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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1905)
... lit .I . GITT lOTIOXt. road tympany" right of way. Blcbard f- , Prim. $0.20. north 43 feet Pf south. 85 - fee of eubdlrlatoa U of fct.l. Clarence M. InUey. $1.16;. north 43V. ft at miih.B feet of aabdlrlaloa a of fct I. xcpt Ore gn A California Ballroad Cotnpan.T'B right of wsy, Viarenc m. imfcy. Mi ' 19U fast- eat anhdirUloa U ol tot 1... C. W. , Lek-k. 41.15; aouth US feet of subdlrisloa I nl In) 1 C W. I.s4ck. II. m: BoriB ; . feet ( subdlrtaloa H of tot 1. except Ore . gee CaUforala Railroad Cntopaor'o right i of way, Richard C. 1'rlore. $0.kb; aubdlrtaloa , A of lot . Ana Finn, $4T5; .MMhWw B , , of lot X, Bobert Cablll. $4 T6; aubdleletoa O.oC tot 2. Portland Truat Company nt llff ri, $4-8; aabdlrraloo It ef M i. Portlaud ; Trust Company ot Oregoo, $4.30; .auhdletoloa '. K nt kt 8. Maeheirln, -. aubdlrlalon F ll M t Murheleln. 44.30: eubdlrtstoa O ot lot'. Ward C. Wet more, HIS; enb- dlrlelen H of lot 2. Ward C.vW'tora, 4.16: , ubdtrl.too A of fct 3, W. W, 13.70; subdlrisloa B of tot 8, W.Ti. Her. $3.86; subdlrisloa' (1 l W 1 '. I. Her, $3.86; .,. n .if iut b w. K. Her. 43.45: ,U of aabdlrlaloa C, of lot 8 Mat ot ' Oregon (-llforoia Railroad . Com- - sa.r'a rlh af . W. A. Currt. SA.aU ' ill of auhdlTlaio ot lot Mat of Oregaa , A Call fir Dia Kallroad (ooraajf'a rlhl of , way. W. A. Currl. M ; all nt aubdlrlaloa t O of lot S oaat of ic(oo m uaiuorBia nau- rnnaaur'l ria-ht mt War. W. A- COfT. .; aU of nkdlTlatoa a of M S wcat ot 't Onna California Railroad Onmpanr'a rtlt of war. kata Rooalark. all ot aut . dlTlalua O of tot II wrat of Orrcoa Call' ' fnrnla Rallmad IXiwpanr a right of war, kata I , Haawtwh, to.M; auMWUloa A of hit A, H. ' , K. ofhl. a.av: wbdlrlalna II of lot 4. Jl. ; ' n ' KlhhM aa .IAt aandivlaloa C of lot 4. " IMr. Arnold. 4.U6: aubdWUloa D of lot ' d. Ueorco Arnold. SS.10; all of aobdlrlaVm : K of lot 4 woat of Omron A California Kail. ' mm Ikmnaai'i rlaht of war. Ward C Wat' " Bioro. Ii.7fi: all of anbdlrUHM T of lot 4 " rml af Orrfon Caltforala Kallroad yn- ' panr a ngat ar way, warn t. " riM-. all of anbrilTlnlna B of lot 4 oaat of ' Orrffi California Railroad Company' rlrht of way, a W. Lk, to.10; all of anodlvl " air r of lot 4 aaat of r(on California Kallroad Cnmiany'a rlht of way, C. W. lry-k. 11.15; all of anodlrlaloa O of lot 4 ' airout ttrrcoa California Baiiroaa tnj. . . nn i iiiti of war. aYaaraa-M. Maraoa, l.7&; all of aoodlrtaloa U of lot 4 want of Oraana CaUfornla Kallroad Cenpany'a rlht f way. Kraa-a U Btrreaa. (0.1u; all of ':- aondlrUlna H af lot 4 raat of nmos lu farnla Kalb-aad Co-ipaoy'a rlcht.of way, 0. . W. LH-k, u.. nUK'K , north 100 frvt of M I. aaat of Ongam A California Ball . road Company' rlfht of way, Martin Winch. .11.06: aonth bo fort of north Suo foot of lot , 1, aaat af Orrgna 4 California Kallroad Com ' oaay a rlht ot way. Klnaar B. Volwall. S5.1U; . anath to fort of lot 1. aaat of Orrfon A Call. L" fra-ala Batlroad Company' right of way, . Mary A. Clarke, W-Hft; aU of fct 1 waat ot - Oram A California Kallroad Oonipany'a right of way. Laura A. Bock. 4.0; auhdlrtalon A of lot J, 1. B. Bayar, $4.l; aabdtrlaloa B v. of lot. 11. H. Bayor, .7; anodlrlaloa 0 I of lot 2. E. C. Jorgrnaan. 3.60; aubdlrlakn : D of lot I Kata B. Montgomrry. north J frrt of anbdlrlalon B of lot X, Mary A. r Clarke, l : - aouU 4S feet of aoodlrUloo B ot lot a. Roar A., Youny S 6; a.-t RS i f.t of aabdlrlakM fist Boaan M. . " Opurnhoft. 1.06; aanth ITS feet of aabdlrt ..;f'a'Wi V of lot . Krrd K. Boady, $1.80; north i 0 feet of weat IM feet of lof 8. Fred K. - hriodr. Itf.dfi; north 4 feet of eat au feet of lot S, Boaan at. OppeohoffT l.l: eaat . 42tt feet of aavth feet of ajorth iaOfeet . ol lot i Kred K. Boody. I2.3S; weat 127H ' feet of erath 60 feet of north J8U fet of ' lot i. lohn A. Hoock. .; eaat 42H feet of aonth 110 feet of lot S, 8. Anatjn. i4.S0: weat 12TH feet of aonth 110 feet of lot 8, ' Inla Arnold. Sln eS: aoath 120 feet af lot 4. Laura A Berk: 3&.nB; weat US feat of eaat Ha feet of north 110 feet of lot 4. William M. Bodmaa. 4.1 wea 42H feet of eaat o2V4 feet of north 110 feet of lot 4, Barak !- J. BodmuB. .ao. t A trart of Uod Irlng -ketwaea the aonth - line of Lowell arermeaad a Una 110 feet aoulh ' thereof and parallel therewith aad between i, -the. aaat Una of Front atreet and Una 2M ,'feet weat of and darallel with the weat Ho of - ? Oarhett atrnEti Tnamaa Bchneidar. S10.40. . PORTLANd iioMBSTICAB-BLOClC T. north 110 feet af lot 1, ' Araailnta Bronaugh. la) 45; aoath 19 fret of lot 1. Orare L. Broaaugh. 1 f&.4t; anholrlrVin A of lot 2, Ella I Wrn -. koop, V.on: aubdlrlcion B or lot z. ciia . . W'rnkoan. e r; aabdlrlaloa 0 of let 2, Olire u ' L. Warner. $5.00: anbdlrlalon D of lot 2, Lory M. Mararln. M 00: eubdlrtatoa B of lot 2. Ahble L. Crocker. $3.5"; aubdlrlaloa f of , -' lot 2. Abble U Crorkeri S.50; aoatH 100 feet - of weat 2 feet- of aaodlrlalon ot lot -t- Jm Ool Una. tl.att; aouth 100 feet ot anb. dlrtaton H of lot 1 vamea Colllna. $2.75; ' ' north TO feet of eabdlrUloa O of lot 2, L. ' W. WynkooB, fl.W; aoath 100 feet of oaat 10 feet t anodlrlaloa G of lot 2. L. W. ' wmkmn. UU: north TO feet of aabdlrlaloa ' 'H ot lot 2, L. W. Wynkonp. li; aobdlrl ' , alon A of tot 3. George Klger, 4.; b ' 1 nirlaka B of lot 2. John Knapp. aab dlrlaloa u of lot s. Mra. r. f . boouj, - aniiriirialnn D of lot t. Tbotaaa hvhnrlder. '; rahdlrkilon B of- lot 9, Anna K. k'eMU . man.' 4.7fi; anbdlrlalon F of lot a. Anna K. ' hVldmaa. W 75, aulallrlalon G of lot J, Me Had K Morcaa. MuTSJ -aabdlrlakm II TOf lot a. Mellnd K. Mergilti. 4 .78: lot 4. Amon Blnnunrr. 5 S5. iuWr1t-lot K " v c. Larkel. . :. log fr0" A jTallfornem . Kallroad Company, ;i8.85i.l,fot 2r Orrfon A ' '. .lltornla KaHrsad Uomiiany. . l.lS'.bo: aab- . " dlrtaton - of bai'4. tleorga H. Hprlngmeyer, t ,. -4.i; aabdlrlaS B of kit 4. Mary Muring. ' -ij Biayer. t4.W. aubdlrlaloa 0 of lot 4. Newton r : ' L. ;llbam, J4.WK auWlrlalon O of kit 4, Carl 1 !. Blorhlnter, 14.30: aubdlrlaloa lt;ft,lot 4, ' . . Ikarar lolaa. t4.7; aoodlrlaloa. a of i5 4. llarar foraeu. W.75; waat Uitaf Jandlrt ' aloa G of lot 4. Adolph UauamaD, J.85 aaat 6 f net of nbdlrtalon U of lot 4, Cyrua M. v ., Mckav. 40.15; aubdlrlalon H of lot 4. Cyrua . '-M. McKay. M 75. HLtHJK , aabdlrlaloa A - of lot 1, Mary K. Jobnaon. (4.SU; aubdlrlaloa j, B of kt 1. Mary K.. Jotanaon. 44-30 north to ' :t aabdlrlaloa C of lot I, Mrs. '. J. liaser, -7 ka.15; aouth H of aubdlrlaloa C f lot 1. .(iwta Mater. $2.15; aubdlrlalon D lot lot 1, . B.-M. MlBoham. 44.SO: aubdlrlaloa H of lot . 1. J a mra 8. Aapenwall Katate.- Re Ira of, ' 44.75; aubdirialon K of lot 1, Jamea H. Aapen ' wall Batata. Heir of. 44-75; north 127H feet . ; of aabdlrlaloa G of lot 1, Newton L. Gil ham, ka.4.: aouth 42.5 fret of aubdlrlalon U of lot I, JudJU H. Hlnmana, 41.15; aubdlrlaloa , H of lot 1, Jodltk H. Hlnaiaaa, 4.75; aub dlrlaloa 1 ar tot z. Charlea tt. TemDIeton. ., Truatee, 42.30; aubdlrlaloa 2 ot lot 2, Charlea , k. Templalon. Truatee, 42.40; aubdlrlalon 4 . . ot lot z. Anariea n. -lempieiou, -xruataa, 4l.o; (Uhdlrlaton 4 of lot 2, Charlea K. Tem DIeton. Traatee. 41. 0u: aubdirleloa 6 of kit X Charlea R. Templetoa, Truatee. 42.40; eub- - dinaloa e of lot a. marjea k. xemoieton. . irualre. 42.4tl aubdlrtaloa 7 of lot 2. Charlea ' K. Templeton, Truatee, 42.75; eubdlriaton 4 or lot z. inariee n. irmpiefon, Truatee, -42. T5: aabdlrlaloa 9 ot lot 2. Charlea It. Tern' . :" pletoa. Troatce, 42.75; aubdlrlaloa 10 of lot 2. Charlea K. Templeton, Trnalee, 42.76; aub 7 dlrlaloa II of lot 2. Charlea B. Templeton, j Truatee. 42.75: anbdlrlalea 12 of lot 2. Charlea B. Templeton, Truatee. 42.40: eabdlrlahin 14 ot at 2, cnariea K. Templeton, Truatee, 42.40: nortb ZtVk feet of weat tw feet of aorta ' of lot 4. Gertrude Mark, 41-45: aouth 22Vi . teaf of aorth 46 feet of weat 40 feet of north f a of kit a. Jamea Cormark. 41.05: aoath U of lot a, Mary r'lBeh. t.ti; aoatk 22k feet - n Borin iw.o leet ok weai ui ra eec ot norta 4 of lot a. Mra. 0 A. Garrlaoa. 41.15: aoath ' liM. feet of aouth 45 feet ot weat 5TMt feet of carta H of wt a. ra. k. a. uamaon. ' 41.16; waat ItVH feet of eaat 44 feet of north 4 fart el Bona K M lot x Bmma . Vaceun, 40 40; eaat 221k fort of north 44 feet ot aorth H of lot i, Leaore B. Greg - vary. 4u.eo: eaat 46 feat of weat 126 feet of ' i Bortb 4ft feet af BartB H of lot 3. Leaora B. . '. Mregorr, $1 80; eaat 112Vi feet of aouth 45 leet oi norm "t or aw a. Leaore n. lirecorr. ,', 44'; lot 4. Orrgoa A California Railroad . Company. 4-I5 U. BLOCK 10, lot 1, Oregon A California Kallroad Company, 4.14.45; aub- i ' dlrtaMM A of lot 2. John Andrew, 4.'i.t4; eab- dirlrloa B of lot 2. Joha Andrew, i:i.: aub- dlrlaloa C of lot 2, John Aadrew, u.t; aub dlrlaloa I af lot 2, Jooa Andrew, j:l.M anb- . airiaton ai ov wa 2, tfooa Aaarew, M.W1 , dlrlaloa r of lot 2, Joha Andrew. U NA: aab- dlrlaloa U of lot 2, Joha AudtewrixiC: aab dlrlaloa H af tot 2, John Andrew, 4 H5; aub- . anriaion 1 m a aona anarew, f3.H5; lot 4. Hpenrer H. Coopar. ;.0; weat 42 t feet f aorth 111) feet of lot 4. Arnold Beaater - v hnla. 4-1 85: all ot aaat 45 feet af lot 4 lying poria vi qiregoa at vaiiToraia naiiroaa xm- pa ay a ilgbt af way, W. A. Lawla, 41U.4U. A tract af land lying between the eaat lla-t or onie atreet and, a line 42H feet eaat of and parallel tbereawth and between a line v 1IO feet aouth of and parallel with the eoaiB naa ra Hamutoa areana and the awa-tb Una of Oregon A California Kallroad ixvaipany a ngat ai way, . Bimoa Bteli 41-teX .. . K A tract af lead between two line reeprrtlrely ' 424 feat and N5 feet eaat af aad parallel with the eaat Una af Ohio atreet and between a Una 110 feet aoatk of. aad parallel with the aouth Una of Hamilton- areaue and the . north Hna of Oregon A CaUfornla Kallroad k 1 ompany a ngnt ai . way, . r, A. .,. Lawai, r-w. - . lRTLAXD'tlOMPTTAD BLOCK 111 42S feet of weat aft (eetf aorth 110 fart af lot 4. Henry r. HUdebraad. 