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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1905)
CnrCCII DAILY TJOUnilAi;' POnTLAND, TUESDAY "EVENING, FEBRUArV. 83. Attn. TO TOPICS 1 toxiokt-s Amraxxzm. Columbia ...... . Irrte. ........ star "Old Baldelherg' 'T Coalct'e Daaaktrr' ...t..uantlH ...... Veadevllle ......Vaudeville Oread' , The New . England . club, which now boaat a membership of -.over 100. met :' , at the home of Hies Marie a A. Boulee ., last evening and further discussed Ua ' .plana for the reception of visitors to the exposition from the upper Atlantlo , ' coast. It was voted to make an effort r- to secure permission to receive visitors In th, Massachusetts building. The ' - club wilt open an information . bureau, The donstltutlon adopted last night gives V . the .organisation the name Of the "New England club of the Lewis and Clark i Centennial." and the object set forth la , that of inducing Immigration to Oregon and promoting the Lewis and Clark fair. The neat meeting will bo held March X .-"at Elka haiL ' , " . J . , . . ' . . . . . ., Mr. IxV Berkman was arrested roster- ; day afternoon for falsely swearing that -, .M isa Randolph was more than II years ' old, ' when license was Issued foe her marriage laat ran in Vancouver. Mrs. :'' ; Berkman stated to the officers that aha had been moved to assist the girl to " marry because aha knew that It-would prevent her from entering a disorderly bouse, and aha was released by Sheriff . Bieaecker of Clarke county,. Wash, un til he could look into the case non thoroughly. - Mrs. Berkman has not' been : freed ' permanently, Inasmuch - as .- the sheriff has no authority to dismiss ae- tlona, but pending Inquiry aha will go on tier own recognisance. - ' "The American Invasion of Europe," . illustrated lecture, at the Young Man's Christian association, this evenings by - wiui. uooirey mj. tonwn, wno waa sent as a special agent of ther United States '.''-, govern men fto study-the-manufacturing " establishments of Europe. 1 The speaker .will treat especially of the introduction of American, machinery, into European .plants,, and a comparison of European .and American methods. The lecture Is highly v indorsed by chambers of -com- ' merce Ukvarlous cities where it baa been ' given. The" president of the Seattle , afanufatrrs.juuKKlatipn has wired his . .commendation of the lecture. The ad ' .mission will be. 10 cenlaT , ;. Utah men have organised for the pur-'-pose of building a- railroad beginning ... - at., a .point, oji the Oregon .Railroad ' Navigation company line and following . the Hood river to Mount- Hood. The In- , corporator are William H. Ecclea. presi dent; Thomas D. Pee, vice-president', ' Henry H. Rolapp, secretary; David Ec , cle, treasurer; Joseph West. Charles W. - Nlbley, W, W. Bitter, George Romney ; and Charles T. Early. ' The laat named V la a resident of Wasco county, and the other are from Utah. The capital stock 'la tm.OOO, of which 1110.000 la paid up. It 1 said they will beain work on tb -..ruaa at once, i tv . , , -A good old-fashioned Michigan , house-waamlng" is the way It Is put in ;an Invitation to the Dixie society, for a . ' social asembly at.the Michigan society's ( .new, quarters in Concordia hall. They say they intend W change, the name of '-fyX'oncordia hall to something .mora 41a- -Jrftlnctry Michigan. Their 'invitation '' has leeit- accepted by the Dixie people. The social Will, ba held Tuesday renins, VMarch 7. Jpeginning. at a o'clock. Th LXxle social will notd its next meeting - "St the city hall Tuesday evening, March i a, wnen permanent quarters wui dst The members 'of the party which re- - oenuymede the trip to Cloud Cap inn Von Mount Hood have formed a snow- "t ho club. It was" th reault of an idea . of J. Wesley Ladd, and waa organised at a dinner in his honor, when a loving .1 cup was presented to him, - Those who attended were Dr. . Herbert : 8. Nichols. - John K. Kollock, Harry I Corbett, Bert . - C: Ball, Walter B. Honeyman and Rod '' ney I ,llsan, r ,..,-- ; v -'-- . - B. D. 8?gler, who Was Indicted for al- - leged extortion from Contractor Joplin. ' Pwlll be-tried on May 1. An earlier trial ' was expected, out W. D. Fenton His-. ' ler's counsel, will be absent from the - city. UntH that time. Mr. Fenton '4U be -m California during the coming - 'Louts Castro, who sued the Portland baseball, chib a constituted laat year. tooay niea nia reply . the club, reaffirming .the complaint and denying .cluh paid him any money beyond the ,11. 