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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1905)
w THE OREGON bAILY' JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, ' FEDRt?ARY a, UZ3. MHvMFMF1FaapaMFaaFFKaB1 ttHtHH iO Efi'D, RO'.IANC: , THIS CARRJErt GOT kearns wmm ' ! v; A-JOURPfAL WATCH OF GOLDIE MOHR r.I0Rf.I3N CHURCH Roy v Johnson, a Circulation V - Si ' Builder, .Rewarded for Energy in Securing New Readers. t. Children of Millionaire ' Allan A. In Swan. Song Senator Accuses Wood Interfere With Old i Bridal Tour.' i Utah Leaders of Will .fully Breaking Faith. . A Long - Among Tha: Journal's circulation builders who by their energy have dis tinguished themselves la Roy Johnson. He is's good, steady hustler and made ANOTHER DUKE SANDAL r... ALL RELATIONS OF LIFE . V such Drogress ' In his work and gained BREAKS OUT JN COTHAM so many new readers for The Journal MADE PArVTOF .RELIGION ; ,v ' ' w . that he ha setter a rewarded py the re A New Store! New Stock! celpt of a Journal watch.' He Is proud of this gift snd his arid for it is only Every Mifti In Governing' Class Father : Separated f Son- From -. Actress Only to Fall Victim " f Himself to Her-Wiles.; y, y, exceeded by his pride for a,nd nia en New Methods of Business! thusiasm In bis work. Ceaselessly he - 3 - Has Been or Is Now a . : . Polygamlst.," ;. ' ' . ;. works In his spars mint) lee Introducing ' '. -.fc' ' ' ' , . -,.r .': -Til , M7 .i'l . 4 V - " K' IJoersal Special Serviee.) . ' Pittsburg, Peev. 18.-The marriage of ' ' Allan . A. . Wood. ; the millionaire steel magnate ' tq Mira Ooldle, Mobr. an - actress formerly Identified with a wall , ; known tjlew Tork burlesque: company, . ' promises to havo an unpleasant sequel, ; stmilsr to that which marred the ' "..honeymoon of Brodle L. Duke. His , ' children will .lake steps not unlike .those taken by the relatives of Zuke.---'( Wood and bia bride Intended starting 'for California tomorrow to visit reia ' ivee Hit Santa Barbara, but Indications . ; are that the trip wUl ba delayed. ' , ' Among the . claims that will ba ad vanced by the children of Wood la that the New Tork aotrees has exerted a bad ' Influence over Wood for soma years : r past and that ha Is tba victim of her wile. - .' 1 .. , v.. . : : , Mlaa Alberta, Wood. , the youngest daughter of tba millions Ire, ' has left Pittsburg for New Tork. where aha will be joined by bar uncle, Richard Q, 'Wood; of Philadelphia. t , In tha Investigation to be rendered of the strange marriage, an effort will be p"made by tha children, to show . that ' a 'Wood was not always in tha possession of bla faculties- when, with tha actress ' ; '.and that soma tlma ago ' he took her .out to Dobbs Ferry, N. T., ; where the two t daughters, were at school, and In- , ftroduoed tier to them as their new Snarama.' "One of hm --daughters la1 el- v havo takes him aside and asked j. bixa If ft were - true .'that he had mar , ried. the woman, to which, be replied. oiessea u no anew.: Wood Is toe father many children, having, bean married twice In Pttta- . burg, tha data of his marriage to Gold la! Mohr In Maw Tork recently was kept secret. ' Four-, years ago Wood's ..son. W. ' '' Dowses Wood: became 'Infatuated with ' an actress and was ent 'abroad by his ' ' lather to euro him of. his love. He had - , planned to elope and few minutes' be , -rfore was called' Into his father's office J 1n McKeesport, '-given transportation, , provided -a companion and sent , to Kuropa.- with Instructions to spend aa much money, as ba wanted to,- but to ':- forgot tha actress, but under no eir- eomstancee to coma home, until cured, "d' The boy stayed abroad two years and -returned thoroughly cured of his pas 7 slon. He la now living' at tUnta Bar- j,. bare with an ancle, -.. .a . , - Allan W. - Wood moved from Pttts .,burg to New Tork, having aold his steel , plant to tba American 8heet Steel com ' V ufit for manv mlUlona f dnilara' u. built la .'large home on i the Riverside ; , 'drive. In which he lived until recently. . -. tata oi toe- retribution aeenvi to . have fallen oar tha old jnsii.' for ha ;, - , himself became -Intatuated with Ooldie v tMohr. lhe. actress, and It is said ha ra- t - cvnu 'di.qi' nrr Dim pnae.