The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 27, 1905, Image 13

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    t '
87, lWl
uii'f vonou.
citt it on era.
. . ' art tforz.
Helm ef. 80 60: hI M feet if M A Mm
r Baker btlU, Heir of. (1.00. i All of
a t, imunr sauiuoa as taruthere
, addition, recent westerly 64-6 (at of the
wiimj h.d reet. . c. Lorkei, WTO.
. A- tract ef land IMiM and desert bad
follow: Ceauneaeiag at InttireectloB f Mat
Uh of Hood Mmt with Borth line f B.ker
, street; thence easterly oa north Una ( Baker
tract 64.6 feet; tlwm aortbarlj parallel
J'. with '. west aid .Una tl llnli street H I
; feet; thence weelrly par.llal with Borth
Una ( Bake atraat to eeet Una of Hood
. atraat; thence southerly ea rest II aa of Hood
street ro Beginning, Henry ache. I and BUI
pwra ra. oi.aaj. --
CAKDTHKRM' innmnv ovk nimirpii
ADDITION ta the Cite of Portland RfM'K J.
T Wllll.m Drone. $13.56. BLOCK K, Marl
Jf. Bakar, 816.3$. BLOCK L, Hemeopathle
t yWI?1 Dlapeaaary ef Portlaed. $18.00.
! BLOCK M. Heroeopathle Hoaplul and pie-
Ensery of Portland.' lt .94. BLOCK rN.
, omeopeUile Hospital and Dwpeueary of
Portland. $1X46. BLOCK 0. Homeopathic
nrapitai and Dlapeasarr at Portland. 818.86.
Block p, undivided to of lot I, Ibex Lead
-Company, $1.00; andlvided H Ml M l Ibex
Laud Company. 11.00: undivided to of lot X
, Jbeg Land Company. $1.00;, undivided to of
, "t Ibai Land Company. 11.00; undivided
JT . 1 a, i or i uad company, fi.uu; no
divided to of lot . Ibex Land Company,
k $1.00;- undivided H of lot T, Ibei Land
' ' ' "P"'. al.OO; undivided to of tot B. Ibex
onnany. fi. oo; undivided to or lot i.
llBi R fi.null at AO. .... .11.1.1 J . J la a
.Anna B. Connell, $1.00: undivided to of lot
, . X Anna B. Connell, $1.00; undivided to of lot
. ' 4, Anna R, Oennell, 11.00; undivided to of lot
S, Anna B. Connell, $1.00) undivided to of lot
", anua n. connell,; andlvided .to of lot
T. Anna B. aorl, 11.00; Bndlrldrd i of lot
. Anna B. 'ornll. BLOCK Q. lot 1,
' Clara Bell. t'KMI- nink a 4mm Hi ln Clara
?"". fOOL 1 frat of kt t. Ciarmaa
.- nannca at umn HorUtr, II. M; lot a, Gorman,
riarlntn loan Korlaty. Il.fin; lot 4, (Irrman
; Hanncn Ian florlrty. ll.TO; lot 8."rnaa
, Harlnca At Loan Horl-tr. 00: lotS. Oarman
' Rarlnn aY Loak Horirtj," 2.fl0t nortk feet
of wart Wl tcrt of lot T. Garmaa Harlnf A
Ioan Borlrtr. 10.10; aontb 41 tt of lot-T.
' tier man Marine Loan Horlaty $t.(X); north
or faat to rrrt or lot T, Clara Ball,; eaat TO fact of lot . riapa Hall.
1.411; wrat SO foot of lot S. V. GllCllalmrili.
0.11a. BLOCK B, German Bktian Loan
Borlaty, f lCOA. -;
A trart of land lying fcatnraaa tha nooth Una
of Moan atraat and 1b norUiarly Una ot
' bloak 82, Caratliara' r.ddltlon to Cam than'
, addition, aa inowa on tha map ot Portland
pnbllnbrd hy ta Tit la Onarantao Traat
entniianr, 1003, and battraaa tha arrat rttw of
- Hood atraat and a Una 40 fact aaat of and
paraiaM wit a. tka aaat Una of Coriwtt atraat.
A. P. Smith. v . -
CABrrnRKs apoitiom 70 CABUTmja!P
vi'aaiv. ro tna or r-oriiaDq nix. a.
f. treat 40 foH of north OA t aat. of blurb: 8,
Hannah -.Caahaa. 1.69: wraf 40 fwr I oatfc
BLOCK T. Thomaa B.' KdVardk. tiJO. 'BLOCK
' 1.5S; lot X. E. H. Parkar.'lot4. H. h!
i. n. H. f'ar wi in. inp ar r u Haiku
i";"r r-'"' ' ar lot ., k. h.
f i'i; aaat .a raat or lot , E. II.
W.I0; aaat 41 feat ot lot T..K. H.
' Parkar.; aaat 4.1 faat of lot K. 11.
ipball. JtUO;. want H.S faet of aoatb IT
1 "'. h,t.Bx.D W CnmpbaU, 0.18: woat X
L.f "L 'r' t lot . John B. and r.
wni ao.n raaf or, lot n, j. w.
I. Mann, an.45; waat 20 faat of aaat 1
'.JT ot.naiB H lo lob B. nd F. I.
.,Bni f : raat M fart ot wrat 61. feat
of lot , Uaorfo Nothnacla. 0.60; aaat M
, i--..1 , B 'w aoath IT.t faet of
-ii'i-?1? ""'-'. to.l6i rait 2S fart
n Waa- faat a ba h . D w
f? 8J!i f "-"t 7.a faat of aoatb
. T w. m , wrrmi all
portaty . fO.lft; wrat -101.1 faat of (oath H
i. .a
."7-ma a Sarin 4 Loan Soelaty. ILOTj;
L.. Carpantar, 11.00;, lot H.
ovrifl 11 1 n mil at iwr n u. . r i m c
KLoan .Society. 2.00. BLOCK 41J eaat-YS faat
of lot 1. John l. lDi lu at. li.n II u
wast SS faat of lot 1. w u aT7 ..':
3 I T?0Joa"; 8.,IU. -9rlot a, Uwla
. " , T"t mr9- Anaia rmport.
' Js.lonla P. a'no.- IXOOi north
LJ loO. Canadian BetUara Lean
- a-ot'oo.iwi tor a, Canadian, n,t.
i!rrmB..Tr,",t rB- L,,-; ' BLOCK
U. lot 1. J. 1. Markhak a? Ir77 I..
Vatkhrk. 11.10; lot , Joaaph Ppllrka. 11.10;
J"."4- 'oarpb Pollrka. IX 10; lot 67 Prank
' iT'Ji- C.'riDt.b, .. Catnarlna
abal. IS. 10. - BLOCK 43. lot l.'A. 0. Ham-
Kit Z. THadaniar -u- r- !T;X!
lot 4. 1 and Jnlia U HammondT Erat
jh m a. j. Hammond, 13.10; lot a. A. o,
. Hammntid, 13.10; aaat 1 faat of lJt f. A. G
, Hajnmotid, lo.lOj aaat Sft faet pt lot S,- A.
!., B.mmrmd. 10 la- an ri.a - i. ,
'"Haaoosre' aarop. aj nrV- mi 1 fuv u ill
. a nmiani Omn. a ."J.
A I reel of MM htawn Mba- a -.-a, aa
Cariatba-a' Addition to rarlltlraTa Addition;
"I1"'" ' " 'lt4 al Porter a treat
- . r iw BRartB Tnaraor ana naroilel
bera-ntb, A. (1. Hammond. U.w
A traat af land hatwaau hLa4ia-. - Jl aa
0,"i. to 1,-nratnpra-. .Addition.
"7" " T T aro liner 01 -atraat
and a Una 100 feat armr thereof and parallal
theeawrtk. Thaodora , Bao'i,. a in . --PTi
A.TrX2.ri"?': Wn0N TO !ARCtTlrSIl(r
too -v 1 ty or Portland BLOCK
4J; ml M fiat of waat 100 faet of lot T,
'44. wt 1, John Bpltarntwraef. 13.10: lot 1.
John SpltarnbeMrer, 13. W; lot a. J-nb". M.
.i ,r iA S . ' V.-rina r. Therkol
.": W . Joaef Kretaebe, 2.10; lot
v. apuni iwiaau. az.ju:.iot T T a
m in7 u. . ,7 . 4. "aa n. . narron.
13.10; lot 1, 8. Barton. 12.10. BIX( K
"t 1. John IMhk a to.
" John ' Bedlak,
. . l b j. . : . 101
lot a.
u,":' ; "i 5v .? wis-,
: ' ... ,' . r aa.iif, i o. jnna Bed
'.i' i lSl J JL- ' "olab, 13.10; lot ,
John ftedlaV. 1 1A at rvnar 5T !?
vaf lot 1. Joala Datrla 11 OR: w -i .1!
. Joala DaTla. mrth nMOT.
I aaat 1. af La - . . . 1 ' "
Z1 .7 r; r. iannoanr. ao.'u:
" .Thomaa Matnbari. $1.05
"' feat ot aaat of lot it Pat
rlcll Murray. 0.rX; lot 8. iumabSS Moraan,
SJi ."' ' eoxt T0 2.feet
of lot 4, Ann. R. firatka. n.T0: aii SsTl
faat- f lot 4. Cbarlaa P. Haywood M TO
PlfSala- fS,'f 2 1 R- d Mar,
- ali.T"". ?1 7f,; -o' . Mell-.k K. Hn
WL10; lot . Meltaaa H Hna. te 10- lot
. Melll. Mor,.n. .10: lot 1. M.iuia l
Motra. 13 1Q. BLOCK 41. aaat' 1 00 feat of
lot I.1L. P. and Sarah M. Gothrle 1300
; went ( faet of lot 1. P. M. Urhtonthiler'
i? ,,k- ' ' 00; et 1O0 feai
1 a Z"iK M?- Dodlay, H.OO;
lot A. John Dndla no i a t-. 'av.T.
13.10: lot SrernY aT'
.13.10; lot 1. Gorman Henna Loan Horletr
,; wear To feet of lot 1, M. R,
LlehtentbaWr. 1.K aaat 1 faet of lot T
P. M. Llehteathalar. 10.80; aaat 81 feat of
lot 8. P. M. Lrrhtan thaler, fo.Bfi. BLOCK
49 aontb H- of lot 1, H.aa Welatar. ILOSi
north t of lot 1, Andrew Hanoon. ,105. '
f f f 11. -Tinit between two ltnea
rpa BaalT 300 faat and Ban a r . J!TZ
, of and parallel with tna north Una of Artbnr
atraat and between tha waat line of Water
' atreet aod a Una 104 feat waat thereof Yen
parallel therewith. Andrew 1 1. nana, to an
. ADDITION to the City of Portlaao RlaM-
a-" an. are vaaat. Ta . aeb,U, W1r A Krtt WaaTu
Meoaanh.U, $3.10; lot 4. Edward Meadenhall.
. IllOi lal II Rlehvd Martin. 13.10: lot a.
muu aarun,, at-T I, nana laftrnrn.
$310; aoath of lot a, IraenTIroft
north H of lot 8. Belrmla Dolaa, 11.8ft
A tract of land lylo hetwee- two llnea ra
anaetlTalr loo faat and 3t.S f- k
. and parallel with tna north Una of Arthor
arroet and between the aaat. line of rront
" i"-i am a una r-wt tf5 aaat - or and
parallell therewith. AeHnda DoUn, ano.
A - tract of land between two llnea iwepeo.
tlPely 130.1 feat and 141 feat north of and
parallel with' the north Una, of Arthur afreet
and between tha waat Una of Water a treat
and a Una J0 faat went . thereof and
Parallel therewith. Bonnie. Srfaad. 80.00.
t A tract of land lying betweea two llnea re.
1 T-i aav.a -( m a- 1 iaei norro Of
and parallel with north Una of Arthur atraat
and between tha aaat Una of Pront atraat and
a Ho 100 faet aaat thereof and parailal tltera
- with. Jeeeee, $0.00. .
A tract afland lying betweea twa llnea ra
parHTely 230.1 faat and Ml feat north af and
pirallel with tha aorta Una af Arthar afreet
and between tlia waat fine of Frost (treat
lal1 '-"i.,u" rirmt etreet, WlUlam
PUedner, 11.T0, . .
A tnet af land rylag between two llnea ' ra
neetlvaly 100 feet and 3S0.1 feat norm at
and aarallel wttk tha north line af Arthnr
treat and bet a era tba, weat line af Trent
' atreef aod the aa at ltaa m raat aaa.e rw.
iron Bkiiwir m naeiaatioa Oompany, II TO.
ADDITION tn tna City af Portia od BIXHK
' W. lot j SnpKle Rch., $Xn; lot 3 Sophia
Srbad, 1 10; lot Soohla fchnl. 1310: lo
1 at ana.hl ai..a aa (n . i . a -
. : B. Vaiv, mrm m, aaawa nuraaaa,
. ff '! !Li'- Maraaaaa. $3.11: lot T,
J" rao"-T. .!; mt a. n. B. irrMiey,
J lK -BLOCK l, lot 1. WlUlam Plledner,
IPTTilot 1 William rileda-e, 131"; lot 1,
, WUUain niodner. $3.IOi lot a. William nied
ner. 3.10; lot ft, WllUam Ph-doer. $3.10;
lot d, William PUednar. $310; lot I, William
Pllednar. ' I3.IO1 Ina a avmiaaa !.
