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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1905)
TK2 cr-cc:i daily' jbr.ii.L, xohtlakp. Monday cvEniNo. , fsuary 7, ;f ST S33,QT0) GOTDAf TO SAVE : PP A YEAH LHAT v vCOVEQiI THE STATE . (iOT ATTRACTIVE Wc Announce the Afrival Appropriation Bills , at Olympia Will Use Water Power From f '- Croton' Aqueduct for Light " . ' Jr2 and Heating. . 1 , Everyone Gets Yellow . Malarial foot up a Record .jotaj ; V fbrMonoy Spent ; : Feverrand Deaths Are r A. r ' .j o! the tecuine ; : --.;.v' Sudden. HALF MILLION INCREASE sleuths Are guests: at, the presidents dinner Helen Could Leads Movement to v Stop Tatoolng Upon '.Vs .- ' ; ! -: " Sailors, i ..... -. f - . NO AMUSEMENTS TO ' BUSTER BROWN OVER PREVIOUS SESSION . . . MAKE LIFE AGREEABLE Washington Agricultural College Great Problem In Building Canal .Changes Its Name to That : ' .:: of State College. v Is How to Dispose of ;v;:-- - Earth, i K.-' for ' PAIIAOA ..... II,, - v , , ... ... . , 1 j. - . ... , , . Boys " (Special Dispatch te The Journal! Olympia, Willi, t'eh. . 17. Nearly $S00,OOt mora than -the appropriation two years o will - be those 6f the present session of the Waahlsirton lee- , -f alature. wblcb I now about to take up the general appropriations bill.' The tout la over $3,000,000, while a number of items will be added at the - last minute, making- the aggregate nearly , $3,260,000, against . 31.800.000, a little ' more than two years ago. With this - Item went a number of: deficiencies which had to-be made up at this sea slon. Nearly every Item had To be In creased mora or less.' while a number of new commissions were created and ;. salaries of new officers had to be pro- The large I Urn is for the sUte de partments, sfflclals. eta, aggregating jJJU.tii. Then follows the state col lege and schools, penal Institutions, etc. The principal Items are: ' For the state university....... $337,130 - For new buildings, university.. 116,000 ' Three'tnormal schools, mainte nance - 384.OO0 Penitentiary' .V..;;..T... 311,000 Railway commission ... 71,000 Tax cemmtsfilon 11,000 Lewis and Claris fair 76,000 Western experiment station.... 35,000 For road purposes ....... 110,000 fisheries ................,... Adjutant-general . .', ,....... 81.000 70,000 Militia armory fund........... ,50 '.State library j,;-.". 13.600 .Factory Inspection fyn?..v.... 30,000 , ' For state departments. ....... . 717,1 4 To this must be added small appro priations for Crittenton home work, de--., relief of different ', persona .- .' and a "variety 'of small -amounts ap ' proved by the committee, aggregating many thousands of dollars.. The legislature will hold Joint memo ' rial services March t in honor of J. P. " Bharp, a member of the senate who died recentlyi after ' a long public 'career. The house and senate have passed "resolutions appropriate to the occasion, and arranged for- tbe special . service.. Senator' Sharp was a hlghly i respected, member ol the senate and had served in the house-ttr.B.it8e1on-astf? ' Chang 1st Ham. "r, - ' The Washington Agricultural College Ssid School of Science will .be a thing of the past as soon aa Governor Mead - signs the blllychangtng the name of the , Institution, and the State .College of Washington will take Its ' place. . A strong fight was made by the manage ment of the school snd many of the students to secure the change, clalm r lng that a. handicap was .held; JfeVer , graduates "by reason., of. , the name f , Agricultural." .'. president .Bryan . was f- j on the scene, here for several days and j secured favorable action on the bill by 'r the committee. " . " , , : Many of the lawmaker 'opposed bit- , terly the change In name, claiming that it would result In tabooing tbe word ; agricultural to the-detriment ot the east ;" side counties, where farming is all' the people have to depend upon. Still the '' change was, made, and after full discus ; slon of the subject. - Students petitioned' for ' si ' change, claiming that graduates had been dls-' charged or refused positions ' because they did not carry diplomas from state - Institution making specialty of other subjects than agriculture. The school ; will now take up the work' of regular colleges. -. . . ' . ' POPE MAY QUIT VATICAN DESPITE PRECEDENT V" - " " ' "r- ..