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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1905)
TIIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY , EVENING, ' FEBRUARY 87,' 1SC3. r Special Announcement ;vvV-:.:to;the;'PubUc:;v'": ' Old. Wortman King bare been appointed eola distributors of the official emblem of the LKWI8 AND CLARK EXPOSITION, uaed ao largely on wipdowav Tbeaa opalescent signs ara In clear and beautiful coloring, and are easily transferred t any Itlasa surface, window or door of store or residence. They ara pretty and durable, and easily removed with ' water whenever wished. Every loyal eltlsen of the Pacific states should display one on front door or aoma prominent window during the fair. At the Notion Counter . . , V : 85c Each' MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. NOTIONS A SPRING SALE DC "KNICK-KNACKS." "KNO ; TIONS"' AND DRE8SMAKER8' SUPPLIES. ; , - In the Small Wares Aisle First Floor - . Another "Difr ferent S t r e" Quality sale . " sVi V OlP dressmakers' flounced. .Need, mora beesld need you bo ' told again . the quality" haa dominated every. , price- wa have quoted, and that full count, full length, full weight and ab solute reliabil ity will charac- , terlxe this aala and make It dif ferent from all ' competitive sales of. this klndt Oar dressmakers' supplies and notion sales of the past have shown you that. . ' 8AFETT PINS St." Best Quality,: Guarded Spring.' Nickel-Plated and t Black Safety Pins: 1 dpsen en card; ail slses; .special at, the card.-.. ..!.....'......... ....-54 .. v . ,lSo TOILET PINS C Black or White Headed Toilet Pins. 144 on card; as sorted slses; our 15o value; special, the card.. 94 me IRONING WAX 6e. Chinese Ironing Wax. a sticks In box. makes Ironing .. easy and gives lustre tar linen; our 10c value;- 'special at, the box........ 54 .."'..- f- 150 TAPE FOR e.V-' " - Best English Twilled Cotton Tapee.C6hhslf Inch . wide it yards to pieoe; regolar ISc value; special ' at, the piece...... .,. 94 - ,V-'' ' TOILETS PINS Sc. Best Quality. Large Six Cube, Jet-Headed' Toilet Pins, 100 In cube; special at. the cube.., .... .54 :"!' 19e SOAP BOXES sc.' Xiarge Sise Celluloid Soap Boxes.. all colors; our lte value; special at,-each...... ...94 . ... '. - llo BATH BRV8HE8 Me. - ... Bath Brushes, with long curved handles; our tie alye at, each. .,',... ...,.594, .- 7S0 HAIR BRUSHES 4c- ' . White Celluloid Hair Brushes, all pure bristles; our TSe valuer special at, each.... ...494 ' . So DRESSING COMBS 46c. - Extra, Heavy .Quality. Beat Grade Hard Rubber Dress ing Combs; our 6(0 value; special at, each.. 454. r . $1.0 HAND MIRROR8 6c " . Heavy Beveled Glass Hand Mirrors, black or mottled back; -our $ 1.00 value; special at, each.-..',. .654 '-.Jwr . 70 ENVELOPES 4c. Fine Smooth Finish Cream Wove Envelopes, I inches -; long. 26- In package; bur 7c value; special at, the T- :. '4 PEN HOLDERS tcZ. '"' - . - Feacy-Pan -Holders, -.eellutoid tips;-, our - 4o ' valuer .'. special' at, each . ..a, ..--. , -.34 , . -.- .'"LEATHER BELTS FOR Se;- " '- .'. Ladles' " Leather Beits, In patent.': seal fend suede - leathers; values to (5c; extra special at, each. 54 MEXICAN LEATHER BELTS 25c ' -Ladles Mexican Hand -Carved Leather- Belts, In tan or oxblood; values to $1.60; special, each. .254. ' v ' '76c PURSES FOR ISc, ' " 1 Ladles Envelope Purses, with strap on hark) onr 7Kr value; special at,. each.. , .....3: :'. :.' :.,-, JEWELRY. ' '.'-.' Small, Faney and Gold Enameled Clocks, make pretty . parlor timepieces; regular $2.00 value; special at, each ...1., 91.25 ISo STICK PINS FOR 46c ' - I Faney Stick Pins. In sterling silver, enameled and . gold plate; our 6&c value; special at. each... 454 -.'