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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND; MONDAY EVENING, FirSRUARY 7. . 1S0J. ..1 CITT SOTICES. TA Cnrntmny right of way. ; ft el subdlristoa U of lot 1. .Clarence M. Liiley 8115: Berth 42V4 fset outh ,83 ' feet of aubdlTlatoa O of tot 1. Ore roe California Rallrssd Company' fight of way, Chimt .. WIW, ""lb 42 4 feet or MbdlTlstoa j-t. w ltck. SI. 16; utitli 424 feet pt ubdlTUlo H ef tol 1, C. W. Lelck, 81.14; north 42(4 fort of eobdlriatoa H of lot I, except Ore iw I s morals Railroad Company e right ( way. bit-bar C. Prince. 80.96; wtotlriaton A ef tot A Am Fine. 44 75; subdlTlaloa M of lot X Robert Canltl. 84.78: .sabdlristoa C of tot 2. Portland Trtat Company of Ore. - a-oa. f4.3us Bubdtrilo-lt-4f tot r,.u,D1 trust Company of litem. M-Sn; Tlstou R ef tot 2. 4. Murha'trln, 24.3U; eubdlrietoa F of tot-U "8. Muchaleln. 84.30; eohdlrisloB .-i , !,.: 4 u. h j- tt'vlnnrt. 14.75: ub- dtriAoa K of tot X Wrd Ci Wtmur. f Z?U eobdlristoa A of tot a. w. B. llcr. . uhdlriatoa B of tot 3, W. E. tier.. r-H5; subdlristoa 'O of tot X W. E. IW. ..; Bnbdlristoa D- Vf tot ,3, W. K. llet (A; all of sMbdirisloa Rottot S Mat of IH-egna A ." California - Railroad Com uu l rlrht of way. W. A. Currlr. XVSO; till of ubdlTlstoa F mt to 3 "t of lirrgoB - A California Railroad Compaay right of , way. W. A. Curt-le. 84.05; all of subdlristoa 4- U of tot 8 eaat of Oregoa 4 Callforala Rail rnsd Company s right of way, -W. A. Corrl. SO.36; all of auhdlristoa F of tot 8 weal ot Oregoa California Kallroad Oouipaay's right of way, kato Kometseb. 6a 36; 'ell ot aub dlTlatoa 0 of tot S wot of Oregoa Cali fornia Railroad Umpany'a right of way, K a la HoaM-tw. o.l; autKllTliJoa A of tot 4. H. K. lilMM. 4 Bo: aabdlrUtos. B of lut 4, II. , R. (ilbba, 4.30: aubdlTlaloa of tot 4, -. bdprra Araold. .; aubdlrlato I of tot 4. Uaora Arnoli' 3.0; all of aubdlrlataa ' K of tot 4 out of Ornroo A Callforala Rait road lompany a rig-ht of way, . Ward (J. wot; nor. i.7fii all of aobdlTUtoo r of tot 4 wrot of lirpfm M California Kallmad ttoai- riny'a right of way. Ward C. Wetaioro. 1 S5: all of anbdlrUkm It of tot 4 aaat of ' tiregoa CallfcrnU Kallroad Company'! right or way, C. W. Lrlrk. uj(); all of aobdlrl ton r of tot 4 at of Oregon California Kallroad Comnany'a right of way, O, W. Lalck. 11.15; alt of auhdlTlatoa O of lot 4 ruvpt Itrrgoa 4k CaUfrnla Kallroad Um nany'i right of way, rYanra at. Btereoa, . tl.75; all of snbdlYlstoa U of lot 4 want of . Oracoa A Callforala Railroad Company' light ' of way. Frano-a M. Htrrcna, (U.1U; all of ' onhdlrUlbn H of tot 4 oaat of Orrgon Cali fornia kallrnad Company' right of way, C. W.i lirlrk. (U.3S. BUlCli. , north W W of tot I. rut of Oregna A California Rail road Company' right of way. Martla Wlarb, fl.ft; Booth DO tort of north trt of tot . mat of Orrgon A California Railroad Oom ' nny'a right of way. hUmor B. OolweU, tO.lpi aonth 30 fort of tot 1. raat of OrrgoB A) CaU ' fornU Ballroad OMiipaaT l right of way, Mary A. Clark. tW; aU of tot 1 want of imM A California Rallraad ComBanya right ot way. La arm A. Back. 40; aaMlTlalon , A of tot a. J. B. Bryrr, 4.u6; anbdlTtatoa B - of tot H. Bryar. IA75: aabdlTUloa C of tot .,-C JorKraaoa. a.B0; anbdlTtatoa I of tot . Kara a Moatgomrry, 3-4li north It f aUllrlatoa B of lot 9, Mary A. Clark. I.S5; soath 4 fet of aabdlrlalon B of tot I. Bono A. Toang. .; Borth M frof of aabdlrtaloa F of tot S, Baaan M. Onnrnaoft. II.So; aonth 1TB fret of aubdlri- , .tea of tot 2, rrrd V. Boody. 10; oorth HU fort at woat IM trot of toll t, Krad V. Hoodg.-twn; north 0 fort Aaat SO fact of tot . Soaaa M. Opprnbnff, (l.lo; aaat 2U frot of south 00 fret of north 110 frot ot lot S 1T4 K. Boody. X3IV; wrt 127 H frot of aoalh 0 frrt of norU 1 toat ot tot 8. JtAa At Hoock. 8S.8O; rest 48V4 f-erv of south no fret of tot 8. 8. AntluLan: woat 1X7 Vi frrt of Btmth 110 frrt of tot S, Ioula Ijinra Araold. IS 85: aoalh 130 fort of tot 4. I A Bor. as.06; wrat a4 frrtiof aaat t of aor'.h 110 frrt of tot .' William v If. Bodmaa. wrat -4!Mr-fr of eaat ' IH of north tlO fMt of tot 4, Sarah " . JU BodBM-B. 14.80. .- ' , , . A trart of land lylnV brtweea tba soath line of Lowell aroo and a line 110 frrt aoalh thereof and parallrl therewith and brtwrrn the aaat Una of Front strrrt and a Untr aes fret woat of and parallel with th wrat lib of Corbet t atreet. Tboaua Bchneider, 810.40. POBTLAND HOMKSTBAD BIOCK T, north 11(1 int 1. Aramlnto Bronangh. IUB).45: - aonth 1 fret of tot 1. Orere I: BroaaaghJ. 83&.4i aohdlTtalon A ot lot .,' koop. IR.00; anbdlalalon B of tot t, Ella L. . Wyakoun, 85.00; eubdlrlalon C of tot Ollra U Warner. 8S.00; aondlrtaion D of lot. S. Lory M. Merwln. 85.00: eabdlrtatoa of tot X Abble l Crockrr. 880; aubdlrUton T of tot 8. Abble h. Crocker, 83.50; aonth 111 fret of west an feet of aubdlrlalon ot -tot 1. Jamra QolUoa.. 81.80; onth 100 feeta nh dlTlston U of tot 1. Jaaiea Collnu. 82.75; north TO frrt of -anbdlTlrloB O ot tot 8. 1 W., Vynkoop. 8I.B0; aonth 100 fart of eaat '. 104fret ot aobdlTlalon U ot tot a, I. W. Wynkoop, 80.H; north TO fret of rabdlTlslna oVvjI IjV Wnkoon. 81.90: aubdlTl aloa A of tot a, George Klger. 84.80; anb . dITlsloa B of tot a, John Kn.pp. 84.30; sub- dlTlslon O of Jot S. atra. w. r. jyuj,; - anndlrlalon un. uiwtlvlslnn K of lot X Ann K. Frld man. 84.76: snbdlrlsloo F of tot 8, Ann K. Peldmaa, 84 75, aubdlTlaloa J of lot X Me llsd E Morgan. 84.76; aubdlTlaloa H of tot X Meltnd K. Morgan. 84.75; tot 4. Bimoo Blnmancr, :O.H5. BLOCK X' tot 1. Job C. Lackcl. 8.15 ; lot X Oregoa A Callforala Railroad Company. 835.85; tot 3. Oregoa A Callforala Kallroad Company. 83S.85; aub ' dlTlstoa A of lot 4, Ueorge Q- Hprlngmeyer. ' : 84.3o; jnbdlTblB B of tot -4. Mary oprlng meyer. 84.J: subdlrlslon U of tot 4, Newton - I., Ullhaai, 84.80; aubdlTlatoB D of lot 4. Carl . Blerbtntrr. H--; aubrilThilon K of tot 4, '.. Oscar KAlsra, 84.T5; aobdlTlstoB W mt tot 4. tm-ar Folarn. 84.76; wast 26 feet of eubdlTt lon U ot tot A Adolph UauamaB, 83-H5; east . 6 f'et of snbdlTlsloB O of tot 4. Cyrua M. McKay, -80.76; aobdlriaton H of tot 4, Cyrus M. McKay. 84.7a. BLOCK 9. aubdlTlatoB A of lot 1. Mary E. Johnson. 84.30; aubdlTlaloa - II 1.1 tot 1. Mary R. Jobnaoa. 84 ; north H of subd trillion C of lot I. Mr. F. J. Uaaer, - ) ' 8X15; snath H of BUbdiTlaloB C of tot 1, Lou is hlalrr. 8X16; aubdlTlaloa I of tot 1. X M. Mlaoham, 84.80; HibdiTlaloa E ot tot 1. James H. Aapenwall EataU. Heir of, . 84. 7; aubdirlsioB F of tot I, Jamr 8. Aapan , wall Rstatr, Helra of. 84 75; north 127 S fret of snbdlTlslaa ti of tot 1. Newton L. Ullham, 83.45; south 4X8 free of aubdlTlaloa U of ' i tot I, Judith H. Btnmasa, 81.18; aulxUrUlou i H of lot 1. Judith H. Hlnmana, 84.75; aub dlTlaloa 1 of Jot X Cbarle K. Templetoo. -. Trustee. 8X8o; anbdlTtoioB a ot tot X Clnrtoa . R. Templetoa. Trnatrr, 82. So; nibdlTteloa 8 . of lot X Charles R. Templetoa,- Itustea, - - ; 81.80; modlTlsloa 4 of tot X Charlra K. lem t plrtoB, Iruaten, 81-80; aubdlrialoa 5 ot tot X . Charlr B. Templetoa. Trustee. 8X40; sub- dlrlatoa 8 of tot 8, Charle R. Templetoo. - Trasree. 8X40; aubdlTlaloa 7 ot tot 8. Charle R. Trmptoton. Traetea, 82.75; aubdlTlatoa - of tot X Charlra R. Templrtoa, Truster, - rXT6; aulxllTlsloa of tot X Charle B. Tem- .. pletrli. Trustee. 5XT5; aulidlTlsloa 10 of tot . X Charlra R. Temple ton, Trustee, 82.75; aub ' . diets ion 11 of tot X Charlra R. Templetoa. ' Trustee. 82.75; aubdlTlaton 12 ot tot X Charle " . R. Trmptoton, Trustee, 8X40; aubdlrlstoa IS .... . of tot XChariea hV- Tumplrtoa. Trustee, . 8X40; north 32Vk fret of weat bo feet of north tot X Charlra R, Tsmpletea. Trustee, 4a of lot X uertrade Mark, 1.d; aonth 22 w ret of north 46 feet of west Do fret of north 3 of tot X J a toes Cormaek, 61.85; south V tot X Mary Finch. 818.90: aonth 22ft feet Burtb 9X6 feet of west 67 Vk feet of Berth of tot X Mre. R. A. Oarrlaon, 81.15:. south feet ot south 45 fret of weat 67 feet of earth H of tot 8. Mr. R. A. Uarrlnoa, 41.15; west KVk feet of eaat 46 feet of s. north 45 feet oi north H of tot X Emma J. Vaeean, 80.90; eaat 82ft feet of north 46 fret of north 't of tot 3, Lruore 8. Greg ory, 6.: esrt 45 fret ot wrat 126 frrt of our lb 45 feet of north mt lot X Leuur 8. ... 4trrgorT, 81-80; east lUVk feet ot aoath 46 frrt of north , of tot X Lrnora 8. Oreiory. J 84.00; lot 4, Oregon A California Rsllroad ' Ceapaayr 6..- BUM'K Hi. lot i; Oregon 'A tallfurala Railroad Company, 835-85; adb - dirt men, A of tot 2. John Andrew, 1.1. N5; abn ' diTlrton U of tot X Joha Aadrew, XI.86; aub . dlTlstoa () ot tot X Jobn Andrew. 8XHA-. suK. dlTlstoa U of tot X Joha Andrew, 8.1. IKl; aib . dlTlstoa E at tot X Joha Andrew, 13.85; aub . Alrbitoa F mt tot X Jobs Andrew, 8-1.85; aub- aiTisHia u or to a, aooa Anorrw, a3.(r,. aub dlTlaloa H of hit X John Andrew, 83.86; sub dlrletea I of tot X John Andrew. :.n&; tot X fcpenre H. Cooper. $:!.; weat 42 Vi fert ' of aonh 1H feet of tot 4. Arnold Breater . hola. 83JI5; all of east HS feet of hit 4 lying Banna ilabt of war. W. A. Lewie, (loan A trart of laad lying between th est 114 ' of Ohio street and a line 42 W feet east of aad parallel therewith and between line .' ll'i feet aeoth t and parallrl .with the south II a - of Itiailltoa areuae' and the north Una of Oregoa A California Kallroad f empaay ngai ot . wy, Bimoa steli ' 81.90. .r.. ... A trart of land betweeh tww llnr rrapeellTely '421. feet and M6 feet eaat mf and parallrl with the east line of Ohio etrrat and between a line 110 feet aoath of aad ears I lei with the eoath Una of Hamilton aTenaa and the north line of Oregon A California Railroad mtnaaay n - nam oi way,-, n. . Lewla, . rwnTXAFD HOMRSTEAIV BLOCK ' east 42 feet of weat Kl fret of aorta 118 fret of tot 4. Henry F. Hlldrbrand. 