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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1905)
L"'' ' .'....' i ; : I . .,.': . " 1 . . i .. ' ' :TH15 T OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL. PORTLAND TUESDAYS EVENING FE3RUARY 28, 18S3. oufmI Eatcred at - Ik pestofaee ef Fertlsa. r-' far traaaportatloe through la MlM e sseasd cUh sutler. . . KatiK (or aingls copies: Far an S. i paper, 1 et; 1$ le 80 . S teta, $ to 44 pefes, $ cud. . , I ' ' - ' ' mniram " . ' ritrtii ROOM M -"!" 'atuslnaas (ill MsJ .WD DMm nmu umnnn tmiimt"? Yreeland-Beagamla Special Aaeefle , CHlS: 1 50 . N .mV street. N " aaxhllbea B'ala lac. Chicago. . .. ' i . micimioi lit ? :i The nnr )wmi, with Sunday, I r---J ! Tha Dslly journal, J year Viii STB The Dalle Jonr..; with Sohdar. Btentba. T The Daily Journal. mootb V f'X The Dolly JourwaL, with Sunday, nvDsrae 1.95 ' Tba Dallr Joaawal. 1 mnnlba Th tw!) V I l ... . .. ...I f U)OUth .". Tba Dally. Bar wee, delivered. Buaday Included .tir-'ilU The Dally. ( net, delivered, "'day The DeMy Journal, with Sunday. 4 yeet.,.$J Tba Pally Journal. I rear V"-UT an Tba Daily Joarnal. with Sunday. snonths. 8. ITS .jvne iwny Journal, months afk It-1 1 m ilk Uniulir. 1 Ua. l o I.a Tba Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 meats.. Tba Dally Joarnal. 1 month Tba Sunday Joarnal. 1 yar. Tba Sunday Journal. 8 months ..... Tba Seml-Wsekly JeeaaaL Tba Sak.1 Weekly inml, i te 11 W a. a . in a awkalt aaaai paraat pa .to too 1.00 Mir-ai IOB, uiniraicvi ---m ka part I1 TaWtr a a r Ktiaaittaacaa aboaM ka madi by draft. pol ' unkn and amall aawamta ar aoorpUbla U 1 aad leaat "iOVXMkL. . ' f. O. 9at 11. Portland. Or. ! Tba Joarnal Paa ba (oaacl o fate t tba JDDaSS-H. Mkr CM W. . CrllcYuPaatefTlM Nrwa eotapaay, IJt Daai- 'DENVRR, VOUtX-Kaiidrk Bonk u,JtIT mtnpany. ftlJ iBmtrmlh atrrrt; J. Buck, - rmtrnrn aaa vanw ' JUNKA07 ALASKA Poatotf lea iBook Stara. iNBtLiill r. flardnw. 23 Booth Tiprtavrrt; OUrar -Uaioaa, S Boath ; Boring atrraV.. . "JltNNT5APOU-lV . KTmo4uh, 0 Boatt Third. - ' . KEW TORK CTTT Brantaaa'a, rloa agnara. OMAHA Millar Hrttt w" ataad: Mrjeatk BUtlaorrr oninaoy.i 1308 Farapn atrart. i i . tAtra riTV kmim Hotal am absad: . Barrow Broa.. 41 "Waat Berood ataV Boath.. T. LOflB Philip KotArr. 61B lac atraai; . K. T. Jrtt. m Ollra atrart. ' , IA!I FBASC1SCO P. W. Pitta.. Palara Hotal ara .taad. and inr Markaf atraat: Oold aaltb Broa.. -3f Sutter atraat, and Balat - .i . a. Hm. rwn builo- linfrN. WbrbUay, 80B Hatoaaa atraat ajBAjTL Rainier Grand aawa atandi Daatara iJpoitAKE. WASn.-Joha W1ftrah Ca. iffACOMA. WASH. oantrai 7 Jjewa coaBa, , Hotrl Taeoma nawa " ISL. VICTORIA. B. C Victoria Bxk 1 Btmtloaary eoaiDany. ' Anonov inn xoiioaaow. ' a. , Baia oT baoaa rarBjahlaga. J. T. WUaoa, awtloarar. . . j-'. t By Pnrtland Aartloa roatna. 811 Flrat atrart. at 10 a. Bi..8l ol farnitora, carprta, ate Caa A. . Iowtt. anrtionaar. n M v u.i.. Ii nH.m oA. aj2Tt4 Waab. In (ton irart. Sal of bnaea fumlahlnaa, brio a-brac ate.' P.. X. Clarkr. aurtlopoar. I ; '-.-.-o'wXfcTHr BXPOBT. . .. Ooad ralna bTa oerorrrd doHnf tba laet t noara im waatan urrfon, waaiara maimira, ,rtrni' aootbrrn California. Art anna and iv umW i: Klaawhera brcmabolt tba Cnltod tber eontlnuee. eioept along the 1 mtmtmM. tale . iKew England wbere Hoai enow is reponeu. . The- teasperarnra throagboet tha north Pa. tMKtf aiafM -mntlnnea aboee Bormal. it Is slse nmcb warmer, than aenal la California ana la Ibe Buoaie wewiem wxmiwm. The iBaKaUaai ara for generally fair weather In tbla dlatrtrt Wednesday, .with sUght changes la temperature. ,- ..." , . Wedding Ohroa. W. d. amtth Oa.. Waaa Pearth aad Wsshlagtea aa. taftea hldg ear. BIRTHS. DIX Feaary (25. te Mr. and Mra. Frank E. Ml. B4o Grand avenue, a daughter. T Y ATT February 1. to Mr. aad Mra. P. I. Wyatt. 128 .North Bliteeata street, a son. VIIJUIN February 18, ta Mr. aad Mra. Ueorf Wilson. 611 North rup street, a daughter. TONT Frbruary 37. te Mr. and Mra. Louis Seal, nil iniow avenov, ma. ... v 11 m 1. t t v . : OOsTTAOIOUS DaEAStt, ' 4 CBTTTCHF7B1.D February 37, Mamie Cretch- tM 1?a D.mlllM i.Hn. iMrbt fVM. PRAKJUlxOhraare 37. fjeb Pearson. 641 sancoaeer avenue, ' DEATHS. ; METCALF February 38. William Metealf, aged 38 years, st Mood Bsmsrltsa hospital; causa, proetitla. Bnrial at Vancouver, wash. rATTERHON February 26. KltsBheth Patter sou. sged" 65 yesrs, 87 North Tenth street; , cause, pneu mania. . Burial st Et lorf. Me. Ct-NN1NGHAM February 25. Julia A. Cunnlng- : ham, ared 8 days, st A r lets; cause. Inani tion. Burial at Lone Ftr cemetery. BROWN February 36. Ri P, -Broa-n.rejred SB yeara. at Portland asnltarlumj. cause, heart dlaeaae. Burial st Poor s'srm. HEL1HINA Febrmsry 38. Chrlarlna Hell pins. v sged P.) years, st North Psciae asnltsrium; renae, esneer of stomsch. - Burial at Brain ard's cemetery. MIDDArtiH February 98. Ktklln Mlddsnrh, sged 34 yrsrs, 304 Es't Etgblh street; cause, rardlae dlaeaae. Burial at Lone Fir ceme tery. BTKIN BRIBER February SB. Mary Btelnhewer. . sged B& yeara, S74 Hoyt street; eauae. heart dlaeaae. Burial at Beth, Israel remetery. - v rremstmium ea Oregon 'city -rar Use. near Bfliwnod; modern, scientific, complete, tnsrgee aouita. eB , rauorw, mwrs w 8. m. to B p. m. Portland Cremation association, I'ertlaad. Oregoa., v t The Edward Holmsa tndeftaklng company funeral directors audi, em.balmers. 230 Third treat. I'hoae tun. 3 J. P. Flnley Bon. fuitrrsl directors snd emhaimers, corner 1 nira sna siidisnn atreato. uroca 01 ceanty coronor. icieptione Main p. - Faeeral wreathe and rut flowers a sperislty . at Rosa City tireennouee. Twentyecond and Mast eiomaou, opp. cemetery. Clark Bros, for flowers. 2NS Morrison streetf BtX 'ESTATE TEAHSrEaB, t. C. Scot and wife tn M. F. klnehardt. btta and !. block 4. Midway Ciearge K. . Sharer and wife to W. Me- ' lot M block T. Central al. .1 bine add It tne t.fT.. 7 Sheriff tn S. R. Rodney, B acrea ajnrtb- . weat V aectloa 37. township 1 north, ' rsnga 3 east Sheriff te J.i Olurkamsn, lot 8. block S. ' King's Second sddltios ..... h. -r Bberlff to L and C Rodney. 