The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 27, 1905, Image 2

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f...tnrnn fTniv-niir "
tmiciiynuii me.
Chief. Complaint Bitterty to His
, ; Men of Their . Lack, of
. Respect for Hiiti. "'
"41 SOME 6e ther he Heard,;
- " . . '. f , , - f .
Knows1 Whet" They Say About
:','-''-r Him, and Tells Them,
C V They'll Suffer for It. 1
, -Chief of Folic Hunt appsarod before
. the patrolmen of th dy and second re
V lif at tha- llne-u. at tb ataUon thla
a Ma-.. annAll fnv
idvihihi wauv aa wws s-r,
7 v tha exhibition of respect on tha part of
hla bim Which ha claim la his due a
, " . tha head of tha drnartment. Incidental
. hie stool-pigeon brigade.. .
rni. VI Tint was a-arh.,1 In : a ' civilian
- "suit and wore an overcast, Bhowing tbat
.. " in the midat tbe tempest of hla own
- Itntowulch he hlmaelf haa been drawn,
h.u nil iiMi tha reard for outer
. t appearances that ahould dlatlnguiah hla
v official poeltlon.' 1 i
.... . - i J . . - ..kUf M. t. . kMta
JKVn. )B1Q ID UI1IVK. - .... vvwn
. brought to my attention that during the
laat ffcw daya oertala member of the
fore- have t only ,ueatlotted my pol
r ' ' ley. but have applied to me opprobrious
-A' "Pitbets. I m vt much aurprlaed. not
. nniT a i ini uniuui uko m rvftvivww w
at, but on account af the sources from
which H originated. Hitherto 1 baa no
t idea there was a defect Ion In loyalty on
- th part or ao many men.' I am deeply
pained, I may add. to find myeelf forced
" 4 to admit that among the criticising ma
jand cursing ma -1 cursing, but. that
la a mild word ip sueh connection are
several wnom l nave uniu uu uniw -,
(arded aa my firm friends.
- "As the bead of this department I am
-ntltled to the respect of all the men
' '. ander m. ' Some of tiiem may not like
my policy; ft la tmposalbla for any mad
, ft please th whole force while acting
is the bead of thla department under
existing oondltlona. Teu Should realls
i r tbla and should st lease give me credit
. .. f Mni motlvu aad net make ri
,;. marks about me to people which tend
' - ' te Inspire a feetlnjr of contempt on tha
;' part f tb public, - " '
-Not only la this respect du me. but
ufam -MMAtmltlnn ahould be made of
' -. th sergeants, acting . In their official
'. capacity. Tbe captains ahould also be
. shown conslderationi -1 hope 1 shall
no be obliged te refer to this matter
. .', again." , f - " " '
" aider Mon and respect whlcn he tacitly
' admitted had been forfeited, th chief.
figuratively speaxing, nraiwiinni im
"big suck. ueapiiS nia aaanvH,
demoaatrated that he cherished a spirit
? af nnirn by extoilln '-hl spy W-1
'em. t "I
"Lltti do you know." ha added, "eh
"cirrtes m-thl-newsjNone of yoaa
. talk about ma without youf-tme"
man WOO oenouno . me ,ifi'-
. 5, Uniy an unDiemiaoeo iwora r"
'on In the can of these men will wipe
.': out th blot that reata on tneir eecuicn
h eons aa officers. -
. . Thouah no names were nenuoneo, uv-
' teetlr foe Cay, It la said, may .hav
.nk -nt thasav at wham the chief
Syeklef lndirctly accused Jo of eulps'
jf bllity for-the esoapeof four prtsonere
' from th olty aH. M saw tnat.m-
atead of v attending to4 hla dutlea a
. ' . tm.. aaw.a.aa tK
a. u.S kl. ala aa111aa B !. m t hsMi.
' IlVa, ui aiss t-nw iviifws
quarter. In facti h aaserted. Day was
: amusing th offlocrs with a choice brand
, of Ulea at th sUtion, thus detracting
their attention from th Jail, when th
four Inmates made their eeoapa.
On reading tha statement of tha chief,
Day Is said to have referred to hint Ir.
1 .k.iiiaalatU 1st Was B aTaV ' And J Illgmv-VTI lHHV asswega w
J- " vtrong exprelon -which h wti hearit
' 1 to um Mverml Wrtstm Was Fu5rtn r-
- - - -
Uoaraat 8pecll BrW. .
Ban Francisco, Feb. it. For failure
' ' to deliver shipments of beef sold to the
.. Russian army at Vladivostok, the BL
' Paul Fire and Marine Insurance com-
pany, which took war Tlska on th beef
' before the outbreak of hostilities be
i tween 1 Russia ; and - Japan, has been
- aiiMt b toets' Bros, for 127.009. the
amount of premium paid the company.
