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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1905)
THE- pREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY. EVENING, r nHUARY 7. UCJ. i j7 , i V" i, i , 1 1 . U(!B0R DAY 'Meet Approval -' , '- 1 ' ' i' " r Mats; Meeting Will Be CaJled ;j .; J; at Which This and Other Ways of Improving the City Will Be Earnestly? Discussed.' ' ?' .Ik ' ..' is H 't 1 CIVIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD IS IN HEARTY SYMPATHY 1 State Superintendent of Schools f 05 ; Children May Lend Their Aid, and Council Will - Help With Betterment Ordinances. "'''- . , The chamber of commerce ctvlo im . provement. board Is In favor of holding an arbor-day when all claaaea will oo- operate Wltlr "the 'public school children ' ' to beautify th city In preparation . (or I the r exposition. . The . proposition was - ' suggested at a1 meeting' of the board to. day by W. .; Wheelwright and was . heartily indorsed. It waa "decided to ,. consider , th arbor day question with ,' 5 other things at the mass meeting of the eitlsens which wUl be held at the Mar- oil am Grand theatre within a week. If the plan -Is acceptable to the eitl sens, committee will be appointed aad , the. city - thoroughly organised for the day In which there shall be a general cleaning up of yards and sidewalks. planting of trees and flowers and trtm- '" ming of hedges and trees. Mr. wnaei s, wrlght expressed himself as in favor ; ; of holding an arbor lay. ' It la n. excelUnt Idea.", said ha to- , -j day. 'I am going to orgs the civic im ' ,' provement board to take It up and I be- , lleve tkey wllL't we might-accomplish : a great deal by concentrated action oa . such a day, - Of course. It comes late . In the season anu wa' mejr aeoomollah 1 : ' much before we hold arbor day. but we - Can get everything ready. 4or the ocea , 1 slon, . and . work u enthusiasm -among ' the peopie. so that they will all become : deepljr Interested In the movement." . "if ', . - WD1 ataaas Arlte ay.- "-'. " :' ; . ' It is expected that ss soon as State . - usertatendent of acbeoia 3. H. Acker- . man'returna from the east he will ap " xmt a day which will be 'observed by the . pubiieaclMMl children ' as ' arbor -day, School children are already look Yng forward to-the occasion, and are ; planning what they 111 do to assist In ; beautifying the school and. ether public ' gronads )n rsraratlo for, the expos Uon. -'V--'. '. . 7-v .- . .- Members of fhe elty council are tak- Irg an Interest in the movement for I clvlo Improvement. They will sea that the state laws requiring the extermlna tlon of obnoxious weeds and thistles in t municipal corporations are carried out for the penalty for their. violation will . be Imposed." ; -.1- ' They will pans a resolution request . )ng" the mayor to. see that the ordinance 'requiring weeds and brush to be out, : from thetTeets and sidewalks 1 en-forcei-The y. also eontsaiplato jiaaalag - an ordinance requiring property ownera to keep weeds.' grass and brash cleared :, (roa; .yaqantr lotsweji.j v. "3- f " Olvte rmprovemeat Board. " At a. meeting of the Chamber of Com : ' meree civto - Improvement 1 board this ' morning" preliminary steps were taken .In the campaign for a cleaner city, for afr-ebeervance of he pity ordinances FORMER GOVERNOR BOUT WELL IS DEAD President, . pf Antf - Jroperlaliet League .Succumbs to- At tack of Pneumonia. l...f. Vi. 'iv '-:.?" jUorsa gprelal serrte.) ' J -ilTroton, Masar Feb, J7; Former doy. , Ornor. OeorgCSewall Boutwell died this morning of pneumonia, from wbloh he I Offer Ail Stomach Sulerers a Full DoU Wi Worth' of my Remedy " Free to Trjr k ' .."' ' ei eftars ie ef ter e fall eoller'i verts free baa sitae la se ereiaary rrmttj. Ordlaary iaM4lM trat arsiptoaa. My rrswdy trrata tb eauaea that produrc the raaptos. Bjaip. to Imlanl . araat be krpt up - forma aa kC tha caeaa la time. My tieatswet mmf tm tnpprd aa auoa It hat remoil u rauaf, tor tk.t ta alwar the aad el traable. - atAOMra traibla ia- eat mllr a alcknMe. but a ajaiptoB. It M a.i.Tmptom that a certain art ef narTra la ailing. Nat the voluntary aftna . that vaabui yea U walk and talk sad art but id automatic atunacB aerraa oTor wblca yoer Blad kaa sa raetfol. I aare not raoa kvra t tapltla hew tare irvArrj tlar ncrrra control aad operate tka ataeuca. How warrr brraka Uwai duwe and eanara Indication. How mlaoaa weara then eat aad rtn dyapepala. How svslrrt mar hrtna a kidney, heart, asd ether trouble throat) ernrnathr. I sot room to explain bow tfceae avma Br he reerked aad Btraastheard and vltallatd and siaee well by a reoiedj I apent thirty reara la perfeetlns aew known bf Itrnntliti eTaTTWkere aa Dr. Kbaop Re.tor.tlT. I kara set moa te aaplala kow tbta renwdr, by i resMTint tea eaeae, pata a eertalB end te in- dlaearlne ' bekiilnv, bearthwra, Inaomnla. .oa a., dr rtepata. All af tbM thlaaa ara fally explained la tea ko.y-1 -wttt-aeiid yea wnea yon write. In lure tkaa ,a million bnaea my reSady'la nowa. nw rureq aiomaea irouniea not onee. bet repeatedly and orer .