- . , v : . i . - Mr. Wood was In business with 'his two brothers, all of them mlllJonslrea. We is related to Thomas IfcKaa and A .'Hart jlcKeej both Plttaburg . mUllon . aires. His first wife was Miss Nannie j Knox, a sister of Senator P. C. Knox. ..!The had one child and. en her death , Mr. .Wood married Silas Alberta-Car-rler and the couple bad six children.- : MRS. CODY SAYS SHE i : , ' STILL LOVES HUSBAND . (Joarosl Special Serrtee.f - . - North Platte. Neb.. Feb. 21 Mrs. Cody ;. took tha stand today and denied the " charge made by Cody that aha had at tempted lo' poison him or his dogs, or ' , abused his children, or Ill-treated his : '. guests. 8h admitted using liquor, but ' ; took It only in quantities for medical ' purposes. Shs never used profane or . VVul gar language.. - '. . . Iri answer to question they said that : " she 4till loved Cody, would welcome a reconciliation and forgive him If - he would retract tha; poisoning charge,' f : rom mr zdaxo oArrroib '- , (Jooraal iSeecUl garviee.) Boise, Idaho, Feb. 21. The house has passed a bill providing for a new capltol building. . The purchase of a block of : ground adjoining the present structure ' Is authorised. Funds amounting to 11. ',000 afpreaent are available and an ad ditional I2M.00S .la to be appropriate. Jewelryiii Repairing .Jhat Will OCR workmen srs prac " tlcal In their meth- V oda, and are careful and painstaking , In executing repairs, no matter how . trivial. Any work, that you 'may entrust to ua, we are : sure, will Show tba lasting qualities that you may ex- ' pact. . Diamond, Mounting ' Is a special fee tare, and If yon have a pin or ring to . maks over, we wilt Suggest ideas that ' srs right up-to-date, with'-prices that are sxheptlonaUy ' reason- - ' abi&, v ' ;.' ... ' :Cor. Third and Washington' Jserslsn 'BUvarsmbs ". t Roy Johnson. Tha Journal In tba eectlon be serves. His efforts have been crowned with success, for The Journal in that hv caltty, aa In every other locality of Portland, Is trie most. widely read news paper. ". . ; . 'Although ne of the youngest mem bers of The Journal circulation build ers. Master Johnson makes up In energy and" ability anything he may lack In years. Hs Is very careful and thorough In -his work, and his customers are. sure of receiving their paper regularly and on lime. This attention to business has made Master Johnson jrapular , with his customers' and .brought, him new friends, thus 'making, his route one of the best ln Portland.' Roy Is 13 years of age, nd has been ; carrying The Journal for II months. He Is on of the bright and popular scholars of. tha Sunnyslde school. - Tha Journal's circulation builders, as predicted, have made the circulation of The Journal 30,000 at the and of February- Tha winners in the February contest will be published la a few days. - The Journal la now going ahead to reach tha 25.000 mark. The March con teat among tha circulation' builders Is abqut tosfart. dXhja4February race has given "the carriers: just a taste' of bust-' ling, and-they are now primed , to go ahead In March with' a rush ami carry The Journal VorwataV tl rjJm, jiifvfi , itm .uui umt ua n,j ' . w Its series of prises ss folfowst L -- ' To the sgent. making tna greatrat per centage of increase In his list, ft, -Journal watch, valued at IK. . v. To tha agent making the second great est percentage of Increase, 7.f0 cash. To lbs agent making tha third great est percentage (Of -Increase, fl caahv To the agent 'making tha fourth great est percentage of Increase, fl.iO cash. - To the sgent making the firth great est percentage of increase, ft. to cash. To the agent maklagfthe Sixth great est percentage of Increase, 11. SO caahf " Every boy. who carries The Journal, either in or eut of the city, can take part in the contest for these prises.' The Journal la gaining new readers o rapidly that there la no question that It is the most widely read paper in Portland. . -, l UP TO YOU CEN.BEEBE (Continued from "On Saturday, after 1:10 a. m., many men were In Erlckson'a, Flits', Blaster's and the Mase, and at the Mass and Bla ster's women occupied tba boxes, and at each place the bartenders and 'waiters were on duty serving liquors. The Cos mopolitan saloon, on Third street, was