' Tha complaint recites that tha first
shipment waa of 4,000 barrels, and was
to have gone by the steamebtp. 'China
; In December. l0t. . Tb premium at
.tbat -time amounted to fl,00 on the
When the declaration of war was
' made the Paciflo Mall company declined
' '. to transport th contraband for fear of
selsur by 'Japanese cruisers. That be
J' - protested against th risk and Gets Bros.
' abandoned the good to them. ., ,
'' They now say th insurance com-
; pany a failure to fulfill tha terms or to
policy cost them aa much as th pr
- mlnm. Other consignments made under
tha earn oondltlona bring th' , total
cUlm up to 127.400. . ; )
(imsreal SpeUl Rcrvlee.)
Wsshlngtnn, Feb. Ll 7. Represents-
. . i . n. ttt .... j . . . M T...
nna at thtB nine Rtpnumtrjiffls wno was
1 carried along -Jwlttr Roosevelt on the
high tide of lait November., has arrived
. HfktihlntVtMl ttA 1t1P th MAM Ttl
i dll la a typical mountaineer. talL
nm ana inusM in ina win or
: f large cltlea. Prior to his 'election to
-i anf in him an liva(n uniu
, In the newspapera. . - liT
.-. Tyndall cornea from Sparta. Taney
i the acream of a locomotive. It abounds
In (mountain peaks and rasbr-beck hoars.
j 1 iiib iiiiuav v& tile .rmmt m uwirKl.
. and there Tyndall . tauaht school for
year .befor political lightning struck
him. ' ' - ' v''
' No Republican sougnt tne nomlnatl.Hi,
in ma ) uirivi imm antj im
- paf-ty. In despair. Anally, turned to Tyni
rtail, who acepted It, aa ha hlmaelf
. aaya, ncsais ne u iihi apena
' Ing a I -cent atamp'to decline It. .
? ..Wninrsmm.
- (Jesraal S"al arric. . .
1-lneola. Neb. . 17. Ic in th
i Platta river ha earrted eut four spans
', f tha Burlington bridge at Schuyler
and th bridge at Columbua 1 Is a ahky
condition.', itlgh water andT lea - gorges
are canning trouble on Other streams -
Declaration That It . will Not
Pursue a Negative policy
in June Election. ; t
Warits Men Who Will Keep the
"City Clean and Enforce v
the Laws. , A V
"Persistent reports 'hav been clrcu
Isted that the Municipal league proposes
pursuing a negstlvs policy In th com
ing city election," said a member of the
league last night. "These report ap
narentlv hav been inspired with the
desire to "amoks out tha league and .In
duce It to make public Ita intentions, or
else '' to create an impression In the
minds of tb people that th league la
content merely to choose between can
didate nominated by , tha two parties
that under th direct primary laws will
be given place on tha pff Iclaf ' bal
lot r.' 4 . ... .. (
"Tneaa tenorta ar untrue. However.
tha league haa not- yet readied defi
nite conclusion regarding Its eaact
course In th election, and will withhold
announcement f It Intention until It
hss considered tha situation carefully
and comprehensively. --
"We propose -taking an actlv-fart in
th coming fight, knoklng that. In a
large sense, the future character of the
city government will Be at stake June
(. Never before In th history of this
city hav such Important Issues en
presented- as will be before th voters
oa that day. Tha machine means to put
forth herculean efforts to overthrow th
reforms thst have already been accom
plished within tha' past' year. If tha
machine fail tbH , Jime. it is' a thing
of the past, and. a ' new regime will
be Inaugurated. - r 1 '
"This new order will rlng liuo. ornce
a man who will admlnlater the.msyor s
office "In accords noe with the respect
for th law Chat bas been th keynote
of the campaign now In progress, and it
will lbrlnr.Jnto the council men wno
will ljphol etich mayor In a rational
attempt tVenforr the law.
We do not. propose-sny .Impossible.
peHcie. ' We do not expect that tha city
can be re-created in a day or in a year.
Rut we-do believe that the officials
should not enter into a compact with
vice, or base th clty'a finances upon
revenues derived from1 open consent that
law ahall be violated and blood money
pal'd for protection In their. lawlessness.
.. "We propose - indorsement -merely
nr aomtt man who neraenallv stands hlah
In th community Wr whdae private (har-(
sctsr Is beyond reproacn.. we oeneve
the-tim baa come when public orri-
rtala ahould be officially what they ar
fjn prlfare.v No men will receive our
wupprt4Tor,.th office of mayor and
oouncllmen who do not entnuaiasticaiiy
believe in: a1 clean 'City, and th enforce-
ment Jil the Taw.'