N aA 1.. at vr-ap mm t a i a. a. .. -
a i". oian r a a. apa i , vpreajon jkauway m
. aeteattea cwmpaoy. 13.1A; lot. 3 Oregon
Railway Naelaatloa Cnaipany. II IO: lot
n. wee-on f nan way a narlrauoa Comaany.
$2 10.- lot 4, flragcai Railway Navigation i
. Compear. $110: , lot $. Oregoa -RUlwW A I
, Ti w o, r, r, Menon,; traat 101.1
"' ' ",,l H ef lot , Garmaa Sarlna A
... Iaa Boclaty. 1.00; north faet of waiT U
i' of aoutb.H of lot , Orrnraa Badne 4 Loan
Crorkar, 13.10; lot . J. A. Crocker 12 10
BL4M:K .45, lot 1. Henry B. rKft jxio
Upard: 12 w
Nawlmtioa Comnan.' 1110- lot a
Hallway at MaTtcatloa Comoanr- 12.10: lot T.
' Oregon Hallway A Mairigallon Company, $3.10;
lot a, Oregon Railway Nartgailua Oom
pany, $3. la BLOCK M, lot I, Albert Wright,
.. $310; ilot . Jullua li. Harr, $3,101 lut 8.
William P. D. Mercer, $3.10: lot a. Ida B.
Mercer. $3,10; lot 1. Byron P. Boone, $310:
aooLh Vm of lot I. P. Wlldl. 11.U&: aawth lZ
of lot , John T. Lankln, $1.06; lot I, Lonla
Arnold, $3.10; lot a, Uhui Arnold, $3.10.
-JtlaOCK 14. lot 1, Prank lie Drake. $2.10; lot
3. rraaklln liraka, $2.10) nndlrlded ot lot
a, KlUa Melaoa. 11 06; andlrliled H of lot
S. Hugh W. Nelaoo, $!.; lot 4, Jaeob
Mnlthaur. X10; lot 1, Mary Taylor, 1X1 CM
lot a. Mary L. Steel. $310: weat A of lot
1, Herwlna Ilarhlen, tl.ulk; went H ot U
1, Hermlna Harhlen, $I.U6; eaat U of lot
. f, nana, ra. - a j tuc, ai.uo: eaar ym 01 Mil
8.. Nannie' K. Taylor, $1.09. BLOCK BS. lot
1, School Dlatrlct ho. 1. $3.10; lot & Sebool
,' Piatrlet No. 1, $3.10; lot 8. School Olatrirt
no. 1, az-iu; wt a, ncnool inatrkt Mo. 1,
3a0t lot a. School IXatrlct, No. 1, l3.10(
L-a a .l lu. a: . a.i la. i - m
School IMetrlrt No. 1, $2.10; lot , hVbooi
- Dlatrlct No. 1. $3.10. BLOCK t. lot 1. Seth
1 .rope, ea.iv; rai s, rwtn it. rope, axju;
lot .1. , Preatoa W. GlUelta.. $31(5; lot 4.
Mollla HtanforJ. $3.10; lot 8. William B.
. JoUr. $2.10: lot 8. .William B. Jollr. 13.10:
lot . Martin 310: lot 8. . Mart la
. rco.oe. 10. nun s 6T. lot 1. 0. r. H.
I'lumnter, $310) north H of lot t 0. P. 8.
Plummer. II. Oo; aoatb W of lot 3 A. Qulrlo.
$1.08, north .H ef lot 8, A. Qulrlo. $1.05;
aoath H of lot 1. Ho II la A liter, 11.06: lot a.
Holllt Alrer, $310;. lot 8. lamea L. Johu-
atone;, w in; lot 0, j.mea L. Johnatone.
. .'4 In taaattk 9fL faat --. a K - a La
t. AbMe 0. June, 10. IO; weat 80 feet ef eaat
68.8 feet of kit T, Abble 0. June. $1.00:
' weat M feer of aaat H I foot of lot 8. Abble
, 0. June, ll.oo: aortb 28 feet af eaat 8.8 feet
,. of let IT. O. P. B. Plammer. 80.10; eaat 8.8
' feet oi lot 8. 0. P. S. I'lommer. $0.10; weat
60 feet of Lot T, N.nnla B. tayhar, $1.00;
- weat (30 feet of lot 8. Nannie E. Taylor.
; II .00.. BLOCK M. lot I. Soele C. Poet,
Katale, llelra of, 12.10; lot 1 Kartell. Poet,
Ratatn, Helra of. 1310; lot I. Ottrlle Bartaeh.
13 H: lot 4, Ottalla Bartack. 13 IO; lot 8,
Phillip and Jit II. A. Lawton, 1310: 'lot a.
Marr Aker.. 13.10; weat 2 feet of lot T.
Immannel Baptlat Church, 11.30; weat 82
feet of lot 8. 'Bimanual Baptlat Church,
$1.20; eaat 44 H feet ef lot T. Beaia C. Poet.
P-etata Helra of.' 10 AO; eaat 44 Vt feet of
lot 1. Suale C. Pont Eatate, Helra of. $"-n,
BLOCK 80. weat U1.8 feet of north 35 feet
of lot 1, A. P. Neunert. $0.2A: aontb 26 feet
of lot 1. A. P. Neunert, $1.08; eaat TS feet
of norti SS feet af lot 1. Henry Wetnhard.
10.76: lot 3, John Wldneaa,- $3.10; lot 8, C.
' K. Iatmheraoo. $310: lot 4. Bmllr J. T.
Maore. $2.10: lot 5, John CorkMh, 1310; lot
n, aaiwara 4. Mart, fxin: weat k m mi
T. r.enie e. nancn, ai.ttn; weat
- n. Pannle K. Dledrlrb, 11.06; eaat H
T. Lola Coha, $1 .l eaat vi ot lot i,
Cohn,. $1.05. BLOCK 80. lot 1.
of lot
of lot
' Homparay, 13.10) lot . Jamea Hanmbrey,
13. IP; lot 1. A. - P. Neonert. .12.10; lot 4.
' Kami R.-Lang, $3.1: eaat 60 Yeet of kit i,
Lonla C Sboma. $1.18; eaat SO feat 'of lot
; 8. Loale C. Shomo. $1.18: wear 48.8 feet of
' lot 8. laabella Bottler. $0.R: waat 48.8 feet
. of lot 8. laabella Bottler. $0.06; lot T, Moy
Dark nin. $3.10; lot 8. Moy Bark Hla, $310.
- BWCK 81. lot 1, Mlrhael McCalrett. KaUte
Helra of, 11.10: lot 3, German Serine
1 Loan Society. $2.10; north 85 feet of lot 3.
, Cerm.a Bartntra 4k Loan Society. $1.85; aoath
IS feet of lot It, Anraata Marka. $0.66; lot
4. Aoreata Marka. $3.10: lot 6, W. A. and
' I. B. Lewie, $8.10: kt 8, W. A. and t.;, B.
Lewie, 83.10; lot.T. William leenaee. $3.10;
Iota, William Iaenaee. I'a.10. .
A -tract of land between- rwti 'tioea reapee
tlealy 300 feet and 320.8 'feet .north of and
parallel with tha north line of Arthnr -treat
allnT'lSr fee, Ve.t'eV.U'TK7"' rtStW.,
iZiti phr5!o'oo! prUIKE,s ivisjr iagri.w iJ:
A tract of land between two llnea teaitectlrely
300 feet and 3304 feet north of and parallel
with the north Una af Arthur afreet tut be
tween the eaat line of Second atreet and. a
- Vne 108 eat eaat thereof and parallel tbare-
-irltlf, (Moy Back Bin, $0.80. , -
, a tract ar land . between twa llnea ra-
enerltrely 3304 feet and 841 feet north of and
"jwrattat with the north, .line of Arthur atreet
and between tha weet Una af P Ire C afreet
'and a line loa feet weat of and parallel tiere,
wtU. AugueU Marka. $0.80.
A tract of land between two I tore reaper
lively 320.8 feet and 241 feet north of and
narallel with the north Una of -Arthur atreet
and betweea the aaat line of Second atreet
and a Una 108 faat eaat thereof and parallel
therewith, W. A. and i. B. Lewi.. $0.80.
A tract of- land between twa llnea reapee
' tlToly 2204 feet and 341. feet north of and
: parallel with the aortb Una of Arthur atreet
and between tba weet line of 'Second atreet
and a I hie 10a feet weat thereof ajj narallel
therewith. laabeUa Bottler. 10.90. I
lA tractof Urtvf between twa llnea raapec
, httij aav.o ieai ami mi tear artrin pi ana
T Parallel with tha north line of Arthur atreet
amr neiween ua eaat una or Tnrra atreet anc
a Una log feat eaat thereof and parailal tbera-
with. - Henry Ttmin, $0.80. ,
A tract of land between twa linen reanee.
tleely 300 feet and 230.8 feet north of and
parallel with tba north Una of Arthur atreet
anq peaweeu IM wear line' or Beoooa -atreet
and a line 108 feat went thereof and narallel
therewith. Edgar Poppleton. $0.90.
A tract ef land lying between two llnea ra-
apectleely 200 feet and 2J0.6 feet north ef and
1 parallel with "the north Una of Arthur atreet
. and between- the eaat line of Third atreet
.and a Una 108 feet aaat thereof aad parailal
' therewith. Anton Rlerbofberrer. 80.00.
ADDITION to the City or Portland BltOCK
A3, lot 1. Rdward Brady. 12.10; lot 2. Edward
Brady, $3.10; lot 8, fareel Mad wad, $310;
lot 4. 1anella Bottler. $3.10; lot 6, Henry
Tlmm, $3.10; armth H of lot a. Oecella Tlmm,
1.08; north H of lot . Anna.C. Roenlcke.
1.0A; lot T. Rdward .Beady. W2.U); lot 8.
Clara M, Harding, 12.10- BLOCK 83, lot
I. Kdgar Poppleton, $2 10:' lot 3. Kdgar Pop
rdetog. $3.10; lot 8,. EdgaP Poppleton, $3.10;
eaat T8 feet ot-lot 4. Patrick Murray.
II. 63: weat SO feet of lot 4. Geortre P. Bot
tler. $0.65: weet to ef lot 6. J. Henry Wol-
trtng. $1.06; waat H ef lot 8. iJ. Henry
woitnng. ai.or,: eaat H er lot 6. Anton
Blecborterrer, $1 06; eaat 14 of lot a. Anton
Blechofberger. $1.05; lot T. Tbeophll Btlleter,
$3.10: aoath 40 feet of lot 8. Tbeophll Bllh
terl $1.70; north 10 feet of lot 8. Anton
Blarhnftierger. $0.85. ' HLOCK 64. north H
of lot I. Cbarlr W. Hoecker, $1.06; aontb
H-of lot 1. Katie P. Ranewtck. $1.08; lot
3, 1 Katie P. Ranenelck, $3.10; lot - 8. John
v r. ca
1 8X10:
weet Ml feet ef lot 6. Mike Rpetela,
II .mil weat nei reet or lot B. Mike Eoateln.
$1.80; eaat 10 V, feet of lot 6, Anna K. Wol
trlng. 80.15; eaat 10U faet of lot 8. Anna
m aAiraiMa an ia Lr,r a ! ai w.ia-H
V 12.10: lot a. Anna Pi. Wolrrlng, $2.10. BLOCK
an, lot 1, Aonia u. Murray. 13.10; lot 8.
Adnia R. Mnrray, $110; lot 1. Prank H.
Gran. 12.10; lot 4. 0. P. R. Plammer. 12.10;
eaat 81 8-8 feet of lot 8. 1. R. C. Tbomneon.
.80; weet 73 1-8 feet ef lot 6. J. mra Snort,
Mi; eaat an n-n reer or aonta 4 or lot a.
R. c. TDompeon, wo.m; weet T3 1-8 feet
bf nnerth to of lot a. Jamea Short, 60 TO;
north H of mt 8. Addle B. Mnrray, 11.06;
lot T. Addle B. Murray. $310; lot, 8, Joaepb
Pink. 8X10.
A tract of land bonnded and deecrtbed ea fol
lowa: Commencing at mtareectloa of treat
line ef Beoond atreet with aoath line ef
Hooker atreet, thence enutherly In north line
of Wood atreet, thence weat to eaat line
af right ef way of Oregon California Rail
wae Connanr. thence northerly alone the eeet
'. line ef .eald right ot war to rta Interaectlun
ntar me aontn una at Hooeer aarert. tnenc
eaet to beginning. C. R. Smith. $48.00.
addition to tna mry er a i.tH.r.
87. all ef lot 6 lying weat . ot Oregan
n to u u ina am . in wraia m
1 Railroad Ompany'g right of way,
Worlrk. $10: ail ef lot 8 lying
Oregon k California Railroad Com-
California Railroad
Weet of 0 rerun
pany i rtgnt or way. eeremna yvorvca,;
all of lot T lying weat ef Oregon California
Railroad Oompany'a right of way, Bllaabeth
Baamgartnrr, ll.lnV; all ef lot 8 lying waat
of Oregon A California Railroad Company 'a
right of Way.' Gabriel Baomgartaer, 10.75.