84.16; all of tot 4 aoath of Orrgoa A California Railroad '., t'otnpaar a rlrht of way I'boraii Immranee ' Companr. 8"I.So. BUK K II, tot 1. Joseph i A. btrowbrtdg 8lata. Helra of, V fju; lot X Joarpb A. Ptrow bridge Eatatr. Hetrs of, - 15 an j tot 4. Joseph A. Rtrowbrldge Estate. Hetrs of. 6J5 an: aorik 80 fret of lot X TsMna Schneider. 84.73: aoath 3ft fret of - north an frrt of tot X An toe nisrhofbrrger. . 81.75! scuta an fret of north 12 feet of tol X Alexander Klearl, 80 86; wrat 88 feet of 110 fret of tot X Joarpb M. Kk-kelB. east A fret of aoath II feet of tot . M, Blmaa ntHsey. 8 . BIOCK IX tot X Martoay L late1 naaipaay. .l0.O; east 60 , r-rl . ef eutottTlaloa A of hit X Bsdie- A Winkle, ai.wit east Wl frrt ef aabdlTtetoi H ef tot X Asdle A. Winkle. 81 ; wrst en irrv or eunqiTtstna a Of snc ona n. it eeT. 8X88: West fret ef euhdlelaloti ef tot X Job H. Pamerer. 82 86; nhdlriatoa C ef tot X Prere H. Bin. 64.80; Bahdlrtatoa p A tot a, I 'arc U, Blyth. f4.v; aabdlrtaloa arr botici. K at tot 8, Trrar II. Blyth, 84.T5; obdlTlloB V mt tot 3, 1'erry 11. HI) la. 84.75; wbdlTtalua "1 of tot 8, 1'erry M. Blth. 84. T6; aubdlTlaloa H of tot 8. Ferry H. tlylh, 84.T5. BUH:K IS. tot 1. WlUlam B. Ferhelmer, 8J4 .00; north 00 feet of tot X C V. Heal. 8.Sfti west no feet of aonth 170 feet of tot 8, C. F. Real. 80.,t&i north fort of eaat 110 feet ot south 1T0 feet of tot 3, Ueorgla A. Pomeroy, 4.;; north 42 feet of east 110 fret of aouih fret of tot S. J. P. Mampek 84.i; ooiita b5 fret of eaat 110 feet of tot 8, Tbeodor Brarker and J. Wlotrrholdrr, 87.4H; eaat U of tot 8, Charle K. Udd, , 17.; aaat H of tot 4. Char Ira- U. Udd. . 8IT.K". liUH'K 14. anbdlTlslon A of tot 1. 4v4laBV-Ai. Murrow,"; aubdlTlalon B of tot 1, WlUiam A. Morrow, 84.3o; subdlilsloa V of tot I. Frostoa ttllletw, 84-W; aub dlTlstoa I) of tot i. Preatoa W. llrtte. . 84 XU; aubdlalsloo It ot lot 1. Albert hreo. : barh. 84 75; auldlTlalo F of tot 1-. A'hrrt ' Trhrenbarh. 84 T0: ubdlTlit 1 of tot 1, - John. Koparhlegl. 84.75: aubdlTlatoB H f tot ). John aiopa.hlrfl. 84.75; tot 8, Atomo W. .Withered. Jft.rto; eaat H of tot 8. Mlja M-. sK. Laurence. 8H80: east M of lot . Willi . flarka. 8IT.HO. BLOCK 15. to 1. JJwnia , echueider, Ja.tlu; north V, mt tot aaouth of to Orrgua A California Railroad Com. rsBT'a right of way, lnman-PoulaeB A Co., 10.70; all t tot 8 north and weat of Oregon A California Railroad Company a right of way. J. K. Uarley. 810.TO; all pf amth U of lot a except Orrgon ' California Railroad Coeauaay' right of way, Elllsoo Bucampment I No. VI. . F.i H.0; all of oaat H of tot 8 except OrrrB A California Railroad ' Company a right of way, Joseph A. olrow brlilge. Sr.. Lstata. Heir p. 42 feet at east 85 feet of north 100 feet of tot 4. Orl.fcilaa ttanford. 83.H0; aat 4U . feet of north l0 fert of lot 4, Otla U. Ban ford Betate. Helra of. 83.00; east 40 feet of west luo fret ot atmth 10 feet of tot 4. Thomaa R. Wrat, 83.8S; at 86 feet .of eaat 40 feet of weat 120 feat of eoath 100 feat of tot 4, August Wrytor, 83.25, KKBKIOAN'H HLBDlVIBlON ot part of toU 1 and 8 of block A In I'orthiBd Homaataad : VUKK. A, east H of tot 1. Joan V. ami WUda F. Laukln. ); aaat of tot 8. John V. and WUda F. lauklii. Ill-OS; eaat 45 feet of weat 4 of tot 2T-l'aulloe Jorgen ea. 88.10: itbdlTisloa 1 of tot 8. Kate U. Beaatoaa. f3.lw; aubdlTlaloa S of tot 1L Kata II. Rraslona, 84 ; ubdiTlaloB 8 of lot 2. Kal 1). , boss loos, 44 00; eulHtlTtsion 4 of lot 8. Kate l. Beaatooa, 84.0"; bdlTlaloB i of tot a, Kogea A. Saaaloua, 82. u6; aubdlTlatoB of tot 8. Eugen A. oeaalon. 81.00; aubr . olrlatoa T of tot 2, Eugene A. iHeaalona, 8-1.40. PORTLAND HOMK8TKAO BUM'K B. aubdltl aloa A of tot 1. Nortbera Cooatlea i InTaatvent . 'iruat. Ltd- 8S.35: aubdlTlaloa B of tot 1 1. M. 1. and I. Uallagber, 8-35; aubdlTlatoB C of tot 1, William M. Walpnla, 83.35; aub dlTlaloa U of tot 1. Jacob Mlcnel. 83 85; anb . dlTlatoa K of tot 1ttThooiaa II. smith. fO.Ou; weat ltd fret of tot 8. llrury Brnnett. 8t75; a U of tot 8 except wrat In fret. WUilam R. , Welpoto, 815,10; north 40 feat ot weat of tot 8. W. J. Dllton,-8.V45; oaat 4 of tot 8. John T. Lanklu, 8I0.;; aoath . ot weat t, of tot 8. Joha U. Kraoedy. 4.0o; tot 4. John 1). Kennedy, l.4o; tot 5. Joha 1. Kenaedy. 818 ; tot Joha D. Kennedy, 81T.UI. -4ILOCK C, tot 1, Mary 1.. Park,; lot X Loala Blmmennan,; tot 8, Ueorge Hillock KUU Urlra of. 818.50. Fl'LTO.S PARK MIXH'K 10, tot I. Fulton Park Land company, nw.oo; kj o, "'"" Lead Company eu.oo; m o, 'iw iu.7o; tot 4. . Fuluia Park eo 7i; tot 8, Fultoa Park ao.7o: lot l. Fultoa Park Laod Company, Land Company, Land Comuauy, Lead Compaay, Land Company, 80.70; tot lih Fultoa Park 80.70. BLOCK 17, tot I. Fultoa Park Land Company, 80. To; tot 8. lulu Fark Land Company, . , a -uitun Park Land Cvmpaoy. 8O.T0; tot 11, Puitoal.Park Laud Company, .80.T0; tot IX , Fultoa Park Company. t.I0. Bl K Miik (i hf lot 14. A. W. Tobln. ro!l5; north 66 feet of aoath 130 feet of tot 4. Wdney Z. MltebelVl0.T5; north 80 feet Of tot J , SUilia aa nsrerw ... --j , 8O.IK1: tot T, ultoa 'Park Luid Company, eK tot 8. Elisabeth Bttt, W-o; tot B Kllcabeth Kggort, ' 8O.V0;- tot lo. Kllaabeth tagett?80.8v7 toi TllV Kllaabeth Eggert.; " tot IX EUiabeth Eggert. 80-90. BLOCK 2d, tot laV Fultoa Park Laad Company, 81-20. BLOCK ! M f. B. M. Lombard. 8U.70; lot n. B. U. Lombard. 80.70; tot 9, Oeorga 8. Mclutyah, 80!? W Ht. f. Wheeler.. O.T0; lotll. KllaabeU Eggert. 8.7o-, tot IX Kllaabeth Eggert, 80-70. BLOCK 89. tot 1. Ralph W. ltoyt, -81.16; tot X Ralph W. UojU 80.00; tot a, JiJrn Oloblach, 810UJ tot 4. Joha 1 CI. blsehT 8116; tot a. John Uiebtsch. 81-10. '.BIAM.K'40, aU of weat -50 feet of lot eept north fro frrt, William H. McParland. - AtubS; eaat 00 feet of weat 100 feet of tot t lTorc-gon Building A Lose AaaoclaUoo, 50.36-, , Borth fx) feet of weat 60 fret of lot 1, pm. eon BntMln A. Loan Aaaoclatlon, 8-$l; eaat Too tat of tot 1. Mark J. 4"oinatoek, 80.80; . kit X Uaale E. ToanA, d.T0; tot 8, Mary , Uughr. no. 70; dot 4, Mary liagbea. So.70r - lot 6. Patrick llugbe. 80. 7u; tot a. Elm HaU. 8o.7u; tot T, Parry Johnaoa. 80.T0; tot 8, 7v.lll. niretn Bu.TO: tot 9. Collin C. Olr- Tln. 80-56: tot 10. 1. 8. Harst. 8U.56; lot 11, K.eaii Tin kit ix 4. M. Lombard. 8J.Tu; ' tot 14. C. J. Decker. fo.T0 tot 15, Mary Koaata, 80.TO; tot IX Mary Kooata.8o.7tt: ; . . , 1. . . i. a, i 7,i ti 1 1 u ' 1 , JOt II, SWT m., . , -- 41. tot 7, W. M. Martaall. I" 70; tot S. W. M. Martaall. I80.T0; lot 9. William Mackin tosh, Trustea, 8U-T0; tot 10, William Mackin tosh. Trustee, 80.70: tot 11. Elsie hf. Crabb, 80.70: tot IX William Helming. fO.HO. BLOCK 45, tot 1. William Hathaway and Charlra H. Thompson, 50.70; tot X William Hathaway and Charlra H. Thompson, 80.06; tot 'X William 11a tba way and Charlra U. -.Tbompaone-80-85: tot 4, William. Uathawa ,. and Charlra 11. Thompson, 60.06; tot 6. W'ln - lam Hathaway and Charlea H. Thompson. 80.70: tot X Catrlna Hanaea. JOlTo; tot T, Catrln Hanaea, 8" 70. BLOCK 48, tot 1. 8. B, Carmine,' 8o.7o; lot X Maud Be well, 80.T0: tot X Clara V. Carmine, 8" 70; tot 4, Clara V. Carmlue, 80.66; tot 6, Edward O. Bewail. 80.66; tot X Edward Q. BewalL 87tfr' tot T. Coba K. Culllsoo, 80.70; tot 8, Coha E. CulUaoB, 80.70. BLOCK 47, lot 1, Maria tttorkuian, 80 Til; tot 3. Marl Btorkman, rTO; tot X HrnrlrtU Poppletoa, fo.To; tot W. J. CJramba. 80.S5; lot 6, William H. Warrea. 80.55; tot X William H. Warren, Jii.TU; lot T. Fred O. Buffum. 80.70; tot X Yed 0. Buffum. 8 TO, BLOCK 41, lot 1, - Bmm Marquam, 8u To; lot X Emma Mar- Juam, 8'a.TO; tot X Joha F. Coyne, 80.70; tot . . Altort W. CaawelL 80.T0; tot 6, C. J. Itockrr. 80.70: tot X O. J. Decker, 80.T0; tot T '-tV J"." Drcher, 80.90; lot 8, C. J. Decker, . 80. TO; tot 9, Thomas A. Clarke, 80.TO; tot li). Vatorlr Rogers, 80. TO; tot 11. Vslerle Roger; 80.56; tot IX Vrterl Rofrr, 80.56; lot 1.1. Valerie Rogors, 80.70; tot 14. Tboma A. Clarke. 6D.TO; lot 16. Thomaa A. Clarke, 80.TO: tot Id. Era P. Uteri, 80.90; tot IT, Waller B. Prostoa, 80.70: tot IX Henry Kter.-na, 8-T0; tot 19, Alice W. Caswell, i Til- tot 2o. John F. Coyne. 80.70: tot 21. jamra Blake. 80.70; tot 22, Tbe Title Ouaraa- tee A Truat Company, an.70. block 4B, lot 1, Era P. steal, to. 70; tot X Et P. Bteel, 80. TO; tot X J. E. Bcott, 80.TO; tot 4, J. E. Hcoit. 80.70: tot 6. Hiram W. Riley. 80.70: tot X Hiram W. Riley, 80. TO; lot T, Ell F. PnHlnaon. 80.70; tot X fscsr F. Ohwa, 80. TO; lot V. B.TB o. rricr, en'.io, mn. iv, n, ire.ae4a. 10. TO: tot II. Era P. rlteel. 80.TO: tot IX Et P. Bteel. 80.70. BLOCK no, tot 1. WlllUm Mackintosh. 80.45; tot X William Mackintosh, hO.Ml; lot a, William MaeajBtoan, 8u.a; tot 4. Mary A. Daney, 80.70; tot 5, William H. Daney, fo.TO; tot X D. C. Ted ford. 60.70; lot T. Joseph Rimoa, Truatre. 60.70: tot 8, Kaiifa J. Falling. fo.TO; tot 9, k art fa J. Falling. fO.TOi tot 10, Patrick Hughes, 80 70; tot It. Patrick Hughe. fi).7o; tot ax Fultoa Park land Company. 80.70. BLOCK 61. lot 1. Joseph , Blmoa, Trustee, an mi: tot X Joseph rHmoa, Trnatee. 81.06. HMl;K 62, tot 1. Patrick and Mary Hogbee, 80.70: tot X Patrick and Mary Hughra, o.70; L.t a e.aterlne HcneorrmaBB. . lu: lot a, William Laser, 80. Tu; tot A, William Henry, aii Tii: tot X William Henry. tot 7 Jane Byaa, fO.IO; tot X tieanetta A. roa. pletoa, o.7c; lot n. nenrieiia a. r-opptnon, . ao 7ii'. lot 10. Fnltrn rI'ark Laod Couioany. 