadltor ef the City of Portland haa preps red a proposed aeaaansient for the improvement of Eaat Pine atreet rrom tne eaat una er naet r uremia atreet to the teat line of Eaat Eighteenth atreet, aad haa aarertalned what he derma s tost apportionment of roat of tba improvement ta accordance wltb the special and "peculiar beue flta derived by each parrel ef land and lot or part thereof within the assess mem aistnet. ana haa apportioned tha eaat for aald Improvement la the amounts Set opposite each parcel ef land and lot er part thereof aa lta ahare ef sack proposed assessment. Any oblerttona to tbe apoortlotrrnent ef mat for aald Improvement must be made Is wrltlns to the council and filed with tbe Andltor within IS daya from tbe date of the ftrat publication of thia notice, and aald objectlona will be heard and determined by tha council before the pae aera of the ordinance seaaeelng the east of said Improvement. - " AIKEN'S ADDITION to Eaat Portland BLOCK 019, lot. 4. Alfred P. neiana Katate. Metre 1 of . 062.70: lot 0. Alfred P. Nelaon Estate, Helra af. (8.96: north H of lot 6. John Net eon, (5.43; sooth H of lot 6. Clara B. North roe, h.l 41: lot S. Mart P. Pnlhrmoa. 04.1.63. NICHOLRON'g ADDITION to Portland Oregon PLTK'K 3. lot 4,i W. T. H. rtlCOoiaon, 056.8T; lot 8, W. T. B. Nicholson, (8.73; i... s w r n KichoisoM r-a at. in a , W. f . B. Nlcboliofi, (86.94. BLOCK 8, lot 4. W. T. B. Nlchonjon,. aiis.su: lot s. w. T. B. ItlcboatOB, 434.74; eaat V, of kit 6, Dan E. Rvana. (23.91: eaat H ot mt ft. Jamea T. Chlrmnck. (58.06: weat - H of lot 6, W. T. B. Nicholson. (10.80; weat ft of lot 8, W. T. B. . Nicholson, (45.45. f. W. McGriRE-S ADDITION to tbe City ef Portland BLOCK 2 lot ft, Amanda W. Beed Katate. Hrlrs of. (00.36: mt 4. Amanda W. Reed Estate. Helra of, (34.24. AIKEN'S ADDITION to Eaat Portland BTrTK 320, lot 1, William T. H. nicnoiaon. ena.ei; lot 2. William T. R. Nicholson. (9.09; kit T. William T. B. Nicholson (11.06;. lot 8, William T.. B. Nicholson. 466.13. . NICHOIJION'S ADDITtON. Portland, On run BLOCK-4, lot 1, William T. n. Nlcnoiaon. 061. S3: lot a. William T. R. Nicholson. (S.M: lot T. William T. B. Nicholson. (.14.87. BLOCK 8. WUllam T. - B. Nicholson, (91.9.1! lot T. lot 1. William T. B. Nlcholaoe. . 494.08; lot 3 William T. B. ' Nletmhttm.- 446.44: kit T. William T. B. Nicholson. 431.04; lot ft. William T.' B. Nlcbol-tm. (74.14 ; W. W. MrCflRK'S ADDITION the City of -Portland FlXrnia . lot 1. Amanda w. Reed Katate. Helra of, 046.S4rlot-g, Mary S. Bnrke, $31.41.- Total. 1,844.45. THOS. C. DETLIN. . ' Andltor of tbe City ef Portland. . Date ef Brut publication February 17. 19nS. PROPOBAXg FOX tXWTX WORK. Sealed urnnoaals will be received at tbe office of the Andltor of the City of Portlaad sntll Friday, March 3. 1900. at t o' clock p. m., for the cone tr notion af a aewer . la 34 w atreet from the Booth Hoe of Vet- steer s addition to the aewer la niroiai atreet In tbe 1 manner, provided by ot .Inance Na. 14.443, aubiect to- tne provisions . ef the charter and ordlnaeeea of tbe City of Portland, and the eatlmate of he City Enrlneev, on 6le. Hide meat ae arrirtiy in accaroance wits printed, blanke, which will be fnrniahed on application at the office of the Andltor of the City of Portland. And , nald aewer must ne . eompieteo on or oriorr w osys rrom tne dste of -the aig slug of the contract by, tbe partlee thereto. - No propose at or blda will he considered aldose accompanied by I certified cheek ptynble to tbe order of tba Mayor of the City af Portland, .t fi. he a eeamealhl hanlr ne mm um... equal to 10 per rent ef the arrrera'te propose U Tha right to reject any aad all bide la hereby reserved. . By order ef tbe Eieentive Board. . .. ., - THOfr. C. DfVl.m. , .' Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland, ..Oregon, February -JS, 1901, rtopoiAui fob srwxB'woai,' Seeled propoeala will be received at the office ov in auditor of the City of Portland until Friday; ' March 3. 1905. at S o'clock p. an., for tha "Construction of sewer In . BfH street from the sonth , line of . Ver ateer'a addition to the newer in Nlcolal atreet In the manner provided by ordinance Ne. 14,460. aubiect to the nrovlalnna of the .charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and the estimate af the City Knglneer, en 6le. Blda mnet be atrlrtly In accordance with Printed -fclanks. which will be fnrniahed. on anailcatlon at the office -wf the Andltor ef the city of Portland. And aald aewer moat he completed on or before SO daya from tha date ef tbe algauig of the contract by . tbe parties thereto. No propose la or blda wilt be considered nnlesa accompanied by a eertlfled check parable, to tba order of tha Mavor of the Cltv of Portland. eertlfled br a reaponalble bank for as amount equal to 10 per cent ef tbe asaverata Proposal. The right to reject any aad all blda la hereby rejected. Br order ef the Bxarutlve Board. - -..J, . r thos. c. pbvliw, Andltor of the Cltv af Portland. Portland.' Oregon. Kebroary 25. 190ft. : FBOPOgAXS FOB gaTWIB w-ouc. Sealed neonoosls will be reeolveal at the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland until Friday. March 3, IflOO, at 0 o'clock p. m.. for the construction of a sewer tu Twenty-flfth Uatraet from the south Una of Verateer'a eddl- tioa ta tne aowar in Nleniai atreet in toe man. nor Provided by ordinance No. 14.430, aubiect to the nrovlalona of the charter and ordlnanrea of tbe City of Portland, and tbe estimate ot tbe city Engineer, oa flle. Bids moat be strictly la accordance wltb printed blanks, which - will be furnished oa appncatloa at the office at the Aadltor of tbe City of Portland. And nald newer most be -completed oa or before 80. daya from tha date of tbe algnlng of tbe contract by .tbe Pardee thereto. No propoeala or bide win be considered nnlesa accompanied by a certified check parable to the order of tha Mavor af the Cltv of Portland. certified hr a reaponalble bank -for an amount equal to 10 par .cent of tha asrresrate proposal. The right to reject say sad all bids-la fterehy By order ef the K rem five Board. , '-' THOS. