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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1905)
i;: err ecu daily jc'Jt.:jalv fchtlawd. Tuesday evening, February 3. 1SC5. li'Ue f. (van; Nt feet ( M 1 rerrv . . C. liaher Ketate. Helra of, ,11.00. All of ' ''K I. faruleere' addition la Cam terra' , addition, ricrvt weeterly B4.B feet of the ; . e.uih.rU on .6 frrt. J. d Lorkel. (0.T0. ,,""' hounded and dracrlbed '.j Jnalowat Commencing at lutenerttou of eaat ,lne of niMt atrrrt with orlh Una of Baker . ,. -. afreet; thence) eaateeiy on worth IUa of Baker atrr-i M J feet; I bear a northerly parallel , . wr'ui araat aide line at Moody street H I ' 'i j" f 'C' weatrrly parallel with aorta ' Mao of Baker afreet to eaat Una of Hood - atraet; thence ennlkerkr nu eaat line of Hood . t beginning. Hcary Scbeelaud Batata, Helmet. (4. go. " . . , ... C. r'TAW ADDITION TO CAit'THFRS' j v wHi100 ,n 4 " " Fetind bwk j. , "U Pr?"'- Ill M. BLOCK K. Uarla . j- B'krr, (16 S. BLOCK I.. Homeopathic Jr"l to4 !lepee.aery of Port la ad. (lu.oo. . yW.I'k ll, ItnmeApatkle Hnapttaj nd Dle ' tT""r'r Portland. (IBM. BLOCK N. ' '-. ,'OB"lkla Hospital and Dltneneary at . rwtland, I1J.4.V . BLOCK 0. Homaopathle . i C.r,,L,ul Olenenasry ef Portland. (15.S6. ,- Htoek P. andlvldrd tt ef tot I. Ibri Land Jnmnany. tt.H(; undlridrd tt of kit 3. Ibex , ', ' Lend company. l.ou; nndtrid'd U of tot 8. : Ibrx Land l .a. 11.00) undivided tt of i"1 i Coaipanr, 1.0i) nadlaldrd 8i II Land Coaanr,; hb. rtWldrd K V M iba Land Comoan. :.i ?: nodWIdad 14 of lot f, Ikn Uvd . .iipanr. ii uu; nndlTtdrd H of lot . Itx s -.r I.dnd t'ompanT. ft O0i undlrldrd H o , -nna B t'onnll. $1 HO; audlTlrted tt of lot . . -Anna B. Conn. II. nndlfldod V4 a . Aika B. Coanfll. fl.M; undlilrtcd ty of ! . Aaoa R. ( onnr-ll, f; undlTldVd H of lot ' n. Anna B. Cnnwll, 1.00; nndtTldrd 1 of lot Anna TK. rennrll. ft. 00; wndlrldad V - j !' . Connall .un; sndlrldad ( of hit i ".av. anna b.- i omf II, fi.oo. BLOCK Q. kit t. i - VX M t0: parth feat af lot 1 Clara V 'l.:(0: . aontll 41 tart of Jot t. Garmaa '" i . J,T," l-an HoHy. !.!; lot S. G-.nau ' WaTlnca A Im K h ltr. lot d, HrrBui " Ja nca A Loan BirlMT. ll.7n: lot B. (iermaa -St i,a At iMtn Hr,h-t. iijot . 0frmB , B.Tlnra ; Loan rVx-Utr. $2 K); north frat K - ?' ' of iltft T, Uaraian BaTtnf A -'. Hoflftr. Ifl.tO; aooth 41 fart of lot T. ' J"jman Baa(n A lan Horl.t. W.nos north J . v L. JT wl rB"" iw teat oi lot I, t lara well. am to raati or lot a, t iara Ban, l 4; nt Wi frt af lot . r. riuilh-lmalll " BI.OCK a, tiaraua Barloga Loaa HocUtr. ie.on. . ' ' tf rt ot ,,na IT" tH aoatk Una Cf and tha nortbarlr Hno of ' i- "LT,". carntnar.- addition to Carotham' addition. bowa an Cha map of Portlaad pilhllad lr the Tltht fluannta A Tnut - r-m,jnr. 1003. ond batwran tha waat lino of - . nooaj atr,-t and a line 40 fat aaat of and .v P"allel with h akat Una of Corsatt stmt. , -. A. V. Batlta, 2.BS. . . CAjPI-THr.HS- ADDITION " TO f-ABCTHKRIT ADWTI0N to tba City of Portland BLOCK JL waat 40 fart of nortk 9.1 fret af kWx-k 8. . , "'""h Caalira. IS6: wrat do fart of aooth LOtk.T, Tboaua K, Edwarda. 2.lftv BLOCK W. Emm i Auatln. I0.2S. BLOCK 40, kit t " a V W' : lot a. K. n. rarkrr. ', 1 I. t'arkar, !.; lot , K. H, :;,5'f P-10' e. a I!' !-,0i -l fo f 1MB. B.,11 (, V L'arkar. 10. in; aaat . frrt of iot'j. E. H Jrkrr. !A0.10j raat 4 1 frat of lot -ft, K. H. Parkrr. $0.10; waat Si n frat pt lot B. !. W. i?plI"., "5n! waat 2B. fart of aooth IT . I"! "-P- w Camphall, 0.18; vaat S3 i foat of aaat Sa a awt A w. a rt. i. 1-ataliB, Brt.45; Wrat 26 fret of aaat 2V.S . I . u oi tot a, jnaa K. and r. I. r. - . ; Maaa. Bn.; aaat M fart of waat Ai.a W - ' 5. Oaorfa Kvthaaflr. o.0: raat M V Z . TT t;Jr". oramitk u.a rrrt of , ,nt Oaora Notbaacla. (0.15; aaat SB r f art '' - 2 7 P- W. DaPluff. " T SJ. . ,r wt Tf fart of aoath f'J0' W. DaHuff. $.: irrat 101.1 , . H ' lot a. Ocrraaa BaTla A . J'Mi '' aat H of aoatk U of lot a i: u... a. i - - l''-?Tn, -irtr,ii.on; U Cartrr.'il 00; lot i. Orrtnaa Ba'rlaa A ' If , "T.'T' ?0C. BLOCK 41, aaat 78 fart ;? W frat of lot 1. W. and aj. Scott. Io.r . Jpomaa n. Bmito. fl.10; lot S. Lrwla Traat To..' Ltd.. fto lo Lnt a - YrW", J.FJ-v K4- block v L i pajaari, az.iu; mt . j. M. At . alMIIDh Phklivtr . 9 ttfa laa at - , a! Sir .1: "t. ,v ot a. Hra. Anaia hi port. 1 ' f 2. 10; lot B. Krrdlnand Onndolph fi.10; lot t . J. and E. L. LaPriara, filO; aoatk 40 , -J??0' ? T. Canadian Settlrra' Loaa - ; tS,1 lL! TrSni r'poiiakT. iTiei,d. ta.ior.t Miwltft V "D,a- aiM": .aaat SI faat.of lot a. A. "&J!,-?W1'M' 1L-": aak 00 fart of lot t! . JL tnrt at land ha -m ' Sr",hr' AMloai to Caru than Addition! ,B aru' una -of Fartrr atraat - ' S?1 " ,0 Bor,h thrrdof and MraUal , , v j,rborawltk, Q. RalaaMBd. fi.40. .r"" - A " of land batwoaa klorka 43 and 4L t I . LL Addition to Caratkora" AddltloS r- and brtwran jha aooth Una of Hookrr .trrrt ? ' " ; i" r aouia urraor and parallel . tharrwlth. Tkaedoro Sraa, fa.40. ... " V nriiV!.- . "'i.1"" -T" CABUTHKRS' . -ttDiTl0aS,? .. P'-BLOCK ' 43. aaat BO fare of araat inn r . u. a :,''tJi'iL-5!?,& .UP5- of wrat "" o. .t. i.. oraiia. ai.oo. BLOCK a.- ar &. Jonn rmltarnharaM B4 ia. l. a Onrkrr. IXIO: lot i V gOL.': V. BLOCK 411, lot 1. Rear B. ItaofT fiio: . . Bokoppart. fl.10: lot 4. d ri t. 1!. - Joha Britnrnhararr, fa. 10: W Jj. r i'ohn U. '' "o,.,,a:10i ot B. Joaaf FraUrkr, 12.10; lot . . Mtraarl BartuMt. tlin- i. I . ' ..' . ti r7i:. 'i "" Barton. li-0' Abanll . Barton, fj.ia. BLOCK , . ya. 'lot 1, John ttrdlak. 12.10- ' b". ioT -vt : " i... ,! -.T J1- orth 0.87rrt of ' t: a.. 2 S 2 ' J" Ilnbrr, MSB, - .. Sa'lk Vi ttt'WarWVVR' v-. . 13. HI; Waat 34 14 frat of raat T0t- aat -1 2 ot 4, Anna K. Oratkr. raat TssTa frat of lot 4, Charlra i, Hrrwwd Sta- fa. 10; lot , Mrllaaa B. Una liia- in i IfriiiM b trnVt?' V- Wr?"l,2ir1.JLiK:K.4'a. t 100 fart of .1. M J'- ,nd Barak If. Oathrlr. nM. Zr:.'2'.lJ,,t '-.r- - LlrMrnthTl: s J H"' lt X Joha Dodlry. fl 00 - " E "'" A Loaa BorlrtJ ' ' I'leBthalrr, fO.AB; raat fl frrt of j W K P. M. Llrhtrnthalrr. fo.BB. BLOCK V !? h ! "T J- Alrw HanaoaT'fl'oB. . A tract of land Wlna trf iwrctlrrly BOO frat and 220 S fcrt north of and paralrrl with Ik aortk lino of Arthir - mn. ana natwran tor waat Ilaa of Watrr ., atrrrt and a Una 100 frat wrat tbermf aad r.Fl?!Ll!':n'",! J!L'",w Ma. fo oo, - ".UZSSSf . AnnmoB to caruthkrm- , " " tiwn so inr niF or lrtlaod BI.X'K 40, lot 1 J. W. Bakrr. fl 10; lot a. Rdward 1 MaMtaahaiL filO; lot 4. Bdwwd MrndVnkllL . j vapartlrly 200 frrt and ZJH.B fart Bortk of v trnt-J " ""''d Martla, faio; lot a, I. 5?mmn 'Brtla, IX 10; lot T? Ilaaa Larar? filO; aoatk of lot V Han. Urara, fLOB ', ''I tk of lot B. Brllnda Dolaa? BLOB A tract of land rrlnr hatwraa t- r'".. M uo oorio jjne or Arthaf .'. Wrart and bat vara tho aaat Una af Front , .atrrrt aad a Una. 10 fart raat of aad ' paraltaU tbarrwIU. BrUada DoUa. B0.SO. A trarrof bind batwora two Mnm raapao. . ,' ttaaly 2S0 B fart and 841 fart north af aad paralM with tha Bortk Una of Arthur atraat ; and prfwaatl tho waat Una af Watar atraat ., .' , and a Una in fort waat tbarmf ..aad parallel tkorawlth, Hophlr rVhad. fO.90, A tract of land lyltij batwran two Una ra . aorrtlraly tao.B frat ad 141 foot twrth'ot ' . tai Pn't 'a north Una af Arthnr .treat ,j and brtwaaa tba aaat Una of Pmnt atraat and " !" ' tbarrof aad Parallal tbere- . with, Jatnra Burman, f0.0. ,V ood lylmt ootwam two" llnaa ra- ' aprct Tir mo b tort and t41 frrt north ot and t pnraUrl wltk tho aarth Una at Arthnr atraat ' I "1 btwn "" waat Una of Front atraat i : r&i??n!i w wuu" 1 -Vjrct.4Jl5"4 lyln Wtwraa two Unra ra , , apactlvaly BOO frat and frat north ot V and fara Dal with toe north liar af Arthnr atraat and batwoaa tba waat flaa af rront , atraat and tha. aaat lino of Plrat atraat. Ora - on Railway A Nat1,atJon Coaipanr, fl.TO. CABrTHP.MIlt..ArKllTIO!. TO CARrTrTF.Rfl" ADDITION to tha City of Pnrtlaad BIK-K " Bch.d, flio; lot a. BowMo Brbad. fl.lO; la 4 Bophlo Brhad. filO; tut B. darnrt ' Barman. (2.10. lot . p.- A. taaranaai. f2 10: M T. . H. B. BradlrT, Ja.10: lot J. H. B. Bradloy, . f3 10. BLOCK M. lot 1. William PUadarr. ." fain; lot S, WUIIata PUrdnar, J10; lot B, - 'WHUara Pllcdncr, fa. 10; lot 4. William rilod . arr. flio; lot B, WlUlam rUadaar, filO; k ; lot . William PUrdnar, fltA; lot f, William - . . Pllrdaar. ft 10; lot B, William Pltodaoa, ' .fa. in. BIXH K Ba. lot 1. Orroon Railway A NaTlaatraa Conrpaoy. J2.I0; lot a. Oraaoa 'Railway A M notion Comnany, fllO; lot . B. Orraon Railway A Kartcatloa tympany, fa 101 M 4. Orrron Railway 4 Baalratloa toaqpaay, tilo; t Ortcoa Bailwa A Nt(Ui Csmpaaa, J 10; lot . Orafoa Uallwaji A Karlaailuo Conpaa, fl.10: l"t T, Orrcoa Hallway A Nlalluu t'oaipaof, (i.10; lot Oraava Hallway A KarlaatkoB Cona pany, BLock 6J. k t I. All.rrt Wrlaht. il.; lot a. Ju'lua.U, Harr, IllO; lot S, ' Wllllaaj r'. D. kiarrrr, fEt.loi lot , Id B. Itrrrrr. fll 10 lot . Brron f. U,or. .lo; aoutk U af lot , P. Wlldi. fl.tioi north 4 'of M U. Jokn T. Lankla. 1.06; lot t. Loo la Arnold, . 