0 which ba admitted having re ceived; ha claim SMt.II 1 yet due him. .- Immigrants, Investors, capltaliata. In vestlgate the advantages offered along , the Una of -the Oregon Water Power A -Railway eompany'a road, and especially H at the terminal new town Entaoada. For Information inquire of tha Oregon Water . Power Townslte company,' 114 First street. ; Phone Main ill. . "; . - - Why need housewives wear themselves out bending and working, over tha wash . tub, when for 1 .cents abound th Union - Laundry will wash, starch and deliver ready for Ironing all the family laundry T , . CaU up Main 198. Union Laundry, If you are interested in th personal labor lightening question.. . - Frank Thompson, who pleaded guilty to stealing jewelry from rooms in th Sclllng-Hlrsch' building, will serve his - one .year's sentence In the county jail ' Instead of In the penitentiary, a reported,- -r. W. D, Fenton this ; morning granted, until June 1 for filing tha tran- POSITIONS SECURED The following stsdeeta bav wrnrod eie pWswat evrinf tit awmtk: Laora Brtatnl, bnokkeeser. Marahall. Wells H.rdir.r. Wllllata Watt, bookkeeper asd atesograMier, floMnora .ailnlsg Co., aampter, (tr.i Maste I'vaa, MaansraplwT. Title Oaaranlee A Tnsn Co. I Krnest Catlls, shleptn clerk. Waterhoeae Lnter fttilDplns Co.; ItrUa Mem,- rteeMtrapaer, nic-kKTiatten tin. Oa.) tTharlea 0. Otto, steaotrapber, anethera Paetse. V R. Oe.: lraa Amaraer, lUu rapber, Marahall. Wells Baraware ft.! C. A. Sterkua, ateaegrapiier, o. k. N Co. : Ueate J. feaser. bnokkeensr, OyrrtsrvllMt O-nter Co.; Kate riasrtra, atefmeTapbee. Aarbea Manleh Mrs las. Ce. Hor Wes aom. eteeoarapeer a ad bookkeeper. Newbng llrlcb a Terra Ortta Co. ! btastie Pbllllpa, teaofraotwr, ParlHe Caaat Afener Oo.j Rlla Hnlsiakat. atennsTaslM. Nortkweet .Vlava Co.; Ansa C. Blaaer, atenograpber, kVailnrtnn Typewriter Co.) Kdltk laMr.ll. ""rrapber, Kastarn Maaafaetwrlng Ce.) May rmrryA steaosrapber. Hjrglenle MatJ" treaa Blnnr Aatleraon, bookkeeper, AB'leraon Oeseral Merebaadlse Co., litMg ftlver, . Waab.- : - r. , PBJPS MM :. Y. MC A. BoJldinc Pnone Main S13 . fJAYOU VILLIAF.IS OF PRESIDENT GRANT'S CADINET The death of .George 8.' BoutwelLV ex- governor "of , Massachusetts ; and- ex- secreUfy'of the treasury, yesterday attof Kentucky aecratary of the treasury Qroton, . Mass.. leavea Mayor George H. William of. this city: the only surviv ing member of President Grant'f cabi net, i '1 ,rf )i t. .' I. :. . 5,.:, , Mayor. Williams waa attorney-general In President Grant: cabinet from 171 tof 18T6. On,yr oriie hls colleagues have. pasjieq sopwuihu nnana ueorge d. Bouta-ellr wer the finJyOiurTiving mem ber. . W'i-jTr k c K- .!:. T WhenK MaytSf-william (ea4 the ae count of thedeatlv-of bis tasf colleague this morning, heswaa deeply affected. : - Among the members or the cabinet of Williams waa associated were Hamil ton. Fieh-of -New York, who served as secretary of state IromMStl to, 1(77; (leora-a B. . Rout well' Massachusetts. secretary of the Hrfauiury from Jisr- to 1STS; 'WUllam A.' Rtchardaon of Maa-ft T" sorlpt-fn the appeal , case T the United State vs. the (Oregon 4k California Rail way ompasy;" We -also asked that the decree. In three oases involving the same company bex amended, aa la figuring out the amounts It had bean lound that uie suma Mad- been made allghtty larger than they- should . be. . - .The amendment in volvea bat a few hundred dollars. .. Assistant United States ites Uatric At- torney W. W. Banks this morning asked Judge Bellinger to dismiss the objection filed to discharge of John ft. Tlllyll bank rupt. About a year ago an objection- to tb discharge waa filed, and the data for substantiating tb charges therein hs passed. .: Tbe court dismissed -the objec tions to discharge. ; . ,t , , ,- , , ., - ... f Professor i Baton's 'dancing-' school. Classes Man da y-and ThBrsday- evenings at Arton hall. . Begin Drs Uken at any time..