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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1905)
-'V, ' '". ' ... " - , --vow "- ', ;. . v, T1..3 OHIIGOM ! bXlLY JOTOIAi; PORTLAND. TUESDAY . EVENING, FEBRUARY ; t3,y cmr aonou. crrr aonoxs. ' , ' ' CUT VOTXCZaV CITf lOTICEa. btt aoncfcB. i CXTT B0T1CT.B. T B W. Uiim ang wife, W. HU Baraett ssd wife, yo.Tu; lot 16, John W. Langdoa asd -wile, W. H. Bsruett u4 wife, Hi, Jo; I 10 .oka W. Lsngdoa sod wife. iL PllMtm m net un I tm OYai mi , . I La 1 u , u .one W. Langdoa ud wife, W. H. Barueti and wife, 6u.wu; lot 2, Jooa W. Lsugdoa Ml wus, n. n. oeraett ug wile, so.lU) tsl J, Jobs W. LangJoa and wife. W. U. Baraett Bad wlfa. u.7u: lot 4, J ok a W. Lsngdoa aaa win, w. a. varnett aaa wits, 40.10; tot 6, Joha W. Laafdos aad win, J w. u. Barnrtt sad wlfa, OO.J0 lot 0, Joaa W. Lsagdoa aad wife, W. H. Baruett and -wife, 8u.7o: lot T. Jobs W. . Lsugdoa aad wlfa, W. A. Barnstt aad wlfa. 6UiUl lot a. J aba W. Lsofdoo and wife, VY. B. Baraett aad .wire, 9W.06. . ,- t'BBWILLIUBB. HOMESTEAD BLOC 1. lot 1. TorwlUlser Laad Company. 0o.76i lot S, TerwUliger Laod Oempeaf, 0O.lti lot 8. Terwlllifef Laod Company, 1.00; lot 4, Tr ntlllgsr Land tympany, 60.70; lot 6. Trrw le dger Land Compear. 60.60: lot , TerwIUIgsr laod Company; dlo; .tot T. -Terwllllger Laud Company. I0.IUJ lat 6,. .TsaUllfsf uaa Company, - A tract of toad Iyingvietwen Blocks i gnu i 2, TsrwUUgrr . Homestead, aad between Uiejj avwwba UH V BIJ MUUf I1UU al WW un aav aw Una of Admiral itumu, XarwtlUfar aa Comr aa, ll.aa. , . v . . ' rCBWILLlaER HObUCBTBaD BLOCK 1. tot l, TarwllUaat Land UtmpaaT, au.7o; Jut - Tmrilllnr TarwlllUw . TrwlUli)r Tsrwllllfor larwllllgof ' Land Campaoo- io to; lot , iaad-- Caiapaay, U-T0( lot . Labd . Vooiuanr. ' o.7u; lot , ' Laad Uoaipan, io.TO: lot lot Trrwu lifer Land ' UMRpaojr, 4tl Trt TrwlUl(r Land OoBpaay, AO.TO. BLOCK . lot 1. Terwllll, Land Ooawaay. au. lot lt lot lot A a. A. TarwIIUcw .Tarwtlll(fr Terwilllfrr Tcrwllll(sr Tarwllllaor Laad Laad Laad CoBpanr,V 0.IO; Comoaan tO.JO; Coaopanr, Companj; Oomoaajr, Lit: Dt 11.00: KH I T, lot fct 0, lot 10. lot 11. lot 11 Twwllllgcr Land TorwllUnar - Land canpanir, Comuanx, O.TOi Torwllllaer Laad OHO; Terwiuraer Laod. Oomoaur Trwllllar Land Company, - Tarwllllccr , Laad Cvatpaa;, Tarwlllia Laad UoDlDaoj. 0.70i VU.T0. Ill rii'V A l. 1 1 1 1 1 Hu.n.H . f 1.06; ' lot 2, Twwllllmr Land Oompaay, fu.w; lot S, Tcrwliucw tad uonaaaj, lot i. Terwllll(r Land Oampanj, lot 6.- Terwllllcar Land Company, . lot a, Trw11lir Land lompanr. kit- T, Terwllll(p Land ' Company, lot k. Trwllllr . Lad Comoaar. lot 8, Tarwllllcar Land Company, , I lot 10, Trrwlll'icor Land . Company,' I mi : II, 'Tarwiui(r Ulna company, lot IS. Tarwllllm Land Comoaay. BLOCK t. lot 1, Terwllltrcr Laad Gamp bu.00: lot a. TM-wiuif um uomaaay, ' lot V 4, B, a. T, . . ' o. Trrwlllli Tarwlllla Land Company, Compaay, 'lomnanr. lot lot lot lot Land Land TarwUUfrr ', TarwIlllKiw Ttrwlllla-rr Tarwll liner Land Company Land ' Camnaay. lot lot Land Company , Terwiuifer Laad IxunpanA lot 10. TerwUlifrr Ind Compaay, t BLOCK 6. lot 1. Tjrwllllscr Land Oomp . lot X Trwll lifer laad company, . n a, lerwiiiifer- uina company, lot 4. Terwllllaer Land Company,' lot B, . Trwllllfr Iod" Company, lot C Torwllllfer Land Company, kit T, .' Trrwllllfer Ind Company, lot Terwllllfer Land Company, . lot . Terwtlllaer Land Company, lot ' 10. Tarwtlllrer Land Company. BLOCK T. lot 1, Terwllllfer Land Company, 0.6B; lot 1 Terwllllfer Laad Company, fO.To; iot 4... Tarwllllfar 'Land Company, io.TO; lot . TarwllUfar Laad Compaay. Io.TO; lot K, Terwllllfer Land Company, IO.TO; lot 8. Terwllller Laad Oompaay, 0.T0;' lot T. .Terwllllaer Laad Comnanr. IO.TO: lot 8. Ter wllllfer Land Company, 80. TO; lot 8,. Tcr , ler 7i Tar- kit 1. TWwnllfer Land Company, 0.T0; lot X, -Terwllrt arc Land Oompaay, 80. 70; lot S, Ter- wiiufatstrfana tximpany. wiiiiaer usq tympany, t Willi,,, I ru, ,'MnneMW . wllllf Land Compaay, . wll Hirer Land C"mpn, Willi rr Laad Comoaar. lot f. Terwllllfer Laad Compaay, 80.70: lot a. Terwtlllfer Land Company-80.70; lot 8. TWwiiiiM imI rM-n... an to. m a r. tMHIfer: "Land Compaay. I wim T r wiiimr. ri , ai in na nr. wmifer Land Company , 80. TO; willlfer Land Company.' 80.701 wllllrrr Land Comoaar. 80 T0r bt wniisrr mdq titoipeny, 1 a- . Willlfer Laad Compaay, 80.70; lot 15, Tar wllllfar Land Company, 80.70; tit 16, Tar. WllllMe 1 -a u4 lnmn. n . In fil Ia 19 wll 1 ! rT land, Company. 80 70:' kit l. .'Ter. WlMlaar Land ftimnaar. IO TA firITT in . lerwiiufar una iwanany: lot a. irrwiiiinT whu, pi.iv: aaa a. iar- wiuifer ina- company, ao. 70; let a, -Trr-wuilfar Laad .Oompaay. , 80.T0; kit' T. Ter- JWllllwee I n4 rAanu.a lAffflw L IPU wllllfr Land ComDanr' o.'T0B''l8t 8:Ter-' w,, i.B-rr MIKI y ..UlllIJ , Wli " , FOl IU. J TT" wlUlff Ld Company, 80. TO. BLOCK . 11, lotjf.-rerwilllfer Laad Lampany, 80.68; lot a. Tef willlfer Laad Company. 80. 50; lot 8. Wimaar Land . Camoanr. 80.88: lot 8. Ter. Mni. 1 . r M; lot , Tr- 1.20; lot 7. 'Tar- 1.08: lot 8. ,Tr- 1.00: lot , 'Tr- wiiiifar. land Company. winifar una company, willlfer Land Company, willlfer Land Compaay,- willlfer Land -'Company, willlfer Land Vmpaay, willlfer Land Company, wllllf r Laati Company,, willlfer Land Company. ; lot 10. Ter rs; lot 11. Ter 70: lot 13. Ter- .70; lot 18. Ter- to; lot 14. Ter 70: Ibt 15 Ter. wiuifer Land company,, rllllaer Lml TV in nin. .70:. lot. 10. Ter- 0.70; lot 17. Ter i0.70; lot 18. Ter- willlfer- Land Company, wllllaer , Laad Comnanr. lto wt . Ter- willlfer Land Company, wllUfer Land Company, willlfer Land Company, 70; lot V. Ter 88; lot 81. Ter- lot 1. TerwIUIaer Land ruim near aOBA In S. Terwllllfer Land Company. 80.85: lot 8. Terwllllfer Lfad Compaay 80.70: lot 4. Ter- wiuifer una compaay, 'Willlfer Laad Company, willlfer Land Company, willlfer Land Campaay, willlfer Laad Company, willlfer Land Company, Wllllaer ItMl rnmn, n K.70; lot 8. Ter- 70; lot 6. Tr- 70j lot T. Ter- W.70; lot 8, Ter- .70j lot 8, Ter- 0.70; lot 10, Ter- 0.70: lot 11, Ter- 0.70; lot 12. Ter- 0.70i.lot 13. Ter- 0.70; lot 14. Trr .70; lot 15. If. K. willlfer Land Comnanr., willlfer Land Company, wiuifer Laad company, willlfer Land Company, i,.r an to, in 1a u S. Hwlfrrt. 80.78 lot 17, Tarwllllfer Land Company. 80.8B; lot 18. M. B. Bwlfert 80.88. BtSICK 13. iot 1. Terwllllfer Land Compaay. 80.70; kit 3. Ter wllllfer Laad .Core Dear 0.70; lot S, 0.70: lot 4. I"-Ter-Ter-Ter-Ter-Ter-Ter-Tar- 80.70; , lot 6,- po.wi; mt a, o.70; kit T. wl 11 1 T . n; lot 8. 0.70; lot 8 : winiaT- imun unnnnr. kk in, nrrwar 14 lot 1. TerwIUIaer Ind CVimnma an TO In i-1 Mira i.'iiumr; , ev.lU, MTI a Terwllllfer Laad Company. 60.70, Mt 4, Ter wllllfer Laad Company, 80. TO; lot 6, Ter- ' Wlllleee lnfl (ViniMn, IO Tft! In Wn wiuifer Laad company, nllllM. T . Ann.un TO; lot . Ter- TOl lat 8. Tee. Millie. - J 80 70; kit 10. tar 80.70; lot 1U Ter- willlfer Laad Company, UI1m J 1 70; Mt 13, Ter- Willlfer Land Company, - Ja j rr 13., Tar 14. far IB. Ter- T0) lot 13, to; lot 70: lot "Mil, MU, HI. I , '.TO; lot 10. Ter. i infer Lana company, ao.m: llllfer Laad, Company, 80.70; lUlmr Land Oampany, 80 70. t f, Terwllllfer Laad Compt .70; kit J7. Trr- Willi! 70; lot 18. Ter- S Willi ro. aun la. kit peny. 80.70: lot 3, TerwIIUfer Land Company. 10.70; tot 8. im in ivmu. an vn. ie a a-. iwiuiaer um rinniBT. iac a. Tee. wlllieee lJ riM. Bn TO. in 1 tree. wllllmr Tmrf rnmneer. BO 70; In a Tee. wllllrer Laad Comnanr. 60.70. BLOCK 18. lot I. Terwllllfer Land Company. 80.70: lot a. erwiiiiaer uaa UHmnr. au.iu: mt a. Terwllllfer Land Company. 60.70; kit 4, Ter- winifar Laaa coaanany. 70: lot 8. Ter. f .70; lot 0. Ter .70; lot t; Tee TO; kt 8. Ter 70. BLOCK IT, Omoaa. AO TO: Ini i..i. iminTi , wruM,Dj, willlfer land Company, willlfer Land Campany. ailllaar land nomnanr. lot 1, TerwIIHfar Land 1 Terwllllfer Land Compaay, 80.70; lot 6. Terwllllfer Laad Compaiy, 80 TO; lot 4. Ter wllllfer Land Company, 80. TO; lot 8, Ter wllllfer Laad Compaay. io.TO; lot 6. Ter wllllfer Land Compaay, in 70; Mt f. Ter wllllfer Land Cnmpaay, 80.70; lot 8, Ter wllllfer land Comoaar. 60 Tm lot 6. Ter wllllfer Land Cnmpaay, 60 70; lot 18. 'Ter- -f wiinaer um .niaranT. an.Tii: Hi I 1 1. ie wl I Hirer Land fVawaaar, 80 70; kt 11. Ter- wIIMm 1 . k r.n. -. in Tn. Ina l.aa willlfer Land Comnanr. Pi to: lot I. Tar wllllfer Land. Compaay, N.70; kit IS, Ter- rniifer Land Compaay, 80 ao; Mt la. Tar- infer Land Compaay, 80.TO; Mt II, Ter- llllf aad Company, 60 70; lot IS. aer- wllllenr Land .