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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1905)
TII2 OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY - EVENING, FEBRUARY 27. 1SSJ. -, . CITY V0TICT8. CITT KOTIdi. CITT KOTICIft. CITT KOTICIft. OUT 0TICU, CITT WOTICEft.-V-aa. . ., n. . BAOAOAS TTJtTfn r . Joba W. Usgooa swlfe. W.' H. Barnett aad ,TO; kit lft, Joha W. Ungdoa , and win, W. H. Harnett aad wlfo, u.1u. tot la. Jobs W. Uiigdua aud wit. '. U. Harnett and wife. (UNO. BLOCK ft, tot, 1, Juhu W.. Ungdoa and wlf, W. H. Haxaatt i aad wlfo, ftu.koi lot 2, Joan W. Uugdun aad wlfo, W. it. Harnett aud wife, fto.iu: lot ' John W. Ungdua aad wife, , W. U. Barnett ad wife, (o.JO: lut 4. Joha W. Ungdua ; and wlt. W. II. Harnett aad wlft, (0.10; lot 6. Joha W. Uagilun and vUt, W. , U. , Burnett aad wife, u.7o lut It, Joha W. Ungdua aad wife,- W. 11. liarBett aad wire. (MO:.lot t, Joha W. 'Ungdou and wlf. W. U. Haruatt aad wife, (; lot ft, Joba ; W. Ucgduo and nlf. W. U. Barnett ood wife, du.ita. TKRW1LM0BR HOMESTEAD. - BLOCK 1, lot 1, TerwIUlge Laud Company. ftu.75; lut 1. Terwllllger Und Company, (UlOj lot ft, Terwllllger Land Company, 1.00; lot 4. Ter wllllger Laud Company, (0.70; lot 6, TerwU llger Land Company, (o.ftu: lot ft, Tarwllllger Laod Company, 0.10 iot T, Tarwuiigar Laod Company, (0.70; lot a, . I'nrwUllgar Laod Compaay, 10.15,. A tract of Uod lying betwae block 1 gad a, TarwIlUgar Homestead, aad beiwaea too aoath lloa of 8raiour arena and the north , Una of Admiral avenue, Tarwllllger Uad Cuss . nan, (l.oo. . tEKWILLIOER , HOMESTEAD BLOCK 2. lot . 1. TwwlUlger 1 Uod Company, (U.70; lot 2. Terwllllger Land Company, fu.70; lot ft. - TarwIlUgar Load Companr. 70: lot 4, Tsrwtiuger TarwIlUgar Terwllllger La ad Company, Laad Compauy, Laad Company. u.7: lot r W.70; lut a. kl.lui lut T, iitwuuiw'. una lahupbu, ew.iv, ,". Terwlluger T-od Couipnuy, (0.10.. BLOCK ft. Tarwuiigar Land Couipooy, .70; lot a. lot Tarwllllgar Land Company k, (0- lot. VH lot lot lot villi Compauy, (0. Terwllllger Und Land Land: Laod Land Und Laad Coniuaur. 0.7u Tarwuiigar Terwllllger Company, ' (u.Tu; Company, II. 16; Co n pa ay .f LOO; Company, U.T; Company, fo.Tu; Company, fU.M6; , Tarwllllger tot lot lot .-jarwiiiigr Tvrwllllgvf Terwllllaar lot l(k Torwllilanr" Land Oompany, tot 11, Tarwllllgar Laad Oompaay, lot 12, Tarwllllger Laad Company, iu.TO; tut id, Terwuiia'ar Laos vonipanyi 0.70. nun t a. lot 1, Tarwllllgar Land Campaay, I, Tarwllllgar - LA ad Oompany. afcoftnnt I. Tarwllllgar - O.Mi lot S. TcrwIlllfOT Land Comptay, " k, M HUmIIII.m IV.mii.IIV lot lot V1 lot lot Tvrwiuigrr Trrwllllgvr - Tvrwilligar Tvrwllllgrr .TrrwUllgar Und Hod Company, company. Company, Company, Land Land Company. lot lot Trrwlllizar Land Compaay. Terwllllgiw Land Company, Tarwllllgrr Land Company, lot BLOCK B. lot 1. Tarwllllaar Laud Comp i.d0: lot X. Tarwllllgar Laod company " ; lot lot lot K lot lot Tarwilllarr Land Company, Tarwllllgrr, Land Company, Tarwllllgrr - Laad Company, Tarwllllgar , Land Company, Tarwllllgrt Land Company, Tarwllllgar - Land Company, TorwIUIgar Und Company,. BLOCK . lot 1. T,rwllller Land Oomianr, to. ai ktt S. TVrwllllger Laad Company, O.T0; lot S, Tarwllllgrr Land Oompany, . lot lot , lot lot w Tarwllllgar Laaa uompaay, Tarwllllgar Jnd Oompaay, Tarwllllgar lairid Company. Tvvwllllgrrf Und flMnpany, T'i allWi. Land Conuiany, Tarwllllirr LandtJtCohipany, lot lot Tarwllllgrr Land Company, - RLOCK T. lot 1. Tarallllaar Und Company, .&: lot 1. Tarwllllgar Uod Company, fo.78; '' lot Trrwll Hirer Und Company, 0.70; . lot 4. Terwilllarr Und Company, to. TO: lot 5. Trrwllllgrr Und Oompanr. 1T0: lot . ', , Trrwllllgar Und Oompanr. IO.Tii; lot I, . Tarwtlligrr Uad Company. fo TO; lot S, Tar- : winigar unt tjompany, fo. iv: m( v. 'ii-r wllllm Und Comnanr. to.T0:7 lot 10. Trr- wllllgKr Uod Company, tO.TO; lot II. 1r- - wllllgrr Uod Compaor, 10.90; kit IX. Trr- "wllllgrr Und Company, 10.00. BIXCK 8, Vt 1. TarwIUIcar Und Company, ft. 70: Ipt S. Tarwllllgrr Uod Company. $0.70; lot I. Trr Wllllcay Und Company, 0.70; lot 4, Trr .wllllgfr'Und Compauy, art. 70; lot ft, Tar wllllgar Und Company," to. 70; lot- , Tr .wllllgar Uod Oompaay, tO.TO; lot T, Ter v wlUlgrr Und Oompany, to.70; lot 8. Trr wllllarr Und'-Comoanr. -10.70. BLOCK- 9. iot I. Tarwllllgar Land Compant. $0.70; lot . z, Tarwllllgrr Lana company, fq.Tu; lot a, : .Tarwllllgar Und Company. $0.70:- lot 4. Tar. wtlllrar Land Comnanr. $0 70: lot t. Trr wllllgar .Und Company, $0.70; lot. Tar- wllllgar Und Company, 10.T0; lot T. Trr. wllllgar Und Company,. $0.70; lot 8. Tar. ' wllllgar Und Company, $0 70; lot . Tar. 1 wflllarr UndOmnany. $0.70: lat 10. Tar. wllllgar Uad Compaay. $0.70 lot 1L Trr- wllllgar Uad Oomnaar. iO.TOt.lot 12, Trr $0.70; lot 1.1. Tar $0 70; lot 14, Trr $0 70; lot IS. Trr io.TO; lot Id, Tar to. TO:' lot IT. Trr- wllllgar Uod "Company, wllllgar Und Company. : .wllllgar Und Cpmpany. wllllgar -Und Company, , winigar iiompany. winiawr Und Comnanr. fO.TO: lot IK. Ter- . - wtlllaar Und Company, to. TO. BLOCK 10. . , M U TrrwIIUgat Und Company. $0.70; lot J S. Tarwllllgrr Und Comnanr. to. 70: mt . , . Trrwtlllgar Uad Onmpanj. $0.70; lot 4. Tar wllllgar Und Cnmpany, . tft.TOj. lot t. 'Tar ' . wllllgar Und Compaay, I0.T0; -' lot , Trr- wuiigar im vompany,; mt t, Tar wllllgar Und ' Oompany, $0.70; lot 8, Trr- ... winigar una tnmpany, wo. i. TO: lot . Trr- winigar LAna tximpany, , wllllgar Uad Company tn.Tfl; lot 10. Tar- tO.TO, BLOCK 11 TarwIlUgar Und Compaay, $0.6M; lot ' ' S. Tarwllllgar Und Oompany. (0.50; lot 8, Tarwuiigar Lana tximpany, ooa.iot , Trr wllllgar Und Comnanr, " V; t B, Tar wllllgrr Und Company, io.aA; lot-. Trr - - wllllgar Und Compaay, $10; lot T, Trr ' WlUlgrr Uod Company; (1.05; lot 8,- Trr wlllliran Und Comnanr. $1.00: lot t. Tar wllllgar Und Company, (0.8.; lot 10, Tar- - winigar ijanii (nojpany, wllllgar Und Company, wllllgar Und Company, wllllgar Und Company, wllllgar Und Company, ' wllllgar Und Company, . wllllgar Und Company, wllllgar Und Company, ' Wllllgar Und Comnanr. T5: lot 11. Tar .ti lot 13. Tar i.TO: lot l;L Trr- -tot 14. Tar i.TO: lot 15 Tar- 10.70: lot Id. - Tar- i.TO? lot IT, Tar- to; mt in. Tar- TO; lot 19. Tar- , wllllgar Und Company. $0 70 wllllgar Und Company, (O.K. lot SO, Tat lot $1. Trr- wllllgar Und Company. (0. 1.85. BLOCK 12. lot I. Tarwllllgrr Und Company. (0.85: lot 1. Tarwllllgar Und Oompany. (0.85; lot g. '. Tarwllllgrr Und Company. (o.TO: lot 4. Tar . wllllgar Und Company, (O.TO; lot 5, Tar wllllgar Und Company. (O.TO: lot . Tar wllllgar Und Company, (O.TO; lot T, 'Tar ' : wllllcar Und Comnanr. $0 70: lot . Tr. wllllgar Uad Company. (O.TO: lot . Tar wllllgar Und Oompany. (0. To: lot 10. Tar- Vllllgar Und Company, (O.TO; lot 11,. Tar- ' wllllgar Und Campany. (0.T0: Jot -12. Tar- wllllgar Und Company, (O.TO; lot 1.1, Trr ; wllllgar Und Campany, (o.TO; lot 14. Trr- wiuigar iaaa company bo. TO; lot in - M. K. ' nwigart, oo.7o; mt lft, "M. E. FWljri'HLI (0.T0 ; lot IT, Tarwllllgar Und- CompanyO-gSlI; lot 1H. M. K. nwigart. (o.os.v HIX.CK 13. lot 1. Tarwllllgar Und Companx. (O.TO: lot X. Tar- . wllllgar Und Company, (o.TO; lot t, Tar wllllgar Und Company, (0.T0; lot 4. wllllgar Und Company, (0.70., Jot 5. , wllllgar Und Compaay, $0.70; lot 5, - wllllgar Uod rtompananji TPi lAt T. . wnilgar Und vComrjMrW'i lot . -...wlHhrar Und CoriflSrtry" $0.Tff; lot f ' wllllgar Uad Conuiany. $0.70; lot 10. Tar- Tar. Tar- Tar Tar Tar-Tar- ' wllllgar -Uad Comnanr. (O.TO. BLOCK 14. lot f. Tarwllllgar Und Company. (O.TO; lot - a. rrwiiiigrr i-iihi lompanr,; lot a. Tarwuiigar ijina tximpany, vo io; lot 4, Trr. t wllllgar Und tVmpany. (0.T0; lot 8. Tar wllllgar Und Company,-' (o. To; -lot (, Trr . wfiUgrr Und Company, (O.TO; lot T. Tar- ' wllllgar Und Company, . (O.TO; lot 8. Tar- wllllgar Und Company, o 70; lot 0. Trr . ., . wllllgar Und Company, (O.TO; lot 10, Tar wtlllaaT Und ComDanr. I0.TO: lot 11. Tar. wllllgrrUnd Company, (0.70; lot 12. Tra. ' wllllgar Und Company, (O.TO; lot 13. Tar wllllgar Und Company. (0.T0; lot 14. Tar- .