4415; all of ax a aewta or inregoa at vaiina-nta Kallroad , Cnannany a rtght of way. fhaeali laanrance -taaapaa BIXH K 11, kit 1. Jiarph . A. Mtmwbrldge Bataia. Helra af. .1IS ; lot ..-. Jnaeph A. - 4trownrtdga Batata. Helra of. ,' ''4V.40 tot. 4. Joaepb A. Klrow bridge Batate. - - llrlcd Of. 4 l: nerth ao feet of lot r , Taooiaa Brbnelder. 4 76: aatitk 40 feet af porta nn feet ar hit a. Aatoa Rlarhorheeaee. 44.T4: aanth an feet of north 120 fret of lot . An-under Kleael. weat aft feet af , math 110 feet of lot A. Joaeph M. Klrkom. . 4i.a": aaat M feet of aoath no feet af tot 4. Mlmia Kleiner, 4 . HISM K 12. tot 2, , Marh-ar Katate Company, l ift an; eaat 50 , feet Ot eaiwHTWlew A of M B. Haale A , Winkle. 41.4") eaat 6" frH. of aabdlrlaloa ' B ef tot 4. Kadla A. Wrnklv, 41 40; weat an . i leet of enndleletoa A of tot 4. John N. I -am aeer. 42.34; weat 00 feet of aahdlrtaloa B ' of tot . Jeha H. Iamernr. (2 4A: aabdlrlaloa rrlatl l-eerr II. HlTlH. 44 :: aaMlrtaloa U af tot 4, lart U. BljrtB, 44-JV; aubdirauoa THE 0XTI aTOTII on. B of lot 4, Percy H. Blyth. 44.75; nbdlrtoloa k of lot 3. rercy II. Blyth, 44.T4; aubdlrlaloa G of lot 3, I'rrry It. Blyth. 44.73: aubdlrlaloB H of tot 4. Percy H. Blytk. 44.75. VL0t:K J J. lot 1. William B. Karhrlmrr,' i5 ou; north 40 feet of lot 1 C. V. Ural, 4.; weat w feet of aoath 170 teat ot lot a.- C. I". Heal. 40.45: north 42V4J feet ot eaat 110 feet ut .. a.Milh ITU faa of lot L Ueorala A. PtMOefOJ 44. an: north 42 ta feet of aaat 110 feet af uih il fe of lot 2. J. P. 'Mampel, -.44.30; anuth 85 teat of oaat 110 feet of lot k. Tbaodor Bracker ana . " luternuiuer, 47.40; eaat of tot UkCbarlea B. Ladd. 17.Bil; eaat of lot IfaeV B. 'Ladd. - aif . Ulw'tr 14 auholrlaloa A of lot 1. WllUam A. Morrow, 44.40; aubdlrlaloa B at lot 1. WUUam A. Morrow. 44.Su;' aubdlrlaloa C bf lot 1. Praatou W. Olllett. 4a-i ub llllua 11 of lot 1. PreaUiB W. Gillette, 44.;h; aubdlrlaloa B of lot 1. Albert PebreB- oacn, a-t.10; auooiriaioa r o e , .. Kearenkarh. 44 75: aabdlrlaloa U of lof 1, John Kopachlegl. 44.T5; aubdlrlaloa H of M 1. jvna BotaK-niegt,; toi a, je. " U'llhell a.l& llll: eaat U of lot 3. Mlaa M. K. Laurence. 417.40: eaat af lot 4. Willie . tl. Clarhe, 41T.HO. BLOCK 15. lot t. Tbi'maa rVhoeldrr. 4-IO.Uu; aorth U of lot 2 aouth of the Oregon taurornia naiironu mi iienr'a rteht it wet. InmaB-Poalaen A Co. ' 410.70: all of lot 2 north and weat of Oregon A California Railroad -Company a right of war, t. K. Marlry. 410.70; all of aouth af tot 2 axrrpt Oregon A California Kallroad ' Compauy' right of way, EUlaoa Bncauipment No. 1, 1. O. O. r.. 4S.0O; all of aaat y, of ' kit 2 except Oregon A California Kallroad f onipany'a right of war, Juaeph A. Blrow- , tirlrtge. or,. Batata, Helra of. 511-65; weat avw t of eaat K feet of north 1 fi-et of tot 4, Oct tilaa Han ford. 4.1.V0; aaat 42',i feat or norta tou reel or w a. v" ford Ketale. H.Ira af. 44.00; eaat 40, feet of ' weat 140 feet ot aouth 10 feat of tot 4. TboTjiae R. rea, 43.05; aaat 36 feet of aaat 40 fret of weat 120 feet of eouta. 100 faat .1 lot 4. Anenat WrrleT. 44.25. EEBBIGAN'H HI BD1 VISION of a part of VU , 1 and 2 of bluck A la Portland Honwataad BLOCK A. eaat H of lot 1, Ml V, and . W llda r. Laualn. 4 40; aaat H .of ' lot X John V. and M llda P. Lankln. 411. 05; eaat 44 feet of weat H ot lot 2, Paulina Jorgen- mi ... .. ...Jl.. 1 r Int -J Kate II. Haaaluna, 42. ; aulidlrlaloa 2 of lot 2. Kate li. Beaaloaa, 44 60; aubdlrlaloB 4 of lot 2. Kata It. aeaaluna. 44.00; aubdlrlaloa 4 of kit 2, Kate D. Meaalona.; aubdlrlaloa 6 of ' W a Kaaeae A. Htaalnna. 42.06: aabdlrlaloa a of lot 2. Bocena A. Maaatona. 41-00; aub- i dlrlaloa T of lot n. Ruaena A. ocenlona. 44. POK1LAND lldUKSTKAU BLOCK B, aubdlrl aloa A of tot 1. Northern Countle lneeatmaat Truat. Ltd., 44.36: aubdlrlaloa B of tot 1, ' M. i. ma- Ti. Gallagbor, 4X45; aubdlrUloa . V of lot' 1. William B. Walpola, 43.35; aub . dlrlaloa I) ot kit 1, Jacob Michel, 14.45; aub- dlrlatoa K of tot- 1, iDomaa 0. aania, w-w, weat WO feet of tot 2. Henry Bennett ao.16; a U of tot 2 eieept waat feet, WUIIam K. Walpola, 414.10; aorth 4u feet ot waat V. of tot 4, W. J. Dllloit. 45.45; aaat H of tot ft Job V. Lankln, 410.40; aouth 44.T feet weat pf kit 4. John D. Kennedy, 44. wo; lot 4. Joha' l. Keaaedyt 41B.4U; tot 0. Joha I). KeaBady, !.;, Jot a, aona u. Maoeii, 41T.00. BLOCK C, lot 1, Mary A. Park. 42U.N0; lot 2, Loula II miner man, 410.20: tot , George Bllwck tUU-. Helra of. 413.50. rtJanTON PA KK BLOCK 14. lot T. Pulloa Park LaaSi Company, 40 .66: krt 4, Pu toa l ark ei Land ' Company, au-65; lot 4,. Pulton Park Company, fu.iu; aw , runoa ' Comiiany, 40TO; tot 4. -ultoa Park tioaupany''0.70; tot 4, Paltoa Park Comuanr. 40.70: lot 10, Pultoa Park Land Company, 40.T0. BLOCK 17, lot 7, Paltoa Park una iwmpeuy, fiiy, i j. Puluia- Park Laud Company, 4-7o; tot 4, Kultua Park Land Company, 40.70; lot 10, Pulloa Park Lead Compauy, 4 71 lot 11. Pulum Park Land Compauy, 40.70; tot 12. Pultoa Park Land Compauy, 4 rU. BUKK J 24. aualk 6 feet of tot 14, A. W, TublB, 40.T6; nor til 45 feet of ooatb 120 feat of tot 14. rlldney Z. Mitchell. 40 76; nortk 40 feet of lot 14, WUUam and Charlea H. Hathaway. 40.00; tot Pulton Park Land Compauy, fo.oo; lot 4,-Elliabeth tert, 40.90; lot 0 KlWth 'Kfiwt, 40-40; tot 10. Kllubeth fcrgrrt, 40.0n; tol 11, KUsabetk Bggert, 40.Wr . tot 12. KUaabeth tagert, 4" 00- BLOCK 20, tot , In,' Pultoa Park Land Company-, 1.4U. BLOCK ?3K tot I.B. M. Lombard. 40.70; lot 4. B. at. Lombard. .7o; tot George 8. Mclatoah. 4.1. W;, tot 111,, f. Wheeler, 0.70; totjl. LllaabetB.IBiri'e". ""; hit 12, EUaabelh Kggert, lO.Tor BLOCK 39, lot 1. Kalph W. Hoyt, 41.15; -Jot 2. Kalph W. Hoyt, 40.90; tot 4, J ob a Cfcblacn, 41-00; tot 4, John Gle. blach. 41.15; lot 6. John Gleblach, 11.10. BLOCK 40, aU ot waat 60 feet of lot 1 - : cent north 50 feet, W illiam H. McParlaad, - ao.65; eaat o feet of Wea.t loo feat of lot ' Uoregua Building A Loan Aeaoriatloa, 4U 35; north on feet of, want 60 feet ot lot 1, Ora ' goa BulTraWrai Loan Aaaoclatlon, 40.30; eaat Tiai let o tot 1. Mark J. Comatocfc. 40 40; . lot 2. Xiasle . Touug, 40.70: tot 4, Mary4 liugnea. u.70;'lot 4. Mary Huguea.; '' lot 6, Patrick Hugbea, Bl.Tos lot a. Elm Hall, 0.7o; t 7. Perry Johneou, 4-T0; lot , 8, Collin C. Glrrla. A0.T0; lot , Collla C. Glr- G. G. Konetaka. 40.55; tot 12. B. M. Xom-d feerd. BU.70; tot 1.1. b. at. iximuara, r'-'; -tot 14, U ijlifcker, 40.TO1 tot la, Mary Kooata. 40.7oftot 14. Mary Koonta.4u.70j tot 14, C 1 J-iecker, 40.TO1 tot 15, MaryaVr tot IT. Marr J. Comatork. 40.70. BUX rTI 41 tot T. U. H. M. Martaall. fO.Tu; aut a, rtimam maeaia toaa. Truatae, K'.T: tot 10. WlUlam Marklo toak, Truatee. 40.70; tot 11. Klele M. Crabb, 40.70; Int 11 WUUam Helming. 40JMJ. BLOCK 46, tot 1. William Hathaway aad . Charlea H. Thompaon. 40. 70: tot 2, WUUam Hathaway and Charlea H. Thompaoa. 40.06; - lot 3, WUUam Hathaway and Charlea H. Thompaon. 40.45; tot 4. William Hathaway aad Charlea U. IVHnpaoa,; tot 6, Will lam Hathaway aad Charlea 11. Thompaon, 40.TO: tot a, Catrlna Hanaea. 40. 70; tot T, Caarlna Hanaaa, 4U.74. BLOCK 40, lot 1. B. U. Carmine, 4 To; tot 2, Maud Bewell. ' ao.TO; lot a, Clara V. Carmlaa, 40.70; lot 4. Clara V. Carmine, 4" 66; lot 6, Kdward G. Be wail, 40.55; lot 4, Bdward U. Bewail. 40.70; lot T. b a K. CaOUaoB. 40.70; tot a, Oohn . K. CtilllaoB, 40.70. BLOCK 4T. lot 1. Maria Btorkutau. 4U.T0; lot 2, Maria Btockman, r70; tot S, Henrietta PoMiletoa, 40.7o; lot W. J. Gramba. 40.55: lot 4. WUUam H. Warren. 4056; tot u. WlUlam H. Warren, , 4ii.7t) ; lot T. Kred 0. Baffom. 40. TO; lot 4, trad 0. Buffam. 4O.T0. BLOCK 4s.- lot 1. Kinma Mariiuam. 40.IO; tot 2. Emma Mar quam, 40.70; tot 4. Joha P. Ooyne, 40.70; lot 4. Alice W. CaawalL. . 40.70; tot 6. C J. Decker, 40.10: lot a, C J. Hacker, 40.70; lot 1. C. Ji Decker, 40.90; tot 4, C. J. Decker, 40.70; lot 4, Thonva A. Clarke, 40.70; lot 10. Valerie Bogera. 0.70; lot 11. Valeria Bogeru, bo.55; tot 12. Valeria Bogera. 40.66; lot 13, Valerie taogera, 40. TO; lot 14. Tbomaa ' A. Clarke, to.TO; let 15, Tbomaa A. Clarke, 4.T0; kit 16. Bra t. Steel, 40. o; lot 17, Walter B. rraatoa. 40.70; lot 18. Ileorr Htereoa, 0.TO; tot 19. Alice W. Caawelt, Si. 70; lot 20, John P. Coyne, 40.70; tot 21, imee Blake, 40.70; lot 22, The Title Guaran tee A Truat Company, 40.70. BLOCK 49, lot 1, , Bra P. 8teeli eO.Tt): lot 2. Era V. Steel, to. 70; tot 3, J. B. Scott. 40 TO; lot 4, J. K. ttrott. 40.TO; tot 5. Hiram W. Hi ley. 40.70; lot , Uu-am W. HI ley, 40.70; lot T. Ella P. Perkinaon. 40.TO; lot 4, Oacar T. Olara. 40.70; lot W. Bra 8. Price. 40.70; lot 10. A. K. Pranci. 40.T0; lot IV Bra P. 8teeL 40.70: lot 12. Bra P. 8teet. -40.70. BLOCK 50. lot 1. William Macklntoahf 40.45; tot 2, William uarlntiaa, au.oo; an a,-r imam Bacainioaa. 40.n: lot 4.- Mary A. Daney, 40.70; kit 5, W Ilium II.- Daney, o.T0; lot 4. D. O. Ted ford. 40.70; tot T. Joaeph 81mo6. Tr eater, 10.70! lot 8. Kartfa 1. KalUng. 40. TO: lot 9. Karl fa J. Palling. 