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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1905)
a- ."'-' THE OREGON DAThT"'' JOURNAL; PORTLAND. , TUESDAY EVENING. PESItUARV S3, 1SC3. CITT MOTUXU. zzym Amuxtn ro nirxoTX. um or am it wen, Netkw hi berehy Km tbat tw Auditor of ta Oly of PortUnd kn prepared a pro. w WMHanit (cr the tmproveuieut of Mala rert from tlx weat DM of Front atreet to too weet Uh ol Fourteenth atreet aad bM ascertained . what he drama a Just spportiow- Ceat of Coat ef the Impeovemeot lu accurdsocs It IM susrtsl art peculiar benef; ta 't by eech af laad ikIMK part theaeof wlthla tb umaHl diatrlct. aad kaa an .etioeA the mm) tr said improvement in tue amaaau set ordwalta Mcb Prcel .a ad fet .or Dart thereof aa tU "a" ooch proposed ssarBsaaBiit. . . . Any objection te tha spportloaBKrat f,' for iwld I m pro mom t mast be mode In '; to .the Council and IM with tha Aodltor within U day from tha data of lb" llcatloa of this notice, and aald ha heard aad Xtcrmlued by thai Co" art J hfnra tha Mann of tha ordlouc Bsseeslng tha wart of said Imnrovenseut. .vk ni rM'W . a lot 4. Annie C Hcbmeer. (4O.07; north H .f." J. Rake. (3: aoat V, af bRX '" Moffett Csrtwrlght. (X8B: lot X Jlaaad i: M.itk Katata. Helra of. (.3: uadtvlded of lot fc Frank J.. Wataoa. XB .51: noni 7. j , a vtn..a . Rmlth Katate. Heirs ot. (32.61." BUK'K II. .lwU lv Kstste. Helra of. K3.M: lot . Joha A. rTtta, (X3: lot a. mmwt ,' " HLCK S4? lot7 Araaa H. Mnait. X.tiqs ' M . lfarr Bath llawklaa, tt.t; lot , j W. and V. Caoh. 0.M; lot ft, i. W. aad y ' at k. dtl " PLAIA-BLOCK M.' hoat- J ftt. Oty al i P0RTUA.MV-H1.UCK . o ji. MaltMma . II lot . Moltwmah tVwntJ. M,&S W . Maltaoauh Cannir. M.14. BUKK !. M . GarasaB BTlaa ta aor. $3.T0; lot a. Oartaaa oalna - rtftr CXoH' aat. Ahbta L. Atwood, T7 1: lot B. 'iSio U Atwood. LST.-A , BL K !, lot 4, Ottarrlaa A. Dalr. ! "! aogth in. jt ctkariaa A. Dalr. KM! north S of lot a, LiK-y Traarott Smith. tXm; a u - a iinrka UM: lot t. hfarr A. Burh, 1H 60. BLOCK XM. lot , taola - r-lrlarbnar Batata. Halra ol. a.ia.o; i ' Iala nrtarhoar Batata. Dalra of. .: lot . , Loala rviartmar Batata, Urtra af. -: 5. Loula Klrtactaorr EataW Hlr af. 1. rARK-BICK T. lot t. City o Portland. 3 M; 1.4 3. City of Portland, M s. POUTLA N l BLOt'K Sal, lot . Hoaora Far- . rU, 0.1: bit a. Hmrtatta B. Klbt. $0.12; r lot Oaorm Alaalay Katata. Halra af. AST: bt . 0ra Alnab-y Batata. Holm of. I00.4. BUX:K . lot a. Awnla. 8. NMvola. ftB.Ti bM . Ala S. hlobola. H 15; anrth n fort of lot a. Laaa Hellil, aoath 90 fat of lot . A. C. Plka. ' -. W: lot . A. C. Plk. 1121.11. B UK 'h. S81. lot 4. Joarpoloa C, Child, f lot -5, Haartatta U altb. Wl.M: aaat of lot . Hanrtatta U Sojlth. 0J1: ' af bit 8. Hrarlatta U amlth. J3 TB; aorth ' foat of waat hi of lot . Pardlnand. C. Hmtth Batata. Hlra-af, Ml; aoath 44 i fat at waat U of lot . Hattla U. Martla. :- MSI; waat H af bit 5, Board af, fVhaol Troatoaa. iWS.W. BLOCK F. lot -4, Bartha Kobn. t2B.8; bit , WIIIU B. Hawaii. rra.ftS; aaat S3 faet of lot .William H. i a..n bin a- aoat aa fart af lot i. Bartha ' Koha. M1.70; north of waat TS faat af " lot , Afwra BplUnin. 24.i; aoath V, of rwaat TS faatof lot, Ladwl Wllhaa. f24.aA; aaat 3S feat ot waat 76 faff, af lot . Afrlraa Moaat Cloa Cburrb. (71.39: waat - 40 fart of lot Ik. Afrtraa Moant Eton Charrh. i Mt M DI mr u 1a A Ala T. Hmtth. . . . 3.35; lot . Albart T. Smith. ll: aaat . M faat of lot ,. Calla Bur k bard. nl.nn; ' t' mm 4 faat of lot B. OIU Barkharri. x.S: " aorth ia faM of waat M fart of lot a, Harriat (iambart. H.T9; amitb 38 faat of anwt M faat of bH . Jaooh Kamm. (21.43: t St . faat f lot a. Jama h.aaim: !'. on. r .; Aatraot load lyloa brtwaaa tha waatarly , Una bfTaritb ft and a line lint faat ,i wratarltitharaof -had parallrl tnaiwwitB aaa botwaarT .the aortberly and anatberly llaaa - of . MaJaVraareat If astanovi ia ioj prearat , aoaraa. Jacoh ktaa, . fKft v. ai nndlrldcd H 'stmt T, Vary Ana CotO. 4 13 undivided"-? loi lot 7, Ada ..frJn Cottlet, (Z04: adlidrd of lot 7. . u4 .v rvu 13 mi- anrUrtdod I IS af ,-b a. thaaheth It. Mayar. aJ-LKS: . aarlWIdod . J-lsaorbat a. nt bar Mil la.; aaoiriaaa l.l-K of bit (. Tybw Woodward. (M.1K. B1TCK lf. lot 1. Hlow-Bbade, $2.rHi andl . . Ttdad 14 of lot 2. LawbJ Lora Katata, Hetra ' of. (1.70: anou of-iotjz. nitporn Maaoe ? -Katata. Helra- ef. (1.6: Jot .t. Joarpb- N. i Taal idIIm ea, J4.: lot J. Joaaph !f , ,' Teal aad Lao rrade, (30.10. B1X1CK 2ft. ' lot 1, H. Aadaraoa. (2.0t; toi a. '"Bailtb Batata. Helra of. (0J13: lot (, K1U , M. Bmlth Karate. Hatra of. (iiX- . PfMEA BLOCK 44, , aorth 190 feat. City af PortbllHl. (3.M. - , BORT1.AN& BlOCK BT, kit 1. Mary Bath WXawklM. (27.WI; wit t, Mary Bath Hawbtna. !i -M: aaat 33 feet at lot a. Mary Bath .Hawklna, (11 B5: eaat 83 feet of kit 7. ' Mary Ruth Hawklnd. (I.TOi waat (MU feet of bt T. Martha J.- Mrtlalre. (2.87; waat . MU feet of lot 8. Martha J. MeGolra. (30.1 a. . BLOCK IBS. eaat 0 l- feet of lot 1. H. . M. Caka and Oeorra W. Avery. (18.ST; ' aorth 10 feet of aaat 00 1-9 feet of lot 2, H. bf. - Cake and Gaorre W. Ayery. (o.M: - waat 29 1-3 feet of eaat 0 feet of aontk 1ft faet of aorth H ( bt t H. M. Cake' and -WfWjn i 9' t J , fV.tM, WfSBif. AO - irri a . eaat I feet of aontb H of lot J, H. M. Caka A Oaorga W. Avery, (0.20: Mat 40 ' feat af aontb 40 faet and WMt IB feet of , aooth 25 feet of eaat M feet of kit 2. ' Heartck A. Popnlatoa. (1.51: waat Ml-I feet of lot 1, Edward J. Finch. (11.81; waat 30 J- . , feet aflot a. fidward I. Finch. (0.(4: kit . T. K. Q. Barnea and Lamar B. Heeler, (34.83; , kit 8. B. O. Barnea aj Lamar . B. . Bealcy, .. (188.02. BI-OCK 1H3. lot 1. Amaada W. Bead; (38.80; north ( feet of lot 2. Henry Boabj ,. Batata. Helra of. (0.20; aontb 48 feet of lot . 2. Henry Son la JCatate, Helra af. (4.8B; Mat of kit 7. Henry Tiabenhelmar. 92. 8S; . eaat y, of lot 8. Henry Tanbenheliner. (S0.7B; went H of lot T. John M. Hodaoa. (2.80: went H of lot 8, ioha M. Hodaoa, (13.58. BUHTK 207. lot 1. hlartla Winch. (134.BB; hit ' X .; Martin Wlneb. (4.28: lot 7, H. J. Corbett Eauita, . Hetra at. (38.18; lot S. Kaaolpb Becker. (72.08.' rABK BLOCK 8. lot 1. City of Portland. (3.K.; ; M 4, nty of Portland, (2.88. '. P0 RTLA ND BIOCK 222. lot 1.-William Ladd. " (o.aff fat a, Wllllani Ladd. (0.O2: lot T, Wil liam - Ladd, (N0.2: lot 8, William Ladd. ,( .8U.K2i- BLOCK 347. lot 1. Blehard RyerdlnK. . v (IA2.T3: lot a. John acbearer, (82.57: bit 7. Kllaa Helllnc. (0.41; bit 8. Kliaa Hallltar. (173.85. BLOCK 202. lot I. jamea F. FalUmt. (224.87; lot 2. Jim F. Falllna, (40.27; kit - 7. Caroline Belllar;. (m.80; fet 8. Caroline rVtl!n, (140.42. BUK'K R, lot 1. Beth . laraal Conereaatbrn. (128.11; bit 2. Beth ' laraal Canirrecatlon. (78.06: lot T. Beth laraal ;' Conareaatlon. (3.T7: kit 8. Beth laraal Con KTecatlaa. (110 NO. BLOCK N, lot t. William , 8ew.ii. (178.20; north 23 H feet of lot a - William Hawaii, (.11.85; anatb VUL feet of . lot X Anna C. Quackenhwh. (35.02; awat W faet of ht 7, Thomaa Mann, 12-T2; Mat On fret of bat 8. Tbomaa Maaa. (KM. 35; waat 84 1 ' feet of kit 7, Jacob Kamm, Ci8.74; weat 34 feet af lot . Jacob Kamm. (1W3.U: riant of ' way" of Portland Oanaohdatrd Railway Com pany, (134.13. Total. (H.iata.20. i , TH08. C, DBVLI. " I' ' Andltor of the lty of Portland, , Data of (rat BuMlcatloa Febraary 27, . limoronp AaaXSBXZVT FOB DCPK0TE MZBT OF XABT 'tLUTl trirn. ' Kotlre la hereby rlrea that tha Auditor af f the city af Portland baa prepared a arenoaad I aaaiaamcat for tha . improrrmMt of Eaat ! Twelfth atreet. from the aoath Una af Mnltna I mah atreet to the emit Una of Tillamook atreet. , and baa aaeertalned what ha ame a juat apoortionnbeat of eaat of the lmproeaaant la I accordance with the enecial and pcrnjlar hene I flta ael red by Mcb parcel af land aad lot or ' part thereof within the aaaeaament dbnrk-t, and f ' baa apportioned tha coat for Mid tmpraaeaaeat i 1a tbe aaaonnta art op poet tc aaca aarrel of bud ' aad bat ar part thereof aa Ita ahararaf aarh ' nropnaed aaaeaament. Any abJecrtoM to tbe a pportloomen t of enat ' for Mid Improrement anwt ba made la wrltlac 1 tn tbe aoaarll and filed with tbe Aadrtor wtthla 7 ! daya from the date af the Brat Mhltcarlea af thle aotk-e, and Mid ohjectbwa will be heard aad deteraunaw y the council hefore the paa mm of the ordlnaace aaa wiling tbe coat at aald A parcel nf land lylnc between tha (rath Una af Multnomah atreet aad a IIm inn feat i aooth therefrom and parallel therewith and J between tha eaat and weat 11m of Kaat : Twairta, tr earenejeo aoaueriy la Ita nraai ( ci iwii. i BOIJ.ADAT'8 AMIT10N TO BA8T POBT ) LA NO BLOCK 134. lot (. Orecoa Baal Vtata 1 Company, (n 05; lot a. Orecoa Real Katata - 1'otnnaT.T. an. nr.: lot T Oreana Heal v. . Compaay, (ti.Ofti kit . Oreon Beal Batata . company, ao.m. riMK a. nn, lot a, trrecM Real Katata ComMav. an on: bM tL n-a ." Real F.