10 acres... V northweat 4 section 37. township 1 J Borah, range S east . Vlrrlnla Wllmak to Oak Park Lead cnnU pany. Kit ii, qioru aw, arnica auniilon. f Margaret Lenlrr te J. J.. Iwler, earn v. of eaet 4 of lota t and 7, block 87. f C. Pertamouth Villa esteaalna; umll r vlded I, Utereat .lot 6, block 117 cjty uirf ....n..-.,- Barings A Loan Borietr to L. Wurten hurger. Berth M feet lot 3: lot 8. blork 1M2, Coach addition '. ,i margarvr isver w m. ts. veoanie, weat. at east of ana a aso j, ntoek hi, . i Coach addtUon; Iota T and S, block C, l-artaaaonlh Villa ertehaloa; undlvkled ' 1 !., IhS & hlnrb 1IT ril, . -r Title Onaraetee' Trset eompaay to a. . . .-. - - . w.. peii, iota B aad s. aura i. Wast too rii. e'1" .... a.. .Hi'. beat, andlvided 14 latereat mta tlsad a. blork II. Ilanaona addlrtoa ...V 1,500 Iter Mcoonaie ana wire to r.. t listen, . w lt U. A hi. V UU1II . I ll ..... ..... B.UUO .'i loha R. Illaenme to (V O'Hnarke, loU 3. 4 and t, block 3. Ulamme trset ...... TOO RH arisen ,tmetery aaaonariaa te r.. u- .tstae. tot 4Mb. arrttoa IB. RJvervlew reiaetery ..... 12B ' M. W. tirn te f.' N. Moare. lot 8. blork S3. South PnrtlaBd IJOt Ids Armarrang and bashawi tn ittemr. Taied company, lot B. , block IS: M a. - r ksstt It. ipt 14, asaoh 4i let S. heart " -1 ? .1 L .-ft fill 'I' TODAY'S MARKETS SALMON CATCH IS GROWING HEAVIER A- Steelheads Show Large Receipts ) From the Lower Columbia River' Today. 4- : r EGGS ARE SLIGHTLY C BETTER AT A DECLINE Lion "Coffee Follows Decline of . Arbuckle Butter and , .'' Cheese Are Firm. f:' Praat Btrrrt. Pab. M. Tba prladpal fra rural 0( tha rarllaaa arbolcaaHi markeU looay arat Baloaon la comlnff faatW. -v . Boma irlllnat aoialt anirak. -Kft market la allfbtly better. .' Both real aad bosa only fair. "' - v Poultry market continue at top. Uoa coffee oof fra follow dacuae. A a lot la raboafa auppUea. Orangea bln( beld f Inner. ' . rbeeaa market la firmer. Batter market la not weak. Ilnpa are qnart bat fin. Kastera daellna falla to affect wheat. " Balmea I Cataiaa Taktar. Renorta froaa the lower UolomMa tbla mora In . aay that tha ma ef eteelneed aalmoa h ImiwvTlnc. Dniiag tba paat 24 houra tba catch has ahowa a good eterd Iscraaaa aad tbla baa raaaedi lower prlra 'la tha fort land market. MteelbraidB ara Quoted today at ae nee Dooad. la 'cblaoofca the jwelpta , are still amall. bat there la arery ladlcatloa that tba run daring tne neat ftw dare will baeome baa Tier. A few gUlaef amelt are la (be awket. y." ' tti. Market. Xe nightly attT. ' Altbongb the nrtre of eggs la tower today tha tone of the market la alight ly Improved. Tcday egga ara eel ling at J 7c per doaaa. pe large deaior cleaned ae hie holdings at 17c. while there are plenty of off we for storks at lee. One firm waa In tba market tbl morning far Mp eaaea of eggs at lor, bat could hot obtain them. Beth' Teal aad Hogs Only Pair. There la only a fair tone ta the real market at tba present lower prices. The warmer weather baa at last affected the tone ef the ad end nrtree are?, fractionally lower. There remains a fair demand 'for drain A beef at pc asset ralnas. . Paoltry Market Oeathkaee at Tap. All Is firmness In the penury market, rfts- relets today were fair.- hat tne demand wes rally equal to the eabpllee at preaent W(pea. fhere continaea a dearth In the auppllce of wild hlrda. JTama dneka ara fair, while inn ara Bly dull. x ., . :-'.v . Lies) Coffee yellows Decline. . : , The iWoolsey Bnlee eempany. threngh its lo cal repreacntarlTsa, haa aotlned tha trade nf a decline ef Me per 100 nonada In former qqo. tatlopn. This aukee the new prkw of Una 114.88. the same .as thit of Arbuckle. in-i.' At Glut ia Caebag appliaa. ' n . flops II as of California cabbege ara now very! haary had raiiooa prtraa sre-rttllBg. 'Borne, dealers la order to dean BP hare "eut'nrteaa aa low ae' 1 per rrate, while tha general amrket ranges to 1.2S. ... ,1 -l-w .. Obseaa Market1 1 Tlnaer.. There, la eiiitme fliiiiiiuas la the, rhuai market .aad 1 the 'trade la anable -tar aeeure rafflrtntt supplies of 'Tips- atrark to aapply the heavy demsnd now rollopi. . The creamery nantT maraet ia- in Mm aDaw-wiw -aw cosuaaw 1 T?lu ?M 1 . eastern, veeime eaua as oiien naaUb . The severe decline la eaatera wheat .'values yesterday la ant having Any r frees . ntJoa the, market - heie. Those --who- a till have Urn atocka ef wheat are holding foe aa advaace l- depradeat ef the- eastern flactaatlona. Tbe flour market I firm aa for aa meal trade Is concerned, bat tha orient still stands sloof. Some Inquiries are being received from Japan, hut the prices named here are not acceptable. tbey say taey can any coca per in ins middls west. ... . Tudsy a wholesale markets, aa revised, are aa foUewa; . Srala. Jtaar aad read. t WHEAT Club aad red. 8708Sc; bhbaMaas. 03c; valley, 88c. ' BABLBX-rood. 133.80; rolla4 t34.00Mwew- CORN-WboU, S24.B0; cracked. $3S.K pay BTB ll.BB per rwt. ' i "' I OATS Producers' prlceaNa. 1 white, $31.00; fray. - FLOCB Ki.tera Oregon Pi tents, td.SB; straights. S;i.75; valley. $4.10; graham, Us. $40ii; ins, $4.46; rye. 60s. $6.00; ha lea, $3.7j. -NM1LLBTTFF8 Brsn, 1 00 per tea; mid dlings. $35.00; shorts, eoustry, I3S.00; eaep, $1800. i , HAT Producers' price Timothy, sWirtamerte valley, faery, $14.M41B.r:.ordlnasyi 813.0041 14.00; eaatera Oregna, $18.0uea1.00 mlied. 113001.100; clover $11.0013.00L grain, tll.00J12.00; ebestt $11.00li.00. 7. . .. - . Batter, Xgg4 and Peultry. - BrTTFR FAT Sweet, Ble; pour. Jp, BL'TTEai City eresmery, , heat. 334e; cond 374c; eu tilde fancy. Suet orUl- aary. 37 4c; California, sue; store, ISJelBc HtitiH no. A irraa uregoa, sic. , . . CHKEBII New Full creem. twM. Ifiei Toung America. 1B4C1 eaatera. lSfjlSfec: Cheddar. 