-vv ;: 'IMO CUFF LINKS $1.50. ' . . Elk Cuff Links, sterling silver; our 13.60 value; spe- . clal at, the pair ..1.60 5c BEAUT T pins lie. . -Gold-Plated Blue Enamel Beauty' Pins, six pins In set; our tto value; special at, set... 19 ' ' ' I6e BROOCH' PINS 'lc ' Fancy Enamel Brooch Pins,' assorted styles; our S6o value;-special at, each... 4. ,...194 A FINAL FEBRUARY SALE OF ; V CHINA : - ; Those who have taken advantage of these - special offerings in the paat realise their economical im portance, and will require no urging to bring them here tomorrow. Those who attend the sale. for the first time will be pleasantly surprised at the ex tent of the gathering and the unequaled values. The sale touches every possible china, need, and no one, no matter how large or how small her wants may be. Is exempt from the money-saving opportunity It aford a. -2 Whether ypu need only a few pieces to fill In. or a complete supply for a. hotel, you can have either want filled here at this sale with satisfactory wares at very much lower prices than you'd otherwise-have to pay. '"-.'! .. t V . ; BIO SPECIAL SALE " A 1 '" . -v ? - of - - - FRENCH, GERMAN. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN - - CHINA DINNER SETS. ' " ; In Our' Great Crockery Stores. - ' Decorated Havlland China Dinner sets, 100 -k-' pieces In set, our $25.60 val.; special at, the set...., -922.00 Decorated Havlland China Dinner Sets, 100 . pieces, our $M.00 vsl.; special at; set... .$3200 China Dinner Sets,' 100 pieces In set, our 111.00 vnl.; special at the set. . .; .flS.OO Decorated American China Dinner Sets, 60 - .' pieces.' our $7.20 val.; special ar, the set-. .95.86) Same as above,, 40 piece In set, our $.4 ' vaL; special at, the snt.. 97.68 Same as above, ,100 pieces to set, our $14.40 , val.; special at. the set,.,.... ...911.52 ENGLISH SEMI-PORCELAIN DINNER SETS, Decorated with delicate floral patterns In pink, dishes - fancy shape. . ' . - ' -60-plece sets, reg. $7.66 val.; special at, aet. .. . 96.00 00-pleoe sets, tec, t val.; special at. set. . .S7.65 100-plece sets, reg. $14.10 val.; special at, aet 911.90 , fk OLD BLUE CHINA DINNER SETS. ' Willow. Pattern. 60-plece sets, our $7.S0 val.; special at, set.., .95.85 (0-plece sets, our $ (0 val.; special t set.... 87.65 100-plece sets, our $14.40 val.: special at. st. 911.60 ' WE ARE CLOSINO OUT A LOT OF ODDS AND ENDS IN DINNER WARE AT SHARP REDUCTIONS IN PRICES. 1 ; Following Is a partial list of the pleoea Included: ' PUtteas, 7.J1L, decorated, our 11c vaL; special at, , 'each . T4 Flatters, -1n decors ted, our 16c vaL; special at, each .....84 Plat tors, lt-lnjdecerated, bur 40c val; special - at. each . - , .. ........ .204 Platters.' M-ln decorated, our 7 60 vaL; special - at, each. . . .-. ...... , .384 Soup Tureens, decorated, our $1.60 vaL; special at. each.. . . . . C . . . . .. -T54 Dinner Plated. I H -In, sise. decorated, onr $1.01 val.: special at the tiosen , .....844' Vegetable uisnes, 7tt-in. sise, decorated, our zoo val.; special at each, ...104 Al Credit Purchases Today or Tonibirow ; Will 1 a i .asssr m m aw - 1 .sr m m m i m The Tremendous Slaughter of Shoe Stocks in the New Administration' Sale Opens Today Firat FloqrWiest Arcade Frway The record-breakinl'spritig sales-the . greatest in the history of the store compel the attention of all style and economy-loving folk within sh tance: Our gcds styles, quaH of attraction in Portland's shopping district These irresistible Bargain Offerings today cannot help but add immeasurably to the store's power and prestige; because of the 13 MATCHED BUYING OPPORTUNITIES they create. MARCH IN THBBia HOUSEFURNISHINQ , STORES ON THE FOURTH FLOOR. Portieres, Curtains and"' BecUSpts AT SPECIAL REDUCTIONS. , , OO-CARTS ARB : COMING AND GOINO. THE, GREAT SPRING SALES- OF CARPETS,- ARE . OK It Isn't luck. It's prudence.' : '. ' , This store has built-up a, great housefurnlshlng business a, phenomenally