40. TO; lot 10. Patrick Hugbea, 40.70; tot 11, Patrick Hugbea, 40. T"; lot 12, Pultoa Perk Lead Company, 40.T0. BLOCK 61. lot 1. Joaeph Simon, Truatee. 4n.N0; lot 2. Joaeph. HI men. Truatee, 41.06, BLOCK 63, tot 1. I'atiicg ana Mary Hu lo. JO; let 2, Patrlrk and Mary Hugbea, 40.70; kit 4, Katherlna eVbaaermann, $0-70; lot 4, William Loeer, 40.70; lot 4, William Heorr, nuTU: lt a. William Henry. 40.00: tot 7. Jane Byan, 40-TO; tot 4, Henrietta A. Pop- uietoa,Neu.Tu; ut . nennetia av. rnppieton, 80.TO. lot 10. Pulton Park Land Company. $0.70: tot 11, Lou H. t'pdegraff, 40.7O; tot 12. LOO H. rpdegrart, P0-70. BLOCK 44, lot ft. B. at. Lomuard, $0.60; lot 4, B. M. Lombard. $0.70; tot 7, Anna McQuillan, 40.70; . . .. .. , a . mJk ,1 - La aut, $n.T0. BIXH K 64, lot T. B. hi Lombard aad Paltoa Park Land Company, $O.T0: tot 8. B. M. Lombard aad Paltoa Park Land Company, 40.70; lot 9, B. M. Lombard and . . J. b . n. a.. In, ... ruuoa rare lam wii , e".," e, , to, B. M. Lombard and Pulton Park Land Onm- pany, 90.T0; tot 11. b. m. Lmnnara ana i"ui too Park Land Company. 40.70; tot 12.- B. M. Lomlwrd and Poilon Park Land Company, m. 1 4.1 T( inn . Kata 1 To. HIXM K en. Bcnooi uiatnct no. 1, 00. . BLOCK on. mt l, xtrroa r. Cardwell late. Helra of. XO.70: lot Z. Hrroa P. Csrd. well Katate.- Helra af. 40.70; tot 4. Brma P. Cardwell Batate, Helra of. $0.T0; tot 4, Byrne p. carnweii r.aTair, nrira 01, su.iu; mt a. Byron raraweil Karate, iteira or. xo.TO; lot 6. BrroB P. CardweU Eatate. Helra of. - 40. TO: lot 1. Byron IV Cardwell Batata, Helra ' of, 40.T0; lot 4, Byron P. Cardwell Karate. Helra of. $0.70:' lot 9. Byron P. Cardwell ' Batate. Helra of, 40 70; tot lo, Byron P, CardweU Katate. Helra of, 10 TO; .tot 11, " p. rardwell Gatate. tlelra of 10 Til ' lot 12. Brroo P. Cardwell KatatJ. Helra of. rl 70. BLOCK 47. lot I. red 8talyer. 40 To; i. Frrd Btalyer. 40 70: lot 2. H. M. Bnah. ri.TO; lot 4. H. M. Buah. 40. TO: Int 6, Alice remar, 40. TO: let 4. Alice Kremer, $ti.To; lot f. Ana Fllaa Burr. 40.74: tot a. Amelia K. and M. t. Maraa. .T0; lot 4. Price Wank- - II a, 40.TO; lot 10. WlUlam N, rerrla. ftl.TO; lot II. John Twar. 40.70: lot 72. aoaa Twar. 40.T0. j BUICK 47 SI,, lot 1, Pnltoo Park Land t'oaipaay. 4o 66; lot 2. Pol too Park lAad Company, 40.70; tot 2. Faltoa Park Iad ' Compaay, 4 nor lot 4. Pultoa Park Lead . Company. 441 OBJ .nt .6. Pnltoo Park Lend Company. 4..00. BLOCK 6a. tot 1. laTUlae Frteee. 40.7lr: tot 2. lawlae Prleae. $0.7u; 1st 8. M arras kdde ftpauldlag.. 40 TO; tot 4. . Christ Hanaaa, 0.70; tot, 6. John B. Meaalck. an TO: tot A Charlea A. Dneber. 40.7": tot T. Charles A. Doeher. 80.TO: lot 8, Cbarlea A. Doeher. 40.T0-. tot 4, Cbarlea A. Dneber, to To. kit 10. TVa Vow Bolton. 40. TO: tot It, v Horatio B. nolma. 10 TO; tot 11 Horatio R. Holmea, 40.70. BUK K fa). 1st I. Joaeph P. D. aid Padle A. Wrinkle. 40.71: tot 2. Jaaeph F. X. aad Hadl Wrlakle. $0.70;. Int 8, Addia Fxrrla, $0.70; tot V Addis rorrla. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL CITY B0T1CI4. . Cl.TO; lot 6. flylranua C. Arm'tage. 44.70. t 4. Aadrew Holmea, 40. To; tot 7. J. B. t-HU-taey. o.bS; tot a. Water bf ha Holy Name of Jeaua aad Mary, 40. i; kit 4. ltougbarty, 40.70; tot 10, Joaeph Beat 40. TO, . tol 11. Colin C. Ulnrln. 40.T0; kit li, ttMa 4 Glrrlu, 40-7O; lot 13. Sylrauua Arml tage. 4i.70: lot 14. Syirauua "rmltage 40 7o; tot li. ttoutkwaat Purtland Baal , ConuxB), 40.06: tot 16. Northw Count e Inreataient Truat. Ltd., 40 46; tol IT, Nurtk era Cuantlea Inraatmenl Truel. Ltd., f";'" lot Is, Northern Countlr l,lu";i,lVT.; Ltd.' 40. To; tot 10, Jnaeph Beat. 40.10 lut 20, Andrew J. D)gert, Jr. and Sr., 40.JO, k., y u , tlarlaall. Ml. I U 1 mo mm. , . it a., ua. I... i:4 a U' ' HalrU. OO.IW, lot 24. Jain. II. Cb.. 40-To; tot 25, M'urlce N. Coatelto, 40 To; tot 24. 'Irat Nattoual Baak ot Portland Oregon. 4o.To; tot JT. Jraiui M. Warren. 4.To; tot 24, Prank M. ""J": 40. To. BLOCK TO, lot 1. - 'I? Cuok. 40. To; tot 2. Vincent Cook, fojo. tot 4, Vincent Cook. 4O.T0; , lot 4. Vincent Cook, 4-To; lot 6. Perulnaud A. Ut o.W. h-t a, W illiam Barnea. 4 70: lot T. U. H. and Margaret V. Altoa, 40-To; tot . G. W. aud Margaret V. Allen, 40.TO; kt 0. tUrah Mltihrll. 40.T0; tot 10, Maria Walerfurd. 40-To; lot 11, Vltioeut Cook, 40.T0; j"'.. Vincent Cook, 4o.ToT BLOCK Tl, lot 1. Viu- .' L. a.. ... o VIumi Took. 40.70; tot IVInciut Cook. 40.T0; lot 4, VlnceptjLTOS-BLOCK. 44. Mdlrlded took, 4i To; tot 5, Ired Simigeie. a".i", a a a in...u an 7n' tot 1. Bernbard- lue Weatpahl,' 4o.To; kit s, BVriihardiue Weat pahl. 40.70; kit 4. J. B. Voung. 4o.r0; lot paui, - ao. 10; ret e, a. a. , lo. Jane Wall, 40. To; lot 11, VI net ?0.TU; lot 12,rVlncent Ck, 0.JO. 2, lot 1, Vincent Cook, 40.TO; tot 2 Ot Jl. I . ' -. I. 2. Vluceut .'..a an r. . t,.t- 11 . vii-ant C00K. ao.fu; 'tot 4, Vincent Cook. 40T0t lot 6. Vincent Cook, 4. To; tot 4, Vincent Cook, 40.70; tot T, I rank and Mary Harkaey, 40.I0; tot 4, lura Hackuay, 4o.To; tot 4., Vlnceut Cook. ti.7o; tot lo, Vluceut Cook, fo.70; lot 11, Inceat 4Vk. $0.70; tot 14, VtnceBt Cook, 40.70. BLOCK T, lot I, Henry ateln. $1.45; tot 2. Henry Plfckenatela. 41.46; kit 4, Henry Plackenatelia, 41.45; kit 4, ; Heerr ITIAenateln 11. 'Mi tot 6. HeBry Pleckanateln, 41.00: lot 4, Henry Plec-kea- atrla. 4W.P0; - tor T, H'ury Fleckanateiu. 40.40; kit K - Henry ' Plet-kenateln. 40 . BLorK,:T.l Henry 4lerenateln, 4.00. BLOCK 75rWl-keilteli. 4:1.65.. BLOCK - TO, lot 1. Henry Pleckenetetn, 40.3ft; tol a. nenry Plerkenatelu, 40.26; tot 4. Henry Vleekeu atela. 40.15; lot 4, Henry k'lei-kenateln, 4a la. BLOCK 90, tot 1. Pultoa Land Company, 40.40; lot 2, Pultoa Land Company, 40.46. BUICK 91, tot 1. Pultoa Laud Company, 40.9U; tot 2, Pultoa Land Cowimny, fo.lo; L. a a-Mn. ImnA riumMBT. 4U.TO: lot 4. Paltoa Laud Company, 40.70; kit -4, Pulton Land Company. 40.66; kit 1 0. -ultoa Land ' Company, 40.6O; tot T, Paltoa Land Com pany, 40. To; lot 4. Pultoa Lead Company, lo.TO) lotiB, Pultoa Lead Company, 40.T0; tot JO, rnrtoa una iwian, ri, , Pultoa Laud Company, 40.T0; tot 12, Paltoa Land Company, 40.70. v BLOCK 92, lot 1. - Pulton Laud Company, 41.10: lot 2. Pultoa Land Company, 41.00; kit 4, Paltoa Laud Company,; lot 4, raitoa una vompauy, , 40.40; lot 6, Pultoa Lead Compear, 40.44. ' hlll'K OH Henrr Pleckanateln. 45.15. , BLOCK 94. lot 4. T. Couk, 40 56; .kit 4. V. Cook. 40.T5; lot 4. V. Couk, 40.T0; lot 4. V. Cook, 40.T0; tot t, V. Cook 4O.T0; lot a v o..a an an . Rlnrw lav . tot L ' 'V, Cook. 40.4O; tot 2, V. Cook.' 40 lV kit 9.1 V. Cook. 40-50; tot 10. V. cooty-eo.iu; tot. II. V. Cook. 40. 70. BLOCK UC tot -1. t V. Cook, 40-aJI; lot 2. . Cook. 40.T0; tot 4, V. Cook. 40-To; kit 4, V. Cook, 40.T0; lot 6. V. Cook. 40. TO; tot 4, V. Cook, 40T0; tot T, r, uoom,; lot a, r. taia, ao. iv; tot 9, V. Cuok,; mt 10, . lava, au-iui tot 11, V. Cook, 40.T0; tot 12, V. Cook, 40. TO; lot 13. V. Cook, 40. TO; tot 14. . V. cook. 40.70: lot 15. V. Cook. 40.TO: tot 14, V. tiook. 0.To; lot IT. V.- Cook. 4.To; lot 14. V. Cook, 40-To; lot 19," V: Cook. 40.T0; lot 20, V. Cook, 4O-70-. ,tot 21, , V. Couk. 40. TO; lot 22, V, Cook. 40.4a: tot 24. V. Couk, 40.10; tof 24, V, Cook. lCTo; tot 1 25. V. Cook, 40.10; tot' 26V -V. ok, 40.46. . HLOCK tft. tot 1. V. . Couk.: kit & ' V- Cook. 40-To; -dot 8, V.' Cook, 40.T0; tot 4. V. Cook, 40. To: tot 5. V. Cook, 40.T0; ' lot 4. V. Cook. 40.70: lot T. V. Cook. 40.T0; v' tot 10, V. Cook, 40. To; lot 11, V. CJook. 40. To; lot s-ir. uooa, ao.iu; tut w, r. uaia,-; kit 12. mV. VoomC- 40.(45. BLOCK OX. tot 1. , V. Cook. 40.TO; lot. 2. ' T. Cook. 40.T0; lot 8 vv. ' Cook, 40. To; tot 4, v. coon,; - lot e.'.v. Cook, 40. TO; lot a, r,. cone,; Ml.?. Oook. 40.70; tot 4, V. Cook. 40.70; 'lot 9," y. Cook. 40.10; tot 10, V. Cook, 40. To; lot - 11. V. Cook, 40. To; lot 12. V. Cook, 40. TO.' BLOCK 99, lot 1, V. Cook. 40.T0; tot aVV. Couk, 40.70; tot 3, V. Cook, 40.70; tot. 4: V. Cook. 4U.70: lot 6. V. Cook. 40.T0: lot 4, V. Cook, 40.T0; lot , V. Ceok, $o.T0; lot 8, V, cook, - lUMa ivo, tot i, V. ok. 40.45:' lot 2. V. lenok. 40.70: tot S, V. Cook, 4O.70; lot 4. X. Cook, 4O.T0: lot 6, Vj -cook. 40. to;, lot a, v..ixk,; -lot T, V. Oook, 40.70; tot 8. V. Cook, 40-TO; tot B. V. took. 10.7O: lot 10. V. Cook, . 4o,T04nt 11, V. Oook. 40.TO; kit 12, V. voum,.' ri,w.,- o, mv . . vwb,. 41 Jrf f tot 2, V. Cook, 1.15f tottS: V. Cook, ioi BLOCjU)2, lot 1, V, Cook. 40.h6; , lotlS ' vTMJSiS't 40. TO: lot . s. V. Cook. .r-" u. tu; iot t .47 -Vook 4O.T0: lot 5. V, TO;-Jot , V.-; Cook, 41-45 ; tot T, Cook. fu. V. Cook. 4l.Tfcrlo 8, V. Cook. 40.80; lot -k.ttk tot 10, . . ixoa. . 40.00 lot 1L V. took. $1.20; kit 12, V. Couk, $0.75. BLOCK 103, lot 1, V. Cook, $0.60; jot 2,-V. Cook, 60.70; tot 3, V. Cook, 40.T0; tot 4, V. Conk. 40. To; kit 6. V. Cook. 40. To; lot 6, Portland Clay- Company, 4O.T0; lot 7. 1-ortlaod Clay Compaay. 40. To; lot 8, Portland Clay , Campauy, $0.35. BLOCK 104, tot 1, C. J. Decker. 40.70; tot 2, C. -J. Decker. 40. To: lot 4. Edwla J. Johnaon. 41,10: "lot 4, John, Daney, 40.10; tot- 6, rfcarld W. Kberlln,. $0.To; lot 4, Pulton Pnrk land Company. 40 70; tot 7. Pulton t Park Land Company, 40.45; tot 8, Emma Marquam, 40.70; tot , o. tt. jacxaoo, so.iu; tot 10. Pultoa Park Land Company, 40.701 tot 11. W. J. Gramba, lo.TO; tot 12, W. J. Gramba, 40.70; lot 13, Alliance Trust Com pauy, Ltd.. $0.70; lot 14, Alliance Truat Company, Ltd., 40.86; lot 16. Kolhacblld Bros., $0.40; lot 14. Bothachlld Bros., $0.16; tot 17, J. M. Church, 40.10; lot 14, J. M. Church, $0.66; lot 19, j. M. Church, $0.70; tot 20, V. H. Jackaon, 40.7O; lot 21, D. H. Jackson, $0.70; tot 22, Minnie Simon. $0.86; tot 23. Jeeala E. Kirk, eo.Tuf tot 24. Joha Gleblah, $).70; lot 25. Joha Gleblah, $0.70; tot 20. Alloa Mackenale, $0.70; lot 27, Alice Mxckenxla, $0.Tu: tot -28, Alice - Mac kenxle. $O.T0. BLOCK 105, aoath 40 feet of block 105, Byroo P. Cardwell Batate, Helra of, $2.26: our lb 120 feet ot block 106. City A Suburban Ballway Company, $.1.40. BLOCK A., lot 1. Ktta Wllllama, '61.06; lot 2, Etta Wllllama, $0.90; tot 4, tulton Psrk Land Company, $0.45; tot 4. - Etta W'llUama. $0.9u; tot 6, Chrlatlna Pleckea ateln, $0.70; lot 4, Christina Pleckenateln. 