8O.T0; tot 11. Lou H. I'pdrgrafi. fo.To; tot IX Loo H. rixtograff, 8f0. .- BUK't.53,, tot ti. B. M. Lombard. 8tv60; .tot X.l -M. Lombard. fo.TO; tot T. Anna MrQuillaa, 8O.80: w a . n txiwr. 80.70: tot 9. 8. D. Crow 60.T0. BLOCK 84, tot T. B. M. Lombard SB aHlioa rsrs isn wiwrmj, e-'- iv , m 8. B. M. Lombard and Fultoa Park Land Compaay. 80.70; tot 9, B. M. Lombard aad Fultoa Park Land Compaay, 80.70; hit 10. n m fiymhird aad Fultoa Park Land Com pany. 80.70; lot 11, B. M. Lombard and Ful toa Park laad Company, 80.70; tot IX B. M. Lombard and Fultoa Park 1-and Company, an Til. BLOCK 85. Reboot District Ns. I. 610. BIjOCK tot 1. Byron P. Card well Estate, Helra or 80 70; lot X Byrna r. Card. mmii Helra of. 80.TO: tot X Arroa P. Cardwrll Eatatr. Hrlra of. 80 To, tot 4. Byrna P. Cardwall Batata; Ilrm Df. : AO.TOr tot 6. Byroa P. Cardwell Rsiate.. Hrlra of. 80. T"; lot X Brrna P. Cardwrll Estate,' Hrlra of. : an.70; tot T. Byroa P. Cardwrll Estate, nrlra . of. 60.W tot 8. Byroa" P. Carjlwell Eatatr. ' Hrlra of. 8i.70; tot 9. Brraa P. Cardwrll Estate. Helra of, 60.T0; tot 10. Byroa P, t'ardwelt Estate. Helra- of. 80.70-, tot 11, ' Brraa P. Cardwall ft.tate. fla.ra of. 80.70; tot IX Brrna P. Cardwall Estate, Helra ot. Ti 70. BLOCK 6T. tot 1. Fred 8tlyee. 8-T0; lot tA Rialrrr. M Til: tot X H. M. Bush. an T i- tor 4 II M. Bush. 80.70: lot X Alice Kremer. 80.T0; tot 6. Alice Kreatrr, 80 70 tot T. Anaa Kllaa Btarr. 80 TO; tot B. Amelia K. and M. J. Nw, 8o TO; tot 9. Prtr Wank Un. 80.TO: tot 10. WIIMam N. Ferria. fo.70; . L i it. John Twit, to 70: tot TX obn Tear. 8O.70. BLCM-K 47 tot 1, Fultoa lark Laad f i Kilt tot X Fultoa Park Lrrd CnsanaaT, ao.To; rt a, mnoa iwx wta 80 an; tot 4, . Fultoa Park Land 881 001, rfit-ov Pnllo Park Land . mi block Aw. tot I. Ionise 'tfjrToBipaay, fr Compaay, rotuosuy Frteee, 8" TO' lot X Lenlaav prlrer. 80. TO; tot 8. Marco Kddr npaaaiiaf. au.ia; mi , Christ tUnora. 80 TO; lot 6. Joha B. Mraslrk. n Tit-. ' lot a t h.rlea A. Dnrber. 80.7": lot T. Charlra A. Dorbrr. 80 To; tot X Chsrle A. flurbre. 80 TOi tot 9. Charlra A, Dnrber. r. pi ti , Hn . in Ti. lot tn TIM Vow RnitoB. 80 TO: lot II ...lloratto R, Rolmea, 80 TO; tot IX . Horatio Ilnnnes, 80.TO. TITK , tot.1. JiArph , r. r. and Padle A. wnnite. piin; tot 2. I. Joseph F. T. aad Bsdl Wrinkle. 80. TO: tot X Addis Parrta. fO.IO; tot 4, Addl ParrlA CITT afOTICZa. ' SOTOi lot 8. Br It anna C. Armltag. I80.T0; tot X Aadrew Holmes, 80.7o; lot 7. J. B. tiourtaey, 80.85; tot 8, Mister of th lloly Name of Jesus and Mary, 0.10; tot X Lw'J Dougherty, 80.70; to to, Joseph Beat, 8.7o; tot 11. Colin C. ClrTln. 8.Tulot 12. Coll C. Ulrrln, 80. w; tot 1-V MylTanu C. Arml- ' tage, au.70; tot 14, BylTauua O. Armltaga, 8o.lo: tot 15. Bouthweat Portland Real Estate Compan), 80-96; tot 18. Nortbera Couutle InroMment Trust, Ltd., 80-45; tot IT, North ern Count Ire luTesliurnt Trust, Ltd., 8O.70; Jot 18,. Nortbera 'Countlea laTeatawut Trust, Ltd' 8" To; tot 19. Joseph Brat, 8O.T0; lot V0. Andrew J. Dygrrt, jr. and Br., 60-To; tot 21. H. L. Msrts.ll. 8o.T0; tot 2X H- U Martiall 80.86; lot 83, A- W'; Balrd. O.To; tot 24. James II. Chaar, 8o.Tt; tot 25, Maurice N. Coatell.M 80 To; tot 2d, Flrat Nattooal Bank iif Portland Oregon. 8-T0; tot ST, Frank M. Warren. 8" 70; tot 28. FrankM. Warren, 80.TO. BLOCK TO, tot 1. Vlucrat Look, 0 7o; tot'X Vincent Cook, 8o.7o; lot X Vincent Cook. 80.70; tot 4. Vincent Cook, 8.70; tot 6, Ferdinand A. LI la, 80.7o; lot X WUilam Harries. 80.70: tot T. ti. W. and Margaret V. .Allen, 60.70; tot 8, 0. W. aud , Margarrt V. Allen. 80.T0: tot 9. Bars Mitchell. 8O.T0; tot'' 10, Maria WaUrford. tt.To; tot 11, Vincent Cook, 80.70; tot IX lucent Cook, 8O.70. BUicK TI, tot 1. Vln rent Cook, 80.70; lot X Vincent Cook. 80-To; ' tot X Vincent Cook, 80.T0; lot 4. Vincent Cook. " 8O.T0; tot 6, Fred Bpragelr. 8O.T0; tot , Fred Spa gel., 80.T0; lot T. Bernhard Ins Westpahl, 80.IU; lot 8, Bernhardine Weat ihl. 80..0; tot . I. E. Yoaiif. 80 W; tot 10. Jaue Wall. 80.70; lot 11, Vloceut Cook, 80.70: tot IX Vincent Cook, 80.10. BLOCK IX tot I. Vincent Cook. 80-70; tot X Vlucent Cook, 80. TO; tot X Vlucent Cook, 80.T0; tot 4, Vincent Cook. 80.TO; tot 6. Vincent Cook, 80.70; tot 8. Vincent Cook, 80.70; tot ' T. Frank aud Mary Hackney, 8O.T0; tot 8, , Laura Hackney,' 80.TO; lot 8. Vlnecut Cook. V au.Toi tot 10, Vincent Cook, fo.To; lot 11. Vincent Conk. 80. TO; tot IX Vincent Cook, 80.T0. BLOt'ht TX tot 1, Hrnry Fleckcn atela. 81.46; tol X Henry Placheuatrln, '81.40 1; tot X ' Hrnry Fleckenateln, 81.36; itot 4, Henry Flrckenateln, 41-20; 'lot 6,. Henry Frrrkeaateln. 8'-00; Wt X Henry Fhxkeu ' ateln, .80.90; tot T. llenry Fleckeuiaeln, 8o.u;'lot 8, - lleory Fleckenateln, 60.40. BLOCK T4, Hrnry FI-ckeaatelo. 8.oi. BLOCK 75. Henry Fl-ckrnateln, 63-65. BLOCK TX lot 1. llrury Fleckenateln, 80.36) lot X Hrnry Flrrkrostrin, 80.26; lot X Hrnry Flerken alriu, 80.16; lot 4, Urnry Ftorkrnsteln, 80. 10. BLOCK 90, tot 1, Fultoa Land Company, 60.401 tot X Fulton Land Couijir. 40. 45. '.BLOCK 91, lot 1, Fultoa Land Company. 140.90; -tot X Fultoa Land Company, 80.70; "tot X Fultoa Laad Company, 80.T0; tot X t Fultoa Laad Company, 80.70; . lot 6, Fulton Land Company, fo.56; lot . Fultoa Land Company, 80.6O; tot T, Fultoa Land Com pany, 80. Tu; tot 8, Fultoa Land Company, 80.70; tot 9, Fultoa Land' Company, 811.70; lot 10, -nltoo Land Company, 80.70: tot 11, Fultoa IJind Company, fo.To; tot IX Fulton Land Company. 80.70. BLOCK 9X tot 1. , Fultoa Land. Company, 81.10; tot X Fultoa Land Couiiiany, 61.00; tot 8, FultuB Land Company. 8".o; tot 4, yiiiioa iana company,; hit 6. Fulton Land Company, 80.45. BLOCK 03, Hrnry Fleckenateln, 85.15. BLOCK 84, lot X V. Cook. 60.55; tot 4. V. Cook, 80.T6: tot X V. Cook, 80.1(0: tot 6, V. Cook, 80.TO; tot T, V. Cook, 80.7o; lot X V. Cook, 80.40. BLOCK 95. tot 1. V. Cook. 80.40; tot X V. Cook, 80.10; tot o, V. Cook. 6rf lot 10, V. Cook,; lot 11. V. Cook, O.TO. BLOCK m, tot 1, V. Cook, 80.86; lot X Cook, 80.TO; tot X V. Cook. 80. TO; tot X -,Vt 'ook. 80. To; tot 6. V. cook, 8". Mr-Jot X V. Cook, 80.T0-, tot T. V. Cook, 80.H5; tot 8, V. Cook, fo.To; tot 9. V. Cook. fo.To; tot lor Vr Cook. fo.To; , lot 11, V. Cook, 80.T0; tot IX V. Cook, 8O.T0; tot IX V. Cook, 8O.T0: tot 14. V. tiiok, fo.TO: tot 15. V. Cook, 80.T0; tot 18, V. Cook. f0. TO: lot Hi V. Cook, fO. To; tot 18. V. Cook. fO.To; lot 19, V.-Cook, fo.TO; lot 20, V. Cook, fo.TO: lot 21. V. Cook. fo.TO; lot 22, V. Cook. 80.70; tot 23. -, V. Cook. 80.T0; lot 24, V. Cook, 80.TW ' tot 25. V. Cook, 80.70; lot 28, V. Cook. 80.85. BLOCK 97, tot 1. V. look. fo.hS; tot X : V. Cook. 80.7ii; tot 8. V. Cook, 60.70; tot ,z V. Cook-AAo.To; tot 6. V. Cook-. 80. To; lot ' V. CJk. 80. TO; tot T. V. Cook; 80.T0; tot 10. V.t-tH,' 80. TO; tot 11, V. Cook, 80. Tu; let X V. Cook, fo.TO; lot 9, V. Cook. 80.70; fct IX V. Cook, 80.88. BLOCK 9H. tot 1, V. Cook. 80.T0; 4i X Cook, 8O.T0; lot 8. "V. Cook. 80. To- tot 4. V. Cook. 80.T0; tot 6. V. Cook, 80.70; lot X V. Cook, 80.TO; tot T, V. Took, 80.TO; lot 8, V. Cook, 80.7; tot 9."' Cook, 80.70; tot 10, V. Cook 80.70; lot IV t. look. fo.TO; tot iz, v, voos, 80. TO. BLOCK 98, tot- 1, V. Cook, 60.T0; tot X-V. Cook, So.TO; tot 8. V. Cook, 80. TO; tot 4, V. Cook, in. To; tot 6, V. Coof.n fo.TO; lot a, v. cook,; tot 7,. t. uoob, so.tu; tot 8, V. Cook, 80.70. BLOCK loo. tot 1, . -V. Cook, fo.86; tot X V. Cook, fo.TOrlot X V. Cook. fo.TO; Jpt. 4, TV; Cook.1W.TO: Jot B, -V. -Cook.. f0.70 lo8- 8. V. Cook, fO.IO; lot T,"V. Cook,-80.70; tot 8, V.-Oook, 8O.T0; lot ' 9, V. Cook, fO.To; tot 10, V. Cook. 80.TO; lot 11, V. Cook. -fo.TO; lot 12. V. -Cook, fO.85. BLOCK 101t tot 1, V. Cook, -81W; tot X-V. Cook, 81-15; tot 8. V. Cook, 80.90.- BLOCK 102, tot V. Cook, 80.85; lot t-V. Cook. fO,TOftot X V. Cook. 8T0; lot 4, V. Cori, 80. TO: tot B. V. Cook, fo.TO: lot 0. V. Cook. 11.45; tot T. V. Cook, 81.15; tot 8, V. Cook. 80.80; tot 6, V. Cook, 80.60; tot IX V. Cook, 80.80; lot 11. ' V. Cook. 81.20; tot 12. V. t ook. fo.TS. BLOCK 103, tot 1, V. Cook, 80.60; tot X V. Cook, fo.TO; tot X V. Cook, fo.To; tot 4, V. Cook, fo.TO; tot 5, V. Cook, 80.T0; tot X Pat-tland Clay Compaay, fo.70; tot ,T, Portland CUy Compan, fo.To; tot 8. Portland Clay Company, 80.35. ' BLOCK 104. tot 1. C. t. Decker, f0.7u; tot X C. J. Decker, ' 8470; tot -3, Edwla C. - Johnson, fo.70; tot 4, Joha Daney, 80. TO; tot X Larlti W. Kberllp, ' fo.To; lof X Fultoa Park Ind Company,. fo.TO; tot 7, Fultoa Park Land Comp.iuivllkl.S5; lot 8. Emma MarouaDs. IO.To: VATf: -. H. Jackson. 80.70: tot 10, Fultoa ParkJLand Company, 8.T0;J iOt 11, TV, S. WTBU1US, fU.IVi Hit lt TT . . Ursmba, 80.70: lot 13. Alliance Truat Com pany, Ltd.. 80.70: tot 14. Alliance Truat Company,' Ltd., 80.85; tot ' 16, Rothanhlld Bros., 40.40; tot 18. Uothachlld Bros., 80.15.; tot IT, J. M. Church, 80.10; lot IN. J. M. ' Church, 80.60; tot 19, J. M. Church, 80.To; tot 20. D. H. Jsckson. 80.70; tot 21. D. H. J.ekaoiL SO 70: tot 22. Minnie Himon. 80.8A: tot 23. Jessie E. Kirk, 8a 70; tot 24, John Olcblsh, fu.iu; mt zo, jona uiroiaa. 0.70; tot 20, Alio Msckeaale. fo.70; tot .27. Alice Mackenal. 80.70; tot 28. Alice Mac- keuile, fo.70. BLOCK 105. south NO feet of block luB, Byroa P. Cardwrll Estate, Heirs of, f2.2S; north 120 feet of block 106, City A Suburban Hallway Company, f3.40. - BLOCK A. lot 1. Etta Williams. 81.061 tot X Ktta Williams, 60.90; tot X Fultoa I'.rk 1-anil TomnsnT. BU.45: tot 4. Ktra VOlllsms. fX90; tot B, Christina FleckeB- ateln,; lot 8, cnnatina rierkenateln, ao an -Wr-M-W ft let 1 enltoo M.ek lnjl Company, 80.33; tot 2. , Fultoa Park Lead Company. 