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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1905)
THE OREGON PAILY JOURNAt, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY "iiJ lZZX t -a -etwftr Cv" t cvPiinciAf h.3 LALUiWIUl COIIIIJG Hi JUNE V&nguard of Fair Crowd Will Leave Indianapolis tast of . , ; Leafy Month; JULY AND AUGUST WILL r ' see: huge crowds iere ' ' ' y i ' . . r '" ;' ' , Innumerable Special Car Parties ! Have Been Formed Already , 1 V All Over, the '.East. ; ; "-'; . J -. ' v , ... ' '' -- ' - . ' July and 'August, will be the crowded months at the Lewis and Clark fair. The arand rush will begin the . Utter nart.of June. At that time large num bera- of special ; care and chartered ' train will arrive from various eastern antra. The principal points of de- narture of these trains will toe St. Paul. ; ' Chicago, Indianapolis, Kansas City, New . Orleans and clan Francisco. .. It Is reported that already more than ', IS chartered .trains - have been con tracted for over the Northern Pacific from St Paul to Portland.- A single not-Charles Gates of Toledo. O. proprietor ' of the tJetes Tours" is planning to send a special train each " week from Chicago. ' Man eastern - roads are figuring on chartering trains :. -i- Jto private parties. Oeerge A, A. Deane, . Jr., ..traveling passenger agent of the . . - Xiaaonrl Pacific, baa concluded arrange-'.'V- menu- for what la said to be the Brst eicursion train of Pullman, cars, to start from Indianapolla,- the last week la June. It will run over the Big your ,- to St. Lou la, the Miaaourt Pacific to Pueblo, the Denver Rio Grande to Colorado Springs. . thenoe bar way -of . CrlDDle Creek to Portland. ereY the Short Line and the O. R. N. . . -. . Innumerable special ear parties axe being formed all over the eastern terrl tory. and most of these tripe are planned to start, about, the .first of .July, a or vrylate In June. . " ' , f - ' ..;., , A local passenger offloe this morning . received aa inquiry rrora a party , or New T6rk city .i school teachers, who want to come to the Lewie- and Clark fair and are writing lot special infor mation. They ask for the addresses of private families' W ho will furnish lodg . tags. ";. t---. . The department of exhibits was eon ' slderably , encouraged yesterday ' by re- celvlng a letter from H. O. Shedd, seo retary of ' the -Nebraska state commis sion. In which 'he says there is a good chance of that state appropriating lit, 000 for a dlsplay-at. the Lewis and Clark . exposition." - i. -,- .- - .Nebraska has a ' special Interest . in ' Portland. 'TnaBrouch i aa ,Oregoo under Colonel H. E. "Dosch. made one of the largest and best exhibits st the Omaha exposition. It is the wish of the-pubilc, men who bear rthis . in , mind that Ne ;' braaka make a good representation at ' . ' Portland, and' that will, doubtless be fne .-( result.' vr'.". V -J ' ' , That East India will 'be adequately j ' represents at the fair is made known by ' G. A. Hamilton, special commissioner to 1 St Louls-and Portland from that coun try. He writes Becreury Heed that "we . are preparing a worthy representation,'' arid hat a large portion. of the exhibit " haa .been shipped from -St Louis, And more Is to.' come- rrom Mew Torx. The site for the MaasachusetU sUU . building was definitely settiea yester- .' day afternoon. ' when President H. W. s ; .. Onode of the Lewlaand Clark expo sttlon granted te jtaecwuve uramu loner WUsoa HL falrbank the lot Im mediately west of the , Oregon - state ,bntldlng and opposite the main entrant of the foreign exhibits palace. The Massachusetts building will be 100x0 feet. and. although bids have been sub joined. It yet remains for the commis sioner to accept one. ... LAND FRAUDS DUE TO : Vu OLD FEUDAL SYSTEM The Iniquitous feudal system