40.60. buh r b. mt.i, ixnog rara Lena Company, Company, Company, Company, tot Z. r-ultua Park Land ti.40; tot 4, Pultoa Park . Land ),40; lot 4, Pultoa Park Land Jo.46; lot 5, Pultoa Park Land 0.4b; lot 4, Pultoa Park Land 4u.6o; lot , 7. Pultoa Park Land xo.65; tot 8, Pulton Park Land 40.66: tot 0, Pulton Park Land io.60. BLOCK C. tot 1. Pultoa Company, Company, Company, Company, tVimpany, Park Land Company, 40.40; tot 2, kultoo Park Land ' Compauy,. 40.46: tot 3, Pulton Park Land . Company,; Park Lead Compaay, $0.66; lot 4. Fulton tot 6. Pultoa lot a, . Pulton lot 7. Pultoa lot 8, Pultoa Park Land tumpany, . fu.70; Park Land Company, 10.75; Park Laud Compauy, $0,110;. Park Land Company. 40.05: tot 9, Fulton Park Land company, l.oo. buk r d, lot 1 Pultoa Park Land Company, 42.26; lot 2, Pulton ran uu uupur, fo.70; lot a, Pultoa Park Land ComMnV. 40 70: tot 4. Pultoa Pnrk Land Company. $0.70; - lot 5. Oregon A California BaUroad Company, $0.75. BMMJK B. nortk U of tot 1, Clara Finney. $0.40; north of tot 2. Clara Plnneyi $0.36; aouth H of tot 1, Mary L. White. 4o..t5; south a of lot Mary L. White. $0.36; lot 3, Charlea P. Tlgard. $0.00. BLOCK P, lot 1. Sa:-ah Curley, 40.20: tot 2. Sarah Car ley. $0.46: lot 4. J. B. Scott. $0.65; lot 4, Peter Curley, l. 00; kit 6, Batbcmia Bros., 41.1.1: lot 4. Bothrhild . Brno.. SO.W5: lot 7, hotbcblld Bros.. 40.rJO; lot 8, Bothchild Bros., 40.76; tot 9. Botbeblld Bros., xu.go; kit 10, Botbehlld Brae,. 4"70. BLOCK G, tot 1, ( J. Icker. 80.66: lot 2. C. 3: Docker. T $0. Tir lot 4. CrJ. Decker, 40 80: tor 4, alary D. Gnormly, o.70; tot 0, . L. Tnompaoa, $0.70; kit 4, B. L. Thompaon, $0.4o; tot 7. K. L. Tnompaoa, 40.40; tot 8.- A.. J. Power. . $X45; lot 9. A. J. Powers, 90.4H! lot 10, A. . .. mf. , . 1 a , 1 1 1 a.. . a. rowm, a ' , e,, a. 1 - n. .orj, w- ' , lot 12, P. H. Marler. $0.80. BLOCK II. lot 1. F. A. Walpole, 40.50; tot 2. P. A. Walpnle, $0.70: lot 4. Aaa K Nlxsa. $1.20r' tot 4, Ana ' a. ana n, $1.15; k. 40.46; k, $0.46: K. Nlxoa, 41. 8: tot o. Ana k. niton, weat 45 feet of kit 8, J. B. Cullrk, weat -06 feet of lot 7. J. B. Cullrk aU of tot 6 lying eaat of weat 46 feat. Batk W. Decker. 40.00; all of kit 7 lying eaat ot west 46 feet, Bath W. Decker. 40. To; tot 8. Moses A. Share. 41. in: tot a, Moae A. Rhare. 41.151 tot 10. Aa-nea BnttenmuUer. $1.05: kit 1. Llebetb U.- Cartla, 60.90; tot 12. Patrick and Mary Tlughea. $o.TO; tot l.T. Patrlrk and Marr Ilugbea. $0.90. BLOCK I.f tot I. Anna B. Nlaao, 4U.80 let 2, Anna ft. Nlxoa. 40 TO; tot 8, Anna B. Nlxoa, $0.T0; lot 4. Anna k. nixoo, sh.ib; 101 n. anna k. Mino, 40.40: lot 4. Harriet ' Dunham, 40.T6; IOC I . n amri vannaan, fi.wi; mi e. 0. ai. Iaimbard. 41.25: lot 9. -.Anthony Neppaeh. $1.46.- BUH'K 1. kit 1. Br roe P. Cardwell Kauta, Helra of. $fl.T0: - lot . Rotbchlld Bros.. ht X Bothchild Bros.. 40.70; lot 4. Rotbchlld Bros.. 40 TO; lot 6. Booth lrL.?i.,t0'"2.",',o.BT.'' !? a..,CijM,,!,0jie,r t;o' r.nrtflraaa. 40.70: tot 4. Rotbchlld Broa. $0.96; tot 9.. Bothchild Bros. I 4; lot 10, Rotbchlld Bros.. $1.26: lot 11. BotbrhJld Krfc $1 20: tot 12. BothchilA Broa.. 40.00; lot LX Bothrhild Bros.. 40 .40; tot 14. Bothrhild Broa.. . $0.40; tot 16. Bothrhild Broa., 40.6ft. BLOCK K. lot 1. Bothriilld Una, $1.20: tot 2. Itotb rhlld Bros.. $0.75: let 8, Botbehlld Broa., $ kit 4, Bothrhild Bros.. 41.15: tot 4, Bothchild Broa., $1.16; tot AV Rotbchlld Broa., I.flfi. BUH.K L. Paltoa Park Land Com pany. $4.40. BLOCK M. Faltea Vark Lead Company, $3.25. ., , pn.TOX MjOCK t. tot 1. B. Blnrelmxaa. an TO; lot 2. K. Rlegelmana, 40.80; lot 6, R. Hlevelmana. 4" "JX. tot 4. C. II. 4n R tot 4. C. II. Plaiott. I 4o.6: lot 4. K. Rlegelmana. $0.53: tot 4. I JL iUrftiBtaAa, 40-00, tot 7, ft. aUefolauaa, PORTLAND; TUESDAY CITY V0TICU. 40.6ft: lot 8, K. Klegetmaaa. 40.40. BLOCK 2. - Kobert Pittua Batate, Haira af, 4140. BLOCK 4. all ot block 4 waat of tiara dam mad. Aaroa Walt. 43.40; aU of block 3 aaat of Macadam road, M. Beaton Wllllama. 40.15. jiUM K 4. The King Batate, 4.1.96. BLOCK 4, Tyler Woodward, ' 46.HO. BUICK 7, Alexander Kleael. 45.45. BLOCK 4. tot 1. H. J. K. Klegelmann, 40.T4: andl rldrd of tot 2, M. 11. Macrte. 40.35: na dlelded H at tot 3, M. G. Morrla. 40.44; uaiHrlded of lot 2, W. K. atorrlaV 40. S&; undlrklcd Vi. of tot 3. W. K. Wunrrla. 35; tot 4, Alice Beery Nana, 40.10; tot 4, Alice Berry. Nunn. $'i.T0: aadlrlded Ik of lot 4, M. G, Morrla, u.3S; andlrlded H ' ot lot 7, M. 0. Morrla, $o.H5; uudlrlded W'vt lot 6. W, K. Morrla,, 40.36; undiaidrd H of lot T. W. K. Morrla, 40.46; tot 4. H. J. K. Klegetmaaa, $o.7u: ! , , , v A tract of Uad lying between Una 40 eat aoath of aad narallal with tha aouth Una l-of block 8. Pulton, and the aorth Una. ot ttock r, Pulton Park, acd between a Una 40 feet. eaat ot and parallel with the aaat Una of block 16, Pulton, aad a Ilea ot) feet weaturly from and parallel wltk tha westerly Hue of block 6 and T, Pultoa. ricept that portion at aald tract occupied by tha City A Hubarban Railway Company' right of; way, u. Morrw ana w. K. Morrla. . gxao, . U of lot I, of tot 2, V, of lot 4, iZ ot tot 4, 'H at- lot 5, Va of lot 4. H of tot T. u: ,.r tot 8. M. G. Morris. 40.46; andlrlded M. G. . Morris, 4o.K6; aadlrlded M. G. Morrla, to.AO; undlrlded M. G. Morrla, $0.35; andlrlded M. G. Morrla, 40.36; undlrlded M. U. Merrla. 36; andlrlded M. G. Morrla, M. G. Morrla. W. B.: Morrla W. K., Mwrta, W. B. ) Morrla, 1.36.; undlrded 1.35; aadlrldrd 1.36; andlrlded 1.35; andlrlded I :tft' nndlrtdea 5 ot Jf oftot 4, H af tot o. W. R. Morrla. 1.35: andlrlded of tot 5, W." at. Merrla. 40.35: undlrlded V. of lot 4, li at. 'W. H MorrU. ili :l&l undlrlded U of tot 7. j- W. B... Morrla. 40.34; . andlrlded H of lot M W. II Morrla. 40.36. BLOCK IT- -lot 1. . H. W. Corortt , Bautr. Heir of, 40.70; .lot 2, H. W. Car bett Batata, Helra of, $0.70; tot 3. Aadrew W. Frenra, $0.70; lot 4. Aadrew W. 4'reum, 40.TO; tot A. B. J. Preum. $0.T0: lot 4. H, J. Preum. 40 To: tot 7. H. W. Corbett Baut. Helra of, 4" TO; tot 4. U. W. Corbett Batata, utm 01, BU.7U. , BOUTHEBB PORTLAND, 0BRG0K BTVBK LOT Lot 1. P. H. Blyth, 41.16; lot 2, P. H. Birth. 41.10: tot 4. P. H. Birth. 41.10; lot 4. P. H. Blyth. $1.10; lot 6. P. H.J Blyth, $1.10; lot 4. P. H. Blyth, 4110; lot T.. P. U. Blyth, 41.25: tot 8. P. H. Blyth, ll.lo; tot 9, P. H. Blyth, $1.00 lot 10. P. H. Blyth, $1.05; aorth 23 feet of lot 11, P. H. Blyth. $0.45; teuth 27-feet of tot 11. , H. 0. Broaden, 40.55; lot 12, U, C. Breed. " 11. : tot 14. H. C. Braadea. 41.10: tol 14. H. C. Breedea, $1.10; tot 14, B. C. Breedea. 41.25; kt-16, H. C. Breedea, 1.501' tot 17. - H. U. irewaeTa, 51. tw; lut is, l. u. anrum, $1.70; 14 19. H. C. Breadth. $1.80; tot 20. H. C. Breedea. $LS5; tot 21. H, C. Breedea. 42.00; Inti u- C Breedea. $2.40; andl rlded 2 31Ttot 24, Hanask Maaom $kJ6; uuulTlded fc-S of lot, 24, Haimah Mason, 11-45; andlrlded 8-3 - of lot , 23. Haunab tl !t.- . aeAlaliWri .X of ' tot 20. llauaah Mwaua. 41.65; undlrlded 2-8 of tot 27, Hannah fllaeoo. $1.45; . aadlrlded 2-4 oplot 28, JfTanaak Maaoa. $1.46; andl ' aided 2-4 of lot-20. Hannah Maaoa, 41-26; nodi elded 2-8- of, 'lot UU, Hannah ktai 61.46; . pndlrldett 2-4 of lot 41. Hannah .Haunak Maaoa, 1X65; undlrlded 2-3 of tot 43, Hannah artraoaai.aj; anamoea s-a of lot 34. Hannah Maeo.4( 26; andlrlded . 2-3 of kit 45. Uaauah Maaoa4U6; dlrldrd x-X of tot 34. Hanaaa M XI XV uarflrideal lt.4 of .1st 3: Ilaunah Maaoa. 41.50; andlrfded 2-3 of Ml ot a.a .7 - - .T : e. un. 11-1.1 .an tot a Haanah TMiaoa, : 4Vs5raadlrldeJ4 r tried t-1 of tot 41. Hannah Maaon, $1.25; ' andlrlded 2-4 at lot 42. Hannah Maaoa, 41.16; aadlrlded 2-3 of tot 44, Haanah Maaoa. $1.10; undlrlded 2-3 of lot . 44, Hannah Maaaa, 41.05; undlrlded 2-3 of tot 46, Hannah Maaon-. $1.00; undlrlded 24 Of kit 44, Hannah ' Maaon. 40.95; undlrlded 2-3 ot tot 47. Han nah Maaoa. $0.90; undlrlded 1-4 of. tot 23. I. f. Wat eon. 40.40: undlrlded 1-4 of lot '24, J. P, Wataon. $0.T0; andlrlded- 1-4 of lot 25, J. P." Wataoo. $0.70: undlrlded 1-3 of tot 26, J. P. Wataoo, $0.8o; andlrlded 1-4 af lot 27, J, r.'Wamon, $0.0; andlrlded -1-4 of tot 8. J."P. Wataoo, $0.00; andlrlded 1-1 of tot 24, J.-F. Wataon. 1-3 of lot 30, JJP. Wataoo, i-3 of lot .11, J. eVataoo, 1-8 of lot 32. J. P. Wataoa. . Ir4 of lot, 43, J. P. Wataon, 1-3 of tot 44, -J. P. Wataoo, l-l lot :i&. J. T.. Wataoa. 40: undlrlded 1.66; andlrlded 66: andlrlded 11.40; andlrlded 00- anairitiea 001 uudlrlded 1.40; andlrlded 1-4 of tot 36, J. P. Wataon, 40.OU; andlrlded 1.4 of lot-lr, J. P. Wataoa, 4-80; andlrlded ,1-3 of lot An, J. F. Wataoo, 40.40; undivided 1-4 of lot 30, J. P. Wetaeor 40.00; andlrlded of Lrt ao J. P. Wataon. 40.00: aadlVlded , 1-4 of let 41, J. P. Wataon, fo.eo; undlrlded 1-3 ot tot 42. J. P. wataoa, 1-4 f tot 43, J. P.- Wataoo, ' 1-8 of lot 44, J. P. Wataoo. 46: aadlrldrd I.60; andlrlded .50; andlrlded 45 andlrlded .44: andlrlded ao ot roa aa, a. r. nawm. 1-4, of lot 44. J. F. Wataoa, 1-3 'of tot 47. J. F. Wataoo. 