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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1905)
-.-v.TIIS CIIZCON DAILY JOUJAlJ - rOHTLAND, TUESDAY" EVENING, FEBRUARY 3. "iSCJ. - i . . ....., . a... .... . i "The ' Quality ; Ohop A. , , v. Quality r Shop 'Scholarship Vote' Two Free Scholarships Given Awajwf..-Jf" Bv Olds, Wortmaft i King.' The fortunate recipients to be selected by popular vote, now on at the store.,' A vote with every 25c -i purchase. Are you using your ballots? .Result of Vote at 10 a. m. v.",'V Today. . '"Y,,. Reginald Carter. - Bell- - boy; The Norton. , .19,407. Arthur Taylor,, M. & ; A, Shogren . . ! 16,348 Mae Hughes, Knight's ' Shoe Co ...12,763 Charles Adler, .Wood- ? , . ard, .Clarke ........ 1,449 Guy DePue, Portland - - Delivery Co ,.,.,. . . , 5,217 Esther Carlson, Mason ,-' Ehrman V::;";. :. 4,683 Ralph Holmes, Ladd &. ... .iTilton's bank f 3,481 ..Arthur Undborg,'- A r y ? ; . Lindborg Grocery . 4,018 Janet Clark, -Meier & - Frank Co. 2,677 Fred Murphy, West? i 4 ? ern Electric Co. '. . . . 2,540 ' ,A -',.- ' 75,593 Scattering . . . . . . . . . . ,14,936 ;,Total . . ; r, . i . 80,529 TheMghtyR Sale of Gdod Shoes 7'; J Goes Oh-Prices Rent Asunder and i iw: : ; .Values Slaughtered ! Sensational footwear bargains in fact as well as in print! The managejmcht; of the changed, and with it coined complete reorganization of the qtocks ! The an nihilation of regular7 fair prices continues; ahd thousands of matchless''lues:'hbound7i'1: . " : " :r- ':' - VN6ti3ld sheltwbrn or antiquated fcKtwear9biitiiew9 $tylish: do wiv-to-date shoes for menfor women, for misses and child-ren-nboys and girls-hbes for all the family at shoe prices iinheard of in the history of shoe selling in Portiand! " Crowds thronged ilie shoe aisles all day yesterday, and' pleased; looks andexpressfo on every side. Tl" crowds of A yesterday wilLbe augmented today and to morrow by hundreds of eager buyers. Get your share o the values. - Therefore thousands-of pairs ot shoes for ;nien, womenjlnisses and children will be sold this Week at less than manufacturers' cost, In marfjjr" cases. at lesaT-thn half. 'v, Jiuch values as' were never seen before in all the west. Extra salespeople, cashiers and; wrappers f orthis. great sal!. . t-'v-i- -r"-f i t i Women's $5.50 Dresa SHppeiTspf $1J89.- ..Wonien'sbuckie ,"Adonis" Slippers, patent ; idealTiadrlso dull finishFfench mat kid ' buckle, "Adonis faTiouse or street, hand, ; sewed welt, stylfehmilitary,Jieels ; regulSr -Rvalues ;$5 and ,$5,60. Special' "New, Ad- ministration (Sale5' price, pair... ; .$1.99 ;::.jaM.SBpert! $1.2. f f . V .- . ? .' Jt '-- . 4 .Women's . JJ-trap, 3-"strap . and'.cross-sU'ap j ; flippers, sumc oeaucu ny some pim, aiso - hand turned ideal kid "Adonis" ,andryici if'' adr Blucher, Oxfords; regular values" "'r-$2.25 and $2.50. Special "New Adminis- Jtration Sale" price, pair, . t . , .v. . . 1.29 470 Pairs of Wornen'a Turkish Slippers at 49c Pair. Women's Turkish Slippers, in red, tanv arid ' black. Special "New Administration Sale" price,' pair i-i . . .'. .... 1 .. ...v. ....... . .49 ' 4 . Women's Kid Slippers 99cv A lot of women's red Kid Slippers, satin bow over instep, .hand turned, special "New Administration. Sale." price at, pair.'