0.JV& Bowie of 1 Tenth street waa
tha first person to oome to The Journal
offlc today to get 1 for having his
picture In Th Journal snap-shot gal
lery on Sunday morning.
Mr. Bowie is SO years of age and a
retired merchant, having at one time
been engaged in tha grocery business.
His family reads The Journal, but on
Sunday morning Mr. fowl started out
early before reading the paper. Th
motorman and conductor of tha car on
which ha generally rldea aaw him and
notified htm that hla picture was in
Tha Journal. Mr. Bowie aaifl:
"It waa a surprise to me. I am (4
years old and do not believe In Dr.
Osier theory that a man over la
of no account. It la the first time my
picture hss been printed In s paper and
I want a big round dollar to keep as a
Joaraat peetal ferrlce.)
Chicago, Feb. .7.-Tbst ' wholesale
traffic In child wive I being carried
on In the Dora and Dante school dis
tricts Is ths astonishing discovery made
by Superintendent of Compulaory Edu
cation Bodlne and his aaaistants.. Tbrr
marriages of girls under 14 years.' the
compulsory . education age, were
thwarted by the superintendent during
the pant month,
"There ar at least a score more of
similar oases.' said the superintendent
today i "on which I will bave conclu
sive evidence , within th next few
Thes marriages hav all been con
tracted by the- father, who come from
aoathern Italy. . They set aa matri
monial agents for their young daugh
ters and literally sell them to men
whom th children hav never seen.
"Three fathers, ss a rule, have pre
ceded! their f amlllea to America, and
are too poor to pay the paaaage of
arlvea snd offspring from the old coun
try. Th prospective con-ln-lsw. In
payment for the bride, agrees to pay
for her tronsseao. and ocean fare and
also providea a wedding feast."
. . f rO-ffsTB BHD X WMtA."
(geeclal Dispatch te The Joaraal.y
Hood River, Or- Feb. 7. Ths 1-yar-oM
son xf "TVarren Davenport, two
mllea south of this city. 'waa 'found dead
thla morning tn n open well, in 10 fe-t
of water. Th thlld had been In the
water more than'an hour before be was
misted by hi mother.
r . -
j ' '
V ' y aiyr. Bowie. .'; f
(5. fo&rptri hoTlZ
To Use Coeur, d'Alene Lake as
Million Acres.
Entrineer Shows - That' Two
States Will Be Benefited by
Construction of Works.
y 8perUI PUpetre t Tki Journal.)
Coeur d Alene, Ida-. Fb.( J7. Th -fol
lowing statement regarding th big
Irrigation works, which are to supply
the Big Bend country with water has
been prepared by T. A. Noble, govern
ment engineer in( charge of th work
Tho expenditure of tl.600.opo la- Coeur
d'Alen and vicinity during th next 10
years mean a city of 11.000 people or
more, Th. report says!
aaasoas for TJ of Sak.
The reclamation of 1.000.00 acres of
land In tha vicinity of Moses lake, to
irrlgat this land it la proposed to tak
waters from Lake Coeur. d'Alen, All
other sources of wster supply hav
been lnveatlgated.and th us of JLak
Coeur d'Alene has been found to be
moat reasonable in cost of construction
and t most feaalbla, . . "
. ' rjnportaaos of WlHer.
Can Lake Coeur d'Alene bd tiaed as a
storage reservoir for supplying this
land .Without doing serious damage t
th -property or th . intereat of the
sUte of Idaho T This is a question re
quiring serious consideration by ths
representatives of th federal govern
ment. and tba state of Idaho and Waah
ington. Tha people of Waahlngton ex
Dec t that the federal government shall'
hav used every legltlmat means -or4
protecting th only source of water
supply, by which Its area can be irri
gated. . pi nee idano receives sucn large
benefits tfTjrom the Irrigation of Mnds In
her . soutArrn . border, she should wel
come any acJieme which will enable her
neighboring a tales to receive like bene
fits., from the expenditures under the
reclamation act. -
Zdak4 to ISMIIt. -A
careful study' and analysis' of th
nature of the country surrounding Lak
Coeur d'Alen, and th private and pub
lic Interests Involved, demonstrstes that
tha desUed results cannot only be ac
complished for the state of Washington,
but thst, northern Idaho would thereby
directly receive a large shar of th
benefits in , the expenditure of : vast
sums In these Improvements, and by
tha reclamatioa of areaa of land in "the
valleys of . tnn St Joseph, and Coeur
d'Alen rivers now annually 'flooded. ,
y Wata Btalred. "T"7".-"
It wllj require an average of 4,00
bublo feet, of water per second flowing
the entire, year to supply the lands In
question. This, with th natural flow
of th Spokane river at-Spokane falls;
will Vnake an average of .00 feet per
cogd tliATrirtH eexiedL flowing
th tiqtlr year to irrlgat thla area and
protect exlatink rights. " Th average
flow) 6f th Spokane' river vartea from
M' to'- 10.0 cubic feet per second.