15c. POILTBT Chickens, mirea, lxJ,t per m; ma. I.iuri4c per lb: roosters, old. IBtaaiile per lb; young, 13fl34 par lb;., broilers. 17We per -ID; irvers, J.w prr iu , oirn, BM.wniu.taj per doa; geeee. 8i0c per lb; turkeys, 17tUe per lb; dreaaed. 3e234c per lb. niLU uaaa inm ti.iei winpen. es.w; meUard. $350; eahvaabacka. S4.60tJS.00. Bops. Wool aad HJdaa. HOP8 Contra rta. 106. 16317: 104 erea. S44U354e for choice S4C344e for fir ma and mediums. , " i . . WOOL Contracts MOB clip. 13fjla: valley, coarse to medium. 16t)17 hse, liejlte; east ern Oregon. 15c. MOHAIR Nominal, 24 a 28c. '' SHEEPSKINS Shearing. I0i30e abort wool. 204tV; medium wool, SOtjaoe;. leaf wool, BOrUtl OO each. TAIA.OW prime, per in, aajae; no, 3 sad greiae. 3024. C1IITT1M BA1 i C1IITT1M BARK 4c perVrb; buaSnc-nrlca. HIDES Dry hides. mv f I. 10 lbs ssd ap. IT. Klnael Park Minnie L. Foster to Victor I -a ad company. lot 3. block 125. Woodaterk ........... 40 Victor K. Handles et si. te Title uuar . an tee company, hits 15 and 18. blank 15. Ilollada Park addition 7.. 1.850 Llsssr N.' Moore snd wife te N. W. Orar, . . . . . M 1.1 k . 1 1 . nil. 1 im hi. m in . , i . m in. liriiuu. a.iaju Herman Jj Korn. goardlsn, te Kf. J. r Koch. 1 acre section 18. ti hip anutb. range 2 raat . ' 450 Genrge Hhlrl and wire te H. II. Auldrldga and wife, lot 10. blork 3. Myrtle IS L. W. , I want and wife to r . . -Warlmer, lot .17, block 17. Bunnyslde 1,850 , Oct yenr Ineurtnee and abatracta to real estate from tbe Title Guarantee Trust ppny. Chamber of "Commerce building. - i t.' "-:-,.V BTnlDntQ PatBhTITS. . " AD.1.MiFrhruary 3T. JMrs. ,. H. Adams, re- ; pairs ire- owe rung, roraerr mirwaokw , arenas e on rvinear' atreeis vosi, ,iw KTMTF.R February .117. Mr. Setmyee, at ore building corner Tnarmea ana Tweaty-nfth alreela: mat. 850. V. . a r flTAKk r-hruary 37.1 I. Stsrk. eottsge, Voenyr rhirenrvi sna kwi inn eireen: ewer. sain. MITNF.R February 27. L. J. Mltner.v,illif. Bscrsmente aueet bat wean lakns aad Rod. nv v.iMM! enatV AM.VI SHKAFFEbV February 37. W. C. Bhesffer, sd- dUloo to rnttage, Mlmiaeippt avenue between and Hhsvsr .atreeta; coat, f 160. C1IC Vil February 27, Wing Chang, repalra to betiding. Third between Market and Mill ' arreete; cost, $150. LOMBARD February ST. B. M. Lamhard. betel. North TWenty-elita between .Upshur gad Vsugha atreeta; enat, t20,000. 7 MKIKH FRANK CO. Pebraary 17. Melee A Frank company, repairs to basement. Fifth : and Alder atreeta: enat. BAflO. PORTLAND rONBOMDATKD RAtl.WAT CO. , Februsry 27, Pnrtlsed Coasnlldsted Railway i waitina mom, cormr reru eaa tsaaa. Ingtna streets; coat. s.'i.iaai. Wl KMT February 37 . Bsmael B. Wleat, lode lag house, corner Bsst Mnrrtana and East F.irhth strsets: enat. td.ton. WlitKI.M RKKW1NO Co. Februsry JT. Wlr". belm Brewtsg Co., sddlttna te brewery. Corner Mann sad neat jtinta streets; enat, tz.mi. STRORKIi Februsry 37. Flits Btrnbel, repairs te ewening, our aer autk aad Bherlda Itreeu, coat, pew. , ' ,,. '. i TH WJHEAT MARKET . , May Optloit Chicago Il lJH San Franeiaco....;... 1.47 HA. Kansaa City... 1.04 St. Loula.V , Mlnneapoll ...........411,, " Dulutb .......... 1.12H , Milwaukee 1.1 Per cental, July. . laaiAUe ner lb: dry kin.' No. 1. B to IB lbs. larr drr calf. No. 1. noder B lbs. alike: dry a I tad hldra. steers, eoond. W IU at arer. Ilkd Blc; AO to do lbs, BwMVtc; under SO ba and eowa, sVc; atage ana euiie,. aoane. e(j7e: kip.. 18 to so Ibe. 6c: eoand. 10- to 14 lbs, lid H,e; ealf, sound, nader 10 lbs. tVkQllc: graea (Unaaltea), le per in ieaa; cum.- ic per id Mas; boras hldee salted, ".each. 1.1S1.TB; Jury, each,; colt' hides, earn, 3ra&0c: goat aklnat aommoa, each. lOajiac; Angora. Fratta aad Tagetaalao. POTATOES Beat Jregoa. hey. era. TBt80e; aceoad grade, BOc par eeeft: bay. log prlre. ),; rweets, bast.; crstea. f i.uo; orw unnuru, aw per 10. ONIOND tXTSe.t.00: buTrs" prLcea, cuamtry, 13.36; garlic, Otflua par' lb. rRESH FRC1TB Applae. extra fancy. 11.60 fancy - Oregon. 11.0" per boa; cheap grades. The pee bos: era nave, aereL par boi; ' aeedliago, I DO per bos; tsngariBea, si. 'a per . Dogj orangea. 0flrt5c per boa; baaaaaa. Be per lb; lemuos. cbolre. 1 00 per boa; fancy, $t.H per boi: limes. Meilran,, gRe per. 100; pine apples, 2.36; enabarrlea. eostara. fll.U0 per bbl. - . 1 VET.KTABLKHTurnlpa. BOc per sack; car- rota. Doe doa Dunraea; neeta, noc ana Danraea; Oragon radlabea. 8&c per due; cebbace, Oregon, cwt; California sl.lOWl.itt; lettuce, nolnouar, tl.Ki crate; green peppers, Tc per lb: chili peppers. ISa per lb; relr. Beflsoe per doe: tomatoes, California. $2.00: pa ran I pa. T5cjf I.2T: egg plant, per id; atring oeaae, ijc; rau 11 flower. Bl.7B4tt.M5 per crate: butter beans, Be; pumpkins, le per lb; horaeradlah 7fJSe per lb; aproum. Be; artlebokaa. per doa; pea a, loe Par lb; cucumbers, California hot houee, ll.TS doa; green-oatoaw, t&c per doa; DRIBD PBUITS Appta. STaporited. TV par lb; eaairota. !13c par lb; aacka. Vie par b laas; peaches. 89i2c per lb: paara. aer id: prunea,. itansn. wiiav pwr idi Irreneb. lUOlUr nee lb: California black. SOH per lbs Callforam whlu. per lb; plame, pitted. per lb; dates, (oldea, tt per 10; lama, ai av per in-na aoa. . Brssarlas. Hats. Xte. BTTflAR Bark baa la Cube. Bd.iM: now g.IS; fruit granulated. Bo. Oft; 1rj (ranauted. .06; beet granulated. BB.86; extra 0, .66 goWea C, 6.46 bbm, 10c; tt bo la. JBc; boses, 60c adranca on sack baeta, laaa 36a cwt for csab. IB days; mspla, 14ttloc par lay ' nnHrr iau.eai.i . : J I ' COrrBtfr Package brands, tl4.M4l1B.BS. 8 ALT Kine Bake). 3a, Us. ea. Be. 10s, 1.0; table, dairy, 60a, til. 00; 100a. tlO.TB; Im ported LlrerpooL 60a, ilT.00: lOOa. -116.60; 2Hm. tl 001 eitre Bne. bbls. as. as. Be. loa. B4.tOOA.60r balk, S20 lha. B4 0u6.00, sacks. BOB, 06Q8OC. . ' - . SALT Qoarae Half ' emend. 