also open tor business. - "It is impossible that the patrolmen on the beats where these saloons are lo cated could not know these facta. The noise, the ringing of the cash register, the - men going in and out of the sa loons, could not fall to attract the at tention of aa of fleer' who had Instruc tions to see that -all saloons stopped business st 1 o'clock a. m. "la any former letter I intimated that charges of this nature would not re ceive proper consideration from the mayor or police" committee-1 It "seems justified from the fsct that this condi tion has .continued for many months. If, aa a matter of' fact, the police de partment baa not heretofore' known of this condition of affairs, then In ray opinion. It shows such gross Incompe tency, ss that former criticism was mild ss compared with what It de serves. "I hold myself ready to prove the facts herein alleged at any time. TSurs truly, ' A. T. KLEOEt." HAY REFUSES TO SEE PROMOTER OP REVOLT '- (Jooraal Special Service.) '. ' . "Washington, Feb. J. When ' Joseph L. Andara, agent ol tha revolutionary party, ef Yenesuela, reaches Washington he win not be received at the state de partment by ecretary Hay. Andara la now in New York, coming to thla city with the avowed intention of prevailing on the government not to take drastic action Against 'President Castro In con nection with.' the asphalt controversy and other matters awaiting settlement between the two governments. In view of the fact that Andara has no official status, he being dothed with questionable diplomatic powers, the sec retary of state will not receive him! The United States - government Is at peace wrth Veneauela, and accordingly cannot reeefrv itppresentatlves of a rev olutionary, moveknent. , , REPUBLICANS FREE TO DROP NEDRINGHAUS ,' i (Joarnal gprU Servlre.) ' Jefferson City, Ho, Feb. tl. -Thomas K. Neldrlnghsua, for whom the Republi cans have been voting for United States senator. Isat night released his support, ere from the caucus obligation, provid ing they would agre ta vote for any body except R. C Kerens, 'm: . 'UMnal SfmcUI Berries.) Washington, -reo. "Ouh 'secured tr atatehood by a . solemn compact made by the Mormon leaders in behalf of themselves and their people. That compact has Been oroa.n wuiuiij rHHiiMFitW. No oeonle la the Mormon church have publicly p rousted against this 'violation." - . The above was tha text of a speech on the floor Of the senate - today by Senator Thomas K earns. Republican, of Utah, Inr his laat utterance before re tiring from publla life next Saturday. The announced Intention of Smoot'a col leaarua to express bis views drew a lararau audience. The senator asserted tnsi ne naa no quarrel with religJon. i ne , irouoie arose from the way accidental leaders . Ik. Unr-tnR MAIMIMflt SOUaht tO snake of 1U religion not only a system of morals, .but also a system or aocuu relation; system of finance, a System of commerce snd politics." . Kearns declared that nearly svery man of the governing class of the Mor mon church Is. or haa been . polyga mlst, that every apootla of the church la responsible for part of that evil. The Church, h declared, was today main taining a practical monopoly m uvan. Ha skid it -was the duty of the senate to serve ' notice on this church . that monarchy must live .within laws, that tha nation Is supreme snd that Its In stitutions must be preserved Inviolate. CONVICT PRESENTS' - PRESIDENT ylln UUN Prisoner Invents! Revolver That . t ' sa Sf j I " : can ee rirea vmj ojyj-j-'':'"." Combination. :. . ! j (Jeornal Special' SerTiea.) ' I New York. Yes. Js.Preetdent Roose velt has a new weapon for his armory, gift from rMart" Allen, of s, revolver so constructed mat It can oe or only to its owner. Attempts to Are It unless one IS familiar with the combina tion are vain.. - -. Allen Invented this-peculiar type f firearm While a convict,. lir Sing - Sing prison, "after- one of several convictions for burglary. The idea, was suggested when two fellow convicts escaped by obtaining possession of the warden's re volvers, holding mm at oay ana mrrai enlng Instant death tf he Interfered With them. - : -. ' " "i l ' '' For such emergencies ' he believed a rtvolvter which would us or service oniy fh'thel