To obtain ah - average flow of .000
cubic feet per second during low water,
a store gn reservoir the" Ue of lk
Cour d Alene, 23 ifeetdep, will be re
qatrtd: . . ,
I Xacras-d iral 6f lUnds.
' The' natural-rise of the level of tha
water -in tb lake between April. 1 and
June 10 la from 10 to 14 feet above
low water. During this high stage of
the valleys of i th Coeur o'Alene and
the St Joseph rivers, Js a large area
of land annually f rerflowed and mad
useless except in 1th months of July,
August and September, after th flood
have receded. These lands are not now
worth 'over $44 par acre, but would be
worth at least flO per acre If th
level of tha water In' th lake were ao
regulated that the lands1 war not over,
flowed. - By th construction of th
works proposed, 1 this , can b accom
plished and tha lands protected from
any possibility of overflow.' .
Zmprov Bpokaas stive. . . '
' To crest 4 -storage reservoir In Lake
Coeur d'Alene. it la proposed to exca
vate tha channel of the Spokane river
between, the lake and. Post falls suf
ficiently deep to draw down th lak
about 1 feet below low water and suf
ficiently wide to carry all flood water
without materially increasing th
height , of the water surface above th
dam it Is proposed to build at .Post
falls.' To construct a dsm at Post
falls not less than J. 000 feet long, to
discharge th excess flood water with
out raising th surface mora than two
feet above th crest of th dam at eueli
level as will prevent th water in tb
lake from rising above th level of th
land in th valley of th St Joseph end
Coeur dAlen rivers.
It is estimated that between 10.000
and 60.000 acres of r land is annually
flooded ' by back water from tha lake.
The benefit to tha cltlsens of northern
Idaho by this Improvement due to In
creased land values will be great. At
present the mining Interests In th
Coeur d'Alene mining region are having
serious trouble by litigation from the
owners of overflowed landa.iwho claim
that tha tailings, and mineral' solutions
from mills ar destroying and injuring
their crops.' - Bf regulating th surface
level of th lak such claims could hav
no foundation In fact. . v- ,-
- Xx-penditore im idako.
It Is estimated that to make thea
Improvements would require th ex
penditure in northern Idaho, for th
dam and diversion works at Post falla,
1(00,000; for th deepening and widen
ing of the outlet to Lak Coeur d'Alene.
$3,000,000; for canal line and head
words t outlet -or tunnel, ioo,ooo; tor
U Indies off. tunnel within th state of
Idaho tributary to Lake Coeur d'Alene,
11.600,00. This part of ths expendi
ture required for th Big Band project
Is within th area, readily accssslble
from Lake Coeur d'Alene and air busi
ness connected with thla expenditure
would have to priglnate or pass through
tb town of Coeur d'Alene. .
seattle .bootblack
Confesses to murder
1 (Special DuaVteh t The JeSrael.)
Seattle. Wash.. Feb. 7.--E4 dallo
way, a colored bootblack, or whom th
sheriff at dlenaburg. Md., six miles
from Washington, D. naa been look
ing for four year, la In tha city Jail.
He is under indictment at dlenaburg
(or murder In th first degree, and to
hlef Delaney b has confessed he Is
th men wanted, and that he killed Ar
thur Doreey. a colored bartender of
Olenehurg. on September . 1(01. Gal
loway saya he does not fear going back
to stand trial, as they never hang a
nigger In Maryland for killing another
nigger." He says h , committed th
murder In self-defense. t" ,- ','. ,
. .
Steamer Has Too Much Lumber
; .Aboard and Almost Turns.
Turtle at Rainier. '
Reaches the Shore Just in Time
to Save Passengers, Crew
.and Cargo.' , ;f,
(Because sns naa too mucn tumoer
aboard, tha stsara schooner Nome City
almost turned turtle Saturday after
noon near Rainier. She was listing IS
degree to th starboard, (When th cap
tain headed her for the ; shore. J It is
said that aha was slowly going over
when sb managed to reach on of tu
dock at Rainier. Line were immedi
ately made fast to tha wharf and th
craft held In an upright position until
relieved of a portion of her cargo.