- '. (Joeraal Special Service.) Rome. Feb. 37. Pope Plus has re cently expressed his firm determination . to spend a few weeks next summer In : the papal villa at Caatel Orandolofo, and ,: the general opinion la' that Plug X la' l"V ; dependent enough of traditions and pre cedents to carry hhi point. If be should .'."insist the -whole question of temporal power, which haa for many years shaped i; the line, of policy followed by the Vatl- can authorities toward the Italian gov . '. ernment. would Immediately And a prac tical solution, by .demonstrating that' , even with Rome In the possession of the Italian government the pontiff Is free to come, out of the Vatican without any loss of dignity or prestige.-' ' Portland's Greatest Bool Store IT- One way. to Make Money is by saving your receipts -Buy one of our f i 303 Files We are offering them at X for a few days regular price is 35c. - See the window. iTHE JK. GILL CO. , : ' Booksellers and " ' ' Sutioners THIRP AND ALDER t Creat Thin'tt Uttle Prices w'sTA sti A sl wi wwwwwww (Jearaai Bsaeial ervied) , K New York, Feb. 17. The . energetic March anta' association la considering a scheme to' save the city $6,000,000 an nually by using the -water power of the Croton aqueduct for lighting and beating purposes. The plan la to Install several larsre turbine wheels to generate power. and the idea la to combat the gaa and electrical 'monopoly by furnishing the city this Wir at the rate of $20 an nually for each horsepower. While t the main power plant, according to the Plan proposed,- la to be located at croton, there art to be turbine wheels outside of tbe water reservoir east and west otMM Hudson -river and on Long' Is land. ' These turbines, it is claimed. rH develop power enough to generate electricity to lignt uie streets ana- p buildings, to supply . all motor power needed by the city and to leave a sur plus power from which the city can gain a. substantial revenue. According to the plan, which office Of -the Merchants' association say nevWrt-faefar haa been brought forward, the reservoir water is to pass' through the-turbine wneeia. placed In air-tight bulkheads, which will noMessen the water pressure In the city, nor Injure the water. for domestio use. . eismtha M-Osaata. Not all of Capt Steve C&f ten's sleuths who were at the dinner i to President Roosevelt . last week at the Waldorf- Aatorla were disguised aa guests. At least six were in the guise of welters, with napkins over their armav Some of these were at the head table and a few were at tables Immediately in front of the president. They didn't perform all the duties of waiters, but confined their attention to pouring wine, an accomplishment la which all aeemed to . be pretty won versed. A real waiter served the food. but probably not one of the guests de tected the difference. The same tning waa true at the. dinner In "LlttleHun gary." . , , . V. .J : ' . ' The. reasons these precautions were taken was not because any- of the guests were suspected tbe lists had been care fully complied but because extra wait er had been hired for the occasion. The police were Just a little bit airaia tnat some anarchistle person might get In as a waiter. The sleuths were there- to do business with him If he did. . . y - rtm em Tattooing. - ' r The habitof seafaring men to decorate their nersons..with coltored representa tions of-"h.lp. "mermaids, stars, anchors and "other nautical -designs Is frownud upon by Uncle Sam in regard to his own tars, . bujt no definite means have ever been attempted to keep Jack from practice, of the pictorial art upon "ma skin.- The initiative, ; according to a story told about- tbe Brooklyn navy yard, has been taken by Mlsa Helen Uould. whose intereat in the man behind the gun is well known. Miss Gould,. ac cording to the "story, hae "offered a' r ward to every man who-, will stay ' for Ave years in the navy without being tat tooed. . No one has yet claimed the re ward. . ' -V .; ; WOOL ON SHEEP, MONEY IN BANK Year Promises to Be One of Great Prosperity for Stock . raisers of Oregon. SO SAYS C. J. MILLIS, WHO IS A STATE AUTHORITY Little Injury to' trie' Flocks ; of Inland Empire, When Hay ; -v s Was Plentiful. f The year 105 promises unexampled prosperity for cattle and - sheepmen throughout the Inland Empire," said C 1. Mlllls. livestock agent of the Ore gon Railroad & Navigation company. "People in this part of the state prob ably believe that the past winter 'haa been disastrous to the stockmen in eastern Oregon and. 