great business; a busi ness that makes our trade tempUng to every mill and factory In the land- that's engaged. In making the goods. ; ' " " ' , 1 We cut 'cross lots to this success by being fair. -Weliaven't stood out for utmost profits and when we found that released money, could be laid out ad vantageously In future stocks we've never hesitated to- reduce prloes to quicken sales. That's sll there Is to It.' Understand, please, - that houses - of the -OWs, Wortman & . King olaaa confine their stocks to the standard makes. We get. first pick of .stocks al ways, and are generally commended for splendid selection. That'a a reason why such values as these mean more here than elsewhere. ' . ;. NEW SPRING SHOWING OF 1006 PORTIEREST Big Fourth-Floor Salesrooms. I.-The largest and handsomest lines of Portieres ever shown In this city are here for your Inspec tlon. Prices and brief descriptions sre given be, low: ''.,. ......--.-- .' , ' Cloth Portieres in comblnsTtlorjs of green and gold, red and green, two-toned green and two-toned V red very handsome 60 inches wide; price, the . pair 93.75 Right-looking .Portieres, In Oriental -stripes. In ' combinations of terra, cotta. blue, tan, green and tan; also Oriental figures In green, blue snff red price, the pair..-.......' .......94.00 Also- a complete assortment of Portieres In Oriental - figures and itrlpes; priced. at,' the pair ., , 94.60 and 95.00 Tapestry. Portieres. . fsncy weave -raised figures. In plaiii colore; crimson, darlvred olive and empress green: 60 Inches wide; prices, the pair.......... 85.50 and 96,00 Heavy Tapestry Portieres, stlkTltUstw. with heavy fringe both top and bottom, ia-plain colors, red. . Nile, olive and rose; 60 Inches In- width; prices. the pair........... ....97.00 and 98.00 Plain colored Portieres, with borders. In velour and tapestry all - colors an elegant assortment; priced at, the 'pair 95.50 96.SO 9 7.60 98.50 912.50 up, to 9Z5.00 SPECIAL VALUES IN SAMPLES OR HALF FAIRS 600 pairs or half pain, sf Lace Curtains Just the thing - for single windows and sash curtains; regular values, the pair; 12.60 to t.00; special price, the half pairs only.. 504 754 and 91.00 $0.00 BLANKETS 94.75;. --WTilte Wool Blankets, fuU sise, with pink or 'blue borders warmj fleecy- and comfortable; regular " $.00 value; special aVtthe pair. ,.94.75 , -'' .BART OO-CARTS. ' A carload of Baby Go-Carts Juat received e kind that fold with adjustable back and foot rest, enameled automobile gear, rubber Ures and patent foot brake; prices range from. .. .93.75 to 940 SPECIAL SALE OF LACE BED SETS AND LACB CURTAINS. Fourth Floor Lace Bed Seta.' In Irish and Spachtel Lace sample sets that are slightly mussed from handling. but are- otherwise In perfect condition. Note the Regular $1.60 value; apeclal at. the set Regular $10.60 and $1100 values; special, set Regular 110.60 and $16.00 values; special, set 11SKA mluMt sneclsl at. the set.... Regular 121.00 values; special at, the aet... .810.50 Regular $28.00 values; special at, the set. .. .914.00 LACB CURTAINS IN BRUSSELS AND RENNAIS . , 8ANCB EFFECTS. . Very Pretty and a Great Bargain. Our $1.26 value; apeclal at, the pair. 91.65 ur t.T6 value; apeclal at, the pair 91.95 Our $3.26 value; special at, the pair. ........ .92.45 ; Largest stock of new Carpets In the city at the lowest prices on the coast. . , . . . . ' U In Men's Domain " ' ' THE TOOGERT. .. Flrat Floor Sixth Street Annex. PORTLAND'S LEADING "MAN'S SHOP." ., ' ' NEW GOLF SHIRTS. Latest 8tyles at Less to Pay Than Men Are Used . - to Paying. r Our Spring lines of Golf Shirts are here, and we are fully prepared to' show everything that Is newest and most desirable- In plain and fancy ef fects, plaited bosoms and cuffs, either attached '' or detachedeither coat or regular, style. These shirts bear the trade 'mark of soma of the best known makers fin. the United States; prices, each.: 91.00 to 92.00 . GOLF'SHTRTS WORTH $1.60 FOR 07c A, new line of Men's Golf Shirts.