.99 V); iM.v Special Public Tea l Room Second Floor.. , Auspices Portland i ' Y. W. C A. I , ' Wednesday, Marchlir. Tea ; Coffee; i- Chocolate" - Milk Served in Bottle Y ,; ''Barley Soup ' ; rCbicken . Salad ' ' ' Boston Brown Bread Ham Sandwiches ; Bread and ; Butter' r. . Tea Cakes , f. :g Announcement to the Public: Olili. Wortmin Klnr tuiva bwn aonolnted ol- dlstrlbatora of th. offlclal emblem of THE LEWIS AND CLARK . EXPOSI TION, used mo lr-ly on windows. TbM osvUescent lne are In clear and beautiful eoloiinaa. and are eaally transferred lo any clans surf are, window or door of store or residence. They are pretty and durable and easily removed with water when ever wished. Every loyal cltlsen of th Pacific States should display one on iront ooor or soma prom-, Inent window durlnjr tne Fair. At the Nottotr-Counter . t i MAILORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY i i A Popular Man's Shoe at a Matchless . Prir ' Men'. M KA SKa tS Ifl V t Menrs Lace Shoes, box caif, Blucher cuflat' - est potato last, also men's velour and vici ;kid sllOes Blucher or, straight last, com-, paratively new goods, broken sizes to be :' discontinued ' regular $3.50 shoes. Special t "New Administration Sale" price, , . ! j 4air...... ., . .;. . v .. jvT.faO Women' &50 Slip:$L89:iW ' A' lot of women's vicf patehtl kid. -'Slippers, ;. very stylish ; regular value $3.50. ; Special j I '. "NewsAdministration Sale" price, 4 v pair i i . . i . . .' . 1 4 .1 Vwf vX.vO Great Bargains in Boyi Shoes. Boys' Lace Shoes, vici kid ahdyelour calf, solid innet amf outer soles, solid leather counters,1 heavy, drilled lined' and sewed, sizes 9 to 13. Special, pair. ,.S1.19 Sizes'll to 2 . Special, pair. ... .Sf 10 Sizes 2li to 5yt. Special, pair. .'...Sfl.59' ' Boys' iljfiO . Shoes 79v" " C lairsBoys' Shoes, solid real calf, largje anu smau sizqs; regular values ana...' 1 $i.50rSpeciil New AdministraticauSaleZl price, pair v... . . . .,i.79f; Good fashionable and even famous 'makes ofCShoes'-f-the best; "we have 'ever? Had to sell under price. f ; ' v - ' - Sensational Bargains in Women's Shoes in r the "New Administration Sale." i i Women's $3.50 Shoes V ' A lot cm ..women s fine custom mader Button ; - Shoe$,,: patent and vci kid, black velvet t '- top; a dressy street shoe ;' regular valuer - $3.50. Special "New Administration ISale : -price, pair .". ifT. ............. . . . .kf t .69 ' Women's $4.00 Shoes $1.79. ; " ' 89 pairs women's Lace Shoes, kid foxed, dull maj. kid' tops,', some on the comfortable ; foot form -last,' others on the, round toe ' last; regular value $4.00..: Special "New , Administration Sale" price,' pair.'. lfl.79 ; Women's $100 Shoes $119 '" Women's ' Lace Sbcs-Ftienihfiniajiiel, djuli I mat kid fop,- stout sod es, Goodyear seAKed ' . dress streeet . shoe, to wear withcnitnA bers; regular value $4.00. "Special '"New" Admjnistration Sale"-, price, pair y. , ,! i Women's $5.00 Shoes WtBTV? Women's Lace arid Button Shoes, 211 pairs, :; "handjurned soles, choice selected vici ; made by the leading manufacturers in'the; . country ; regular "' yalue '$5.00, Special ' "New Administration Salei'l price, ' . - ' ; pair... . . . V.Vi i . . . ...f29 - : Women's $3.50 &)&br Shoes' for $2.15. f " : . .. ..