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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1905)
r TilZ DAILY JOUH-IAL. PORTLAND.' TUESDAY EVEtUNG, FElfRtTARY' 3. iscx : OVEilCOHLL ;-.-:.v..;-- ' - Ten to Eight Is the , Price jA Which Chicago Lad It Held .' V Over Corbett. . - LITTLE DENVERlTE IS ; V IN EXCELLENT SHARE Battling Dana Will Fact an En- - tlrely Diffarant Man Than on Their Previous Meeting. " (Um) Special fcntn.) : 8n BYanclaeo. Feb. 38. All eres In .the sporting world, are turned toward an Francisco. In this city tonight, in ths arena of the Hayes Valley Athletic . club, .Young Corbett and Battling Nel son, the two foremost fighters ef their olass, will meet for tha second tlma to settle ' tha question of supremacy. . To close followers of Uio lighting cams DO battle at later days will be mora inter esting. - "'vi, ' - As betting proposition the Jlght promises more than My mill that has taken place - here' In ! s long time. . - At present Nelson rules a favorite at odds of 14 to I. This Indicates that not i. withstanding' the fact that Corbett was decisively beaten by Nelson .several 'months ago, ha Is by no manna ejaw sldered easy game for tha Dana. In facials admirers are Inclined to throw tha previous match out In figuring the merits of the fighters, for they eon elder Corbett at his best an equal t1 Nelson. Of course, kelson Is not under estimated by the wise ones, so consider Ing that both will be at their beat when the gong calls them Into tha ring to night, there will . be much money staked on both sides. '-Reports of. the most confident nature : emanate from both training camps. Corbett has finished his work of prepa ration at Ban Rafael, and those, who v have been In closest touch with him declare that he was never In better eon ' dltlon for a fight. Tha Denverite has had tha advantage of mixing It up dally -with Joe Gana, than whom no cleverer fighter is .n the business to day. t Nelson has trained In his usual conscientious manner and as a result appears to be In tha pink' of condition. . All things considered' the fight prom fees to be a rattling affair from start . to finish. Among tha sporting fraternity Interest In tha oout Is at fever heat and when time is called - tonight there Is not likely to be an aneecupted, seat ta view of tha ring. . , ,,i . -k GOLD LEAF BOWLERS iv ' r DEFEAT,. PIN ' KNIGHTS ' i ;. . j ( The .Oold Leaf team was In 'greet . form laat night and they took. the Jln Knights Into camp for two games out of three. In their first gam they came within two-pins of tlelng the All-Stars for high single game in the league. . They roMed the fine total of Pins; that is bowling some. . ' P. CTooset had high average,- 11 11; Hlfinekamp- wea eeoond with . 140 3-8. ., They, both rolledtta great form. - Hlnne kamp' had tha highaat single game, roll ing 538 in hia first game. . . - ... .Thjrsday will be ladles'! day, ' when the upstairs alleys will be reserved free of charge for the laoiea. 'b Wednesday evening the All-Stars and Bankers come together.' It should be an interesting match. , . The scores of last' evening's match ' were." - -. . -' - - (Pin Knlgta j 1V TJ 13) Are. Rusan -.iJ6 I0S 1 ITS Mallett . .......1(8 1T 17T 1703-3 pllphaht , ......141 178 120 14(1-3 Date . 