'Washington and the whole of Idaho, because the weather haa been severe. Such an Impression Is baaed on Ignorance of. tbe- conditions in the Inland Empire. , - i ilia iiuauu auiK",. 1 ..... Whenever hay is plentiful livestock there Is carried safely through the severest winters. The. haystack la the stockman's Insurance policy., and the flock owners had -laid In such a liberal store of that, variety of food that tbey were able to get through the hard months ; without appreciable losses. Some losses always occur in the winter. But tbey have been at a minimum thla year, and the situation otherwise Is such aa te assure good times tfc Vhoee engaged in that industry. - Prices . are medium. This Induces owners to sell and. buyers to buy,' and causes a liberal movement of livestock. Wool-raisers win be cirri ed on a high tide of prosperity this year. Prob,4tt ably more wool has been- contracted for the 101 clip than ever before In the btatory of the Industry In the north west. The eastern demand appears to be etrong. and representatives of -trie large handlers are anxloua to sign the clips for 101 delivery. I . have not known of such general wool contracting In the peat five years. "With tna demand aa at rone- "aa it now is, sheep-breeders are offered gilt edge prices, and' may secure a promise from responsible houses' thst is "the same aa money Irf tbe bank, for these contracts may be negotiated at the benke and are a beala fdr loana up to almost 109 per. cent of tne amount of wool expected- to be. a-etn." - m irom rowm. (Joeraal Rpeelal rrTlr.) " Louisville. -K.. Feb. IT. Juitvlna from the advance sale a sunetantlsl sum will be resllsed from the benefit per formance at the Mescnio theatre tonight far the Caleb Powers defense fond.' The fund will be uaed to provide flret claaa legal talent for. the defense of Powers, who Is soon te be placed on trial again for complicity In the Uoebel murder. a'Bqr ' Washlngtoi&$EB. Z7-Benator Warren haa received ah Jntereetlng communica tion from a western 'friend now living in Panamv.w writes. aVfollowe in -regard to the touch mooted Question 01 tne ex latenceiof yoUow fever in tbe canal one: i : "YoJ have no doubt heard- considerable aa to the yellow fever here, and the cora mlaaiobers have been roasted to a cer tain- extept by 4om American papers claiming that they had concealed actual facta existing on the lsthmu. but I don't think they have done so. I think that yellow fever was established in Panama, when Panama.. waa n rat made w city, and that was centuries ago. and everybody haa read and knows thatthe harbors of Panama have had yellow fe ver always. If you will read the famous buccaneering storiea of Morgan, Dntke and O'Baxle, at the time tbey sailed into the harbor here from the upanisn main to capture and sack Panama, you will know they lost by yellow fever, and since the .United Slates .took charge ot the proposed canal we have had about 40 oaaea and 11 deaths. v ' '. ' - rve a. , . A funny thing about thla yellow fever waa that the other day the cruiser Boa ton, -Captain NUea commanding, lying three miles out in the harbor, entirely away from any land, developed seven cases of yellow fever in te ward-room, entirely among; the officers. 'Hot one cf the crew of over 160 men nad a case i f ever. The - doctor of thla boat died after three days' suffering. The Japan ese head servant died in -three days. -The other, five, so far,- are doing nicely, bdt It show you what yellow fever will do ana how funny it acta. The ship waa fumi gated Immediately and no more sickness baa -"Occurred. - ' -t m --. Again, there are men here on the isth mus who hav tftved here 19 years, Americana, wh have never had yellow fever, and Mr. Eaatwick. father of the general manager ' of the ' International I Banking association, who had traveled all over the. world. India, South Africa, the Nile, Nicaragua and various other places, ana at me age oi yearp ar rived on the.' IsthmusT a4 In two weeks contracted a case cut 4hisV "yellow," which put him In the grave.4athree days, ' iied tm Threw iftye.