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor ef the Cltv of Portland. Portland. Oreron. February 25. 1905. - ; BOPOSAUI FOB sTWZm W0BX. Sealed nroooaala will be received at the office of the Andltor of tbe City of Portland until Friday, March 8, 190ft, at 3 o'clock . m., for the construction of a aewer In Eaet Twenty rat atreet, from 100 feet north of north line of Oregon atreet to tbe aewer Is Eaat Irving atreet. In the manner' provided br ordinance No. 14.467. en Meet to the provi alone of .the charter and ordinances of tbe City of Portland, and tbe estimate of tbe City- Bnrlmter, on Ale. Bids moat be atrictly la accordance wltb nrtnted blanks, which will he Airulabed oa anpUcation at tba' office of the Auditor ef tba City of Portland. And- said aewer most be completed oa or Before- 30 daya from the date of tbe algnlng of . the contract by tha par tiea mere to. no proponaaj or mos will ds eonuraeres nnlesa ipantea or a oertined rnecs paramo to the order of the Mayor ot tba Cltv ef Portland. certified br a reaponalble bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the arrrerate propoaaL ine ngnr. to reject any asa au oios is sareor --7 order af the Bxeeutfve Board. ; . ( THOS. C. DVX,IN. ; ' ' Auditor ef tbe Cltv of Portland. Portland. Oreron. yebrsary 25. 1906. r- nOsHMJAIJ FOB ftTBEET 1T0BK. - X Seeled pconoaala will be rectrl led a f tbe office ef the Auditor of the City of Portland until msar. Mares a. isna, at s e rvoct p. m., tor tbo lmproveroeart - of Vanceorer - aveone from tbe north line of Merrla atreet -to the aoatb Hne of Fttatont atreet In tbe manner provided hy erdtnaBce No. 14.454. aubiect to tbe orovlaloua of tba charter and ordinances of tbe City ot Portland, and the estimate of tbe City Enri. seer, oa ate. . r- Blda moat be atrlrtly la accord a rtce wltb printed blank a, which will he fnrniahed oa application at the office of the Aadltor of tba City of Portland; And aald Improvement mnet be eatsoleted on er before 130 days trots tha data of the algnlng of the sou tract by tbe parties thereto. - No preiieaala or bide will be considered nnlesa accompanied by a eertlfled check payable to tha order of the Mayor ot the City of Portland. eertlfled by a las pu us this bank for an amount aoual to 10 per cent of the argrerate propoaaL The right to reject any and alt blda la hereby By erdar ef the Executive Board, - THOS. 0. DnTTt.TN. ' Asdttnr of tbe Cltv of Portlaad., Portland, Oreaoa. rabruary SS. 19UB. - :nonuu fox sTxrrr voxx. . Sealed proposals Will be reeelved at the office or the Auditor or the City of Portland until Friday, March X, 1905. at 3 o'clock p. m.. for the Improvement ef Delay atreet from the north line of Goldsmith atrvet to - the aooth Uae- of Knott street hi the manner provided bv ordl aa ace Ne. 14.45B. aubiect to tbe nrovnlooa ot the charter and ordtseaeee of the City of Port. land, and tba eatlmate of tha City Engineer. Blda mist be atrictly la accordance with printed blank. Which will he furnlahed on application at tba office of the Aadltor ot tbe City ot Portlands Aad aald Improvement mnat be completed on ar before 90 days from the date of the signing of the contract by the partlee thereto. Ne neotmaaai or bide will be renal daw d nnlesa accompanied by a certified . check- parable to toe orucr oa toe mmjvr ol in 1117 01 rortniMl, eertlfled by a reaponalble beak for aa amount equal to 10 per rest of tne agrregate proposal. Tne ngnt n irjart-gay ana an bum is hereby By order af tbe Exemflve Board. - - THOS. C. DETLIW. -" ' - Andltor of the Cltv ef Portland,.' - Portland. . Oregos. Pebrsary 3ft. 1909. FXOPOSXO CXABSX OF wXXOI OF X0IXA. ,' ; SAT XTXaTTX, ;'. Notice le hereby gives thaf at the meetlnr ef tbe Coaneii er the tsty of rnrtuna, or., held on the 16th day of February, 1906, las followlag rssoruTioa waa aoopvea; Uesolved That the Council ef - tbe Cltv ef Portland, Oreron. dee tne It expedient -and part ones to ebanra tba grade of Hotladay ave aue at the renter line ot Uraad atenss from 134.8 feet to 124.1 feet; At the tester Hne ef Bast Tenth street from 10. o lava ao ma, . , . At the . center line of Beat . Twelfth atreet from 136B feet, to 114.8 feet, aad to establish the grade Is Holla day avenne at tba west Hue of Eaat Tenth street at 133 feet., and at the east line ef Eaat Tenth atreet at 13S.6 feet; At tbe weat Use ef Eaat Twelfth atreet at 136.3 feet; At the eaat line of Bast Twelfth street St 136.S feet shove the bane er city grades. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be end be la hereby directed to give notice, ef the proposes enrage ana cetapiiinmoBt of rradea aa provided by the charter. . lie neone trance against the abova chat) re ef grade may tie Sled Is writing with the ondet algned within SO days from the date of the Brat publlcstloB of thia notice. - , By order et the Council..,. THUS. ff. DEVLIN, ' Aadlnw of the City of Portland. Portland. Oreron. Dais st ftrat pubUcatlos, February IS, 190ft. -........ PROPOSALS FOX TXXXT WORK. -Sealed propoeala will be receited at tbe office of the Aaditnr of the City of Portlaad nntll Friday. March 8. 