80.40; ' tot 8. Fultoa Park Land Company, 60.40; lot 4, . Fultoa Park Laad Company,; tot 6, Pultna Park Land Company, 80.45; lot X Fultoa Park Land Company, fo.60; lot T, Fultoa Park . Land , Company, 80.65; tot 8, Fulton Park Land Company, 80.66: tot 9, Fultoa park Land Company. 80.00. BLOCK C, tot 1, Fultoa Kara Lana uompauy,; wc z, ruitoa Psrk Land Company, Park Land Company, Park Land Company, Park Land Company, Park Land Company, Park Land Company, 80.46; tot 8. .Fultoa fo.60; tot X Fultoa 80.65; tot -6, Fultoa fo.To: lot 6. Fultoa i7A; lot T. Fultoa fo.Mi;-tot 8. Fultoa 80.06; tot 9. Fultoa Park Laca uumpany l-ara ba&a vmiuiisuj, eo.ev, ,'i e, tunm Park Land Company. 81.00. BLOCK D. tot 1 Fulton Park Land Company, 82.25; tot X Fultoa Park Lsnd Compsny. 80.T0: tot X ruitoa Park Land Compsny, fo.To; tot. 4. Fultoa Park Land Company,; kit X Oreeon California Ballroad company, ao 75 BIX1CK E, north t of tot 1. Clar Finney. 8o.3t, north. H of lot X liar Mnney, Finney, fi)..t5; White. 80.33; White, 80.35; south Mi f tot 1, Mary U. aoath li of -lot 'X Mary L. lot :t. rii.rlrs V. Tlrard. 80.90. BLOCK F. tot 1, a:-ah Cur ley. 80.20: tot X Barah Cur- ley, B0.40; mi 9. J. it. ncoit.; mt , 'Peter CnrlrT. 81.00: tot 6. Rothrklld Bras.. 81. 15; tot X Rotbehlld Bros., 80.95; lot T, Botbchlld Bros.. 80.miI; tot 8, Rotbehlld Bros., 80.T5; tot 9, Rotbehlld Otro., 80.80; tot 10, ' Rotbehlld Broa., o 70 BLOCK (1, tot .1, V. J. Iiecaeri mr i. y, s. ueccer; fo.4ft; tot 8. C. J. Decker, fo.80; tot 4. Mar l tlbormlT. 80.T6: tot 6. B. L. Thomnaen. o To; tot . B. L. Tbempann,; lot T, I. L-.-.Tmnpaoa, 80.80; tot X A, J. Powera, 80.55; lot 9. A. i. fowera,; toi in, A . r. mn An. L.I , 1 u w.... Si. so lot IX P- H. Marlee. fONO- BLOCK H. tot - 1. F. A. Wslpole, fo.60: tot 2. F. A. Walpnle. fo.T; tot 8. Ana B.Mxon. 61.20: tot 4. Ana B. niiaan, ijs: toi o. ana a rvixou. 11.10; weat 05 fret' of lot X J. B. Culick, to 4ft; west 6 .fret of tot T. J. B. Cullrk. ft). 45; all at tot 6 lying east ef weat 65 freti Kutk W. Drcktr. 80.0u; all ot 'tot T lying east of weat feet, Bath W. Ureter, 40.70; tot 8. Moses A. (hare, 81.16: tot 9. Moses A. 11 15v tot 10. Ames Bnttrnmallrr. 61.06; tot L Llsbetb H. Cart Is, 80.WI; tot IX Patrick and Mary Hughra. 60. M: tot IX Patrick and Mare Hughra. aopo. BLOCK I. lot 1. Anna E. Niton. 80.90; tot X Anna K. Nixon. 80 70: tot X Anna R. Nlxoa.. 80.70; . tot 4. Anna B. nixea,; tot s, Aana k ' Kiina Si).N tot 6. Harriet Dunham. 80.75 ' lot T. Harriet Dunham, f 1.56: lot 8. B. M. ' Lombard. 81.25; tot 9. Anthony . Nrppaeh, 61.45. BUll'K. J. tot 1. Br roe P. Cardwrll Batata. Heir of. (0.TO: tot 2. Rothehlld Bros.. 8" Mi; tot X Rotbehlld iBros., 8Vl Tilt tof 4. Rotbehlld Bro. So.TO; , tot 6. .Bout b- Kst Portland Real RgTHtr Cnmpany, 80.5U: 6. Rotbehlld Bros., 60.60: lot. J. Maurice ' Condntan. 80. TO: lot 8. Roth child Bros.. 80.95; tot 9. Rotbehlld Braa.. T6l.4n; tot IX KothehlKI Bms.,81 25: tot II. Rotbehlld Broa., 61. 2o! tot IX Rotbehlld Tn-na.. 6" 55: lot IX Rothcblld Bros., o.i); tot IX Rotbehlld Bros., tot 15. Rotbehlld Broa., 80.55. BIOCK K. tot I. RatbebiM ft roe.,; tot X ftoth rhlld Bros.,' fo T: lot X Rotheblld Bros., 81 110: tot X Rotbehlld Bros.. 81 15: tot X - Rotheblld Bros.. 81.15: tot X Rotbehlld Bros., - 8l n. BLOCK I.. Paltoa Park Laod )ne naiiy. 8d... BLOCK M, -fa I tea partr-rLswd fomnany, XT J. . . -- I, . -.. V- . ri'LTON Bl 01 K . tot 1.' R. Rtrrrtmaan, 80.70; tot X R. llrgrlmann,' 80. o; tot X R. Rlegrlmaau. 6" 40: tot 4. C, H. Plggott, 8n an: tot 8. . B. Rlegelraana. (0 HAj jot X R. Klrgelmana, f0.60; tot I, R. Btocelmaaa, '. ' CITT sTOTtOXB. saBaJBaesaJsaHB'sfaa 0.80: tot X K. nirgtlmaan. BLOCK Robert - Pattoa Esuta. Helra of, 83.40.' BLOCK. X all of btork 8 weat of Macadam. road. A eroa Walt. 8X40; jail- of btoi-k 8 oaat of Macadam road, M. Brotoa Williams. 60,16. hiH:st 4 The Klaa Batata, 4-1.96. BLOCK X Tyler woouwara, BUM'K Ti Alexander Ktoeel. 8505. , BLOCK 8, tot L H. J. R. Rlegrlmaan, fOrM' Tilled U mt lot U Tl. U orris. 80.86 undi 0B- dlTlded 14 of tot X M.-U. Morris., fo.35; ' unillTldrd ot tot 3, W. K. Morris, 80.35; uadirlded Vl of tot 3, W. H. Morris. fw U; tot 4, Alice Berry Nunn. fo.TO; tot 6, Alice ' Berry, Nuoa, fl.TO; undivided mt tot X M. A). Murrla. 60..; aadlTlded A of tot ' T. MT 0. Morris, fo.86; aadlTlded W mt tot 4. W. R. Morrla, 80.86; uudlrlded U of tot T. W. B. Morrla. 60.36; tot X 11. t. . nii'geimana. sm A tract of Uud lying betwee a Una 80 fret oath of and parallel with tba aoath Una of btock 8, Pulton, aad th north Ha of ' I lock F, Fultoa Park, sr. l between a Baa 80 feet east, of and parallel with the eaat Una of btock IX Fulton, and Una 00 feet westerly from aad parallel with th westerly Una of blocks 6 sad T. Paltoa, except that portion of aald tract aeeupied by th City A suburban Railway Conipany'a right of way, M, 11. Morrla and W. R, Murrla, 42.36. fl'LTON BLOCK 18, andlrided of tot 1." M. U. Morris.- 80 36jiundlldd .i4 of tot 2. . M. 11. Morrla, fo.86; undiTlded H of tot X M. It.. Morris, 80.36;. undiTlded of tot 4, . M. U. Morris, 60.35; andlrided H of tot 6, M. U. Morris, So.36; undiTlded of tot X M. U." Morris, ).:I6; undiTlded mt lot T. M. 0. Morris, 80.35; andlrded Va of tot 8, . M. U. Morrla. 80.35; uodlrlded ot tot 1, W. R. Morrla, 80.36; andlTlded V, ot lot X W. R. Morris,, fo.:iS; uudJilded U of tot X '' W. K. Morris, fo.35; undiTlded W. ot tot 4, W. R. Morrla, fn.3.1; undiriued mt tot 6, ; W. R, Murrla, f0.; undiTlded -14 of tot X W. ,R. Morris, fo.35 undiTlded U of tot T, W. B. -Morrla. f0.36 " undlTldad H of lot X VV. B, Morris, fO.35. BLOCK IT. tot 1. It W. Coroett Esute, Helra ot, fo.TO; tot 2. H W. Cor brtt Kstst. Heir of, fo.70; lot . Andrew e W Freum, fo.70;, tot 4,,.odrrw W. Freum, fhit; tot 6. R. J. Freum. fo.10; totX K. Fraam, 80 To; tot T, 1L W. Corbett Eauta. Helra of, fo.TO; tol 8, U- W. Corbett lis lata, Hrlra ef, fo.70. . S0CTHER! PORTIJIND, OREGON RIVER I-OTH Lot 1, P. H. Blyth, 81.16; tot X P.. H. Blyth. fl.l: lot X P. H. Blyth. fHO; tot 4, P. H. blyth. 81.10; tot 6. P. H. Blyth. f 1.10; tot 6. P. II. Blyth, 6110; tot T, P. 11. BlytX ft : tot 8. P. H. Blyth, 81,10; tot 9, P. H. Blyth. (1.00: tot 10, P. H. Blyth, ft. 06; aorth 23 feet of lot 11. P. H. Blyth. 80.46; south 2T feet of tot 11. H. C. Brreden, fo.55; tot IX H. C. Breeden. 81.25; tot 13,'H. C- Breedea, 61. 10; tot 14. : II. C. Breeden, 81.10; tot 16, H. C. Breeden, fl.26; tot IX H. C. Breedea, fL60; tot IT. II. C. Breedea. 11.90; lot 18. H. C. Breeden. . 81.70; tot 19. H. C. Breedea. fl. 80; tot 20, H. C. Breedea, f 1.86; tot 21. H. C. Breedea, f 2.00; tot 22, H. C. Breedea, 8X40; andl Tlded 8-8 of tot 28. liaauah Mason, 81.36; uodlTtded 8-3 of tot 24,. Hannah Ma sou. 11.38; undiTlded ' t-S at tot 26, Hannah aeon, fl.85; andlTlded 2-8 et . tot 26, Ilaunah Maaoo. 81.85; undlrided' 2-8 tof tot ,27, Hannah Maaoa, fl.35; andlrided 2-8 of tot 28, Hannah MaaoB. - fl.85; andl Tlded 2-S of tot 29, Uannah Maaoa, 81-25; undiTlded 2-8 of tot 30, Hannah Mason, tl-25; andlTlded 2-8 of tot 31, Hannah' iasoo, f 1.25; andlTlded 2dl of tot 32. r.Haunah Maaoa. 81.66; undiTlded 2-8 ef tot 33, Uannah. Masu, fl.25; andlrided 2-8 of lot 34. Hannah Maaoa. 61.86; uadlTlded ,.2-Jk -of lot 36. Hannah Mason, fl.35: 1 ua 'olTldad ,2-8 of lot 38, Hannah Maaoa. fl.85; andlrided 2-f of tot 37, Hannah Maaoa, 41 50; nndlyldrd 2-2 of tot 38. Hannah Maaon, f 1,35; undiTlded 8-3 of tot 89, Hannah, Mason, fl.35; undiTlded 2-8 of tot 40, Hannah Maaoa,;,unui , , uaai. fl.25; 81.16; 81. lo; . Tided 1-3 of lot 41. aiannaa aiasoa. nnriiTlded . 2-8 of tot 42. Hannah Maaoa. 'UnolwMeH HJi Of lo AH. HBBliah MaSOB. undlTldea - x-s oi mt m. nannaa atesoo, 41.06; undiTlded 2-8 of tot 45, Hannah Ma aoa, 81.00; undiTlded 2-S of tot 48, Hannah Maaon. 80.96; undiTlded 2-8 mt lot 4T, Uan nah - Maaon. (0.90; andlTlded 1-8 of tot 23, J. F. , Watson, 80.80; nndlrldrd 1-8 of tot 24, J. F. Watson, fO.TO; -undiTlded 1-2 of tot 25, J. ' F. Watson.. fo.TO; undiTlded 1-3 of- tot 26. J. r. WwAfton. ..80,l; hndlrided ; 1-8 ef tot 27. J. F. Wstaon, 80.80;- uodlTi, 1-8 of tot 2H, J. F. Watson, 1-8 of tot 29, J. F. Watson, 1-8 of tot 80, J. F. Wataua. 1-3 of tot 81, J. F. Watson, 1-3 of tot 82, J. F. Watson, 1-8 of tot 33, J. F. Wstsoa, .ttu; andlrided i.aot andlrided .66uuodinaed 65; undlTldea .80; andlrided .60;. andlrided .00; undiTlded U; aadlTlded .60? andlTlded 1-8 of tot 34. J. r. Tiataoa, 1-8 of tot 35. J. F. Watson. 1-8 of lot 50, J. F. Wttaon, 1-3 of tot T, J.- F.t Watson, .ho; andlTlded 1-8 et lot 38." J. F. Watson, .00; xiamiTioea 1-3 of tot 39, J. 1-3 of tot 40, J. 1-8 ot tot 41, J. 1-8 of lot 42, J. 1-8 of tot '43, J. 1-3 of tot 44. J. 4-8 of lot 45, J. l-a nt lot Sri. J. F. Wataoa, K. Watson, F. Wstsoa, F. Wataoa. .ou; unaiTiueq .80; undiTlded .80: undlTldrd 80.66 rVUTlded F. Watson, anaiTiara r. TVBtSOB. k).60i Andlrided Ui.fflV uadlTlded F. Wstsoa, F. Watson, man; andlTlded 1-8 of tot 4T. J. V. Watson, 80.40. - BLOCK 1, undlTldrd 2-3 of lot 1. Usnnsh Maaon,; unaiTiueu s-e w s e, ru.uw sob, (0.30; undlTldrd (-3 of tot 8.1 Hannah Maaoa, 80.20; andlTlded 8-3 ef lot 4,- Haanah U.,ui hO.IO: nndlridrd 1-3 of Bk.1. J, IV Watson. 80O5; undiTlded 1-8 of lot X FWaesBTi. 80-16; undlTldrd 1-4 01 tot X J. F. Watson, 80.10; undlrided 1-3 -ef lot 4, J. r. Wstaon, fO. 10. BLOCK X undl Tided 2-8 ot- lot - I,. Hannah Maaoa.' 80. 40; undlTldrd 2-3 ef tot 2, Hsnaah Jdaaon, fo.40; nnrilrlded . 