of land holding la thla country ia aa much to 1 . blame for the frauds a are the men who were Indicted." said C. E. B. Wood at . Concordia hall,' addressing the Young . People's Culture Union of Temple Beth ' Israel. , "the system la a remnant of the dark agea, when the conquerors of f . BsHaln stood, on the mountain top and ' parceled out ' the island to . their sub V chlefa The timber and atone act today ' waa enacted by corporation lobbies, to enable timber companies to secure the public domain." ., 'He said nit who gets 110 acres ; can do nothing with It but sell It. and - thla. he doee aa soon aa he can find a ' timber corporation that will buy. The title to all land should, he declared, be subject to actual occupation and 'use, and no man should be permitted to bold land, anywhere, unlesa he Improved and uaed it j Idle land was 'an Iniquitous condition which caused want and misery, ' Aetote aae Hater mmt aievaat Mr tarsals. ", TBay haTe asp4 PlM i Cura 42 years. ' . CXOICTJg OF OUaT BSVOATOaUa, :,'.-. - r-. ' Dr. Bdgar P.' H1U, who Is In the east ' contracting with famous speakers for the educational congresses to be held daring the Lewis and Clark exposition, ' -reports t reat progresa ' in his work. stating in 4 letter to, President Ooode "that among the -pulpit oratora and .scholars of 'the .country , the . Sunday .. ''opening Idea as arranged la heartily ap proved and, that he has Ms pick of America's most celebrated educators. Fcr Czty'o Csth, ' A hMMffe tae ekla. ttssess tbs aeala, tto kalr. was ehaaaa. Itrklae aa4 tamutlM. te ' kmm tbs erilcsta skla ears a4 sweetj sssiflilly LuU beetae, taen'e aatsiag like , umFirjACoap AlWeetnsf Mas Balaeiaj hi Every Cak." Medtoetsd. iMOnHsieg. fraaraat. Maltltaate ef eiwi Hf Bantaa kas aa aeaal tie emy rr- Ki mt tolMTbatk sea aaratry. Alert by la Itb Tnafawat. It SMUnrs all avatar Wat, ' Cbm BMHkr seals. Mr skla aea kMatlral rsa SSr. eskaa, ranM'. Ask tor Haraaa iaaa aa4 salakaalik Traaiawat, Tta- dniats'. A m(lf trial will eaavlan tm M tka eataaaUd so.irs ef Ibms sumlaae frveeratlaae. keraae awtMllfl, Na mi la aveiaud Ilka Bartaa. Mtaafartaead bf rlille ttmy sewlalrlae fla., Wwark. K. J. Take aetaiag WlLkMit UM sln.fareoa , aa, vaaaaSk ' kuMWraseeri WOOBAkS, CXAZaTft CO ream MINING EXPERT WHO IS ALSO A MILLIONAIRE ' r- ' awsewawwasawewBaeaawaawaa ' Fred W. Bradley Is Here to T tify In Big Mining ' Suit,, . ; : Fred W. . Bradley, consulting . and managing engineer for the Bunker Hill ft; Sullivan ' interests, .with -allied cone pan lea. including the Tacoroe smelter concern. Is la the city to give Ms Jest! mony in-the case of the Badger Oold Mining company against 'the Stockton Gold A Copper. Mining. company. : Mr. Bradley la reputed to be one f the wealthiest mining engineers In the pre. feealon. and by'most Paclfle coast mine operators Is ranked with, IT not! above, John Haya Hammond. ' .. The career of. the eminent coast man has 'been lees, spectacular than Ham mond, -notwithstanding, that the latter is consulting engineer for, the Guggen helms and -latterly for . the famous Tonopah Mining company. Mr. Bradley is consulting engineer, for the Tread well, and has other Alaska interests and clientage. He is spoken of as 'manag ing engineer' for-the bjg Bunker. Hill -ft Sullivan mines or the coeur a Aienea, and occupies practically, the aame po sition with the Tacoma smelter Ind the Badger company In 1 Oregon. He has extensive personal Interests,, which friends say go far beyond the million mark and might require thla unit to be. multiplied. Tet despite all of thla Mr. Bradley Is heard of little- except among mining circles, as he has never traversed the starry path of . popular attention. , Recently the' eminent engineer w the victim of a curious and nearly fatal accident He had Just . learned