-wllllgar Und Company, (0.T0; lat 15. Tar- Wllllgar Und f Company, (O TO; lot 16. Tar .: wllllgar .Ud--Cnmpany, (O.TO; lot IT, Tarwllllgar- UAd Company, (o.TO; lot 18. Tar- r -r wllllgar Und Company, (n.Ta HLOCK 15. ' lot 1. Tarwllllgar Und Company. (O.TO; lot I 8. Tarwllllgar Uod Company. (O.To; lot . Tarwllllgrr Uod Company. (O.TO; lot 4, Tar wllllgar Und Comnanr. (0.70: lot . Tar- 'wllllgar Und Company, to.70; lot . Tar wllllgar Ijind Company, $0.70; lot T. Tar wllllgar Und Company. (o.TO: lot 8. Tar wllllgar Und Comnanr. (0 70. BLOCK 18. ' mt I. Tarwllllga Und Companr. (o.TO; kt . t. Tarwllllgar. Uod Company. (O.TO; .lot S. Tarwllllgar Uod Compaay. (O.TO; lot 4. Trr- wungar un1 comnanr,. .; mt n. Tar wllllgar Und Company, (o.TOi lot s, IVr- wllllgar Und Companr. (o.TO; lot T. Tar wllllgar Und Company, $0.70; kt v TrT wllllgar Und Comnanr. (O.TO. BLOCK 17 i lot I, Tarwllllgar Und Company. (0.70; lot t. Tarwllllgrr Land Oompany, (O.TO; lot t. Tarwllllgrr Und Company. (0.T0; lot 4, Tar wllllgar Und Company, (0.T0; lot 5, Tar wllllgar' Und Comnanr. (O.TO: lot . Tar- wllllgar Und, Company, (O.TO; lot- T. Tar , ; wllllgar Und Company. (o.TO; lot 8,, Tar- - wllllgar Uad Company, (O.TO; hit 8. Tar wllllgar Und Cnmnaar. tO.TO: lot 10. Tar- t wllllgar Und Onmpany, (o.T0; lot It,, Tar- i'.TO: lot 12: Tar- aiinaar nn iximpaay, (5 wllllgar Und Companr, . Wllllrar Und Comnanr. lo.TOj lot, 1:1, Trr- 10.70; Mt 14. Tar- wllllgar Und Company, (o.TO; lot 18, Tr . ' wllllgar Und Company, (o.o; kit Id, Tar wllllgar Uad Company. (O.TO; lot IT, Trl willlaar Und Catnnaar. to TO: lot 18. Tar- lot IT, Tr lot 18. WIIHaaa 1-and rWn... Ail TO RfrMI IUK II la. lot f. Tarwllllgar Land tompany. (0.70; lot 2. Tarwllllgar Und Company. $0 TO; lot . Tarwllllgar Uad Comnanr. to. TO: lot 4. Tar wiuirrr ui . Wllllgar Ul H wllllgar Un willlgi-r Un wllllgar Und Company, (0.70; lot I, Tar- nq - l ompanr,; ma o, -xat-tnd Company. (O.10; lot T. Tar. ad CVaaoanr. (O.TO: lot 8. .Tar wllllgar Und Compaay, (O.TO; lot . Tar--wllllgar Und Compaay. (O.TO; la 10, Tar wuiigar mm lompanr, mi, a. jv, mi i. m. k. 8 w liar I. 10.80: kit t. M. B. Hwlgart. (O.M; lot 8. M. K. iwlgart, (0 TO; lot 4. af. R. Bwlgart. (O.TO: lot (. Tar- ' wllllgar Und Campany. (ft 70; mt , Tar . wllllgar Und Cnmnaar. io.70: lot T. Trr- "wllllgar Und Company, (o To; lot 8, Taa. ,.i wllllgar Uod Compaay, (O.TO; lot R. Tar wllllgar Land Companr. (O.TO; lat 10, Tar "'milliaaa Und Comnanr. (o.To: lot II. Tar- ouUiaor Uad Comaacy, (0.70; lot 12, Tar- winigar Uad Campany, to. To; lot IS, Tar wllllgar Laud Company, $0.70; lut 14. Tar wllllgar Laud Company, (0.7o; lot 15. U.,. Uwlgrrt. (o.TO; lot la, M. K. BwlgaK. (u.Tu; . lot 17. 14. H. kwigaxt, fxi.lo; lot W. U. K. HwlgarL (0.10. BCBDIVISION Or PART OV BLOCKS M'MBItKKU 1 AND 4. FULTON f Ana, BLOCK 2. aabdlrUloa II of lot 1, a"all Klndlry. (o.5; ' (abdlTlalon 1 of lot It, kU Loog, (0.(0, BLOCK d, ouUllrlaloa 1 of lot A, H. kV. Long, $0.05; ta'xllrUloo 3 of lot A, 11., B. Ung, .; Modlrlaioo of lot A, H. k. Ung, (O.rU; gcbdlTlalan 4 of lot A, 11. B. Long, (U.05; uhdlrtaloa ft of lot -A, 11. U. Loug, (o.5; ribdlrlaloa i of "iot A. li. It. Lvug, (0.n5. CAJUWN. MK1GHT8 BLOCK 50, lot J, KUai A. uaraon JUHate, uaira of, ou id; .t a. . Kllaa A- Caraoo lutata, Hrlra of, (O.sfi; lot a. Uua A. Caraua Kaute, llrira of, (0.55; ktt 4, hilma A. Caraua Kaut. llalra of, 0.!K,; lut ft. KUh A. Uiwa Kauta, H.-lra.of, (o.oo; lot f. kl(M A. Carxjai Katv lllra of, (o.S; lot 7, Slow A. Caraoo UlalCjletra of, (o.6; kit . . Kilaa A. Coraou JEataut llrira at, (U.M. BLOCK' 84, lot 1. -fcllia A. Coraou Baum, Malra of, (0.56; lot 2, KlUa A, Caraoo. Ba tata, Ualra of, (O.iwt lot 5, EUu A. -Caraua BaUW, Ueln of. (U-.J5; lot 4, kUaa A. Car ova bUu, Ualra i,ju.Jf; lot ft, Kltza A. Caraoo Katata, Ualra -fl, (O.fto. BLOCK 55, lot 1. Ktloa A. Caraua KaUta, Ualra of. (O.To; ' lot 2, Kilaa A. Caraua kauta, .llalra of, (u.lo; lot , Kill A. Caraoo fcotata. Ualra ot, (o.TO; lut 4, BUM A, Caaaoo Kauu, Hrlra of, IO.70; lot ft, Kllao A. Caraoo kauta. Hi Ira of, $0.10; lot 8, Kllna A. Caraua Katata, Ualra of, (0.T0; . lot T, KUaa A. Caraua taUU, Main of. (O.TO; lot ft, Kllaa A, Caraua UtaU, Ualra of, (0.T0; ' lot ft, Kllao A. Caraoo Batata, Ualra of, (O.TOj lot 10. Kllna, A. Caraoo Katata, Ualra of, (0.70; lot 11. Klioa A. Caraua tula La, lie Ira of, (0.70; lot 12. Kllna A. Caraoo Katata, Ualra of, (0.70; tot la, Kllao A- Caraoo katata, Ualra af. (O.TO; lot 14, AUtaa A. Caraoo Katata, Ualra of. (0.10; lot IS, Boao M. Ntorgla. $0.10; lut 15, Utoa M. Hturgla, (0.70. BLOCK 5d, lut 1. Kllao ' A. Caraua Katata, Balro of, (0,70; lot 2, KUo A. Caraua Katato, belra of, (o.55i kit 5, Kilo Ai Conua Katata- Ualra of, ; lot 4, Kllao . A. Caraua Eatata,- Ualra of, (l.afi; lot ft, Kllao . A. Caraoo Kauu, Uelm of, (0.70; lot ft, Bllaa A.' Caraoo Katata, Halra of, (0.70; lot T, KUt A. Caraoo Katata, Ualra of. (O.TO. BLOCK XX. lot 1, Blloa A. Caraoo Katata, llrira of, (0.70; ' lot X, KJlsa A. Caraoo Katata, Uelra of, (0.70; lot ft, Kllao A. Caraoo Batata, Ualra of, (0.T0; lot 4, Kllto A. Canoa Katata, Ualra of, (0.10; . lat 5, Kllao A. Canon Katata, Ualra of, (0.70; lot ft, EUao A. Caraoo Katata. .llatra of. (O.TO; lot f, Kllia A. Caraua Katata, Halra of, (O.To; lot ft. Kllao A. Caraoo Kauta, Uelra of, (O.To; lot (, .Kllao A. Caraua Katata, Ualra o(4u-ou; ' lot 10, KUao A. Coroao Katata, Halra of, (0.55; lot 11. Kllao A. Caraoo Katata, llrira of, $0.40; lot 12, Kllao A. Caraoo Batata, Ualra of, (WOO; ' lot 13, Kllao A. Caraoo Katata, Halra of, fto.70; lot 14, Kllao A. Caraoo Katato, llalra of, $0.70; lot 15, Blloa A- Caraui Kauta, Hrlra of, $0.70; lot 18, Kllao A. Caraoo Katata, Uelra of. (0.T0; - kH IT, Kllna A. Caraoo KaUta, Halra of, (O.T0; lot 18, Kllao A. Coraoa KotaM, Hrlra of, (0.70; lot 1W, Kllao A. Caraoo Katata, Halra of, (O.To; lot 20, Kllao A. Caraua Katato, Halra of, (0.70; . lot 21. KUoa A. Caraua katata, Uelra uf, (0.70. t, I v. L- u- L. . , u.. a I ' - - BBt. Ualra of, Jo 70; lot 2, KUu A. Caraoo Ka Vut, Hrlra of, (0.70; lot 5, Bllaa A. Canon Batata. Halra of, (0.70; lot iKllaa A. Caraoo Kauta. Hrlra of. $1.06: lotTTkllaa A. Caraoo Kauta, Hrlra of, (1.05; lot . Kllao A.-Caraoo uauto, uairo or, ou-iu; oai I. oiina- a. aaraou Kauta, Halra of. (0.70; k 8. Kllao A. Caraua - juuu, llrira oi,- au. iu. r3LAn.o, av, aiiu a. Caraun KaUU.l Main of. (4.70. BLOCK l. lot 1. Kllia A. Caraua KaUta, Halra of, (0.46; lot 2, Kllao A. Caraoo Bauts, llrira of, $o.o lot 5. Kllao A. Caraoo KaUU. Hrlra of. (0.50 lot r Kllia A. Caraoo Katata, Halra of. (0.65; lot ft, Kllao A. Coraoa- Katata. Urlrt of, (0.56; lot . Bllaa A. Carauo Katata, Halra of, (0.55; ' lot T. Kllad A. Caraoo KaUto, Halra of, (o.fto; lot ft. Kluo A.' Caraoo KaUta, Ualra of, (0.70. BLOCK X. lot L Kllna A. Coraoa Katata. llalra of, (V.10. PLOX 1, Karl and Jaeob CAKHON. HKISHTS I4tPrEllia A. Caraoo fcouto. Haira or, go.a; wi vi. kiiio a. voraoo KaUta-, Helm of. (0.26; kit B, Kllto A. Cor aoa. Katata. Ualra of. (0.86: lot . KIlxo A. Caraoo KaUta, Halra of, (0.25; lot T, KUoo v- A. Canoa, KaUta, Hafra of, (O.oS; lot. l, ' KLUa A. Coraoa KaUta. Ualra of, (0.26; lot : V, KlUa A, Coraoa Katata, Ualra or, oo.: lot W. Kllia A.I L'araoa. Katata. Halra of. (0.25. A Iriongulor tract of laod lying batwcen tua ooat lloo of tba Portland A WUlamotto Val- C lay Kaljwag Oompauy'a right of Way and tna center lino of Harrlaoo ouoat oitanded ooat- ' arly In lu preaeot couraa ood tlio oortk Un ot run fa tjarotnera uouottoa ouu culuu, n K. Hmllk. 86.00. ' . . . A traat of land' bound ad aad dtorribed oa followa: Commoockig at the lotoraocrlua of tha north Una of auto Coratnera oaoatloa land cloua with too aaat line of Hood a traat; toeoea aaat along aald donation laud claim to .. loo waot bank oi too Willamette rlrer at low waiov Hiaa, iwm vuu i uv. , V" ' u, wvw, book of Willamette rlrer to a, point e4s.4ft . teet oooto oc tna ootid una oi too aeui-ojo- - nation land claim: taenee waot ooa loat . tnaoca aorta along a atrolgkt lloo to Wbero ' tha name woald bo Inunecud br too north Us of Llncola otreet If extended oaalarly la no oreoaat ooaraa; tDcnoa weelerty along aald oxtooowa of tbo north line of Lincoln .