-tate tViaipany, (0.05: lot 7. Oreana Real Batata Company, (n.tiB; lot 8, Oreettn rteai r-aiaie , ompanr, au.iaj. , nLAli;, i:as, lot ft. o. A. Bltan. (0.nn4nt B. O. A. Rita a. (n.aK; lot T, Orecoa Real Batata Cora pa ny. n nr.; lot 8. Oreana Real .Batata Coainanr. . (O.nfi.1 BIXKT W. amith 35.07 feet nf bit . Milk R. Hanrtltoa, (."W.82; north 1433 fort af lot t. Jaaara Anderaon. (15.87: lot . ' Jamce AmVraoo. (42.00: hit 7. Jamea Aa- - oeraan. (3k.3-. lot 8. Jamea Amtacana. (11 no. RUK K 224. lot 8. John H. Mitchell. (13. U: V lot 8, John H. Mitchell. (07 Ml; bat 7. Joha I- H. MttcaeM. ai m: lot a. Mn H. Mitchell. (liona. BLOCK VT lot ft, C. V. Tharnae. io ia; an a, v, r. jnoraon, fin td; art T, ) C. V. Tboraoo. (08 IB: bit (. C. V. Tbnraoa. ' (T8.7B. Hle-HK 267. Jot B, Beenbard Re III r V Ketate. Helra of. (120.1ft: kl . Bernhard ' Redly Batata. Hetra af, (07 as; lot 7. blarU ( A. Mailt (at 08. WMT IRVrN'iTos BLOCK 134, lot , Jalta I BoU.AUAT'B APftlTIOaJ TO BAFT FORT ii-oiwi n i. ea . to ilia aeii wm r e rmeiiMaT. (nnft: bit (. Oreaoa Real Rotate roaaaany. (o on; ot t, Oceeoa Beal Batata roaiMay. anon. i. nreawa RmI Rata I a t ' Caataaaj. (u.e. BLOCK IJa. bet a. Ora(M bTOTICKS. ' 6 BmI Batata Company,' .laAY'lnt B, Oretoa 'Real Katata fomoanrZ 80.0&: lot B. Oreaua Baal Katata, tVnnpauy, (ii t; t 1. Oreaoa Real Haute. Coaauany, HUH ! 1JI. an 4. Oregoa BmI Katate Company, (.I6; lot a, Orecoa BmI Batata Company, (0.0.1; lot a, Orrroa Real Katata Company. ("05; lot 1. Ore oo Real Batata Company. (0.U5. BIaCK ai. lot 4, t nartre r. rrann,; e . Char lea F. Preha. (H S. 'BLOCK 22ft. bat 4, W. B. and Ruth B. Coaae lei lata, Uelra af, (.11.50; bt (. W. 8. aad Ruth K. Conner, Relate. 'Helra of, (3ft.2u: lot B, Joaeph H. , niatcttaT,; pn i, aoaepa n. j mith-i, (07.12. BUK'K . T. lot 4. Oreaoa RmI K.tate Compaay, (47.45; lot S. Oregna Real natate onipauy. Hi.a lot z. J. . ma- Erald. (1)7 as; lot I, J. J. Fttaerald. (120.15. IXHUL 2m. kt 4. CRarlM Bred Katata. Helra or, (128.12; lot a. ChariM Keen relate, Helra of. (ft7.aft; bH 2. J. A. llerUman, (48.0M. WK8T 1RV1NOTOM BUcTK 12ft. lot A. J. R. Hertraan. (45.54: bit 4, Victor A. Arery. (JM.HV Total, (2,370 84? , r Aaditor af the City of Portland. Pate of Brat pabllratbia. February 27. ions. PB0FOBE9 iBSEBSMZlTT FOB IMPB0TX- atZVT OF XABT M0BBIB0B BTBKIT. Kotica la hereby clrea that tbe .Aaditor of the City ef Cortland kaa preparao a iwopnoea aaaeaamapt far the amnmrenaeat at . Baat Morrlana , atreet. from the taat Una of Kaat Thtrty-elfhthi atreet ta tha weat. Hoe af Baal Thlrty-oloth atreet. and baa aaeertalned what ba deeam a font apportionment of eaat of the Improvement In uceordaiKv with the apertal and neeoltar bene flu derived by each parcel af laad and lot of Krt thereof within the aaaeaaaaent dletrtrt. and a annariLioed tha coat for Mid Improvement la tha amounu Mt oppoatte Mcb parcel of land and lot ar part Iberaot - aa ita anara (ot mcb Pr31obJaTtnato tbe apporttonment of mat for Mid Imnrovement mMt ba made la wrltlna ta tha raancll and filed with tba Auditor within 15 daya from tba date of the Brat pabllrattoa of thai notice, and Mid obeetloM will be board aad determined by tha council before tbe aaa uga of tba ordinance aaaaaaliuj tba coat of Mid Improvement. BABTMt'll PARK ADDITION TO BAST PORT- U.MI BLOCK 5. lot I. arnea nooaon. (30.48; lot 8,'AitaM Bobaoa, (48.14:- B, Aa-nra Robaon. (53.07: bit 10. Albert BarUrh. (42.47: lot 11. Ottilia Bartacb. (40. 74:; bit 12. Ottilia Bartacb, (M 85. BLOCK 4. fib 1. Jamie K. Robadn. (31.02; lot 2. J.' R. Rcott. HH.IKl; bit 8. Annie Wolke. (4S.2B: bit 4, Joaeph K. 0111. (57.27; bH 6. Melvtn C. Oeorca, (00 74: lot B, bialvln, C. Gaoraa. (7B.B7. Total, (OrB.88. . ' THOB. C DBTIJlt. ' i . Aaditor af tba City af rod load. Data af Brat pabtteatlou. Febraary 27. 190B. raOPOBED ABBZBBlfXRT FOB ZKTB0TK- Bnm ptxmsn kkxxtv " Koilea ta heeehr eta A that the Andltor af the city of Portland bM prepared 8 propoeed aaaeaament for the : tmmravament of L'pahnr atreet. from tba aaat Una of Twenty-elitB atreet ta tba weat Une of North Portland. and haa aaeertalned what Da km a u pport Ion meet of coat af tba Improvement In accordance with tbe apecial and peculiar -benefit derived by each parcel of land aad mt or tart thereof within tba aaaeaament dlalrlct. and aa as portioned tha coat for aaid Improvement la the aoMuau art oppoelu rack parcel of land and lot or part thereof aa Ita ehare at aoch prupoaad baacaanesat. 1 1 any oojerturne m tar eprawxiniiwient for Mid Improvement mnat be made In wrrltlni to tba council and filed with tba Auditor within IB dava from the data nf the Brat ooldlratlen at thia notice, and aaid abjeetkana will ba beard aad determined by tba council before tba paa rnte' af tbe ordinance aaaoMlnf tba coat of Mid improvement. - ; i NORTH PORTTjXvn BLOCK 1.1. lot . Iaenb Mavee. . B37.8; bit fi. Jacob . Mayer. (10.07. BLOCK -14. nndlrlded U ar M IT, B. M. - Iaimhard. (150 80: undivided H af lot 18. ' B. M. '.oinbard. (18.3ft: undivided H of lot 1ft. B. M. leimhard. (RlTO; andlvided V, of bit 14. B. M. liomhard.- .(03.41 : andlvided M of Mat 18.8B feet of lot 13, B. M. Lomhard. (24.88: andlvided V, of lot, 17. H. K. Noble. " (IftOrlS; undivided ft' T lot) IB. H. B. Kohle. (18.M; undivided U of bit1 15. 11, .K. Noble, ' (wt.71; undivided H of lot 14. H. K. Noble. (03.40; undivided Va nf eaa(-13.3S feet of -".hit 13. If. E. Notitr, (24.(8: undivided H of weat 38.85 feet of WIS, Cbarhja K. Henry, (88.(0; nndlvided M af lot IX Cairlee K. Henrv. (77.5: nndlvided 4 of lot 11, CbarlM K. Henrv. (08.84; undivided , V of lot 10. Charlea R. Henrv. 810107: undivided U Of lot B. tnarln K. Henry. (124.40; undivided H of weat HO. no raet ol lot ia. liana Mtrn tenthnkr Relate. Helra of.'. (88.30: andlvided U of lot 12. David Iltrbtenthaler Batata. Helra "of. (77.58: andlvided S of kit 11. David 1. Itch reu thaler Katate. Helra of. (08.84; uo- : divided H of lot 10, navld I.ltrhtenthaler Ka taU. Helra nf, (101 JI7: undivided U, af lot . David Lltcbteuthaler , Batata. Hetra ot. (124.48. JUepCrV 21. lot a David Lltctiten ' thaler CLuO ITelra ot. (354.88; oof tit 50 ' feet af bit 1.' David Lifrbteathaley Batate. ' Helra of. 871.65! lot 8; David Utch tea thaler Batate. Helra of. (158.17: bit 4. -David Mehteofhaler Eatate. Hetra or. arm ii; toe ft, - David Lltcbtentbakt Katata, Helra af. (188.82: lot 8. Peter RBaaeadoi aj. - BALCH H ADDITION TO THB CITT ' OF PORTLAAIe bun K :U3. aortn n. reel or kit 4. J. O. Mack.l HU aorth 12 feet of lot 5. J. 0.. Mark. (ZOI; north 14 feet of eaat B feet af lot 8. J.' 1. Mark. (0.79; north 14 feet af aaat 31.T tart of lot B. i, G. Mack. 83 18. NORTH PORTTAXIV BLOCK 12, kit 4. Bverett Fen ton. (.14.08; bit 8. Kverett rrnfon. w.lo. BLOCK 1ft. mt .1. Jacob Mayer. (208.58: bit a Jacob Mayea, MU: lot 3. Jacob Mayer. , (148. IB; bat 4,T Jacob Mayer.- (158.40; lot B. Jacob Mayer. , ait n. aacoa Mayer. (14X87: WMt H of kef 7. Mary Mattle Lrr. aen. (77.00; eaat of lot 7. Annie (Jodakln aoa. (74.00: lot B. Jacob Maver. (2O7.04: lot a. Jarob Mayer". 238.1. BICK 20. kit 1, Mark A. Mayer, (342.(7; bH a. Mark A. May er. (R7.01; hrt a. Mark A. Mayer, (153.78; hei 4. Mark A. Mayer. (170.87: , bit B. Mark A. Mayer, (101.88: lot B, Mark A, Mayer, (102. 25. SotaL (3,946.32. , . Aaditor af tha City of Portland. Data of Brat pabllratlon Febraary 37. 1MB. FKOPOBED ABBX8BKX1TT FOB IMPB0TB- . xm or xabt ran btuxt. Notice la berehy riven that the' Aaditor of tba City at Portland bM prepared a nropnaed aaaeaament for tba improvement of Faat Plna atreet from tbe Mat Una of Rant - Fifteenth atreet ta tba eaat line af Baat Blfnteeotb atreet. and baa aaeertalned what ba dee ma a Juat apportionment of coat of tba Improvemrnt la accordance with tbe apecial and peculiar bene- nu derived By Men parcel or I a no ana mi or part thereof within tha aaaeeanemt diatrlct. and haa apportioned the mat for Mid Improvement In tbe amounu act oppoatte each parrel of land and lot or part theraof aa ltt anara ot mcb oTJOaea a aeeae men l. Anv obteetkma to the aonhrtlonment nf enat for aald Improvement moat be made la writing to the council and filed with tba Andltor within 15 daya from the date of the Brat publication ot thia notice, and aald objecttoaa will ba heard and determined by tba council hefore the paa aace af the ortilMDce aaaaaelaa tha coat af Mid Improvement. . AIKEN'8 ADDTTIOrt to Eaat Portland BLOCK (IB, lot 4, Alfred I . isemna Katate. itetra of. (82.70: bit (. Alfred P. 