2-8 of tot X Hannah Maaoa, 30.40; undlrided 2-8 of tot X Hannah Mason, all 4(1: undlrided 2-3 oi lot a. us ana n ata .son, 80.40; undlTldrd 2-S of .lot X Hannah Maaon. 80.40; undlrided 2-8 ot tot T, 11 a a Fi.h Usann. 80.40: undlrided 8-8 of tot X Hannah Mason, 80.40; undlTldrd 8-8 of tot 9, Hannah Maaon. 80.66; nndlridrd 8-8 of tot 10, Hannah Mason, 80.65; nndlridrd 2-3 of tot 11. Hannah Masoa, 80. So; andlrided 9-a. of lot- 12. Hannah Maaoa. 80.45: uudl Tided 2-3 of tot IX Hannah Masoa, 80.35; - nndlridrd 2-S of lot i. nannan Maaoa, So-45; undtrlded 2-8 0T lot 1 15, Hsanah Ma mrwi tO.oia undlrided 2-3 of tot IX Han nah Maaoi, 80.45; undlrided 2-8 of tot IT, Hsanah Maaon. 80.10: UndlTldrd 2-S of tot 18, Hannah Maaon, 80.45; andlrided 1-8 of tot 1, 1. F. Watson. 80.20; undlriAK 1-8 of tot X J. F. Wstsoa, (0.20; aadlTlded 1-3 ef lot X J- F. Wataoa,; aadlTlded 1-3 of tot 4, J. F. Wataoa, 80.20, undlrided 1-3 .of lot 6. J. T. wataoa. 80.20: andl : Tided 1-8 ot tot 6, J.' F. Watson, 80.20; j undlrided 1-8 of tot T. J. P. Watsas, 80.20; eadlrided 1-8 of tot X J. F. Watson, 80 20 AmHTldrd 1-8 of tot 9, J. F. WaBvon, . andlrided 1-8 of lot 10, J. F. Wstsoa, undlrided 14 of lot 11. J. P. Wstsoa, . undiTlded 1-8 ef tot IX J. F. Wstsoa, BBdITtdrd 1-8 or lot l.t, i. andlrided 1-3 of tot 14, J andlrided 1-8 of Wit IX J, andlrided 1-8 of tot Id, J. andlTlded 1-8 of tot IT, J. . , . , . . . , , F. Wataoa, F. Wstsoa, F. Wat. i, F. Wstsoa, F. Wstsoa, nniiiTitieo a-e wi m, s. e. n,Mw, e F. Wataoa, BLOCK X andlrided 2-8 of tot 1, Hannah Mason, 80.45; undlrided 8-8 of lot X Hsa nah Mason, so.te: aaarriaea s-s or lot s. Hannah Maaon. 60.46; andlrided 2-S of tot 4, Hannah Masoa, 80.4ft; andlrided 2-3 of lot 6, Hannah Maaoa, 80.46; andlTlded 2-8 tot 6, Hannah Masoa. fo.45; andlrided 2-3 of tot T, Haanah Mason, 80.46; undlrided 2-8 of lot X Hannsb Masoa. 80.46; audi ' elded 2-3 of tot 9. Uannah Maaoa. 80.66; , nndlridrd 2-S of tot 10, Hannah Mason, - lu.66: undlTldrd z-g ef lot 11. Hannah Ms. bob. 80.46: andlTliled 2-S of let 121 Hannah Maaon, 80.46; undlrided 2-S ef tot 13. Han' nah ' Maaon. 80.45: undlrided 8-8 of tot IX Hannah Mason. 80.45: undlrided 2 3 of tot 16, Hannah Maaoa. 80.45; uadlTlded 3-2 of r lot IX Haanah Mason, (0.45; undlrided 2-4 of tot IT. Haanah Maaoa. 80.45: undlTldrd 2 3 of Tot 18. f snnsh Masoa, 80.46; uadl Tlded 1-3 of tot 1. J. F. Watson. 80.20; un dlrided 1-3 of tot X-J-F. Wataoa, 80.20 wi , j. r . tt iimbi , eo.e1', tot S, 1. F, Wataoa. fo.20; tot 4. J.-F. Wataear fo.20; tot X J. F. Wataoa, fo.20; undlTldrd 1-3 ef tot X t. r, wataoa, aadiridrd 1-3 or undlTldrd 1-8 of andlTlded 1-8 et tot X F. Wataoa, 80.20; aadlTlded 1-3 of tot T. J. F. Wataoa, fo.2o; undlride 1-3 of lot a. J. r. wataoa, 90.20 BBdlridra 1-4 of tot a. -. r. wataoa. J 1.30; ).30 8o.2o; BBdiridrd 1-8 ot tot 10, J. F. Wataoa, aadiridrd 1-8 of tot 11, J. F. Wstaon, andlTlded 1-8 ef tot IX J. F. Wstsoa,; 80.20; undlrided 1-3 Of lot 13. J. F. WStsnB. andlrided 1-8 ef tot 14, J. F." Watson, unaiTiara i-a ot via jo, ,'r, tt arson, andlrided 1-8 of tot 16, J. F. Wstaon, undiTlded 14 af tot. 17. J. F. Wstaon. andlrided 1-8 of tot IX J. F. Wstsoa. 80.20. BUM K 4. undlrided 8-8 of tot 1. Hannah 10.36; andiTioea I I of tot a, Haanak W.36: undlrided 8-3 of tot X Haanak in.36; undtTior 11 ot tot 7, Haanah 1.35; aadiridrd I I ef tot 9. Hani i.4: uadlTlded 2-S of tot 11, Hsanah 80.36; andlrided 2-S of tot 13, Ma 80.36; BBdiridrd 2-S ef tot 16, Ha fo.Sft; undlTldrd 2-3 of lot IT, Us nnab Maaoa, li.anw nnak BBSk U.a,s A1.36: andlrided 1-8 of .tot I J. F Wataoa, 60.16; ssdlrided 1-3 of tot 8, J, Wstsoa. 80.16: undlrided 1-8 of lot 6. J. Wstsoa. 80.15: undlrided 1-8 ef to T. J Wstsoa, 80.15; aadiridrd 1-8 et tot 9, J. Wataoa, fo.15; undlTldrd 1-8 of tot It, J. to 15; undlrided 1-8 of tot 1.1. J. Wstsoa, Wstsoa, .1.15: nndlridrd 1-3 of tot 16. J. F. wstsoa, Wataoa. .1 15: hndlTldrd IA ef hit IT. J. Fak 115: tot X Krai A rrrsnnsl Bstst Company, Sn.on; tot 4. Bral A Personal Eatate , Company, 8". 50; tot 6. Real A Personal Eatatr (VHimnT. 80.00: south 13 of tot X Real A Perwoaai Raul lompanr. 80.15: aorta t-8 of tot X Hannah Maaoo. 80.35; tot 10. Hasnah Uasna. So.tB: tot IX Hannah Maaoa. 60.70: tot 14. Hannah Mason. 4 70; tot IX Hannah M.sria ml. TO: lot la. Hssna Maaoo. to in. BIXM'K 6. aadiridrd 8-3 of tot 1. Ilsnsak Mssoa, 80.36; aadiridrd 2-3 of tot 8. Hannah Maaoa. fo.3A; aadiridrd 2-3 ef tot 8, Hannah Masoa. fo.36; andlrided 2-3 sf tot T. Hannah Mason, fo .36; andlrided 2A of lot A, Hannah ' Maana. 80,40; andlrided 2-3 nf tot II. Hannah . Maaoa, SO .16; nndlridrd 8-8 nf tot IX Haanak Mason, 80..1A; andlrldrd I .1 of lot IK. Hannah Maaon. fo W:' hndl rided 2 8 of tot 17. II ansa k .Maana. VVAA: andlTlded 1.1 or Hit 1 . J. r ' W ataoa, 4" 15; aadiridrd 1A nf tot X J.--F. Wstanttr Sd. 16: nndlridrd 1-8 nf tot 8, J. F. -Wstsoa, fo.16; BBdlrlded 1A mt tot f. J. Mssoo, I Masoa, I Mason, I Maaoa. P It.Mfi. Bl Msaaoa, CITT 0TI0Z8. Wstsoa, 80.16; aadlTlded 1-8 ef lot (. J. F. Wataoa, fo.16; BudlTlued 1-8 mt tot 11, i. V. Watson, 80.15; aadlTlded 1-8 of tot IX J. F. -Wataoa, 8.1.15; undiTlded 1-8 of tot 15, J. F. Wataoa, fo.16; uudlrlurd 1-8 of tot IT. J. F. Watsua, 40.15; tot X ErBallne elcboeaberblrr, (o.To; dot 4, ErastlDa Uraoenbechler, 6o.7u: south ot tot X Joha ocbraubechler, 80.36 aorth Va of. tot X alrneatlu Peppel. Su.8u; lot X liaanah Maaou, 80.70; lot 10, Baauah Maaoo, 80.B5; lut 12, Hannah Maaoa, 60.70; ' tol IX Hannah Maaon, 80-7U; tot -IX Hannah Masua, 8o.7o; tot IX' Charto W. Hlgglas. (0.7U. , BIXrCK tW undiTlded 8-8 of tot 1 eacept Oregoa A California Railroad Com paay'a tiarht of way, llsuuah Maaoa, fo.36; undiTlded 1-8 of lot I except Oregoa A Cali fornia Railroad Company' right of way. Real A' Personal Eatate Company, fo.16; tot X W. B. Baker, 80-To; uudlrlded 2-3 of tot X Hannah, Maaoa, 0.36; aadlTlded 1-8 of tot X Beal A Personal Batata Com- ' pauy. 60.15; tot X Hannah Masoa, f0-7u; lot 5, Martha M. CrowrU, 80.50; tot X Martha M. CroweU, 80. TO; tot X Amelia Berretb. 6O.T0; all of tot T except Oregoa A California Ballroad ixampaay e right mt way, Amelia- Berrnth, 80. tu; ' all of tot 9 rxorpt Oregoa A Callforala Railroad Cum- ' pany right ef way, - Martha M. Croaell. au.bu; tot 10, Martha M. Ctvwell. f0.85; aU of tot 11 except Oregoa A Callforala Rail road Company's right of wsy, Martha M. CroweU. 80.50; tot -IX Martb M. Crowell, , 60J0; all of tot 18 except Oregoa A Call fur - - nla Railroad Cimpany'a right of way. Mar . tha M. Crowell, 60.00; tot 14, Martha M. Iroarll, 80.I0; lot 16, John P. Ward, 80.00; tot IX Joha P. Ward, fo.10; tot 17. Joha P. Ward. 80 To; lot 18. John P. Ward. 80. TX BLOCK T. tot 1, Elisabeth Young, 60.70; tot X Elisabeth Young, 80. TO; tot 3, Ells- . sbeth Young, 0.TO; lot 4, Elisabeth Young. t70. tot X Charity H. Nridwaieyer, fo.7o; t X Mary '. Adam. fu.To; tot T, Dell ' M. Hchraeder, fa 70; tot 9, Mary F. Adams, 8O.T0; lot 9i4 F. A. LlToatoT. 80.86; tot JO, Uottfrled Metaler, 80.86; tot 11, Annie C. hnrer, 8U.T0; tot IX Annie C. ochmeer, ti. 7o I lot IX Joseph Beat, 80.TO; tot 14. Joseph Beat, fO.TO; tot 15, D. W. Horlblng, fo.lo; tot IX D. - W. llorlblag, fu,To; tot 17, SopLla WelsgurbA-, 8u.lo; tot IX Bophia Welagrrber, fu.30. BLOCK X lot 1, Uuy Branelt. 841.70; tot X Ouy Beauatt, 60.70; lot X Cay Bennett, 80-70; lot 4, Uuy Ben Belt, 40.J0; tot X Percy IL Blyth, fo.70; tot T, I'ercy 11- Biyta. mv.m: wi , t-urcy Birth, ao.lo: hit X Louise H. Bmlth. 40. TO; tot X Lvulse H. Bmlth, 80.10; tot 10, Har riett B, Kllleo.; tot 11. Ueorge H. Vaughn, 80.66; lot IX Ueorg H. Vaugbu, Su.5a Block , tot a, Albert Demke, 8u-lo; lot X Albert Demke, - 80.7ot tot 6, Jacob Belach, fo.To; lot T. Jacob Rrlsch. 80.T0: tot 9, Jaonb Belach, tu.6h; tot 10, Jacob Belach, (o.uu; tot X Alorrt Demke, o.7o; tot X 'Albert Demse. 40.10; tot X C F. Oakes, '80.I0; tot X C. tt. Oakes, 8XT0; all of tot It lying, esat of west 20 feet of ssld tot, C. . Oakes, fo.55; sll of tot Tl lying east , ot west 30 feel of ssld tot, C. A. o8kea,; wast Vu- let of lot .11, Oregoa A Callforala Railroad Compaay, 80.16; , weal 2 feet of tot IX Oregoa A Callforale RaU road Company, 80,16. BLOCK lu,' tot 1. Ferry Heaabaw, Xraatsa, u.7u; lot X Ferry Urashaw, 'iruste. 4O.0; tot A, - Edward Hug Sea hatste. Heirs el, 40. u; tot t, hdward Hugbea haul, Hrlra of, 8O.T0; tot 9, Edward Hugoea Eatate, Heirs of, 60. 6; tot 11, Edward llugbea Estate, Heir ot, 80.56; lot 12.V Ed Ward HugUee EataU, Heir ot, 80.00; tot X Jaa.-.W, Crocker, SXTu; .tot 4, Joel W. Crocker, 80. Tu; tot X Oeorg Bellcr. f0.7o; tot X OliTw-Mccarty, 84.7o; tot lo, oUtc McCarty, 80.86; all of tot 13 except west 42 feet. Alex Kessel, (0.46; all ot tot 14 exceDt weat 42 - teet, Alex Kessel, 6o.5u; Kwest 43 teet of lot IX Karl aMaaeubsch. 8O.0O; wrat 42 feet ot tot 14, Karl Baa senbsch, 80.30. BLOCK 11. tot 1, Mary C. Burt, au.70; tot X Ueorg K. aad 11. L. Btrpheusuu, , B0.T0! tot 4, A. W. Beldlng, 80.10; tot T, , Henry A. Belalng. SO. 70; tot 9, Cor . M. Beiuing, au.oo: lot 11, w. it. rwiuiug, eu.oo; tot IX Ucury A. Beldlng, ' so.ou;T tot 16, r.mile C. Fety, fu.85; tot IX Knule C, Fety, fu.5; tot X Erneat P. Doach, y.Tvy1tot 4. Ernvstr P. Dosch, 80.70; tot X H. A. and A. W. Beloln. 40.70; tot X U. A. and A. W. Beldlng. 40. To; weat 28 feet of tot lo, Oregoa A California Railroad Compaay, 80.86; east 84 feet ot tot lo, Et J. Parker, 40.40; tot IX Era J. Parker, 80.T0: tot 14, W. It. . Beldlug, 80,T8 BLOCK -li, tot 1, Joseph F. Kuy, So.To; tot X Chsrle W. Druschel, 3O.70; tot A, A. C. Lohmlre, fo.TO; tot 7, A. C. Lohmlre, 40.70; tot X Hi A. aad A. W'. Bel41na.4o.s3: tot 11. Matln Wluch. 