hands of the man who' knew the combination by which to unlock If would be of great value, and at the sug gestion of . Superintendent Collins, he worked on the Ides, for several years. Now he Is again free and hopes to have his !nvntlon adopted by prison officials and ptfcers. ,.' ; INDEPENDENT PLANT, V : T0 FIGHT STANDARD Orders Placed for Oil . Refinery Built Under the New Kansas Law. - (Joarsal Special Bervlee.) ; Kansas City, Feb. tl. Orders were today placed for the first Independent oil refinery to be built under the pro- tecTTOn given by the new Kansas laws. Within days the plant will be con structed at NloUso, with a eapaoity of 1.000 barrels a week. The entire out put will be sold under contract to Job bers who compete With the Standard Oil company In the southwest." , The house has passed the Holden anti-pumptng of gaa bill and it has now become a law. The-bill -prohibits the use of pumps on gas wells and permits compressors on pipe lines. " " Miss Ida M. Tarbeik" the raagaslne writer, is enroute here -to. thoroughly Investigate the Kanaas oil fields snd the events leading up to the fight on the Standard Oil company. WOMEN IN LOVE WITH DUSKY FILIPINO BRAVES . (Jeerssl Seeds! service.) St Louis, Mo., Feb. II. When the Loulslsna Purchase Exposition company brought the Filipinos to St.. Louis, It sowed tbs seeds of unhapplneas m many a family; The brownies soon became the rage with a number of white women. so much so that guards were on the qui vive day. and night to prevent an inva sion of the reservation by - American femininity. Toda? William 3. Huthstng, a coffee merchant, filed a suit for divorce and the custody of his two daughters. Huth sing alleges that hla wife Insisted on as sociating with Enrique Esplnali and other world's fair Filipinos despite his protests.'-. --'..;'':....' .. On the night of November It he says his wife Invited Esplnali and another Filipino to spend the night In his house. while he was forced to get out . On December 20, he avers, she threw his clothes out of the house and last Wed nesday Mrs. Huthslng took, her three daughters and followed the constabulary to ' Fort Thomas, where It went Into winter camp several weeks sgo... ' NAN PATTERSON SHOWS EFFECTS OF THE PRISON i. j -. - ' (Jeoraal Special SmFk.) - , . Nsw Tork, Feb. Zt. Jostles Oaynor of the Brooklyn supreme court' today ad journed the habeas corpus proceedings In the oaae of Nan Patterson until Wedneedsy. owing to the' Inability of Asalstant District Attorney Read to be present . The young actress was brought over from the Tombs' in a cab and met In the courtroom by her father, who klseed her tenderly. Her face showed the effect of hr long confinement, but aha aeemed de lighted to cure a temporary release from prison quarters, . r - Wednesday. Mbrriiiig: at 8; a., m. - And Wm .Show a New Stock of ME1STS ClllIINO, FURNISHINGS and ;HATS ''.''.- ;-' " ;1V; ;1: All uncalled ior garments Uiat were made at that is not made by union N. Be-rrWe f)f NELSON REPORTED .OYER Ills Dane Works Hard to Save Forfeit Money and Looks Drawn and Worried. GLOWING REPORTS OF CORBETPS CONDITION Notwithstanding Rumors, Bet - ting Odds Are Against t Denverite's Winning. ' (Special Donates to Tbs JeuraaL)' 'San rranclsoo, Feb. 18. When fJelson steps Into the ring tonight to light Cor bett be majr be minus his weight money. Over night the Dane gained more than a pound and soon after he aroae this morning was sent out on in roaa heavily bundled and with instructions to go at a fast clip. He hit the road at top speed for an hour, snd when he returned to bis training quarters he was dripping with presplratlon. After a stiff rub down he weighed In private. What the exact weight was his trainers did not state, but declared it was within 10. He will be sent out again this afternoon and it Is not un likely he will have to resort to a Turk ish bath when be arrives in the city. He looks drawn snd worried after his morning ran, but said he felt confident be would save the (forfeit. - Despite unfavorable - reports from Nelson's camp and glowing 'statements of . Corbett's condition, betting this morning had not changed. It opened at last night's figure of 10 to I.' During the forenoon a few small bets were made, but big betters are waiting until the boys - weigh in. A majority dis believe the statement tha - Nelson la havina- trouble In making his weight. looking upon it as a dodge to effect the betting. , ' '' ' Corbett awoke tnia-moming after u hours of steep, three quarters of a pound under weight. ' He ate a light STefaaaaekaS beM a esgaiei tiom l.tseesaehe for Ike last twMy-sve rears see sever feaaa say nllf saMI ae k.