'Keleon Batate. Helra of. (8.B6: aorth H of kit B. John Nc. aon, (5.43; Booth y, of hit (. Clara E. North run, (ft 42: lot 5. Mirv P. Polhemna. (83.52. Nlt'HOlJtoyB ADDITION to Portland Oregon RIOCK 8, lot 4,. W. T. H. Klcholaon, (.18.87; lot W. T. B.- Nlcholaon. (8.72; lot 8. W. T. B. Nlcbolaon, a.T3.2: bit B. W. T. R. Nlcbolaon. (N.4. - BLOCK 8. bit 4. W. T. B. Nlcholaon. (S3 00: hit a. W. T. B. KIchnhMa, (34.74; Mat H af bit B, Dan B-. Bvbm. (23.01: Mat H af bit 5. , Jamea T. Chin nock. (5S.S0: weat H of ant 8. W. T. B. Mcbolann. (10.80; weat H of lot B. W. T. B.- Nlchobion, (45.4ft. W. W. McOl'IRR-R ADDITION w the aty of Portland BLOCK. Z mt . Amanda n. Keen Rauu. Helra of. (50.38: bit B, Amaada W. Reed Rata t a. Hetra af. (34.24. AIKRN'H ADDITION to Baat Portland BIrTrl 3211, lot 1. William T. n. riicooiaon. aoitri ; bH 2. William T. B. Ntcholarm. 0.00; bH T. William T. B. Nlcbolaon. (11.08; lot a, William T. B. NlcSolerm. (88.13. NK'HOIJION'B ADDITION. Portland. Oregnn - BLOCK 4. rat 1.1 William T. B. Nlcholaon. r (81.38: bit a. William T. B. NVbnlana. (n.38: lot 7. William T. B. Nknolaon. (34. "7 BLOCK 8, Wllltam T. B. Nlcholaon. (01.B3: lot 7. lot 1, William T. B. Nlcbolaon. (O8.08 ; bit 1. William T. B. Klebobmn. (35.88; bit T. William T. B. Klchehwa. (31.04 lot B, William T. B. Nlcholaon. (74.14. W. W. McOCIRR'B ADDITION to the City of Portland BLOCK : 4. bH T. Amanda W. Read Batate. II Ire f. (48.84: bH B, Mary B. Burke, (31.41. Total. 1.344 5. THOBV C. fiEFLIN. Aadluir of tba City of Portland. " Data of Brat rejblleatloa February 27. 1005. FmOFOBAJLB FOB IKWZB WORK. Healed nconoaala will be race I red at tba office of tbft Auditor of tha nty of Portland uatll Friday, March a. w, at a a cioca p. m., rnr the cauaumUaa af a newer la . WJ, atreet from tha aontk line of V er st eer' a addltloa tn rna newer in menial atreet In the manner provided hy. ordinance No. 14.482. aMkiaeft ta. tha aawvlvloM of the ebarter and erdlMacM af tbe City of Portland, aad tba aatlmau of tha City Kngineer, on 8ie. Btda mart ba etrtctly In mxoi dance with printed blanka, wbleh will ba fnrnlabed aa appueatVm at tbe afHew-ef tbe Aaditor af tbe City af Portland. And -Mid eewer amat he anmoleted aa ar before 30 daya from tha dare ot the alaralBg of tha contract by tba nartlM thereto.' No praneMla or blda will ba ranaldered anleM arejaamanted by certified check parable ta the order of the Mayor or the City af Portland, certified by a -iwponatble bank for aa amount aonal to 10 par cent af tba eaereaate propuaa I. ine rtgac to rejeec any aaa an moa m aaiaay By order af tba Bieentive Board. THOR. C DFTLtN. ' 1 Audi tea1 ef the Cifr ef PWtlaad. rorUaad. Oteaaa. Ffbraar 3B, 1MB. CITT CITT H0TICXB. FK0F0BAIJ FOB StrXB VOIt Sealed nmnoMbi will ba received at tha ef flee nf tha Auditor of tha City of Portland natll Friday. March 3. 10UA. .at ( a' clock p. am., for the, cane t ruction or a aewer ia xn-u atreet from the aooth Una "of Var- ateea a addltloa to tha aewer la Menial atreet In tbe Bianner provided by ordinance No. 14,400. Btihjeet ta tha nrovlabiM of the charter aad ardlnancM of 'tbe City of Portland, aad tha eat I mate ar tba City Itnglaeer, oa nie. . Blda moat ba atrlrtly la eceordaejoe with printed blanka. which will ba fnrnlaaed oa anpllMtlM at tba office of tbe Aaditor of tba City of Portland. Aad Mid aewer mnat be completed oa or before) 30 daya from tha dale of tha abjnlnc of tba contract by' tba partlM thereto, ' No prop, eab or blda will ba eoaaldered unleM aecompanled by a certified rheck payable to the order of tba Mayor ot tbe City at Portland, certified by a eeapnoalnle bank for an amount aonal to 10 per rent of tba ayrreaate pro pa eat The right to reject aa; and all blda b) hereby reaerved. - r - I'1.- - By tba' Ktecntlve Board. . - THOU, C. DBFI.1W. Aaditor nf the trfv af I'ortlaad. Portland. Oregon. February 26. 1B05. ' PB0P0BAI8 FOB iBWZB WOBX. Ik-aled nropoaala will be received at tbe office of the Auditor of tha City of i Partiand until Friday. March B, 1805, at e'elock a. m.. for tha eonatructhia of aewer la Twenty-flftb atreet from tbe aoath 11m af Verateeg'a addi tion ta the aewer la Nkowl afreet la tha man ner provided by ordinance No. 14.4&B, Mbjeet tn the nenrtalnna nf the charter and ardlMMM of the City of Portland aad tba aatlmau of tbe City Knaineer, oa ftle. moa muu na airaniy in 1 huhuiiri wna nrlnted' hlanka. which will ba fnrnlabed oa aopllrdtlon at tb office of tbe Aaditor at tba City of Portland. And Mid eewer mnat he eemvleted on ar be fare (0 daya from tbe data of tha elgalnf at tha contract by tba partfea thereto. No nronoMb ar blda will b eonaidered nnlaaa accompanied by n certified check ' payable to tbe order af tba Mayor of tba Citv af roatland. certified by a nepoMlhle bank for aa amount aqiial to 10 per eeat of tb aggregate .propoML The rig pi la reject any ana all ataa ia aaraay By order of the Iiecntlve Board THOB. C. BBvXlN. ' Auditor of tba Cttv af Portland. Portland. Oregoa. February" 2B. 1BCB. PROPOSALS FOB ITnl vTOBJL Bealrd nroonaaui will be- received at tbe of flee of tba. Auditor of tha City of Portland until Friday. March 8. 1005. at B a'cka-k P. nv.. lor the comtructioa of a aewer In But Twenty Brat atreet, from 100 feet north of north IIm of Oregoa atreet ta tbe aewer t Baat Irving atreet. In tbe manner provided bv ordinance No. -14,457. anb)ect to the provialoM of tha charter aad ardlnancM af tha City of Portland, and tn call male of the City Engineer, aa Ble. Blda miut ba atrlrtly ta accordance with printed blanka. which will be fnmlahed on eradication at tb office of tbe Andltor of tb City of Portland. And - Mid aewer mnat M eanrpieteo. oa or netore au aaya irorai ina date of tbe aigalof of tba contract by. tb partlM thereto, .Na propoMk or bid will ha eonaidered anleM accompanied by a certified check payable to tha order of tbe Mayor of tb City of Portland, certified bv a reaponethle bank for aa amount gnal to 10 per rent of tha aggregate nrnpuaal. Tha right to reject any aad all bid I hereby reaerved. By order of tb Executive Board. , THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of tb City of Portland. Portland. Oregoa. Febraary 25. lBuft. ... . . PROPOSALS rom BTBXXT WOBX, Sealed proremala will be reeerved at tba afflce Of the Auditor ot tb City of Portland until Friday. March 8, 1005. at o'clock p. m.. for the Improvemaot of Taoeouver avrau from the north IIm of Morrl atreet to the aoath line of Fremont atreet In the manner provided by ordinance No. 14.454. rahieet ta lb nrnvietona of the- charter and ordinance of tbe City of Portland, . and tna aaumat or u city jbisi aeev. -on Bb. Blda mnat be otrlctlr la accordance with printed blnnka. fwhlch will b fnrnlabed oa application at the office of tb Auditor of tba City of Portland. And Mid Improvement mnat be completed oa or before 120 daya from tha date of the algninf t of tb contract by tb partlM thereto.' . ' i t , No pronoeaai ar bida will ba eonaidered 'anleM accompanied by a certified ahwekr'-payabi to tbe order or tb Mayor of the City of Port land, certified by a rre Done I ble bank for aa amount qual to 10 per rent of tb aggregate prone aa I. xn rigni t reject any aaa au BM la aereoy By order of the Bieentive Board. THOS. -V. DEFTJK. Aaditor of the City of Pnrtlaad.' Portland, Oregon, rabrnary 28. 1905, PB0POBAXS FOB STBZZT WORK. - Scaled propoMhl win be recarred at toe office t tb Auditor f the Cltyiaf Portund ontll Friday. Mart S. 1906., at S o'clock p. ra.. for tna Improvement of Delay atreet from the north line ef Goldsmith atreet to tb aoutb Mm of Knott a treat In the manner provided by ardi- No. 4,4A5. Bubjeet to tha pro via lone of the charter and ordinance ot tb City of Port, land, and tba eetlmate at tha City Engineer. aa Ble. - ' Jiida mnat p atrlrtly Mn-. accordance with tiled blanka. which will) b . furnlabed on application at tha of fie of the Andltor of the' City f Portland. And aald Improvement nroet m compietea- on w oerore wv oaya rrom tna date of the algnlng of tha contract by tba nartlea thereto. jo pvopneaaj or no win no inuiiopm unjaaai accompanied by. certified check parable to tha order ef tha Mayor of tb Cltv of Portland. certified by rmnrmelbl bank for aa aumant eqnal to 10 par cent of tb aggregate pmpoeal. Tb right to reject any .nd all bid I hereby reaerved. ' By order of tb Executive Board. ' THOS. C. DEVLIN. - Aaditor of the City ot Portland. Portland. Oregoa. February 28. 1009. ABBUBeGUrr T0B EXTEBSIOB OF XABT . , . TWZMT1ETB RBXZT. 