- atnot to a paint 100 feet ooat of tbo aaat lino of Hund atraet: tkaooa aortk 100 feet . along a lloo 100 foot ooat of ood parallel with loo out line ox nooor-airaei, una Wat akma a Una 100 feat Dorr, of ood Bar- ' ollrl wltu the north lloo of Ukirola atraet If ox tended oaatarly to too weel-Mlne of uaoa -atraet; tbooco aorta akjog tba aaat Una of Hood otreet to, puco of beginning, Portland Lumbering Manufacturing Company, (41.30. A tract of land It lii a betweea two .tare ro opaetlraly 50 feat and loo feet north ot aag parallel with the aortk lino at Llncola. atraet extended oaatarly ood betweea tbo east- lino of Hand atraet and a lino 100 feat eaeX. thereof and parallel tkartWtU. Ann La ood Bdward Coir, (O.TO. -A tract of Und lying brtwarn 1bo north. line of Lmcolo atraet extended ooaurly and a lue (0 feet north thereof and parallel therewith and between the aaat lino of (loud otreet and a lino 100 feat ooat of and parallel therewith, . Portland Low bar lug kianufacturuig dun poo, (0.70. - . A tract of land bonded aad deocrlbtd aft fol lowa: Commencing at a point on tbo left book of rho Willamette rlrer 10 feet oouth oc tbo oontMaot corner at too paiaping-Daaae) tbeoco weal 10b . fret: tbeoca ' nortlfl Sua feat: thence net to- the wtot bank of WllUmetto rlrer at low water mark tbence up tha west baak of aald rlrer to a point doe aaat of place of beginning; tbeoco wret to pUca of beginning. Aloo a carulB right of way 10 feet wldo eruudmg to a aortowroterlr direct km from gold tract to tba eaat line of Uood atraet. City of l'ort- , Uad, ( . A tract of land bounded and deacribed aa fol lowa: Oomoienetng at - tha aoatbeaat corner . or tbo Kllaabeta ' Caru there donation load claim I tbeoco weat to tba onutbeaat cor oar of Caratoero' Addltioo to loo City of fort land aa laid out by tbo Boath I'orUand Bool KaUto . Aaaoclatrao; thence north oa tba aaat Una of aald addition to tbo aortbeaat corner of aald addition; thence waot to tbo aaat lloo of Uaeadain otreet; tbeaca Berth along tbo eaat line of elaradaro- otreet to IU InteraecUon with tbo oorth lloo of Lincoln atraet It ex tended oaatrrly; tbeoco aaat along aald ei tenelaa of Lincoln a treat to Ito lateraaetlna with tbo woat lino of a tract of Uod eon Tared by Vi. C. Burrell ood wlfo to tha Port Uod Lumbering A Alaoafaciarlng Company by dead recorded la book IU, pago 11. Becord of Deeda. klaltnomah Omnty; thenc antith to tha auothweat comer of a tract conreyed ' by tbo Mouth l'ort Und Keol KaUta Aeaorla tlon to tba Portland La to tiering Manufactur ing Company by dead and recorded la book 4. page XI, Uacord of Oaedo, kfaltnomab ftoanty; thence eaat to tbo nnrthweet cornar of tbo Water Worka tract, aertlon 5, townablp 1 oooth, range 1 ooat. Willamette meridian; tlienco ooat to tire Willamette rlrer at low wator mark i tbence oouth along tha maonder- , Ingn of aald rlrer to place of beginning, aaro and except the right of way of tha l'ort land - at Willamette Valley Hallway Company and a tract owaad by Warwick. Oregon) Uallway A Karlgatlo Company, $420.00. A tract of Und lying betweea tie waot Una f ibe Portland Willamette Valley Rail road Compaay'a light of way and tbo Wil lamette rlrer aad batwera tbo oouth poandarr Una of a tract owned by tba Multnomah Trunk factory, lection 10, townablp 1 eoatu, raago 1 ooat, WUIametta MerldUu, aad the north Una of a tract M Uad aaat of the Port land WllUneptU Valley Railroad jCompooy'e right o way owned by . Anthony Boggo and Kit-hard Btorp, altuated la orctloB lo, town ablp 1 gouth, raago 1 aaat. . Willamette meridian, Maria Araold, Trnaiee, (v.lo. A tract of laad lying betweea two lined tc opectlrely 28 feat aad 4.1.26 feat oouth of and parallel wltk tbo eoath Una of a tract of land owned by the Maltnamah Trunk factory erriloa lo. townablp 1 onath. range J eaat. Willamette 'Meridian, and betwvea ' the aaat lloo of Macadam mad and too weat Una of tbo Portland Willi mat to Valley Ballrnad Compaay'a right af way, klarM Arnold. (0.56. A tract of Uad branded and daorrlbed aa fol lowa : Commeoclog af rba latereeetma of tba north Una tf Tarwllllgar donation laod rlilm with tha weat Uoe of Macadam -road; tbeoco onuth HM feet; tbanro weat eon faetj tbeoca oorth (-10 fret: torneo aaat 000 feat to PUca of brglonlng, Cty .al - PartUod, Attract of Und bounded and daorrlord followa: Commencing at aha Intereaotlna of the north lino of the Tarwllllgar donation Und claim wltk tba oaet Hoa at-Macadam road; tbeoca oouth 8 deayeeo aaat 321 feat: .- theoeo onath 2Vt drgreee' weH 1.40 obelna; tkenco north HO dearaea weat (21 feet; thane : oorth t 4 rVgrfe coat 1.40 rba tna to place of beginning. Joha Klrkley, (1.15--A tract of laod baooded gad daaerrbad aa I followa: CouHuenrlug 103 feat eon rh of tba totaroFcrkva of tha aaat lloa of Macadam - mod with the north lino of tha Tarwllllgar donation Uad elelm; tbeaca anatk 80 drgreea aaat 521 feat; thenc north IT feat; thence - ranter ly to waaurly hank of WluamatM rlrer; throe aorthaaat along aald rlrer TT8 feet; tbeaca north 8ft dearer weat 042 feet; theoe eaotb 2 agra 1ft mlaata weat fiz.4 feat: taeor north ( degrrea vol 821 feat: theore onath lon.d feet to place of begfoaf-w. ftaaoel H. aa jama u, learraaco, , A tract of Uad boanded aod'daacrlbed aa (oV .';'.... ' ' -'.',-'. law: Commaaelng Its feat ooutk of lator oartloo of aaat Hue of Macadam rood with oorth lloa of TerwUllger duoatlua b.Ml claim; tbeoca auuth go degreaa eaat 321 fort; tbeoca aortb 2T foot: throe aooth W dagreoa aaat u weat bauk uf W II la mat u rlrer at kw water mark tbence aouthwaot along tbo weat baak of aald rlrer 142 feel; tbeoca north ( da greea weat 868 feet; tbem-e oorth 100.T6 feat to . place of beginning, Cbarbat ft Baoua Batata, Hrlra of. $10.60. . ' A Uod of Uad kouuded aad daoerlood aa fol low. Cumueoalng at a . polot la the aaat Una af Macadam road 2P3.16 foat oouth of too lataraactlua of the oaat lino of Macadam road with tor aortb Una of Tarwllllger do aaiioa Uod cUlm; tbeooo oouU along aaat Una of Macadam road lo tna nortbweet cor oaf of 'J. OberU'o throe acre tract," recorded la Book U. page 2f5. Kecurd of Uoada. Mallaomab County; thence auuth M dagrao oaat 10.32 rhalna to weat banh of WllUmette rlrer at Uw-vatrr mark; tkoaca Bortkerly along tba' wea bank of aald rlrar to too ooulii - lluo of I bar lea p. Bacon BaUta, Helm of. Tract, aoctloa 10, townablp 1 oouth. range 1 ooat, WlllamatU Meridian: Uaito weat along tba aooth lloo of the aald Charlae P. Bacoa Kauta, halra of, tract, U plat of brginuiog, Multoumak Truok rao tary, (21.00. - . A tract of Und lying betweea tbo aooth Una of Multnomah Trunk Factory tract, eee tloa 10. townablp 1 auuth, range 1 oaat, Wlll amatU Meridian, god a lloa 2ft foat oouik tboroof and parallel therewith, jtad betweea tna oaat Un of Macadam road ood tbo weal lloa of the Portland A WUlometto Valley Kallroad Company a tight of way. Loulaa Johna. ((L50. . ,. --.. A tract of Uod lylag between two Uoe ronpecUnlr 43.25 feet ood o5.25 feat oouth of and parallel with the eoath lloo of 'Mult-I oamab Xruik Kactury tract. oecUoa 10, Unci onip 1 ouota, raago - 1 oaat, wumbmu Meridian, and batwera tb ooat Tin of the Macadam rood and tba weat lloo of tba Port Uad Wlllameu Volley Railroad Oompaay'a right of way. Loam Oborla, (O-aU. . . e A tract of Und lying betweea tare Una re aper II rely B3.26 feet and 121.2ft feet oouth of aad parallel with tho oouth Una of ' Multno mah Trunk Factory tract, orctloa 10, town ablp 1 ooutk, range 1 ooat, WUUtnetU - Meridian, aad betweea tbo ooat Una of Mac adam road and too weat Una of Portland A WUlamelM VaUey Kallroad Company'! right of way, euro Hobert, (O.fto. A tract of land It tna between two. Una ra- apacOrely 12L2ft feat and lkiM feet ooutk or ana parallel wito tbo aoata uaa ai atait Bnmah Trunk Poctorr tract, oectloo 10, towa- ohlp r BoaUw raage 1 aaat, Willamette bmtiV lao, ami between -raw' oaat una or alaeaaam road and tbo weat lino of tbo Portland WU UmetU VftUey Ball way Compauy light of way, avatocrino raiamaa. aoo. A tract of load lying between two lino ro epet'ttrely 206.2ft feat aad 14V.26 foot ooutk ' of aad jmralUl wlu tbo aoath Una of Mult nomah Trunk Koctory tract, orctloa 10, -townablp 1 oouth, raago I ooat, W ILlanietU aiorld laa. aod betweea tho aaat lino of Macadam road and tha waat Una of Iba Portland A WU- Umetto VaUey Kali way Compaay'a right of way, rater uoerie, gi.ou. AU that portioo' of a tract of Und lying waat of tba rutin of war of tba Portland A WU- Umetto VaUey Kallroad Company bounded and deacribed a followa: Commencing on tb oaat Una of Macadam road at tbo nurthweet corner of a 2)-er tract gold to Kublltaet el. racordad' la Look M. oaxa Zil. Bocurd ol Deed. Moltoooiak Count; tbence oouth 8t oegreea w minute, oaat a. i cnaino; tiience oouik' 80 degree, weat 1.0ft cbaliia: theac aortb 8ft degraea 35 minute, weat IL20 chalna: theaco aortb 1ft degree ft mlnutea, ooat l.of - chalna, to place of beginning. Jeuie BeDoati,. (0.55. - A tract of Und bounded and deacribed oa fol low: Commencing at a point In tba weat lln oc in rig in ok way or ui i-urimnu ei air U matte' Volley Kallroad Compaay "which M 16 feet aortb of the IntoraavUuo of tbo 'waot lata