10; lot . Loala ArnoldC J ( BLOCK B4. M . Pranklla lh-akr. tilJ; l,t : a, Kranklln Uraka.; adlrldrd M of lot a,! tllaa frlaoa, II. OB; undlrldrd of lot II. Huh W, (trlano, fi t; lot 4, Jacuk maunaui, a.iv) hi o, Mary Taylor, '; lot d. Mary L. StrrL . ft 10) waat k uf lot i. tirraiina nirniriw bi.iii: wmi tar ur Lit S, Hrrmlna Ua-lilra, fl.OA: aaat .(4 of lot T, Kannltt B. TaylorV 1 ; aaat l of lot . Kannln E Taylor, f !.(. iLOCK B5.' Vt ; Taylor, fl.(v BLOCK 65.-lot atrlrt ho. 1. fxMtt; lot i. a-hooi I, fij ' l , ruhool I .urict ; l V ii ut ho. , Dlalrlct No. k . i aa ia.1 M 10; Vt A. f of i we a. F-nao. t rcf (.!. ; lit f. t B.. BOh 1. lol I. Brtk raoa, aim; M 4. . V illatn: K. U: J. a, ailo; rVHODl Ii'itr i'irfCt V o. 1 uia'rtrt bo. 1. ij.10.' f.. Pnpr fi.18; lot a lot , Praaton V. klolUa Btanfia-1, . fl ' Jolly. 2.10; lot 0, . lot T. Alarl'n rVWv lot B. Vurila rvaaflo,. ba. lo. fVkana,. bi. 10. . iMi K L., bit . 0.' P. H. I'lumnrr. fl l(i;rn-tk Vi'of hat BV.Oi 1. K I'liiramrr. fl.00; aoulfc K of. tot aC A. Qirirlo. fl.i5. north V af lot a, Ai- Qulrlo. r.06; amilh u of lot . Ultla Alfrr, fl.OB; lot 4. noma Aiarr. i.ivi 101 o, maa u 4uhn- atwnr. (2 l; lot B. Jamaa L. fohnatono, Ti fart of Ioi rfa.10: ami IB 2B frrt of raat ; 7. AbMr 0. June. fO.10: waat B0 frrt of raat feat -of lot T. Abbir 0. Junr. fl.oo; wrat B0 trrt of raat Ml frrt of tot ft. Abbla v. vii nr. fi.oo; north ZS fort or raat B.B frrt or tot T. O. P. B. Plumairr: l 111- a A : frrt of lot f. 0, P, B. I'htmnirr. to 10; wrat o" icrr ri a 1, nannia E. Ttyior, l no; -wrat to frrt of tot a. Kannlo M. Taylor, fl.00. RICK B, tot li Bnaic C. . poat,, llrlra of, $2.10: lot -A rliiala C. Poat, Ratal. Brlra of, (2.10: lot fTOttrlir Bartorh. fl nr. 'lot 4, Ottolle 'Rartarb, fllO; tot 6. ' I-hllllp and Jmla A. Lawtna, fa.10; lot d. ' Mart A kern, f2.10; wrat B2 frrt of tot T. ;, IniBunnrl Baptlat Church.- II. SO; wrat 02 frrt ar lot H. Imtnannrl Baptlat Church, raat 4414 frrt of lot T. BnaU.P. Poat. , Eatalo Hrlra of. fO.OO: aaat 44 ft frrt of lor a. Bnala C. Pn-t Katatr, Hrlra of. Bonn. BLOCK M. -wa II.B- frrt of nortk fart ; af tot .' .A, P. Nranrrt. fo.B: aouth frrt of tot I. A. r: Nruarrt. fl OS; raat IS frrt of north fart of lot . He arr Walnhard. BO.T01 tok 2. John Wldnraa. (2.10; tot a. C. ' R. Laaihrraon. 12.10: tot 4. Rmllr 1. T. Mnarr. fj.lfl: .tot 5.- John Corklab, 12.1": tot - a. Mwaro l, Hartl Z,r:-wrat H tot - 7. Pannla RXlHrilrlrh. 11.05: -wrat U of tot n. rannla K. pirdrlra. fl.06; raat T, Loula Cob. fl.OB: raat of tot . Cohn. fl.OB. BLOCK 00. lot 1. of tot Loula Jamra Hnmohrrr. fl.10: lot 2. Janara HnainhrrT. 12.10; lot a. A. P. Kramrt. f2.10; tot 4. . Emma B. Tna. f2 1ft: aaat to frat of lot 6, Loo la C. Rhnmo. fl.18; aaat 0 frrt Of tot f B. InJa C. Hhioo. ft. IB; waat 48.8 frat of tot B. Iaahrll. Rottlrr. fO.Bri: wrat 4S.& frrt , of lot , labrlla Bottler. fa.BA; tot f. Moy . Bark Rln, fa.10: tot 8. Moy Back Hla. M 10, BLOCK dl. Ml, Mlcharl McCalrrtt. 'Batata Hrlra of. fj.10; tot & -Orrmaa narlnn A Loan Boclrtr4 f2.10: norrh 2 fort of tot a. Orrmaa Barlaaa A Loaa Horlcry. fl.fiffi aouth IS fart of tot B. Ancwata Marka. tO.AB; kit , 4. Anynata afarka.' fa K): tot 5, W. A. and .1. It. Lrwla. fX10: tot . W. A. and I. B. irH, 12. 10: tot 7. William Iaaoaor. fXlO; . lot , William taanaar. fa.10. . - -- A tract af land batwarn two' III f tlralr BOB faat and 220.8 frrt north of and paralH with too nortk Una "of Artbar atraat ana aaiwraa tbr waat una or rirat atraat and , a Una 100 fort waat tboraof and parallal tharrwlth. Jaroo. llunjparay, fO.BO. 1 ' A tract of land batwrra two llnaa irapertlnly : BOO fort and 830.8 frrt north of aad paraUrl with tao nortk Una of Artbar atraat and ba vtwooa tba aaat Una of Stooad atrrrt and a Una 108 faat raat tbarrof and parailal tbara- wltk. btoy Back- Bin, fO.10. . , A tract af hind '- bat worn two! llnaa ra aprcltraly 8204 frat and 841 frrt north of and - parallel wltk tho nortk Una of Arthur atrrrt 1 and brtwom tba wrat Una of Plrat atraat and a -Una lod frrt waat of and parallal tkera. , wltk, Aapnau Marka, fO.fO. A tract ot land brtwrrn two Ilara rrapae tlaalm aaO B frrt and 241-jfim north .of ) paraUrl wftk tha north lino, ot-Urthur atraat and brtwaaa tho aaat Una of Brcood afreet I ' ,n ' 1(8 taat aaat tkcrrof aad parallal . Mnvwiu, TI. BOO A. O. MWH, - A tract of land batwrra two Kara irapac tlaaly 230.B fort aad 841 fart north of and parallel with tba north Una of Arthur atraat . aad bttwaan tba wrat Una af Borond atrrrt .and a Una 1A foot wrat tbarrof and parallal Hborrwlth, taaballa Bottler. (O.M. ' A tract 1 af laad kotwora "two llnaa rwaiac lUrrbr aao.B fart and Ml faat north of aad Iparallrl with tha north Una of Artbar atraat and katwroa tha aaat Una of Tblrd atraat aad. a 1.0a uv iaoi wan nrrrrna a do paraual taati ' with. Haary Tlmm, B0.IM. A tract of land bat worn two llnaa rraprc ; ttrrly 200 foot aad 3241.8 fart -north of and , parallel with tba nortk Una ot Artbar atrrrt and brtwaaa tba waat Una of Baeond atrrrt . ana a una 100 raat wrat tharmr and. parallal taorawtth. Bdaar . Pooolrtoa. 80.00. : A tract of laad trine brtwrrn two Unra fr- t Bprrriraiy mu raat ana xai.o (rat north or and parallal with tba north Una ot Arthnr atrrrt . and brtwaaa tbr aaat Una of Third atrrrt . ana a una 10a root aaat tboraof and parallal - tnrrrwitn. ua Btacnoraoraar. an.nn. CABCTHr.RS' ADDITION TO CARUTRCRR' Auiuriun ta inn uity or rwrtund BIX1CK 2. tot I, Edward Brady. (3.10; tot a. Edward Brady. (3.10; tot 8. laraol Madwad. filO; tot 4, laabrlia Bottirr, ta.10; tot ft, Hrnry limn, a.iu aowin aa or ant o, ircriia Tlmm, fl.ofi; north H of tot . A ana C. Roanlcke, (1.06;. tot T, Rdward Brady. 12.10: tot 8. Clara M. Hardtnc, 12. JO. BLOCK 63. tot 1. Bdaar Popplrtoa. (3.10; tot 3. Kdcw Pop. plrtoa. fXlO; tot 8, Bdxar Popplotan. (3.10) mat 10 ir-i oi int a, rarrira Murray, (1.(8: wrat B0 tort ot tot 4. Ororre P. Bot tirr, (0.BB: waat H of tot f. a. Brnry Wol- trine. fl.OB: wast H of tot a. J. Henry Wol trine. fl.OB; eaat tij of lot 6, Anton Blacbofbrrcrr, fl.OB; aaat H of lot . Anton Btacbofbrrrrr. fl.OB; tot T, Thenphll Bllleter, fZIO; aootk 40 faat af tot (. Tbeophll Bllle trr. (1.70: north 10 frrt of tot S, Anton BiacnorDoraer. atxin block 04, north 14 of kit 1, Charlra T. Horrkrr. (1,06; aonth H of tot 1.. Katie P. Rahrnrlck. (I.OB; tot t. Katlr P. Rahrnrlck. (3.IO; tot 8. John r. t apiee, az.10; lot a. Jooa F. caplra, (10; wrat Ml frot of tot 8, Mlka Rpatrln, 81. B0: wrat Mfrat of tot 8. Mlka Enatrln. 8I.B0; raat 1AV frrt of tot B, Anna K. Wol irlna. 10. IS: raat 1014 frrt -of tot . woitrint, fo ia: lot t. 'Anna a. Wnitrlnc. wt a, Anna n. woitnng, BLOCK SB. tot 1, Addto B. Murray, film lot 3. Addla . Mnrray, fXIO; tot 4. Frank R. Area. 2.10; tot d. 0. P. B. Planunrr. fllO; raab 88 6-4 frrt of tot B. J. R. C. Thotnnaon, foBO; wa f f 1.61); ea ' i. R. C, an; waat T3 l-a trot or tot B. Jlmea Bnort. aaat sa fr-a rort or nratn or lot a. C. Tbomoaon. 80.80: waat T 1JI feet of aoatk V, ot tot a, Jamea mort. rt, (0.70; y, Jl.OB; (, loaapk nnrta H or tot a. Aodir B. Marr.y, tot T, Addla B. Murray, (3.10; tot nan. a A tract of land baiudd and di aiiflaaA na fot towa: CoromTOClna at Intararrttoa of waat Una of AX-ond atrrrt with aoatk Una ot Honker atrrrt, thenca aoatberly to north lino of Wnode nrert, thearo want ta aaat tin of rbrht of way of Orewon A California Bail way Company, tha are northerly atone tha raat Una af eatd right of way to lta Intararctton with tha aoath Una of Hooker a treat, thenca - raat to heainnlntr. C. B. Smith. f4 OO. CARCTRRRS' ADDITION TO CARUTRBRS' addition to too nty or i-ortiaao BIXH.K 07, all of tot 8 Irlna wrat ot Orrnaa A CallfomlA Railroad Compana'. right of way, Jrrrmlab Worlrk. fl.BO: .11 of tot 8 Vying wrat of ftrrcna A California Railroad Com pany'! rlht of war, Jrremlth Worlrk. f 1.3ft; all of tot 7 lylnp wrat of Oregon A California Railroad Company', rtcbt -of way, Rllnabrth Baamcartnrr, (LIB; all Of lot S lylna wrat of Orojroa A California Railroad Company', rlcht of way, Oabrtrl Baumgartar, BO Tft. BI.OCK - fa. raat BA feet of tot 1. araola Hag Ir, (1.70; enat BA fret of north 30 frrt of tot 3. Jennla Hog Lr, fln.Bn; waat 21.8 feat ot tot 1. Albert K. ant Rnda B. Wrlrht, (O.BS; wrat 21. B frrt at north (0 frot of tot 2, Albert B. and EHla B. Wright fo il; annth 80 feet of tot 8, Melraaa B. Hug. tl.SA: north 40 fart of tot 8, Mrllaaa B. Hug. fl.TO; aoath 10 feet of eaat 00 frrt of tot 3. Albert B. Wrlrht. f0.20; raat 00 frrt of tot 4. Albert B. Wright, fl.18; annth 10 frrt of waat 46S for of tot S. Mrllaaa R. Bug. SO.I61 wrat 40 VV frrt of tot 4, MrUaaa R. Hag. fl.flKt .11 of tot B exrepl tho Oregon A California .Railroad Cnmpany'a right af way. Mrllaaa B Hag.' fO.BA- all of tot 8 race pt tba Oregon A California Railroad Comnanr'a rlcht of way. Mrllaaa R. Hon. fl..1B: arrath 80 feat af tot S aaat of Orrgon A . California Railroad Compaay's , right of 7 way. Mrllaaa B. Rug. fl.00; north 30 frrt of tot T aaat ot Oregon A California Railroad Company', right of way. Albert P.. and Bode B. Wright. (0.70; all af tot 8 raat Of Oragna A California Railroad Com paar a rlgaVjof way. Albert B. aad Blah) - B. Wrlrht ft. MS. BI.OCK 00. tot 1. Oragoa ' Ballmadr A aalgaUoa Company. filO; tot 2. Orrgon Railroad A Narigattoa Company, 8310; tot B. Oregon Railroad A NaTtgatloa Company. (310; tot 4. Orrgon Railroad A - Kaautattoa Company. filO: tot 6, Oragna , Railroad A Narigattoa Cawnanr. B3.M: wit . a. Oragna Railroad A ha rig at ton Compaay- L aa.111; roi I . uregon oajimoa at oangatlon Company. (3.10; tot (. Orrgon Railroad A Rarlgatton. Cornpaay, (3.10. - HI)C( To, ' waat I fret of tot j. Joseph Cohn, (0.10; went 1 frrt ot tot 3, loaeph Cob a, (0.IO; raat 104 8 feat of tot I, Boaa Weber. 