144 1(9 , 1431(0 1-3 Kruae t 1(8 .131; 14 111 1-3 Totals . .771 (31 323 Gold Leafs 1 t) -3) Ave. ROwe 1M 187 1(7180 Van Horn 13 '163 IBS 1(3 Hlnnekamp -28 .4 1.7190 3-3 P. Cloaset 314 133 138201 33 OaUlard 187 148 184 133 1-3 Totals 3(8 838 8(3 WRESTLING AND BOXING .V AT MULTNOMAH CLUB i The date of the wrestling and boxing tournament, between the Multnomah Seattle Amateur Atnieue ciuna,- wnten Ssa recently postponed, has been lor arch 8.r - Edgar Frank, tha local club's boxer, who' was taken 111. haa thouroughly recovered, and will be -In fine ahapa to contest for the" boxing honors with Kd Bennett the clever Seattle lad. . Alex De Franca is scheduled to de . fend Multnomah's colors against Dave Miller In tha wrestling match. BA&laa TOBXOBT. . (Joaraal Special aervtej.) Dallas. Or.j Feb. 38. The Dallas col lege second team of basketball will meet the Salem high school oh the college gym floor, Dallas, tonight- ; - The two teams have played one game on the high school floor, the score re sulting In a (la IS to 18 taking 8 minutes , to play tha tie off. resulting Dallas mak ing t points, making the score 18 to 15 . for Dallas. . The coming game Is ex pected to be a close, and fast contest. ) . ' , s Returns by rounds of the Nelson-Cor bett fight tonight, Orpheum theatre. made the correct 1 ' i gear a s m a 11 item to the purse, u We can sell you a; correct busi ness hat for $3.00 -r'-'::. v ROBINSON rcsiTCO. UIVltb .s,t.llllll ' - OF COAST; OIHES President Dart Announces J. I. Davis, Cus Klopf and Bull ' Perrina as Officials; ' . (Jeqraal gpieUI SenVse.) San Franeisoo, Feb., 38. President Bert has completed his staff of umpires for next see son, and the northern clubs can offer no objection to his selections from i a geographical standpoint. Of his three men two, "Slats" Davis and Ous Klopf, . hall from their section. Davis la working this winter in a store st .Portland, and hUopf Is leeated- at Seattle. . The latter la an experienced ball '. player, who was strongly recom mended ' by Seattle - people. He, has never handled the indicator, bat he la said to have the making of a suoeeasful umpire. Time will tell this. The third member of Bart's staff wiU be "Bull" Perrlne. who took -Jack- McCarthy's place whan he voluntarily retired from tha' diamond last fall. Perrine's work at Recreation park was acceptable to tha" fans, and President Bert did right retaining him-for this season. President Bert sent word to Jim Mc Donald that whenever his health per ml t ted hint to work there would be a position waiting him on his staff. If necessary, be said the . league .would carry four- umpires to make room for MoDonald. '. TRACEY TO RECEIVE ' RETURNS OF FIGHT Tommy ftoey Is arranging to pull oft a boxing exhibition for the benefit of Jack Sullivan, tha former pupil of Tracer's . boxing school, who recently met with an accident In which ha lost a foot. If permission is secured to pull off this affair, Tracey -believes that enough money can be raised to secure an artificial foot for Sullivan. .At Tracer's club, 1(8 Fourth street the. returns of tha Toung Corbett-Bat Ulng Nelson fight at Ban Frencleco to morrow night avin be received by rounds direct from tha ringside. ! : arruxTAjr ajto cob From the deep and silent faataesa Of that happy land, Arkansas. - Where the coyote chases rabbits, , ,, And tha gamblers ebsse the suckers; '. Where the Mlsslsslp glides gently. So aa not to waken anger In tha hearts among tha fall guys There has come 4t rumbling clamor. There has echoed forth in volume , A tremendous howl of challenge. And a mighty wall in tumult. Aaklng men to steer their brain cells ' Full upon a wondrous vlalen. And a thing so wildly funny That the sports have fled to cover While they hold -their sides for laughter, ulllvan has1; challenged Corbett. What ..a I tense portentous momentl What a sad. dejecting picture - -. , What a gleam out from the cavern! a' What a-note of .greatness distanced! Has-been voicing 'gainst a has-been, Wreck in vigor, brawn and quickness, Bulrl, mma mnm r . 