BI.OCK 88. eaat SS feet of lot 1. Jannla
1 Hag Lee. 81.T0; eaet 86 leet of north 30
reet or lot a. jennia tiug Lee, am no: weat
21.6 feet of lot 1, Alhcrt I. and Kkde B.
Wright, $0.36; weet 31.8 feet at ' north to
- feet af lot 3, Albert B. aod Rlala R. Wright
en 15; ermth 80 feet ot lot X Mellaaa K.
, Hag. $1.26; north 40 feet of lot X Mrlleea
. K, Hng. $1.70; aontb 10 fret of eaet 80 feet
ef lot X Albert R. Wright. $0.20: eaat 80
' feet of lot 4. Albert E. Wright. $1.18: eon Ik
10 feet ef weat 4tlto feet of lot X Mellaaa
B. Hug. JO. 15; weet 48to foet ef, lot 4.
M.heea t Hag. 81.05; all of lot 8 except
'' the Oreeaa A California Railroad Company',
right of way. Mellaaa B. Hug. $0 86 : all ef
lot 6 eireat the Oregon A California Railroad
Compaay'a right ot way, Mellaaa R. Hug.
$1.86: anath 30 feet of lot 6 eaet ef Oregea
California Railroad Companr'. right . ef
way, Mellaaa B. Hng. $1.00; north 20
fret ef lot B eaat at Oregon A California
Railroad Conmeny'a right ef way. Albert
, R. and Elate, B.i Wright. 10.70; all ot lot
8 eaat ef Oregon A California Railroad Com
pear', right bf war. Albert R. and Plate
feTWrtgbt. $1 86. BLOCK . let I. Oregon
Railroad A Naelgattoa Company. $3.10; lot
t. Oregon Railroad A Naetgatloa Company,
13 10: lot 8. Oregon Railroad a) NevtgaUea
Company. $2 10: lot 4. Oregon Rallroed A
'Naelgatloa Coanpany. $110: lot 6. Oregon
Rakkroad A NarlgatWa Coornaay. $2.10: lot
8. Oregon Railroad A Naylgatlaa Cooipeay,
1310; lot 7, Oregon Baln-ne4 4 N.elg.tloo
Cnmnear. $3 10: lot 1. Oregea Railroad A
Kaetaatlnn Coamane. tun . Dlirr in
weal -a xaev or m 1. eooepn tenn.
weat 3 feet of lot X Joaeph Cohn,
eaat 04 1 feet af lot 1, Roaa Weber,
eeet 104.6 feet ef kit X Bona Weeaw.
lot X Moea wehee. $3,10: lot 4, Roaa Weber.
$3.10; eaat I feet ef bat 8. Roaa Weber,
in. 10; eeet 3 feat ef lot X Roaa Weber, $0.O;
weat 88 .6 feet of eeet. Mi faet ef lot X
M.gdelenl R. M.rlaeff. $0 86; Weet 33
feet of eaat Ml few! ef lot X Magdalen! R.
Marlakiff. $0.85: weat TO feet of lot 6. Re.
heatlan aad Lrdla Matcher. $1.46: weet TO
I feet of lot 6. Sebaatlaa and Idla Matcher.
$1.46: eaat to af lot T. jcawah Conn. 11 on
I. aaat kk Ot
kM a, Jaarpk Ceha. $L06; Treat to
. of let T. . WUhelihlne Maefcler. $1.06; weat
1 of lot $, Wllbelmlna. Mnehler. $1.08;
north feet of block TO, Unknown Owner,
. 10.M. BLOCK. 11, weat SI feet of V. 1,
. Sarah A. JUraea. $0.80) weat 81 feet of
lot 3. Sarah A. raanica, 10.60; eaat 16.6 feet
. ot lot 1, Roaa H. Weber. 61.60; eeav T8.6
feet ef lot 3. Ruea H Webee, $l.aOr eaat
, 81 faet of lot 3. Roaa H. Weber, $1.80; weat
ato.a reei or an a, fa trick Murray, aaou;
weet 36.6 feet of lot 4, Patrick Murray, BU.60;
aaai oi iaei or lot 4, latma Apple,
eaat 6 feet of lot 6, Patrick Murray,
eaet fret ef let a. Patrick Murray.
weat 46.65 feet of weat loo feet of lot 8.
Patrick Murray. 61.10: weat 11.8 feet of
hit 6. Vreola Tapfer, $3,00; weat 101.6 feet
of aoath 4.46 feet of lot 8, Urania Tapfer.
$0.16; eaat H of lot T. Mary Jacoha, $1.06;
eaat ot lot 8. Mary Jacoba, $1.06; weat
ef lot T.,Mra. Mark O'NeU. $1.06; weet H
of lot 8. Mra. Mark O Nell, $1.04; aouth i
feet of block Tl. Unknown Owner. $0 06.
ADDITION to toe City ef Portia od BLOCK
!." of aortb 100 feet of block.
Balfour, Onthrla A Co... $1.16; weat 60 feet
rf "L t"ot north 100 tort ef block,
(Louie Trumnier, $2.00; went SO feet ef eaet
1 130 feet ef north 4o0 feat of block. Loeretla
' Naat. lOjtO: weet 60 feet of aaat 130 feet
of block. Thereaa Ptob, M M;- aortb 43 feet
' of aoath 83 feet of eaat BV feat of buck,
Mary Jucbemlrh. .$1.88; weat 60 feet ef eaat
1K0 feet ef aoatb 80 feet af block, Mary
Jucbemlcb. $1.00; eaet T4 feat ef aoatb 60
. feet of block. , Hattle Johneon. $1.60; weet
?? '' at 130 feet of aoath 60 feat, of
.' block. Victor Geoffrey. 80.6O; went 61 feet
ef eaat 1X0 fnet ef north 60 feet af nooth
100 fret of block. Henry H. Meletar. 81.80;
eaat Ht feet ot north s feet of aontb ion feet
of block. Henry H. Meleter, $0.26. BLOCK
1 TT. aoath weet V4 of block, Joaeph Simon ana
- ETT". tV '-y'P0' borthweet 44 of block.
W Infield T. Stephana. $436; north H of
, northeaat H ef block. Mollla Stanford, $3.10;
t?'. H.,,'c emrtheaar Sijof block. Bra me
Nlrkol, 1X10; north It of aootheaat H of
block. Sarrah B, Wallaee, $310; aoath u
$3.1u?U"t' " btock U, 0o'"wC
,wt land barwded and cVMibed aa
follow.: Ccmtneerlna aVleiteraertlon of aoath
Uoe of Pnrtt evatrt wlthibe weat line of
Oregon aWilwatnll Kallrew Oonpany right
'way. thMardTwear 6XTO feet, thence aontb
100 feet tberefn jeet MM feet to weat line
-of Oregon ayiCalirornta Railroad Company'.
right of way. thence northweaterty to begln
. nlng . Loeretla Naat, $3.30.
A tract of land bounded and doner mad aa
fnllowe: Commencing at interred Ion of aoath
- Una ef Porter atreet with east line ef fourth
'reet, thence eaat on aoath Una of Porter
atreet T8.28 feet, thence aontb at right
' !S,4l"aI?aPorir trSB! 10 hoee weat
60.02 feet and parallel with Porter atreet to
eaat Una ef. Ponrth atreet, thence north weet
otlSx. U'r TPm Batata, Belra
A -tract ef land bounded and deaerfbed aa
foUowa: Commencing at Interaectloa of Berth
ir- of Wooda atreet and eaat line of Poartlr
: ""wt, estua snu tve, mntt ca ana flo.a
eaei 01 nontuweet corner of block 8T.
C.nrthara' Addition ta Carathara Addraen.
1 thence eaat on north line of renrtb atreet
tfm.eO feet, thence north 100 feat at VSrht
?'re to Wood, atreet. thence weat and
FiIm.1i,.',.M5 north Una ef Wood atraat.
108.18 feet to eaat line ef Ponrth street.
OUrerG. Ho I men, $3,80. . "raa
A tract of 'land bounded and aaaciBied' aa
followa: Commencing at Interaectloa of
north line ef Wood treat and iSe It
Oregon California Railroad Oompaoy'a right
, ef way, thence weat oa north line of Wooda
atreet S3.T feet, thence north atTlght angle!
toWood. atreet to a point 100 tiit Uii "3
llae. of Wooda atreet. thence eaat and
1 parallel with the north Una of Wood atreet
A tract or ln iBoonded" and deaeriwt ..
, loirowe: jomnaencing on aoath Una of Por
;,ter atreet at tha Interaectloa ef Ponrth atreet;
- ttSfaW',t tb line of Porter atreet
7.B3 feet to weet line of eld Ponrth atreet
extended aeatherly; thence oouta 60 feet
-ea weat line of old Poorth atreet extended
. aaoUiarly ; tbesoe eaat aad narallel with aouth
Una ot Porter atreet 108.18 feet to- weat
tlne-Pouith etrtatj thence aortbweeterlr
to beginning. Xllen CT Moniaon. " $3.06 v -
. A- tract, of land boanded and deacrtbed' a
: followa: Oommeaelng at point ea eaat line
of Peortb atreet 110 feet aoath aod 84-feet
eaat of eonthweat corner ot block 87, Car.
ntbera' addition to Caruthera' addition; thence
weat 108.18 feet, to went line of old. Ponrth
atreet extended eoatberlrj thence aoatb 33
' feet ea weat line- of est Fourth atreet ex.
tended; thence eaat 11X33 fret to weet Una
ef Peartb atreet new erubllahed; thence
. Dorthweaterly to lwjrtnnlag, . Ga aeBaaedeJa
; Batata. Helra bf. ai.!Oi" ""wu
A teaA af la n.. 1 . aat -- -
ifolVowaLaaii-CommaAcine 'at a iwan .
I Jlne of tWtb atreet, eald point being 100
laat nnnth ipd KkMfeet eaat ef eoothwaat
; corner of Hm, Carntbera- art carton to
taniutni a.., lotro won ana narallel
. wtth aoath line of Porter atreet- US-ed feot
to weet line of eld Poorth atraat- ..LnAwi
' aontberly: thence , north oa aald weat Una of
010 9 our la atreec as reer; inaoce eaat 118-33
.v reet w weat una oi reurta atreet, tlmnce
.: aoatharlr to bealnnlna. Ham aJ n,wak..ji
A tract' ef Sd,;oanled and daacclhed
followa: Commencing at Interaectloa ef north,
line of Wooda .treat-and weat Una of Pourtb
atreet, aald point being SOU feet aouth and
. reet out er aontnwret corner or block
87. Carathera' addition ta Oarnthara' uVKnaai
thence weat 130 feet oa aortb line et Wooda
- atreet extended westerly to want line ot old
Ponrth atreet. aontberly; Whence north 100 feet
en aald weat line ef old Fourth atreet: tbeuee
eaat and parallel with aoath line of Porter
atreet 11X40 feet to weat Una ef Ponrth
atreet; thence aoutberly to beginning, Cbarlaa
eeuaa. o.M. a, .
A. tract ot land lying between tha north line
. ef Wooda atreet' and the aontb Una of lot
X block SO. Carathara' addition to -Car-other.'
addition, and the weaterly Una of
Hood atreet and a Uoe 100 feet weaterly
, from .ad parallel therewith, city at Pert-
ami, ei.wt.
ADDITION to the City of Portland BLOCK
si. lot 1. R. L. Bay. 8X00; lot X Ferdinand
Gnndorph, $1.80; lot X John Mnir, $3.00;
lot 4, Jamea G. Heater. $1.86; lot- 8. John
Mulr, $1.86: lot X Herman Heltkemper,
. $306. BLOCK 83. lot J, The German riar'
Inga A Lean Society. $3.35; north 61 feet
ef lot 1 Tie Garmaa Sarlnga A Lean 'So
ciety .; aonta a reet of lot X Prank
P. Gllbani $0.10; lot X Prank P. GUham.
1X00; lot 4. Prank P.. Gtrham. 1X00: lot 6.
-John A. Lockal, $3.28; lot a, Sebaatlaa Ply-
male.' 1"; lot T. Meorg w.
Gordon. 81.66; lot 8 The German Sarlnga A
Lean Society, $1.00. BLOCK SO, lot 1, North
ern Countlee Ineeatment Treat, $1.80; lot X
Northern Countlee Ineeataient Traat. 13.36;
lot 8, Northern Oeantiee Intent meut Traat.
$340; lot 4. Prank A. Ten, $1.10; lot 6,
Prank A., Tell. $1.80; lot X Prank A. Tell.
$1.): lot T, Mary C. Warree, 1300; lot X
Preatoa W. Gillette. $3.00; lot . Carrie R.
, Wood. $3.00: lot 10. May O. InnUe, $3.00;
north to of lot 11. Gnat J. and Cerea Oaten.
11.00; aoath H ot lot 11, Onataf A. and
Caroline Carteon, II 00s lot IX HI la C Sab la.
$300; kit IX Prank A. TML 12.00.