of aald right of way wltk tba l north lino of a oaa-acra tract conreyed to Bedo Kub ler, racordad in book 82, page SOU, Bcord of - oeeuo, Muitnomaa uoaatr: uieoca Bortn w oo ' grei36 minute, waat 185 feet, to Macadam - road: than. -a north alone tbo aaat Una of Macadam road 52 feet; tbeoco oooth 8A degraea 85 minute, aaat loo tort, to tbo went lino of th aforesaid right eg way; ueore oouineriy along tbo aald right Of way to place of be ginning, Anthony Kogg and Blchard $, Btorp, 50.85. A tract of Uod bounded and deecrlbed a follow: Commencing at aortbeaat corner of - aerwilllger donation load claim; tbence aortb es degree oa miauteo. weat i.o enain; tlwnce oouth 2 degree 13 minute, weat 1.40 chahia; thane . auuth 2 degraea, weat (.06 chalna; thence onath 6-ld chalna: tMoco oouth 4 degree, waat 3.11 clialue: tbeoco aooth bd degree 85 ml mi tea. oaat 11.75 chalna, aa place of beginning; tiience north M8 degraea 35 min ute, weet 3(15 feet, to eaat Una of the right of way of tbo PortUnd WUUmette Valley Kallroad Company; tbence aoutherly along aald rltfbt of war ItKl fnat: theac aouth-gM deareeo 5 mlaatea. Mat 264 feet;-tbence north 20 'do- grae. aaat 2. HO chain; tbence north 82 -de gree. oot 4.52 chalna. to olac of beginning ' Antbonr Korea and Klchard P. Btoro. (12.46. .A tract f land bounded aod deacrfbed aa follow: Commencing 216.1 feet oorth, 13 de ,trae 21 miuatr ooat, of tbo wart h waat corner of tba yoga a two-acre tract, raosraea i ooo ' U, peg JkU, Becord of Deed, Multnomah Oonnty; tbeoco eaat T5 degraea, I ml no tee - onath, to went Una of right of way of tb - Portland ft Willamette Valley Kallroad Oooi pony; theuce north 13 degreea, eaat HO feat, more or leaa. to driveway; t bench north 88 de- gran, 33 minute weat, along aald driveway " to ooat Un of Macadam road; tbence oouth 1J drgreea, 2T tnluule weat, to place of begin ning, Emma L. Cole, $1.00. A tract uC Und boanded and deacribed a followa: Commencing at nortbweet corner of ' the Pagan two-acre tract, recorded la book 0, pege?303, rtecord of Doedo, Multnomah Coaaty; tbmce north 13 degraea, ooat 60 feet: tbraco ' oouth 88 degree 35 m In tea, eaat 188-ft feet; thenot oouth 12 degraea, woat 50 fort; thence Borth ftft drgrae 35 minute, weat 188.ft feet, ' to place of beginning. Kred Noble, (1.00. A tract of Und boanded an deacribed aa follow: Commencing eo feet Oorth, 13 a grae 27 minute eaat. ood TH feat mm.Uu.X0 degree 13 minute coat, from nortbweet cor - lert mrw, ia - i nar of tba raaan ' two-acra tract, recorded to book O, page 3o3. Becord of Deed. Multnomah County; tbenc oouth Oft 'degreea 13 mlnutea, eaat 117.3 feat ; tbenc Borth 13 degroao, oaat btt.5 feet; tbraco north 76 degreea 7 mlnutea. weat 112.8 feet: tbenc ooutk 10 4 ere IS minute, west 06.7 fort; the no earth 78 de- fraoa 50 minute, weat 67 feat; tbeac aouth 3 degree 27 minute, waat 10. ft feet; tbanc aouth 70 degreea JtrtratlWitea, eaat 87.8 feat: thenc Booth 10 degrVeo 16 ailnute, treat 384 feat, ta plac of beginning. Can I Klrkley, (1.25. A tract of Uad bounded and deerlbd aa fol low: Commencing.. 13 degreea 27 mUata eaat Mr feet from the aortb weat goner of th Pga two-acra tract, racordad In book O, page 303, Record ot Deed. Multnomah County j tbence north 13 degree 27 mtautea, oaat 60 feet; thenc couth 7V degree 3d aileutee, east 7.a feet; thence aouth 10 drgreea 16 mla atea, wast 38-3 feet; tbnc aortb 8ft degree 13 minute, weat 71 2 feet to place of bo- X Inning, John Mler, (0.35. , trict of Und bounded aad deecrlbed a - follow: Commencing 137.8 - feet aortb of nortbweet corner of the Pagan two-acre tract, recorded hi boob C. peg 303, Record ot Deeda. Multnomah County) thence oorth IS degree 27 mlnutea, eaat 4.ft feet; tbenc outb 73 de- freea 7 mlnutea, east 63.4 feet: thenc south 0 degree 15 minute, weet 40 feet; tbac north 7ft degree 6 aUautee, weat 15 5 feet, to place of beginning, CbarU J. HoUworth, (0.30. 1 - , - - A tract of Und boanded and deacribed a followa: Commencing 110.9 feet north, 13 ae gree 27 mlnutea aaat, from northweat cornar f tb Fagaa two-acr tract, recorded fa book 0, page 303, Record of Deeda. Multnomah County; tbeac north 13 degraea 27 exlnutes, eaat 2H.T feet; tbencd aouth 70 degree 6 mlnnt. Mat eft. 5 feet; tbenc esath 10 degreea 15 mlnutea, weat 28.7 feet; thenc north 78 degree 60 aim a tea, weat vT feet, to place of beginning, Loul Obarle. (0.20. . , . , A tract of Und bonaded and deacribed a , follow: Commencing at the northweat cor ner of tb Ooodnough A Clark fnor-acra tract, recorded la book V, page 407. Record of Deed. Moltnomak County; thenc north 25 degraea, coat 3.0T chalna: thenc auatb K8 degree 35 " minute, wrat T.M ehalua, "to tbo weat bank of tho Willamette rlrer at low water mark; thence ap the weat bank of said river 3.08 ebalna: tbence aortb aft degree 38 minute, weat 7 14 chain, to plac uf beglaolng, Catb erln Pagaa. .(H.40. - - ; ' A tract of land bounded gad described as ' followa: Commencing at north waat corner of lb Ikudnuogb Clark foar-scr tract, re ' corded la book P. pago 407. Record of Deed. Malinomah County; tbeac aouth 24 degreea. waat 2.(4 chalna; tbeac oouth 81 degrees 30 minute, enet 0 96 chain: tbenc aortk- 23 - degreeo. eaat 4.26 chalna: tbence aortb 88 da- - gre 30 mUiutaa, wast T.I4 Cham, to plac of beginning, Blaalngar (w., (I0.60. - A tract of Uod bounded aod deecrlbed aa fnllows: Commencing 3.34 chain aouth, 24 de greea waat, of northweat earner of th Oood nough A Clark four-acra tract, racordad la book P. page 407. Becord of Deed. Multnomah Comity ; thenc enath 24 degreea. weat 1.11 rhalna; tbenc onta 32 degree, waat .82 -rbaln: tbenc sooth T3 degree 15 minute. at 4 .87 rhalna, ta the weat bauk of tb . Willamette rWar; tbar along tb west bang of aald rlrer aortk 25 egree, mat 2.40 rhalna: thenc north 80 degree 40 minute, weat ( ftft chalna, to place af beginning, Loub r.lmmerman. ft.3TI. ' A tract ot Und bounded aad deacribed aa fnl . low: Commencing anrth 12 degrees 27 mln , ate, east 1K2.1 feat, from artbwet eorner of the Pagaa two-acre tract, recorded la book O,, par 303, Record f Deeda. Mollnomah County; tbeaca aoath li deereae T minute, eaat 174.1 feat; theac aortbwaeterly 34 A feet along th waat Una of th rla-ht of war of tbo Port- Und A WllUmette teller Railroad Campany: throe anrth 13 digreeo 7 mlnutea. weat 171 1 feet: tlwwr aoutk 1.1 degree 21 minute, weat 34 feet, to plac of beginning, V. A. roadlea, , (0.85. - ! A tract of Und bnwnded and deacribed aa fol Iowa: Commencing at tna soatbweat enraer or tbo Ootalnotirh A (Tark four ocra tract, r enrded la book V. page 407, Record of Deed Multnomah Comfy; hewre oonth Tft degree 13 mmatea, aaat T 14 cliatna: Ibenco. aortb 14 degraea 45 mlnutea. aaat 1m feet: he nee nneth 73 Aaareea 13 mlnutea. waat .at rhalna: thwacaj ooutk 3 oagreea, wti 103.0ft feat, to plac f beginning, Portland Tract Coatpaay of Orrgun, (5.30. .. A Uacl of Uod bounded gad deacribed a fol lowa: Commeuclag at lb euutbweai coiner of toe Oouduougu o CUrk four-acre tract, re corded la book F, pga, 47, Kecurd of Deed, Muiluooioh county; lueaeo auuth 16 degreea 30 miuulea, aaat 7.05 ctiaina, to too Wlilawottd river; tueiM.- auuth aegr, waot 52.2 loat; tbeac aortk 7b degree. M mlnutea weat, to eaat' Uoe of Maeauou road I tnaoca aortk 31 dagrao 4T aitoute. nut 41 reel, am or Moo, to puco of beginning, Charlee Oeltb, (2.8U. A tract of Una bounded aud deacribed a fol Wwa: Cum ma uc lug at a auk la the ooat Una of Macadam ruad oft Ikika uu titer ly tram tb ouuibwt aoraer of to Brick lard tract, actio IX eowaoklp 1 oouth, range I eaat, WllUmette meridian; tbence aouth 16 drgreea, bo uaiau aaat. parxllrl with oouth lino of aald Brick lard tract, ft-16 chalna to weal bauk ut WlUauaatte rirur at b wator mark; Uwace along waot' bank of aald river euui 40 degreea, waat 2 llnke; than.