Th Norn City loaded at the inman-
Poulsen mill, takfng on 0.00 feet of
lumbar, Sh stopped at RAlnler to re
ceive a shipment of cedar poles. These
bad been put aboard and th steamer
was backing Into th main channel
when she began to go over.
Thla is th Drat full shipment of lum
ber that th Nome City has been loaded
with sine sh was converted into a
team schooner. At th tims th alter-
ationa were mad It was believed by br
owner that aha would be capable of
handling 1,000,000 feet of Oregon nr. it
Is now said that 00,000 feat is about
her capacity, as sh Is not sufficiently
wide to mak it saf to load her with
mor. '
Several passenger were aboard, but
they showed no excitement Tb craft
la owned by th California Oregon
Coast Steamship company. , "
" ass---i-aa-waal-waBsaaaw- '
T. v. Baalfk bft tea rranoiso oa tha
Fbrat ef ntmri, '
Off the mouth of th Columbia river a
three-masted ship and a four-masted
schooner hav been sighted by ths ob
server ati North Head. It la presumed
that tha former Is th British Ship Lons
dale, fully du from Antwerp by way of
Port Los Angeles, Shs left tn Cali
fornia port for th north on February
11, and is bringing . a part cargo to
Olvln Eyr of this city.
Th probabilities ar that th schooner
la the T. P. Emlgh. which sailed from
Ban Francisco for Portland oh February
Sh bad favorable winds and shippers
wondered why shs was so long on tha
way. A schooner' that arrived th otber
day mad th run in three day, and
others lately made tt In less than a week.
Unless contrary winds or calms ar ex
perienced it seldom requires mora than
two weeks at the most for a sailing
vessel to reach the mouth of th river
from th California metropolis. As thi
Kmlgh hss been out almost a month It
t believed that aha, ha had a mishap. . .
The British ship "Pythoinfne eTuaaed;
In over th bar yesterday afternoon and
will probably leave tor Portland tomor
row. She -Is bringing a general cargo
from Antwerp td" Taylor Toulig- Co.
She oompleUd the passage from feftrop
in 13S day, and made better tin than
any other, vessel thia season. w
eoond Offloer of th Vloomedla Is StiU
om Board tb Uae-.
Second Officer Parts of th oriental
liner JNIcomedia Indignantly denies the
report! that he deserted from tha vessel
In Portland or at any - other place.
George Taylor received a letter from
him this morning, dated Astoria, in
which h make tb statement that he
is still on board th Nlcomedla. and
that no thought of deserting 'ver
entered hi mlnd.i Captain Wagner has
alao forwarded a letter to Mr. Taylor
to the same effect.'. They explain,
however,, that Mat Heldt left the
steamer at this port, and it Is supposed
that - thla fact led to th report that
Mr. Parts waa mixed up in th affair.
Tha Nlcomedla. crossed th, bar and
sailed for Hongkong and- way porta yes
terday afternoon.
The Numantla has .completed dis
charging her freight for eastern ship
ment and moved this morning to the
Alaska dock, where th bahwio of her
cargo will be removed by tomorrow.
She will then shift over to th flour
mill to begin loading. Sh is sched
uled, to sail on March I, but may set
off a few day, earlier.
aiiiarkabl Work Bm In Tera Orus
Xarbor by a BritUfc lrdae. ,
There is a British dredger naried
Mexico, undergoing repairs st San Fran.
Cisco Just now, which, according to tb
Marin Review of Cleveland, baa aucked
up from the- bottom some drdglngs
really worth winning. When, the Mexico
wa at work, aa sh was -for seven yea ra
continually, in the harbor of Vera Crux,
she anchored over a spot where a pirate
ahlp lay submerged. Swoxds, spear
heads, muskets and coins were brought
to th surfac. Several thousand dol
ls ra' worth of gold and allver coins were
gathered. On another occasion a small
Iron casket containing Jewels wa
brought up. Many cannon ball which
had been fired at tba mertcan ships by
th shot- batteries were pumped up in
th harbor of Vera Cms. -
r Captains Edwsrds and Fuller -this
morning Inspected th ateamcr Lurllne,
which will reaum her run to Astoria to
morrow. Th steam schooner Northland, Cap
tain Jameson, arrived yesterday from
San Frsnclsco, and Is loading lumber at
the Inman-Poulsen mill. '
Ths schooner Andy Mahony and Po-
larla, reached port yesterday from th
Hay city. in iormer win receiv
lumber cargo at tha Inman-Poulsm mill,
nd th latter at the Portland.. -
Th lighthouse tender Mansanlta
sailed thla morning for Willapa bay.
where she will" change a number ofth
buoy and 16 other work. , -' '
Taylor. ung eV Co., th local agents,
report tfiaivh ataamer Redondo will
hav her machinery overhauled af Ran
Francisco. It la thought however, that
sh will be abl to sail for tb north
about Thursday, - .