100a, par too. ff.OO; 60s, per ton, 7.60; Llrerpaol tamp rock. 10 60 par toa; BO-lb rock. 7.00 100a. 7B. - fibM. hHm innlf tn eelM of haaa tbaa car lots. - Car .Iota at special prices subject te ancrnattOBa.1 - y.OHilll BAOH Calratts, (0.7800.00 par 100. jKicaw impenat Japan, no. 1, sc; no. a. ae. Kw Orleans. . hesdT Vhtles IdJas. BHe; ereole. 4e.- t ' BRANS Bmsll white. Be; large white, BHe: pink; SHe; tayou, BVse; Umea, c; hlaxlcaa reds He. . " i, . , v nUTo peaants, Tttei yamnaa-,-awe par a raw. aetlOa Bar lb: maated. : eoeoag toeaoe ur doa; walnau. 1416e per lb; ptoe auU, 10(13He per lb; hickory nnta, ,10c par lb! rbestaau, eastern. IBejIOc per lb; BrMll nota. we per id; einenaj inajior par iaar aersna, 14015c per lb; almooila. 1816 per lb. xmuns, vsu vita. avn . ROPB Pure Mantis. 14c; etandard. Ue; m. , . ... ., ,, . - . . OOAL OIL Pearl r Astral Cases, Me per ash water whlu. Iron bbla. 164 Par gal; wooden. 1T per gal;' head Ugh t. 170-deg. caste 33c per gal; Iron bbls, 16H0 per gel. - - LIN8KBP Ollr Pare raw In bbls. 68c par gat. eaeee tie per gal; fenulne kettle boiled, cssea Ste per gal; bbla 68e per gal: groaad cake. ear lota $2.00 par ton. leas tbaa car leu $30.00 ton. . . , i aA8UNE 86-dee. casee 83e per gat Iron bbla 20c per sal: stove, eases 34 4 Han) m Iron bhls lAc per gaL f'j-;;' rianinsj aa-oeg. cases sue pax gai,i m. bbls. l4eper gaL . ' TnaPlVTrve 1 eaaaa. 8Ke bar L WSOdVS bbls, Ble per gal, Iran bbla. 79a per gsL 10-lb case lots 84c per gsL . whiti L.BjAi-Toa lots. 7 s per in, euv-av mta. 7e per lb; leva lots Be per lb. - w I HIS HAILel Present bsse st Meats. Fish aad Prerisioas. FRESH MB ATS Front atreet Beef, steera. 4tJ54e per lb; pork, block, T8a per lb; peckers, ikjac per in; naiis, per - id, cows. tJI34c per lb: muttoa. wetbere and- lambs. 7c; rwea, te; veaL extra, Ityifc.per lb;, ordinary, 6c per lb-. I - - " HAMS, BACON. ETC. port la na paca tiocsif sms. 10 to 14 lbs. 124e per lb; 14 to 18 lbs, 34c per lb; 18 to SO lbs. 134c per lb;, cottage. te -ner lb; ! breakfsat bacon, 2sltc par , lb; picnic, 84d per lb; Taoula aajtort clears, aa smoked, 4 per lb; imokej, 104 per lb; clear bscks,, nnamoked. Be per lb; smoked, loe per lb;. Union hqtta, 10 to 18 lbs. anamokeg. 8c per lb: emoktdV to per lb: elear bellies, sa eaiord.,Uca)e? lb; a rooked, 13c par lb. UH.AL, UABUarKettie lear, iub, iui per : 6a. lOtae ner Jib: 60-1 h tlaa. 104e per lb; steam rendered. Its, 1 4c per lb; Be, t4c per ; tuna. e per lb; one. n-e per id. rANNRn kAl.MON ToinmMa river 1-lb talla. $1.85; t-lb talla, $350; fancy l ib tats. $2.00; lb rsncy asts. gi.zn; fancy t-io ovaia. aa-ioj eka talla. pink. 86ttSOc: red. $1.60; nominal 3s. tall, $3.00. FISH Rock end. Te per Ibt nwanoera, ae per th: halibut. 6e per lb; crsba. $1.25 par doa; atrlped baas, in 124c per lb; rstnsh. Te par lb; salmon. Columbia river, eh I nook. 134c; eteelhrads. Br per lb; froaea silvers! aes, Te per lb; herring 6e per lb; eoles. ae per m; ehrtmpe. 10c per lb; shad, dreaaed, par lb; parch. Be p lb; shad roe, per lb; shad. Be per lb: black cod. or per lb; Columbia river smelt, Be per Ibi allver amelt, 6c per lb; lobsters, 124e; fresh mackerel, te per lb; crawtsh. 38 per doa; flounders. 6s per U; eturreon, 7c per lb. ' OT8TXR8 Hboaiwarer nay, per gat. aim; per eack. $4.00 act: Otymnts. par sack, $6.26. CLAMS Hard ahelL aer box. $3.00; raaur tlamo, $2.00 per boa. EASTERN HOGS ARE COMING TO PORTLAND Local Market Weaker With De- clirfe Likely Cattle Quartet tower Today. PortrinT t'nlon Ptorkyards, Feb. e. The hoe market Is an a tree, so to speak. The re. eelule sre rvHwrrdersble. Tbe high prices that save ruled acre ana tee arvei aiTrerencs tueen Portland values aad those of the east have at laet eanaed aome ahlpmenta from that direction lain thla market and the result la that nrteea will llaelr dron a rail uaarter toasarrow, Today there waa no chtnge, there being bat a nominal demana. . The sorter . welt ner nil caneea a weaker feellne In- the rattle msrket snd today'a prices sre" prsctlcolly 35c lower. In sheep there Is miMm hot nnlet. nrloaa heme nomlnsl. The receipts toenr: um nogs, ou cnitm, sue arieep and Zn bones.. . Tnnif nrnciai uvesroru in u au Hon lleat eaatera .Oregon. td tO: light hlorkers and China fats.. 6&.or.7&; stockers end gt.ftuers.ou. Catll. -Beat eastern Oregna steers, S4JMI Hght and medlnm ateera, $:i.50; old light 33. 5i ; etorkera sad feeders, $3.00; bulla. $1.60, Hhreo Beat flacy sheen. $4.3604.50; ewes. - cmcAao hops hjohir. CKIciro. Feb. 38. Liveatoet receipts - lings Cattle Bheep Oh lea go 23.i 6. Boo 18.(ll Ksness City i.i iw - n.i i.mai Omaha .................. t.msj BOOH 7. real Hogs opened 6e higher with left ever. Receipts s yesr sge were 1.(00. Prices: Mixed. $4.7516 00, hesvy. B4 H6vJ6.674; rough , $4.70; iiaui. e." . Cattle Ktreng. ,.s ' . , Sheep Steady. 1 " f X STT0AR DICLAREB DITTDEKD, New Tnrk, Feb. 3. The regular dividend ef ! per cent ea Sugar Refining, and preferred a tuck, waa declared today, Hew Terk Oeah Coffee.' Xew Turk. Feb. ta--C.ah coffee: No. Rani ,Tci Ne. 4 Santea, B4v AiEflSATIOM If! HAY OPTION TODAY Drops Two and a Half Cents in .Chicago on Selling by ' ' ' the L,ongs. ENTIRE WHEAT MARKET . CONSIDERABLY LOWER Belief That the Longs Have Sold - v Out at a Profit, Causing f the Decline. ' " , TODAT'B WHIAT MABJtBT. ' open Today. May f 1.1IVU. July ...... -V,1.00J September ... .l (mrnlahed by OrerberkS Starr Cooke" Co. 1 Chlcaeo. reb. z. ITiere waa a ainsatlonai decline of 34e la the wheat market today on May option,.. J oat what brought about tp decline the trade la ar a loaa ta know, but It le believed that tha Inml hare Bold out and hare taken their profits, which would hare been estimated to run ap Into the mll- lione of dollars. The market today owned eery weak at 81.1614 and ctoeed emld great disorder at BL.1' Tbla la a net decline ef 2Vic feef thw May. Both the July aad Brptember were Weak, bat not bo much as aa the May. Tbe loan ahowa by tne July la Be aad tbe Brptember Ifce. Logaa tfryan aay or the eurket: Tne sharp. Quick break in the wheat' market demonatrated quite clearly bow nereeetay supportlsja ordere ere te a market celHptor Mikraiper. ""That aup- wae iarlllKlrawir HteDorarfl It m anile evident ana' local tradera were quick to de termine thla fact. Influenced by tbe break In the futures the cauh aaarket weakened. , The f ar-orr ontlona were not aa weak. Tha 'actios of yeeterday'e market leaeea tba trade et eat regerdlug the' Immediate future ef prices. xeauy s ecaciat market: . WHEAT. ' Oaen.' High .Low. Hay... :,f j.inv Peb...... May..... .3114 ,.1111 July.... cVpt. .... .! .V ' mess pobX. Prb...j.. Mnp..X. 1170 13.70 13.BS LARD., - 1S3 i4S.DS Jul..... 13.84 . 