CARCTHKRS' ADOITIvli to tba City ef Pert
land, aa laid out by the Boath Portland Real
- Rotate Aaaociatkoa BLOCK 100, lot 1. Ore
Rallmad Navigation Company, $3.00; lot
. 3. Oregon Rallroed A N art retina Oompany,
. 1X00: lot X Oregon Railroad A Narlgatloa
Company, $300; lot 4. Oregon Railroad A
' Narlgatloa Company. $300; lot 6. 'Oregon
Railroad A Navigation Coanpany, $2.00 lot
X Oregon Railroad A Nangatlea Coenneny,
. $300; lot T. Oregon Railroad A Narlgatloa
Company, $2.00: lot 8. Oregon RaUroad - A
Navigation Company, $3.00, BLOCK 101, lot
1., t'nited Stateat Sarlnga A Loan Oompany
of Mlnneeota, It 00; lot 3. J. B. Scott, $3.00;
.lot X Ibex, Land Company and Robert- H.
Thompeon, $3.00; lot 4. Ibex Land Company
' and Robert H. ThMnpaon, $X00; lot 5, Rvard-
4 mg at r iritik ee.vit; aiv a, 4. ei. nenrr, gxoo;
lilt 1 .3. C. ScOlt. 1300: kit 8. tlnHaaV iai
Savimra A Loan Company ef Mmneaota. 12,00.
BIX'K OX lot 1, l.laale C. Welle, 2.00; lot
X Mary Francea Hnrley, 1X00; lot I, Mary
Krarfeea Hnrley, 13 00; lot 4. Grace L.
Braanngh, 13.00; lot 6. . J. La Prance. $3.00;
lot X 8. J, La Prance. 1300: nndlviitod to
et kit T. Ibex Land Company,! 11.00; an
divided to of lot T, Anna R. Connell. It. 00;
lot X Jacob Lnall. 13. oa BIXK-'K 101, lot 1,
Peter and Elate Brener, $300; lot X. Peter
and Elate Brener. 83.00: lot X llnea la---
"gaga Compaay,- Ltd..s $3.00; lot jt, Lodie
Mra pp. az.iai; tot a. moiue otanrora,;
lot 8. Mollle Stanford. $380; lot T. Mollla
- Stanford. 12.00: lot -8, MolUe Stanford 8X00.
BUK'Ki -104. tot 1. Ibex Land Company,
. $30fi; lot X Ibex Land Company, $2.00; lot
8. Ibex Land Company, $3.00; lot a, Ibel
Land Company, $300. eaet 60' feet of lot
' X Ibex laend Company! $1.00; eaat 60 feet
of lot X Ibex Land Company, $1.00; all of
lot $ except eeet 60 feet. F. ti. Waarh, $0 00;
all of lot 1 except aaat 80 feet. F. G. Welch,
$0.80; la T. Ibex Land Coorpaay, $3; lot
,8. Ibex Land Company, l.o6. BUICK 106,
.lor 1, Oregea Railway A Navlrallon Com-
, pany. $3 811; lot 3, Oregoa Railway Narl
gatloa Company. $370; lot X' -Oregoa' Rail
way A Narlgatloa Coanpany, $3 40; lot 4.
. Oregoa Railway A Navigation Company, $316;
lot 6, Oregon Railway A Navigation Com
pany, 13 00; let X Oregoa Railway A Nevtga-
- ilea rompany, $3.80; let T. Oregoa Railway
Navigation Company. $3.00; lot X Oregon
"Railway Navigation Onmeear. $1 oo.
KU)CK tow. lot I. William M. Oregory and
I J. V. Reach. $2 00; lot X Wllrtam M. Or eg.
ery'and J. a,. Beech. $3.80; lot x William
M. Oregory and J. P. Beach. 1X00;. lot X
' William M. Gregory and J. V. Beech. 1300:
kt$ X WlUlam M. Oregnry and JL V. Beach,
81.86: kit X WilttaawM
Orearwy aad J. V.
Beech. $1.70; lot T. WlUhna M. Gregory and
J. V..Barb. 11.66: lot 6. WIIH.m Oregney
. aad I. V. Beach. II 86, BIOCK loj, Oregoa
' Railway A Narlgatloa Compear. I11NX
BIXiCK 10S. let 1, Thomaa Bnchanan. 12.16;
lot 1. .Thomaa 1. Cot tel. Katate Helra ef,
. 12.25; iotiX RIHiard B. Colltna. 1106: kit 4,
' Richard B. Collloa. II Bo: lot X Portland
Truet Coanpany of Oregoa, $3 00; lot X Port
lend Trnat ComneB ef Oregoa. $30; weat
31 14 feet ef lot T. Iaae.r4 Seh.4. $0 85;
went 3 1$ feet et let X Leeaard kbad.
$0.85; eeet M 2-1 eaet ef lot T, Jobs Lewy,
$1.16 ; eaat sa 1-4 feet ef tot 8, John Lewy,
$1.16. BLOCK 108. lot 1', Annie K. New-
, an me, $3ug: north AT to feet ef lot X Robert
Wlillama, $140; aouth 12to feet ef lot X
Victoria Fteelger. 80.60; north to ef lot X
Vlctorta Flebiger, II. oo; avnth to of lot X
Prank aad Victoria Pleblger. II 00: lot 4.
WUII.m King, 12.00; all of kit 6 except
' Oregon A California Railroad Ootlipaujr'a right
ef way, William KliA WatU-Sll of lot 8
except Oregon A tXli.-aul Hallroad Com
pear 'a right ot way, nUlim King, lo.fni;
all ef lot T except Oregon i'allfrnla Rail
road Compaay'a right of wan Mrilltam H.
- King, $1.00; all ot lot 8 "except taregoa A
California Railroad Company' rigHI of way,
William R. KLug. $1.46. BLOCK 110,
lot I. Henry I. Tbompaoa, Route Hrrra of,
li 00; , ht X Henry J Thompeon. klatate
Helra et. $3.00; lu( 8, T. W. Wakefield.
. f Xoo; lot 47 Suaaa M. ' Wallace. $2.00; kit
6. Ferdinand Gnndorph. $3.0u; lot X Ferdi
nand Oundorph, I30U; lot T. Ferdinand Uan
dorpb, lion: lot X Ferdinand . tiundorph,
12.00. BUN K 1U. all ef lot 1 except Ore
gon A California Rallm.d Company 'a right
. of way, Charlee C. Smith. $1.15; aU ef lot
3 except Oregon A CaUfornla Railroad Com
paay'a right ef way. Charlee C. Smith. $0.m;
ail of kit 1 except Oregon A aBtiaaaUa -gall-
' read Oomrtany'a right , of way, Cbarlaa U.
Smith, 10.70: all of lot 4 irxccpt Oregoa A
C.lUocola Railroad Company', right of way,
Charlee C-. Smith, e75: all of lot
6 except Oregon A California Railroad tVm
penv'a right of way, Cbarlea C. Smith,
12.00; all of lot 8 except Oregoa A Call.
. fia-nla Kallroad Comnauy'a right ef way,
, Charles C. Smith, 12. on; all of lot T except
' Oregon A California Railroad Company'a right
et way. Cbarlea C. Builtb, II. W.; all of lot
S except 4regiia A- California Railroad
Cempany'a right of way, Cbarlea 0. Smith,
1.66. RLOCK 113, lot I. . Ved Behorat,
300: let 1. Pred Rehorat, $3.00; lot a.
Northern Oenntlea Inveetmrnt Truet. Ltd..
lino; kt 4. Vera Haynee. 1300; lot 6. Vera
Heynee, $2.00;- lot X Northern Count lea In
' veatmeat Truat Ltd., $2.00; lot T, Fred Ke
borat. - $300; lot 8. Fred Krbnrat.' 12.00,
: BUM'K 11. 1, lot 1, J. Swerk. Katate Helra
of, 13.00; lot X J. Sweek. Katate Heir of,
$300; north 40 feet of kit 3. J. Sweek, Ka
tate Helra of. $!.: eon lb 10 feet of lot X
. M. W. Smith. $0.36; lot 4, M. W. Smith.
$300;. woat 45 feet of lot X Herman H.
(ttelnforth. $O.80; eaat 66 feet of mt 6. '.
L. Wright. $1-10: lot X J. W. Sweek, Katate
Helra of, 12.01); lot T, J. W. Sweek, Katate
, Helra of. 12.00; lot 8. J. W. Sweek, Katate
Helra ef. $300. BLOCK 114. lot 1. George
B. Watklna and E. D. Rood. $300; lot X
George D. Watklna and E. P. Rood. $2.00;
' lot I. Prank Un Drake, 13 OO; lot 4, Franklin
Drake, $3.00; went to ef kit 6. Columbia In
ve.tment. Oompany No. X $1.00; weet to ef
" lot 6, Colombia Invaatment . Company No. X
$1.00; aaat to of Irt 6. Mary Lenta. $1.00;
i eaat to of lot 8, Mary Lenta. $1.00; nn
dlrlded 4-6 ef lot T. Hannah Bloom. $1.8o;
-r andlvided 4-6 of lot X Hannah Bloom, II. on;
undivided 1-6 ot lot T. Mathilda. Jennla,
- Mary and S, Bloom, .$0.86: undivided 1-6 ot
kit X Mathilda. Jennla, Mary and S. Bleoax,
$0.36. BLOCK .116, lot. 1, The- Northern
Countlee Inveetment Traat,. Ltd., 12. oo; lot
3 The Northern Conntlea InTeatment . Truet,
' Ltd.,, $300; lot 8, E Ilea bet h A. Thomaa. 12.001
lot au- Kllaabeth A. Thomaa, $3.00; weat 00
' feet of lot 6, laaac Bweu, $1.15; eaat 40
teat af lot 6, Thereaa Brown. 0.80; -eoth
to of lot X T. E. llogere, 11.00; Wth to
. ef lot . Fred L, Klgg. and Stella M. Rlgga,
$la0li; lot T. vBrron P. Cardwrll. Katate Wire
'ot. 13,00; kitTi, Byron P. CardweU, Batata
Helra of. 1X00. . BLOCK 116. lot 1. John
. H. and Mary P. Mhldletoo, 13.00; kH X Nry
, Churchman. $3.00; lot 8t Amend W. Reed,
Rotate Helra of, 12.00: kit 4. Amend, W.
' Herd. Rotate Hetre of. $300; lot X Margaret
C. ratling, 82.00; lot X Margaret C. Failing.
, 13 no; lot T, Mary A. Bulllvaot. $300; kit
8, Bridget and J. P. Kennedy, Ratate Helra
of. $3.00. BLOCK 117. lot 1. Mary Francea
Hurley $2.00: lot X George W. Craw, $300;
kit X Mary Francea Hnrley, . $3.00; lot 4,
Mary Francea Hurley. $300; lot ' 5, Dora
' Rpraoer. $3.00 kit 8. Dora Rpraner. $300;
. lot T. George Bihberke. $3.00; lot- 8, FeUg
.' Plndley, $2.00.-- BIiOCK. 118. lot -1. Klleu
. " Morpby, $300i lot 3. George
$300; lot' 8. C.rrle Klrkley, -12 00; lot 4,
1 George Selkirk. $2.00: eaet to'ef lot 5, Annie
M. Jacob oerger. gi.uu; eaaa v, or ,,
Annie V. J.cohberger. $1.00: weat to of tot
BV- t'eOkeeine-AnaiHowe,- $1.00; weet to ef
lot ' 6. C.aherine Ann Howe." ll.OOi; eaat - to
ef lot T. John Klrkley. $1.00; ftMt , to
lot S. Joba Klrkley, $l.00r weal i totof-
7, rred' la, w rignt- 8I.011: weet to or
Fred U Wrlghf. $l.(..HIOCK 110. lof 1.
Llaala C. Wella, 12. Or,; lot X Llaaie C.
Wella. 12 00: lot S.. S. afcAfbin. 12.00:
lot 4. J. 8. MrAbyM, $2.00; lot 6. Ben)amih'
P. aad Phoebe T,. Johnano, $2.00; jot ,
I , Benjamin .f-. end Pbnebr J. Johneon, . 82.00;
hit.T.- JJaale : Wlh. I2.0O: lot 8, Ll.aie
C. WpflT 12.00. BJICK ISO. lot 1, Ore-
Coq Railroad A Narlgatloa Oompany, $3.00;
it 3, ' Oregon Railroad A Navigation Com-
, pa try. $2.00; lot 1. Oregon Railroad A Navi
gallon Company. 12.80; lot 4, Oregon Rall-
ran m Mia y""T""Ti va-i , an u
Qrecon Rallroed A Naviattlon fomuauii
A2.00; lot 8. Oregoa Rallroed A Navigation
.Company. $2.00; kitT. Oregon Railroad A
(.Navigation Compear, $3.00; lot X Oregoa
Railroad -A Jikvlgatlon Company,. $300.
T BLOCK tjt; lot 1, Oregon, Ra llrog d A Navi
gation Company, z.0: lot i oreron Ban.
"mad A N.rljr.tkjo-tvmpeny.- 12.0O; lot X
Oregon Railroad A Navlxatloa Company.
$2.00; .lot 4, Oregon Railroad A rtavlgatlon
t ompany.; lot o-.- ttregon fiaiirnaa at
" Navigation Cemparry. $3.00: lot 8. Oregon
Railroad "A - Navigation Company, $2.00: lot
TejaOregtm Railroad A Navigation Company.
3.00; lot X Oregon Railroad A Narlgatloa
jompany, x.ov. ni,cn.'rv izz, lot a. ore
roa Railroad A Negalioa- Company, $3,00;
lot X Oreaon Railroad A Navia.tlon Com
pany. $2.00; lot-,5, Oregoa Railroad A Navt-
gauoa i-ompeny.' axuu; lot a, Oregon atall-
Tnad A Navigation Company, $2.60; lot 8,
Oregoa - Railroad A Navigation Oompany,
, $300; lot 6, Oregoa Railroad A Nevtgetioa
Oompany. $3.00; lot T, Oregon Rallroed A
Narlgatloa Oompany. 8X00; lot X Oregoa
-Kallroad at na-nganoa company, 12 no.