80.7u; tot IX Mary F. Finch, 80.70; tot 16, Mary r. rucn, fu.iu; sot 11, nuooipo secaer, 80.76; tot IN, Rudolph Becker, 40 75; tot X W. C. McMlllao. 80.70; 'tot 4. W. C. Mo UlUaB. 8U.7U; tot X W. C. McMllUn,0.70; tot X W. C. McMillan. fo.TO; tot 10, Alicia J. Bate, 80. SB: lot IX EUxa Jared, 80.70; tot 14, Kllaa- Jared. so. 70: tot IX Mary. F. Flnoh, 80.IO. . BLOCK 13, undlrided Vt ot lot 1. 'X'. Ft Brandeo, SO.-36; undlrided H ot tot 1, Helen A. Jouea, 80.35; tot X Uamea Humphrey, fO.TO; tot 5, James Humphrey, so 70: tot T. James HumDhray. 80. Jo: tot 9. Robert Jartibsoa. SOJlO; . tot 11. Donga En-. -x gelstsd, . B0.T0; tot IX uoBga eageutaa. bu.tu: iot: 10. w. b, wsra.; ui 10, tt. W'srX 8D.90- tot X Beal Personaf Kststs Compsny,. 80. TO; lot 4, Real A Personal Es tate Company, 80.70; tot X.W. H. Uamea, 80.70; tot 8, W. U. Uamea, fo.To; tot IX W. Wrlnnoff, 80.85; lot IX Albert L. Albert- - , . . . , . T I....J . . , . 1 . sun, M.ivr o -,T, ru.i tf. wMeswtu, - ev, v, - . . . W . . . . , .1 , ,. . . . n.. , , ,u . . . 1 tot 11, axicBaea xruiiut, ev.ev. au. u, saH-naei iruj lut, xtiAtcn. is, , tot 1, area n. MUk-r. So.TO: tot X Richard Ehlloger. SO.TO; tot 6. Joarpb DrMarlinl, fo.TO; tot 7, William F, BurrrU. Trnatee. 8U-7IH- weat 2d feet of tot 9, Oregon A California Railroad Compaay, 80.35: eaat 34 fret of tot 9. W. E. Wataon. 80.45; tot 11, Bophla Welsgorber, SO.TO; tot 13, nopbla Welsgerber, w .; tot lo, Ueorge ' Zlttmayer, 80. 70; tot 17, J erne L. CarswrU, , 80.70; tot 18, Jamra L, CarawelL 80.70; lot X Anna E. Keen, fu.70: tot 4r Aana K. Keen, 40.70; tot X.Anna K. Keen. 80. To; . lot . Ann E. Keentt, 80. TO; lot 10, Anna K. Kerne. 40.85: lot IX Anne. 'R. Keens. 40. JO: lot 14, Anna K. Keeoer-gcrTo; ' tot IX Ann K. Kaene, 40.70; lot 19, Dsrld M, Wslklnda, .- S0.T5; ht 20, Fred Bpogele.. 80.75. BLOCK IX tot 1,. Jamra L. Carawrll, 40. TO; tot X jamra 1 tarsweu, ev.iu; ,st o, ssmes u. Carawell. So.TO: tot X Jam L CarawelL So. TO: tot 5. James U CarawelL SO.TO: "lot 6. Jamr L. CarawelL 80. 70; tot 7. LIHIa CarswrU, SO.T0; tot X Jamra L. UasswalLs SO. IV, ait V, asaira t-arsweii,; tot 10, Jamr L. larswell, 80. N5; tot 11, James L. Carawell, 40.70; lot IX James L. Carawell, 1 70; tot IX LHUas Carawrll. fu.70; aorth ot lot is. Bate varray,; aorta H of to IX Kate uurray,; aouta Va ot tot 14, Kllea Mc.nuity, au.oo; mama h ef mt IX Ellen McNulty, 80 36; tot 15, Haanah Ma , bob. 60. To; tot IT, Rudolph Becker, (0.90; lot IM, Rudolph Becker, An.ta): tot 19, Kata Curray, S0-9U; tot K EUra McNulty. 80.95. , BLOCK IX tot 1. Joseph sdd B. Weber. SO.TO: lot X Joseph aad K. Weber, 80.70; tot X Joseph aad B. Weber, SO.TO; lot 4. Joseph sad E. Weber, 80.70; tot X Joseph and E. Weber, 80.70. tot X Joseph sad E. Weber, 80.70; tot T. Joseph aad B. Weber,' SO.TO; tot X Joseph ad E. we oer, v. iu; wi e, rfoarpn a no h. ' Weber, 40. sn; lot iu, josepa aad R. . weber, 80.85: tot II. Joseph and B. Weber. 80. To: tot IX Joseph and E. Weber. SO. To: lot IX Joseph and B. Weber, fo.70; let IX Michael Tender, 40.70; tot 14, Michael Tannlrr, fo.70; tot IX Anna Btork, 80.45; tot IT.- Fultoa . Halted Artisan' Bnlldlag AaaorMUoa. 31 - tot IX Brnret House, 81.06; hit 19, Anna Btock. $1.ib; tot Su. Joseph WVbrr, f.i. BLOCK IT, tot 1. C. N. McLtod, So. To; tot X C. N. McLeod, 80. TO; tot X C." N. McLsod. 40. 7: tot X C. N. McLsod, 80.70; tot t, C N. McLroa. o..u: lot a. u. n. stcioa, SO.TO: tot f. C. N. MrLrod. fO,T0; tot X C. N. Mclrod, fO.TO; tot 9. Flora B. Crit tenden, 80.80; tot 10, nor E. trittruden, ri.Ml; lot 11. C. K McLcod, SO.TO; tot 14, . N. MrLrod, 80.70; tot IX C. N. McLend, an.TO: tot 1H. C. N. MeLeod. 80.70: tot 11. Hannah Mssoa, 80, TO; lot IX Hannah oason, . So.TO: tot Id. Hsanah Maaon, 8O.70; tot . IT. i.iina, fo.h5; Ella - Eliaa Hannah Mssoa, So-Tu; tot 19, M. McNulty, hnd Jo'ka A. Keller, 80.M6; ' tot 2X and John A. Keller, 40.70; tot 24, Ellaa and Joba A. Kaller, SO.TO; tot 8X , Alpbonar Lenoir, So-TO; lot 26, AlrAonse 1- . aolr,- 40 70; lot so, AinnoTiaa lnoir, 60.70; tot 2T. Hadnah Maana. fo.To; tot 38, Hasnah Masoa. tunt is. wt 1, Ulara n MrLaod. SO.TO: tot X Clara tt. McLsod fo.Tn; tot X Th Hlbrrnlaa Baring Bank, fn.70: tot T, The Hlbrrnlaa Marinas Bank, fo.70T tot . Ludwlg W'lihelm. fn.sA tot 11, Ludwlg Wllbrloa, 80.70: lot' IX Jtotomon Betas, SOTO; tot 18. Rotnmoa Kris, fo.To; tot IT; Mary t. Had ires, fo.TO; tot 19. Mary I. tirdeea. 40.11: lot 21. Hannah Mssoa. Sti.lTi: .tot 23, Ilnnnsh Mason, So-70; tot 26, Hannah - Mssoo, 80 70; tot an. tlannan Maaoa, ao.70; lot X Marianne Tanoeiear, so. to: mi s, star. Isnn Vsndelrnr, fo.70; lot 8, Clara B, . MeLeod. 8i.70; tot 8. William nd Ann ' Heote (0.70: tot 10. W. F. - Burrell. Tms- tee. fO.aft; tot 12. W. F. Burrell, Trtlstre, ttl.TO: lot 14. E. H. Bobbins, 8o.T0: tot IX Jsme H. Jehnstooe. 80 TO; tot IX Jsmr 8. Johnstone. SO.TO; tot 80. Nortbera Ooentiee InTratmenl Truat, Ltd., 80.85; lot 22, Carl - (. Anderson, K) 70; tot 24, W. A. and Llllle C. Vlggrrs. fo.TO; tot 27, W. A. and Llllle C. Visiters, 80.TO; tot 28, W. A. sad Llllle C. Vlagrrs. ' 70. BIXM K 19, tot 1, W. r. BamUllrrte. S0.T0; tot 1 W. F. Burrell, Trust. W.TO; lot X W. F., Burrell, Trust re. m. , .... . T , v SF BmI SO TO. M 5.' Clare N. MrLeod. fo.TO; 'tot X Wllliani Frlrdlssder. . o. Tn; lot i. wiutaai mrj. . . . . ta. 1a1 a Tsriillft. - r.iJi.i " S0.T0: tot S. William Fried lander. SO.STi; tot lo. William Prlrdlander. 80 86; tot 11. t'nlted Btsrra National Bank, fo.TO; tot IX t'nltrd " National Bank, SO.TO: tot IX United Ntatre Nsttonsl Bank. 80.T0; tot IX t'nltrd - Ststr Nsttonsl Bask. So Tl; tot 18. I'nltrd J Ptatra Nattooal Bank, fn.TO; tot IX t nlted ta tea Nsttomi Bank, so.jti: mt it, h, m and W-- M. Cake, Sr70i tot IX H. M. sad W, tu Cake. 80.19: tor 19. Arthur W. Orsha si in. art; tot 20, Hannah Maana. fO.M: tot 22 Hannah , Maaoa. 60.70: tot 21. KTrrrtt B. Bmlth, fo.7nr tot 23. Johanna It-ring-, 80.70; lot ii. l.laxl and .Core N. Brldln. 80.70; tot 23. .lle and Cor N. Brldln, fo.TO; tot 2X Uerie ad tnra N. Brldlng. SO.TO tot rt. A. W.i sod H. A. Beldlna. SO.TO tot 2. A. W. 'sad H. A. Beldtag. Sn.TX BI-OCK , tof 1, W. P. BurrrU, Trustee, SO.TO; tot 8., W. a-. BurrrU, Treetee. B0. TO; , tot X W. r. BumlL iTAsts, so.70; tot X F. Burrell, Trustee, fo.TO; lot 8, W. f. Burrell, Trustee, fu.70: tot X W. F. Burrell, Trustee. 40. 70; lot 7. W. F. Burrell, Trustee, fo.70 ; tot 8. Alloc F. MrCarthy. 80.70; tot 9. W. F. Burrell. Trustee, fo.86; lot lu. Alice F. Met srthy. fo.5: tot 12. Alice F. Mot srtby, 4o.7o; iot 11, Edward W., nd Helen hL Cassett,. f0.701 tot IX ' Et8 May Uasaett, 80.70; tot 14, Jesal E. X Fleck. 80,70; tot 15, Jessl M. 8. Ftock, 80.70; lot IX Jessl E. 8. Fleck, S0.7O; tot IT. Jessl R. 8. Fktck, SO TO; tot 18, Jessl E. 8. Fleck. fo.To; tot 19, Jessl K. 8- Fleck, 80.86; tot 80, Jessie E. 8. Fleck, 80.85; lot 21, Jamra 8. JuhBatone, fo.To; tot 23, James 8. Johnstone, 80. lo; tot 25. Marl K. Hox.te, .T0; tot 2X Maria B. Hoxale, 6 7o; tot 22, BeselFger A Co., Trustee. SO.TO; tot 24, Beaslugrr A Co., Truster, SO.Toi lot 27, Bee singer A Co., Trustee, 80. To; tot 23, Besslngrr A Co., Trustee, fl TO. BLOCK 21. tot 1. J. M. Taompsuu. So. 70; tot X J -M. Thompsou. 80.70; tot 5. Llaxle Morrlsoa, o.70: tot T, Detoa D. Neer, So.TO: tot 9, Detoa D. Neer, '; tot 11, John A. Johnston snd smr Olseo. 40. TO; tot IX' John A. Johostoa aud Janw Olaea. 80. TO: tot IX Hlbernla Bariugs ' Bank. So.Tu: tot if, Hlbernla Bsriuga Bsuk, 40. jo; lot 19, Hlbrrala baTlugs Ban, 80.a; tot SI. T. W. Hannauiea, fO. 70; tot 2X Bernard C McCarthy, 80. Tu; tot 26, Nellie M. Ward, fo.TO; tot 27, Cbarle P. Lltlls, 80. TO; tot X Herman Blecg, So.Tu; tot X Uer inaa Bleeg, fo.TO; tot X Her man Bleeg, fo.70; tot 8. A. W'. aud Jl.; keullng, fo.TO; tot 10, Fannl A. IMrtla, 80.80; lot 12, Nettle U. Uradoa, 80. TO; tot 14, - Nettle' 0. Uradou, 80. TO; lot 10, Boxanna. Courtney, 80.10; tot 18, WUilam P. Courlury, 40.70;- tot 20, Jeaalu BuUItsu, 80.86; tot 22, II. L. Tstuai sud J.. J. Boweo, 80.70; tot 24, Seymour C Friendly, SO.TO: tot 20, w. F. Burrell. Trus tee, 80.TO; tot 88, Bessie Eluimerr 4e.70. BLOCK 2X hat 1, Alliance Trust Com pauy, Ltd., 60,70; tot X O. and Luuhw Lacbmrlr, SO.TO; tot X ' Albert Krunirey, . Su.70! Jot T, Jmnla Bower, fo.70; . tot 9, Jrnnla Bower, 80.86; tot 11, Fred 8. Miller. Stt.70; tot IX Fred X, Miller, 8O.T0; tot 15, , Willamette Tribe No. X Improred Order ef Bed Men. 80.70; tot 17. W UlametU Trlb No. X luiprored Order of Bed Men, fa 70; tot lu. Kittle K. Eluuwaa. fo.86; lot 21. Msry K. Hoxale, fu.70; tot 2.f, Msry H. Hoxale, 80. To; tot 25. Msry K. Hoxale. 80.70; tot 27. Uxalo Beldlng, 80. TO; tot 2s Ueorga Lcb BMler, 81.7o; tot 4, Ueorg Laehmeler, So.70; tot X Harsh E. Erersoo, f0.70; lof X Harsh E. Ersrsoa. fo.TO; tot 10, H. K, Long, fo.86; lot 12, H. R. Long, 80.TU; tot 14, U. U. Long, SO.TO: tot IX Mt-Klnley Mitchell, fo.TO: tot -IX McKinley Mitchell, 80. To: tot tu, W. D. Beldlng, So.MS; tot 22, A. and A. W. Beldlng. 80. To; tot 24, LI sale Beldlng, fa TO; kit W, .Mary E. Hoxale, SuTO; lot 2S. Ussle Beldlng, So.70. BLOCK 23, hit 1. Msry hi. Tsjlor, 80. TOr tot X Maud W. Woolfolk. S0.T0; tot 9, UBTtd IJoodaell, 1O.70; lut 7. Clara B. Crauo, SO.TO; tot 9. Mary K. Hoxale, 80.86; - let ll. CaWary Preabrtoriaa Church. 60.70: , tot IX falrary Preeuytertaa Church, fo.70; tot IX' Susannah Elm 10 er man, 80. To; tot IT, Buaaas Elmniermsu, 80. 7o;. tot f H asanas ziaiawrman,; tot, 31, Buaaana imme man. (O.TOf tot SX basaaaa Zimmerman, 1.70; tot 25. Bassaaa Zlmmermaa, 4U.0; t 28. Bosauna Kltamarmin. 