- Six assistant teachers. . Private lesson sally at halL Spectator Invited. Phone West 104. V : -n iy - Modern turmoil of . life - -results , In many : nervous disturbance, j Take C C a Tonla - C C Tonic euros ill ef fect of too strenuous pursuit ef -trasl- to the answer of4B a4 Pl'. For sale tfr jKnlKht the eilegatlon. of 1 Drug Oosapany. J . .,: , A ' lenylng 4hat - the! iiJJr. 11 1 V S t ' fegant'nrw ateamer ' Northland alls. Thursday; SLfternoore direct -for. Ban Francisco. Cabin. Ill;, steerage, y 11; meals and- berth included.- C H.Thomp aon, agent. 111 Third street. . . . ,. . . , . in !. -':.e-. B: & Cough-and Croup Syrup pre vent cold developing into bronchitis and pneumonia. Stops all cold prompt ly. For al by Knight Drug company. A . new trial has ' been moved for by O.t W: White, convicted . last . week of tealing jewelry from .room In the Sellitlg-Hlnich building.. . " . , - - W dean ana press your -slothes and shin your shoes for 11.00 per- month.' Unique tailoring Cow 147 - Washington, Main 114. .'. - v--" - ....... . Corbett. va. Nelson: fight received, by rounds tonight at th Portland Club, 110 Fifth-troet. 's; .--; , - ,V .. . , . . . . . i , .1 . ". ... ..... S. H. Gmber. lawyer. -117 Commercial blk, 'will give prompt, efficient aervlcs. Try a meal without meat at the Vege tarian cafe, 101 Sixth atreet. . ) Aak your, grocer for Golden Cheddar. aMMaawrtaMsasBwe sMMaMHaeaM a - VTaTZTABLsJI WOXAJTS AT.T.TtaTCT. The literary txtrclses tomorrow after noon. In charge of. the Unitarian Wo men' 4 alltaoce. will be unusually , Inter esting and Instructive. Mrs. W. O. Eliot, the essayist, ' takes -Leasing'' for her subject: .short discussions will follow Mrs. Eliot's paper. In which all are in vited to join. Tha ladies of the, alliance cordially invite all friends of th society and any -at rangers In the city to - be present.. The business meeting will be called at S o'clock and the program will be announced at 1:10 o'clock. The ex ercises will be held In the Unitarian, chapel. corner ' Seventh and Yamhill street. , ..... - , . , - r cajlo or TsTAjnca , "The Volunteers of, America wish. to. thank Rev. ' Dr. Brougher and hla co worker . for their kindness and asslst ance in Mrs. Balllngton, Booth' meetings- May the Lord still continue to prosper and blees them In their good work. 1 ' ' i "CAPTAIJT AND MRS. ARENTS. " , . risajdlsk SaferbMr. - Is 'often caused by sores, ulcers end ram-era, that eat away your akin. Wm. Bedell, of Flat Rock, Mich., say: "I have used Backlen's Arnica Salve, for Ulcers, Here and Cancers. It is thei neat neaiing- creasing I ever round." Boofhea and heels, cuts, burns and scalds. l&n at Red Cross Pharmacy. Sixth and Oak streets, on th way to th postofflce; guaranteed. . . LAST i..iBER : aachusetts, "secretary of the ;.treaaury from-U71 to 1174; Benjamin H. Bristow from' 1174 tq 1171; .William W.-Belknap of Iowa,' setvetary of war from IMS to 1171; Columbus Delano of Ohio,-secre tary ef the Interior from 1170 'to 117J; George. M. Robeson of New Jersey,- Sec retary of the navy from: 110 1- to, 1177: John, A. J, .Creaawell of Maryland; -poet-master-general , from i' I860 to '1174; Marshall Jewell, of Washington, D. C, postmaster-general from 117.4 to 1174. - At' the time of George -8. Boutwell's death he was 17 : years old. . For-more than , 00 year he had been' In public Ufa.' He. was one of the' organisers of the Republioan party. Mia . last public yoeiaafvlcajotaaheaseryed alx rears In the United States- senate from Massachusetts, froms117t to 1114.. He was . a close friend of Mayor wiiuama. who remembers a "UD, I boned, OndlVlduaV who looked, more 1 ratou than a Uving person.''' ' Ilka rt- OLIVER HUSSEV HAS ACCIDENT Old Driver of 'Truck Two Injured , , Going toVisitSomt . : y-i ..L Firemen.l. : ".: i'-. T, enr-": Oliver Husset rfor a number', of year the driver of truck No., 1. Portland. Bre department.: met with a severs accident yesterday afternoon at tha foot oi-at Washington street, by falling down th river bank, a duttanc of xeet. , ' Hussey. who is now engaged In farm ing near Forest -arsve, visited town yes terday, on business, and waa . making his way front the mainland down to the Are of him he saw a crude barricade, but a man who': preceded him by a few .rods vaulted . it easily and Hussey - supposed he could do the same... Instead, of look ing : over the barricade . for a' landing place, he vaulted into epacS; and fell with considerable force, to tb bottom of a sharp incline. . The i boys on the. nre boat who witnessed ; the peculiar . acci dent rushed to his ussistance snd sum moned Dr.