82 . eaat 104.8 feet of tot 1 Roaa Weber, 12 no: tot a. Boaa Wabrr, (3.10: tot 4, Boaa Weber. ,83.1 aoatya feet of tot 8. Roaa Weber, (41.10; aaat B fart of tot a. Roaa W abrr, 80.10; , waat SB. 8 fee of raat 8B.B feat of tot B. Macdalrnl R. Marlaoff. MOB: want 38 8 fret of aaat BAB feet at tot a, Magdalen! R. 1 Marlatnff. fO.aft; Veer 70 feet of tot 8. Br. ; kaatUa ana! Lynla Matcher. 8 1.4B; wrat TO feet of tot t. Brhaatlaa and f-ydla Matrker. f I 48; raat H of tot 7. Joarpb Oka, 1 1. OA; act W wt tot a. aooaph Caaa, f L6B; Waat H 'of lat'T. Wllkrlmln Marklrr. fl.06: wrat H of tot B, Wllhalmlna Maahlar. fl.00; north ( fart of block 70. Unknown Owoar, y-.w. via'i wrac at irai OI loa J. . Harah A. Barara, fo.aO; waat 31 fart ei lot 2, Sarah A. Barnra.-; aaat 7B.B frat of lot 1. Hoaa II. Wrber. fl.BO; raat TB.B frat of tof a, Roaa H. Wrbrr, Bl.BO( raat v Bl foot ot tot a, Boaa H. Wabrr, fl dOi waat " IT" 01 Kit a, ra trick Murray. BO.OO; wrat ts. I fart of tot 4. Patrick Murray, io.BO; raat 111 frrt of tut 4. Lraa Apple, fl.46; "! ! trtt M 5. Patrick Murray, in.lo: "..'' t , Pauh-k Murray, f0.10 , waat 4S.n.a feat at b . ttm . 1... 1 Patrick Hurra r.; wmt 101.B faat of tot B. Craula Tapf.r, fj.00: wrat 101.8 feet .auoi" a.a tart 01 lot a. L ran la Tapfrr, '. (0.16: raat U ml lot T u.ea i.,k. aiiwi- H of tot g. Mary iaenha, fl.OB; wrat H , of tot T, Mra. Mark O' Sail fl.OB; waat H frrt of blark TI. ( nbnown Owner, fa 5. ini ' aiMMTIII.H TO CARLTHEBS" .ADDITION to tk. City ot PortUiid ULOt'K TO.- raat .tO frat o4 i,,ein ton iak Balfour. albrlo A Co.. (1.1(1; waat B0 fart . , L or norm nn rrrt af Mark. . liOula Trnmiorr. k'2 nOr art ru i 1)- frrt of north lm frrt of block, Lucrotla , Of Mock. Thrrraa Plab. (3.DA; north 42 frrt i. 1 -ei or raat an fart of block. 1 V.'T"' "" K faat of raat Ino frrt of aouth Bo frrt of hi..k u. t Jurllrmlcb. fl.00: aaaf T4 frrt of aouth 60 ' ..I'll ef V"k- . Johnaon. fl fto: wrat "'' 1 frat of aouth B0 frat of ; block. Victor Oooffrry. fo.50; wrat Bl frrt of- raat 1M0 frrt r iu - ', fjH ot block. Hrorr H. Malatrr. Bl.n0;1 . ; ; , . .: lwr,u " r 04 aouta JOO rrrt - jf block. Mrnrr U. Mrlatrr, fo 26. BLOCK J7. aoalbirrt of block. Joarpb Simon and VF.', !ii 'P.- "' W of block. Wlnflrld T. Stephen.. 4 26: north V. of ortbraat H of block. Molllo Stanford, alios - ki 1 t aa0 korthraat 4,f blurk. Brrmo , W-10; 'nortk H of aouthaaat H of , , blork. Barrab B. WaUaca, 12.10; aoutk v4 -M IB?"'? W- oluc"lt U Coldweli ' A 1rrt of land boundrd and dracrfhrd aa follow. : Commrnclna at lairrarrtton of annth . !!?!" of .Pnt" ktrrat with tho wrat Uaa of Orroa A California Railroad Coamny'a rlcht ?JL'r.,rV tf To frrt. thrnra aonth 100 frrt, thrnco raat e.a& frrt to waat lino k?'ir" California Railroad Compaar'. . rlcht of war. thenca northwaatarlx to baxlo nln. Laeretla haat, (S.20. Aiilr,'' bM"lid da draerlhad at followa: Coiumantlnc ot faitororrttoa of aonth f ttrrt rmmt f rrtt, atrrrt TB.2S frrt. t banco aoutb at rlabt B0il frat and parallal wltk Porta atraat to oMtllno of lourtk atrrrt. tbanca northwaat J flliix ' Tbompaaa BaUta, Balra fiJ,Dd draerlbod followa: toaimcnchif at Intararctton of nortk ' ".H.? ?fU '" aaat Una of Poartb atrrrt. balnc anO frat aoath and ISO. 22 f" aaat of aontliwoat cqnwr oF block 67 Cnrutharn' Addition tol'aratbar - Addition: U"2?rVt.i;j,,U "" Paartk .trrrt , Bit.BO frrt, Jnrnca north 100 faat at rlcht fltt..'9-.!''?.'' tbraca-waat an" foil. traT .0 r? isrj'wSff : Eh Ollrrr ti. Holmra, (3.10. ? . ma' laramdl and deecrlbrd ,a followa: Commenelae at r i...L-l - north Una of Wood atrrrt aad weat Una or Orrgoi A California RaUroad c?Py a rht of way, thenca weat on north Una of Wooda atrrrt 02 T fart, tbanca north at right anctoa to Wood, atrrrt to a point 100 feet north of JT"!, i"-,.0.' .WooU tbri r2Tt .id paraUrl with tha north Una of Wood, atraet "T l? r1"!. " Una of OrrgonA California Railroad Company'a right of w 7 KoYtcr, B2,"lerlT to oiI,u1. Louloa j ' "L "B 'Bad doacrlbed a followa: Commencing on aouth Una of Por trr atrrrt 'at tba loteraertloa ot Pourtb atrrrt thrnra wrat on aooth Una ot Porter .treat 7 M feet to wert Una of old PoVrtn lt laxtaadrd aoatberly; thenca aouth 60- fret ' " ."T' 11 M B'oarth atrrrt oxtraded .;!?'oc " PUrl with aooth Hna af Jorter .treat lOrTlB feat to weat II ne -of rourth tract; thenca nortbwratorU to beginning, Rllrn C. Morriaon. A tract , of land boundrd and deacrined a . followa: Commencing at point oa aaat Una of Fourth .treat 110 feat amrth and M lt aaat of aonthweat earner ef htork 67,' Car. ntbora' addition to Carathara'' addition: thence want 108.18 frot to waat Una of old KourTh ..trrrt eitrnded aodthcrly; thrnco aonth 23 fret oa wrat Una of old Fourth atrrrt rt! tended; thrnco aaat 113.83 feet ta waat Una . of rourth atrrrt aa now aatabllabed; thence vssrsssLS. ssr" ' i-..tnet Um- o"04 and dracrlbed aa followa: Oomanorlng at a point oa weat .I00" trrrt. , atd point being 100 :. frrt aonth and 10.6B feet raat of aonthweat Corner or block- B7. CarwtKeea i!4iM . iwa, oeoca waoi ana parallel wlU aouth line af Porter atrrrt US. 44 feet to wrot Una of. old Fourth atraat ri traded - aoatberly; thenca north oa.aald wear Una of eld Fourth atreet 36 feet; thane aaat 118.33 r.weai now ot rowrta atraat; tbanca 11 SO awaiawinnv-- marry a. OoaahaU, A tract of land hounded and dracrlbed k. iniiewe: mmwacing at intersection of north Una ot Wood, atraet aad weat lino of Poartb Jtreet, Mid point being 3B0 frrt aoatk and . rv eaat or aoutnweat corner of block 87. Care there' addition to Carutbera" addition: .. lhmaa weat 1 .TO feet oa north Una ot Wooda atrrrt actmdad weatrrly to waat Una of old Fourth atraet. aoatberly; tbanca north 100 feet on uid weat Una of old Fourth atraat; thenca raat and parallel with aouth Una of porter atrrrt 118.40 feet to weat Una of Fourth atraat; tbanca eoatberly to beginning. Char lea . f.trft of Ikhd lying between tha north Una . ot Wooda atraet and tha aonth Una of tot 8. block SO. Caruthara' addition to c. - ntbera' addition, and tba weatrrly line of nooa error ana a una 100 fret weatrrly - from and parallal tbere with. City ot Port CARUTHF.R8' ADDITIOM' Tfl riinrniM' ADDITION to the City f Portland BLOCK 81. tot 1, B. L. Bay. 83.00; tot 3. Frrdlnand nnndorpb, fl.30; tot B, John Mnlr, f2.0l); tot 4, Jamea O. Bnntrr. fl.OB; tot B, John Mulr, 81.3ft: tot 8. Barman Hrltkamper. 82.00. BLOCK 1 ht I. Tba German Bar' - n. -L"n Society, f 2.2ft; north 61 fret of tot 3. Tha Gormaa Saalnga A Loaa 80- nnndorpb, fl.30; tot I, John Mnlr, fa.00;i"lt T, Inrraton' Mortgage Security Company, neir. a..a; "on in z not or tot a. rrank P. flUbam. to.10; tot 8, Prank P. Gllh.m. a.00; tot 4. Frank P. (illham. ti.00i tot al John A. LarkrL f3.28; tot a, Bebaatlaa Ply. male. - II. 0: lot T. dam nr Oordon. 81.65; tot 8, The Orrtnan oaring. A - uu oTin7, ai-'v. ri a, r. rMt, mt 1, jvortb. ern Cofi.tlro biTeatment Treat, fl.00; tot 3, : Northern Countlra laeratment Truat, f2.B6; tot 8, Nortbarn Countlaa InTeatinrut Truat. fa.40; lot 4. Frank A. Tell, fl.10; tot 6 i. Fr.rdt A. Tell, fl.00; tot 4, Frank A. TelL 81.20; tot 7, Mary C. W.rrm, (X00;. tot 8. Preatoa W. Gillette. 83.00; tot 8, Carrie B. . Wood. (3.00: tot 10. May D. I an 11a. 8300; north H of tot 11, Goat J. and Ca ran Olara. fl.OO; aoatk H of tot 11, Gnntaf A. and Carolina Cartoon. fl.OOi tot 13, Klla C. Sablo. ' (2 00; lot 18., Frank A. Trll. f2.00. CABI THF.RR' ADDITION to tba City ef Port land, aa laid oat by the South Portland Real Hat ate Aeaorlatlon BLOCK 100, lot 1. Ore. Railroad A Narigattoa Company, f3.n0; lot 2. tlregon Railroad A K.rlgattoa Company, j 13.00: tot 8. Orrgon Railroad A NaTtcatton Company, (3.00; tot 4. Oregon Railroad A hart cation Company. (300; tot ft. Orrgon - Railroad A Narigattoa Company, fa 00; tot . Oregon Railroad A Barieatton Company. fXOO; tot T. Oregon Railroad A -Narigattoa , Company, fiOO; tot B. Oregon Railroad A Karigatloa Campaay. f2.00. BLOCK 101. lot 1, Cnlted Sutra Rarinca A lioaa Company of Mlnsraota, f300; tot 3. 1. P.. Scott. 12.00; . tot 3. Ibex laind Company and Robert H. Thorn peon, flOO: lot 4. Ibex Land Company aad Robert H. Thorn paon. $2. On; tot B. Krrrd Ing A Farrall. f2.0O: tot a. J. t. Scott, floo; tot T. J. K. Brett. 12.00; tot B. rmtrd Statea Barinea A Loan Company of Mlnneoota. 