1m. iliuhlwl Greatness hewllngfrom achievements That the mold of yearn nae tinctured. That the flight of time has deadened. That the mlnda of. men are quitting;;' Onoe tha giant, hale" and hearty, , With the blood. alive and leaping..' ' With the muaclea tense and hardened. With the snappy i eye discerning. wiin me springing sivp ana oaai? .f nugnt nave'iurnea nis can 10 ncnes. Yet today jre read the challenge, And we smile to gentle pity.-- - While-we turn with weary gesture To find out the latest outrage Of that criminal despotic In the lofty weather office.- v . , , Cincinnati .Times-Star. BBTIBAS CXITTBAXS. ' In a one-sided came of baseball Mon day afternoon, the Hawthorne baseball team 'defeated the Central baseball team by the score of IS to 7. Dally the Cen tral's pitcher, was batted out of the box In the third inning, and Manlon. a Columbia Junior player, was also batted out In the fourth. 8 runs being made oft of him. The features of the gsme were tha batting of the Hawthornes, the pitching of Blakney and the catching of Montague. The teams lined up aa fol lows: . -' . -1 . Hawthornes. . . .giJ . , Centrals. Montague .......C. Herschler Blakney ,......P...4 Dailey-Manlon Dingle W.B8.., K. Cobb Oraham .......... 1 B. .L ... . Bummers lidwson' ... ......3 B.U Davis f1flmr'.fT.. ... ...3 B.M,,.,; , Everest Thoburn LF..;.......Cassldy Morse XT. ........ O. Cobb A. Burdlck RF Moreland Umpire Roy MeFadden, ... (Journal Bpeeiat Urn ilea.) .: ' San Tranclaca, Feb. 33. Yesterday's results at Bmeryvuie: Three and a half furlongs Lorena M. Won, Chief WJttmaa second, Soledad third; time, 0:41. Five and a half furlongs My Order won, t Golden Buck second, Mogregor tnira: lime, i:ea, r . Six furlongs Revolt wan. Shell Mount second. My Surprise third: time, 1:44U. Mue ana zo yards Follow Me won. George Berry second, Jack Little third; time, i:s. Mile -and . 10 , yards Andrew Mack won, Mindanao second, Bud Wade third time, 1:43 S. Futurity course John A. Scott won. squire jonnson. second. Bacredus third Ume. 1:11. - Allan 4b Lewis' Best Brand. should not aliow This appe a ran ce to bei handii capped by a sccdy!looking hat, especially since "we have thing in head , mWMidBi Hotel (Bldgj. ' JAKES EXCOSK Taeoma Manager Thinlca Ha Is Being Abused in the Bakers-, ' fiaW Controversy. ; NED HANLON'S DOUBLE DEALING DENOUNCED Brooklyn and : Baltimore Club Owner la tha Pirate, of Or ganized Baseball. - . ' y ' '- ' '"' ''.';' i ? .-' .. . s; y-'r ..After parading his troubles, la Califor nia, Michael Angelo Fisher Is endeav oring to square himself here in Portland, but ha will find It exceedingly bard to reel off . explanations for the different counts charged against him here. Mike says that Mr. Ely wrote Presi dent, Bert, wishing tha league's execu tive to, compel Fisher to rellqulsb, the Bakersfleld date. Mr. ally denies this statement of Fisher's and states that the letter to which Fisher refers was writ ten by Judge W, W. McCreedle, presi dent of the Portland Baseball company end vice-president of the Paciflo Coast league. Judge MoCreedle wrote . this letter' In reply to a letter from the league president relative to tha con troversy, and In tha Judge's letter be ex pressed' Portland's status of tha ease. Mike Fisher further states that Port land announoed that they were to train at San Jose. Thls is not true, for the only announoement made relative to San Josa was that McCreedle was negotiat ing for training quarters there, aa he had dona with Bakersfleld and Sacra mento. The Taeoma team has to be brought from Fresno to Bakersfleld to play this game.' This entails tha expense of rail way fare to and from tha seene of the game, snd when all the Incidentals are figured out for a trip with at least 14 men, and the Chicago team receives its shsre, the