(.In. Yet stay not bare heard of It or hearlnc. anr I delayed ar dneeted. Bn I make thai offei Vet roe nave thai nffe. tat Indigestion? f , ; rn. a ncranaer. mat eTarr poaelbla etmaa for ., . , dnaM Stay ea reowved. Bead me no owner man nae an praialaetaka no rlak. Simply write aad aak. If rpa kare sot tried my rem- . edr.Vl win aeed ya aa aedar an raer (Irnfal.t ' tor a' 1U dollar bottle not e Maple. Mt the V i.' reealar atandard Bottle h keaaa ennaLaajUr as : , ! ahalTea. The draaylat will reqnlrV no enn ,.'. dltlnoa. He will seeept mr order aa cbeerfally aa tknnek yoer dollar laid kefora him. Ha wlU eaad the hill to me. - WHI yaa aeeeM tbta npenrtwalty to tears at ; r penae abaolatelj. how ta be rid forTer of ell farms ef aaamaeh tfaatila la ha rid not enlr ' ef the trm Me. but ef tha vary eaeae which .aavoacvw ni rrrrivv aaaa. far s free ereW far Bonk 1 aa riranenala. S fall dollar bottl hook t ea tha Heart. Ka meat eddaeae . Mmae. BoCaVSTS. rtooa a aa ttie Kldacya. rVok 4 for Woaaaa. Rook t tor Men. Beak aa kbeumatnm. Raetaa. Wla. St. la which bank yet weak MlM aaaas ere' af tea eared by etngle kettla lof eale a tarty taiaand drag atone. -"- " . i - Dr. Shoop s Morative '''. '.v. ' . VT" " :. PLANS at Marquam Theatre This .Week Will Set Apart a Day on Which ...:. and for general Improvement In jih p- pearance of Portland. A. I, Mills, S. M." M'ara. N. K. Ayer, Thomas Mo Cuaker and J. NV.Tesl. members of the board, elected W. D. Wheelwclght chair man and M. Moseesohn aecretary i It was decided to secure, the services of an .attorney, who will Attend te the lea;al affaire of the board and conduct prosecutions where such are found to be necessary. - A stenographer will also be employed, as will an officer with police powers, to carry out the orders of the board. - 5 ' Notices' will be sent to property-own er, contractors, building-movers and all others who violate or Ignore the provl alon of the city ordinances, including the local police department. The notices will suggest that certain things be done, and In esse they are J (no red vigorous na tion will be taken to compel the offend ers to remedy conditions. According to the plans that have been prepared by-the. Improvement board, the elty will be divided Into wards and dis tricts, which in-turn will be subdivided Into neighborhood clubs. A subcb air man will prealde over the varloua wards. and the. neighborhood clubs wilt care for the improvement of from one to four blocks.,. Where sack clubs or societies already exist assistance and co-operation will be offered by the Improvement board. Ordlssanes Una Be Observed.- ; 3 Subcommittees are to be appointed to see that ordinances are observed. There will be street-sign committees and tree committees. 'The latter committee will advocate the planting of trees, and Inci dentally will put a stop to the practice of catting and aawlag wood on the felreets. v . ....-,.-. Titer will also be -a committee on publlo health which will, stop the nui sance of expectorating on the aldewslks. There In sn antl-expeotoratlng ordinance how. but lUtle, If any. attention Is paid to It. Nor effort is mads by the police to" enforce . ths ordinance, and It - Is for the purpose of causing '' prosecutions when such set km -is deemed advisable that the committee will take up the matter.. -v Women's aoxUlarles will be formed to co-operate wJ(hf and aaafst the members of the board and the subcommittees In carrying -crat the plans which will com pletely change' the present aspect of Portland.'' Ths various committees will consist of from five to seven persons.' The names sre to be announced later. Children sre'slso to b enlisted in the crusade for a cleaner city.