1906. at 3 o'clock p. m., for the improvement of Graver atreet from tbe eaet Una of Front atreet to tbe eaat line of Hood atreet Is the manner provided by ordl naaca No. 14.463, aubret to the provlaiona of the charter and ordinances of the City of Port land, aad the eatlmate of the City Engineer, Blda ntoat be atrictly Is accordance with printed blanks, which - will be fnrniahed on application at the office, of tba Auditor of the City of Portland. - And aald Improve meat mnet be completed os et before 90 daya from the date of the algnlng of the Cos tract by the partlee thereto. - No prnsosala or bid will he considered nnlesa accompanied by a eertlfled Chech payable to the order of the Mayor ot the City of Partland. certified by a responsible bank for aa amount equal to 10 per cent ef tha agrrerate proposal. The right to reject any ana au blue u hereby By order ef the Executive Board. , ( THOS. C- DEVLIN. '- Auditor of the City of PortUad. Portlaad, Oregon, February 35, 1903;. ... . PROPOSALS FOX ftgWIX WORK. Sealed propoeala will be received at the. office ef the Auditor of the City of Portland until Friday. March 3. "1906. at 3 o'clock p. m.. for the construction of a aewer In Twenty-slitH atreet trots the aouth Hne of Verateer'a eddl tioa to tha aewer In Nlcolal atreet in the man. Par provided by- ordinance No. 14,458, subject to the provialone of the rhartaf aud ordinances of the City ef Portland,, and the eatlmate ot the City Ensineer, oa ftlav . . Bide niuat he atrictly ta accordance wltb printed blanks, which will be furnished ea application at, the office ot the Aadltor of the City ot Portland. And aald aewer most be completed en or before 89 days from tba date, of the strains of the contract by tbe narflee thereto. t ro prepwaei or sum win os coawaerea uuiene accompanied by a certified Chech parable to tbe order of the Mayor of the City of Port Is n A. certified hy a reaponalble bank for aa amount equal to 10 per cent ef the arrrerste pmpossf. The right to reject any aad all bids is hereby reeevved. - - ... By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. -, Aaditnr ef the Cltv of Portlaad. ' rorttaoa, vregoa, reoraary 3s, laXB. U 1-1 FBOrOKO ntTROTKafTJIT 0V ' HXIOXTI ' TZKBACX. ..' . Notice Is hereby (Ires that at the meeting of the Council, of the Ulu of Port laud. Oragoa. held oa the 15th day ot February, 1906, tba following resolution waa adopted: Keeolred, That the OoaocU of tbe City ot i-oriiana, orerun, drems It expedleot ana par. poses ta. Improve Uriah ta terrace from tha real "line -of Lowtadale atrart to the eaat line ot block 40. Carter's addition, la tha fo- avwms; auanuer, to-wit: y . 1 . . First Br sradlns tha ares In rha BaaM STado aa shown by the a Lakes aa art by the tlty Knrtneer. Heceiid, Uy hrtnainr tbe earfaea ef tbe atreet fuu width with full Intcraectloae to the eetab llahnd rrada with Mara dam. - laird Br ronstrnctlne aldewslka In . ae eordaace with tba City Biajlsser e plana, asa ftcationa and eatlmalo FourtaBy ' couatrcctlng aroaawalka la ae cordance with-the City Jtaglaear' plans, epact ftcatlona and aatimatea. . a Fifth-By eonetraetlng atone gutters la ae- rorusnce with too city Kuslover a plana, epea Acatlono and eatimstea Sixth By. conatructlsg elevated aidewalka la ercwaauce- witn ine Litt aantioear a oauw. apeelDcaitona aad estttnalea. Seventh Br conatructlne award fence la se jorda nee with the City a.ii(ioeer'a plana, anact. an.-ainns ana aatimatea. ' Blrhth Bv eonatrnctina? wooden . eutha ' SS shown br aatimstsa. ' . Bald Improvvmeat to be made ta aceordaaee with the charter aad ordinances of tha City of Portlaad and the plana, epeci Beetle oa and aatimatea at the - Cltv Kneineer . Sled la tba ofttoes eX. tha Andltor of tbe City ot PortUod on tne iota day ef February, 1900, inrtoreea: "City Euslneer 'a plana and epeelncatlona for tha Improvement of Hel(hta terrace from the weat line of Loemsdale street to tha east Una of block 40. Carter'! addition, and the eat! mataa of the work to be doss Sad the prob able total coat thereof." . The roat ot aald Improvement to be teaaeai i aa provided by the city charter Upon tha property eperieliy and peculiarly beaaftted by aald Improvement and which la hereby declared te.be aa follows: - Lots 1. 3, 0 and the eaat kita 0 and 4, block 36; lot 0, block 06: alt la Carter'i addition to the City of Portland: and all that portion of block tt lying weat of tbe weat line of Lownadale street If as tended northerly In lta preaent coarse, and south of a Hne 104 feet northerly from and parallel with tbe northerly Una .of Heighte terrace: and mla 1,' 3 aad ft. block 303, In the City of Portland; aad I'.l that portion of land lying between the north Bite of block 87 and the aonth line ef block 36, Carter's ' adldtloa to the City of Portland, and between tha eaat Use of Seventeenth atreet If extended northerly In fts preaent course, end s line 66 feet waat of and parallel with the west Una of Sixteenth atreet and nil that portion of a parcel of land lying between the westerly line of Helxhte terrace and a Hne 100 feet weat of and parallel with the weat line of Seventeenth atreet If extended northerly la lta preaent eoarte, and between the sonth line, of block 36, and tha north lino of block SO, Carter's sddltloa to Us Cltv of Portland. . The Easlaaet'a estimate of the probable total eaat for the Improvement ot aald Heights tor. race la (1.600.O0. - . . . . -., . . Tbe above Improvement M to be classed ae a macadam Improvement and Shan be main, tataed by the city for a period of four years, provided by tbe ownera of a majority at tbe property benefited by aald improvement or any portion thereof, ahall not petition for s new ar different Improvement before, the t expiration of each, period. - The plane, anecinratlons and - rati ma tea of the City, Karl near .for the improvement ot Bald Helrhta terrace are hereby adopted. Resolved, Thaf the Auditor of the City ef Portland be end be 1 hereby directed to give notice,, of tba proposed Improvement ot said atreet aa . provided by the city charter. . ... Krmons trances ara last the above Improve ment may be Sled In writing wltb the under. atrned within 30 days from tbe date at the ftrat publication af thia notice. . By order of the Council. - THOS. a DBTT.nf . Auditor ef the City ef Portland. Portland. Oreros..