1 Notice " la hereby given that tba amiaainiiit mad by ordinance No. 14.418. entitled: "Au ordlnaace adopting tba report at tba tlaweia In tbe matter of the pro poena opening, widen ing, laying out and eatabliehlog of Baat Twen tieth atreet from tbe aoath II M of Mvlaton treet to the north line of Clinton atreet, mak ing an eeaeaameat af tba bene flta and damages at forth In Mid report," approved January l 1005, bM Been entered againat ton aeveral owner of and Pereona InterMted In tba land herein deacrtbed aa being aererally llabk there for, la tba Docket ot city l-ieaa. which Mid uraanti are made do aad payable at tha office of the City Traaaorer. la United SUtea gold and allver coin, ana anieee paid hefm-a March B, 1000, the Mm will become delin quent and aoch proceeding will ba taken for the collect I on af the Mme a or provided bv the ebarter of tb City of Port laad, aald urnee menu being aa toiiowa, io-wii: Beam Addltloa to the City ot Portland Bib 1. all that portloo ef lot lying , waat of tbe propoeed weat line ef tea Twentieth a treat. Joaarm Lara- gbln B Blk I. bH B, LareriM RemenM Blk 1. bH 4, LorcaiM Kemeoaa Blk 1, lot B. torenao RemenM Blk 1. kit B. Lorenan Semmaa. . 78.00 BB.OO B1.50 31.50 55.00 Blk 1. all tht portion af lot 7 Wing WMt of toe propoaea weai use ai 1 , Eaat Tweatleth atreet, Loreaao Sea. eaaa ,., TS.00 Blk a. all that portion of bib a lying WMt or toe propoaea wmc line or Eaat Twentieth trt. Char lot t lka i. 78 00 : 55.00 31.60 81.50 55.00 Blk 2, lot B, Charlotte Iaho.......... Blk 1M4. Charlotte 1Mb , Blk 2, kH B. Emily Doaier Blk e. HH a, a.muy i-wicr. ...... j. . ., Blk X 'bt portion of lot 7 lying WMt or tna propoaea wen una Ol Kaat Twentieth. , atreet, Grace A. Leabo 78,00 MMdovnana Blk Blk Blk I. lot I. GnlMppa Tie Benrlcttl... lio.oo 80.00 - OO.Oil 110.00 110.00 , 80.00 ' 00.00 110.08 1, lot X John C. Alnoworth...... 1. lot 7, D. P. Joeepheow. n,.... Blk l.i kH 8, D. F. Jnaepbaoa. Blk X bit I, D. F. Joeephaou. ....... Blk X lot X D. F. Jeaephaoa Blk a., bit 7, Emma Anderann.. , Blk X tot S, Emma Aadtreoo. Total (1.838.00 THOS. C. DETLIN. ' Auditor of the City of Portland. . Pnrtlaad. Oregon, Data t f'lret PabUcatloa rebruary 23, KKO. -. PROPOSED CBAJtOX OF ORAM OF KOXXAc . MT ATXaTtTE. ' ' '. vi. p : Notice la hereby given that at the meatlag ef the Coanrll ot the City f Pnrtlaad. Or., held oa the 16th day af Febraary, U0B lb following reeoitiiioa waa eaopieu: ReMlved That tb Council of tb City ef Pert lend. Oregon, derma It eipedlent and parpnoM ta change tba grade ef Holla day a ve nae at tb center IIm of .Grand aveuM rrom 124 8 faet to 124.B feet: At tbe crater IIm ef Eaat Ttatb atreet from 134. S feet te 133.4 feet: ' c1 At the renter line of Eaat Twelfth atreet from ISft.B feet to 1.VB.S feet, and to Mtabllah the grade In Holladay avenue at the weat rip ef Eaat Tenth atreet at 133 feet, and at thd Mt IIM ef Eaat Tenth atreet at 133.8 Jt; At tbe weat llae at Eaat Twelfth etMet at IBS! fMtl . - At the eeet line ef Baat Twelfth afreet at 138 ( eeet above the bean ot city grade. That the Andltor of the City of Portland be and be la berehy directed te gtre netlceVbf tb prepoaad chang and Mtabllabnwat : ef grade aa provided by the ebarter. Beoionatranca againat the a bore change af grade may be filed la writing with the uader atgned within 20 daya from tha data af tba Brat publication f thia Mttce. . - By wrder af tha ConncU. '. THOH. C. DET7.IN. Aaditor ef tha City ef Portland. Portland. Orem. DaU at Brat pabUMtkem, Febraary IS, 1905. hit i vonoxa. PR0P0SZO IlTTBOTnrtYT or main TIB BACK. . Notice ta hereby glrea that at tha neaatlnf af tba Council of the city of Portland. Oregon, held aa tba 16th day ef Fobraaryi 1B0B. tb following renotutaiin waa adonlaa: Reaolvad, That tha Oouncll af tb City of rortlaad. Oregoa, deem It axpedlMt and pur poana , ta Improre Height terrace from tbe wnt II m of Lowaedala atreet to tba Mat iim or block do. Carter' addition, la tb lot lowing Bunaer. to-wit: Flrat 4ly gradiag tb tree' t tha proper trade ai aaowa by tba auluat aa Mt by . U City Englaear. hMond By bringing tb Mrfac of tb atreet full width with full UoweecUoM to tb aaub llahed grade with maVaoam. Third By ruustrticiiuy " aldewalka la a. raruaBM with iha City finctneer- pUna, aped Bcatkana and MtiautM. ' Fourth By . ro Detracting croeawalk la -oordaaca with tha City taflneer'a pUag, apard Bcatlona and MtlmatM. ' Fifth By coaalruetlDg mom fatter la a. mrdaaca with tba City Caglaeer'a plana, aped BcatloM and MtlmatM. " ' Rlatb By comtrurtlog elevated aldewalka la accordance with the Clt Kuala' puna. aperiacatlaM aad Mlimatea, , - ReMBtb By I eoaatructlng guard fence la ae mrdanca with 'tb llgt. Rugloeer pUM, apack BcatloM and Mtlmatea. -"..- Eeahth Bv enaalruclln ran - aa aiewwu wj uei tea. , Bald Improre meat to be mad In aeeordanea with tba charter and erdlBeneM of the City af Portland and tba plana. apeeiflcatwM and MtimatM of the City Knglneer Bled IB ' tbe ofoce of th Auditor of tb City ef Portland oa tna 16th da of February, 1905. Indoraed: iij engineer a plana ana epecincatiooa rnr tb lmoraveaeeat of Uelehta terra ca from tha WMt Uh of Lownadabi atreet to the eaat IIm of block 40, Carter' addltloa, and tha Mtl matea ef the work to ba oom aad tba proa able total eeet thereof." Th coat of Mid Improvement to ba aaaeeeed a provided by tb city ebarter Upon tba property apecial ty and peculiarly benefited by Mid Improve nicot sad which la hereby declared tn be aa follower Lota 1. X B Bad tba Mat 14 af lota 7 and B. block 40: all of block 87: Iota S aad d. block 85: kH B. block 30: alt la Carter' addltloa to-tba City of Portland: and all that portion of block B tying went at tbe weat Una ot Lowaedala atreet If extended northerly la It priatat coarae, and ' aoutb ef s 11m 100 feet northerly from and parallel with tba northerly IIm of Heigbta terrene; and lot 1. S and X block BOX la tb City of Portund; aad a'.l that portion of land lying nagwwa the north Use ot block S7 and tb aoath Uh of block 38, Carter' adldtloa to tb City ef PortUnd. and be twee the eaat IIm ef Seventeenth atreet If extended northerly la IU preeent rourae. aad a IIm 50 feet weat of ad parallel With tbe mat IIm ef Sixteenth atreet and all that port to a at a parcel of laad lying between tb WMterly line ot Height terrac and a line 100 faet WMt of nod parallel with tbe weat IIm of Seventeenth atreet If extended northerly In Ita preeent coarae, and betwaea the aooth IIm af block 35. and tba aorth Una af block SB, Carter's addltloa to tb City of PortUnd. The Engineer eat t mate of th probable total coat for the improvement af Mid Height ter ra or u ( . . Tb a bora Ira prove meat la t be elaeaed 8 macadam Improvement 'and aha II be main tained by tha city for period of four yetn, provided by tb on null of a majority of th property benefited by Mid Improvement or any portion thereof, aha 11 not petition for a new or different improvement be far the uxalratloa of each period. Tb pUne, perlflratlaa and eatlraatea af tba City Engineer for tbe improvement ef aald Helgbu terrace ar hereby adopted. Reeolved. That .tb Auditor of tbe City- of PortUnd be and ha la hereby directed to give Botim of.tbo propoeed Improvement of aald atreet --provided by the city charter.-' - RemoMtraacM againat the hao., Improve meut may be Bled In writfng with tb bnder algaed wlthla B0 daya from tha date ot tha Brat publication of thia notice., , By ardor -of tba CouprtiT 1 1 " r . . TH08V.. c Drm-nt,' j , ,.. Andltonaf. th. City otaPortlndt' Portland. Oreroa. Date of flrvx'nublinatiiam. Febrwary IB, 1805. ' . . '. . P. - i pkoposxs rjrwRov-isrxrr or " booxxb ' . t '. RBXZT, .- '' Notice hi hereby give that at tb meeting of tba Council or the City of Portland, Ore gon, held oa tbe Ifttb day of February, 1BUB, tbe following rcaolutloB waa adopted i Beaolved, That the Cooncll Of the City ef Porjitand. Oregoa. dee ma it expedient and parposM to improve Hooker Btreet from the eaat line at Third atreet ta tba weet terminal Uh ef Hooker atreet. la tba follow UaX manner, to wlt: ' c . i . . ' Flrat By grading the atreet fall width with fall lntereeetlorje to iba, proper ubgrade. 