profits accruing the Taeoma elub from this game will hardly reach 1(0 at the moat, and If Fisher thinks more of this small sum than he does of the friendship of one of hi colleagues, hs shows vsry poor Judgment- Tha exhlbltlongamss arranged during the practice season are usually of con siderable benefit to a ball club, for when they secure a good town tha proceeds help considerably toward defraying the training expenses. While In. this city recently Mike- said that he would have celled the gams off had he been approached properly, and now ha says thae ho has nothing what ever to do with It, and puts it np to Dave KvanaT the president of tba Ta eoma club. . , ' Verily, Mike baa Ananias beaten a elty block. , vv!.-: ' -. Xaalea's oMe"lee4tng. . The current, issue of the 8t i-ouis Sporting News contains an editorial on the double dealing of -eastern managers in covering up players by ' faka.draft gad phoney sales.. This article la di rected principally -at. Ned Hanlon, the foxy leadvr Of the Brooklyn i National league team, who la. also the owner of the Baltimore Eastern Jeama team, and is known as the moat daring of the manaaera who work this sort of. fraud on their colleagues, u The following &is tbs article from. theNewa; -V. A (tag psniwwi y4- w"- - www, the most barefaced fraud ssjictionedby the national commission in. IWtr 'The ear a . rt. in nw-m n tmrtmr I nn Maal wanm national agreement was employed .. to prevent " the exercise Of . privileges which -it create. Edward .Hanlon. principal owner of the Baltimore .club and manager ana siocxnoiaer or ine Brooklyn1 club, admitted during a pub lic session of the commission at the Laughery club, that the r transaction was bogus, that tha : purpose .was to cover - un the players of the Baltimore club. He wss not even rebuked for this confession of contempt for the supreme court of base ball. Had a ball player made a statement reflecting . on . his honesty on or off tha ball field,1 an In- veatlgatlon would hava - been held and the offender would -have been puntahed. But the stockholder' two clubs, one a member of the Rational and the other In the Eastern league, acknowledged that checks snd other documents pro duced In proof of the genuineness of a series of deals for players, were- not valid. His standing' In baseball has not been affected In the least bythls shsmeless admission. He Owns ' the Orioles and is again the manager o: the Brooklyn team. His confession wss not taken official cognisance of by the commission, which wss "created with power to-construe and carry out the terms and provisions of . this - agree ment" . The curtailment of the tights of club owners to purchase and select players by fraudulent tranaactlons la ln,vlolatlon of the spirit if not of the letter or the agreement, ena secnon of article 1 confers upon tne commis sion the ."power to Inflict lines or sus pension or both" for such offenses. The way to prevent violations of the National agreement in letter or spirit Is to punish them." , Triple Flay a Bare Tain A triple play Is one of tha rare things In baseball, because It requires a com bination of circumstances which set dom occurs. . There must be at least two men on bases and not one out. Then the next batter must hit the ball In a certain wsy, or the chance for a triple Is lost. In addition to tnls. the Raiding must be perfect and fast. - ut two tripre plays, made by one man un audited, have ever been recorded. One was tha famous play of Paul Hlnes way back in the early '80a The other Is fresh in the mind, although it was msda in a minor league. In 1801 Harry O Hasan waa playing Brat base for Columbua. jn- the Western association. Tin-canned, ha. went east to Newark, and