-, in plain and fancy effects, made regular golf or platted bosom style '. a splendid assortment snd positively new goods that have Juat been checked off and . marked. Good $1.60 value; a great special St. 974 MEN'S 2(0 HOSE 17c. . Men's Cotton Sox, spring weight. In tan, brown and black--one of our beat 2 to values; special this ' week ss long as they last at, the. pair. .... .174 MEN'S , 6o HANDKERCHIEFS AT t FOR.26C. A line of Men's Fancy Checked Cambric Handker , chiefs; something very neat and new. . Regular 260 value; special at, 2 for. 2S44 Men's 20e Natural Gray and Black Merino Half Hose, or call 'em "box" for quick. If you will. In medium weights, the pair............ .....104 Men's Plain Blue- Chambray Working Shirts, best 60c regular values shows In America; special' this week, at 1. ........... .374 Men's Golf Shirts, In plain colorings of tan-and, blue . and whits ground, with neat black figured ef . fecta: A line made to retail as a splendid $100 value spertal this week, at 504 line of Handsome English Squares, regulsr Ita values, to close.. T.....354 A line of Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, with Initials, - not all letters, line somewhst broken. . but splen- did values at 16e each, to close,... ,.,..84 94.50 86.75 88.75 MA. TIC The Quality Shop A GREAT SALE TODAT OF New Spring Shirt Waists The first ef ths season of eur famous Shirtwaist Bales I . - -' - -.Women's Handsome New $3.75 -: . . Waists for $1.89 ; J The materials' are heavy mercerised cottona and madras, in beautiful tiny floral and vine and spray designs in dainty colorings and -conventional designs In colors of materials, white and tans. The very latest styles. Just received from ' New York. The mercerising is very heavy and .... rich, giving to the waists ail the,appearaice and beauty of heavy silk. Lavender, green and pink predominate In the - figures on white . grounds. Tana have heavy raised mercerised figures. All . have .white pique or Taney -collars with tie. Values in the lot to $3.76. Special sll day today, only, at 91.80 Silks and Silk Houses A LITTLE TALK BT tUR SILK MAN. -The Silk Store South Annex First Floor.' , Following our usual custom, .we Inaugurate today 1 ; the Monday preceding March 1 V ' A Monster Semi-Annual Sale of f Dependable Black Taffeta , t;v-. Right here we want to 4m press upon the gray-matter atoragecelIs of Portland's silk-buyers the fact that THIS . HOUSE buys only from the silk mills direct. One does not take a chance HERB of buying- silks that have been stored sway for months or years on a Jobber s shelves,, rotting in the dyes or mildewing from damp. The silks HERE are bright, crisp and new. full of "swish" and life, so desirable In silks. Another feature well to bear In mind is the fact that, buyfng aa we do direct from the manufacturers, we save the 25 to S6 per cent of profit exacted from other Portland houses by the "middlemen" they buy from. No "jobbers' " silks here. However, like the Immortal Washington of cherry (or apple) tree fame, we cannot tell a He and say that "we have yet to have one complaint about the silks we sell." We read a. statement of that sort the othef day emanating from the fiery pencil of another store's "ad-man." But, like other things from the same source, such state ments must be taken. with a large box of salt. That "ad-man" haa probably about aa much knowledge In a practical way of silks as wa would have of .putting steel shoes on Croesus.. He was ustng "advertising 'license" instead of silk truth. There Is not a repu table silk house In the world but has SOME trouble with their silks. For verification, we refer to such world-famous silk houses as