- Bato of first publics tloB, Febraary 18, 1906. 1 . FxoroBKB ntnoTxiTXirr : of jiooxxx STBXZT, ; Notice la hereby given that at the meeting of the Council of the City of Portlaad, Ore gon, held aa tba 15th day of February, 190S, the following resolution was adopted: Reaolted, That tbe Council of tba City ef rwuaaa, uresou, aeeum it expeaienx ana purpoaaa to improve Hooker street from tbe eeat Una of Third atreet to the weat terminal line ef Hooker atreet, la the follow log manner, to wit: ,, a .. , . .- . . First By rradiag the street fall width with fall interaertious te the proper suhgrade. Sarcond By bringing -the surface of - the atreet full width with full Utereectiea to grade wltb macadam. Third By constructing wooden aidewalka Is aoeoraauca with the city caapaeers puns. specinrouena una eetimatre. Fourth By laylns eroaawalka ': r , Fifth Br eanatrucrinr atone anlleia. ! - ' Bitth By constructlns elevated wooden al de ws Ik a la aceordaeiee with tha City Engineer's plana, apeclflcations and eaumatee. Held improteaMBt ta be made la accordance with tha charter and ordinances ef tba City ef Portland and the plana, aprci&cationa and eetlmatea of the City Eneioeer filed la the of Ore of the Auditor of tbe City of -Portland on the 13th day of - February. 1905, Indorsed: ."City Enslnear'a plana and eperjneutiona for the Improvement ef Hooker atreet from the east ins of TBirs atreet to the west terminal line ef Hooker atrert and tha eatimstea of the work to be done end the probabla total east thereof." .. . . . . t Tbe coat of aald improvement to be eueeeeed aa provided hy the city c barter anon the property epeeially and peculiarly benefited thereby, end which la hereby declared to be all the mta, parte thereof aad parcels of land lying between tbe west terminal line ot Hooker atreet extended north and sonth la Ha preaent eoorse and a line 109 feet eaet of and parallel With the test line of Third street and between e line 100 feat north ef and parallel with the north hne of Hooker atreet and a Hna 100 feet aouth ef sad parallel with tba aoatb line of Hooker atreet, aad alee a parcel of land lying between the north and aoatb Bscs of Hooker street extended westerly is their present course and between the waat terminal line of Hooker atrert end a line ion feet westerly therefrom aad parallel there- wirn. - - Tbe Earlneer'a eatlmate ef the probabla total east for tbe Improve meat of aald Hooker atreet Ief1.820.09. -.:- - : The above Impro-rtment it to be clamed aa a macadam tmnrortment and ahall he BaaiBtalaed by tbe city for a period ef ftve years, pro- vioee mat tne owners or s majority or the property benefited by- raid ' Improvement or any portion thereof ahall not petition for s sew er oirrerent improvement ouore tne ex nirnrton of each nerlod. The plans, aped Scat Ions and estimates of the City Knrtneer for the tan prove incut of Bald Hooker atreet are hereby adopted. Reeorred. That tbe Auditor of the City ef Portland ne ana ne la nereoy a tract ea to give notice of the proposed Improvement ef said atreet aa provided by the city charter. Re monet ranees nratnat the above Improve ment may be filed In writing wltb tbe ander aimed within 20 dart from the data of tha Brat publication ot tnta notice. By order of the Council. - V - - - r ,-, " , THOS. ft fllTtiH, ; r ' Aadltor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oreron, , Dsts sf ftrat publlcatloa February 18. 1906. : - .J" XXASSESXafXBT yOX XsTPXOTFJrTXr OF iar mh rtn or xrrxx stxxxt.- In ' eomnllanen with a naolution adnoted at the rcrular meeanr of the Council, held on -the 15th nay or rebrnary, -1906. deelarlnr the dlatrict nenesten oy tne imneovemeat of the eaatetly 26V4 feet of River Street from the aouth line of Alblni avenue to 100 feet aonth of the aouth line of Alblna avenne, and direct ing the Auditor et the titty of Portland to prepare a preliminary areeaatneat upon tbe Iota, blocks and parcelt .of land within said dlatrict,- Now. therefore, notice It hereby inivea that such aaaeaatnent le now on Ale In the office of the Andltor of the City of Portland and that any objections to each eaaeeament most he filed In writing wltb the Auditor within 19 dsn from the 7th day or March. I or, the last day nf publication of this notice, and notice la farther given that aald objections will he heard by the Council at a meetlnr to. be held on the 15th day ef March. 1906. and all nee. acme arrrieved - thereby or Interested therein must be preaent at aald meerinr. aad are warned not to depart therefrom antll each rtteeettsiint haa been completed.. , . - : itiiis. u. iir.vi.in, . Auditor of the City ot Partland. Date ef Brat publication February 24, 1906. XXAxaxftBiATirT fox nmoTnawt of ;- EAST TAJQETXI, BTXXZT. Is 'eomnllance with a reaohttloa adonted t the regular meeting of the Council, held February 16, 1906. declaring the district bene, fited by tbe Improvement ot Kaat Yrrahlll atreet from the eaat curb line of Eaat Water atreet to the weat Use ef Union avenue, end directing the Andltor of tbe City ot Portland to prepare a preliminary aeeraemeat upoa tbe lota., blocks end parcels of land within said district. . . . Now. therefore, sotice m hereby rl van that anch aseetsment . la . nbw en flle In tha office of the Auditor of tbe City ef Portland, and that any objectlona to ones, aasessrsest must he filed In writing with the Auditor within 10 day from the' 7th flay of March. J906. the laat day of publication of thia sotlr. aad notice le further gives that aald objectlona will be heard by the Council at a meeting to he held os the 15th day of March. 