- Herbert Cardwell,. who found Hussey suffering from two broken bones In the left wrist.' The Injured ' man was able to proceed to his' home this after-1 noon.- .' Hussey waa a spectacular driver In hla day. ' Business practically ceased on Fourth street when an alarm waa turned in and everybody rushed out - to see Hussey drive th three horses of truck No. 1 down the street.' MsydrVpennoyer once Put another driver in bis place, but the new driver, after one- trial, gave tipJ and advised that Hussey be taken back as he waa the only man who could han-' die therblg three. - There waa general regret among the firemen 'that HUsaey'a intended f call - turned -out ao- painfully, At the same time he waa congratulated that hla injuries were no 'worse. ' BADGER COMPANY ASKS : . t" T EARLY TRIAL OF CASE ' M.'A. Folsom of 'Spokane, 'and R. A. Letter; of this city, representing the Badger Gold Mining company, appeared before Judge Bellinger this morning to request a date for trial of tha case of th Badger company against th 'Stock ton. Qold and Copper Mining company for a half interest in tne Stockton claim. O. - O. . Ames and ,John Oearln repre sented th Stockton company, . ' Counsel stated that all evidence had been taken by Referee Brodle and would be transcribed soon. ' Both aides thought they would be ready for a hearing March IS, and this date waa fixed for the trial, as It' I th general desire' to' expedite the hearing. Both F. W. Bradley and K. P.' Kennedy of tha Badger company, and W. C Qlbbev residing at Susanvllle, gave their ' re buttal testimony 1 yesterday afternoon. This closes the ease before-the referee. The hearing before the court will "be without jury, and should -not consume a day. - ' ' ' ' No suit has been' Instituted by the Stockton company yet against the Bad ger for stoptng or on the TOO level. Mr. Ames stated that tbl action would, not' be brought until the present hear ing la finished, aa the Stockton company would naturally desire to establish title before entering the court to recover the value of the ore. Should the- Stockton win in the tlUe litigation. It la probabl that an order of th court will ba asked to examine th 000 and TOO level of th Badger, to determine If there baa been any encroachment over th lines. i Coos Bay News The local fish mar ket was well supplied with' sea fish laat week. Including cod, groupers and snap per. . Flounder, herring, crab " and clam wr also plentiful. TRACE Exports for February Amount to - Six Hundred and Fifty ' Thousand Dollars. I y, FLOUR LARGEST SINGLE' - : ITEM ON THE MANIFESTS Over Eleven Million Feet of Lum- VV ber Leaves : Willamette (n Twenty-Eight Days. '..!- PebrnarT Bxperta. 42.I1S barrels -flour j u - v .,. vaiue. 110.04S bushels wheat yB3,4JS i.2l.K0 feet ldmber .......... '44 Ksft ,1,,,;,,,fllll4V Machinery.. cotton, tobacco . . . . 34i.6l .Total Value ............... ,t54. 401 - seven vessels cleared foreign , this month, taking out oaraoes valued - at 1U4.400. ; Among tb.em.iwa th oriental llrier Nloomedla, tbe alue of her cargo being 1511,610, equal to almost Ave sixths of those taken out by the entire fleet '. According to these figures one oriental liner. Is worth as much to the port, if nothing 'is taken into consfdera- tlon - but the value of th cargoes, as It Bailing vessels. - ' But In this instance uch a com Da ri sen do not properly represent tbe sit uation. Five of th six sailing ships carried lumber, th value of which 1 very small when compared with grain cargoes.' Th value of these Ave- car goes Is placed at only 144,010,' lesa than half tha worth of a grain cargo tagen out by th French bark Eugenie- Fa li tre!, which cleared tbl month. Shot bad 1 10,045 bushel of -wheat aboard, worth 101.410. Bo taking this as a basis one oriental liner la worth only a trifle more than Ova grain ships, so far aa export are concerned. ..- JBut as - tha lumber 1 all procured and- aawed in the fWillametto and Co lumbia river valley,, it I looked upon as being of far greater Importance to tb port than the eastern freight, con stituting th bulk of the oriental liner's cargo, which la shipped in here one day and takes out tbe next On an average each sailing ' vessel remains her a month or more, her disbursement dur ing that period approximating some thing like 110,000, not to say anything about th stevedore and longshore ex penditures, which foot up a good, -round sum. '..