8ocend By bringing . the aurfaea of tba trect toll width with . full Intersections te grade with macadam. Third By coratructlpg wooden aldewalka ta accordance with the City Baginaar's plana, porincatlona and MtlmatM. - ,. , - , , Fourth By laying croaawalks. Fifth By eoMtructlBg atone gattera. Sixth By co detracting elevated wooden aide walks" la accordance with th City Engineer's pUna. pecinratlone aad Mttmatef, Bttid improvement to ba made in accordance with tha charter aad ordinance of tb City f PortUnd and tha plana, epertflcatioM and eattmatM af the City Engineer Bled In tb of ,Bc ot tna Auditor of th City ot PortUnd oa th 13th day f February, 100.1, Indorsed: "City Engineer's Plana and apeclBcatlona for tba Improvement of Hooker treet from tb Mat Un of Third atreet to the weat termUml IIm f Hooker street and tb MtlmatM of tba work to ba don aad th probable total coat IberMf." Tbe coat of Mid Improvement to be aaaeaeed s provided by th city charter DDon the property apeelatly aad pecnUarly benefited thereby, and which la hereby declared to be all tba lota, porta theraof and percale at laad lying between th weat terminal Una of Hooker atreet ex t ceded north and aontb la Ita preeent coarae and a 11 M 10O feet eaat of and parallel with th Mat Une of "Third atreet and betwaea a Uh 100 feet north of and parallel with tb aorth Une of Hooker atreet sod s line 100 feet aoutb of and parallel with tba eootb line of Hooker atreet, and alao parcel of land lying between tb north and oath liaee of Hooker atreet extended weatarly In their preeent com-M and between tbe weat terminal line of Hooker atreet end line 100 feet WMterly therefrom aad parallel there with. Tbe Engineer' eetlmate of tb probabw total coat for th improvement ef Mid Hooker atreet U (1.820.00. The above Improvement is to be elaeaed as a macadam Inrprovament and aball ba maintained by the city for a period of See yeare. pro vided that tb owner ef a majority ef tbe property benefited by Mid improvement or any portion theraof aha II not petitloo for a new or different Improveamat before the ex piration of nrh period. Tba plans. spednestloM sod MtlmatM of tb City Engineer for tbe Improvement at Mid Hooker atreet ar hereby adopted. Beaolved. That tba Aaditor nf th City ef .Portland be and he w hereby directed to gire notice of th nropnaed Improvement af aaid treet aa provided by tbe city charter. BemonatrancM againat th a bore Improve ment may ba Bled In, writing with tba under signed within 20 days rom tha .date of tbs flrat publication ef tbla notice. ' By order f tb Council. '. ... . THOS. C.vDETLIN. . Auditor of th City ot Portland. Portland. Oregon, bate ef Brat publication Febraary IX 1006. ljtASizsBimrr rom tjitxotzkext or XABT SBH rXZT OF BITER STXEXT. Ia eonrpllanc with 8 reaolatloa adopted St tb rrguUr neenng ef tbe Council, held oa th lftth day of February, 1805. declaring tbe diatrlct benefited by th Imnrovement of th eaat or ly 28M feet of River atreet from th oath Une ot Alblna uvenM to 100 feet aoath f tbe oatb Iim of AIMna ararme, and direct ing tb Auditor of tbe City of Portland to Kpare a preliminary aaaeaament unrm the i. blacks and parcels ef land wlthla said diatrlct. - . Now. therefore, "notice la hereby given That snch Mil meat la new na Ble in the ofBc of tb Aaditor of tbe nty of PortUnd and tbat any obetloM tn aoch aaaeaament mnat be Bled la writing with th Auditor, wlthla 10 daya from th 7th day of March, 1ftna,th last day1 of publication of tbla notice, aad notice Is further gives tost Mid objection will be beard by th Council at meeting to be held oa tb lftth day of March. lonB.rknd all per eona aggrieved thereby or Intereated thereto mMt be preeent at aald saeetlns. and are warned not to depart therefrom until such mi at has beea completed. ' THOS. C, DETLIN, i Aaditor nf th City ef PortUnd. Date ef Brat pabtleatloa February at. IBOB. KgAMoasmrt for ntTRoramrT OF EAST . t AhtHTXl ST RETT. Id rourpllanca with 8 reeoiutton adopted at tb reguUr nveetlng of tb Council, held FebrMry 15, 100ft, dex-laHng tna diatrlct bene. Bted by the Improvement -af. Eeat Vamhlll atreet rrom tb eaat curb IIm ot Kaat Water atreet to tbe weat Une of Cnkm avenn. And directing tba Auditor of tbs City ot Portland te prepare a preliminary mw Balneal upon the lota, blocks sod Boreal af brad Wlthla Mid diatrlct. Now, therefore, antlce I hereby glee tbat Mrh , aaa. earn nt M aew en Ble In th efnr of the Auditor ef tbe City ef Portland, aad tbat any ohtectleM to such aaaeeameat mnat be Bled In writing with tba Auditor within 10 days from the 7th day af March, leoft, the but day of pabltcattoa of tbla notice, and notice Is further gives tbat Mid ehJectloM will be beard by the ConncU at aaeetlng to be held oa th 1Mb day of March, looft. and all pereona aggrieved thereby ee Intereated therein mMt be preeent at mid meetln. and ar warned not to denart therefrom satil such roWnSBwt has beea completed. THOR.- ..DEVLIN. Aaditor ef. th City ef Portland ' DaU ef trst public lie February 34, 1MB, art hoticis. ABBZSShtXRT ART B ZAMfXMMlTTTT' FOR i THB IhtPROTEAf FRT OF MOLTtfOhlAJR ; STREET, BBOAilWAT, XABT . TMIBD BTREET, SBARO . A vEeToX ABO SKA v IB BZAVRAT. Notice Is berehy glrea that the Council f ine-uty ot rortiand, Oregoa. at meeting Mia oa Ul iota day -or rebruary, lvuo. rlared tbe aaataiment by tbe edoptloa of ordl dance No. 14.444, tor tbe Improvcnient ef Mult- Domau sireei, Broadway. Kaat 'jTilra street, Ursnd inw and BhaMS, atreet, , upoa Mcu lot. part of km aad parcel M tend, which are apeel a ay ana necuuarly beoaflted. to follow, via: Blk 100. bH 1. Tb Oreana Baal Ratals ' Company ( 141. Of Blk 118. lot 4. The Oreeroa Real Katate Cure pa ny 14X14 m 110, kit 5, Th Oregoa Real Katate Company ' 14X19 Blk 134, bH 4. Tba Oregoa BmI Batata Company ' 144.ST Blk 134. lot 6, Th Oregoa Kaatate Company 144.87 Blk l:a. kH 4. Tha Oregoa Beal Egtate , t'omoaar . .141.78 Blk 130, bit 5. Tba Oregoa BealUU OomMav- ......1 Ui7 141.78 ma in' ( a, XM oregoa Real, aetata , v Compaay r..... vy.,... Ul.1t Blk 154. kH X Tbe Oreaoa Real Batata ' , ri Cemnw -i 141.711 Rib 11UI lot 4 Th. n Reel ' 7 Company 141.78 Bib 190, lot 5, Th Oregoa Real, Katate . Compaay , i -141.78 Blk 103, lot 4. B. H. RobblM.... .113.8, Kmt Portland . A Blk 78. lot 3. K. C, Nenfelder Blk Ta. tot 4. B. C.'Neauldor 1X48 bii is. en , a,, ij. neauaiuer ......... Froah's square Addltloa I Kaat rort iand. , -f .-.-. BUt 4, .lot V Julias Loom Estate, Heirs Blk 4,' lit K Julius' 'Lfai'tata,"HVlrs 70.13 18S.BB 1B.70 18.B4 18.84 vrrn a AaoitioB ta aaat rortiaaa . Blk B, kit 1, Victor Land CompanyA Blk B, hat X Victor Land Company.... ,. Blk B, lot 8, Ruby A. Knott...,. But K. lot 4. Ruby A. Kaott....,...,. 18.71 Lrniru si ininsi i Blk 30, lot IB. 1. X. Sostt.. .......... 43.04 Total (2.27. 48 A .lll.m.. a Ma .Imm.m .. k - a eeea entered In tbe Docket of tbe City Lien and la now See and payable at the office ef the - City Treaeurer. la lawful naooey of th Called Btatee and I If ' not Mid within 30 daya from tbe date lot this notice ucb prereediage will be taken toy tb collection of the mow a are nrovlded bv tb charter of tbe City of Portland. Tha above aaaeaament will bear laterrat 10 daya after the flrat nuhlleetLon of thia otic. j THOS. C. DBVWN, Aaditor of the, City ef Port It id. Portland Oreana Hate of Ftrat Publication Febraary S3. 18C6. ANtmrnm fob xxtersiom.of zabt javvija e x e.x.a. x . . Notice la hereby alvaa that tha aaaeaament mad by ordinance No. 14.415. entitled: "An ordinance adopting tbe report of the viewer ta tbe matter of the propuaed opening, laying out and MtabUsblnf of Kaat Da via atreet from tbe Met Un of KeyetoM addition ta the WMt IIm of Kaat Twenty-eighth atreet. mak ing as aaaeaament af tbe beMtttaand da magna act forth U Mid report," spproved January 18, 1005. has bora entered sgalMt tba eererai owners of end pereou Interacted In th Und neraia aeacnoea aa neing Mveraiiy liable tarre for. In tbe Docket of City Lieu, which Mid SMraamenU are made due and- urahle at the fflce ot tbe City TrcMurer. In United MtatM Cld aad (liver cola, and anleM paid before arch 8, lOOOy - th Mm will becoaaa delin quent and uch Droceedlnga will be taken .for tha collection ef the Mm aa are provided by tb charter of the City ot Portland, Mid quasi mehia being aa folio we, to-wit: A parcel nfjaod lying between tba aorth ' . liner wa, ebbi ixMcn atreet aoex a line 4i-rect aorth thereof and parrallel therewith, and between th rut IIm ' '. of keratoo addltloa, and th weat Uh ' , af Mack X Wyakoop villa, aad It ex. , , ten km aoutberly In IU preeent coarae, Mve and except that portion of Mid ' parcel ot laud dedicated t th public ..f ' , by deed for street Purpoae,Ialah Bock ma a fT ......( B5.B2 - Wynkoop. ills Blk 6. mil that portion ef lot 4 ljing ".' nortn or toe propoaea norm mm or Kaat Davis street. Caroline A. GoUball Hi 80 Blk 8, kH X Franklin B. Turner....)... 4X00 BUI o, ail that portion ot lot B lylngy , north-ot tbe north Uh of' the propuaed' naac xnivu aireei, uuaxav r-ncaaon . . (3.(0 "Blk 5. aU that portion of kH 4 lying north of the north Une af tb propoeed W . lu.l. -- Till. AMk. 30.20 BXoO 5X00 Blk B, lot X Lebrecnt Strache ..,'..' Blk 5. lot 8. kUlsabeth K. Wynkoop..., HawtborM's First Addltloa to- East Port land . .' .