to amok, and while passing down the hallway of his apartments to reach the street an explosion occurred, blowing him violently against the door. - it de veloped that gas hsd escaped In the hallway, which the cigar' Ignited. Friends of the engineer do not state whether the accident had the effect of discouraging him in learning to smoke so late In Ufa , - . . . " '- o - FARMERS' PARADISE 3 IS ROGUE COUHTCY B. A. ' Worthtngton Makes This v Remark After Very Care- ful Observation. ; ' '. When B. A. Worthlngton and his asso ciates of the Harrlmaa lines la Oregon return to Portland they will have. com pleted aa inspection of every mHe of the system. Arriving here Saturday even ing from their trip over the main line of the Southern Pacific to the California boundary, they left yesterday "morning to. inspect the west sidelines and will devote three days to the trip. : ' .: - The party includes "these, omclala; General .Manager Worthlngton, P. C Stohr, James P. O'Brien, W.- E. Comao, j L. . R FieidsTB. .B. Miller, A.K. .qrahara and J. Oi Jamieeon. Theyrwlll MOByat Independence. McMlnnville, Corvallls. Falls City, Airlle and other, points. Speaking of the Willamette vaUey Mr. Worthlngton said: - Tha climatic abd soil advantages of this rich fanning section will undoubt edly attract and hold a large number of the people who come to Oregon thia year to visit the fair and see the coun try. They cannot fall to oe pieaeea with the natural resources, and Im pressed with the low prions at -which Llajid can be bought bf re In conipariaon with me pnees or iana in eastern ana middle states. The Rogue river valley la a paradise for the fruit grower, the farmer and stock raiser. ,'. . , GUGLIELMO FXCES Is " : GALLOWS LIKE A STOIC "Frank Gugllelmo, although falsing the gallowa and knowing that he has. small chance to delay much longer his 'execu tion, exhibits remarkable quiet" said Jailer Harry Crafton today.. "He' Is by no means lacking In concern, for. that would be Impossible for any man who has been Informed that tha court Of last resort bad pronounced the proceedings valid thst condemned his to death. Nev ertheless, Gugllelmo Is giving us 'no trouble. - We expected that he would have to be watched closely to prevent him from attempting violence. .. , s "Whatever of grief he feels he keepa to himself. Only a few days not must pass before he is taken In, to coujtagaln to be sentenced to death." ; GugHelmo's appeal to the : supreme co art waa decided agalnat him laat week. when le daya were allowed in whlqlt, to file a motion for a rehearing In the cir cuit court here. Daniel R. Murphy, his attorney, haa not yet taken steps to In stitute further proceedings. .The assas sin has the aytnpathy of many members of. the Italian colony, and It Is passible that money may be raised by subscrip tion to pay for continued fighting.; , rcAafrxnrr or ooo rsuows. Lewis and Clark encampment. No. 85, Is the name of an encampment of Odd Fellows Instituted at Qreaham Saturday night, with a membership of 31 Initia tion services were conducted by H. M. Beckwlth, grand Junior warden -of the grand enoa-mpment The following offi cers were elected: Lewis Shattuck, chief patriarch; E. E. Sleret. high priest; Dr. F. A. Short, aenlor warden; O. W. Kenney, Junior warden; Ralph E. John son, scribe, and B. W Emery, treasurer. HAinilEALTU SAVED 1113 POC1- TIOl Kmpt dmslag far gaea as4 wsoms. Hot a eye. GaatlaBMS At 40 aty kalr was my. lal frlead kat kla ink kseaeat gray bale sfida klsi look eld. Pnfltlaf by kla I sard Hava HalrWaha. ead kaaa tae eaaw A ark km-- k-to iku t kad at SI. Hold air oeUaie. tkMh yoeafer taae.. wkoaa aal alt wse gray hair, kaee beta dls-abwd. I Uaaa yaa tor ay poaltfco, -K. m. UHnarran urn w. MniMarnriar. -laioaxauaa; wttkeat elcaatare Pkne i na bar