HLOCK 13a. lot 1. Lanra kT. Gammono, 1300;
block X latara M. Gammona. 13,00: lot X
Preatoa -W. Gillette, $300; lot X Preatoa
' W. Gillette, $2.00; lot X Artbar G. Cburcb
ley, $2.00; lot 8, Arthur 0. Chirrhley. $3,00;
'.lot T, inretnera- Mortgage necnrity company,
Ltd.. $100; lot X H- L. Templeton, $2.00.
BIiOCK 134 lot 1. Caroline Vantlna. Hon-
lot X Caroline V.ntlna, $100;, lot X Amanda
W. Reed Eatate, 'Helra er, 1X00; lot 4,
Amanda W. Reed Retire. Helra of. ' 13.00:
lot 6. Caroline Van tine, $2.00; lot S, Carolina
j vantine,; tot l. Caroline vantlne,
$2.00; lot 8, Caroline Ten fine, $2.00. BLOCK
126. lot I. A. J. Uleey. $3.00: tot X A. J.
Gteoy. $2.00; north to ef lot X Joaeph Nell-
ea, II. oo; aontn n at i b tikonennerg,
1.00: lot 4, Ada and A. B Pgnno, $100t let
oregoa Mortgage v-ompejiy, az,uo; eoatn
of lot X Alice L. Bowen. 11.00: north
ef kit 6, Cbarlea Houghton, ll.m;' lot 7,
P. and Flora C. Geranarh. 82.00: lot 8.
Onra B. and Lllltae A. DeUnd, $2.00. BT.OCK
Jtsn, Mt 1. Juuni n. Merger, iTO; lot X
Idn M. Berger. 1300; lot X Genera I. and
Minnie Livlngaton. $100: lot 4. Martha Bea
ahaw. $3.00; lot 5, A. I I'peoa, $3,00; lot
8. Pred S. Pierce. $300; eaat 6T feet of
lot T, German saving A Loan Society, $1.10;
eaat 67 feet ef lot X German Sari tag A Lean
- Society, $1.10; weat 48 feet ef lot T. J. IL
Brlatow. $0 SO; went 43 feet of lot a. J. H.
" rtriatow. $0.fta. 'BLrCK 127. lot 1. William
.' E. Drlafcell. $2.00; lot 2, William H. Drtekefl,
$300: lot X Percy H. Blyth. $3.00; lot 4,
Frank and Iawma R. Rummelln, riOO: lot
' 6. William B. Drl-kriL 15.80; lot S. William
- K. Drlekell. $5.80; lot T. Jeane H.- Settle
mler. $6.IK; lot I, leaae Gernrtx, $6.80.
BIlCK 13H. eaet T5 feet ef lot 1. Loula
Marott, $4.25; weat 28 feet ef lot 1, Hannah
L. Hardi. $1.16; weat 36 feet of lot X Han
nah L, Hardy. $1.16; north to of eaet 75
feet ef kit X Mary Coleman, $136; aoath to
. of eaat 76 feet of lot 3, Bridget Kennedy
1 and Jon. Kennedy Eatate, Helra of, $186;
lot X City of Portland. $5 U0; lot 4. Con-
etanee and Fred Tillman, $6.80; lot X Marrna
Kaedy, $100; aoath H of lot 4, Sarah .Cohn,
$1.00; north to ef kit 6. M. J. Moea, $1.00;
j lot 7. Fourth Preahytertaa Church, $2 00
lot 8. Ponrth Preebyterlaa , Cburrlt, $2 on.
HIM 130. kit 1. Fred Spegrle.' 11.00;
north 98 feet of lot 3. Leror J. Swltaler,
81.46; aoath 14 feet of lot 3. John Mulr,
80.651 north 48 feet of lot X lohn Mulr,
11.66; aontb S foot of lot X Marleaan B.
Boyd. 10.30; kit 4. Marleeaa B. Hoyd, $300;
all ot lot 6 except Oregon A CaUfornla Rail
road Oompany'a right ef way, Nannie M.
. Starr, $1.16; all of lot 6 except Oregon ft
- CaUfornla Railroad Company'a right of way,
. Nannie MV Starrr;-eaat to ef M T,
Hannah McCarthy. $1.00: eeet to of lot 8,
Hannah . McCarthy, il.on; weet to
ef art T. Mm. MarUa A.- - Klfere.,
gl.taw; et 71 oa an o, . - n.
Martin A. Rlfrra, $1.00. BUKIC 1.10. all of
lot 1 except Oregoa A California Railroad
Company'a right of way, charlee CardlnelL
tl.artT lot X Fred W. Prehn, $2.00; lot X
Ittle M. Stark. $300; lot 4. Kittle M.
Stark. $3,00: went to of lot 6. Alice R.
Weieter, $1.00 weet to ef kit 8, Alice H.
Welater. Il.on: eaat of lot, 6. Robert
Uvtngatne, fi 00. eaet li l M t Itohert
Uringatoae- 11 00; , eeet to ef lot T. lerael
and Mary DautofT. at.oO-ea.if'of lot A,
lerael and Mary DatMoff. $1.00; weat to ef
. lot T. P. A. Paly. Truatee. 11.00 weat to
ef lot 8, P. A. Paly. Trnat ee, $1.00. BlaOCK
111, lot I. P. Ryan. $100; all of aontb 14
of lot 3 except Oregon A CaUtorala Railroad
Omnaay'a right ot way, George h. Waklen,
fo.60; all ef north to of lot 2. excerrt Ore
goa A California Ralh-oel Coaremy'a right
ef way, Polly M. Ferd. $0.86; all ef lot I
except Oregoa A California Railroad Com-
pany a right ef way. Philip Lrwtoa. $1.SO;
all of let 4 except Oregan A CaStnrnla Rail-'
road Cn-npaay't right al way. Philip Lewtnn?
11.86: eaat 48 feet of lot 6 wtrent Oregoa
A CaSfonila Railroad Oi 01 parry . right of
' war. Patella Smith, $1.00; eaat 40- feet of
eaath 30 feet ef kit 6 except Oregoa A
forale Railroad yrompeny a right of way.
Rekella Smith. rV); weat 81 feet ef kit 1
except Oct roe A4 California Rallroed Onm
.neny'i right ot way, William M. Gregory.
31.00; weet $1 feet ef eouth 20 feet of lot
1 8 except Oregon A California Railroad Cnea
nenr'l right of way, William. M. Gregory,
$0 18;' north 0 feet et lot 6 except Oregoa
r" ' ' '
A Callforala Railroad Cempany'a right, at
way. Joba H. Mlddletoa. $1.10; all ef kd T
except Oregoa A- Caltturnla Railroad , tom
pany'g right 'ot way, Joba H. " Mlddleton.
$1.00; all ef lot $ except Oregoa A California
Railroad Company'a right of .way, Olga M.
Lang, $1.06. BLOCK 133, lot 1, Leur.
P.ulkaa, I1LT8; lot 3. Grant riieglry, $11.76;
k4 X Alice J. Plimpton, $11.74; lot 4,
Alice I. - Plimpton, $11.76: lot 8, Anna C.
Baroft, II 00; lot 8, Ida B. Gore. $100;
kit T. R. F. $2.00; lot S, K. F. $300. BLOCK 133, lot 1. Fred A.
Lita, 12.0.. lot X Fred A. Lit. $2.00; lot
, 8. WlUiani Tarant, $2.00; : lot 4, William
Tarant, $2.00; lot 6, kirat Melbodlat ICpiacw
Kl Cknrch, Truatee, $11.76; lot X Pint
rtbodret Eplaonval Church, Trualea, $11.76;
. lot T, Fred A, Ut, $11.75; lot X Fred A.
1-itx. IH.5. Bl-tK'K 134, lot 1. Adeline
M. Underwond. $3.00; lot X Adlltue AL
rnderwood, $100: lot X Nancy B. Atkinaun
, Katate, llelra of. $2.00; lot 4, Nancy .
Atklnaoa butt, llelra of, $100; lot '6,
. Smuuer 1. Barber, $2.00; lot X Sumner J.
Barber, $100; lot T. WlUlam C. llarm.r,
, llou; lot 8, WllHam C. liarmar. lion;
BLOCK 135. e. at to Of lot 1. Frank V.
Shuck, 11.00; eaat to' of lot X Frank Y.
Shuck, l ou; weat to ef lot 1. William P.
, Old., $1.00; wet to of lot 3. WlUlam P.
Olda, $1.00; north to of lot 3, A. K. and L.
Buttner. $1.00: aouth to of kit 8. Daniel
- W. Hoelblug, ll.oo; lot 4, Daniel W. Huel
blag, lloo; lot 6, George Stowell, $100;
, hit X George Stowell. 11 00; lot T. Alrxaader
X l'attnllo. $2.00; lot X Alexander 8, J'at
. tullok $100. BLOCK 1J8. weat SS'teet ot
.jkHl. Mary J.Nelmaa. $0.40; eaat 71 feet
,ot bit 1, Anna HerraU, $L66; lot 3, Colin
C. Olrvln, $2.00 kit X M. W. Smith, $100;
lot X M. W. Smith, $100;, lot 5, it. W.
Smith, $2.00; let 6, M. W. Smith, $100;
. kit 7. Hoary Weinhard. $100!' lot X Uenrr
Welnhard. $100. BLOCK 137, lot ,1. '. M-
W. Smith. $2.00; lot 3, M. W. Smith," $3.00;
lot 8, M. W. Smith. $2.00-. kit 4. M. W.
Smith, IliKi: lot 6, M. W. Smith. H0H;
hit 6,. M. W. Stnllh, 1100; lot 7, M. W.
Smith. $2.00) lot 8. M, W. Smith. 12.00.
111OCK l.W, lot 1, Oregon Kallroad A Karl-
Iatlua Companr. $100; lot X Oregon Railroad
. Navigation Company. $100; lot il, Ore
gon Railroad A Navigation Company, $2.00;
lot 4, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Com.
pany, $100; lot 6, Oregon Rallroed A Navl.
.. gallon Company, $1011; lot a, Oregon Rail
road A Navigation Company, $3.00; kit T,
Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company, $3.00;
lot 8, Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Com
panr, $100. BLOCK 120. kit 1. Oregea
kallroad A Navigation Company. $100; lot
1 Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company,
$2.00; lot 3, Oregoa - Railroad A Naviga
tion Company, $2.00; lot 4. ""Oregon Railroad
A Nartgatkia Oomp.ny.A $100; lot 6, Ore-
Eon Railroad A Navigation Uookpaifll, $100;
at X Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company,
. $2.00; lot T, Oregoa Railroad A .Navigation
Company, $100; lot 8, Oregon Railroad A
Navigation Company. ; $100. BLOCK 140,
-lot lc Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company,
$2.00; lot X Oregoa Railroad A Narlgatloa
Company, 82.00; lot X Oregon Railroad A
Navigation Company, $100; lot 4. Oregoa
Railroad A Navigation Company, $2.00 lot
8. Oregoa Railroad A Narlgatloa Company,
$100; lot , Oregon Railroad A Narlgatloa
Company, 1 $100; lot T. Oregoa Railroad A
Narlgatloa Company, $100; lot 8. Oregoa
Railroad A Navlg.tloa Comaany, $3.00.
0. BLOCK 141, lot 1, Oregon Railroad A Navi
gation Company,. $100; lot X Oregon' Rail
road A-Navlgat!oa Company, 1100; lot Ot
Oregoa "Railroad A Na Titration Company,
$100; lot 4, -Oregon Railroad A Navigation
- Company, llOu; lot. 6, Oregon Ra area d A
v 1 .1 .. - , , a a Ju-. 1.. . m - -
Railroad Navigation Company. $100; lot 7,1
' Oregoa Railroad A. Navigation Company. J
f.uu; lot o, tiregon naiiroaa m nariaaunn
knnpany, $100. BLOCK 143. lot 1, Richard
.and Ella Funk, $100; lot 1 Richard and
Klla Funk, $2 00; iei - X MarUa Mary
Taylor, $100; lot 4. Martha Mary Taylor,
$40t; lot 8, Pred Spaxale. $3.00: lot 8,
Pred Roagele. .1100: kit 7. John Mulr.- 1X00:
lot '8, John Mulr, $3.00. BLOCK 14H. lot
1, Oregoa Railroad A NarlgntloB Company, tltjompany a right ef way, WUllam d. Lehigh.
$100; lot 3, Otrgdn Railroad A HavigatioaF - EatateiUelra of, 11 of lot 8. lying
Company, $100; lot X Oregoa Kallroad A
Navigation - Oompany, $100; lot 4. Oregon
Railroad A Navigation Company, $1.00; lot
8. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company,
$100; lot 6. 'Oregon -Railroad A Navigation
Company, 8100: lot 7. Oregoa Railroad A
I JiarlgataBB.. Company, $100; lot 8, Oregon
Mimaa - aa. navigation . uaiLi.117, .7-
-BLOCK 144. waat to of lot 1. i-eter Glbonl,
$1.00; weet to ef lot 2. Peter Glbonl. $1.00;
eaat to of lot 1. B. M, Smith. $1.00; eaat
to of lot 1 S. M. Smith. $1.00; eaat to of
lot X John Kerrulah. $1.00; eaat to of lot 4.