-7 I . Mrs. -Segar, wife of the secretary tq Mr. Wallace, chief engineer of the canal. came- down, here a bride of one month, a beautiful. girl, contracted yellow fever. and died t Mhree Cays. , we nave now about six or aeyen jcaeea In the hospital which are getting along very weli. but it Juat showa that tt will drift around in spots and -the physician and men . who have made a Jlfe study of the conditions have proved to my satisfaction t hat-it is the mosquito that glvef-you the yellow fever, and by them it is carried from one to another. Some- people's eyatema are ae constituted that they may throw" off this' poison without injury and ' others take the fever. ' - I believe It is well to let-every young man kttowr-who intends to come to the Isthmus, that he will get either yellow fever or malarial, fever. After a -year or two of residence on the isthmus every one is bound to get malaria and spend a week qr two, Jn the hospital, andabout once a yean a man must leave tor colder climate 'for a time and build tap hla system. Other than this I can see no reason why a young man wishing to make bis way or build up a business should not come down here. They are paying good wages down here and a young - man of good education : haa no trouble In getting- place at from $75 to fiao 'per- montn. ,w j ; Vo -otmnaemeata. ' . 'There are "no theatres or places of amusement here whatever, and It is but natural that the average young Ameri can should sometimes pine for his home comforts and that happy American girl that can make all the boys so contented In the United States. . :i - There are chanoe. and Plenty of them here for investments' end the Increase of population is very noticeable, about a a thousand to flfeeen hundred Jamai clans, Porto Ricana. San Domlngans, Pe ruvians, Chilians, and numeroua other nations, among which there are a smat tering of Americans, . Germans, English and French, coming In each month. We found a great many French upon tbe isthmus when we arrived here, but they have almost entirely dropped out of the canal construction, with the excep tion of a few, fornh simple reason that the French habits in working on the construction of tbe canal for the last SO years have been so careless and of such a nature that with tbe present methods of that hustling engineer. 1. W. Wallace. their services could not be utilised and consequently they are being dropped day by day. and Americana ..taking their places. There are a great many Ameri cans bringing their wives and families down here, and it will not be long until quite an American colony will be estab lished. , . . . - , i' '.: . Com traces (or Work. - The contracts for building the canal by subdivisions will no doubt be let oof at public bids In the course ef a year. This .will allow and bring -down the WASTING AWAY. . . It's the small but constaht loss of flesh that indicates physical waste the gradual slipping away of healthy flesh, pound by pound, which no ordinary food seems -to re store. Scott's Emulsion will restore it v This Emulsion is the greatest flesh builder ob tainable. Scott's Emulsion first stops 'the wasting that's one gain. Then when'lttsup plies new flesh and takes one back to normal strength and weight, , that's another' gan andabigR.. . Wtlli OOTT k BOWMS, a Faarl Sweat. New Tarh. . (Waehlaatoe'Bareaa et Tae Jpereal.) 1" 1 " 1 : 1 BOUND TO BE A GREAT DAY tbikyQ Sales Bid Fair to Excel Those of Satur :"day. Store Open this Evening. Last Saturday proved the greatest pi ano day at this store since our present co-ooerative sale openedi Eleven pianos were soid aunng me aay snir-uirwuM the evening, making a ; total memoer ahtp of 14 co-operative new plano-buy- ers for one day alone. ' We cay it1 again and we cannot say it too strongly. THE TIME TO BUY TOUR PIANO IB fiuw. r uvery ciud is numn more rapidly than we had -anticipated they would. More people every day are realising-the true value of this oppor tunity. ..: . :. . ' . - ' We have said that we could save you from 75 to I1B0 and give, you your choice of over SO makes of -highest- grade pianos, if you would co-operate in your Buying., we nave proven imr wlble to -over) S00 ot the 1.000 members, andwe havAfdon tha in less thaai