-Comnanr: -80 TO. BLOCK 18. iia-or un Il(fr Laad Compaay. 80.78: Mt 8 TeeWllllMe InA or, raiui Terwllllfer Land Compaay. willlfer' Land Company, I e" to; an a H.70; Mt 6. Ter- willlfer Land tympany, wllltaer Laad Cnmsanr. lo.TO; kit 6 Ter- 1.70; Mt T 1W 1.70: lot 8. Ter willlfer Land Company. wIUIaer. Land Company, 60.70; lot 6. Ter willlfer Land Company,' 60.70; lot 10, Ter- wiiufar tans inoipnny, r" buw. kit i. M. R. Bwlfert, 60 80; lot 8. M. JS. Owlfert 0. 80) lot 8. 14. B. awteart 60 TO; tnt 4. - M . B. Bwlfert. . 60. TO; lot , Ter wllllfer Land Compaay, 8n70.,kt 0, Ter wllllrer Land Company, io.TO: lot T, Ter- Hlllr Land Company, 60 7";. mt a. Tee. rtlllfer Land Company, o 70; lot 6, Ter- imrw Land Cnmpaay, 60.70; kH 10, willlfer Land Company, y, wi. 1.70; kit IL Willi far laud Compaay, fO.TO, lot 12, Tar- B0.711: ax a. ivr- MiTO; lot 5, Tw in, to; lot a.. Tar fo.IOs lot T. T--SO.TO; lot R, Trr- K1 TO. ' BT-OTK; lot a. Tat 80.70; lot- 8. Tar 80 70; lot T, ' Ter lo.TOt fct. . Tar so 70; lot- 8.- Tmr. lot JO, Tar kit Jl. Ter. IX Tar- 13, Ter li. Ter- : willlfer Land Company. OO.Tn; lot 18, Tar wllllfer Laad Compauy, 8u.7u; kit 14. Tar wllllfer Laad Compauy, 6u.7u: lot 16, M. B. Bwlfert 6U.T0; lot lu, al. K. 8wlfnrt. 60.7u; lot 17. If . . awifatt, 80.TOV kl 18, at. K. Bwlfert, fO.TO." ' UBUIVlltuN Of PART fjrx BLOCKS NtMB.KAD S AND 4. rTUtrO.N rAaJ BLOCK . 2, auadlrUloa 2 . ' at Tot . L, Kallf rHadlry.; aubdlrlatoa 1 of lot U, H. tt Loaf, tu.80. BLOCK a. aoMlTwIoa 1-af lot iT H. H. L-af, 60.0&I . awMlrtakn taf krt A, H. H. Loaf, 6J Hi aaadlrtaloa af lot A, H. K- Loaf, BO W; aabdlrlaioa 4 af lot A, H. H. Uaf, fo.o; miodlTtaloa B. af lot a! fi. at. Louf, iu.3; wjbdlrlaloa 0 af lot AT U. H. Lou., fu 06. CAIUMlN .HEIOHTS BLOCK 68, kit L, Kllaa A. Oarraa Batata, Hlra af. 6u.J6 tot-2, . Kllaa A. Caraoa KeUU, Helra af. to.; lot 8, BUaa A. Caraoa KaUU, Heir of, 6U.M; lot 4, bilaa A. Caraaa BataUi liWra af, 80.80; lot 6. BUaa A. Caraoa Batata, Helra of, SO W lot f. Kltu -a, Caraoa Bauta, Helta of. lot 1 BUaa A. CaneM Batata, klalra of, 60.36; kit 8, kllaa A. Caraoa Batata, , Helra af. 80.80. BLOCK A. kit 1. BUaa A. Caraaa KaUU. 11.1m IAUK, . M VII A ,'MMnn tat a, Helra of. 60.34; lot 8. BUaa A. Caraoa Batata, Heir af, 80.16: lot 4.- Kllaa A. Car aaa KaUta. Halre of, 0.a: lot fi. Kllaa A. l.81 - -- naetrm nr. iu nu. Hit.m, on. Kl, BUaa A. Caraaa BaUta. Helra of. S, Bllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Heir of, kt aV Bllaa A. Caraoa Batata. Haira of. lot 4, Bllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Helra-of, I ot 6, Kllaa A. Caraoa Bauta, llrlra at. Ml a, ailia a. Caraoa aatata, Heir ar, lot 7, Bllaa A.' Careua Bauta, Helra at, lot 8, Bllaa A, Caraoa BaUU, Helra at, lot 8, Bllaa A. Caraaa BaUU Helra of, lot 10- Bllaa A. Caraaa KaUU. Helra af. ' lat 11, Kllaa' A. Caraoa KaUU, Helra of, 80.70; Mt 14, Biiaa A. caraoa Keuu, Hrira ot, ao.iu; lot U, BUad A. Caraoa Bauta, Helra ot, 80.70; kat 14. Bllaa A. Caraoa Bauta. Helra of, 60.70; , krt 16. Boa M. Btarfla, 60.70; lot 16, Boat 14. Btw-fla, 6U.T0. BLOCK 84, lot 1, Bllaa A. Caraoa ISauu, Helra af, 60.70; lot 2, Bllaa A. Caraoa Bauta, Helra of, 00.85; lot 8. Bllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Helra of, 80.86; lot 4. Bllaa . A. Caraoa BaUU, llalra of, 01-30; lot 6. Bllaa A. Caraoa BaUU, Helra of, 00.70; lot 0, Bllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Hrira af, 60.70: lot 7, BUaa A. Caraoa BaUU, Helra of, 80.70. BLOCK 87, t 1, Kllaa A. Caraoa Bauu, Helra of, 60.70; I 2, Bllaa A. Caraoa Bauu, Helra of, 60.70; lot 8, Bllaa A. Caraoa BaUU. Helra of, 80.70; , lot 4, Bllaa A- Caraoa Bauta, Helra of. 60.70; v lot 6. Bllaa A. Caraoa BaUU, Helra af, $0.70; lot 4, Bllaa A. Caraoa Bauta, Helra of, 60.70; ' lot T, Bllaa A. Caraoa Bauu, Helra of, 60.70; ' tot B, Bllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Hrira at, 60.70; lot , Bllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Helra of, 60.50; . lot 10, Bllaa A. Caraaa Batata, Helra of, 60.65) lot 11. Bllaa A. Caraoa BaUU. Helra ot.; . Mt 12, Kllaa A. Caraoa Bauta, Helra af. 80.00; : lot 13, Kllaa A. Caraoa BaUU, Helra ot, 80.70; lot 14, Bitna A- Caraoa batata, Helra of, . lot 16, Bllaa A. Caraoa BaUU. Hrira ot. . let 14. Bllaa A. Caraoa BaUU, Helra of, lot 17, Bllaa A. Caraoa BaUU, 'Helra of, lot 18 Bllaa A. Canon BaUU, Helra of, .: lot 19, Bllaa A. Caraaa BaUU, Helra of, lot 30. Bllaa A. Caraoa Bauu. Helra of. L... ei If 1 1 a , IT..... 1J ... -e 1 T. BLOck S3, lot 1, Kllaa A. Caraoa LaUU, - Helra of, 60-70; k 2, Khai A. Caraaa Ba i UU, Helra at, 10.70; lot 3. Bllaa A. Caraoa BaUU, Helra of, 60.70; lot 4, Bllaa A. Caraoa BaUU, Helra of, 81-05; -lot 6. BUaa. A. Caraoa .Bauu, Helra af, 81.05; tot' a, Bllaa A. Caraoa Bauu. Helra of. 80.70; lot 7, Bllaa A. Caraoa " BaUU, Helra of. 60.70; lot 8. Bllaa A. Caraoa BaUU, Hrira of. 60.70. . BLOCK 38, BUaa A. Caraoa BaUU, Helra af. 44.70. BLOCK 40, tot 1, Bllaa A. Caraoa BaUU, Helra ot, 60.45; lot 2, Bllaa A. Caraoa Bauu, Helra of. 60.45; tot 3, Bllaa A. Caraoa Bauu, Helra of, 80 SO; tot 4, Bllaa A. Caraoa KaUta. Helra af, 80.66; lot 6, Bllaa A. Caraoa Bauta, Helra at, 60.65; . tot , BUaa JL. Caaaoa Bataw. H.lra of. Jo.56; lot 7, BUaa A. Caraoa Bauu, Hrira afT 00.80; lot 8. Bllaa A. Caraoa BaUU, Helra. of, 80.70. BLOCK X, lot L Kllaa .A. Caraoa BaUtr, llalra of. 68.40. 0PLOX I, Karl aad ,aoab - Wakm, 112.10, . .. CARSON HBIOHTTJ Jot p. Bllaa- A.- Caraoa Bauu, Helra of, 60.20; tot Q. BUaa A. Caraoa Bauta. Helra ot, 60.25: lot B, BUaa A. Car aoa LaUte.T Ualra of, - 80-88; lot B, Blma A. Caraoa Batatr. Helra of. 60.26; tot X Kllaa A. Caraoa Bauu. Helra of. .60.85: lot U, , EUaa A. Caraoa KaUU, Haira x(, 00.25; lot V. Kllaa A. Caraaa BaUta, Helra of. 60.65; lot W. Bllaa A. Caraoa Batata., Helra of, 60.1U. , A trUBfalar tract of land lyluf between tba aaal Uaa af tba Portlaad' A Willamette Vat . ley Kaaiway Vompaay'n debt af Way aid tba enur ima of H-rrlaoa a tree t ex tended eaal rly la lu preaent couraa and tka aortB Una .trtnlra Caratbara doc a I km laad Claim, W. K. Bmlta, 5.00. ........ A. tract of laad poqndad ' and daarrlbtd . aa tollowa: comaaaclof at tba- -tataraactloa of tba aortk Una of I lnk-a Caratbara donatloa laad claim wltb tba aaat Una af Hood atreat; - tbeaca aaft,. atoof aaid- doaatiaa land cMtni U "' tba want bank ot the WOlaaMtta rlrar at lo r water marfc tboaea aontborly aioaf tba waat baoir-af wm.malta rlrar la a point M8.48 feet oootb PC.-itie aortb Uaa of tba aald d . anion : luuf claim-. tlenc waat 6S5 . faaT - tbaaca aortb' atoaf a atralfbt llaa u wber , tba aaasa woald be ttrt enacted by tba north 11 af af Llacala (treat If cauaded aaa tar lr la lu araarati eoaraa; tbaaca ' wcetarly- aloof f aaklf-aKtaaalba af the porta lloa af Llacola I atreat L a paint 100 feat aaat of tba aaat LJUae Boo atreat; tbonca north 100 feat aioaf a una -luv leei eaai at aaa parallel I wltb tba -aaat Una of Uaud a tree t; Uaaca weat. atoag a Una 100 feat aortb of aad par allel wltb tba aortb Uoo-of Llacola a met if ax tended aaaurly to tba weat Una of Uaod afreet; tbenca aortb atoaf tba aaat Una of Hood at race ta place at bef lanttif r Portland Lambcrlaf Maanfactorlno Company, 841.80. A tract of land lylnf between two .loan ra. . apectlecly 60 feat aad loo fact north of aad parallel with tba aortb Una at Llacola atreet ex traded aaatarly aad between tba anal Una . af Hood atreet and a Una 100 feat rant thereof nd para Hal tbarawlta. Aaaia and Bdward Col. .60.70. . - ' , A tract of land lylnf between tba aortb Una of Lincoln atreet extended aaatarly and a Una 60 fret aorta thereof and parallel tbertwtih aad between tba aaat Una at Hood atreat and a Una 100 feat aaat ot and parallel tbarawlib, .' Portland Lamberlnf alaaufacturlnf Company, 60.70. - r - A tract af land booaded aad daacrlbad aa tol lowa: Cammearlnf at a point aa tba left tank at tba WlllametU rfrar 10 feat aaoth af tba aoalaaaat eoraat of Ua nomplnf-boaaa; tbenca waat IOC feat, tbaaca aortb auo bank fetUI tbenca. eaat. ' ax tba Wiat of WiUamette rlref at tow .water .. mark; tbenca ap tba weat bank of aald rlrer lo a point daa rant af place of bf lonlnf ; tbenca weat to place ot bef tan Inf. Atoa a ' certain rlfbt of way 10 feet wide eiteadlao la a nortnwraterly direction from aald tract U tba aaat llaa si Hood auoet, City of Port land. 85.00. . " ?c ' A tract et lend bounded aad deactibed as fol . Jowa: - Uommanclnf , at tba nootbeaat rarnar . of tba Kllaa beta Cerntaera donation land , claim; tbenca weat ta toe anntheaat eoraar ot .