40.oe, BLOCK J, anoirtoea z-a ot roe j,,iama aaaaoo, $0.40; andlrlded 2-3 of lot 2. Haanah Mn- . aoa. $0.3O; hadlrlded 2-4 of lot 8. Hannah Maaon, $0.20; andlrlded 2-3 of tot d. Hannah ' Maaon, 40.10; undlrlded 1-4 of lot l.-J. F. Wataon, $0.15;- aadlrlded 1-8 of lot J. F. Watson, 40.16; andlrlded 1-8 of. Jot 8, J. F. Watson. $0.10: undlrlded 1-4 of lot 4, J. P. Wataoa, $0.10. BLOCK 2. uodl- 1 rlded 2-3 of tot 1, Hannah Maaon. to. 40; undlrlded 1-8 of let 2. Hannah Maaoa, 40.40; - undlrlded 2-3 ot Hut 4, Hannah Maaoa, 4O.40; andlrlded 2-2 of lot 4, Hannah Maaoa, $0-40; undlrlded 2-4 of tot 6. Usaoah Ms eon, in ao: undlrlded 2-8 of lot 6. Hannah Maaon. .40.40; andlrlded 2-2 of lot T, Han-f nab Maaon.; anainaea a-s ai 101 o, Hsonsb Maaou, $0.40; undlrlded 2-4 of lot 9, Hannah Maaoa, 40-66; andlrldrd 2-3 of tot 10, Htnnah Maaon, $0.65; uudlrlded 2-3 of lot 11, Haanah Maaon, $0.30; andlrlded 2-4 of tot 12. Hannah Maaoa, $0.46; andl rlded 2-4 of kit 13. Hannah Maaon, 40.36; andlrlded 2-8 of lot 14, Hannah Maaon. $0.45; andlrlded 2-4 of tot 16, Haanah Ma aoa, $0.20; andlrlded 2-4 ot tot 16. Haa nah Maaon, 40.46; undlrlded 2-4 of lot IT, Haanah Maaon, $0.10; aadlrlded 2-3 of tot 14, Hannah Mason. $0.46; andlrlded 1-8 of tot 1. J.-F. Watson, $0.20; aodlrlauc! 1-4 of kit 2, J. F. Wataoa, $0.20; aadlrlded 1-3 of lot 4, 1. T. Wataoo, $0.20; andlrlded 1-4 of tot 4, 1. F. Wataon, $0.20; undlrlded 1-3 of lot 5, I. V. - Wataoa. 40.20; aadl rlded 1-4 of lot 6, J. F. Wataoa, . $0.20; 'andlrlded 1-8 of tot T. 1. F. Wataoa, $0.20; andlrlded 1-4 of kit 8, i. F. Wataoa, $0.20; andlrldrd 1-8 af tot 9, J. F. Wataoo, to.); undlrlded 1-8 ot lot 10, J. F, Wataon. $0.30; uadlrlded 1-4 of lot 11, J. F. Wataoa, 4010; -andlrlded 1-4 of lot 12. I. F. Wataon, 40-20; ev.i, $0.15; $0.20; $0.10; andlrlded 1-4 ot tot 13. J. F. wataoo, andlrlded 1-4 ot lot 14, J. F. Wataoo, andlrlded 1-2 of lot 15. 1. F. Wataoa. andlTlded 1-4 of lot 14, j. F. Wataoa, 60.20; andlrlded 1-4 of tot IT, J. F. Wataon, fo.lti; undlrlded 1-4 of tot 14. I. F. Wataoo. 40.20, BLOCK 3. aadlrlded 2-4 af tot 1. Hannah , Maaoa, $0.45; undlrlded 2-4 of tot 2, Han ' n.k Maaoa. 40.46: undlrlded 2-4 of lot 4. . Hannah Maaon. 40.46: andlrlded 2-3 of lot 4, Hannah Maaon, 40.46; andlrlded 2-4 of . tot 6., Hannah Maaoa. 40.45; aadlrlded 2-3 I let 6, Haanah Maaon, 40.45; andlrlded 2-8 r . . ... , ll....k Ubmm. UliX- .ullriU 2-2 of .ot 8. Hannah Maaoa. 40.46: undl rlded 2-4 of lot 8, Hannah Maaoa. 40.66; andlrlded 4-8 af lot -10, Hannah Maaou, . ao.66: undlrlded 2-8 of lot 11. Hannah Ma- .ana, 40.45; aadlrlded 2-3 of tot 12, Hannah Maaon, po-eo; anairioea x-s ax rax 13, nan nab Maaon. 40.46: aadlrlded 2-4 of lot 14. . Hannah Maaon. 40.46: undlrlded 2-8 of tot 16 .Ala ana h Mason. $0.46; undlrlded 2-3 of lot 18;-ajmeb Mason, $0.46; undlrlded 2-4 of tot IT, Hannah Magyin. 40.46: andlrlded 2-3 ef lot 14, Haanah Maaoa. 40.46; andl rlded 1-8 ot lot -1, J. F. Wataoa. 40.20; on- dlrldrd 1-8 of tot 2. J. F. Wataoa. 40.21); andlrlded 1-4 of lot 3, 1, P. Wataoa, $0.20; andlrlded 1-4 af kit 4. J. F, 'Wataoa, 40.20; aadlrlded 1-4 of lot a. I. r. wataoo. 60.20: . aaillrlded 1-4 of tot 4, 1. F. Wataoo, SO-.20; uadlrlded 1-4 ar tot 7. J. r. wataoo, andlrlded 1-8 of tot 8. J. F. Wataoa, hndlrtded -14-rrf tot . J - P Wale, aadlrlded 1-4 of tot 10, J. F. Wataoo, undlrlded 1-4 of rot 11. J. F. Wataon, " andlrlded 1-8 ot lot 12, I. F. Wataoa, andlrlded 1-8 of tot 14, J. F. Wataoa, andlrldrd 1-8 af tot 14. J. F. Wataoa. . undlrlded 1-3 of tot 16, J. F. Wataon, aadlrlded 1-4 of lot 14. J. F. Wataon,' .undlrlded 1-3 of tot IT, J. P. Wataoa. ....... . . , ta 1 w in... . anuiriuea a v, e, ,o, . r. " iwk BLOCK 4, aadlrlded 2-8 of lot 1. Hannsb - Maaoa, 40. .16; aadlrlded 2-8 of tot 4. Hannah Maaoa, $0..; andlrlded 2-3 ef tot 6, Hannah Maaon. 40.36; andlrlded 2-8 of lot, T. Hannah Maaon. 40.3fi; andlrlded 2-3 af lot 4. II a aaa h Mason, $0.40: andlrlded 2-8 of lot II, Hannah . Maaaoa, $0.35; undlrlded 2-3 ef tot 14, Hannah Maaon, 40.35; aadlrlded 2-4 ot lot IS, Hannah Maaoa, $0.36: andlrlded 2-3 of tot IT, Hannah Maaoa, 50.35; andinaea l-m of lot 1, J. p. . Wataon. $0.16; aadlrlded 1-8 of lot 8, J. F. Wataoo, $0.16; aadlrlded 1-8 of tot 6. J.-F. Wataaa, 80.16; ondlrlited 14 of tot 7. J. F. - Wataoa, '40.16; andlrlded IS of lot -.;,J. F. i. lo; annirioea l- at mt lie i. r, onnirioea J -a or lot is. J. r. andindrd 1-8 of kit 15, J. F. andlrlded 1-4 of tot 47. I. F. Wataon. 40.16: tot 2. Keal A Personal Batata . a., Ul. I. A U I A. f ... CLupany. 4...60; south 1-4 ot lor 4. Real Peraooal Karat tompanr. au,in; aorta z-r or tot a, li a one a mason. eu.aD; tot lo. xianaaa Maaon. 40.85; tot 12. Hannah Maaoa. 40.70: tot 14, Hannah Maaoa, 4H.TO; lot 14. Hannah Maaon. 40.70: tot 18. Haanah Maaoa. 40 70. BIXM'K 6, aadlrlded 2-4 of lot I, Haaaak 'Maaoa. $0.86; aadlrlded 2-3 af tot 8." Haaaak t Maaoa. $0.36; andlrlded 2-6 of tot B. Hannah Maaoa, $I.H6; aadlrlded 2-4 of lot T. Hannah .Maaoa, $0.H6i andlrlded 2-3 nt lot 9, II a naa k Maaoa. 40.40: andlrlded 2-3 of Int 11. Hannah Maaon. to .Tti; andlrlded 2-8 of tot 14.. Haanah Maano. wn.Xt; andlrldrd I I or tot 15. Hannah Maaew, $0 6; andlrlded 2-3 ef tot 17, Ha aaa h Maaoa. $0.16: andirlrtod 1-4 of tot I. jTp. W ataoa. 40.15; andlrlded 1 4 ot tot 8, J- P. Wataon,; oadiridea l l ar tot B, J. r, WltjoiV$U5; VHUflOU 1-S af tot 7, 1. r, v,'. v- ' : EVENING, FEBRUARY -V X3TTT VOnCSeV Wataaa. $0.15; aadlrlded 1-4 af lot 4, J. P. Wataoa. 40.15. atkturlded 1-4 of km II. i. P '-Wataoa, 40.16; aadlrlded 1-4 of lot 14, J. P;. ' Wataoo, $0.16; undlrlded, 1-4 af lot 15. J. P. Wataoa, $0.15; uudlrlded 1-4 af tot 17. J, P. Wataoa, 40.16; lot 4, Braatlaa Brbuaapachler. $O.IO; lot 4, Eruatlne Scnuanbecbler. 40.T0; auuU V. of kit 4, Joha 8cbraiibe.klr, 4u.4a DurU. of tot 0, Krnaatluai PeppaL $0.34; tot a, llaaaak Maaoa. u.,o; lot 10, Hanuak Maauo, 40.M4; lot 12. Hantvak afaauo, 40.TU; tot 14. Hannah Maaoa, pu. 10; tot lo, Hannah Maaoa. 4-1o; lut Is, Charles W. Hlggloa, 40.70. BIJICK 4, andlrlded 2-4 of tot 1 except Oregua A CaUforala Kallroad Uim pauy a right of way, Hannah Maauo, 40.36; aadlrlded 1-4 ot kit 1 except Oregua A Cali fornia Kallroad Uompauy'a right of -way, Heal Peruuuel Batate Company, $0.1u; lot W. B. Baker. 40.70; andlrlded 2-4 pf lot 4, Haanah Maaou. 40. lu; uadirtded ' 1-3 uf kt V, Jtaal A Peraooal Batata -Oam- . uauy, $0.16; lut Hannah Maaou, .$.7o; lot 5, Martha M. , Crawcll, 40.6O; let 4, - Martha M. Croweli, 40.70; lot 4. Aatella BerreUi. 40.7o; all of lot T except oregja ' A California 'Railroad Oompany'e right of way, Amelia Berruth. 4o.oo; all at lut-9 ' except oregoa 'A CaUforala Kallroad Gonl--pany a right of way, Martha M, Crowall, ' fuM; tot 10, Martha M. Croweli. 40.t6; all of tot 11 except Oregua A CaUfornla BaU road Company's tight of way, Martha M. . CruweU. 40.60; lot 12, Martha M. CruweU, ' 4o.7o; an af lot 13 except Oregon A CallXor. . ala Railroad Compaay'a right of way. Mar tha M, CrowtlL ao.60; tot 14, Mattba M. Croweli. 40.10; lot 16. John V. Ward. 40.60; , lot 16, John P. Ward. 40.70; tot 17, Joha P. Ward, 40 70; lot 14. Joha P, Ward, 40.T0. BLOCK 7, lot 1. KUaabeth Young 40.10; .kit 2. P.llaabath Young, 40. TO; lot 4, Blla abeth Voung. 40.TO; lot 4., KUaabeth Xouug. L70; lot 5, Charity H. Naldermeyar. paly; t 6. Mary 1. A dame, $0,70; tot 1, DalU I M. Bchroeder, 40.70; lot 8, Mary P. Adams, - $0. To: tot It, I. A. Llraaler. au.45: tot 10, Gottfried Metxlar, $O.H6; tot 11. Annlo C Buhmaer. $0.T0; lot 12. Anhla 0. oebmeer, ,$0.7o: lot 14, Joseph Beat. $OJ0; kit 14, Joaeph -Boat, $0.70; tot 15, D. W. Hoelbtug. $0.7o; tot 14, D. W. Uoelblng. $u.7u; tot -17, Moplila Welagerbar, 40. To; tot Is, Buphl ,-VValagerbe. $0.10. BLOCK 8. lot 1, Guy Beauitt. 40.70; tot 8. Guy Bennett, $0.7u; , tot 4, Gay Benaatt, 40.TO: lot 4, Guy Boo nett. $0.70; tot 6, Percy H. Blyth, 40.70; tot Percy H. Biyth. 40.T0; lot 4. larcy H. . Blyth, 40.70; lot 4, Louise H. Smith. 0.7o; tot 4, Luulaa H. Smith, 40.70; tot 10, Har riett B. Klilea, 40.10; lut 11, George H. Vaughn, $0.66; lot 14, Georg H. Vaugbu, , $o.u. BLOCK 9, tot 1, Albert Demko, 4o-lo; lot 3, Albert Demfce, 40. 70; tot 6, Jacob Belaeb, $u.7o; lot 7. Jacob Beleeb, 4u.7oi tot 9, Jacob Kelack, $0.5; lot lo, Jacob Betach, A., .u.. I... .. At. -b . HI, ,11. tltl A t , ew.w, au. e. a,aw . e-.-i - - p-Jtlbert Dtoika, 4.lo; tot 4. c. P. Oakes. 4u-iu; tot a, G. P. oaxea, so.iu; su 01 tut U. lying aaat of west 44 feat uf aald lut, C. P. oakea, $u.S5; all of tot U lying aaat ol waat lex ..feet of aald lut, C. P. Oaken, 40.40; west 24 feet of lut 11, Oregon A CaUforala HaUroad Oampaay, $0.1l west 244 feet of avt,J3. Oregua A Calltorala Hall ruad Company.'. 40. 14. BLOCK 10, lot 1, Perry Ueuehaw, 'iruatee, 4u.7o; lot, 3, Parry 'Heuahajw, Truatee, eu.0; lot 4, Bdward lrugkes aatata. Hairs ut. o.Tij, tot , saiwara Hug&ea Batata, atelra of, 40.T0; tot 9, Kdward HUxaea Batate, lirtra at, 40.B6; tot 11, kalwsrd -Mtigaea Katita. Helra ut. 40.5&i kit 14, Bd ward Hug Dee Baute. Brlrs of, $0.00; lot 2, 'Juet W. Cruckee, , 0.Sa; tot 4. Joel W, 1 Yorker. 40.JU: tot a. Georaa Bullet. 40.70; lot av Oliru Mccarty.; tot lo, OUrs McCarty, 4o-S; all of lot 13 except waat 4 teat, Alex K easel, $0.46: at lot 14 sxeeDl weat A3 leer. Alex ateeeei,; L, tot 42 feat of tot 13, Karl . sUuaaufiatm. iao.du: west 42 feet, ol tot 14. Karl Baa aenbach. au.xu. block 11. lot 1, Mary v. xturt. ' so.30: tot a. tianrae a. ana 11. 1 BtepBuuauu, afc7o; tot 4, A, W. BekUug, 40.10; tot I, a0B7BiaAgiaa1a OWV. rjaaT a SV eV-S rr a ova s aaaaaaa( wevawf tot 13, Hoary A.' Beldlng. . au.av; tot la. lualle C -aty, $0.46; lut la, Bmlle C Feu.; lot 2. Brnaat P. Doath. fo.70;' lot 4, B-rBrat P. Ooach, tot. 4, H A., and A. W. Balding. 