- It Is believed that with the assistance of the mem bers of the various committees, the women's-auxlllarlee and the children the fobjeet of the movement will be accom plished la comparatively short tlms. had beeftt a sufferer for a week past tta was conscious until near the end and realising his condition bad his son and daughter good-bye. Boutwell was born at SmoklvnTMaaa- January Jg, ills. He waa. admitted to the bar in lit 1. and was a member of ths MsssachusettaVJegtalature for. aev terms between lttrilnd ltd. He be came r a Dnnocratlo leader and wus elected governor of Massachusetts In 1851 and 185J. He helped organise the nepu oi Iran party in 1161 and was-appointed by -President Lincoln aa tha Arat commlaaloner with the 'new. department of Internal revenue in lil. He was elected to congress In lit J. served for three terms and was one of ths manay gers or ins jonnaoo impeachment ttiitL Boutwell wss made secretary of the treasury In IssT to 1171. when ha waa elected to the senate from Maaaachu setu. retiring In 1177, to practice law. He haa been prealdent of the Antl-Im- penanatic league since 1100 and was ths author of many books, smons- others being "Sixty Tears in Publlo Affairs," his. sutoblography. ..-. NAN PATTERSON GETS HABEAS CORPUS WRIT Application of Her Counsel for Writ of Certiorari Also Grant- . ed by Justice Caynor. . . (Joarnal Special Ref-rlee.) : New Torn. Feb. 17. Justice Osynor today Issued a writ of habeas corpus In me case or Man Patterson now In the tombs, .accused of the murder of Career Toting, returnable before him In Brook lyn tomorrow. -The Justice slso granted) the aoDliaa- tlon of Miss Patterson's counsel for a writ of certiorari to bring her caae be fore the May court on the ground that she haa been deprived of her constitu tional rights for s epeedy trial. "..-. MORE FORGED VOUCHERS t IN WORLD'S FAIR SCANDAL (Joarnal Special gcrvi, M Salt Lake. FVb. J 7. It haa been ha nded to send the house Inveattntlne rommlttee tonight to St, Louia'o aerobe the Utah world a fair com mlael on scan dais to the bottom. Todsy further forged vouchers were discovered by a handwriting expert, who testified before the committee that the forgery appeared to be done by John Q. Cannon, the alias ing secretary. . , , . . . ' r TREPOFF ANNOUNCES RELEASE OF GORKY (Jesreel B fecial Serf Ira,) St. Petersburg. Feb. . J7v -Oovernor- Oeneral Trepoff today announced that Maxim Oorty, tb author, would be re leaeed tomorrow.. , The employes of the auburben steam railroad ir Warsaw struck todsy. The city riremn have epnounoad toey-wtu strike Saturday unlees . given higher wages. " . ! T: A - Miller, general paasenger agent. K. a Keeley, general freight agent, of tha Chicago, Milwaukee gt St. Paul, are In ths elty today, with Oeneral Ager.t ftnwe. and Will pmbably leave on their private car this afternoon or evenla. - - ... '. 4 .aj - . . J. ' are. ef '.. . PAID DIG SOU F0.1 VERY POOR lIOfJOR ""': '.".. , .. ... ... ' Highwayman Stops Japanese, Robs Him ' and . Indulges : In" Very Bad Joke. '7 ; S. ITAE HAS DISTRESSING : , EXPERIENCE ON BRIDGE Although Tickled In Ribs With ; Robber's Revolver Cannot r", V ; Raise a Smile. ' Looking Into the mussle bf a revolver on the Morrison afreet bridge last night. b. icae, a Japanese, stood In fear and trembling while a highwayman relieved .him of the euatody of a gold watch .aad cnain costing I1SQ, snd of fie In coin. The robber was Inoifned to be facetious. and went about his work with a non chalance aho-ing him to be an old hand at the" business. - He cracked what 'be thought a good Joke, and laughed heart ily at hla own wit. ' Itae is engaged In business at 48 East Morrison street, snd, waa on his way home at 11:41 o'clock. He had reached the east end of the bridge, when the robber, who had followed him across the struc ture, at a distance of about 10 feet caught up with him. Previous to stop ping ths Japanese be donned white mask. - . .i -. 'Put up your hands.!. said ths high wayman when the Japanese turned around In response to command. Hla victim did aa ordered. Pressing ths revolver against Itae s ribs the rob ber took his' watch and money. Coolly pocketing these articles, ha stepped off a few feet and pointing the revolver at Itae a head, remarked: -,' "That gun looks pretty big, doesn t It? Well, you're safer than you would be If you were across ths ocean fighting the Russians, anyhow." Thus speaking. ths hold-up man guf fawed loudly. - Ha then ordered Itae to move on and keep his mouth shut. The Japanese did so. He-' was afraid to re- . l. l l. . w..fc ,kl. .urn: .v ,iul IUUI, VUI morning maae a report , to toe police. He gave a good description of the high wayman. The revolver with which the deed Waa committed Is described aa be ing of the bulldog pattern, and having a polished barreUt- HIDES MONEY IN HAT."W U ""lilghwayms Who , '' Bsat tha' Tltrttat mUtj3Z--Beaten Into lnaenstbllitr and left for dead; W. Rossen, -sn expressman, saved bis money last night by hiding It In the band of his hat as soon aa he discovered that two men-were following him to his home. He is badly injured as ths re sult of ths attack made on him by the thugs, and a physician 'was summoned to attend-hlm-.