- Car in here' Addition to tea City of Portland ae - laid, eat by tbe Booth Portland Baal Baute AaaoclatMn; tbenca aortb ea tba aaat Una at aald addition to tbe north enat corner of aald addition; thence weat to tba eaat Una of lacadam atreet; tbenca aortb bleat tba eaat Una af Macadam atreet to lu laleraactloa with tbe north llaa af Llacola atreat Jut ex tended eaaterly; tbenca eaat aloof aald tenaloa of Lincoln atreet to Me uteraecttoa with tba weat Una at a tract af laad con . rerad by hi. 0. BurreU and wife to tbe Port land Lumbering A hiaaafactorlnf Company by deed recorded In book 33. page 118, Booord at Deeda, Multnomah County; tbeaca eon la ta tbe eoatbweet eoraar at a tract eaaeeyea ly tbe Booth peruana Mil aetata Aaaocia km to tba Portland Lambartnf MaaBfactar- taf . Company by dead and recorded la book 8. naoe2. aiaaa af Deeda, Mahnnraah Cooaty; tbenca eaat ta Ike Bortbweet roraer of the Water Worke tract, aectk a, towaahlp 1 aontb. raaf e 1 eaat, Willamette meridian; tbenca eaat to tba WUlametM near al tow . Water mark; tbeaca aontb a loaf the waenrlir ton of aald rteer to place of beflnalnf, rare and ricept the rlfbt af way af the Poruaad A Willamette Taller Beltway Compaay aad a tract owned by Warwick. Orefoa BaUway A 'NeTlfatlon Compaay, 6420.00. A traet of laad lylaf between tba weat llaa af the Portland AWlllaaaetu Valley Rail road Ceatpaay'a rlfbt af way aad the Wil lamette rlrer and between the aontb boaadarr . Una af a tract owned by tbe Multnomah Trnnk factory, a eft lee 10, towaahlp 1 aoeta, ranee 1 aaat, Willamette Meridian, and tbe north Una of a tract of toad mat ef tbe Port land at Willamette Valley Railroad Cempany'a rlfht of way owned by Anthony Boffe ead - Vlrkard Bkorp, Mtaated U ercttoa 10, nwa- . atalp I aoau... raaoe i eaai. Wlllamatta f. xmermiaa. -marm aroma, imua, A. Ttwti ll. 10. . A tract Of Mad lylnf ..Between two Uaee ro paetlrety. 2jLfeet aaeV 43 26 feet BoatB ef aad pararirt with the eoath line of a tract of land owned by tbe Maltnotaefe. Trunk - Factory, aecttoa 10, township 1 eoath. Mate 1 eeet, . WllleaMtto Merldlaa. aad Between . the east naa of Macadam road aad the weat Una af tbe Pert land Willamette Valley Ballraai Company rlfbt ' ef way. Marls Arnold, 80.86. A tract ef Mad boanded and Oiatrlbid as tol lewa: Commenelnf at the latefnectkM ef ,"' the north -Una of TerwIIUfer eowattoa lead rUlm with the went line of Macadam mad; tbeaca eoath 830 Iff, tbeaca went aao feet; . tbenca north 680 leet; tbenca .eaat 640 feet to place ef beflaalaf . city, at Portland. 636.00. ' A tract af toad BuenOad and deaprlbad af foltowai Commenclaf at the latin aattton ' af the Berth llaa af UM Terwllllfer donation laad claim. with the eeet Una ef Mica dam road; tbeaca aenth 80 iifraas enat 831 feet; .. theaco aontb BM, 6 f rata weet 1.40 rkalns; , thence north 80 degrne weet 221 feet; thence north 2tt bxqmw eaat 1.40 chains tt place af Beftanlnf. Joha Klrkley, 83.10. A tract at laad aieea 4 aad. liairttiO aa followa: Cemmeadoo 183 feet snath of tbe ' Interercttoa at the real Una et Macadam - rood with tba north llaa ef the Terwllllfer - donation laad claim; t hence aontb 80 neereea eaat 831 feet ; thence north 37 feet; tbeaca eaaterly to westerly bank al WiUamette rteer; tbenca - north eaat a loaf aald rlrer 178 feet; thence north BO nrfrees Want 043 fewtl the ace eoath 3 difnee 1ft mlmtee weet 03.4 feet; tbenca north 80 Or frees weat . 82. feet; thence ennth 100.4 feet U place et heftanlBf. Btmesl B. and Jamas Dorraara, A tract of Mad Beaaded tad paatftban oa f al io wi ' CsexBMnelns; 1B8 feat BontB ot Intar BeetloB ef eaat Una of Macadam road with north Ilea af TerwIIUfer donatloa laud claim; thence eoath OV desreee eaat ttzl feet; tbeaca aortb 27 feet: thence aoatb 80 acfreaa eset la tail l,M.b mi Will. null, vleee at loW WaUt .mark; iaeace aontaweet akmo the weet bank L ef aald rlrer 142 feet; tletnce-werlh Jfde. f reea Went 800 Iketj taaaoa aorTnjw. " - to plans of . bef limine-. CharaaT P. Baoea BaUU, Heirs of. 610.60. A tract ef laad boanded and described as ful kwai Couiaencloay at a poiot la the eaat line et Macadam read' 283.75 feet aoslh of ' tbe Inter aeattua of sbe east line et Macadam road with the narU Una et Terwllllfer de , aatioa Mad claim; tbeaca Booth a louf asal ' Una of Macadam road U tba northwest earner at "J. Uberle's three-acre tract." recorded . la Book ti, page 208. Baenrd af JUeeaa, Multnomah COauiyi Ueaca aoolh Mi defreae eaat 10.33 chains ta west baak ot WUIametn river at tow-water mark; tbenca anther ly , a leaf the weet baak of said near to the seats) Mao ot Charles ' P. Bacon BaUU. Heirs af. Tract, section 10. township 1 south, range 1 seat, WUlametU Merldlaa: tbeaca weal a loaf the snath llaa ef the said Charles p. Baron Batata, helra ef, tract, U Bines of seflaainov Multnomah Trams Baa toy, fcU.Oo. A tract of toad lying between the aontb Uaa ef hlaltaomah Truah factory tract, sec tion 10, township 1 soulh, rsaga 1 seat. Will smstu Merldlaa, aad a Una 20 feel Bonis thereof sod parallel therewith, aad betweea 'tbe aaat Ilea of Macadam road sod tbe weat Boa of the Portia ad a WlUametU VsUey . Bsilroad Company e rlfht f way, lawaM Johua, 00.60. A tract- ef laod lying ' betweea two Unas . respectlrely 43.35 feet and 03.25 feet euuU , af aad parallel with the aouDh Una af 'Mult . Bomah Xrunk ractory tract. Beetles 10, towa. ship 1 south, range 1 asst. WlllamstU Merldlaa, aad betweea the eaat Una af the Macadam road aad tba weat Une at tbe Fart land WlllametU Valley Railroad Company 'a ' right at way. Lea la Oberle, OO.WU. A tract sf land lying betweea two Unas re spectlrely 03.35 feet and 121.25 feet Boats at and parallel with tbe south line af Maltno ' Bhsh.Trank Factory tract, ascites 10, towa : ship 1 sooth, range 1 east, WlllametU . Meridian, aad betweea tbe enat line ef Mac adam road and tbe weet line of Portland A WlllametU Valley Bailrosd company 'a fight at way, viara jtooerta. au.DU. .A treat et land lrlna Between two Unas apectlrely 121.30 'feet aad 140.26 fast south ; of sad parallel with tbe eoath line of Malt ; Bomah Xraak Bactorr uact, sect ton 10, tewn- sai,a soaui, rsaga l east, Willamette merni. lau. . and between, tba aaat Una 'at Maaadsai road and thn waat Una ni. tbn PortluaV A Wll ' IametU Valley Ball way cHwpaoy' right of . way, avauariBe reioniaa. ao-aw. . . . - . A tract af land lying betweea two Unas s . BDecUrely tuO.W leet sad 148.26 feet south ' of and oa ml lei wltb tbe aontb Una of Mall- BomsO Xrauk a'actory tract, eectloa 10, lows- snip l sonth. raags 1 seat, WUlametU merld laa, aad between tba aaat Una of Macadam road aad the west Una af tba Portland WU lametU VaUry Railway Company's tight at way. reter unarm, 91.00. 1 AU that portion of o uact af laad lying west sf tba rlsht of way of the Portland A lamette Valley Ballroad Compaay boanded aad at scribed as followa: Cam ra earing on the east Una af Macadam lead St tba northwest Burner of s 2V-ecrs tract sold to KobUuet sL, recorded la book M. page 1 231., Record of - 1 tends, Multnomah Coanty: tbaaca eoath 86 dr frees 30 nilnutes, seat 0.70 chains; thence soulh 30 desreee. weet 1.00 chains; tbeaca north 88 derme 33 minutes, west SJaO cbalns; tbenca nortb 13 degrees 0 minutes, east 1.07 ebama, to Bines of heglajafcg. Jam as jMonatt, V 00.50. A tract ef land bonnded and daacrlbad aa fol lowa : Oommenclnf at a point In the west line or the right of way of tua rortiaad wu ' IametU Valley Ballroad Company which k 13 feet nor Ui of .tbe laiersectiuo of the west -. lloe of said right of way wltb tba north Una of a' one-eerO tract conreyed to Beds K ab ler, recorded la hook 32, pegs BOO, Record af ' Deeds, Multnomah County : tbenca nortb 88 de- frees 35 annates, wast 106 feet, to Macadam road; tbence north atonf tbe east Una ot Macadam read 62 feet; tbenca eoath 80 dcfrees 66 minutes, east lot) feet, to tba weat Una of tbe aforesaid rlfht of way; thence southerly a Ions the aald right' of way1 to place at ba- - flan tog, Anthony Bogge and Richard r. 8 tor p. 60.65. . .. r-V . A tract ot land boanded sad described as follows: ' Oommenclnf at northeast corner of ' Terwllllfer donation land claim; tbenca north 68 degrees - 34 mlnatee, west 14.4 cbalns; . tbeaca south degrees 18 annates, Weat 1.40 chains; tbenca south degrees, west 8.00 chains; tbence sooth 6.10 chains: tbenca eoath 4 defraas. weet 8.11 ensma:' tbeaca soeth ad drtites 35 'salnntes. aaat 0.78 chains, na pUca of beflnalnf; tbenca north 88 dec reea 85 mln- ntas, weet 385 feet, te eaat line of tbe rlfht of Way at tbe Portland A Willamette Valley " Bsllrssd Company;, tbeaca southerly along aald rlfbt of way 3M3 feet; theaco south 68 Oesreea r 85-ehlantss, east 2M feet; thence erth 20 de . f rsea- enat. 2. MB cniloa; tbenca north 33 de- . -giees,. east s. .33 chains, to pises af bafinaua. Anthony Rogge and Rtebard P, Btorp. 