awee. us. r..oedri. OaedfVtSC. Cakt Mga thta, take e say ef ranewiag drnggtrtt ' end fat nor. eottla H.lrWallk and We. raka Rarsna soap, SMtllcaiod. batk for gOe.l raaa r price Tie.; sr ami by Phils Hiy V, h-awark. It. i., arosald. far dnr. aad Ula sd. Praa ease sat 1r-a by dnanwt wttaoat Uia eetire adir. ead We. tor Halrhoaltk. . Kaa - m Him J m 2s lLJ Vo , " HT .a lP POSTOFFICE WILL BE READY FOR FAIR BuildingThat Portland May Be n .j -r n.:iu a.1 . " rruuu vi rvopiuij ieww ing Completion, MAIN ENTRANCE TO BE . GREATLY IMPROVED Government Gives? Permission for Widening Steps Which Will Be of Granite Blocks, By 'widening the' Morrison street en trance to the Doatofflce building to 10 feet and replacing the ssndstone steps with granite. Its usefulness and ap pearance will be greatly improved. The contractors,. Langford ft Walker, have secured permission from the government to make this additions! enange, and work on it hae beaun. . The contractors are making rapid progress' toward completion of the build ing. Thi plastering Is nearly done, the plumbers and electric wiling, gangs have completed all but the placing of the fixtures, carpenters are putting; a seven foot walnsooatlna around the walla of the main room, and the laying of the new flooring waa begua today. The flooring. Including a trass on the main corridor, will be finished la about two weeks. . - ' f -. 'We are making satisfactory headway and everything will be in readiness for the postoffioe department to move into the building and get ready for business In time for the exposition," said Mr. Lanrford. "We were particularly pleased with the government's decision to permit us to change the - Morrison street entranae. - Wide granite steps wiU be aa Important Improvement In the put- side appearance or toe postoruce. , Palntera are working on me exterior. As soon aa the floors are finished the work of placing new furniture will Be gin. The Interior of the building win surprise everyone ' who remembers Its former, dilapidated and worn-out eondl- Uon. TRAFFIC AGENTS ARE BACK FROM SAN JOSE Portland Was Put in a District by Itself Because of Large , y ' Territory.' .. .; Af a maetlna ef the Pacific Coast As- anniatlon af Traf f io Axercta -t San Jose, district Na" 1, TSotirprtsing the Pacific nozihwaat. waa divided. Portlana t in tiatrict of its own. and the cities north of the .Columbia river were placed In a new division,, oisinc. iw. -Officers were elected and' the delegates returned to their homes punaay. , Tha nerar offlcera -are:- presideni.' a. T. Booth, Ban .Francisco, general agent nf iha nasaencer; department'-' of the Union Pacifiei flrs vice-president. Cl H. Tirvit t-e. Ahaaiam. cnMi ciera saaaen- danartment Southern Pacific; second vlce-preoiaent, v . n. unn, .mi aaranc l.nicn.u ac uni " , anrretarv and treasurer. Ticket Agent Colby, of the Qneat Northern, Ban Fran cisco. , i Portland wag represented at the meet ing by M. J. Roche, or tne uenver ex Rio Q rand a, who spoke' on "The Great Mnrtharaaii." . and J. H. CNell. Of the Oregon Railroad Navigation company, .hnu knbia-r-u "The Traffic Offi cial." There were 100 guests at the ban quet1 .which followed the business meet ing The San Jose Women's club re ceived and entertained the wives and daughters of the vlaitlng traffic men. -The meeting waa a very pleasant and successful one, and a number of Impor- ""T ..l ..M Up Roche. "The delegates enjoyed several side trips. Including a visit to uicx od urrr Tha division of district No. 1 was made because of the large scope or territory covered by It and the long trips necessary for meetings of mem bers. Our district now comprises the territory from Ashland to the Columbia - Th. tiea of Seattle, Tacoma,, Balllnaham. Vancouver - and Victoria are In diatrict No. 4." BOOM IN BUILDING IS ON IN EARNEST ' The construction of many building waa begun thla month, and plana are h.i.. nr-awn for a great number of others, which will be started In the near future.. ' i ' . Rids are asked for a two-story brick building for gtbres and offices near the corner or-.Grana . avenue ana Aimr tmit to be built by A. B. Heintx.. Tne Ooldle Construction company haa been awarded a contract for conatructton of the new paint ahop for r the Harrlman lines at the Lower Aioma enopa. una hulldlna- will be. I4tx80 feet. A two-story frame hotel 160x108 feet will be built by B. M. Lombard, at the corner of . Twenty-sixth : and Upshur atreeta near the exposition grounds. The Union Meat -company is saxmg for bids for the rebuilding of its plant at the corner of' Fourth ' and Gliaan streets, which was burned some weeks a en. - - - ... Ths Elks have let final coniracia rori the conatructton of their new -club house at the . corner of , Seventh and Stark atreeta Architect Schacht baa completed plans for a new waiting room for the Portland Consolidated Railway company, at the corner of Washington and Ford streets. near Twenty-third street. The building will be Spanish : In style, cemented all over, and will oost f t.iOO. It will be two stories, and occupied as a waiting room, candy and lea cream shop and will have other publlo conveniences. There will ha a haaamanr for a rand v maklnv nlartt and Ave rooms In the second story for occupancy by the lessee s family. HANDSOME HOME FOR MRS. ELLEN S. MXREARY Plans are being drawn by Goodrich It Goodrich 'for a tiO.OOO residence to be built on Portland heights for Mra Ellen S. MeCreary of Detroit. Mich. Mra Mc creary's husband la prominent In the Iron Industry in Michigan. During a visit with friends here she has become enamored of Portland's climate and scenle beauties and haa resolved to make this city her home. The proposal!, new , residence will be colonial In style, with - dlmenalone 4T by Tl feet and eontaln ! rooms. It will be covered. roof . and aide walla, wlthi cream colored glased- tile. The interior plaa Is elaborate and Included a bathroom for every bedroom, a bil liard room in the attic, two sun par lors on tha first floor and a large lobby with a broad staircase leading up from KIDNEY COLDS Easily Recof nlzed and Easily -iiredA Prominent Port- , '.' land Man Knows. ' it . ' You've had a. cold; so haa' everybody. Did It ever settle In your back? , . ' : In the "small" Just over the hips. but there, with a steady achat ' Makes life miserable T . .V , ' ' . Thafg a "kidney cold."' i , ,, , ; Tou can arop It. .- 1 , ' A Portland man abowa the way. ; Of. K. Parrlah.' the welllknowa Jnust- clan, who Uvea at 23 U . Grand avenue. says: "jay . nrat. attacx or aione; aching paina aeroaaitbe loins. . I paid little attention to It at drat and It grad ually -grew worse.' -When I did any- thing wnicn required exertion or- i eausnt cold. I was sure to -have back ache in an acute form. -I was feeling quite miserable some time ago and one evenlnc while looklna over toe pi notlcef a convincing, 'ad.' ' relating 'to Doan'a Kidney Pllla, which persuaded me to purchase a box at the store of tbo I Aue-Davls prug ca, at xaranin ana Third atreeta . The - reaulta I .obtained from their uae were satisfactory' in ev ery .way," - , : ' .- 'a For sale by -all dealers. 'Prtce -60 cents eer box. Foster-Mllbura Co., Buf falo, N. sola agenU for the. United Bastes. ., f. -w- f i Remember the name DOAJTS and takenootherj THE PLEASANT DAY INVITED TO REPOSE X And the Driver of a Wagon Quietly and Peacefully Ac : cepted the Invitation. , tKi Thom who frcqnent: the corner '; on Ash .and Second streets say they saw one of the laxlest - men in the - world there yesterday morning.