- . . ' - . i . ' ' - I - '. . ' A lot. of womeij's ''Glbria" Shoesj dull box calf1, plump'; weighty vici. kid, , extension . soles ; regular value $3.50. . Special "New Administratibn Sale'l price, pair. . .$2.15 . Women's $100 Shoes $2.28. - 4 ' ' . .-"II ' " -4.M " - ' Women's Lace Shoes, Goodyear welt, vici ' kid, medium round toe, military heel; reg - - ular - value $4.00. Special "New Admin istration Sale" price, pair..'. . ..4.. .$20 p".- v Women's' $5.00 Shcs 89c. f :':'?.- V 352 pairs Women's jLace Shoes, patent' kid, "J vici kid,' box calf, velour calf and tan vici h. .kid, also cloth tops, kid foxed lace ; regular " value from $3.00 ub to $5.00. - "New Ad- 1 - -ministration Sale-' price, pair. 89 Women's $5.0D Shoes $2.29. TVornenS"high;grade: IcetBTOts4pairs j il different ' styles, patent' colt, . box calf f (dull- finish) vici'kid and patent kid: reg- ""ujar. values $4.00 and $5.00. Special'"New: Administration Sale" 'price, pair, . .$2.29 ' Unparalleled Bargains in Women's Slippers. . : - .Women's $150 Dress SHpperp $2.49. ; Women's patent Ideal kid button Slippers, M- hand made, thin edge;, "Louis heel, high arch, very stylish; regular value $4.50. Special "New !Administration Sale" price, pair . .' . 4u .' p. . . . .v ..... .$249 T 9 to .10 a m. Paper Doilies 5c Dozen, li : : ', ."' First' ' Floor. ' ' " Fanci decorative paper lace. Doilies, 'for lunches parties 1 etc. Special, doz. . , . .7". ..50c Photo Frames 32c. ' First Floor. Fine - French Gilt ' Photograph r Frames ; regular value 50c. . Special, . each ........ .32tf 50c Trimmings lOc - First Floor. ' . Ornament and Pendint Trim . mings, black and olors, very fine quality; regular values 25c io 50c Special, each 10f '' i . . ; - -, - -'-' .. , . $2.2$ Lace 'Curtains $1.59. New Annex Fourth Floor. Ruffled Net Cilrtsjihs, lace edge .;and lace anscflion ; regular value. $2.23.' Special,'' 4 pair i .i k.".V. !. Pa.59 , '."' i.--.;- f '''',; : j f I 'i5c Needle Books 15c. " . .,"' v - - ' ' -'' i -Notibr peptFirst Floor. Keedle'&ioCs' cpntainings 290 " useful articles . in : needles, , pins, hooks and eyes, etc. ; regular value 25c. Special, . : :: . : -' l-1ttni 75c Ties 25c. , ) Men's Shop New. Sixth ' St. ' ;' '- ; Annex First Floof. A line of 1.. Men's ' English ,SqQare$ ami Imperials ;,reg- ular, value 75c, Special, , ,each 2 10 to 11 a. m. 50c' Metal Dress Buttons 10c. -Fancy Mela. Dress Buttons, for: trimming and buttoning, " matches all .shades, 2 dozen - on card ; vaiies to 50c Spe- - cial, card ..10 35c: Photo. Frames 20c -K . FIRST rooR. ; Gilt Photo Frames, fancy as 1" sorted ; designs ; regular . val-,- ue 35c. . Special,' each. .20 e 25c Madras 18c : ; riR8T FLOOR. ' ; 3,000 yajds fine imported cord- ed Madras Cloth, for waists and shirt-waist suits, exqui ' site designs ; . regular value ; ' 25c. I Special, yard. . . . .18 ' $1.00 Sewing Sett 60c FIRST FLOOR.