13. ta May T.OB ;' "" TOB" t ft T.1T T.OB ' T.3T T.aO BHOBT BIBS. a f M July T.17 727 May:"V . ' ' 8 .72 .T .78 bV30 B July..... B.84,; -.T EXPORT DEMAND FOR . BARLEY STILL GOOD (Furntabed by Orerbeike Starr Ik Caoka Co.) ' Asa Pranciare. Pea. '2Ri-E. F. rTuttoa Ca. say: The slight weaknessf iff today's wheat market waa eanaed by thai amarp break la the eaatera UBiarkrta. which! am. tveglnaing ta la- riueace. ine mcai rraaera ia a great extent. The poor eaah situation leaves the trade at see, regarding the Immedtkte. future of. prleee, mch causes (he speculator to art with caution. December waa -freely, offered, hut vMay reeelvew' very nixie etteatwa ea accauu. pi tne smsu receipts. " .v " --t ' The export demand for barley le . still good, but the eaah styft reeelvee mora attention from local people ibaa (be options, r Renorta- from he country .say mst tbe .crop situations was ever better - and tbat weather condlUona. sre Hierfect. Receipts are -goad. t i-. . Toiiri ornciai iitmi a ea. anaenar - -1 rV lit WHEAT. , , r jPr. High. 'Law.' Cloaa. May.., . j.1.4T4B $.:.... S..... S1-474A December. 1.274 1.28 1.374 174 1 1 - BARLET. '- . Maij....... 1.1S4 1.104- 1.1B4 1.1B4B December... .84 4 -S44 .8H .844 i BEAPSTRIETS flBJUH EEPOBT. hlcieo, pab, 38. Bra da treat's arsln report; Wheat Feat of tbe Rockies, lacreaaa of 40,000 bnahele; Earope and afloat. Increase of 34A.000 bushels; total Increase of 340,000 buabela. . it ' I Corn rtecreaae of 3ft. 000 boehem. J Oats Deere ass ef 1.300.000 bushels. . . CHICAwO ORAJ CAR LOTS. .... . CbleafB. Feb. 28. Grain 'ear lots: ' Cars Grade Eat. 1904 Wheat 40 .. 46 i 63 Corn 403 8 4m - .. Oata ' .-,.'.180 43 19 l. 1 COTTON FUTURES ARE V; 'THREE POINTS UP (Purnlahed by Over berk. Starr A Cooke Co. I New York. . Feb. 38. Cotton fata res closed I points higher. Today's official cotton market? v Open, High. Lew, February March 721 422 Til Anil ... ,.i Ooae. 721 T27t3B T31r:2 T.H May T2R . 733 June ............... TSO 7H0 July Jv..'.n'.T3S TM Auruat 727 7.18 ' T18 721 7 'fit .,riM.a7 725 "741143 September ...J......' T33 - Tl October 744 744 7 CI T33 T454 Tenor 51 November .......... ... ... ... December ........... TS0 7B2 790 T5358 T61t63 r SAX ntAJIOTSOO MlaTDtO STOCKS. Bsa Frtnclaco. Feb. 28. Official mlnlna eloa- ing,i morning session: .' . i Din. Bullion Savage ,., Petoai .... $ 37 , .18 Belcher ... .14. ... I M ... 8.75 .65 ... 1.86 Con. CaL-Vk Ophlr ..... I nloa Cob .. Yellow Jacket .. 70 88 48 Caledonia Mexican ... Rrcbequer Hale A Nor cross 1.30 T0NOPAH STOCKS. Bid. Bid Columbia Mt . .60 .83 .2:1 .77 .85 ..80 .37 .AO .mt .88 .22 iMontana .. Red Top .. Rescue. .... Hand Storm $3,024 (lold. Anchor OoldBeld .... Mobawk Jim Batter .. .13 , 1.00 Reimnnt .76 Jumbo IN evade .111 Jumho Kxtea Tea. Kxtea a. to . .18 . .87 MrNamara .. Ray O'Brlea . KeadaU Ho.......... Hold Mr .. North Star Midway , Bull Prog 48 BAH rRABCISCO LOCAX STOCKS, '1 Ban Francisco, Feb. 28. Locsl stocks eloslnt. iu:ju s. so. t . J ' " , , . , Bid. ' Ask. Contra Coata Water 4I4 46 Kprlng Valley Water 874 3a Central IJght 34 :I4 racine A4giuing. r.i- ej a p. n.. a allaetrle Pilti. nj Wlaat Powder . 884' 87 t Hawallat Itegsr. 88 884 flomikea Sugar. .... 31 33 Ilntrhlnann Bugar I, Kllaaea Sugar...... Makawell Bugar..., Onoanea Snsar....! Paanhaa Sugar.,.., Alaska Parkers CaL Fruit Caauers, (el. Wine Aaa'a. . ., OeeeBlc Steamship., .... 17 . 171 O ..a 37 , 88 3414k '' H H - 364 ea . no - let 1 81 "let t $) HEW T0R1I BTalalAiT. New Trk. Feb. 28- Dnw. Jones A "Co. sum. mary: . Illlnola Central .will rebuild Im New Orleana terminal'-at anee ea a larger scale. northern aeenruiea Bearing ap tnia srternnaa I nlted Htates leather eartings for laat year .mount te i.a per rent en tne propoaea ae common stork. No extra dividend on tieaeral Kieetrtc likely, w eaters trafria raanarera Dort alinultanenaa improvement aa all made. Reading earntagu ore equal Is lit per sent en tjnmmon. The banks Inst te tbe enb-treasnvy aloe Friday, BDI.isw. Tha ssje-eme court ap honia Teiaa aati-tmai law, j oe eeeiatoa ex Nalloaal Cot Loa VU cempaay ef Close , Close Lflae Today. 1 Mon. Today. tl.IKH 11.104 f .034 . 1 1.0044 .OS M V .01)4 Cloae. aVpt....."-'l I .03 . .P0J M& -' Jj.;. I . : CORN. ' --r , ' eWbe . Iliil o e e ss , . eV. e , e15 N May..... .U4TT. , . .47, .47J4 July..... .J.48 .47S. ,.47t4 Sept..... r' '.4 . .47 , .48 ' OATB. - ..... ...... "..N 31 V - .t4 ..'11 .81 . .HI .2B4 .28 1B Eatttm Hog Now Coming 4 and 'M'aricet It Likely to Drop in Value Cattle Are Twenty Five Cent LowerImprovement In Salmon' NETYOHK CENTRAL FOUR COLLARS OFF Big Slump 'in New York Stock Maket Today--AII Are . i--;"sl ': r. Down.' UNION AND SOUTHERN ' -PACIFIC LOSE AT CLOSE Steel Issues Jake Down Course --Paeific Mail One and. ; Half Off. STOCK LOBBES.t Smelter . .63 N. Y. OntraL .34.00 Bugar Ont. ft West... .2 Hennsylranls .. 1.134 at. paal . . C. N. W t.60 3.60 t-iciac stall ... i.ou S74Ue . ....e.v... -.eiV do 3d nfd v .MU Ren... Htee '.HU III. Cent l.ou Rep. Kleel. pfd Leals. Noah.. 1.76 Hoot hern Ry .. Heading 1.134 Tenn. Coal ... Hock Is 1.874 Tea. Pie .... Hock Is., pfd.. 8.75 Hteel, com .... B. P., com .... J.874 Hteel. pfd .... Metrepolltaa ... .75 li. P., com ... Meiieao Oeat .. .34U. pfd ... Loo '.WW .60 .0.74 aaiaaoun rae . . . 