the day alter he donned a New Jersey uniform he pulled off the play that made him famous. With men on first and second, and, of course, no body out, O'l.agan was playing close to the bag. when the next batter hit liner directly Into bis hands. . The force of the ball was enough to knock him back so tnat his foot touched the first sack, retiring the runner, who 'was o tha base. O'Hagan. turning to throw to second, eaw that the runner there had started at the crack of the bat and was nearly to .third, bo. Instead of throwing tha ball, ha sprinted to second base with it in his hand, striving - in time to put the third . man out on U play.-, . imu -iiuini uw.uniu -Lily ciud of the American association made two triple plays in one game at Toledo. ; ; ttO J1ISU . X BZSTSD, 1 Joaraa goecUl BerVlee.) Salt taka euyr Feb. 18. Eddie Robin son of this City defeated Kadrua Muray- ama a Japanese of Ban Francisco, In a wrestling bout last evening. Robinson used the straight American style of eatch-ee-cateb-can wrestling and the Jap tried his science of Jlu Jltsu. The Jap was thrown twice by a half . Nelson hold. -, ' . y iRetuma by roonds of tha kelson-Cor- bett fight -tonight, Orpheum theatre. DEBCE5 IS HATCHED WITH CHICAGO HAH t : - Former 'Frisco Amateur to Meet a Windy City Heavy ; Named Richards. :; ; (Jearaal peelal Berrlce.t Chicago, Feb. 38. "Big BUH tUch arda. . Chicago's latest aspirant for heavyweight flstlo honors, has been matched to box Sam .Berger, the ama teur heavyweight - champion, at , Baa Francisco... .",.'' ' Dick Green, manager of Richards, re ceived a telegram from Alee Greggalns, which read as follows : . "Will Richards meet Berger here on March 17T ..Answer at ; once." Green Immediately wired hla acceptance and was . notified to aight that all arrangements for the bout were made."- This should prove the crucial test of Richards' ability. "Big Bill" was bora in this city and educated at' tha University of Minne sota, -where he' played on the -football team of 1391. Having a natural liking for boxing, he .entered several amateur competitions in the northwest, - and scored a list of victories. Among those he defeated were Mike KeUy and Jack Purteli, at St Paul; Jack Graham,' at Sioux City, and ; Andy ' Sullivan, . at Omaha. - ' r Richards wslghs III pounds. Is a tall, solidly built youth, and under Green's tuition should develop into sn unusually speed performer for ouch a big fellow. ... - M8IWX.T PT FOOIi TOVmnT. - In the pool tournament at the Mult nomah club last evening. M. 8. Mulford defeated George ' McMillan. McMillan then played a second game" with C. W. Zeliar, whom be defeated. F. E. Ford defeated 8. I Banks in 'the second set of games. - 6liOEST UNO0FFICE-,: ' ; . . IN AMERICA, CLOSED (Jearaal Sseolal Barvlea.) Huntsvllla, Als Feb. S3. Tha oldest land office in the United States passed out of existence today when the- Hunts vllle office wss abolisijed snd Its busi ness transferred to the land- office, at Montgomery.' Tha office here was es tablished la 1810. nine. yea,ra before the admission of Alabama -Into the Colon. During vtae 84 years of its ' existence there - were nearly 30,000 homestead entries, approximating .8,000,000 acres, besides many 'thousand, cash, purchases of Cherokee Indian' school Janda Thsre are only about 78,000 .acres yet to bo entered, '-' " The discontinuance' of tha office Is due to that provision of the. federal statutes which stipulates that when the government lands in e' land .of flee-dtat trlct amourjf to less thant06;oq(liacres then office shall be discontinued.