612.45. . i a - tract ot jsoa aounosa snn aeocnoea as follows: ceraraoaclBg 218.1 feet Borth, 13 de ' frees 31 mtoatsa eaatof tba northwest corner .. of tbe ragan two-acre tract, recorded In book U, pegs 303. Record of Deeds, Multnomah Uoonty; tbenca east T5 degrees, T mlnstes south, to west Una of right of -way, af the Portland at Willamette Valley Bailrosd Come peny; tbence north 13 degrees, east 80 feat, snare ar toss, to drlreway; theses north 88 de- . gross, 08 -mlautes wsst, along ssld drlreway to eeei ilne ef Macadam road; theaco soaU 13 -degrees, 37 mlnatee west, to place of begln- Jlug. Kami L. Cole, 61.00. . tract of toad bounded and desCTfhad as follows: Commencing at northwest corner af tbe Began twe-scrs trsct, recorded in bonk w, . page 603, Record of Deeds, Multnomah County; - thence north 13 degrees, eaat 60 feet; tbence ' Booth 08 degrees 35 mlnntss. seat 188.6 feet; , theses soath 13 de grass, west 60 feet; thence - north 88 defreea 85 minutes, weet 180.6 feet . o puce ex oefinninf. area noote, f l.uu. A - tract p( Mad bounded ana described ss follows: Commencing 50 feet north, 13 ds trees 27 minutes esst, and 713 fset eoath, OS , defreea 18 minutes east, tram, northwest cor ner of tbe Psgsn two-acre trsct, recorded In book O, page 303, Record ef Deeda, Multnomah Coanty; thence south 80 degrees 13 mlnatee, : east 1174 feet: tbeaca north 13 degrees, seat 834 feet; tbenca nortb 76 defreea 7 mlaaus. west 112.6 feet; thence south- 10 dearees 15 :, west 00.7 feet; thence north 78 reos 60 minutes, west 07 feet: thesoe sonth . 13 degrees 37 Winnies, wsst 10.0 feet; tbence f soath 70 drgrtss 30 mlnatee. esst 07.0 feet: ' theuce soath 10 degrees 15 m Inures, wees 384 : feet, to plsce sf beg tuning, Carrie Klrkley, 81.25. . ' A tract of laad hoonoed aad Oeecrlbed as tol lowa: Commencing 13 degrees 27 mlnatee east 60 feet from the Bortbweet corner of tbe " Pagan two-acre tract,' recorded Ml nook O, Bags 303, Record sf Deeds, Multaomsh Cooaty ; thence aortb 13 degrees 27 missies, eset 50 feet; tbenca sooth 78 degrees aJ minutes, esst . 07.0 feet; tbeaca eoulh 10 degress 15 ailn ' arcs, west 88.3 feet; tbenca aorta 80 degress ' 13 m routes, west 71.3 feet to plscs of be- glaotnf, John Mler, 60.36. A traOt - sf Mad boanded and described ss 1 follows: Commencing 137.0 feet nortb ot Bortbweet corner of the Pagaa two-acre tract. recorded hi book O, pnge 303, Record of Deeds. Maltnomsh County; tbence north 13 degrees 27 mlnatee, esst 44.0 feet; tbence souls 75 de- frees mlnstes, eaet 06.4 feet; listens soath 10 datreea 16 mlnatee. wsst 40 feet; tbence north 70 degrees 6 minutes, west 66.6 feet, to ice of , begins inf. Charles - J. taoarwartu, 80. - tract af land bounded and described ss followa: Commawrm 110.0 feet Borth. 18 de- Kss 2T mlnutss east, from northwest corner of fa fa a twe-acre tract, recorded In book O, page 008. Record of Deeds. Multnomah County: theses north 13 0 grass 27 mlnatee. eaat 20.7 ' feet; theace snath 70 degrees 6 mlnatee, seat 0841 feet; tbenca aoatb 10 defreea 16 mlnstes, weet 3B.T feet: tbeaca north 78 degrees 60 mlnstes, west 67 feet, to place of beginning, Louie Oberle, 80.30, . A traet ot toad bounded and described ss followa: Oommenclnf at the northwest cor ner of tbe Ooodnongh Ox Clark four-acre tract, louoedod hi book P, page 4V7, Record of Deede, Maltaomah County; tbenca north 26 degrees, eaat 3.07 eaatoe: tbence south 88, iigrtia 86 mlantea. weat 7.26 chains, to tbe weet bank of the Willamette rlrer at tow watsr mark liwni low wain mare. theses as the weat hank ofeaid rlxer 8.00 race ap the weat ban chains: tbrne north 88 weat i.l chains, to piece of beg inning, Cath erine hn UU A trsct ef land - bound I sad daacrlbad aa fnltowm Commencing at nortbwsst reraet ef tbe ttoodoongh 4k Clark tuar-acra tract, ra corded In book P. page 407, Record ef Deeda, Multnomah County; tbenca south 24 decrees, west 3.34 cbalns; tbenca south 81 d'frtos 60 miss tee, seat S S3 chalas; tbenca north 33 aearns. east 4.26 eh a me; tbrnes north 88 os- . inn 80 Mlnstes, wast 7.14 chains, to place of beginning. Blsslnger A Oa,, 810.60. - ' A traet ef laad bounded and eeerrlbelf as foltowai Commeoclnf 8.34 chains eoath, 24 de grees wast, ef north weet rornar of tba Uosd noagn Clark four-acre tract, recta dad ia hook P, page 47. Beeord sf Deeda, Maltaomah Cooaty; tbenca aoatb 24 degrees, wsst 1.18 chains; , tbence eoath 83 e green, ' weet .02 chalas: tnenre) soath 75 degrees 19 mhiatee, east 07 chains, to the west baak af the WUIamette rlrer l thence atong tha wast bank . sf ssld rlrer aortb 25 defreea, east 240 aha Ins; tbenca north 80 defreea 40 mtBUtea, ' weat 0.86 chains, to plscs sf begmaiag , Lamii ' Bimmerman, 60.20. . A tmrt af laad boanded and deerrlbed as fol lows: camrnencing north 13 degrees 27 min utes, seat 18X1 feet, from northwest corner ot the Psgsa two-sere tract, recorded la bosk O, . aeaa 803. Record of Deeds Maltnomah County l tbeaca soath 76 dagiaia 7 mlnstes, eaet 170.1 feet; theace northweaterly 344 feet along the west Une M the right af way af tha Pert land A WUIemetu Valley Railroad Company: thence north 76 drrneo f m rentes, west 171.1 feet; thence eoath 18 digrne 31 tastes, wsst 84 feat, to place of seflaalag A. Pssdlck. 60.09. A trsct at land nmiuded sad dim rfbad sa fol lows: Commencing at lbs sooth wee corner of the Ooodnongh. A Clark f oar acre tract, re corded la bonk P, page 407, Record ef Deeda. Mslinomah Const r; thence south 76 d gtoso 18 mlautes, seat 7.14 chelae: thence Berth 10 esinae 48 mtaatee, seat 100 fee : tbence - north 71 0 fries 13 ataatea, wast 0.8 reatas: snaiB 62 asgTisa, wsst 1UB.03 test, to pises at bef tnnlng. rertland Trust Cnrprr of Oregoa, 65.00. ... 1 . .'. ' A traur at Mad Boanded and described as fol lowa: Cwuntcochig at the aouUiwast eoraac ef the GoodnouKh a Clarh fuar-scre tract, re corded ia booa P, pane, 487, Uoourd ot Heeds, Multuocusb County; toe oca south 73 defreea so sum tea, eaat 7 .06 ess Ins, In the WuisaietM rlrer; taeace eoulh 4 degrees, wsst 63.2 (set; tbence north 73 ueg roes, 30 pjlnuua wsst, to east Has of Macs da in road; tbence north 81 A degree 47 minutes, east 47 feel, mora or toes, to place ef heglaatuf, Caarlaa Delth, ' A tract of .land boawisd and described as fol lows; Cotumeuclag at a slake lu the essl Una af Macadam reed 05 luika suetberly from the euauweel corner of the Brack lard uact, section 18, township 1 eoath, range 1 east, Willamette meridian; thence aoslh 16 degrees, 60 miuutsa esst, parallel with sou tb Hue ef said Brk-k Yard tract, 0.16 chelae to weat bank of MTIIlaaietU rlrer at tow waur mark; tlieore alone weet bank ef said rlrer south . 00 degrees, wsst Ot Unas; tbence north 76 de- freea, 30 mlnutaa weat. parallel with souta Ins af aald Brick Xard tract, 8.24 chains "to. the aaat Una ef Mscadammsd; tbenca north . 30 degreee, ssst 04 links, along essl line of Y.Maeauam road. If place al beginning, Jobs hUrroan, - 1.IM. A treat af laad nsnnded and described as fol lowa: Commencing at souchsaat corner af block C, Portland Homestead; tbenca esst to wsst Uaa af al see dam road; tbeaca northerly . atoaf said weet line af Macadam road to lu 1 w. 1,. iu m.I Una n Ik. nl.l s souaty read; tbeaca soutlwrly along esst Una at eld county read to tba place or. negianxng, . Uahnowa Uwnar, 28.10. . 