- aortk ii do gra. 30 m tua lea waat, paraUal wltn eoath baa of aald Brick lard tract, ftJM Cham to tfce eaat line of Macadam road; tb.oc north aO dagroaa,-waot 04 Ibixa, along oaat Uua of Macadmai rood - to ploc. of beglualng, Juba KJeraoa, (l.fto. - A tract f Uad bounded aad deeerlbed aa fol ' krwa: Couuaeaciag at ooutbeaat cunxr of blarki C, Portland How lead; thane eaat to . waat Un of Macadam rvad; tneou northerly aloag aald woat tin of Macadata road to lu I liil,iaai linn artta. tha aat Ho of the Old county rood; tbeoco ,0OthrHy akmg ooat lino i ot out ooouty rooo vo-uo piao wxwwa'auiua, takuowa Ouraor, (8.10. A tract of Uad boanded aad deecrlbed a fol lowa: ' Oomoieaeiag at the ooulhwoat corner of John Klernaa tract, recorded la book 2s, ' peg 409, Mocord of lioedo, Multnomah County; Oban re aooth (0 dagra, waat 160 net- thane aw thane auuth 7ft degraea 30 minute. at 1A wear nana. of wuumetto rlrer at tow water mark)- tbeoca along the weat boob of aald river oortk 4 degree, eaat to ooutk- ut eornar nf aaiA John Klaraan tract 1 thoaca north 75 degree 30 uilnuuo, waat akmg to aouta line ox aaia oaa o.iernaa xract place of beginning. Hiram Tarwllllger, $ .30. A tract of Uad boanded aad deacribed aa fol- Inara- Cnminauclnn lu tha aaat Una of Macad am rand where nam IntrraecU tba wetrly xhanalua In lu preaent eoorao tb aortb Una of tbo Koliae wymoa aoa-ocro tract, ra- anrriaa In book (1. am 3U2. Kecord of lUada, Multooraah CKinty; llienc akmg aaat line of Macadam mad aortb 21 degraea 30 nlnatao, weat 138.4 feet ; tbeoca aortk Vi-degree io oMoSt , auo, weat 114.4 feat; tbooco aortb T degnaa SO mlnutea, went T.6 feet, oa tb. place of be ginning! tbrnee eaat 7uu.g feet to wort bank of WUlametl liver at law water mark; tbenc north aluow tbo weat bank of aald rlrer 1IS7 feet: thooca west 731.7U feet to aaat lln of Macadam road; tbeaca aoath 7 degreea SO mla- , auo, eaat loa.44 feet, to place of bag main g, Joha W. UngdoB, (11.65. a araa mt Innd bounded aad deacTibad aa fol lowa: Commencing in tbo aaat Una ot Mac adam rod where oanie U lnteraeeled by tba . rfortk lino of tho Keller Wymaa one-acre tract, recorded la book O. page 302, Becord of Ueeda, Maltoomaa county; uenoo sorinerui i lona eat lln of Macadam road a follow: North 21 degreea 20 minute, weat 138.4 feet; thence north 14 degreea 10 mlnutea, weat 1W4.4 feet; thane aortb T degraea 40 minute. wt 3nj xeet; taeaco oortn a oegrwa .v aunam, wm, aojei tmmt a too aiaco of begHinlng; uiwa aaat HUM feet to weet bank of Wta- ' Umtt rlrer b low water mark) tbenc northerly along tbo weat hank of aald river ' poo.- feet; tueoco oorto io ucaieeo w bjio ' utaa, ooat HO.T feat, won or leaa, to ooutk 'lino of Moffott tract, aectloa 15, towuatalp 1 ooutk. ram a 1 aaat. WllUmette merlillan; tbenc waat along aouth Una ot aald Moffett . -- n ,k- ,.i tinn of Muvibm road: thence aouth along the eaat lino of Macadam road TI .. k Innl,,, -Mewr1t1aae Cand Cum. I oan no A txact ot Und bounded aad deacribed a fol " low,vJiiMjncing lo the oaat Una of Maa adam road wiieroioaaie U lauraected by tba T BoTtk Un or Keller as wyauB one-acra tracv, mcoMed -in aaoa u. oara ouz. necora or ueeaa, klnrmnimk County; thence northerly akmg lln J U.Milim mak-a foUowar North 21 degraea SO minute, weat 13S.4 teal : thane north 14 degree 10 mmete, weat lMt'd'Taet;: tbeoco aortb I aegree ow mujuien. weai io-e fet a plac of beglaniug; toaac coot to weat ' bank of Wlturmett rlrer at low -water mark; tliaoc northerly along weat bank of aald river 68.18 feetiitbenee weat t ooat lloo of Mac adam road; tbeaca eontberir akmg oaat Un of Macadam road, aoath 3 degreea ft mlnutea, ooat ft). mi fart; tbenc oouth 7 degreea 30 mlaatea, aaat rrct, to puco ot oeguuiug, Mary If. Ureen, (T.70. A Iraet of land bounded and daarTtbtd aft fol lowa: Oommancin at a noint la the-eaat Un of Macadam mad when nam la Intersected by aortk Una -of. Keller A Wyman oo acre tract, rerarded la book O, page 302. Record ot - Ded. Multnomah Coantyi Uteac oorth along toe eaat in ot aiacooam - roaa aa louowa. North xt Hi una 20 mlnutao. weat 138.4 feet; theoca. north 1 -degreea 10 mlnutea. waat 113.24 'feet aa tb plac of beginning; tbence eaat to weat bank of Willamette river at low .- water mark: tbence aorthetlr along weat bank ' of aald river to oouth .lln ot Mary P. Ureen tract, racordad in book 234, page 58, Becord of Deed. Multnomah 'County; .tbeue waat along aouth Uad of eaid tract to oaat Una of ' Macadam road; tbence aoathJ. along 'eaat. line " ot Macadam road to place ot beginning, Aaoa K. Barrett, go.OO. - A tract-of Uud kotnuM aad deacribed a fol low: Commencing -at a pnlut la eaat lln ot Macadam rood when eani U In la reacted - by tb aortk line of the Keller A Wyman one-acra tract, recorded 1b book 0, page (02, . Uacord of Deed, Multnomah UoBpty: tbenc north 21 degree 30 minute, weet 138.4 feet; thenc north 14 dearaea 10 mlnutea. weat .118.24 foet; tbence eaat to weat bonh of W1J-V lametu. river at aw water aura; mora aoutherly akmg th weat bank of aald rlrer 8V9.4 feet; tbence wat45T.04 feet; thane aortb 23 degree, weat 2.1 feat; thence went 100 feet; tbeac north 23 degree, waat 136.38 feet, to ' place of beginning. Linn Fletcher, (23.10. A tract of load lying between the oouth lln of Boaudary atraet and a weatorly exunakm of earn la IU preaent coo roe aod a line 131.46 feat southerly from and parallel tharewiu Uwjnj ""Tl, .ulTWt-ien nact IcZ T and 1 ?nd tb dlvtoloa line oetwoaa aaettoim 1 aad - . . . . , - . .. . . . 1 T, Inwftah I ,, 1 nmitn. MBM 1 t- WllUnt- tu merbllaa, K. W. lung bom aad Emma L. Cor belt, (22.40. - . A tract of Und lying between two Una re spectively 131.4ft feet and 443.18 feet enath of and paralUI with aoath line ot Boundary atraet and a weeterty eitenaloa ot a In lu preaent couraa and between the w eater ly Una of Macadam road and tba dlrtokig lln be tween sect tuns 18 snd 15, townablp 1 soatb, rang 1 east, WllUmette meridian, Joba S. Bingham. Traat. (56.00. A tract of Uad lying between two line re spectively 443.1( feet and 610.68 feet aoutk of and parallel with aoath lloa of Boundary tract and a weaterly exteneio of oamo la Ita preaent course and between the westerly lino of Macadam road and tb dlrtsma lln b twera section 16 and 15, townablp 1 onuth. raago 1 t. WllUmeti uierldias, CUriada 0. Hmltb. $4 90. A tract ot Und lying between two Una ra apectlvely 880.68 feet and B2H.9 feet aootb of and parallel with the oauth lln of Boundary street snd a westerly evtnnskio of same ta IU preaent couraa and between tb weaurly lln ot Mcdm road and tb dlrUkm Mn be tween, sect look IS sod 15, townablp 1 aouth, iwajre' 1 eaat. WUUnwtU merldlaa, Aaaa-.1L u- Raenett MJ1 .t L ,A tract of Und lying between a lln 928.6 f 'V-, Mlh r mttA nealll arlth enath linn of 'Boundary at reel and a weaurly eitenaton thereof in Ito preaent eonra and tba oulb boundary lln of th Twwllluter donation , land claim, and between tbo west lln of Ureen's Addition to PortUnd and tb di vision line between aeetmns Id and 15, town- alilp 1 sooth, rang 1 cast. Willamette mrld lan, John W. Ung don. $.'A70. A tract of Und bounded and deecrlbed a fol low: Commencing at a point to tba eaat line of Macadam road wbere tb aame U In tersected by th snath lln of - Keller A . Wyman one acre tract, recorded to booh N, page 3n4, Record of Deeda, Multnomah County; tbenc aouth 23 degree, weat 25 feet; tbenc south 80 degree 30 mine tea, aaat 100 feat; tbanc north 23 degreea, waat 50 feet; tbence ' north SO degree 80 minute, east 100 fret: thenc oorth 23 degreea, waat 50 feet: thenc anrth' 8 oegreea 30 mkiate. waat 100 feet; tkenc aouth 23 degree, eaat 25 feet, to place of beginning. City of PortUnd. ftil.Sft. A tract of land boanded aad deacribed as fol lowai Commencing at a point ha tb weat bank of WllUmette river at low water mark ,-102.34 feet oorth of eoath line of TerwUllger donation Und claim: tbence north f degree ft minute, weat to eaat lln of Macadam road; thenc north 13 degreea.