(U taalac rear CaaaaeMa, Slaee beaeeearaa taking Oaauaim Be fees seres had the keadMhe. That have entlr.1 nr.4 hlak Oaeeareaa 4e what roa Vaeonvaa tbm to 4o I will five yea tke BHvtleae et aataf kle ." aLM. Dlkaa, UM aealaer gk, W JaSIa ei i ni 1 - - - - Vmr St.kea, WMk.a or Orjp, let. Bw. Wo. Vrrer SM is W.I a. Tka (.aal.e taklM .kmaFMd 0 0 0 laeaatoaS SS eare or rear soay saa. . StsrllagsaMdyCe.,Chicegeerr.r. eat ' De For ; I;.'--fl L yJ The) QoweHs 4 ; ' t'. ' ; ' ' : W. 109 Sixth WILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS TOMORROW ' 000 M0C I Of ' ' lL ' . .: V. Or tASIbKN lAlt-OK tailors, and those who look COME TOMORROW AND SEE US RefirClnwid Press Free of Cfterge For One Year ..MMM Dr. B. E. WRIGHT TheSslsmtfls -Beattat that . re lieves all pain la dental operations. ettfft Wasklagtoa sT so. breakfast and took a short walk. He will bsve no difficulty lii remaining withla the weight . JAIL ESCAPES TO HAVE :i i BLOODHOUNDS ON TRAIL Sheriff Word' will soon havo is well trained bloodhound with which to track escaped prieorrs. If any Inmates of the county Jail during, his administration, succeed In breaking through the barriers that keep them from the outside world. He received. ' today from Ohio an 8-montbs-old hound, bred In one of the most famous kennels ' In ths United 8tates, sad It Is now quartered in the yard of the jail, t - Twelve yeara ago two bloodhounds were kept for a short tlms at the county jail, but since that time they have not been In use. - . Jailer Harry Grafton, who formerly was employed at the Walla Walla penl teatlary, has had experience In handling the animals,' and has prepared to train thla one -t perform -the duty required if any of hla prisoners should escape. Such a contingency la regarded as quite remote, inasmuch as the precautions now are thought to be sufficient to pre vent ' jallbreaks. Not only have better facilities been provided at the. Jail, but the Jailer maintains an espionage that leaves little room for prisoners to elude bis vigilance. , However, as soon ss the bloodhound haa been made familiar with his sur roundings snd given the necessary train ing. It will be all the more difficult tor any of the sheriff's boarders to get away, or If escaping, to remain long without recapture. - . . RETURNS FROM WRECK OF "THE TENDERFOOT" '-"Vj -"Bob" TutUe, who left Portland as s member of The Tenderfoot" company, haa returned with considerable Interest tng history concerning that organisation. At New Orleana a couple, of weeka ago the manager went on the stage after the performance and announced; . "This company Is closed. Oet along ss beet you can." f -"There was ths usual weeping and wailing from the - angry actors and actresses," .said Mr. Tuttle. "because most ef them had spent what little they had saved on the New Orleans racea and In Other favorite pursuits. But there was nothing to do. The closing was without Ire minutes' notice.- Moot of tbe bunch got out and hustled up other positions. Miss Anderson, who left here with the eompany, went with Savage's grand opera eompany and haa made good. I ooncluded to come to Portland for tbe exposition."-. - Although "The Tenderfoot" has been making money front ths beginning. It is said that other, shows tinder the same management wrs Joeing, snd el of ths winner's profits were transferred - to them, which led to a disagreement among tbe partners and finally ths closing at New Orleans , v., - ' if:?' 1VI ARKIUUIE, Manager Street, Near ''' ''j-- "111' ."-1 - -"-11 11 '- ' double the price asked by lis. wUl be pleased and satisfied. 