-- . .... Blk 18, aooth wf lot IX A. 1. sad D, u. aurser .m Bib 18. aoath V. of kit 11. A. X. aad D. : S.S1 U Klrker I t.50 Blk is, Borta h ot lot 12, smrna r. t Turner Blk IS. aorth H of lot 11, Emm F. Turner Blk 10. lot 10, R. C. Brooks. ..... .(....., Blk 48. bit , John P. rlbarkry Blk 18, kH 8, Grace-H. Hlnve Blkvie, kH 7. J. M. Dodo. BlklT, let 1, The Hawthorne Batate.... Blk 17, Jot X Mike and Bom Henrlck. xsa B.50 17.00 15.00 1X00 11.00 13.81 10.00 Blk 17, lot 3. Bertha Janaen-. ......... 17.00 Blk 17, lot 4, Boeaa 8. Bamael , 15.0O Blk 17. lot 6. Ernest Haaenmayer J3.0O Blk 17, lot 8. K. L. nand. ....... ' 11.00 Blk 18, kH 1. Mary Ileltkempw 9.00 Blk IX lot X Mary Heitkemper. ........ 7.50 Blk 18, lot X Mary Hettkemper 6.00 Blk 18, kH 4r Wendle Kecnelherher 4.50 Rib 18, kH 5. Wend I KachelMcber S.00 Rlk 18, kit X WMdle KerMlbacber 2.00 Blk 1ft. lot 7. Frank Heitkemper 2.110 Blk 15. lof8, Frank Heitkemper........ 8.00 Blk 1ft, lot B. ti. H. Heitkemper 4.50 Blk 16, hit 10, i. H. Heltkempar 8.00 Blk 15, lot 11, Henry Bwlnt k. 7.50 Blk 15. oorU k ot lot 12. Mrs. O. A. ' Taylor M Blk 15, sou tn ft el lot 12, rraaR B. -Bennett 4.50 Total .(ft 7X84 THOS. C. DEVLIN. ,' ' Aaditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregoa, Date of First PnbUcatioa February 23. 19CB. . PROPOSED IKPROVEhriRT OF SXIDM0RX BTREET. , . Notice Is hereby given that at tb meeting ot th Ooancil of th City of PortUnd. Oregon, held en tb 15th -Ray of Febraary, 1806, the following reeolatkm -we adopted: Revived, Tbat tb Cooncll of th City of Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and purpoBea to Improve Saidaiors street from th cut IIM of Willis ma aveaH ta tbe weat Uh ef Colon avmne In tha following manner to-wlt: Flrat By grading tbe .treat. --full --width with fall loteraeetioM te tha lUkei as Mt by tb City Engineer. 1 Second By coMtrnctlag woodea aldewalka. Third By laying wooden eroeawalka: , Fourth By cooarroctlng bos gattera. Raid improvement te be made in accordance Ttb-4tbe charter aad erdloaacM of th City ot PortUnd and tbe puns, e peri Ore tloM and eetlmate nf the City Rngineer Bled In the office of ths Auditor of tbe City of PortUnd oa tbe 13th day of February, 1S06, Indorsed: "City Engineer's plana snd apecrftcatloM for tb iBwirovrmeut of Rkidmnra etraet from tb eaat line of Wtlllama avenM to the WMt Uh of I'uloa svenM and tbe MtlmatM of tba work to b doM and the probable total eoat thereof." . . Tbe enat of Mid improTerocnt to he sasi mid a provided by the city Vbarter upon the prop erty specially and peculiarly benefited thereby and which ia hereby declared to be 'all tbe lota, parts thereof snd Parcels of land lying Between a IIm 100 feet north ef sad parallel with tb north Un of Rkldmor atreet and n IIm 10O fMt aontb ef and parallel . with the snath -IIm of Skid more street snd between tbe real Un ef William ivcoh aad tb WMt line of I'nion avenue. ; Tb Buglnaer' eetlmate ef the eeobaMe total coat for tbe Improre meat of said SUdasara Street Is (8, Tb plana. eprelBratlon and estlmstea ef tbe City Engineer for tbe Improvement et Mid 8k M more atreet are hereby adopted. Reeolved. That tbe Auditor -of tbe City of Portiaod be and be Is hereby directed to glee notice ef tb prenoerd Improvement of Mid street ss provided by tbe city charter. - He rnnna trances agalMt tbe above Improve mailt saay be Bled I writing with the anderalgaed within 2 save from th date of the Brat pab llcktlou of this Mtlce.,.ir . 1 1 J , By order el the Can hell. ..- TH0R."C. DtVLIN. Andltor ef tbe City ef Portland. Portland. Oregon. Data et Brat auhljcatioa, February IX lu . - PROPOSALS FOB SEWER WOBX. - Scaled propoMta will be received st tbe offlr nf the Aaditor of the City at Pnrtlaad aatll Friday. March B. IBOB, at 3 o'clock p. m. for the construct ton ef a eewer In Twenty-eixth .treet from the south line of Verateeg e addl tloa ta the eewer In Klcolal atreet In tbe man ner nrovlded by ordinance No. 14.468, subject to tb provision of the charter and ordinance of tbe City of Portund. and the Mtlmate ef tan City Engineer, ea die. Rlda mnat be atrlrtly la accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnlabed ea applicafloa at the office at tb Andltor ef th City nf Pnrtlaad. And Mid aewer mMt be completed oa or before 30 day from th date of. tbe algalag of th Co tract by tb partlM thereto. 1 N MnpnMla ar bid will be eoaaldered anleM accompanied, by s certified check payable t tbe order et tbe Mayor nf tb City of PortUnd. certified by a reepooef hie bank for as amount imal to 10 per eeat af the aggregate pro bum L The right to reject say aad all bids la hereby By order pf tbs Executive Board THOR. C. DRVI.IN. Aaditor of the nty af PortiaaX Portia Bd. Oregoa. Frbraary 23. tot. . , CITT. 0TICX. ABtXBBXrXT rOX IMPBOvIfXBT OF FBJIMT BTREET. Nolle Is hereby gives that tbe Council of tbe City ef Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held oa the 1st day of February, 10O4. declared the aaeiwament by ordlnaace No. 14.43X fur tb Im provement of b'rout atreet, from 58 feet south f th aoutb Un of Lh atreet to 150 fret aorth of tb north Uh 'of Um street, la the wan ner provided by ordinance No. 1:1.901, upon each kit., part of .bit and parcel of land.' which ar specially sod peculiarly benefited, to b f ut- rowe. via: l"ORTLANtJ BLOCK loft, lot 1. Henry Wet bard. 8X00: kH 3. Meeir Weiahard. 82.00: kH at- Henry Wcluhard, (3.U0; kH 4. Hcury Welnhard. (Xon kit 5. Henry WeUhard. . a.ia; -t a. rieory Welnhard, .uu;.oi t, ' , Henry Welnhard. (2.00: lot 8. lieary Wela , hard, (2.00. BIK.K 108. Smith Wataua leoa Work, (a.16. BLCK K Hi7. hit I, Smith at wataoa iron wot he, sx.eo; lot a. omna JlVataoa Iroa Worka, (i.uO; lot X Health Wataoa Iroa. Worka, W OO; bH 4, Smith . Wataoa Iroa.. Worka, iz.i; ma o, ouiiio IXOO; lot , Smith I3.O0; kH 7, Health I2.tu; lot 8. Smith 2.U0.- BLOCK 120, X00; bit 2, Orag on k e wataoa leoa A'oraa, ; Wataoa, Iroa Worka,. 'JrrsiCS iron Mot 1, Oregon Compauy,' .. tloninanv.i. A20n, In, - fXuv; Jot i, Orecoa Compaay, (XOUl let B, - Frankc JiMiwtroBpS, (XOu; north lot X Sophia Hall,.,(l.M0; aoutb lot B, Job . Relaarhrr, (1.00; lot 7, at.' WMIilama. $2,011; 'kH 8. R. Williams (2.00. BLOCK 121, north Oregon tvoupany. u sect ox mm i. nuaie m. ruraer,, , north 20 IcM-Af - weet So. feet i ef kH X Susie M. Parker, (0.16: aaat 'M feet of WMt 40 feet of lot 1. Heckle Uordoa. BU BO: eaat SO feet of west 40 feet of lot X Beckle . ienrdoa.. 80.80: feet -of bit 1. A. rjjaumgardner, (1.16; aorth IB feet ef Mat N)j(Ht of lot a, A. Baumgardner, (0.46; souin 1 root or north ao feet of eaat on mt of bH X Marie Dak. (O.10; soath B0 feet of lot 2, Marl Date, (1.15;. kH 8, "la tie w. vw, eva lew ewn.r wv. .v. w , Jacob Mayer, (1.80; aoutb 30 fMt of ikH T. Jacob Mayer, (Lt aorth SO feet of Weat Dake. (0.(5; lot 6. Jacob Mayer, f (0.10; lot eu rect 01 KH 1, tienry bj., wrat (0 feet-of lot .-8. Hepryi. MvUInn, a 1 Wsj, botib v un ox eaat ev iwcw mi . Socle M. Parker, (0.16; east 20 feat, of lot X Suck) M. Parker. (0.40. BLOCK kj-jo. 1. at. uaar, s.ui; KH X 'Mepa aiuiuaa Ml, tn. a J,J flavin. B!I.IU1 A triangular tract of land lying batwees tb eon merry um of lot 4. blocs 12X rorusna, -tbs north Um of block 10. Carutbera' addl tloa te Portland, sad s lis) ll fMt WMt ef aad parallrl with the WMt Um of First street. Joan uujrtoa, I A tract et laad lying between the abatberly 11 M af lot 6, block 12X Portland, Bad tbe northerly Um ef block 10, Caruthsrs' addlUoa to Portland, gad between the ssst Um of becond atreet and 8 Um 100 fMt Mat ot and parallel therewith. Ravings lama Bocleiy of Rsb IrrsHlsco. (1.60. PORTLAND BLOck 12X lob B. Ssvlsgs A Ioaa BocMty or Baa rraoeiaco, sxou; kh . osviugs ex laiua Society ot baa Francisco, (X00; kH - T. RoaweU B. Lauauo, (Xou; kH X KoawaU B. Lamaoo, (2.00. BLOCK 123. lot 1. Joha - A. vevlln. xoo; let x, ulia A. IMviia, x,uu; jux a, urosia eviugs ex wixa rjuvteij t-,w., lot 4. Ueorge H. Chance, (X00; kH 6, Kate - Hciideraoa, (X00; kH X Orvla sad Margaret , K. kauog, (3.ou; KH 7, orvin iveiuig, 41.111; I lot a, Ida H. Oleay, (3.00. BLOCK 136, kit 1. I-ucy A. fiodd Batate. Helra of. (2.0U; lot X Lucy A. Dodd Batata, Helra of. (XOU; : lot S. Ueorge H. X'haoce, (2.0o; lot 4, Ueorge H. Chance. (X06; bit 5. Btepbea Mesas ba tate. Heirs of. SXOOt.MUth 40 feet of kH X , Stephoa Meade KaUtr, Huira-ot. (1.00; north ao iHiret CI lot a, u t;.. xiewcaatie,; WMt m feet of kH t, C. C. Newcaatle, (; west 00 foet of lot 8, V. U. Newcaatle. (l.bOi raat 10 fMt t lot 7, Lacy A. Dodd Katate, Hairs ef, (a 16; nut 10 fMt of lot S, Lucy A. Dodd Estate, Helra of, (0.1X. BLOCK 137, lot 1. JoMnblne A. Kloatermao. (2.00: lot X JosephlM A. kiostermaa, (2,00; lot X Abra- aam s. Burger, fx.w: an , jtwapa (2.U0; lot X Tbomaa Hplllmen,! (Z.otf; lot , H. U key. (X00; aoutb 18 2-3 feet of H 7, B. U Ray, (0.80: north 31 lr3 fret of lot 7, Msry K. Arbuckie, (1.25 hH X Mary B. : Arbuckm, (li.taj. BLOCK. 