Altman, McCreery, B. Stein, Arnold, Constable Co. of New York, Marshall Field of Chicago, and others of equal note. What we have done la REDUCED SILK TROUBLE8 - TO THEIR MINIMUM. What we do la lust what those other REPUTABLB houses Just mentioned do and that ta AkiyATS MAKE EVERY BILK-BIT YER SAT ISFIED AND HAPPY WITH HER PURCHASE, and the same applies to Dress Goods. - . New Spring Colored and Black Dress Fabrics sre here, and the latest weaves, colors and novelties arriving dally. No pains have been spared to bring to this, Portland's Largest and Best Dress Goods 6bop the best snd newest te world produces. New French Spot end Embroidered Voiles. - New English Novelty and Plain Mohalra, In. every color and weave. - - - . ' , . New Silk and Wool Poplin de Chine. . j . . New Silk and' Wool Crepe de Paris. " New. Silk and Wool Crepe de Francais. New Plain Novelty Weave Panamas. ' New French, German and English Suiting, In the popular checks and mannish effects. New Rainproof Cloths, the best Of the world's makes, in plsin snd fsncy weaves. - New Henriettas and French Prunella, Fashion's popular fabrics for dressy suits. In short, everything that Is new and good Is here. A glance through our lines snd a note of the prices they are marked will convince the most skeptical that this ia the best place, and now the beat time, to get your dressy or shirtwaist suit fabrics-. f ''. . A MONSTER SEASCrft-OPENINQ -SALE OF THE V New Spring Silks and Suitings REMARKABLE AND MATCHLE8S VALUES IN .SPICK-SPAN NEW FABRICS FOR THIS -' WEEK'S SELLING. " Blarfk Taffetas radically reduced for this ' week ell different widths to choose from '- , 10-lnch All Pure Bilk Black Taffeta, the best , dye and finish made in America good, de pendable silk, our regular 76o grade; spe ' clal for, per yard .,..,..594 J -lnch All Pure Bilk Black Taffeta, absolute ly fast dye and the best-wearing silk made In America, our regular 85c grade; special ' . for, per yard ..' 1.604 Compare this with other ISc-Taffeta advertised br other local silk stores,"- - - ; 21-Inch All Pure Silk Black Taffeta, splendid color and finish, excellent grade for shirt waist salts, skirts snd linings, our regular $1.00 grade; special for, per yard. ..794 24-Inch Alt Pure Silk Black Taffeta, our regu- lar $1.10 quality; special for, per yard. .... .894 27-Inch All Pure Silk Black Taffeta 'our regu lar $1.26 -quality; special for, per yard.... ,.984 -lnch All Pure Silk Black Taffeta, emr regu lar j$l.aa. quality; special for. per yard. . . 91.21 It-lnch-.AU Pure Silk Waterette or Shower proof Black Taffetaj will not spot and . sheds rain Juat the thing for coats, wraps and drop skirts; our regular $1.76 per yard quality) special for, yard 914S $1.2 BLACK TAFFETA .. CENTS Tard- Wide Blsck All Pure Silk Taffeta, with - t . ( deep. rich, lustrous color; an excellent v . '! wearing grade for skirts, suits and linings; ? the very same qusllty called cheap by one ' 1 of the silk stores at 11.10 per yard, but our. regular $1.26 value; special . for, yard .......,.084 Go on March, Acpoiints ' .i IN -THE FANCY GOODS STORES. First Floor. V LACES ' CATCH THE FLUTTER OF . THE NEW LACES, THE BEAUTIFUL, EMBROIDERIES AND V ..SAUCY VEILINGS MAGNIFICENT " LACES. THE - KEYNOTE .OF ' V SPRING 8TYLEBI' Evsn Madame Pompadour, with her fine sense of contrasts, never conceived more startling beauty than finds Its way Into nearly every lace thla spring. Venise, so heavy that some stores, have put it .with- the white goods and embroideries. Is done on atamine in tfreat. massive exotio, flowers and leaves which are held together by the fragile mesh of baby Irish crochet pr Valenelennea. i - Here la an All-Over done on linen grenadine, and Into It are- let-eccehtrteVenlse designs, which are augmented by. smaller designs, also let in. of Boule (ace.-- ... -' . ''.v.