40.70; lot 4, H. A. oadVA. W. BekUag, ao.lo; weat 24 feet of tot lo. oragoa A CaUturnla kullread Company, $0.34; eaat 44 feet yf kit 10. Bra J. Parker, '40.40; lot 12, Bra J. Parker, 40.7us lot 14, V. D. BekUug, 40.74. BLOCK 12. let 1, JoaeV . KkUy, fu.10; iut J, turux m. iKuwuun, $0.To; tot 4, A- C. bmlre. 40.70: tot I. A. C. Lotamlro, 40.TU; tot w. u. A. aad Aw. BebUng, ojk;'lot 11, Mar Uwn Inch, ao.o; lot 13. Mary P. Pinch.. 40.7o; tot 15, Mary P. Pinch, 40. TUT-lot IT, Kudulph Backer, $o.T5; tot in. Budolph Becker, 4u.7; tot 2, W. C McMllUn, 4o.70; lut 4. W. C. Mc Mtflaav 40-TOt- lot' , W. C. Mc kill lan. $0.10; .lot a. W. C. McMillan, $0.7o; lot 10, AUcU :J. Kale, 40.86; lot 12. Kuxa Jarsd, 4o.Iu; -kit 14. Bllxs -Jared. 40.70; lut 14. alary P. I inch, 4o-1- BLOCK 13, aadlrlded k ot of tot 1. Helen ATjooee, 40.46; lot 4. Jamea - Hamuhrer. ao.Tur tut 6. Jamea Humpora. v4u.Tvrlut 7, Jaaaea Huarphray. 40.10; tot 9. :-Kobert JaaroauB, 40JI6: .lot 11. , Donga Km- gelata u-u; ut id., awngs augemiaa, 1 xu.7o:lot 15. W. H. Ward. 8u.: lot lo. W. ' B.- Ward, $0.90; lot 2, Besl A Personal Betst . upsny. eo-iu; tot,, steer, ex s-ereeoei tate Uomuans. 40.10: 'lot a. W.' H. Gal 4O.70; tol s W . H, Uaaaaa. 40.7o; tot 10, ' W. WelnhpffT'$0.85; lot 12, Albart L, Albert- . BOO, ei.iw,- mu raia wmwww, e"iW lot 17, Michael Bo I lut, 4O.40; lut 14, Michael Builut, SO.OU.' XLUtx la, mt i, rrea o. Miller, $0.70; let 4. Blehard Baling, $0.7o; lot u. Juaeph DeMartlBl. 4O.10; tot I. WlUlam . V. BorreU, Trustee, o.'0; west 24 feet of lot 9, Oregon A caufornm Kauroaa company, 40.35: aaat 44 feet of tot 9. W. 49. Wataoo. ' 60.4b; tot 11. Sophia Walagarber, $0.70; tot 1A, aopbio Walagerber, aH lu. baaarae ' Zlttmarer. 40.70: tot 17. Jxmea L. CarswelL : $0.70; lot 14, James L. Carswell. go.70; tot 2, Anna B. Koeo. po-70: tot 4, Anna m. Keen, .$o.T0: lot 4,. Aaaa it. Kress, 40.70; lot K. Anna K. Keen. 4O.70: lot lo. Anna K. Keeoe, $0.8$; krt 12, Anno B. Kseae, 40.70; , tot 14, Anna K. Keene, -40.70; tot 16, Anaa K. KeeB. 60.70: tot 19. Darld M. Watklnda. 80.75; tot 2U, Fred Spogale. $0.76. BLOCK ; 15. kit 1, Jamea L, CarawalL $O.T0; lut 2, Jamea U Carawall. o.7u; lot k, Jamea u - CarawalL -80.70: tot 4. Jamea L. CarewelL rAlU, mn V, ,- m, wawui,, e. Jamea L. CarawtU. $0.70; tot 7, LUllaa Carawall. 40.70; tot 4, Jamea L. Carawall, ' $0.70; tot Jamea L. CarawalL $0.45; lot 10, Jamea Ak taraweii,; aut li. aamej L. CarawelL 80.70: lot 12. Jamas L. CareweU, 4.7o: tot 13, LllUaa Carawell.i4tl.70; aorth . of lot 14, Kate C array. 4" 3S: aoath H of hit , 14, Kiiea Mcnoity, oouta ft 01 lot 14, JCllen Mjcnlty, 40.W; lot 10, Hannah Ma aon. 60.7U1 tot 17. Bodolpk Becker. 10. uo: tot 18, Budolph Becker. 4u-90; Kt 19, Kata Carray, 6,w; sot au. siuea Mcnuity, so. wo. BLOCK Itf. tot 1, Joseph and Br-Weber. 40. To; kt X Joaeph and B. Weber. 40.70; tot -4. ' Joseph and K. Weber. $0.To; lot 4, Joseph snd B. Weber, $0.70; lot 4, Joseph snd K. Weber, , 40.TO. tot 4. Joseph and B. Weber, $0.70; tot 7, Joseph sod K. Weber, $0.70: lot 8, Joseph snd a weoer, su. fu; an a, 4oaepn ana m. Weber, 60.8ft; tot 10, josepa asa m. Weber, 4U.8.-,: kit 11. Joaeph and K. Weber. 40. TO lot 13. Joseph and B. Weber, $0.T0 tot 15, - Joseph and B. Weber, $0. TO; lot 12. Mlchaal : Tasxler. 40.70: lot 14. Mlchaal Tsaaler. 6O.70: lot 16, Anna Stock. 40.46; lot IT. PSiltoa , United Arties ae' Bulldlag AaaocUOon, 41.00; - tot 18, Brneat Houae, $1.05; tot 19, Anna Stork. $; lot 20. Joaeph Weber, 4u.aU J1LOCK IT, lot 1, C. K McLood. $0.70; tot 2. . C. N. Mieod. I0.T0; tot 4, C. N. McLeod, 40.T0: lot 4, C. N. McLeod, $0.70:, lot i. C. ft. McLeod. $0.70: tot 4. C. N.' McLaod, ao. 70; i'K 1. n n. mcuanrj, ou.iu; wt a, c H. McLeod. 4d.70: tot 9. Ptora B. Crlt t tendea, $0.86; 46t-10, Flora B. Crltteadea. ao.NVi lot 12. C. N. McLeed, 40 To; tot 14. C. N. McLeod. $0.T0;-lot 14. C. N. McLaod, lo.TO; kit IN. C. ft. McLaod, $0.TO; lot 11. Hannah Maaoa, 40-TO; lot 13. Hannah reason, 1O.70; tot Is, Hannah. Maaon. 8o.r0t .lot IT, Hannah Maaoa. 407o; tot 19, M. 'afeWulty. i ; . lot 21, M. Btcnuiiy,,; 20. Kllaa ' and Joha A, Keller, O.861 lot SO, Kllxa and Joha 1 A. Keller, Kllaa and John A. Keller, .70; tot . 24. .TO; lot XL 'Alpnoaa Lenoir, 40. 70; tot 26, Alpbenee La- ' nolr. ' 40,70; lot an, Aipoooo xBoir. so. 70; tot 27. Hannah Maaoa. $0.7v; lot 24. Haanah .Maaon. go. 70. buha jh, an j.- tiara n, McLeod, $0.70: tot 8, ' Clara BY McLaod, ' $o.To; tot 6.' Tti Hlbernlaa Baring Bank, ' 40. To: lot 7, The Hibernian Barings Baak, i, 7(i: tot 9. Lodwlg Wllhelm. 40.85: let 11. Lodwlg Wllhelm,, 40. TO: - lot 13. Sotoawa Kelaa, 80-T0; tot 16, Hotoraoo Belaa, 4VT0; tot 17. Marr I. Hedges. 40. TO: kt 19. Marr 1. Ueda-ea, 4084) kit 21, Hannah Maaoa, 40.70; lot 23, Hannah Mason. 40 To: lot 26, Hannah Masou. po.To; lot in. Mannas Maaoa, ao.70; lot 2, Mariano Vandeleur, 40.T0; tot 4. Mar ' mmm-m Vandelemr. 10.70: tot 4. Clara tt. MrLeod. -40 TO; tot 4. William and Anna .Brat, $0.T0it 10. W. F. Burrell, Tros. -tee. $0.80; lot 11, w. !.-Barren. Trastee, $0. TO: lot 14. B. H. Bobbin, $0.70; tot Ir). . . BOne . eiawnir, vF.v, "'. - ...ui. LB. Johoatnn. $0.70; kt 20. Nnttherw Cooatlea r .MtaaM Treat. Ltd.. 40.R6V. tot 42. I art .0. Andersoa, 40 70; tot 24, W. A. aad Llllle , C. Vlggers. $0.T; kt 27. W. . and Llllls " C Vlagers, 40.T0 tot 28. W. A.' Bad LUIIf f vi..V Si TO RT-ltlK 16. tot 1. W. r ' Bnrrell. Tnratre, $0. TO: lof 2. W. F. Burrell, Trnatee. 80.T0: tot 8..W. F. Bnrrell, Treat re. . HKIVj - r. J 1. ... ,v, let 6. Clara It. Mclatwd. 80.TO; tot 4. William FrtedUoder. 40.TO; Vat 7. WUUam Frled ' lander. 4O.70; tot 8. William Prledlander. ga.70: kt 4. Wllllaur Prledlander, $0.46; kt . 10. William Prledlander. 10 H6; tot II. I'nlted Ptates National Bank. 40 TO; tot 11 United Ste tee National Bank. 40 TO 1 tot IX 1 nlted States N'atloaal Bank, 40 TO: lot 14. I'nlted Btatea Bttlooal Bank, 40 To; tot 14, raited State national Bank, $0 70: tot 14. raited States Nattoml Bank. $070: tot 17. H. M. ' and W. M. Cake, 4o.7: lot 18. H. U. aad W. ' M. Cake. $0 70: tot 10, Artkur W. Orabam -40.86; tot 20, Hannah Maaoa. $0.5: tot 22 Hannah afwaoe. 40 70: tot 21. Ererett C Smith, $0.7o: lot 23. Johanna Irrlng, 40.TO; tot 24, IJaai aod Cora N. Beldlng, 40.70; , tot 24, I.last aad Cnr N. Beldlng. 40.TO; lot 24, liaale sad Cora N. Beldlng, 4n.T0; .tot tl. A. W. snd H. A. Beldlng. 4" TO: tot 2. A. W. and ft. A. Beldlng. 40. To. BIH-K 20. kt 1. W. F. Born-ll. Trrntee. 'M. TO: tot 2. W. F. Bnrrell. Tmatee, 40.T4; W V W. Ft.etorIL.Iraata, $0.10; lot 4, - i . ' ', ' . .". ".. - '.-.: '. v v'; ,; r : ,-.-.4-: xr; .11 ...II. Ill I, M II I I,' . Illl ! , I , Ji ' . .. ' I) ic:i CXYY V0T1CKS. W. JP.' Burrell, 'Trust e. $o.T0; kt 4, W. F. Barrel L Truate. 40.101 tot 4. W. F. Barrall, Truatee, $0.T0; lot 7, W. F. BorreU. Troata 4O-T0; lot 8, AUe F. JieCartby, ao.iu; mn .. W. F. BuireU, Troales..- 40.4V, Ah'. Alice P. McCarthy. ou.bO: tot 12, Allot . , McCarthr, $o.TO; Jot 11. Edward W. aad neiea av uaaaatx, -au.iu; tot -N V rara ax. waaaeit, -au.,v m ' -' taaett. $4.10; tot 14. Jeaate B. 4.' Fleck. 1; kt 15. Jtwals B. 'a. M4ci . tJi t Is. Jessie B. S. PWck, 44.70; lot IT. oaaae 4. 44 UI m. 2Vx m,m TITV 1U H H. arrjosoasaxr pa. tu m mHTUt 4VI yt - - k lm-k. $0.7o; Wt 19. Jessie K. B. Pletk. $0.44; tot HD,. Jsasi K. 4, Fleck. 40.86; art 21. James 8. - Jusnalone. 40.70: kt 24 James - Jusnalone, $0.10; kt 23. Jsmes ne,; kt 25. Marie K. Hoxale, J4, Maruj.B. Uoxxla, 40. TO,- tot 22, A Co.. Troata. - 40. TO; kt 24. . rfoonatone, Beaaliarer A Ce Truatee, -40.71a; tut xi, iww sluger A IV. Trustee. $0.70: kit . Bessluger A Cu. Trate, ao.TO.- BLOCK 21, kt 1, 1. U. Tboo on, ' Jt lot 4, J M. TtKimpssn, ,40.70;' lot i, "Iattoa D. y i f ".;au, su.iu; tut i, 0; 9, Deu D. Neer, i A. ' 'knslua. and Jaaml J. A. Juhuatpa and to , I. blharnla baringa kaicarala Sarlnga Bank, a riuga Bauk, 40.46: as- .ii, 40.TO; lot 2.1. , ku.iu; tot 20, Nelll , XT, Ckarla P. Llttl. , fo.e jut . Ol 4 ' Jsuir V. 1 Bauk, 4o. 4K70kt Borftar) c M.. Ward, t a-t,,w, aoa a, ; riara, r"ft ,ao ' uu Bkxsj. $. I k t h henti BWg, kt S, at, V. aud H. Petutng, 40.7O: k ; Psnni 1. ' tfaros-. $4.du: tol 12, Net! aw.iu: im , riaeg, 4l.7Vj aux , tier- g, u.i"i ; kt10, fw: tot 1A Nettle G, Graitoa.' 10 To: tol la. Mettle O. Gradoo. ,$o.To; tot 16, Boxaana Courtney, $0.To; tot 18. WlUlam p Courtney,' 40. To; hit 20, Jena to BuUlraa, 4oik; lot 84. U. L. Tstam and J. J. BoWen? $o.70; lot 24, Seymour C. Friendly. 40.T0; kit 24. W: P. Burrell, Trus tee. $0.70; tot 28, Bessl Cluunar, 4U.7U. BLOCK 22, tot 1, AlUanc Truat Compaay, Ltd.. $0.Tv; kt tt. O. aad Loula Lacfamelr, 40.70; kt 6, Albert Krumref, 40. To; lot T, JsanU Bower, $u,70: w lot 9, Jennlo Bower. 44.86: kt 11. Fred B. MUler. ' 40.70; kt 13. kred 8, Miller. $0.70; kt 15, wtiiamett ITloe Be, o, improrea oraer or Bed Mao, $0r70; . kt 17. WllUmeUa Tribe No. u, Iinprored Order of Bed Men, $0.7t . kt 19. Kittle K. Kmisuns. $0.&; kt 21'. Alary BA li tX., t. l a. .xai n.a u Ir $0.7o; kt 2fif Mary B. Hoxale, $0.70; t 27 aTH- IWAnrf, M. IU MJ aW, WoM9J Kar 4-W""1! Xaixxaa oenum,; xux- z, ueorga tatca- rler. 40.701 lot 4, George Lscbmeler, 40.10; lut 4, Sarah K. Brarsou, 40.70; kt 8. Sarak K. Kveraou, $0.70; lot 10. H. K. Lung, 60.46; lot 12. It. R Lone IrkTOa hat 14. H. ml. Loo. 40.70; tot 14, McKlnley 'drtchelL 40.70: tot is, .wcrtiniey axitcneii, au.iu: xot so, rt. v. Be Ming, 4W.M5; kt 22, A. aud A. W. Beldlng. to. rli;. kit 24. Llaxle Beldtng.i 40-70, kt 24. larr E. Hoxala. 