1 A tract of land bonnded and described aa feV . Iowa: . Comnisacing at the southwest cornet af John Klsrnan Uact. recorded In book 3a. Kf 480, Record of Deeds. Multnomah uaty I thesoe sooth SO degress, wsst 150 ' feet; tbence soath 76 degrees SO mlaaus, east ta west baak af Willamette . rlrer at tow 1 water mark; thanes atonf tba weet bank at said rlrer aortb 40 dssTeas. eaat to south . esst corner of said John Rlsraan tract; tbence " north 75 degrees 30 minutes, west along tbe south Una of said J oca Blernaa tract to place af beginning. Hiram Terwllllfer, 66.30. A tract ot tana nouaoaa am oescriuea ss v. lows? Commaaelna la tbe east Une of Mar ad a mad where same katersscU tba wester lr exunetoa la lu present eoaraa tbe north Una at tbe Keller at wyman one-acre iraci, re snrned in bonk O. nses 302. Record ot Deeds! ' Muruotnah Cooaty; thence along east line af Macadam road north 21 degrees 80 minutes. wsst 138.4 feet; tbence north 14 degrees 10 mla a tee, west 184.4 feet; tbeaca north 7 degrees 60 mlnaus, weet 7.6 feet, ss tbe place ef be--. ginning; tbeaca eaat 700.6 feet to weet bank ' ot Willamette rlrer at low water axark; thence : north along the weet bank af said, rlrer 107 - feet; thence weat 731.70 feet to east Una of Macadam road; tbence south T degrees 80 mta- J sisa, east feet, to place o( negmnxng, John W. Lauudon. 811.55. . . A tract of laad bonnded and described ss fol towai Conuneactag la tba esst I Ins ef Mac adam 'road where same la toursected by tba jorth liae ef the Keller . at- Wyman one-sere tract, recorded In book O, page 303, Record of Deeds, Multnomah County; tbeaca northerly atoag east Una of Macadam road as follows: nana ai osfrsea sv minutes, wesx i -xv xew ' tbence -north 14 dr trees 10 mlautes,. west 114. ( feet; thence north 7 drfress 30 wlantss, west 200 feet; tbenca north 3 degrees 6 minutes, . weet 00 .W feet aa tba place of bef inning; tbence east 70.40 feet ta weat baak of WU- Mmetts rlrer at tow water mark: thai northerly atoag the weat bank of saM rlrer SOS -a feet; llirnce norm is oesreea iu mu ' atea. east 110.7 feet, more or lees, to smith . llns ot Moffett trsct, section 13. township 1 anurh. ranee 1 east. WlllametU mend lam tbenca weet along soath Una of aald Moffett 'tract to the eaat Une of Macadam road: thai ' soath along tbe east line of Macadam road to pure ot beginning, xerwiiuger aan uea any, 840.00. ' . A tract of land hoandsd sad- described as fol tows: CoaHnencIng In tbe east llns of slae sdsin Boad where ssms to Intersected by the north . lias of Kallae At Wrinan one-acre tract. ; recorded IB book O. page 802, Record of Deeds, Multnomah County: thence northerly slung ssst Una of Macadam road ss follows: North 21 degrees 80 mlnaiee, west 138.4 feet; tbeaca north 14 octrees iu mmaiea, wsst iws.s leei ; tbeaca north 7 dnrrees 3B minutes, west 178.04 feet ss place of beginning; townee east to west hank of Willamette riser St low water mark; tbenca northerly along weat bank ot aald rlrer 60.13 feet: throes wear to east 'line ef Mac adam road; tbenca southerly along east line af Macadam road, south 8 degrees 6 males, assv 60.80 feet; tbenca south 7 degrees 80 - fnlnoten, east 80.00 feet, to place af Peg inning, Mary -P. Ureen, 67.70. . A- tnaet n Und hnnnded end dsacrfbed BS fol lows: Commencing at a point In tba eaat Use af Macadam read where same la Intersected by north Una ot Keller Wyman one-acre tract, recorded In hook 0, page 302, Record of 1 leans, atuitnoman county ; tuenrs oorui aaa the eaat line of Macadam road aa followa: : - ISortk 81 degrees 60 minutes, west 138.4 feet; j5 5aTtW-2a. feet ss the place ot beflnalnf ; tbence inpnew norin i .ueai iia iu - uibbiw, w. east TO wesx nsns ox wiiismerie rirer s vw water mark; tbenca northerly along west bank of ssld riser to south Une of Mary p. Oreea tract, recorded la hook 234. Base 68, Record or voeds,- muitnomsa county; snenca wss atoag soath Una af eeid tract to east Una of , Macadam read; tbence south stoog east line of Macadam road to puce af Def lnilLQf.a.ana sx. Barrett, - ... ' A tract of Mod bounded ssd assumed ss fol lows: Commsaclng at -A point In. aaat . line of Macadam road where same la Intersected , by tba north. Una of tbe Keller Wyman one-acre tract, recorded In book 0. saga 302. Record ef Deeds, Multnomah County; tbenca north 31 ai trtis w minutes, weet ia.a leei; thence north. 14 degrees 10 tulnales, west 113.24 feet; thence eeet to west bank of WU lametU rimr at tow water mark; tbence southerly atong tba west bank of said river 3V0.4 feet; thence west 457.04 feet; thence north Id decrees, west 25 feet: tbence west 100 (aetl ; theace north 23 degrees, arret 135.88 feet, to piece ot Beginning, una netcner, fu.iv.. A trace ot una tying osisj tbd Booth line eVef Boundary street and a westerly eauixston af same In iu present courss sad a une feet southerly from aad parallel therewith , and between tba waat Una ot Macadam road : and tha dlrtolon llns between Bsc t loos 14 and , 15, township 1 south, rsngs 1 east. Willam ette meridian, K. w. Ring bain and Km ma a. ' rhel l'ASl. A trsct sf laod lying between two lines ra spectlrsly 181.40 feet sad 443.18 feet eoath at aad parallel with aoatb Ilea of Boundary street snd s westerly extension ot eame In lu present courss snd between tba westerly line ef Macadam road and the dlrletoa line be- twees sections 10 snd 15. township 1 soath. ran re 1 ssst. WUlametU msrldlan, John B. Rinf nam. Tree tee. soo uu. A trsct ot land lying between two lines re spectlrely 443.16 feet snd BMO.Bg feet soath . of and Darallel with sonth Use of Boundary street snd s westerly extension of ea me In its preaent .couraa and between tbe westerly line ot Macadam rood snd the dtstaton lloe be tweea sections 10 sad 13, township- 1 Booth, range 1 east, WUlametU meridian. CUrlada O. Kmlth, 146.00. - A tract at 'land lying between two lines re spect I r el 7 000.M8 feet and 028.5 (eat eoath of snd parallel with tha eoath Ilne of Boundary street sad a westerly extension at asms la lu present coarse and between tbe westerly line . af Macadam road snd tba- dlrtshsi lllse- bar tweea sect lone 10 and 15, townehlp-i. south, range 1 eaat. WUIamette meridian, Anna H. Barnett, 627.30. A tract of land rrtnf between a Una 638.5 feet sonth of snd parallel with sonth llns of Roundary street and a westerly extras los ' thereof la Its preaent coarse end tbe eoath boundary Una of the TerwUliger dona ties land cUlm, and between tba west Una of ' Ureen a Addition to Portland and tbe 41 . T la toe tine between aartlnna IS and 15. town ship 1 south, range 1 aaat, Willamette merld laa. John W. Long doo. 650.70. A tract af toad bounded end dsettlbed ss fol lowa: 'commencing st a point In the line of Macadam road where tbe asms la tereected by tba soath line of Boiler A Wyman one-a ere trsct, recorded In book N, ' psge H04. Beeord of Deeds, Maltnomsh County; tbenca aoatb 22 degrees, weet 26 feet;- tbeaca aouth 80 degrees 30 minutes, eaat 100 feet; . thence north 23 di grass, wsst 60 feat; tbenca Borth 60 degrees 80 minutes, eeet 100 feet; thence north 28 degrees, weet 60 feet; tbeaca north 80 defreea 30 mlnatee. waat 100 feet: thence south 23 degrees, esst 30 feet, ta place wf beginning, city ot rortiaaa, A tract of land sousded aad described ss fol lows: Commencing at s point In tba wast - bank sf . WUIemetu rlrer at tow water mark 102.24 feet sortb of snath llns of TerwIUIaer donation land eta tea: tbenca north 80 degrees , 8 mlnatee, weat to eaet line of Macadam road; thence north 13 degrees, wsst 64 feet: theace north 17 degrees 4 tntnstee, west 24044 feet:. tbenca north 21 digress 37 mlnatea. 670.04 feet; tbenca eoath 80 dffrais 18 mis atea, east 100 feet) thence Borth 21 defreea 37 minutes, weet 26 feet: tbenca soath 80 de grees 18 minutes, east 401.8 feet to place of beginning. Joan Ha leer Jones company, SB 00. A tract of land boanded aad described ss fl- . Iowa Commencing at the eoatneest ea I of tbd Terwllllcec donation land claim) tb. west 046 ebama; tbence north 14 0' grata 30 ' mlnutss, ssst 1.0 chains : thence east 646 ebatoa ta wsst bank ef Willamette rlrer et alow water mark; tbence soulh 14 degrees 30 mutates, wast 1.0 cbslna to Plscs sf be nine. Inla Oherle. gg ho, A traet of land hounded aad deai'tltied as fol lows: Commencing where tha north line ef Thomas Stephens eomatlos laad claim later seets tha west baak ef Wlllemstta rlrer ef ' tow water mark ; thence west B.o cbslns theace eoath 13 derrees, esst 4.06 chains thence easterly 647 chains: tbeaca aortb 4.08 chains to place af beginning, ears snd etcept .3 acre deem bed la book 'MA. safe 73, Record ' ef Deedsv. Maltnomsh Conaty, Los la Arnold, - - 1 A tract of Mad Bonnded and deeerlhed as tVl xnws: Cemmearmf st s Point 200 feet snath- , erly from where the sooth Uaa of TerwUliger donation Mad claim IntsrsseU tha east line sf Macadam road, and thence eeetenr laa-O rest st rHrht s na lee aa the place sf Bsghratng; thence southerly 80 feet parallel with the eaaterly line of Macadam road: thence aet- . erly On feet to west Uaa of rlfht of way of the Portland . Willamette Valley Railroad Company; thence, northerly 80 feat atoag said ' rlftit of way; thence westerly to place of be glsnlng, Joha Arnold, 3100. A traet ef toad hwasdad aad deerrlbed ss M Inere: Csiainaafrns - at soathweet corner af .LsvJO Arnold tract, sncttoa 16. township 1 range 1 east. WUlametU meridian; theace south 13 degrees, eaet 227 chains; ' thence east i chains to wsst bank of Wll- UnMI. rivaa at la, w,Le iwtl I henna Berth i 10 degrees, weat B 20 chaise, tbenca wast lef piacs 01 seguuilng. wuuaia ana ausuna uw gcr.