- writ 814 feat: tiience north 17 dearaea 4 mlnAte. wet 24 54 feet: thenc aortb 21 degraea 27 mlaatea, west 1170.64 feet; thence south 88 degree 18 mla atea, eaat 100 feet: tbence north 21 degree 27 minute, westp feet; tbence oatk Mt de gree 18 mlnuteeT, east 481.3 feet to place of . beginning. Job Itawrr Joaea Company, (40.00. A tract of Und tmuoded and dearrihed aa fol. low-. Commencing at the aoatheaab cornar of the Tarwllllger donation laud cUlm: tbeoca weat 6.2ft chain: thenc aortb 14 degreea 30 mlauto. eaat 18 rhalna; thenc east (.25 chalna to weat bank ef Willamette river-at low water mark: tiience sooth 14 degreea 30 mlnutea, weet l.ft rbaln to wUeW at begtn- ' nlng. Lout OberU. ft.1.50. , . . A tract ot Und boBBded and dearrihed an fol low: Commencing where tli aortb lln of Thomas Ntepneo dooatloa Und claim la tar -eecta tb waat bank ef Willamette rlrar at mw water mark; thenc weet (.40 chain; ' thenc annlh 13 degree, aaat 4.65 rbaln: thenc easterly 6 47 rhalna; the anrth 4.0 chains to place of beginning, alve and except .3 a era deacribed In book 2Hd. par 73, Record of Deeds. Mallaomab County, Lou la Arnold. (O.To. ' A tract ef Uad bounded and deacrTbed eg fol lowa: Commencing at a point 206 feet, south erly from -where tba snath Use ot Tsrwllllger (nation Und claim Intameeu tb eaat line af Macadam mad. and tbenc eaarerly 1 24 .ft feet st right an lee aa the place 'of beginning: thence aoutherly 80 feet parallel with th Vaaterlr' tin of Macadam -road: tbenc east erly ort. feat ta weet line of right of way of th Portland Wlllsmatt Valley Railroad Companr; tbence northerly 80 feet skmg aald , right of way; thence-weaterly to pUca of be ginning. Jnbn Arnold. (I. Of. A tract of Und bounded and dxcYlbed aa fn. . lsW--'Cftamnclng at soutKwaat mrnar ef - Loam ArouM traat, aaciMO ia, oawaanip a anuth, range 1 aaat, , WUUmott meridian; thence aouth 13 dVgrrea, ea.t 2 27 chalna; tbeoc aaat ( ebalna la waat banh ot WU Umetto river al low water mark; tbenc aortk 10 oagreea, weat 2.2ft ebalu; tbenc weal to pll u of beginning. William gad Kostna Oal- A tract of Und bounded and deerrlbed as fol kiwa: Commencing at southwest corner of tba William and Hoe in tielger tract, oectloo 15. towueblp 1 south, range 1 eeal.' W illam ette meridian tbence west u.0 chabia; tbanc auuth 14 degree 30 mlnutea. aaat rhalna; tkenc aaat ft.oft ebalna; Uieoca Borth 14 de greea 30 miaul, weat 1.70 o ha tna, to plac of beginning, California Puwdet Work, (4.56. - A tract of Und lying betweea the wait lln f Macadam road and th out Un of block 3d. 3t aod 33, bout bar n Portuad. Oregon, and between tba oouthera boundary ot tbo TerwU Uger dooatloa laud claim and tha north Un f blocks 25 aud 24. boatbera Portland, Ore- r. and alao aortb line of Carolina atraotr K Thompoaa, (1O6.0O, A tract of Uad lying' betweea tb weat Un af Macadam mad sad tb eaat lln of lou o, 1, ft aud ft. block ft, Oreeo's Additloa to PortUnd. aad betweea tbo aoath Un of tb rjerwllllgar donattoa Und cUlm aad tba south Uoe of kiu 6-and ft, block ft, Orean's Addltlua to Portland OVIunl flWlrlA No. 1. (4.66. A tract of-Und lying betweea tba waat Una of Pultoa Park and too dlrkitoav line between sect loo 16 aad 13. townablp 1 oooth. rang ' 1 eaat, Willamette merldUu, aad betweea th aoath lln of the 8 lav In road and tb north Un at block id, Pultoa Pork, pultoa ran Und Osmoanr. (10.5O. A tract uf land lymg7 betweea tb weat Una ef Pultoa Park and tb dlrkuoa line betweea . eectluua 21 and 22, townehlp 1 south, range 1 eaat, WUUinetle meridian, sad betweea the -aouth lloo of Perth street aad the north lln or lb street oa tb aortb aid or block on. Fultoa Park, Pulton Park Company, (6.0O, A traat of land bounded and dnacrtbad oa fol Iowa: Cummencuig 10 chalna weet and (.ft? chalna north, 7 dear went, of aortbeaat aor aer of block L. Pultoa: tbeac out ft-50 chalna tbanc aortb ft degraea, . weat 2.1 ebalna; thence weat along auuth line of Na rad atraet to a noint north 1 dearies, weat 2.10 ebalna, from place of beginning; thane "oouth I degress, cut 2.10 ebalna. to place ef beginning, Kt a. Bingham, A tract of Und boanded and deacrlbad aa fol low: Commenrlue IO chain waat ef north- aaat cornar of block 1, Fa lion; tbeac north T degree, waat 0.02 ebalna, to oulh line ef Kada atraet; thence weet akmg aoatk Una of Nevada afreet to eaat lino of rhrbt of way of Ilia Metropolitan Hallway Company; thence southerly along eaat Una of aald right of way iv uuvm una vi pun vu, w uum lat,, .,.. east akmg oorth Un of. Pulioo-Plrk to pUc or beginning, u. W. Cocxiet KaUU. ualra ot, euo.ov.. . A tract af Und- boanded and daerfbd sa fol Iowa: Commencing at ooutbeaat corner of block 4, Pultoa; tlteoc easterly along , aortb iine.ot mverv irw ueatoury. oecuon u-riewi- , , phlp -1 aoctbr range 1 eaat, W'iUamett merld - Un. to -west Un of Mat Jacadara mad; tbanc ma-ttaerly along weat lln of. aald road to . mn-theaat' corner of bmck 4, Pullon; Ounce - aontlierly akmg tb easterly Una of block 4, Poltoa, to pUre.of beg Inning, Ueorg T. and bury M. llugbca, A tract of Uud Ixmndod and deacribed as fol km: Commencing 21.80 chain went and ft-uO .ebalna north ot ooutbeaat corner of Thomas ' Htepbeaa duo a tlon Und claLm; fbeaca north TO dear sos. west 24 2-3 rod; tbence aortb 20 ' degraea, east to eaat line of Canby atrt; thence aaat to aaat Un of Hood ureal; tbenc nortluto aotithweat curacroC lot- buck I riiMo r a , uancw buwm1 iv urnimv, rhalna, mora or leaa, to want Un of Taylur'a IV try road; tbeac aoath 26 degrees, west 6.02 rhalna; tbenc aortb TO degreea, . west 1ft - chain, to plac of beginning, Herman Mete ger, (14.70. A tract of Uad BnwBdod and described aa fol Jow: Commencing at aortbeaat corner lot ft, block 103: Pultoa Park: tbeaca north 00 feeti - fienc noTtb 40 degree, eaat 346 feet, to a stake 60 feet south from south line of tha Metx car tract, sect loo 22J townabln 1 aonth. range 1 eaat. Willamette merldlaa: theac easterly parallel with oooth line of aald Meta- rer tract to a stake In weat lln of Taylor' erry road ; tbence aoutberly to east' tine ot block 103. Pallon Park; thence north loo feet ' to nort heaat corner of said block 103: 1 hence west ldo fact to plac of beginning, Portland CUy Company. . (7.70. i-'- An Irregular tract of Und lying brtwee th - aouth lln of block 4, Polton. and air .utterly eitenosap, of tba same In lu praSost couraa and Uie west lie of Macadam reed, tb ,j.nn-th lln of nectar Campbell donation Und . claim,- weatrrly line of Msrodani road and lb easterly llne.of Taylor's Perry road," Blr , A tract of land tying between the north line of Hector Campbell's donation land claim and the south bonndsry of tb City of PortUnd 7 and between tlie west Una of the wniatnelte .river at Lav wafer mark and the weaterlr Un of Boon' ferry road and Taylor's Perry toad, ear a and except nlot 1. a ahowa on tb man . ot PortUnd. Oregon, pnMkdied by Th Till tiuarante injat txxupany, tugwioreo, no, ?T5- Mlverelew Cemrterr" Aeaortation. $J7 0, A tract ot Und bounded aod deacribed aa fol lows: Commencing st tb Intersect loo of tn north- line of taxct deacribed hi book A, pig 6H0, Record of Deeds, Multnomah County, with - eaat lln of Taylor's ferry road: tbanc oortlT erly along aaid rood 200 feet; tbence weat 00 feet to ' eaat Una of Macadam road; tbenc south 200 feet; tbence east to pUce ef be ginning, Security Baring A Trust Compaay, - (1.40. . A traat of land bounded odd deacribed fol lowa: Commencing 80 feet south and 30 feet west of southwest corner of block Oft, fal tna Park; tbeaca eaat 200 feet; thenc aooth DO feet), tbence west 1R0 feet; thence aouth - 20 feet; tbence weat 1.10 feat: thenc north 300 feet to place of beginning, Byron P. Card well Katata. Halra wf. (4-55. i A tract ef land bounded and ffeacrfbed OS fol lows: Commencing at tb Inters, ttton of tb Borth Una of Liebermaa tract, recorded In book 61, pg 3W3. Record of Deed. Multnomah Connty, wltk tb cast lln of old Taylor ferry mad; tbenc aortb along aald road 200 feat; . tbeac eaat to Willamette rlrer; Uiencu follow- Ing the meander Inge af aald rlrar to the-north lino of Hid -LUberman tract I tbenc weat to tb pUc of beginning, Henry B. Dupoat, (10.60. ... . A tract of Und bounded and deecrlbed a fol lowa: Commencing 4) chain et and 16 , chalna enath of northweat eorner of northeast Juarter of aectloa 22, townablp 1 oooth, rang eaat, WilUmett meridian; tbeaca eaat 6 ebalna; thenc aoath 6 degree, west 2. TO chain; thence weat 4.30 chains to east line of Mscadsm rood; tbence northerly along eaat lln of Mscadsm road to place- of beginning, Security Barings Trust Company. (10.20. A tract of land bounded and described aa fol lowa: Commencing at northweat corner ot block B. Pultoa Park; tbence north 15 feet; thence eat to- weat bank of Willamette river at Uw water mark: thence along the weet bank of rlrar lo nort beaut corner ot block D, fnltoa Park; tbence weat to plac of begin ning. Cbarle Lleberman, (4.20. A tract ot land bounded and described aa fnt Inws: Commencing at Bout bee at woroer of lot 4. block 1. Pultoa: tbenc anutberly akmg weat lln of Taylor' ferry mad ta a point Id feet northerly from aortbeaat eorner of block T. Pulton; thenc northerly along a lln parallel with northerly line of block T. Pulton, to If tnteraeetlon wltk th aoutherly Una of mt 5, block 1. Pulton. B. J. Beige! uaa. (0.30. ... A tract of Und bounded and deacribed aa fol lows: Commencing 22.10 rhskia aortb and 13 M ebalna weat of emit heaat corner of . Thorns Stephens donation land cUlm; tbanc ' north Tft degraea, eaat ft.08 chain, to weet hank of WilUmett rlrer at mw water mark; thenc along west bank of aald