3.0n BLOt'K 103. tot 1, l.lnale C. Wella, fXOO; tot 3. Mary Franraa Hurler, I2.0O; tot 8. Mary r raMv- nn. rv, e v. ui BVO L. Bronaagh, 42.00; lot S. 8. J. 1 Prance, ft.00; "tot a, B, I. - La frwnrr, (a.OAr- andlridedr -H ' of tot Tu tbas Land Company, fl.oo, an. airidea h or mt t jinna B. coonell. fl.00: tot 8. Jacub LnaU (3.00. BIOCK IOR. tot 1. Peter and Rhrte Brrner, f3.00; tot 3. peter and Bbno Brener, 12.00; tot 8, Oregoa Mort. eago Company. Ltd., 13.00! tot 4, little Trapa, fXOO; lot B. Molllo, t2 00; tot d. tool Me Stanford, f3 00; lot 7. Mollla Stanford, 12.00; tot 8, Molllo Stanford 83.00. BliOCK 104. tot 1. I or l Land Company, 83.00; tot 1. Ibei Land Cornpaay. f3.uu; tot 8, Ibex Land Company, 82.00; tot 4, Ibet latna iwnpany, a.w; raat 00 reeti of lot 6, Ibra Ind Cornpaay, fl.00; raat BO frrt of tot 0. Ibet Land Corapany, 11.00; .11 of tot t except M" BO feet, F, 0. W.tob.'; , all of tot 8 except raat 60 feet, P. wi'Walch, (0.B0; tot 7. Ibex Land Cornpaay. (3.46; tot 8. Ibex Laad Company, fl.OB. BLOCK 10ft, tot 1, Oregon Railway A Navigation Com any.-; tot 8. Orrgon Railway A Nari gattoa Company, fa. TO; tot 8, Orrgon Rail way A Narigattoa Company, f'J.4o; tot 4, Oregon Railway A Narigattoa Oompany. f3lft; lot B, Oregoa Ballway A Narigatlon Corn paay, faoo; tot n. Oregon Railway A Nariga tlon Company, (3 00; tot 7. Oregon Ballway A Narigattoa Company, flOO; tot 8, Orrgon Ballway A Navigation Company, f3.uo. BLOCK 10a, tot I. William M. Gregory and J. V. Beach, fa.on; tot t. William M. flrrg. rrf end J. T. Beach, fa 00: tot S. William M. Gregory and J. T. Beach, 12 00; tot 4. William M. Ore gory end J. V. Beach. 83.00; tot ft. William .M. nreeory end J. V. Beach, f 1 Bft; tot . WUlam M. flrreory end 1. P. Brerhv If To lot 7. William M. Oragory and J. V. Bearh. (I.IBi tot fl. WHUam Ore gory end J. T. Brack. 1 1.8ft. BIM K 107, Oregon Ballway A Narigattoa tnwpany. f IB Aft. bum n, ion, mt.d, a nonaaa nomaaan. i Thorn aa I. lottrl. Ratate H-lra of. IBfT tot 8, Blrbord B. Col Una. M.0B: tot 4. Richard B. telllaa. II 0O: n a. Portland Truat Company af Oregon, ft 00; tot a. Port land Traat. Cornpaay ef Oreeon. 13.00; weat . 8 14 feet of tot 7. Inoard Schad. BO OB; Waat ta tort ad tot 8, UaaarA Schad, . ' '- - A ' ' J, ' S0.SB; eaat 84 3-B feet of tot T, Joha Lewy, f l.Bti ekat aa 3-8 feet of tot a, John Lewy. fl.SB. BIXMJK 108. tot 1, Annie B. New- aoaie, fj.ou: narth 74 frrt of tot 3, Robert . Willlama, fl.M); aouth 13 fart at Jot 3, 4 Victoria Pleblgar, Bo oo; north H of 'kt 8, Victoria Ftebixer. fl.OO; aouth S af lot 8. ' Prank and Victoria Fteblger, ft 00; lot 4, ' William Klog. 83.00) all of tot B axrept . Oregoa A Callfurula Ballruad nnniuany'a right af way, William King. fo.BO; all of tot ( V rxcern, tire gun Caurornla Railroad Com paey'a -right of way. William king, fo.wi; alLof lot 7 eacept Oregoa A California Kail road Company a rlabt of way, William B. ; klng. fl.OO; all of kit 8 eacept Oregon A California Railroad Company'a right of way, William B. King. (1.46. BI.OCK 110, tot I. Henry J. 1-bompaoa, Katatr Hrlra of. !200; tot t. Henrr J. Tkompenn, tate lair, of, (2,00; tot 8, I. W. Wakefield. .12.00: tot 4. Huaan M. ' Wallace. 12. oil; jut 6. Ferdinand Uundurph. 13.00: M 4. Ferdi nand Ifuodorpb, $2.00; lot 7. Frrdlnand liua-doriih,,-li.lai: tot 8. Frrdlnand liundorik, t3.0u. BUM'K 111. all of tot 1 rxcrpt Orr gon A California Railroad company', right ot way, Cbarlre C. bmlth, ft. 15; all of tot ( eacept Orrgon A California1 Railroad Com paay a right of way. t'barlea C. Hmllh,; ' all of lot a ncept Orrgon A Callf.irnla Uall ruad Comimny'a right of way, Charlra V. : Smith. fO.Jo: .11 of tot 4 raorpt Orrgon A k California Company', right of way, Charlra C. Smith. . Bo. Tft: all of . tot B Orrgon A California Railroad Com pany'a right of way, Cbarlre C. Smith, I2.U0; all of tot a except Oregon A .Call ' fornla Hallrnad timny'a right of way, Charlra V. Hmllh. $2.i'i all nf lot 7 except Oregon A California Hallroad Company'l right - of jaay, -Cbarlea C Smith. II. W.; ail of bit B Vxrrpt Orrgon ' A California Railroad : Cnmpany'a right of way. Cbarlre C. Smith. . fl.M.. BLOCbv 113. lot 1. Frrd .Rcaorat. ' I2.00; tot 8. Prrd Rrhorat. (3.wr tot 8, - Northern Countlra Inveatmcnt Truat, L1d., $2.00; tot 4. Vera Hayura, 2.00; tot B. Vera Harnea. f2.00; tot , Nortbrru Countlra In eratmcot Truat, Ltd.,; tot 7, Fred kr. norat. $21)0; tot 8. Frrd Urhoret, $2 110. , BLOCK li:t. tot I. J. Sweek. Batata Heir. ' of. $3.00; lot 2. J. Bweek, Katatr Hrlra t. ', $3.00: north 40 frrt of lot 3. J. Swrrk. K- : tale Hrlra of, fl no; aouth 10 fret of tot 3, M. W. Smith. fO.BA; .lot 4, M. W. Smith, $2.00; , weat 48 fret of tot 6, Hrrman H.; aaat frrt af kit S. '. L. Wright, fl.lo; tot tt, J. W Sweek, Ktata Hrlra of, 83.00; tot T. J. W. Bweek, Batata Heir. of. f2.ou; tot ,8. J. W. Sweek, Ketate Hrlra of. fi.00. BLOCK? 114. lot 1. Ueorce , 1). W.tklna and k7t. Rood. 12 0: tot 3. tieorce D. Watklna .ad R.lD. Rood. $2.00; ' tot 3, PrankUn Drake. $2 fto; tot 4. Frauklia Drake, fS.mi; wrat i of tot B. Columbia la reatnirnt Company No. 3, fl.00; weat H of k tot 0,, Columbia Invert ment Ctimpany No. 3. . fl.OO, eaat h of tot 6. Murr Lrnta. fl.OO; eaat H of' tot 8, nary Lruta. xi.ou; ' , Hlf- fi.doi fl.noi . aiTioeo gm ot mt 1. iiannaa nioom, undivided 4-6 of lot 8. Haanah Bloom. ' ueainoej 1 -o 01 wi 1. matnuaa, jmnia, Mary and R. Bloom, 10.3ft; undlridrd 1-6 ot lot tt, Mathilda. Jrnnla. Mary and B. Bloom, f0.3B.' BLOCK 116, lot 1, Tha Northrrn 1 Countlra Inveatment Truat. Ltd... $2.00; tot " 2. The Northern Conntlea Invratmrnt Traat, - Ltd.. f2.00; lot 3, EUaaheth A. Tbomaa. $2.00; ' tot 4, Ellxabeth A. Tbomaa, f2.oo; weat oil feet of tot B, laaa Swell, fl.lo; raat 40 . frrt ol lot B. Thrrraa Brown. fO.BO; aonth S of lot d. V. B. Bogcra. fl.OO; north H of tot 8. Prrd L. Rigga and Stella M. Rlgga, fl.OO. tot 7. Byron P. Cardwell, Folate Hrlra of, t2.00; lot , Brron P. Cardwell, Eatate Hair. or. tZOO. BI.OCK 114. tot 1. Joha H. and Mary D. Mlddlaton, $2 OO; tot 3. her ' Churchman. $2.00: tot 3, Amend W. Raed, Katatr Hrlra of, 33.00: tot -4, Amand W. Hard. RaUte Hrlra ot. f2 00; tot B. Margaret C. Falling, f3.00; tot 8. Margaret C. Falling, 13.00; tot 7. Mary A. Hulllvant fXOO: tot 8. Bridget and J. D. . Kennedy, Katatr Hrlra ef, $200.- BLOCK 117, tot 1. Mary France. Hnrtoy, $3.00: tot 8. George W. Craw, $2 00; , tot 8, Mary Francea Hurley. $2.00; tot 4, Mary Francea Hurley, $3.00; tot 5, Dora ; Spranar, 83.00; tot 4. Dora Bpraner, f 2.00; tot 7. George Rlbbecke. f2.00; tot 8, Frlli ' Flndlry, (2.00, . BLOCK 1 18. tot 1. Kllra Uauaiaae gkfka . fA Ba fluua aaleahwmr. a. w 82.001 tot 8. Carrie Klrklev, 12.00; tot ojat. wi ev n an, t irrin n m wrw , a. w avt totge Selkirk. fS.OOi faat U of tot 8, Am M. Jarobbergor. (1.00; Taaatrx, of lot tnnia a. Annie M. Jacuhbercrr. 81.00:. waat Vk of tot , 8. Catherine Ann Bowr. fl.OO: wrat H of tot 8. Catherine Ann Howr. fl.OO: at H of' tot 7. John Klrklev. f1.00;eat U of , tot B. John Kirk ley, flANet wrat H of tot T. Fred L. Wright. fl.OO; vrrat WoMotvA, Fred lm - vTrlght. fl ". BIXICK lift, tot 1. LlaalaC. Wrlla, f 2,00; lot 2. Llaxle C. Wella, fZ 00: tot a, J. B. MrAlpln. f2.n0; . lot 4, J. S. MrAlpln, $2.00; tot 6, Benjamin K. and Phoebe J. Johnaon, $2.00; lot , Benjamin F. and PBoabr J. Johnaon, f2 no; tot T, Llxxle C. Wella. 100; tot 8, Llaxle . C. Wella. f300. BlOCK 130. tot 1, Ore- Con Railroad A Narigattoa Company, f3.00; it 3. Oregon Railroad at Navigation Com- . -aany (3.00; tot 3. Orrgon Railroad A Nari ' gallon Onmnanr. 13.00: tot 4. Oregoa Rail mad A Navigation Company. 12.00; tot B, Orrgon Railroad a Naricattoa Company, $2.00; tot 8, Oregon Railroad. A Narigattoa Companyr f2.00; lot 7. Orrgon Railroad A ' Narigattoa Company, fS.00; tot 8, Oregon Railroad havigatlna company, 12.00, BLOCK 121. tot 1. Orrgon Railroad A Navl. gattoa Company. (2.00: tot 3. Oregon Rail road A Navigation Company, (2.00; lot 8, " Oreroa Railroad A Navigation COmnanv. aa.O0; tot 4, Orrgon Railroad A Narigattoa Company. $2 00; tot B. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, $2 00; tot 8. Ongiiii naiiroaa at navigation, tympany, az.m; lot v'7, Orrgon Railroad A "rlgatton Company. - (3.00; tot B, Oregon Railroad A N.Tigatlon uompanr.,, m,in k . ya, lot 1, tirr eon Railroad A NarleaUon lomnanr. 82.00: tot 3, Orrgon Railroad A Narlgatlon Com. paay. fz.uu; lot . urrgom Kauroaa- at Aaat cation Company. 12.00: tot 4. Oreeon Rail . road A Narlgatlon Company, f 2.00; tot B, Orrgon Railroad A Narlgatlon Comnany. fl00; lot 0, Oregon Railroad A Narlgatlon . Company. fXOO; tot 7. Orrgon Ballruad A Naric.tloa Company. f2.00; lot 8, Orrgon Kallroaa naTiganon company, rx.oo. BLOCK 123, tot 1. lanra M. Oammona, fXOO; brack 3, Laura af. Gammoaa, 83.00; tot 8, Proaton W. OllletU, fZOO; tot 4. Prraton W. Olllrtta. t2.00; tot 6, Arthnr U. Cburch- Irr. 83.00: tot 8. Arthur G. Church Irr. 12.00: Ltd.,; lot 8. H. L. Temptotoa. $2.00, BLOCK 134. tot 1. Caroline Vantlne. 12.00: tot 3. Caroline Vantlne, 33.00; tot 8,' Amanda w. Bred Batata, unra of. 12.00: tot 4, . Amanda W. Bred EaUte. Hrlra of. 8300: tot 6. Caroline Vantlne. f2.0O; kit 0, Caroline Vantlne.- BZ.00: let T. Caroline Vantlne. (3.00; tot 8, Cerall or Vantlnr$2IO. BLOCK 12ft, lot 1. A. 1. uieay. fi 00; 4ot 3, A. J. Oleay. $2.00; north H of tot 8, Jnaeph Nell aen. 31.00: aonth H of tot 8. L. Orldenhrra. 