- , j'. ' . - . Rossen spent the evenfhg In the city and started for his home- st Woodlawn at f:le o'clock. It waa about 10 o'clock when he got -oft the car- at Woodlawn and atartedt for home. He had not pro ceeded far when he perceived that, two roughly-dressed men were - following him. Anticipating robbery.- he took hla money,-which waa mostly In currency. and placed it in tha band at his hat. Walking-rapidly, tha two man over took him at a lonely spot aad demanded his money.' He said they could take what he had, which .was little. Hewaa immediately struck on the headland engaged -1n a- desperate - struggle, Finally he sank be the ground uncon scious, from .the repeated blows or a When Rosssn recovered sufflclently he proceeded home and aent former ph alclan. He found that what silver? hov had in hla pockets had been taken.vbut tb money in hla hat was not diecov ered. The police were notified of tb robbery thlmonlns'.-. '.' Sa. MEAD CASE TO AWAIT ITS TURN FOR TRIAL " (Waablngtoa Boreas of The Jouraal) 1 Washington, Feb. 17. The supreme court today denied the motion to advance tha case of Joshua Roberts. Mead against the city of Portland. . v Ths caae wss Degun lcar summer ana wss instituted bvAh Mead estate sgalnst the city t7 prevent the closing of an entrance 'to the waterfront near the approach to the Sforrtson street bridge. Ths proximity of the entrance to the bridge Impeded traffic, according to -the city attorney, and he ordered It closed. Injunction proceedings were begun by the etate to prevent such action and the ' matter passed through the local courts to ths supreme court at Wash ington. Efforts were mads to secure aa esrly hearing in order that the ease might be finally disposed of. but it must wait It a, turn, according to ths ruling of ths court todsy. AMENDMENT PROHIBITS- , POLYGAMY IN COUNTRY (Jaeraal Ipectal Berviea.) Washington. Feb. ' J7. Senator Xrubola today Introduoed In the aedats a Joint resolution providing for a constitutional amendment 1 prohibiting polygamy. The houa haa agreed to the confer ence report of the army appropriation bill. ' . . ,- . - - ' ' ' - ' WILUAM ELUOTT : ?T DIES AT OREGON CITY (Special Otapetet to Tat Joarnal ) Oregon City. Or Feb. rr. William Elliott. 'a pioneer of '41. aged yeara. died at noon today at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J, C Apperson.' Park place. The funeral will be held here Wedmaday at 1 o'clock p. m, . rr. foaara vwevma Bosan. thm St.- Johns postofOce was robbed of ti worth" of stamps this morning. Burglars overlooked f to worth , of stamps hidden by the postmaster. We're closing out all our e e AT e ' Whst's the reason T "'Think. Packard Shoes; SOWS OF PRAISE ' STIR THE CITY In Preparation -for Evangelistic Services- Cottage Prayer? Meeting Arranged.. MEETINGS TOMORROW '. IN MANY, CHURCHES Homes of Many Prominent Peo ple to Be Thrown Open ''X' "'for Exercises! ". In preparation lor tha coming -evan gel latio services conduoted under the direction of Dr. J. Wilbur Chaoman and his corps of evangelists and singers. ths churches of Portland ar planning to hold a series of eottaa ' prayer meet ings throughout the city. The homes of -different church members will be thrown open for theae gatherings. - - . it is expected . that denominational lines will , bs lost sight of and that church membership will have n bearing on tb attendance. In the matter of the churches whoa nam are given nere It means that arrangements havs been mad by those particular church for in service, but the people ar invited to attend tb service aeareet their own homes. .As far as-reDorted services will b held at the following plaoas: Places whin services will be held tomorrow. iueaaay. February is. at a. m.: south Portland district At the horn of Mrs; C. H. Hale. It Hall street; Mrs. M. U'trtgga,-17 Arthur street; Mr. A. H. McOowan, tl Corbett street; Mrs. Dr. H. N. Smith, Sit Curry street Ml span Presbyterian church At - the horn of Mrs. Wslter Parsons. 744 East Twenty-first treet; J. K. Cousins, IS! East Eighth treet; P. Kelly, 140 East Thirty-fifth Street; H. Pervitin. 