1 ' STOCK ADTANCES. Amalgaamted .. .13U, Bslt. Ohio,.. tl. 00 Brie, 1st pfd .. .1341 (Furnished by Over beck. Btarr Cooke Ce.l New Vork, Feb. St. JMooks were reactionary today and nrartlcally tka entire list la eff. New Terk Central was s bin lnser and dosed- M ort. Horn isisnd common mst pi.STtk, wniie the preferred le B 75 down. Trnneanee Coal aad Teiaa A Paetor each Inst 73c. Parlor Mall, ea Tory amall trade, lost 1 points and Missouri PsclBe Is off tl. Bock Island earn. ma feu bark 81. 374. Tbe preferred waa a eab feature aad Inat tS TS. . I'nlon Paelflc ganmoa had a eetbsek and mat $3,124. Today'a e facial stock msrket: - ' f t . I DESCRIPTION.- Anaroada Mining Co. 10B A ma 1. copper ua Atchison, eoase.',.!.-,,.. do pruferrno..... Am. Cf A found., com. do preferred.... Am. Bogaa, com. . . , . . Am. Bmelt., com....... do preferred. ......... Baltimore Ohio, com. 74 T-PlZ! tl.. tn.tZ 774 754,1 T54 tai 1104 NHk wis. 1034 K124 102 H44 P.t 3641 864 U4 4 044 0441 0:14 145 1454 01 1184 144 1444 BO 4 84 118 74 ""4 118 174 98 118 (107 1 107 4 ae- pre r erred Brooklyn Rapid Transit 'il '684 6441 844 Caaadlaa Paelflc. .,.!1404!404 Chi. .As Alton, cost .1. preferred......... ,..rwi..T.. .... I et 23 I 23 Chi. ft Ot West., com.. ChL. Mil., ft SW Paul... ChU North., com..... 174!17S I74ll7a Xa4 3 1240 i (2414 Chi. Ternrlaal Ry...... Cbeaapeokal ft Ohie.'.... Cohv Fuel, ft Iron, com. Cplo, South. eoar.'. ..... - do 3d ut 1' Bbi 1 td ....... do 1st preferred...,. Delaware' ft Ho.leoa.... D. ft R. C, cam 7 do preferred. ......... Brie, - com ....-i do 3d preferred I ' do tat ntertl..-.irC flUnotn Ceutrat... ..s.. .' lymlavflle ft ' Nashville-... Metre. TrscttoS Co Manhattan Elevated.... Meslcan Ceatrkti Ry . . . , Minn,. St. P. ft Ste, M.. 17 a B14 62 364 11 in 604!'6o4a 61 mm .... TIV lttMa'tSB 88'., 44 85." 4 It 88 B7 , 804) MM4 80 4 IWVilltW 6T4ltM .1 14al144fl; U4j 1 iau wtiwiiih' 1" m 1714 172 I1714I171 2441 24k W4 -J? 113. HI iiyiu. ' as prererrea; , . . y . . , MlsBjurr PaclBr,i...;... lsVK? T7. tolij: v do preferred t . .TT J.S New" York Central...... H4'1094 1"4 l"74 1 . I atik 85 V 8 fe 1644 1594 844 1014 IDS Norfolk A Westera. cam North c Jt mericin. N. Y.. Tmr. at Wee tern 834 lOI - t00A tooii B4 1444 04 1444 1084 o.v 142. 6.14 Penhaylvahia Ry 1424 1074 1-. u. u. c. un....... Pressed Steel Car. com do 'preferred '... PsclSc MsIl 8. S. On... I Reading, common. 7 v ... 1054 4 47' 95 07 444 874 944 89 914 84, 794 354 974 704 '4R4 91Uk Wi do second preierrea.. do first preferred. .. Rep. Iron ft 8 tee I, rem an ore f erred 80, i 4 194- T84 344 794 85 98 . 89. Rock Inland, common. . I do preferred 4 4 14 Bombers Ry.. c do nreferred . . , foS 724 Si at there Pacific, IZMl do nreferred . . . lit 1184 1184 St. L. ft 8. P.. M'pfd. in T9 36 Si 914 854 6.14 1834 90 134 do flrat nreferred.. .1. pt. t . vv., common do preferred ....... 82 374 814 Texas ft Padnc. .....IV 38 944 8T14 IS 64 . Teaneeaee Coal ft Iron. Toledo. St. L. ft W., e do nreferred 924 884 644 384 644 1864 100 FnlOB Pacific. .11844 1.114 994 do aref erred. C. S. Leather, " do preferred. 124 124 104 4 414 12 104 41 1044 414 IU.. I104 V. S. Rubber, commop 41 114 354 944 19 27 14 624 984 4 484 84 394 oc Drererreu , 111 1104 844 934 TJ. 8. Steel Co.. com... do preferred. ... Wheel, ft Mke Br, t 854 964 do aeeood nreferred . Wmrenaln Central, eon , do nreferred . ..... 24 6-1 344 214 S3 4 624 ft. V. Telegraph..... VYahsah. com mon. .v.. 91, 34 n:n4 do preferred 411 54 804 47 American Ice 54 do preferred . . 40 40 i Money. 24 Per rent. Total sales for day, 1.082.400 shares. POETLAJrD BAJTK ITATZMKHT. Clearings -..$ .. 86,811.14 ., ......... Bala aces Hrv7 T0RX COFFEE MARKET. New Terk. Feb. 28. There ' was a severe slump today aad prices are 40 to 46 points aft. . Today's official market, . Bid. Ask. I Bid. Ask. Msreh . ....$5.96 $8,001 September . .38.80 $8.85 April ...,v'. 8.06 8 IO October ....8 85 8.76 May ....... a. 15 1 3nNvemner ... 8.70 B.80 June ...... 6.25 December .. 8 HO 8.85 July 8.85 8 .0'January, 'OB. B.8B 8.SW August .... t. 46 t.ail , 4 inni nrv Drnciwrn . HruLuui nLwtivtu :a - .WITH CORDIALITY . e"e . , "4 Judge Fraxrr today denied a motion for a nonsuit In the case of James Har- ver acalnst tha Deep River Logging com pany ror $4,009 dumageu for Injurlea re ceived In a collision on tha company's lOBKinic road, coovert Btapleton. at torneya for the company, moved for nonauit on tha around that It did not op erate a common-carrier road, and carried psaaengera onlyaa an accommodation to the people living alone the line, of the road. Oammnna eV Malarkey. for the nlalnt Iff. contended that the authorlttea held that any paraon riding; on a train, wheth er he be a paaeenger who haa .paid hla fare or ridea Tree or all charge for fare, ta a paaaeriBTer, who may hold the com pany operating; the train liable for dam asee resulting from accident a. At the clone of arguments on the mo tion Judge Kraser called the attention of Senator Malarkey, one of Harvey' at. torneya. to remarka he had made In the preaence of the- Jurye- which the eourT held reflected On the court a knowledge of law, and which he felt were fmsroper and called for explanation from coup. ei. - " - ... . - Beno-tor Malnrkey Informed Jiidge rra xer that he had not IntendedrTo reflect on the wisdom of the court, and offered apology, whlfch waa cordially accepted. - ozmx. utm mu xxjcsteu. (Jowmal 8 racial Service.) OcCtTOiV Feb, 18. Daniel Hermann. the policeman who yewterday hnt and killed Mlaa Mtry MuWall. killed hlmaelf Iq lod(ln( bouse laat night. FIRST LCOTIVE I III THE STATE Side by Side With' New Pattern Engine WiSjrBe Seen , .,;. ,, at Fair. WAS OPERATED FORTY ' : YEARS AGO AT CASCADES -".''',. ' ' . . '.c .. Great Vatican itxhibtt Will Be Secured With Apostolic Del-. egate Falonio's1 Aid. When