1. the Best HMMIMv.HMM Yoisr Poetess Safe' ' "Money back" is aa important . feature of the Eilsrs method of pi ano' selling. It fully safeguards buyers. If Instruments fait 1" mVT ' ' way to prove exactly as repre sented, we wilt cheerfully refund alf money paid, This Is our In variable rSle. ai4 members of the piano clubs havs tbs same advan tags as regular buyers tat this re spect In addition to the tremendous ' reduction In prices. And- at these wholesale prices, club members are securing the very same " makes and styles ct pianos that .we sell regularly at retail. . , 11 , ... , Tou nave choice of - bur entire line of pianos. Including the -Chick ering of Boston, tba Weber of New . - Tork. the Kimball of Chicago, the Hobsrt M. Cable, Haselton. Lester. .. Crown Orchestral, - Story eV Clark, .Schumattn, Haddorff, and so on, through our to makes of high 'grade pianos. Every Instrument is fully guaranteed . No home 'need now be without a A plana These present co-operative . cluba make It possrble ' for every , one to possess a good piano. Cash payments are email and monthly -or weekly Installments, whichever ' Is moat convenient to the buyer, are exceedingly moderate. Write us for circulars and particulars, ' 351 Washington Street, Corner Park ' - ' trge stores also at Pan Francisco, Stockton and Oakland, Cal.; Spo-' kane and SeatUe, Wash.; Boise and Lewlston,. Idaho, - '.' ana nave J. n Clanoey, the politician of Seattle, la a guest at the Portland, i George M. Crosefleld - snd wtfs of Wasco, Or-, srs registered at ths Portland.- - A " ' .i'- Clarence Luce. New Tork stats com missioner to the Lewis and-Clark fair, Is a guest at the Portland, - w. b. Conner of Ashland. Or u Buy ing at the Imperial. . ' ' A, Thomson snd wife ef Pendleton srs regletered at the Imperial. 1. -Clarence A. Bsmett of wssoo, or is registered at the I onperlal. Horace O. Jones, In ths employ of the Interior department,-: ami -recently sta '';;.:: -icy . on ;.... ! -1 . v ; . V ' V Not a garment in' stock Club : "A Contains HT Ulanes." . which sell regularly for from , $200 to 1309. Prices to club , members $117 to 222. . Payments : 15.09 down and I1.J5 a week. . Club "B" Contains UJ pianos, .. selling regularly for from' $27 to $175. . Club members can get them from tits to 1278. Pay ments $7.60 down snd $1.(0 per Club "C" In all 101 Pianos priced regularly atfrom IMS to 460w To club members they- ao for . from $247 to J33I. Paymants, $12.60 down and $1 per week. Club "D" Includes 164 of ths most costly American nlaiMML values I41B -to Sfi&O. ' Prices to club members $31$. and i up. Payments $20 to- 4ii 4owo - snd $2.60 per week. , Club "E" Membership 141, costll-. .. . est grands and uprights In spe-' clal styles, all of them regularly priced at over $6(0. Average savlag on these, to club members $147. Pay mast a $20 to $60 oastt. ' and $2 to $6 weekly. . Club "F" In all 108 pianos, being ; a mlscellaneoua collection of odd SI an os, msnufacturera' samples, ' Iscontlnued '04 catalogue styles t " of Chlckerlngs, Webers snd Kim ' balls: also numerous . Instru-. ments taken In exchange for . new Chlckerlngs, Klmballa, Web-, ers and other of our popular makes, snd for the Pianola Pl ' ano. Prices $1,0 down and $1.76 I weekly. . . : " . ..; Production PIANO HOUSE Special Sale of Cut Glass " ; In. order to make room for a big shipment of. - Cloisonne and Ivory goods ws are closing out rall -; - our Cut Olaas. ' We want the- space by Mender, put quKK-meving prices on me gooas- 25 to 30 Per Cent Discount - We desire to call the attention of the ladles of PorUsnd to a fine line of Bilk Shirt Waists, which will arrive from Japan about Thursday... Watch , .Journal- ad. . Don't forget we are the Isrgeet dealers In Chinese and Japanese curio goods In the city, and our prices are the lowest, . m.J. : ,". ; " ; THE WESTERN IMPORTING CO: lsn-lTO rifth attest. Ops. 014 Posts fllee . ',. Ches. B. Toung, Pres. ' Jas. M. Kaa. Pen. MSn. , tioned at Roseburg, cams sp this morn ing, and Is at thO Portland. . TO&iraTS2nu$' w Tha Volunteers ef America ones mors maks an sppesl for old clothing. A ' number of families srs In need of cloth ing and bedding. Call up Hood 1611 and we will gladly call for anything that row have that might be useful to some . one. Captain and 'Mrs. Arents srs in charge; tha headquarters are at 4t Ash' street, where the poor are dally helped. A Marshfleld man la shipping' quite lerge quantities of frosen steelheads to Oermany, 'i'l-'v 1