81.00: lot 4. Ada and A. R. Panno. t2.00: tot 6. Oregon - Mortgage Company, 83.00; annth lot . Alice L. Rowen. n, Bl.' 00: north lot 8. Charlra Honghtoo.'fl and Flora C. Gee attach, t'2 00: tot 7. 2 00; lot a; Cora B. and Lllllaa A. DrLlnd, $2.00. BLOCK 13B. tot 1. JnUna H. B error. $2.00: tot 3. Ida M. Bereer. $300: tot 3, George 8. and Minnie Uringaton. (3-00: lot 4. Martha Ran ebew. (3.00; tot 8. A. L. I'paon, t2 00; lot 8. Prrd B. Pierce, f2.00; eaat 67 feet nf tot T. German Saving A Loan Society, fl.lo; 1 raat B7 fret of tot 8, ftermau Baring A Loan Hoctety,; weat aB feet or lot T. J. H. Brtetow, fO.BO; weat 41 frrt of tot S. J. H. Brmtnw. BI.OCK 127. lot 1. William R. Priakell. f3.nO; tot 3, William B. Hrtekell, (2.00; tot 3. Perry H. Birth. fXOO; tot 4. Prank and Loahu H. Rnmmvlln, $3 On; tot .ft. William E. Drlakrll. f5.0O; tot n. William K. Drialrell. fft.BO; tot 7. Jcree H. Settle : mlrr. (B aft: tot 8. leaae Orvnrta. tft 00. BI1CK 12N. raat 78 fret of tot l. '-Lonl. M.rott. 84.T0! weat zs fret of tot I, Hannak L. Hardy. $1.16: wrat 28 feet ef tot 3. Han nak L. Hardy, (Lift; north 4 of raat 7S feet or tot 3. Maap toiemaa, $ -poath H of eaat TB fret of tot 3. Bridert Kenned w and Jan. Kennedy Ketate. llrlra nf. B3.3B'; ' tot 3, City of Portland, fft.BO; tot 4. Oon- atanra and Fred Tillman, in no; tot S. M arena Bordy, aooth H of tot 4, Sarah Cohn, fl.OO: north H of tot 8. M. J. Morn,; tot T, Fonrtb Preabyterian Church, fa.on; tot B, - Fonrtb Preabytrrtan Cburrh, t2.on, BLOCK 120. tot 1. Prrd Rpagelr, fl.00; north 80 frat of tot 8. Leroy J.. Switalrr, -fl.46 aooth-14-fret-ot tot 3. John Mulr. fo.BB; north 43 fret of lot S. John Mulr, fl M; aouth S fret of tot 8, Marleaaa B. Boyd, 80.80; tot 4. Marlraaa B. Boyd. $2 OO; aU of tot 8 rxrept Oregon A California Rail road Compaay'a right af way,. Kannlo- M. Starr. fl.3ft: aU of tot S except Oregon A California Ballroad Company'a right ot war, Naonlo M. Starr. fl.BO: eaat V. Af tot T. . Hannah McCarthy. fl.OO: raat of tot . - u utk. at oa. . , , niaapa - r, . . wv f of tot 7. Mra. MarUa A. Elf-re, tl.OO; weat H of tot B, Mm. lartin A. Elfera. fl.OO. BliCK 130, all of tot -I eicest Oregoa A California Railroad Pematay'e right of way, Charlra Cerdlaell. (1 .BO; tot (. Fred W. Prrbo, (300; lot 8, Kittle M. Stark, (300; tot 4. Kittle M. Stark. (3.00: wrat W of tot B. Alice R. Wrlator. fl.QO; wrat M of tot a. Alice R. WrletrT. fl.oo; eaat H ef tot (., Robert , livlngatooe,' $1 00; aaat H of tot 4.' Robert l.lvingIowe, fi.w; rear ei wt , r, lerael and Mary Dananff, $1. Oft; eaat H of tot B, fareel aad alary Dantoff. fl.on; wrat U tot t. P. A. Daly. Traetre. fl.OO; wref of tot B. P. A, Italy. Trnatre, fl.oo, BLOCK 131. tot 1. P. Bran,; all of aonth u of tot 3 exrept Oregoa California Ballroad Cetnpaay'a right of way. George N. Waliton, 80. BO; all ot north 4 bf tot t. rirept fire, gnu A California Ballroad Cnmpany'a right ef Way. Polly M. Ford. 80.86; all of tot t except Orrgon A California Ballroad Com pear ' right of way. Philip hawton. f 1 aoj alt nf kit 4 except Oregon A California Ball mad Campaav'. right ot way, Philip Lawtoa, 41. oft! eaat 49 feet of tot 8 Olrrpt Orrgoa A California Ballroad Company'a right ef way. Patella Smith. fl.OO-, eeat 40 frrt ef aoutk 30 fret ot tot B eaerpt Oregoa A Call, fornla Ballroad tVimaany'i right ef way. Ratella Smith, fl.30; weat fl feet of tot f rirept Orrgon A CaUfnrnla Railroad Cem- Jany 4 right nf way. Vlllium M. tlrrcorv, I. aft; weat Bl fee of root IT 30 fret of lot eicent Orrgoa A California Railroad Ontn- ' pane', right of way, William M. Urrgery, B.ei aorta ev rat aa lot a axceat oragea - A California. Ballroad Comnaayi right l ' way, 'John H. Middle too, (1.10-. all pt tot 7 rsropt Oregoa A California Railroad Com. pan; , right at way, John H. 'Mlddleton. , (l.oo; all af tot ( exerpt Orrgoa A California allread Company', right of way, OUta. hi. ug. fl.OO. BLOCK 133, tot 1, Laura laulkea, (11.78: lot 3. Grant Pbrgley, fl 1.7b; tot a, AUca J. Plimpton, f 11.76; tot 4, Allen J.. Plimpton. fll.Tti; tot 8, Aaua C. Baroft, ,2.00; tot- 8, Ida B. Uore. f2.0u; tot 7, K. Fi Btreoe, f3.00) lot 8. R. F. f2.00. ' BLOCK .433, lot 1. Fred A. Lite (3.00; bit 3, Fred A.. Liu. (3.00: lot .3. William Tarant, f2.00; tot 4. William T.raut, $2.00; tot B, Flrat Methodlat ICplaco- Kl Church, Traatae, fll-74; tot B, Flrat tbodlat Kplaeupal t.'hiircb, Traatoa, f 11.16; tot 7, I red A. LUa. 811.76; tot , (red A. Uta.. fll.75. BLoi hf 134, tot 1. Adeline M. t'nuernood, $2.00; ' tot 3, Adallna U. I'ndrrwoud, $2.00; bit 8, Nant-p B. Atklneon , Eatata, Hrlra of, $300; lot 4, Nancy B. ' Atkluaoa Eatate, Hrlra of. f 2.00; tot I, Sumnrr 1. Barber, $2.00; kit a. Sumner J. . Barber, $2.00; kit 7. WlUlam C. liartnar, $2.00; Wt . a, William C. lUrmar. f3.uo; BLOCK 136, aaat ft ef kl 1. rank V. Shuck, tl.ia): eaat S of kt 3, Prank Y. Shuck, fl.oo; wrat H at kt 1. William P. 01.1., fl.OO! weat l, of tot, t. William P. Olda, fl.oo: -north 1V1 of tot 3, A. K. and L. Bultnrr, f Lou; aouth tk of lot 8, Daniel W. Uurlblng, fl.oo; tot 4. Daniel W. Ilorl , blng, 83.00; kit 5, Urorgo. SluweU. fXOO; tot 4. tlrurga Stowell, $3.00; tot 7, Alexaodrr 5. I'altullu, f2.oti; tot a, Ab-aander B. Pat tulto. f-J.UO. . BLOCK 134, weat 3ft fret of kit j,. Mary J. he! nice, fo.40; raat 76 feet 'ot tot I, Anna Hrrrall, fl.ftft; lot 3. Colla C. lilrvln,. $2.00; tot a, M. W. SmIU, f3.oo; tot 4.' M. W, Smith, f3.00; tot B. M- W. Smith, $2,001 tot 4. hi" W. Smith. $2.00; kit 7. Hcary Walnhard. fXOO: tot 8. Henry Walnhard. f 3 OH. BLOCK, 137, tot 1. M. W. smith, $2.00; tot 8. M. W. Smlibr flno; - tot U. M. W. Smith, f2.00;.tot .4. M. W. Smith, faoo: lot 6, M. W. Snflth. flo; -tot a.. M. W. Hmllh. $2.00; lot 7, M. W. Smith, f3.00; tot B. M. W. Smith. f3.oo. BUH'K 1. lot I. Oregon Railroad A Navl- Iatton Company, $2 00; tot 3. Orrgoa Railroad s Navigation Company. $2.00; tot 3. Ore gon Hailniad A Navlgatlou Ctimnany. (2.00; lot 4, Orrgon Railroad di Navigation Com pany.; tot 6, Oregon Ballroad A Navl. gatloB Company. (2.on; tot 0, Orrgoa Kail road A havlkalton Company, f2.0o; tot 7, Oregoa. Railroad) A Narigattoa Company, f2.0ti; tot B, Oregoa Railroad A Kavtgaltoa Cum Ciny, f2.o0. BLOCK j,' tot I, Oregon a I lraa d A Natlgatiou tympany, f2.00; lot ' 3. Orrgon Railroad A Navigation Company, . $2.00; lot 3. Orrgon Railroad A Navlga . tlon Company, f2.oo; tot 4, Oregoa Ballroad A Navigation Corapany, $2,110; tot B, Ore. Coa Railroad A Navlgatkm Company, ft. 00; t 8. orrgon Railroad A Navigation Company, f2.0o; lot 7, Orrgon Railroad A Navigation Company, fi.00; lot 8, Urrgen Railroad A ' Navigation Company. $3.00. -HU)( K 144k, tot 1, Orrgoa Ballruad A Navigation Company, $2.ia! kit 3. Orrgon Kallroaa A Navigation Company, f2.0or tot 8, Orrgoa Railroad A Navigation Company, 83.00; tot 4. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company; 2.00j lot 6, Oregoa Railroad A Narigattoa Company, (2.00; tot 8, Oregon Railroad A Narigattoa Company, (3.00; lot 7. Oregoa Railroad A ' Navigation Company, f 100; lot 8, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company.. $2.00. BLOCK 141, tot 1. Orrgon Railroad A Navi gation Oompany, (3.00; tot 3. Orrgoa Rail- road A Navigation Company, fZOO; tot 8, uregoa Hallroad A - Navigation Company, f30o; tot 4, Oregoa Ballroad A Navigation Company. f3.00: tot 6. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company, (3.00; tot 0, Orrgon Railroad A Navigation Company, '(3.00: lot 7, . Orrgoa, Railroad A Navigation Company, ' (3.00; tot B, Oregon Railroad A 1 Navigation Company. f3.00. , HLOCK 143, tot 1, Richard and Klla rank, 32.00; tot 3, Richard and Ella Funk, f200; tot t. Martha Mary Taylor, $2.00; lot 4, . Martha Mary Taylor, $2.00; tot - 6, Frrd Spacrlr. f3.oo; : lot a, . Fred Spageto, $2.00; kit 7, John Mulr, 8300; tot A, John Mulr, f2.00. BUM'K 143. tot 1, Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company, J2.00; lot 2, Orrgoa Railroad A Navigation ompany. (2.00; tot 8, Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company,-. f2.00; tot 4, 'Oregoa Railroad A- Navigation Company, (3.00; tot b, tlregon Ballroad 4k navigation company, (2.00; tot B, Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company, ipany, 2.oo; tot Icattoa Company 1.00; tot T. Oregon Railroad A Navigi - is. 00; lot -a, orrgon Railroad A Navigation Soaipany, $2.00. BLOCK 144, wrat V, ot lot 1, Peter Olbonl, fl.OO; weat H-of t, 3.' Peter Gibonl. fl.OO; eaat K of tot 1. B. M. -Smith. fl.OO; aaat of tot 2. S. M. Smith,' fl.OO; eaat H of tot 3, John Kerrniah. fl.OO; aaat U of tot 4, John Kerroiab. $1.00- weat fi' of tot a, John P. Hartmaa, f lTT; weat of tot 4, John P. Hartmaa, fl.OO; tot 6, Mary 8. '. Mlddlaton, f3.00 tot 6. Mary 8. MI1lrton, - f2.0V-weet V of tot 7,-Lenora S. Orrgory, fl.oo; eaat H ot tot TT Sadie A, Wriukle, tl.OO: eaat 14 of lot 8. Sadie A. Wrinkle. fl.oo; weat H of tot 8, Abram Dei lay, ft.00. .