Joha, Kerruiab. $1.00; weat to ef lot . X
"John P. H.rtman, .11-00: weat to of lot 4,
John P. ' llaj-tm.n, $1.00: lot 6, Marj X
MlildVwio. $10u; lot 6, Mary 8. Mlddleton,
'$10X1; weet Vt ot kit 7. Lenore 8. Gregory,
tl.1.1; eaat to et lot 7, Sadie A. Wrinkle,
tl.00; eaat to of lot 8, Sadie A. Wrinkle,
1. 00; weet to of lot 8, A bra m PUley, $1.00.
BlaOCK 146. lot 1. Oregon Railroad A Navl-
Hlka DnmiuaV t? Ill' la,, tl rtcaatcaa Ua41-
roaaA aTlItloot;omnaoy, 83.00; lot. X
oregoa naiiroaa m navuraaon uomparrr-,
$2.00; lot 4, Oregoa Railroad A Navigation
Company. $2 00; lot 6. Oregoa Railroad A
navigation company, z.uu; lot ' . oregoa
Kallroad A Navigation Company,' $100; lot
T Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company,
,12.00; lot S, Oregon Railroad A Narlgatloa
Company, $100, BLOCK 148. lot 1, Ma
tilda Sandatone. $3.00; lot XCafatUHa Sand-
. atooe, fa.oo; lot a, Matuaa naaaaione, $300;
-vlot 4. MaUida Sandatone,- $2.00) lot 6, Ore
gon ttaiiroaa at navigation tvmpnny. flT.oo;
ot a. vregon oanroau at navigntaon uornpany
617.86: lot 7. Oreaon Railroad A Navlaa.
tion. Company, $17,86; lot X Oregon Railroad
ex navigation tximpany, li no, hmick 147,
lot 1, Lonla M. A.ptnwalb " $17.66; . lot X
h V ai . i. mwtA d n 1
, ' , ,, -u a , v i him .i , aa, I..UI n It,
tl7.eS: lot 3, Sarah V., tditb and Samuel
k Cajnpbell, $17.65; lot 4, -Sarah V, Edith
anoj. 'oamuei u. lyampoeia, en. on; kaj n,
' H. J. Thompeon Katate, Hetra of. $3.00;
lot 6, H. J. Thompeoa Katate. Helra of.
. 12.00: eaat to ef lot T. Adam Catlla. 81.00:
eaat to of lot a, Adam CatUu, $1.00; weat
to ef lot T. Alliance Traat Company ef Pun
dee. Scotland. $1.00; weat to ofM 8, Al
liance Trnat company or Duadee, Scotland.
$1.00. BLOCK 148. all ef aaat to of lot 1,
' exoept Oregoa A CaUfornla Railroad Com-
vaaaa-'a ri.kl -I m. IIhIm 1,1 1 1- On A...
a ..a... v . Ha-t -,-.-, . ',ur; , aat.av,
, all of waat to of lot 1. except Oregoa A
t aiirernia naiiroaa torn pan? a rignt et way,
Cyrae Cnlpan, $0.80; all of north to ef lot
3 exeept Oregoa A California Rallroed Com
'pany. right of way. Harvey S. Green, $0.56;
an er aontn ft or lot a except oregoa A call-
. fornla Railroad Comnauy'a tight of way,
. Lawrence Strand, $0.66; all ef lot S except
- Oreaon A California Railroad Oomnanvra
light of way, Lawrence Strand, $0.40; ell ef
Kit 4 except oregoa at uaurorola Railroad
Company', right ef way, $0.75; lot 6,
Lawrence Strand, $3.00; lot X Lawrence
. Strand. $100; aoath K of aaat to of lot
- J. - Lawrence Strand. $0.68; north to of
.eaat to of lot 7, Harvey S. Green, $040;
weat 60 feet of 'Jot 1.- .Harrey a. -llreen,
t $1.00; eeet to of lot X cyraa Cnrpaa, $1.00;
weat to ot lot X Abeam Dlliry, $1.00.
BIiOCK HO, lot 1. Joha P. Capiea, $100;
: aorth to e lot 1, John P. Capiea, $j;
aoau to f lot 3, WUllam LL Hay lor, $1.00;
lot 8, WllUam fl. Saylor, $100; lot 4,
A. 'Ia. Mllla. 1188: eaat ' to of ket 8. rred
ji. Etrnog. ai.ou; aaat to or lot a. rred H.
Strong. $1.00; veeet to
weet to ef
lot 6,
Kaafman, H.ou; weat -to af let ,-rChrato
pner a-aarman, fi.uu; lot 7. Mra,
Owena Adair, $4.66; lot 8. Mra.
B. A.
R. A.
Owena Adair, $4 66. RLOCK 160. lot, 1.
l-reetoa W. uiuette. 821.66: lot X hfary
Oil let to, $38.56; aarth 40 feet of lot X
P. D. Matthewa, Truatee. $1X86; aoath
10 feet ef bit 8. Walter Klelta. $4 T6- aU
of lot 4 except Oregon A California Railroad
company'a right of way. Walter Klrtta,
? 21.15; all ef lot 6 weat ef Oregon A Cell
ore la Kallroad Company'a right ef way,
J. linger, HO0; ail ot kit 8 eaat of Oregoa
A California Railroad Comnany'a right o?
way Walter Klelt. 11.10: all of lot .V veeet
of Oregoa A California Railroad timpary
right of way.t Adeline Wild. $0.46; all ef
lot T weat of Oregon A Callforala Railroad
Company'a right of way. John B. Wild,
lit: all ef lot f eaat of Oregoa A Califor
nia Railroad Campany'a right of way, Joae
ph hie 11. Orarend. It. 86; all ef lot 8 eaat
of Oregon A California Railroad Company'a
right of way. Jouophlne U. O reread. 12.26.
BI1CK 15l lot 1. Oregon Railroad A Navi
gation Company, $4.66; lot 2, Oregoa Rail
road A Navigation Company. $445; lot X
.Orexoa Railroad A Navigation Oompany.
14.65: lot. 4. Oregon Ralh-oad A Navtratlna
, Company, $4.66; lot 6. Oregon Railroad A
Navigation Compenp, $23.66; lot X Oregon
.. itaiiroan - et.-.riaviaauon uompany. go-ao:
lot t, oregoa Railroad A Navigatloa Com
pany, $23.66; lot 8. Oregoa Railroad A Navt-
J alio Company. $23.66. BltOCK 151 lot
. Edward know lea. 4.58; aouth 30 feet of
lot X Arthur R. McHreen. $1.80; north 80
. feet ef lot X Joaeph C. Beyer. $176; Booth
2H feet of north .17 feet of kit 1. Joaeph c,
Bayer. 8180; north t feet of lot X Arthur
R. McRreen, $00; aoath 18 feet ef lot 1
Peter Hobklrk. $1.16; lot 4. Peter Hobklrk.
$4.66; lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Traat
. t ompany. $4 65; lot 8, The Title Guarantee
A Truat Company, $4.66; lot T, Joaeiib C.
' Bayer A pater Hobklrk. $4.66: lot X Joaeph
C. .Beyer A Peter - Hobklrk. $4 66. BLOCK
15.V lot 1, Victor If Strode. $4.58; lot X
Kate Strode, $4.66: lot $, Ferdinand B arte a..
14.66: let 4. Ferdinand Bart via. $4-66; lot
6. Oarer and Lacy Samrtack. $4.66: lot X
Oacar aad Lacy Shattnck. $4.66; let t. Prank
and Marr Heehenry. $4.66; kH X Ptrinip
rwnrta. $4.55. BLOCK 164. let 1. El lea be ih a'
Tbanvpann. $4.66; lot X Rllnariatb A. Thorn n
noa, $4.66; lot X Jamea R. Taoanaano, $t.86;
M 4. Jaawa R, Tbompaoa. $4.65: lot X
Hannah C. Steernrt, $4.6.4; lot X Hannah -i5.
Stewart. $446; kit T. g Ilea bath A. Thomaa.
$4. 5ft: let; 8. Bllaabeth A. Thotaaa. 84 M.
RlaCrTK ISC. let 1. Joan 0. Hoffmen. $4 56;
lot 1 Han. J. Scoerner. $466; lot X KIM
C. SW. $4.56; lot 4. Rlla C Sable. $4.66:
lot X Joha Mulr. $4 56; lot , A a ton and
Rnee Rnhowaky. $4,56; lot T, Joha Mnir,
$4 55: lot 8. William M. I add. Traateei. $4 66.
BLOCK 1ft. kH 1. Oregon Railroad A S.vl-
gatlon Company. $4.65; lot t, Oregon Rail
read A Navigation Company. $4.66; "let- X
Oregea Rl Iron 4 A Navigation Company.
$4 55; lot 4. Oregon TUIh-oad A Navigation
Compaay, $448; tot 6, Oregon Railroad A
Narlgatloa Obmpaay, $1 56; lot X Oregoa
Railroad A Navigation Cumpany, $4.65; kH
T, Oregoa Railroad A Company,
84.66: lot X Oreaon Railroad A Navl.aUoa
Company, $4.65. BLOCK 167, lot 1, Oregoa
avaiiruaa a riarigauoa company, ee.oo; tot
' 1 Oreaon Railroad A Navlxatloa Company,
$4.86; lot 3, Oregon Railroad A Navigation
Company. $4.65; lot 4. Orvgoa Railroad A
Navigation Company, $4,66; hi 6, Oregon
Railroad A Narlgatloa Company, $4.65; kit
, X Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company,
?4. 66; lot T, Oregon Railroad A Narlgatloa
ompany, $446; kit 8. Oregon Railroad ' A
Navigation Company, $4.56. BLOCK lMl, lot
1. Oregoa RaUroad A Narlgatloa Company,
Ji.bbi lot 3, Oregon Railroad A Navigation
onineny, - $4.56; lot 1, Oregoa Kallroad A
Ne.ln.tlon Comoanr.. 1446: kit "4. Oregoa
Railroad Navigation Company,- $4.66; lot
0, oregua Kallroad at navigauoa company,
$4.65; lot 8, Oregon Railroad A Navigation
tonauany. 1-i 66: kit T. Oregoa Railroad -A
'Navigatloa Company, $4.16; lot a, Oregon
Railroad A Navigation Company, $4.u6.
BIXN'K 160, lot 1. Oregon Railroad A
in Baiaroaa at navi
gallon company, 14.0O;
lot 1 Orexoa Rail
road A Navigatum Company, $4.66; lot X
Oreaon Railroad m JMavicatloa company.
$4 66; kit 4, wagon Railroad A Navlgatkia
Coaiiiany. $4.66; kit 6, Oregoa Railroad A
Navigatloa Company, $4.66; . kit ' 6. Oregoa
Railroad A Navigatloa Company.' $4-66; lot
7. Oregua Railroad A Navigatloa Company,
$4.56; lot X Oregoa Rallroed A Navigation
Company, $4 65. BLOCK 1J, kit 1. Albert
- Pehrenbarh. 14.63: lot X Albert Frhreobach.
$4.66! lot I, Albert Frhreiabarb. $4.66; kit
4,- Albert PeJirenberh, $4-66; lot 5; Albert
rehrenbach, $4.&a; lot X A inert r enreooacn,
64.66: lot T.. Albert Pehrenbarh. 1-1.66; kit X
Albert Fehreabacb. $4-M. BLOCK. 161. lot
1, Catberlna W. Owrna, $4,56; lot 1 Cath
erine W. Owana, $446; lot X Kkma Sberwued,
. $4.66; kit. 4. Elena Sherwood, $4.66: kit 6,
Henry Beeke. 14.661 lot tt. Joba Plebucb.
$4 65; M T. John Plebaeh, $4.66; kit S,
lalilecopnl Fund of the ProteaUnt Kplacopal
thurch of the Dloceee of -Oregon, Truatee,
(4.65. 11UKK 163, lot 1, Ferdinand Bartolla,
4.66; lot X Ferdinand Rartella, $4.66; lot
' 3, I'orinoe . H. Wood, $4.66; lot 4, Corlnne
r.. noon, ge.oo; lot o, jacoo r-amm, aa.Mii
lot X Jacob Kamm, $4.66'lut T, Sophia But
tun. 14.66: lot H. Hiaibfa Sutton. . 14.66.