rlrer, north 40 degrees, eaat 1.40 ebalna; thenc north ft degree 30 minute, eaat .65 chain; tbence waat 7. It rhalna: thence south 4 degree 30 mlnnte. eaat 2.N8 chain, to tier place of be ginning, Pranrleco ftchmltt. (ft 30 A tract of Und bounded and deacribed a fol low: Commencing at three-mile Boat In Mae dam rood: tiience eaat to weal bank ef Wil lamette rlrer at mw water mark' tbence north along the weat bank ot aald rlvey to ' anutheoat corner of Mock M, Pulton Park; tiience weat along tha south Un of block M snd N. fultoa Park, to Macadam road; tbenc smith to'pUce of beginning, Tbooder ' Mrelsl, $8.40. ' ... A tract of land bounded and deacribed aa fnV mwe: Orniatenrlng north 18 degraea. weat 2 3 chains, from snutlmsst corner of Themes . ptephene donation land rUlot; theac waat 8.74 rhalna; thence aortb 2.1 d, grass 30 minutes, west t.22 rhalna; tbence Berth 35 degreea 15 mlaatea, weat 1.06 chain; tbenc north 4 degree 80 mlnnte. weat .64 chain; tbenc north ft degree 30 minute" west 2 30 chalna: thenc north 21 degree, weat chain; tbenc north zft degree, weet 4 chains; thenc north 43 degreea weat 2.26 rbalka; tbence aouth '24 degree, eaat ' rhalna; thenc anuth ; 18 degree, rat 4 .17 chalna. to pUc of b- X Inning, Joaerdi and Prank Weber. $30.30. tract ot Und t -as-led and described aa fel low,: Commencing at a point la tba east line ef Macadam road where aame U mtrr acteit lie nnnth Una of Thomas Btenbene do nattoa Uad ralm: thence north ft degraea 30 minute, waat 1.78 chains; tbence north 33 degree 30 mlnnte, weat 1.22 rhalna: tbenc eaat parallel wltn tna sain annaiion ianu elalm line 3.74 chains to waat bank at Wll kMif. ,Ih, a, tna, wafer mark: thence nutb- rly 18 degree, eaat along tn west bank of Id rlrer. 343 38 -feet; thence waat parallel with and 130 feet enath ot th aooth Un of th Tboma Stephen donation land rlaim to th eaat lme of Macadam mad; tbence aortb Inns seat lln of Mscadsm road to tb -place . ot. beglantng. Roderick L. Mac lea y an an ' - ' A trecr. or mm, awanra Bun , m.i iiaq follow:- Commencing st soutbesst cornar ot mr 20,bmrk In, Knufbern PortUnd: taienr weal 2143 feat; tiience aouth ft degree (0 miner, eaat to north Una of Nevada atraet; tbanc caat-ahwig north lln af Nevada otreet to west Una of Macadam roedi thenc Borth skmg wtu line of Macadam mad to plac f beginning, Jneepb, Weber, go. mo. a tract of lad bounded and deacribed fnllows: Cnmmeortng st hteraecikin t weat Una af Macadam mad with nuth lln at No ra da atraet; taenee waat 214.3 feet smug onath lln of Nevada atraet; tbence oth 6 degree to mlaatea. aaat 56.23 freti thcace eaat S 1.4.5 feat; thenc north ft decree go mltraie. weat M 25 feat, to plac of bfgiualng. Mekk Tsanlar, (I.B5. ' A tract at Udvbnaded and dani-rlbed as lollowai Comaiaoclo; 15.13 I eat nor In, ft oo- w.- - i ' " '- " ..',' ' .- I mtnatea past, from northeast corner 1. Pulton; tbence northerly along the of Maosuam road 306.13 feet; tbenc of block weat 214.5 feet; theac aortb 66.66 fort t mth Hue ef Nevada atraet; tbenc waat KT.M ft thence south 120 feet: tocne awi. degra 56 min4ea, aaat 244. 88. feet; thenc aortb 88 drgreee 41 mlnutea, eaat 211.25 It, to plac of beginning. Rosa B-. T;BftJ, A tract of Und bounded and deecrlbed 00 followa: Commsoring 37 chalna aortb. ft oe gras 80 mbiute east, od 342 chain weat of aortheaat oomer of buck 1. Pulton; tbenc waat 103.45 feat; tnaa oorth ft nrgrses. wt to outh Un of Narad atret; tbeme t 193.46 feet; I he ace aoath to pUc ot hex In nlng, Cbarlee D. aad Kllsa ChrUtansrn. 2.2ft. A tract of Und bounded snd described as follows: Commencing st nortbesst corner of block 1, Pulton; tbence west 10 cbsins: thencs north 7 degraea, weat 1 11 chalna: thane aaat 400.72 feat; tbence aouth 2 degree 66 mto. utaa, at 241 jot ft; )..n.""l lSL?I grae 41 mlnutea, eaat 21125 J'.? ootb ft degree 30 Blunt. aat M.lJ feet, to place of beginning, P. Kllneurge. ftlo-fto. . n im'i oi wm wviwv follow: Commencing at southeast , cornar of ki t. . t,.-w. 11mm wet 1SMJ feat to eaat lln of first street I tbeac aortb 300 teat to aouth lln f Logan atreat: thenc t t northweat corner of said block ; thenc oat her ly aloag wcg Un of osld biuek to plac or beginning, ruilon rare mow v r Atraet of Und branded and deacrfoed as follows: Commncbtg st ou Ihea.t cornar of block ftTU. Paltaa Park! tkenc wt (up feet, tbenc south SO feet; tbenc cast J00 feet, t hence north 80 feet to plc of bag nnUg, Hc-jlb Portland Real Bstt n'PnL.i3-.. A traet of Und bouoded and deearibad aa followa: Commencing at a point 50 lost snath ana 00 test west of nofthweot corner of block 72. rultou Park; thenc aouth 2V ft; J bene - weet 30 feat; tbence Berth 250 fort: tbenc t 30 feet to plac ot bag In log. Ouhguga- ilua Beth Israel. (10.30. - . . J, -Jj' l tract of Und bounded aad daowlbrrl aa uThxa-s: Commencing 30 feat sou IS and M -ft west of aouthwost earner of block 12, Pultoa Park; tbeaca eaat 750 feet: lben.-a aouth to Uterasgtloaot aortb-lln ef Poplar atraet with weat lln of Blghth sveooe; thaooa weaterly to Klevaath sveooo; tbeaca north to .north Una of Bpruc atraet; thence weat 0 1 feet; tbence north to a point feet ea.t of north eaa( corner ot block 04, Pullon Park; tnene wear low ewi, tbeac aat Saw feet: theac asuth M feat to plac of beglnnlag. Vincent Oook. 5630. A tract of Und bounded sod described followa: Commencing at aortbeaat cornrof lot ft. block lot, Pultoa Pork; tbence north 60 tori; thenc north 40 degree, eaat 034 - feet, to aouth. Un ot Mettger tret,tton JEi. township 1 sooth, range 1 at, W llUm alte avaridlaa; tbenc north at arly aaraUel " wltk waat line af aald Mstgr traet to aooth line of tinsel Street r.ttjenc west to a point du nortliiot northwost corner of block loa, ,. . -u. Mnta tn nortbw ear- Bar ef said block 108; thence eaat 100 tt to place of beginning, vrncent um, '""" ,, A tract of Uod lying betweea the eon or Mao of nerood otreet If e J tended aoata la IU pr nt couraa and tba dlrMkm line betweea ... ...a - i-.KIn 1 enath. range 1 esat. WUlsmstta meridian, and between a Un 30 feet aouth of and parallel with oouth lln Of block 63, 64 and 6i, Pulton Park, and th anrth ling of block 3L tb ijorUuw-fterly and nortbw aatariy linee at nor , - . . II vu.l.1.1, g!9 v!S A triangular tract of Und lying Betweea the aouth line fr Taylor. frry rood, tha westerly line of Boonns ferry roaa and the dlrutoo lln betweea oUoos and 22. towushlp 1 aoath. raag 1 . V--rUa nT" Merldlaa Coturegattonsl Beth Isf sal. o.06. . T . - i.i netenven th eoath, - lie ot fUyBMur srsaue and the ontk lluej . of Boundary tract extended w""t"r'r, li . nmeut - eoura and between tba. -waot Un it Hecoad, street nd tb dlvmloa lias eetw Mtloaa'lft aud 1ft. towasklp 1 aouth, roaga -1 et, WlllamatU Merldlaa, ajeoj aad agcej pt tb Indermuhle tract below descrlbwl. Ter wUllger Uad Compaay, (Tft.TO . . J A tract ef Und bounded and deacribed as foW - Iowa: Commencing aa east si da of ftlaria county road (.oat' feet north and 433 feet , east it aauth lln of th Tarwllllger don- tlon Und claim, where earn U f by th dlrUlon lln between eaat V, and west 4 of aaldi donation Uad claim; thenae south Jl . l,. ... u 1 faat: tbeaca north ta degreea 10 mlnutea eaat 206.T foet; thence north 58 degraea 30 minotaa wmX to the southwesterly fin of tb la vti connty road; tbenc BurtbSotty ftlr dagr mln nte west 280.5 feMi ihenc ,soalh t degrees 46 minutes west. 43.4 TetUipuc.ioi nsgjn- 1 ....! 1K l.rf-mh I. mi.lll. , A tract of land bounded and described etjftiL. lows: Coaimanclng t Buruiweai oucnr, . block 148,'Csrutbers' Addlttoa to the City of l-i Portland? as. JsWl out by tbo Sontb Portland la-i . n.,,1. : AM,4.ttnB! thenca Booth XI feet: thcace Weat 480 faat; thence aortb 200 - fret; thence .cut 4o tact to piaca ... . n . riw.n, Adair. X4U.T0. "A tract of Uod 'bounded nd deacribed A tel. ' . .-t. nnrtbwaat corner of buck 443. Carutkera' Additloa. to th CUy of i,i..7.. i.m .nt hv the -noutk. rortUnd -1 lun-iatlm! thence waat '30 feet along tb aouth Un of Curfy street if- ex ten Oca wemrny , in-- r-t" tbenc north 320 feet parallel wUh th weat Una of Plrat straet; thence rest to ths sputk west corner of block 128, C"7.". tlon to tho City of PortUnd aa laid eat by the - Boa th ' Portland Beat-, KaUto Association; tbrncoritk 32ft feet to- piece of beginning. William M. Cregwy. 