th Columbia, river waa flrat navigated between Aetorla and Portland, mule Twer used .to transfer th p aengera from boat to boat at tbt Cas cadea. In the Union Iron worka of Ban rranclsco bull t ft locomotive, for porUgt purpose and, th rail road, -seven miles long, succeeded the mules. .The aad waa built be CaDtain Ruckle and owned by th Oregon Steam- Navigation company, which afterwarda became th Oregon Railroad Navigation company. BtlU later the porjAge was iimneierrwa to th Washington side, and nest am the Cascade locks. - " The flrat locomotive used on the seven mile road, running over wooden ralla, noverecT with BtraD-lron. haa been su- eured by Col. H. E. Doach for exhibition In the TransportatioB buuaing at inn Lewi and Clark fair. It la only 13 feet long, and la owned by California people. To make aura that It would) be on exhlbl Uon at Portland was on of th objects of Colonel Doach recent visit to Ban rranclaco. and he was pleased to learn by letter thla morning that the engine would be shipped at n early data. .. . . Alongside of this primitive feature of tranaperUtlon will be on of the South ern Pacific' It-ton locomotive,' and be tween the two there should be raxner startling example of development.- - 1 The exhibit department la still more hopeful that the great vatlcsvn exhibit will be secured for Portland sine a let ter wss received from D. Falonlo, th apostolic delegate from Rome to Waalt Ington. D. C in which th pope's repre sentative promise to lend hla assist ane to the end desired. Colonel Doach received word from at. Btrkovlts. cornmlaaloner for th Russian section, that he IS anxious to get more space, inasmuch as be can ship the-exhibits that have been wlUfdrawn from the 8L Louis fair. , which lie -discovered still packed and stored In ".a warehouse. But, on account of th scarcity of spac it will hardly be possible to grant the commissioner' request. ' All the space haa been filled, and tha lata-comexs are already beginning to regret that 'Mey postponed- action until so 'late a data. The ! deficiency appropriation bill passed, by ' congreaa provide for. $l.t0d for the operatlon and maintenance of the- Ufe-aavlng sUtlq -at th eJpcm,! tlon, indicating thai exhlbltloriswai be given dally. -cr, v4. t' ' - COMMITTEE REPORT HbUVItllU llVVUtllbVll - - .' ' " -- . .. f ..'.' - ... .. . - i Peciares There r)t'Ut1': Such - v i ning as a uonsTTUciivfj - . T , l.l I t .- ,' - I.W.IWI ffywKami mrm.f i-- Washlngton, Feb. St. The senate to day referred to the comnrlt,tee on con tlngent expense th resolution reported by tn committee on Interstate - com merce providing for s-an Investigation during ,t he recess tota freight ratrs. larea, reoatea, etc. 1 ner ia no oppoa I tlon to the. resolution which will un doubtedly, be passed. - - The. senate Judiciary committee made a report .approved by the Democrats of tne commute declaring there I no such thing as a "constructive recce. M Th report la considered a rebuke to th president for the appointment of Gen eral Wood - and Collector Crura during tne reces period. , FELONY TO BET UPON RACES IN MISSOURI , aasamaaasaanmaasamasasBsssb " (Joeraal SpecTsT Serviee.) . ' Jefferson City. Ho,, reb; . The houae today passed a bill making It. a felony to engage Tn bookmakhig and poolselllng or to bet on horse races, and providing penalties of from six months to -five years' imprisonment with fines. ILLINOIS TO CONSTRUCT STATE PACKING PLANTS (Jeoraal Special Serviee.) ' Springfield,. III.. Feb. 3$. A bill was introduced In the legislature today appropriating $$00,000 for the estab lishment of packing plant at Jollet snd Chester penitentiaries to be manned by conytct labor. - J MRS. CHADWICK MAKES - ' PLEA OF.NOT GUILTY (Joarnal Special Service.) Cleveland. Feb. 2$. Judge Taylor of the United States court today overruled the motions Of Mr. Chadwlck'a attor ney to quash three of the Indictments brought against My. Chad wick. - She waa then arraigned, and pleaded not guilty. ", WTSOOMBTJf COMTM1BJUTES. " (Jnumil Specisl Serviee.) Maaison. Wis., Feb. 1$. Th bill ap propriating $25,009 for a Wisconsin ex hibit st th Lewi and Clark exposition at Portland passed th senate today. '. Two new brick - buildings and one Iron building are belng.-erected in Rose burg; also many new house.- .' I I ' annnnnaanansssnnnnnnwai.asaannwansnaaanns) . OOWMTMO. aTOPaVJJBB ( 00, (Established lt$.) : tneak Anrnrocm. nomi Boost 4. (eroaad lloT. CmftsaThtim QT OMVMLMMOa. s'::iz'::! fc. f.les trTOHiai a POss atiSaia aaaaarure aad Sanaa Itsaies BTmfaam.aaweQsaaiin.SiBSllngerrisunaus. tern are euea ay pr. roao'i W Weneayi loasi isabln and hlasajn. AuaaitataisaBra. Suaal SJeraiarugBSaSBOroeBl ay snail. Tiiiuin lawnia Baas ski at roue saaa. DaVavalAJtaOh QVERBetCKnTARJR Cz COOKE, CO. ACembera .Chicago Hoard of Trade. ' ' .;'AXBT, rtVOTanOBw, CTT0. aTTOCatSAjrr . '. , '', 1 101 Third etrwat, McKay Building. Portland Or. ' '. . Wl Bt) As sTTBXOTmT WaUtlBBTOM MTTSTjrBBS. ' . ) l' ' CooUnucrua Markets by Prtvat Wlr. Quick Service. REFERENCES iLadii A , TUtot tauasra, aod UsJt. SUte KtUonal BsaJt of Partiaad. " ; . . . . . . ' - r ' s .. ' ' - rOTT BOTICEB." "-':.- ' . SSySaanWaaaaaaaaa, seea1,Ta.MsAtaa " rtOPOaaLS FOR SZWKB WORK.' V. Sealed pronoaalt will he received at the office ef the Auuitor of tbe City of Portland until Friday, learch a, 19U6, at 1 o'clock p7m.. lot the eonstructlon of a sewer In Bellwood street frem IS) feat area of wept Una of Mississippi avenue to' the. aeamr "he Deter' street tn the manner nvovidd br ioMllasncs Wo. 14. sat. l. iect taJeue' provlaless ef tbe charter and erdl. bib res 01 tbe city or rortiaad, ant tba eatle BMte of the City Engineer, ea tie.