111 Division street (Richmond): W. H. Hsr rlson, (Midway) (4 PopUr streets Rev. J..' R. McQlade, i 60S , East Seventeenth street; Ken 11 worth church. Gladstone avenue and' East Thirty-sixth street Centenary M. E, ctaurch--At horn of Mrs. J. D. Lee, S East Fifteenth, street north; Mrs. C E. Mac, I East Ninth street north; Mrs. A. B. Thoburn, 1(7 East Pine street; Dr. J. J. Wiggins, til East Morrison. . ' . First Cumberland Presbyterian church At th horn of W. O. SUnart, (41 East Eleventh . street leader, Rev. - 5V, R. Bishop; Prof. R. R. Steele. 740 East Taylor etreet leader. W. J. Record ; M. Harrison, 180 East Ankeny street leader, John M. Lewie. V Cottaare d rarer maetlnss at ITnlversitv Park at homes of C O. Homing, P. J. Sharp and W. J. McClure. - . ; ' Memorial Evangelical church At tb horn of Nathan Day, Sit Eajtt Four teenth street And Mrs. Phoebe FosslL 4t East Twenty-sixth street Westminster Presbyterlsn church At the homo of John A. Patterson, 111 Cherry street'-- -- , Flrat English Church Evangelical as- soolatlon At th horn of CX-Yates, III East Blxtlustret leader C. C. Bnyder; W. P. Mul heron, 144 Baat Eleventh, lead er J. H, Small; Charles Harch. 400 East Seventh street, leader Frank M ul heron; R. Coblne. West avenue, leader O. W. Plumer; O. A. Natsel, 700 Clinton street. leader A. J. Wlndnagel; J. E. Smith, 171 Multnomah' street leader C B. Brad ford; - Albert Blttner, IT! East Mala street, leader W. P. Mulheroat Bev. Wil liam Travis, East Nineteenth street leader P, A. Spnerj Mrs. Mathewa, III Kast Asb-street leader" - Oeorg A. Thompson; Mrs.-'Toung. I East Twenty eighth street leader. A. J. Montgomery John Hampton, 107 Ban- Raphael street leader Rev, R. M. Jomaa; D. J. Horsman, LaconLa and Hayes atreets, leader D. J. Horaman. - i , .- t Horn prayer meeting at residences Rev. - J. Whltoomb Brougher, , lot leventh street; tatQrand Baldwin, 741 Eaat Ankeny street; O. W. Boosar, III Oak etreet; Mrs. Robert Berger, 111 Corbett street; James F. Failing. 141 Eleventh street;. C H. Kopf, West ave nue. Mt Tabor: W. E. Keeler. Ill North Twenty-third atreet; J. C Mar tin. S14 Eaat Salmon atreet; Mrs. W. W. Morton, 117 H. Fourteenth street: Mrs. W 8. MoOulr. lit Iwnsdal street; Mrs. Eleanor - Oimstead, 400 ' Pjescott street: Misses - Quamberg. 117 Oltsan street; Mr. and Mr. Reavotd, ill Mis souri avenue; Mrs, tv i.- spooner, i Halsey street: A. T. Webb, 101 East Morrison etreet; John Wise, !7tMaln atreet: Mrs. C A. Wooddy, 117 Twelfth street; Mrs. H. E. Wrlghtson, t(t East Twenty-eighth street north. PAYS HER VICTIM AND GAINS FREEDOM Mrs, Catherine Summers Makes I Good, Value of Worthless ; : Check Given Hess. . ' Rather than have her pwst rife aired In court. It Is - said, Mrs. Catherine Bummer paid IxMila Hess th 10 which a be Is alleged to nave secured from aim In 1001 on worthless cheoks. and 1 tb charge of obtaining money by false pre tense was dismissed in th police court this morning on recommendstion or A- slstant District Attorney Haney. The dismissal of th caae was primarily due to Insufficiency of evidence te convict but Mr. Bummers waa net mad aware of this fact . ....... r v, . . According to information given th police, Mrs. Bummer haa covered a wide field In her questionable Snanclal operations, and ha left -many mourner in ner waae. ' ,M msivry vi aor aoinaa date back W Butte, Mont in 1. where she la said to. have posed as a woman of rellgiou Inclination, n the strength of which she secured many shekels. . ' -' .. . ... . When sh appeared In Butt a an unmarried woman, the polio any. She pretended to bey very religious, and formed friendship Mat were f eervlc. Through br friend sh secured a po sition a aaleewomam 4 In Symons' 'dry goods store, and there married a lawyer named -Mummers. Sh- t accused of leaving Batte after borrowing money fom her fellow employes snd others, which sh never repaid. - A letter to this effect recently reached Portland and la now In possession of the police. Leaving Butt la 1 , Bummers and his wife went to. Seattle, where the Iswysr became Interacted In a publica tion called the Catholic Record. From Seattle Mrs. Summers caun ta Portland, where she secured money -from Hes and other before departing. Bine leaving here, the ooMce have learned.1 aha a pen some time la Jell at Spokane on th charge of passing worthies checks. , 'IV 1 A.prcullsr feature of the affair' Is that tire- nwM now with Mrs. Bummers claims named Hyde.' He gave thst nsms to ths police when hi wife was arrested three or tour weak ago, WILL I ' , ".- : . - ' ' - - II :-s - - '' - Supplement-Continued trbm Page 7 IN GRAND SALONS OF PRESS , ' ! 