-.. - ',' - V'-' Lumber exported daring -tba&imonth totals, fl.ltl.bl0 feet, whQe that sent down th coast tfomprU. 0,405,000, making a total for: the past 21 day of 11.0C1.110 feet. The shipment In de tail are as follows: , ' February . the French bark Eugenie Fautrel' cleared for Queenstown or Fal mouth for orders, with 110,041 bushels Of wheat valued at li.434 Febnuary II,, the German steamship Nloomedla cleared for Hongkong and way porta with 42.116 barrela- of flour, valued at S171.T1I; 76.122 feet of lum ber, worth 11,240, and enough miscel laneous freight to bring the total value of th cargo up -to 1611.630. Foreign Lumber . Shipments Febru ary 1, schooner Nottingham, cleared for Taku with 1,310.111 feet trf lumber, val ued at. 111,721; February 0, barken tlno John Palmer. Talngtau, "134.147 feet valued alM2C; February 4, schooner Ohra. Kohulln,"57,48. feet, valued at 10,111: February- 2. barkentlne J. ' L. Evinton, Haiphong, 114,446 feet valued at 10,061; February 28.- German ahlp Carl. Taku, 1,7(6,154 feet, valued at 111.144." "' .s '- - Coastwise-1 Shipments Steamer Aber deen cleared for- Baa Francisco wtta 410.000 feet; -steamer Aurella, Redondo, 620,000 ' feet; - steamer Redondo, San Francisco, 260,000 feet; steamer Soutl) Bay San Pedro, 476,000 feet: ateamer Northland, Ban ' Pedro, 160,000 feet; steamer Prentiss. San Francisco, 426, 000; steamer KHburn, Ban Francisco, 10,000 feet; ( steamer Aberdeen, San Fralclaco, '600,000 feet;- steamer - Re dondo, Ban Francisco, - 776.000 feet; steamer Iaqua, San Francisco. 060.000 feet: steamer Aurella; Ban Francisco, 640,000 - feet D1 ateamer Nome City, San Pedro, 100.000 feet ALLIANCE ON JIUN. lomsr to Be Takes off, leaking Mtxrm tot Ontfl With Hor AeooaomodatlOBS. After a thorough overhauling at San Francisco' the steamer Alliance, owned and operated by tb California A Oregon Coast Steamship company, left th Bay city, this morning for. Portland. The Honier, which baa been .faking ber place, will not be kept on th tout; ' The company will now be In a position to take care of the traffic In a far tnoT satisfactory manner than when' the Homer was In commission. The Alliance can carry 100 passengers; the Homer had accommodations for about half that number. - Tha Alliance will make the round trip between Portland and Eureka every 10. days, stopping at Coo bay porta. . ... ' . ' I If coast traffic Increases an additional steamer of modern construction and greater speed than the average craft plytng In these waters will be put on the run, and it Is probable that San Fran cisco made tbe southern terminus of the line Instead of Eureka, The of ficials of th company havai mad in quiry into th subject and theut decision will soon be announced. '- . '.... 1 ' 1 WANT SHORE LEAVE. fapaaese ea tta 2ir Privilege Xxteaded t Sailors ef Other Sattoasi Member of th Japanese crew en the oriental liner Numantla want the same privilege of shore leave as are ex tended to sailors of; other nationalities visiting this port, and have mad their wlahea known to the Immigration offi cials whoa duty it I to see that none escape. ,'.'-:.' , . ,-'. - Immigration Inspector Barbour sava they have made no formal request for the privilege named ao far. but if they do he will communicate with the proper authorities at .Washington , before he will permit them to com aahor. By th time these formalities ' are gone through , th ateamer will be ready to leave on tbe outward trip, and so th outlook for th Japanese tara to gain their point la far from encouraging. .