- BI1CK 14ft. tot 1. Oregon Railroad A Navl- gallon Company.' t2.0O; tot 3, Oregoa Kall roaa at navigation company, axon; lot a, . Orrgoa Railroad - A Navigation - Company. $2.O0; tot 4. Oregon. Railroad A Narigattoa Company, $2.00; tot 6, Oregon Ballroad A navigation t ompany, 2.00; an n. tjnwon Railroad A Navigation Oompany. fiOO; tot " 7, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, $2.00; lot B, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, fi.00. BLOCK 148, tot 1. Ma. - maa nananione. ex.tai: lot z. Matiiaa.Mna- .tone. $2.00; lot 8. Matilda Randatooe, f 2 00; li . lotjL idilllrtt Sandatone, $3.00: tot p. Ore- a - gun naiiroaa ox navigation uomt noanr . 417104 ... . . s . i , i . i . , . ' ,i, a. . I... m it 1 1 . . k- ' , t . tlon Company, (17.05; lot 8. Oregon Railroad a navigatina i ompany. 17 no. hlock 147, tot 1, Loula M. AaprbwaH. (17.66: tot 3, ' 817.86: tot 8, Sarah V., Edith and Samuri L. Campbell, 117.8ft; tot 4, Sarah V., Edith ana .. mvi . Lampmii, flf.oo; - mt O, H. J. Thompeon Katata, Relre of. 32.00 ; tot 6, H. J. Thompeon Katatr, Helra of, : 12.00; eaat H of tot 7. Adam Catlln. fl.OO; eaat H of tot 8. Adam Catlln, fl.00; weat . H of lot T. Alliance Traat Company of Dun dee. Scotland, ( I .i; wrat 4 ot lot 8. Al- . llance Truat Company of Dundee, Scotland, fl.OO. BLOCK 14M, all of eaat H of tot 1, excrnt .Orrcon A California Raliroad mm. pany'e right ef way, Abraham Dlllry. fO.OO; . all of weat - of tot 1. except Oregoa A . California Railroad Company'a right of way. Cyme Culnan. 80.00; all of north H of tot 3 earrpt Oregon A California Ballroad Com pany'a right of way, Harvry fl. Green, fo.ftft; all of aonth H ot tot 3 except Oregoa A Cali fornia naiiroaa tompany a right of way, Lawrence Strand, 80.66; all of tot 8 rxrept m Orroon A California Railroad Comnanv'a JVigbt af way, Iwreure, Strand, (0.40; aU of e-. . npi maww w vauimii, aaiimg Compaay'a right ef way, (0.75; tot 6, Lawrence Strand, 13.00; tot fl, Lawrence Strand, flOO; aooth H ef aaat ot tot T, Lawrence Strand. . fO.BOj north H ot eaat H of tot 7.. Harvry S. Green, fo.SOi weat 60 feet of kit 7, Harvry Si Green, "fl.oo; eaat Vi of tot S, Cyrue Cnlpah, (l.oo; weat H Af tot 8, Abram Dllley, fl.oo. - BLOCK 140, tot 1. Joha F. Caplra. $X00; north H ot tot X John P. Caplra, fl.OO; aoath of lot X William B. Saytor, fl.00; tot 3, William B. Saytor. (2.00; lot 4, A. L Mllto, (2.00; eaat of tot S. Fred . H. Strong. fl.OO; raat H of tot 8. Prrd H. Strong, (1.00; waat H of tot 8, Chrtetopber Kaufman. (1.00; weat H ef tot 4. Cbriato. . pber Kaafmaa, (l.oo; tot 7, Mra. B. A. Owena Adair. $4.68; tot S, Mra. B. A. Owena " Adair, $4 66. BI.OCK 160, tot 1, Preatoa w. Gillette, f 23.66; tot 3.. Mary Gillette. 12 J: north 40 frrt of tot .1. P. D. Mattbewa. Traater, $IS.Bft; aonth 10 feet of tot 8, Walter Klrtta. f4. Tft; all of tot 4 except Oregoa A California Ballroad company'a right ot way. Waiter Kirtta, f 21.1ft; .11 nf lot B weat of Orrgoa A Cali fornia Railroad Com pany'e right of way, J. Cnger, f2.oo: all of tot 8 eaat of Oregoa A California Railroad Compaay'a right of way. Walter Klett. fl.10: all of tot B wrat of Orrgoa A California Raliroad Company', right of WAX AdeUae Wild. 80.46; all ot tot. T weat of Orrgoa A California Raliroad Company' rlgbt of way, John B. Wild, 80-20; .11 of tot f eaat of Orrgoa A Califor nia Railroad Company'a right of way, Joeo phlne G. Orerend. (I.6A; all of tot 8 eaat of Oregoa A California Railroad Company'a rtgbt of way, Joaephtne 0. Orerend. (2.39. BLOCS, ini, ioi l, urrgon Ballroad Navl gatloa Ompany. (4.5B; tot 3, Oregon- Rail road A Navlgatloa Company, f4.6ft; tot 3, Orrgoa Railroad A Navlgatloa 'Company, 84 56; tot 4. Oregoa. Railroad A Navlgatkm Company. f4.AA; tot 6. r Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company.. f23.5ft; tot 4, Orrgoa Raliroad A Navlgatloa Oompany, (23 66 lot 7, Oregon Raliroad A Navigation Com pany. (33.&ft: tot B. Oregoa Railroad A Nail- fatton Company, t23.ftft. BI.OCK 132, tot , Edward know Ira. 84. AB; aoath 30 frrt of tot 3. Arthur. K. Mcbrrrn. fl.BO' north 30 fret ot tot 2. Joariib C. Bayer. f2.TB; aoutb feet ot north 37 feet ot tot 8, Joaeph C, Bayer. $2.80 north feet ot tot 8. Arthur K. McRrern. (OHO; aooth 13 tret ef tot 8, . Peter' Hobklrk, tl.lB: tot 4. Peter flobklrk. ft M:' tot ft. The Title- Guerantee At Traat t ompany, ft Bft; tot 8. The Title Guarantee At Tnurt Company, ft 56: tot 7. Joaeph C. Bayer A Peter Hobklrk. $4.54; tot 8. Joarph C. Bayer A Prtrr Hobklrk. ft.ftft. BUK.K 153, tot 1, Victor K. Strode.- ft.BS; tot 3. Kate Strode, f4 .56: tot 3, Ferdinand Barteki. ft. M: lot 4. Ferdinand Bar tela. 44.60; tot B. .Oarer and Lucy Kbattn.k. $4 53: tot a, Oerar and Lucy Shattuck. $4.66; tot t, Prank and Marv llackrnrv. $4.56: tot B, Phillip Gevurta. (4 BA- BLOCK L14. tot 1. Ellnabrth A. Tbompaon. ft.Bft; tot 3. Kllaahrth A. Thorn p. ana, $4.55: tot 3, Jamra K. Tbomneno. 84.65; tot 4 Jamea Tbompaon. . 14.5ft; tot 8. Hannah C. Strwart, ftfto; tot a, Hannah C. Stewart, ft 56; tot T. Kllmbetb A. Tbomaa, 14 lift: lot 8, Rllaabefh A. Tbomaa, $4 Ml BLOCK 1511. tot 1. Joha 0. Hoffmen. (4 ftftt tot 3. Haaa J. Sckerner. fC.A; tot 3. Ella C. Sabln. ft.Bft; tot 4. Ellh 0. 8a Mn. f4.BA; tot B. Joha Mole. f4B6; tot 4, An toe ana Boar Bakowakr. I4-.W; tot T. Joha Mulr, 14.54; tot B. William M. Ladd. Truatee, f 4 Bf . ' BLOCK 15A. tot 1, Oregon Ballroad A Nevl gatmn Ontpenv. ft.BB; tot 3, Orrgna Kail raid A ' Narlgatlon Company. (4.BA; tot 8. Orrgon Railroad A Navigation Oompany, f4 55; tot 4. - Oregon Raliroad A Nengelk.a Comeav, (4.i tot (V OraatoaV RaXhoad A r ;- -' .. - , - ' ,- .- ; -.' . ' NarigaUoa Company, 84,66) tot .4, Oregoa KallroaoS A Navigation Oompany. (t.BB; tot 7 Oregon Railroad A MavOjaUim Company,. (4.66; tot a. Oregon- Railroad ar Navlgatloa Company, ft. (5. BU)CK 16T. tot 1, tmgoa Railroad A Navigation ' Company1 4.ft; tot 3. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company, $4,34; tot 8, Oregon Railroad A NarigaUoa Coiuiieny, (4.66; tot 4. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company, 64.6ft; tot , B, Oregoa Hallroad A Kavlgatton Oompany. B4.6A; tot . . 8. Orrgoa Railroad A Narigatlon Company, $4.54; tot 7, Oregon, Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. (1.66; Ml, Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Company, 84.66. BLOCK KM. tot 1. Oregoa Railroad A NarigaUoa Cornpaay, f4.i5: tot 3.. Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Coaoaf,-4t.6B; lot 8, Oregoa Railroad A ' Navigation Company, (4.66; tob-4, Oregon kallniad At Navlaallon ComoanV. 84.66: tot . 6. Oregon Railroad d. Navlgatloa Company, 7 aa.oo; ioi u, uregoa luuiruea at x,avi.auwa Company, (4.66; lot 7, oregoa Ballroad A Navigation Company. $4i tot a, Orrgoa ' Railroad A Navigation Company, - 84.66. BLOCK 15u, tot 1, Orrgon Railroad A Navl gatloa Company. 84.66; tot 3, Oregon Kail- - road A Navigation Company, I tot 3, Orrgoa Railroad A Navigation Oompany, $4.Ui; tot 4. Orrgon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company, 84. BO; tot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, (4.6ft; tot 8, Oregoa . rUUroed A Navigation Company. (4.66; tot 7. Oregoa Hallroad A Navlgatloa Company, ft.bft; tot 8, .Oregon .Railroad A Navlgatkm 'oiupanr. fl M. BLOCK 100,. tot 1, Albert Frhreabarh, f4-Bft: tot 2, Albert Frbrenbach, 4.0; tot 8 Albert prbrrnbub, $4.66; tot . 4. Albert Frhreubarh, 44.65; tot ft. Alhort i'rhreabach, f4.66; tot -, Albert Fehrcubi.e; (4.66; tot 7, Albert Pehroabei-h. f4.66; tot B, Albert IVbrenlHicb, fCftS. 'BLOCK lttl, tot , 1, Catherine W. (rwena. ft. 66: tot 8, lath erlne W. Owena, f4.66j tot 3, Ktona Sherwood, 4466; tot 4. Klroa Bberwood, $ -66; tot 6, Henry Becfcr. $4.64; tot 0, Jobn Plrbuch, tl 64; tot 7, John Plabnch. (4.6S; tot B. plaoopal Fuad of tho 1'rutratant Kplaropal I aurch of the Dlorroa of Orrgon, 1 ruat.-e, ' ft.ftft. BLOCK 1U3. tot L Perdluaud Bartelbi. f4-n5;' tot 3, Ferdinand Battalia. $4-66; tot o, Corlnae E. Wood. (4.66; tot 4, Corinne , B. Wood, ft.AB: tot 6, Jacob Kamm, $4 66; tot a, Jacob Kamm, 84.B6; tot 7. Sophia Sut ton, f4.66; tot a, SopbU Sutton. B4.A6. BLOCK 103, The Home, $360. BUM K . lo4. tot 1. The Home, (4.66; tot 3, The - Home, $4.56; tot 3. 1'be Home, (4 6; tot 4, r be UoBie, f4.6S; tot 8, Tbe Home, $4.66; tot fl, Tbe Home, $4.66; tot 7, The Honie, fl.06; tot 8, Tba Homej f2B.7a BLOCK 106. all of ton 1 and 8, weat of Ore coo 4 Cali fornia Railroad Company'., right of way, John and Barbara Wild, 83.75; all of tot 1, blng raat ot Orrgon A California Railroad Company', right at way, WlUlam L Green, fXUUi all of north 3 feet of tot 3. lying . eaat of Oregon A California Railroad Coin- - pan'e right of way. William L. Green, fu.wo: all ot aouth 30 fret of tot 3, lying eaat ot Oregon A California Railroad. Company', right of way. Lrnore S. Orrgory, Bo. 46;- all of tot 3, lying weat of Oregon A California Railroad Company'a right ot way, Joha and Barbara Wild, $!.! all of tot 4. lying waat of Orrgon A California Railroad' Company', rlgbt ot way, John and Barbara Wild, $2.06; tot 5. Jrmee N. Fill 11 love, $466 i tot , Jamea N. Kullllove, $4.56; tot 7. A. F. Nrunert, 44.56: tot a. Jacob linger. $4.65. BLOCK 104. tot 1, Roaa Kamluaky, (4.66; tot 3. Roaa Kamliiakr g9ii an- Ut X. J. O. Huff Ruin r (2U.4o;. tot 4, Wlrilam P. Holta, $2.40; tot : 6. Matthew Reldt, $4.58; kit 8, Juaeph ; Bihit, $4.56; tot 7, Portland Traat Company, (4.56: tot 8, N. E. Rile, $4.65. BIAX'K 147, . eaat H of tot 1, J. C. Ainaworth, $2.30; eaat "H ot tot 3. 