-' Tbere now, remain- ln.tlhe vehtlre' state . of Alabama only about I'M, 000 aeres-6f I government lands,' 100.006 acres of jwhlch' rare la tbe Montgomery ' dlvisldi ..J- Reduced Jlates to California. The Southarn Paciflo -eompany has placed on .sale 'found trip tickets to Los Angeles, at Urerate of 3B5. Um1f180 day a- This affords an excellent 'oppor tunity to visit the many beautiful win fter resorts, of southern California at a moderate coat . . t - -I-W-P EASY PICKING Tou will find It easy picking when the time cornea for you to start in the business world if you equip yourself now with a good -commercial training. Intelligent, v , bright young men and women are in demand In every business, and ' for those who are familiar with- up-to-date business methods, suc cess Is assured. We offer you a chance to equip' Jrtmrself for a business career. It Is for you to say whether or not you will take advantage of it, BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE Corner Sixth and Morrison Sts. ForUaad, Oregon, . Open day and night Bend for catalogue. . Teeth Free All This Week Boston Painless Dentists Are rutting prices again, and now Is the chance of a lifetime to have your dental -work dona by these world-re nowned specialists, at low prices. - All This Week Fre Extracting Examinations Bllver nillngs ........ SBw and 50c Oold PUInga........ .T5o) snd ai.OO s.vv ana iiv.vv uoia Crowns ....3.00 to 88.00 $1(00 and 330.00 Sets of , Teeth 93.00 to f 10.00 Come in at once and take advantage of low rates. All work guaranteed; for 18 years, and 'done by our painless ays- tern, known and; used only by f t BostonMnless Dentists gii, womaTaosT arxmsnrr. Opp. Meier a rraak aad .Ola Vostofnoe. Hours 8:80 a. m." to 8 p. m. Sundav. 1:30 a. m, to 11:30 p. m. Itaaur yoa arc 1a tha rigkt plaoa. BLOOD Is the wnrrt 4tar.a earth, yrt th eairtMt KNOW WHAT TO HO. Mas. sere H. '. ' mim m Ik. kla. anre la b. mute. atom. hiUlnf air, stcm Mlae. ra- l I BtKin PtlOK. B.M la DR. DROWN. niMu rt as. im m hatti.: u.i. m stoath. -Hold la Pnwm4 aeJj k Praak ft a, lruaad UaUl raacaacr. - 'IPFbCit . : ' : Salev EIok.r Savlnii C6me Now On ' nonsebeepera Early Great American Importing Tea Co. Qur 100 Stores Help Us to Help You SI Washlagtoa Ba, tag Ftret St, Fortlaadi Astoria, 871 Commercial Bt.l j Orogom City, Mala street) Bugeae, SO Bas Blnth street. r , t.. ,t v . , , v,,3 1 1 1 ' ' i i' 1 'i 1 ' ' n i.Vi .,,,1,1.., The Hind Toa Hat Ahrmya , In .riSA fhw nvr Rt wslm. si ' All Counterfeits. Imitations stnd Jngt-es-grood" are boa ' . Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of Infant and ChlldrexiIjperience against Experiment What lo CASTORIA CkMtoria is harmless snbstitnte tor Castor OH, Pare ; 8jorl0s Drops svnd Soothlns; firrnps. ; It is Pleaaaot. It contains neither Opinm Morphine nor other Kareotte -, anbitance. Its ace 1 ita tTnarantee. It destroys TCorms and allays FeTerlshness. . It rare Diarrhoea and Wind' ; . . Colic It relieves Teethina; Troubles, cares ConsUpatlon svnd Flatulency. , It asgtmllatea the Food ng-olates the 8tomach and Bovfels, fjiTing healthy and natural slaefe The Children Panftcea The Mother's Friend. CCNUING CASTORIA ALVAYO Sean tho . . b A. mM You to Always Bought In" Ilea For Over AO Vearfi. -?i:. i Tnasawiaiia lasii ii - '- U .. . H ' '. ' i - a ' v. . ' 1 . ac yiwiav ..-V'J ' '. - TBc Foundation of r..lri. 