1O.T0: tot Jo. 'Liasle Beldlug. so. To. BLOCK 23. tot 1. Mary B. Taylor. 60.1O; lot a. Maud- W. WPolfoll, u.7u; xut ' o, ' taxria uoooseu. fu.iu; -jox 1 , vtera Crane, $0.To; tot 9, Mary K. Hoxale, 40.86; kt li. Calrary Preabyterlaa Chorea, 40. To; kt 13. tslrary Preabrtrrtao Church, BU.T0; lot 15, Busaaoah Bimmermao, $0.r; lot 17, ; Susanna Zlmaxermaa, $0.7o; kt 19, . Susanna - Blmmermas. $0.45; lot 21. Sasaaas Simmer aian. $w.70; kt 24, Buaaaos Elmoiarmaa. 4o.70: kt 24. Suae ana aUm merman, 40.70; lot 24, ' Suaaaoa Klmmerman. $0.70: kt 2, ' G. It. and Dens Bonier, $0.70; kt 4. G. M. and Deoa Bohlar, 40.TO; kt 6, Brsno B, ' Guutker. 86.70: lot a. Joaenh Fluke. 40.T0; .' kt 10. Ida Lowaaaon, $0.46; kt 12. George Wright Post No. 1. G. A. K., 40. To; kt 14. ' Joan Msttateeea,; lot j a, none sj. Laurence, 4"' 70; tot 18. A. W. Job, 40.70; tot 20, Maggie W. Llttl, $0.46; kt-22, . Maggl K. June And Mary A, Coohr, $0.Tu; - kt 24. Michael Mooler, $0.70; kt 2T, Wirnel ; mlna -Vabl, $0.?0; kt 28, Chliatlas Johnson. 40. TO. BLOCK' 24, kt 1, Hannah Maaoa. lot 2. Hannah Maaoa. 40.70: ' lot' 3. llannah Maaoa, 40.40; kt 4, Hanaah Maaoav so. 70: ant 0.- tlannas maaoa. oi fu: rex u, ' Haaaah Mssoa. 40.70; kt 7. Hannah Maaon, -$u-6ij; tot b. Hasnah Maaon, 40.70; kt 9, Hannah Maaoa, 40.4U; tot lu,- Hanna Maaon, 40041 kt 11. Hannah Maaoa. 40.66:. kt IX Haanah Maaoa, 40. To; kt 13, Hannah Maaon, ' so. 00; lot it, sisaaaa maaaa, san: at Haaaah Maaoa, 40.40: kt 10. Haaaah- Maaon. 40. 70 1 .;tot IT, . Haanah . Maaoay 40.00; -tot' 18. Haanah - Mann. 80.70: . lot 19. : Hannah Maaon, $0.8$: lot 20, Hanaak Maaon. $o.e; kt 21, Hannah . VI aaout 80. lot kt 22,. . Hannah Maaoa. 40 70; lot 83. Hannah Mason. 40.70: kt 24..Hasoah Maaoa. 40.70: kt 23. ' Hannah Maaoa. $0.70; kt 24, Haanah Maaoa, -40. TO; Jot 37. , Haaaah, Maaoa, 40.70; . lot '2; ' V Hannah Masou. $0.T0. BLOCfv 26 kt 1, Msrgsret Machsy, 44.45: kt 2, , , . u..... . ar ao. L - a . u.a.ui Mackay, $5.65; kt 4. Margaret Mavkar, IT. 40. BUH K 26, aabdlrlaloa 1 of tot X laggl' Marphy, 40.70: aubdlrlaloa 2 ot tot ' A, Maggie Murphy, 40.T0; aubdlrlaloa 8. of lot A, Delia K, Dale. $0T. aubdlrlaloa 4 of lot A., x. xi. aaa a. n. msxweit, su.iu, ' aobdlrlaloa of tot A. Margaret White, 40.TO; . aubdlrktoa of tot A.. Margaret White, ' ao.lo : aobdlrUloa t of lot A. Marearet White. $O.T0; aabdlrlaloa 8 of lot A, Jroal Carrie. '-. 84.70; aaodtstsloa of tot A, Jsnak Currle, SO.86: oasdlrtalon 14 of tot A, Jennie Tarrle. -; sooamaioa 11 wast A. Jennie iwe, ll.TO: aubdlrlaloa 12 of kt A. Guader J. , Msmmlaa. 10. Tut -ssbdlrlsioa IS sf lot - A Margaret Wklte. $0.70; aahdlTtatoa 14 f kt ' A. 1 area ret Wblto, 40.TO; aubdlrlaloa lpVaf kt A, .C. Hanaea, 4O.T0; auudlrntloa lit of v kt A TtUle F. CorneUus, $o.T0; subdrrhrloa 17 of tot A. Tllll P.- forsellor, $0.70; aub dlrlaloa -18 of kt A, M. J. Porter, ' nbdlrhrtoa 1 ef lot B, Wesley Mllbrr, aubdlrlalon 2 of tot B, Wealey Miller. aubdlrlaloa 2 of kt B, Julia Marquam, ..... . m U . I .. 1 1 . u, amiina w w . o ... .aiw awuaiw, ' J , ubdlrarton 4 of tot B, Gander J. Bamming, $0.70; aabdlrlaloa 4 of kt B, Mary K. Adama, 10. To; snbdlrtaloav 7 of lot B, W. F. Burrell, Traatee. 40.70: aubdlrlaloa 4 of tot B. W. P. Burrell, trustee, $0.70; aabdlrlaloa 9 of kt B. W. F. Barren, Truatee. $o.H6;. aabdlrtalnn - 10 of kt B. W. F. Burrell, Traetee, $0.80; aabdlrlaloa 11 of tot B, W. P. Burrell, Trae tee. 40. TO: aabdlrlaleo 12 of lot B. W. F. Burrell, Truatee. $0.70; sahdlrialoa '12 of kt B, Mary B. Adama. $0.70; sobdlriatoa 14 of kt B, Mary K. Adama. $0.70; subdlrls km 15 .of kt B. Marr B. Adama. $0.70; aub dlrlalon loot lot at, jamea w. Brandt. O-T0; ' aubdlrlaioa 17 ot kt B. Gander J. Bumming, so.701 aaiMmswa in or lot , w. jr. Hurreii. . Trnstee. $0.70. BLOCK 27, lot 1. Ellen H. BrhoUbura Batate. Heirs of.- $7.40; tot 3. Ellen H. faroollooea Katate, Heles of, $7.40; aubdlrlaloa 1 ef tot A, C. M. Kussell, Trnstee, 44. TO: aubdlrlalon 2 of kt A. C. M. liosselL Trustee, $O.T0; aubdlrtaloa 4 of lot A. C. M. BosseU, Trnatee, $0.70: suMtrtaloa 4 of kt A, C, Mi BusseU, Traate. 40.74; aubdlrlaloa 6 of tot A. C M. Jtuaaoll, Trustee,' 40. To; sub-, dlrletna 4 of lot A, C. M. -Boaaell, Trnstea, 40. TO; auhdlrlatoa 7 of tot A, Moy Bark Hla, r 4T0: snbdlrlalon 8 of tot A,' W. F. Burrell, , Trwaeee. 40.70; aabdlrlaloa 9 of kt A. Moy Bsck Htn, $0.70: snbdlrisloa 10 of lot A. W. . F. Burrell, Truatee, 40.7O; subdlriatoa 1 of kt B, M. -t. Duffy, $0.To; auhdlrtalon . 2 of kt B, Hoof Chea How, $0.70; sobdirlalao 8 of kt B, W. H. McKldowney and J. T. -Leonard. $0.70; aubdlrlaloa 4 of tot B. W. F, Barren, Truatee, $0.70; eabdlwteka $ ot tot B, W. H. McBMoWBey aad J. T. Leonard. lo.TO: aubdlrlaloa 6 of kt B, C. M. BosseU, . 40.TO; aabdlrlaloa T of tot B, W. MV Law, $0.70; ssbdlristoa 8 of kt B, Moy Bsck Hla. $0.70; aubdlrtaloa 9 of tot B, W. M. Law, . $0.40; sabdlrUloo 16 of lot B, atop Back . Htai. $o.40. BLOCK 28, kH 1. Janata and 1 3. M. rl-br, $7.40: kt 4. Jamea S. Pol hem na. 87.40; .sahdlrialna t of kt 2, William sod Koalas Gelger.. $0.40; aubdlrUloa 3 ot tot 2. WUUam and Knalna Gelger, $0.40; aabdl rtslea 4 of tot 2, WUIIam aud Boalna Oelger. ,40.00. nMlruTtoti 4 of kt 2, William snd Boalnl Gelger. 40.60; aubdlrlalon 6 of lot 2, William' and Roalna Gelger, $w.6u; aubdlrlaloa ' 6 bf toCX, Wlliam aod Koalna Gelger,; tAibdlrlsloa 7 of tot 2, William and Roalna Gelger, 40.60: aubdlrlalon 4 of lot 2. B'lllUm and Boena Gelger, $0.60; sobdirlsloa 9 uf : tot 2. William and . Boalna Gelger.. 40 60; anbdlrlalon. 10 of kit 2. WUUam and1 Boalna Gelger, $0.40; anbdlrlalon 1 of kt 4, Mra. M. I. W earner;; aubdlrlalon 2 of lot 4, . Mra. M. J.- Weamer, $Vi.4o; enbdlrtatoa 4 of kt 4, Mr. M. J. Weamer. $0.56: aubdlrlaloa . 4 of lot 4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer, $0.70; subdl- ,, rislo 6 of kt 4, MnaU. J. Weamer, $0.70; aubdlrtaloa 4 of tot 4, Mrs. M. J? Wesmer. $0.70; aubdlrlakn T of tot 4, Mr. M. J. V. earner. . $i.0r anbdlrlalon 8 of kt 4. Mra. M. J. Weamer. $0.90; anbdlrlalon 9 of lot 4, Mra M. J. Weamer, $0.70. BLOCK 29. tot , Margaret H. Deubolm. $1.06; kt 1 Mar caret tl. Denholm. $1.19; kt 4, Margaret H.-Danpalm. 410: lot 4. Margaret II. Den holm. $1.10: kt 5. Msrgsret H. Denholm. Jr. 10; kt 4. Msrgsret H. Denholm. $1.10; tot , Margaret H. Denholm, $1.06; kt 8.' Mar- Kret H. Denholm. $l.i; kt 4, Margaret H. nbotm. $1.00; kt 10. Margaret II. Den . holm, 40 05. BLOCK 80, Subdl rlalea 1 ot tot A, Emily K ad Jamea tarraa, 40 wo; aubdlrlaloa' 2 of kt A, Frederlch Egaret. $0.96; subdlrtikn t f lot A Frederick ' Kgacrt, $0.06; ruhdlrfaloa 4 of kt A, Fred erick Ergert, tob44v.aahdlr1aloa 6 nt kt A. Frederick Efgert, HSO; aaltdlrnrton 4 of kt A, W. T. Barrell, Truatee, lo.7: aub dlrUloa 7 of kt A, Jenkloa A St arena, 40.75; asMlrleton 1 of kt B. W. V. Bnrrell. Trnstee. 40.90; aahdlrraloa 2 ot tot B, W. . F. Bomll. Truatee. $0 66V A tract of land betweea roa.anafh Una of Veratont atiett aad ' the , aorth line of aubdlrlalon T of lot 'A ef block . 80.' Boa them Partlood, aad between lit aaal Ita of Pennerleanl alieat and the westerly line of the Oregon and California . Railroad . Oorapaay'a rbrht of way, Martha M. Croweli $1.86. : A tro.-t f ktad selaesa the anath Ibx ot Ver mont ' street aad tha north Una ' of aaodlrkloa 2 of ' lot B. htoek 80. Soothers Portland, and Vlween tha west Ho of CerrnertlcBt treat and to eaaterly line "of the Oregon aad California Railroad Caov paay'a right ef way, C F. Crowall Batata. Hrtra of. 40.60. fOl TIlER-t POBTLA!TD. OBEBOT4 BIC 41. tot 1. fVitomsn Relss. $0.46) tot 2, Snlo. moa Reiaa. 0.4&: tot 4, Soinoann Beta. 40.45; ' tot 4., Sntomon Reiaa. $n.T0: tot 4. SoUsnoa Relaa.. lo.TO; tot 4. rtoloraoo Reiaa. $0.43; tot 7, It.tosi in Reiaa. $0.65; tot 8, fMloaran Relaa, oh.nM, tot 9.- Selorooo, Relaa, 40.00; tot 10, 1 pnaanna nnaj.'. aa.vt au , ,,, ir'nuu,., nrm V an tali let 19 Biaaana Belaa. lO.Stl! bit IX. ' SeWMson Beta, So ao; kt 14. eVilotnna Relaa, I 5W kt 14. Solomon Belaa. $0.r); kt In, Satemnn Relaa, 40 TO. BIXlTK 82. let 1. Hannah Maaon. $VT6: kf 2. Haanah Maaon. . 86 an. BIW'K a.l. aabdlrieleei . I of tot I. . James 4. Reed $o.T: eebdrrletea 2 of kt U Jarnaa B. Baed, $0.70, aohdlrWaa) t at . ... 'i ' . " . city mmup-v- ' Y t , , in ,,-i.r I te.w.a1v,'l . ' " , kt 1. James B.' Bed.-'$0.70; subdlrtaloa 4 , v ot kt 1, Jamea . Bred, $0.70; ubdi" ' 6 of Jot 1, Jamea B. Ku.l:.. 'aubdlrlakn 4 of kt 1, Auoa . f"l ,; .uiKtlrtaioa 7 of kt 1. list a. J)" - man, $0.T; aubdlrlaloa 8 of tot 1, J-." i , ' I'tlkluftua ssd A. W. Wright, 6O.T0 subdl. . elsiou 9 of kt 1. i. h. Burt, $0. TO: subdl- , rtaloo 10. ot kit 1, . K. Burt, $O.T0; aulii- dlrlaloa ll of lot 1, Anna Olson. . $0.75: aabdlrlaloa 12 uf k 1, J. B. Ptlklngtun and , A.' W. Wright, $o.T8; aabdirlaku 13 of Jut ' 1. J. B. itlelogtoa aad A. W. Wright. 60.T5; aubdlrlaloa 14 sf lot 1, Joha T. Couk, . ' io.TS: aubdlrlaloa 16 ef kt 1. Juha T. Cook. v. lo.Tir aubdlriatoa 1 of tot 2. CUavM.-krlel -.aad BdwU B. McCllncy, 40.T6; aubdlrlakra - ' 8 of tot 2. OsUa M. iVlar aad Kdwia S. -; Motilnry,' $0.80; aubdlrlaioa I of tot 2. Cello , M. Frier , snd Edwin B. McCllncr. $0,401 . snkdlrlsloa 4 'of kit 2, CelU M. Frier aud .Kdwia H. McCllncy, 40.40! aubdlrlakn 6 of lot St, Cella M.' Frier and Kdwia a. Mo- . CUnry, $o.0; aubdlrlakn 4 ef tot 2. Cell M. Prlaa and Edwin S. McCUncy, 40.T0: aub-" , dlrlaluu 7 uf lot 2, Qalla M. I rler aud Kdwia ' B. McCUncy, 40.70; aubdlrUkn 6 at tot .2, Cella M. Frier aod Edwla S. MCC'llucy, $0.To: ' subdlrtaloa 9 ot kt 2, Cella M. Frier aud -Edwla 8. McCUncy, $0.7u; subdlrls Ion 10 ot- , kt 8. Cells M. Frier aod Edwin S. McCUncy, $0.40: aubdlrlalon 11 of kt 2. Cella M. Frier - , and Edwin B. - McCUncy. $00; aubdlrislaa ' 12 of tot' t, .CtUa M. Frle snd Edwla ,B McCUacy. - $0.T0) aubdlrtaloa 14 of tat 2, ' Cella M. Briet and Kdwia S. McCUncy, $0.TO: subdlrisloa 14 ot kt 2, Cella M. rlet aud , ' Edwla B. McCllncy. 