Astoria. Fab. t7. Condition Of th bar
it I l ra., obscured ; wind southeast ;
weather foggy. Arrived at 10:50 s. m.
British ship Lnnsdal..
St Helens. Feb. .7. Passed at 1:2 a.
m Schooners Arrus snd Beulsh.
- Astoria. Feb, 2. Arrived down tut '4
and sailed at B IS a. m. Steamer Colum
bia for San Francisco. Arrived down
during th night and sailed at 4:1 p. m.
-Steamer South Bay for San Francisco.
Arrived all p. m. Schooner S. T. Alex
ander from San Pedro. Arrived down at
1 p. m. elchooner Mabel Gal. Left up
at 1:30 p. m. Schooners Argus and Ban
ish. Arrived down st a snd sailed at
4:3 p. m.8tamer Norn City for San
Pedro and San Francisco. Arrived at 4
p. m. Steamer Harrison from- Nehnlam.
Sailed at t p. m.- German steamer Nlco
medla for Hongkong 'and way ports,
galled at 4:S p. m. Schooner John Jf.
Miller for San Franclaco, and barken
tlna J. L. Cvlstoa for Haiphong. Ar
rived tat 4.45 p. m British ahlp Pytho
men Trom Antwrp. r
San Francisco, Fab. 14. Sailed at 1:1
d. ra. Steavmer Oregdn for Portland.
Sailed last night. St4mr Aberdeen for
Portland. ( ; ..
Astoria, Fab. 15. Arrived at t p. m.
eononer xwuian Iran oa a iiwkiwi
and! schooner -Argus from Ban Pedro.
Arrived Steamer Northland from Baa
Francisco and coast, ports. ', ,
. Tomorrow, th schooner S. T. Alexan
der will be plaeed on-the drydock at St
Johns to have her huii cleaned ana
painted. Sh reached Astoria, yesterday
from Ban Pedro, and- will leave up tn
river this aternoon. . Sh will load lum
ber at th Portland mill for tb rturn
trip, v' ( i ' ' ,
ImmdlBty unon her arrival from
Lahatna. f law.lian islands, th barken
tln Kokd (Head" will alsq be drydooktd
and given a general overhauling. Sh
Is under charter to tn raeirie jsxpon
Lumber company to carry: Oregon fir to
the orient '
The ateamer John MoCraeken. a Under
for the Port of Portland, wa taken off
th dock this morning. - She waa raised
for tha purpose of tightening her pro
peller and to permit of other minor work
being don. - ' j
(Jenraal Special gervtee.)
New York. Feb. J 7. Tests now under
way-at Bellevue hospital may result tn
ths demonstration of a now scientific
curatlv treatment .for eefebro-apinal
meningitis by th as of dlpiheria anti
toxin. Th Gouveneur hospital haa been
experimenting far. Ave week and a large
falling oit-Tlavh death rat among
patient treated for th affection 1 re
ported. - ' : ';
Th board of health at It last meeting
discussed the plan and' I0,t0 unit of
anti-toxin - were ordered 'for th testa.
Th cost oKth serum 1 about 13 for
1,000 units and In th new treatment
injection of 10,00 units will be uasd.
Th experiment will be a costly on. No
speclne treatment is knows for the dis
ease and tha Bellevue records snow a
death rat of 71 per cent In case treated
thr. - - - rUui-; . - ;.; '
" : : (Jonraal SpeeUl ierrleejl . . :
London, Feb. 37. Industrisi 'combine
In England ar not so numerous aa In
America and aa a consequence tb amal
gamation of the Master Cotton Spinners',
federation with the Bolton Cotton Spin
ners' association, which has Just been
consummated, la attracting great gtten
yon. Th . merger, however. Is . large
enough to attract nouc ven in in
United But, la fact, it la declared to
bathe: blggeat combin of Its kind in th
world. Although "Already controlling
nearly 30.e00.000 spindles, it will shortly
be materially, strengthened by th ad
dition of nearly 4.000.00 of spindles,
many now mill being now la coura of
rectlo. The aggregate capital of th
firm Included In th combin Is not
far short ef 1110.000.000, and In some
quarters It la estimated that th total
approach 'clos to 10.00,0. -;
' (Joanil Bseetal gerrlee.)'