- He had brought a wagon load of wood for a customer on one of those leonveyanoee which throws out its load by merely giving a crank a few turpavv- ' , The driver began to turn" the crank, which moved slowly. Before - complet ing the Job he sat down on the sidewalk for a few moments' : rest. s While ; thus occupied he took out his watch to learn the hour. Satisfied that ha was ahead of time, he began to dose, v . '. ."Walt until l return and -I will bring you. a chairs'' said a - passerby. "That sidewalk must be a very-uncomfortable place on which to recline. , , . . , Startled from his slumber, the driver once more resumed the task of turning the crank. He gave It Juat one small twist, yawned, and sat down again..-. In about 10 minutes he felt - suffi ciently rested to give the crank another turn. Then he resumed bis seat at the wheel and - waa ' soon peacefully sleeping.- (Finally ofte of hfa friend came along, woke him,'' and another turn of the crank suf flood to dump the . load. Tha sleepy driver' was assisted to his seat In the wagon. "Git up!" he . yawned, and tak team moved up the street and turned the corner. - ' . wV-wr. "Praying Jesus to Depart" la the sub ject of the sermon by K. 8. Muckley, pastor, at tha revival services tonight at the First Christian church, - corner Park and Columbia atreeta Questions placed In question-box will, be answered the aame night If possible.' TWO One for man the other for woman. In conjunction withfle Ralston Crisps, which have beery given away free with cash "Want. Ads." for the past week, The Journal announce to smokers to its masculine readers that-it will give a package of Gold Crumb Tobacco. Gold "Crumbs Tobacco ' Sw Coli Cnrmb L$zt I -" Worth One-Half Cent Caih-Any Dsaler. These offers are made simply to still more widely introduce I .the wonderful results '-. accomplished,' by useful "want ads.wAnj enumeration 'of their many daily duties and performances would entail great space. You know how it is .when you want to , rent a room or house, when v the fwant ads.. Thousands CAR'S SPEED ENTERS IliTO DAMAGE SUIT Attorney Logan's Interesting Dis , covery Regarding 0. W. P. A R. Co.'s Rights. ' v.-.-' , . - " .v. ' "V : John F. Logan, attorney for. Louis Jacobs, who sued the Oregon Water Power A Railway company for lt.000 damages; asserted In an amended com plaint that, according to the franchisee of the company, cars are not allowed to run faster than eight mllea an hour on the east side, frpm East Water street along Hawthorne yavenue to the limits of the city. Mr. Logan, while examlir- J lng the ordinance books to ascertain Just 'what rights were granted to tne com pany, discovered .that three franchises have been enacted, naming It mllea an hour aa the legal speed on First street. 10 mllea) an hour on . Madison street and eight miles on the east side, so that, under the law, the company may " run Its' cars four miles an hour faster, on crowded First street than It may out in-the suburbs, where houses are scat tared and pedestrians few In ' number. Jacobs waa struck by a ear while he wag driving a team across the tracks. WILL BREAKER WAS FOND OF NEEDLEWORK County Judge Webster has taken un der advisement the contest of Green C Love against the will of his father,: Capt. Lewis Love, who bequeathed his son one Sixth Interest la his estate of about 11,060,000, .and gave him only a life tenure In that Green Love set up the contention that his father cut .him off with only a life interest because Mrs. Stafford, Green's sister, prejudiced-the testator against him. - in the evideno adduced during the past four days, it was brought out that Green Love was given to doing needle work -and that be advertised t for a wife iuivuu lino vgiiinuu vi m naininoiuu paper, and secured a helpmeet. This Is said to have angered his father, and to have been one of his reasons for limit ing Green's share