-64.80. ' A trsct of land kousaed snd dssrrlbsd ss fol lowa; Csmmeaclug et eoulh weal casner of the Will la ia sad Roalss liekjer traet, sscttoa 5. township 1 south, rsaga 1 ssst, Willam ette merldlaa; thence west 0.00 chains; thence sonth 14 degrees go missus, eaat 1.70 chains; theace east 0.00 chains; theace Borth 14 de- gross 30 minulss, wsst 1.70 chains, to place ' of beg Ian lug, . CaiUucnia , Powder Works, 64.53. . ' A trsct ef laad lymg betweea the wast llns of Macadam eood sad tbe east Una of btocka 30, 37 aad 32. Bouthera Portland. Orsgon. and . hetwees tb southera Bsaadars at tba TerwU . lifer donatloa land claim sod tha north Una of blocks 35 and 24. Mouthers Portlaad. Ore- Soa, and also sorth line ef CaroUaa street, R. 1. Tboxopson, 6106.00. A traet ef toad lytoa between tba west llns of Macadam road and tba east Una sf tots 0. 7, 8 snd 0, block 6, Uresa's Addition to Portland, snd between tbe south Une ot the TerwlUlger donation land ctolm and tha soath llns of Jots and 0, block 5, Urate's Addlltoa to PortUnd. M.ooI IMatrlet Ka 1. 34.Ka, A tract of land lymg between tbe west Uaa , efiPaltea Park and the dlrlskm Una netwesa sections 10 end 16, township 1 south, rsngs 1 seat, WUlametU .erldlan. and betweea the . eeutn line ot the Blsrla rosa aaa tne aorra ; Une of block lo, l ultua Park, Balua Park Land Company. 810.60. A traet of land lying betweea tba weet Uns of Pulton Park snd lbs division Uns between eeet lone 21 aad 22, township 1 south, range 1 east, WUIemetu meridian, sad between the ' south line of Perth street sad tbe Borth line A ftK, a.Mn -. . -U' klMk SS .Paltoa Park, Pultoa Park Company, 66.00. A traet of laad hounded aad s-wrrtiisd aa fol lowa: Commencing 10 chalas waat ssd 6.02 chains north. 1 desreee weat, ef northeaat cor ner of block 1, Pultoa; theses seat 8.60 chains; thanes north 0 dasraas, weet 2.1 chains: thence weat atong auuth line ef Ne vada street to a notnt north 7 dearees. weet - 2.10 cbslns. from place of beginning; tbenca souia r ssgreae, sasl 8.10 enalna. to place ec oegiaaing, nau B. ningBam, 02.53. - A tract ot land bounded aad described as fol Iowa: Commencing 10 chains west, ef Berth east earner of stock 1, Pultoa; tbenca north T ne frees, weet 0.02 chains, to soath Una et Mersda atreet; tbence weat atoaf south tins . af .Nevada street to eaet line of rlfht of wsy , af tbe MetronoUtaa Railway Company; tbeaca - soaUierlr alone eaat line of ssld rlsht of war , to north Une ot block 45. Pulton Park: thence east along north line at Pultoa Park to place or orguxung, tt. v . corns it cisuu. Heirs ot. A tract ot tend bounded aad Orexilbad ss fol lows: Commencing at southeast comer ef Mock 4, Pulton; thenos easterly atong north line ot nirerrtsw cemetery, section Zi, town. Ship l.soath. rsngs 1 eeet. Willamette marld - Ian, ta wsst Une of Macadam road; these! ' northerly stong west Uns ef said road te northeaat cornea of btork 4, Paltoa; t bears southerly along tha easterly una of block 4, Pultoa. to nlacs ef beginning, trsorga X. snd Msry M. Hughes, $1,36. " A tract of land boundsd snd daacrlbad ss fol lows: Commencing 21.80 enalna west and 840 chains north of southeast corner -of Thomas Htapbsus donation land claim; tbenca north 70 degrees, weet 24 2-3 rods; thence north 20 degress, east to east Une of Cosby street; . theses esst to ssst Une et Hood street: tbeaca north to southwest corner of lot 1. Slock I, Pultoa Park; tbenca south 70 degrees, esst 0 cbalns, mors or Iras, to west line of Taylor's Perry road; theses soath 25 degrees, west 6.02 . chaloai thence aortb 70, degrees, west 18 chains, to place of begluauig, Herman Mats-, ger, 614.70. - A tract of lead boanded snd described ss fol lows: Commencing st Bort beset corner lot 6, 'btork 103. Fulton Park: tbenca north 00 feet; ,. theses north 40 degrees, eaet 046 feet, to a stske 60 feel soath from south llns of the ? Metager tract, section 22. township 1 sooth, range 1 east. Wll Israel u merldlsn; thanes easterly parallel fwlth south line of said Meta- , far tract to s slake la weat llns of Taylor's btork UH. Paltoa Park; tbenca north 100 feet to northeaat corner of ssld btork 103: tbence weet 100 feet to plscs st beg ins log, Portland t lay tjompany. l.n. An Irregular tract of .land lying be tweea ike south llns of block 4. Pulton, and ao ssstsrly ax tenaloa ef tbe eame In Its present eoaraa and the weet Une of Macadam rokd, the ' north Une of Hector CampbeU donation laad . claim, westerly Una of Macadam rood sad tbe easterly lloe af Taytor'a Terry road, BIT' errlew Cemeterr Aaanrlatlan. 8101.60. . A tract of land lying betweea tba north llns af Hector Campbell's donation land claim aad tbe south boundary af the City af Portland snd between tbe weat Una of the WUIamette rlrer at tow watsr msrk snd tha westerly Una ef Boone a rerrr road sad Taytor'a Perry road. eare and except plot 1. aa a hows an tha map of Portland. Oreeoa. nnbllahed br Tbe THIS Guars a tee A Trust Company, BegMtared. No. T5. Rlrerrtew Cemetery Association, 6376.00. A traet of land bounded and deerrlned se fol low: Commencing at tha Intersection of the north Une of tract described to book A, page Brat. Record or ureas, MuitaomaB county, wuu east line ef Taytor'a Perry road: tbencs.aorth erly atong said road 200 feet; thence weet 00 feet to east Une af Macadam -.road; tbenca south 200 feet: tbenca- esst to place ot be- finning,, Becurlty as rings sV3TUst Company, -81.40. f ' ' : A tract of land boanded snd deswrfbd as fol- , lows: Commencing 30 feet sonth snd 30 fret west of soathweet corner of stock 08, rat ion Park; tbenca. seat 200 feet; tbencasoatb .' 80 fee IT thence weet 130 feet; tbenca south 20 feet; tbenca Wsst. 1.10 fset: tbence north Boo feet to place of beginning, Byron P. Card well, Bstate. Heirs of, 6446. A tract of land boanded and described ss fol- . lows: Commencing st tbe Intersection of the north Una of Llebermaa tract, recorded 1b Book 61. page 303, Record of Deede, Maltnomsh ' Connty, with tba east Una ef old Taylor Perry road: tbenca north along aald road 200 feet; thence aaat to WlllametU rlrer; thence follow ing tbe mesoderm gs of said rlrer to tha aortb Una ot said Ltobermea tract; thence west to - the plscs ot begUalng, Ueary R, Dupont, 610.60. A tract of land bounded and deacrlhed ss foT- . tows: Commencing 0 ebatne seel sad 10 chains soath of northwest corner of northeaat -quarter of eectloa 22, township 1 ana lb. rente 1 east. WUIamette merldlaa; tbence east 6 ' chains; thence sooth 6 . dec reea, weet 2.70 chains; thence weat 440 chains to eaat Une of Macadam road; thence northerly atong seat line of Macadam road to place of Beginning, Becnrlty Rarlngi Treat Company, 310.20. A tract of land boanded and deerrlbed ss fol lows : Commencing st northwest corner of 'Mock B, Pultoa Parkt tbence north 75 feet; thence esst to west bank of Willamette rlrer ' low water mark: theses atonf the weat ' hank ot rlrer to northeaat corner of block D, Paltonr Psrk: tbenca weat to Discs af bef in- hint. Charles Lteberman. 64.20. A tract of land hounded ana nrecrinsa as ioi. Iowa: Commencing st eou threat corner of tot 4. btork 1. Pultoa; thence southerly stong west line of Taylor's Ferry road to a point 10 feat northerly from northeast earner J f block 7, Fulton; thence northerly stoaf s Ins parallel with northerly line of block 7, Fnlton, to Its Intersection with ths southerly line of tot 6. block 1, Pultoa. H. J. Belgel man. 60.80. ' - . A tract of laad boanded and eeserlhed ss fol towa: Cewisseneing 22.16 chains sorts sad 13.84 cbslns wsst ef sonthesst corner of Thomas Stepbene donation land claim; thence Borth 70 decrees, cost 6.00 chains, to west hank ef WiUamette riser at tow water mark; t henna atong weet bank of said rlrer, sorth 40 a(rees. east 1.40 chains: 1 hence sorth 8 degrees 80 aimates. east .M chain: thence west 7.1t cbslns; thence south 4 degrees 80 mlnetes, eaet 208 chains, to tbe place at bs- Xlbning, Prsnrlsra Rchmltt. 