BLOCK 183. The Home. 1K1.60. BUX'K
. 104. lot 1, Tha. Home, $4.06; lot X The
Home, aa.oo; kit X The Hum, aa.oa; an e,
The Home, $4.66 lot 6, The Home, $4-66;
kit X The Home, 84.66; lot T, The Home,
84-66; lot X The Home, lat-ia. bluco. loa,
. all ot lota 1 and X weat of Oregon A Call-
fornla Kallroad Compaay'a right et way,
Joha and Barbara WUd. 13.75: all of lot 1.
lying eeet of Oregoa A California Kallroad
(ompany a right or way, wuuain La ureen,
' $3.u; aU of north -20. feet ot kit X lying
eaat of Oregon A California Railroad Com.'a rlabt of war. William L. Green. tUUH:
' aU et eoui 60 feet ef kit X lying eaat of
" Oregon at California Railroad Company'a
right et way, Lenore S, Gregory, $o.4; all
ot kit X lying weat of Ore eon A California
Kallroad Compaay'a right et way, John and
Barbara Wild, $1.66; aU ef lot 4, lying weat
of Oregon A California Railroad Company',
right ef way, Joha and Barbara Wild, 1186;
kit 6, Jrmea N. Fallllove, 84.66; lot X Jamea
n. rauiiuve, ae.oe: kk i, a, a. neunert;
64.66: lot X Jacob linger. 14.66. BLOCK loo.
lot I, Koae Kamlneky, $4.66; lot X- Roee
ivaminaky, f Bl-ao; lot X 4. la. Morrman,
SaV.40; lot 4. WlllUm P. Bolta, $3X40; lot
, Matthew . Reldt, $4 66; lot X Joaeph
Banor, $4.66; lot T, Portland Traat Company,
$446; lot X N. aL. RUe, $446. BLOCK 187,
. eaaf to ef lot-L J. C AJnoworth. 12.10: eaat
ec ant a, av - c. Aiaewortn, fz-w; weat
or lot i nry caarenmaa, f x.s; weet
- af lot ' X Ner Clvurchman.
2.SOt all of kit 8 el cent (Ireroa A Cailfur
nla- Ttaflraad Company'a right of way, Al-
-llaaco.. Traat company, 04.aW; all er lot 4
except Oregoa A -California Railroad Com
pany'a right ef way. Joba A. Bluet, $16;
all ef lot 6 except Oregoa A California Kail.
mea company e ngat oi way, vkiiuara J.
Lehigh. Katate Helra ef. 1 20. Ho: all ef lot 8.
lying weet of oregoa A California Railroad
eaat-of Oregea A California Railroad Com
pany', right of way, Alllaaca Traat Cam
pany. $ aU ef lot 7. lying weat of Ore.
"goo A California Railroad Compear 'e right
1146;- all ef kit f. lying eaat of Oregon J,
cauroraia Kallroad Uumpaaya right or way
W. P. . Wirgand. $T.10; all et kit 8 exceor
uregon a can torma-naiiroaa ceaxpany I right
(r way, vv. w ., aaiu. HiAKJh.. ion,
t 1, Preatoa W. Gillette, $4.65; lot 1
- William H. i-burcblU, $4 66; let 8, Mellnda
K. Morris. 8446: lot 4. Mellnda R. Moraan.
$4.66; lot 6, Mellnda H, Morgan,. $4.66; lot
8, Mellnda IL Morgan $4.66 ; lot T, Preatoa
W. Gillette, 84-65: kit 8, PreV w. Gillette,
84.66. BLOCK lt. lot 1. I. tlPeltoo. U 66:
lot 3. P. 0. Perton. 14.66;. lot X Catherine
W. Owena, $4.56; lot 4, Catherine W. Owena,
$4.66; lot 6, David Stearna, $446; kit . David
Stearna. 1-1 .56. lot T. -Portland Trnat Com.
paby ot Oregon, 64.66: 'lot 8, Portland Trott
Company, of Oregoar $4.66. - RLOCK 170. un,
divided ot lot 1, Cleaatlne and LydU Rod-
ner, 8X46; nadlrlded of lot X Clemtlne
aad.Lydla ' Rodney. Ma; eealvldcd p(
ant 4,- viranuoo aua t-yuia auaney, 91.40-
divided of lot 4, Clemtlne and Lrdla
- ner. $146; Bndrrtded. to of lot 1. Hannah
ttTMdrrla, $1.10: natdrrlded to of lot X Haa-
nan at. mama, ei.iv; oooivioc-a to er lot X
Hannah H Morria, $1,101 nndlrlded to of
. lot a, Hannna M. Morris, 81.10; lot 6a 6. W.
- and Margaret V.. Allen, $4.66; ' andlvided
- ot lot X Clementine and Lydla Rodney, $146;
andlvided ot lot V Clementine and Lydla
Rodney. $3.46; andlvided of lot 8, Clemen
. tine and Lydla Rodney, $3.48; ontuvlded to
of lot X Hannah K. Morria. $1.10; undivided
la nt 1,-a 1 tl. aa. k B ka. t a, ....
divided toof lot 8, Hajmaa R. Morria. 1.10.
BLOCK 171. lot 1, Oregon Railroad A lvrrH
ga "on uoarpany, e-on, lot Z, Oregoa RaU
road ft Navigation Company, $4.66; lot X
Orecoa Railroad A N art ration r.R,n
84.66; lot X Oregoa Railroad A NawigVtkia
Company, $4.66; -lot t, Oregon Railroad A
Navigation Coanpany. $4.66; lot 8, Oregoa
' Railroad A Narvtgntaao Company, $4.66; lot
1 . uiciwu jaaitriMao m navigaooa company.
$4.66; lot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navigatloa
Company, $4 66. BLOCK 171 lot 1. Oregoa
Railroad A Narlgatloa Oompany, 84.65; lot
X Oregoa Railroad A Navigatloa Company.
$4 n6; lot X Oregoa Railroad A Narlgatloa
Company, $4.66; lot X Oregon Railroad A
Navigation . Company, $4.66; lot 6, Oregoa
Kallroad A Narlgatloa. Companr, $4 65; lot
8, Oregoa Railroad A Navigation' Company.
$4.66; lot 7, Oregoa Railroad A Navigation
Company, $4.66; lot 8, Oregoa Railroad A
Narlgatloa Company; $4.66. BLOCK 173, lot
. a, tnrvua naiLruau m navigatloa Company.
84.66; lot 2. Oregon Railroad Navigation
Oompany, $4.66; lot X Oregon Railroad A
Navigatloa Company, $4.66; lot 4. Oregoa
Railroad A Navigatloa Company, $4.66; lot
6, Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company.
8446; lot X Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatkia
Company. $446; kit T, Oregoa Ralkoad A
Navigation Coanpany, $4,664. lot X Oregoa
Railroad A Navigation Company. 34 Ka
BLOCK 174. lot 1, Oregea Railroad A Narl
gatloa Company. $4.65: lot X -Oregoa Itail-
rvaw m i,aviaauow kjompaiiy. aam; lot X
Orecoa Railroad A Navigation
,84.66; let X Oregon Railroad A Navigation
Company, $4.66; kt4 Oregon Railroad A
Narlgatloa Company, $446; lot X Oregon
Railroad A Narlgatloa Company, $455; lot
t. tinnjav aaaiiroaa m navigauoa tvmpaay
-4461-let X- tleegne Railroad A-Navlgatloa
Company, $4.66. BLOCK 176, lot 1. Oregoa
Railroad A Narlgatloa Oompany, $4 66; lot
X Oregon Railroad A Navigatloa Company.
$466; lot X Oregon Railroad A Navigation
Company. $4.65; kit 4, Oregoa Railroad A
Navigatloa Company, $4.66; wt .
Oregoa Rati road A ' Narlgatioa Oom
. pany. $4.66; tot X Oregon Kall
road A Navigatloa Company, $4.66; lot
7. Oregoa Railroad A Navigatloa Company.
$4.66; lot 8, Oregon Railroad A NavuraOon
twmpany. $4.56. BLOCK 17X lot 1, C. B.
- nnctt. c-t uu , ait a, anon agir, av.oo: kit X
Joha Mulr. $4.66: lot 4. Joha .Mulr. la-ioT
l"1 i00 M..T' .lo , Joan Mnir.
av.m, w t. at uir , av.oo; IDC a. C. K.
Baen, 84.65. BLOCK 177. lot 1. Ida McTabe
javwvii, ea eo; n a. iaa arcajane Taavrell.
$4 66; tot X Joba Mulr, $4 66; lot 4, John
Mulr, $4.66; kit 6. John Malr. $4 66
tot X John Mulr, $4.65; lot 7. Joha Mulr.
44.86; kit X George T.rweU. $4.66. BLOCK
178, andlvided to of lot I. O. 0. Gam
mon. 1110: undivided to of lot X O. O
Gammona, $lft: undivided to of lot X U
O. tiamoiona, $380; undivided to ef lot 4 O
O. tlammona, $110; undivided to ot kit -6
G. O. Uammona, $13n; undivided to of lot
8. G. G. Gammona, IISO; undivided ' to of
f . - m as " ta at. . . . . .
at it. w. ,w. uaiaiiaaia, va-oi; nnaivifle U
of lot 6. G. Q. Gammona. 13.80; undivided
to of tot 1, Jamea .ml Rdlth' Gammona
$180; undivided to of kit X Jamaa aad Rdlth
Gammona. I2.W; andlvided to of lot A iiu
V and Edith Uammona. $180; nndlrlded to ef
I lot 4. Jamea and Edith Gammona, $130; nae
aiTiuvo -a; oa anv ta. eamea ana EUl La Gam
mona $110: andlvided to ef tot X Jamee
and Edith Gammoaa, $2 80; undivided to of
tot 7. Jamea and Edith - Gammona. li .To;
BNat w -T .aa tt., ... a - '.aa anw amita uam
mona. $130. BLOCK 178. kit 1. Kamu.l m
Wreaa, $4.66; lot X J. P. Caee, $4 56; aouth
to at toe X Aaote A. Breck. . 14.56; north
to of lot 3. Annie Brack. $4 5A;-kit 4. Aunle
ttreea, ae.oti; mt B. nkovnaa nchoeliler. $4.66;
north to of lot X Joaeph Beat, $10; aouth
to of tot X V. X Orant Marauanv $130; tot
T. Tbooiaa Rord. 84.66: tot X Thomaa HavA.
$4.66. BlaOCK ISO. ari of tot 1 lying eaat
er urrgna a caiirnrmn ttairroea compear a
right ef way. Ilaknowa Owner. $2.10; aU
ef lot 1 lying weet ef Oregon A California
Railroad Companr' right of way. Preatoa
W. killlett. $ 20: all et tot 1 Irlmr weat
) ot Oregoa A California Railroad (Vimnan'a
raul oa taa t . rnauai w. uueiia, el vo; all
ef tot 8 lying w-aal of Oregoa Call fornla
Rallrwad tlomrmm a right of way Preatoa
W. GUa-rte. $3.28; all ef kit 4 lying treat
of Oragna A Caltf.wnla Railroad Com pa ay -a
right ef way. Preatna W. timerte. $186:
tot X Preeana W. Ulltorte. $21661 tot X
Preatoa W. Gillette, $2156; tot T. Preetcaj
W. WHette. $33 66; tot S. Pre-too W. Gil
lette. $aJ58. MOCK 181, tot I, C. R.
IVaaakae. lafl 86; lot X C R. Itonahae, $13.66;
tot X Preaba W.- CIHetta, 123 66: tot 4.
Pr-wtoa. W. t.lllett. $23.ftft; tot A, CVaa. R.
fVieabee. 14.60: ket X ( baa, R. r ataavne.
$4uhs tot la Ckaa, R. t (a-ae; kt
Doaahae, $ M. .'
tot 1. Caaa. AL X
tot S, Charlee K. 8- Wat
v o. t
-eod. 111., : 1
Charles K. B. Wood. $13,3o; tot X t
M. 8. Wood, $-.;; k4 T. Charlee K . ,
Wood. $4.66; tot X Uuvto SL X V .
$4.66. BLOCK 18X tot 1. AaMBda W. k 1
aetata, iieir or, 84.00; lot X Aom
Reed Eatate. Helra of. 84.66: tot A
W. Read Katate, Helra ef. $186; tot X
Amanda W uad kaiiaia llalt-a .I'l.ii
kit T, Amanda W. Kaed Relate. Uuira a,.
117.70; tot X Amamla W. Kaed h-latr,
Helra ef. $17. 7a BLOCK 164. tot X. Preatoa
W. Gillette, $4.66; kit X Preatoa W. ,-.
lette. $1.63; tot 3, Preaton W. Gillette,
$120; tot 8, Preatoa W. Gillette, $146; lot
7. Preatoa W. Ullletta, Xiao; tot X -Prea-ui
W. CUlette, $4.86, BLOCK I HA, tot 1.
Frank aad Mary flackury, $4.66; tot X
Prank and Marr Hackney. 84.66: loh 8.
, and Mary Hackney, $.1 aw; lot f.
rruua ana Marr Hackney. aj.ta; vuf t.
Frauk end Mary Hackory, $4.66; kat S. kraut "
and Mary Heckuey, $446. BLOCK lxa.
tot I. Joha Mulr, $t.66r, tot X Jaaa Milr,
$4.56; bit 3, John, Mulr, flSo; tot X John
. Mulr. $3.90; . mt T, Jvfea Mnir. 64.45: tot
X John Mulr,' $4.66. BL(h;k 1H7. lot 1.
Joba Mulr, 14.63; totX Joba Mulr, $4.66;
tot X Joha Mulr, Xi ao; tot X Joha Mulr,'
ti.90; kt T, Joha Mulr, $1.66; tot 8, John
uir. -6456. BLOCK 188, lot 1. Oregon
Railroad A Navigation Company, $4.66; tot"
. 1 Oreguf Rallfuad A Navigatloa Conwany,
$4.66; kit 1. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation
. Compear. 8:1.80; tot- X tregoo Railroad
Navigatloa .Company, $3,110; tot- T, Oregoa
Railroad A Navigatloa Company $4.56; lot
X Oregoa Railroad A NtrlgaikHt Company,
$4.56. BMtCK 180,- tot I. Gretna Railroad
A Navigation Company, $4.66; tot X Oregon
Kallroad 'Navigation Company, $44&i lot,,
. .1. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company,
I3.&0; lot S, Oregoa Railroad A Navigatloa.