-- ., : Sterling i Silver -i Sewing Sets, . thimble, scissors and jeniery ..' bug in nest case; regular val ue $1.00. Special,' set. .60e ' Boys' 35c Waists 19c .' FIRST rtX)OR. '. Boys Percale i Waists, blouse ' and shirt-waist styles, light, medium and dark Shades ; Special, regular value 35, each I. 15c Toilet Soap 8c Box. FIRST FLOOR. j, - , Fine hard milled fancy Toilet Soap,-3 cakes in box; regu lar value 15c. Special, box ...... j......,.....8 First Floor South Annex. 44-inch Silk and Wool French Xrepe de Paris,' very, rich ' silky finish, in all colors in eluding creams and evening shades; regular $1.50 value. v .Special, 10 to 11 a. m., per : ) yard . . . . .. .. . .". . .9LI6 25c Toilet Ammonia 12c. J FIRST FLOOR. .8-qz; bottle Violet Toilet Am- i monia, ior lonci or oain ; reg-. ular value 25c Special, bot tle ................... 12e- 11 am. to 12 m. ' 5c Machine Oil 3c ' First Floor. ' Best quality .Sewing Machine " .;Oi1; regular, value '5c-;; Spe cial, bottle ....... ..7.j3 Second Floor Annex Art -C . shop.. . . trjrr Set of Collar and. Cuffs, stamp ed in whjte lioen in the new " English eyelet and conven- tional designs ; regular 35c. Special, set ...23e i:";';:-5cTar Soap Sc.. ;. v . ' First ' Floor.' . - ; Ta.Soap,' for bath or shampoo, Vjffard metledj regulafJvalue 5c. Special, cake... ....3e kA 65c Belt Buckles 39c; I. .:; ' First Floor, - : Fancy Belt Buckles, vfor the .'.new belts, in ' gray and gilt ; finish; regular value . 65c. Special, each . . . . . . ,39 v Writing Tablets 5c f j" ;'j y First Floor. . i , Large' library size school Writ ing Tablets. Special, each .................. . 5e , Women's $2.50 Umbrellas f $L5.i'--r5 -i ' New Sixth St. Annex First- , . Floor.; Women's 24-inch Silk Umbrel las, suitable for sun of jrain, fancy border, natural wood handles ; regular value $3.5.- Special.each . . .". ; ; . .915 ... . 1 to 2 p. m. t ' 50c Writing Paper lDc 1 First Floor. ; Box Writing Paper, , cloth fin insh, white' or azure bluei note size ; regular value 30c Special, box . . . . . . ,19t 40c Jardinieres 30c k - ; .Third Floor. ,r New Jardinieres,: in assorted . mottled colors; regular value 40c . Special each . ...30f . 75c .Perfume 53c Ounce.' 1 First Floor. Fine - imported " French' Per fumery, in bulk' violet, helio- , trope, carnation pink, musk, lilac, Peau de Espagne, etc. ; regular value 5c Special, ounce .... ......53t 35c Souvenir Pins 19c. r.First Floor. Portland souvenir Flag Pins, V red enamel; regular value 35c. Special, each . . . . .19e h 1 19c Writing Paper 12c First Floor;. Box Writing Paper assorted tints ; regular . value 19c Special, box ...... V...12d 25c Toilet Soap T First Floor. Box. Fine Art Toilet Soap and fancy scented'- hard v milled ; Toilet Soap, 3 .cakes in box; regu- ; lar value 25c- Special, box , 2 to 3 p. m. $1.25 Meat Choppers 98c. ' Third, Floor. . j Meat or Food Choppers, an in dispensable kitchen help; reg ular value ' $1J25. :. Special, each ............ 98 Women's 25c Cotton Hose 15c , First Floor. ; - Women's black ; cotton ,' seam $ less Hose, medium weight ; regular value 25c. Special, pair 15t 10c Tape Measure 5c First ', Flor. ; ' . Best Sateen Tape Measure," 60 inches long ; regular -' value 10c. Special -each....... 5t j 1. .. . ' - .'..