- It I th first time that Japanese have been employed on the f re (enters plying betweejn Portland .and tha I far east. Heretofore Chines coolie hsv filled all such position, but of lata they deserted just as soon as they returned home. The services of Jspsnese were -then - se cured, the officer of th line believing inai mis waa tne oniy way to solve the desertion problem. Should the Japs be grsnted shore leav the Immigration men are or tha opinion that tbey would take advantage of the opportunity of fered to leave for parte unknown. - All of th inward cargo of the Numan tla will be removed this afternoon, and the vessel will move to the flour mills to begin loading for th outward trip. Th FQIiEIGil .V'W-'''' V' '" ' '(""" t EXPCSITIOW STORES. BOOTHS, ROOMS For RentT-''V, s . t ; opposite the entrance ' , to Fair Grounds. , :' r . -..v ' ,;:j'; B. M. LO'ISACD , H. E. ,; ' $j&$;w Apply" at : I ; k$ A i . . . , ... , steamer waa gaily bedecked with- Oar man - flags ' and bunting yesterday in honor of tha wedding anniversary of Kaiser William. Improusptu speeches were made, and the.Jtiealth of tbe em peror drunk in the officers'-? quarter. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. By Saturday another gasoline .launch will be added to tha already large fleet in the harbor. Hosford Bros, are build ing the craft for McLean aV Key of La Grande, Or. ' It la announced that tbe owners will operate her in tha local har bor, and after -June 1 will run her be tween the city and fair grounds. She will be. called tbe Oaselle, ,1s. 66 feet long. 11 feet neam. and will be capable of car rying about 6 people. She will ba sup plied with th engine which Was bought for and used in tb Jessie Harkln or four month. v '. Tb steamer F, A. Xllburh :salled! for San Francisco and way ports with about 600 tons or cargo and a run passenger list, ' Ninety ton of general merchan dise went to Coos Bay, 60 tona to Eureka, and 15 tons of wheat to Ban Francisco. la tow or toe uueen in uruian enip Lonadal and' schooner Alexanderlef t up the river this morning from Aatorta. A few minutes later the Ocklahanva. lef t ut with tbe British ahlp Pythomene. It If hardly probable that they will arrive un til tomorrow morning. Tbe Alexander will be left at St John for an overt hauling. ," '; j , . " Th schooner Halcyon has completed her lumber cargo- for San Francisco at the Eastern tt Western mill, but as there Is no towboat here now she wilt not- leave for the sea- until lornbrrow,-, District Forecaster Beals sent .word from Astoria this morning that tha rev- n? e"tte.r PmTTT" unsuccessful yes terday In the work of grappling r the broken government cable running from the city by the sea to North Head. He stated that weather conditions down that way are favorable today 'and the search has been resumed. .. ' . -, . MARINE NOTES.' ", Left tap at"-, m. Astoria. Feb. 41-Lft tap Brttlsh ahlo PYthomen.lLeft up at T:l a. m British ahlp Lonsdale' and schoon er 8. T. Alexander. Sailed tfW a. m. Schooner Mabel Gale for Ban Francisco: San - Francisco, Feb. ll.n-Sailed at 10:10 a. m. Steamer Alliance for Port land and coast porta. - ! Astoria. Feb. 17. Sailed at 7:10 a. m. Schooner Mahukona " for. San Pedro. Arrived down at 7 and sailed kt 1:50 a. ta. Steamer Cascade for San Fran cisco. Arrived down, at 6:10 p. m. German shlmCarL- . - ."- . - ' " QueenatoWn. Febi ' as. Arrived French bark Brlseux from Portland, San Francisco, Feb. S7. Arrived at t Dl m. Btearnar Columbia from Portland. Astoria, Feb. 21. Condition of tbe bar at 1 a, m.. smooth; wind nortrmast, light; weather cloudy. ' . 'J' DAVID BISPAM HIGHLY J PRAISED IN BAY CITY David ' Blspham is now at his beet, Judging from the reports from Ban Fran Cisco. The magnificent quality of his voice was much commented upon at his opening recital there. The Call of Feb ruary 21 y of him'. - -"David Blspham delighted a large au dlence at Lyric hall last flight with a repertoire that waa a varied a It waa Interesting. ' Th artist' well rounded and powerful baritone was never heard to better advantage, and the plaudits pf hi auditor proved hi concert avrtmbunced succ." Blspham will be heard at the Mar- ouam Grand theatre Thursday. Marcn a under the direction of Lola Steers and Wynn Coman. Th sal of seat will open March 7. A OBXAT UUTUAX. . br. John A. B. Wilson of San Fran cisco will visit his son. Dr. Clarence True Wilson, of Grace church, this city. and will lecture on "Darkest New Tork After Dark" In-the Taylor tret Metho- dlat Church Wednesday at 7:45 o'clock. This lecture s free to all, and the pub lic ' I cordially Invited by the two churchea under whose auspice It is riven.