'nr.lwhtt 1.1 ' llnaMul All anil appropriate -coloring matter. .The varl- mi. nalAr.. turn fit. a.1-i ara liiillt r on a solid foundation wUl make and keep the house you build, own, or rent in fine anape. ; -jj' Fisher, Thorsen & Co. raosrr ajto KOaazsosr btb. ' rT A T rvn nwa , w-aa VSom Raven Nut CoaL delivered, at per, ton , SS.TB Raven Lump Coal, delivered, at per ton 3)6.50 Ren ton Lump Coal, delivered, at per ton 8T.OO Australian Coal, delivered, at per ton 3)7.60 Carbon Hill Coal, delivered, at .per ton $7.50 Rock Springs Coal, delivered, at - per ton 98.BO Screened Coal Full weighta. VULCAN COAL CO. OtTXCB FITONTO MAIN 8T78. No. 133 - BURNSID1S BTRXBT. WEINHAHD'S City Brewery ; argea aad ' Stoat 'oomplabs ' v aiewaxy ta the Worth weak Bottled Beer a Specialty : '- '' t . ., T-txjrresam sra. ts. .. .. Oflaa Utk aad aarasUs Streeta, PORTZaANU OREOOK ftPfhOGRAPHY W.e stlaaai In U amiTlaab lAsaai ak iwa Xras s w wa wi pr f. vw. haw saw va arvaj skaa abAawartsHB ata K T,taaawu1mw m vA TKnaa. r i... HWaeav' wai.a HW aw- dy aumoon from S to 4 o olocJL . mulinomah INSTITUTE SS Sim Street, ' Phone Red HI. . rertUad, Or. - i Dona;ht and wblch baa beea haa hnm. ttia aHmanM ' jftVy.' ' aonal sarerTiaipn since its Infanere c Allow no one to deceive Ton In thla. - Sigiatnro of - mi ' - Tot.4ooAV0A? V o : 4 - ta. la laawwaW aad smM knew . au tn. mami MAJrVTi Wlkkiiaw &arav l'w. wv tImI Sraea. Jibm. tm mtmt naan.. tt. t 1 J ... 1 1 i Jl I ., I AV .y"Wv.V ' r h? tt try lit... -j 9- mm I V V-r--' - aaaaawai Dri W. Norton Davis, IN A WEEK earwile d'laam sf watn; ala. kkwd, .tesrtv tart, B.rr. kllDr awl tbro.t avblaa. .. We ear. StPHILLIS (wltbonl .rearr) U 'stay rnr4 tonm. la 80 to SO, dar. V. rta.a STBICTUBX. without epwattoe as pals. W IS . W. tnp drain., tb. reeaft of aeifb imaiadUwir.' W. ra. rettora the suaal vicov t any rnaa bbow so br swaaa al .local tna., st wealUr to eanMlne. , .- , We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week Tlii soetars .f thle liwtltat. are all rtgaler . SraOoatM. fca. had aaanr' a.perl.BM. a.Te bawa knowa ta Portland for la r.'. tare a npautloo to malnUla ul will aaear Jfse i as sue solaaa ewtalo eare aaa be e W. searaatae te ear la trvry ease we ssoer tak or ao fm. CooaluUtlna tnm. la ten eoBfldratl. iMtraetWe BOOK FOa bUU( BMltod tne la plain wrap par. If roe eaanoj ..a at .(Sc., write t sses. Mea blaak. ; UlnM tnatiaaat stmeaataL Ofse seers te B asd T te 8. . soUdays. 10 to IX SaadayS aad lbs leaslav Meialhrta to the Worth vert. avUbUsbad 1880.; Dn t Norton Davis & Co. Vsa Vey Betol. . 1. Oar. Tbitd aad rtsa Sts. , rottLAvn, oaiwogT C. OEE3 WO Great Chldeso Doctor la called great t cause bis wonderful curs are ao wel known - throagliowt the United State. t' and beoausa so aaaay peooie are tnansrai to him for savlneT tnsir live J X e - He treats any and f -v.J 'Jk - alt . diseases with w fA powerful Chlaese 4 i l I 11 I I L- I herbs, root. u J barks and vegetableav v p that are entirely win known to nteaioal acienoa 1 try, and through the leas reajedlea, Tbia fa the action of ewer (00 i use ox mw. ii.rei. nfflii doctor knowa . too Alfterent remedies) - that ha baa sveeeaafully need la dluwreng diseases. He guarantees to ewra eatarra. asOma. lui fronWea. rhaumatum. ner vousneas. stomaik. liver, kldneye. fe- Bale tremble aad at! prryato diseessa. orxIrwJS of taatlmontela Caargea moderate. Call endsee hlm. ....' .. OOlTarnXTATIOal Ta3F8fc 1-stlents out wt- the, tty wrlta fot blank and otrcular. ladoae stamp. Ad ItE C QEE W0 CHINESE ' 5 '- MEDICINE CO. . .; 'V'-. "iSsf "Wilder street Portland. Or. -Stair-' ' way or 151 H Alder street leads te of fice. Mention this paper. CCd-riiE, DAin:;3PCValZL7a l-t:jDlTlSa2 You get 2,000 pounds of good clean coal. ' No dirt, slate or other foreign sub- ' stances ara weighed in. ; If , satisfaction and money saved means anything .to j you, give us your coal busi ness. - - r-'-f R.ocIi Springs v Coal Company ' ' 1 a B. SATIS, ' lfaaaflw. '' ; raoaa Bast li. tM B. Morrlsoa, POEE WD UCT'- N ' k the richaat ptlm, t-wtt ' i tatwerU. Thuwauiairfr- aat a Irrl-wrina. Vmi 41 . Oiew, WAITS TO-t Xf. ; MAFralt.DJ!-w!.r' i You order a tor) of . v.