-' ''' 10c Garment Fasteners 6c Card., . ' . . First Floor. t ; 'j Ball and Socket Garment Fas ; teners, black and . white, large or small sizes,' 2 dozen ' on 'card ; regular value 10c. Special, card .'. . . . .. . . . .6 35c Lace 5c Yard. . '.' . "''' .- First . Floor. ;T ' ? Black '. Yack (wool) Lace, fslightly Miscolored, just the thing for trimming under skirts ; regular values 20c, 25c and 35c. 'Special, yd 5e ' ' ' ' . 55c CastOe Soap 3 for 10c. ;First Floor. . Olive Oil Green Castile Soap, ' large squgrecakes 1 regular value 5c. Special, l . ' 1 cakes,.. J...... ...10 ; td 4 p. m. . 5c Blotting Paper 3c . FIRST FLOOR. Large size Sheet Blotting; Pa li per, white, blue"6r pink; reg . ular value 5c. Special, 'sheet.........;. ...3f : - $2.75 Portieres $1.65. A New Annex Fourth ' Floor. Twotone ' colored f Portieres, fringed top and bottom ; reg . i ular value $175. - Special, ; pair ............ . .91.65 5c Hair Pins 3c Box. FIRST FLOOR. Best black invisible Hair Pins, crimped, assorted sizes; teg- -ular value 5c. Special, - ' box V..,.......3 35c Whisk-Brooms 19c. ... , , FIRST FLOOR. Our best quality double seam ;fine corn. Whisk Broomst ' ebony top, ring handles; reg ular value 35c. .'Special, each ..................191 Second Floor Annex. Ladies' Corset Covers, of fine cambric, full front, 3 clusters ' of fine tucks between 4 rows of 1-inch Val. ace insertion, Val. lace edging beading and ribbons at neck and arm holes ; regular price $1.00. Special at.... ....67 $1.00 Flannelette Kimonos 39c Grand Salons Second Floor. Flannelette Kimonos and Dressing Sacques, fancy cord , around waist, sailor, collars. - in blue, black and white, red and Persian -designs regular value $1. Special, each'39 85c Dress Goods 59c Yard. , ; First Floor South " Annexr 53-inch English . Sicilian, in black -only, "with high rich ,'.;si)k finish ; tegular 85c qViaj ity. Special, 3 to.4pr m." tniy:. .......r: $3M Ready-to-Wear Hats 49c Mill inery Salon New An 7 ' nex Second ; Floor.' ' The remnants of our Ready-to- . W ear Hats at a great sacri fice; nobby . turbans! broad ' brim sailors and shepherdess shapes,, suitable for beach or mountain . wear, ', all colors; regular values $3 and $3.50. , Special; each ,.49 4 to 5 p. m. - 50c Stand Covers 35c . New Annex Fourth Floor. ' Tapestry Stand Covers,' J ringed on 4 sides, '36x36 inches, in red,, green' and blue .'regu lar value 50c: -Special' each . : t '. .... .: . . . .35e 65c Back Combs 39c , '' : First-Floor.11' " Fancy Jeweled Back'Combs, in shell and-amber ; regular val ue 65c. h Special, each . .39 v. Ironing Wax 3 Sticks 5c , J. First .Floor.". Chinese Ironing Wax-Sticks, 1 " gives luster to clothes. - Special,' 3 sticks. ........ .Set 15c Writing Paper 9c Box. - '- First Floor.' - Box Writing Paper, odd; lines, 24 sheets paper .with envel . opes to match, smooth finish, . ruled or plain ; regular value 15c Special, box...;.... y. 25c Jar Vaseline 15c : First Floor. A'ascline Petroleum' Jelly, 1-lb. glass jar; regular value 25c ' Special, jar ..... .' '. . .'. . Women's $1X0 Vests tad Pants 3c -- First Floor. ' r VVomen's medium weight A .Merino" .Vests and C tests with long t ' crocheted tri ' r value $1.0: . each' ...... f r. -f t:4