1906. and all persona arrrieved thereby er Interested therein must be preaent at aaM meetlnr. and are warned not to depart therefrom until anch reaaseathtent baa bees mmnlrted. - THOS. C. DETMN. Anal lor nf the City of Portland Data ef ftrtt publics tics Febraary 34, 1900, (MFtmrr fox mfxotemx of rxovx ' , tTXZXT. Notice la hereby (Ires that tba Council of the City of Portland, Oreron, st a meeting held on tha let day or February, 1904. declared the see ess men t br ordinance he. 11.432. (or tha Im provemeut of trout atreet, from 54 feet south of the aouth Una ut Lane atreet td 1M (eet north ot toe norta line of Lena atreet. in tua aaa- BCf DCOVlded bv ordinas., Nu. 1.1 SHI. UDOB OSCh lot- tisrt of lot. and n,,Ml nt l.n.l whk'h Sit specially aud necuuarly bauegted. le bo aa foit stars, vial . f l-UHTUSD-BLOCK 106. lot 1, Henry wem htrd. 4300: lot -J Hcnrr Wrinhard. 02.UU1 lot 3. Henry Wruibatd, (3.00;kt 4, Henry Weluhard. (2.00 lot 6. Uenxy Welphard, a.ioi 't o. Henry weinhara, wi -Henrr Welnhard. 12. uu: lot v Henry Weln. . hard, OAuU. BLOCK 106. Bmlth A Wataon Iron Work, (4.16. BLOCK 107, kit 1, Smith . A Wataoa Iron Worka. (A01; . lot 3, Smtlk A Wataon Iron Worka, 42.0i lutJa. Smith , dt.Watsos Irus Works, (Alio; lot 4, hVuillh ., A Watson Iron -Works. (300; kt ft. Smith dc wauoa Iron Worka,- OXUUl Wt S, nuuui A Wataoa Iron. Worker (2.00; kit" T. Smith . a Wstaaa Iron Worka. 42.00; hit 0,Bmlth A Wataoa Iran Worka. 42.00. BLOCK 130, . lot 1, Oregon Cbainany, $3 00; lot 3, Oreaoa. 43. ou, lot 4. Oregon Company. 2.0U; lot &. Frank Hornstrom. (3Too7horth H K . Bopuls Uavll, 41.00; auutb lot 6, John i-uniiiasr, ia.wi iot a, urefou war"ii Heiaacnar, fi.uu; 101 1. at. wuiiamt.ee.vu, I hit 8. R. Wllllama,' $2.00. BLOCK 121, north av iwi Oa aut X, Buaia aa, raiae, aw-r'i ' north 30 feet nf w.t SU feet of kit 3. Blialo M. Parkee. 80.15! east HO feet ot West 40 feet of lot 1. Beckle Uurdoo. (0.60: eaat 0 feet of west 40 feet of lot 3, Beckle Gordon.. '40.su: eaat UU feet ef lot 1. A, , Baumrardner, (1.15; "north 16 feet ef eaat .60 feet of lot 3. - A. Baumgardner. (0.45; I aouth 1 foot of mirth 30 feet uf eaat 60 feat of lot X Slarie Dake, 00.10; aouth (0 'tewt of lot 3, Marie Dake, 61.16; lot 3. Marie .. 1,- tit ca. i . m 1 -. i. an 1ft. In S, Jacob Mayer, 41. M; aonth 30 feet of lot T..acon Haver, si.xu; norta Jet tevt oc west eu seat vl lot I, rtenry . m. meuins, e.w, west 86 fact of lot S, Henry B. Mctllnn. 41. UJ: north 30 feat of aaat 30 feet ot lot T, , Bode M. Parker, (0.16: eaat 80 feet of tot , n. tnicie M. farter, go. to. iuiik la. lot 1, M. Oale. (3.00; kit 3, Joaepk Slmou, ; Trattee, 12.00 ; lot 0. John Clay toil. (2-00 ; ; lot 4, Satuigt A Loan Society. 010. -A trmagular' tract ot laad lying between the southerly line of lot 4.' block 12a. roruano, the north Una of block 10. Carnthera' addl- tioa to Portland, and a line loo feet west of aad parallel with the west Una of rust (tract, - John Clayton, 00.18. A tract ef land lying between the eeutherlt line ot let ft, block. 123, Portland, aad tba aartharlv Una of hioch 111 Carathera' addl tioa to Portland, and between the eaat line of ' Beeond atreet and a Una 100 feet eaat 01 ana ; parallel therewith. Savings at Lama Society of sua ' traaciaco, a. us. . PORTLAND BLOCK 123. lot 6, Bavlnss T,oas tMclety of Baa traneleco, (2.0O; tot 0, navusa A loan Society of Baa FrancJaeo, (3.00; kit T, Koawell D. Lamaon. (3.00; lot S. Boawell B. Lamaon. (2.00. BLOCK 123. mt 1, Joha A. vetliu. (X.UO; lot s, Jona A. uavua, J-uu; aoa o, uiTsti oaviuas m seisn ouvieij, r.w, lot 4. Ueorre H. Chanoe. 0X00: lot ft, KaU I Henderson. (3.00r-mt 4, Orvla and Marts ret 1 V L'-ll On. 1 V W X.'1L, a J IMf lot ft, Ida U. Olesy. (300. BLOCK 136, lot 1, Lacy A. Dodd Katate, Helra of. 02.OU; lot X Lsey A. Dodd Katate. Heirs of, 03.00; kit 3. tiearro H. ChanctL. S2.00: lot 4. Oeurra H. Cbasea, 03.00; lot ft, Stephen Meade i- tate, iicirs ot, (S.UU), (outs ev Iret 01 ant o, BtepbeB Meade kvtatr, Helra of, 01-40; north lu tret 01 moi o. I. u, newesane, .ev.su; west BO feet of lot 7, C. C Newceatle, (l.rlO; weat 90 feet of lot 8. C: a Newceatle. Sl.NO: : eaat 10 feet of lot f.Lner A. Dodd Katate. , Heirs of. 40.15; east 10 feet et krt S, Lucy A. Dodd Katate, Helra of. (0.1ft. BI.OCK 137, mt 1, e-ueepaine A, .matermaa, aa. vu, 101 a, Joaephioe A. kloaterman, (AU0; lot 3, Abra ham B. Burger, (2.00; kit 4,, Joseph Day, t2.U0; lot ft, Thomaa BpUlmaa, (2.0U; mt 4, U I Kay, floo; aouth 14 3-3 feet of lot T, B. U Ray, (0-60: north (1 1-8 feet of lot T, Mary a. smucsie. ei.so, 101 a, mary - Arbuckle. S2.0U. BUKh 13M. all of 1 Jiai feet Of oaoca except aortn ov l ret, r " gnmento Thsrlow, (3.3U; all of east 10O feet of block except north 60 feet, Josephine . BslUvan. 0316; -Berth 30 feet of west 100 i feat of block, Hattte Goldamlla, 41-80; aonth - 30 feet ot north 60 feet ot west 1U0 feet af blacA. Lhmia A. aUcbards. 81.00: north 60 feet , of esst 10ft feet of block, Oscar . Mlhnoa. 02.00. BLOCK la, lot 1. Peter J. -Mann, $3 K; . wt 3. Peter J. Mass, (2.00; lot a, Peter - J. Mann, 1.T6; lots, Mary HoMnaon- Katate. Heirs- ef. 00.10: lot ft. Mary Boblnsoa Katate, Helra ef. (1,88; lot s, Joss W.. sad Helen Men Ourraa. $2.00; lot T. Peter J. Mann, txoo; aut a, peter t. Mann, 42.00. RUK;K 140. lot 1. K. U Mnodaaahall Batata.' Helra of. 43,00: hit- X - Louie P. Chemla Batata, Hetre of, (3.00; . lot X Loala K. Cbemln Katate. Halra ef. -(2.00: lot. 4. Looia F. Cbemln Kettle, Heirs wf, saw. en o, inw muva, r -v , . H. M. Huruham. (3. 