'iV.A ,' Becpnd Main Floor. . : . - ' - .:;' 'f :frA, WONDEBJfUIVAliTJE,IN DREBS SeHRTS.. "' ' v "''"'. ; ""- ':" " i- Women's " -'";;: $18.50 Dress Skirts', ? 1 ' , ..''. - $398 .' : ; ' -'l - " - f - .,,::'': U. ' V.". Acoordloh and PUln Plaited Dress Skirts, with or ' without yokes, alpaca, and ponge, In whit, tan. nd polka dots, val. to 111.60; spect&17 each 93,08. "lio TOOTH POWDER First Floor. Dr. . O raves Unvqualed Tooth Powder, reg. val. lie; .special, box.... .......J... 4 ....we -..:,; '.' ' 17.00 PILLOWS 14.71. " - V - ;"- . Fourth Floor. "' - ' ' - , Half down and half selected feather filled clean and sanitary pillows, fin linen tick. reg. val. 17.00; pedal, pair... ..r....f4.Tfi '.WOMEN'S 750 LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 41c. '' ,,- r:" First Floor, . -- '-: Richardson's Par" Linen Hand-Embroidered Hand kerchief,- some with scalloped aomely embroidered, mothers ; stitched, very nicely made, reg. 75o val.; special , J-' at. each v .48 CHILDREN'S llo HOSE to. ' ' -First Floor. -. vj Children' Black Cotton Hose, double knee, slses 7 ; ' reg. val, ISc; special, pair ...0 :) J ' Nkiixs""l.p0"per Iozen ' ij 1000 Heavy BleaxKea ScoTch Damask Napkins, sp . clal, dosen 4. ....... ...... .01.00 ,r Hotels, Restaurants and housekeeper ar Interested-- ,' " '.-. v bt this Item. . ...." .. ' 'Mo WASH BILKS 410 YARD. 1 ':. :r'- "' First Floor--South. Annex.--'. ' . -. Colored Jspanos Corded Wash Bilk, at) new tyle' . and colore. In neat atrlpesjind checks, reg, 6O0 . vat; special, per yard ................. ....41f ' 11.10 CLOTHES WRINGER 11.10. - ; ' . Iron-Fran Clothe Wringer, with 10-lnch rolls on . . a shaft, very strong, spring, sold In moat hardware - atores for ll.tOspecial. each ........... 91.10 " , ; J-- 11.00 VOILES, Tlo YARD. . ' -.... . ,; , ' (First Floor South Annex. ;,- . '. j . -44-Inch Imported French Voiles, all pur wool, with ' v crlap wiry finish, all street colors. Including cream . and black, out! reg. 11.00 per.yard vmL; special, per ' yajcV... . .,..,.Ted '- 26 SHIRT BUTTONS la. - ,r 1 . ir--:v . First 'Floor. Whit Pearl Shirt. Button, 4 holes, t dog, oa card. -reg, -val. le; special, tb card ......J.....8 V 'y-'J'-""?-: 0e pit)Jt COMBS zto. u. , ! First Floor. , - , . Kxtrs, Heavy arnooth-ilnlsh flheil Bid Combs, reg -. vaL 10c; special, each ...r:.... 7f. ...... ii. -'.. .; ;- -'Via0 BABY. BIBS ' ' ' i ci'-'-:' ) Tnfavnt-tn-Mlaa 8 bona Second Floor. - BahT'SIb Of Whit or Colored Oilcloth, tap boonfl.7T1 rsg. prlo 10; special at' ... j.... ') .. .. , " t 4Se CUBPIDORS- Wc.-.'.V'"-'."',?t ". : -": ' : r.. , , Third Floor. ' - ' ' , ;.:-.'f- Tuner Sbap and Prettily Tinted Cuspidors, reg. vaL 4te; special, each .........25 V o ENvTILOPE8;J PACKAGES FOR lo. ' "....'.' First Floor. ; .. ', .White Wove Commercial Envelope. II la package. -slses I and I, reg; vaL tc; special. I pkga. ...64 CHILDREN'S ISO TJNDERWAISTS llo, - , :. . . . First, Floor. .. - --'"-'' ' 'Children's Whit Knit erode"--Underwalsts, reg." vaL 15c; spec lair each . ....... . ; WOMEN'S 'SOo NECK STOCKS 17c, Assorted Liberty 8atln Stocks, for bow tie, white, black and whit and red piped. In dainty colors, reg. vaL too, special, each... .27) IIIOII SCHOOL SITE WILL BE SELECTED Board of Education Will Proba- bly Decide on Lot Next to , . Hawthorne School.' ' " Th location at th proposed eaat tide high school will be definitely settled to night at th meeting of th board of school directors. As Sn verwhelmlng majority of th taxpayers favor the va cant ; block adjoining th Hawthorn school at East Thirteenth and Eaat Washington streets, which belongs to th district. It Is understood that their wishes will 'b favorably considered by th board. H. Wittenberg stand a alone among th member ef th board In his contentions thst th school should be located elaewhere. .,- - If another alt Is selected It Is argued that It will coot 110.000 or 111000, which amount will have to be deducted from the-f 100,900 voted by the taxpayers" to pay the cost of th building. - Tb tax payers wfll not tolerate such a plan, as thsy say tbey deslr th full sum to be used In th school building. Architect Thomas Jones has plans snd specifications for th building nearly flnlahed. and 'In a few day th school board will b able to edvertise for bid for It, unles tbey call for plans and specifications from -other architects of the city, as requested by th Taxpayerr leagua.. ' '. , Plana for additions to r mad to sever! other building will be ro- aatd