13K, all of ,. weat loo fMt of block except north B0 ' feet, 'Ar nimento Thurlow. B3.2U: all ef east 100 fMt of bkx-k except north 60 fMt. Josepblm Buuiria, f4-io; norm au xeex ox wmi jwu : feel or Block, Hattis uoiasmiin,; ,souts SO fMt of north 00 fMt of weat 100' feet . of block. Liasls A. Richard. (1.40 north , 60 fMt nt east 100 feet ef Lloch, Oarw : Mlbaos, (2.00.. BLOCK 13B. lot 1. Pftrr J. Msnn. (2J0; lot X Peter J. -Mann, , (lOo; lot X Pter J. Mann. (1.76; lit 4, Mary . Robinson Eatate. Helra of. (0.10: lot 6. Msry Roblnsoa Kstste, Heir of, (1.35; lot S, t John W. sad Heles Ms Curran, - (2.00; lot . 7, Peter J. Mann, (xov; kH X i'etcr 4. Mann, (2.00. BLOCK 140, lot 1, H. .La . Meodenhall Estate, Heirs of. (XOU; lot X LouU Fv . ChemlB Estate, Hetra . of . (Z00; lot 3, Louis K. Cbemls Estate, Heirs of, - (3-00: kit 4. L0V1U F. -Cberoln Kstste, Heirs of, tlltB; lot.5, Bentoa Kljlan, (X00;' kit X U. k Barntuun.' (XOuv lot 7, 1. M. Watts, .. a... a a u. .. ao 00. wi octi 111 I' but X Uearg H. May. (X00; bH X-MichMl i- J. ticlat, (XWI lot a, vnaruw t rarser, (2.011., kit a. Jame B. Joboaton. (2.00; la C afk U M lAV 11. II lei .iinni I Bib U, -V AH. iBbbiui W Utruw ( wauia, ,. 1 ttofJi 4f4V-i -of lot , O. MA Smith I BfBo J Bi fl. Dorth J ftwt of lot t Mr7t;nn Horiry. afcl.JO; ooatll. 36 r-ft f vc loc 1, Mtxrj tTucfv uurier, -iioru ' St.A At 1 OT S..4. K Uaeblu 111 fill lot 8. AonlOa.t'Harblna. (2.00. .V ' ARLTHKKB'X ADDITION TO PORTLANtW. BLOCK 1. lot 1. Thomaa UuIbmb, (Xlo; lot : X TbomM Uuloean, (2.10; k-t, 3. Join Usmp beU. (2.10; kH 4. John Campbell, (Xlo; kH 5, WUUam Drouck,, 82.10; kit X WllUam Drouck. (3.101 bit 7, alary K. WlUon. ilu; lot X Msry K. WiUoa, (Xlo. MLocK,'X M 1. Kalama River Boom Ompaay; (Xloioortn : H af bit X CbarlM Walter, (l.t; 'south iZ ef kit X W. J. FaUertoo, (l.oB; llot X KaUma Blver.iMoom Compsayr(Xlo; kit 4, - lkoxus Maaa,.(Xlo; lot 5, Thomaa Maaa. . (X10; kH X TbomM Msno, (Xlo; lot 7, ThoBua Mann, (X10: lot X kalama Ulrer Boom Company, (XIX BLOCK 8. lot 1, Rodney Ullaan Katate, Heara ef. (X10; lot X Rodney tillvsa kVtate. Helra of, (Xlo; lot X Rodney OUsa a -Katate. Heirs of, (2.10; kit 4, Rather Senofsky, (Xlo; kit X Albert 1 Hoher, (3.10; hit X L. OutbuuM Cottel. (Xlo; kit 7, Collate M. r'raeer. (X10; bH X (llata M. Frsaer, (X10. BLOCK 4. lot 1, Charles L. l'siker, (X10; kit X CbarlM L. Parker, (2.10: lot X Joha Larkel ct sL (Xlo; lot X Jobs Lackel si si, (X10; lot X B. Wlster Morrsi, (2.10; bH B, William A. Oroomes, (2.10; lot 7. Sarah J. Stsasberry. ' (X10; lot X Thomas UoiuMa, (2.10. BLOCK - 5. east 100 feet of kit 1. Maria Baker, fX00; , weat B.B fMt of kH 1. William KUedner, (0.10: wt 8.5 fMt of bit X WlUlam Fiied ner, (0.10; weet XB feet of kH X WllUam , Fliednr. (0.10r eaat 100 feet ot kH X J. W. , Baker, (Xuo; eaat 100 faet ot kH X Prrri U. Ilaker Eatate, Heir of, (Xu0; lot i, . WlUlam Flledner. (2.10; lot X William FUed- - ner, (XIO; lot X WiUUm Flledner, (2.10; kit 7, WUllnm FUedner. FX 10; lot X WUIUm Flledner. (X10. - BLOCK X kit 1, John Perry, (XIO) kit X DrlphlM W ha lea, (X10; bH X Rebecca Uochfeld, (XIO: lot X William . Flledner. (XIO; kit 6.. WllUam FUedner, Xlo; lot X t ka rice Frltarb, (X10; bit 7, .ydia II. .Taylor, (X10; lot X Lydls H. Taylor, (2.10. BLOCK 7, bit 1, Clara Gold ateln, (2.10: lot X AUc F. Taybw. (Xlo; waat atss fMt f kH X Peter Taylor, so.50; , rait 80 feet of kit X Irving W. Pratt. I Lev; lot 4, Peter Taylor. (XIO; Mat BM 'ret of lot X Peter Taylor. (0.10; eaat o? feet of lot X Peter Taylor, (a 10; wrat loo fMt of kit 5, Canadian A American Mortgage A Truat Company, Ltd., (X00; wrat 100 fret of kH hv Alfred J. Farmer, (X00; lot X J. W. Hlckmaa, (2.10. . A tract et laad bounded snd de scribed ss follows: Commencing at a point In tbs esst Um ef Second street. Mid point being 50 fMt south ef tbe Intersect lo of the - south Um ef Shermsa etraet with tbe Mat Um of Second atreet; thence aoath along the eaat Une et Second straet ta a point loo feet aoutb af tbe Math Um of Bbermaa atreet; thence Mat 7L71 feet skier a Una ' loo fMt soath of aad parallel with the south ' Use of Hbermsn" street: thence north 23.1 fMt along a Um 71.71 feet east ef ' aud .parallel with tbe Mil Um oT Seeoad atreet; V thence north (4 degree no mlaatea wrat 15 5 e letr thence weet feet along a IIm 81 feet south of and neratlet jwlth th south Un ef Herman street ; lawn nor, a jS rect amag a Um BB.01 feet ea of aad parallel with tb esst 1loaf Seeoad straet; tbence wrat along a IIm 50 feet south ef aad parallel with tbe Booth Un of Sherman atreet to the place of beglnalog, 1. W. Hickman, (I.3X A tract ef Uad bounded snd described M fblkrwa: Commenrlng at the nortbawat car Mr nf lot X block T. Carutber addition 'to Portland; theece soath along tbe weat Hne f bH 1 and X block 7. Tim there' addition to Port la ad, te a point 1 100 feet aoath of eoeth Um ef Shermsa straet; thence wrat 34-31 feet along a Um 100 fMt south of sad parallel with tb anatb line ef Sher man atreet; theece aorth 83.1 tart along a Uh 71.71 feet eaat f and paralUI wits the Mat line ef Becond atreet; thence north 54 oiiivis 88 mlnatM wrat 16.S feet; thence WMt 8 feet along a, Um 88 fMt south of end ' parallel with tbe ' aontb - Um of Bbermaa street; thence aorth aloof a IIm X1.01 feet Mat of and parallel with tbe east IIm ef S.eaad street te IU Intersect lou with ths ' Booth Uh of Shermsa straet 1 thence eeat along tbe anatb hne ef Sherman atreet . to pUce of beglaaing. Wilier S. Ilaffnrd. (1. 86, CARITHIlftS' ADDmcTN TO PORTLANTV-i BLOCK B, bit 1, Rodney Ollesn Rxtate, Helra ef. (XIO; kH X Rodney Qlleaa Katate, Helra 'Of, (2 IO; lot X Rodney (.llaaa Ket at. Heirs ef. (X10; . lot 4. Lulu May Cottel, Tllo; anatb H nf lot X Iula Mar Cottel, (1.06; ..north H of kit ft. Ch.rlee W. Cottel, (1.05; kH 6. Rodney Ullaan Fa late. Helra ef. (XIO; bH 7. Rodney Cllaan Katate, Helra of, (1 10; kH B, kodnry Cllaan Katate. Helra of. t In, BLOCK B. k t 1. Sarah J. Stanenerry, (X10; kH X Sarah J. Stanaherry. (XIO; bit X Ha rah J. Stamherry, (XIO; bH 4. Sarah J. Ptanaberry. (Xlo: kH B. 8a rah J. Btarabarrv, (2.10: bH X Sarah J. Staoaherrr. ti hi; M 7. Sarah J. Staeberrv. (2 10: lot 8, - Sarah ' J. branaherrv. 12.10. . RIXK'K 1". bH 1, Mary E. Daffy. (X10; lot X B. J., Hvlandt (2 in lot 8. Mary L. Tiltna. (XIO; .kit 4. Mertla Rcbade, (X 10; kH.X Charles Kirch nee sd Hesry IUbbo. (XV0,jjUt X, Joha EsMry, CITT B0TI0EX - IVL M Wakb, (2.10; lot X , ' lee Title Guarantee Truat Company, (2.10. RIAK'K 11, lot 1, George and Sarah Gum- , bcrt (3.101 lot'X JuaepS Sbaak. (2.W: eaat. I 77 feet of lot B. Martha A. t'ooledge. (l oo; "! 5 feet el kt X Uaakell brows, (0.54; ZVA " k. HMhell Brown, (ti.ftft; nut 77 fMt of lot 4. Fred NeuHuer. (I-5I. weat 8tt f,-et ef lot X Alfred J. I armer (1.80; Mat 88 feet of weat 100 fMt of bH X Leoa Hrmlrr, (o.6; east (.6 fMt f lot X Haakell Brown, 8u.10f.eaet 6 6 feet - "i "."i " Brown, (u.lo: waat lot fMt . of lot . Mary Augwta aUuvatn. (X0O: lot 7. Joeeph F. . Nelderuwyer. (3.10; bib . Otto bvothcblld. (2.10. - BLOCbl li lot i; KtiTib: f',toUj,.Hioi h of w 2 , Adolph Colaon, (l.iB; aoutb H of let X J. krmaa. (1.06; kit . Mary U , 5iT.t. .J" fc M"Hta tttraosa, ZLii! .J" .-Anthony F. tarrull. (2.10; lot Aatboiiv F. Carroll, (Xlo; lot T. Joha SfVI't ?i,0: mt -S. . Joha Emery, (a.lo. E'-fJf "ol." 8 ' 1. WllUam ' B."i!'2 ?-1S: ' f weat' 48 feet t lot 1, IxNjia P. Bono, (OBd; eaat 83.8 ; feet vt west 43 feet of north B feet ef lot X , l"?'."? vO-10; stHlth IB feet ot Mat . a.i.6 feet of lot a. Louis P. Bene, (0.35; . smith 1 foot of Aat hah w. i J 5 feet ef lot i. Uvldla BareiL (0.00; WMt 44 feet ef aoath 45 feel of kH X - . vaioono jurnuiaoop or tna Uioeais ' . of Oregon, (0.75; weat 4d feet of at 3,1 , kemaB Catholic Arcbblahop of the Illoceaa . ot tireroa. (0.80: north 40 fMt of mm 0S.5 S ? kH -X WllUm RallU. (l.Soi aorth r ' ' ?? B8.5 -Xet ot kH X Lenla k, Baao, B0.U5; Mai S3 5 feet of aoutb J6 fMt ' ' ot lot X Bomaa Catholic Archbishop of tba ' , 1 DIocM of Oregon (0.08; lot 4. Roma Cats- , eiie areamaaaa Ol US XIIOCMa Of UreBOU. l ff 1 X, komas Csthollo AscbbUbop of , Homaa Catholic AscbMsbop of 1 of Ore MB. SU. L.t Uam.. 1 , w vnnai ox lire pea. as. 10; KH 1 I hi. I In .Ml,l.l.k. . W T Catholic, ArcbbUbop of tbe DIocbm of Oregon, ' - u. v. 1 mnj j.eeseae o. urmai. (Xlo; lot 7, Homaa Catholic Archbishop of the DioeoM of Uregoa. 8X10; west B.4 fMt e. .an i eei 01 auum. 11 teat or. lot 8, Human Catholic ArcbbUbop of the DIoccm of Oregoa, (0.10; weat 74.B feet of south . 