- A free-will offering, will b re ceived at the conclusion of the lecture to defray expense. This lecture grow out of flv year' - experience In the down-town life of New Tork. and ia de livered who was Dr. Parkhurat' right-hand' man- In th great campaign of a dosen year ago. - Dr. Wilson is one of tha ' most brilliant, amusing and stirring orator who ever described such scenes, as make this lectur thrilling from I tart to finish. No on Interested In reform work or fiery oratofy should miss this chance to hear Drr Wilson. - Before ordering Window Screens for your home see . .the new Automatic Roller Window Screen ? and I am sure ,' you will have no other. Latest thing out. At The Muck . Hardware ' Co., Second and Morrison. VV Ja Cpo!: I sssassSBSBSaaBwssji AT THE THEATRES. . "Othello" Thursday Night Charlea B. Haetord Is ess ef the few aetara and Oredaeara whose work sr aetata tae aaUty of Benaaaeery. Thar are ae eaddea atseaa Iste smtkMrtty, sad tse elty is whh k se neare far ealy ess Bight feels secure ta the assurance that It will witaeae a par for uses similar I that give kr the ea sateBMats are tor s week or store. ' Tbe en 17 variatioe from a axed ataadar of smith baa bee tost ImDeoveaieaC sir. Haaford aae attained sesltiea warn he eaa-eisMt kia Mesa uahhManre sr BaaaliWatlnna ef aipesa or collateral laaaeaeee, - Th pablte, aavln oeea iDaatiraed Its fsear ea stsr. aVaiaiMla aa-eHae as acaoaintaare wllk hlni aa poaalbte, aad will this Ma enjoy a stwtoetioB which repreaeBta Mr. Hartford seraoaalls ta every detail. ' Mr. Hasfnrd Is Boosed te appear at the Mar easei Uraad theatre Tharaday ta Hask. apeara's ceat Uagedy, "Otaelle," scat ar 01d Heidelberg.' - --. The giaadeat Brodw-tloa ef th ima, tnm the ataadpatst ef s sBarsalag play and a heaatt ntl aoaale.-prodaetloa, is "Old Heloelhers.'' which spa wed Beaday at tbe Ootaaibla theatre. Two great asdlraeea soared eat et tse theatre tbea ' la sertact raotare and spread the word eraadesat la Pertlaad ef -the greet- pleasore tbey hd enjoyed. -That le after an the Best advertkwBient Blay or . a cseatr ean get th axpmstoa ef nraae and good , will from people- who asv attended. Tie seeoaa act or "Uia Heueisers,- anewing th Ma straetare oa the hlsh sroead with tha pretty little elUsge aestUng at Its toot, sad the a lor Iowa river Khlae wladlag akwg. 1s as of the swat cbarsiiBg aceaas ever pieced ea toe (Jo In Bible etsce. The play quite loag tad It wui Be seem. aary ta rale the esrtala Breaisuy at a:uo lot ue tveuag psfxorauaes. - , . Uncle Tom faialn Prices. - Mtetna'a T?ala TnaVe CaMa" eemaaar with evarythlag ap to dsts, wltaoat deatswrtng the aaraurka ef taat waaaarraiir ae t recti re drsmaUsstlea ef Harriet Baacbrr Btewe's great work, wilt be sraaaated at the Marqosm . uraad theacre ae asraroay snrr book sad Blaht. - ' The samd old Brocoastan, Tepslea, Mara a, Cacle Tees. Little , wtll be there, bat It la a peofsatoa that will amreh right late the heart deeaite Its tramp ef halt a ceatarr. The sMetMa eampaay. Its sreaary. apaeUltaa sad aceeeasrias wtU to-fwand t be the -beat a ad the largest saateally la America. Barf ala price will prevail at both performance! Adrajtc ah wui esea ac Tharaday. J'vp ' - Crestor' Band At latATOIiam, ' ' Cafuare. lovara ef Portland will be dehsted. entlchteBrd sad aaruclsad by- th soUbl aaa rta to be gieaa her at tbe Marwaaaa Grand Monday a ad Tweed Bleats. March 0 aaAJT, with . special prlcW amtlne Taesday, by Craatore and hi Italian band, Thla faawas arganlaatloB will be saakHed by Blcnor odara, a Neaiavlltee haralat of- Bote. Oreatof aad hut hand have sever failed to draw large and applet nve annum i . . aopaared, aad the eeeaaloa Jaet aaoatlooed1 will anrelv arnve aat exeeotloB to the eaUbUabed rale. The adnaca aala of aeata wfJl epaa aest Friday awralag at 10 ejetock. " . . jbrand Bill st the Baker. The Itaker baa" a mad bul this 'week- Caatet lat aad Ball epea tbe Mw wlthAIMI sketch entitled. "A teol Yfm alUJawet." The old time favorltea, the Delaeya, Ihsre acaln. The tMBder trie gives Boin clever atotutaqua poaea -aad aembatte work. wiinasm. e moooloaiat, la mfreahln In this Use. Ifeta and Sleia are very fanny elewws wh do paja tnmlo and etever tricks ef magi that please. The 8tnbbleaeld trio la clever, aad letted Bee aowM new aad startling work. J. W. Wood ataga-nd tbe btosraph show aew slcrsres. -' - tCoofjf BUI at the Star.' a the a,.r this aek HddM Leatle la easily tbe head ef the list of go sttraethMS. He alnn deaerlptlve eons .sad eaye fnaay thlnca. MadeaVtlaells Ount piaya ue aanga-seiaii uie llara -alatrra ar brlxht ehildrea,and sing and dancel well; Base A Bevorae are very good la ttrrtr akatrh: Jackana ia av peealaaSaa ever la Uhutrated snnsa; the three Kobra d ewe ef the beat gystnastle seta aeaa ia nrune nr taome ttsjeiatelera and- ktasa are nneiwr fxuxT ta their disc twirling perfaraanea, and ta pmJevtospBpe shows aaca nw- ptetarsa. ., "The Convict's Daughter." .". - ' a, ts-b.. fesar WJbJiTAl mi . 