00;. lot 1, J. M. Watts, aawi w, . ,rw,s, .vw mmv. ,t , k7t 1. Ueorre Ii. Ray, (3.X0; lot 2. Michael . J. leriat, (2.0V; lot a, cnariee L. l aracr - (2.011, lot 4. Jamea S. Johaatone, 43.UO! ... r e, ar o 1 . . . .. - s. ai.lli- fe, aua M. v. aww bits w w mmMMtm. .. . south 48 feet of mt- 6, O. M. Smith and Beno A Ballia. 41.86;. north X feet of lot 6. ' Mary Francee Hurley, (u.10; heath 36 feet . of lot 1, Mary Prances Hurls. (1.46) north 14 test of lot 7. Annie B. Harklos, $0.40; , lot n. Asnls- sv Marsioa. sa.uw. CARirTHERS ADDITION TO PORTLAND BLttCK 1. lot 1, Thomas tiulneau, (3.1o; lot 3. Ihomaa uoinasav a.iu;' aot av-woaa una. 'bell, 4A10; low 4, John Uampball, (Alu: lot . ft, William Drouck, (2.10; lot 4, William Drench, 03.1O; kt 7, Mary K. Wllaon. Ai.10; ' lot S. Mary K. WUaou, (llo.- BLOCK 3, lot KaUiiu Bin, ShMisa Cimi.M r t'l 111, Mwtk U ot mt aV. Char las Walter, . 41.06; - aouth . y ot sut a. w. a. ruiieraoai, fi.w, jot a, Kalama River Boom Company ,(3. 10; lot 4, Thomas Mans, 62.10: hit a. Thmnes-Mssn, XI 111: 'lor A. Thomaa Maaa. aU.10: lot T. Thomas Mann. (3.10; let s, Kalama stiver Boots Compear, (310. BLOCK g. tut 1. Hoduey Oilaaa , Eatate, Heirs ef. (2.10; lot X Rodney Ollaan Katate. Uetra of. 4A1VI lot X Hodnry UUaas Baute. Heirs et, (310: - T . . , . V UAU.fk - nti, IaS S ilk W, V, e.u., Keimi , T . , ,uc rtuner. fx.iu; au a, 1 truianono uottel, $2,111; lot 7, Collate ht, Frsaer, 42.10; Jot 8, " tollsta M, Fraaar, $10. BLOCK 4. let 1, . Charles le. raiser. 6wu; HH a, l series u, Parker, (3.10; lot 3, John Lsckel et ol, $3.10; lot 4, Joha Luck el et aL $310; lot ft, js. VI later morrm. e.iu; mt -u. William av . Uronanaa. (3.10: lot T. Barak J. Stassberry. $3.10; lot a, Thomas Guineas, $2.10. BLOCK fiTeaat luO feet of lot 1, Maria Baker, (3.00; - waat 8.6 feet et au i, WUllam FUedaer. ' an lilt waat S.ft feet of lot X William tilsav 1latKLj:ilr. ; ner. (0.10; weat 6.S feet of lot X WUllam FUedaer, 0O.10; eaat 100 feet of lot X J. W, Baker, (3.0U; eett 100 feet of lot X 'Perry U. Baker Estate, Heire ef, 03.00; kit 4, . William meaner, ss.iv; mt, n 1111am mea ner. 42.10: lot 4. William Filed net. 82.101 lot T. WUllam FUedner, 63.10; kit a, WUIUm ' Klledser. 03.10. BLOCK X mt 1, Jobs ' Perry, OXlo; tot X Delpnlne whaats. 031ti lot . Rebecca Hockfeld, 43. 10; lot 4. William ' Plledatr. (X10; lot ft, Wlluam FUedner, (3.10; lotvo. Char lea rrlterb, 43.10; lot T. ' VwMm H. Tavlur. 43.10: lot a. Lrdla H. : Tar lot, (3.10. BLOCK T, lot 1, Clara Oeht. ateln, Yi.iv. mi s. aim r. um, a-a-io; ' weat 2ti feet of lot X Peter Taylor, 40.60; east 00 feet of lot X Irving W. Pratt, (1.40; ' lot 4. Peter Taylor, (2.10; aaat afe feet of lot b, Peter Taylor. 4,.lo; east 4' feet . of lot 6, Peter Taylor, (iklO; west liaj feet af tut ft, Canadian X American Mortgage Trust Company, Ltd., (3.00; west 100 feet Of lot O. Altres a. iataw,- te.uu, an a, J. W. Hickman, (X10. , ' A tract ot Maud 'bounded and de scribed ea follows: Cemmeorlug at a point la tbe eeat - line bf Second street, aald point ' hemg BO eet aoatb of the Intersection el the aouth line of BbetBiaa atreet with the east .. line ot Second atreet thence aouth along the eaat - Use ef Second atreet to a point 1U0 feet eeath of tne eouta una ot aaermaa atreet; tbence eaat Tl.tlwfauf. amng a Una -100 feet sooth ef and parallel with tbe south line of Sherman erreeti tee nee north XI. I 1 feet a tear a una ii.ii feet eeat ef aad parallel wltk tha eaat line of Second atreet; tbence north 04 degrree (6 wilantre weat 1S.S faet: tbence weat 6 feet a ions a Una 68 feet aouth of and parallel wun the eooia line ef . rJbermaa atreet; thence north 18 feet along B Una 63.111 feet eaet of and parallel with the eaat line of -Seeoad atreet; tbence west along a line 40 faet aouth of and parallel wltb the aouth line ef Sherman atreet te the Slave-of beginning, J. W. Hickman, (1. 90. . tract ef bjnd bounded aad described et . folio we: Commencing at tba northwest cor ner of lot, 1, blocs 7, Csrstber'e addition : to Portland; tbeoce south along the weat line uf lota 1 -and X buck T. Carnthera' addition to Portland, te a - point loo feet aonth of sosth line ef Sberraaa atreet; thence west 34.31 feet along a Una 100 faet aouth of end parallel with lbs aouth line ef Kher , man atreet) thence north; la. 1 faet aloag a line T1.71 feet eaat ef I and parallel with the eaet line of Beeond street: thenee north 54 octrees 36 minutes weat 15.4 feet; thence weat 6 faet along s line 60 feet aouth ef and ' parallel with the aouth Una of Sharmas atreet; thence north along a Una 63.01 faet eaat ot and parallel with the eaat line of Becmd atreet to ita Intersection with ' the ' eouth Una of Bhermaa atreet; thence east along the eouth line ef Sherman atreet te , place et beginning, Walter X Hnfford. tl 65. CAKtiTHEWr ADDITION TO PORTLAND : 1,1 an , a a, Mt 1, Hooney niiaea Katate, Ilelrr V of. 0316: lot X Rodney (lllasn Ketate. Heire . of. (210: kit X Rodney tillaas Estate, Helra of, (2.10; lot 4. Lulu May Cottel, . 12.10; eouin Vk et iot b, uein May ,t ottel, si.ns; north V, of lot ft, Cbarlea W. Cottel, i. 05; kt X Rodney till asa Katata. Helra of. 4210; lot 7. Rodney Oitsaa Katata, Helra of, (X 10; rot X Rodney (lllson Katate. Helra of, 42.rO. llWX'X 4. M 1. Sarah J. SUneberry, (310; kit 2, Sarah J. ' Stanaberry. (2.10; lot 0, Sarah J.- Stanaberry, S3IO; lot 4, Sarah J. Stanaberry, (2.19; lot 6, Sarah J. Stanaberry, 03.Hi: lot X Sarah J. Stanaberry, (2.11); lot 7, Sarah J. Stanaberry, (2.10: lot 8, Sarah J Btaitaherrt. (310. WUKK Jrt. lot 1, Mery i 1 n-i. tt A, l n j u,t,i,a wi. lot 3. Mary U ttlton, (316; Jot 4. Martin nctiaite. 