1. C. Ainaworth, f3.3B; Weat U of lot 1. Key Cburrh man. f 2.2ft: weat t : tot 3, Ney Cburcbmau, f2.30: all of lot S except tlregon- Cailfur ' nut Railroad Company'a right ot way, AJ . Ha oca Truat Company, 14. Jo; all of tot 4 except Orrgoa California Ballroad Com- - pany'a right of way, Jobn A. Bluet, (345; ell of tot 6 except Orrgon A California Rall- - road Co m pany'e rlgbt of way, William J. t ki..k r . . . - rf t. , iim u... All . v. : lying weat ot Orrgon A California Hallroad uompany a ngni pr way, wtiuam i, Lcnigu, KaUte Hrlra of, (10.00; all of tot 8, tying eaat of Orrgoa A California Raliroad Com ' pany'a right, of, way, Alliance Truat Com . pauy, $0.60; all 6f lot 7, lying Weat of Ore gon A California Railroad Company'. . right ot way, William . inign,iatata Meira ot, fl.oo; an or let u, Jging eaat ox ui California- lUUroad Company a ruot . W. V. -Wlrguad. 17.10: all of -tot 4 Oregon A Cailfornla .Hallroad CbPi' rtgbt or way, w. r . w icgano, m,m,B.' im, tot 1. Prraton W. Glllettn. 84.66: lot" 2. WlUlam H. CharcblU, ft.66: tot 8, MrUnda K. Morgan, (4.66: tot 4, Metlnda .. M.Tcan. 84.56; lot 6, Mellnda- E. Morgan, (1.56; tot 6, MrUnda E. Mor gn"5ftA6 ; lot 7, I'rretoa W. rmiettofrfM-Ji (Vrreaton W. GUlette. $4 M.-BLOUC l&Vtot 1. D..C. Prlton. $46 1 lot 3. K ji vltntlT 4.56- lot Catherine W. Oweaef$4:66: tot iCaJllrr1na W. Owena. $4.66; tot 8. t4 rid htetoy 4dft; lot B, David Stearna. 84.35: kit Jf . : S.rtlanW Tenet ttom. Pane of V"I"1. B4.6fl; kit 8, Portland Truat dlvbled ai' of tot 1. Clem Una and Lydia Rod- i ncy, $3,48;- nntilvlrty-JJ. of, tot 3. ClcmUJie end Lvdla Rodney. $X: AimMrided ' . of tot 8. Clcmtlne and Lydla Rodney, fJ-46; nn- dlridrd 44 ef tot 4, ClemtJno 'and Lydla Rod- H"r' e-ei uiniiTiuni w, of jot j, ,. nannaa R. Morrla, (1.10; niHilrided 4 of lot 3, Han . nab K. Horrla, fl.lo; undivided V ol tot 8, Hannah hV Morrla, (l.loi . undivided ij'-of awi a, nannan at. mornay, lot 0, u. W. aad Margaret V. Allen, 44.66; nndlridrd . of tot 4, Clementine and Lydia Rodney, (3.45; undivided ef lot 7, Clementine and Lydla Rodney, $3. 4ft; undivided ft of lot 8. Clrmrn ,tlno and LydiA Kodney, 83.40; andlrldrd hi of tot 6, Haanah K. Morrla. fl.10: undivided hi ot Jot 7. Hannah R. Morrla. fl.10: an- aivioea u oi lot a, llannah B. Morrla. fl.lo. BLOCK 171. tot 1, Oregon Railroad A Navi gation Company. (4.66; lot 3, Orrcon Rail- roaa navlgatloa company, B4A6: tot 3, Oregon Railroad A; - Navlaatlon tVimnan $4.66; tot. 4, Oregon Railroad A Navigation - Company, $4.60; lot f, Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa UMnpeny, $4.56; tot 8. Oregon- - euina, aa i- a ' a uu u uiiBpenf, ea.oo, aua i i. yregoB neiiroeu at navigaaoa company, $4.56; tote 8. Orrgon Railroad A Naricattoa Company. 84.6B. BLOCK 173. bit 1 i. Railroad A NarigaUoa Company, $4.66; tot 8. Orrgoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Cornpaay; . e.M. ioi, o. uregoa jiaiiroaa ai navigation Company, (4.65; tot 4, Oregoa Ballroad A Navlgatloa Company, (4.56; tot 6, 'Oregoa . Railroad A Navigation Company, $4.65; tot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 84.6ft; lot 7. Oregon Ballroad A Navlgatloa Oompany. (4.V.; lot 8, Oregon Railroad A NarigaUoa Company, 'ft.BB. BLOCK 173. tot 1, -Oregon Ballroad A Narigattoa Company. (4.66; tot 3. Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa . Oompany, 84.56; tot 3, Orrgon Ballroad A ' Navlgatloa. Company. (4.65; tot 4. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Oompany. 84.66; lot B. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company. 84.6ft: tot 8. Oregon Railroad. AV Navtraii . Company. 14.56; tot 7. Oregon Raliroad A Navigation1 Cornpaay, 84.66; lot 8, Oregoh nauroau at navigatioa tximpeny, 4 66. BLOCK 174, let 1, Orrgoa Railroad A Navl ' gallon Company. 44.56; tot 3, Orrgon Rail- . roaa m navigation vompanr. f4.0o; tot 8, .. Orrgon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. $4.66; tot 4, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, f4.66; tot- B. Oregon Railroad A Narigattoa Company. (4-66; tot 8. Oregoa naiuTioo at navigation company, 4. no; tot 7. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, (4.66;. tot B, Oregon Railroad A Navlgatkm (ompany, (4.B6. . BIaOCK 176. lot 1. Oregon Raliroad A NarigaUoa Company, ft.BB; tot S. Oregon Raliroad A Narigattoa Company. 14.66; kit S, Oregoa Railroad A NarigaUoa ' Company, (4-56: tot 4, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, (456; tot 6, Orrgoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Oom foj, (4 66; tot 8, Oregoa Balk road A Narigattoa Company. 84.86; tot 7. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, 84.56; tot S, Oregon Raliroad A Navigation Company. $4.55. BLOCK 174, tot I. t B. Bnell. fl.SB; tot 3, Jobn Mulr, $455; tot 3, John Mnlr, f4 54; lot 4, John Mulr, f4 56; tot B, John Mnlr, $4 56; tot 8, Joha Mulr! $4. Bft; tot 7, Joha Malr. $4-56; tot 8, C. hi BarIL (ABB. BLOCK 177. tot 1. Ida MrCahe TaaWell, $4.55; tot 3. Ida MeCabo TarweU. 14.5ft; tot 8. John Malr, $4.66; tot 4, John lulr, ft.BB; tot A. Joha Mulr. f4; tot d, John Mnlr, (4.68; tot T, John Mnlr. 84. 56; tot A, George TearwelL $4 56. blim-K 17B, nndlridrd S f tot 1, O. 0. Gam- moaw.- I2.3r: undlridrd H of tot 3. H ,1 Oammona.- 83. 30; undlridrd tt of tot 8, oi U. tiammona, 2.: unainard tt kit 4. G. G. Oammuoa. $2.30; undivided 14 nf In. 1 v O. G. Gammona, f2.3n; undivided tt of tot a. u. w. uamroana. - faai; unaividrd tt of tot 7. O. G. Gamnmne. 12.30; undlridrd tt of lot 8. 0. G. Gammnoa. fi); nndlridrd W, of tot 1. Jamra aad Edith Gamnama. fiao; nndlridrd tt ef tot a. James and Edith Gammona. f2.3ti; nndlridrd tt of -tot 3, Jamra aad Edith Gammon. $330; aadlridrd tt ef lot 4. Jamea end Edith Gammona,- 12.30; aa divided tt at kit B. J.mre and Edith Gam mona, $2.30: undivided ttof k.t a. Jamea and Edith Gammona, I2.B0; nndivldrd tt of tot 7. Jamea end Bdlth Gammona. $iao; undlridrd tt at tot B, Jamra and Edith Gam- , rnnna. $3 So. BLOCK 170, tot 1, Samuel B. Wrenn, 44.58; tot 3, 1. P. Caaa. $4 56; aonth tt ot tot 3. Annie A - Brrrb, 84.66: north tt af tot B. Annie Brack. $4 56: kit 4, Annie - Brack, $4. 5ft; tot B, Thomaa BV-bneider, $4.65; . north tt -of tot a. Joarph Brat, tin: aoutb tt of tot 4. C. 8. Grant Marouam. ft So; k.t T. Thomaa Bnvd. $1.6.1: tot S. Tbomaa Bnvd. (4.68. BLO'K ion. all nf tot- 1 lying root of Oregon A California Relh-oad Company' right of Way", Inkaown Owner. $2.35; all ef tot 1 lying weat af Oregoa A California , Ballroad Company', right of war. I .proton -W. Gillette, fo.30: all ef kit 3 lying went of Orrfoa A California Railroad Cnmpany'a right of. wav, preatoa W. Gillette, f I 4.'.; all of tot B lying -went of Oregon A California Railroad Company a right of way. Preetoe W. t.lllette, $.1 3ft: all of tot 4 lying weat ef Oregoa A California Ballroad Company a - right ef way, lYeeton W. Gillette. $3.M; tot B, preatoa W. Gillette. $23.66; tot 8. Preatoa W, Gillette, $23 J. tot 7, Preatoa W. Glllettr. f23.5A; tot A. Prraton W. t.ll lette. 3 M . piswk iai. tot t. c. k, Hoaa hoe. 123.36; tot 3 C. It. Denehne, 2J 56; tot 3. Prratra W. Gillette, 123 66: tot 4, Prraton W. tilltot'e, 143.66: tot ft, fTiaa. K. poeobae. ft.66: tot , I haa. BL nnnabno, (4.B61 tot-1, Caaa. B. nan.kua, (4.B6; tot, 8, Caaa. B. Ooaahaa. (4 5ft. t" W3. tot 1, Oee. hV. 8. Wood. tot , Cbarlea K. 8. Wood. .(11.101 M A. Charlaa K. . Wood. (13-iw; tot B. Cbaxke E. S. Wood. Ba.zo: tot I Charlra t a eiooo, aa.oo; tut a, Cbarlea K. a. Weoa. 84.65. bUKK 143, tot L Amanda W katatr, Helra of, $4.66: lot 8, Amanda V.. r, a Hood Eetaw, Helra or. $4.66; tot 3. Imam'a eww eve i. , nvwa Of. e.aDI an O. Amanda W. Bawd haute, llrlra af. f 13.35; tot 7. Amanda W. keed Kaute, Helra of. f17.70i ut a. Amanda W. Bard Batata, Hrlra ot. $17.70. BLOCK 184. tot L Preatoa - t ' W. Gillette, B4.6S; tot 3, Preatoa W. Gil- V letta. $t.66i kit 8, Preatod W. GUlatw, 3.30; tot 8. prratoo W. GlUette, (3.4B; tot 1, Preatoa W. Gllletia, ISJXi; tot B. praalua W. Uiiirttr, f4.JB. BLOCK 1KB. tot 1, . Freak and Mary Hackney, 4.A; tot 3. . Prank and Mary Hackney, f 4.66; kit 5. -Prank aad Mary Hackney.. (.l.Bti; tot a. . .'- . Frank aad Mary Hackery, fj.PO; Jul 7, t'raak and Mar llarkarr, $4.46; tot 8. frank ' and Mary Hackary. $4.66. BLOCK 14.' tot 1, John Mnlr. $4 86; tot 3. Jobn Mulr. $4 56; tot 8, Jobn Malr. f3.BO: tot 8. Job a ' Mnlr. f3.BO; tot 7. Jobn Mulr, $4.66; tot . ' B, John Mnlr, $4.66. BLOCK INT. tot 1, John Mulr. $4.58; tot 3. Jokn Malr., (4.66; , . tot a, John Mulr.; tot 4. Joha Mulr. ; $.1.0; tot 7, John Mnlr, $4.60; tot a, Joha ' Mulr, 84.66. ,BLOCK IBM. ml L Oregoa ' kUilroei A Navlgatloa Company, (4.80; to . ' 2. Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatloa Cornpaay, ft.BB; tot 8. Oregon Railroad A Narigattoa ' Company, fa.Bo; tot 8, Oregon Railroad a 1 Navigation Company. (3.00; lot 7. tlregon 1 . Railroad A Navigation Company, (4.65; tot I 8, Oregim Raliroad A Navigation Cornpaay. , B4.B3., BLOCK 1N0. tot I, Oregon Bathmad " A Navlgatloa Company, (4 64;. lot 3, Oregon ' , Railroad A -Navlgatloa Company, $4.66; tot 8. Orrgon Railroad A Navigation-Company, ' (3.00; tot 8, Oregon . Railroad A Narigattoa ' Cornpaay, B3.B0; tot 7, Orrgon Railroad A , Navlgatloa Company, $4.64; tot B. Oregoa . " Railroad A Narigattoa Uemiainy, ftA, ' FIRST STREBT TEKKACES, City of Parte ' land, Orrgon BLOCK A. tot L, Tbomaa W. ; Jrnklna, (4.10: tot 2, Tbomaa W. Jenklna. . -44.66; lot 8, Tbomaa W. Jenklna, ft. 66: tot , 4, Tbomaa W. Jeuklna, (8.36; tot B, Tbomaa ; W. Jenklna, ffl 86; tot 4, Tbomaa W. Jaahlaa. - ' fft.BO; tot 7. Tbomaa W. Jenklna. (5J: lot a. laomaa- W. Jenklna, f5.6o; tot V, Tbomaa W. Jenklna, .'86.60; tot lo. A. U. WUtoarhby, 1.1.10; tot li, Tbomaa W. Jenklna, $4.40. ' -BLOCK ft, tot 1, Mary Janklna, B3.B0; tot 3. Julia tt. Clark, f4!6; tot 3, Ida R. Btofeea, - tl.tto: tot 4. Xhomaa W. Jrnklna, ' -it 5. Tbomaa W. Jenklna, f4.u; tot B, . Ihomaa W. Jenklna, $4-30; tot 7. Joarph ; Charfenater. f3.86; tot B. hi. B. Smith, (4.10; -tot 0. 14. B. Smith. (4.30- BLOCK C tot 1, Nathan Coy, 12. M); tot 3, hatha a Coy. f4.1J- BLOCK a, waat XI feat of lot 1. Homer V. Wood worth. fO-05; weat 31 feet .of tot 3, 'Homer V. Woodworth, 80.88; aaat, 137 feet ef tot t. Thomaa oVaaridar, (B.M-, . raat 127 fret of tot 8. Taomea SchnoMrr, 86.85; tot 8, Tbomaa Schneider, (3.861 tot 4. Thomaa Schneider, (3.46; tot a, Z. T. .Burkbart, (L66. - . , A tract af laad lying Between two Unra reaper tl re lv 60 frat and 130 feet eeath af and parallel with Booth line of Lowell aeeouo and ortweeu two 11 nee ruepoctlvely 100 feet end 127 feet went of aad parallel with weak ' Una of Plrat atrrrt. Thomaa Schneider. (3.10. A tract of land lying batwoaa the aouth Una , of Lowell avenue and a line 60 feet aoath -of aad -paraUrl therewith and between tba . wrat line of Flrat afreet and a ltneJOO feet weat of and parallel therewith, T. I.Burh- - hart,' 83.86. All ot tot. and T, block D, Ptrat -Street Tee. -racea. City of Portland. Orrgoa, lying aoath -of a Una 60-feet aouth of, and parallel with vthe aouth Una ot Lowell a venae aad wrat ' of a Una 127 frrt weat of and parallel with ' , tba weat Una. of Flrat atraet, Uoaaar V. --Woodworth, faSft. ' . ' PIBST ; STREET TBR RACES. City of Tort- . land, tlregon BLOCK D, tot 8. Homer jV. -Woodworth, (7-OB; kit 0. Homer' V. Wood. ' r. worth, (4.10; tot 10, Homer V. Woodworth, - ' - (4.40; tot 11. Homer V. Woedwortb, (3.70. BLOCK B, tot' .1. fadoxlekAHValpole, ' f2.46; tot 3. Frederick A. rtolpolr, tiTO: ' tot 8. PredVrlcka. Walpolc. B3.80. BLOCK , F, tot l,v FrwdorlekA. Waloole. (3.BB;. toa 3, Prederfck ' A. WalSole, (3.00: lot Frederick'-A. Walpoto, (3.10; tot 4. Frrd-. . Vrrick-A. Walpoto, (4.80: tot B, Frederick A.- ' Wajpole, (4.00. 4 '- . t PORTLAND HOMBSTEAB BLOCK 1, ' eouth ' 36 'feet of north afto feet of tot 1. thomaa V acnioe.,. v-rj,. bwu, im ii , ui v, - r tjitrd aHatea Fi.rtllty A GearenteTJompaoy, aio.10; north 104-Jeet or aoutb -isav. leet ot . , jut , Am Oertrude end JuUa -4W Marka. fll.75; ToOtk 60 -feet off lot lr Jamea and Ktto K. . Ketaraoe-; 84.36: eaat - 70 feet of--of 3. -aamee tuuna, iv.w;i vru ow . inrv et . aouth 100 feet of went 710Q feet of tot 3. ,A ' Ida K. Stokca. 84.66; aouth 60 trrt ol weat 100 fort of -tot 3.. Loalaa at, Poatrr,- , -north 68 feet ot weat 100 feet, of tot -tk.- . Mre ',.: Wlrprecbt. 4610; tot Jkt Joerpblne " Crorkrr. K4.IO. BLOCK 3. Wt 1.' Barbel 6 - 1 L Bay, (Vl&.aOi. tot2. Portland- Truat Com- v ' . -paay of Oregon. 36JkJ: lot 8, J'orUaad Truat (ompany of Oregew. (36.00; tot 4, School '. 5 Watrlct - Noyi. Hft.oO. - BLOCK a. eubdl. vvl.lon 4 if tot 1.,' William T. Nutting. 14.00; , anbdiriaioa a of tot l, Annie nutting, , .ubdlriaion (of: tot l.A. Wolf. . euhdlvialoo 4 -of tot 1, J. Schmidt, aubdlvlaion' 6 of tot I. T. K. Strode, aubdlvlalon 8 of tot 1. V, K. Strode. ki.i.,.- e , w I r .i . mm . i aO-ini; Usui 1.66i fl.5.-.; 1 aj.aor nle P. Cauraea- 88.75: enbdlriaton S of tot 1- '? ' f Edgar B. and Annie P. Coareen, (9.76; nub- dlvteton l or lot x, t. nenrv ncnaaa, eo.'ai; - , north ft of aubdlvuloB S af tot 2. CaroUaa ! -Rimer. (256; aouth tt of anbdlriaton 8 of tot 3, Verena BolUngrr, 12.55; auhdlvlatoa . 8 of tot 3, Michael Bullut. f:i.4Si; eubdlvaitoa . , a of bit . H. E. Noble. 8.1.45: anbdiriaioa 8 of tot 1 CarollnaxRtmer. (3.SSI anbdieteloa' - m M 1... O llhHfr'TtutnMna tlMt- anlwll- 1 8 of tot a, Albert 'Tbompaon. (3.66; eubdi riaton T ef tot 3, f' t Bnell, (4.88; eub dl vial on s of lot 2. 'Francea l. mace, aa-oo. MOTER'S SUBDIVISIONS OP LOT 3, BLOCK 9 .. Pnrttand llnmeatead BLOCK 8. aubdl. f t aubdlrialon 3 of lot 8, Marx Alletock, 2.75; v .ubdlvtrinn 8 ef tot 8. Loula Kmettner, (3.75) . aubdlvlalon 4 of lot 0. s Junn atler, 83.30; auhdlalaloB ' B of tot 3. ' Joarnh Urbaack. (3.3B: - Biibdlvhrton 8 ef tot 3, Joarph Lr v'bauek,' (3.3A; aubdlriatoa 7 of tot 3, Joaeph I'rhaiirk - 13.60: mibdlriaton 8 of tot 8. Joarnh Crbauck. 83.60: aubdlriatoa .of .. "S' ' jot a, Lioaia ivmrtuirr, oa.0.1, muwitbcib t Int A Plarrnce P. Onok. 83AS. fi PORTLAND HOMESTEAD BmoirwiO- of lot a, xva w.ciBncn. ea.ou; bptoi vhikm riatoa of tot a. Eva w; uuetm, n.mi; aaeai C of.'fct 4. , JUjAj. rieton'n'of let 4, F L'lrlch. ($; eubdl iTnra J Moiand.. A4.IW): on.. hA,(,iiii E of tot 4. Julia -nrfek. 84.75: aubdiriaton r of tot 4, Julia l'lrlch. 84.75; ' anbdrrialoa O ef lot 4, Eve W. Burtch. 4.7ft; Bubdlrlaloa B of tot 4, Eva W. Burtch, (4.75. BLOCK 4, aouth 00 fret f eubdtriatoBA ef tot 1, Cyrue E. Howk-tt, fo.BO; aoutb 80 feet ' , of aubdlvlalon B of tot 1, Cyrue B. Howlett, (2,45; north 80 fret of eubdivteton A of tot . I. Cbarlea W. Cot tall. (0.70; north 80 feet of aabdlvleloa B of .tot 1, Charlaa W. Cot teU. 13.26: weat 10 fart of eubdlvialoa 0 of tot 1. Charlra W. Cot tall. $0.35: raat ino feet of Bubdlrtatoa C of tot 1, Mary K. . M.rahall, (3.B6: aouth ( feet of weat 10 feet of aubdtvlaloa 0 of tot 1. Cyrue BL Bowtott. fo 10; north 87 tt tart of west 10 feet of . aubdlriatoa 0 of tot 1, Charles W. CottelL ' ( north Ttt feet af raat 100 feet of . aubdlriatoa D at ' tot .1. Mary B. Marshall, . fo.70; south 36 feet ef eaat 100 fret of eubdtriatoa D ef lot 1. William J. Kelly, , f.1.26: aubdlvlalon E of tot 1, J. R. Jrnkle and H. Mandeville, f4 30; anbdlvkatoa P of tot L Fraak Schwarbacb. (4.30; weat B fret ot anbdiriaioa G of tot 1. Patrick Murray. (1. 05; east 80 fret of weat (0 feet of aubdlriatoa O of tot 1. M. Bvereet, $n.soi raat 00 fret ot aabdtvtetoa G of to 1, Granville V. Baft, (3.46; 'east 80 feet of etibdlvtolon B of tot 1. Graavllle C Raff, 82.46; wrat 80 feet of aabdlrisoa H af kit I. Joha Bennett, (1.86; tot 3. Bra SelHng. A 16. 10; aubdlriatoa) A of tot A, Sarah W. . and B. W. Flaher. f2.0B; euhdlriatoa of tot 8, Sarah W. and B. W. Flaher. 83.06; south 2i feet ef anbdiriaioa B of lot 8. Sarah W. and B. W. Flaher, $1.36; aouth 30 feet of aubdiriaton Q of tot 3, Sarah W. and B. W. Flabrr. fl.3Bi north S feet ot aubdiriaton R of tot 8, Alfred P. Seora. Jr.. 3.1.30; north ( feet of ebdlrietoa if of tot a, Alfred P. Srara, Jr., (0.30; suhril.. jvlaton C of tot-8, Alfred F, Srara, Jr ft.IO aobdlriaton t of tot 8, Alfred F, Srara. Jr.,; fl.TO; auhdtrietou R of tot X Louisa E. Praap. $1.70; anhdivlakia F ef lot 3, V OP ecu W. Watte, $1.T0; aubdlvlaton M I. George W. Watt. $1.70; eabdlvlatoa H of lot 8. Josephine Krattlfer. $1.70; aubdlvbatoa I of tot 3. JoaepblBe K rat tiger, 81 . To; eub -. dlvlatoa J ol tot 3, C W. Lelck, $1 70: auk- . I dlvlatoa K of tot 3, C. W. Lalrk. ft 7o; nhdlvlaton L of tot 3, Oorga W. Watf. II 70: aubdlriatoa M of tot 3, fjrorgai W. Watt.. 81.70; aabdlvuton N of tot 8, Loalaa ' E Frnsp, (1.10; eubdlvfalna O of tot 3.. Alfrrd P. Srara. Jr. (1.70; suhdlvlatna P . of tot 3, Alfrrd P. Srara, Jr.. (l.7o; aubdl Thrtoa A of tot 4. Merchant National Bank ef Portland. (436; anhdlriakm B ot kHi 4. ' Mrrrbant Natkmal Bank of .Portland, (I Bft; aubdlvlalon C of tot 4. C M. Bmitb. 1141; .aubdlriatoa I) of tot 4, C. M. Smith, f I .aft; eubilivhuon 8 of tot 4, C. M. Smith, snhdlviaton P of tot 4, Dorn 1 nrath. ...,ui -wi. a of kit A Dora 1'nraib. $1 46; ll.T.i; ft 15; fl T:. fll'il i fi to: ' aabdlvlelow H of tot 4. Bmll Krattlcer, eabdivlatoa I ef M 4. Kntll h rati leer. snbdivlaloa S st lot e e eojuirv Bukdlvbiloa K' ef tot 4, -ma Baernoebrr, (1.701 mbdlvtotoa L ef tot 4, Joha Beere borber, (1 70; awbdlvbaon M af tot 4, New- ana L. tllinaaa,.. i; ewniw " ee, A , N'rartnw I- Gllbam. IIM. ewMI vtakMa - O ef tot 4, Merchant Natlosal Bank ef Pert. lasd. Truatre, .1 so: eanaiviaioa r n w i, Merchant National Beak of pnctlaad, Trwe. - tea. II 6A. RLIM-K 8. anbdlvlatoa A of k.t I. Richard t . rnare, .wi; mo-ii wimrm m of tot I, Richard "'. Pr'ore. B4 ,ki; riMI. riatoa C ef tot I. Jeba M. Shrigler, $4 ..; eoMlvkOoa P ef tot L C W. Utrk. it . ; auMlvbiioe B ef tot 1, Joha Dooner $4. Tft: eotoUvMna T of tot 1. Abbs L- Sirgera,' 84 73: aoath 42tt feet ef anrt. an fmt of aubdlvialnai II tot 1. einrt viergoa A IVUI'vnu Railroad Cnaar' eigtit ef war. Blenard '. Prlara. j anwrh 42 tt rrt ef north ft tort of i V at tot J, ajweat Oraava alC a a .-'tt '