4u.7u; hit X u. at. ana urn Bonier, o.tu; lot , u. ax. and Dean Bonier, SO.TO; tot 9. Bran K. -Uuatber, 80. To; tot X Joseph Fluke, 80.T0; lot lu, Ida Loweoaon, SuaA: tot IX Uaurgs' Wright Poet No. 1, U. A. R.. SO-Tu; hit 14, John ..Matthtreeu, fo.TO; tot IX Befle E. Laurence, So.Tu; tot IX A. W. Jones, (0.10; tot SO, Maggl W. Llltto, S0.85; tot 22, Maggl R. Jones and Mary A. Copley, 80.T0; tot 34, Michael Mouler, So.TO; bl, 37, A nbel mlna Vabl, u.T0; tot 28, Caristlaa Johnson, 8o.7a BLOCK 24. tot 1. - Hannah Mason, f0.4o; lot X Hannah Mssoa. SU.7u; lot X Isnnah Mssoa, 80.40; tot X Hannah Mason, So.Tu; tot 8. Hannah Utson, 40.40; tot X Hannah Masoa, So.70; tot T, Hannah Maaoa, fo.60; lot 8, Hannah llssoa,' SO.70; tot 9, Hannah Mason. 80.00; tot IX Bsnnsh Masoa, .., ur.' -. 1 1 . i. i 1 , r. K . I... ,ft. r'-ou , mi - iiMuai u, tikwi, e, Hannah Mssoa, 80 70;. lot IX Hannah Mason,; lot 14, Hannaa mssoo, au.iu; Bit id, Hannah Maaoa, 80. on; lot IX Hannah Maaoo, fo.7o; tot-."lit- lannah. Maaoa. (0.80; ' tot 18, Hannah Masoa,- fu.7u; tot 19, Hannah Masoa, 80,86; tot 20, Hannah STaauu, 8U.H6; tot 21. Hamsh Maaun, So.70; tot 22. 1 Hannah Mason, 80.70;- lot 23, Hannah Masoa. , SO.70; lot JI4. ;Hanr,alJ Maaoo, fo.TO: tot 20, nsnnsa siseoo eu-t-o. tot mt, naasu aissoa, 80.70; 'tot 27, Jtsaash Mssoa, fo.TO; lot 28, Hsanah Maaon, -fo.To. BI-OCK 26. tot 1, Margaret Msckay, 84.15: hit X Margaret . ataciay,; tot a. Margaret Markay,.- 85.50; let 4, ' Margaret Mscksy, 87.40. BI.OCK SX subdlrislim 1 of lot A. Magtie Murphy, 80.70; aubdlTlaton' 8 of tot A. Maggie Murpny, o.ti; aotxiiTiaioa s or , tot A, DeUa R. Dale, SO.TO; aubdlTlaton 4 of lot A. L. H. and A. H. Makweil, 80.70; aubdlrialoa. 6 of lot A, Margaret White, fo.To; ' eubdlTtaton 8 of tot A,- Msrgsret ' White, , So.70;.aubdlria1oa T ot tot A, Margaret White, ' fO.TO; subdivision 8 mt tot A. Jennie Carrie, "SO.TO; subdlrisloa 9 of tot A. Jennie Currle, . fo.85; eubdlrUloa 10 of lot A, Jennie Currle. ' fo.86; eabdlriatoa It of-tor X Jennie Carrie, O.TU; subdlTlalo. 12 of tot A. Uunder J. ' ' Rummlna. 80.70: subdlristoa 1.1 of lot A. . Msrgsret White, fo.TO; sabdlTlaloa 14 of tot A, Margaret White. 80.70; sutxllrialon 18 oi tot A, l. - Hanarn, So.TO; suhdlristoa 18 Af tot A, TUlia F. CoraeUus, -40.70; sabdlTUnon 17 of lot A, Tllll F. Coraellu. -4O.70; suli- aiTision is or lot - A. m. J.A!attrr, rfn.Tir; suoniTision 1 01 iot it, wesiry Miner. ii.tu KT, fl.ll, ler, SO.TO; amrfo.Tni am. 411.70; abdiTWioa 3 or lot B. wrsiry Miiirr, subdiTisioa a ot lot b, juns Miruusm, Bubdlrielon 4 of tot B. Julia Marauam. subdlTlston 6 of tot ,B.- Uundrr J. Ramming, fo.70; subdlrisloa 6 of tot B. Msry R. Adsms, SO.70; subdlTlaloa 7 of tot B, W. F. BurrrU, Trustee. SO.TO: abdlriatoa 6 of tot B. W. F. BurrrU. Trustee, 80-TO; subdlrlslon 9 ef tot . B. W. Tr- Burrell, Trustee, fo.85r aubdlrisloa 10 of lot -B. W. F. Burrell. Truster, fo.85; aubdlrislnu 11-of lot B, W. FK BurreU, Trus tee. 80.70; anbdlTlslon 13 of tot B, W. F. Bum-llet 'Trustee, SO.TO; anbdlTlslon IS of tot B. Mary E. Adams, fo.TO; eubdlrtatoa 14 ef tot B, Mary B. Adams, SO.TO; aubdlria loa 15 of lot B. Mary E. Adams, S0.T0; sub dlrisloa 18 of tot B. Jsmr W. Brandt, f0.T0, suoaiTisHia it oi mt r, tiunoer j. uummlng, 80.70: aubdlTlaloa 18 of tot B. W. F. Burrell. Truatre. SO.TO. BLOCK 27. lot 1,- Ellen H. Brbollbora tit ate. Heir of. ST. 40; hit X Ellen 11. BeooUbora Eatste, Helra of, 47.40; subdlristoa 1 ot lot A. C. M. Rassell, Trustee, 60.70; subdlristou 2 ot tot A, C. M. Russell. -Traslre, SO.TO; sabdlTiston S of tot A, C. M. , BussvU. Trnatee, 40. TO: subdlristoa 4 of let A, C. M. Russell, Trustee, 80.70; aubdlrialoa 8 of lot A. C. M. Russell, Trustee. fo.TO; sub dlrintoa 4 of tot - A, C. M." RnsseU, TruMre. - fo.TO; sabdlristoa 7 of tot A, Moy Back llln, fo.TO; sabdlTlaloa 8 of lot a, W. F. Burrell. Trustee. fo.TO; aabdlrialoa 9 ef lot A. May Bsck Hto, fo.TO: sabdlTlaloa 10 ot tot A, W. F. Burrell, Truatre, fo.TO; ubdlriatoa 1 ef tot B, M. I, I)off.'fo.7or subdlTlaloa 2 of tot B, Hons; Chr How, SO.TO; subdlrisloa 8 of tot B, W. H. MrEldownry snd J. T. lAonarX S0.T0; aubdlrialoa 4 of hit B. W. F. BurrrU, Trustee, (ti. TO; subdlristoa C ot tot B. W. H. M.-Kldownry. sad J, T. Leonard. 50. TO: aubdlrialoa 8 ef tot B, C. M. Husarll, . 8O.T0; aabdlrialoa T of tot B. W. M. Law, fo.To; BBbdlTlsloa 8 of tot By Moy Bark Hln, 80. To; eubdlTisloa nf tot B, W. M, Law, 80.40; anbdlTlslon 10 of tot B. Moy Back Hln. fn.O. BLOCK 2. tot 1. Jrnnla and J.! M. Belcher, 47.40: lot X Jamr 8. Pol hrmo. 47.40; aubdlTlaton 1 nf lot X William and Roalna Gelger. fo.80; subdlTlaloa 8 of tot X Wllll.m and Koalna Oelgrr, StM; subdl-riah-a S of tot X WUilam sad Rosins Uelger, fO At. nihdlTlstoa 4 of tot X William snd Riailna lielger. 80.80: subdltlalon 6 of tot X , William snd Roslaa Orlgrr. SO.So; aubdlTlatoa ef tot X Wlllam and Roslna Uelgnr, So.on; aubdlrialoa T -of tot X William and Koalna Ueigrr, Sn.OO; snhdlTtilon 8 ef tot X William ' aad Roana Hrtger,; aubdlTlaina 9 of tot 2. William aud Rosins Ueigrr. 60.40; subdlTlston 10 ef to X Wllllem sad BAaln flelger, 80.00; anbdlTtatoa 1 of tot 4, Mrs. M. J. Wramcr. 80. do; stibdtrislnn 8 ef tot 4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer. S-I.6U; subdlrisloa 3 of tot 4. Mrs. M. J. Weemer. SO. 55: snbdlrislnn 4 of let 4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer. fo.To; auhdl. Tlsloa 6 ef tot 4,-Mrs. M. J. Weamer. fo.To; snhdlTtstoa 8 of tot 4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer, fo.TU; subdlTlaloa T of lot 4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer. 80.90; subdlrisloa 8 ot tot 4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer. 80.90; aubdlTlaloa 9 of tot 4. Mrs. M. J. Weamer. fo.TO. BLOCK 29. tot 1. Margaret H. Deabntm, fl.06; tot X Mar Krrt II. Denholm, 81.10; tot S. Msrgsret Danhohn, 61. 10: tot 4. Margaret II. Urn ' holm, 81 10; tot 5. Margarrt , H. Drnbolm. ' fl.lo; tot X Margaret H. Deahelm. 81. 10; kit 7, Margaret H. Denholm, 81.05; lot 8, Mar- farrt II. lien holm, 4I.O"; tot 9, Margaret H. lenbolm, 4K0: tot 10, Margaret II. Den- - holm. 80.95. BLOCK 30. aubdlTlaloa 1 of tot A. Emily H. end JaaMa (nrraa, 80.90; anbdlTlslon a of tot A, Frederick Eggert, fn.WA; ubd1rit' 8 tf .tot A. Fredrrirk Eggort. 8 b5; rubdlrialon 4 ef tot A. Frvd-erh-k Etgert. fo.86; aubdlTlatoa 6 wt tot A, - Frederick Eggert. 80.80: subdlTlston 8 of tot A. W. F. Burrell, Trustre, 80.7.1; sub- diriatoa T of tot A. Jenkins A Hteeena, . to. 75: ssMlristo 1 nf tot B, W. F. Burrell, Trsatr. fo.90; sabdlrisloa 2 of tot B, W. F, Burrell. Truster, 80.66. A tract ef laad bstwrea the aoath Una ot Vrrmnnt street and . rb aorth line ' of suhdlTMtoa T ot lot A ef (itork SO, Boa three Portlaad. sad Jtetween tb east lis of PennaTlTanla atraet and rb westerly line of the oreeoa and California Railroad (toannaay'a right mt way, Martha M. Crowell ' V tr it mt lead betweao tn sent llae of Vrr amnt atreet aad , the earth line of ' snbdlriston 1 f tot It. btock Sn, Soutbera Portia nd, and lm tb west Hn of CVmnerttcat street snd lb easterly Una . ef the Oregoa and California Railroad tkiaa. . aarry' right of way, C F, Crowell Estate. Hrlra nf. 80 an. ' '- SOI THERM "p0RTLANn,-rr)REf0M--BLoCK 51. tot 1. Botomoa Rrlss, 80.46; lot X nolo. ama Rrlss. Sa45: kit X Hotossna Kris, fn.45; - tot X notoTnoa Re las. fn.TO; tot 6, Boloano Rrlss. 80.70: tot X 8otosna R"hw. SA.XI; tot T. Bnlom'ax-ReisX 80 05; tot X Botomoa Krisa. (0 80, lot 8. Botomoa Relse, 8n-o; tot 10, Bninsmra Relaa, SB. 46; tot II, Bntoinoa llalsa, n4.i; tot IX Boiomon Rrlaa, fi 40: tol IX Bnlnmoa Rrlaa,; lot 14, Rotomna Rrlaa, so. 55; tot IX ttotomoa Rrlaa, SO.nn; he) IX Bolomew Rrlss, Sn.70, ,BIOCK SX tot 1, Hanaah Mason. 6.VT6; tot X Hannah Mason, fflnit. BLOCK 33. anbdlTialoa 1 ef tot I. s.Jamm 8. Reed. 80,70; sabdlriato 8 of tot 3, Jam X Reed, fXTO; sabdlTlaloa sf - lot 1. Jam 8. Reed. (O.TO; suMlriatoBd of tot 1. June B. Reed, (0.70; "Wl'h'too , : ' of tot 1, JiwT 8, Bred, fo.40; (ubdlTtotou 8 of tot 1, Anna 8. BJo""' ., , ' So.40; subdlrisloa T ef lot 1, Aao 8. Etok man, 80.70; aubdlTlaloa 8 of tot 1, J-"" 1 Pllfclugtou and A. W. WrlghL 80-TO; subdl- Tlslun 9 of tot 1, 1. N. Burt. fo.TO: subdl lsioa 10 of tot 1, J. N. Burt, fo.TO; sub. - dlTlsioii H of tot 1, Anas Olson. (o.75j 'subdlTlaloa 13 ot tot 1, J. B. Pilklngton and A. W. Wright. So. 75; culidlTlston -13 of lot 1. J. B. Pllklngtoa- and A. W. Wright. 80.T3; aulidlrialoB 14 of hit 1, Joha T. CouW. v fO.T.S; aulHllTlatoa 15 of tot 1, Joha T. Cook, fo.T6; sutMllTlatoa 1 et tot X Cells M. Frlef aud Edwin B. Melilncy, 80.76; subd It la too : 2 of tot 2. Cella M. Frier aad Edwla B. McCUncy, fo.80; aubdlTlaloa 3 of tot X Cell M. Frlrr and Edwin 8. Met I luce, fu.ho: v . aubdlrialoa 4 af tot 2, Cella M. Frier aud . - Edwin B. McCllnry,- fo.80; subdlTlston 6 of , ' tot X I'eUa M. Frtre) and Edwin X Mo. Cilncy, fo.80; subdlTlston; of tot X Call M. Frier and Edwla H. McCUncy, fo.TO; sulf dlTlatoa 1 ot tot 2, Cella M. krlar and Edwla B. McCUncy, So. TO; subdlTUlon 8 of tot X . cells M. Frier snd Edwin 8. McCUncy. 40.70: subdlristoa 9 ot tot X Cell M. Frier sud , Edwla 8. McCUncy, fo.70: subdlrisldn 10 ot tot X Cells M. Frlrr sud Edwin 8. McCUncy, fu. 40; subdlrisloa 11 of lot X CeUa M. Frier and Edwlu 8. McCUncy. 40.70: subdiTisioa 12 of tot 8. Cella Mt Frier snd Edwla n. !' McCUncy, 40.70; subdiTisioa 13 of tot X Cella M. Frlrr and Edwin 8. MoCllncy. SO.TO: subiliTlslaa 14 ot tot 2, Cells M. 1 Frier sua Edwin 8. McCUncy, 80.70: suhdlTlatoa 15 ' et tot 2,-Crlla M. Frier aud Edwin 8. Mu I IIuct. 