52.85. - ' . ' All the Und osed snd eccuplcH by tn Or- - gon Csllfroi Kallroad Company tor right - , of way purposss. except where said right of way U mealed In streeU. lying between tb; north Uoe of finlce Caruthera' donstlo Und claim snd tb oouthera 'boundary of the City of PortUnd tod between the weat bask of Willamette tire at low-witer mark and the i adlrbuoa Une between sectlona 4 and ft, ft aod 10, -ft d 16. 21 snd. 22. township 1 aouth. rang 1 eaat, WilUmett Meridian. Oregon A California Batlroad Company, ' era go. . . 1 ' AU th naplated land-' lying? between tb south Uneof P. Csrutbrra' duns tlon Is nd claim snd tb south lln of Elisabeth Csruthers' dona tion Und claim and between th dlrUtoa lln between eectlone ft aad 10, townablp 1 aoath, rang rftsst, WilUmett MerldUu. and tha nu rtrat atreet. naceut two Barrels of Und owned by Mrs. k. A. .Oweoa, -Adalrf,' aad William M. Ore gory "Oregon Ballwsy A: .. Narigsttoa Cempsny. (535.00.- '- v A tract ot Und lying betweea aa aaat erly extenalon ot th north lln of Csr others straet snd a Una 150 feet north thereof and parallel therewith and betweea the eaat Un of Water straet nd a Una 38 feet east thereof and parallel therewith, JarmUh Worlck. (0.80. - Rlgbt of way. Orrfoa CaUfonU Railway Company. (H41.70. Tul. (11.372-45. ' ' ' A suteroent of aforesaid asmasuient bs been enured In th loekt ef City Lien, and Is now da and parable .t the office of the City Treurer, In Uwful money ot tb United gtte. and If not paid within 30 day from th data of this notice, such proceedings will be taken for the collect Ion of tb asm ss are provided by tb charter of th City ot DmOibiI .' Tb a nor assessment will bear Infereat 16 days after the first publication pi mis bo THOS. . PtrLI?. Andltor of the City of Portland. PortUnd. Oregon, f cbrury 24, 1906. PKOPOftAlft rOB ITXEZT WOMC Sealed pronoaaU will be received at the office of 'The "jtkdltnr of th City of PortUnd until Prlday. March 8, lwgj. st 2 o'clock p. m.. for the Improvement of Alberta street i from "the esst line of I nlon arenoo to the east lln of Bast Poarteenth street ia the manner provided hv ordinance No. 14.461. aubject to- tb pro vlrtoee ot tba charter and ordlnancea of the city of Portland, and the est! ma is of the CJty Kngtneer. on file. . . ' " . Bids ranat be strictly In accoriUne with printed bunks, which wlU be fitrnlabed on application at the offic of th Andltor of the City f Portland. And ssld improvement must be completed on or before 120 days from the, data of the signing of tb contract by th No propoaakt or blda will he considered anlr ecenmnsiiled br s certified Chech aarabla to tb order of tha Mayor of tha City ef Portland, certified by a reaunnalbl bank for aa amount equal t 10 per rant of the aggregat pmpoaaL Tba rlgbt to reject auy and all bid la hereby reaerved. ' ' r , By order af tb Executive Board. . TIIOH. C. DEVLIN. i Auditor of tha Cltr of PortUad. Portland. Oregon. February 25. lftoft-- COatM-XTTOK AJTD ACCIPTAJfCK Of SXlfim Uf BEXAT 8TB EXT AKD OOOK ATXITVI. Notlr la barehr given that Charle Wilier, City Engineer, has filed In th fflca ot tb Undersign!, notie tnst laiusiaa m ... u. w trnetnra for the constrBrtloB of a sewer In Delay street. Cook s venue, and ether streeta, andrr the provisions of Ordinance No. 14.227. hare. completed- saia sewer. n.M neenntane will bO COOOldered bt lb L V ecntlre Hmird t 4 o'rmck. on th 3d day of March. liaA, and objection tn tha acceptance ef aald sewer, if any pert taereot. may e filed In the office of tbo UBderslgaed at Bay time prior thereto. JarHB EXECT T1TB BOARD. ' ...;. - By THOS. C. DBVt.fN, A editor of th Cit.r nf PortUad. PortUnd, Oregon. Bebrugry 26, 1805, - v,- ISEBAKaWCe:!. I'lrstKaTV I Ca BIarortarwl ar I aiesar,iBBammuwa, awe VI trrltaU ar nieraUoa of siHIl msmbraaaa, hl.UM and nnS antaan. tUlatuMartl US. rnl ae sains,. guuun I f 1 graft toy ., 1 or ssal la puis wrae, J or sxpreas, pea -n, aa t . or( boHie.. nt Ctraniar ss4 ml us) 20 i a tMt 88) w8n"wTfw, V"" Odfgom Siipiiiira UdlONPACIHC 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 - Throagb Pullmaa eUodard aod taarUt sleep ing ear dally to Omshs. Chicago, i ftgoksu; ' tourist sleeping car dally to Kaaaxs City; tnrouga roinaaa taariag aieepiag ears tPesoa ally conducted) weekly to f arrago. Reclining enair cars eeu rrorp vm in x;aax aaiiy. UNION DEPOT. Leave. Arrtr. CHICAOO-PORTLAND 8PP.CIAL. 18 a.m. -M B. m. for the Pest via Boat Daily. .... Daily, . ingion. . . 8POKAMB PLTER. for P-astarn Waahln tun. Wall Walla. Lew 6:15. BV :nr)s.(s. Dally- .':' Mum, . Cbeur d AJene nd Oreat . Northern Daily. points. ATLANTIC BXPREM for tha Ksst rut llunt -.16 B. I Daily., Dally. - Ingtoa. ColmnkU lrr Divtaiea. POK Aft TORI A aad war 8:00 p. ax. Dully. pnlata, connecting with AKowt 00 a. as. etmr. ror liwaco and at. gundsy North Beach. sir. Hss-lxaturday. ssle, Ash-st, dork. 16:0 p. famhjU ler BontoT POR DATTON. Oreeno Dally. I City aad Yamhill tin. 't.B. potnU. stmrs. Buth SBdlD"'' Jtodtjr. Ash-st. dock. aa. ftuaday. as. ftoodsy. .r,mmr laiuiuil, T Baaka Blear Keute,' ' fOB LBWI8TON, lda..lg.n. KnVHJa.h0U a A boot 00 p. 1 8noksn and LewUUq.l- atrda TICKR OPPICK. Third aad WssbUgW ToUa 1 -- pnoo Mala 711 - . . , - C. W. 8TJN0BR, City Ticket Agent, A- tu CKAI0. Oeneril Pssaangar Agent. EASTV SOUTH "la rat. UNION DEPOT. AlTiTM. OTJEBLAKD BXPKESSj trilna. for Samoa. Boaa- burg, Ashland. Sacra- txSpl,BX. men to. Ogdea. Baa rraa- cUco. Stockton. La AnH galea. El Pane, New Or-1 lean na tn bust. Morning trsle nects , . st Woadbarni dally except Bandar 2:30 a. n. with, train lor at Angel. 8 1,lrrtn. 8B.I vrowncmie. iirni Mold, Wandllng aa Natron. . Albany Pass en ear an. 40 p. g. T:S0 a.-to. necU at Wood burn with 10: Mt. Angel and ftlrrer-j ton local. I Corvalll poesenger, l'5:Bf)p.g. herldatr passenger. lB:2o arm. i$jM6tT,y' , ' .'I - - e Dally. II Dally, except Sunday. erUaad-0twg ftpburban ftsniu and Taraaffl h DivUioa. v;. 511114 rpot itaot of Jefferaon' street. - - Lear Portland dlly forOef T:80 a. gi.t 12:50, 2:05, 8:20. ft:20, 6:Sfi. T:45 16:10 P- m. Dally (ext KlmdayK 5 a). 6:30. 8:39. 10.23 a, m. L 4:0,,J30 fi Wf tWbdyooly,ft:00- R turning from Oewego, srrtv PortUnd datly J:S0 ..,; 1:55. 2:06. 4:35.ftA5., T:35, ftigS. 11:10 p. m. Dally (except SmMny)' 6:25. T.'25 8.30, 10:20, 11:46 a. m. Except Monday, U:Jft p. m.- Snnday only. 10:00 a. m. Uawsa from same depot for Dallas and fn ter med late point dally (except Sunday) 4.00 p. (a. -Arrive Portland 10.20 ia Tbo Indepeadeore-Moamontfe Motor Una ' eperate dally to Moomontb aad AlrB. em aectlng with Sopthera Pactoo company's tracks at Dallas sad Independence. - (Trat-claaa far from PortUnd to Bacramanto aad San Pranclac (20, berth, (5; seeond-ciaa ? far (16. aecond-cU bertha (2.50. ' Ticket to Etera potou-aad Curopa. aUa , Jspsn, China. Honolulu aad AnstraUa. . jjjz City Ticket Office eorner Tbhrd and ag Ingtoa atreet. raoog axain 112. C W. 8 TINa KB,- A. TB COMAJ aty Ticket Agont-v Pkaa. AgaX TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland x UNION DEPOT. Deports. Paget Bownd, Limited, for T scorns, brattle, Olrmols. Soath Bend :30 s. a. d:B.g, and Grgy's Harbor poinnx, North Coast Limited, for Taeonsa. Heat tie. Butte. St. PsoL Mla nes polls. Chicago, New York, Boatoa and potato Eaat and Boutbeaat. (:O0 p. ax. tM a. av Twln-atv Bxprsao. far Taeema. Seattle, Spo kane. Helena, Bt. Paul, Mlnneannlla CKIenan. 11:48 p. bJ T.DOa. av New York, Boston aod all pnlnta Eaat aad boutbeaat. : Paget Bound kam Clty-Ht. Loul Special, for Taeeon, Heattle, Stokn. Butt Billing. tinrr. Omaha, Kan (JO a. ax. TKI0B.I city. Bt, ixmta and all pointo Esat aad BoaU aaat. All train dally except , o Snath branch. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pa earner Agent ' 228 MorrUoa St.. cor. TbUd, PortUad. Or, Astoria & Columbia ? River Railroad Co. lax? f. J9V I I nwarT- i .I, i i , Leaves. LWION DEPOT. AitlMuy t e - 8 00 o. m. for slaygsrs. Rainier. M 10 a. ax. Dally. Clatakanl. ' Weatnnrt. Dally. i Clifton, v Astorl,,. War- rantnn, Klavsl, 'Han- v " " t niond. fort Sir-Ten, . , , . - Oarhrt Park. KantbU, Astoria aad Beasaer. T:00p,. "xprr. d.lly, :u. Astoria Eipreas. J , J. 0. MA TO. O. f. snd T. A.. Astoria. Or. C A. STEWART, Cnmmerelsl Agrat, 241 Aldar treat. Ptione Main on. TVoket Offle 128 Tklrd (. aawa. TrrtaicoritlriritftI Tralrtaa Oally . : . FA ST TIME TO PPOKANW. fIT. TAVTaVVVXJTBL POINTS KAT. Daylight trip tlirwof It. tba f-4 nd Rocky mountain. To full nr. -uura, ralM, , caJI oa ar k. nmaom, city ruk. ' 1(8 -rhird anreet, Fertlojad. JQURrML WANT AD3 ' CRINQ CU!CX r." bal-. i ? ' ' .: . ' ' - - '! '. '.'!- ' ' ,. '