60 30. tract of land bonnded sad described as fol lows: Com steering at three-mile post la Mac adam read; tbeaca esst te west bank of WU Iemetu riser at tow water msrk; thence north along the weat bank of said riser te sonthesst corner of Mark M, Pultoa Park; tnenre west along the south line of blocks M snd N. Fulton Park, to Macadam road; thence soath to plscs ef beg inning, Theodore Mcolsl, 68.40. u It . A tract ef Und boanded had dserTlW fol lows: commencing north 16 de grits, west 2 83 chains, from southeast corner of Themes Rtepbene anas t km laod claim: theace weet 8.74 chaise; thence Berth 33 digues 80 mlautes, west 2.22 chains; thence north 36 defreea 16 mien tee, west 1.08 chstns: thence north 4 degrees 20 mlnstes, west .64 chain; thence north 8 OefU's 30 minutes, west 2.M1 chains; thence north 21 Otgt'i as. weat 2 chains; tbence north 20 gigri ia, west a castas; tbenca aorta 43 oesreea west 220 chains; thence aouth 24 8i grass, ' seat 0 cbalns; thence aouth 10 dig rota, eaet 4.37 eaeme. to plscs Of Be- I Inning, Joseph aad Prank Weber, 320.M. tract of Isnd boanded ssd described as fol lowa; Commencing at a point la tka esst line af Meeedem road where eame to tater sreted by eoath ltae of Thoetss Btenhene do nation land claim: tbence north 6 degrees 80 minutes, west 1.78 cbslna; tbence north 63 degrees 30 mlnatea, west 1.23 chains: thence esst parallel with tbe said donation land claim Ilne 3.74 chstns to west bank of Wil ls mstte riser st low water mark; thence eonth erly 10 degme, east atong tha weet baak of ssld rlrer. 843 30 feet: thence weet parallel with end 150 feet eoath ef tba sooth Una ef the Themes Stephens sonattoa land claim te the east lias ef Macadam road; thenos north along cast line of Macadam road ta ths place sf Beginning. Roderick L. Maclesy, 68.40. A trsct nf land bounded snd diaeeftud as follows: ftrmaeaclng st seatbeeet corner of tot 20. btork 10, Houtbera Portland: thence west 214.8 feet; thence aouth 0 digress 30 minutes, east Is Bona Una ef Mersde e treat: tbence east stong north llaa af Nersda arrest to west llns et Macadam rone ; tnenre stong weet Ilne ef Mica dam road ta ef beg 1 suing, Joseph Weber. 80.00. A tract of lead boundsd snd d Berthed as follows: Commencing at tntsisertton ef west rsds street; tbeara erect 2144 feet atong eoath line ef Mersda street: theace south 6 digress 60 mlnutss, esst 60.20 feet: then re eaet 214 6 feet: thence aorta 8 asanas 80 mlnatee, wsst 60.23 feet, to place) af beginning. Mslchtor TBBiitor. 11.85. A tract of lend boanded ssd described sa IsUswsi OxexmeBCtng 13.13 test Berth, 6 se- greet B0 smlaatas asst. from Bert beset corner ot btork 1. lulu; tbence northerly atong the weet Une of Mscadsm road 303 JM fswt; theace weet214.a feet; tbence north 05.05 feel i to south Une of Mersda atreet; theace weat 87.50 fast; thenos eoath 130 lest: tbence south 3 degrees 60 minutes, ssst 241.88 (set; theacs north 80 degrees 41 minetee, seat 31 1-25 feet, te piece ef beginning. Rosa Robse. 67 06. A tract of lend hounded snd described as follows: Commencing 347 cbslns sorth. 6 de greee 30 mlnntss esst. snd 342 chains west ef sort beset corner of block 1. Pulton: tnenre wan iiu ah Imi : thence north 0 degases, west to eoath line Nevada streei .i; xnencw 1M.40 feet; thence aouth ta plans at bag m slag, Charles D. aad BUaa Chris lensen. 6326. A tract ef laad bounded snd described as ' follows: Commencing st neribeaat corner of btork 1, Paltoa; theace weet 10 ebalnsi tbence north 7 degreea, west 8.83 cbslns; tbaaca eaet 400.73 fsst; tbenca eoath 2 ttogrsss 66 mla utes. sasl 34148 feet; thence north 80 de- ZZL Ai in. -. miM reet: then PS south 6 degrees 30 mlnatea, eaet 13.12 1 feet, to PUee af beginning, r. aiinsorge. ii. foltowa: Comnjeoema at eon t Uses corner sf .i mu v i , a., ixmm west 800 feet in line ml rirst street: Uenca Berth 300 fnn, i. mm linn of in, atreett tbenca ea ta northwest corner ot told block; thenea souther lr atoag west Una af ssld block ts ptoca ef beg Inning, rulwa , Park Land compaay, ss aa A tract of tend hormded and osectibed as follows: cornneenctng st sonlhssat corner of . btork 0714. rultoa i'arkl thsaos wsst 200 fsst; theace son Ik 80 fsst; tbence east 3U0 feet. tueocs north ao lest to piece na "a'"" ftoath Portland Rsel Batsta Company, ai. A -f l.ul hnunilnil ami OSBCrlDOd M follows: Commsaclng st s polat 50 fast south .nn nA nn .nn nS nrtht eOCnSC Of blOCS 72, Fultos Psrk; tbsncs sooth 350 feet; thence weet 300 feet; tbeaca north 200 tact; thence east 3V0 fsst to piece ot bsglaalag, Coogrsgs tloa Beth laraeL 610.50. ' - . A trser-wf- MnJ bounded snd tVexltlied ss follows Comxoeoeiag 30 feet soath aad 80 fset west ef southwest- corner of Meek 72, Paltoa Park! tbeaca east 750 feet; Jkeace south to mursecttoa ef north lloe of Pooler street with wsst Une sf Blgbth srenne: tkeoes westerly to si Is Tenth srenua; thenos north to north Une of Spruce street; thence west 200 fort; thence north to a point 60 fset east of northeast corner el ojocb w, r - -tbenca weet 100 feet; thence north i 60 fact thenos seat 300 feet; tbeaca south 80 feet U . ... M n4.ln, .Vlnnnn IW. 8B2.80. a Vl.-i 7 I I hn.i Ann and Osscntisd SS fniinw,- iMinenrlns st nrs-tbasst corner, ot lot 6. btork 108. Pulton Parkf Itjtnce north 60 fsst; thanes north 40 degree, ssst W4 feet, to south Uns of Metsger -tratton 22. towaahlp 1 eoulh. range 1 eaat, Wlltoto etu msrktlaa thence nort beset erly per a lie! WIU weet llns sf said Metager tract ta aoatb line af Haesl atreet; thence west to s point Snn Mlh nf nvttaeMt COrnST of block 103, --Pulton Psrk; thenos eoath to northwest cor ses of, said block 103: tbeoee seat lOO-fest la . place 01 Beginning, iw-crc . , . A (tract, ot bind lying betweea tne center Mas of Heoond street If extended sooth In lu nres ent course snd ths dlrtoloa line between ssc- i . ei .ns as.- i..M i, l eoath. raafe 1 rsst, WUlametU meridian, snd be' wees s line 60 fset sooth of snd, nsrsltol with south lias sf k locks 03, 04- and 6i, l'uon 1'arlc and the north lloe of fclook 03, the tiertheeaterly sad ;. nurthwastsrly Unas or ntoca is, suiuns , t, k-1 SIS n, . A triangular traet of , lead lying netweea the eoulh line of Taytors Perry read, ths : westaily Una of Booncs Perry toed and the dlslstoo Une between sections 21 and 22, township 1 eoath, range 1 aaat. WUIamette Meridian Congregational Beth Israel 65.05. A tract of land lying oetweea ths south - ti.. . aw,,n,., ,m and the soath 11 ua of Boundary street extended westerly In lu nrea-at courss aad between tit west Use at second atreet and the dlrlalon llns hetwees . ssettons 16 aad 10, townahlp 1 south, sags a-IIUnnla linrlritan BSCS snd SXCCUt ths lndnrmuhle traet below deacrlbed. Ter wUliger Laad Cempany. 670.7a a . n lend lu-uWI and deerrlbed SS fol ' lows: Commencing ea east side of 8lsrlB coast road 3,034 feet north and 483 feet 'east sf south llns of tbe TerwUliger dona tion laad claim, where asaas Is IsUrsscted by tbe dlrletoa Uns between esst H ssd west U of ssld doastloa Und claim; tbsncs south 60 degrees 50 minutes esst 480.8 feet ; .tbsncs nn,m Ht dMrees lo mlaatea esst 300.T feet; thence sorth 68 desreea 80 mlimtsu west to --.Ahe southwesterly Une ef tba. Blsria coanty m..' hum iMthvat Ml- aesTses 10 mln utss wist 200.6 feet: tbence south 3 degrees 46 mlnutss wsst 43.4 feet fo Place ex vegia ntng, Uottlleb Indertauhls. 60.10. , . A trsct ot laad boaaded and described ss tel. In... rnmrnnneln, at SarthsrSSt CaTOeC Of block 140, Csrathers Addltloa to ths City ot - t ,L-.n leui not he the Bouih Portland Reel BaUU Assoc la Hon; tbenca sooth 20 feet: thenos west 400 lest, theoes north 200 feet; thence sast 400 feet to place of begin- . r n . AA In so In. . ning, mrs. x. ia. v w . auu., A tract sf land bouadrd and described as fol- ' 1 . IVAnnnR, A, WrthWCSt COmCT Sf btork 14c, -Carathsrs' Addltloa to the Cite of . porttana. as iaia oax or ie Real BaUU Association; tbence west- 30 . feet stong tha soath line sf Carry street If catenaea wesieny ""'"- ' these, north 320 feet parallel with the west Uns of First street; tbence- ssst to" the south . wsst earner of block- 120. Csrathers Addl tloa to tbe City sf Portland aa laid out by the Boatb Port laud Real Bstsfe Ajumdstton; thence soaU 820 feet to plsae sf heglnaing, . Wllllani M. Oregory, $24,. , All the-. Isnd nssd ssd occupied by ths Ore gon Cslltdroia Ralh-oad Osmpssy for right of wsF purposes, except where said Tight of . wsy Is toeated In streeU, lying between ths : north Ilne ef Flnlee Csruthers' donation Isnd L clslm and tha seat kern bsuodsry of .lbs Uty of Portlsad sod betweea tba west bask ef WllUmexter tlrer st low-water mark and'Ua dlrlslon Unas betwssa secttons 4 and 3. 