-- These All-Overs are used ' for the blouses or gowns and worn with skirts of linen grenadine, with the Venise lace used ss panels or flounces, or merely as ornaments. -- -.- : . . , K brilliant scample of the borrowing of designs, which Is characteristic Of these new laces, is shown in a magnificent 10-Inch galloon. There must be'at least 20 individual designs In its makeup, held to-' gethar by a baby Irish crochet mesh here and .Venise1 thread mesh 'there, while' flowers and festoons snd leaves- and eonveAtlonal.deslgns hold forth at every point, i The. centers of 'the flowers and leaves snd figures are of grenadine, and Boule lace finishes them Off. '' - r ' i. -. -t . , ' . Such a lace Is a perfect mine 1st dressmaker and a mass to the woman who goes to her for the dress makers separate such laces and . use the Individual designs as "exclusive.!' I . ' ;.' .... . , Pompadour flowers with' free petals. Into which Is tucked colored or white .chiffon, are one of the greatest features of the steWrOn.' They are cut out and used aa appliques on the bodices-and skirts of silk and crepe de chine dresses, while7 the rest of the laea is used somewhere else in the scheme. . -""' ,. -. Boule In accentuated designs, with balls as large as a marble, covered with tiny balls, form the eehter of delicate Venise flowers - " M" . . Massive , ecru Venise on"" et amine, made up of leaves and odd neta and flowers, each- of which' is used Individually aa .an 'applique for this or that particular part of the gown. - ..These sre the' most Important laces 'now,-' but everything that Is lace or lacy, or pretends to be. Is good. ' ,"'-''--' Later on Valenciennes lace will be more -used than anything else . on summer dresses, but for the pres ent the heavy laces that can be separated and ap pllqued have the center of the stage. And prices are ao moderate as to excite comment among the buy ers at the counters. - BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERIES'' ' Are welcomed dally from their long overland trip. Many of them accompanied our lace and embroidery buyer home last week, and more are coming by every express. Mr. Young was never ao enthuaiaatic ever the extent and beauty of his showings as now. SWELL NOVELTIES- In ' HAND-EMBROIDERED ' LIKEN SHIRTWAIST PATTERNS. In both Japanese and French hand work; also Hand Embroidered Shirtwaist Suit Patterns. They are all beautiful' and entirely new. FINE LINEN INSERTIONS 1 FOR DRESS TRIMMINGS- ' A full and complete line cfe)egan.t.All-Ovtr Embroid eries for Shirtwaists, to ne sold by the yard, and our display of embroideries for trimming of. dresses and underwear is second to none In the city. . FILMY FANCY VEIL8- - ; - - - .. First - Fl-oor. An entirety new line of Veils Just received. Here In all the latest creatlone. The 1-yard chiffon veils . sre still the most popular, and we have them In all -colors light-blue, navy-blue., brown, green, . gray, black anT white and the price range Is , from 91.00 TO 92.25 HAT DRAPES. A new and complete assortment ef stylish Hat Drapes, in all colors and prices, from 504 0 83. OO Also a swell line, of, Tuxedo snd Brussels Net Veil - Ings by the ysrd;' In white, black, blue and brown, . plain with" dots; prices, the ' yard v ...254 V TO 91.75 lit THE BIG ANNEX, . Wardrobe Stores and , Art Shops V SECOND FLOOR. NEW AND DAINTY UNDERMUBLIN BARGAINS. JUST tto . FOR ' DRAWERS WORTH $1.26. . Women's Drawers, made" of fine Nsinsook.