4lm ConrltH's Daofht-sr," tm&hm ptanty of coi tor ttM drmatie Ulent of tfi liil Stock ramNor thta -rack. Bobby AtfeM. M th hmic tramp, mtm oig , diu mjmm.-,mu lWHKH9 U A( UlUf 1 rW'vi at" vissKsr bmw Votfvlct'i dihtr. Tboraw, eimr to chut ik. a.. alhea vraklasa - --- - m veaaai an 1. UsV snv, a laeask "ri-mt' tjTZ. win ana rt in Mirwv mwwmi -u Z Your, Watch Like any other' piece of ma chinery. needsoverhaullng, so ' when your watfb does not keep . correct time you must remam-r' ber that; you have not had it . cleaned and overhauled for several years. We employ only skilled mechanics, and we grade of workmanship we . hand to our customers cannot, be excelled. -iu vou XS wVJ ANWRIGHT 293nORRrSON-5T- W Have Just What You Wnt! Money to Loan ' TOts and house for sale, cheap - and on easy terms. Small and - large farms for sale, on terms to auit all. No matter what you want, Wei. can suit you. -. ' N. SPRACUE. : 1SSH Oraad Avl. Boom . 14. - Tourists, a wU aa elvy psopia, tasolal1y emsarrased, will aaa tha vom-nvajro imam omox. T4 Third street, tke safest aad ' saest reliable , pla t traasae thetr bmslaas. . " ras hli" f augusjuurjrrm. DAIIIDIX TIIEATIIG Third sag Tamhlll eta. Kaatlnc 4- rioMl jr Maaaiera, , unjm raaaeviiie uaae is Aatertea. trv vrntt Tmio. ' ljr t re . o iiu. t.i i " . K t lX' . BXsaWO V . it. Ill ' W. .w, nrx iiMiira. Admission. eaata. PerfnrmaBeas at !, I:g aaa s is a. av v - rl ..- 1 ' V'- The "For Sale- " I'iscellanecus" : f ?' - ,. This Even Ins: . est All .; fV' O regbn'o looition fjj BSSfilKLBEP MAGAZINE March '.''yambef'':;'' , has tnaly lUnstraasd avtlels Sckftry All Keitsdrs V DAVID Rl a III IV V lasT (IbWU a UaV US " 4J SUNSET I . ' a ' . ' ;a , she gres isatislal JaaS thd thing utmA aaa. Maay ws sztielas, soxa good aaorl 1 btoTtaSy slsewr vers aad lain . y BMOuy. -TigoawaBi lsJ l I Th World' Oreatest Sariton. v Marciuam Grand Theatre ,K;Mwh'9thrr THE SUIWAV PIANO v .fc . -. - ' -' Of course, , AH the great artists us ., ( no other. . U' .-' '.: lo Sal OsJy Br S : SOIjLE EROS. PIANO CO. Stainway and fifteen other nrake of ..r- Btanaara rianoa. Sra-S7 Korrisos St, Oor. w. Pack. '. ' J , aVMUaVatJkjnrTw. COLUMBIA THEATRE .r A. H. BAIXaVBD. Leasee sad lfaaaga. , ' roortaeath aad WashlBgtaa gta. Tb Bust besatUal play et tbe wissa. Old Heidelberg ited by the easerb OtlaaMa BterB tmpany, ALL THIS WKKK MATIN Kg lATtTgDAt. A Play for hoe, -. , Evealng. Me. SBc. 3Bc. 18a, i ' ' MaUae. xSe. IS. lOe. ' Dewatewa hex efaee epea all say, BTT tfeea liana. Fhoae afala 110. Bvenlag at theatre. Oartag to leagth ef tne periormaac, awtata - will Hae pmaiptly at 8 U6. ; Pi Eat triiuniun. - aJUBiTBj iy HARQUAM Tharaday vealBg, htareh 10B, retara- saseasraK CHARLES B. MAN FORD la Shakeapeere'a great tragedy, y-j . frtna iPatauat. S1.50: Daratfet etrrle. tl. ftalroar. drat rea. T9e; last raws, tne. Waller?, Be. SAe. Bests aad toges, 110. Seats are bow aeuiag. J - ' f . : ; : Marquam Grand Theatre Friday Everting. March-,, at o'clock ' Grand Recital by t ,'p , Spitzner's Pbilhannonlc Society nfJlTVITTU avewtai ' ' f " house. - On sal t Woods rd. Clark as Co.'a ARMORY HAUL, WgDSFRDAT. MARCH t. P. 1U , . Uraad Coeeert Gives by , . ' ; St. Joseph I ! Benevolent Society ' : Vneal aad Inarm menial smsle, tUfrrabaseata, Shrtal aops- Ladies aernoipaated hr geatlemea Mmltted free. Admission Nav eeats. i STAR THEATRE , 'raiksft raahkHMhla VaBdrvtU Uoaaa, AI.I. THf" WKKK. AXalAX TlWAmTg , EDDIE LEffUK. Boat ajid ivimas, ' - KLLX. CABBIE. ( men AJID lOSA, - v A1TH0X JACFSOg. , )10 BBOJECTOgOOPB. ''-1. Attenmees fmat 1 ta 4 ani evealsaa frea T to. 10:90, Adailaaleo, KVl ssoi eeats 30e. THE LYRIC THEATQZ BVEITTU A.10 ALDEhj gTBrrrg, Beery Aftanmes aa Bvealaar. QBBA1 PBOPITTIOH or TUB vi:r-i. ; t tuaiui usua, Tfca CcnvJo L " aeeelaltUe Bre - ,1- farfenBawe at :, ' a - 1 a, r, I aval rm ei a u .. , r : - v.