40.TO;, subdlrtaloa 15 , f of tot 2, CelU M. Frier aad Edwla . lie. Cllocy, $0.40. BLOCK 84. aubdlrlaloa 1 of . lot G, hV C. Brooauxh, $u.:i5; subdlriatoa 2 - of kt G. B. C. Bruosugh. $0.85; subdlriatoa 8 of tot G, K. C. Brausugh, 40.36; aubdlrtaloa v ' 4 of tot 0. K. C Brouaugb. 40.36; subdlriatoa 6 of kt G, K. C Bruuaugh, $0-36; ubdlrtaluo f. . of lot G. K. C. Brouaugb, 40. 35; kubdlrlatoa - 7 of kt li, B. U. Brouaugb, 40.36-, subdlrtaloa - 8 of kt G, B. 0. Broaaugh, 40.35; subdlrisloa 9 of kt G, K. C-Bruusugh, 40.35; subdlrtalua loot kt 0. B. C. Broaaugh, $0.36; aubdlrlaloa 11 of kt GeK. 0. Bruuaugh. 40.36; subdlrisloa ' 12 uf kt U, K. U. lironsugh. 40.36; subdlrtaloa 13 of kt G, K. C, BrotJaugh. $0.36; subd rtatou ' 14 ot kt G, E. C. Broaaugh, $0.45; aubdlrlstoa ' 15 uf lot U, B. C Brunsuxh, 40.60; subdlrtalua . 14 of fct G. B. C. Broaaugh, 40.36; subdlrtaluu 17 of tot 0. K. C. Broosugh. go. 3ft 1 aubdlrlalon ; 14 of let U, K. C. Broaaugh, 40.36; aubdlrlalou J9 of kt G, K. V. Hronaegb, ho.36; aubdlrtalua v -'iiuiof lot G, Bf C. Broosugb. $0.36; subdlrtolop '-'21 t kt G, K S. Brouaugb, 8O.80; subdlrtaloa 22 of tot li. a-, u, xtrooaugu,, iuwi,mu-i 24 of lot G. K. C. Brunaugk. 40.36; aubdlrtalua 24 of tot U. B. C uruoaugo, u.. 1.36; aubdlrtaloa 25 of lot 0. K. V. Brouaugb. 40.36; aubdlrlaloa Vfl of kt G, K. 0. Bronauch, 40.35; subdlrisloa 27 Of tot O, m. V. aiiwusugu, ew., eo-au... 28 uf kt G, K. C, Broosugh, $0.35. BLOCK $.36: aubdlrlalon 1 of U H. K. C. Bronsugh. $0.45: subdlrtaloa 8 of lot H. K. C Bronx ugh. 40. 86 y aubdlrlalon 4 of tot H, K. C Broaaugh,-. . B0.4&; aubdlrtaloa 4 ol tot H. K. C. Bruoaagb, , 40.-i6; aubdlrlaloa sf tot H. K. C. Broaaugh, -60.85; aubdlrlaioa f of kt H. K. 0. Broosugh. , 40.15 subdlrtalua of Wt 11. K, C. Brousugh.. 40.361 subdlriatoa Jl btkt H, K. t). BruBsugb. 4U.86; aabdlrlaloa 1ft f kt H, B. C. Broosugh, , gujn: subdlriatoa 11' ef fct H. K. C. Broaaugh, sO-SsKaubdlrtaloa 12 of kt H. B. V. Broaaugh, 40.MI; aar-dlriaton 44 ot kt H. K. C Brunaugk. ? , $0.;e ouodlrlaton 14 ot kt 11. K. C. Broaaugh. -Li uw' a.,K.uriaia is of lot II. M. C Brouaagh. . u Lv soi.lft; aabdlrtalon 14 ot kt H. B. G. Brunaugh, , ' ao.5; aubdl,tai 18 of tot ta, &. o nronsugn, ... .n ho.852 subdltlaloa 19 of fct H.H. U Broaaugh. . ' - $0.36; aobdlvlaloa 24 of fct H, B. U. Brunaugh. - 40.33; aubdlrlaloa 21 of fct H, B. C. Broaaugh, poiut ; sabdlrlalon 22 of tot H. K. U Brousugh, 40..v5; subdlrisloa 23 ef tot H, B. C Bronangh, -: SO. 35 1 aabdlrlaloa 24 of kt 11, B. C, Brooaugh, on.86; aabdlrlaloa 26 ot kt H. B. C Brouaugb. ; - ' --.; aobeUrlaton 27 of kt H, K. 0. Broaaugh, -' au.36 aubdlrtaloa 24 of kt H. B. C. Broaaugh. B0.36. BLOCK 36, sobdirlsloa I of lot A, . kredericlt Eggert, $0.7O; subdlrisloa 2 af kt AVrSrit hwWtJ$o.70 Mbdlrtaloa 8 of ,' : tot A7Frr4ca hxrrtV 40.70; subdlriatoa 4 ut tut A. rkHck IWwiT $0.70; ubdllaloa " -6 ot kt A, Frederick Kggert. $0.70jaubd. rlalon 4 uf kt A, C. U. .BiitwslL JXnoimj. , : a-iwtiwtlna, 7 at tot A. Frederick - ' BggeX; aobdirttloa II of latAV. Wll- ! ' W. Wr Logaa. 4u.To; subdlriatoa 10 St.. A. WUUaa7 La she. $O.To; eubdlrlxlow'll, kt- oB-i kt A, Aognsta Arteld. $0.7V; soaairisioa t.A. C M. KoaaeU. Trtiata,. $0.IO;-' K 12 f r. A 12 bdiTlslo 12 of lot A. C. Uj BaaaeU, Tros- J . 10.54 ; sobdirlsloa .14 pf fct A. C M,' JlT oLH.u an To- aubdlrlakaa 1 of Lif.l . Bi B. w7 ,0. M. and X - Haj, .$0.JV. SradlisloA 1 Tof tot B, 0. M. Bussell lo. 70 subdlriatoa fit tot B, ArUlur Mather, t . yZ-.or aubdirialon r- Mt hi B. Moy .Back - Sin. $0,70;. subdlrlstoo: -s)jof kt- B. CM.. kuat-ell. Traatea,- 40.70; aubdlrlalon 7 of. kt ; B W, F. BorreU, Trustee, $0.70; per tb V ., 1 ot krf 1 T MirVha II. $4.ll0BLOcI T. . '1 w.ek it. Grubb. 10.16! kt. 2. truinn .a ox , . waf., . . Katherlna L. Trerett. $o.76; kt 4. Mugaret 40.76; mt 11, aiames r.r oei. ev.,o. aw .a lurgaret H. jnlat,Jr4.76; Tot 14. Wrtc t - MT iMubolm. $0.10; kt 14. James F. Bell, i $070; kt 16. BcBrlde u5j Jt ' M, Lgs--bterrmoaeV Vl 45; tot 17, Georg Bled- am- tot 1H. IMasld B. MCBrlde, 0.T: lot lo, lKinalrt n. Mcpriue., ,n Donald B. McBrMe, O-To: fct 21. C. 1. rVilrnTVlTS; kt 22, Dooald BV McBrlde, $0 T5; Ir 23. Dookld B. McBrtd. HJ6: kt.; Ingatooe. $O.T5: kt 28. Bobert AArtnajtona, 4oT6: kt 27, Bobert Urlngatooe, $0. 16; tot 5. Margaret HrDToiioUa. o. 75- RUX.' kE 47 Haonak Maano, $31.15. . BLOCK Borah . A, Bsy. $14.7 . .1 ., , ' . i c ORKEN't ADDITION KlOCmtJ, kt I'oha W. Langdoa aad wife. W. H. Baroett and wife. 40.T0; kt 2, Joha W. ' Langdoa and . " w!S wV H. BarnVtt Xnd wife $00 kt 8. : Joha Langdoa aad wtf a, W. H. Barnett and wlf. $; lot 4, Jobs W. Lang don and . ' T... w XI U.rull and srtfa. 4u.HU. BLOCK . Bsrvtt and wlfs. ao.70 Jtot 2. Joha W, .t. a, 1... 1 J.ala W La, 111 man WU. V O. I...aM eaial Wl.. w. M - IUTBPI1 IM1 Wll W- o.o; fct 4, Joha W. Laagdoa sad wife, Wt , 'H. Itonholm, 40.76) fct 4, laargaret H. i.-u-,-' - C . .. , - V.. a xfaraftaratt Tt. iNanhollS. ' '"Em Tot i" MaxwciT S7 Hamllto: 4U.TV; ' . t ; fct 7. Maxwell N. Hamilton. $OJO; -Ioti .,. wvpoxxa, 00..0, ' - l.".r ' H, xtarneix aoo an,, fw.iv, -a. . -Langdoa aad wife, W. H. Barnett and wife. ' 4.wj; kt A. Juha W. .Laagdoa aad wife, .-'.. W. H. Barnett and wtfa. ,$0.l; I kit 0. Joka . W'. Langdoa sad wife, W. H. Barnett and . '' wife, $o.70; kt 7. JohBW. Laucdon and wifa, W. H. Harnett aad wife, $0.7X1; lot 8, Joka W. Langdna aad wife. : W. H. Barnett and , . wlfo S.TO. .BLOCK 8. tot 1. Joha W. ' LBBgdoo aad wife. W. U. Barnett and wife, ' ' 40.J0; kt 2. Juha W. Langdon and wife, ,. . W. H. Barnett aad wife. 4U.I0; kt 4, Joha p wife, o.7o; kt 4. Henry L. Johnaon, 40.40; , . .. taXnaUMH muiM ... ' " - krt O, JOBB r. laUtwa anu wi.w, : Barnett aad wlf.; ktd,; JohaJWi, , , Langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, 40.70; kt 7, Juha W. Langtloa and wife, W. -' IT. Barnett and wlf. 40-'i0; lot 4, Joha W. , Joha W. laxngttoa and wife. W. H. Barnett and wife. 40 46: tot 8. Johx 1 W. Xaogdon and wire. W. H. Barnett aad wtf. 4o.; tot 4, Joha W. Langdoa and wlf.' w. H. -. ' Burnett aud wife. JrO.W); kt 6 Jn Vv'. , , langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife. , $; M 4, John W. Langdoa aad wife, - VV. U. Barnett aad wife, $o.TO-, lot I, Juho W. Langdna and wtfa, W. H. Barnett and ' wife. $5.T( BIX)CK 8, lot I. Joha W. ' Iingdon and wife. W. H. Barnett and wife,; kt 2, Joha W. Langdoa and wife,-'. ' W. H. Barnett Ma wife, 40.0V; lot 4. Joka 'W. Langdna and wife. W. H. Barnett and . aa. a, 1 Tit- int 4. Joha W. Lanadoa and . -wife! VV. H. Barnett and wife. 40.05; tot,-. ' 6, John W. Langdoa aad wife, W. H. Baroett and wit, .su.oo: tot e, c ... o. Bu, :, -wit, w. tl. ratam r ;-"! . John W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, $0.T0; lot 8, Joha W. Inrdoa and -" .,. . Ji KmrmmtM aad wife. 40. 66: kt 9. " Joha' W. Langiton aad wife, W. H. Barnett aad wire, su.ou; era "'1 """" . . aad wife, Wr- H. Barnftt aad ' wlf. 1 40.86: lot 11. Joha W. Langdoa and wlftv vV. H. Barnett aad wife, $5.6; j loVJ2, John W. Langdoa and wife V. H. Bsraett sod wlf. o.To; W IS. Job, 1 W. . Ungdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, . 40 40: kt 14, Joha W. Langdoa and wife, ' W.IL Bimett and wife. $0 9ft -BLOCK 4, .... ' kt 1. John W. Langrte aod wtfa. W. H. - Barnett and wlf. $o.UO; kt 2. Lpdla A, - Mills, $0.T0; tot 2c Lydla A. Mills. I0.T0; ..- tot 4. John W. Lane ilon and wlfs, W. H. ' Barnett ssd wlf.. So. TO; tot ' 6, Joha W. . Inadoa aad trtfe. W H. Barnett and wife. , lo.TO; kt John W. Langdoa and wife, I W. H. Baraett aad wlf, $0.T0; kt 7. JobA rr. Xjaoaoi1" . - , - - - - " wife. $11.70: ' M 8, Joha W. Lanrdoa and,1; wife. W. H. riarnetx una wire, iu; tor p. John W. Langdoa and wife. W. H. Barnett . and wife, $0.1)5: kt 10. John W. Langdoa,,, ' and wife. W. IL' Barnett and wlf, $0.46; lot II, omt T- aanK'.ni aim i.e. . 11 . Barnett and wire, eo. i, is. eoun w. Iangdoa and wife. W. H. Barnett and wife,. 40.70: tot 18, 'Joha W. Langdoa and wife. W. H. Barpett and wife $0.T0 w lanUl and wife.- W. TT. II xurnett and wire. 10.70: tot 14. John Laaidaw and wife.- W. If. Barnett and " wife. 40.70; kt 15. John W. langdoa and ' wife. W, H. Barnett aad wtre. 40.70 lot 16. .Joha W. Iiardoa and wife. W. H. Barnett Kd wifa, $0.T5. BLOCK 7, kt 1. Joha W. ngttou anl wife,' W. H, Baraett nd wife,' y -10 9.1: kt 2. Joha W. Lsngdnn aad wife. W., H. Harnett and wife. $O.T0; kt 8, John .. W.' Langdna and wife, W. H. Baraett and.- wlf. $O.T0; kt d, Joha W. Langtfcn and wife, . - W. II. Barnett and wife. 80.TO: tot 6. John W. Lanrdon and wife, w. H. Barnett and . wife. t To; kt A John W. Tangnon aad wife, - W. II. Baraett aad wife, $0 70; tot 7. Joha W. Lsnvdon and wife. W, H: Barnett and wife, f'. 7o; tot 8. Joha W. Langdoa and wife, W, Hi Barnett and wife. $0.86: kt 9, Jean W. Langdna and wife. W. B. Barnett and wifa, 4046: kt 10. John W. Langdoa . aad wife, W. U. Barnett and wifa, 40.70; M II. John W. Lanedon and ant. W. R. ,'Bamert and ' wife. $0.70; tot 12. Joha W." Mrrrlnn aad wife. W. H. Barnett and wife.. -po.To: lot 12. John W. Langdoa aad wife, W. 11. Baraett sod wlia, $0,70; lot 14. - ! ' i.