- trimmed 1 with two clusters of fine tucks and. finished with ' ""wide ruffle of blind embroidery; very good vslue at $1.26; special price, the pair... ..,..694 I $1.26 SATEEN PETTICOATS 08c. UMtee" Black pettlcoate, made of good quallt mer cerised sateen, made with: deep Spanish flounce, finished with two ruffles; splendid $1.26 vslue; special at ,,. .......... i ...... ,....98 ; ' ART SHOP NEWS. ' . ' A GREAT SPECIAL TREAT FOR ,IOVERS OF . . .. BEAUTIFUL ART EMBROIDERY. ' , HA NDSOkt ELY EMBROIDERED CUSHION SLIPS ' AT HALF. , Cushion Slips, made of canvas, lloeti and art denim .embroidered In conventional and floral designs and finished with cord and tassels sample- cush ion slips. Regular prices are $4.60 to $16.M; spe cial at Juat half, or 92.2,5 , to 97.50 With many In-between prices. In Baby-td-Miss Shops Second Floor. - . : BONNETS FOR THE TOTS. - Children'. Colored Bonnets all thst sre now left of this season's stock In full front er plain, close fitting styles;, colors red. tanblue, black, etc. In the lot are values from 06o to- $6.00; special sll ' week at, each,,.......; .....334 to 92-S0 , SHOES FOR, THE BABY AT 210, ' Infanta Soft Sola Shoea. In red, blue, pink aadwnlfr : V kid. In 'alt Staes. Our regular toe value; special at. the pair. Xdp,,. 214 v'; Public Tea Ropm " .' '. " Second Floor. , . " - u UNDER' AUSPICES 'OF. PORTLAND Y. W. C. A. - ' . . ..- . . Menu for Tuesday, February 28 , TEA. . COFFEE. CHOCOLATE. ' e MILK SERVED IN BOTTLES. , BEAN 80UP, . " HERRINO SALAD... HAM SANDWICHES. .' 'V HOT -ROLLS. BREAD AND BUTTER. ; - V.' ' TEA CAKES. - .''. -.-.'' . What "Mcf ode" Knit Means to Underwear Buyers- . ' "Superlative Merit" ; EXPOSITION OF NEW 106 ' SPRING STYLES - THIS. WEEK, We have just placed on our ahelves the entire line of the famous Me rode Knit Underwear for Women and .'Children. Judging from the past season's ssles of this famous make, the word "Merode" must mean a lot to the women and chtl-- dren of Portland and vicinity, trH uur wipui ui in is unqoi s eaiywaa) of such proportions as to even as tonish the makers. In ths 504 lme of WJilte Cotton Vests we have the high neck. . v long sleeves and low neck, no . sleeves, with ankle aad knee length tights to match.. Extra sise to . match . above, same ' styles and price. v - - ' - White Lisle to seU for...... 754 High neck, long aad short sleeves. and low neck, ho sleeves, with , ankle and knee tights to match. . , Extra sise to match above, ' same styles and price. White Merino to. sell for.... 854 High neck, long sleeves, low neck, no sleeves, with . ankle and knee length tlchts to match. n'uAonnRn fi,lk ftnd cotton to sen for 91.00 .1? slZflfZ,. "H'lfh ". a.nd short sleeves. . " 7, ' . . low neck, short and no sleeves. UNBP.O WRA D with knee - snd snkle length, ,. - ' '- tights to match. Extra ajse, same ss above, high neck, long ,' -"sleeves, low -neck, no sleeves,. with ankle Vand knee tights; price, each. ............ .91.25 Silk and Lisle to sell for, each. . -I .......... .ft5 Highf neck, Jong and short sleeves, low neck, no sleeves, with ankle and knee tights to match.- - ' union suits. t v ;v," -White cotton,' high neck, long -smd short sleeves, low'neck. no sleeves, ankle and -knee length price, suit -. .....754 Same- as- above, Ini 'same style, but made of . white lisle, adit .854 Extra sise In same, high' neck, long, sleeves, low neck, no sleeves; suit 9100 Fine white lisle, high neck, long sleeves, snkle. high neck, long sleeves, knee and low heck, i no sleeves, knee length;-suit. -91.25 Spring weight ' cotton, shlgh-neck, long and J short sleeves, ankle, Hw. no sleeves, kjiee - : -'', a. great wearing garment; suit .........-915 Light weight merino, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; suit . .91.50 811k snd cotton, high, long snd short sleeves, -knee and ankle length, low neck, no sleeves, knee length beauties;, suit ........... ...91.75 GRAND DEMONSTRATION THIS WEEK OF THE CELEBRATED AND - BRILLIANT .3 "Block LighC Gas-Savers . - This fsmous light will actually save one- hilf vour gas bill and give double the light ef any other lirgas-hurner, ever Invented sine' the -days of Adam, Demonstratlpn on Third Floor Lamp Department, . Commencing this morning," Will hold a grand demonstration of ths fsmous BLOCK GAS LIGHT. ... . Cut. down -your,-was bill and Increase; yeur-light by using one of these lights.. .