San Francisco, Feb. 27. Tha Holbrook
Spreckles nuptials celebrated-Saturday
at tha horn of John D. Sprecklea,' at Pa
ciflo avenue and Laguna- gtreets, set a
standard of magnlflcenc in weddings
that will probably not soon again be
reached in San Francisco society. Every
thing that wealth, taste, youth and
beauty could contribute made the mar
riage feaat of Miaa Lilly Sprockets and
Henry M. Hoi brook seem Ilk th page
of a fairy tale mad manifest.
Boon after : o'clock th nimbi of
wheels on th ston carriage way at th
std of th' mansion told that th 60
gwstg had commenced to arrive; and
from then to midnight, th great stone
pile waa a blase of light and a medley
of soft Isughter and nuptial music Th
man-lag service was spoken by th
Rev. Dr. George C Adams, Supper wa
served in th ballroom.
' (Special Dispatch te The Jeareal.) '
Victoria, B. C. Feb. 17. T.iW. Henry,
lighthouse-keeper on -Langer Island,
off th Inverness cannery near th
Skeena river, has-not been seen sine
February It.' Information to thla ef
fect was today received by Superin
tendent Gaudln of the department of
marine and fisheries.- Th message is a
brief one nd states that Mrs. Henry Is
at Inverness.
Fears ar entertained that he has
been lost while out in a boat and Cap
tain Gaudtn haa sent th dominion
steamer Kestorel to mak a search.
Another - man ha been temporarily
placed in charge of the lighthouse.
(speeUI Dispatch te Tkt JaaraeL)
GrangevUle, Ida., Feb. 17. Grange-,
villa boasts of a newly-organised club
which for novelty of name of its of
fice certainly tskes first rank. Th
officer arer Fred Whitney. Old Josh;
Ralph' Barnes, Toung Josh;- Fred
Hockersmlth, chief Ink-sllngsr; Grlf F.
Griffith, chief dough-mixer; - Fred
Brown, chief snorter; Glenn Eamea, in
sld snooser. - Th boy call themselves
the Jolly Joshers. Dancea and enter
talnmenta will be given for club mem
ben and their friend by th Joshers. '
, .' - -. -
- ' (Joarnl Beertal gerrlea.) '
s Bryan, O., Feb. 17, For an ''alleged
crime of arson- committed at Mont
pelicr, O., 14 years ago, George Letcher,
a former banker of Fayette, O., wa
placed on trial today. Letcher waa a
resident of Ban Jose, CaL, from whence
he was spirited last December by Ohio
officers after fruitless extradition pro
ceedings. - He Is - being defended by
Osorg Buchard, a San Francisco at
torney. -'. .
tiuaisTATrra.wnrr tjxltt.
ffullt In U police court Uil morolni
Voodard,dcr:ie Co
Ccncdlci' Honey Ttisa'ei Full Value'
WT Vkfotar Taw
olf. Bo Bralag, tropptag,
Bhr. AUway Baady, COsaa,
aMgCty. , -
A n A e-a e.swas af '
(MUi Willi 1
SOU VBBBB A JfOeUTltB tTABABTBB. Ts tt SO day I if Bot a
faokory ra-na tt t aa aad yaas moay will b raad. Bladas
slaaawred ( 50t ew ds . .
' j. . jr- -t-"
- w hav
' weaver In
. . OtTB SnCBdJa BJUUI 01
a,..-. WtU CO cm Taeaday. . ,( . '-. .S"2j'.-
"a . Do not fail to tak advantag of It. ; .. i ' J
' Ban m u
Baaaar. ........... .434
Nero rg294
Our Fair i...63
Four Hundred .....73
Woodlark ......... .8T4
Mount Hood 89 6.93
Orient ,.81.33 8 9.87
Satin .813 , SIO.37
Perfection 81.83 13.37
Pilot ,:t33 8.89
Horn ....37r a.97
Vikai Plaiar-Wnl4ifariilir IKh!
Nickel Plated Holders, regular 60c;
i 4.9S
i 5.83
i e.53
: Free Developing .
For lj next 10 days, or ttistll April, lit, we will develop
. , . i;1. All Films bought at our stor. -
About April 1 w will hav a full stock of Aneco-VldUl nr Focus-
.In Films, which will combin all th advantage of both Film and
Plates, at ho advanc la prices. y2r;.j: ' '';Ji- ";.;"t
r Special Prlcek on Photographic Goods
:--'V:t -I ,(-,;..... ...... , ,."Bg. OurPrle.
Baatman's Velox Developer..... ........ ....... ltd '"- UH0..