to a holding for life. Captain Love's ability Intelligently to make disposition of his . property was the legal point involved In the contest. Testlmony was Introduced to prove that ha ' was "vigorous --of ' mindset -83. -when ho signed his win. and that to tha end he retained hla mental strength. Combatting this position, tha contest ant had witnesses to swear that Captain Love grew Childish as he neared death. and that when he devised his property ha was unduly Influenced to Insert a clause that deprived Green Lot of his hare. 5 . . , -. ; i ; - - . , FATHER ROONEY'S LIFE ENDS AT BENICIA y .-;;:. ',: i ,4.. Friends in this city have learned of the death of Ser. Father Jkmea Antonlua Rooney, O. P., a member of tha Domini can Order of Friar Preachers of Port land, on ' February 33 at Benkna, CaL Father Rooney, waa well known in the weat and northwest, 'where an announce ment .of bis coming -always filled an auditorium.' ' c Ten years ago his health broke down and he was compelled to retire to the monastery, In Benicla, CaL, where . he failed to regain his health. He was a nativerof Ireland, and waa always ready to plead the caase or nis native land. The s -Dominican Fathers - of .. Holy Rosaxy cnurcn, union avenue and Clack amaa street.' will sing a requiem mass for the. repose or his soul. Thursday mormof at a o cures. - '.. , Itching, knaa, likmllm ar eratraataa atlaa- t ear diagglat will reread swear tr Pass Oiaa. at ralla t wore yaa ia k 14 daya. GET the habit of uinf wood for fneL Yon sav money by do ing ao. - The kind of wood we ell Is eaaily kindled and full heat Tahie., Try us with an -order. BANFIELD -VEYSEY FUEL CO. Phone Kaln 353, 80 Third St Sfaafsyaam. Is the finest smoke that tobacco and workma nship can produce. The tobac co la unlike many hundred others Jnso much as it doesvnot bite the tongue. It is a cool refreshing smoke one that is demanded, wherever its merits are known. - Cash ; or ; premium coupom In each : package.. . v":.' you want to buy lotaething unusual, of pebpleiead them every day you Top Coats ; , iv...-'" ; -. . piiri' C& Go - 'i . ' ' . -i - ... ' : - - ; - - :..-.'. f,vre Mv--,"' '".!.'. ?V( 311 Morrisoh St. ' r t. Fdling Eyesight Restored ! ; - No Risks '-C 5 N : Here S-Cf . WB ttXTAJLAJTm TTJ FIT TM.M We have the beat equipped optical institution In Oregon, aa well aa the largest practice in Portland. We do the -volume of business at LOW prices and let our customers have the benefit of reduced rates. We offer you the eervlces of our skilled eye experts free of all cost. --, -- NOTE. WE HAVE BECURF.D-THH BERVICBSOF MR. H. TAT IiOR, ONB OF THE BEST ASTIQMATISM SPECIALISTS IN THIS COUNTRY, AND OUR CUSTOMERS CAN NOW BE -WAITED -UPON WITHOUT DELAY. Mr: Taylor hae studied under soma of the brightest nunas in inist country ;ana jyrope ana ttye Class JninrtowarWRS 6t xtra cost. This InclndM bmkn Bneclal rates made to famniaa andslnale gentlemen. A modern Tnrkiaki bath establishment In tha hotel. - t when you've lost something why, you immediately look at can talk to them at the rate of 21 WORDS FOR 15. r ' , i and buits , Ne wtYo .. , '. e .,- - , -'.'..- . -v " .v ; :V v'V -''.':.' ..f." v-:. '"' Ccrb- I lOtn OOatF IiTOA TM9 is a leacner'ox opnuiaimoiogy. us . X .hi.: . w lentei lh rimlMi) kind lncludfxH). T OSSWajn. OmBwOaf, 1 Aracric&aFkn $3 Per Day end Upwtrd XBABQVAai an ooMmmotAXr xmAi ' H. C BOWERS. Manager. 1 Ralston CRISP Is an 'Acme ', Mills Cc Pro . duct.' Careful analysis has ". proved it to be a-breakfast food of rare r. purity. ,; It is ; '.. free ifom any . -injurious chemical treatment," reiving solely ' on ita merit for popularity. , - CI!irsuIarry for 15c twopaciaea fcr25c r - . ja Portland WOOSAaU., cum CO, romrtk ,A t aad weaaJartoa, . .... , " ' '' '. t'Y .- -' ; - aad WMMaVtoa, "i V-,-: 7V