- - v. - V ,l , Uses parts aid and o-na (1) part gas. One Block Light will Illuminate a room- twenty-five (26 feet ' square . with a soft, mellow -light ' that penetrates everv nonfe and corner. - ----'. . Block Lights can be attached to 'any 'gas 'fixture f. in piace ox yuur wa Qupnrr. - .r- -Block Ligftt complete, with' burner, mantle, chim ney and globe ..i.-. . , . , . .91.25 Do not buy an Imitation. Get the genuine Block Light. ' Saves half your gas bill. . t : . .. .1' . .. .. ...'..:,. , ; Dress Goods Section SPEClXV BARGAIN FOR THE WEEK. New' 46-Inch Silk and Wool Crepe de Paris, very ' dressy, with rich, silky finish, in following color assortments: -Cream.' plnkvanetV'" ftlle. reseda.' ; hunters' and myrtle green.. tans, b'ecBits, chsm . pagne, modes, browns, tans, fox, -cbpper, cardinal. - ' mole, royal, Parsifal and navy. . TJnerualed' value St our regular price $1.60 special for,,. . s J1" yemjd eeseiee ' Um tie)l18 Facts About the I. C S. The Largest ; Educational Institution: in the World " ' ; Capital Invested. $8,000,000.' r . ..-'-' '' "' ' Buildings owned and occupied In Scranton, I. --Total floor space of buildings, 1 acres. , . " "Cost of buildings. $660,000. -. '. - ; Number of employes, 2.060. --" ' Total number-of students and graduates Decern- -ber 1. 104. 7S0.107. 1 ' ' '," Mall matter bandied each day. 0.000 pieces. Dally output of Printing Department, one and a . half tons. . .' - . . .. Cost ofy preparation of textbooks and . Inst rue-, tlon papecsJjiet counting printing, revision, etc. $i,oo:oo. .."?Lw-- .... : ' - Amount Tiow belnr spent annually for improving and- revising textbooks and ''Instruction papers,. $260,000. " --.f- These figures give some idea of the sise. strength and great work done by the I. C 8.- If they had not) been successful in helping workers to obtain better' positions and' Increased salaries for ever 13 " years,- ttbe above figures would be impossible. , No other institution haa the courses, the system or the means to provide such a training aa that offered by the I. C 8. , - . -' - .' - ' -' -' TWO FREE SCHOLARSHIPS GIVEN .AWAT By Olds. Wortman King. The fortunate recipients to be selected by popular vote, now on at the- store." A vote with every 25c - purchase. Are you using your ballots T .. , ... - . j .,- ; . COMPLETE VOTE AT 10 A. M. TODAY., . Reginald Carter, bell boy at The Norton. ...... 10.726 Arthur Taylor, M. A A. Shogren. ...iaW' Mae Hughes. Knight's Shoe Co. .. ; 0.1 4 Charles Adler, tXopdard Clarke 6.223 (Guy DePue, . Portland Delivery Co 4.S2S Esther Carlson. Mason eV Ehrman...... 6.(26' Arthur Lindborg. Llndborg Grocery. I.OOt Ralph Holman. Ladd TUton's Bank........... 2.644 Fred Murphy. Western Electric Co 2.414 Janet Clark. Meier Frank Co...,...., 2.413 E, C. Molln. Meier Frank Co , 1330 P. H. Battln, Wad ham Kerr Bros........... 3.010 Raymond Smith. Columbia Ice Co........ ... 1,100 William. Sheahan, Q, R..A N. Co ........... 1.103 Isabella McCurry. Lipman, Wolfe at -Cox.. 1,070 Charles Johnson, Phoenix Iron Works 71 L. . Haley. M. Seller st Co. 0(6 C W. Cooke. S. P. Shops. ...... .............. ( Ida Karklnrlderi Meier dt Frank Co. . f 64 Joseph Clahop, U. & Laundry A 706 A. Haynes, Ice Machine Mfg Co..,...., 400 W. C. Cooper. P. F. M. Co... ... ......... $20 D. A. McRae, Lipman. Wolfe de Co , 374 ; A. BC Chase. Ptnkerton Detective Force . 370 Charled Poind ex tee. Rlrh Cigar Store..:...... 3(0 ' Mr.tToomey. Lrpsean. Wolfe 4k Co. ........ . . 327 Harlow Burt, city fireman. . 336 Fred Glfford, electrician 173 Nell Younger. O. M. Co I.. 1 Hattle Foster. IJ proas, Wolfe Co..k.. Total ........ ....76,111' Supplement on Paoo 0 4- V- V