"Sasttnan's Sollo Toner,.. . ...i.. . 30o ,. . 18a)
I Sliding. Tripods ...,..,............,. ...... .. .fl.oe- . SO
Negative Drying itacsv-T , ... u ..
British Journal of notography.
American wourau oi x-nuiuaryii,
' .-.t wwrrvif
AVJRbl ''iiubi wa rraev .,.
Nature's Remedy for Rheumatism, Constipation and Catarrh-"- .-
Quart bottle, each ...... ........ ............25
Per iosen a.M.. ....................... ...... ..................82.60
: ' ; -. :. :r':l. :l " Magno Soap ;; ;': i-y V-ri.
The lasgeat cake of Bath Soap on th market, pur and sweet. , Th
best floating soap 'mad.- j - ' . ... '
Flv maxnmoth cakes for. a........ ...I. ...... ....... 25
, " Radam's Microbe Killer -
' - W ar distributing agents for th ' celebrated Radam'a Microbe
. Killer. - . " - - ,-. v ' ': v
Quart bottles, each .81.00 tor 85.o
.-Gallon Jugs, each .-fS.OO for 86.00
. Bnd few Boog o Microbe.
, , Free Pellvery ? -':
To any part of th elty. Prescriptions- called for and
promptly. - - '. J
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
: -. Fourth and Washington Streets :
Tou can pay f 1.6 If you ' want
to that' your ' business but
THE HUB sells aU styles, sbapts
and six of
- -; - - .7-
Packard' Shoes
at $2.50 v
Don't , worry- Tou sav 1.0.
What' the reason? Ask th a hoe
' man. ' "
of th thft of $30 from Petr PoIlr at
Carson heights, and aentenced to serve
0 days rh th city prison. At th time
of his arrest, te Isd accused his father
of neglecting Ulra and said h had to
llv with other ieople. His father ap
peared la court and denied this allega
tion.. ., ." L' ',
, V in bob iaoTlt sotostt.
A warrant was' Issued from th. police
court thlg morning for th arrest of
John Do Smith on a-Charge of lar
ceny. He Is accused of stealing car
penters' tools from E. J. Clayson at
Martin dock at tha foot of North
Seventeenth (treat. Detective ' Bnow
nd Kerrigan recovered tne tools from
a second-hand . stor. wher they had
been sold. '. , .(
1 I '
(Coprrlftst. lftot, by tke AsM-ieaa-Jearaal-Kx.
La Grande, Or, Feb. 37. Th Grand
Rond valley baa been experiencing a
season of spring weather th past ten
days. Spring plowing tn now I order.
which Is unusual here this season of th
- It Mlg BesyeasibUrty. (
": ' Front th Chicago Tribune.'
' Intelligent Foreigner Tour eenste, a
I undersund It functions. Is designed to
be a check on your nous of representa
tive.. -
Intelligent Native Tes, but It's more
than that. . It s a sort of r hck on
th peopl.' -- '-.
' Elastic Hosiery
vi. " AND
.4.;;., TO FIT
UmA fl KeuwtmMt Blanks. .
th only loom and tb only expert.
th northwest. ,
Ooatpat Wxaam tm Attaadaae.
' Tanks s , ot' Oaa.
Olymplo 53V f 4.10
Delta ....:T3 It 8.83
Klondike .......... -8T 1 1 ' .63
Aaeptfc ....... .11.23 11 8.49
Periwinkle .....81.27 ' II 8.98
Hoyts ........ ...8&4i II 8.00
Pond's Ext f 1.95 ' 813.0O
P. P. P, , ........ ...S5d .
A.P.W.. 30o pk fa.00 , ; v
A. P.W.-T . - .a,..-,.-'
Par roll ............. . , . . . . .30)
Four rolls and hanger.... $1.00
..23 .
L...1... .. ........ jm .' a-, tog
...a. .... a-ev D
,..W.;.t.: -760 -'S"'- 56
wa aaa aaa-wa ',t. .
Edison's Rotary
Adapted to printing of circular let
ters. Every copy ss plain aa .orig
inal typewriting. Speed 4 copies
per minute. An office boy csn op
erate It. Send for catalogue and '
prlc list, , . , . . .
Kilham Stationery & v
. Printing Company
S4S Waahlagtoa St, Fortlaag, O.
'Ask' any shoe man In town' why
THE HUB seUa . v ..
Packard Shoes
nd he'll tell you there must be
reason. Don't fail to see THK
HUB 8 shoo man nice man.
Dr. B. E.
Beaturi that re
i lleve aU pain In
, denui operation,
4aV, Waahiagte
V. ox. itrtatv
X '7. V'
1 :