12.10: lot n. mariee hirrnsce and tlcnrj Uacoo, : (2.10; let X- John a, mery. (1.10; lot f. t. M." Walcft. XX10I lot's, . t he Title Ooaranteo h 1 rust Compsny. (310. BLOCK 11. lot 1,'-Umr(u sad nsrah Oum bort. (2.10; let X Joaeph Kuank. 1110; eaat TT feet ot kit 0. Mar taa A. t w W.a, 01.56; " weat 3 6 fw-t of kit 1. Uaakell j-roes, 0O.5&:' ' - wel hd.6 feet efr Wt 4. llassnl frown, Sii.iJi; east 77 feet of lot X kred Neuueuer, " . 01 61; eet f"t of lot X Alfred J. termer, (I. SO; eaat 33 feet of waat 100 feet - ef kit X Leon Hem ler, (0.46; eaal 6.6 feet -of lot 6, Haekell llrowa. CLIO; eaat 6.6 feet :.ot kit 0, UaakeU Brown, Ou.10; wait 101 faet of lot X Mary Auruata baurafu', 42.00; lot - T.' Joseph l Neiurraaryer, (XlOt kit X Otto Kotfxhild., (2.10. BLOCK IX lot 1, , Martha A. CoUin. (310; north H of lot X Adolph Coleou, (t t;- south. U ef lot 3. '. iHua A. Nor man, (1.06; lot 3.- Mary C ' , Thurktw. (3.10; lot 4, Raarlatta Uuauaa. -' (A10; lot X Anthony (. Carroll, (2.10c, lot ; 6. Aathoriy F. Carroll, (310; lot T, John ' ?A-f-i,,s ,ot " a. Binary, (3.10. -BLhIK-II waat 0.6 feet of lot 1. William r BaJ):a. $0.15; eaat 33.6 feet of weat 43 (set of lot 1, Loula P, Be oo, $0.65; eaat 83.6 . f'. 0V.W?' fw-rot north 5 feet of lot 2. ll'l.- Bwi "lo; aoutk 10 feet ef oast ' i.4 feet of iot X Loula P. -Beno, $0.36; tft 1 mi " Mt of kit 1, ' il?1. Br'L 00.10: north SS feet of ea ' uJ 5 feet of kit 3. Uoldle Barell. , $0.4o; weat 43 feet ef aouth 46 feet of lot X Roman Catholic Archbishop of the Diocese ' ot Oregon, (0.76; west 43 feet of lot fcomaa Catholic Archblabop of - the Diocese of Oregon, 60. bO; north 49 feet of eaat 43.0 ' ; feet of lot 1, WllUam Ballia. (1.30; north. feet of eaat 63.6 feet of kit 8. Loula P. . Beno. (0.05; eaat 63.6 feet of eouth 36 I eet of lot A Komaa Cstbollc Archblabop of tbe Dlosese of Oregon. (0.46; lot X Romas Cath- . oUc ArchbUhou et the Diocese of Oregon, ' 03.10; lot ft, boman Catholic Archbishop ot " . the Diocese of tiregon, 03.1u; lot X Homan t atheUa Archblabop of the Diocese of Oresus, (3.10; tot T. itomas CatholU Archblabop ot . the Diocese of die ton, 43.10; waat 9.4 feet r of eaat 33 teat of aouth 11 feat ef lot a. Hpmaa Catholic Archblahop of the Diocese ' . of Oregos, (0,19; west jift feet of aoutk ' - 11 feet; of lot X Roman CathoUo Archblabop) . bs Dlocaas of Oreron. 40. JD; eeat 33.96 i - iTi.' -k 8, WllUam Ballia, 80.46; weat , 63.64 test of north 39 feet of lot X Jeaula " - Belcher, (1.30. BLOCK 14.- lot 1? Pratt - Whitooub. (3.10; lot X Pratt WUtconui,Ti-- ea.au, aut a, I rait WBIUOmO, 63.19; lot S. - lasao Hamm, (3io; aouth ef lot 6, WUI- . lam It. UrentViL 01.06: east SX$ feet of " ' north A ot lot "J;"-Wlluam , H. erenftU, (O.tA; went 80 feet ot Borlk H of lot X ' Stephen Prhleaax, $0.76; lot X ' Aalhoey P, - Carroll, $X10: lot T, Anthony F. Carroll, "vj. : $3.10; lot X Wis U Woodward. 0X10; BLOC hi T , 16. lot 1. Oeorge Laogford, . OX10; lot X , ,. Oeorgs Lsngford, $X10; lot 8, Parker F. . Mater. (3.10; lot 4, Darby 0 Toole, (X10; . -kit 4, Tkomarlne P. Scott, $2.10: lot X Tbomatinr. P. tk-ott, $3.10; lot T, Miad U. - . Hudson, (110; lot X kUwl a. Hudaos, (XIX 5 BLOCK ltt lot 1, Harriet kL tiemaa, $3.10, , kit X Harriet hi. RieawB, $il0; mt X Joha . B. Lata. (2.10: lot 4. K. V. Pratt, (3.10: lot 6. Wlliey B. Aliens (X10; aoath H of . mt.X WUlry B.. Aura, a 1.06; north S of , . lot X Morrsa Barde. (1.06; east sf lot 7, Char aaa U. Parker.. (l.OBi- eaat W of lot S, A harlea L. Parker, (1.06; . weat H of "lot " T. Elinor Q. Hare, (1.06; west of lot X Elinor ii. Hare, (LUX BLOCK IT. lot 1. : , Mary D. L. Barnhart, (X10; lot X Mary V. L. Baxnhaxt. Si. 11): eaat 100 feet of kit X . .t bar hat U Parker,. 43UO; treat all teat ot eouts w er sot X Mary a. . A roue tie, so. 10; aaat ajs rest el norm V, of 4ol. X Bessoo B. Arbuckle, 30.10 east too feet 01 tot X Wllllsni ltrufer2.oo eat a.a2 feet of lot X Mary B. SmltX 00.10; lot X Mary K. Bmlth, (3.10; aouth V, of lot X Mary B. Arbuckle. (1.05: Berth Vk of lot. X a, . Li- ai'M. 1 . . . . . . . 1 . ,Dwmv. fi,wi aua a, evwai ana aueuiu L Ftarlav XXloi -wt X-Joha and Annie L. vFahle, (IlX BLOCK IX lot 1. Uermaa Sara log A Loan Boclaty. (310; lot X Beth L. rope, 62.10; wt X Charlas X Parker, (X10; 10c e. tnaries rarrer. ea.101 1 BO fart ' of lot 6. Bskavil T.: Hlnada, (LOO; eaat 6XS ' feet ox lot 9. John Barney. I1.IU; Mt, ea - , Belling. Trustee, (3.10; "want H of lot 7, ' John Ueorge Seed, (1.0ft: eoetk a feet of weat 1 of lot X John Oeorge Seed. 40.10; . norta en feet or weat 01 lot s.- mary neeo, . (0.96: esat 44 of lot T. William H. and Kred- . etick J. Joyce. (1.06; east H ef kit X Will. lam H. sad Frederick J. Joyce, (1.06. BLOCK , is, 10c 1, STroerica u. maitnewa, aaav; lot - X Fredertcfc D. Matthewa, $3.10; krt X Edgar T! Poppletoa, (X10; lot. X ftVlgar Poppleton, (310: lot i. . Mlnats Varwlg, (X10; aoutk , A3 1-3 feet ef lot X Christian Keller. (1.31; nortk IS 1-4 feet ef let X.Daaiel and Cath. V! erlae A. Kelly. $0.70; lot T, Daniel and Cath. -. erine A. Kelly, $3.10; lot X Urasaai Olaaa, ' EeUte Heire of, (XIX BLOCK 30, kit 1, Peter J. Mass, (1.10; lot X Oraham Glaaa, ; ' Katate Heirs of. (2.19; lot X tirsham tilsaa,. .