la th beard tonlsht. . It Is exl pected that th clerk will be instructed to advertise for bids 'for the Improve ments. . . r ' '' ... There I a probability that -the called "merit ayatam reoenuy adopted by th board will be. reconsidered to the extent that th advance in salary for teacher n Ot merit list will be ralaed from II t 111. which will aerve as a greater tnewntlv for teacher to have their name placed oa tb merit list. It U understood that at least two mem bers of th board favor this change. On man Interacted M& school matters says teacher r now receiving mis year, under th advance la aalarlea, 17, 000, leaving only 111,000 bf th Increase voted at th meeting of ta taxpayer to be devoted to the salaries of thoae to be Bianeut raa th merit list. Allowing II a month advaac for each ef tboee on th merit list. xlt would require only 110 teacher to eonsums this sum. HJ states that ' there will bo at least 140 teaehera placed on th merit Hat, and th number may be larger. He -eaya few- teacher after serving ' gig year wlU aot b th merit list. ... mm - .' ; ! -- - 1 1 t . 1 vv- ,?' !" - v--' ' 4 -': . la edge,' very hand- " embroidery , hero-.. A.--.4--.T";. I" . each". V 1 FLEISCHER S X four - ln - hand and clal at set. LILLIS WILL STAND BY IIIS STATEftlEfiTS Informs Chief He Is Responsible .; for Story Regarding Con . . dttions at the Jail. --Turther' Investigation of th methods at th city prison In relation to th es- oape of Inmate haa been poatpoaed un til Thureday or Friday, owing to th ab sence from th city of Oevieral beebe, one of the commisslonsrs. In theinean time things ar bubbling at th police station, -owing to the disclosure in Sun day's Journal by Jailer M. LUlls of tb Ubertie allowed prisoners. Chief Hut cant for Captain Moor and Jailer LIU Id yesterday evening and had a heated discussion with them in his pri vate office. He asked Llliia If It war true that he had given Ths Journal an intorvtewv.ta which b had assarted that It was a -matter ef common knowledge that whisky was carried Into th JalL He wa answered in th affirmative. "I haven't told a thing that Is not true." said Llllls. ' "I feel that I am get ting th worst of It In this matter, and I intend to tell all I know." ,.'!. - . ... , i - r -','.' HEIRESS IS MURDERED BY DISCARDED SUITOR (Amrsal pedal Berries.) Chicago. Feb,' 17. Miss Mary E. Mul vail, aged II. was shot snd Instantly kl)led by Policeman Dan Harmann at .I.,4 . TXT 4 V. ,,..11, tAitiv tTh girl wa walking up tb street when ah met th s policeman, and was ob served In conversation . with him by pasaersby. Suddenly. h polled, bis re volver and shot heir, and Immediately mad hi escape. - - - . . The young woman was dead when picked up. Sh was th only daughter of the latrohn Mulvall, a wealthy win mescbant who died some years sgo, leaving th girl a fortune of 2t0,00. Sh wsa prominent In Catholic circle, and devoted her time to phllanthropU work. In 8t James parish. . , Harmann first mat th girl as she was engaged In her charitable occupation. For some time he has followed her movements snd made himself obnoxious by his proposals of msrrlsg. It ta pre sumed thSt-he ssked Miss Mulvall again to wed htm today, and" when sh refused hot her,' . Preferred Stock Caaaad Oeosa. ' Allea letwlaf Bst Brand. In Millinery Salons -:- Second Floor, '" . v New $5 Shapes, Chiffon Shape, alt black. ; hand, made., in ,oft ; folds; regular value ai.00 and .00; spe- ; 'ciaJ. ch4....9a.8 ''.' ' s- f.t ', .Mf 0o NAIL BRUSHES IS. - ,. . .'- .''.:'. -'.;., , , pirst Floor. ' :'.'"'' y! V " Imported French Nail Brtisbe. bone handle, extra ' quality bristles, reg, vaL OOc; special. eacb..ariay 1 NEW 6 to DREBS STUFFS 41o YARD, e S ;-..-".,-. Flrt Floor -South Annex. : ',.,.'-.. . It-inch All Wool Black Berg and French Voile, reg.. tOo vaL; special, I to I p. m. only, per jrard.-41 : , , 11.25 ORIENTAL SILKS lo YARD. ' . ' V First FloorSouth Annex. ' . - I IC-lnch Whit Japanese and India SUk, splndid vain ab-tb regular price, LH; special, I to I p. m. -',; oi,ly .. . ... e, ...... ;.-...8dy- i . "v i WOMEN'S $1.09 VESTS AND TIGHTS tic, ' " "-. - , - . ' First Floor. - , : ''.'. . Woman's Whit Lisle Vests, long sleeves snd leeve-" "; lass, with ankl and kne length tights to match. ,reg. vaL.ljOO; special, gdrment, each.......BBy .' . BIErt'S 40e LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS llo. -,' . .Man' Bhop First Floor West Annex. A lib of Richardson' Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, la all widths of hems and men's slsea, reg. vaL 40c; - spealsL tseh ,.r,.,mn32 . '' v WOMEN'S ILI0 CAMBRIC GOWNS 17a. ' -i Th Wardrobe Bhop Becond Floor Wmnt Ajumx. V . Ladles' Cambrlo Oowna, abort or long sleeve, -low ' , round neck or V shape, trimmed In dainty em- broidery, reg. ll.!0,j.... .......... ..874 - '. :s . 