four We wa ttr every-iiom e" In Portland a nd vicinity that la without a piano to ano about these presentve-operative clubs. We Agree to save you at least 176 on a piano, and to put- it Into your home for aa little as $5 down and 1.25 per week. Have you ever 'heard of an offer to equal thhiT Will lt not pay you to investi gate thla immediately? Tbe pianos are here for your Inspection. Prices snd reductions are' marked . upon them and they . are piano that are so well known that any' one would know aomethlng of their real value. , - We want today to beat the record o( last Saturday. If you do not yet ex-' actly understand about this plan come in today and let us explain., it to you, and if you do not poanens a good piano we feel certain .you. will be convinced that -now is the time .to buy.; Eller Piano House, SSI Washington street, corner Park. , Large stores also San Francisco; Stockton and Oakland, CaL: Spokane and Seattle, Wash.: Boiae and Lewlston, Idaho. - - Why pay S.t0 when THE BUB sklsrPackard i FooUForm Shoes at $2.50 There's a reason for it. American "'contractor, who excel the world for his Wonderful ability to move dirt. . The average excavator of .New York, that sturdy Irish-American, can come down here to this country, look the canal over, and no doubt make a great showing in moving thla dirt, -The great est problem in the work of constructing this canal is where to put the dirt- how to get rid of it as economically aa possi ble and so as tot accomplish the best work and to do that it is necessary to have numerous tracks extending front the route of the canal off on each aide so that tbey can dispose .of thla dirt quickly, and that Is the greatest diffi culty experienced here. The whole coun try la billy and swampy, and they have not got the ground to run the tracks on, consequently thatfls a serious drawback. The construction pf the subwsy of New fork, in comparison with this canal, was much harder for the simple reason that there were a hundred and one dim cultles . to overcome, such aa ' bracing immense- buildings, going under; rail roads and atreeta on which wa very heavy traffic, cutting gas and, water pipe, sewers, etc.. snd still keeping up traffic; but this proposition is: simply one of moving dirt and mud. BRYAN TO ADDRESS , : t HUNGARIAN CLUBS . ' Janrl mmb NeJfTork. Feb. IT.-WUllara J. Bryan W m uie guasi o nonor ana princi pal speaker at banquet of the 'Hun-tartan-American Democratic club at the Union Square hotel tonight. It will be a typical Hungarian affair-In every re pet. Hungarian 'dlahe will be eaten to the music furnished by a Hungarian gypsy, band and the toeats will be drunk in win sent eperlally for the purpoee from t celebrated cellar of Count fcsterhssy of Tata. Hungary, ' ' Diphtheria relieved In twenty minute. Almost miraculous.-. Dr. Thoraaa' Kclee Uie Oil. At as drug store. of 2 4 eiw' The Greatest Tn viTv nr BBBBV 1 mm- New styles are arriving dally by express, and opr Is watchful to send us only the most fashionable Sttk Shirtwaist Suits and 1 FA tufficiently large assortment is here so that you may choose , now, but more are coming. Colors, , Sloe, . Green, Black, Brown, also Check Effects. Carefully made and perfectly fitted. J..k"; ' TERMS. ?4.50 :2 We make it easy for f you to dress swell. Patronize us for your needs. You can pay us a small amount as your circumstance permits. Easllera rtitekg c THE STORE WHERE YOUR CREDIT IS G001J JOURNAL WANT ADS D'lllf C 3 J to 11 ycars-the most, exquisite ' juvenile clothes the world knows today. .1- Qothing House in the Northwest '-0 Are In and are selling fast. Colors, very fine silk or sateen; trimmed TERMS. ?2.50 DOWN Covert Cloth Jactsdts -'. t . ' ' 7i( . . : : ..- , , . -. -,. ,;r--; i . . -' -t" -v . '... . ," Mohair Suits and up DOWN AND 91.00 A WEEK. A NEW Colored Silk Petticoats Got here this morning, and every one of them a bargain. Colors, Blue, Green, Gray, Pink, etc ; The celebrated Prin cess Metternich Petticoat surpasses every 'other make on rv . the market. ; ' SI, Price , TERMS, f 2.50 DOWN , I ; . i, - -.. - 390 WASHINGTON STREET 1 -'I: AU1TD02E New York resident buyer garments. A " Tan and Black; lined with with straps and self-covered AND 50f A. WEEK. LOT OF- and up AND 50 A WEEK. f- . v 7T. UICII QCCor: V