80.40. BLOCK 34. subdlTlston 1 of 1 tot t, K. C. Brouaugb, HIM; subdltlalon 2 , 7t tot U. E. C Brouaiigh, 40.35; aubdlTlatoa " 8 of tot U, E. C. HronaUMh, 40.0; autiuiTisiou 4 of tot U, E. V. Bronauxh, fa:i6; subdtrialun -6 ef tot U, K. C. BrpaaUKb, fo.35; eubdlviaioa B of lot ii. E. C. BrouauKb. 8u.;6; aubdlTUtoai T of tot U, K. C. Urouaugh, 40.35;' ubdlriatoa Sot lot li, E. C. Brunsugb, fo.35; aubdlTlsloa of lot U. E. cl. Bruusuah. 80.35: subdiTisioa 10 of tot ti, E. C. Breuaugh, fo.35; aubdlTlsluu '. 11 ot tot U, K. C Brouaugh. (0.35; subdiTisioa -12 of tot U. N. C. BroMuugh. SO.36; aubdlTUtoa 13oTht 11, K. C. Brouasglf, fo-35; auhdlTlstoa 14 ef tol U, E. C. Brouaugh, 80.45; aubdlrislou ' IS ot tot U, E. C. Uruusugh, 80.50; subdlTlaloa . Id of lot U, E. C. Bruasugh, fo.35; subdiTisioa . . 17oi tot 0, E. C. Brouaugh. 80.35; subdiTisioa . 18 of lot U, K. C. Brunsugb, fo.36; subdlTlaloa . 19 of kit U, K. C Broaaugh, 80.36; snbdlTlalua 20 of tot U. E. C. Bronsugh, fa;5; subdlTlaloa . 21 of tot U, K. C. BrouaugX 80.35; subdlTlaloa 22 ot tot U, E. C, Broaaugu, fo.H6; aubdlTlaloa 23 of tot U, E. C. Brouaugh, fo.35; suWlTwto- 24 et tot 1, K. C. Brouaugh, 80.35; subdlrisloa '. 25 of tot U, E, C. Broaaugh, ,(0.35; aubdlrialoa '. m of tot U, E. C. Bronauae-03&. auodlrialoa . : 27 of tot (1, E. C Brouaugh, '4U.35; aubdlTlsloa ' 2s wt tot U. U. C. Broaaugh, 40.36.. BUM B, 34. subdjTlaioa 1 of tot II. K. C. Broaaugh,. , f.3ft: subdlTlston 1 mt kit 11, E. UJIrouaugh. . 40.35; aubdlrialoa S of tot li. K. C. Brouaugh, 80.35: subdlristoa 4 ot tot H, E. UiUlrensugu, S0.;i5; aubdlrialoa 6 of tot H, ti. C. Broufugh, . 40.. 15; subdlrisloa 6 of lot II, K, V. Broaaugh. fo.35; aubdlTlsloa T et tot H, K. C Brouaugh, fo.Sb; eubdlrUloa 8 ef tot H, E. C. Bronaugh. 40. .; aubdlTlsloa 9 of tot II. K. C. Brouaugh, .. fo-36; lubdlTtstoa 10 of tor H," ti. C. Broasugb, SO.36; suudlristoa 11 of lot U, E. C. Broaaugh, fo.36; auMlTlatoa 12 ot tot II, B. C Brunsugb, . o.;;5; bu:m1ItI.Ioo 43 of tot H, E. C. Bronaugh, . fn.;t6; subdlrisloa 14 et tot II. B. C. Bronaugh, au.31.; iibdlrialoa 15 of tot II, E. C Brouaugb. fu.35; subdlTlaloa Id et tot II, E. C. rlrousuKh. Bti.35; subiMatalea IT ot tot H, K. C. Bronaugh, SO.U5: sulHtivlaloB 18 of lot H, E. C. Bronaugh. l.3; SBOturiaioa lit OK tut n, m. j, irrwrniu, j.35; aubdlTlsloa 20 mt tot li, E. C. Bronaugh, J.36: suudlTlatoB 21 of tot H, E. C. BroBsugh, 80. au.3a; suoaiTisioa 01 as ... . 8o.)6; BubdirisKui 23 of tot H, K. C. Bronaugh. ' SO.35; sulMllrislon 24 ef tot 11, E. C. Bronaugh. - Aa:; snbdWIstos 25 ot tol H, E. C. Brouaugb, 0.35; subdlrisloa 28 of tot H, B. C. Brouaugb, -SO.36; sutollTlaton 27 ef tot H. K. ' Bronsu-h,i . 4.1.35; aubdlrialoa 28 of tot 4i. hi C. Brouaugh, , 1 SO.36. BMk:K 85, subdlristoa 1 of tot A, . . Frederick Eggert, SO-lo; sabdlristoa 1 of tot A, Frederick Eggrrt. 80.T0; suhdlrUtoa 8 of ' tot A, Trdertok Eggert, fO.70; sutrflristoa 4 rf tot A. Frederick WCcrt, fo.70: subdiTisioa , A enbt'.-FTedertok Eggert,' f0.WSubdU TtiHia .'a m m -,,""7 : , ).To; bdlTk.loB f of tot A- FTedcrlcR., .. anvt. 4O.10: subdlTlaloa 8 f tot ir - llsin Lablir. fO.70; aubdlrialoa of tot A. W. W. Logan. 80.70; ubdlTtaloa- 10 of tot A. William Labbe. f0.T0; aobdlTtotoa 11 ot -Art A. Auguatn ArtVIX 8.I.TU; ubdlTUitoa 12 of tol A, v. as. sasaifc l?"7i -zir aubdlrisloa 13 of tot A, C M. BuBsell, Trus tee. i. 75; aubdlTlsloa 14 of tot A. C. M. . Ruseril. Traslre, 80.70; subdlTlaloa I of tot. . W'7 U. M, snd M. A. Usyx ,80.70; . suldlTtoloB a ot tot B, Barah A. Brvrwa, SaTu; subdlTlaloa-8 f tot B, C. M.'Bussoll. sO.Tu; ubdlTlslia 4 Ot tot B, Arthur Mather,; ' Jo.To: eub.lirisl.ia el tot B. Moy Bach Hln, 80. T: suoOltlsloB" 8 of tot- B, C. M. Rust-ell. Trustre, 40.70; subdlTlaloa T or kit. u . r MumilL Tntstse. So.To; aorth W of tot 1. Msrtbs ml. Crowell, ,f.8tl. BLOCK Jm t s'rssk H. tirubb. 80.75: tot X Kstherlne L. TrrTrtt, fo.15; tot' 3. Margarrt - H. Dtubolm. So.75; tot X MsrArtilton.,.,. . holm. . 40. 16; tot 8, Margaret H. Denholm. . ' 40.IJ: tot X Maxwell N. Hamilton so.75; .' tot 1. Mmwell N. Hamilton, 80.74: tot K " Marg trt t II. Denholm. 40-T5; tot S, Margaret Z. IL Oeubolut-u.T5; tot 10, James F. Bell, SooVtot llT Jsmr F. Bell fo.75: tot IX Margaret U. Denholm, 80.75; tot 13. kfsrgsret . H. iH-BholiB, 8o.7u; tot M. J""'' t- f0.T0; tot lo, D.' B. McBrlde, (0.86; tot IX Ueorge Btrtiboune. 80.86; tot IT, Ueorg 8ten- ' bouse. So.75; tot In. Donald B, MrBrld.-; 4U.75; tot 19, Donald B. McBrlde, 80.76; tot ao, Dooeld B. McBrldu, 80.76; tot 21r C. D. Nairn. 8U.T6; tot 22, Donald B. McBrlde. . 8016; lot 23. Donald B. McBrlde, (O.T5; tot 24. C. D. Nalru. S0.T5; tot 26, Robert LI. . lngatone, fo.TS; lot 2X Robert Llringaton, ! fo.T5; tot 27, Robert UTtagaton. fx 15; tot 1 2. Margaret U. IK-uholm, so.75. BIXK'K 37. Haanah Msaon. 831.10. . BLOCK 3, Baiaft A. Ray, f 14.7U. - - GKEE.N'8 ADDITION BLOCK 1. tot 1, Joha ...' W. Langdon aad wife. W. IL Barnett and wife, 40.70; tot X Joha W. Lsugdoa aud wife, W. H. Barnett sud wife, 80. Ju; tof 3, , Jobn W. Langdon and wife, W. H. Barnett aud wife. SO.'iO; tot 4, John W. Langdou and ' wire. W. H. Barnett and wife, fo.80., BLOCK 2; hit 1. John W. Langdon and wife, W. H. , Barnett nd mif. fu.7o; tot 2, Jobn W. . Langdon and wife, W. II. Barnett and wife,, tot X Joha W. Lugdoa and wlf. W. H. Barnett and wife, S".'to; tot 4. John W. Langdon and wife, W. U. Barnett and wife, 80.80; lot X Jobn W. Laugdo ud wife, W. H. Barnett and wife.; tot X Joha W."Langilon and wife. W. H. Baraett and wife, fu. "S tot 7, John- W. Laugdoa aud wife, ' W. JJ. JiarBtt nd wife, Sam; tot 8, Joha - ' W. Lifcitou nd wife, W. 11. Barnelt and -: wife. 80.70. BLOCK 8, tot 1. Joba W. . Iugdba and wife. ,W. U. Barnett and wife, '; tot 2, Joha W. Laugitoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, 40. JO; lot X Joha ' W. Langdou and wife. W. II. Barnett and wife, Sn.'m; hit 4, Henry L. Jubnsuu, 40.0"; tot 5, Johu W. Lsngdoa snd wlfe.jW. IL Bsrnrtt and wife, 40.8";. tot X John W. , l-angdon and .wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, 40.I0; tot 7, Joba W. Langdon and wife, W. H. Barnett and wlfe.r8o.i0; tot 8, John W. Langdon snd wife, W. Jl. Barnett sud wife. So.lo. BLOCK 4. tot 1, John W. Langdon and wife. W. H. Barnett and wife. 80.00; tot X Johu W'. Langdon and wife, W. li. Barnett and wife, fo.45; tot X John W. Lsngdon snd wlte, W. ,H. Bsrnett and .wife, fuvttn; tot 4; John" W. Lsngdon (nd wife, W. -H. liar net t and wife, 40.P"; lot ft, Joha W. Langduu and wife, W. II. Barnett and wife. 40.10; Pe X John W. LangiloB and wife, W, U. Barnett and wife, 8U.0; tot 7, John W. Lanx-don end wife, W. H. Barnett and wife. 81.70. BLOCK 5. tot 1, Johu W. Langdon slid Wtfr, W. H. Bsrnrtt snd wife, ; " sn.ow: tot X John IV. Langdou and wife. W. U. Barnelt and wife, So.uo; tot X Joha W. l-encdoii and wife, W. H, Barnett and . . wife, So.75; tot 4. Joha W. Langdon and wile. W. H. Barnett and wife. io.BO; tot " X Jobn W. Langdnu and wife, W. II. Barnett and wife, lot X John w. Langdou and " wlf. W'. H- IUraett nd wife, 4" no: lot 7, A John Wp. langdon and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, fo.70; tot 8, John W. Langdoa and wire, W. H. Barnett and arlle, 40. bo; lot It, Joha W. Langdon nd wlf it, W. H. Barnett t snd wife, 4)0. 00: lot lo. 'John W. Lsngdon kad -wife.- W. V. Barnett and -wife, 80-85; tot 11. Joba W. Langdoa and wife. W U. Barnett and wife, 40.H5; tot IX Joha,W. Langdoa aud wife, W. H. Barnett and fwlfe. 4o.7u; lot IX Joh W. ' lanadoh and 'wife, W'. M. Baraett and oif, . Soon: tot 14. John W. Langiloa and wife,. V. H. Barnelt nd wife, So.uo. BLOCh; X hd 1. JoliniW. Lsngiton snd wife, W, H. ' t Barnett and-wife. fo WO: tot 2, Udla A. ., Mills, fo.70; tot X Ijydla A.;' tot 4. Job tfV,- 4An.lon ajid wlf, W. H. Barnett an flfe, 0.T0; tot 6. Joha W. langdon aad wife, W. H. Baraett and wife, Su.To: lot X John W. langdoa and wife, ' W. H. Bsrnett nd wife, 80.70; tot 7. Joha ef 'W. Langdon and wlfr. W. H. Barnett and wife, fo.70: tot 8. John W. Langitoa and wife, W. II. Barnelt and wife.; tot X - John WV Langdoa and wife, W, 11. Bsrnrtt snd wife, 80.86: tot 10. Joba W. Langdoa . snd wlfr. W. H. Barnett and wife, So.b5; tot 11. John "V. Lapxdon and wife,. W H. Barnett and wife, fo.70; tot IX Joh W. t langdon and wife. W. H. Barnelt and wife, an 711: lot 73, Joha W. Lanidoa and wife, W. H. Baraett and wife, fu.70; tot 14. Joha W. Lanrdon and wife. W. 11. Barnett and ,'wlfe, SO-TO; tot IX Joha W. Langdon and wife. W. H. Barnett and wlf. fo.TO; tot' IX , Job W. Lnntdo and wife, W. U. Harnett I- aud wlf, 80.15. BLOCK T, tot 1, Joba W. Langdon and wife, W. H. Barnelt and wlfr, SO.Bn; tot X Joh W. Lsngdon snd wife, . W. R. Bsrnett snd wife, fo.70; lot X Joh W. Larrrtoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, fo.70; tot 4. Jobn W, langdoa and wife. -W. H. Barnelt aad wife. f0.7o; lot X John W. Langitoa and wife. W, H. liar sett and ' wlfr. So 70: tot 8. Joh W. Lafiritort and wife, - ' W. B. Barnett and wife, fo.70; tot 7, Joha W', LtMrilon and wife. ,W. H. Ttasnett and ' wife, 40.7o; tot Joha ";W. Lndoo and , wlfr. W. If. Baraett and wife, fo.85 ; tot 9. ' Johu W. Langdoa and wife, W.H.. Baraett . and wtTK SohTi; tot 10. Johu w,. Laojdoa- ' and wife. W. H. Barnrtt and wlf. 80.7O; -tot IK John W. Lsngiton snd wlf. W. Jl. Barnett and wife, 40. T"; tot IX Joha W, langdoa ssd wife, W . H. Barnett snd wife, , 80, To: tot IX JtAb W. Laugdoa ssd wife, -W. (U. Baraett aad Wife, So.70; tot 14, 'V .- - - ... e- 1 . -.1