-. Kataw Helra of, $3.10; lot X Jamas J. Ak larX $2.10: lot X Ella D. Besokrett. (310; lot X W. C. Barmar, OXlo; lot T. Joha W, ' ' Ourraa, $X10; lot X Pater J. Mean. $3.10 ., CARCTHER'S ADDITION " TO OARrTHBR'S ADDITION TO TBI CITT Or PORTLAND BIXJCK A. all ef north 44 feet of lot 1. ex. eept weat 13 feet, Barak J, Mc Kit rank. $1.60; '. emia avea a . . mv ,m i KM.ee,aMrjrra n, " Poadlck, SO. 16; waat 33 feet of lot lToregon Furniture MaBSfseturiag Company, (0.45; west fc 22 feet of lot X Oreroa Furnltnrs. Msnafae , hiring Company, $0.46; all of lot g except . ' treat 23 feet. Albert N. Foadlck, (1.4b; all . of north - H of lot X exorpt west 14 feet. ' Charles E. Hall. $1.30; ell of aoath 44 ot . .' lot 3 except wast 14 feet, Nettie A- Sea. too. $1.30; west 16 feet of jot X t TAardano, . JD.ao; all of north H of kit 4 eaespt west 1.18 feet, P. X Illge, 00.80; eouth 36 feet ef Wt X 0. Oordano, (0.90; west 61. IS feet . of north U of lot 4. 0. Cordana, (1.06; weat -90 feet of lot 6, DUnlnirk LasTaod. (1.N0; weat 90 feet ef lot X Marraret Ceegrote. . ' (l.W; east 16 feet ef lot ft, O. Cordano, r (0.16; east 10 fret ot kit X O. Cordaao, . 00.16: lot T, Oreroa Farnltnrs Ma an factor log ' . Company, $200; lot X Oregon Furniture Man. V ufacturinr Company, (2.00. BLOCK R, Berth X3 feet of lot-1, P. wTWatkina. $0.00; sooth Hf 3H feet of lot 1, 1-1 tale Appleatoaa,. (1.16; M X Julius and Caroline . Walter, (300; ' north ef lot X Portlaad Trust Company of Oreron. (1.60; aouth of lot X X Hock. . (eld, (LOO; kit X WUllam B. Courtney, (loo; - -eaat H ef kit X. Jane X Mmua,.iutt west tt of lot 6. Charles A. Walter 01.00; lot X Perry U. Baker, katate Betrs of, $2.00; west H of krt T, Thomaa P. Campbell, iroo; eaat Of lot T. Jacob Stalder. $1.90; lot X Jamea F. rmvies. $300; lot X D. Marx, 01.35; ' lot 10, Btepben Meade, Estate Helra of. $1.66; lot 11, Perry O. Baker, Estate Heirs of, fef (1.80; lot IX Perry Q. Baker. Estate Heirs .. . of. (1.90. BLOCK C. lot 1, Perry O. Baker, .. Katate Heirs of. (X09; lot X Perry . Baker, Katate ef, $300; lot X WUUam W secure, , 42.O0: lot X William W say her. 42.00; lot X ' Ellen Welle. (l.Ou; aoath H of mt X Archie and Csrwtts Richardson. (1.00; north H of lot X X OngllelemelU. Katata Bel (1.00; aouth 00 feet ef wt T, J. A. I (1.16; Berth 30 feet of lot T, 1st Biatsts - tseirs . ec, . ;r Farawtf, ma aud Jennla Kafka, $0.80: lot X Emms aad Jennie , Kafka, (Z.0U, sixet n. ii, west 1 ot ant 1, A. W. Cheney. Ol.oo; west Vt sf mt X" A. W. Cheney, (1.00; eeat H ef kit 1, Heritable Semiity X Mortgairo iBveatmeut Company, (l.ou; eeat H of lot X Heritable Security At Mortrue-Inveetmeat Comoanv, (l.oo; lot X Kmlly J. Schneider, (3.00; kit 4. Emily --. J. Schneider. (3.00; lot ft, Nicholas Sehanan, ' (3.0II-. lot X PblUp New, (3,00; lot T, Susan C. Butlor, (l.oo; lot X Joaepk Fink. (3o. ' -BLOCK B. undivided H of lot I. laMdoa Baa Frandare Bank, (l.Ofr; nndlvided hi ot kit X Ion dee X Sas Franclaco Bank. (1.06; undivided s et lot le DuBdee Mortgage " ' . Trust Investment Cetnpnny, Ltd., 41.00: an. divided i of lot X Dundee Marts-are X Treat ' Investment Company, Ltd.. (1.00; lot X Cart -' skbendrotb. (2 00: lot 4. Carl AbendrotX 42.00; west w of lot X, WUllam H. Baylor, H.0: ', eaat V, of lot 6. Fanny Barry, 41.00; lot X ., raany Barry, ''; ""la w ai an i. rairoy -Barryf (l.OOt norU Mi ef mt T. James Barry. , :V (1.00: kt X Jamea Barry, (2.00. BLOCK F. lot 1. J. O. LnckeL. $O T0; lot X J- C V LueheL $0.70; lot X I. Lnckel, (0.40;.. lot 4. J. C. LuckH, (0.6Ti lot ft, J. C. ," LuckeL $0.60; kit 6, J. C. LnckeU 00.60; M 1. j. C. Lnckel.: $0.60; lot 6. T. C, Loekel, 8X961 lot t4 . ' IV t lajckel $0.60; ia in i r. Luckel. 00.60: lot 11. J. c. . . LsckeL 00.60; kit IX J. C, tock'L- 00.60; , 'lot IX r C. Lackel. 00.T0; lot if. 5. C. LnckeL 00.70; kit IX J. C. Iackal, $O.T0-. ! lot lta, , i. C luckel. 0O.TO: lot IT. Auruata Marka, $0.60; Wt in. saa-usra aaarta. (0.00; . let 10. Anmata-Marka, (0.60; 'lot 10. An. rusts Marka. $0.60; lot 11, John B. Elrgler, $0.60: undivided Vi of lot 23. William Man. tar. $0.36; undivided of lot 33, WUUam Montag. 00.36; undivided H of lot 24. ' William Mooter. (036; undivided 4 ef lot IS, William Memtsg. $0.30: nndlvided t4 ' of lot 72. Henry Cleave. (O SS; nndlvided H of kit 21, Henry Cleawe. fn .24; undivided .. U ef kit St. Henry Cleave, $n.2,v- asdlvlded ; 2 bf lot 35. Henry Cleave,', $0.30. . BLOCK , ' O. lot 1, itaneua b. ano w. a. . uiwta, (l.Sft; lot X laabella B. and W.- A. Lewis. (1.66; eaat 60 feet of weat 60 feet of Jot $V Matilda A. Baker (I.OO: eaat 60 a e V weat 53 feet of let 4. MatiMe A. Baker, 01. 00: ell or i tic a etcept went 63 w - faet, Edmana r. nni, . e" "o; au of kit i . ! . a at feet ri., n tain , (0.80: undivided H weet 0 ftet of west N, "feet of lot X London X Bah Franclaco Bank, Ltd.. nu.iq; anaivioea u or weet S feet Of weet 60 feet of lot 4, London A SaB FraBciace Bank, Ltd., $0.10; undivided ' 4 ef weal 3 feet of weat (0 feet of lot j; Alliance Trust Company, Ltd.i" (a.10; ' -nndlvlded Vk e' weet 8 feet, ef west 60 feel of lot 4. Alliance ' Treat . Company, Ltd.. (0.10; undivided V ef east 47 feet ef lot 6, ' London X Saa Franclaco Bank, Ltd., (0.40; andlrlded H of eaat 47 feat of lot 6. London San Franclaco Bank, .Ltd., 00.46; an. divided H of eaet 47 feet of tot ft. Alliance . Trust Company. Ltd., 00.40; undivided w of aaat ft feet of lot S. Allison Te- Company.- ttX.Oo. 40: west 63 feet ef lot . ft. Edmund B. 11 111. 61,00; west 63 feet of v lot X Edmund B. Hill, Ot OO; weat 25 feet . ot lot i.ejmiB n. imi,, ao.aii; weat 2a feet - ot iot o. evte n. urwis, ri.to; eaac 7ti ree . of let T, laabella R and W. A. Iswla. 01.60; seat 75, feet nf lot X laabella B. and -' W. A. I-errla. 01. SO. BLOCK H. lot . I, ..2 t'lemena aeaer EsUte, Heirs of. (1.B6: lot 1. Clemens a ever Eetate, Heirs sf. (1 ho, .' lot 3, Ann Slnnott, OI.90; lot 4. Ana Sin. ' nottl (lin: lot ft. Ann Slnnott. (1. so: eeat " IS fact of kt 0, tlesrens Caeeer Ettatt, ' 1 r"" -0.. 11 .in i. M I ii 11 a cp-e-S . t .. , ,