Company; $.1.00; tot T, Oregon Railroad
Kallroad A Navlgatkia' Compaay. $4-5X
ana, uregon block a.- kit 4,, -raomaa w.
; Jenklna, $4.10: lot X Thorn aa W. Jenkins,
$4.65; tot 3, Thomas W. Jenklna, $4.66; tot
. 4, Thomaa W. Jenklna, $6 66; tot 6, Ttounaa
W. Jenklna, .M6; tot 8, Thomas W. Jenklna,',
$6.83; tot T. Thoniae W. Jenklna. $648; tot X
Thoeuta W. Jenkins, $6.60; tot 8, Thoamaa
$S10; tot 11. . Thomaa W. Jenklna, $6.40.
BLOCK B. tot 'I, Mary Jenklna, $180; tot X
Julia If. CUrk, '$4.36; tot 8, Ida R. ftokea."
$4.00; tot 4. Thomas W. Jenklna, $4.30; .
tot 8, .Thomas W. Jenklna, $4.80; tot X
Thomas W. Jenkins. $4.20; lot T. Joseph
Charfenater. $186; tot 8, M. B. Smith, $4,111: -tot
8, M. B. Smith. $4.26. BLOCK C, tot I?
Nathan Coy, $2.IM; tot 1 Naihaa Coy.
' $4.1 BLOCK U. waat' 31 teetet tot 1.
Homer V. Woodwortb. $0.W6: weet 31 feet
of tot 3, Homer V. Woodworth, go. 06: east
l-rr f i a i t aw.mM , - - .a aa. . 127 feet of tot 3 Tbomaa Srnnelder,
$&.5ctot -4M Thomaa rVhoeloer. 13.66; lot
4. ThouHuy Schneider, $3.86; tot V T. T.
Borkhart; 14.661 - y
A tract of 'toad lying totwera two Una
- raa pact! rely 60 feet and 180 feet Beat ef
"and narallel wttk aonth Una ef Iaowall a re wae
and betweea twa llnea napecjlvely KM) feel
and 127 feet went of and parallel with weet
Uoe ef first atreet, Tboanse IkcbDeid er, $3.10.
- A tract of land lying betweea- tha aoath, Una
ef Lowell. A venae and a Una 60 feet aeuta
aaf - n-t .. a t 1 1 -1 Ik Ilk -t h.t a. tka
want line ef First atreet. and a Baa 100 feet
' vaaait A. atMl katflllal IKaa-awilh T T- hut.
- bare $186. .
All ae lata M aal T aiaaOt Vk Vaa.
races, city ef Portland, Orvgoa, lying aeutb i,.
of a line $0 feet aoath ot end parailal wUkl'
' the south line ef Lowell .venae aad weat ,
- er a line 1X1 reel west et ana narauet Wltn
.. the weat Uoe ef First Street, Hoaxes). V. ' -
Woodwortb, $170.-
PHitrr btrsbtx terraces, .. citr ot Port-
- laud, Orrgoa---BIaOCK P. ' tot tV Hetaer V. '
.Woodworth. 87.181; tot M, Homer V. Weed
worth, $8.10; tot 10, Hoaxer V. Woodvrorth, .
$4.40; tot li, Hoaier V. Woodworth, $XT0.
BIA1CK E, tot lT-tYederick A. Waipoln;
' 1144; tot 2. Frederick A. Wolpote, $170:
'tot 3, Frederick A. WsJpoto.r$3:S0. BLjOCK
P, tot 1, Fiaderlck A. Walpom. $186; let.
X Fradetick A. Wagpole, $3.80; lot X
Frederick A. Walpolr. $3.10; lot 4. Fred-,,
i erick A. Warpola, $4.80; tot 6. Ieaarlek A.
5 Waipole, 84.11.
86 feet et north 160 feet ef tot 1. Tbomaa
- McMamee, $3.06; north 116 feet ef lot 1.
foiled tUatea Fidelity A Guarantee Oaaanaay, .
$10.10; north 104 feet of aoath 166 feet ot ,
tot-1.' A. Gertrude and Julia K Marks. $8.75;
. rvuvu ww ttt taa Mrv- a, a aaat at., aa.
ftaraoa,' $4-26; 'eaat TO feet of tot X
, Jamea -(Jolllna, $10.06; north 60 feet of .'
a,ai I K Intl faat nt waat HIO fmm mt Ln 1 .
-Ida B. Stokes. $446; taooth 60 teat af weaf-
iw icet ek tut a, latiaa ta. auataik rv.oo,
north 58 feef of 'meet luo feet of tot 1 '
Mrs. B. Wleprecht. $5.10-. tot 3, Joxenblae
Crocker, j-ji.m). , buiu. x. wt l, . Martlet
pany of Oregon. $36.80; tot X Pwtlsne. Trust
Company of Oregon. $3X80: lot 4, feheol
Dlatrlct- Na. 1. 145 80. BLOCK X aolxlk-
- vlauia J-rol tot 1, WlUlam 1. natung. fo.tai;
enbdTviaioa 3 ef tot 1. Aaaie Nutting, $5 00;
' sittMkLvialon 8 of tot 1. A. ' Wolf.
aubu7vlakigy.4 ef tot 1. JT. Schmidt,.
eobdlvUlon t ot tot t, V. K. Strode,
Bubdrvlaloa 8. of tot L V. K. Strode.
suMrrlsloa 7 of tot 1, Edgar K. sad An
nie F. Couraea. $6-76; enbdivlsloa S ef lot 1.
Kdgar B. and Annie P. Coarsen, $6.75; anb
. divhUoa 1 ef tot 1, J. Henry Sebade, $6.00;
north to of sabdlvtoioa 3 of tot 1 Csrollne
Ktxaer. $3.66'; sooth to of attbdrvlsloa ' 3
ef tot X V ere na ltolllnger, $3.66; onbdlvtstoa
f ef lot f, Michael Bullat, $3.46; enlxllvlakia
4 of lot X H. R. Noble, $146; aotxllvlalea
ef tot X CaroHne Klnaer, $X8; euhdlvlaaon
8 of tot 3, Albert Tboanpnua, $186; aubdi- -riaton
7 ef tot X t K. ltaelL $4-69; sab.
division ot lot 1 Fraaree L. MAca. 14.66.
X Portland, l-onaeelcaa BLaJCrv g, -, aorxtl
vurtoa l ef tot X Baoaa C ButVr, $2.76;
Bubdlvlalaa t ef tot X Mart AUetoas, $176;
subdivision t of tot X loa la Kra-ttoer, $175; ;
aabtllrlakoa 4 aat tot X Joka Mier, $136;
subdlvlstoa 6 of , lot 3, Joaeph Crtiaalck, ,
$aU6; enbdivlsloa I of lot X Jeeepfa Ur-
- a. - a, -,1 a aa k a a -
- tnaaca, a-atv, atanitatua a a mw a-
-Soaeok rtrbauck. 1160: auhdJvladoa 6 ef
tot 8. Look. Krnettner, $3.86; aaab-Uviaaoa 10
af lot X Florence P. Oook. S346.
ot lot 4, Era W. Jiartcn, '; BnaaamsMai
B ef tot 4, srra W. Bortcb, $4-30: anhasevaloa
0 of tot 4, Jalla A. Ulrica, $440; eartdl-
' rlnton P ef tot .4. Flora J. Do loom. 84.60. :
aubdlTl8toa. of tot X " Ulrica, . $4.76;
JUJabVl-tooXF ef tot 4, JulU Ilh-tc. $4.16;
anorHVlaloa Oaf Ml Kra W. Bnrtcb, S4.T.VI
suMlvletow H ot lot X vajr.. punch, $4.16.
BleteUK 44? Booth 80 feat ef enbdlvaeh-B A af
tot 1. Cyrus R. How ket t, $0 80; Booth 88) feat
of subdlvMloai B of lot 1, Cyraa X HowVtt,
$146; north 80 reel of eeaVllahna-i A of lot
.17 Cbarlea W. OottelL 80,70: awrtxi SS feet .
' of aubrltrisloa B ef tot 1, Caanrtos W. Cet
tell, $136; weet W feet ef sar.itlil.lsa 0
ot tot 1, Cbarlea W. CntteR. $0.18; east
100 feet of subdivision 0 et lot i Mary B.
Mar. ha II, $3.86; eeath 6 teat et wast IO teat
of aubdivlaloB C ot tot 1. Cyras BV Boartott.
lO.lO; north 17 t-ejB, af west M feet et '
eubdlrlaloa 0 of kit Cbarlaa W. C-ttaU.
$0.10: north Tto feet ef east 100 teat ef
aandlrxloa D of lot 3. Mary n, Bl.mBan.
$0.70; aoath 86 feet of eaat 100 teat ef .
aikitdi.Mion n ef tot L . Wlltbtm X. Kelly.
$.1.26: suberivtaloa ef tot 1. J. R. Jeakle
end tl- Manaeviiie.; eaiva awtaa w at
tot L Frank rVhwmrbech. $440- weat 80
feet of subdtTUwoa tt ef tot i, Patrick
Murray. $1.86; east B0 axet af wast 88 feet
ef sabdlvirtea O of tot 1. M. Eiutket, $840;
neat 00 feet of eoMlvbatoa af tog 1.
Orairrllle C. Rttff.t $146: east 88 feet of
aahdl vision H et lit 1. Oranetlto C. 9mli.
X 146: weat 80 feet ef aaaaKvlaaai M ef
' tot 1. John Bennett, $1.86; tot X Bea aVtUlng.
X15.80; Kirjamiooa a or an a, rakraa w.
' aod B. W. Planer, $3 06; sntoHvtston R ef
tot X Sarah W. and B. W. Planer, $186;
aoath 3t feet ef snbdirailoa ' B ef tot X
Sarah W. and Ri W. Ftoher $L1B; swath
30 feet nf en bd. virion Q ef tot X farah
w. aod B. Wa Flabejr. II. 96: oortli feet
ef aarartvieeoa J of lot 1, Alfred P. Seere
Jr.. lO.JO; aortb feet of satidavlgtoa $
or kit a, Airrea r . riears, er.,; 00001
rtatoa C of tot X Alfred P. S-ara, Jr., fl.TO;
aubtltvisinn R of tot X Alfred P. Bears, Jr..
1.711; subdivision R of tot X Leabk B.
I'raap. 11.70: anbdlvlelea P of lot X tleorge
W. Watts, $1.70; subdlvlstoa O of lot 1.
George W. Watt... II.T0; wibcTlvlston H et
tot X Joaeph roe Kattiger. ll.TO; anbdlranon .
I ef tot X Josephine Krnttlgee. $1.7n; son- .
division 1 ot tot X C W. Lelcfc, $1.T0-. eub
dlvlalon K ef tot X C. W. Leica il fti;
mutrtlvlstoa L of tot X ftoorga W. att, .
$1.70; enbtHvlaioa M of Jot 3t tjeorjre W. '
Wstt. ll.TO: subdivision N af tot X 1 Lealaa
E ITsap. 11.70; subdtvielnn tl of tot X
Alfred t. Seers. Jr.. ll.Kr; sahdivlseea P
of lot X Alfred P. Seers. Jr.. 11.70: ssbdl
vtstoa A ef tot 4. Marrwant Nattonal Bask -.
At Pnethkad. IA. 26: aaetltv talon B -at tot 4.
ajaa.kaA MatiAoal Raok ot Portlaad.
itbdtvteloa V or n a, v. m. cim.n. ei
snMlvtaloa D ef tot X C M. Smith,
eahdlvteloa of tot 4. C. M. Smith,
enndivtitloa P of tot 4, Der. larata.
I af.;
I. To;
aubdlvbitoa G ef lot 4, Dart Carsta, $llft
sahdlvtakin li ef tot 4, Rmll Kratilgar,
kaiiviakia I af tot X Rmll RraUurar. $1.7";
soedlvwAwa J ef tot 4. avail a. rati I gee. $1.7t,.
seMlvwtoal K eftot 4, Joha Baerbwher.
$1.70; aiboTviaeoa L of tot 4. J-ata -Saee.
ancber. $1 Tot eutafrvwlae M of tot t W
toa la. tlllhata, $1 TO; -arheSvlatoa ft k-t '
4 . Newtoa U Xlllhsm, $I.T0; aantah, a.
6 ef tot 4. xUecaaat Nattoeel Rank ef Part.
lead. Traatea. 11 60: eoheSvwane Pa Vt 4.
Mearbant Nattoeal Baak ef Peetlaaaa, -taa.
114. BLtn Jt X saVvlvlBa A ef , 1
1. Rlckaard C. Prtsjra, .84 AO; r " -of
lot L RlraaTd C. Priwes.
rialoa C ef tot I. Joba to. f
BBKrilvisloa P ef lot 1. f, W. I
enMlvlakna el let I, J a t
84.76: saoanvweoe r ev r 1 1. -Sleg-v.
14.76: snath 4 1r
PA feet ef -a-lveaana " I
kWegon A faatt. a
rtettt f war. 1
wt 4'to f
X Caaa.
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