- ... ' Bide mast be strictly la accordance with printed blanks, which will be. furnlabeet oa .ppiuranon at rae otoce ei tne aaditor er tbe City ef Portland. And Bald sewer must he completed ea er before iW dan trout the data ef tbe signing of the contract by tha partlee thereto - ,.f ' Ke propoaasi or bide will he considered unless ' teeempeated by a certified check naeahu m tha order of the Mayor of the City ef Portland. ' certified by a reepoaalble bank for aa amoual eouai te 10 per cent ef the aggregate proposal. ine ngui iv mjecs say sou au alas is aerehy aw, ..a ... . Br order ef the Executive Board.''-' . v , . t - THOB.C. DEVLIN. -!., a 2fh" atL" ""ertUaa.; Psrtlssd. Oregon. February 39. 1906. " PR0ROSALS FOB STREET W0xP: Sealed srnnessls will ha reealvad at the .eei of tbe Auditor ef the City ef Portland until ' enuay, aiwri a. ihuq, at a e Clock p. at., for ' tha Improvement ' ef Graver atraat from tha aaat line ef Freat atreet to the. eaet line ef Hand' street In the manner provided by erdl- v Danes '6 14.453. subject to. the provisions at' tha charter and ordinances of thai City ef Pert-i land aad the set! ma La of the City Engine sr. Bids moot he strictly la aeenrdance with nrtnted bianku. which will be riirniuA sppUcstlasi at the office ef the Auditor et the City of Fort land. Aad aald Imprevemeat must he completed an er before BO days from the. '?. " the rou tract by the nartiaa ' Ne seepoaabi or bids will ha' eaaaldanJ unUaa accompanied by n eertlfltd check parable , to the order of the Mayor of the atx ef Portland. : , certified by a responsible hank for aa s mount' eons! te 10 par enat et the aggregate pronoaaLt Tnengat to reject soy and all kids Is hereby; By erder ef the Executive .Board. . : , ' ; THOB. C. DETTJIf. ' , ' Audlter of the Oty of Portland. Psrtlssd. Oregon. February 2t. .1905. . tmAKCTAL. PORTLAVTI TRTTtT MMTAJTY or 0RXOOX. i I . Ba. Its TKIRD ST. , - ' , The Oldest Trust Cempaay la Oleoma. CAPITAL, $300,008. ' I , ws eeejeact a general hanking receive savings depsaHs. Wl 1 1 iocs tea -ana eertiaeetes ef deposit payable ane 10 daye eau, BO days' eud or tvdays'i eaa Witt Interest at 14, 84 and 4 par eaet per ssnaim, rsanectively. fall or Saad far aarl took of ' iSnsrtAIIOBir BB34J. rCOHlN .....Prealdea 5 h.ITF2"' vVe-Presidsnt B. LEB PAG ST Beeretsry J. O. OOLTSA. Aaatstaat Seeretary 1 OaTDOV ' ft SAM rRAlrCIaOO LXMrno. COmaaar ef Bufidia. Tkb . ui teed Office. 68 Old Bread Street Loadea. ) Thie bank Ussaatls a general haaklag swat, twos. Basket loaaa. dlareaata hills aad Mania letters ef credit available tor travelers ana far the parehsss ef marrhaadlee la aay dry ef the srsrid. Deshi la furelga sod domearle sxchaasa. Jntarsst paid ea all time oe posits . W. A. MACRAaTMaaagasv, ". MEKCKAjrrS' WATIONAt BAKK,, . MRTIATD. OREftOBV . J. FRANK WATSON. R. L. DURHAM .i Vice-Prealdea t R. W. H0TT U... Cashier 9BOROE W. HOTT. ......... Atamtant tiahler Traaaaets a Baa seal Banking Bnsiasas. . Orafta aad Letters ef Credit I -a led Available tu alii r-arxa 01 jot wcriu. . A- igiariioni u opvrjaitjj i, , CSC URJITI BAVTX0S TRtTSTfhSaTPAirr. - mem a sou 1 leva nr., rnruaaa.. or. . arauaura wiu nvnaine ituaiaata. r . SAVTBOB DFJASThTElry. Ijterest Allowed on Time and Bavtngf rwia4ttt. . AcwHss- Trustee for Kstrtaa. , Drifts aaeV-Mttera jof Credit Avsllahlela Alt- . . xni-ia, mu 1 A. P. AD aTM. . . -' . Parta Jsf tbe World. '? . anw4rf$vf te A. LEWIS.. ..-v.. .Ptret V1eePreerlent A. U Mn.IilL...aamd YlcetrVeaioeet R. O. JDBITE. ...secretary UBTTEO STATFS watTOVABAR, 7 OT WR-n.AnTt.OREtHlsII" NUItinwiDX uva, rxtuau osg . . -Seasaets a Oaasral wanking, , . . v rui r 1 a inur.14, , , Ivollshle 1h All Cities ef the Pnlted State - aad larope. Btmg Kong aad MisIU.-tI rmJ Ttfrwn MAwToiri'AFORA'JI.u; TTPhrt : Prvaldeat. J. ,C. AlNSWORTft Tice-Presldsat........v.M ...W. B. ATRR Cashier......... R. .W, 8CHMEKR AsaUUBt Cashier .....A. M. WRIGHT.' POD TTLTOst, BAJTCFJIST .. . i-Ratshliahed la IBI 1.) Tisnsaim a uawarni nansmg amsmsss. Cellsctions made at all potata an favorable terms. Letters ef credit waned avsllsMe ta Buropa aad all points In the DnHed Btstes. Bight Rxrhsn'ge sad Talegrspblc Transfrra sold ea New York. Washlnatea. Chicago,. St. Loots. Denver. Omshs. Baa Prenctace aad Montana and BrlHih Onlumraa, Bsrhang hold en London. Parts, Berlin, Frankfort, Boag Kaog. Yokohama. MaalU aad BoaehUa. - FIRST RATION At BATTK OF POBTUUTO, ORFOOK, -'-Daslgasted Dcposttory and Financial Agent ef the .United jStataa. Preeideat...... ... A. t MrtJJB Cs.hler . NEWrnRK Amnitaat Caahler. . . . 1 ,.,W. a AtVORD geoond Amlatant Cashier... -.B P. STEVEN'S Lattara'et Credit Iaeaed Available la Burapa and the F.aatem State. Sight Kxehsnge end Teleevaphle Trsnsfera sold on New York." Bnstea. Chicago. Bt. Lou la, St. Panl, Omaha, San Francla ,Ba t,, principal polata tn the Northwest. Bight snd time hills drawn Itr anme te ealt a London. Parle. . Berlin. Frankfort -on-the-Maln. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Cenenhaeea. Chrlarlanla. Stnckhohn, St. Pa tare burg. Ma. sow. Enrich. Ilrmolula. .. - OelleeUen Med ea Fs vers Vis Terms. MORRIS BROS, ft crrtxiBTTNgsir. . 1U4 - Tint B treat. . Fartlaad. Offer em-Eae Tasaatmeata ta mteipal apt atlrs4 Beads. Writs er CelL MORTGAGE L.OAIVS . On Portland Baal Estate at Lowest Rats. Titles Isaured. Abstracts Furnished. . XJTLE wUARABTEK ft TR0BI CO. . turn . Chsmssr ef Onmaiarsq. on. cunrrs BL003 iM KERYE TOIIIC rA TABLET TO TAKB AT MBAI. TXBTB. . Actief se the Bleed snd hwress rtrspssees me leet ; trsas leausmse. oesTwaru or wwasyuusw. Fe ea fl etreet,f ee( fef - rs'eersee wsaaawse rrua. eieg vaw. j rOreatrarerraree. restarseetjesfssiee. 7e Sfea aVna tae To 0fee H It Hit Htm. U to eve,' to tan. Te ee tfser e!cee re Cere tWeer sVgsasa U Sesseee Ur gsetat f sfase Cfear. Te Cere 0yspepla -. Ullmmum Ceeeaeteev T SOLO ST DRUOaitTS, OR ST MAIL 0B RtCalPT t Of PICa,7S.B01lSB0XaiI.r ' - SB. SOSAB-KO 004 TIiADaXPmlA. PA. Headquarters - for ' i 1 Stockings . ; and ' Trusses LAUE-DAVIS ORUQ co.;. Third and Yamhill Sts. , , S-1 V-J-4 I Ms- ( eludes the . ' 4 ' "J ' , ...l -t' X'.