11 feet of kit X Roman Catholic Arvhbteuop . af tue llloceM of Oregoa (u.36; Mat 23.8B feet of lot X WlUlam 'BallU, (0.46; weet 82.64 fMt of north SB fee of lot a. J.el. rfr Belcher. (1.30. BLOCK 14. kH 1. Pratt r Wbltosub, (X10; lot X Pratt WhltMmb. 4 (Xlo; lot X Pratt Wbltcomb, (X10: lot X laaq Hamm, (X10; south H of lot 6, Will- ' bm H. lireafell, (1.06; net 2XB feet of ; north H of lot t. William 11. OreafelL (0.25; weet B faet of aorth H af kH X Steptae ITi.Vassx., (0.7.5; lot X Anthony F. Carroll. (XIO: lot. 7. Anthony F. Carroll,. (2.10; lot X Klla L. Woodward, (X10; BLOCK -16. kit 1. Ueorge Langford, (X10; lot X Ueorge Langford, X10; hit X Parker F. Moreyrc'(2,iu; kH 4, Darby O Toole, (X10; ' kit 4. Thomas! tie - P. Scott, (2.10: lot X ' Tbomaalnr P. Scott, (XIO; lot 7. Maad . Hudaoo, (X10; lot 8, Maud O. Hudsos, (2.10. BLOCK IX lot 1. Harriet M. Riemao. (X10; lot X Harriet M. Rhvman, (X10; kit X John , If I Mt. MU, 1 A U V O .. . . lot B, Wllley B. Allea. (X10; aooth Tt m 0, w 11 icy rj. alien, fi.oe; aorta lot X Motms Banku (1.05; eaat 14 lot X Wllley B. Alien. (1.06; north of ef lot'r 7. CbarlM L, Parker, (1.05; Mat Vi of lot B. CbarlM L. Parker. (1.05; west M of lot u. parser, fl.uo; weat 4 7, Elinor O. Hare, (1.0K; wrat of lot X Elinor U. Hare, (Luo., BLOCK 17. lot 1. Mary D. L. Barn hart. (Xlo; lot B. Mary D. L. Barnhart, (X10; eaat 100 feet4 of lot S. CbarlM L. Parker. (X001 west S Kl feet of k aoutb U of lot X Mary K. Arbuckie, (0.10; , WMt 8.52 feet of north of lot X Benson ' o. Aruw.-saa, o. iv; Max xuu xmx ox sot s. ' WlUUm K. Puffer. (XOO; wrat 8.52 feet of lot 4. Mary B. Smith, (0.10; lot.5, Mary B. Smith, (X10; south H of lot X' Mary1 K. Arbuckie, (1.05; north H ot lot X BenaoB -B. Arbockle. (1.06: lot T, Joha J. and Aasle L. Fabio, (3.10; kH 8. Joha and Annie L. FahM, (Xlo. BLOl'K IX kit 1. Uermaa Bar Ing -A Loan Society, (X10; lot X Sett L. Poor. (XIO: lot X Charlea K: Parkrn (X10: lot 4. Cbarlra B. Parker. (2.10: west 50 feet ot let o, Bssmri 1. iiinaos. fl.ouc met oa. a ', .. feet of lot X Joha Barber, (l.ltl; lot X Bea , Selling. TruatM. (X10; wrat H of lot 7.' . Joha tleorg beed, (1.0B: south B feet of wrat H of lot 8, Joha lleorge Seed. (0.10; north 48 feet of rat W of lot B. Mary Seed. -, (o.uft; cut H ef bit T, William H. and Fred erick t. Joyce. (1.0ft; nut H of bH X Will ' iaroll. .and Frederlrk J. Joyce. (1.06: BLOCK l1ot-l, Frederick D. Matthews. (Xlo; lot -X Frederick O. Msttbgws, (Xlo; lot X Edgsr I'oppuion, S2.1U; KH 4. bagsri rvvpieton. - -k 1mmt of lot a rtielatlaa Kllee' Si eAvrV' norna if s-a reet or kh a, iianiei sno uiim; rlH A. Kelly. (0,70: lot 7. Daniel aad Catht-r"" mm t, fceuy. fa. 10; lot a, tirabam t,iaea. Katata Heirs of, (XIO. BLOCK Bo. kH 1, Peter J. Msaa, (2.10; lot X Orsbsm Olasa, Katltr Helra of. (2. 10;. .lot X. Uraham Olaaa. Batata Hetra of. (2.10; lot 4. Jamra J. Al l.rd, tXlor lot X Klla D. Brachrast. (X10; lot X .W. iVHsrmsr, (X10; lot 7. John W. Corraa (X18t kH . rcter (XI CARCTHRR 8 ADDITION- Trt "PARCTHBR'B; ADIUTIOPi TO TUB I'ITT Ur rUlTUSU- BLOCK A.1 All of aorth aB fret of lot. 1. cept WMt a tMt, Bsrsh J. McKltrtck, (LOO; south 4 fit of Met 1)0 fMt ef lot 1, Ajbert N. roadick, (ii.15; weet 22 feet of rot Orfarim Furultura Manufacturlog Company, (0.4ft.;-weat 22 feet of lot X Oregoa. Fornitar htaaafac- -turlng "Compaay. (",45; 811 nf kit a except ' weat A (ml Albert N. Fraidlck. 81.85: all, . -otTTilbrtb H of lot 8. except weat 18 fMt. narerai m. xiaii, i.eo, bu vi bowus n ot it 8 ekrant weat 18-feet. Nettle A- X Sea- ton, fl,v: wmi ' reet- or-ror-tj, yu. ijoraano. Bsi7i; all-of north -H of lot V-rracpt ' wrat 01.18 fMt, F. E. Ills. (0.80; south 2B feet of kH 4, 0. Cordaao, (0.00; mat 01.18 feet . of north U of lot 4, CordaBo. (1.06; weat 00 fMt vi .lot 6,' Dimlnirk Lagrand, (I SO; west 80 feet of kH , hiargare-t Ooerrove, (; Mat 10 feet of lot 6, O. Cor da no, ' (0.15; Mt 10 fMt of kit X 0-. Cordaao, (0.15: kit 7, (tregoa Faroiture Ma na factoring OmiMnr, (2.00: 1st (.VOregon Fumitur Man- nracturing uimpany. ee--. . xiiai n. i. 1 m fee 3 hH 1. F. W; "Watkla. t0 O:l 1 28 fMt or lot 1. unw Appiraioaa, ft.ia; kH X Julias . and Caroline Walter. (X00; north H of kit 3. Port la ad Trust Company of Oregon. (1.00; soath of lot 8, 8. Hock- . f eld. 11.00: kH 4. WiiUsm H. CourtMy, film; east vs 0 kH a. jih a. jonnarooe. it Vi of lot 5. Charkw A. Walter, (1.00; , . 1st X Perry G. Baker, Eatate Helra of, (XOO; ' WMt H of kH 7, Tbomaa P. CampbeU, (1.00; j. " raat k of let 7, Jacob Stelder. (1.00; lot X ' Jaarra F. Dsvuw. (XOO; kH B, D. Marx. (1.3ft; " ' lot 10, Btepbea Meade, RsUte Hair ef. (1.66; . ' Kit 11, Perry 41. Baker. Eatate Heirs of,' (1.80; kH IX Perry U. Baker. Estate Heirs ' of. (I.SO. BLOCK C, lot 1, Perry O. Baker, Katate Helra of. (XOO; kit X Perry G. Baker, Katata of. (XOO; lot 8. WllUam W keener. (2.00: kH 4, WllUam Wsarber, (X00; lot X Kllea Welto. (XOO; soath H of lot X' Archie and Carmtte Richardson. (1.00; north ef lot X 8. OnglirUmelU. Bauta Helra et. . !1.00; soath 80 feet' of bit 7, J. A. Psreoti. 1.15; iHHrth an frat ot kit 7, Emma and ennU Kafka, (0.80; kH X Km ma pad Jeoala i Ksfks, (2.0H. BICK D. west H of kH 1, A. W. Cheoey, (1.00; west H of kit X A. ' W. Ckeoey. (1.00; esst H ef lot 1, Heritable Security A Mortgage lnveetment vwpt.i, 1I.011; Mat H of bH X Heritable Secortty Mortgag Investment Company, (1.00; lot S. Emily J. Schneider. (2. no; kit 4. Emily ' J. Schneider. (2.0O; lot 6, Nicholas Schaua. IXOn; kit X Philip New, (XOO; kH 7, Suaaa ' c. Butler, (2.00; lot 8, Joseph Fink. (XOO. BLOCK B, andivided H of kit 1. Ixmdoa 4b San Fraarlaro Itank, (I.Oo: undivided V, ot lot X iMdna A Has Francisco Bank. (1.00; . undivided H of lot I. Dundee Mortgage A Trust Inveatmeut Company. Ltd., (I.uO; an- divided i of lot X DtindM Mortgage A Trout lnveetment Company. Ltd.. (I.OO; lot X Carl . Abendrotb, (2 00; bit 4. Carl Abendroth, (XOO; WMt H nf bit ft, William 'H. Beybn-. (1.00; eaat V of lot (I. Fgnny Barry. (1.00; lot 8. " Fanny Barry, (XOO; aoutb Vi of bit 7. Fanny ', Barry, (1.00: aorth Vi nf bit 7, JannM Brry. -(1.00; bit X Janwa. Barry. (2.00, BLOCK F kit 1, J. C. LeckeL (0.70: kH 3, J. C. 1 L-l-i Mm, tot a. J. C. I.nckeL StLMit Phot 4.(-4-10.1, (0.80; lot 5, i. C. IjKk'l. (0.01!; kh n, a. 1 . xevcari, u.ooj lot 7, J rf Lncbel. (Ooo; lot 8. J C, I.ocke, (0.B5; kit B. J. C. , Lackel. (O.Bnj -bH 10 X C. LuckeL B0.B0; bit II. J. lackel, nt 12, J. C. Lackel,. (0.80; , lo, X T C. 1-ockrl. (0.70; lot 14. J. C. 'lackel, (0.7o; kit 16. J. C. Lackel. (n.".ej , to. ia 1 c Iackel. (0.70: krt 17. Auraett - Merhe, (0,80; lot 18. Aaguets Msrks, o.n;j lot IV, BUiruaiB marae, caow, e't a', ilia- goats Msrks, (0.80; kit 21. John B. Ekgler. (o 80: undivided Vi of lot 2X WlllUm Men tag. (0.35; nndlvided V, of kH S3, William Montag. (0.251 andlvided Vi ot lot 24. William Montag. (0.25;. nndlvided tt of lot 2ft. William Montag. (O.lo: andlvided Vi et bit 22. Henry Ck-eve. (0.3ft; undivMetl ' Vi ef bit 23, Henry Chare, (0.2A; and I dried 2. mt lot 14. Henry Cleave, (ii.2ft: undivided - iZ af lot 25. Henry Cleave, (n.30. BLOl K - - ti. kit, 1, laahella B. snd W. A. Lewie, (133; kH X IMOeiia n. ssa w. A icwia,' .. (1.65: Mat 50 , fMt of weat 53 feet of kit 3, Matilda A. Baker. (1.00; Mat 60 feet et weat 63 frat nf kH 4.- Matilda A. Raker. (I. : all of lot 8 except weat 53 frat. Edmund B. Hill, (0 8ft; all of kt 4 except wrat XI feet. Cdraand B. Hill. ' . (0.80; aodlvided Vi wnt 3 het ef wrat .' feet of lot X tendnn A Saa Franclai-o Bank, Ltd.. 0.I0; amllvided Vi ,af weat B . feet nf weat 60 feet of lot 4. 'London A , Saa Francisco Bank. Ltd.. (0.10; undivided ' Va af weet S feet of west 50 feet of kt r BV Alliance Truat Company. Ltd., (0 In; ' m-AMAmA U. of weet 8 feet of weat BO fweK ef kH 4. Alliance. Truat Company, Ltd., ' B0.10; andlvided S ' eeet 47 feet f lot X . Unidna A San Fra ecteco Bank, Ltd., (0.4n; andlvided Vk of raat 47 frat of bH- 8. LMtbitt A Saa Franeiaro Bank. Ltd.. (0.4O: an- -divided H ef Mat 47 feet of lot B. -A II la Br Treat Coenpany. Ltd., (u.40; uadlvlded H . ot Mat 47 frat of kH X Alllaec Treat Company. Ltd., (0.40: weat (3 frat of bit 6. Edmund B. Hill. (I.on; west 53 feet of-' lot X Edmend B. Hill.- (t on; weat 2ft feet ' of lot 7. Joha H. Lewis, (n.4fl; weet 1ft frat , sf bit X" Jot a h. Lewta, ( Mat 75 feet of lot 7. laahella B. aad W. A. Lewis. . (ISO; Met 7ft leet ef bit X I bells R. and W. A. Iwla. (I 8n. RIX.K H. lot I. ' I'lemeM Caeere Katate. Htlra ef. (1.56: M X Cbans Caeeer Eatate. .Helra ef. (l.nti; . bit X Asa Slnantt, (I.OOi bH 4. Ana Bin nott. SXI0: let (. Ana SinMtt, (l.BP: e . IB (rat af kit X tJrtBeM Caeeer Esut. '.---