15.01 BLANKETS PAIR. , a ."- - ' Fourth. Floor. ; f- '. ,-.. Best All Wool Scarlet Blankets, reg. val, ,5.00; ape- .: claL pair - ..........,.. -m ...'.93.9S ' ' "'vl ". WOMEN'S 11.00 GLOVPS Mo. ' v. j ' f . . First Floor.' '.'.' . Fin Ll 'Thread Summer Gloves,' Mack." a few In ; t colors, pearl or jnetal clasp, sixes I Vs. . Vi, T and . 7H. val; $o to 1.00; special. palr.M ....50 " . 3:7I FEATHER PILLOWS 11.80. ! " : - . .Fourth Floor. . .--f-'y ' .- ', k All Feather Pillows, finest selected,-clean and sanU ' tary-picked feathers and best satfa finished tick, reg. vaL IS.1t; special, pair.. ............ 93.50 , BOYS' 710 SHIRTS 9c ' " f. ,'-'' , First Floor -West AnnexIn th "Man's Shop.' ' i A. line of Boys Striped Madras Neglige Shirts, soft dcollara. alseji ltta ta 14. our baat 7ta vaL: sTjeelaXt . .. i na. in i ,.ai3 I a ir, r wuaraa eo nueis sea. ,. . . - . f- ',.',?':.;'. ,... First Floor. " - Women's Black Brilliant Ingrain UaW HoMfall ftiw -- Uheteg. VsJ. 0c; SpecUt, pair ....... ....38 SHETLAND FLOBB- REDUCED .' Art 8hop-44rid Floor Weel Annex. ; 4 p IL00 boxe of 11 skeins. ohy j 10 skeins for ... .....,...... .... , , ,. 04 . ' Flelscher'e Shetland Floes, In whit, black and col- - i ere, tb proper yarn for thPaa fluffy shoulder and , . . ', head shawls for th cool spring evenings, regular .. . . 11.10 a box of IS skeins, or lOo per skein; special . . per box of 11 akelns.. , . , ,T2 . Or, pet akeln .... ...g '''''.''. , f llo BOX PAPER :11c ' " "Box Paper, standard tints pink, blue' and gray; 14 . ; ,' sheets paper and envelopes; ear lid value; special : ; at th box ...,..-.;.Tr...ll - Drawing Sets, with ootnpass, -to. In wood bx; our - . tto vaiue; Special at, wt.,.....w VulBd Targe sis, llo value; special at, set.b...29e' Passepartottt Plctur Outfits; our two value; ape- Sa t: INJUNCTION SOITI HI JAllfiG'S HANDS h" - ,: "' " ' ' ; ' : " Action In Direct Primary . NomU 1 nations Case Rests With -1 i v h Action tn th Injunction suit of th -city attorney to restrain th county; elerk from farther proceedings In prepl aration for th application of th direct ' primary . nominations law to. the city lection, wait District Attorney Man-, sing's investigation. He has not " yet looked Into th questions Involved, but announced that this afternoou he would. -begin hi Inquiry.- - . ; . , ' Th injunction was served, on County . Clerk Fields, temporarily straining . him, and by htm referred to th district attorney. When aaked today hlt ac tlon would be taken, Mr? Manning- aaldt "I cannot say antlt I have looked into it, I. begin study of th case today, and ' may ftl pleading tomorrow. It may be a demurrer or It may be an answer, ' Th matter will be ta-oonrt aa soon as It Is possible to get It there." Msyor Oeorg H. Williams and City Auditor-T. C. Devlin take exception to. th atstements that they are opposed to holding a primary election and that , they will do everything within their power to detect th law In th courts. "Referring to what appeared in Tha Journal, yesterday morning, said Mayor,". Williams, - "regarding my attltud . toward th primary law, I wish ta stat that I have no hav th court hold th primary Iw inapplicable ta th -approaching election In this city. Th ault waa . commenced for- no such purpose. Mr. Devlin and County Clerk Fields ' were uncertain as to what thsy ought to do under th law, and I was In great i doubt whether or not th law waa ap pllcabia to th approaching municipal election. . -r - . "The attorney-gehral -o th state . gavs an opinion that (be primary act at this Itm waa not in force. Muntc1 ""' pal lectiocs hav been held In Baker CMy, Oregon City and Salem. In all ef ' Which the law or th primary set was . , wholly Ignored, and not oonsiderec, sp pllcabl to municipal elections held this -year in the cltle. ,- -X think it better to hav this cues tlon settled now than to hav It raised after the election by which the whol city government may b involved la lection contesta' '" . . . Th City, auditor Says 'h has sramaA 1 ' I thst th primary law wsa valid, and that h haa been convinced for snm ' ' time- that it applied to ta lty alccUoa '" aext Juaa, . : '. . . ( . "'-"I':' ", '. 1 - . "' ' . - ' . ' . . J-'f i-'M..1 V'- ' J iV ' -. 4 ; 1 '..-.."- J''9,.V 1 .- p