8 sad 10, 16 and 14, 21 and 22. township 1 Southl rsngs 1 esst, WUktmetts Merldlaa, Oregon , A CaUferoia Bslk-oad Compaay, 872 60 - AU tba aaplated land lying between the sonth ' Una of P. Csrathers' donation land claim and the south Una of Elisabeth Csruthers' dona tloa lead claim and between the dlrlaloh Una jMtwaan seetleas 0 sad 10, township 1 soath, range 1 east, Willamette Merldlaa, aad the west Una of First street, except two parrel of Und owned by Mrs. B. A. Owens Adair and William U. Gregory. Oregoa BaUway aj Ma-elgaOoa Company. 6535.00. A tract .ot Isnd i tying betweea sa easterly extension sf ths north Uns sf Cars there street and a line 160 feet north thereof aad parallel therewith and betweea the east Uae . of ' Water atreet snd 0 line 38 feet esst thereof and parallel tBsrswlthi Jartalsh Wotiok. 60.80. 1 - - Right sf wsy. Oregoa A CsUfonda Railway Compear. 641.70. . . i . TotaVT81 1.37248. ' V A statement nf aforesaid assessment has been entered la the Docket of City IJens, and Is now due snd parable at ths office af tba Cite .Treasurer, In lawful money of the United Btates, and If sot paid within 30 dsys front the data ef tola notice, sock proceedings will hn ben for the collection af tbe ssma ss are pro Tided by ths charter st : ths City of Portlaad. Tbe shore assessment wiU bear Interest 10 dsys after tbs first pnbUcattoa sf this a UC" '- ' THOU. C. DBVUN. - Auditor of the City ef Portland. Portland. 'On-goo, rwbruary 24, 1006V riorosAU fob iiun woix Begird proposals will be recslrsd at the of fire ef the Auditor ef the City of Portland aatll Friday. March 3, 1006. at 3 o'clock p. m., for ik. inannaMt of Alberts street from tbe esst Une of In ton srenua to the eeet line of Bst Fourteenth street la tbe meaner nreriara by ordinance No. 14,451, subject to tbe pro Ttotons of the charter ssd ordlnssces ef the City of Portland, ssd ths saUmaU sf tbs City Baglneer, on 6le. Hlda moat be Btrlrtly 10 accordance with printed hlaoks. which will be furniahed os application at tbs of Bee ef the Aaditor of the City ef Portlaad. And said Improrement most be completed en or before 120 dsys from tha date of tbs slgnlsg at ths contract by the parties thereto. No propose at or bids will BS considered unless sreasnpenied hy s certified check parable to the order ef the Mayor of the City of Portlaad, certified hy s responsible bank for sa smouot eqnel ta 10 per cent of the sggregsU proposal. The right to reject ssy sad all bids is bereby By order tl ths Bxrcntlre Board , , THOS. C, DEVLIN. . Aartltor of the City of PortUnd. Portland. Oregon. February 26. 1M. COltTUTIO sUTO A0CIPTAJ1CB Of BTWIB XM TJIXAT BTBZR AJTD OQ0X ATXBTTI. Notice re hereby gtrea thst Chsrlea W a riser. City Engineer, has filed In the office of the ssdenlgneel, notice the! Douglas A O'Nett. esn trartnru for the eoeetructioa of s sewer la Delsy street. Cook areas,, and other atreeta. a Oder the prnrleloas ef Ordlnaaes Re 11.327, hare completed ssld eewer. - i Held arrevttorn will br rasatdrred by tba Ex ecutive Pmerd at 4 e'rtork. oa tbe 3d day of March. ooo, ssd objections to the accept a oca of ssld sewer, or any part thereof, may be filed In the office of the aaaerslgned at any Urns prior thereto. , -THE BXECTTIFB BOARD. t .By THOO. C UEf LITf. r - Auditor sf the City af Portlaad. . PsrtUad, Oregoa, .Fesriutt savJOOB. ns. weslCbTS scan::: syt.:? un. ssi-s wind sauo, asm at son IKITT-PIVB OKBTB A bsTTII akd union Pacihc r Trains (o the East Daily 3 Throafn Paltsaa standard tod tnortat ileea Ing cars dally to Omaha, Chicage, ksohsue; ' tourist sieenlno curs dallp to Kansas tityt through Pullmss 'tourist leaping eara tneraea ally coodscted I weekly Is Cases go. . Rerllslsg cbstr ears (seats free) to the Boat dally. UNION DBPOT. Leasee. CHICA 0O- P0 RTLARD BPBCLAI. 0:18 a. m. 6 :36 0.6s. For the Baat els Bunt Dally. Dslly. ing toa. . BPOKANB FTTBR. for Bsalern Washlag toa. Walls Walla. Lew 0:18 B. m. 80 0.03." Daily. , letoe, Corur d'Ah-Oe snd Grsst , Karthers Dally points. ATLANTIC) BXPRfKS Foe ths Baat rU Hunt Inrtoo. 6:18 a.m. Dslly. TI8S.XB. Daily.. . ColumHa Urar DWsisn. ruK AsTUHi A aad wsy 0:00 p, as. Dally. points, connecting with About ' atmr. for Uwace sad ex. Sunday. 6:00 b. aa. North Beach, atr. sato, i Ash -at. OoH Has- nunrraay. az. I 10:on p. ux. TrsmkiU tlrer Bests. mn na vxnw City ssd Tsmblll BlTerl m. 7-40 B.XB. Dally. . points, attars.. Rath sndi Dally. mr iodoc. Ash -st. dock. eg. sx. Buaday. (Water permitting ) anekTllTOc Beam. FOB LBWI8TON. Ida. About 6:00 0.8, : Dollr. 6:40 0. BV Dslly. and way 'polnu from Minana. wish., bum Bpokane snd In-wlaton. eg. Batnrds leg. Friday.; ncXsTT OmCB. Third snd "i'-pr Tato j pooas main lis. . i a r S..nri2H0$t syragA, A. I. CBAIO. eeseral Ptsasncar Agsnt. EASTvu pSOUTH UNION DBPOT. Arrises, 0TERLAMD BXPBBS8 trains for Balsta, Bess burs. Ashland. Ba era- tM B. 83. men to. Oarden. Ban Prsa-1 Cisco, Stockton, Las Aa4 gewa. El paaa, nsw or. teeas snd tbe Bast. Moralag train ena aecta . at WoaeTcuia dally . except Baadsy with trala for ML Ansel, a 1 1 r a 1 1 a a. M 0.83. IMl-a. BrownsrUle. Bp r I a g- flsld. WaxMlllng anal Natron.. Albany namenger ear-! necta st Woodbora with l-H:00B.m. 10-.10o.Bl Mt. Asgel sad Bllrsr- ton toral. ' Onrrsllla psasaugss. Sbaiidsa passenger. 7:80 a. m. .5-40 B-BV 40 p. m sDaily IIDslly, except nandap. - trnttosd Oiwsgs Bus or has Berrien gad TsaxaiU , Dirislsn. Ornot foot Tof Jefferson street. Leers Portland dally tor Oswego 7:80 o. m.t 13.60. 3X0. 845. 6:20, 6:25. 1.46. 10:10 p. m. Delly'lsxcept Raoday), 6:30. 0:80, 8:311. 10:26 a. m.; 4:10, 11:30 fv m. . Sunday only. 0,.0 n. bx. ' Retaralng from Oswego, grrlrs Portlaad dally 8:30 s. sa.; 1:66, 8:05. 0:16. T:86. O aX. ; il:10 p. m. ' Dslly (escept Bandayl 6:25, 7:20, JO. 10:10, 11:45 s. se. Bxcrpt Monday. 12:26 p. m. Bunday only, 10:00 a. m. Lee res from ssms depot for Dallas gad taUr- taedlau polaU daily (except Bunds y) 4:10 p. as. Arrlra For I land 10:10 a. to. " , Tbe I nd encodesce-Mon msath ' Motor ' Lisa opera tee dslly to Monmouth ssd Air Us. sen- Beetlng wttb Soothers Pa else romps nys tracks at Dsllss aad Independencs. Plrst-elsss fere from Portland to Beers men rs and Bsa Prsseisro $, berths 63; sarins ibtaa tars 811. sseond-cMss Berths 8240. . TlckeU to Eaatera BolnU sad svnrssm. atso Japan, China. Bonotnla ssd Anstrsjla. . city ttcbcx vrnce enrnsr i aim nasi waur tog tea streets. PhoaO Mala 712. - - tt W. rrnNOBIt, . , - ?. B. COM AN. City Tiakst A fsst. lean. ram. Agaerx. TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland! ONION DBPOT. Departs. Paget Bound Limited, for Ta corns. Seattle, OlrmnlsA noath Read 846 s. m. :s-0.BV. snd Gray's . Barber BolnU. North Cosst lisrlted, for Ts corns. ' Oaattls, Butto. BL Past. Mla- neanolla. Chlceso. ' Mew 3:60 b. 38. TMOB, I York, Beaton and poistsl sasi una noutssssx. Twtu-Clrr Exorwss. Tsroms. Seattle, Bno-I gsne, Helena Bt. raal. Mlnnesnolls Cblaege.l New York. Boats aad rl:aaJ 1M 8. BV an points , ssst a Sonthesst. Paget Sound . Kansas City-Dt. Lsnls Bpertsl. for Tscoma. ' Seattle. Snoksne, Butts Billings, Denrer. Omaha. Kanaaa 6:30 4. m. T-.00 o. i Cltr. St. Louie aad all nolntB Boat sod Soath-4 sast. All trains daily sxcent aa South breach. . A. D. CHaRIvroM. Aaalataat Oeseral Pasasngsr Ageat, 326 Morrlsos St., car. Thtrd. fort Is ad. Or. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Lea res. UNION DEPOT. Arrlrsa. .' -i ' ' . ''" -' ' , S.-00 a. m. For Msyfers, BslnJer, 11 :1 a. to. Dally. . Datskaale, Wtotnert, Dslly. Clifton, Astoria. Wr- ' - - reatoa,. riaral. Mia t stood. Fort Steryoa. ... 1 Ossrhart Park. Beaalda, Astoria ssd Bsssoers. . . . im v) to, ' '-. s:4a p. 'mC Dally- AsiorU Einreea.' i. C MATOv , 0. r. SOtT t. A.. Astoria, 0r a A. STEWART, Commercial Afsat 240 Aids 1 Hn. U.I. SIMI A . 23? i-il.i:i:': TloBsl OtsSO Itt Tail a ssh. Trarissntlnsontail esssj eomy TralnsB Dally J FAST TIME TO BPOKANB. ST. A01a, DDLTTTax, A1LNNKAPOLI9. CHICAOO .Ui . ALXi PVLMT BABT. Daylight trip through tha tB ond Rocky goouOtalno. For full par. nlnrn, rnlaa, foiilcrs, ottv, emit ag af I rM BL IOKOsT. City fnoko aVTb IBB TBlrd arsresrt. JOURNAL WAfiT AD3 .XM , t t.